#catboy wild
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peepthatbish · 1 year ago
seeing as you've given permission for me to send stuff 👁️
here's the result of the other night (the ears could be improved but in my defense they were rushed)
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he's just got that orange cat energy yk? yes I know about my wilds plush having a receding hairline
I’m sorry but I’m cackling so hard with the hairline😭 did he just… spawn like that?? Omg T-T poor Link/Wild bro
On the other hand, the ears look so cute!! Omg!! (the little white and pink inside the ears are nice touches) Even if the ears are rushed or somethin, it’s personality! Also the little felt(??) earrings give me LIFE. He’s definitely giving orange cat energy
Slightly off topic, it’s super neat that there’s more male orange cats than female, and that they’re more common in less dense/populated areas. When thinking about Wild, I can easily see those traits
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stinkyeggbow · 8 months ago
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Saaveee a horseee ride a cowboyy
Character belongs to Cammyeroni on af
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months ago
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A rejuvenating encounter.
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theribbajack · 2 years ago
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"Both of you, faithless fools who would dare to take up arms against the king of earth and sky!"
The words "Zonai Ganondorf" entered my head and I haven't been sane since. Perhaps in the Zonai version of the legend, the warlord "Gannon" sought after the secret stones, and the incarnation of Hylia draconified herself to stop him alongside the Ancient Hero.
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momhowell · 2 months ago
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okay yeah so that's Them
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irrationalarachnid · 30 days ago
Tavros: Snuggle with a psychotic clown.
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theyre so sporglo.............. gga mtm mavvav.v....... oooo_oooo
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wayfayrr · 1 year ago
Did I read correctly? Requests are open? Yay!!! Lately I’ve had a thing for bathtime and especially hair washing!!! Just some romantic, soft, and fluffy LU/Reader bubble bath hair washing. (Extra points if reader has a rubber ducky. There is just something so innocent about adults with small childish things.)
Reader/Wild, Reader/Twilight, and Reader/Legend. You can stop there or add the other boys if you want.
This is my humble request.
Yep, standard requests were open, as of now though it's only event requests for the time being!!
this was fun to write, so thank you for it!! just some pure fluff with the boys you've asked for below the cut <3 it'll go wild, twilight then legend
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“Wild I’ve been meaning to ask for a while now, when’s the last time that you washed your hair?”
“It washes when I go swimming, Why would I waste time washing it?”
Serious, I can tell by the look of shame on his face that he’s genuine here. He’s never taken care of his hair before, never even considered it needs taking care of. Would he even know what shampoo or conditioner is? 
“...Wild.” “What’s even the issue if I haven’t, my hair is fine.”
“Time said that there’s going to be a bath in this inn, I am going to be washing your hair for you. I have some good-quality soap from my world left, I’ll be using them to get you clean”
“[name] really, I don’t have an issue with it. Don’t waste your belongings on me.”
They’re stubborn I’ll give him that, but that doesn’t mean that he gets a pass to not being clean. Even if I break my hairbrush wrangling it through his hair, I swear that I’ll get every last twig out of it. 
“Look wild, I don’t exactly want my future partner looking like this constantly.”
“Your future …partner? Why would they..? OH. OH.”
Well no escaping this now, might as well roll with it. Even though he looks like he both wants to combust and is about to start laughing at this very moment. And well, it isn’t as if his giggling isn’t sweet to hear, I just wish I hadn’t made a fool out of myself in front of him to get him to. It should be easier to convince him to let me help clean him up anyway, so that’s worked a little in my favour anyway.
“Yeah, so I’m going to clean you up a bit wild. It won't be unpleasant either I swear.”
With how caught off of his guard he is it wasn’t hard to drag him up to our shared room and into the ‘revolutionary’ bathroom, not that plumbing is common at all here, best case scenario the water is warm enough for a comfortable bath. Thankfully I’ve got more than enough supplies to make it as comfortable as I can for him, guess that's what happens when you get yanked by a shadow when you’re on the way to a friend's house to have a mock spa sleepover. 
“Is it bad that I still don’t want you to waste your few memories of home on me?”
“I don’t - It’s not a waste if it’s for you wild. Come on I’m running the tub with some bubble bath and if you don’t use it then that will be the waste”
With an almost petulant grumble, he got undressed and slipped into the bath with a contented sigh signalling that I could finally get to work on his hair. Sitting on a stool behind him to start working, gently brushing his hair with a comb to get everything out so that I can lather up his hair, just make him feel like he’s the most important person for a while. Keeping my bag next to me so that I can get anything from it quickly. The way that he’s practically melting under my touch tells me all I need to know about how much he likes this, it’s a little similar to when you pet a cat and they how just don’t stop butting against your hand none stop. Now that I think on it… I might still have that joke gift in my bag still…
“[name]... why did you stop… it feels so nice I don’t wanna get out yet…”
“To think you didn’t even want to do this at first, if you get out though I’ll lend you some of my clothes?”
That did the trick, practically instantly after saying that he was out of the bath and drying himself off. Giving myself just enough time to pull out the dressing gown and gimmick a pair of cat ears that are way too realistic. A twink in cat ears, if that won’t be a reminder of home what will. 
“I’ve got these for you if you’d like to wear them? The dressing gown is warm anyway…”
“...And the ears?”
“Oh these? I grabbed them as a joke, you don’t have-”
I don’t even finish my sentence and he’s already nabbed them out of my hands and has them on his head, like he’s almost proud of the fact he’s wearing them. Like he’s been looking for a reason to get closer and be cuddly with me. Wait if anything the look on his face was like he already knew I had them, did he go sneaking though my bag? Or did he look through the camera roll that time I gave him my phone.
“Wild how long have you been waiting for something like this?”
“Do you want me to answer that or do you just want to cuddle with me and deal with answers later.”
“I knew you’d prefer cuddles.”
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“So this place has hot springs and proper bathing then?”
“Seems it from what all the signs are sayin’, guess he’s noticed how much you’ve been dyin’ for one.”
“Has it really been all that obvious?”
If he did that means that the others probably noticed as well, which would be surprising seeing as no one’s teased me for wanting one. That likely means Twilight went and asked Time himself. He went and asked time himself just for me, I didn’t even ask for him to do that, I never even mentioned wanting one out loud. Is he like this with everyone? 
“[name] you look a bit flustered, you alright?”
“...it wasn’t a big enough issue that you had to go and ask time to stop here.”
“How’d you -”
Ah, he certainly didn’t expect me to figure his secret out so quickly, but he did have the decency to blush and look caught out anyway. A little like a hurt puppy now that I get a better look, he’s cute like this.
“Well, an-nyway darlin’ I wanted to ask if you’d let me wash your hair for you… I - you’ve talked about how much you value your hair an’ I…”
Oh Twi come on, my heart can only take so much right now. He’s trying so hard to make my heart simply melt for him and it’s working so damn well. How could I ever bring myself to say no to him when he’s asking so politely and looking after me like this? I can’t that’s the simple answer.
“Yeah, I would… I’d love that link, I’ve still got some soaps and such too… I mean if you’d want we could…  even share a bath? It’s simply a better use of what I’ve got left from home right?”
“Right - right, just to make the most of your supplies of course.” 
Now we’re both blushing, but he said yes, he wants to share a bath with me. We’re on the way to the baths right away and we’re gonna share one. I think I have a spare set of clean clothes, could I though? I could after… But for now, we’ve just got to get undressed because Twilight’s already walked us to the bathhouse extension of the inn and to where the baths are. So I just have to get out my stuff and undress while he starts filling it, this is fine, I won’t be a flustered mess during this. 
“I’ve got some lavender bubble bath as well as some shampoo and conditioner? Do you like the smell of lavender twi?”
“Lavender? I’m not sure we gave that here darlin’, if you say it’s good I’ll trust you though.”
“Okay then, just drop some into the water while it's filling so it’ll bubble while… we get undressed.”
Just take your clothes off [name] and get into the bath, simple, easy, you can do this. You can do this. Take a deep breath and take them off. Alright, they’re off now, just got to. 
“You gonna get in darlin’?”
“I’m coming now, don’t worry. What do you think of the smell anyway tw- how’d you get that?”
If there has been a single time in Hyrule where I’ve wished above all else that I had my phone working, it would be now. Twilight leaning fully into his wolf side with my rubber duck in his mouth leaning over the top of the bath, it’s so cute I have to stifle a giggle as I slip into the bath. It makes doing this a little less awkward with him being such a goof, but after taking the first step in it’s even less stressful as he drops the duck. 
“Want me to start washing your hair now?”
“Mhm, it’d be nice.”
And it really is, his rugged hands are so gentle as he runs them through my hair making sure to clean every inch, using the soaps as I suggest. It’s one of the nicest things I’ve gone through, a little hard to not fall asleep in his arms; I think he’s seen that now as well as he’s rinsing it off. I wish it could last for longer though, he’s so gentle. Between his gentle touches and the smell of lavender, how could I resist it? I won’t pass out in a bathtub though, no matter how tempting he is. 
“So want me to wash yours twi? It’s only fair.”
“Nah darlin’ I already have, when you were dozin off.”
With that he decides to get out of the bath just to put a - very kindly provided- towel on only to lift me up out of the bath while I’m already too embarrassed to act, drying me off and setting me on a stool with a chuckle. Only to fluster me further by wrapping his hooded pelt over my head with another laugh, tossing some of his clothes to me so that I can get dressed. 
“Wild mentioned you wanted to try ‘em on, so why not? I think you’d look cute anyway.”
“..Especially with how red you are.”
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“So what’s the deal with the captain act?”
“You’re checking yourself out in my shield like he does, what’s the deal with that?”
He’s not even wearing the shield I don’t see what the issue is, I’m only trying to get my hair to look half-decent while it’s so greasy. How do the links deal with this for so long it’s disgusting, I’m not even a clean freak but doing this much moving without having even a 20 second shower? I feel disgusting and that’s not an understatement. 
“Look I’m not used to going this long without bathing, bite me.”
Oh, now he looks even more worked up, lovely, not like I’m trying to come off as a city slicker but I’m just not used to life like this. 
“Wild found a hot spring nearby, you should be able to clean up there. Rulie has a couple of bars of soap too, reckon I can weasel us a bit of time to escape for a bit”
“I get you’re shocked but we won’t be staying here after tomorrow, so if you want to clean up then now is your best shot.”
He’s right, by the sounds of it, it really is my best shot. I’m just shocked that it’s coming from him of all people, not that I should be looking too much into it right now just gotta have a bit of time to clean off. Hot water simply would be divine now after so long with nothing. 
“It is, you’re not lying there I’ll give you that. Wait. ‘us a bit of time?’ you want to come with me?”
A shrug. Lovely that gives so many answers about what I asked him, I now know exactly why he wants to go with me when I’m going to bathe. Does he not see the issue with implying you want to go somewhere with someone and watch them bathe. 
“Don’t give me that look, you know how dangerous everywhere is with the black-blooded monsters. It’s not safe on your own. Especially not vulnerable like that.”
“Yeah but you have to know that I’m still not used to this world and my home has very different implications for that. I’m still adjusting, okay?”
He’s as red as his hair now, if he didn’t have such a pout I’d say it’s cute otherwise, it’s just downright adorable to look at. Getting to know each others cultures is fun, more so when it gets him so worked up over a simple implication. Unless he actually did have a different idea but was too shy to ask.
“Yeah sure, you certainly didn’t want to ask for anything else, whatsoever, not at all.”
“... So what if I wanted to wash your hair for you, it’s not my fault it looks so soft.”
Well that was a surprisingly innocent ask, not one I’d turn down either having my hair washed for me when I’m sitting in a hot spring sounds like pure bliss. For how he acts he seems to get my facial expressions well with how he’s ran off to get the soap from hyrule to getting directions from Wild being being any clue. It’s even cuter now that he’s a bit desperate to wash my hair for me. After getting everything though it doesn’t take too long to get to the springs, legend dragging me by the wrist was a bit of a surprise though, he must really want to do this. Another gentle shove and him turning his back when we got here is all I need to strip down and get into the water, splashing him to get his attention again.
“So how long have you been wanting to do this for then Leg?”
“Does that matter? Just relax before I give you the soap to use yourself.”
A simple laugh on my end and he just moves to lather up my hair and start washing it, being gentle, taking his time and just doing it so carefully. It’s not entirely what I’d assume he’d be like but it’s so nice I’m not sure I ever want it to end. But like everything it has to come to one, hot water being poured over my head as he tilts me back to get all the suds off. 
“Couldn’t you have carried on a bit longer? Not even a few more minutes?”
“It was hard enough getting away, we can’t stay here forever.”
“I knooow.” 
Dragging myself out was borderline painful, the air is simply so cold and I don’t even have a good way to dry myself off now, just a ratted towel hanging on by the barest of hopes. There isn’t an option to not immediately dry off and go back to the camp though, mournfully.
“Hey leg, I know I didn’t really say it before? But thanks for this, really thank you.”
“Don’t ah - don’t mention it.”
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hippydippydruid · 8 months ago
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ahahnopenope · 1 year ago
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(being possessed by 14 years old me)
please consider (or please don't)
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roguerinzler · 1 year ago
totally forgot about bloëdhgarm ... the original furry catboy elf babygirl
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o-wild-west-wind · 1 year ago
obsessed with the fact that Ed’s two outfit aesthetics so far are hot emo goth biker chic and werner herzog birkenstock cult leader because honestly…he’s just like me fr
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cloudcastor · 2 months ago
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we’ve done it again folks….onwards to 2025!!
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little-piece-of-tamlin · 2 months ago
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some panther studies . i actually quite like the coloured one!
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catboy-cabin · 4 months ago
sleeptober day 25 - ritual
It's the uncharacteristic softness of III's voice that clues II in to the fact that their earlier conversation isn't over. That, and his contemplative expression, eyes trained on II like he's the most fascinating puzzle in existence.
"Are you sure you don't mind it? The— being left out?"
II meets his gaze with as much certainty as he can muster. "I swear, I do not mind it one bit."
or: ii claims not to care about not being included in his partner's on-stage shenanigans. iii doesn't believe him.
fic for today bc i got too frustrated with trying to draw my idea for this prompt
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one-winged-dreams · 4 months ago
Me: Is Grimmjow my og guyfailure?
Me: oh, no, it's Viral.
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notatreebutaleaf · 6 months ago
In the words of @hunniebunniebear
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