#carter women Ruin Me
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tornadotame · 5 months ago
“ mama…. ” there’s a tightness to her chest that kate STRUGGLES to work past, and she knows it has little to do with her aching ribs. their sitting room feels impossibly small, the air sucked out of it. her mother’s vulnerability shatters her; catherine carter is meant to be a pillar of strength in juxtaposition to kathryn carter’s self-described weakness. she can’t say it all will be fine, not after everything- she hasn’t had that wild brand fearlessness since she was twenty-one and thought nature would bend to her will without consequence. even now, as she’s grown back into her passion and drive, she knows TOO MUCH to make such promises. kate reaches out with trembling hands, curling one into the front of her mother’s cardigan, the other finding its home against her cheek. “ mama, i’m here now. i know i haven’t always been, but i’m here. ”
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mugiwara-lucy · 3 days ago
So like everyone else I heard what Shitbreak and Peter Thiel’s bitch did to President Zelenskyy today at the White House and….i’m pissed.
For one you can tell this Shitbreak and Peter Thiel’s bitch trying to ambush and set up Zelenskyy but he’s too smart for them. Seriously one of them was a fucking draft dodger who bankrupted a CASINO for Christ’s sake.
But anyways, the way these two beta cuck fake tough piles of SHIT spoke to a guy who just wants to help and save his people pisses me off. Why? We all know if Shitbreak was in the same boat his Epstein files “I would date my daughter” ass would hop ship and leave his people behind. And as for Peter Thiel’s bitch, we saw how during the debate he had with Governor Walz how he talked over those women and yelled at him for daring to hold his accountable for LIES he started about those innocent Haitians (who are now targets of those ICE TERRORISTS) and what I have to say is this:
FUCK YOU Trump. You’re NOWHERE near the leader Zelenskyy is and never will be. You let blue states ravage with COVID after all. It’s why you hate Obama and Biden so much becuase they’re respected worldwide. You? Outside of your maga base, NO ONE takes you seriously and laughs at you. Our Democratic allies can’t stand you and you’re the useful idiot for our enemies. And you know deep down when your old fat ass croaks NO ONE will miss you. It’s why you were talking all that shit about Jimmy Carter. That and he was an actual good person. You act all big and bad but where’s this energy when Putin aired your useless airhead wife’s nudes on Russian TV? Or when Musk’s toddler smeared boogers on your desk and talks over you? A Russian Murderer and a South African Ketamine Addict makes you look like the WEAK, FEEBLE OLD MAN we all know you are. Take your Ivanka picture, go into the corner and scuff off.
Fuck you Vance. At one point in time you called this wannabe dictator out for what he was and then what? You let money corrupt you? You want to make women into practical breeding prisoners because of your mommy issues? And you spread BLATANT lies about Haitian Immigrants eating cats and dogs which RUINED the economy of your HOME STATE. You are evil and a piece of slimy shit.
And for the MAGAs not remorseful and think this is funny and cute, this DAMAGES Americas standing in the world. Like come out of your MAGA bubble for ten seconds. It was DAYS ago when America voted WITH the AXIS OF EVIL (North Korea, Russia and Iran) AGAINST NATO and now the president of a country attacked by a tyrannical dictator being talked over? America and Americans are slowly becoming a pariah akin to North Korea and should this keep up, Americans will not be eligible to travel ANYWHERE.
For those that want to ACTUALLY stand with and help Ukraine (not just posture it for five seconds and go back to something stupid), here’s a link to donate down below:
Now is the time to put up and shut up everyone!
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therese-lokidottir · 2 months ago
What if...? Rant
What If…? has almost been an amalgamation of my feelings on the MCU because some of it has been generally good, some of it has been interesting ideas I wish had more time and focus. Some of it has been the worst trash imaginable.
The basic premise of character doing another character's thing is fine. However, episodes like the Hela episode demonstrate the heights this concept can reach. This show can utilize opportunities that the main MCU has lost in exploring certain characters or taking a different look at characters. But then there are other times in which it shows how Marvel will just shoot itself in the foot for no reason.
I understand given the format rushing through things is going to happen. But What If…? does have the modern MCU tendency to ignore if not just outright forget continuity to make its premise happen. They just wanted Ultron to get the infinity stones logic to be damned, they just want to put the scepter in Loki's hands because it's iconic even though there's no reason for him to have it here. It's hard not to get annoyed by that, especially when it's meant to be a deviation from what happened not something new entirely.
The blatant and annoying favoritism MCU does. The premise of the show is meant to be an anthology, but 3 out of 9 episodes are devoted to Peggy Carter. For me, it ruined the character, because she went from a character with flaws to someone's shallow wish fulfillment. That tweet about Captain Carter kicking off feminism pushed it over the edge for me. One white woman in the military means single women got the right to credit cards, no-fault divorce, and reproductive rights. Because Peggy Carter punched people, that's all it ignoring the other women in the ally's militaries making efforts, it was all Captain Carter? Even though she's never shown advocating for anyone but herself, feminism just happened because of her, for her.
The Strange Supreme is the quintessential example of Marvel having a character go crazy and or turn evil for no reason. Like, why? They had a great self-contained tragic story and the follow-up of redemption. That is not just an MCU thing, that is a very Marvel thing to do that to a character.
Also having Thanos be sympathetic is never going to win any favors with me.
I won't lie I don't like how What If…? portrays, it comes across like it hates the character. Having him take over the world when he had no motive to do so, having Natasha be able to kick him even though he meant to be super strong and tough, and 1602 comes across as weirdly homophobic. Like, if you've looked into the history of queer coding villains, that's what it comes across as, making fun of Loki for these foppish aspects when originally his queer traits were something fans liked about. It all just feels like marvel further burning the bridge.
Like with modern MCU it's hard not to be pessimistic with What If…? especially with its favoritism of some characters and disregard for others.
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cookiepotofchaos · 7 months ago
As women's football grows, for all the positives, there is also a growing volume of homophobia, misogyny, racism and other bigotries. I dreaded it, hoped it wouldn't be the case, but knew it was a painfully likely possibility.
I've seen a lot of it this week and last, seems like more than I have before, so I'm just working through some frustration and anger.
(cont. below cut)
It's not like it didn't exist at all before. We know players have been subject to awful abuse previously; a quick search will bring that up. With those who hate women's football even existing, it has never been a surprise to see those abhorrent views, but it's increasingly coming from people who call themselves fans of women's football.
The overt bigotry is horrible: condemning players to hell, accusing them of grooming younger players, and throwing out comments like "I want all the gays out of my club" or "lesbians are ruining the women's game" or "lesbians should just not be allowed in football clubs, they fall in love and cause problems", as if lesbian and other sapphic players haven't driven women's football forward for decades. Haven't been the core of women's football, probably since its inception.
Jess Carter's social media comments sections on and off the last few months have been a source of an ever growing blocklist of homophobes.
I've seen claims that the USWNT are better again because they "got rids of the gays". As if there aren't gay players on the team, out publicly and otherwise.
But there's the less obvious bigotry growing, too, which I see and have to weed out of the algorithm constantly on TikTok. Using trends to insult players or demean them, pitting players against each other and using terms and implications rooted in bigotry to do so. Then claiming it's just banter or club rivalry and that's all "part of sports".
It's the edits where a player is juxtaposed with another one, claiming one is utter shit and doesn't deserve to be thought positively of compared to another player, and how often the player being put down is a woman of colour. At least half the ones from accounts I've blocked, the player has been LJ. The comments sections of those are awful.
It's the edits with those daft vertical bar charts of the amount of Talent vs Popularity a player has, asking which players are over-popular but terrible footballers, with comments sections filled with thinly veiled misogyny or racism or homophobia. You want to know who has that little talent in football? Me. Any footballer who is better than me is automatically excluded as a response to those silly edits.
Then people on heavily algorithmically reliant social media are stunned that their messages insulting players and pushing thinly veiled bigotry are attracting outright hateful people who despise all women's sports. "Why are there so many homophobes and racists finding my edit/post/tweet? How did it end up on that side of TikTok/Twitter?". Probably because the algorithm thought what you were saying would resonate with homophobes and racists and misogynists. Or one asshole found it, agreed with what you were saying, and as soon as they responded, you were pulled into that part of the algorithm.
Might want to consider why?
I hate that this is probably going to become more and more commonplace. I want it drowned out with positivity, with love of women's sports. I'll find a way to just keep looking at the good; like I said, just working through some feelings. But I wish this wasn't happening at all.
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taschamonnii · 2 years ago
More Than A Woman - Part 2 (You Slipped Me A Potion) 
Read Part 1
You x Shirley Carter (70s-80s Southern Housewife Original Character  - Elizabeth Olsen) 
*Disclaimer/Summary: This completely Fictional Character is based on the way Lizzie plays old-fashioned Housewives. (Some inspo is taken from WandaVision, I Saw The Light, and Love & Death) This character is in no way a portrayal of any real-life people. Audrey Williams and Candy Montgomery were real people that Lizzie has portrayed for entertainment purposes in tv & film. This story is not about them. I just want to see Lizzie play a 70s-80s housewife that is secretly Gay and stuck in a religious small-town in the South. Since she has never done that but has played the part of perfect housewife I decided to make my own character.* I will be using edited pictures from the characters she has played and unaltered gifs since it's way too hard to edit those.*
Character Description since this is a made up character: mid length-wavy-dark brown hair (think more the length in I saw the Light like it falls to her collar bones but the deep dark brown from goth Wanda era, Emerald Green eyes, Wears form fitting dresses and high waisted pants and skirts.  
The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.
TW: SMUT, 18+, Cheating on husbands to be GAY together, 
I am so obsessed with Lizzie playing housewife that I made a playlist! More Than A Woman
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AN: This is part Two to this Original Series
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Word Count: 3,945
Imagine This:
Every single time you close your eyes you find that intense emerald gaze staring back at you. You don’t even have to close your eyes, your mind is trapped in the moment, trapped in your truck…Your truck, that now has a different smell to it and god it’s devine. Her perfume lingered and the smell of her skin is still so fresh in your mind that it has you distracted and daydreaming every moment of the day. She is consuming your every thought. Her lips, eyes, skin, hair, and god her freckles. You can’t escape her and never want to. You are in this way too deep already but you don’t care. She wants to be smart about things. It is sexy to see her mind work on the logistics and come up with the best possible ways to do things. She is so fucking smart and creative. A few calls and one lunch in the next town over and you have worked out some things to play it on the cautious side.
She loves her family and you are smart enough to know you don’t want to ruin that for her but you are also smart enough to know that maybe her husband isn’t as straight as he seems and you are hopeful for a fun shared future with the Carter’s. Your Theo really likes her John so you are hopeful that maybe in the future there could be a more permanent agreement.
It took some convincing but she agrees to meet at your house after you convince her that two women hanging out around lunch time is not suspicious. You are nervous to let her into your world because you have done this in the past and married women always break your heart but something about Shirley is different. You spent the weekend cleaning your house and organizing everything. 
On Sunday while Theo cooks dinner as per usual he voices his concerns. “Do you think it’s wise to start this so soon? I just mean we are stuck here for a while. I have to not only stabilize the company but get them to a place where they are making progress.”
You sit on the island counter and sip your drink. “I know that, Theo. I appreciate your concerns but she’s different. You said it yourself that her and her husband set off your radar. Maybe this will be our chance to find a couple we could have a real arrangement with. Don’t you think it’s worth the risk?”
He smiles and acts like he is thinking hard “I mean, I guess. Just be careful, Honey.”
“Aren’t I always.”
Theo made extra food so you can warm it up tomorrow for your lunch date. 
You have everything all prepared and set up at your little kitchen nook table when you hear her knock in the pattern she chose to be your little secret knock. You rush to the door and check the mirror there. You are wearing a white button up that is tucked into your jeans. You fluff your hair and take a deep breath before opening the door. 
The smile you had prepared to meet her drops as your gaze devours the beauty in front of you. Your jaw drops and you can’t stop the stupid “Wow!” that leaves your lips. 
She smiles and puckers her lips, a light blush tinting her neck and cheeks. Her brown hair is down in loose curls and she is wearing a stunning maroon dress that falls just past her knees. You are at a loss for words and stand there in shock.
She giggles “Hi.”
You rub the back of your neck “Hi.” 
“Are you going to invite me in or are you just going to keep staring?”
“Shit! Sorry, come in.”
You move aside and gesture for her to come in and watch unashamed as her hips sway to carry her into your house. The dress hugs her curves and it is a sight to see. She looks around soaking in all the details of your house. Your decorations are more funky and fresh than most the houses in this town since you brought your things from Cali. You shut your door and lock it. 
“This is the front room obviously.”
“Obviously. What is that delicious smell?”
“Oh um, lunch, here.”
You head to the kitchen and she follows, still looking around trying to absorb every detail. She sets her bag down on your kitchen island and tosses her sunglasses next to it. She smiles as she observes you filling both glasses with sun tea. 
You pull out a chair and gesture for her to take it. “Why thank you.”
You take the seat across from her with a smile. You take a sip of your tea trying to calm your nerves. Something about having her here is overwhelming. 
She takes a nervous sip of her tea as well. You set your glass down and run your fingers over the edge. “I have a confession, I’m a bit nervous.”
“I am too. It’s thrillin’ you know. A simple lunch is so much more now. The world on the way over seemed brighter, more full of color than it has in a long time.”
“You really put it great and it’s even more than that for me. I thought moving here was going to be awful. Back in Cali everything is so bright and colorful and people are just different and more open to the endless possibilities of life. I was scared my life would turn into a boring black and white movie. It doesn’t feel like 1976 here, sometimes it feels like the 60s. But there you were in bright colors smiling at me like you are right now.”
She lets out an adorable giggle and averts her gaze to the food. “Well, I think you have a way with words, y/n.”
“It’s actually my secret talent.” You give her a cheeky smile and wink. 
“What do you mean Secret talent?”
“Well, I work as an author. I Write under different names.”
“Oh that’s fascinating. You must show me sometime.”
“I’d love to, as long as I get to read some of your writing sometime in exchange. I know you said you’ve written a few songs.”
“Really? Well, that would make one of you, ‘cause John has no interest, and I read all his boring stuff-”
“Mmm, do you want to talk about him?”
She shakes her head with a bit of a grimacing face.
“No, sorry. We’re definitely,” She sets down her glass with a smile aimed at the table as she gestures with her hands, “Not.”
She sighs and looks up at you as she licks her lips. 
You smile softly.
“I think we are both a little overwhelmed. This feels more real and significant, let's just go slow, let's just start with lunch.”
She nodded. “Yeah this feels like my life will never be the same. Slow is good. The food does look good”
You nod and pick up your fork and dig into the food. She does the same and dramatically moans at her first bite “Mmm, wow a woman of many talents, this is very good, y/n.”
“Oh well you can thank Theo sometime he made it. I don’t cook worth shit.”
She laughs and it fills your body with joy. “You don’t cook?”
“No I don’t do any cooking, actually I’m a bit of a fire hazard according to my Theo. I’m not allowed in the kitchen unsupervised except to re-heat things and make beverages.”
“I bet I could teach you. It’s really rather easy.”
“Well, any excuse to see you I will happily take.”
The blush that creeps up her neck makes you giddy. Small talk continues and the meal is quickly finished. But there is still an air of hesitation so you both slowly start to clean up. She insists on cleaning up. It’s oddly soothing to do the dishes with her like you are domestic together. It makes your heart ache because you are doubtful you will ever get that full-time. 
You give her a house tour. You show her your shared home office and even give her a glance at Theo’s room when she asks about it. You end it at the door of your room. You open the door and pull her into the room. She wonders the space of your room and decides to lean against your dresser as you shut and lock your door. You turn to her and the air grows heavy. Her gaze travels your body and you can see her eyes darken. 
You move to stand before her and place your hands on her hips. You feel her shiver at your touch and you know that she feels the intensity. Her hands go to your shoulders and run up your neck and into your hair. You glance at her lips and then her eyes and back to her lips then capture her lips softly. She sighs out in relief and digs her fingers into your hair to pull you closer. She licks at your bottom lip quickly moving to deepen and intensify the kiss. You grunt trying to keep up. Teeth scrape and tongues meet and the fire is set free between the two of you. You quickly unzip her dress and pull it down. You both step out of shoes and the spaghetti strap slip she has on is a silky and sheer little red thing. Her cleavage looks incredible.
You grab her waist and lift her up off the ground just slightly, making her gasp and part from your lips. You spin around and take a step so that the back of her legs hit the mattress as you set her back on the ground. She makes quick work of your button up shirt. You move your hands down to your waist and undo your jeans and pull them and your panties down which stops her from being able to fully remove your shirt. It's fully unbuttoned and reveals your body to her enough to satisfy her gaze. She puts one of her legs on the mattress behind her and works to scoot and lay down at the same time keeping her slip on. You smirk and follow her on your knees. 
You place a hand next to her to hold you up and run your hand from her calf up under her slip. You take your time feeling her smooth skin and bite your bottom lip as you look down at her. Her emerald gaze is intense and it is hypnotizing. She has angel eyes that say so much. Your hand is inches away from where you know she wants you but you remove it in a flash you pull at the fabric covering her and bunch it up. You adjust so your legs intertwine and she gasps when she feels your thigh against her and you sigh as you press your own wet core against her thigh. She pulls you closer forcing your body weight to be more on her. She captures your lips roughly. 
She moans against you as you both begin to grind your hips. Her jaw has dropped open leaving her mouth wide open as she pants and moans. "Ah ah ah!" 
Her moans are so breathy and hot against your skin they make you shudder. One of her hands is in your hair and the other has a death grip on your shoulder. Her legs are so fucking soft against yours. You feel overwhelmed by the tangled mess you are in. She smells so sweet and feels so good and her long legs are strong you can feel her muscles flex against you and it's sending you barrelling towards the edge. 
"Mmm oh Shirley! Fuck!" 
You both begin to get more erratic in your movements and you can tell she is just as close. You both stare into each other's eyes as you cum. 
"Oh Y/n! Ah! AH!"
"Yes! Oh!"
Both your hips buck hard and falter as muscles contract and squeeze and legs tremble. You can't hold yourself up any longer and collapse fully on top of her. Making her gasp and grip your shoulder harder. You breathe against her and she breathes against you.
You kiss her shoulder as you come back to reality and roll off her. She turns and lays half on top of you. You look at her and brush her hair back "Are you okay?"
"More than. That was wow! Are you okay?"
“Mmm, wow indeed.”
She bites her bottom lip. "Thank you, y/n."
"No Shirley, thank you!"
She giggles and leans up to kiss you once again. Softer this time, less urgent. You match her kiss and tangle your hands in her hair. She pulls away slowly. She licks her lips and puckers them to the side, something you have come to learn means she's thinking about something. 
"What is it?"
"You are doing that thing with your lips, like you are thinking about something and want to say something. What is it?"
"I, well, I read this book."
She bites her bottom lip again and you nod patiently. You run your hand over her back enjoying the moist silky soft fabric on your fingertips.
"In this book these two women, they, well, do something and I am not sure if it is realistic or even feels as good as the book made it sound I'm just thinking about it." 
"Mmm, I see. Some lesbian literature has piqued your interest in trying some things?"
"What exactly are you curious about?"
She licks her lips then sucks them in together and shakes her head as she purses them tighter. You pull her chin and make her look at you. "What is it? You can tell me." 
"I don't know what it's called or how to say it really."
"Hmm is it what I said I wanted to do in the truck?"
"No, I mean I want that too, at some point."
A smirk grows on your lips "At some point indeed, I will definitely have my tongue buried inside you. But if it's not that, I need more information."
"Can I just try to show you?" 
You raise an eyebrow at her "oh honey you can do whatever you like."
A nervous sort of giddy smile takes over her face and you are hyper aware of the effect it has on you. She moves all the way on top of you and fits herself between your legs. The fabric of her slip bunched up under her breasts as she adjusted and the spaghetti straps fell down giving you the breathtaking view of her breasts hanging as she lifted herself up slightly. She moves and in an instant your attention is on the sensation of her wet center pressed against yours. Your gaze shoots from her breasts to her dark green eyes. “Oh damn, Shirley. Okay I know what you are after.”
“You do so this is a real thing? I don’t really know how to do it.”
You hold her hips and nod “it’s real, just difficult.” 
You move your legs and angle your hips as you hold her hips until you get just the right angle. 
"Yeah? Is that good?" 
You move against her again and watch her reaction carefully. "Mmm yeah, so good."
"Mmm good. Move your hips like this."
You move your hands to her ass and move her hips against yours. "Do whatever feels best to you." 
You hold her hips loosely and let her take control. She begins to move a sigh falling from her lips. You watch her as she holds herself up more to get more leverage. The spaghetti straps of her slip fall further down her shoulders. Her cleavage is so sexy and the way she moves her hips is memorizing. She changes the angle and moves harder against you and you throw your head back at the perfect wet friction. In unison you both moan.
"Oh fuck!" - "Ah AH!"
She looks down at you and manages to do it again "there?"
You lock your gaze on hers and nod "there!"
She repeats the motion and you are honestly overwhelmed. For being more of a novelty that you don’t usually prefer, this feels so good. A voice in your head tells you that it’s because of her and you can’t deny that. Everything with her is beyond anything you’ve ever experienced before. You are falling way too hard for her but how could you not?
Her  breathy moans are so hot and her grip on your shoulders and upper chest is definitely going to leave a mark. Her hips are magical.
“Ah ah AAAHHH!”
“Fuck Shirley! YES AHH!”
You watch in awe as her eyebrows furrow and her mouth opens even wider as her eyes shoot to the ceiling. “Oh Y/N-OH-GOD OH!”
You feel her release and it sends you spiraling off the edge into your own release. You two are soaked. She leans forward and moans into a sloppy kiss. “Mmm”
You hold her in your arms both of you sweaty disasters. Once you both catch your breath you let out a soft laugh. “You know most people don’t call me god, but I kind of liked it coming from you.”
She props herself up slightly and smacks your shoulder playfully “SHUT UP!” 
You smirk playfully. “Make me!”
She puckers her lips to the side and attempts to tickle your sides but you are unphased by her rapid assault. “Oh come on you are not ticklish?”
You grab her hips in a flash, flip her over and pin her to the bed as you tickle her and a burst of laughter escapes her sweet lips. “Sorry a tickle attack won’t work on me but I see it works on you.”
She is gasping for breaths between laughter “Not fair! Okay! Okay!”
You shake your head “Huh-uh, I want to hear you call me God again.”
“Fuck you, GOD!” 
You stop your tickling assault and burst out in laughter. “Oh you just did that, did you want to go again?”
“You are ridiculous!”
“But you like it. Don’t you, Shirley?”
She rolls her eyes “maybe.”
You smile and lean in to rapidly kiss her lips and cheeks and chin. She grabs the back of your neck and captures your lips in a rough kiss that she slowly releases. You are left stunned and she smiles evilly “you know I like you.”
You give her a crooked sort of smile, “even when I’m being ridiculous?” 
She grins. “Especially.”
You kiss her lips quickly then flip over to the side tired from your delightful afternoon activities. 
“Shit, I’m a mess!”
You laugh. “A hot mess.”
She gets up quickly “No, I mean I need to shower.”
You sit up. “Let's shower then.”
You get up and throw your sweaty button up into the hamper by your dresser and walk toward the master bath. You can feel her gaze on your ass as you pass her and it's so satisfying. That is until she enters the bathroom behind you and removes the straps of her slip and lets the thin fabric fall to the ground. Your jaw drops and you shake your head as you observe her bare form. She was crafted by a woman who LOVES the female form. She has soft curves and firm muscles and the longest fucking legs and the cutest tummy and perky breasts and your mind can’t keep up! 
“You’re drooling darlin’.”
You snap back to reality, closing your mouth and running your hands over your face. “I can’t really help it, have you seen yourself!?!”
She tilts her head with a silly crooked grin. “Please, look at you.”
“Forget me! You are a piece of art! How the fuck are you even real and HOW the FUCK did John manage to get your attention he looks so orinary and you are an actual goddess.”
She rolls her eyes and takes a step closer to you. “Anyone ever tell you that you are the most dramatic person they’ve ever met?”
You see right through her though the deep blush that appears on her skin is beautiful. You shake your head with a sly smile. “No never, I’m known for being brutally honest actually.”
She shakes her head as she tries to contain her smile. You lean in and capture her lips with a smile on your own lips. She wraps her arms around your shoulders and presses herself against you and you hold her hips softly. You could stay like this with her forever. She pulls back first slowly and you both sigh. “Alright smooth talker I really need to shower. I have to pick up Madison and Marissa at three.”
You can’t help the pout that takes over your face as reality hits you. “Don’t give me that face. It’s not fair.”
“I know they come first and I think your girls are wonderful. I just wish I was John. He’s so lucky.”
Her gaze softened and she leaned in and kissed you softly and you could feel she understood you. You gave her a soft smile as she pulled back. You took her hand and pulled her into the shower. A comforting silence envelopes your bathroom. The only sound is the water as you wait for it to heat up a bit. When it feels like a good temp you get your hair wet and sigh as the water soothes your sore muscles. You move after you have had a decent rinse and switch places with Shirley. 
You watch as she closes her eyes and lets the water run through her hair and down her face and body. She sighs and wipes the water away from her eyes with both hands. She opens her eyes and finds your stare. Her gaze locks onto yours and the softest smile takes over her delicate and bare features. The few freckles on her face make her look delicate. Her gaze makes your knees weak. Her emerald eyes are so intense and full of something that terrifies you. The look she gives you has your heart aching. You are falling for her. She is so soft that you can't stop your own heart eyes from forming. Your gaze softens and your smile reaches your eyes. You are both locked in this silent stare of being in awe of each other. Her sweet southern accent and voice are soft as she says, “Thank you, Y/N.”
You tilt your head at her and quirk an eyebrow and wait for more. “Thank you for seeing me.” 
You sigh happily “I couldn’t really help that. The second you caught my eye you were, are, all I see.”
She sucks her bottom lip as a blush cascades from her cheeks to her ears and down her neck to her chest. Seeing her blush bare like this is something you want more of. “Besides the second you saw me you slipped me a potion. Just like Leo Sayer says in that song.” 
You sing the lyrics that remind you of her imitating the singer as best as you can. “You got a cute way of talking, you got the better of me, just snap your fingers and I’m walking, like a dog hanging on your lead.” 
Her blush deepens and she laughs and you feel like you have won the game of life just being able to experience her joy let alone be the cause of it.
She imitates the singer and sings the next part as she shakes and shimmies her shoulders “You make me feel like dancing, wanna dance the night away!”
You join in singing the popular song and laugh and shimmy.
A/N: If this didn’t make you smile like an idiot then seek help because I was smiling like an idiot as I wrote it! 
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blazethecheeto · 2 years ago
Oh boy, now some things I disliked. Some strongly. Sab s2 was a speed run, yes, and sometimes the plot suffered for it. Mostly, I'm mad about the things that were taken away. Nina was done so dirty. She had the Nina personality and was iconic as usual, but I wish they had used more of her instead of her just...being there and talking about Matthias. She has an amazing personality and a lot of plot armor. Yet, they don't utilize that!
We were robbed of ninej as well. I was so excited for Ninej, and we got like two conversations. I want them to have a strong budding friendship, what happened to her flinching when Nina hugs her? Which could have helped with the lack of Inej trauma addressed this season as well. They were so fucking cute together I needed more. Don't get me started on poor Matthias getting like 10 minutes of screen time. I feel bad for him, but that was a mild complaint because what else is he supposed to do this season y'know?
I was mad at the speed run for Nikolina. They literally put all their iconic lines and scenes that were built up and formed of their relationship developing, and shoved them a into one conversation. They made Alina like him right from the start, and I just feel like in general they needed to flesh out Nikolai like a LOT. He was perfect, emanated Nikolai energy, he just needed more chances to prove that!
The erasure of Jesper's crush on Kaz and the Wesper speed run. Oh boy. Okay buckle up. I thought they didn't build up Wesper well enough, and they made them together for the fan service. I wish they had just made them friends or allies this season. Maybe Wylan was crushing on him a little, but I wanted that banter that they had in Soc. Jesper teasing him was great! This season I wished they had spent a lot more time on Jesper's crush on Kaz. Kit Young and Freddy Carter like to pretend it doesn't exist but it does. And I, (a biased Kazper shipper), really would have loved to see it in its early stages. For Inej and Jesper to bond over it and the utter angst in their scenes because Jes knows he won't like him like he likes her. They seriously cut all of that out, and made Jes say they were brothers which is not true. Kaz sees him as a brother, and it just takes out the whole impact of the Jordie line in CK.
Tolya and Inej better not-*sigh* not getting into that.. David I refuse to believe he is dead. He is a part of the Triumvirate, and he was supposed to get married to Genya before DYING. She cannot catch a freaking break.
I also didn't like how the Spinning Wheel was lame. Like, it was supposed to be in the sky. Buried in the mountains. Instead it's like a small mansion in the ground. The sea whip fetter was kind of lame too. Genya's scars could have been better, and so should the Darkling's Sharpie-drawn scars. One thing I just wish could happen is to show Jesper and Nina being bisexual. Like, at this point, people would think Jes is gay and Nina is straight. Is it too much to ask for them both to show their interest in women?
We didn't get lines like "I am not ruined, I am ruination. " and the iconic "i am become a blade. " I have hopes for s3 though. Flaws and all, I love SAB and I have faith in them to give us a good s3 and Six of Crows.
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ssaalexblake · 3 months ago
the last time i watched an mcu show, i Think it was the imaginary S2 of Agent Carter that was such a nightmare that it has been relegated to an actual nightmare in my head and yes, never happened, but the point is that this was ages ago and mcu shows are some of the very few pieces of media that i've ever filtered out on here out of sheer utter apathy (like, normally it's fun to see people enjoy stuff even if i have no idea wtf it is, but i just can't with them) so it's weird seeing the Agatha AA stuff in context of MCU stuff because i literally keep forgetting that it's an MCU property because i Genuinely have no fucking clue what the call backs and references are/what they mean. I mean, nor do i Care. I hit play on this show Because it's an aberration in the code (plus, honestly, women in double shoulder gun holsters is catnip to me. Weird thing to find irresistibly hot, but i do and nobody can tell me that i have to be deep with this so i won't be).
I have a roll with the punches attitude to watching tv or movies, so i can literally just go with it and it doesn't ruin my viewing experience (that That it doesn't is a sign of capable writing) but it keeps surprising me for a second every time to see it talked about in an MCU context.
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skullsmuldon · 8 months ago
I took some time to look through your blog posts to put my thoughts in order. You offer some good perspectives.
Over the years, Gillian has somewhat distanced herself from Xfiles, but she does see the benefit in coming back because she knows that there is a draw to Scully and Mulder. They are the interest to the show, but her story was always screwed over. I think that pissed her off because she was not truly seen as a person but just as an object but Mulder wasn't. Why wasn't his fertility or utility as a man played with? She might have mixed feelings because it brings her joy of success and some good times but sadness of the creeps she had to deal with.
Then, couple this with what was happening behind the scenes, Gillian, as a woman, might not want to be in that environment again. The men are/were pigs. Perhaps she does care for the characters of Scully and Mulder and the actors, but how can she play out the story line when it's a joke when you know what the people really think about women?
I love the Xfiles, but I prefer that she doesn't go back after what I have learned from the different blogs of Duchovny's grooming of a young girl. It is hard for this viewer to separate the two because it obviously affected Anderson since she has not participated in a lot of comic cons with other cast members over the years.
Bottom line, the less we know about actors' personal lives the better because we can then truly enjoy the characters. I would like Anderson to be able to give a frank F all interview where she airs all her grievances because many female viewers feel aggrieved to what the male writers (I suppose this is primarily Carter) did TO Scully.
Exactly. I could have done without knowing about DDs sugarbaby and then seeing that awkward bed talk about dating younger ppl. Definitely ruined the scene.
I’m good with no more XF because I’ll always have season 1-9 and two good movies 🤗
I get what you say about Gillian and I can agree on some points but to me she also shat on Scully enough and when it’s convenient for her she pulls the XF money grab card. She does not need to respect CC or DD or the writing of the show but imo Scully is not boring etc just because she isn’t talking about sex all the time( Jean) or runs a round like a boss bitch banging fellow colleagues (Stella). if GA is frustrated fine but leave it with the ppl who frustrate you and not a character who is loved exactly because the way she is. And don’t get me started on the pregnancy BS with both Scully and Jean 🤦🏽‍♀️.
The good thing is GA gets enough projects and has enough exposure without XF which is sth you can’t say for everyone from the OG cast. She does not need DD or XF. For DD imo that’s another case but it’s also due to his lack of proper Social media representation. Again a whole other topic 😅
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slashtakemylife · 1 year ago
So Steve wasn't a virgin right? Lost that V to a girl in the USO tour, right?
So let's go all the way back to Cap 1, why does Steve get no-bitches? Because he's small and skinny, get it, fair, however in that same movie we get him speaking to Peggy Carter for the first time and he says and I quote "Waiting for the right partner" and that is something that endears Peggy to him because it means Steve isn't like other men that just look for women for satisfaction, he wants a partner.
This is something that literally comes to play straight out in the movie when Peggy sees Steve kissing that girl and she mentions how quickly he found that "right partner", she literally spells it out how she now sees Steve like any other soldier that would jump at any chance to getting laid instead of looking for a real emotional attachment something that of course the movie tells us isn't true since it was the girl who kissed Steve and not the other way around and we don't see him flirt or look for women outside of Peggy to the point of carrying her picture.
This thought and their kiss, that he looked like it was his first kiss, is what reinforced the belief that Steve was a virgin because we, like Peggy, believed in him.
Aaaaand that just got bulldozed by that line in She Hulk like literally over 10 years later
That scene in Cap 1 has now become utterly useless because then looking back, by that point in the movie Steve has already lost his virginity and then he has the AUDACITY to look sheepish when he damn well knows he did in fact the moment he got jacked and women ran to him, something we also see in the movie, he immediately found his "right partner" or at least for the night.
Now if you go into White Male Logic that's probably behind this they'd go like, Oh well he just met Peggy Carter so they aren't as close as they'll be later, they just met once, he can have some ass now, he wasn't married or promised to her you know?
Ok fine! Yes, let's buy it, completely yes totally Steve doesn't have to save his V precisely for Peggy or not even until marriage, which btw at that time was encouraged right? Or at least to women so the idea wasn't far fetched and supposedly should've been honored by someone like Steve but ok also men are men, yes yes Steve can be a horny guy, he's allowed to ok? I mean he had just met Peggy Carter a handful of times ok?
Ok but also the ending of his character is how utterly devoted he is to Peggy, someone he's never even being on a date with, to the point of never actually forgetting her and at the end his perfect ending is finally living his dream of being with the woman he loves and never forgot and is so devoted he decided to leave everything behind and "have a life" with the love of his life.
Y'all don't see anything amiss at that? This is so cracked up because Steve is both Not all men while also being, Yes all men
He is so utterly devoted to Peggy to the point of choosing to literally go back in time to live a life with her while also being actually a horn dog and he totally did it with at least a girl because what man would go on tour with that amount of women that would clearly launch themselves at him and just not get laid with at least one? Amairight? We can't call Steve a man unless he at least fucked a USO girl.
You can almost feel the double standard because
Male writer: of course Steve was loyal and faithful to her, he just got a non serious fling somewhere, he's allowed that right?
Me: So it would've been the same say if Peggy also wasn't a virgin right?
Male writer fumes in anger
If Peggy Carter had been known to have another sexual partner before even meeting Steve I'm sure she would've been hated, let alone one when she'd already met Steve, after Steve is alright because clearly she had to move on and we can assume it was her husband. The idea of Peggy Carter remaining virgin til marriage or at least with the man she was to marry isn't far fetched or difficult to believe but the idea of Captain fcking America, Steve Rogers and also Male, only having sex until marriage or at least with the person he loves is something that bugles the writers or even the public at large just shows you how big double standards are and for me that way of thought is what made the writers decide to add that line and to me personally it leaves a bad taste in my mouth because I have loved Steve's character and resolve and I do like him and Peggy a lot, to have him be reduced back to "men are men" after all is just so sickening
It really boils down to "males are allowed" and also toxic masculinity that he had to not be a virgin to literally just prove a point, what point idk, idk what so bad of thinking he was
Now listen, ok I'll just take it, I don't care he fcked, he couldn't fcked all the USO girls and they could've mentioned it on screen back then, I don't care but then don't double down and try and make me believe how Steve is "different" and oh so honorable even in his private life were he is respectful of women specially to the woman he fell for and was so loyal to her that even time and space couldn't keep them away, don't try to pull that shit now
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unknown--user · 2 years ago
Lynda Carter ruined women for me as a child.  I just thought, every guy should just grow up to marry a lady like her.  Throw me in that crowd too.  
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personal-blarghe · 2 months ago
I made a joke about this yesterday, but getting back to actual record reviews, yes I am listening to all my folksy records for the holidays because I don't like holiday music much (unless sung by a warbly man from the 1940s while I shop in the mediterranean grocery store, apparently. that was a vibe)
Originally I had organised my records in order from like punk/hardcore to metal and then folk and indie pop, but I don't actually live my life like that obvi.
Anyway, old folksy records have a nostalgia factor for me because my parents are aging hippies and I grew up on that shit. So today I'll be bringing biased reviews of Leonard Cohen and Peter Paul and Mary but actually I think if you don't like those artists you're the biased one and also wrong. So!
Peter Paul and Mary - In The Wind
Put this on last night while baking gingerbread cookies, it was nice. This is an album of beautifully arranged folk covers that I got from my parents' collection. It reminds me of my mom's kitchen but like without the fighting with my mom parts. Also the joke was that the song Stewball is the same tune that So This Is Christmas was set to, except the original is about a racehorse.
Of course, being a bunch of white 60s celebrities, this group was bound to be problematic. And Peter was! Devastating. Google it. And like what is with the Jimmy Carter pardon? He didn't have to do all that. Anyway. He is almost dead and it's not like he is getting my money, but I did learn something today about the writer of Puff the Magic Dragon that broke my soul a little. Festive!
Favourite track: Don't think twice it's all right (had to be a Dylan one)
Least Favourite track: Stewball. Lenon ruined it. And now Puff the Magic Dragon which isn't even on this album but Peter wrote it and fuck him.
Anyway I burnt like half my cookies by accident so today I am making more while listening to Songs of Leonard Cohen. Honestly this might be the first record I can consciously remember listening to in my life. What am I gonna say about this? Channukah starts on Christmas this year and I'm listening to Leonard Cohen while I make my dreidel shaped gingerbread cookies. 12/10.
Favourite track: The Stranger Song
Least Favourite track: I don't have one. No one tell me anything bad about Leonard Cohen I feel like he was very honest in his lust for women and had adult relationships with cool people like Janis Joplin and Marianne Ihlen and wrote beautiful broken man poetry and I respect it. Fuck you.
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therecordchanger62279 · 8 months ago
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The third, and final installment of my book fair adventures.
     ‘Fess up. You did a double take when you saw that title, didn’t you? You thought, “Wow, he finally got some sex into his blog!” Sorry to disappoint you, but the title refers to the day’s activity. This weekend was the annual Dayton Book Fair at the Fairgrounds. It’s the one day of the year my wife lets me leave the house without a chaperone. Fortunately, it was worth the nearly three extra hours on my feet today. (I worked a full shift before hitting the fair this afternoon.)
     The weather was lovely today, if a bit windy at times. I arrived about 1:30, and found a parking spot not far from the entrance. When I got inside, I saw a lot of open floor space. I guess everyone was home trying to find the Ohio State game on television. (They were on a bye this week, so most of those people probably spent the afternoon getting liquored up – which is what they would’ve done anyway if there had been a game – but I digress.) The layout was different again this year, and I left my book fair GPS in the car so I had to make my way around “The Coliseum” (a fancy name for an old gymnasium) on my own. They’d moved the collectibles section to the front, and most of my favorite tables were not where I remembered them - although the hot dog stand was in the same spot, and that’s the important thing.
     The first friendly sign I saw read Poetry, and I suspected Short Stories would be close by. I was correct. But the only book I bought at that table was a collection edited by somebody named Milton Crane. Titled 50 Great Short Stories, and originally published in 1952, the paperback edition I found for $1.10, was the 16th printing from 1962, and featured names like Hemingway, Poe, Faulkner, Joyce, Thurber, Chekov, Forster, Salinger, Wolfe, Conrad, McCullers, Huxley, Steinbeck, and…well, you get the idea. I like a good short story, and since I’ve begun writing them, I get ideas how to make mine better from reading the masters. (If you’re going to steal, steal from the best.)
     It looked as if all my other favorite book haunts were on the other side of the gym, so I ambled over to the boxes of records spread over about eight tables. There were almost as many people browsing the records as there were browsing the multitude of book tables. Clearly this was a hipper, less bookish crowd than I was use to seeing at the fair. Needless to say, I fit right in.
     I cozied up to a pair of honeys browsing the rock records and chatting to one another about what they were finding. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that there are women out there who collect records instead of different shades of lipstick. One of them was complaining to the other that her mother had actually given away her own record collection. She couldn’t believe it. She found a Supremes collection she was interested in, but the cover was torn. Still, she had a look telling her friend that she could live with that as long as the record was in good shape. He pal agreed, telling her she needed to be careful so she didn’t ruin her stylus.
     Since they were lingering in the rock section, I moved over to jazz for a look. (If one of them had made a move to jazz, I might have been tempted to solicit her, but chicks don’t dig jazz as a general rule. So I remained on my best gentlemanly behavior.) By the time I finished browsing just two boxes of jazz records, I feared for my wallet. I found Arthur Blythe’s da-da LP, The Griffith Park Collection featuring several members of Return To Forever, along with the greats Joe Henderson, and Freddie Hubbard. Ralph Towner & Gary Burton’s Slide Show on ECM was in mint condition. I found a pair of LP’s on A&M Horizon – one by the great Chet Baker (You Can’t Go Home Again), and the other by Mel Lewis and Friends. Mel has some cool friends – bassist Ron Carter, pianist Hank Jones, Michael Brecker on sax, Freddie Hubbard (again) on trumpet, and more. The Best of Bobbi Humphrey on Columbia also caught my eye because I’ve been listening to a lot of light jazz from the late 70’s recently, and flutist Bobbi hit her commercial peak then. I also found Wynton Marsalis’s Think Of One – one I didn’t have from 1983. But as thrilled as I was with all of these, the most exciting finds turned out to be a Joe Zawinul collection on Atlantic titled Concerto Retitled, a set I had never seen or heard of before that turned out to be an overview of his Atlantic recordings prior to founding Weather Report, and an Impulse album from 1974 called Impulse Artists On Tour that features Gato Barbieri, Keith Jarrett, John Klemmer, Michael White, and Sam Rivers along with a who’s who of great backing musicians recorded at various shows. This was another album I’d never seen and didn’t know existed.
     Since the classical records were hosting several long hairs, I veered over towards the book tables on the other side, but not before I overheard an old couple talking. The wife (70, if she was a day) said to her husband, “Are you ready to go, baby?” And he replied, “You’re buying all those books? Didn’t you just get rid of a bunch of books?” Another woman standing next to me said, “He sounds like my husband.” And I patted myself on the back for being Mr. Tolerant in all things where my wife is concerned. (Cough!)
     I whiffed completely at the Sports table. I love a good baseball book, but there weren’t any today I didn’t already own. The People table (biographies, mostly) was also a bust, and it was beginning to look as if the records were going to be the last money I spent that didn’t target my stomach. But Philosophy, Plays, Classics, History and Government and Science yielded a Bertrand Russell’s Best, Camus’s Caligula and 3 Other Plays, Chekov’s The Major Plays, Dostoyevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov, Richard Feynman’s Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman, Norman Mailer’s The Presidential Papers (about the Kennedy administration), Situations by Jean Paul Sartre, and Walter Kauffman’s Existentialism from Dostoyevsky to Sartre. (You can always find plenty of books on existentialism at book fairs because existentialists are usually miserable, and end up committing suicide. Their families donate their books to book fairs. It’s a fact. You could look it up.)
     By this time, my arms were drooping, and my knuckles dragging on the floor as if I was a member of the Bush administration. So I decided to pay the piper, and take my treasures to the car, then double back for a farewell tour around the gym one more time.
     Next time around, following my traditional can of Pepsi, and hot dog with mustard and onion from the food vendor, I visited all the fiction tables looking for books by a favorite author of my wife. I found none, thus vindicating my wife’s choice not to attend the book fair with me. I also looked through the record boxes that had been inaccessible to me earlier. (By now, the sparse crowd was down to a trickle of die-hards.) Country yielded a couple of collections by Del Reeves whose old records are usually hard to find, and priced higher than a gallon of gas during a Middle East crisis. A section at the end of classical labeled ?????, had in it a blaxploitation soundtrack by Booker T. & The MG’s on Stax called Up Tight. Regular readers of this blog know of my affection for soul music and for blaxploitation films. (Clearly the book fair staff does not have anyone who knows anything about music because they also didn’t know where to file records by Jody Watley or Mike Oldfield (yes, it was Tubular Bells). These and many more familiar artists were in that section under the heading ?????.
     My last stop was the Comedy box where I found a Mort Sahl album On Relationships. I never knew Sahl to do anything but political humor, so I decided to pick it up. Of course, one could argue that all relationships are political in nature. In any case, Sahl was one of those comics whose humor was aimed at intellectuals. As there’s little, if any, of that kind of humor around today, I thought it might be a good listen.
     So the take turned out to be 9 books, and 13 records. Adding the three bucks for the Pepsi and hot dog, my wallet was all of 29 dollars lighter. You might be able to beat that, but I doubt it.
     I promised the wife I’d pick up some fast food and bring it home – before the government sucks all that tasty trans fat out of it. I got in line at the McDonald’s drive thru behind a Honda van sporting a pair of bumper stickers, the first of which read, “Jesus Is The Answer” while the second chimed in with “God Rules – Always Has, Always Will”. I had a lot of time to memorize more than the bumper stickers because this vanload of morons couldn’t decide what they wanted to eat. I came very close to getting out of my car and going up to them and telling them that if they didn’t make up their mind and place their order within the next 10 seconds, they were going to be seeing Jesus a lot sooner than they’d planned.
     So, the 2013 fair was a good one. Next year, though, we’ll just order a pizza when I get home.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year ago
She was the wife of Michael too and is not gone of course no she died. She was not in the movie but she died from old age no that's what our son thinks. She was working moving ordinance and it exploded. And there are people who wonder how it happened and people who are checking the scene it was in an underground facility no it was in the 8th ring and will and Bill say they detected something and we think we know who it is but they have to check they said and they have equipment too they do think it's the ship and it's happened before
Thor Freya
Okay guys this is what it is I've been talking about it so he went ahead and hit her now the guy has to pay he's been doing this to people for a long time and he thinks there's nothing to pay about it and we have to make him pay
Mike tew
I agree it was sending troops now they're going to take that son of a b**** down
Mac Daddy
I've been holding my breath I want a piece of them and now's the Time to take it I can't believe this happened we are all so sorry Michael too
You can't help but feel bad because we knew her and she was helping our friend and my son-in-law a lot and matter of fact I don't know what he's going to do without her doing it
We've all had a tough time here and I think I have to start working again and stop being a jerk to him and I do understand what people are saying people need to do these things to help and it was not nice of what he did and Tommy f will have to pay and we're going around saying what we'll do if something happens you shouldn't do it to me it's not nice she didn't do anything to you
She was true is I don't think it just charged for my ship I know where I was when it happened I want people to calm down
Tommy f
Who become as soon as your stupid ship is out of here you don't have any right to sit there like that and we're going to go after you it doesn't shield them from anything all these stupid assholes are underneath it doing all sorts of dumb things I'm surprised you survive this is to threaten you I threatening him and all s*** out of here you're such a jerk
What time are you doing this to people and it's not even your fight you got involved now it's your fight Tommy f
Mike tew
I don't believe it you struck again it's time to go away you're ruining our realm you're such an a****** and you're drawing more fire on yourself right now in a time when the empire could have been stepping in you're such a fool I'm so tired of seeing you stupid people screw up things that would have stopped the empire now it's going to be a nuisance and a nightmare and I should explain he says you're going to go ahead hitting each other again in a big huge hit each other fast and the empire is going to be sitting pretty and you probably won't have your damn stone chips you're a stupid s*** tummy f
I suppose I see the point they go after me harder and the ship's harder it's a group involved I don't need and it's really happy fighting each other
Tommy f
Have found this on my table 50 times today one more time and my wife gets it now I don't want you around you're a piece of s*** and you're threatening all of us with it and that's why you did it and you're trying to kidnap women all over the place that I saw it you got to pay for this you piece of crap
Tommy Allen
This woman was helping me and Michael too had started to turn into a monster again and she kept doing it and was faithful doing it for some reason I don't really know why but she was good at it and a lot of people have been falling down so now I'm left without an auntie I have beat this s*** out of you Tommy f
I can use that and beat him up
We're going to come in there and beat the s*** out of you Tommy f we don't like you
Is too
Good let's. I'm here to say I'm going to help handle what's going on I'll have to have women do it he says I get that usually they stay out of trouble and they want to now they appreciate the word too and the confidence
Mike tew
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swannscroft · 3 years ago
Genuinely curious, why do you hate Peggy so much?
assuming this is about my post about laughing how captain carter died in mom (which i put in the anti peggy tag, not her tag) i really can't stand hayley or peggy at this point. i'm tired of marvel including her in places where she's literally not relevant, when there are like 1000 other marvel women that could be introduced to the mcu.
to preface, i used to adore peggy. she was my favorite marvel character hands down, i had the 'i know my value' quote as my senior quote in the yearbook, religiously watched agent carter, etc. i even met hayley at the first comic con i went to:
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i had been so excited to meet her and cosplayed as sharon carter from ca: the winter soldier, and got a photo with her before her panel. (this was like the same month civil war came out) almost the entire panel hayley talked about how steve/sharon was disrespectful and basically did nothing but bash the character i was cosplaying as. i felt really insecure after her panel, and even heard some people make funny comments about my cosplay (while it wasn't hayley's fault that those people were rude to me) but there was no reason to bitch about steve and sharon that much, rather than just talking about what she enjoyed about her own show. it ruined my first con experience <3 she's also said ugly things about emily vancamp/sharon carter at other comic cons. as well as said poc need to 'wait their turn' for representation.
and as far as peggy goes, literally everything about her in the mcu was based on other characters in 616 comics. the writer's of ca: the first avenger talked about how there was barely any source material for peggy and so they took from sharon carter in the comics to flesh her out. peggy is also partially based on the character cynthia glass- who was the agent involved with project rebirth, who steve called his first love, and was also a nazi spy. in 616 (before the mcu changed it) peggy was a blonde chick who fought nazis, and was really just backstory for sharon carter. here's cythia glass compared to mcu peggy:
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and here's peggy before the mcu changed her look in comics:
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in the comics, she didn't found shield (she wasn't even a shield agent) nick fury founded shield, she wasn't the love of steve roger's life sharon carter was, and she sure as heck wasn't a super soldier/captain carter. and that's not even mentioning the things that she did in the mcu, she hired zola and other nazis, let them rise to power, and probably knew about shield doing horrible things like they did to isiah bradley and ava starr. and she shot at steve after some woman kissed him?? and what they've given peggy in the mcu has destroyed sharon carter's character in the mcu, when she's been the love of his life in comics for 60 years:
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and all of this has led to emily vancamp/ sharon carter fans being treated absolutely horribe by mcu fans. not sure if you know how bad it was when civil war came out, but emily and other fans were both getting death threats because steve kissed sharon. (hayley's comments at comics cons helped fuel this) i even remembered getting hate from other peggy stans bc i simply liked sharon and didn't hate on her. (and i'm not even getting into steve's ending in endgame and how they turned sharon into a villain in tfatws)
tldr, i used to love peggy until i picked up a comic book. she literally had no relevance before 2011. i'm so fucking tired of marvel bringing her back and giving her traits from other characters in the actual source material. we don't need more peggy carter, she's already had her time to shine. i want other women that haven't even gotten their mcu introduction yet (or have been treated badly) to get the respect they deserve.
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msfbgraves · 3 years ago
There is a trope that men like to write that I hate with every fibre of my being.
A man and a woman fall in love (the younger they are, the more I hate this) but They Could Not Be.
The man finds another love, and builds a life for himself, as he must. He ponders her, sometimes, before kissing his wife and playing with his children.
But then, oh! A moment of fate! There she is, his Lost Love! As beautiful and pure as the day they met because of course She Could Never Love Again because no one was as Amazing As He
And he always leaves her again to go back to the happy life he got to have
What the fuck, dude? Why are you condemning these women to lovelessness when you know that would be terrible for your hero? Rose Tyler and Sarah Jane Smith don't ever get to move on from the Doctor? Jane Austen from Tom Lefroy? The Wife (I only saw it once) in It's A Wonderful Life? Yuki from Mr. Miyagi, Kumiko from Daniel? Do you know what I respect the hell out in Peggy Carter in her series? That, if they wouldn't have fucked with the timeline six ways to Sunday, she does. And it hurts. And it's real. She loves Daniel Sousa. Not as a placeholder. She loves him. Has a life with him.
Because people deserve that.
Look, I've heard from a lot of widows that they don't date anymore because men are a goddamn handful that can be more trouble than they're worth. Not because their last guy was Too Amazing.
What I've never heard is 'Oh, that one dick ruined me for everyone else.'
And if that does happen (?) it's tragic, not sexy!
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years ago
Complicated ❤
Set after The Winter Soldier.
Summary; Steve and y/n are thrust into a new world together. All they have is The Avengers and each other for the first three years but with Peggy alive, Bucky back and their feelings for each other growing stronger things are way too complicated.
Warnings; Angst with a happy ending.
Request by; @golden-wander
Likes, comments and reblogs are always appreciated ❤ I do not give anyone permission to copy my work. ❤
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Steve Rogers was the only person in the world who had been through the same things she had.
They both lost Bucky, who was her fiancee back in the '40s and Steve's best friend.
Both of them were thrust into a world that they didn't know. From the '40s to the year 2011. For three years they became close, all they needed was each other.
Peggy was still alive, y/n had been to visit her with Steve a lot and to make things more complicated Bucky had come back.
He was an asset to the team after turning on Hydra and joining The Avengers. Her history with Bucky though was very well known among the team.
When Bucky fell from the train she was devastated, she had no idea he was captured by Hydra and brainwashed and tortured into being The Winter Soldier.
When they met again she was confused by her feelings, she was ecstatic that he was alive but at the same time he treated her like he barely knew her, even when his memories did come back.
She was his fiancee once upon a time. Did she mean so little to him?
Then there was Steve. Steve who had been her rock. Steve who she was falling in love with but he still loved Peggy and had a fling with Sharon.
Carter women were hard to forget. She should know, Peggy was one of her best friends back in the 40s and she adored her still.
Today she was visiting Peggy and her mood was low, Bucky was making eyes at Natasha who looked like she wanted to kick his ass at every moment and Steve was being a sweetheart which caused her feelings to deepen.
As much as she kept her spirits up Peggy was always able to tell when she was upset and takes her hand.
"Darling what's wrong?". Tears roll down her cheeks and she can't meet Peggy's eyes. How does she tell Peggy that she loves Steve? It would feel like a betrayal wouldn't it?
"You'll hate me". She whispers and Peggy softens squeezing her hand.
"I could never, ever hate you, love. Tell me?". She sighs and begins to explain how she and Steve have gotten so close over the last three years, about Bucky and how he is making eyes at Natasha.
"It doesn't even bother me that much Peggy because I... I've fallen in love with Steve". She expects Peggy to yell at her, be mad, and tell her to get out but she doesn't.
No, she just looks at her with those kind brown eyes and softens.
"Oh, darling, why don't you tell him?". This makes her cry harder because Peggy is being so lovely.
"I can't Peggy, I'm scared. He still loves you. He doesn't love me. I know that". She tells her and Peggy frowns.
"I think you should tell him, we all need someone in this unknown world, someone to love us".
He doesn't feel the same though so what is the point in telling him and ruining their friendship?
Speaking of Steve he comes in staring between her and Peggy, looking at the tears in her eyes.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Shit! She didn't expect him to be here, she knows he visits Peggy but she didn't realise it was today.
"I'm fine". She kisses Peggy on the cheek and hurries out away from Steve.
"What are you doing you, idiot! Go after her!". Peggy snaps to Steve who moves into action.
Steve follows her inside as she heads into the compound.
"You should have stayed with Peggy Steve". She tells him and he shakes his head.
"Peggy told me to go after you, I'm worried sweetheart. What's wrong?". Fuck, was he really going to make her say it?
"Steve, you know what's between us. You can feel it. I'm sure you can because I do. I'm in love with you".
"I know you will never reciprocate my feelings but even if you do I will never be your first choice Steve. Peggy is, how the hell can I compete with Peggy?".
He moves closer to her and cups her cheeks, wiping away the tears.
"Yes i did love Peggy and I still love her. Believe it or not y/n even you love Bucky a little even now. You know why, because it's not possible for anyone to erase the love they felt for a person who was so special to them".
Steve moves closer to her and his eyes settle on her lips, she's mesmerized by him.
"But you know what else is possible?". She's confused and wants to know what he means, moving closer to him.
"What's possible Steve?". His blue eyes fill with reverence and it makes her heart skips a beat.
"To fall in love once again. To love someone even if you are unsure if they will ever feel your love. Unsure If they will ever love you back".
Her mind is racing does that me he loves her? He still loves Peggy though. Was she just some sort of rebound?
"So you'll always love Peggy?". He groans and runs his hands through his hair.
"Seriously y/n? I pour my feelings out to you and that's what you get from that? Shit, do you know how hard it is to hide my feelings from you? How guilty I feel because you were Buck's girl back in the day and I wrestle with not telling you what you mean to me".
"What do I mean to you?". She asks him and he hesitates for a minute which makes her heart sink. Just as she is about to give up and turn away he pulls her back.
Then he kisses her fiercely.
"I love you, I'm in love with you y/n and I want to be with you". He tells her and then he kisses her again.
Unbeknownst to her and Steve, Bucky and Tony are watching. Tony agape.
"Well about time and hey Capsicol has a girlfriend now, honestly thought he would still be a virgin forever".
Bucky shrugs.
"I thought that back in the day but once he became Cap he was a ladies magnet, only had eyes for Peggy though, so they weren't serious".
Tony sighs.
"Better leave the lovebirds to it, Barnes, come on". They leave Steve and y/n kissing, both of them happy that the two of them have finally admitted how they feel.
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