#catholic artist connection
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agnesandhilda Ā· 9 months ago
as far as christian-themed art goes I'm of the opinion that you cannot meaningfully appropriate mainline western catholicism (it's a massively powerful branch of a religion that has been spread by imperialism and that actively seeks out converts as a core tenet. how could you appropriate it?) but that it is possible to engage with it shallowly and that that's fair game to make fun of. I will not be taking questions at this time
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g1rlonl1ne Ā· 2 years ago
u guys donā€™t understand how much i love bo burnham
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avelera Ā· 3 months ago
(Meta) Fortiche's Use of Religious Imagery in Viktor's Arc Was Intended to Convey Sinister Undertones
So I'm gonna put my Art History TA hat on for a second and say I've seen a lot of the connections made between Viktor (Arcane) with the religious imagery referenced in his arc, which is inescapably present and intentional, and I feel like its worthy time for a reminder that Fortiche, the animation studio for Arcane, is based in France
So on the one hand, it would be impossible to develop as an artist in France and not have a ton of exposure to religious art and iconography, which is very obvious in just how much Renaissance art and Catholic iconography is referenced with Viktor. (Never mind how well it works as a visual language for the mysticism they imbued into the rise of the Machine Herald in general.)
There's a great thread about all the art referenced here:
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But on the other, if I can just put my history nerd hat on as well for a second I'd also like to point out that there's also subtle (and not so subtle) sinister undertones to the religious iconography for Viktor, even before he does anything overtly evil. Like, even when he heals Huck back in 2.02, I think we're meant to feel at least a subtle sense of wrongness to the "triumph" of that scene and the swelling religious chorus.
I was reminded while watching those scenes that an element of the French Revolution (also referenced in the opening credits of Arcane with Jinx waving the flag, so I think it's fair game to consider in discussions of the meta themes of the show) that is sometimes overlooked in the US when we learn about the French Revolution is how much the rage at the aristocracy was also aimed at the Catholic priesthood, since those two institutions were deeply intertwined as oppressive forces against the French people.
Basically, I think if you consider a French studio referencing Catholic religious imagery in their show (used to depict Viktor's rise to mystic power which will in turn lead to his eventual disillusionment with humanity and him dooming the world if he isn't stopped) you're missing out on some delicious shades of nuance and subtle foreshadowing if you don't know that a French studio's use of Catholic imagery could, in itself, be intended to add a subtle sense of impending evil because Catholicism in that country has also historically represented a system that is oppressive towards individual freedoms.
Now of course France's relationship with Catholicism is complex and it isn't just a simple case of Catholic Imagery = Evil Stuff is Happening Here, but I would point out that if you watched an American show and a character was crowned king in the first act to a manically cheering crowd, it would absolutely be fair to wonder if the crowning of the king had sinister undertones, because of the US's history and how the country was established in part as an escape for monarchy. On a cultural level, we see kings as bad things in the US, and likewise in France, Catholicism as an institution and Catholic imagery have some very complex and often evil associations.
TL;DR If you don't consider that a French studio might have used Catholic imagery specifically as visual hint and foreshadowing that Viktor's arc was going to be about him turning evil, then you're missing out on some very fun and tasty meta associations in the Arcane show.
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monsterfactoryfanfic Ā· 7 months ago
30 Sickos, 3.5 Stars, and Pervert Writers
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As I gear up to publish Detente for the Ravenous, I've been thinking a lot about these tweets. I know that my writing is solid, but it's not groundbreaking. My designs are fun, but they're not revolutionary. My prose is simple, my plots well-trodden. The fights and monsters kick ass, but god help me my romance is milquetoast at best. It's not what I'm interested in. I'm interested in the 30 years war and Catholic kaiju.
We like to quantify things, online. When I'm shopping for games, I sort by "most popular" and "highest rated." I don't want my time to be wasted, I don't want to spend my money sub-optimally. It's easier to connect to folks over a movie that 3 million people watched as opposed to a podcast listened to by a few hundred. I am not criticizing the impulse. Life is too short, and none of us have enough money.
But as a creator, whatever that means, I think I have to get comfortable with my shortcomings, and be honest about what I actually care about. I am not interested in writing a novel that appeals to all people. I am interested in writing a novel where they assassinate Pope Kissinger. That doesn't mean I won't ever try to improve my romance, or make my character arcs less predictable. But if I am gonna write another book, I have to write it for me, not for my imagined literary agent or Big 5 editor.
There's this great manifesto on itchio by ā€œAverage Urotsukidōji Enjoyer," called "Good Writers are Perverts." It touches on this sentiment that I've been stewing on, and I think this passage crystalizes what I'm trying to do with my own work.
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I know my best work is the work of the pervert, the ex catholic who grew up on Naruto, the military history dork who trained for years to save lives instead of taking them. That is the stuff that makes me want to create, the hope that I can take all my stupid interests and life experiences and twist them into something at least partially interesting, to hit that 3.5 star rating that isn't all things to all people, but is at least one really good thing to a few people. If a handful of young folks get ahold of my work and it changes their lives in a small way forever, then I'll be happy.
I hope that as art becomes less profitable, as financial incentives only encourage the bland and inoffensive, the tried and true instead of niche and experimental, more artists double down, go deep instead of wide. I'm not afraid to fail, I'm afraid of trying so hard to be loved that I stop giving a shit about the craft
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apoloadonisandnarcissus Ā· 3 months ago
I have no problem of being accused of ā€œwhitewashingā€ Sauronā€™s character because the majority of the ā€œRings of Powerā€ fandom doesnā€™t really understand what he is, anyway.
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Sauron is not a human nor a symbolically human character (like the Elves, who are meant to represent the intellectual and artistic-driven humans on Tolkien legendarium). Charlie Vickers already said, using different words, that the fandom canā€™t really atribute human-like feelings (or characteristics) onto his character, and heā€™s absolutely correct. Because heā€™s not playing a human.
Charlie talked about this in the context of Sauronā€™s cosmic connection to Galadriel in ā€œRings of Powerā€, and almost everyone nods in agreement, but then makes the mistake of projecting human-like onto Sauron (narcissism, psychopath, sociopath, whatever it may be).
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Sauron/Mairon is a Maia, which is the equivalent of a demigod or an angel in Tolkien legendarium; a servant to a Vala, the Gods or archangels of the lore. He was created by Eru IlĆŗvatar, so heā€™s divine in nature, a higher being, at the beginning. He chooses to side with Melkor/Morgoth (the Devil of the legendarium); he becomes a fallen angel, a demon. Heā€™s not longer a ā€œhigher beingā€ per say because, in Catholic-Christian tradition, demons operate on the lower frequencies of existence.
I would even argue that Tolkien wrote Sauron as more of an idea, than an actual character. With this being the reason why we donā€™t have much dialogue from him throughout the legendarium. Of course, ā€œRings of Powerā€ needs to adapt this to the best of their possibilities, and I think they are doing a great job with Sauronā€™s character, and itā€™s also clear Charlie Vickers has done his homework on the character.
I still see a bit of hesitation on Charlieā€™s part on elaborating on Sauron in his interviews, which is very common among actors who have to play villains or ā€œsupervillainsā€. He doesnā€™t want to sound like heā€™s justifying his actions or making Sauron look sympathetic. But Charlie, like all actors, understands his character motivations better than anyone. And the show is trying to make the audience understand it, as well, but this usually flies over peoplesā€™ heads who are accusing the show of making Sauron ā€œrelatableā€ in some way or even make you cheer for him or whatever.
This could be the case if he was a human character, but he isnā€™t. Heā€™s a spiritual being, a supernatural creature, a demon. Us, humans, canā€™t never relate to him, no matter how many spins folks try to make on it. He operates in a total different level. And thatā€™s why I hate with a burning passion these takes of him having ā€œevilā€ human-like characteristics or mental disorders. To me, this is completely missing the point of Sauronā€™s character.
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Of course he feels entitled to rule Middle-earth; he helped create the place alongside the other Valar and Maiar at the beginning of time. He literally shaped the world he seeks to dominate; his qualities are imprinted on it (this being the reason why he has true immortality and canā€™t never be destroyed for real, by the way). Of course he sees himself above Men, Elves and Dwarves, because he literally is. Tolkien wrote him that way.
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Would you call the Christian/Jewish/Islamic God, Odin, Zeus, and all the others God of worldwide mythology ā€œpsychopathsā€ or ā€œnarcissistsā€? Probably not because they are Gods, and Gods are, in general, assh*les and d*cks.
Even in Tolkien legendarium, who drew inspiration from several mythological sources, Eru IlĆŗvatar sinks an entire island, killing everyone in it, because Men wanted to achieve immortality. Is he a ā€œpsychopathā€ too? Tolkien tells us that Eru is the supreme authority on his legendarium, the ultimate good, because he symbolizes the Christian God; and during the Second age Heā€™s very much like the Old Testament God, a punisher, more than the modern ā€œGod the Fatherā€, and NĆŗmenor is the Atlantis myth.
Iā€™m not really a fan of the phrasing of Sauron seeing other characters like insects, but itā€™s a way to put it. Precisely because heā€™s a demigod, whoā€™ll aspire to become an actual God. And thatā€™s probably his biggest sin in the legendarium, alongside with betraying Eru IlĆŗvatar (God) for Melkor (Satan). On the Third Age, Sauron becomes a ā€œincarnation of evilā€ and a ā€œspirit of malice and hatredā€, like Tolkien tells us. But heā€™s not ā€œabsolute evilā€ because Tolkien doesnā€™t believe in such a thing. I already talked about this in here.
In ā€œRings of Powerā€, it seems the ā€œnot wholly evilā€ bit is related to his connection with Galadriel. His true intentions/feelings towards her are yet to be revealed to the audience. Why does Sauron want to bind himself to Galadriel so badly? We had this plot in two seasons already.
The simplest explanation is that Sauron wants to harvest her light for himself, but he could easily find the same light in every other Elf who was born during the Years of the Trees in Valinor, because the light of the Two Trees also shines on them. Even Celebrimbor had the same light, and Sauron never had the intention of binding them together. So, indeed, what makes Galadriel different? Because he was willing to share his power with her, too.
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All of this is very theological, but it is what it is. Donā€™t shoot the messenger. We canā€™t really analyze Tolkien legendarium without the heavy religious Catholic-Christian inspiration, because thatā€™s the core of the mythology Tolkien created. Itā€™s really inevitable if we want to understand it.
Anyway, you can think of Second Age Sauron as a sort of ā€œDracula on steroidsā€. I think thatā€™s the closest comparison I can find. Because Dracula is also demonic character, but heā€™s not a ā€œfallen angelā€ like Sauron. I wouldnā€™t exactly compare him with representations of Satan/Devil/Lucifer on pop culture, because thatā€™s Melkor.
Then we have character arcs, and even Sauron has one in Tolkien legendarium: Sauron starts ā€œRings of Powerā€ in his repentance era (Halbrand); then we have Annatar or ā€œSauron the reformerā€ who wants to rebuild Middle-earth with good intentions; then the ā€œKing of Menā€ when he starts to get carried away with pride and power; until he returns to his role as Morgothā€™s secretary/representative, at the end of the Second age; he gets defeated. When he returns in the Third Age (the version most fans are familiar with from ā€œThe Lord of the Ringsā€ trilogy and the Peter Jackson adaptations), he claims to be Morgoth come again, and this is the evilest he has even been, a ā€œsecond incarnation of evilā€ like Tolkien describes him.
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artist-issues Ā· 16 days ago
When it comes to using media to preach the gospel, how do you think a Christian should handle creating their own media? We have great examples! Lewis was more direct with narnia, while LOTR was indirect but still riddled with biblical imagery. Where should christians stand when it comes to creating their own stories and including the biblical narrative? I have my own world build and I tend to swing more Lewis when it comes to biblical allegory- but I know thatā€™s not everyoneā€™s cup of tea!
I think this falls under ā€œaccording to your personal conviction.ā€
Iā€™m inclined to say, ā€œLewis did it right and Tolkien did it wrong,ā€ because look at the legacy. Only people who are willfully media-illiterate, to the most obtuse degree, read Chronicles of Narnia and come away with anything but the Christian Gospel. Itā€™s inseparable from that. And bravo, C.S. Lewis, for that. But look at Lord of The Rings. It is not remembered in the eye of the culture for having any connection to God, or religion. Itā€™s remembered for being a greatā€”possibly ā€œthe greatest,ā€ā€”fantasy story.
Narnia gets Christian folk songs written about it, gets used as excerpts in sermons, is a lifelong staple in Christian family homes, gets a movie that has a fully-Christian-artist-produced-album attached to it, gets angry atheists to write answering-hate-fantasy series about it because they hate Christianity and Narnia canā€™t be separated from the Gospel.
Lord of the Rings gets Dungeons & Dragons and an original spin-off about women empowerment and identifying with your race.
Now letā€™s compare that with the model of how a Christian is supposed to be a Christian.
ā€Therefore do notĀ fear them,Ā for there is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known.Ā 27Ā What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hearĀ whisperedĀ inĀ your ear, proclaimĀ upon the housetops.ā€ Matthew 10:26-27
16Ā ā€œNowĀ no one after lighting a lamp covers it with a container or puts it under a bed, but he puts it on a lampstand, so that those who come in may see the light.Ā 17Ā For nothing is hidden that will not become evident, norĀ anythingĀ secret that will not be known and come to light.18Ā So beware how you listen,Ā for whoever has, to himĀ moreĀ shall be given; and whoever does not have, even what heĀ thinks he has shall be taken away from him.ā€ Luke 8:16-18
Which I donā€™t fully understand, but my loose grasp of it is: the teller has a responsibility to be clear and to SAY IT, especially about The Most Important Message Ever. But also, the listener has a responsibility in how they listen.
So like. People could get Gospel-imagery and therefore be led to the clear Gospel from Lord of the Rings. They could. AND if they read those books and arenā€™t careful about ā€œhow they listen,ā€ theyā€™ll come up with a different meaning or theyā€™ll miss the Gospel imagery inside that couldā€™ve done them good. And missing what couldā€™ve done them good is, to that extent, their fault.
But. I think you could argue that also, to some extent, Tolkienā€™s fault. To someā€”not allā€”extent. Because Tolkien was nice and vocal about how he didnā€™t want this story to be treated as an allegory or for anyone to get a message out of it. And as a Christian, that is a terrible thing for him to say.
But he also said, ā€I am a Christian and of course what I write will be from that essential viewpointā€ As if the Christianity in his fiction was inherent because of his worldview. And also said, contrariwise, that Lord of the Rings was ā€œa fundamentally religious and Catholic work.ā€
Besides, much of the rest of his life was lived as a big loud screaming lighthouse for what he thought was the Gospelā€”(we can talk about the fact that he was Catholic somewhere else)ā€”even if it wasnā€™t loud-and-screaming in his fantasy epic.
Now factor in the fact that Tolkien was a philologist and an expert on Old English literature, particularly fictional works. This is important because it means that when he read a story, he read it in a completely different and deeper language than the rest of us understand. He got the meaning of Beowulf in a way that none of us ever will, and he probably understood the way it was intended to be understood better than anyone else.
Itā€™s like he spoke a language that the rest of us can only catch a few words of. And then he wrote his book in that language. In that language, his book is probably intensely stupidly clear about God. But we donā€™t speak it. So is that his fault? Thatā€™s the question.
Because the main, big question is, ā€œShould you be unmistakably clear about the Gospel or just sprinkle it in intuitively, accidentally, because youā€™re a Christian so itā€™ll leak in there somewhere?ā€
Or, like my favorite songwriter Tyler Joseph says, ā€œwhich theory works/ yelling on the street corner or cleverly masking your words?ā€
I think the answer is ā€œyes, be intentional and be clear, donā€™t do it ā€˜by accident.ā€™ā€
But the thing is, for fallible humans divided and confused by the Fallā€¦thereā€™s a limit to how clear we can be, even with people weā€™re being perfectly plain with. Thereā€™s no such thing as ā€œunmistakable,ā€ because nobody is perfect at communicating, and even when theyā€™re very good at it, everybodyā€™s ability to understand is clouded. Itā€™s like they have vision that is impeded by smudges of ā€˜prejudiceā€™ and ā€˜biased personal experienceā€™ and ā€˜propensity to only hear what they want to hear.ā€™ We donā€™t speak the same language.
So I guess my final answer would be, ā€œBe as clear as you know how to be, and be intentional, to make your whole life say the Gospel.ā€
When people interview or ask you about your story, tell them in no uncertain terms that itā€™s about the Gospel. If they donā€™t get it, explain it to them. Spell it out. Then do better on your story next time so they donā€™t have to ask youā€”or assume that itā€™s a ā€œthemā€ problem and ā€œthis kind of person needs me to explain it, even if thereā€™s no lack of clarity in my work.ā€
Meanwhile, live your whole life as an example of the Gospel in the way you work hard and treat others. Open your MOUTH and tell your testimony of how Christ saved you to people, in person, whenever you get the chance.
The point is to put Godā€™s glory on display. You want to do that with every aspect of your life and every facet of your capabilities. So you can do it with symbolism in a story, but you better also do it with how you answer interview questions or write an author-synopsis of who you are as a person on the back cover, and you better also do it with how you treat someone in traffic, and you better also do it with how you open your mouth and tell your co-worker what you believe about God.
As long as your heart is to put Godā€™s glory on displayā€”over being successful, over building your talent and skill, over being popular, over having an audienceā€”I think youā€™ll be doing the right thing. But how you do it is open to a little bit of interpretation, because different levels of communication hit different levels of understanding. So be super symbolic and imagery-vague, or be very one-to-one and allegoricalā€”but with everything you do, do it to point to God in no uncertain terms and with your whole heart.
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brothermouse Ā· 18 days ago
I want to make weird church art. Any suggestion on where to start?
Here's my three step guide to getting started with weird church art:
Step one: there's a little guy in your head who keeps telling you that nobody wants your weird Mormon art. That nobody outside the church cares and nobody inside the church wants that. It's a niche within a niche and there's only, like, three people in the whole world who will know what you're going for. Find the little guy in your head who says that
Embrace the idea that you're making this art for yourself. Do what you love because you love it.
Step Two: Find inspiration. I got into weird Mormon art by way of a random interest in Vaporwave a few years back. As I poked around Vaporwave subreddit and online communities, I also kept an eye out for any Mormon connections (because that's just a weird thing I do all the time) and I came across LazerOS, who was making some very weird, very Mormon Vaporwave art. It blew my little mind. We can do that? We can make blatantly Mormon art? We can not only talk about, but also embrace the weirdness of Mormonism and NOT apologize for it? Mind. Blown.
Once I knew that there was a least one weird Mormon artist, I started looking for more to see what kind of stuff they were getting away with: Camila Stark's witchy eco-goth approach, Matt Page's Pop art, and any others. The ARCH-HIVE is a great place to find artists making good stuff. Taking in their stuff sort of gave me permission to make my own stuff.
Also make sure to look at more traditional, mainstream Mormon art, C. C. A. Christensen, Minerva Teichert, Jorge Cocco SantƔngelo, and others. Find what you like to see and absorb it into your artistic being like some kind of cosmic jello horror.
Step Three: Do NOT recreate the Art & Belief movement! You're gonna want to. You might even already want to. I think most Mormon artists go through an Art & Belief movement phase. Don't. It's been tried, it was good, but it failed. Basically the Art & Belief movement was an attempt by LDS artists in the 60s and 70s to make world class Mormon art. The phrase I've heard connected to it was "to make Salt Lake like the Vatican, where people have to find quiet corners to weep for the beauty of the art".
That's a noble goal, and the Art & Belief movement produced some beautiful stuff, but ultimately it failed because of the simple face that Salt Lake is not the Vatican. Mormon art will never be Catholic art. Not should it be. Nearly every force involved in the Art & Belief movement from the artists themselves to church leadership wanted Mormon art to be something it wasn't. The artists wanted it to be something that connected emotionally to the world and church leadership wanted it to be instructive and traditional. Both were disappointed because that's not what Mormon art is.
Frankly we don't yet know what Mormon art is. That's kinda what the goal of weird Mormon art is, throw everything at the wall and see what sticks.
Ultimately the TL;DR version is this: Make your art for you. Learn what you like and do that. Let it be what it is and learn to love it.
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synergysilhouette Ā· 16 days ago
11 more hot takes/unpopular opinions with DC and Marvel Comics
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Originally this was 10, but I had one more to mention. And remember how my first post was Marvel-centric? This one is DC-centric.
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Starfire and Arsenal were better Outlaws than Bizarro and Artemis and deserve another shot--I know I phrased this like a fact, but all this is subjective. I find Arsenal and Starfire more interesting characters and enjoy their chemistry with Jason and their romance with each other. I just wasn't crazy about the art we got for their run, nor the blatant oversexualization of Starfire.
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2. Harley Quinn and Red Hood are the next-gen Joker and Batman (and I ship it)--I've thought about this forever, but Jason's broody, solitary-except-when-he-needs-to-collaborate nature reminds me of how Batman is commonly depicted, though Jason is a more violent version. Harley, being a whimsical and goofy antihero, thus feels like the next-gen version of her ex (though I understand if you find Punchline or Joker's Daughter as more deserving of that). I'd also love her on an Outlaws team with Jason and Ghostmaker. I also always felt like they'd have better chemistry than the popular Nightwing/Harley ship (which I never really shipped, especially with how they've had Harley sexually harass him in the past). That said, this works best if Harley joined Joker post-Jason's torture.
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3. Jamal Campbell is the best cover artist for DC--His Nightwing art has me in a chokehold, and I love it! I also appreciate him making Nightwing curvy without it being from an ogling angle (see #5). That said, his actual work on Nightwing's issues isn't as good, but I think that's a time issue.
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4. Travis Moore is the best issue artist for DC right now--I fell in love the moment I saw his work on "Wonder Woman." He's who I'd want as the artist for a "Red Hood and the Outlaws" series with Starfire and Arsenal. Really want him to do Nightwing, Titans, and a Tim Drake solo. Serg Acuna is a close second, but I'm not crazy about how he draws jawlines; they're more angular while I prefer them rounded.
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5. DC needs to stop objectifying Nightwing--It's one thing to be sexy; that's cool, and it's something that the subject can (kind of) control. But Dick is constantly objectified and harassed, as well as being the victim of sexual assault on more than one occasion. Personally, I headcanon him "being okay" with the harassment and objectification in-universe due to the trauma of being assaulted and not wanting to make the situation worse, but in any case, he should be a superhero first, sex object second. You can have him be attractive without predominantly being eye-candy; I hate how Harley Quinn's tv show, "Gotham Knights," and "Nothing Butt Nightwing" wanna not only bring attention to him solely for his curves, but make him vain about it just so no one can criticize the harassment.
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6. Marvel needs to stop going the demon route with Nightcrawler (especially now)--Given Kurt's kindness and Catholic faith (that fluctuates based on the writer, I guess), his appearance as a blue creature with a tail is mainly for ironic purposes. I hate how every now and then, they like to lean into the demonic angle for him, since it undermines his character SO MUCH. Plus since his birth has been retconned (hopefully for the last time), it makes no sense to connect him with demons.
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7. Iceman has fallen out of favor with me--I don't think his solos have been very interesting, and it feels like they've made his sexuality a personality trait. I'd prefer he just stays a team member on an X-team (and eventually date Somnus if Daken is still unavailable).
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8. Major X needed a rehaul, but he had potential--I already did a post on this, but the gist is that he needed a new everything: different dad (because not everything has to circle back to the Summers-Grey clan), different powers (because OP telepaths are a dime-a-dozen), a more unique costume in design and color, having a different storyline than "I came to prevent a terrible future," and MAYBE make him from Earth-13729 because I like some of the characters. Basically just keep Storm as his mom, lol. And this isn't a must, but as an advocate for more original LGBT+ characters, making him part of the community would be neat in my book.
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9. Russell Dauterman and Lucas Werneck are the best artists at Marvel right now--This is my "argue with the wall" opinion, lol. They've made amazing art, and I wish they'd do the art for every X-Men comic, imo.
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10. Where are the Gargareans?--It disturbs me that in the course of 15 months, DC had two storylines about a young man abandoned by his Amazonian mother and being (understandably) bitter about it when he finds out. Not to say everything would've been fixed, but aren't the Gargareans the male counterparts to the Amazons? The circumstance of sons of Amazons being abandoned by their mothers as per the rules of Paradise Island is never resolved despite the son's frustration and hostility. It's just like "oh yeah, that happened. Moving on!"
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11. HiC was necessary (just not as it was)--We didn't need a murder plot for this to be good. Booster Gold and Harley Quinn being a duo with cute shenanigans around a serious premise was enough. Let these heroes get therapy once a year (or more; the issue itself could just be annual), and let us see these characters GROW, creating a stricter writing style for writing them rather than the flimsy style superheroes often face with different writers or when publishers go through a change in priority.
Hope you enjoyed this post! Any hot takes you agree with?
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roronoas4nji Ā· 6 months ago
Sanji is a drag queen who always uses elements of Catholic aesthetics in her costumes, especially Our Lady. Never in a disrespectful way, since her performances only talk about feelings, usually things that afflict him. And he sees in her, as a mother, a certain comfort. Not to mention that it is a great connection to his real profession: as a priest.
Zoro sometimes gets temporary work as a security guard when he needs money and his friend Ace called him to replace him one night. He accepted without asking any questions beforehand, without being surprised when he came across an LGBT club hidden in the quiet town. He didn't even turn towards the stage, remaining completely focused on his work. Until a voice surprised him.
Sanji is a priest in a parish with few faithful, having been given this position after the death of the previous priest. His father forced him to start on this path, as soon as Vinsmoke discovered that the blond was kissing one of his classmates at the boys' boarding school. He didn't want to follow the religious life, however, he also didn't have the strength to fight against it.
His small attempts at secret relationships never went ahead. Sanji thought that either way, with or without the weight of the cassock, he would never be loved. Therefore, in this way, his existence would at least serve some good for others: he could help them. He stopped dating for good and dedicated himself body and soul to both versions of his personality, giving himself completely. His best friend was the one who recommended him to one of her social projects. Robin is a businesswoman who welcomes LGBT artists and tries to help them in their careers. She was the one who encouraged him to try performing, suggesting her bar as a stage. On Fridays, the audience becomes select, with only regulars who eagerly await the special club. After much convincing, Sanji agreed, as long as his appearance was unrecognizable.
Zoro was called on one of those Fridays, which did not arouse his interest in the slightest. However, when Sanji took the stage, singing in French his laments for Christian guilt, even he, who was the opposite of sacred, could not resist. Zoro had to turn his back to see who owned the beautiful voice.
And for someone who never cared about glitter or anything like that, he was quite enchanted.
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whatswrongwithblue Ā· 7 months ago
The Fire in the Sin
Chapter 17 - The Prophetess vs. The Nun
Word count: 7,892. Read on AO3. Series Masterlist. <- Previous Chapter
Summary: Alastor and Mina being the power couple they are. Things get a little messy, in more than one sense of the word.
MIND THE TRIGGER WARNINGS: mind control, mass murder, graphic depictions of cannibalism, graphic depictions of torture, breeding kink (Alastor in rut/Mina in heat), religious/blasphemy kink, semi-public sex, exhibitionism, masturbation, oral (both receiving), monster fucking, tentacle sex, p&v, creampie, double penetration, sex toy/vibrator, squirting.
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I can't find the artist for this image. If someone recognizes it, please tell me so I can credit them!
Series Summary:
In the 1950's, Alastor met the woman he would eventually marry but unfortunately his Radio Demon persona went for her soul rather than her hand. He has to learn what it means to love, and cherish, without possessing and he does. Their relationship is beautiful, strong, unbreakable . . . but he carries a dark secret through their marriage for decades until eventually he has to face the consequences of that secret and leave her, without warning, for seven years. He returns, finding her at the Hazbin Hotel, and has to convince her to forgive him, while being literally bound to secrecy, unable to tell her any of things he now is desperate to explain to her.
(This is a duel timeline fic, timestamps will be a the top of every chapter.)
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Chapter 17 - The Prophetess vs. The Nun
When Alastor had regained some semblance of control over himself, he returned to the main room of the tower to find Mina sitting at his chair and going through his notes on Kassandra, ready to begin making plans on how to take her down.
Alastor had figured they would just show up and start destroying things but Mina had a more creative and artistic eye when it came to carnage.
Normally he enjoyed working alone. He had his work and she had hers and it worked well for their relationship that those things stayed separate. Only occasionally did they mix work with pleasure but if any situation had ever called for them to be a team, it was this one.
Mina explained to Alaster that while she didnā€™t necessarily have a ā€œnormalā€ mental connection with Kassandra, where she could possibly push back and invade the other womanā€™s mind, she had still succeeded in gleaming a sense of personality with the intrusive thoughts that had come along with the possession. Kassandraā€™s likes and dislikes, her desires, and most importantly, what terrified her.
ā€œLots of religious trauma with that one,ā€ Mina said, flipping through the many pages Alastor had collected over the last few weeks. ā€œI mean, I could have guessed that. She insulted you and I for being Catholic, even though that made no more sense than insulting herself for being raised in the Church.ā€
ā€œAh, the things we hate the most about ourselves is often what we see first in others,ā€ Alastor said.
ā€œShe really hates nuns in particular. Must have had some run ins with a few particularly nasty ones.ā€
ā€œReally? Well thatā€™s interesting,ā€ Alastor said with a smirk. ā€œI think we can have some fun with that one.ā€
ā€œAnd food, but I think you already knew that, given her history while she was alive,ā€ Mina said, feeling her own stomach twist at the idea of eating. She still hadnā€™t been able to get herself to eat anything, although she was getting dreadfully hungry. ā€œI think thatā€™s why she targeted Cannibal Town the way she did. Sheā€™s just disgusted by them. Oh, and donā€™t forget racist. Which I donā€™t think is a result of any kind of trauma other than being from Texas. Still pisses me off.ā€
ā€œWell, my dear,ā€ he said with an unbothered grin and placing a kiss between Minaā€™s ears as he leaned over her from behind. ā€œShe wonā€™t be the first white woman this mullato demon will have torn to bits.ā€ Ā 
With a decent exchange of information between them, they were able to formulate a plan, hoping they would be able to act on it by the next morning, depending on how Mina felt. It would have to be perfectly timed; Mina would have to be sure she could stay in control but still feel a small bit of the affects of Kassandraā€™s blood in her.
Tomorrow morning was Sunday, the day that Kassandra always held her black mass. And only those tainted with her blood could open the front doors of her ā€œchurch.ā€
Evening came and Mina still refused to let Alastor take the chains off her but she wanted to sleep in their bed, confident she no longer needed to be chained to the wall upstairs.
Alastor accepted the compromise, and as much as he needed a good rest himself, he left her to sleep alone in their bed while he tried to get some rest upstairs. He kept his shadow wrapped around her, the darkness of the room making it effortless for it to take form and give her the comfort that he himself could not. Not without bringing too much temptation onto himself.
He had been stretched out on the sofa in the main room, one arm across his chest, and the other hanging off the edge, in a deep, whiskey aided, exhausted sleep, when a growing sense of alarm invaded his senses, and pulled him from the depths of his slumber.
Alastor opened his eyes to see his shadow hovering over him, its eyes and smile glowing green. He sat up as it reached for him, enveloping him in tendrils and dragging him through the floorboards before Alastor had a chance to fully wake up and comprehend what was happening.
He found himself brought into his bedroom, looking down at a sleeping Mina, while his shadow left his side and fanned itself out across the wall that the bed was tucked up against. It loomed over Mina, looking between her sleeping form and Alastor.
It was trying to tell him something was wrong with her.
Mina had kicked off all her blankets and as Alastor watched her, she fidgeted in her sleep, restless even as her eyes twitched behind her eyelids in a dreamlike state. She looked flushed, with a red tint on her cheeks and across the top of her chest, below where the heavy shackle lay.
Alastor reached over her, pressing a palm to her forehead and felt her burning up as if with fever, though she wasnā€™t clammy. Alarm bells rang as he wondered what new assault this was and how Kassandra could possibly have given her a literal infection of the body.
Then Mina sighed in her sleep, making a tiny, barely audible whine and Alastor pulled his hand away, understanding the situation once the familiarity of it dawned on him.
Mina wasnā€™t sick. She was in heat.
Alastorā€™s shadow felt the idea form in his mind at the same time and though it was a much simpler creature than he, it knew to grab him again and send him back up into the main room.
Once up there, Alastor sat back down on the couch, trying very hard to ignore the massive hard on he now had.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck . . . .
The mantra ran through his mind, the only clear thought he could come up with.
His rut was difficult enough. The two of them had only come into their breeding seasons at the exact same time on a handful of occasions in past years and it was always . . . an event. Minaā€™s spring heats were easier to keep track of and predict but her fall one was the most intense and seemed to vary quite a bit, year to year, as to when it would occur. When she did go into heat while he was in rut, it was like mixing fire and gasoline. Their hormonal urges only fed off each otherā€™s desires. The last time it had happened, they had rented a little cabin on the far, far reaches of Pride Ring, well outside of the city limits, and didnā€™t leave the building, and barely ate, or slept, for three solid days. It had been the most intense, blissful, physical experience at the time but the aftereffects had left Alastor completely drained and exhausted. He understood now how real, living bucks could sometimes literally die from their ruts. And it wasnā€™t something he eagerly awaited happening again.
For it to happen now, when they very much needed to have their attention on other things, and Mina was already at risk of losing her mental faculties, was the worst thing Alastor could have imagined. It was difficult enough to not be practically on top of her every second that she had been around him the last two days. His body was absolutely betraying him, round the clock, his mind wandering to the most lewd and obscene ways he should be using her body.
And now the idea of her down in their bed, literally flushed with desire, likely very wet and welcoming between her legs nearly took over what was left of his shredded willpower. Not only would she not mind if he went down there and fucked her senseless, she wouldnā€™t be able to resist once it began; her own body would be crying out for it as much as his was.
But if they started tonight, he was sure they wouldnā€™t be able to stop come morning.
And the rational part of his mind, the part that was still Alastor, the Radio Demon, and not some common Cervidae demon, a slave to his own hellish form and body, refused to let go of their plan of revenge for tomorrow.
Even as he downed another glass of rye and took himself in hand in order to get a little relief from that damnable, based physical need, Alastor still wanted blood more than sex. He still wanted revenge for Mina more than he wanted Mina herself.
Maybe Abaddon was (a little) right and Alastor did crave power above all else. But if any of his desires led him to choose something over Mina, it was only temporary. By the end of the day tomorrow, he would have both his revenge and his lover . . . and his power.
He would have it all.
Mina didnā€™t even mention her heat to Alastor the next morning, though there was no way she hadnā€™t realized it was happening. Her pupils were always wide like she was riding the highest of highs when she was in heat and sure enough, when she looked at him as he unhooked the angelic steel shackle from around her neck, her usually vertical pupils were as dilated and round as they could possibly get.
This is why they were perfect together.
Forget how well they complimented each other in every domestic regard. Or how while alive, they had both risen from poverty during the same era, both endured racism, but murdered out of necessity and the pleasure of the deed.
It was this, this need to be powerful enough to not be messed with, this burning desire to let others know they were not to be trifled with. Mina may not have shared Alastorā€™s competitiveness, her desire for power was strictly a manifestation of her desire for safety, but that small difference made her even more perfect. She wasnā€™t competition for his position and never would be. But she could hold her own against most threats and understood and appreciated how he worked.
And though she didnā€™t experience touch aversion the way he often did, though she had a much larger appetite for sex and romance than him on a normal day, she could still power through the mental fog of her heat and focus on what needed to be done. Very few Sinners could say the same.
Kassandraā€™s black mass started at 9:00 am prompt.
At 9:05 Mina stood outside the large, imposing, and grotesquely carved wooden double doors of her church. From within, the faint sound of Kassandraā€™s voice could be heard, though clear words couldnā€™t be made out.
She had already started her sermon.
With a deep breath in, Mina opened both doors at once, leaving them wide open as she stepped over the threshold.
The pews were nearly full of ghouls, though there were several empty rows at the back. Room to grow, Alastor supposed, but Kassandra would never be given that chance.
Kassandra had stopped speaking as soon as the doors had opened, looking at first shocked, but then she began to smile as she saw who was coming in. All she could see was Mina, and it was clear Kassandra believed she had just earned herself her first Sinner convert.
Alastor moved through the opened double doors a second later, using his shadow form to drift along the walls until he solidified behind Kassandra at her podium.
In front of her entire congregation, he appeared towering over her, a taller, more monstrous version of his usual form. 9 feet of antlered, clawed, and bloodthirsty demon loomed over the new Overlord, dressed from head to toe as a nun.
ā€œBoo,ā€ Alastor said and laughed as Kassandra began to scream.
Mina felt the doors slam shut behind her and saw Alastorā€™s magical barricade form between the podium and the rest of the congregation. He would deal with Kassandra, safe behind a soundproof wall of shadow.
The rest of the ghouls were hers. And she was starving.
With Abaddonā€™s blood singing through her veins and heightening her power to a strength she had never known, Mina opened her mouth and began to sing.
ā€œTake me past the outer courts
Into the Holy Place
Past the brazen Alter
Lord, I want to see Your face
Pass me by the crowds of people
The priests who sing Your praise
I hunger and thirst for Your righteousness
But itā€™s only found in one place.ā€
For a crowd this large, it usually took a few lines for Minaā€™s words to take hold. For the first verse, most would just stare and gawk at her as the music warped their minds, forced into a trance, until her will could be enforced. But with the power of angelic blood in her, Kassandraā€™s ghouls began to turn on each other by the end of the very first line.
Through the wall of shadow, Mina could see Kassandra, being strung up by tentacles, held by them from the ceiling to better enjoy the show.
Mina stopped singing, no longer needing to bother, as she marched down the aisle.
The ghouls, so starved for so long, in life and death, had been awakened to their hunger. Had been allowed to feel that burning, twisting pain Mina could feel in her own stomach, and the very desperate need for blood and meat. And the only source for that delicious reprieve was each other.
There was a surprising amount of blood in their bodies, considering how little flesh there appeared to be, and Mina was splattered more than once as she made her way up to the altar that stood in the middle of the rows of pews, and then stepped around it.
At the foot of the short set of stairs that led up to where Kassandra gave her sermons, Mina stopped, and turned her attention on the nearest damned soul.
She tilted her head, felt her jaw unhinge in preparation for its meal, and lunged.
Alastor smiled, a true and vicious smile, as he watched Kassandra squirm in the grasp of his shadows. The barricade was soundproof to protect them both from the effects of Minaā€™s singing; he wanted Kassandra as lucid and mortified as possible. But it wasnā€™t fully opaque. The wall was more than transparent enough to see the affect of Minaā€™s singing, a Catholic hymn she had thought perfect for the occasion, and Alastor could easily see the entirety of Kassandraā€™s cult as they began to devour each other.
He lowered the barrier, certain now that Mina had stopped singing, so they got the full surround sound affects of the screaming; along with the wet squelching and tearing noises of over two hundred bodies being torn apart and chewed on.
Kassandra began to scream with renewed vigor and Alastor loosened some of his shadowā€™s grip on her, just enough for her to get a real good lung full of air and scream for him even better.
With the barrier down, he could also get a better view of Mina.
She was on hands and knees, bent over what was left of the corpse of a nameless ghoul. Its rib cage was cracked wide open, and her face buried in the chest cavity. Her hands, arms, and even her hair were coated in blood, her face hidden from view as she devoured the heart, but her tail was perfectly visible as it swayed behind her.
Alastor had been wound up and strung so taut the last two days and something deep within him finally snapped and broke free as he watched Mina be her most heinous and carnal self.
For a man who had never even kissed her in public, he suddenly found the idea of taking her there in front of everyone to be incredibly arousing.
But first, he just wanted to watch her satisfy herself.
As she continued with her meal, Alastor reached his hand through his robes and began stroking himself. The long slit that he had created was not usually found on the constricting black garments that nuns wore, but this was an outfit of his own creation and he could alter it to fit his every whim.
There was a large and ornate looking chair tucked into the back of the room, out of sight from the congregation that Alastor assumed was for some kind of ritual, and he summoned it forward so that he could properly relax and enjoy the view.
He gave himself long, slow pumps, building himself up for pleasure rather than for the simple act of finishing, as he watched Mina tear out the ghoulā€™s liver and bite it in half. His cock twitched in his grip, letting himself succumb to the sheer amount of lust and love he felt for her in that moment.
After she finished with the liver, Mina looked up and her eyes landed on him. They flickered down as she caught the movement of his dirty deed beneath the robe and then looked back up at his face, holding his gaze. There was no disgust or even surprise in her features, just pure determination and desire.
She stood up from her crouched position, the lower half of her face painted red, the ends of her hair, the torso of her dress, and her arms up to her elbows likewise a bloody mess, and walked over to him.
Alastor rose to meet her as she approached and the chair turned to shadow, forgotten as he let go of himself and pulled her to him, grabbing her face with both hands and devouring her lips with his own. She tasted and smelled of blood and death, like power and victory; she was the embodiment of everything he cherished and craved in this world.
Mina pulled away from the kiss and Alastor could feel the stickiness of the blood she had left on his lips and enjoyed the mental image of his smiling down at her, crimson smeared across his features, adding to the blasphemous outfit he had on.
Whatever came next, he was not taking off those robes.
His cock throbbed at the thought of fucking her dressed like that, there in that church, in front of Kassandra and however many of the ghouls that were left alive.
Mina found the opening he had made in the robes and slipped her own hand through, but she surprised him when she used her nail to slice a long slit down to the floor, exposing an entire leg from hip bone to ankle. It made the robes almost appear to be some twisted risquƩ dress, while also giving her easier access to what she was after, and the debauchery of it only turned Alastor on more.
Looking pleased with her decision, Mina got down on her knees before Alastor and took his cock in her hands.
Before she could bring her mouth to him, Alastor grabbed a fistful of her hair behind her ears and held her still.
ā€œIs this what you want?ā€
ā€œYes,ā€ she answered back.
ā€œYou like to suck my cock?ā€ he asked.
ā€œYes,ā€ she panted, never breaking eye contact.
ā€œPull up your skirts,ā€ he demanded.
Still looking up at him, she let go of his erection and used both hands to first undo the buttons of her sweater and slip it off her shoulders before she tossed it to the side. Then, she bunched up her skirts at her hips. Alastor kept his grip on her hair the whole time.
ā€œIs this how you want me?ā€ she asked.
ā€œGod, yes,ā€ he said, feeling almost painful with need as he stared at her exposed cleavage and the spots across her shoulders. ā€œAnd touch yourself. Show me how turned on you get with my dick down your throat.ā€
Mina again took him in hand, guiding his shaft in her mouth, as her other hand slipped beneath the top band of her underwear and began working herself.
Only then did she break eye contact, closing her eyes and moaning as he thrust deeper into her mouth. Alastor brought his other hand to clutch at her head, holding her still as he fucked her face. The view of his cock pushing in and out of her willing lips blocked the view of what she was doing to herself, but he could see it on her face, and feel the vibration of her moans on his cock.
ā€œGood girl,ā€ he panted as he watched her pleasure building in her features, felt her whimpering as her fingers worked her up even as she choked on his length. ā€œPut your fingers inside yourself. Fuck yourself for me, darling.ā€
He could see her shift her weight, spreading her legs a little farther and reaching further inside her underwear, and felt her moans grow deeper as she fulfilled his wish.
Alastor rewarded her by slowing down a little, not hitting as hard into the back of her throat. Mina opened her eyes and looked up at him, giving him a hard and delicious suck in appreciation.
ā€œHmm, keep doing that,ā€ he encouraged, enjoying the slower, less brutal pace that allowed her to use her tongue better along his length. ā€œThatā€™s it, Mina, just like that.ā€
She whimpered, and little tears gathered in her eyes, as she shut them again.
ā€œOh, youā€™re already so close, arenā€™t you, my sweet thing?ā€ He wouldnā€™t let her reply with words, not daring to take himself from her mouth when she was working him so well, but he could see the positive response in the way she looked at him. ā€œWho are you going to make cum first? Me or you?ā€
There was a question in her eyes and he yanked on her hair, forcing her to take him deeper.
ā€œIt better be you,ā€ he threatened, before easing his grip on her hair, stroking his fingers across where his claws had scratched her like an apology. ā€œOr would you like a little assistance?ā€
A tendril of shadow snaked around his back and traveled across the floor, moving between her open legs. Alastor made it caress her inner thigh and as it touched the edges of her panties, the fabric dissolved into nothing, and the dark tentacle brushed against her fingers that were working her wet cunt.
Mina pulled her hand away, giving the shadowy appendage permission, and Alastor felt it as it entered her, curling around her to stroke her spongy inner walls. He felt her cry out and could feel the edges of her claws hitting the tentacle as she returned her fingers to her clit.
Alastor really picked up his rhythm as he slid in and out of her lips, getting off on the muffled noises she was making as he gagged her with his cock.Ā 
She came hard and fast, his tentacle sensitive enough to pick up on the way her walls clenched and spasmed around it, and she removed her hand from herself, nearly falling forward, if not for the body pressed before her.
Alastor reached down and grabbed her hand before it could fall to the floor. He could feel his own orgasm right on the brink, and he guided her arm up enough so that he could tilt his head down and suck on her fingers.
The wet, sweet and tangy taste of her mixed with the blood of her victim excited him enough that he came right then, and Mina eagerly swallowed his release, holding onto the base of his member with her free hand.
Once he was fully finished, he pulled on her hair as she stood, bringing them together for another passionate kiss, both of them enjoying the mixed flavor of themselves on each otherā€™s tongues.
ā€œMy turn,ā€ he said, and picked her up, carrying her over to the altar that stood in the middle of the mass of bodies that were still actively devouring each other, and laid her on her back across the top of it.
Even as he pushed the skirt of Minaā€™s dress back up over her hips, Alastor was still enjoying toying with Kassandra. He used his shadows to pull her along the ceiling of the church, placing her directly above them. Let her get an even better view as he reclaimed Minaā€™s body and mind within the walls of her sanctuary. Let Kassandra scream as she witnessed the cannibalism Mina had brought to her door, how absolutely destructive Minaā€™s power could be, as he worshipped between her legs, on his knees before the altar.
Minaā€™s fingers had been covered in blood as she had fingered herself, leaving the small patch of black curls and pink lips of her sex painted red. Alastor eagerly ran his tongue over it all, licking her thoroughly clean, and earning him little sounds of praise from Mina.
She leaned forward, grabbing hold of his antlers that poked through the black veil he wore, something she nearly always did when he went down on her. Alastor loved it when she did that and he could feel his body respond to her touch as his antlers spread out even wider.
Once he was finished indulging and savoring the sweet mix of her natural taste with the ghoulish blood, Alastor began truly working her with his tongue. With long, rhythmic strokes from her entrance to her clit, he built up her pleasure until he could hear her gasping out his name.
Just as he had requested of her when she was sucking him off, Alastor began pleasuring himself, pumping his cock with his fist to the same rhythm his tongue was using on Mina.
ā€œAre you? . . . oh God, Alastor,ā€ Mina tried to say in between her little needy whimpers, ā€œ. . . fuck, love, that is so fucking hot.ā€
Alastor had never let Mina see him perform this act himself; not before that morning. He had made her touch herself for him before but never had he reversed those roles. But he could feel her cunt getting even wetter as she processed what he was doing and he used his now unnaturally long tongue to delve into her center, encouraged by her obvious arousal. If he had known she would enjoy it this much, he might have indulged this fantasy of hers much sooner.
He was unbelievably close for how little time they had spent in this position but judging by the sounds Mina was making, she was ahead of him.
ā€œCum on me,ā€ Mina said, and Alastorā€™s cock throbbed even harder in his fist. That was also new but the beast within him that controlled his rut very much liked the idea of it. ā€œPlease,ā€ she begged, ā€œI want to watch you cum on me.ā€
Alastor looked up at her from between her legs, his mouth never leaving her mound, and met her eyes with his own. He hoped she could read his nonverbal confirmation and by the way she almost instantly came around his tongue, he knew she did.
His tongue slowed, giving her several lingering strokes as she rode out her orgasm, until her hips finally stilled and she began using her hands to push him away.
It was hardly a heartbeat later that he stood, pumping himself just a few more times, and then he glanced at Minaā€™s face as she watched, enraptured by his act as he came, leaving streaks of his creamy white seed on her skirt, inner thighs, and sex.
He bent over her and they reached for each other in tandem, kissing and groping, hands desperately roaming, grabbing whatever flesh and clothing they could reach. Minaā€™s dress and the nunā€™s tunic he wore were ruined now, both covered in visceral and semen, as they pressed their clothed bodies together.
Alastor reached between Minaā€™s legs, finding her pleasantly soaked down there, as he used two fingers to spread his cum between her folds, coating her more thoroughly. She moaned against his mouth and ground her hips against his hand, the added slick texture making it even easier for him to play with and tease the folds around her clit.
ā€œGood idea, my love,ā€ he said as his mouth left hers and began exploring her neck and shoulders. ā€œYou look so pretty covered in my cum.ā€
She whimpered in response to the praise and he finally pressed his fingers directly on her little bundle of nerves, rewarding her even more with gentle but quick circular movements.
With his free hand on one shoulder, and his teeth at her other, Alastor pulled the straps of her sundress down, kissing a wet and slopping pattern across her collar bone and upper swells of her breasts, leaving several bite marks along the way.
Mina sat back on her elbows, reaching her hands behind her, and Alastor watched her dress loosen around her chest as she unzipped the back. Recognizing the invitation for what it was, he pulled the obscuring fabric further down, fulling exposing both her tits, and he clamped his mouth around one erect and hard nipple as his fingers slid lower through her folds and curled them in and up once they found her entrance.
Although he was exceptionally careful with his long claws when they were inside her, making sure to only apply pressure with the pads of his fingers, he held no such reservations when it came to his teeth on her body. Minaā€™s breasts were particularly sensitive, and he loved to pinch and play with her nipples when he fucked her. They seemed to be her favorite erogenous zone and he had often pushed the limits of their sensitivity when she was in heat. He had even once succeeded in making her cum with nipple play alone. But he was not gentle with them like he was with her pussy, and purposefully used his teeth as he sucked and marked the curvy flesh across her chest.
Mina encouraged it with everything in her arsenal, rocking her hips against his hand as she held his head to her chest. She ran her fingers through his hair, stroked his ears and antlers, ran her claws along his scalp, pressing sweet little kisses to the crown of his head, and whispering filthy things to him all the while.
He was getting hard again, his refractory period was alarmingly short and sometimes nonexistent while he was this far into his rut, and his cock bobbed in response to Minaā€™s panting praises as she begged him to fuck her harder, bite her again, fill her up, make her his.
She paused, the only sound coming from her being the sound of her heavy breathing and the wet noises of his fingers inside her. Around them, the sounds of pain and pleasure from those being eaten and those doing the eating, filled the air and nearly drowned out the noise of their lovemaking. Above them, Kassandraā€™s screams had turned to sobs of utter failure.
ā€œMake her bleed, Alastor,ā€ Mina said, in the same husky tone she used for dirty talk. ā€œIā€™m so close, love. Make me cum while I watch her bleed out.ā€
Alastor head popped up from her breasts and he grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulling her face to his as he quickened the pace of his finger fucking. She gasped in delight, her open mouth inches from his own as his smile spread with wicked approval at her words.
ā€œI fucking love you,ā€ he said to her and she smiled back, cupping his face in her hands, tenderly kissing his blood streaked mouth.
ā€œI fucking love you, too,ā€ she said, her sweet tone a stark contrast to the depravity of their situation.
Alastor commanded the tentacles of shadow that were constricting around Kassandra, holding her hostage high above them, and they responded in kind. He felt them as they began to puncture her flesh, impaling her through her lower gut as others cut through the skin of her limbs as they slithered around her.
She began screaming again, writhing in the grasp of the deadly appendages, which only made more droplets of her blood rain down from above.
Mina began to cry out as well, and her lusty shouts of pleasure harmonized beautifully with the screams of torture from the other woman. Alastor and Mina had never been interested in adding a third to their dynamic but he had to admit, he was enjoying the way the two womanā€™s voices blended together. He had never considered mixing his love of murder and torment with his sexual activities but the way his cock was becoming painfully hard, it was clearly a newly discovered kink for both of them. Mina held onto his shoulders, her eyes focused on the show above them, as she came undone, her walls clenching tightly around his fingers as she did so.
Even as she came down from her orgasm and her body began to settle and relax, Alastor continued slowly stroking her sex, keeping her high going. She twitched a couple times, just on the brink of overstimulation, so he softened his movements even more. He stayed patient, even as his cock twitched, hard and ready for more. Alastor took his time, kissing her mouth and neck, stroking her breast with his free hand, tenderly giving her body the small pleasures it needed to keep her wanting more.
Mina sighed into his hair as he sucked hard on her neck, right over where he could feel the hammering beat of her pulse. He felt the shift in her, the way she tilted her hips up and encouraged his fingers, and knew she was ready for more.
Alastor removed his hand from between her legs and once more took the bundled-up skirt of her dress into his fists. The orange fabric, that was now only covering up her stomach and getting in his way, disappeared at his touch, leaving Mina completely naked across the altar.Ā 
Setting the stage for his final act, Alastor summoned flames. They burned in the air above them, fueled by nothing but his power and fury, putting a green and fiery barrier between them and Kassandra. The heat would slowly build for Kassandra as she remained suspended above the fire, first uncomfortable and then unbearable. The perfect contrast to what he was about to do to Mina.
Alastor grabbed hold of Minaā€™s naked hips and pulled her forward, until they were just hanging off the edge of the altar. Appreciating the new angle, she spread her legs wider and lifted them around him. He reached between them, adjusting the slit in the tunic Mina had made, until it fully exposed him and he pressed his naked pelvis into hers as his cock slid into her welcoming warmth.
He could see the reflection of the burning green glow in Minaā€™s wide, black pupils. She watched the flames growing above them as he began to move.
ā€œYou like that, donā€™t you,ā€ he said once he got into the perfect tempo and began to fuck her properly. She was drenched, even down to her inner thighs, a mix of her own wetness and his cum, and it didnā€™t take long for the mess to cover himself. ā€œYou want to watch her burn as I fuck you?ā€
ā€œYes, yes, yes,ā€ Mina said, every word punctuated by an inward thrust of his cock into her.
ā€œYou want to watch her skin blister? Would that make you cum for me again?ā€
Mina could only whine and gasp in response to his filthy words. To his amazement, it seemed like she was already close again, so he picked up his pace and began to piston into her with short, hard thrusts.
ā€œYou want to watch her burst into flames as I fill your sweet pussy full of cum, donā€™t you?ā€
ā€œGod, yes, Alastor, yes,ā€ she cried out and then sobbed, brought to tears by the strength of her fourth orgasm.
He slowed his movements, but only to the steady in and out rhythm he had set at the beginning. Minaā€™s back hit the flat top of the altar a moment later, once the tension of her orgasm left her, but Alastor could still feel the tremble of her walls along his shaft, especially when he refused to let up.
She was properly overstimulated now and under normal circumstances he would give her a break. But the wild and crazed look on her face told him all he needed to know about what she wanted.
ā€œLook around you,ā€ he said, wrapping his hand around the bottom of her jaw and forcing her head to the side, making her look at the bloodshed and slaughter she had accomplished with her song. Over a hundred bodies left in pieces, gutted and torn to bits, and there was hardly a spot on the floor of the entire cathedral that wasnā€™t covered in a thick layer of blood and tissue. The other half of the cult members continued on with their newfound love of cannibalism, completely oblivious to the couple fucking on their altar.
ā€œYou did this. You wanted this,ā€ he said, and removed his hand from her jaw only to replace it with a rope made of shadow that wrapped itself around her neck. ā€œYouā€™re so fucking perfect, my love. So now Iā€™m going to fuck you as hard as I can.ā€
Mina shook and moaned beneath him, tears running down her temples and into her hairline as he picked up his pace again. Her sounds were audibly strangled now and he watched as her face turned red from the pressure of the tentacle at her throat, but he kept it at just the right tightness, so she could enjoy the high of being choked without blacking out.
Another tentacle sprouted from his back and twisted between his legs. He felt it grazing the bottom side of his shaft as it followed his body to Minaā€™s, stopping for a moment at where they were joined, and then curling lower.
Mina groaned, spreading her hips wider, as the tentacle began playing with her ass. It slid just the tip of itself in, giving soft and gentle little swirls, making sure she was relaxed and ready for more, and coating itself with the mix of their releases that had pooled there.
ā€œTell me you want more,ā€ Alastor said, and loosened the tangle of shadow at her throat enough so she could comfortably speak.
ā€œI want more,ā€ Mina answered, her speech nearly slurred as he continued to fuck her far beyond the limits of pleasure they usually reached.
ā€œWant more of what, my sweet girl?ā€ he asked.
Above them, Kassandraā€™s screaming intensified until it was a high-pitched mewl of madness and misery. The heat from the flames had begun to warm Alastorā€™s back and he knew Kassandraā€™s skin must be beginning to blacken and bubble from the growing inferno beneath her.
Minaā€™s eyes had been fixed on the show above them, but they looked at him then, desperate and sure of her own desires.
ā€œMore of you. All of you,ā€ she said, ā€œeverywhere.ā€
There was a whooshing sound from above and Kassandraā€™s screams changed into something Alastor recognized well. She had finally combusted and was now fully engulfed in flames. But the show was not over. As Alastor had first told Mina decades before, his green fire was more horrific than most as he had purposefully designed it to burn slower, defying all laws of chemistry and physics.
The tendril of shadow beneath his cock thickened and deepened, penetrating her ass fully now, and using both appendages at once, Alastor filled her up more than he had ever before. The added pressure of the tentacle inside her ass pressed the walls of her sex tighter around him than he had anticipated. They both groaned at the intense sensation, his voice full of static and guttural.
Alastor could feel himself losing control over his body. His antlers were growing impossibly heavy on his head, and he could feel his spine and limbs beginning to stretch. His focus was on so many places; keeping Kassandra suspended above them even as she burned, on the tentacle around Minaā€™s neck applying the perfect amount of pressure, the other tentacle pumping inside her ass, his own building pleasure as he continuously rammed his cock into her, and now he had to focus on not expanding the size of the pieces of him that were in and around Mina, less he actually hurt her, the threat of tearing a real possibility with the double penetration.
ā€œI need you to finish for me, Mina,ā€ he said, desperately, almost nervous. His claws dug into the soft flesh of her upper thighs, anxiously hoping he would start to feel her building beneath him again, but she just wasnā€™t there yet.
An idea lit up in his mind, remembering the gift he had given her just a few nights prior. He hadnā€™t brought the device with him but with a little bit more mental effort, he was able to feel it appear and solidify in his hands.
Mina had her eyes closed, so focused on the pleasures she could feel in her body, and the sounds of death around her, that she didnā€™t react when he twisted the top of the vibrator, and it began to hum. But they flew open as soon as he touched it to her clit and began moving it around the bundle of nerves.
Alastorā€™s balls tightened in response, not having considered the fact that he would be able to feel the vibrations through her walls.
ā€œOh fuck Mina,ā€ he panted, the new sensation almost more than he could bare.
ā€œMore,ā€ she growled, and he pressed the toy into her clit in way that must have been painful, but the way she cried out in response let him know it was exactly what she had wanted.
He tried so hard to keep his focus on her rather than how hard his cock was being squeezed inside her or how deliciously the vibrator was working both of them, refusing to let himself cum again before she had.
Minaā€™s chest began to rise and fall, her tits bouncing with every aggressive thrust he gave her, and she touched herself, pinching and pulling on the nipple of one bitten and bloody breast.
Alastor felt the tentacle tighten around her neck even without meaning to but Mina took it well, just moaning and throwing her head back in response.
ā€œCome on, my love, cum for me,ā€ he begged.
Mina opened her eyes again and looked up and then around her, as much as his chokehold on her allowed her to, getting one last look at what their vengeance had brought to this unholy place.
Then to Alastorā€™s initial confusion, she lifted the arm that wasnā€™t still teasing her breast, and brought it up and over her head, reaching her fingers out behind her as if she were trying to touch the nearest ghoulā€™s body.
There were still several dozens of them left alive, still mindlessly feasting on the remains of their fellow cult members.
Alastor watched as a soft golden glow shot forward from Minaā€™s open palm and then all at once, every one of the two hundred bodies burst into angelic flame.
She smiled for a moment and then closed her eyes, her jaw dropping open as she screamed out her pleasure, her orgasm ripping through her body and tensing every muscle she had.
Alastor felt the rush of fluid over his cock, drenching his pelvis and the tentacle beneath him.
Mina screamed on for several more seconds, and Alastor released the vibrator and his tentacles from her body, patiently letting her come down from her heightened state of bliss.
ā€œWha-,ā€ she stammered as her eyes finally fluttered again, even as he continued to pump himself in and out of her, ā€œwhat did I . . .ā€
No longer holding back his own release, Alastor loomed over her, feeling even his neck beginning to lengthen as his body changed into something far less human. Mina wrapped her arms around him, embracing his larger, demonic form.
He ignored her question, so completely aroused by her first ejaculation on him. He could tell her later what a compliment it had been to the fucking he had just given her, but right now his mind could no longer process words.
There was a second where Alastor felt Kassandra finally pass, her soul completely devoured by his flames, as her power seeped into his being.
The shadowing restraints that had been holding her up disappeared as Alastor gave himself completely to Mina, and what was left of Kassandra's charred body fell silently into the angelic flames around them.
Mina clung to his distorted body, holding him gently as only a lover could do, as he continued to rut against her, on the very brink of his own final orgasm.
Despite his increased size, she was able to slip her hand under his robes and reach around him to grab the base of his tail. She stroked it to the same beat that he fucked her, gently running her fingers through the soft fur and over the ridges of the vertebrae beneath the skin.
ā€œItā€™s over, Alastor,ā€ she whispered to him. ā€œYou can let go, now. Iā€™m all yours.ā€
His release was almost instant, and she continued to caress his tail as he pumped his seed inside her, nuzzling her face into his chest as he began to relax, gradually returning to his normal form and size.
They lay together, him still inside her and becoming soft again, even as the flames began to consume the walls around them. Mina somehow kept them at bay, her command over the angelic flame increased by the power that Abaddonā€™s blood had given her.
She pulled off the black veil of the habit so she could lovingly run her fingers through his red and black hair, kissing his cheek and neck, all while he lay limp above her, trying to catch his breath and collect himself.
ā€œI love you,ā€ she said, smiling at him when he finally lifted his head and met her eyes.
ā€œI love you,ā€ he replied, still panting a little, and kissed her tenderly on the lips as he finally pulled himself out of her warm, wet heat.
They both sighed a little at the empty feeling. It wouldnā€™t be long before they were both ready for more but the flames were beginning to reach the high ceiling of the church, telling Alastor they had officially run out of time.
A minute later, the front doors of the church flung back open, and a melted form of shadow burst out and streaked away, heading for the heart of the city and the radio tower, carrying with it the two lovers as they left to enjoy the rest of their vacation in isolated bliss.
Golden and green flames mixed and began licking at the open doorway. Stained glass windows shattered and smoke and more flames billowed out from the gaping wounds left behind. Then the ceiling collapsed as onlookers began to gather and watch, unsure of exactly what had happened, but knowing the Radio Demon had finally gotten his revenge against The Prophetess.
Next Chapter ->
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@inuhalfdemon @saccharine-nectarine @whoknowswhoiamtoday
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maybe-boys-do-love Ā· 3 months ago
What are some possibly significant queer associations with St. Bartholomew for Ticket to Heaven?
I'm glad you asked!
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For those who donā€™t know, Bartholomewā€™s considered one of Jesusā€™s twelve disciples, but barely mentioned in the Bible. It's generally agreed that he is referred to also as Nathanael in the gospel of John, and as someone with the name Nathaniel, which means gift of God in Hebrew, I can tell you thatā€™s a gay-ass name and will also def make me cry if I think too hard about Gem's character having that parallel during the show).
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Bartā€™s often depicted holding his flayed skin (ew gross!) from when he got martyred, most famously in queer Italian Renaissance artist Michelangeloā€™s "Last Judgment" painting in the Sistine chapel at the Vatican. The skin St. Bartā€™s holding there is actually a (skinned) self-portrait of the artist. Peek at Aofā€™s insta and youā€™ll see that he actually visited the work. Itā€™s giving queer influence in (Catholic) Christianity and autobiographical reference, baby āœØ
Bartholomew and another disciple Philip, who was written to have introduced Bartie to the big JC party and to have traveled with him after JCā€™s post-post-mortem, are mentioned in a translation by Yale scholar John Boswell of a liturgy for an adelphopoeisis ceremony between two monks from the tenth century. Boswell argued that adelphopoeisis, or spiritual brotherhood unions in the pre-sodomy-law-era early church should be understood as same-sex unions. This, as most discussion of gay shit with the Church, has been controversial, although some of those controversies are issues with Boswellā€™s translation. There does seem to be some evidence that these spiritual brotherhoods were understood to have the potential to be sexual in nature. Either way, it seems likely Aof has come across Boswellā€™s ideas because itā€™s pretty prominent in discourse for anyone looking into gay Christian history.
THEN, although it might be unintentional, the Thai-ification of Bart is homophonic with Bath????!!!! If Bart can be short for Bartholomew, y'all are gonna have to let me stretch a little bit past Aof's official statement so Bath can be short for Bathsheba because...
Giving us another Biblical name reference but from the other gender who's THE example of coveting in the Bible/Torah is such a power move! King David sees Bathsheba bathing from his roof and has her over to sleep with him even though she's the wife of one of David's soldiers who's literally off fighting for his kingdom. Then he gets her pregnant. Then David has the poor guy over for dinner and doesn't admit to it, sends him back out and has him put in the front lines to get killed. He dies and Bathsheba mourns for a bit before becoming David's wife. It's heterosexual failure! It's the temptations of the flesh! It's one of the inspirations for Leonard Cohen's cold and broken Hallelujah! This connection reframes the queer temptations as something no less normal than heterosexual desire.
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After all, David is the good guy. The celebrated little David who killed Goliath. It's essential to trace Jesus's lineage back to this most-celebrated king in the Bible for the messianic prophecies to be correct. So giving us a reference to this venerated and simultaneously deeply human figure really complicates the kind of Christianity that expects immaculate humans.
And, Bathsheba wasn't David's only paramour. Researching same-sex relationships in the Bible, David and Jonathan will be at the very top of the list. "The soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul...Then Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as his own soul. And Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was upon him, and gave it to David, and his armor, and even his sword and his bow and his girdle." That's coming from the book of Samuel in the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, which was the first in 1946 to have any reference to word ā€˜homosexuality,ā€™ using it to replace in the King James Version "abusers of themselves with mankind" and "effeminateā€ (which at that time did not have the common association with gay men the way it does today) on the list of sinners barred from heaven. Would David have been far enough on the Kinsey scale to qualify? Well, David had some other wives on top of Jonny and Bath, too. Whatever happened to family values!?
Of course, Bath also gives us images of washing and purifying alongside the sacrament of baptism!
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The Bartholomew connection deserves more legit emphasis with Aof's statements and actual evidence for his visit to the Vatican, but how fun that the translation gave us another queer part of Christianity even if it wasn't intentional!
Complicating all of this discussion further is Catholicism's very late switch away from Latin and its more emphatic focus on tradition, hagiography, and liturgy rather than the text of the Bible. My ex-Christian fixation is on issues in Reformed Christianities (and I still love me some iconophobia, a topic with which Aof loves to engage), so I know more about the books and interpretations. I'm looking forward to the Catholic and ex-Catholic contributions here as the show gets underway. Like, y'all have been doing the most for production values of a Sabbath!
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And to all my ex-Christians who can get sucked into spirals about this stuff, just remember that the concept of God is chill and all if it's just the comforting sense of connection between things in the universe, but any concepts of Christology, sin, or puppet-master deities are literally the most whack things if they're being thought of as anything more than a kind of out-there overly-simplified metaphor for trying to live a life where you can be yourself and get along with other people.
*This info and a great deep dive into the induction of the language and discourse of homosexuality in the Bible and its progressive! roots and aftermath is Reforming Sodom: Protestants and the Rise of Gay Rights.
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luceandfriends Ā· 3 months ago
A Defense of Luce
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Many have seen and heard of the Vaticanā€™s new mascot, Luce, and her friends in preparation for the 2025 Jubilee, a year celebrating the emancipation and repentance of souls on earth. Her yellow raincoat, muddy boots and walking staff indicate her attire for a pilgrimage, one to evangelize the youth in an increasingly secular world. Her eyes sparkle with shells, a common symbol of perseverance in faith. She has not spoken herself, but many young artists and fans throughout the world, both religious and secular, have celebrated Luce through fan art and positive discussion online.
I began this blog to join that celebration, my first post being a call to express hope and joy in the face of online persecution, in which a tumblr user had sent hateful messages to various minorities. A day later, the offending blog deactivated, indicating a voluntary retreat from the discourse. It is not up to us to retaliate with our own hate, but rather turn the other cheek, and focus on raising up those who are in need of our compassion.
Another user recently messaged me with concerns for who Luce represents, seeing that my username and persona reflect the Vaticanā€™s new mascot. Skeptics argue that ā€œLuceā€ is short for ā€œLuciferā€ the name of the angel cast out of Heaven by God before the fall of man. The secondary argument correlated the common themes of violence and secularism within the anime community, therefore attributing it to Luce as well. This statement, a defense of Luce, declares that one ought not to live in fear of the World and its decisions, but to seek out hope even in the most remote of corners of the earth.
Luce, according to the Vatican, is named after the Italian word ā€œlight,ā€ representing her beacon of hope to those outside of Christianity, and subtly referencing the Bible through various passages (New International Version translation)
And God said, ā€œLet there be light,ā€ and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. -Genesis 1:3-4
Through [The Word] all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. -John 1:3-4
ā€œYou are the light of the worldā€¦. [L]et your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven.[ā€œ] - Matthew 5:14a, 16b
Our little beam of light is not alone. Her friends Fe, Xin and Sky accompany her in official artwork provided by the Vatican, alongside a dog, Santino, an angel, Iubi, and a dove, Aura. Through the humanitarian power of community and friendship, the Catholic Church aims to speak to the youth in our modern and secular age, seeking connection through a shared aesthetic and introducing the Word of God.
In a year of tumultuous politics and increasing poverty and pessimism, let us embrace Luce, who reaches out beyond the screen and into our very hearts, placing promises of truth and hope.
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victusinveritas Ā· 4 months ago
For those Catholics worried about the connection between the mascot Luce and LGBTQ+ art works, I have some distressing news for you about Michelangelo, Raphael, Caravaggio, Bernini, Leonardo...all the artists who were also Turtles and a few of their friends roommates pals.
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icarusignite Ā· 7 months ago
Master Post
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Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ Hey, Ace here, hope you have a good time on my page!
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ (she/her), Ravenclaw, INTJ, fanfic writer of many fandoms, self-taught artist, kpop/anime enthusiast, feminist, procrastinator extraordinaire.
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ Tiktok/wattpad/AO3/instagram: ace_asterisk
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ AO3 | Wattpad | Carrd
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Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ All completed series and longer stories are uploaded fully on wp/ao3. Oneshots are Tumblr/AO3 exclusive.
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ for writing updates: @icarusignite-fics
(all fics are reblogged onto there)
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ DMs and asks are always open! Drop by and chat <3
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ Requests: OPEN
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House of the Dragon
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ An Eye for an Eye Masterlist (Aemond Targaryen x OC)
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ Before the Sky Falls Masterlist (Aemond Targaryen x OC)
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ For Whom the Bell Tolls | HOTD World War 2 AU
(Soldier! Aemond Targaryen x Nurse! Reader)
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ I hate you I love youĀ (Cregan Stark x Fem! Reader)
The five times you told Cregan Stark you hated him, and the one time you actually meant it.
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ I want to fly with you on dragonback (and eat only cake) (Alicent x Rhaenyra)
Basically the title. Rhaenyra finally gets to take Alicent on that dragon ride and eat cake....and maybe kiss the girl she loves.
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ Like an old melody, my heart resumes (Daeron x Fem! Reader)
Parts: 1 / 2Ā  / 3
After years apart and with several misunderstandings between them, you meet Prince Daeron at what is meant to be his betrothal feast. When secrets and unspoken desires come to light, you and Daeron are faced with a choice: to let go of the past and embrace a love that has always burned between them or allow your tumultuous history to keep you apart.
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The Last Kingdom
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ The only heaven I'll be sent to is when I'm alone with you
(King Alfred x POC! Fem! Reader)
Parts: 1 / 2
You are a prominent scholar from Baghdad, visiting Wessex to learn more about English culture and try to help its ailing monarch with your medical expertise. However, conflict arises when you find yourself falling for the Catholic king, knowing he cannot give you what you deserve.
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ Valhalla Bound Ā (Finan x GN! Reader)
During the ransacking of Rumcofa, you save Osferth thus exchanging his fate for yours. aka you die and Finan's reaction to that
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ Night Terrors (Sihtric x GN! Reader)Ā 
Sihtric has a nightmare, and he accidentally snaps at you. What comes after is the most awkward confession of his life and you are oblivious af.
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ Praying's just a poor man's way of beggingĀ 
(Sihtric x Fem! Reader)Ā 
You are Earl Ragnar's youngest daughter and the boy you've spent many pleasant afternoons with as a child was none other than Sihtric Kjartansson. Reunited after years apart, will the two of you be able to face the truth of your feelings or will it all end in heartache?
In this labyrinth of time, our souls entwined
(Modern AU Finan x Fem! Reader)
Finan and his friends witness a bar fight during their night out and Finan feels a magnetic connection to the hero of the fight. This can be read on its own but it can also be seen as a continuation of my earlier fic Valhalla Bound where you died and now your reincarnation meets Finan's in another world and that's why you seem so familiar.
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ Go ahead and cry, little girl (Aethelstan x Fem! Reader)
You are Sihtricā€™s daughter from his first wife. Your mother dies after he leaves her for his current wife and you blame him for his death. Aethelstan is yoiur dearest childhood friend.
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Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ Danse Macabre Masterlist (Jeong Yunho x OC)
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ Pirate Ateez Masterlist
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Percy Jackson & the Olympians
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ I don't want your sympathy (i just want myself back)
(Luke Castellan x GN! Child of Hypnos Reader)
Terribly injured after returning from his quest to the Garden of Hesperides, Luke Castellan turns to the only person who can help him sleep.
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Criminal Minds
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ Steady Your Heart in Mine (Spencer Reid x GN! Reader)
Exam season brings you a lot of stress and Spencer Reid is there to walk you through it. Established relationship, descriptions of anxiety and panic attacks.
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Lockwood & Co.
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ I thought I dreamed herĀ (Lucy x Lockkwood)
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ I love you forever, I'm not a dreamer (Lucy x Lockwood)
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The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes:
Ėšā‚ŠĀ· ĶŸĶŸĶžĶžāž³ā„ These Violent Delights Masterlist
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doctordeathawaits Ā· 2 months ago
Transchristian tips?
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Trans Christian
Very first tips is to read scripture ! While you can get a physical copy of the Bible , you can still have a digital copy via Bible apps such as YouVersion Bible , Logos Bible Study , and even Bible App for Kids for my transage babies < 3 I recommend personally the Christian Standard Translation , as it's the most recent and easiest to understand < 3 Let's not forget the most fun thing is to annotate what you read - you are doing a beautiful artistic collab with God < 3
Prayer ! The best connection with God , my favorite website to use is ThoughtsAboutGod , they have prayers for every occasion that are easier to learn ! You can start simple by doing a prayer before bed or before you eat to thank for the meal , or try to just talk about your day / whatever has been bothering you recently < 3
Explore Christian history , denominations , and their differences to find a branch that resonates with you ! ( e.g., Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox )
Engage in worship practices like singing hymns , reading scripture at studies / online groups , or observing Christian holidays (e.g., Christmas , Easter ) ! Experiment with daily devotional practices , such as reading a devotional book or meditating on Bible verses !
If you decide to fully embrace the faith , baptism is often seen as a significant step in becoming a Christian ! Learn about other sacraments , such as communion , and their role in Christian life !
Practice acts of kindness , charity , and love as expressions of your faith < 3 Seek forgiveness where needed and extend grace to others < 3
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esoteric-chaos Ā· 1 year ago
What is Ancestor Work? Breaking it down and how to start + extra's
TW for death and sensitive topics in this post. Especially when we get into the category of ghosts. You have been warned. The appropriate tags have been placed below.
What is Ancestor work?
Ancestor work is venerating and working with well, you guessed it. Your ancestors. Why do we want to work with them though? Creating relationships with the known and forgotten dead can lead to many great things for yourself such as learning how to break generational curses and cycles. Creating these meaningful and loving relationships with those long since past has been one of the most heartwarming parts of my practice.
I find it is important for people of all ancestry to work with and honour their ancestors. There is much to heal and grow from. We learn through mistakes of the past and some of those mistakes we have to heal from for cycles to be broken.
Who are our Ancestors?
Just who are your ancestors though? According to Honouring Your Ancestors by Mallorie Vaudoise they are your Blood Ancestors, Lineage Ancestors, Affinity Ancestors, Saints, Spirit Guides, Ghosts or Related Spirits.
Blood Ancestors are exactly how they sound. They are the ancestors you find within your family tree that goes all the way back to the beginning of when humans first came around. This goes into the known dead who are ancestors we know of and can be traced back. These ancestors are easier to work with as we have a direct line to them. The unknown dead are unknown ancestors that we can't trace back. Perhaps we only have a name and know nothing about them or maybe we know they existed but have no information at all. This happens to be the case for most of us learning our family tree.
Lineage Ancestors are ancestors we gain through partnerships like marriage, adoption or even initiation such as in a closed society. Examples include religions like Wicca or any religion which needs initiation.
Affinity Ancestors are those who share your cultural identity or even something you are talented in. For example, you are fluent in the arts and you are an artist or musician. You may see a famous passed-on talented artist to venerate as an ancestor. As someone who's LGBTQ+, we can look throughout history and choose to honour and venerate famous LGBTQ+ figures in history as our ancestors as well. In times like this, it is important to venerate and honour these figures in life for strength and courage to move forward.
Saints are found in many cultures. A single example of a saint from a Christian and Catholic point of view is a Christian or Catholic who has passed on and performed miracles before or after death. Then they were elevated to sainthood by the church (This is all from a standpoint as my family comes from a Catholic and Lutheran background). There are also folk saints who are venerated in a specific region or location because of something that was done within that region. Then we have pop culture saints. Pop culture saints for example are people who have influenced or have done things for a group of people that we resonate with deeply. While they do not perform miracles they are venerated as significant to that group.
Spirit Guides are elevated ancestors who have decided to walk alongside us on our journey. They are not usually connected to us by blood or lineage, however, in some cases, they are. In many cultures, you see the concept of a "court". Which is a group of guides. I refer to my ancestors, guides and deities as my spiritual team personally as I am not involved in such cultures that use courts but still am among the belief that I have a group of close guides on my journey as do most others without encroaching on that culture's significance.
Ghosts as Mallorie Vaudoise in Honouring Your Ancestors I agree with their description of ghosts. Some spirits are burdened by the realities of what they went through during their living days. Some call it spiritual disease or they simply lack the power to aid. The spiritual disease of their burdens causes them to act irresponsibly. A lot like Mallorie Vaudoise I too was told ghosts still roam this plane due to unfinished business and they seek resolution through the living for now they feel powerless or they wish to still seek what they started. This can be a grey area for things like passing on murder victims, abusers, children, and relatives. When you are getting into spiritual work it is very important you have strong boundaries and protections. If you do not want to help a spirit move on since you do not identify as a working medium. Do NOT let them step on you. Assert your boundaries, banish and protect. It is not your responsibility to handle the business of otherworldly concerns just because you are a practitioner. If you would like to help a spirit move on, praying in their name to help ease them into the afterlife is a great way to do so to give them strength. May I repeat though, not your responsibility if that is not your focus point.
Related spirits such as land spirits, house spirits and non-human ancestors.
Land spirits are spirits which reside on the land you live on. They can be humans, plants or animals that were born, lived or passed on that land. Honouring the spirits of the land is very important. The land has gone through so much grief and colonization, rebuilding that relationship to take care of the land in turn they will take care of you.
House spirits are arguably land spirits. They reside on that very same land that you do. Proper acknowledgement of the house spirit itself (spiritual upkeep & physical cleaning) and the spirits that live within that old home. They can be from the materials that the foundation of that home is built on or other lesser-known entities. Try speaking to what's in your home. You'll be surprised by what you find.
Non-human ancestors. Through evolution, we have evolved from animals through a series of evolutions before that. So what makes you think we cannot have animal ancestors? Try doing some deep diving into evolution and doing some work with those animals or organisms. You might be pleasantly surprised.
Building your Ancestor Altar
Now that we have what an ancestor is out of the way. How do we build our altars and reach out?
Let's dive into how to make an altar space. We can add some simple tools such as fire, water, an altar cloth, pictures or representatives of ancestors like human skulls (please not real ones obviously), any holy images that bring personal power, offerings and methods of communication.
Fire aids in symbolism in prayer across cultures. If you cannot have real candles on your altar because your altar is within an unsafe place to do so, electric candles are excellent.
Water is said to represent the medium through which the spiritual energy passes. Have you ever felt really dehydrated after a spell, working or spiritual contact? So have I. You can only imagine how dehydrated your ancestors must feel. Leave them an offering of water and maybe even a snack in honour. Remember after veneration to hydrate and fuel yourself too.
Altar cloths are not just there to look pretty. They represent the hard work of our ancestors weiving and working with cloth over the years. Their beautiful craftsmanship is never forgotten. A simple piece of cloth on the altar is a great representation of all of their hard work.
Pictures or representations of our ancestors act as an anchor to connect with them. When I am working with the known dead I'll place photos of them and their names, birth dates and death dates along with a few notes on the back of their photo. With the unknown dead I'll use statues or skulls in place of them. My mother who recently passed is a good example of this. I placed her photos, and ashes, along with some things she may have liked on her little corner.
Holy images. Maybe your ancestors were religious and find comfort in religious imagery. Even incorporating your family's patron saint on the altar might bring them some joy. Do what feels right for you and them.
Offerings. Leaving them offerings such as water, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, and food. Anything you personally love especially as a sweet little treat. I find something you have a hard time parting with like that last piece of candy to be a great offering or that dish you're cooking that's been within the family for years.
Dedicated pendulum, tarot or any other method of communication so you can communicate with them efficiently.
What can I do with my Ancestor Altar? How to work it.
There are many ways you can work with your ancestor altar. You can use it as purely an act of prayer and veneration or you can use it as both for veneration and working.
Leaving oils, charms, bags and other spiritual items on the altar overnight to bless and give an extra kick or even some mundane items.
Incorporating them into a spell working for prosperity, blessings, healings, protections, etc.
Active working to break generational trauma and curses. Working through breaking cycles and helping them heal.
Turning to them for guidance and direction through divination from the tools in their space.
Aid in spiritually cleansing myself and my space from any negative influences.
How to reach out?
Reaching out there are many different methods. There are methods through prayer and divination for example. Many different people from different cultures and religions will have different ways of reaching out and praying. I never actively practiced any religion growing up so I adopted prayer through a folk catholic perspective from what my ancestors practiced and used my tarot deck as an adjacent. There's wrong way to pray. We pray from what feels right to us and from what is respectful.
There's no right or wrong way to work with your ancestors except for building a practice solely on gain. By gain, I mean getting them to do things for you. It is a relationship you are building. If that is not what you are seeking then ancestor veneration is not for you. It's the same for any relationship spiritual or not. Relationships freely flow between each other with mutual aid. Not everything is purely transactional. Keep things respectful and everything will be okay.
To close out I'm sure everyone is wondering "Do I have to work with my ancestors who did awful things?" the answer is no. We have to heal from and acknowledge what happened. Move forward with purpose and do the work but we absolutely do not have to go anywhere near them. Spirits are not all-knowing and not all have done the required work. I will echo a previous statement of mine. It is not your responsibility to handle the business of otherworldly concerns just because you are a practitioner.
If that person has not changed and grown in death. Move on and grow from the experience. While not everyone will agree with me I believe it is important to work with things when you are ready. A newer practitioner will not be prepared to work with such heavy energy. It will have to be worked with one day to heal but do not throw yourself in if you are not ready or maybe you just aren't equipped to do it and maybe it is someone else's journey in your lineage, not yours. Do not be hard on yourself if that is the case. Not everyone is built for that or ready. Be kind to yourself, that's what your ancestors want.
Ancestor Oil
Need an oil for communication, veneration and one to work with your ancestors for all purpose? I got your back.
What you'll need
A clean and cleansed jar
Frankincense - helps in hardships, divine connection
Peppermint - money matters, underworld symbolism
Rosemary - protection, remembranceĀ 
Rose - raising spiritual vibration, love, symbol of blood
Lavender - Grief, dream work, relaxing
Myrrh - Spirit communication, psychic power, grief
Allspice - Awaken ancestors, drawn in favour
Coconut carrier oil - Moon, emotions, divination, spirit
You can either do the folk method or the hot method. You can find my post on infused oils here to learn how to make infused spell oils. I suggest if you are an animist or someone who wants more power from your oils. Speak to the herbs kindly, treat them less like an ingredient and ask them respectfully for their aid and the purpose they'll have in your oil. Use intention. The same goes for the Coconut oil.
You can sub any of these, however. Try to keep within the theme of the ingredients. Some of these are herbal allies so they will work differently for me than you. Do what feels right.
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