#cat ear headphone kids
petnews2day · 4 months
Promate launches Panda headphones with LED cat ears for kids | Technology News
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/z6gNl
Promate launches Panda headphones with LED cat ears for kids | Technology News
News Technology Gadgets Promate launches Panda headphones with LED cat ears for kids Promate Panda is an over-the-year headphone for kids that come with LED illuminated cat ears. They can be used both wired and wirelessly. Promate Panda comes with a volume limiter that prevents kids’ ears from getting damaged. (Image Source: Promate) Promate today […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/z6gNl #CatsNews #CatEarHeadphoneKids, #CatEarsLedHeadphone, #ChildrenHeadphone, #HeadphoneForKids, #PandaHeadphone, #Promate, #PromatePanda
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bemboob · 4 months
facts (?) i have learnt about etho
- lives in the middle of nowhere in snow
- his gaming setup is incredibly cursed
- these revelations about his setup confirm that he does in fact have at least 2 arms. unsure about legs.
- his headphones are cursed in ways i don’t want to think about. but this is Proof he does in fact have a head
- a kid recognised him from his voice
- he hates onions
- used to help with his parent’s plant nursery business before it closed
- helped a girl out of her car after an accident
- has multiple generators
- doesn’t have a phone 😭😭
- probably chops wood and digs ditches?
- he still uses double tap to sprint
- a plastic bag once got stuck under his car and got burnt and stunk his car up for months
- he gets a nosebleed when he drinks carbonated drinks
- he had a cat named snuggles or snuckles who kiLLED A DUCK
- he likes baked potato but it’s actually baked in the MICROWAVE. for 3 hours?????
- a moose once broke his fence
- a moose once bit his sister (?)
- he went camping in the rocky mountains and messed up his ankles
- he likes peanut butter on bananas but he dropped it once but ate it anyway
- he made fireworks in his garage when he was younger and burnt a hole in a table
- he got stopped in an airport for having a BB gun i think it was
- his stopped uploading videos during the olympics. i don’t think this is a coincidence. i believe he is in the national hockey team. i have no proof.
- he is ripped with a 6 pack??
- he didn’t get vaccinated for a while when he was a kid?????
- he can make a popping noise by sticking his pinky finger in his ear
- always wears socks but hates sandals. not sure about the verdict on socks + sandals
- he can rotate his feet over 180 degrees. i think someone said it was 300 degrees but the thought of that makes me uncomfortable
- he likes the colour Green
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multifandomgirl08 · 6 days
Redline [Mini Verstappen Series]
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Dad!Max Verstappen x Mother!Reader (Established Relationship)
Summary: "I'm sorry, mijn leeuwin. I know you were excited to announce it to everyone."
Warning(s): N/A
Words: 1.9k
Previous Part → Next Part Mini Verstappen Masterlist
It had been around 12 in the afternoon when Max had been streaming with Team Redline on iRacing during their normally planned Wild Wednesday. Max had been occupied looking at the virtual race track before him, being used to blocking out all of the sounds of the other guys in his ears. Crane had been jokingly reading through the chat like normal, throwing out random comments left and right.
“Max is busy, chaps.” Crane said. “With his wife, four kids, and three cats. He doesn’t have time for us anymore in his schedule.”
Max knew that Crane was exaggerating. Over the last few months Max hadn’t been partaking in Redline streams as much. Niki had started walking and he had been chasing him around the house. Nico needed help with homework in the evening before they sent him off to bed. Max, Nico, Y/N and Niki would sometimes spend weekends at the karting track giving Nico the tools to get ready for when he would be able to fully race in karts when he was a little older. Max always tried to make time for the Redline guys but it had grown hard in the last few months.
“Four? Crane, Y/N hasn’t even had this one yet.” He let slip out trying to focus turning in the Formula 2 car he was driving.
“This one?” He heard from Gianni.
“Max moves fast.” He heard Crane say. “Like he currently is into turn 12 of this race.”
A moment later he heard from Crane again, “Max, people in the chat are asking if Y/N is in fact pregnant again.”
He barely let his eyes go wide. He was going to be in trouble with his wife.
“MAX!” He heard from the next room over. Y/N had been inside the baby’s room putting away some clothes that had been gifted to them from Victoria, Martin, and Daniel.
He could hear her footsteps going from one room to another. He was lucky that the race had just ended and he had just finished P2. He was quick to mute his mic before looking at her when she walked into the room, heavily pregnant, holding her belly with a thin light blue dress under her fingers.
“Did you just let it slip on stream that I’m pregnant again?” She asked, holding up her phone to show a direct message of a picture of a tweet that she got on Instagram from a friend of hers.
The tweet in all caps read, IS Y/N VERSTAPPEN PREGNANT AGAIN???!!?!?!
He gave a nod to her, and could hear Crane in one ear saying that he was in trouble. He wanted to knock his headphones off his head, or at the very least reach up and turn his camera off.
“You weren’t supposed to say anything until next week.” She said with the hand that was holding her phone falling to her side.
It had always been the original plan to wait until she was closer to the end of her pregnancy to announce that she was pregnant to everyone who wasn’t family. 
Max reached his hand out towards her as she was standing close to his sim rig. She was just out of view of the camera so no one could see her belly. “I’m sorry, mijn leeuwin. I know you were excited to announce it to everyone.”
Given how busy they both were with the kids and both of their work lives they had waited much longer this time around to announce that Y/N was pregnant again. Things at home for them were just starting to slow down. Maybe now would be just as good a time as any.
She hung her head for a moment, and Max was waiting to hear the sound of irritation in her voice but instead she just shook her head. Max caught her hand, moving to take his headphones off with one hand. He placed them on top of his keyboard, before dropping her hand and then moved out of the seat of his rig. He took her in his arms and placed a few kisses into her hair. “I’m sorry.” He whispered again. “If you want I can make Crane apologize. You know that he was just joking around.”
None of the Team Redline guys knew that Y/N was pregnant. Crane had just thrown something out there and happened to be right this time. He felt her drop her head onto his shoulder and felt her shake it side to side.
He stroked his fingers over the small of her back and could feel a few drops of what could only be tears start to soak the fabric at the shoulders of his shirt. He kissed the side of her head, and could feel that she was pulling away from him. He looked to meet her eyes, and saw that they were red rimmed. He ran his fingers over her cheeks, removing the tear tracks, and kissed her forehead. “You can post it later today,” He whispered. “I’m sure half of the internet won’t even notice.”
She gave him a stiff nod, and hugged him once more and he made sure to hug her back feeling her baby bump against his stomach, placing a kiss on her hairline in apology before she let go of him. 
He watched her walk out of the room with her shoulders slumped forward. He let out a heavy sigh before climbing back into his sim rig and putting on his headphones again. He looked at his screen to see that the stream had ended and it was just him, Crane and the rest of the team. “Max,” He heard from Crane. “You’re being a little too quiet for my liking mate.”
Max pressed the button on his steering wheel, turning his mic back on. “Yeah, sorry guys. I have a very unhappy wife right now.”
He could hear the far away sound of a door opening, and it sounded like it was coming from Nico’s room.
“I’m sorry to hear that Max,” He heard from Crane. “Let Y/N know I didn’t mean to spill the beans.”
“I’ll make sure that she knows.” He replied with a tight tone to his voice.
Max stayed on talking to the Redline guys for a few more minutes catching up with them, hearing about how 24 hours of Nurburgring had gone without him this year. Before they had all logged off Crane apologized again. Max told him not to worry about it.
Later in the evening after dinner, Y/N seemed to disappear into Niki’s room for a while. Max couldn’t tell if Y/N was still upset about earlier today. He knew that she had posted the photos that were taken of her to Instagram, with the almost jilted announcement that was her caption, Our secret got spilled a little early but I can't wait to meet you in July. After he had received several congratulations from being tagged in the comments of her post. 
Max had been helping Nico with his homework, and by the time they were done Nico needed to head to bed. Max had loaded the dishwasher, and cleaned the counters quickly. He turned the light off in the kitchen and walked downstairs to the master bedroom to see Y/N on her side of the bed, she looked to be asleep, Niki and Nico were also in their bed, curled close to Y/N. Max changed out of his clothes from the day, throwing his team redline shirt to the side and took off his shorts before walking back into the bedroom.
Max had never been kicked out of his own bed before, but he walked to his side of the bed and moved to get his pillow. It seemed like he would be sleeping on the couch upstairs tonight. He pulled the pillow from the bed and was just about to leave the room when he heard, “Maxy,” in Y/N’s sleep riddled tone. He turned to look at her, and saw Niki’s head against her chest with her hand holding the little boy. “Where are you going?” She asked, obviously seeing the pillow in his hand. “Thought I would sleep on the couch.” He wasn’t sure if she was still mad at him, but he wasn’t going to sleep in their bed if she was.
He saw her shake her head a little before doing her best to reach over without jostling Niki while he slept and pulled the sheets back on his side. So, she wanted him in here, she wasn't as mad as he thought she was. He climbed under the sheets eventually, dropping his pillow back in its place, and as Nico moved closer to him, Max made the assessment that they would need a bigger bed if the younger kids wanted to sleep in here at any point.
All five of them wouldn’t be able to fit into a king size bed anymore.
Nights like this didn’t happen often, and Max didn’t want to assume that Y/N’s reaction was because she was hormonal and pregnant even though he knew that it was. She was feeling emotional and needed to be surrounded by him and the boys. It was almost like she was nesting in a way, needing to have the things that were important to her in arms reach.
He moved Nico slightly, so the little boy's back was pressed up against his chest before looking at Y/N. She reached for him first, pressing her hand to his cheek.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered.
“I know.” Max laid his hand over hers. “It’s only a week earlier than planned.”
“It just slipped out.” He tried to reason. He hadn’t been dying to tell the world that he was going to be a father again in less than four months. He had been excited that Y/N was pregnant again and that they were having another boy but going through all of the extra things for the announcement didn’t do anything for him. He was more concerned with his wife giving birth without any complications and his son being born healthy. “I know,” She pressed her head further into her pillow. “I know that Crane just says things while you guys are on stream. I know he didn’t mean anything by it.”
She didn’t sound emotional now, and he knew that her hormones were back to normal, or as normal as they could be when she was 32 weeks pregnant.
“You’re not angry then?” He asked just to be sure.
“I’m not, Max.”
Then why did he feel like he still needed to find a way to make up for it somehow? Max started to run through what he could do to set it right. Maybe order her a big bouquet of flowers, or go and ask Victoria to take Y/N out to lunch the next time they were in Belgium? Let her max out one of their credit cards, even though he knew that she was too financially responsible to let that happen.
“I was hormonal and over reacted. Don’t worry.” She said as if that settled the matter. She pressed her head against his shoulder and he felt her eyelashes flutter closed against his skin. He was going to find some way to make this up to her.
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Mini Verstappen taglist: @karmabyfernando, @barcagirly, @sachaa-ff, @iamahallucinationnn, @musingsbyshreya, @glow-ish, @nonsensical-nonsence, @fanboyluvr, @champomiel, @gothicwidowsworld, @lighttsoutlewis, @itsalwaysgay, @minkyungseokie, @mynameisangeloflife, @ursforever129, @aundercover, @bborra, @mindless-rock, @cixrosie, @barcelonaloverf1life, @taylorslovesswifties13, @konsti081, @mellowarcadefun, @smnthnclj, @brekkers-whore, @lpab, @thedecalcomania-blog, @xoscar03, @em-gvf01, @haikyuen, @shelbyteller , @geniusalpaca, @princessria127 , @mysticalnightenthusiast
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bitterkarella · 4 months
Midnight Pals: Hackin'
King: i can't believe elon's grok is pretending i'm friends with him King: i need to stop that AI before everyone believes it! King: i've got to hire a hacker King: franz, you've got to help me Franz Kafka: what? me? Barker: steve, no
Kafka: i'm not a hacker King: oh i thought franz was a hacker Barker: what gave you THAT impression? King: you know, with the cat ear headphones and the striped thigh socks Barker: no steve that's something ENTIRELY different Kafka: n-no it isn't, on second thought yes I'm totally a hacker
Kafka: it means i'm a hacker, nothing else Barker: sure franz Kafka: it does! it totally means i'm a hacker! Barker: franz, go play with your blahaj plush, the adults are talking here
Barker: you know who you need? you need william gibson Barker: the best hacker money can buy King: william gibson? how do i contact him? Barker: you don't Barker: he'll contact you
King: can you really hack grok, william? William Gibson: [wearing black duster and fingerless black gloves] my hacker name is shadow gigabyte King: oh sorry Gibson: can i hack grok? listen kid i was cyberbyting the megabyte mainframe when you were just rebooting your motherboard mouse data bandwidth modem email King: wow!
Gibson: my CPU is a neural net processer, a learning computer King: wow he really sounds like he knows what he's talking about! King: that definitely sounds like hacker talk to me Gibson: CD Rom Gibson: internet Joe Hill: dad can i talk to you for a second King: not now joe daddy's hiring a hacker
Gibson: [wildly slapping keyboard] i'll re-index the mega bit blaster cyber codex Gibson: [wildly slapping keyboard] now we'll cybersecurity the lock box data center King: hey what happens if you push that button? Gibson: what the-- no!! [klaxons sound] King: what's that mean? Gibson: shit Gibson: we've got company
Gibson: sentient cyber virus electronic guard cyberbots Gibson: real high tech Gibson: state of the art in bio-tech wetware neural-data scrapers Gibson: [putting on sunglasses with red laser scope] and they ain't friendly
King: what are we going to do?! Gibson: kid, you keep your hands to yourself unless you wanna become roadkill on the information super highway!!! Gibson: hold on to your CPU (central processing unit)!!!
Gibson: [wildly slapping keyboard] gotta reconfigure the darkweb logistics for ethernet wavetech Gibson: [wildly slapping keyboard] upload the memory downloader for dumpware backup Gibson: [wildly slapping keyboard] uncodify the cyberpatch modifer aaaaand Gibson: i'm in
King: wow, you hacked twitter?? how did you do it? Gibson: the greatest hackers never reveal their secrets [earlier] Gibson: [wearing fake mustache] hey elon its me catturd Gibson: could you give me your password? Elon Musk: sure it's "picklerick420"!
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flowerxbunnie · 8 months
can you write ab my matty pooh? like he’s streaming, you come in and everything’s chill at first but then you start getting frisky so he has to turn camera off and mute mic. then y’all do it and have some freaky sex, but afterwards you find out he fucked up and didn’t mute it, and everyone heard you freaks pls 🧎🏻‍♀️
Matt x Fem Reader
Warnings: SMUTTY smut smut smut
@lustfulslxt I changed it up a little bit from the request I don’t think you’ll mind 🤭🫶🏻
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“FUCK DUDE. I knew he was gonna peek around the corner this game is BULLSHIT.”
I hear Matt’s hands slam into his desk for the millionth time tonight, the walls and my headphones muffling his noise, but not nearly enough. I swear he’s always the loudest when I’m trying to focus on something.
“Shut the fuck up Matt, I’m trying to enjoy my movie!” I yell, banging my fist on the wall that separates our rooms.
“Sorry Y/n!” He yells back, then speaks normally, “my roommate told me I’m being too loud boys. NO not my brothers dumbass, why would I call them roommates? ….I don’t know I think they’re at some meeting?….Yeah they’ll be on later I’m sure.”
I hear his one sided conversation, the other voices confined into his headset. I hit play on my movie and shove some more kettle corn into my mouth.
I hit pause and stand up, too frustrated to try and talk to him through a wall again. I throw my bowl onto my bed, not even caring about the spill of crumbs, and yank my door open to head to his room next door. I don’t even knock as I barge in, stomping my way over to him as he pulls the headset off of one ear.
“Matthew Bernard. What do you not understand about quiet time after 6?”
I can hear the voices on the other side of his headset now, not sure how he isn’t deaf at this point with how loud he has it.
“Mommy come to quiet you down Matty?” “Oooh someone’s in trouble..” they laugh and go on teasing him.
“Hang on boys.” He presses a button on the microphone and it goes red as he tosses his headset onto the desk.
“Y/n that is so fucking embarrassing. You don’t have to barge in like I’m some little kid and yell at me like that.” Matt says, rolling his chair back to scoot further away from the desk.
“We have literally talked about this so many times Matthew. After 6 is the only time it’s quiet in this house. I’m literally just trying to watch Titanic and I can’t hear shit over your fucking toddler tantrums.”
“Titanic? Like we haven’t all seen that together 50 times? I’m pretty sure I could watch that on mute and still know exactly what’s going on,” he argues, throwing his hands up.
“That’s not the fucking point, dude. I literally can’t even hear my own thoughts with how loud you’re being. You could also wake up old people in the neighborhood or… something, I don’t even know. Just please keep it the fuck down.”
“Keep it the fuck down, huh?” he questions sarcastically, leaning back in his chair and spreading his legs out, interlocking his hands behind his head. “These walls are pretty thin, sweetheart, and I’m pretty sure I’ve heard you partaking in some not so quiet activities after 6 before.”
My face immediately flushes and I can feel how red I am. I blink a couple times at him before I start to get angry again.
“What the fuck are you talking about Matthew? You’re actually disgusting.”
“I didn’t think it was too disgusting. I just think it’s funny that you’re all over my ass about keeping it down when I can hear you touching yourself nearly every other night.”
As if I couldn’t turn more red, my ears start to throb from the blood flow spreading across my body. I can’t even think of anything to say, so I don’t.
“What’s wrong, Y/n? Cat got your tongue?”
“Fuck you dude, that’s actually so wrong to bring up.” I shake my head at him.
“What baby? I thought we were just airing out our concerns about quiet time.” He bites his tongue and I see it press against the inside of his cheek. “You know, it really disturbs my peace when I have to hear you in there, rolling around on your bed and making those pretty little noises. Probably making such a mess of yourself huh?”
Fuck, why am I getting turned on by him? He’s being such an asshole. But even so, I can’t help but notice the creeping warmth between my thighs.
“I really don’t know what you’re talking about, Matthew, but can you please just talk at a normal volume with your friends so I can enjoy my movie?” I say, starting to turn around and walk out.
His hand reaches out and grabs my arm, pulling me back to face him with a dead look in his eyes.
“Sit on my desk.”
“What the fuck kind of question is that? I’m not-” I get half of my argument out before I’m cut off by his hands grabbing my hips and lifting me off the ground, sitting me down onto his desk, knocking over multiple things in the process.
“It wasn’t a question.” he responds, scooting his chair closer to me and parting my thighs to sit between them.
I’m looking down at him, one of my best friends, his eyes completely different and darker than I’ve ever seen them before.
“What are you doing Matt?” I whisper, feeling his warm hands slide up my thighs and stop at the hem of my silk shorts, his fingers toying with them.
“You seem so serious about me keeping the noise down. I just wanna see how good you can be at it.”
My breath hitches as one of his hands resume its movement and starts to crawl up my shorts agonizingly slow. The other hand comes up to the back of my head, lacing into my hair and pulling me down face to face with him.
His lips ghost at my ear and I can hear his deep breathing. “You just have to let me know if you want to try.”
He pulls me back to make eye contact and I nod, watching as the devilish grin spreads across his face.
“You’re already so good at this baby.”
He brings his face close to mine, my lips aching to feel his but he never closes the distance. I open my mouth to complain, but remember not to because I want to win this more than I’ve ever wanted anything.
He rubs the soft skin of his bottom lip against my top lip with as little pressure as possible and I feel my heat throbbing in anticipation of his next move. His hands trail farther up my shorts as his breath fans over my face, our lips still hovering apart. He explores for my underwear and his hands abruptly stop as he feels just skin.
“No panties? Such a little slut, Y/n.” he says before connecting our lips in a slow, heated kiss. We kiss with such passion and need, like if we stopped the Earth would stop turning. Our tongues dance together as his hands make their way back down my thighs before coming up and brushing against the waistband of my shorts.
“You want me to take them off, don’t you?”
I nod, scooting my hips closer to him to make it easier.
“Tell me how bad you want it, baby. You want me to take them off and touch you here?” He slides his hand down and rubs impossibly slow over my burning core through my shorts, trying to tempt me to break and talk.
I let out the quietest whimper possible, wanting so badly to be able to tell him all the filthy things I need from him.
“Hmm? Nothing to say?” He tilts his head and continues rubbing me, before sarcastically adding, “oh yeah, it’s quiet time isn’t it?”
He chuckles at himself and hooks his fingers into my waistband before pulling them down and off of me, parting my thighs again to return to his spot.
“Look at that, all wet for me. I’ve barely even touched you, baby.” He says in a fake sympathetic tone.
Before I can process what’s happening, his head dips down and he begins lapping at my pussy, his tongue giving the perfect amount of warmth and pressure to draw a moan out of me.
“Oh sweet girl, we have to keep it down. Don’t you remember?” He starts licking again as soon as he finishes his question, and I can’t help but to bring my hands into his hair and pull, needing some kind of release since I can’t make noise.
My hips involuntarily buck towards him to get him as close to me as I can- so close I can feel his nose brush against my clit. He swirls his tongue in delicious circles and at some point I swear I can feel him use his tongue to trace the letters of his name into my pussy.
My stomach is tightening and my head is thrown back, and I don’t know if I can keep up this quiet game for much longer. It’s becoming almost impossible because his fingers are now trailing their way up to my bikini line, teasing my skin in the best way. His fingers slowly find a place to rest against my entrance and his eyes flicker up to meet mine. His pupils are dilated and his eyelids are half closed, the look of need on his face.
“Want me to make you cum, baby?” he asks in a raspy and low voice.
I test the waters with confidence and answer, “P-please Matt.”
His hand draws back and I feel a sting as he slaps my pussy, the mix of pleasure and pain almost too good.
“I thought we talked about staying quiet, Y/n? You’re not being a very good girl for me right now.” He almost hisses, his eyes darkening.
“I was going to let you cum all over my fingers,” he starts, standing up from his spot and I want to whine at the loss of contact so bad. “But I think I’ll just fuck you and see if you can prove yourself.”
He grabs my waist and pulls me off the desk onto my feet, pushing his chair back to make enough room to spin me around and bend me over the desk. His hand comes down to slap my ass hard enough to make me jump and suck in a breath.
“You think you can keep that pretty little mouth shut this time?” He leans down as he whispers into my ear.
I nod furiously and throw my head down onto the desk with a thud, my frustration growing as my pussy is dripping at this point. I feel his fingers running up and down my folds before they are pulled away, and shortly after I hear his pants hitting the floor. I turn my head around and I’m met with him pumping his cock using my juices as lubrication. I almost drool at the sight, biting my lip and staring into his eyes.
“Arch up a little for me baby.”
I do as I’m told, laying my head back down and standing on my tiptoes with my chest pressed against the desk. I feel one of his hands come to rest on my ass, spreading me open for him before his head makes the slightest contact with my entrance.
I’m biting my lip so hard to keep the noises in that I can taste an iron like taste- I’m honestly pathetic, drawing my own blood to keep quiet for him. He pushes into me and I feel myself stretching around his dick, causing my hips to twitch and jerk at the pain.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I just know your pussy will be so perfect for me. I’m gonna make it fit.” He says in a sickly sweet voice before spitting onto the spot where our bodies have become one.
He pushes deeper into me, his warm saliva allowing him to bottom out and his hips to sit flush against my ass.
“Holy fuck, so tight baby. So so perfect for me, just like I knew it would be.” he moans as he begins pumping himself in and out of me.
All I can do is sit there and take it, trying my hardest to contain myself. All I want to do is scream his name and tell him how fucking good this feels.
Both of his hands rest on my hips, his rings digging into my skin as he holds me in place. I can hear him cursing and moaning as he speeds up his pace and his pressure.
“Why aren’t you saying anything, sweetheart? Oh, right…” he mocks before pushing as deep as he could into me and holding it for a second, hitting the deepest and most sensitive spot.
I whimper in reaction and brace in anticipation of his large hand to smack my ass, but it doesn’t happen.
I turn around to see his lust filled eyes staring back at me.
“Fuck this stupid game, I need to hear more of those pretty little noises.” He says before picking his pace back up, slamming in and out of me hard enough to knock his headset and microphone off the desk.
“FUCK Matt, please please don’t stop, pleeeease,” I draw out, gripping the back edge of the desk so hard my knuckles turn white. I whimper and whine freely, no longer scared of the repercussions of the dumb game we had started.
“Fuck, you make me wanna do horrible nasty things, Y/n. I just want to ruin you for everyone else. Need that pussy to belong to me.” he pants out, his grip on my hips deepening and his thrusts becoming sloppy as his legs begin to shake.
My stomach tightens after his possessive thoughts spill from his lips.
“I’m all yours, Matt. F-fuck, all yours baby.” I moan out before beginning to throw my hips back halfway to meet his tired thrusts.
“I know you’ve wanted this as long as I have, tell me how bad you needed me, baby.” he leans down to whisper into my ear, his breath sending shivers down my spine.
“I t-touch myself thinking of you, Matt. I’ve needed you for so long,” I admit.
His dick throbs inside of me, threatening his release at any second. I feel my pussy clench around him as my own high approaches, earning a deep growl from him before he grits his teeth and says, “Let me cum in you, please I need to, Y/n.”
“Fuck Matt please,” I moan out as I feel myself topple over the edge, waves of pleasure taking over as I grind my hips back into him. Soon after, I feel his warm release pumping deep into me and my name rolling off his tongue as if he’s in a trance. His thrusts die down and we both sigh as we come out the other side of our orgasms together.
He collapses down onto me before pushing himself back up to keep his weight from crushing me into the desk. His lips leave soft kisses across my shoulder blades as we both try to catch our breath, sweat glistening on our bodies. He pulls himself out of me slowly before lifting me off the desk, a much more tender side of him coming back to the surface.
We share a few soft kisses and caress each other, both taking in what just happened.
Our heads snap to the side as we hear muffled talking, worried Nick and Chris came home. Matt hurries to the window in a panic, peeking out the blinds before turning back to me.
“I don’t know what the fuck we both just heard, but I’m pretty sure they’re still gone.” He exhales deeply before reaching down to pick up the items that had fallen off his desk in our careless moments.
I gasp as he throws the headset violently to the ground and scurries away, a look of panic written across his face.
“Y/n the fucking mic is on..” he says as the blood drains from his face.
“What the fuck.. how? I watched you mute it!” I slap my hands to my face, the most embarrassing pit forming in my stomach.
“I guess when it fell off the desk? I have no fucking clue,” he whispers.
I sigh and walk over to the headset and press it against my ear, hearing tons of remarks and laughter from Matt’s friends on the other side.
“I really didn’t think he’d ever get to hit! Props to him though, he’s been in love with her forever I swear.”
“Fuck Matt please don’t stop please!!” Another voice mocks in their best girly voice.
“You gotta take care of this one, Matty. I’m gonna shower and finish my movie,” I say, handing him the headset and placing one more kiss on his lips before smiling and grabbing my shorts to head out the door. I turn around giggling and say one more thing that I have to get out.
“Remember to keep it down this time, please.”
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roguehongsami · 1 month
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—★ pairing/s: brother's friend!seonghwa x fem!nerd
—★ genre/s: smut, fluff, au
—★ synopsis: having no social skills, navigating the dating scene is challenging. & it doesn't help that you've been crushing on your older brother’s friend since you were kids. conversely, seonghwa also likes you but never had the guts to approach you out of respect for his friend. he finally decides to make his move.
—★ content: (un)protected sex, breast play, fingering, oral sex, multiple orgasms, praise, marking, aftercare. reader is inexperienced.
—★ word count: 2.8k
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ alicia keys // un-thinkable (i'm ready)
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Their parents had gone on holiday, leaving her older brother Jimi in charge. It wasn't dubiety on their end, her timid and reticent nature meant she could not put her foot down when necessary. Nose stuck in a manga and head in the clouds. A nosebleed with an interest in anime, video games & legos, but still a social recluse. Unlike her peers, relationships and everything that came with them weren't priority. Not by choice. An undeniable knockout, she couldn't find anyone of the opposite sex who was attentive to her interests. Despite her withdrawal from the social scene and only having two friends, she was still known because of Jimi, adored nonetheless.
Comfortably shut away in her dimly lit bedroom. Purple LED lights hung from the ceiling and star-shaped phosphorescent stickers on the walls, two shelves for her manga and lego collections. A white cloud-like light dangled in the middle of the room. Congregation of squishmallows on her bed. Preoccupied with her newest video game Stray, she did not notice Jimi calling to her until a pen hit her monitor. When she turned in her gaming chair, ears covered by headphones with cat ears, there stood Jimi and his best friend Seonghwa in her doorway. The moment the headphones came off, music was booming downstairs. Chatter from the guests in the mix.
"Hey kid, you sure you don't wanna join the party? You're 18, so you can drink now." Jimi's voice cut through the music.
She dissented from the offer. "Too many people I don't know and don't like. And the music..."
"What's wrong with the music?" Seonghwa's low and mildly husky voice carried.
"Involuntary loud noises bother her." Jimi said, she nodded at the statement. "Should I call Nneka and Priya to keep you company?" her head swayed left to right. "Buzz me if you need anything, I'll have my phone on me."
As soon as they shut the door, her attention was brought back to the monitor. For her standards, the night was quite entertaining. No carousers stumbled accidentally into her room. The 'No Entry' sign Jimi hung on her door sent a clear message. She only left her room twice; once to use the bathroom and another to get a glass of juice downstairs. Her brief appearance in the kitchen didn't go unnoticed. Seonghwa watched her from a barely lit corner in her oversized tee and slackened shorts, glasses balanced on her nose.
It was not the same girl he would goad as kids.
The period between his departure to university up until then, she had undergone a metamorphosis. The removal of her braces was succeeded by growth in her chest and lower body. She had traded her thick-brimmed glasses for frameless ones. Her mother had weekly hair treatments and mani-pedis scheduled for her. These changes happened in his absence, so every shift blindsided him. Over the years, his emotions had marinated. Every visit he'd see her, it felt like he was meeting a new person. Except he wasn't.
Puberty had finally consummated.
Bluetooth earphones blocking out the music, she laid sideways on the bed as she watched Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan on the wall-mounted TV. Too engrossed, she didn't hear Seonghwa knocking on her door. She merely caught movement in her peripheral view. He stood a few feet from her bed with a bowl of snacks in hand, small smile tugging the corners of his lips.
"Hey slugger, got you snacks." he put the bowl on her bedside table.
She sat upright. "Thanks, you didn't have to."
He picked up a Linkin Park Funko Pop from her shelf and studied it then putting it back. Pointing at the Lego collection, "You like Legos?"
Sheepishly smiling, "Yeah, I started collecting when Jimi gave me his. Said he'd outgrown them."
Seonghwa scoffed, "Jimi's always been tasteless." his fingers grazed the mangas stacked against one another. "Have you read all of these?"
She walked over to the shelf and crouched, pulling a box full of mangas from the bottom. "Yup, and I just got every volume of Steel Ball Run. But I'll start reading them once I finish watching Stone Ocean."
He failed to mask the smile on his face when she started raving about her manga collection. She didn't even notice the adoration in his eyes with how busy she was with showing her different series. An active participant in the conversation, he asked questions that encouraged her to elaborate further on her statements. Elated to have an ear that listened, her heart was overjoyed. They restored the mangas to their original positions.
"You mind if I join you?" he asked while pointing at the TV.
She agreed.
They sat side by side on the bed as they continued watching the anime, downing handfuls of snacks. Every chuckle and giggle on her end was met with a doting stare. He eventually stopped watching the TV, eyes glued on her. When the episode ended, she turned to see Seonghwa staring. She waved her hand past his face, bringing him out of his reverie.
"Huh..." he blinked a few times.
"I said that was the last episode." she repeated, feeling addled. "You still like Star Wars?"
He ran his hand over his face. "Sure. Uhm..." he cleared his throat. "Y/N, do you have a boyfriend?"
Heat arose in her cheeks, averting her eyes. "No, I've never had one actually."
"How come?"
"Have you met me? I'm an anime and sci-fi geek who can barely hold a conversation for a minute. No one's really into nerds like that." she shrugged nonchalantly. "Each to their own I guess."
He inched closer to her face, merely inches apart, "Can I?" he asked.
Her nod was his green light. His lips pressed against hers. They were absorbed into the moment. Tugging on her lower lip with his teeth, his tongue asked for permission to explore her mouth. She granted him access. Her arms flung over his shoulders as he hoisted her onto his lap. Wet kisses were trailed along her neck. When he grabbed the hem of her tee, she broke the kiss.
"Hwa, I..." her eyes drooped, voice down to a whisper. "I've never... done it before."
His eyes wide, "Oh... That's cool, no pressure. We don't have to do this if you don't want, let's watch Star Wars instead."
"No, just... can you make it so it doesn't hurt?"
He nodded, lips meeting hers once more. The tee was brought over her head and thrown to the floor, revealing a beautiful set of twins. He wanted her first time to be memorable and as painless as possible. It wasn't another one of his late night res hookups. Time was of the essence and he was going to savour every moment for himself, and leave zero regret on her side.
Gently cupping her mounds, squeezing, his lips played around her nipples. Tongue glossing over the skin and flicking, nibbling away. He gave each breast equal treatment. Her whimpers maddened him. Fingers tangled in his soft sable locks. She would grind her clothed core on his thigh, needing some sort of pacification but the friction alone wasn't fulfilling. He guided her rhythm with his hands on her hips. They held each other's gaze, only her light panting could be heard.
"Is that better?" he whispered as her eyes begged for more, she refuted. "Lie down for me, okay?" she buried her head in her squishmallows. He grabbed a pillow and put it on her chest. "Don't feel embarrassed but if you do, just cover your face with this pillow."
His hands tugged on her shorts. Slipping them off and chucking them aside, revealing her dripping core. Her bundle of nerves was throbbing, hole aching for occupation. This sensation was not foreign but she could never quite deal with it hands-on. His fingers ran through her folds, gathering the pooling slick and lubricating her nub. Rubbing a few times just get her ready. He slipped a single finger in, body squirming a bit at the feel. As he pumped her slowly, wet sounds and weak whimpers filled the atmosphere, along with the music. Still working his magic, he hovered over while balancing himself on one arm.
"Baby, move the pillow." his voice low. She set the pillow aside, eyes on Seonghwa. "I'm putting in a second finger, okay?" she nodded.
With his palm rubbing her nub, he slid in a second finger with lips encapsulating hers. She moaned into the kisses. Soon he put in a third, stretching her to perfection. He kneeled between her thighs, bucking her hips up closer. Face covered by her pillow again. Fingers still buried inside her, his mouth suckled on her sensitive bud. The mere taste of her on his tongue sent him into a frenzy. He was simply not satisfied. He wanted to consume her wholly. Momentarily removing his fingers, his tongue ventured into her hole.
"Fucking God Y/N, you taste so fucking good." he groaned, voice vibrating against her core, making her body squirm.
His grip was tight on her hips, lips stuck to her. He slipped his fingers back inside. Moans muffled by her pillow. Her legs begun quaking, walls tightening around his fingers. He laid her back down and pumped even faster, fingers bent at an angle that hit her sweet spot. A thick clear substance, liquid in consistency, oozed onto his fingers. Slowly pushing the release back inside her, her eyes were wide in disbelief. Nervous she may have done something wrong, Seonghwa leaned into her ear, fingers still pumping.
"You did great, princess. You were just perfect, okay baby?" he kissed her, allowing her to taste herself on his lips. The decibels of his voice alone were enough to bring upon a second orgasm.
As she laid watching, he undressed until fully nude. It stood long and girthy, slapping against his stomach before stagnating. Her eyes could not peel away. It was truly a sight to behold. Tip pink and leaking endlessly, throbbing and taut, wanting, needing to feel her. He took a condom out of his denim back pocket. Ultra thin to give a raw feeling. Posited between her legs, he pumped himself a few times to get ready. He tore the foil with his teeth and slipped the condom on. A come-hither expression spread across his face as he leaned into her face. Tip running through her folds while he kissed her, he lined up at her entrance, tip already in. He bucked her hips up and wrapped her legs tightly around his waist.
"We can stop anytime you want, just tell me to and I will." he eased in a bit more.
Legs shaking. They were sweating at the mere effort before the actual work had begun. He fed her another inch as she cried, "Ah, Seonghwa more..."
Unsure of what she might have meant, but Seonghwa knew. He brought himself down to his elbows, lips locked with hers as he filled her up slowly. She moaned into his mouth. He started moving, in and out, gradually increasing speed and impact. Still gentle with her, each stroke hit her cervix. Fingers entwined together, hands pinned down on the stuffed toys. He peppered kisses all over her neck and collarbone, biting into her skin and leaving red marks.
"You're making me feel really good, Hwa." she cried, tears going down her temples.
Leaning into an angle that allowed him to graze her bud with every stroke, her legs opened wider with her hands on his waist. He pressed his hands against the wall for optimum effect.
"Jesus, you are way too good for me baby. No one else can have you except for me."
His grunting caused her to produce more cum, her warm and wet hole swallowing him. The squelching got louder as she grew wetter. Brushing past her erogenous zone, every thrust had her seeing stars. Teetering on her eventual release. When she clamped around him, his brain just went to mush. Each stroke more tasking than the last. Their bodies were covered in beads of sweat, some of hers getting absorbed into her pillow. Seonghwa's face as he drilled into her had her in awe. It was the most beautiful she had ever seen him. Strands of hair stuck to his forehead, biting down on his lip. Conversely, Seonghwa's sanity was unraveling at the seams because of how her mouth gaped in an 'O', chanting his name religiously. How her eyes would roll back, her breasts agitating at every pounding.
"Cum for Seonghwa, angel." he panted as his own release loomed. "Cum as hard as you can."
She need not be told twice, her legs shook as her body came all over him. He kept stroking until a white ring formed on the condom. Twitching inside her, his load filled the condom. He hovered over her, bringing her into a consuming and hungry kiss, slow stroking her swollen core. He pulled out of her, removing the condom, tying it and discarding it into the trash can. He cleaned her with the tissues on the bedside table. They pulled the comforter over themselves, she laid on her back with Seonghwa balanced on his arm. Plastering kisses on her bare collarbone while he held her hand.
"You did so well for me." he cooed.
Gaze zeroed in on his big eyes, "Really, even for a first-timer?"
"Beyond perfect." he brought her hand to his lips.
"Hwa," she ran her fingers over his chest, lashes batting coquettishly, "can we try other stuff?"
A mischievous grin materialised as he spoke, hand grabbing her waist and dragging her closer, "Oh? Tell me your ideas then."
[ . . . ]
As the night progressed, the sex only grew more carnal. Every idea she had was only more licentious than the last. Seonghwa had his work cut out for him. She had an appetite like no other. With his guidance, they were all over each other the whole night, eventually slowing down around the same time the shivoo died and the inebriated disappeared into the night.
In the early hours of the morning, the lot were wide-eyed and well-rested, starting a new session. It was 10:00 and the curtains were still drawn, on their nth round of the morning. Darkness not opaque but dim enough to give the mood they desired. Careful to not make any noise that could invite unwanted attention, they were finishing their last go around. Hips snapping against her butt, his fingers digging into her hips and face buried in a pillow to mute her cries, as soon as she creamed on his sizable member, he carefully pulled out and sprayed his load on her bared butt. He wiped her off then begun getting dressed.
"What are you doing on Saturday?" he enquired as he threw on his sweater.
Opening the windows to let the fresh air circulate, she responded, "Nothing serious, why?"
"We're going on a date and I won't take 'no' for an answer." he said matter-of-factly.
She smiled sheepishly, eyes looking at her perfectly pedicured toes. "I've never been on a date before."
He pulled her into a bear hug, stealing a kiss then saying, "There's a first for everything." he pulled away. "I should go before Jimi wakes up, otherwise he'll skin me alive if he knew I had sex with his kid sister before taking her out." a pregnant pause. "I... probably, should've asked you out first."
"This isn't the first time, is it?" eyebrow arched in anticipation.
He pulled his face. "Having sex with a friend's sister, it is. Date after sex, no." he rubbed the back of his neck. He cupped her face, pecking her numerous times until she tittered. "Look at that, we're both experiencing a bunch of firsts."
When Seonghwa opened the door, her friends Priya and Nneka stood idly, Priya's hand suspended in mid-air, about to knock. Their jaws went slack as they stood before him. Priya put her hand down as they slipped right past him, entering their friend's bedroom. Bed unmade and half-full bowl of snacks still on the table. Eyes darted between her and Seonghwa, absorbing what had transpired.
"Priya, Nneka," Seonghwa smirked arrogantly, "you girls seen Jimi on your way up?"
"Uhm... no." Priya crossed her arms over her chest. "I heard noises coming from his room, so you should probably go before he's finished."
He leaned in to kiss her. "I'll call you tonight, okay?" she nodded, reaching to meet his lips. "See you Saturday."
Seonghwa made a clean exit, completely missing Jimi. She changed her sheets, putting the stained sheet in her laundry basket. Arranged her squishmallows accordingly, her friends' eyes glued to her.
"Seonghwa Park?!" Nneka whispered-yelled.
"Your first time was with the Seonghwa Park?! Girl, how was it?" Priya followed Nneka's lead.
Very coy on the specifics, they gleefully jumped up and down. Their late bloomer friend, the shy nerd who could barely hold a conversation unrelated to her interests for longer than 5 minutes... she had finally blossomed. Her petals plucked and ready to sprout a new set, her friends were dead-set on celebrating this milestone.
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odxrilove · 1 year
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pairing: stray kids x fem!reader
genre: fluff, idol!au + non-idol!au , 2.2k
a/n: finally managed to finish this one 🫡
back to masterlist!
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bangchan realizes it late at night on a tuesday. it's around two or three am when bangchan's phone buzzes, one time, two times and a third time before it stays silent for a few minutes. he's hesitant to pick up the device from its location–which is screen down on the desk– but his thoughts soon get interupted by a fourth buzz. he sighs in relief and smiles, it's you.
less than ten minutes later, you walk in the studio, holding a grocery bag in your right hand. bangchan told you that you didn't need to come and that you should sleep since you had work at eight am that day but you still decided to come over. not everybody would sacrifice a night of sleep to take care of a friend, to make sure he eats and drinks enough.
bangchan falls asleep around five in the morning, on the couch, a blanket draped over his body that you so carefully placed there to keep him warm. you stay up a bit to clean up, throwing away the ramen boxes and organizing all the papers on his desk before you settle next to him and fall asleep less than three minutes after.
when he wakes up that morning, you're a gone but a cup of coffee and a note await him. you remind him to rest and bangchan can't help but blush at the little heart next to your name. you're a great friend but that day, he hopes for you to be more than friends.
it was unexpected for him, it came out of nowhere and at once. the boys had invited you to go on a short trip to a cabin with them and you had happily agreed, organizing and helping chan with preparing everything. when the two cars parked in front of your apartment, you immediately hopped into the car with minho, sliding in next to him and giving him a smile so big he could tell how joyful you were. from the moment you exited the city, banter and laughter filled the car. it was a chilly but sunny afternoon and having you by his side, so openly carefree, made him all the more content. lee know wasn’t really listening to the conversation, mainly admiring you, but suddenly something drags him out of his reverie. you’re playfully arguing with han and apparently you’re talking about lee know’s cats. the boy’s too peaceful to interrupt the two of you so he listens. he can’t help but grin when you describe his three cats, using your fingers to show there are three and naming them while han watches, baffled. it’s not anything extraordinary but the way you gush about them, having taken the time to learn their names and be able to recognize them, makes lee know blush. for the rest of the trip, the dancer is shyly watching you out of the corner of his eye, heart beating fast in his chest.
it’s a normal cloudy day, the wind making the fallen leaves twirl in the air, but you’re not too bothered by it, headphones on and music blasting in your ears. it was changbin’s idea to meet at the gym after his normal practice schedule, so that he could finally help you out while you stepped inside a gym for the first time in your life. you don’t think you have ever been more nervous for this, feeling as if everyone had their eyes fixed on your every movement. when you almost wanted to called it quits and run out of there, changbin entered the luxe room, waving to other jacked guys as he walked past them towards you. he was quick to grin at you, seeing your wary expression and patted your head. changbin knows you hate the gym and everything that could resemble a sport so he’s quick to reassure you, to tell you that you’re doing a good job and that he knows you can do it, making your already red face heat up even more. he shrugs off your stares as silent screams of distress, not wanting to get his hopes up and convince himself that you ogle his arms only because he’s showing you the right movement and not because his biceps are on full display. when the short but intense gym session is over and you’re all sweaty and aching all over, you let your head fall against his chest as you sit still on one of the benches. changbin’s heart beats loudly in his chest and he hopes you can’t hear it. he lets you take a two minute nap there, way too mesmerized by your sleeping figure to even dare wake you up, already feeling guilt creeping up at the thought of going to the gym daily with you, hands linked and shared kisses.
hyunjin’s tired, legs feeling like jelly and muscles aching all over. he gulps down the plastic water bottle, sweat dripping down his temples and staining the collar of his tank top. his back is pressed against the floor-to-ceiling mirror and the fabric of his top sticks to his skin. the clock is slowly ticking, his heavy breathing echoing off the walls. when the door to the practice room opens, he doesn’t need to see to know who it is, preferring to keep his head low. your perfume fills the room and hyunjin regains his senses, eyes slowly blinking open to see you staring at him with a stern expression. he knows you don’t like it when he gets home late– he likes to tell himself you only worry about his whereabouts when it’s his turn to do the dishes. you squat down next to him, the back of your hand touching his burning forehead. you loudly scowl at him and he only chuckles tiredly in return, he’s way too out of it to notice the way your stare softens and your lips turn into a worrying pout before you’re back to your normal state. he lets you bring him home to your shared apartment, nodding along to whatever you’re saying, chewing him out for being so careless. the warmth of your apartment hits him like a truck and he grins, as if high. you continue to drag him with you, making sure he doesn’t bump into anything as you slowly help him take off his shoes. you tuck him in, starry eyes looking for any sign of discomfort on his face. he knows you only want what's best for him, that you genuinely care and worry about him. and that thought alone is enough for him to want to give you his full heart, silently calling after you as you close his bedroom door behind you. maybe next time you would hear his pleas, next time when he doesn’t have a burning fever.
han realizes he loves you more than a simple friend during a hangout. it’s a friday evening and your friends’ weekly ‘movie date’. normally, han’s one of the happiest and loudest people during those few hours, but this time he’s quieter, a little isolated. you’re not the only one that noticed but he brushed it off as being tired, effectively but suspiciously convincing the others. you realize pretty fast it’s not because he’s tired when you notice his bouncing knee and fidgety fingers. han could feel you staring, teeth gnawing on the straw of his sugar-filled drink. but then he looks down at the floor, trying to avoid the incoming headache, and he can feel the lack of eyes on him. he only realizes you’re next to him when your hand touches his, your fingers coming to squeeze and entangle with his on your lap, thumb rubbing circles on his skin. you send him a reassuring smile, one full of comfort and love, and suddenly jisung feels warm. it’s a weird feeling but not unpleasant and when you lay your head on his shoulder and start to hum one of his favorite songs, he knows that the butterflies in his stomach are going to be difficult to get rid of.
he realizes it when he's baking with you. in the middle of making some cookies, he suddenly sneezes and sends flour flying everywhere. on your face, clothes and kitchen counters and walls. the flour hangs in the air for a few seconds before it drops down to the floor in a very slow and dramatic way. there's an awkward silence for a few seconds and he thinks you are going to scold him or be pissed at him for making a mess but instead, you throw your head back and laugh.
you laugh so hard it echoes through the room as you clutch your stomach, gripping onto the counter tightly as you try to stand up straight. felix is baffled and that's when you take action, grabbing a handful of the white powder and throwing it directly on him before running around the counter, grabbing another handful of flour to defend yourself.
he watches in awe as you slightly but excitedly jump up and down and prepare yourself for his attack. a blush creeps up on his cheeks and his heart beats in his chest like it's on fire. that's when he knows he loves you. he realizes it when you are covered in flour but smilling nonetheless. in that moment, felix knows that he fell deeply and inevitably in love with you.
seungmin sighs again, for the sixth time since you forced your way into his room ten minutes prior. you continue to ignore him as he spins on his desk chair, watching you flip through his old middle school photobook from a few feet away. you’re laying down comfortably on your stomach on his bed, feet linked together and swinging in the air as you let out breathy giggles every few seconds. normally, seungmin would already have tried to rip the photobook from your arms, but you had been particularly nice to him the day prior– bringing him the extra brownies felix helped you make– so he thinks that letting you get your way for an hour or two won’t hurt his ego too much. your phone buzzes from his bedside table but you don’t move to grab it, leaving the boy curious. it buzzes again and when you do grab it this time, you put it down a second later, now on mute. seungmin stares at you, a puzzled look on his face before you finally turn to him, probing him to ask why you didn’t reply. you only give him a smile, one so sweet that his heart skips a beat. you voice is soft, words rolling off your tongue. “i prefer to be with you, the others can wait.” suddenly seungmin’s head is spinning, at a loss for words. he doesn’t know what’s happening to him, why he’s suddenly so reactive to every detail. it’s a weird feeling, really, but he lets himself fall into it, the feeling of being loved and loving so new and daring that he can’t get enough of it.
jeongin isn’t too sure why he’s even there, silently watching from his seat on the couch as you’re running around their dorm, going back and forth between the bathroom, the hallway and the bedroom your bag is in. all his friends are laughing and joking around, poking fun at you and your panicked and disheveled appearance. you’re stressing, smiling nervously when bangchan asks you if you’re ready. jeongin has never seen you so giddy but so stressed at the same time, noticing how you’re picking at your nails and playing with the strap of your bag. you’re pretty too, he thinks. a scowl takes over his face, he never really realized how pretty you were, usually the thought of finding you attractive never even entered his mind. he gets up and walks over to you, waiting for you to notice him. in your nervous state you turn towards him, colored lips in a tight line. he takes a step forward and his hand hovers over the side of your face until you nod, allowing him to brush the few strands of hair out of your face. he pushes them behind your ears, softly patting your head and massaging your temples. you instantly relax and he can’t help but smile. when you’re out the door, with chan following behind you, car keys in hand, jeongin feels his face heat up, butterflies flying free in his stomach. he doesn’t really register what his friends say, replaying the image of you waving them goodbye with the prettiest smile he’s ever seen. the boy lets himself drown in the cushions of the couch, sighing and an upcoming headache already on its way. if only he had complimented you then, maybe you would have realized his words were laced with newly discovered love and only maybe then you wouldn’t have walked out the door, yelling at your older brother to hurry up so you wouldn’t be late to your date.
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taglist: @0x1lovebot @fairybinie @blaqpinksthetic @odetoyeonjun @pockyandme @soobin-chois @lolalee24 @soobisms @junityy @kaimal @laylasbunbunny @jaeyunverse @enhacolor @honglynights @starry-mins @bibinnieposts @raevyng @yoonzin0 @pointlessapple @yyx2 @yeokill
please do not copy, steal or repost any of my work. all content belongs to @odxrilove
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mysouleaten · 5 months
THIEF !! [part four]
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PLATONIC! pet shop owners! baji, chifuyu and kazutora x teen!reader
summary... uh-oh... where'd your phone go??...
warnings... cuss words, description of injury, and soft baji at the end
[part one] [part two] [part three] [part four]
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the final bell rings for the class to end
your teacher says goodbye and quickly tells everyone to prepare for the quiz on tuesday
putting on your headphones over your ears and walking down the crowded hall of students rushing either to get home or to their respective clubs
you thankfully didn't have a club to rush to and didn't have a bus to catch so you could take your sweet time walking home..
..or you could pop into your favorite pet shop to see if anything caught your eye to actually buy this time, you got your pay-check and your mother sent you around fifty bucks so that was a plus
looking down at your phone to turn up the volume in your headphones you don't notice how someone is about to run right into you until it was too late
a huge box filled with whatever had slammed right into your face
"ah! fuck!" you yelled, the heavy box slammed right above your brow giving it a pretty big blow that was gonna bruise
someone quickly came to apologize and help you to the nurse's office
great way to start your weekend..
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looking in the mirror at the huge bruise that formed above your eyebrow was painful and very obvious
"just fuckin great, huh?" you curse
rolling your eyes you walk to your kitchen and get out an ice pack from the freezer then grab a couple of paper towels and wrap them around the ice pack
laying on your couch and holding the ice pack on your bruise
you turn your head to the right and look down at a ginger cat staring up at you with big baby green eye
"oh..no don't tell me im about of cat food again..?" you whine
hearing more cats on your balcony whining for more food indicated that you in fact have no more cat food
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baji snapped his head up at the sound of the doorbell jingling
it was a teen that sort of fit the description that ryusei had given them a couple of days ago
the kid had [ec]eye-color eyes that fit the description, the same hoodie and mask, and a nasty bruise above their brow.. that wasn't part of the description...
baji just followed them with his eyes but the teen slipped away into the back of the store baji couldn't see them back there
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spacing out while looking at the cat food, a horrible headache just formed while walking to the pet shop but you were already halfway there to the shop and didn't feel like turning back
and your bruise felt like someone was drumming on it
you look around and see the long-black-haired owner leaning on the counter watching you with cat-like eyes daring you to try and steal something..
yeah.. you weren't gonna risk it..
he could probably be able to catch you easily and body slam you..
which.. could be illegal? you weren't sure right now, you just wanna go home and take a big fat nap
picking up some wet food and kibble and headed over to the counter where the owner was still staring at you with an accusing look but he didn't say anything ...yet
"have.. you been stealing from here..?"
you swallowed the spit that built up in your mouth
"no?.. im paying aren't I?"
"yeah, I guess you are," he said and didn't bother saying anything else besides telling you your change
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you finally came through the doors to your apartment, put the bags of pet food on the balcony, and sat on the couch to ease the headache
you then reach into your hoodie pocket to grab your phone but it isn't there, then reaching into the pockets of your pants... your phone wasn't there either..
you're about to have a meltdown
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baji stared down at the lock screen of the phone the teen had left on the counter, he hadn't noticed it until a ringtone had started to play but he was too late to tell the kid to come back
but now he was staring at the face of their thief, who matched the description perfectly from ryusei's story..
it was you in your original outfit from a couple days ago when ryusei had tried to follow you, --you squatting down with your phone about your head catching the cats next to you eating from their food bowls and a large dog laying next to them..
at least you were stealing for a good cause.. baji thought
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uhh.. I think like.. one or two chapters are left??? :D
taglist... @whatamidoing89
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rqgnarok · 1 year
music to my eyes - jamie tartt
fandom: ted lasso
wc: 4,266
warnings: spoilers for the season 3 finale of ted lasso, jamie being a lil self deprecating. reader uses female pronouns.
summary: jamie has a crush on the band’s bassist. 
author’s note at the end!
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Jamie’s so, so late.
Roy’s gonna have his balls. It’s the first training for the Queen’s Cup final against Tottenham– their first one without Ted, a little something before the freaking Champion’s League starts next year– and Jamie’s having the worst morning of his life.
He woke up late for his 4 am training that ran long, traffic was absolute shit and now he’s sprinting– not running, cause he’s not allowed to after he and Colin almost ran over the Prince of Denmark while racing each other to the locker room, a story for another day– down the hallway with Roy Kent’s fury just waiting to find its rightful owner. 
He didn’t even have time to comb his hair today. It still looks amazing, but it’s the routine that matters. For his mental health or whatever. 
Maybe that’s why he feels so jittery and doesn’t look where he’s going as he makes his way to the locker room. Jamie’s got his bag clutched to his chest and his headphones hanging around his neck, his jacket halfway on before he gave up and left it trailing down his side like a sad blanket. 
He’s cursing whatever Gods control alarm clocks and traffic and hairbrushes when he knocks onto someone. It’s so forceful it sends them both to the ground with a grunt and a little ah! of surprise. Jamie tries not to grow annoyed and fails. He considers laying on the ground and becoming one with the carpet so he doesn’t face Roy’s justified punishment and sighs out his nose, pushing himself to a sitting position.
“–so sorry,” and it’s a woman, Jamie just knocked out a woman in his rush to work. What’s next? Is he gonna hit a cat with his car? Maybe spit on a kid’s face? She keeps babbling apologies, unaware of Jamie’s foul mood. “–supposed to be at her office but there’s just– there are so many hallways–”
“‘s alright,” he cuts her off harsher than he means to, guilt stabbing at him when she looks at him with wide, remorseful eyes. Jamie sighs, dusting off his clothes and standing, offering her a hand. “Me fault for bein’ in a rush. Should’ve seen where I was going.”
“Oh, god, you actually know where you’re going,” she says with a grimace, accepting his hand. She’s on her feet and standing too close to Jamie for a second that feels like a lifetime– almost nose-to-nose with Richmond’s greatest. Her laugh is stuttery and nervous when she steps back, barely meeting Jamie’s eye.
She’s cute. Jamie’s not planning to do anything about it, especially not with his fine for being late slowly becoming one for missing training but she is. Cute. His mouth lifts in a half smile at the thought, charmed. 
“I was looking for Rebecca Welton’s office but I only got myself lost,” she says sheepishly, putting her hair behind her ear every couple of seconds since it keeps stubbornly falling out of place. Jamie’s fingers twitch a little but no. No, absolutely not, he’s not doing this to himself, no sir. “Is there any way you can give me directions without having to go with me? I don’t want you to be late for– shit. Practice, huh?”
Jamie thinks she’s the smartest woman that’s ever walked the face of the Earth until he remembers where they are. At Richmond’s training facilities. She’s looking at a disheveled man in a sports outfit. The story kind of tells itself.
“I– yeah,” Jamie stutters a little, clearing his throat to disguise it. “There’s, um, it ain’t a problem. I can take you there if you want.”
Her entire posture screams relief as soon as he offers, and it’s enough for Jamie to make up his mind even if she hasn’t said yes yet. “Would you? They said in the group chat not to be late and, like, they weren’t specific about it but you just know when a message’s for you, you know. And here I am, late–”
A beat.
“–and rambling,” she smiles at him again, the sight tugging at Jamie’s chest as he stands there like an idiot, his brain rebooting whenever she does it. “Yes, please. I’d really appreciate it.”
And so Jamie asks a kitman to take his stuff to the locker room while he walks her up to Rebecca’s office. His hand hovers but doesn’t quite touch the small of her back while he blabbers his way through small talk. Nice weather, today, innit, traffic was absolute hell though. Oh, you’re not from around here, that’s nice, do you plan on going sightseeing?
He delivers her to Rebecca’s floor to a thankful, ecstatic Higgins, who welcomes her with a hearty shake of the hand and promises that she hasn’t missed anything important. She’s barely able to spare him a smile and a quick thanks before the door’s closed behind them and Jamie’s standing there on his own, smiling at nothing.
He’s still wearing a dopey grin when he finally finds himself on the field, Roy yelling at him to run laps until sundown for being late. His legs are killing him, he’s £200 poorer, and he didn’t even get the woman’s name; but nothing can drag him down from his high and make him forget how she’d squeezed his arm in gratitude, touch warm and calloused against his skin. 
The next day Rebecca’s there before practice starts, looking tall and pleased as she claps her hands and shares the big news: since the final of the Queen’s Cup is being held right here at Nelson Road, she managed to get a band to play during the halftime show. They’ll be here the entire next two weeks for rehearsals and staging, so everyone must be on their best behavior if they don’t want their name in the summer transfer market.
Jamie doesn’t connect the dots until he sees her again, this time at a local bar big enough to house less than two thousand people. Keeley hears from Roy who hears from Beard, who heard from Higgins that Rebecca said the secret band was gonna hang around the city for a couple of other smaller, quick gigs. 
Jamie manages to excuse himself from video games at Colin’s with the guys and offers himself to Keeley as a buffer between her and Roy at a bar tonight. Though, in Jamie’s very humble and very right opinion, they’re already on their way to getting back together for good.
The band’s gathered a nice crowd, the lighting low and the thrum of the music hammering on Jamie’s teeth. He’s nursing the beer Roy bought him, the man charmed enough by Keeley’s presence that he let Jamie bend his rigorous diet regime. Just for the night. 
It takes three songs for the bassist to speak up, a makeshift spotlight landing on her, sweaty and delighted at being onstage. Jamie’s blood rushes to his face and his vision blacks out for a second. 
It’s her. No longer is she lost and out of her element, shyly asking a stranger for help. Both of her feet are steady on the ground, the strap of her bass snug around her neck. Her fingers are toying with the strings even when no song’s playing, an air of rightful confidence washing over the room as it takes her in. Jamie isn’t the only one suddenly breathless.
She grins against the microphone, coy. “Thank you so much for having us, Jaded Joker. We’re Karma Police, and we hope you have as much fun hearin’ us as we do playing for you.”
They fall into another song with that quick introduction and Jamie can’t take his eyes off her, barely hearing the song as the world around him slows down. Her clothes and jewelry sway with her to the rhythm of the music, the lights shifting seamlessly into different colors making her look ethereal. 
Keeley clocks it in immediately.
“She’s good, huh?” she nods at the stage where Jamie’s stranger is moving to the beat of the bass like no one’s watching, shamelessly enjoying herself and making funny faces at her bandmates. “Fuckin’ smoking, too.”
Jamie only hums in a very Roy Kent-like way, knowing there’s no fooling Keeley fucking Jones. The last thing he needs is to give her details and have her dip a toe into Jamie’s nonexistent love life.
Of course, he doesn’t take into consideration that Roy’s a brazen gossip.
“So,” Sam elongates the word as he’s spotting Jamie on the press the next day, happy watching him grunt at the effort. “How was the band last night?”
Jamie almost drops the damned thing on his chest.
“Roy said you enjoyed it,” he continues giddily like he didn’t almost commit accidental manslaughter by catching Jamie off guard. “Especially the bassist. What was her name?”
Sam fakes confusion for less than a minute before Jamie gives, mumbling it under his breath. He’d been weak and googled Karma Police in the privacy of his car before going home, swiping through the images that popped up until he recognized her face. 
(Y/N) (Y/L/N), the article he clicked on informed him. Jamie had repeated the name under his breath just to see what it felt like on his tongue for an embarrassing amount of time. 
Thanks to Karma Police’s bassist and lyricist (Y/N) (Y/L/N), the band’s sophomore album New Perspective has found a home in people’s hearts and high on the global charts.
Keeley wasn’t kidding. She’s good. 
“Oh,” Sam realizes, some of his amusement softening into genuine interest when he watches Jamie’s face do whatever the fuck it's doing. “Oh, you like like her.”
Jamie immediately flushes under Sam’s gaze, making sure the weight is safe in its place before physically fleeing the conversation. Sam doesn’t mention it to anyone, which Jamie appreciates so badly he could cry a little, but he does find his eyes across the locker room later when Rebecca comes in, four people in tow.
“Everybody, these are the wonderful musicians I spoke to you about the other day,” she says it in a way that screams I’m a pleasant human being and embarrass me and I will end your career right where you stand all at once. “We’re on a little tour of the installations and I thought we’d all come to say hi to wrap it up.”
The boys are charming and welcome them with ease. They’re not one of the most liked teams in England despite their bad runs for nothing, but Jamie’s frozen the second he catches sight of her. She’s a step behind one of her bandmates, shaking hands and smiling politely at conversations while staying slightly in the background, the stage persona from the previous night gone like taking off a jacket. 
Jamie takes pride in the way their eyes meet and her tight expression loosens, her smile blossoming into something more genuine, less unsure.
“Hey, stranger,” she says a little awkwardly after having gathered the courage Jamie couldn’t to cross the room and say hi. It feels like they’re alone in a room full of people, and for a second Jamie thinks he sees Sam stealing a few looks, making sure he keeps the others away and distracted for a little privacy. “Did you make it to training the other day?”
“What?” Jamie blanks like an idiot, then shakes his head when he remembers how they met; both of them, late for their respective responsibilities. “Oh! Oh, yeah. I– yeah. I had to run for me life to make up for it, but I made it.”
“Good,” she smiles, shifting in her place. “I, um. I’m glad we get to play for you guys. What you’ve done this past season, getting back to the top, has been unbelievable.”
“You’re unbelievable,” he replies, awestruck, and backtracks when she looks a little apprehensive. She’s doing the hair thing again, combing it back while it stubbornly escapes its place every couple of seconds. A nervous tic, maybe. “I mean– some friends and I, we saw you last night at the Jaded Joker. If anything, it’s an honor we get you guys to play for us.”
“Oh!” she seems pleased, ducking her head at the compliment. Her shoulders loosen again, and Jamie tries not to feel like he just scored a goal against Man City. “Oh, you should’ve said hi! Did you enjoy yourselves?”
“I did,” he says, too soft, and it feels like an admission of something when her eyes search his face, for a moment landing on his mouth before putting herself back together. “Up there, it’s like– it’s like you forget everyone else. You’re made for the stage.”
If anything, (Y/N)’s delight only strengthens, tugging at the neckline of her shirt. Jamie finds himself trying to follow the trail of new skin and flushes as well when he catches himself just in time. 
“Thank you,” she matches his tone. “You’d think it’d be nervewracking but it’s… silence. In my head. Does that make sense? I feel like it doesn’t.”
“It does,” Jamie agrees, breathless. It’s exactly how he feels when he gets the ball on his feet, every anxiety and worry and part of him he doesn’t like quieting the minute he steps on a pitch. “I get the same when I play. Peace in the chaos, I guess”
(Y/N) looks at him like she’s discovering the world’s eight wonder. 
“Kids!” her bandmate breaks the moment by coming over, arm draped around (Y/N)’s shoulder. (Y/N) blinks, looking a little shell-shocked. “Sorry to interrupt this party, but rehearsal awaits.”
Disappointment claws at Jamie’s belly, but before he can let it fester the conversation continues, bubbly and loud. “Alas! We’ll be done around 5. You’re welcome to visit then. We’re going to the third floor, I think.”
(Y/N)’s only amused at her friend’s antics, even if Jamie’s back to having a knot in his throat out of nervousness alone. Jesus, what’s wrong with him? It’s like he’s eight again and crushing on the cute boy that lived in the apartment in front of the Tartt’s. 
“See you then?” (Y/N) says, hopeful, and Jamie thinks it’s only fair he’s brave as well and nods as resolutely as he can. 
“I’ll be there.”
He ends up having to ask Higgins for directions, after promising he’s not gonna stir up any trouble at least four times. It takes Roy passing by and giving a few reassuring grunts, guaranteeing Jamie’s best behavior before Higgins gives him the location. When Jamie goes to thank him, Roy only points at him menacingly, though lacking his usual frown, and says don’t fuck this up. 
Rehearsals are just wrapping up when Jamie gets there, instruments being packed and people saying goodbye to each other when he makes his way into the room. He immediately finds (Y/N) sitting on the piano playing a complicated melody.
She lights up when she sees him, the music seizing. “You made it!”
Jamie stops her from standing up, instead sitting next to her after she scoots over to give him room. “That was nice. A song of yours?”
(Y/N) shrugs. “Hopefully soon. You never know, when you’re writing. You start working on a song and it ends up being a completely different thing from when you started.”
“Sounds messy,” Jamie says, a little consternated at the thought. Fortunately, (Y/N) laughs.
“It is. Do you play?”
“Fuck no,” he says quickly, then tries to explain himself as she splutters in amused surprise. “I mean, I don’t think I can. It seems pretty complicated. I’ve always been better with me feet.”
He reaches for the keys and begins playing some nonsense, loud and offkey, knowing it’ll make her laugh again.
“No, you gotta–” she cackles, placing her hands on top of his and quieting the dissonant echo of the keys. Jamie feels the tug at his lips, insistent, automatic, the same rush of delight that courses over him whenever he’s in her presence. “Gentle. Be gentle about it, jeez.”
She lines up their hands so her fingers move his and begins playing a quiet, fun melody. Jamie’s doing shit other than staring at her face, slightly twisted in concentration as she mumbles the notes under her breath. G, G, G, F, G, B, G, G…
“I know this one,” Jamie mumbles in recognition. (Y/N) turns her head to smile at him, pleased. “‘s from Nottin Hill, innit?”
“And a million other movies,” she murmurs back, unable to break the spell that’s fallen over the room. “I wouldn’t have taken you for a romantic.”
“‘s my favorite film,” he concedes, finding it incredibly easy to be honest when they’re sitting side by side like this, alone, their sides warm against each other. He loves his teammates, but (Y/N) didn’t know him when he was awful and arrogant, too cocky. There’s nothing she holds against him, no standard he needs to meet for her to be happy in his company. “Cried me eyes out at the end. Though I’ll deny it if you ever ask in front of anyone.”
(Y/N) laughs. “I promise I won’t. It’s a good movie. Doesn’t beat While You Were Sleeping, though.”
Jamie’s expression remains blank. (Y/N)’s face falls into disbelief, her hands tightening against his. “You’ve never watched While You Were Sleeping.”
He’s heard of it, but it’s hilarious to watch her forget herself, any sign of nervousness or polite shyness finally out the window. Jamie likes it– likes her, wants her to be comfortable with him and stop holding herself so tightly whenever she’s off the stage. 
“You poor, sheltered boy,” she exhales, aghast. “Holy fuck, I can’t believe I’m about to introduce you to the best romantic comedy ever made.”
Jamie goes to take the opening but stops himself at the last second. He knows this process; the flirting, the leaning in for just a moment so she smells his cologne then pulling away, leaving her wanting more. The asking for a date, a fancy dinner, then taking her home. Sneaking out in the middle of the night, dodging calls until she stops trying to reach him. 
He’s been doing it for years. He wants to desperately break the cycle and he wants to do it with her, but does he have it in him? Jamie’s been working on himself harder than he’s worked for anything else in his life, but what if he’s one slip away from becoming his old self? From turning out like his dad?
Sure, the old man’s changed, or– well. He’s trying to. But whether Jamie likes it or not he sees a little too much of him in himself sometimes, and he can’t do that to her. He’s known her for less than a week and he knows she deserves better. Everyone does. 
Roy told him not to fuck it up. Maybe this is what he meant. 
His expression stutters, shatters, and reestablishes itself in a matter of a moment, a blink of an eye. Jamie knocks his shoulder into hers gently, leaning back into place after a second. He teases: “And who made you the expert, eh?”
Rather than letting it drop, (Y/N) takes the bait just like Jamie knew she would. They stay there until a security guard comes to kick them out for the night, and they talk about everything and nothing. Movies, songs, bands they like, and foods they don’t. Jamie’s favorite players when he was a kid, his hero-like worship for Roy Kent, and how he’s made him a better player, a better man.
(Y/N) shares with him the first time she held a guitar in her hands, the albums she listened to when she was a kid that changed her as a person, realizing she could create magic through words and music. Her favorite cities to tour, how long she’s known her bandmates, how she’d die and kill for them if necessary.
By the time he’s walking into the pitch at Nelson Road two weeks later, the roar of the crowd around him swallowing every other sound, Jamie’s spent every free moment of his time with (Y/N) (Y/L/N). It was unavoidable, helpless as he is in his attraction to her, but Jamie doesn’t know what to do without, as Roy so carefully put it, fucking it up.
It hadn’t helped when (Y/N) snuck into the locker room to wish him luck, showing him the Richmond bracelet she was gonna wear onstage with a roll of the eyes. “Our stylist wouldn’t let me wear the jersey, but don’t you doubt for a second that I’m rooting for you, Tartt.”
Jesus Christ. Jamie had felt his cheeks warm up and dared to thank her with a loud, exaggerated kiss on the forehead that left them both grinning like idiots and Roy staring at them knowingly.
Before Jamie followed his teammates into the field, Roy had pulled him aside with a hand on his shoulder. “Tartt–”
“I know, I know,” he answered a little too self-deprecatingly. “Don’t fuck it up.”
But Roy only raised his eyebrows, realization dawning on his features. “You think I say that because I think you will?”
Jamie mumbled some not-words under his breath and Roy cursed. “Prick. I say it because you deserve good things, dickhead. And you should let them come to you when they do.”
Good things, Jamie thinks after one of his passes gives Dani the first goal of the night. The younger man jumps into his arms while hugging him tight and laughing into his ear, their teammates joining their embrace less than a second later. 
He looks towards the general area of the VIP seats where he knows (Y/N) and the rest of the band are cheering them on. He pictures her screaming at the top of her lungs, arms in the air, and being happy for him like she’s known him for all his life.
She might be the best thing. Whether he deserves her or not, Jamie wants her. Wants to be with her, watch romantic comedies until they both cry and spend his free afternoons watching her play the piano while he plays FIFA in the living room. He wants songs written about him that have him blushing whenever he hears them in public and for her to come to his games and be able to dedicate every goal to her he ever scores.
Good things. Yeah, Jamie can get down on that.
“You fucking asshole!” she jumps into his arms the second she finds him on the pitch after the game, a medal hanging from his neck and sweat sticking to his skin. (Y/N) doesn’t seem to care as she lets him lift her in the air, holding onto each other tight. “You did it! You fucking did it!”
“I missed your show,” he replies instead, only a little bummed. He’s seen her play live before but there was an itch under his skin the entire half-time, knowing how close she was and being unable to get to her. Jamie grins. “And stole it, too.”
“There he is,” she teases gleefully. “For a second there I thought you were gonna be humble about this.”
“I don’t even know what that word means,” he says cockily.
“And how’s Mr. Man of the Match gonna celebrate, huh?” she wonders, hitting him lightly on the chest now that he’s put her back on the ground. “A fancy club? Getting shitfaced with the boys? A date with your left hand?”
Jamie puts his hand on hers at the last second, stopping her from pulling away. She sways into him, all traces of joking vanishing from her expression. He forces himself to stay on her face, the urge to look away defeated by how she’s looking at him. In wonder, open, hopeful.
She deserves good things, too. Jamie is determined to be the one to give them to her. 
“I was thinking dinner?” he asks, fidgeting a little on his feet. “Maybe a movie? Thought I could see what While You Were Sleeping’s all about.”
(Y/N)’s mouth is fighting against a smile, somewhat hesitant still. Jamie doesn’t blame her, he’s been beating around this bush the entire time they’ve known each other.
“You want any company?” she wonders.
“Well, what kind of date would it be if it was just me?” he forces his features into faux confusion, watching her finally lose the battle and beam like a kid on Christmas. Her fingers twitch where he’s holding onto her hand.
“Not a great one,” she concedes, looking like all of Jamie’s dreams. “How do you feel about Mexican?”
Awful. Jamie feels awful about Mexican. He’s a white sexy boy in all the ways that matter and his taste buds punish him for eating spicy food no matter how much he likes it. But he can compromise. He’s starting to realize there’s very little he wouldn’t do for (Y/N) (Y/L/N).
“I feel fantastic about anything you like,” he answers truthfully. “I’m sure me tongue will forgive me eventually.”
(Y/N) laughs, fingers in Jamie’s hold shifting so she can hold his hand. “I think there’s a good lyric somewhere in there.”
“You plannin’ on writing me a song?”
She smirks. “Bold of you to assume I haven’t yet.”
Jamie squeezes her hand, leaning in to kiss her cheek. 
“Can’t wait to hear it, love.”
there’s an ache in my bones to make a series out of this fic omg
i can’t believe the show’s over (is it tho????) so here’s some jamie fluff to heal our tender, mourning hearts. as always you’re welcome to tell me what you think and chat jamie and ted lasso as much as you’d like! thank u for reading AND for all the love on my last jamie piece that you can read here!
masterlist / ao3 / ko-fi
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starpunkssgalaxy · 3 months
i’ve been super into the sbg comic lately and i thought i might share some of my headcanons of the group for fun, also this is my first post ever so 🧍‍♀️
- aiden used to have a yt channel when he was just a kid and he would post the most unhinged weirdo shit youve ever seen like wtf you mean you posted “pumped up kicks except its not pumped up kicks and i eat a shoe box” at 9 years old 😭😭
- tyler is soooo good with hairstyling???? like his sister would always ask him to do her hair when they were younger and he just got really good at it
- soo many times you can be talking to ash and have a whole one sided conversation before you realize she has her headphones (and listening to music) on and cant hear shit
- aiden eats jolly ranchers like a fucking FREAK he sits there and crunches them, its an honest to god miracle he hasnt lost teeth
- animals dont like ben but ben LOVES animals, hes holding a cat hes so content he loves it, the cat is in the most stress of its life
- tyler had a phase when he was younger where he’d randomly cut his hair in the absolute worst fucking cut youve EVER seen, taylor prolly has it as a screensaver
- aiden lovesss old 2000s tv shows, one of his favorites is Paris Hilton’s “The Simple Life”
- when the group has sleepovers ben and taylor have these like super extensive skincare routines and will disappear for like an hour and half to do their routines together
- taylor has a popcorn addiction, cuz girl tf are you doing having a bag of popcorn every night before bed (me 2 girl)
- after the phantom dimension none of them really fw media type horror things, everyones watching little kid cartoons to try and sleep afterwards
- logan is a lot stronger then he looks, i feel like hes not just textbook smart but also shares an interest in auto mechanics and likes to work on old vehicles so hes pretty toned
- and vice versa why do i feel like taylor has an interest in computers/robots type of mechanics idk
- taylor and tyler were the twins that made up their own secret language when they were little and to this day still use it sometimes
- ash knows asl and this surprises ben as he also uses it since he doesnt talk, ash uses it because she gets to overwhelmed with noise and even talking can irritate her ears
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kingfakey · 6 months
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catching up on the packs & kits from months past that ruby and i have missed. kid sure knows how to rock a hat, huh? who even plays this game anymore?
goth kit
horse ranch
for rent
hair. / headphones. / star necklace. / cat ear beanie. / heart tights. / fluffy hat. / ripped tights. / dotted tights. / collared accessory shirt.
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joeys-babe · 9 months
Joey B Imagines: Don’t Be Embarrassed
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summary: after a sex marathon with your husband joe the previous night, you head downstairs for breakfast and have a seriously awkward interaction with his parents.
(this is a tiny part 2 to - part one)
warnings: talks about sex, no actual smut
pairing: joe burrow x reader
(y/n's pov)
when my alarm went off at 8, i immediately hit snooze.
i wanted to go back to sleep but remembered the plane that joe and i were going to have to catch in just a couple hours, so i slipped out of bed.
joe was still dead asleep, looking incredibly peaceful.. so i left him alone.
the first thing i did was get dressed in my traveling outfit, and putting my hair in a messy bun before i made my way downstairs.
"mommy!!" - savanna jumped off the couch and came flying towards you
"good morning sweetie, how'd you sleep?" - you picked her up and put her on your hip
"good, i had good dream." - savanna
"what was your dream about?" - you
"dada bought me puppy!" - savanna
"he did?? what did you name your puppy?" - you
"uh, i dont remember.." - savanna
"oh you don't remember.. okay. what would you name your puppy if you got one?" - you
"marr!" - savanna
"oh my gosh, you'd name it after ja'marr??" - you
"yup. put me down? i want to play with my barbies!" - savanna
"yes, of course." - you sat her down
i watched sam run up the stairs to her room before i walked into the kitchen. robin was cooking and jimmy was drinking coffee while sitting at the island.
when i walked over to the fridge to grab a water i noticed both of them giving me weird looks.
"what?" - you laughed nervously
"did you sleep good last night?" - robin smiled
"yeah actually, i didn't even hear you guys come in. i was dead asleep." - you
"mhm." - robin looked at jimmy for a second then turned back to you
this interaction was really weird so i was more than thankful when i saw joe walking downstairs and into the kitchen.
"morning guys" - joe smiled
"morning, joey!" - robin gave joe the same weird look
"what's that look?" - joe laughed
"nothing." - robin grinned
joe looked at me confused but i returned the look of pure confusion.
"did you sleep good?" - joe asked, trying to start conversation and end the silence
"mhm." - you pulled him into a hug
joe kissed my head, as i laid against his chest. robin and jimmy were still looking at us with weird smiles on their faces so we quickly pulled away from each other.
"what time did you two end up going to bed last night?" - jimmy
"uh, i don't really know. i was asleep before you guys got here. do you know?" - joe
"uh, nope." - you
"that's kinda weird because we heard quite the commotion last night" - robin
both joe and i tensed up, not knowing what to do.
"you guys know the guest room is right under the master bedroom, right?" - jimmy
"oh god." - joe sighed
"so you guys.." - you
"heard y'all? yup. coulda gone my whole life without hearing that." - jimmy
"oh my god." - you covered your face with your hands
"it's fine though, don't be embarrassed. it's not like we didn't know you guys engage in that.. activity. i mean you guys have a kid so we kinda knew.." - robin
"yeah you guys are married adults, don't be embarrassed. but, joe honey you sound like a cat dying.” - jimmy
"i don't think i sound that bad..." - joe mumbled
"he’s overreacting, joe. after i heard it though, and well realized what i was hearing i put my noice cancelling headphones on.” - robin
"all i had were pillows to put over my ears, thank god i was super tired and fell asleep quickly. i’d probably end up sleeping in the car.” - jimmy
"but really, don't be embarrassed. you guys are young and having fun." - robin
"okay, sorry about that though." - you
"it's fine." - robin smiled
"yeah guys, it's all good, i'm only slightly traumatized." - jimmy
"jim." - robin rolled her eyes
"as much as i'm loving this conversation about our sex life.. i'm gonna grab some toast and finish packing." - joe
"i'll be up there in a second!" - you told joe as he grabbed a plate of toast and started walking back upstairs
thank god that joe’s parents love me, plus i’ve already got the ring on my finger so there’s no getting rid of me.
authors note: small little part two as a goodnight!!
hope you enjoyed! ❤️
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rottenpumpkin13 · 3 months
how do you think AGSZC would be during thunderstorms ? :3
Angeal: He would be so excited. "A thunderstorm? In Midgar? Perhaps nature is healing after all!" He's by the window with his nose pressed up against the glass, watching the rain fall. He has a cup of tea and feels at ease.
Zack & Cloud: If Zack makes one more weather joke involving Cloud's name, Cloud will kill him.
Zack on the other hand grabs Cloud and races to the rooftop so they can experience the rare storm out in the open. They're like two kids sliding around in the puddles, getting soaked with rainwater, flicking it at each other, and pointing out the cool lightning in the sky. They have their fun until Angeal catches wind of this and drags them back inside because "You will DIE."
Genesis: He likes the gloomy weather and thunder for how dramatic and cinematic it looks. You'll catch him by the window with a book, appropriate music, and a blanket pretending to be a protagonist in a movie. That is until a particularly violent crack of thunder snaps his attention back to the real world, and he notices that Sephiroth... isn't doing so well.
Sephiroth: Sephiroth can function in a thunderstorm—he's done it a hundred times before, out on the field, distracted by his assignment that more than often entails an enemy and a bloody battle to be won.
But it's so much different when he's inside with no more than a mundane task to do. The thunder is loud and abrupt, making his heartbeat race uncontrollably and mind snap back to unsavory times when Hojo's screams would come out of nowhere. He's rocking back and forth, wringing his hands, and trying to not look as nervous as he feels. But it's no use. A sudden, violent strike of thunder startles him and he jumps, bringing his hands to his ears and lowering his head.
• Genesis notices this and quickly closes his book. He rips off his headphones, grabs a sketchpad and walks over to Sephiroth with an idea in mind. He gently places his hand on his shoulder—Sephiroth jumps at this, making Genesis even more worried—and puts the headphones over his head. He selects a white noise audio and makes sure Sephiroth is calm. Then he opens the sketchpad, grabs his pen, writes something, and shows it to Sephiroth.
Sephiroth rolls his eyes and pushes Genesis away. But they're both laughing. Sephiroth knows Genesis means well—after all, he can no longer hear the thunder. They sit side by side, using the sketchpad to write out a conversation until the storm passes.
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puppys-tiny-space · 9 months
Impure reg comfort story
🩹your carer comes home from a long day and you are nowhere to be found. They look in your room, in theirs, the kitchen and the living room until finally they head into the bathroom from which they hear a small sniffle. You are laying in the bathtub with a blankie, your comfort plushie/toy, your paci and headphones covering your ears. Tears are streaming down your face and you are trying ti calm yourself down with stimming Your carer crouches down to you and catches your attention, you look up at them trough teary eyes and see their soft yet worried smile, "hey kiddo, what's making my little boo so sad? Can papa/mama/bubba help? Is it okay if I touch you right now?" You nod and they carefully stroke your head while giving you time to answer. "M feelin yucky n twauma head is muchie." Your carer frowns slightly and sighs, "Oh no, I'm so sorry baby, can I pick you up and take you to my bed with me for some snuggles? I know the bathroom makes you feel safe but there isn't any space for me in the tub." You nod and they carry you and your blankie and plush to their room. They carefully place you on the bed and tug you in under the covers before dimming the light and closing the window. "Now, do you want to watch a show to calm down sweetheart?" You nod and pick one as your carer scrolls through the options. Once the show is playing your carer turns on your favorite sensory light before laying next to you and holding you close. Once you have calmed down enough to talk you tell them all the yucky thoughts and fears you had in your little brain as they stroke your back and hold you tight when tears begin to fall again, after you finish they squeeze you tight and give you a kiss on the head, "My brave little kid, I'm so proud of you for staying safe and talking it out with me, thank you so much for trusting me baby, I love you." You snuggle into their chest and sigh finally feeling better and safe with your papa/mama/bubba. A but later they order the both of you your comfort food and get you some water in your favorite bottle/sippy from the kitchen. You eat together and snuggle until you fall asleep in their arms.🩹
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Fun fact of the day: A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
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villainessprefect · 1 year
~Tell It to My Heart~
title: Late Night With You
Prompt #2: Ending a phone call with an accidental “love you”
Idia x gn!reader
Read on AO3
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Your eyes glide to the clock at the corner of the screen. You watch as the seconds literally tick by and bite back a sigh once you realize how late it's gotten. If the darkness enveloping your room and the main source of light coming from your computer wasn't obvious that it was well past your bedtime.
"It's getting late," you say. It is late, you mentally correct yourself.
"And?" Comes a voice from your headphones. You roll your eyes at his response. "It's not like we're doing anything tomorrow."
"You're not. I am." You fiddle with your mic that's connected to your headset. "Unless if you want to show up to class with me?"
You hear something akin to a huff and can practically feel his eye roll.
"Hard pass. These drop rates are harder than pulling for a limited edition SSR character and we're only given a week to grind for them? An event like this won't get a rerun for at least a year or two. It's now or never."
You shake your head and let out a yawn. Leave it to Idia to find importance in an online game. You don't doubt that he's right, but you're not a hardcore gamer like him. Life calls whether you want it to or not and you have to answer it.
"You make a convincing argument. Think you can get enough for me too?"
"Do you know who you're talking to? When I'm done we'll have enough materials to make a second set of weapons for display," he says with a chuckle.
A smile inches on your face at the sound. A shame that you can't hear it in person. It sounds better compared to the slightly muffled version in your ears.
"Thanks. We still on for Saturday? That's when the drop rates increase, right?"
"Yeah. I'll send you better armor so we can one-shot those raids too."
"Cool." You feel another yawn coming your way and barely manage to hold it back. You rub your eyes and feel a little guilty for not holding much of a conversation. To be fair though, keeping your eyes open isn't easy even with the blaring light of a laptop shining on your face. "Okay, I can't be up much longer. You should be heading to bed soon even if you're not going to show up for class."
"Eh? No way. I can do this all night!"
"I'll message Ortho," you threaten with a grin. Idia falls silent and you can imagine him glancing back to look at his brother. The image makes you chuckle. It wouldn't be the first time you'd manage to get Ortho to get Idia to bed. "Kidding. Anyway, see you later, Idia. Love you."
You pull off your headset and place it on your desk. You log off your account and then the laptop's screen fades to black. A whine escapes you as you're forced to adjust to the sudden darkness.
You stretch your limbs as you stand from your chair. Carefully, you navigate the walk from desk to bed. It's a short path but you don't know what lies hiding in the dark. Thankfully, your mission is successful and you land in bed with a thud.
Grim rolls around beside you, muttering something in his sleep. The monster doesn't wake, surprisingly, and you take a moment to run a hand through his fur. He purrs, getting cozy underneath your touch, and nestles closer to you. Then he mumbles something about tuna.
"Sweet dreams..." You breathe out. With one last yawn, you shut your eyes.
Only to have them shoot open as your body jerks itself upward.
"Oh my god..." You gasp, a hand flying to your mouth. You can feel your cheeks burning, your heart racing a mile a minute.
Did you...Did you really just tell Idia you love him?
You totally did not just do that.
Idia is frozen in his chair with wide eyes. He feels like a cat that's just been spooked as he repeats your goodbye over and over in his mind. Those two little words you uttered could easily OHKO him. And if you were right in front of him, he really would have died on the spot.
Idia pulls his hands off his keyboard to cover his face. His room is enveloped in a soft blue glow that stems from his hair. Now it begins to flash a light pink. His cheeks began to match the new color surrounding him.
"Th-They didn't mean to say that..." He tells himself. "I-It's late and they're just tired. Yeah. Th-That's it. N-No way they'd tell me that. Besides that's not a way they would confess..."
Not that he's thought about you confessing to him. Well, he has. A bit. Okay, more than he's ever willing to admit. And he's not going to go off about how he imagines it happening underneath a cherry blossom tree after school with flowers sparkling around your image.
"They're right, i-it's getting late..." Idia tries to calm his nerves while logging out of his game. His fingers are set on autopilot as your voice echoes in his head.
Even as he finds himself in bed, curling underneath the covers, he can't fall asleep. You are on his mind now more than ever. His heart bounces around his chest, making him feel giddy while his mind fights against it, scolding it and being realistic about your words being a tired mistake.
Regardless of which one wins, he's definitely not going out tomorrow.
Oh. That brings up another problem. Instead of looking forward to playing with you, now he's dreading it.
What the hell is going to happen on Saturday?!
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enwonz · 5 months
♫ i can see you x sparks fly | y.jw
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as your eternal academic rival, you and jungwon have always been at odds - that is, until he becomes the one person you want to trust your heart with in spite of it all. after all, all’s fair in love and war, no?
read the rest of the series here! (for taglist)
pairing ➭ academic rival jungwon x reader
genre ➭ academic rivals to dubious to lovers, hurt/comfort, academic validation craving, jungwon is reader’s sole comfort
w/c ➭ 5.4k
warnings ➭ slightly suggestive (they’re adults but no nsfw y’all), reader and jungwon both have terrible coping mechanisms for stress, there is a detailed scene where y/n loses her shit in a bathroom, both are academic validation simps, theyre not enemies they just. envy each other and sometimes wanna kiss kiss fall in love, y/n has an inferiority complex and has a tendency to think jungwon’s better than her, she hates herself as much as i hate myself
a/n ➭ to my acad validation peeps…look no further! jungwon and y/n…their ways of coping with themselves are mine. i just split myself in two for them, don’t come for my lonely ass lmao. for more context, look at the bottom a/n!
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the sun’s beginning to set, its dimming rays beaming through the glass windows of the library. a quick glance at your watch tells you it’s 6.30pm, and that you’ve been studying for the whole day. talk about a productive saturday.
you remove your headphones, glancing over your shoulder. you were planning on staying till the librarian shoos you out. jungwon seems to have other plans, though.
yang jungwon, your rival in just about everything since you were kids. tied with you in every single subject, even PE. he’s everything you are and more – good-looking, funny, and a genius, to top it all off, and he never lets you forget it, what with all the achievements he’s gotten over you. it’s not that he doesn’t work hard and you’re jealous of some natural academic gift he’s got, it’s the fact that you study just as hard as he does, do as much as he does, and yet people will always see him before you. and now, even when you’re at university, he’s still fighting with you for the top spot, for every position available. your circle of friends have remained the same, so like it or not, you’re stuck together.
you begin to stuff your notes into your backpack. “well, i might as well follow you back to the dorms. yunjin’s been lecturing me to stop walking back alone.” gathering your things, you leave, waving to the librarian as you attempt to put some distance between you and jungwon.
very quickly, jungwon moves beside you so his shoulder is almost pressed up against yours. “you sure took your time. if i hadn’t come to find you, the last bus across campus would’ve come and gone by the time you finished.”
“oh, don’t exaggerate. why’d you come here in the first place, when all you do is complain?” 
you want to say you hate the boyish grin that breaks out across his face, but that would be a lie, and you’ve done way too much lying today to yourself. “what else? i came here for you.”
“ugh, you-!”
“you ears are red, haha.”
your bus pulls into the stop, and in a thoughtless attempt at revenge, you grab his arm and yank him up the steps so he’s even closer to you than before. you don’t miss the way his skin flushes hot.  “now yours are too.” leading him to a seat in the back, you pinch his side. he returns your…affection with a jab in the cheek. 
it’s a game of cat and mouse with jungwon, although neither of you can say for sure who’s chasing and who’s ducking away. whatever this is, it’s safer. 
at least you’re not actually fighting anymore.
here’s the thing: yang jungwon has this journal. every time he’s upset or on the verge of a mental breakdown, he trauma dumps into that journal. it’s the only way he doesn’t cave from the stress, and you and your friends learned very quickly that if that notebook was out, everyone had to leave him alone for at least ten minutes, then he’d be himself again. one day, you’d been studying together when a draft blew the pages of his journal open, straight to the page where he’d written something that was definitely not for your eyes — or anyone’s for that matter. 
“i hate her, so so much i wish she was dead. maybe in a different lifetime, i’ll be better than her, have her beat for once.” you didn’t even need to finish reading what he wrote before you were clawing at his throat, because who else could it be but you?
and it hurt to read it, because what could it mean than yang jungwon was jealous of you? what could it mean that the one person you simultaneously hated and envied, hated you back for all the same reasons? it wasn’t fair that you couldn’t even hate him peacefully.
it only got worse from there, because all it took was a couple minutes of yelling at each other before that ass of a human being decided it was a good idea to tell you it was “three years ago”, and that it shouldn’t matter as much as it did, as if that was supposed to help. and you’d screamed at him, screamed and cried and shoved him and-
his lips were against yours. 
you would’ve pushed him off, but as soon as it came it went, and he’d pulled away faster than you could think. “i don’t hate you,” he’d managed to make out, his voice shaky as he tried and failed to recollect his thoughts. “i just…i can’t hate you. not anymore.”
hell, maybe it was the attention, or some sort of sick stress outlet. you wish it were the latter, because then that would’ve been a hell lot easier. either way, you haven’t spoken about it since then, reason being you’re totally out of your comfort zone when it comes to this guy. plus, he’d taken your first kiss, although he didn’t have to know that. having put your all into your academic life, you haven’t really thought about dating anyone at all. sure, there were a few people whom you’d thought were fairly attractive, but you had never cared to do anything more than that (much less with yang freaking jungwon). your ultimate goal has always been to have jungwon beat. you sort of achieved that, you suppose. the boy’s now a mess when it comes to you. 
since then, you’ve been using each other as stress relief. stupid, really, but with that annoyingly good kiss still hanging between the two of you, you could only keep coming back for more, waiting for lulls in your timetables to meet up. one thing would lead to another, and…well.
“finished your revision yet?” you probe. if he says no, you’ll just drag him off to finish it. but he’s jungwon. if he says he’s gonna do something, he does it. although it’s sort of disappointing if he just parts ways with you, even after he came all this way to find you so far away from the dorms. 
jungwon sighs. “what do you take me for? of course i did, or you’d get mad at me. and i know you’re free for the rest of the day too.” he rummages through his backpack, before handing you a cap and mask. “put these on, i need a big brute to help me buy and carry groceries back to my dorm.”
“and who better than me, huh?”
jungwon grins, waving a matching set in your face. “you’re the multifaceted necessity in my life. my swiss knife, if you please.”
you end up at a mall just a few kilometres away from campus. apparently, he needs laundry pods, vegetables and some sort of microfibre cloth that “can only be blue, mind you.” according to him, if a hand towel doesn’t match his dorm’s colour scheme, the whole world falls apart. 
(for the record, his dorm room does look nice. but no one has to know that you know.)
pushing a shopping cart along the aisles, a bag of spinach catches your eye. “how’s this for vegetables?”
he shakes his head. “lettuce is better for hotpot.”
“since when did you plan on having hotpot?”
“it’s our dinner, y/n.”
he sighs. “i’m paying for the groceries.”
“well in that case…” you move to grab a few packets of meat from the fridge. “you won’t mind if i add these, will you?”
you don’t miss his odd gaze on you as he pushes the cart towards the checkout counter. “not at all.”
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so much for the grocery shopping.
dinner is long forgotten as you find yourself pinned up against the walls of jungwon’s dorm, his grip on your waist oddly comforting. your fingers are tangled in his dark locks, pulling him in deeper, but it’s not enough. it’s never enough.
it feels so, so wrong, to be rendezvousing with him, and maybe he knows it too, because when he finally pulls away, there’s a guilty look on his face. “strike two…?” he grins sheepishly. he’s a little out of breath, and you hate to admit it, but it’s kind of hot. (actually, it’s the fifth time this week, but who’s counting? definitely not you.)
how? you’d maintained the status quo for more than a decade. hell, you two are supposed to loathe each other. knowing yang jungwon has some sort of feelings for you must be messing with your brain. 
jungwon’s lips latch onto your earlobe, fingers trailing down your nape. it’s crazy, the way every brush of his lips sends your head reeling. over his shoulder, you catch a glimpse of his roommate’s neatly folded quilt, and a thought pops into your mind. “when’s sunoo getting back?”
“he just left for a party, he won’t be back for a bit,” jungwon murmurs. sunoo happens to be part of a circle of close friends consisting of yunjin, sunoo and ni-ki (and jungwon, although you could never admit he’s a friend). you’re a close-knit group, withholding no secrets with each other. more often than not, they’ve been caught up in your fights with jungwon, although those haven’t happened in a while, for obvious reasons.
you hum against his lips, fingernails digging crescent-shaped marks into his skin as you try to steady your breathing. “think the water’s boiled by now, get off.” it’s a half-hearted order, and you’re pretty sure jungwon sees through your bullshit. what was it, something about glass houses?
“don’t wanna.”
“jungwon come on-” the sound of a lock in a key slices through the air, jolting you and jungwon apart. panic flares in your chest, and you scramble to shove jungwon far away from you. “hurry up, hurry up.” 
sunoo’s voice drifts past the door. “must’ve left it in here somewhere, don’t know how i could’ve forgotten my id of all things.” the door opens to reveal a sheepish-looking sunoo, flanked by your friends yunjin and riki, who don’t look very pleased. their expressions, however, change the moment they spot you in the corner. “y/n?! what are you doing here?”
one look at the tiny hotpot contraption on the table, paired with the small portions of food is all they need to put two and two together. yunjin frowns, marching past sunoo. “ohh no, you two in the same room alone is a big no from me. by the time we get back, the whole place is gonna look like hell, with all the screaming and fire.” her disapproving glance at you makes you want to shrivel up and die on the spot. 
“we’ll be studying, don’t worry. we never fight when we’re studying,” jungwon shrugs, shooting a discreet glance in your direction, practically screaming help me.
“yeah see the thing is, you shouldn’t even be fighting-”
“yunjin, don’t.” sunoo takes her by the shoulder, dragging her back out the door. “keep our dorm in one piece, please. we’re off!” while yunjin still believes in peace between the two of you, sunoo’s learnt long ago that interfering with your rivalry only makes things worse. not that you don’t feel a little bad about it.
the door slams shut, leaving you and jungwon alone in the room. it’s an uncomfortable silence, the awkwardness of the interruption still lingering.
“y/n, i-”
you hold out your hand. “give me a moment, gosh.” burying your face in your hands, you groan. “that was probably the worst thing ever. we lied in their faces, they’re gonna kill us if they ever find out.”
you suppose it’s your despair that elicits a sound awfully like a snicker from him. some things never change. “did you see the looks on their faces? they’ll never see it coming.” you finally raise your head, watching as jungwon smirks at you with a conspiratorial glint in his eyes. paired with that loose-fitting hoodie of his, and the sweatpants (grey, no less), you’re simultaneously insanely smitten and utterly appalled by said attraction. why’d he have to be so good-looking? he wasn’t this handsome when you were growing up. yang jungwon is going to be the death of you.
it really does take all your efforts not to just shove him onto the couch and claim his lips for yourself again. and then you nearly faint from the prospect of having that thought at all. hastily, you shove a wad of meat into the boiling pot on the table. “we-we should start eating. don’t want the food to turn bad.”
he shrugs, pulling up a chair opposite you. “don’t mind if i do.”
and if you pop open a couple beers afterward, no one has to know.
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shit. shit.
days later, you’re at a study cafe with all your friends. you’ve spent the past hour on this topic, and it’s taking everything inside of you not to smash your laptop in half and bash your head into the debris. what the hell is this? you’re not supposed to be bad at this. a glance at jungwon tells you he’s not having nearly as much trouble as you are, and that’s your breaking point.
panic rises in your throat, your lungs, as your vision blurs. words on the screen start to blend, and you think to yourself, you’re a failure again. worthless no matter how hard you try, breaking apart even while trying to hold yourself together. you can feel every tear leave a searing path down your cheeks, nails clawing for skin to carve red lines into. your eyes burn with the buildup of tears, a telltale sign you’re about to lose your shit. in front of jungwon, no less. just great.  
you stand up abruptly, the legs of your chair screeching as they drag across the floor. “bathroom,” you manage to make out, as you dash across the cafe full of people, praying no pne notices. you fling the bathroom door open, turning on the tap at full blast. you don’t realise it, but your fingers are gripping the edges of the sink with an intensity you didn’t think was possible. 
your eyes flutter shut as you try to calm down, focusing on the flow of the water. it’s not working, but the white noise is more soothing than anything right now. that is, until you hear a clicking sound, followed by arms wrapping around you from behind. judging by the shallow breaths, and the mellow scent of baby lotion, it’s exactly who you think it is.
in your rush, you forgot to lock the door. wonderful.
you lean away from jungwon’s embrace, trying to untangle yourself from him, but he stubbornly holds you tighter. “go back, i’m fine.” you don’t even believe yourself, from the way your voice trembles in between gasps.
he hums, and with your back against his chest you can feel the little vibrations as his speaks. “you don’t say.” he doesn’t continue, and in the silence, your mind stays on the warmth of his body against yours. slowly, you let yourself relax into him. it’s funny, how he can be the problem and the cure at the same time. 
you can feel yourself melting in his arms, your breathing evening out with every second that passes. your heartbeat’s finally slowed to a calmer thrumming, no longer pounding in your ears. suddenly, you’re hyper-aware of his soft sweater against your cheek, and the way a thin piece of fabric is the only thing between your skin and his. 
“how do you do it?”
jungwon frowns. “do what?”
“hold up the world and make everything seem fine, when you know it’s not.”
he falls silent, resting his head in the crook of your neck (it’s becoming a habit of his). “well…it’s easy when it’s for someone else.”
“that so?” you muse, peering back up at him. “even for me?”
the way he averts your gaze is insanely cute. “don’t push it.”
but you know he hasn’t lied to you. since you were kids, jungwon’s never been the kind to wear his heart on his sleeve. he holds everything together, holds everyone together. even now, he’s keeping you from falling apart. but what about him? who’s watching him to keep him from losing it all? you know for sure he’s had his fair share of breakdowns, but your stomach churns at the thought that you’ve never witnessed it. not once. being yang jungwon is lonelier than it seems.
once you’re sufficiently calmed down, you untangle yourself from his embrace. “i’ll, um, head back first. you should wait a few minutes before you go back.”
“right.” glancing down at his feet, jungwon nods. “just…you don’t have to carry it all by yourself.”
you turn to leave, but a question burns all the way down your throat. 
why? would you take it from my hands and bear it with me?
(and what if you wanted to bear his burdens too?)
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true enough, your performance on the latest assignment was more than decent — the highest score in your class, in fact. and as always, jungwon’s not far off. your hard work did pay off. funnily enough, you don’t go to rub it in his face like you always used to do.
it seems you’ve changed.
these days, jungwon seems to linger in your head a lot more. and it’s not just the intimate gestures that stay, but the feeling of his arms around you just won’t disappear. every time you’re about to panic, the mere memory of his gentle touch only serves to ground you back to reality. he’s not even physically here, but you don’t need him to be there for him to be your lifeline. how did things even turn out like this? your greatest rival, also your greatest source of comfort.
today, your friends have made plans to head to an amusement park (read: disneyland. because yunjin’s a disney adult in the best sense of the word). you, jungwon, sunoo, yunjin and riki, along with his girlfriend. the dynamic’s great, really, with everyone carrying the mood well so nothing ever feels boring. you’re able to grab a few rides with them, and eventually the group splits for different attractions, and it’s just you, riki and jungwon, waiting for the others to get back from some quirky river ride. you three didn’t bring spare clothes, so you’ll have to sit this one out. parked under a shady tree, you don’t feel the heat nearly as much, but sweat’s starting to make your shirts cling to your backs.
thirty minutes pass, and there’s still no sign of them. riki’s phone pings. “oh, the ride’s delayed. they’re gonna queue for another forty minutes.”
riki shrugs. “it’s a popular ride.”
you rise to your feet. “okay, i’ll go get us some water. you guys stay put.”
fortunately for you, the shop’s got plenty of water bottles, although the marked-up prices do make your wallet cry a little. what you aren’t prepared for, however, is walking back and spotting riki and jungwon huddled under the tree, deep in conversation. quickly, you press your back up to the other side of the tree trunk, hiding in plain sight.
“…you want relationship advice from me?”
jungwon hums. “well, i can’t very well ask sunoo, not when he’s only just stopped partying away to handle his own breakup.”
“true. we need to find him some better coping mechanisms. though i think he’s back in contact with her on instagram. i swear i saw a notification on his phone the other day with her user and all. that webinar he’s going for next tuesday? think it’s her.”
“oh.” you can hear the wince in jungwon’s voice. “that’s a little…”
riki glares at him. “don't change the subject. shoot.”
he sighs, his lips twisting in concentration. it’s a habit he’s had for a long time, one that you’ve come to notice. “so there’s this girl.”
“i can’t stop thinking about her.”
“but i know she hates me-”
“shit, you like y/n?!” riki yells, slapping jungwon on the back before he can even finish. “of all the billions of people on the planet?”
“how’d you guess?”
“she’s the only one who hates you, buddy. no prizes for guessing who.”
jungwon groans, burying his face in his hands. “i don’t know anymore. she just can’t get out of my head. don’t tell the others, i’m begging you. i’ll never live it down.”
“okay…” riki trails off, and you can imagine how confused he is. “why her though? and why now?”
jungwon’s practically fumbling for an answer, running his hands through his hair (another nervous tic of his). “it’s just…i guess i get her, and she gets me? we understand each other’s problems really well. it’s like looking into a mirror.”
you nearly choke at his words. he gets you, that much is clear. but for him to feel like you know him inside out, that’s a completely different thing altogether. it’s always been a struggle for you to read people. coupled with the fact that jungwon’s the most emotionally intelligent and regulated guy you know, you’ve been worried you’re not giving him enough. 
besides, he’s so much more than you’ll ever be. you, the mentally unstable top student, and jungwon, the other contender for your spot, but with something more: people skills. everyone likes him, everyone wants to be him. the battle’s lost before you can even fight it. he’s a good person, and you’re…nothing like that. people trust him, including you. 
so why would he dare to leave his heart in your hands like that?
it’s not fair. he knows exactly what to do, and you know nothing. he’s dated other girls before, not many but enough to be more experienced than you. how would you know anything, other than to clumsily take his affection with a heap of salt? you’ve failed him. 
oddly enough, riki seems to understand. “i think i catch your wind, but you’ll have to elaborate. what’s the dynamic with her right now?”
“i, uh.” jungwon flounders, his cheeks turning pink, no doubt at the memory of everything you’ve done with him. “th-that’s not…well.” he laughs nervously. “how much can i say before it’s too much info?”
as you watch him with his toothy grin, with those eyes that crinkle in the corners, you know one thing - you absolutely adore him. it’s sudden, but how could you not? he’s everything. much as you hated him, it takes little of your pride to admit he’s been your lifeline for a while now. but you wonder, why would he pick you? for the sole reason that you know him well? that isn’t enough, is it? you may have never understood romance, but you’re guessing this isn’t the usual kind of reason people fall for other people.
besides, there’s nothing special about you.
you end up waiting for the conversation to drift to small talk before joining them back. as always, jungwon’s quick to revert to his usual, teasing self. and despite it all, you find your gaze to be on him the whole time.
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it’s dark out when you guys finally make your way back to the dorms. with the others off buying water and snacks for a late-night hangout, you’re left alone with jungwon to head back. he’d conjured up some lie about you leaving some study material in his dorm and needing to grab it before going back to your own, and they seemed to buy it. so here you are, walking along a concrete pavement with the boy you can’t seem to understand, with rain practically beating down your backs. the weather really hates you.
with your path being lit only by the orange glow of the overhead street lamps, and the air filled with nothing but the sound of pouring rain, there’s nothing much you can say. nothing really feels right to say right now, because how do you even begin to address anything in the past month?
jungwon’s grip on the umbrella is tight. you swear it’s leaning slightly towards you. in his other hand is a plastic bag of merch you got from the amusement park, full of junk like headbands and shirts. 
wordlessly, you sneak your pinky into the palm of his hand, hooking your fingers together. there’s an odd sort of intimacy in the little gesture - a silent reassurance that concedes a lot more than you’re usually willing to. to your relief, jungwon doesn’t mention anything about it.
suddenly, his footsteps slow to a halt. he whips out a pair of sparklers from the bag you’d gotten from the amusement park, slipping one into your hands. “quickly, before they come back.” as he fumbles with the lighter, a familiar endearing look of concentration on his face makes you giggle a little. the lighter clicks a few times, and the sparklers come to life.
despite the pouring rain, the sparks of violet flash brightly, illuminating your view of each other. with his face glowing a pretty shade of purple, you can see the ridges in his face, from the dimples in his cheeks to the curve of his mouth. “and why exactly are we lighting fires in a downpour?”
“oh shut up, i’m trying to have a moment with you here.” the retort comes easily, a little too easy, seeing as he slaps his hand over his mouth almost immediately. “you heard nothing.”
and then he’s wrapping his arm around your shoulders as you walk, the faint crackling filling the silence as you continue on. you can sense jungwon’s gaze on you, so you pinch his arm. “something on your mind?”
he exhales softly, patting your shoulder. “if i say it’s you?”
“then you’re a cheesy bastard. what’s really going on?”
he laughs, but you know there’s something lying under the surface. there always is. (huh, maybe you do know him better.)
“it’s nothing, really. just thinking about…us, i guess.” he pauses. “well, mostly you, if i’m being honest. i don’t really know where to start.”
you shift closer to him under the umbrella, till your cheek is pressed against his arm. “i think i do. your journal?”
“ah.” he grimaces, his laughter a little less nervous. “that much i’m sure you’ve already guessed. i don’t think i ever hated you, y/n. not really. i guess i just got scared that there was someone who saw through me so well.”
“and…are you still scared?”
he shakes head firmly. “no. it’s a good thing, because, well. you feel safe. like a place i can go to and let my guard down. i imagine doing things with you i’d never do with anyone else.”
“not naughty things, i hope,” you joke, but the brilliant red that blooms so bright across his face you can see in the dark is extremely telling. “yang jungwon! get your mind out of the gutter!”
feigning a cough, he looks away, fighting for whatever dignity he’s got left. “my point is, i can’t go on as your rival. i…i need you.” he swallows, and in his eyes there’s a vulnerability you know is saved only for you. “i don’t know why, but knowing you’re the only one who understands me is all i’ll ever need. selfish as it is, i want to keep you here forever, so i don’t have to feel alone again.” he says it all with a conviction that’s so strong it almost scares you. he’s putting all his trust into you. does he not think it’s terrifying, to leave all his sorrows with a person like you?
“are you confessing to me?” you whisper breathlessly. you seriously hope he can hear you over the crashing rainfall. “because i’m not sure if i’m-”
“yes. i’m confessing to you, like right now.”
oh. oh.
but there’s an ache in your chest that swells as you try to meet his glassy eyes. “but if you know me so well, you’ll know that i’m not all that. i’m an emotional wreck who can’t live without her ego, and i’m just…me.” and you’re so much more, more than i’ll ever be.
at this, he stops dead in his tracks, not giving a damn about the fact that the rain’s only getting heavier. “i-okay. what do you think of when you think of me?”
“how is this relevant?”
“just answer the question.”
you lick your dry lips, scouring your brain for a reply that can tell him exactly what you want him to know. “it’s like you can see who i am, like you know exactly what to do to make everything okay again. we’ve been under the same pressure to be good our whole lives, and when you try to make me feel better i can tell you mean it. and it works, and i honestly don’t know how i could possibly live without it, now that i know what it feels like to be loved by you.” if you’d told your younger self that years into the future, you’d get to bare your soul to your greatest rival, she’d probably laugh in your face. but here you are, and it’s comforting to know that he’d never judge you for it.
finally, yang jungwon grins that radiant grin of his, the tip of his sparkler meeting yours. “isn’t that reason enough, then, to keep me here? let’s be selfish for once, you goody-two-shoes.” the soft gaze he has on you has your already-weak resolve crumbling away, and it’s as though a hole’s been filled in your heart. one you didn’t even know existed.
“we’ve been too good our whole lives, haven’t we?”
“all the more a reason to be a little more reckless.”
but you let the sparkler fall to the puddle-strewn pavement as you cup his face in your palms, pressing your forehead to his. “for you? any leap of faith would be worth it.”
and you kiss him, with the force of every unsaid word, every apology and confession of the past eighteen years. as much as you’ve done this before with him, every other time he’s kissed you pales in comparison, because for once you see why you wanted him so badly. why you wanted him to have a piece of your soul. maybe, just maybe, pieces of you are already a part of him, and him of you. fragments of each of your shared pasts had embedded themselves in your hearts long before you’d learnt that the sting was one of longing, and not jealousy alone.
his grip on the umbrella loosens, his palm wraps around your nape, a thumb caressing your jaw in a movement both reverent and yearning. with the umbrella now blown far, far away, you’re completely drenched, but you can’t even bring yourself to care anymore. as his other hand moves to hold your waist, you’re surprised at how naturally it comes. you tug him closer, and it’s both everything you’ve ever wanted, but at the same time never enough. breathing in the lingering scent of his lotion, you decide that this, this is home.
“...what we had was special, you know, and i can’t just let - am i seeing things? oh shit, you guys have to see this, oh my-” sunoo’s voice rings out in the night, and this time you just giggle against jungwon’s lips, not bothering to even look at your rightfully flabbergasted friends. this time, you want them to know.
riki sneers in disgust as he flings your stray umbrella towards you both. “i’d congratulate you, but i’ll be too busy puking in that corner right over there.”
“as if you and your girlfriend aren’t worse,” jungwon teases, catching the umbrella with one hand, the other still on your hip. gosh, that was attractive. 
oh gosh, this guy’s your boyfriend. yang jungwon is your boyfriend.
by now, your friends have caught up with you, and you’ve got a feeling they’re about to circle you like starving vultures for a good story. but you can’t even bring yourself to mind as jungwon takes your hand into his, interlacing your fingers as he reopens the umbrella. “ready to go?”
anytime, if it’s with him. 
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a/n ➭ so yall…the promised context. this started off as a secret romance thing where ynwon were more touchy feely (in fact this is the fic that started the whole series lmao). but along the way i decided to use this fic as my projection + built-in jungwon character analysis. tbh the final result of this fic is…very different from what i had in mind at the start, but i’m okay with how it turned out in the end! as always, thanks for reading till the end! if u have the time do reblog/comment so ik what i can improve on haha have a good week! ALSO DID YALL SPOT THE SUNOO X YN CRUMBS
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