#cat minisode
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ask-bing-and-the-g-unit · 1 year ago
Eric watched as Dark laid out newspapers along the tub. Such a fine tub — so clean. The cat wilted, ears pressing down as he thought about having to- to- to go to the bathroom. He shuddered at the very thought. Eating, going to the bathroom. Awful, awful, awful. He shook himself again, and he then noticed the start hairs that flew off of him. He was making a mess.
A long, low mewl of disconcertion came from his throat, and Dark looked over with confusion. After a moment of hesitation, they reached over to rub his head. Eric had quickly learned this soothed Dark as much as it felt good for Eric. “It’s just temporary. I doubt that this will last long. No more than a week.” Eric certainly hoped it would be shorter. A week? Unable to make sure everyone was okay? Unable to clean??? The world will fall to disarray! Chaos! Discord! Madness!
Dark was quiet as they rubbed his soft ears, then letting their hand run along his back slowly. Eric crept closer until barely pressed against their side and settled his head on their leg. His ears swiveled at every subtle crack and pop of their body, upset rising in Eric’s throat.
“Come along,” they sighed, standing carefully as more bones crackled against Eric’s ears. “You should be able to sleep through most of it, I would think. We’ll get you settled on the bed.”
Eric’s little pink nose wrinkled at that. He had seen the bed on the way in: crumpled and messy. It would need to be made before anything. He scampered off the ledge of the tub and sprinted ahead of Dark who startled at the the suddenness.
The cat leapt onto the bed and promptly collapsed with a less-than spectacular landing before pushing himself back up onto his paws. He stumbled across the foam mattress, but he had set himself to a task. Using his mouth (awful, terrible, so many germs, he hated this), Eric began his tedious undertaking of making the bed. Dark finished shuffling their way to stand in the doorframe to the en suite, watching with both amusement and bemusement. Each step that the cat took grew more confident by the meticulousness of walking back and forth to straighten the sheets just right.
Eric not moved to trek over to grab the next layer but rather froze, a paw hovering over the ‘pristinely’ placed sheets. He would– He would wrinkle it! Ruin it! The bed will fall to disarray!! Eric shrank back, tail between legs as he bumped the headboard. He couldn’t finish the bed without ruining it. An upset warble (?) sat in his throat, and he circled to hide in the pillows with a whimper.
All of this was terrible! Couldn’t cook, couldn’t clean, couldn’t even make a bed! He whined beneath the pillow, too upset to silence himself. While the cat fell into despair, Dark sighed and shuffled to Eric, dragging themself over by their cane. Their free hand moved with slight movements, and the rest of the covers drifted into the air by Dark’s will and made themselves on the mattress. Eric’s hairs stood on end and led him to peeking his head out as his nerves were now on edge.
The brown of his irises bloomed with dilated pupils as the magic finished making the bed. Clean! Neat! CREASELESS AND WITHOUT WRINKLES!!! He started trembling? and he whipped his head to find the source, stumbling out from behind the pillows as his chest continued rumbling.
A grey hand settled on his head, causing Eric to look up at Dark who rubbed — oh, that feels really nice — his ears. “Glad to have your approval,” they chuckled — also very nice; had he ever heard Dark chuckle before? — which only confused the former android more. How did they know that he liked the made bed?
Eric chirped at them in approval; this seemed to interrupt the strange vibrations for a moment, so he chirped again, only for the rumbled to resume. A little frustrated, he chirped over and over, worry crossing Dark’s face as he continued. “Are you… hiccuping?” Eric shook his head, his purrs overtaking him again when he stopped. “Okay, sleep as much as you can. It’ll help make the time go by faster.”
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idliketobeatree · 1 year ago
btw when you're being mean to aziraphale this is who you're being mean to. hope this helps
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 11 months ago
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What I could read: :)
Perhaps one of the most notorious names asociated with The Ressurectionists was Mungo Dalrymple (1790-1829), an Edimburgh doctor who hanged himself in disgrace when it became public knowledge that he was buying cadavers from body snatchers, for his medical students to dissect.
Born in Carsphairn, Dalrymple had a meteoric rise to fame in the Scottish medical establisment when he became one of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh's youngest ever members at the age of 22. Dalrymple was passionate about the study of anatomy, giving many well received papers on the subject.
He was prine however to making enemies and earned a reputation for mercilessly skewering pomposity wherever he found it. This did not endear him to the senior doctors and surgeons of the Edinburgh medical establishment and Darlymple ruffed many feathers and as aresult had few allies when the bodysnatching scandal eventual broke.
FUN FACT Up until the 19th century, barbers carried out many surgical procedures in their shops!
Darlymple's downfall came when one of his suppliers, commonly known as 'Ressurection men', was suspected of murdering several of his lodgers in order to supply the doctor with a steady stream of cadavers. Eagle eyed landladies, Mrs Cat Clarke and Mrs Caro Clarke bravely confronted the murdere when he was attempting to conceal the body of his last victim in a barrel of pickled herring, and raised the hue and cry.
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cartoonyfangirl · 2 years ago
Comfort Character Minis! (Minisode 1) (Human AU)
The scene opens to a doorway, followed by a loud zapping noise, in an instant, Bonkers runs out, nearly falling over his feet, he was in a panic
Gonzo: (Was backing up to a wall, then makes a break for it) I-I DIDN'T MEAN TO BREAK IT YOU GUYS, I JUST SNEEZED, PLEASE SPARE ME!!!
Both Wanda and Marlin walk out, dark glares covering their eyes
Wanda Maxinoff: (Carrying the broken coffee machine) AND I'M GOING TO FINISH BREAKING IT OVER YOUR MUPPET SIZED HEAD!!!
Both Dory and Goofy come out as well, holding coffee mugs and wanting to contribute
(My Comfort Character List just to give you Toons, Toonies, and Toonettes some classification)
(Minisode idea comes from this TikTok!)
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 year ago
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who came up with the idea of having a good omens episode in scotland and was it to give david is accent back and let him act as drunk as possible so no one can understand him?(as a scot i thank you BUT I MUST KNOW)
Once we knew that we were going to be filming in Scotland the idea of making a story set in Edinburgh seemed like an excellent idea: we were right there, after all. Cat Clarke had an idea for a story set in the time of Mary Queen of Scots, but it didn't really work for us, and we decided that the time of the Bodysnatchers might be a good way of exploring the moral questions involved in what was happening back then, which was really fun.
The many Scottish accents was my idea shortly before filming.
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persphonesorchid · 7 months ago
Minisode: Yoongi
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Notes: As you can see! I am not dead! I'm starting this blurb/drabble series thingy where I write 200 or 500 words for it and here's the first one at 200. Obviously I'm starting with my main bad bitch Yoongi 😩 it will be random, any member can pop up hehe. No taglist because it's just a blurb.
Check out my masterlist ^^
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"want me to come over?" Yoongi asks softly, and there's silence on the line after, his question left floating on the waves. Long enough that he thinks you've finally fallen asleep, but then there's a near quiet breath he almost misses if not for the way it shuddered.
"It's 3am." You sound tired, and Yoongi bets you are. Exhausted, probably. The day hadn't been kind to you, and the night offered no respite. "It's okay."
Yoongi's already grabbing his keys, feet already out of his house slippers and into his outside ones. He's quiet with it. He holds the keys between his fingers so that they don't knock against the hard plastic of the little black cat. It dangles and sways and stares at him with mismatched eyes as Yoongi braces his palm against the wall to pull the strap of his sandal secure.
"It's not, you're crying." Yoongi reasons, phone tucked between his shoulder and his ear as he slides his arms through the sleeves of his jacket. He pockets his keys, curses softly at the loud beep of his door and he's down the hall to the elevator. "Do you need anything?"
"Just you."
"I'm on my way."
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kandy-sticks-zaza-blogs · 7 months ago
Shows I watch instead of Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
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Pls don't attack me I am autistic pls respect my boundaries
Mixels my fav childhood minisodes about lego characters that learned to work together and their fusion are awesome. Also I understand what Kramer is saying.
3 2 1 Penguins have good bible quotes in the christain kid show I only know Veggietales when I was watching it on YouTube also 4 talking penguins are cool also Kevin is my fav autistic British penguin.
When it came out I got excited when it came out I was waiting for season 2 but it never came I love the cool rubber hose cartoon style in the adult animated show.
I love how it is about cooking and DND anime like Campfire Cooking in another world it’s wholesome,dark,delicious food and amazing animations also I love how the food look tasty and the intro song is a vibe but I wished that they added the missing moments in the manga right to the cutscenes when I’m watching it.The anime turns me into a gay simp fr.
When I first saw Red dwarf on BBC my mom tells me that Red dwarf is her fav childhood show I love how funny the sci-fi series is also the cat slaying in every episodes.
I love watching Bravest Warrior as a pre teen I love how they look like Adventure time but sci-fi Catbug gotta be my fav character.
Scooby doo is my fav when I grew up watching it on my old iPad and watching it on tv what I hate the most is scooby doo mystery incorporated they ruined Scooby doo and Velma relationship Velma loves Scooby doo when she met him as a puppy it’s so adorable I love how Velma treats him as a good friend instead of being jealous of eachother also I hated the Velma show.
I love watching Gravity falls on TV whenever I am on vacation with my family I love watcit everyday since my favourite is Mable cuz she’s like my fr as a kid now I become Robbie but without nobody cuz I never interested in dating. Alex Hirsh the legend who made a successful discontinued amazing 2 seasons show and made a coolest lore about Bill Cipher.
I love watching it since the show came out the year after I was out of the womb and still a baby I love how cool the robots are transformers are a greatest franchise since the 80s I love that the transformers characters are different from the original one like an alternate universe Prowl was my fav when I was a kid.
I love Monkey wrench since it came out I love the funny duo between Beebs and Shrike relationship they are the funny duo in the indie series the stories isn’t rushed and I love Sci-fi genre so much!
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hg-aneh · 1 year ago
do you like aziraphale as a character?
have a good day/night!
Of course I do ajnds
Tho, it might be for the "wrong" reasons-?
I love how his soft exterior completely makes up for everything- PLEASE AZIRAPHALE MAFIA DON'T COME FOR ME I PROMISE THIS IS GOOD- everything potentially """"sinful"""" that he does
Like, in the scotland minisode, had it not been Aziraphale being the classist pos, I don't think I would've been able to even laugh at the situation (I come from a lower middle class family who started off VERY poor), but since it's Aziraphale I just go "oh, you"
I know the english speaking fandom doesn't like to hear that bc they're a bit more touchy on the subject of classism (rightfully so), but the latam side kind of already has made that a BIG joke (we like coping that way sowwy) and Aziraphale being the butt of it due to the way he's like- BASICALLY a princess is a LOT of fun
Besides, I know he'd come around if someone pushed him in the right direction xD, so it's a harmless snobbiness... for the most part
He's also like- a manipulative little shit? in the way a puppy or a cat is. You Could say No, but Would you? when he's looking at you like that, with those pale blue eyes :( ?
and his stubbornness akjfksbglsng
I know the Azirastans see him a bit differently, I've noticed they like him more for his positive traits, but to me what TRULY makes him a fun character is all those things that are a bit shit
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bananadramaaa · 9 months ago
have you ever heard of Lackadaisy? the 1920s mafia cats XD
if you havent i'd really recomend it! it has a pilot on youtube and a webcomic on their website (lackadaisy.com), it's really good :D
Oh, yeah, I heard about it and even watched the pilot XD The first minisode "Ingenue" hit me right in the feels. I'm so invested in this story it's not even funny. I can't wait for the first season to come out.
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ask-bing-and-the-g-unit · 1 year ago
Fuck you *cats you*
Upset crossed Eric’s face as the anon appeared. He just wanted to fold the laundry, please. “Please, watch your–”
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“– mrrow.”
The tuxedo cat blinks in surprise at the sudden change in height. Then looks down.
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riisitee · 2 years ago
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The Resurrectionists minisode reminded me of an album cover, so of course I had to create something so niche, that most people won't probably understand what it's referencing
It's based on the album called "Mary Ann Meets the Gravediggers and Other Short Stories by Regina Spector" (2006) by.... well, Regina Spektor (album cover below).
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It was fun coming up with details for it, like Wee Morag being the one holding a skull, Gabriel's statue in the back and Aziraphale holding the tumour, symbolising his conflicted feelings (I also love giving Crowley his shit-eating grin, good stuff).
(NOTE: Neil Gaiman did not write "The Resurrectionists" minisode, it was Cat Clarke. I found out that after writing the text. The text part isn't 100% accurate anyways)
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 2 years ago
hi! i just have a question which i thought you might know the answer to. i was just wondering if we know whether the minisodes for go2 are within the episodes like s1 e3 or are entirely separate to the 6 main episodes. just because i've heard people talking about titles for them. no worries if you don't know, and thank you so much for everything you do for our community <3
Hiya! :) Oh, the minisodes titles, yes :). They are within the episodes the same as the cold opening :).
They are:
Biblical times minisode called A Companion To Owls by John Finnemore in Episode 3, in all likelihood about Job played by Peter Davison
Victorian times minisode called The Resurrectionists by Cat Clarke in Episode 2 in Edinburgh 1827 - our favourite angel and demon get into a wee bit of a pickle there, there’s little stint of body snatching in the era.
Blitz minisode called Nazi Zombie Flesh Eaters by Jeremy Dyson and Andy Nyman which takes up much of Episode 4. Andy Nyman called it ‘very naughty’.
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tweet and post :)
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maryshelleysgrave · 22 days ago
I'm actually crying over the Holmwood Foundation talking about the Yorkshire moors big cat/panther in the new minisode I had so many news articles about it last year and it's like a local myth at this point so I'm kind of obsessed with it having a mention
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sylkiescoat · 10 months ago
Kai minisode spoilers under cut
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He makes me so pained and ugghh. What’s the painful and relatable this-person-is-a-part-of-me equivalent of a comfort character. He’s like a weird cat or something
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neil-gaiman · 2 years ago
Hi, I'm a nurse and really enjoyed the Edinburgh minisode and how it showed Aziraphale grappling with the complexities of good and bad moral/ethical choices. I'd like to know what happened to Elsbeth when she bought her farm and if she was 'properly good'? Absolutely loved this series thankyou❤️
That's one for fanfiction (or for Cat Clarke to tell).
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lazulibundtcake · 7 months ago
I was finding it comforting this morning to reflect on the other writers of Good Omens. I don't even mean Terry Pratchett, I mean those who worked on Season Two and gave us so many iconic lines and moments.
John Finnemore wrote an unknown amount of the main script, and also the whole Job minisode. Cat Clarke wrote the Edinburgh minisode (laudanum Crowley my beloved). And Jeremy Dyson and Andy Nyman gave us 1941, and where would we be without the magic show?
Not much more of a point here, just food for thought.
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