#cat beast thing of some sorts
silkysong · 9 months
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have a blurrsmas
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twilightarcade · 5 months
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that's a weird dog
#wordstag#notwordswordstag#neptune wgen it's being normal about that eclipse thing#drawn at late oh clock it's like 2am right now . I think I'm gonna darken the eyes in the morning#or I won't. You never know with this guy.#anyhow I'm in bed now and I'm sooooo cozy.#ok so [mr beasts] this drawing was a 'let's use all the brushes in the sketching section & see what happens' thing#I think we're going 2 do another one w/ a smaller canvas size because I wanna . Try something. & this canvas was way too big#(<-I've been using the same canvas 4 like . Ages. And some IDIOT refuses 2 just move the sketches over(#literally whoever invented patterns on clothing should go explode . Do you have any clue#it's ok though . Fun exercise in whatever it's called. Perspective. If it was evil. ( I am failing the exercise)#ummmmmmm I thibk that's all. Spent way longer on this than I meant to. But the REAL criminal here was anzu because#That was supposed 2 be a warm up. Of sorts. I don't really do warm ups much if I'm going 2 be honest#trying 2 get into the habit but me drawing is more like . I'm going to draw 5 things in one sitting take it or leave it#ok guess who just . Fixed it.#I could point out like a million other things wrong but I'm not going to [smug cat picture] I'll leave that up to your imagination#ok umm how many tags is that . Not enough ? I want 2 do those whatever u wanna call those things again#yyou know. Peeks in my inbox.#ddude I might want to uh. I might want to crop this thing.#landscape is fun and all but seriously I can't#whatever. Officially a tomorrow me issue. Guess who's headed to sleep baby.#tomorrow neptune here I ended up cropping it after all.cod bleAmerica.ca.#anyhow I don't think I mentioned the . The Animal?
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hershelwidget · 1 year
Behold! My designs for Arman and Beast!
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This took a while for me to get around to posting, honestly because I kept being bothered by their proportions... But then I remembered that it doesn't matter :)
Arman possesses the Gup-A, while Beast has the Gup-B! Their designs borrow heavily from their main drivers and are probably the most obvious of the batch, haha-
Face closeups!
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I've decided that y'all can use any of these as icons, but please credit me if you do!
Next up will be Caleb and Darwin, who's beta designs I might share earlier... I am gonna be working on them all through the weekend so look forward to that :D
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snowyfrostshadows · 1 year
Another question for the Beast & Beauty AU : Luigi is a Big Monster now. Bowser is a Big Monster too. Do they have Big Monster quirks they share ? (If you say purring I'll die happy)
Purring, growling, wagging tails are the things that immediately spring to mind as being the most probable common quirks between a giant turtle dragon monster and whatever mishmash Luigi is.
Maybe an enjoyment for sunbathing?
Which would confuse the hell out of Luigi. He's covered in fur. Why would some sunlight through a window feel so good? Wouldn't it make him overheated????
As for purring......I think he'd be SUPER embarrassed the first time he did so.
Growling? Okay. Monsters growl.
Tail wagging? He can roll with that. Basically any and every animal with a tail will wag it.
Purring? Oh gooooood that's embarrassing. Especially if the the first time he does it is because Bowser compliments him on successfully scaring a toad. This is so much worse than blushing because he could claim it under literally any other emotion but purring??? Animals only do that when they're happy or with someone they like and oh.
Oh no.
Either scaring the pants off a certain (Very Rude) toad is making him giddy enough to purr or the positive reinforcement from Bowser is and he honestly isn't sure which of the two options is worse.
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raspberryzingaaa · 2 years
Sometimes it feels like, war within me. Between logical convenience and heavy handed compassion.
How is dominion to be properly handled? Should we medically tend to wildlife when natural selection does its work? Or do we fix and release with whatever effects it may have? Do we drown or chloroform the wild cat and dog populations overrunning our cities and native wildlife? Or simply try to spay and neuter some of them to prevent more?
Where is the line between rosy eyed idealism and hard hearted pragmatism? How do it hold this?
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Of Lions and Mice
Leona Kingscholar x Reader
Reader is intended to be female
Leona was annoyed.
Once again, his golden goody-two-shoes older brother decided to shirk his responsibility of being a father and dump the overexcited, disgustingly bright-eyed crown prince on him for the day. And not only that, it had to be today of all days - a rare day where you were free from picking up Crowleys’ slack, where the loudmouthed, nattering extras that always followed you were otherwise preoccupied (and bribed to bugger off with a bag full of tuna), where he was certain he’ll spend the day in bed with you right next to him. 
But no. Just like with everything else in his miserable existence, his dreams were crushed and he had to spend the day playing caretaker to his nephew instead of wrapped up with you. What’s worse was that, you’d decided to carry the pint-sized load off of his back and gave your undivided attention to the cub when it should have been rightfully his. How he hated that selfless nature of yours, that sweet, caring, gentle nature that would make you look at anyone that wasn’t him with that loving gaze, that would make you brush your fingers through Cheka’s golden orange curls the same way you would Grim’s fur or the stray cats you’d find around campus or any other being instead of his mane. 
He hated just how loving you were, how your eyes could see the beauty in everything.
How, now that it’s late at night, and he’s closed his eyes and pretended to sleep in his attempt to actually get some shut eye and so that the little hairball would quit bothering him but Cheka just continues yapping.
Even in the darkness under his eyelids, he could feel you cast a worried look his way from the spot where his bed sags a little.
“Hey Cheka,” your sweet, dulcet voice (which is currently being used to please his nephew and not sooth him to sleep with the sweet nothings it usually does) pipes up, “how about I tell you a bedtime story from my world?”
“A bedtime story?!” Wow, even with his eyes closed he could see the stars coming out of his nephew's eyes, “yes please!”
Once the little cub has settled into bed, he asks you, “do you know any stories from your world with lions in them?
“Any ones with lions? Hmm, well, I suppose I could tell you about Narnia but I think you might be a bit too young for that and - wait,” you punctuated your words with a snap of your fingers, “I know a short one. There was this man called Aesop who wrote these short stories called fables.”
“What’s a fable?” Cheka asked, his words covered in that innocently curious lilt that all six year olds seemed to have during every occasion Leona wished they wouldn’t - and that was all of them.
You, however, seemed to have much more patience than him, “A story with a moral in them. Like, always be honest, or share, or work together, that sort of thing. I had a book of them when I was younger and I really enjoyed reading them.”
Figures. Of course, the shining beacon of sickeningly polite goodness grew up with such stories. He would’ve teased you for that but he had a child who he’s still trying to convince he was asleep.
“That sounds so cool, Aunty Y/N! Will you tell me more?”
“Of course, I will,” he can hear your smile, “but I’ll tell you them later, okay. Now, it’s time for you to rest.” 
“Okay, Aunty Y/N.”
“Alright so,” you clear your throat, “there was once a lion that lay asleep in his den. A shy little mouse came upon him and in her fright she ran away, only whilst doing so she accidentally ran over his head, waking him up.”
“Oh no,” Cheka gasped, “that lion is going to be so angry if he wakes up.”
Oh, so the little hairball does have a brain after all. 
“You’re right. Furious that he had been woken up, the big lion slammed a paw down on the tiny mouse and grabbed her by the tail. Holding her up, he growled at her,” here you made your voice noticeably deeper, trying to imitate a gruff growl, ““How dare you wake me up! I am the king of beasts and anyone who interrupts my slumber deserves to die! I shall kill you and eat you!””
It took everything within Leona to not burst into laughter at your adorable imitation of a ‘big scary lion’. It’s a voice you’ve used before whenever you tease him, playfully repeating the words his old self would have said to you, and it’s one that he’s rather fond of. 
He loves and respects you, Herbivore, and he’s the first to attest to your formidability and capability - even though you have the annoying tendency to not only blur the line between bravery and reckless stupidity but also play skipping rope with it - but intimidating you are not. 
“This scared the terrified mouse even more. Shaking with fear, she begged for him to let her go,” you make your voice higher at this part, squeaking in a way that oddly suited you, in Leona’s not so humble opinion, ““please, your majesty, I beg of you, please don’t eat me. It was only a mistake and if you let me go I’ll be sure to repay you. If you spare my life one day, I might even save yours.””
“The lion looked at the tiny creature and laughed, amused at how such a small mouse could ever be of use to an animal as powerful as him, “You? Save me? How absurd. You’ve made me laugh and put me in a good mood so I shall be generous and let you go.”
“Thank you, your majesty, thank you,” the mouse squeaked as she was put back on the ground, before scurrying away as fast as fast as her little legs could carry her.”
“Yay, so the mouse is free.” Cheka giggled.
“He is,” you said, “but there’s still more left. A few days later, the lion was prowling around when out of nowhere he was caught in a hunter’s net. Try as he might, he couldn’t get out of it. He tossed and turned, roaring angrily as he struggled to escape.”
“Wait, so now the lion’s in trouble. How’s he going to get out?” Cheka asked in worry. 
“You’ll see. Hearing his cries, the mouse followed the sound, recognising it from the lion he met earlier.
“I have to help him,” she squeaked as she scampered towards him.”
Upon seeing the lion in the net, she said, “hold still your majesty, I’ll get you out!”
And she quickly started to nibble on the ropes with her sharp little teeth, biting until all they broke apart. It wasn’t long until the lion was free.”
“So the mouse saved him. Was it because the lion helped him earlier?”
“It certainly was Cheka. “Thank you, little mouse,” the lion said, “I laughed at you and didn’t think you could ever help me but you saved my life.”
“It was my turn to help you.” The mouse replied, ”never forget that even a creature as small as a mouse can help a lion.”
And that’s the end,” you say.
“Thank you, Auntie Y/N, I really enjoyed that. Do you think the lion and mouse became friends after that?”
“You are very welcome, Cheka. I think they did. They did help each other, after all. Now I think it’s time to go to sleep.”
And once you were sure that the crown prince was asleep, you made your way next to your boyfriend, running your fingers through chestnut locks, “did you enjoy that little story, Leona.”
He opens his eyes to see your endeared smile. Rolling over so that he could wrap his arms around your waist he muses, “it seems awfully familiar don’t you think? A scared little herbivore wakes up a sleeping lion and ends up saving him later.”
“I’ll have you know, Your Highness, that I was never scared of you. Even when you were a rude old brute who threatened to knock out one of my teeth. And I’m certainly not little.”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.” 
He pulls, letting you flop down on his bed beside him so that he can spoon you.
“Sweet dreams, little mouse,” he kissed your forehead, “I hope you know that I don’t ever intend on letting you go. Not after you helped in ways you could never even imagine.”
And so the lion fell asleep, holding the prey who rescued him from the confinement of his past safely in his arms.
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triptychgardener · 6 months
What does becoming a furry in Homestuck mean? (In reference to your recent Nepeta post)
Okay so the thing is the way that Homestuck treats furries is honestly kind of equivalent to how it treats queerness. As in, Homestuck initially treats it like a joke or a thing to mostly sneer at. Homestuck was very much part of the wave of disaffected ironic assholes of the Newgrounds and Something Awful type, especially to start with, and that sort of relied on shitting on demographics that were seen as weird and permissible to find cringe and make fun of.
Jade comes onto the scene, and a lot of people sort of groan at her whole furry shtick. Jade is largely, however, just a pretty sincere character, and even though she feels some embarassment over the idea of BEING a furry (i.e. her distaste for the idea of actually wearing a fursuit) she nonetheless begins the admirable refrain of combining the finest qualities of humanity with the elegance and nobility of the animal kingdom.
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Her earnest affection for all things anthropomorphic sets up more than just her excellent taste. And as much as she is a bit of a pattern-breaker, one pattern she doesn't break is that of having a Signature Animal.
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The four beta kids have a bunch of different things associated with them: the four elements, four items, four musical instruments. But the animals are practically integral to who they are as people and characters.
John's attachment to the bunny is obvious, and helps to spur on one of the most emotional scenes in the comic. (For him. Him specifically.)
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It's also something deeply precious to him, as it's a gift from every single one of his friends in a very roundabout fashion!
For Rose, Jaspers is half the reason she decided to play the game in the first place. She missed her dead cat so dearly she was willing to play a game that might end the world for it.
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(Pictured above, Rose lying about her feelings, water is wet.)
Dave seems to at least feel some affection for crows, or at least shame when he kills them.
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And his fusing to become Davesprite is what allows him to survive as a "copy" of the original Dave. Once again, Dave's disaffected irony giving way to the necessity of becoming a furry to save the world.
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And for Jade, of course, Bec.
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And it's notable that, by the end of the comic, at least THREE of our main beta kids have merged with their animals, and, in a way, become the best versions of themselves.
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Jade obviously gets to achieve her dream of becoming a furry, and in doing so gaining power and agency that she was always denied due to her position in the story.
Davepeta, as I stated in a previous post, is the true Final Form of Dave, the pawn that made it to the end of the board, the only surviving character from Homestuck's "original" timeline, and is truly happy with themselves.
And Jasprose appears to have fully hurled herself through the walls Rose put up around herself to protect her image, and thus absolutely mortifies Rose. She just seems to be having a great time.
Homestuck evolved from a story that was deeply cynical and mean-spirited about furrydom, to a story where three of our four starting protagonists, in their truest most powerful forms, combine the qualities of man and beast to achieve self-actualization. And to bring this back around to queerness, these three characters also happen to be canonically queer. So there's that.
This isn't even to get into how this might relate to Troll Lusii and the concept of "growing up" to be more like one's parent on a planet raised by animals, but that's for another day.
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tired-biscuit · 8 months
18+ MDNI, fem!reader // cw: hybrids, predator/prey dynamic, mounting, sort of dubcon-ish, a hint of somnophilia, breeding, established relationship.
wc: 1.6k
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fox hybrid!naruto is as playful as much as he is sneaky.
he follows you around the apartment; curiously peeking from behind the corners, watching your every move not because he’s skittish, but rather because he wants to learn how you behave when you think he’s not around.
he does it quite often for some reason. perhaps it’s the wild of the predator that’s coursing his blood or the naive wonder that’s just signature for his personality, who knows, but if you catch him by any chance — and you do, he isn’t nearly as slick as he thinks he is — he immediately comes over, wraps his arms around you from behind and makes sure to comfort you and nip your cheek or bottom lip with his sharp fangs after every kiss he gifts you in apology.
still, he continues his watch. he learns your patterns over time despite the fact that he has a habit of tripping over his own two feet and blowing his cover with all the noise it causes. he learns the way you move, the little quirks that you exhibit, the timing of them. he learns them all as a safety precaution which he doesn’t really need if you think about it.
after all, he could slam into you full force as a means to take over and could simply make you submit to his predatory instinct just like a couple of his apex predator friends had done with their own mates in the past. he’s well aware that he’d win if he did it that way; he’s no wolf or bear, but he’s still stronger and armored with a far bigger set of teeth than the one that currently sits in your mouth.
however, the problem is that you’re sneaky too.
you’re a tough little thing to grasp — hard to impress, even worse to court. are practically made to slip between a person’s fingers if they were to try and squeeze you into their fist without asking for permission to do so first. on top of all that, you being a cat hybrid amongst all the other possibilities available doesn’t help his situation either; it makes you exceptionally perceptive and equally as hard to dominate because of it. so troublesome!
and that’s not all there is to it. even your eyesight is spectacular, as is your awareness of your surroundings. the triangle-shaped ears that sit atop your head twitch and constantly angle in the direction of the smallest movement he makes. and naruto knows that they do, that they listen and assess the danger. he’s tested it out so many times during the course of your relationship.
the first step he takes towards you whenever your back is turned in his direction is also usually his last because of how fast you are to turn around to face him in mere seconds, rigid body language exhibiting high alert. he’s never even gotten the chance to fully sneak up on you yet, much less tackle you into a play fight.
this entire thing would be so much easier if you were a bunny. he’d push and you’d take it like a good little rabbit, the end. everyone knows that bunny hybrids practically throw themselves before the jaws of a predator and spread their strong legs just as willfully the moment their first heat comes into play.
but naruto, even whilst itching to conquer you because of the beast within, kind of digs the challenge a moody little kitty such as yourself brings to the table. especially when the effort that he’s put into all this preying finally manages to pay off.
actually, it enables him to catch you when you’re least expecting it — during your afternoon nap.
your feline behaviour really shines at its brightest when you doze off. instinctively drawn to warmth, he’s since learned that you always fall asleep in the patch of sunlight that spills through the window and onto the couch across the room when the days are clear and the curtains are pushed to the side. always in the same position, too. on your tummy, with your limbs relaxed and stretchy; tail swishing from side to side ever so slightly before going completely still. just like now.
oh shit, there it is; the sign he’s been waiting for!
your tail has stopped moving so that means you’re completely out for the next half hour, perhaps even more. he watches from a safe distance just to make sure, leaning against the doorway that leads into the living room and straining his fox ears as hard as he’s possibly able as a means to catch every sound.
thud, thud, thud. your heartbeat is calm, as is your breathing. you’re at ease while you sleep, he can not only hear it but see it too. open and vulnerable and trusting, allowing yourself to be caught completely off guard. you could almost pass as docile, the way you look right now, but he knows better — he’s been with you for long enough to know.
so he takes one step forward, slowly. toes, heel. nothing happens.
he takes another. all is well.
and then all of a sudden, before your heavy eyelids can get the chance to crack open at the sound of fast-approaching footsteps, and before you can come back to from the depths of the cozy catnap you were so pleasantly indulging in, naruto at long last makes his move.
your sweet fox boyfriend pins you down with his weight as he lays on top of you; he squeezes you flat against the couch until your cheek is pressing into its soft cushions. he’s warm and shirtless and his skin smells like the summery shower gel he must have washed himself with earlier, but he doesn’t seem to be scared of your claws that might come in contact with him, promising pain.
even his hair is still damp. a small droplet of water lands on your cheek when you try to turn your head to the side to look at him.
you hiss at him with prominent annoyance when it slides down the edge of your jaw, the action a subtle warning that clearly tells him to stop this nonsense right now, but he’s been expecting that, too. so he works quickly to try and tame you into submission, allowing instinct to take charge because it’s the only safe bet he has.
you’re surprised how easily he works his way around you and it’s entirely your fault. he doesn’t show how strong he actually is underneath all the shy caresses that he gives you and the nice grins and it makes you forget, giving you a false sense of authority that quickly diminishes when you’re the one experiencing that raw power on your own body.
so it’s no wonder that you stand no chance while he manhandles you and keeps you caged underneath him. that you feel utterly helpless while he drags your comfortable little shorts down your legs with zero problem; until they’re hanging off one ankle right along with your panties.
he frees his cock, fists it a couple of times with the help of some drool before he mounts you then, breathing hard and still making sure to avoid the claws you’re bound to sink into him the second he releases your wrists. he’s holding them both with just one hand, seemingly mocking your incompetency even further, albeit completely unintentionally.
and it’s true; he doesn’t mean it. naruto has never been mean-spirited like that despite the whole predator aspect that lives and roars beneath his gorgeous tan skin.
but foxes can be tricky.
so he holds his grip and they dig into the couch instead, your claws. they get caught in the blanket that you’re both sweating on top of now as his hips rut into you and yours follow the deep, almost animalistic rhythm even though your anger and pride tell you to stop, stop, fucking stop obeying him.
but you can’t stop, you’re forced to submit because he’s a bigger threat than you are; it’s just how your brain is wired. you bend to survive. it’s exactly like that situation with the scrawny mouse girl who you used to tease and endlessly make fun of back in high school.
how does it feel to be on the prey side, little kitty?
you’re unsure how to feel about this entire thing, it might be because your mind has slipped into a certain kind of haze. he fucks you like he’s never fucked you before and a prolonged mewl that you can’t hold back leaves your lips when his teeth sink into the crook of your neck all of a sudden, marking you.
the strap of your tank top is hanging off your shoulder, exposing you further, and his hot, greedy mouth follows the naked skin without a second thought, just biting, licking, sucking. marking.
he’s growling and snarling into your ear every time he slams into you, sounding like the exact opposite of himself. you’re no better either; you keep making so much noise that you’re ashamed of yourself. moaning and whining, squirming and thrashing underneath him. by the time he fills you up with his seed, you’ll probably start to purr.
just the thought alone makes you feral. the sudden urge to be bred and bear his children plagues your mind like the deadliest storm. imagining your pussy leaking his warm cum is simply too good while stuck in a lowly position such as this one.
his cock is throbbing inside you as he pounds into your slick cunt, trying to push its way into your fucking womb. he’s big and heavy, hot in your tummy and hard to fit. the adrenaline that he’s getting because of the complete control he now has over you is surely exciting him enough to make him see god.
he probably won’t see god, though.
oh no, you’ll make sure to drag this wicked fox into the very depths of hell the second his knot stops swelling and he releases you from his iron-like grip.
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kitkats-and-kittens · 4 months
Damian loves all animals.
ALL animals.
This is cute and funny when his siblings catch him playing fetch with Titus or snuggling on the couch with Alfred the cat.
It’s not so cute and funny when they find the big-as-fuck dragon bat that he found when he was like 7 and just claimed as his?!?!
Like how do you just get a dragon bat?
It’s even less funny when they find out about the actual 20ft dragon he decided to adopt and name fucking Wiggles. Like you can sit on that things nose. It towers over you?!? It could quite literally consume all 5 feet of you in one bite and you named it Wiggles?!?!
It’s even worse when they realise all animals includes bugs.
Idk Damian just gives of obssssed with bug vibes.
Like he owns several habitats filled with ants. Probably a giant ass spider that gets loose one day and causes a whole ass lockdown since Damian is the only one anyone trusts to not get eaten by it.
They can’t do missions in any sort of area that could potentially be the habitat of any kind of wild life without locking him down and preventing him from picking up some feral beast because it was quote on quote ‘friend shaped’.
The indomitable human spirit is just Damian’s ability to adopt the most unadoptable creatures on the planet. Honestly probably off the planet as well. God forbid that child ever finds some vaguely lonely space alien dog that seems to have zero friends in site cause it’s coming home with him.
Ik Alfred is tried.
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dawndelion-winery · 7 months
L for Loser Lover
They're not normally this...pathetic. Really, it's just the way love brings out the worst in people
Ft. Alhaitham, Childe, Scaramouche (Wanderer)
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Cold, curt, and ever on top of things, he's not exactly what anyone would picture when asked to imagine a doting lover
For someone who knew over twenty languages, he sure didn't have a clue on how to use any of them
At least, that's how people would think his love life would go
So just what was that flower crown of woven roses doing atop his head?
And the funky chicken looking thing sewn onto his handkerchief???
"It's not a chicken, it's an eagle. My lover embroidered it for me earlier this year on Valentine's Day."
Wow, he sure sounded proud of that
Was that a ghost of a smile on his lips? A faint giggle?
Dear archons the world must be ending
Puppy love! Except it's more of an orange cat
Now, he wouldn't scream for attention
Actually, he just might
He's beating up some abyssal beast and suddenly he's pausing to shout for you
Y'know, just in case you weren't watching how cool he was
Some vicious weapon of war he is, slashing away at rifthounds and vishaps alike with that manic emptiness in his eyes
Which glints with a brief sparkle of excitement when he calls your name
He's disgustingly whipped and he can't even be insulted for it
Just try and point out how his eyes only light up when he talks about you, the softness in his features akin to the expression he makes when speaking of his family
"Maybe you're just seeing yourself in my eyes...you're the light of my life, after all."
Emotional constipation atop the urge to adore you isn't a good look on him
He's so clearly trying to seem unaffected by you and it's even clearer that it isn't working
You're so lovely to him it's actually disgusting and he wants to throw up
Stunning, breathtaking, spectacular, gorgeous...they don't even begin to describe you, and he starts to hate it
What do you mean you don't understand what he means when he says he can't really call you winsome or ravishing?
It's annoying to him beyond belief
"Can you sum up a sunrise with a simple "It's bewitching"? Beguiling doesn't even begin to explain the hold you have on me. Your stupid face...I don't want to look at anyone or anything else if it were an option. Your pulchritude has no comparison...so much so that even if I wanted to like it to anything to help you understand, it can't..."
Yeah, no, he's not elaborating beyond that
If you've gotten him riled up to the point of that sort of monologue...chances are you've lost your pet name privileges for at least a week
Expect terms of endearment to be replaced by "dumbass" or "idiot"
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Taglist: @ryuryuryuyurboat @yinyinggie @mx-kamisato @chaosinanutshell @haliyarobin @irethepotato @boundedbyfate @favonius-captain @aqui-soba @tiredsleep @sadlonelybagel @mastering-procrastinating @lemeowade
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rambling-at-midnight · 2 months
omg a part 2????
i loved it so much!!!
Ahh I'm so glad you liked it!!! It's my first Jason x reader fic :) Here's a part 2!
Pros and Cons of Midnight Snacks (Part 2)
Pairing: Jason Todd x Gender Neutral Civilian!Reader
Summary: Now it’s time for a meet-ugly-ish with some dude named Jason. Also, you see the Red Hood again.
Word count: 6.3k (holy shit)
You’re not crazy, right? It’s weird that the library is completely empty because it closes in two hours and the weather is actually nice outside for once, and some random dude wanders in and sets up two seats down from you. He’s not even here to study; he pulled out a sci-fi novel as soon as he sat down.
Who comes to a GCU campus library to read recreationally? The seats are uncomfortable and plastic. And the sun is shining. Everyone else is outside soaking up the Vitamin D.
Honestly, you’re mostly surprised the chair he’s on didn’t snap as soon as he sat. The dude is huge. Football player huge. Shouldn’t he be at practice, instead of forcing the chair to make the most irritating squeaking noises known to man every time he moves an inch?
You grit your teeth and put on your headphones, but you can still hear the poor chair’s dying lamentations, so you turn on an instrumental playlist that hopefully won’t distract you too much from studying.
You let yourself stew over the annoyance until your stomach growls so loud you hear it over the soft music. He has the good grace not to look at you, but you definitely see him pause.
Okay, you’ll call it even. This is what you get for running to the library right after six hours of classes. You need to cement the knowledge in your mind while it’s still fresh, and if that means you have to forego lunch…
He’s still there two hours later when the closing time alarm goes off. It’s a shrill old-school bell, the kind no one can ignore, and he jumps like he’s never heard it in his life. The poor chair finally gives up. He tumbles to the ground.
You look over in case he needs any help, but he’s scrambling for the book, face bright red.
If he is a football player, you wouldn’t be surprised that he’s never heard the bell before. That sort rarely stays this late at the library—if they enter at all.
He rushes out. You pack up a little more methodically. All that’s left for you to look forward to tonight is trying to study in your apartment, but you never have much luck.
He’s outside the library on his phone when you walk out. Maybe waiting for a ride? You’re a little on edge from the events of two days ago, so you watch him out of the corner of your eye as you walk away.
Thankfully, he doesn’t follow you.
At least the library closes earlier on Wednesdays, 6 pm instead of 9:30. You don’t know why. It’s still a weekday. But it forces you out while the sun’s still shining, which is probably a good thing.
Within two minutes of the twenty-minute walk home, your hip hurts. By the ten-minute mark, you’re trying not to limp.
Despite your better judgment, you keep your gaze turned to the rooftops, even though you know the vigilantes are nocturnal. It’s stupid to want to see a flash of red helmet, anyway. The Red Hood probably saves hundreds of people every week; there’s no way he would remember you.
Of course, when you finally get back, there are the stairs to contend with.
Your cat, that ungrateful little beast, beeps at you furiously for being gone so long. Never mind that your roommate works nights, so at most the cat’s been alone for an hour. He makes a break for the hallway, and you box the doorway with your legs and slam the door closed against your hip as you slip through.
Your injury explodes with pain, but at least the cat doesn’t get out. Ungrateful little beast. As if he isn’t fed and loved enough.
You finish slipping through the doorway and just stand for a moment listening to the blood rushing through your ears. Damn, but that hurt.
In the bathroom mirror, you hike up the hem of your shirt and check the state of your injury.
All in all, it could have been much worse. The bullet scooped out a fair chunk of skin, but it was just a surface wound. There’s no fresh blood on the gauze, and when you change the wrappings, the skin is pink and raw but starting to scab. It scooped out a chunk and left a trail of bruising, but you got off fairly lightly, all things considered.
The GCPD released the robber’s mugshot yesterday morning. In the picture, the man’s eyes were so swollen from your pepper spray he could hardly open them.
You preferred the bullet, honestly.
You try in vain to study a bit more, but even after you take more painkillers, you’re not in the mood. You feed your cat, then curl up on the couch to watch a couple episodes of the show you’re currently in the middle of.
That was the first time you see the huge guy, but it’s certainly not the last.
You wouldn’t notice him so much if he wasn’t the size of a damn refrigerator. He’s gotta be a linebacker for the Knights, but he’s not on their roster. You looked it up after the third time he wandered into the library just a couple minutes after you. It’s probably not updated yet, but you see him so often, you’d like to know his name.
Also, he’d bleached a patch of hair right at the front of his head—was that a trend now, or something?—so it wasn’t hard to spot him.
On Saturday, your feelings shift from mild annoyance and curiosity to a sinking sort of dread when you notice him at the coffeeshop you always visit on the weekends. The employees know you by name and use it to call out your order, so now he knows it, as long as he’s paying attention.
You think he might be.
You don’t want to be that person. Not everything in the world revolves around you, obviously. But you might still be shaken from what happened on Monday, because the thought wiggles in the back of your brain: what if you have a stalker?
You try to tell yourself that it’s just paranoia. GCU isn’t that big a campus, after all, and there are only so many places in the city that are: A. close to campus, B. reasonably priced, and C. comfortable to work in. You’ve run into classmates here before, and you don’t have a monopoly on the library or this coffeeshop. Just because he shows up at the same time you do doesn’t necessarily mean anything. He might be establishing a schedule that just so happens to line up with yours.
But, you have to admit, it is easier for stalkers to stalk people when they know their regular schedule.
You keep a watchful eye out and are pretty good about keeping off the streets after dark, but a week and a half later finds you stranded an hour’s walk from your apartment. The buses worked for two days, then shut down again, and you foolishly believed that following the detour that said would get you home would actually get you home. You don’t want to call an Uber because traffic would make the ride longer than the walk and bankrupt you in the process. Same reason you can’t call anyone to pick you up unless you waited the two hours until rush hour dies down.
Walking is, unfortunately, the best option.
So you clutch your trusty pepper spray and prepare yourself for a long night of looking over your shoulder and ignoring the pain in your side. The wound has mostly closed, although the bruising has gotten worse.
Three minutes later, you hear the roar of a motorcycle followed by angry car honks. You barely pay it any mind until the motorcycle pulls up next to you and doesn't pass.
You keep walking, avoiding eye contact. Maybe ignoring them will dissuade the rider from catcalling you.
It doesn't work. "Hey," the rider says, and it's only because the voice is mechanically distorted, recognizable only because of how many videos of him that you won't admit to looking up the last week, that you look at him. "What are you doing?" asks the Red Hood.
"What are you doing?" you counter. He's blocking the flow of traffic talking to you.
The Red Hood looks over his shoulder, flips off the person honking behind him, and steers his motorcycle onto the sidewalk. He drives fast, and you flinch in case he tries to run you over, but he screeches to a halt at the last second.
"Haven't seen you in a couple of weeks," he says casually, like you two meet up often.
"I've been staying out of trouble," you say.
"Not tonight?"
"No. That wasn't my fault, though. I took the Southwest bus because it was supposed to connect with the L line, but all the signs they posted were a lie, apparently, because—" You cut yourself off. "Never mind, I'm sure you don't care. Point is, I'm walking home. It's not too far."
"It's about an hour," he points out. "How's your bullet wound? Will it object to that walk?"
"I'll be fine."
He pats the back of his motorcycle seat. "Hop on. I'll drive you."
You take a couple hasty steps back. It may not be a white van, but you know better than to follow candy into someone's vehicle. "Oh, no, thanks. Traffic's pretty bad right now."
You get the sense he's smiling when he says, "I bet I can get you back faster than walking." If only he wasn't wearing the stupid shiny helmet, you would be able to read his expressions better.
"Really, I'm okay. I'm sure you have better things to do than drive me home."
"Helping people is literally my job," is his response. "I have to make sure you get home safely. So either you get on the back of my bike, or I follow you the whole walk back to your apartment."
You know a losing battle when you see it. As a general rule of thumb, it's usually smart not to argue with the dude carrying at least two guns. "Don't kidnap me," you order before slinging your leg over the seat.
He chuckles. It's the first time you've ever heard him laugh, and it makes him sound so much younger. "You can't ride like that."
"Like what?"
He cranes his neck to look back at you. There's at least six inches between both your bodies. You clutch the sides of the seat with both your hands, hoping he doesn't take off with such a lurch that you topple off the back. "I drive fast. You'll have to hold on."
"I am holding on."
"To me."
You've only met the man twice. You're pretty sure clinging to someone's back is at least a third-meeting type of touch, but he reaches back. The Red Hood snakes a hand nearly twice the size of yours into the crook of your knee, then yanks you to him. You shoot forward with a strangled yelp and catch yourself on his back.
You've never before understood the phrase 'wall of muscle,' but you get it now.
He is huge. And strong. You gingerly put your hands on his shoulders. That's not an inappropriate touch, you think.
He has to live at the gym, right?
"You're still not holding on," he chides. "I don't have a helmet for you, so you really shouldn't fall off."
You swallow and move your hands, but he's too thick for you to link your hands around his front. So you fist both of them into his jacket. It presses your bodies tight against each other from shoulder to thighs. Through the layers his body radiates heat, but you shiver.
"Going," is all the warning you get.
Then you're gone; the bike shudders beneath you, then takes off like a jet.
You can't catch your breath. This must be what riding a dragon feels like, is your first nonsensical thought, a side effect of your roommate's obsession with Game of Thrones.
The bike roars beneath you, but you can hardly hear it over the rush of wind and the pound of blood in your ears. You can't see much with the wind drying out your eyes, so you press your head against the Red Hood's back and squint to one side. Cars and street lamps blur together into a stream of mismatched lights and colors.
The Red Hood drives fast. He weaves between lanes, runs through red lights, cuts onto the sidewalk. A couple bikers shake their fists at him when he passes them in the bike lane. A lot of cars honk at the two of you.
Judging by the way his shoulders shake with laughter, he likes pissing them off. You have to admit, the feeling is a little intoxicating.
You can't hear the sound, but your front is plastered to his back. Even with the layers of his suit and leather jacket, you can feel the vibrations of sound deep within his chest. He has a fairly deep voice, after all, unless the helmet changes that.
No less than ten minutes later, he parks abruptly. You lift your head, blinking moisture back into your eyes, and stare dumbly at your apartment building.
He'd actually brought you back.
Maybe he really was reformed.
You stumble off the bike onto unsteady legs. The Red Hood kicks his stand into place and rests against the bike, leaning with elbows on his handlebars. Like he expects a Midwest goodbye. And you find yourself dawdling.
Maybe you want one, too.
"Thanks for the ride," you finally say awkwardly.
"Anytime," he says, and you laugh, thinking it's a joke, but he doesn't. After a brief awkward pause, the Red Hood tries, "So how have you been?" as if you're old pals meeting up for brunch, and the question is so ridiculous coming from a sort-of-reformed crime lord slash serial killer that you respond without thinking.
"Pretty good, except I think I may have a stalker."
His helmet doesn't do a great job translating whatever sound he makes in response to that. It comes out as a crackle. "What?"
"I've noticed this dude recently showing up wherever I go," you say. "But I think it's just a coincidence. Sorry. That was a bad joke." It wasn't, but you don't want to accuse someone without proof of stalking you. If he's not, you'll seem self-obsessed. If he is, then he knows that you know, and it's not like the GCPD will do anything. One of your friends from your hometown had a stalker for literal years, and the police never did anything, even after he sent her death threats. They said there wasn't enough proof to make an arrest then, so someone showing up at the same places you are definitely isn't enough proof now.
The Red Hood tilts his head. "Does he make you uncomfortable?"
"You don't need to beat him up or anything on my behalf," you say. "I mean, you've seen me with a bottle of pepper spray. I'm pretty sure I can handle myself."
"I know you can," he says. You can hear the smile in his voice, like he finds something about the situation funny. "And I'm pretty sure that you know that I'm going to check this out anyway."
"No," you say, surprising yourself with your firmness. You can't rely on vigilantes to solve all your problems for you. "Seriously, it's okay. Thanks for the ride. Maybe I'll see you around."
"I'm counting on it," he calls as you walk away.
And he's right. Two days later finds you at the gas station at ten-thirty at night. You don't want to see him, per se. You're definitely not looking over your shoulder at the slightest sound. You definitely didn't check the parking lot for a notorious red motorcycle on your way in, and you certainly aren't taking peeks out the window every time headlights pass by on the street.
You're just... curious.
But you have absolutely no warning, not even a suspicion that someone is behind you, when you reach for a box of Cheez-Its. Someone else's hand gets there first and you nearly jump out of your socks.
"Hey," the Red Hood wheezes. He's clutching his side like he has a cramp. "Question: if I buy these for you, will you patch me up?"
"I may have been cut," he admits. Judging by the angle of his hunch, it's a little more serious than just a 'cut'. "So: do we have a deal?"
The thought occurs to you, as you help him up five flights of stairs to your apartment, that you're escorting a strange man into your place of residence. You haven't even given your roommate a heads-up, though you're pretty sure tomorrow's his night off.
Sure enough, the only person there to greet you when you walk in is your cat. As per usual, he tries to escape. The Red Hood gently but firmly ushers him inside with his foot with such ease he must have one of his own. "It's cute," he says, still clutching his side.
"Thanks," you say. "He always tries to get out, but if he actually escapes then he just freezes in the hallway until I bring him back inside." Then you realize that you're discussing your cat, of all things, with the Red Hood. You clear your throat and say, "Let me take a look at you."
The crime lord and cat trail after you into the bathroom. It gets a little cramped because the Red Hood's about as small as a fridge is small, but you two figure out a passable system: he's too tall, even while sitting down, and you don't want to bend in half while you stitch him. So you sit on the toilet, he stands in front of you, and your cat jumps on top of his leather jacket on the counter to observe and judge. Luckily, the suture kit is still in the bathroom from when you thought you would have to stitch yourself up, so it's not long before you're instructing him to lift up the hem of his shirt so you can see the damage.
You hiss between your teeth at the sight. Someone grazed his side with a knife, by the looks of it, but the wound is deep. It might go all the way to his subcutaneous tissue.
After you clean it off, you're sure that it does. "You call this a cut?"
"I've had worse," he says gruffly.
"And you're still alive?" You squint at him.
He huffs like that's funny.
"They basically cut you in two! I don't know if I can fix this. I've never stitched someone up before!"
"What do you mean?" He tilts his head. "You stitched yourself up, remember? You told me you would."
Shit. Of all the ways to stick your foot in your mouth—
"It wasn't that bad," you say weakly.
“It looked pretty bad.”
“It just looked bad because I was wearing a light colored shirt. Don’t worry; I’ve learned my lesson.”
The Red Hood scratches under your cat’s chin. “About wearing light colored clothing, or about getting shot?”
You’re trying to thread the suture needle, but the stupid thread won’t cooperate. “Hmm?”
“Which lesson did you learn?”
“The former, mostly. Believe it or not, ‘try not to get shot’ is something most people, including me, know intuitively.”
"Let me see."
"Yeah, right," you say, "my apartment's basically a strip club, isn't it? First your shirt's coming up, then mine. Absolutely—" You slap his hand away— "Not. I'm fine. Now hold still while I stab you."
The process goes by quickly. He stands like a statue the whole time, like he's used to the pain of getting stitches. Considering his profession, he probably is.
Actually, you can see a couple healed-over scars on his torso just from the small bit of skin he's revealed by pulling up his shirt. And, you're pretty sure, a perfectly defined six-pack, but that's none of your business.
"I don't have the fancy dissolving sutures, unfortunately," you say while you tie off the thread. "These should come out in about a week."
"Yeah, I know," he grunts, letting his shirt fall back down. And you're not disappointed. At all. "Same time next week, then?"
"To get them out."
"Uh." Your brain stalls out. You'd been operating under the assumption that this was just another freak coincidental run-in.
Is it just you, or is the Red Hood looking to make a friend out of you? Or maybe just a free pseudo-surgeon?
"Sure," you say. It's not like you can stop him, really.
"Thanks," he says, stroking your cat one more time. Then he nudges the pest off his jacket and shrugs it on, even though there's not really a need for it. The weather's been pretty mild the last week.
You walk him out the door. He pauses in the hallway, turns, and says, "By the way, what's your name?"
You tilt your head and tell it to him.
"Nice to meet you," he says. Then he walks away.
You watch him walk down the hallway until your cat escapes, and then you have to chase him. You're pretty sure the Red Hood sees it, because low-pitched laughter hits your ears as you gather the little bastard up, but when you look, the vigilante's gone.
"God, I hope he's up to date on his tetanus shot."
You find yourself at the coffee shop the next morning, determined not to let a buff bookworm change your routine. You're the first customer, and they have your order ready by the time you finish setting up your stuff on a small table in the corner of the shop, far from where the line will build up when more people trickle in.
Like clockwork, the bookworm wanders in just a couple minutes after you do, orders two coffees, and settles down across the room with his front to you.
Every time you glance up, he's utterly focused on his book. He's probably not watching you. Right?
Fifteen minutes later, the coffees untouched, he stands up. You watch out of the corner of your eye as he picks one up, approaches the counter, and...
Walks right past it.
Walks in your direction.
You stare blatantly, and he holds your gaze with a set jaw and something a little challenging in his gaze.
He's walking to you.
The coffee cup slams on the table, splashing a little over the edge, and you jump to move your laptop away from the liquid.
"Shit, sorry," the bookworm says. He runs away.
You stare until you realize he's grabbing napkins and hurrying back. At least ten, even though the spill's pretty small, and he piles them all onto the table.
His face gets redder the longer you watch without saying anything.
Once he's absolutely sure your laptop is safe from the couple drops he spilled, he balls them all into one large fist and rushes out, "I'm sorry—I was supposed to meet my brother here, but he canceled, and your drink cup's empty, so I was just wondering if you wanted this one? It's a little warm, but..."
"But free is good," you say, deciding to put him out his misery. And he certainly looks miserable rambling in front of you. Like he's mortified for some reason. "Um, thanks. What..."
"Just an iced coffee. Probably watered down."
You take a sip, just to be polite. It is watered down, but he didn't add any milk to it, so that's probably a good thing. "Thanks..." You tilt the cup to look at the name written on the side. "Jason?"
"Yep." He nods. He's still standing in front of you, like he wants to be invited to sit, but you have a lot of work to do, and he's a complete stranger, and all his stuff is still on his table across the room.
Something clatters behind the counter. You both turn in time to see the two baristas duck out of sight, whispering furiously. Probably about the spectacle you two are making.
"You go to GCU's campus library a lot, right?" Jason asks suddenly.
"Yeah, I do. So do you." You don't phrase it like a question.
"Yeah," he says. "It's peaceful to read in there. Quieter than my apartment."
"Okay," you say slowly. You're really not interested in this conversation, but you don't want to be rude.
He must understand you, though, because he rubs the back of his head and steps backwards, mumbling something about getting back to his book.
Jason's brother never does end up meeting him. You tell yourself that's why you keep glancing at him. Once or twice, you two peek at each other at the same time, and you always look away first, face hot like he's caught you doing something wrong.
The next time you go to the library, it's packed. The weather has turned, so students have nothing better to do than prepare for their finals. You head to the quiet floor, slowly losing hope that you'll find a seat.
A head snaps up the moment you walk in, dark-haired with a striking streak of white at his forehead. Jason.
Something like relief passes over his face, and he waves you over.
"I saved your seat," he whispers, dragging his bag off of the chair.
"Thanks," you say, actually touched. "You didn't have to."
He shrugs. "You're my reading buddy."
The next day, he's sitting at the library's entrance when you walk in. Jason shakes his head. "All the seats were already taken when I got here."
"Ugh." Strictly speaking, you don't need to study tonight. You're pretty confident about the next test's material, and you're also pretty burnt out.
"We could check out the Student Center?" he suggests. As if it's a given that the two of you are going to spend the afternoon together. And, you realize, after two straight weeks of studying in his proximity, you don't mind the presumption. That's how you made your closest friend in undergrad, anyway.
In fact, you think you might want to get to know Jason. Maybe ask about his white streak; you've been growing more and more curious about it. And why he's about seven feet tall and two hundred fifty pounds of muscle but has a passion for romance novels.
"I don't think I've studied in there before."
"It's not too bad, but it's a little louder than the library."
So you two head to the Student Center, but he doesn't open his book, and you open your laptop but don't turn it on. He buys you coffee, though you insist that you can pay for it yourself, and a simple query into what book he's reading currently turns into a two-hour conversation.
Jason likes to read every genre, but he likes classics and romance best. He doesn't just have one brother, he has four, and a sister. He's not on the football team like you'd assumed; he just likes to work out. He's finishing up his sophomore year of undergrad studying English Lit—he sees how your smile freezes at those words, and you're asking how old he is, and he's laughing when he tells you he took a couple gap years. He's your age, actually, and that's relieving for reasons you can't quite put to words.
When you check your watch and curse at the time—it's almost time for your cat's dinner—he asks for your number, and you put it into his phone.
You feel good on your walk home. You haven't made a new friend since the first semester of vet school; the course load is too demanding for you to participate in any GCU clubs. Your roommate asks why you're smiling and you wave him off. Of course, your cat doesn't care that you're in a good mood. He only cares about getting fed.
You see Jason a couple more times over the week, and soon you're too embarrassed to admit that you thought he was stalking you. He's almost as bad a texter as you are, responding at such hours you're half-convinced he doesn't sleep, so you're less self-conscious about taking hours to respond.
You've just gotten around to answering his last text when something knocks against your window.
You drop the phone on your face.
The Red Hood is laughing at you when you open the window to let him in. You'd forgotten he was coming, but you don't say so. He tumbles in, moving a little stiffly, but a lot better than he'd been last week. Your cat, the little traitor, runs to greet him and rubs against his ankles, purring like an engine. The Red Hood bends to pet him. "Hey, kitty." The red helmet tips up and those unnerving white lenses fix on you. "Hey, doc. Here to get my stitches out."
"How have you been feeling?" you ask.
"Good," he says, almost defensively.
It makes you suspect that something is wrong, but when you all pile into the bathroom again like it's a clown car and he pulls up his shirt, the wound is healing nicely. No pink or heat that signals infection, no puffy skin. You remove the stitches quickly, and again he hesitates, like he wants to stay longer.
You find yourself thinking about Jason. You're pretty sure you wish he was here.
"Well, thanks."
He pauses. "Really?"
You shrug. "I mean, not if you need a hospital. Then I'd expect you to head straight to a hospital. But stuff like this—no worse than this, ideally—I guess I can help you with."
"You're pretty cool for a vet," the Red Hood says. "The last one I visited kept freaking out on me for stealing codeine."
"Well, that's a restricted—wait, you were stealing codeine? What for?"
He shrugs.
"What were you using it for," you repeat sternly.
"Okay!" he says loudly. "Well, thanks for patching me up, doc. I'll see you later, yeah?"
"Wait," you call out uselessly, but he vaults out the window. You gasp and rush to the sill, but there's no Red Hood-shaped puddle on the ground. Instead, his rapidly shrinking form disappears in the distance, swinging between the buildings that make up the Gotham skyline.
You don't see the Red Hood for a while after that, but you hear whispers of him wearing a new costume. You get caught up with finals and Jason, who asks you out after the semester ends.
Your vehement 'yes' takes you by surprise. Him, too, judging by his wide eyes and wider smile. You wonder why he asked if he thought you would say no. You wonder why you didn't realize earlier how desperately you wanted him to.
Now that you're out of school, you pick up shifts at the vet clinic. By some unhappy circumstance, they can only schedule you for the evening shifts. Jason works nights, too, and you've never fully squirreled out where he works, but at least you can spend some days together.
It's when you're walking back from your first shift that you see the Red Hood again after almost three weeks of radio silence. He pulls up next to you on the motorcycle. It's so late that there's no one on the road, so he stays on the asphalt and idles along at your walking pace until you break and say, "Long time no see, Hood."
"Did you miss me?" he teases.
You stop walking, because.
Most of his costume changed. Because it's summer, and even the nights are hot and muggy, you assume.
The pants are the same. So are the boots. But his jacket is red and sleeveless and has a hood that goes down to his eyebrows, the armor beneath short-sleeved, which means most of his arms are bare.
Your mouth is dry. You swallow.
You're pretty sure not even Batman is that ripped. He looks like he's chiseled out of marble.
The longer you're speechless, the more amused he gets. You don't know how you know that, but something about his posture seems smug.
"You're taking 'red hood' seriously now, are you?" is all you manage to say. Because what else are you supposed to comment on? His bare forearms? His veins are so beautifully pronounced, they would be a dream to take blood from, but you have a boyfriend of a whole one and a half weeks, and you may be many things, but you're not a cheater.
He laughs, then pulls his hood low when it slips back a bit. His voice is still modulated, although it's not through a red helmet anymore. This is more like a muzzle. You can't tell if the eye covering is part of it, or like the domino masks that Batman and Robin wear, but the lenses are red now instead of white.
He's really leaning into the theme.
"You want a ride?"
"We're two blocks from my apartment."
He shrugs. "I'm heading there anyway."
What the hell. You've already hopped on the back of his bike before. It's easier to do so the second time. You wrap your arms around his torso again, and when his arms settle over your own, they're warm with his body heat, but not hard, even though the muscles look sharp enough to cut glass. He's firm all over, but his skin is soft, apart from the raised, bumpy scars that seem to cover him from head-to-toe. It makes you worry about him, just a little.
He doesn't drive fast this time. He drives slow enough to hold a conversation and tosses over his shoulder, "So what's new with you?"
"Not much," you say into his ear. Is it just you, or does he shiver? "I finished another semester of vet school."
"Top grades, I'm sure. Did you get extra credit for patching me up?"
"I wish." No, your grades are good, but not exceptional. But exceptional is what got you into vet school. As long as you graduate with a DVM, even if you're the lowest in your class, you're a licensed doctor. There's some relief in that. "The dude I thought was stalking me asked me out, actually."
"Really?" he asks, interested and alert. "Was he really stalking you? Do you need me to scare him off for you?"
"No," you say, smiling at the thought of the Red Hood trying to scare off Jason. They're about the same build, now that you think about it, which you're sure the vigilante isn't used to. And Jason's never been anything but gentle and polite, but you saw an undercurrent of something strong, something like titanium, under that gentle spirit the one time he stood up for one of the baristas at the coffee shop that you first spoke to each other. He hadn't needed to do much apart from stand up and glare at the beleaguered corporate guy angry that there wasn't enough sugar in his coffee, and the dude shut up and scurried out as fast as he could.
It was probably the hottest thing you've ever seen him do, except for that one time you pushed your laptop a little too close to the edge of your desk while studying, it tipped over, and he caught it one-handed without looking up from his book. What can you say? Saving you a couple hundred dollars in getting that fixed was hot.
"It was a misunderstanding," you say. "We just ended up in the same places at the same times."
A gust of wind pushes back the Red Hood's hood, exposing a head of thick, dark hair, the same shade of black as Jason's. The motorcycle swerves in his haste to pull his hood back up, and when you reach your apartment and hop off the bike, he's pushing his hair back, back, beneath the hood.
What's the point of ditching the helmet if he's just going to be fussing with the hood all the time?
"What's new with you?" you ask, scuffing your toe against the sidewalk. Your shoes are falling apart; the sole is peeling away.
"Same old, same old," he says. His voice sounds rougher, but that might just be the new modulator.
"How's your side?"
"How's yours?" he counters. "You still haven't let me see it. I bet it scarred because you were too stubborn to take my advice and patch it up."
You will never admit that he's right. You challenge, "Let's compare scars, then," knowing full well his armor dips below his pants. It's a little silly to picture the Red Hood wearing an armored one-piece, but that's all you can imagine.
He clucks his tongue and shakes his head. It dislodges the hood. A patch of hair falls down to his forehead, and it's white.
But the back of his hair is black.
White and black—
Your stomach flips.
"I thought you had a boyfriend, honey. Why're you asking me to strip?"
So that's what all the teasing's been about. He hasn't been flirting—or he has, his own weird version of flirting, because he's a dumbass.
For a moment all you can hear is the rush of blood in your ears, then you flex your fingers to regain feeling in them. You roll your eyes and say, "I think we've established that my apartment is basically a strip club. Why don't you come up and show me, Jason?"
"Well, I'm flattered, but—what?" He splutters like he's choking on his own tongue. Serves him right. "I'm not—why do you think that—I mean, I could be anyone—"
Yeah, he can have his little crisis on the street. You tug on your own fringe, then swipe into the building.
You hear his muffled cursing as the door closes.
You look forward to him catching up.
(My requests are open, so let me know if you want me to write anything in particular! Also let me know if you want to be added to a taglist.)
Forever tag list:
@lemirabitur @annymcervantes @queenmissfit @quiet-because-it-is-a-secret @iksey @thehyperactiveteen @luxmoonlight @andreasworlsboring101
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ruth-odyssey · 3 months
༺✩༻ Lovers rock
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newt scamander x fem!reader
wc. 1017 
summary: you find a strange creature in the streets of New York.
tw. fem!reader, reader lives with Queenie and Tina but they aren't siblings, newt being a cutie patootie, set in 1926. Had to bust out my copy of fantastic beast to make sure things were accurate to write this
a/n. I watched the movie yesterday and my cat seemed really interested in Pickett so I kinda started thinking about newt and I wrote this :)
btw requests are open!
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The rain had caught you by surprise. Completely soaked, you took refuge under the canopy of a nearby shop, silently cursing yourself for not bridging an umbrella. Seems like I'll have to wait, too many no-maj around…. Maybe I could find a quiet place and apparate? Looking around, you find a small alley, deserted and perfect for you to finally get home without dealing with the rain. You quickly make your way to it, already looking forward to getting home.
You turn around, making sure no one will see you apparate, when a flash of green catches your eyes. Looking down, a small twig? Or maybe a couple stems? Seems to be moving around. You knit your eyebrow, crouching to get a better look at whatever it was. To your surprise, it turns out to be some sort of creature. No bigger than your hand, the only way you could describe it was a flat-faced stick figure made of bark and twigs. It turned around, finally noticing you, small brown eyes taking you in. You both stare at each other for a bit before you decide to reach out a hand, intrigued by the small creature. “Hey there little guy.” You try to keep your voice soft not to scare it, which seems to work. The creature looks at you, as if it was deciding whether or not you had good intention and it slowly makes its way to your outreached hand, climbing in. You smile, slowly getting up. It then proceeds to climb onto your shoulder, making itself at home in the outer pocket of your coat. 
“Queenie, Tina you’ll never guess what I just found!” You enter your shared apartment, closing the door behind you, your smile fades, making room for a confused look, taking it to the two men at the dinner table. You look at Tina, raising an eyebrow in silent question. Queenie smiles “Oh (y/n/n) you’re here! This is Jacob and this is Mr. Scamander!” She says, pointing at the two guests. The one with dark hair and a mustache – which you assume is Jacob — gives you a nod, and you offer him a smile, eyes turning to the other man. He’s already looking at you, his gaze immediately averting yours when you make eye contact. “Mhm, hi?” you offer them a small wave and a smile, still unsure what two men are doing in the small apartment. You remove your coat, making sure the little creature you found earlier is on your shoulder before sitting down at the dinner table. Your eyes roam around the table as you open your mouth to ask some sort of explanation from your roommates. “Pickett!” Your eyes found Newt’s. “Sorry?” His eyes are fixated on your shoulder, at the stop you assume the small creature is perched on. He glances at you, then at your shoulder again. “He must have fallen from my pocket I apologize” He stammers, avoiding your eyes. You turn your head, catching a glimpse of Pickett on your shoulder. “Oh that's fine no worries.” You turn back to look at Newt. “What… What is he?” He clears his throat, sitting up straighter. “Pickett is a bowtruckle, they are a protector of trees, native to western England, southern Germany and Scandinavia…” he pauses, blinking once, twice and glancing at you. You smile and look at Pickett who’s now on the dinner table, looking around. “I would’ve never guessed he was from so far away…but it does explain why I've never seen one of those.” You look at Newt. “He’s adorable.” At that, he flushes red to his ears, earning a chuckle from Jacob and a smile from Queenie, who most definitely just peered into his brain. 
As it turns out,  Mr. Scamander – or Newt as he insisted you call him – was a magizoologist, and had just finished a year of field research to write a book on magical creatures in order to teach the wizarding world how to protect – and eventually understands – them. The man had picked your interest, his british accent and shy, nerdy demeanor impossible to resist – at least in your opinion – which seems to please Queenie beyond words, considering how many times she’s glanced between the two of you, only to smile or let out a small giggle – one similar to a high school girl talking about her crush. 
You had spent the night asking Newt various questions about his voyage and discoveries, quietly sipping your wine, occasionally stopping his rambling with questions and comments. The clock struck 12 when you decided to call it a night. As much as you enjoyed the conversation, your eyes were screaming for some rest and having to work at 7 meant you need all the rest you can get. “Good night Pickett.” you say waving at the adorable bowtruckle still perched on Newt’s shoulder. “Good night Newt.” His eyes find yours and he mumbles something that sounds like “Good night y/n.” You smile and place a small peck on his cheek before turning around and entering your room. Closing the door, you let out a breath and turn around, finding yourself face-to-face with Queenie. “Merlin’s beard- Queenie! You scared me!” She smiles, looking a little too happy with herself. “He also thinks you’re cute” She says beaming – the prospect of you and Newt mutual attraction resulting in something clearly the highlight of her day. “Really?” you ask, not quite believing you somehow cough the attention of the man. “Oh yes, don't worry – she points at the door – you’ve got him positively stunned!” She squeals, delighted. 
One second he felt your soft lips against his cheek, the next you were gone, the door closing behind you. Newt gapes, too stunned to do anything but stand there, speechless. He finally snaps out of it when he feels Pickett grab onto his hair, visibly confused by the wizard’s attitude. He turns around, not quite believing what just happened, as he reaches his room, glances at the bowtruckle, who’s still on his shoulder. “Not a word about this Pickett, not a word.”
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dilatorywriting · 2 years
Monster Mayhem: Lion's Pride [PART 1]
Gender Neutral Reader x Leona Kingscholar Word Count: 3.8k
Summary: You fall into a hole. There is something in the hole. Something with teeth, and claws, and a garbage attitude to boot. Today is not your day.
[PART 1] [PART 2] [PART 3]
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Let it be known, that of all the ways you could have died in your miserable and unlucky life, falling into a pit trap had not been on the list. Or, well, if it was, it hadn’t even managed to crack the top ten. And that was what was making this whole ‘sudden demise’ thing feel really pathetic.
On top it also being an uncovered pit trap. No subterfuge or class to speak of. Just a big ol’ hole in the ground that you had waltzed straight into. Ace would keel over dead laughing if he ever found out.
It was a pretty nice trap all things considered. The walls were dug into some strange sort of stone rather than just packed earth, and rings of fresh talismans curled along its sides like hundreds of ugly finger paintings. Certainly something so impressive had not been built to catch some lowly, little, idiot such as yourself. But you were here now, so that was your captor’s problem.
You were wandering aimlessly around your new prison when you stepped on something weird, and long, and thin. You paused, brow furrowing in confusion, and glanced down at whatever had found itself wedged under your heel. And, hey. That was odd. It sort of looked like a—
There was a horrible, screeching, snarl, and you wheeled back in hysterical panic as an honest-to-god lion lunged from the shadows—jerking its tail out from beneath your boot and swatting at you with its absolutely massive claws that could definitely take your eyes out. And half of your face. And probably your brain too. You fell backwards on your ass in an ungraceful heap and immediately scurried back towards the opposite wall as fast as you could. You were one-hundred-percent ready for the lion to just follow you into your little corner and murder you dead, but instead, it just stood its ground—growling, and spitting, and whipping its tail back and forth like a rattlesnake.
The thing was absolutely massive—bigger than you thought a lion was supposed to be, at least. Weren’t they just, I don’t know, like the cat equivalent of wolves? Because you’d seen plenty of wolves before on the road, and they’d never been so… looming, in themselves. And size aside, the beast was just weird looking. With thick, ash-brown, fur cut through with strange, almost geometrical, whorls of black. Now, you didn’t know much about lions (they weren’t exactly native to your little, forested, corner of the continent, after all), but weren’t they supposed to be regal? Or something? With lush, red, manes and tan hides that glowed majestically under the sun’s light? Not some… scraggly looking monstrosity with too-large canines and limbs stained in black like it’d taken a hike through a field of ash.
Its eyes were the strangest part of all of it—a sharp, emerald, green that cut through the gloom of the pit with all the efficiency of a dagger. One of them was bisected with a thin scar that ran crookedly from brow-to-jaw. They were eyes that spoke of an intelligence that no animal ought to possess, let alone one that was perfectly capable of mauling you to death without the aid of functional brain cells.  
You continued your silent inspection of your new nemesis, and when your gaze hesitantly fell to its hind legs, you jolted in surprise.
Iron shackles.
Or, more specifically and horribly, a spike trap. A grim, metal, contraption that would snap into its victim like a vice, and then unfurl row upon row of jagged barbs—tangling them up like an unfortunate bug caught within the web of some really fucked up, sociopathic, spider.
You winced in sympathy, out of habitual concern for your fellow down-and-trodden if nothing else. The lion, with all its eerie intelligence, seemed to notice the pity flickering across your expression and put every single one of its too-sharp teeth on display. As if to say ‘how dare you?’  You held up your hands in surrender, hoping it looked placating and not threatening, and smooshed yourself even harder up against the wall.
After a few more moments of grumbly glaring, the beast dropped back down to the ground with a pissy huff and closed its eyes. Clearly, you weren’t worth the trouble—which was perfectly fine with you.
You gave yourself the rest of the evening to just lie around like a sad little slug and lick your wounds. Falling all that way had hurt, okay? And while the adrenaline rush of ‘oh shit, I’m going to be lunch’ had helped push away some of that initial pain, now that it was fading you could feel every twinge in your ribs, all the bruises climbing your back and the cuts littering your hands.
When the sun rose once more over the mouth of your prison, you stretched as best you could and prepared to make your escape.
Scaling the slippery, stone, walls had proved to be an instant failure. The rope in your pack wasn’t long enough to reach the top, and you smacked yourself in the face with the thing more times than you would like to admit. Trying to find grippy-bits to just crawl your way up the side like a bug hadn’t worked either. The first talisman you touched didn’t spark or bite at your fingers, but it had been seared into the stone with some sort of magic that made it slide like oil beneath your palms. And you’d plummeted back to the bottom with a lackluster thump. The lion had made some kind of huffing noise from its place in the corner, like it was laughing at you. And you fought the insane urge to flip off a creature that could just eat your entire hand in retaliation.
Next you rifled around in your pack, hoping for a miracle. You were pretty decent at throwing together little bits and bobs to create a cheap but generally functional solution. Like the time you’d rigged Deuce’s bow to spit stink bombs as it shot through the air, or when you’d managed to scrounge together a decent fishing-line trap out of Ace’s shoelaces to lure out a rogue pixie that had been cannibalizing your vegetable garden. But you’d only been heading into town for your monthly grocery trip, so the most you had on you were genuinely practical things. An emergency medical kit, a dagger, lock picks, some rations that lived at the bottom of your bag no matter where you went. Nothing nonsensical, and therefore nothing useful.
Your stomach gurgled irritably, and, well, maybe you had something useful after all.
You fished out some neatly wrapped bits of cured meats, and cheeses, and bread. You made yourself a tasty, little, sandwich, and hey? You know what? How many other Hole Prisoners could claim to have such phenomenal catering? Probably not many. You’d take that win, at least.
You were just about to take your first bite when your eyes guiltily swung towards the lion curled up and sleeping at the opposite end of your makeshift cell. It hadn’t even flicked its ears your way when you’d started to loudly rustle around in your bag. And it certainly hadn’t sniffed at the air or anything else dramatic like that when you’d unearthed your packed lunch. Which was… didn’t animals usually go nuts for tasty treats like this? The foxes that snuck around behind your cottage would scream like banshees if you didn’t toss them your leftovers. Even the bunnies that lived in the hole in the wall by your cellar had some food aggression issues.
You tore off a chunk of your sandwich and palmed it nervously.
Maybe if you fed it, it wouldn’t eat you quite so quickly.
You cautiously pushed the stack of toasty breads, and meats, and home-made cheese, towards the beast with the toe of your boot. When it didn’t move, you scooched the offering a smidge further, until it was nudging up against a paw.
The Lion lifted its great, dark, head to bare its teeth at you with a lazy twitch of the lip. You scuttled back as quick as you could, and once you were a fair distance away, it stopped glaring at you long enough to observe whatever you’d just shoved at it.
It nosed at the food with a level of apathy you didn’t think was even possible, before reaching out with a heavy, black, foot, to smoosh it ungratefully into the dirt.
“Hey!” you gasped, genuinely offended. Because you were just trying to be a polite cellmate, okay! Was that really so terrible?!
With a sharp little twist of its paw that looked far too dexterous for something its size, it speared through the meat with one of its curling claws, and raised that from the dejected pile of mush. It popped the chunk of cured ham into its mouth with a satisfied little grumble, and you felt your completely rational and not at all ridiculous discontentment ease. It lifted its head a little higher and its tail swished—not in the whipping, angry, way it had been the other day when you’d squashed it, but the gentle twitch of something closer to a cat lazing about contentedly in a windowsill. The lion kept looking at you then, with those too-cognizant eyes. You pulled another bit of meat from your sandwich and tossed it over. It caught it easily in its massive jaws with that same, contented, rumbling.
“I made that,” you beamed. Because you had. And it had taken you ages to balance out the perfect spice-salt-sugar combination for a proper cure.
The lion looked entirely unimpressed.
You sighed and sat back against the wall with a string of irritable mutterings. The lion made another one of those huffing noises, like it had earlier when you swore the thing was snickering at you. And then it closed its glowing, emerald, eyes and slipped back into its seemingly never-ending nap.
The rest of the afternoon and evening passed in relative peace. Despite its lackluster (read: fucking rude) response to your earlier offering, come dinner time, you still slid the beast a makeshift plate stacked high with meat. It ate the food without complaint, which was better than outright scoffing at you, you supposed. You started to hum some nonsense under your breath, just for something to do, and the lion made a noise like you were physically torturing it. So instead you shifted to folding and refolding the scrap bits of parchment paper from your wrapped rations into ugly, veritably unidentifiable, origami shapes. This was apparently deemed acceptable, as the lion just sighed and rolled over to make itself comfortable for the night. Irritably, you flicked one of the little flowers you’d made at its dumb face. But it shot wide and landed somewhere off by its paws. The beast didn’t even bother to twitch its ear at you.  
The next morning came with little fanfare, and you stared longingly up at the warm light of the dawn.
Your eyes once more roved across the spiraling talismans dripping from the walls, and the great, iron, trap that certainly wouldn’t have belonged to any ordinary sort of hunter.
“You’re not a real lion, are you?” you asked, and the thing had the nerve to roll its eyes at you. You bristled and again had to tamp down the urge to do something very, very, stupid, and which would no doubt end in your immediate disembowelment. “Yes, yes. Laugh it up. I only mean that because—I mean, you can understand me, can’t you?”
Another long, slow, eye roll. Like it was making damn well sure you could see.
It was a lot harder to bite down your anxious ticks and ramblings when you knew you were speaking to something that could maybe speak back, rather than just a wild animal trapped at the bottom of a hole (there was a very good reason you lived in a quaint little cottage in the middle of fucking nowhere), but you grit your teeth and soldiered on.
“Alright then. Fine. I just wanted to say then. Well. I mean—I could… You know.”
When you held out the lockpicks from your bag, the beast’s eyes lit with genuine interest for the first time in this entire nightmare situation, and a teeny bit of your nerves eased.
You gestured to the spike trap entangling its legs and the lion turned to sneer at the mess of sharp ends with a genuinely bone chilling snarl.
“I can probably get that off—unlock the mechanisms, I mean,” you explained. “But you have to, you know—” You made a theatrical imitation of gnashing teeth over the meat of your forearm, “—not eat me.”
The Lion sat up on its haunches and its tail twitched restlessly at its side. After a long moment where you were genuinely concerned that the thing would rather eventually justbleed out and die in its trap rather than let you touch it, the lion raised its head and perked its ears in an imperious sort of way. And then it dipped its chin—a nod.
You scooched forward cautiously, pausing every few feet or so to make sure the thing wasn’t going to change its mind and maul you. The Lion just huffed at you, and shifted to give you better access to the horrible agglomeration of cold metal twisted around its limbs. You reached out carefully, the picks a light, familiar, weight in your hands. It was certainly a complicated looking contraption, but you’d yet to encounter something you weren’t able to break with enough force of will and sheer, dumb, luck. So you grit your teeth and got to work.
After a few minutes of poking, the first spiral of jagged spikes loosed with a rusty groan and the lion noticeably perked up—like it was shocked you’d managed anything at all. You decided very resolutely that you weren’t going to allow yourself to be offended by the implied emotions on the face of an animal, and continued your work. Your tongue poked out of the corner of your mouth as you focused, intent, and slowly—steadily—the barbed monstrosity gave way beneath your gentle fiddling. Every now and again, one of the spikes would ease itself from the lion’s hide, and you had to fight the urge to fuss over the oozing, painful, wounds that were exposed. You were almost there, you reminded yourself feverishly. Just a little more, and—
The last of the iron fell away with an echoing clatter, and immediately the lion reared up with a roar. But instead of lunging at you and your very accessible throat like you feared, it crouched back on its battered hind limbs and craned its head towards the open hole above your heads, and the blue, sunny, sky beyond. A swirl of strange, sandy, magic began to seep from the beast’s mane. The green of its eyes glowed hot and bright amidst the outpour of arcane energy, like the sole light in a storm. And then its fur was fading, its limbs cracking and groaning as they folded in on themselves into something more contained—more bipedal. The strange, geometric, patterns along its coat rippled like living things. They expanded and contracted as the creature did, before eventually settling into some new pattern that you hadn’t seen before.
And there, standing before you now, was a man. Tall, and lithe, and tan. With a head full of thick, dark, hair that looked startling like the mane that had just poofed from existence—except now it was twisted through with braids, and precious gems, and the occasional patchwork of beads and leather. The inky shapes settled themselves along his biceps, curling into the skin contentedly as if they’d lived there all along. There was still a pair of tufted, feline, ears atop his head, and a long, thin, tail whipping back and forth at his rear. His teeth were still much too sharp, and those eyes of his much too feral. He observed his clawed limbs with distaste, letting out a sigh that seemed to rattle his bones.
“Of course it’s still fucked,” he grumbled. His voice was deeper than you were expecting—smoother, too. Like it was meant to belong to someone regal and powerful, someone doling out orders and ruling nations. Not a sad, little, half-man-half-lion trapped at the bottom of a pit with an ever sadder, littler, human.
After a minute or two of what was clearly some very displeased inner reflection, he raised his hands over his head. A pale, dusty, magic swirled along his fingers, not dissimilar to the stuff that had coiled out from his furs. You watched in awe as one by one, the talismans began to burn away—disintegrated into nothing.
Once he had finished utterly decimating what had once been a nearly foolproof trap, he turned and looked down at you for a long, tense, moment with an expression that you couldn’t quite place.
And then he was leaping out of the hole with all the grace of a hurricane—tearing through stone and dousing you in waves of dust and debris as he went. His claws tore into the sides of his prison like it was made of paper, leaving deep, jagged, gashes in their wake. Some of the wall seemed to melt beneath his attacks—collapsing into a thin, sandy, mess beneath the weight of his irritation. With one, final, swipe that shook the pit from base to rim, he leapt out of the dug-in prison cell entirely and vanished from your line of sight. Lo, the Angry Lion Man was free at least. And you? Well—
“Hey!” you shouted after him, enraged. “Thanks for nothing, asshole!”
And so, despite all your hardships and good deeds, you were still stuck at the bottom of a fucking hole.
You stomped around for a bit, kicking at rocks and ranting at nothing. Once you’d tired yourself out enough to think a bit more rationally, you sat back and took stock of your continuing predicament. With the talismans burnt out, you might be able to try climbing out again without slipping down in the messy remnants of gooey, protective, spells. And actually, the guy had destroyed quite a bit of the stone in his rampage. There were enough tall heaps of fresh rubble that you’d probably have plenty of leverage to try and use your rope again.
So you went around collecting all your little scraps of paper, your meager personal items, and any bits of fabric that had been scraped off in the initial tumble. With traps as intricate and expensive as this, it was better not to leave behind any traces of one’s presence. Just in case the owner of said trap tried to go sniffing around for his lost quarry.
The rope ended up being a resounding success, and you hauled yourself out of the pit with a surprising amount of ease.
Once you were out, you breathed in the clean, crisp, air and looked around. Absolutely no sign of Mister Lion-Shifter to speak of. Or, well, there was a clear trail of dusty destruction leading towards the forest, so you would assume he’d run off somewhere in that direction. But you were well and truly alone again.
You shook your fist at the tree line for good measure, before turning around and starting the miserable trek back home.
Everything was as it had been when you left. Your chickens were quite happy to see you, happier yet obviously to be fed. You greeted the various other woodland residents that had taken to living out of your ramshackle little home (the foxes in particular were quite happy to nibble on the remaining scraps of bread and cheese in your bag). Your garden looked a little munched on, but nothing too terrible. All and all, things were… fine. It was honestly a bit underwhelming.
Later that afternoon when you were dumping out your bag to give it a good clean and restock, a dozen little, horrible, paper creations fluttered down to your kitchen table. You decided you would keep them, ugly as they were, as a kind of trophy for making it out of the Hole in one piece. Look at me, world. I—nothing more than a humble idiot—managed to survive in a Pit Trap alongside some sort of Skin Changing, lion, man. Who only almost mauled me twice. And here are the paper blobs to prove it.
Except—huh. That was a bit strange. You’d made a nice little flower too, hadn’t you? The one that you had tried (and failed) to shoot into the lion’s face. It had been the only piece that looked even halfway like it was supposed to. You’d checked every bit of the hole pretty thoroughly before you’d escaped, so certainly you would have scooped it up. After a moment of silent fretting, you shrugged and deposited the others into a nice, glass, jar. It had probably just been buried beneath the rubble or something.
Something had spooked your birds. You frowned out the window and into the rain. It was a gloomy, grey, day, and normally all your little farm friends would hunker down in their wooden huts to avoid the drizzle. But you could hear the geese honking and the chickens squawking in that indignant way of theirs as they flapped around and made a general nuisance of themselves.
There was a hard knock at your front door—a heavy, sharp, rap-tap-tap against the aged frame that sounded entirely unfriendly. You snuck a glance through the little, round, porthole and nearly doubled over in shock. You yanked the door open before you could think better of it, and there on your front porch, looking half-drowned and wholly grouchy, was the Lion Man.
His emerald gaze settled on you like a tangible thing that you could feel digging along your shoulders. His lips quirked up into a loose smirk that was entirely feline in its smug satisfaction and unfairly attractive. Especially considering he looked like someone had dunked him in a lake. His round, tufted, ears flicked irritably beneath each drop of rain.
Your brain whirled into overdrive, coughing up wave after wave of scenarios—each more outlandish than the next. Maybe he had come to eat you, to get rid of any witnesses. Or maybe this was the start of some epic quest, like you’d managed to save some Skin Changer Prince or something and were now due to be swept up in some wildly entertaining political drama. Or maybe he had come to thank you finally, after abandoning you so outright. To grovel and apologize for leaving the person who had so selflessly rescued him.
“Well, herbivore?” he huffed instead, crossing his arms irritably over his chest and rolling his eyes at you in a way that was far too familiar. “Aren’t you going to invite me in? It’s wet out here.”
You smiled—perfectly, utterly, serene. And slammed the door in his face.
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salt-clangen · 3 months
Moon 1 - Newleaf
(TW: brief descriptions of animal death/hunting)
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Lynxkit is cold, huddled close to the entrance of the den, waiting for Wolfpaw. The past few days have been so confusing for the kit. Even before her eyes opened, she could hear and feel the world around her, her mothers warmth, the other cats in the nursery moving about, the tense darkness that seemed to be present when warriors visited. When her eyes opened she saw Wolfpaw, standing above her with a fearful look. They left that night, she only got to glance at her mother’s back before she was whisked away.
She was barely weaned and not happy about eating mushed up fresh kill, but she was adjusting, her favorite thing to do was talk with Wolfpaw. They spent evenings sounding out words and answering any questions Lynxkit had, half the time Wolfpaw didn’t know either, but it was still fun.
But she hated nights like this, when Wolfpaw left her alone to try and find prey, hunting during early dawn or last dusk was more productive than the middle of the day. It was their best chance of survival, but she hated it nonetheless. The waves crashing on the shore sounded, heavy and scary in the dark. During the day it was tolerable, easy to ignore if she was doing something, but at night it sounded like giant steps of some sort of lumbering beast coming towards her.
Finally, Wolfpaw appeared, empty pawed and trudging towards the den. Another unsuccessful hunt, Lynxkit assumed, but at least she was back. The older cat didn’t say anything as she pushed past the lichen curtain, a minimal attempt to block the wind, Lynxkit sprung up to greet her. They touched noses briefly, Wolfpaw sighed as they laid down, curling around the kit.
As Lynxkit snuggled into her clan mates fur, head pressed to her chest, she listened to her heartbeat. Strong, steady and distantly it reminded her of the waves crashing she’d been so scared of.
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Wolfpaw felt tired, so so tired. It’s been a half moon since Saltclan’s creation and she had struggled with hunting, even for only two cats. The rocks held little prey and the wind battered plains that met the shore were similarly barren. The wind was blustery and changed direction quickly, often ruining her hunt by making her scent go upwind towards her prey. She had attempted to fish in the ocean, but the waves were strong and she had to preserve her strength. Today she was going further along the coast, she was vaguely aware of the clan borders, but she’d left Duskclan after only 1 moon of training, she’d learned few practical skills and felt desperate.
She stays well away from Duskclan’s border, instead going west towards Honeyclan, sticking close to the sand just in case. Wolfpaw felt foolish for thinking she could prosper here, there was a reason the other clans never bothered with the area. Her mother had told her that no clan’s border went all the way to the sea, the waters were choppy and the prey scarce, it simply wasn’t worth the extra effort to patrol and monitor. Still it was easy to avoid detection here.
As she went further up she took note of different land marks; tidal pools, where rivers met the sea, a water fall. In the distance she could see two-leg structures, her former clan mates had mentioned loners and kittypets congregated near there, she decided to keep her distance. The shallow water of the estuary was surprisingly fast moving, so she moved up the river for a better place to cross.
Going a few minutes north she could smell both Honeyclan and Duskclan’s border. She went back south a little and scented the air, she could smell hare and small rodents. She had little cover, but that meant so did the prey. Dropping into a crouch she waited for movement, praying to Starclan that the chilly winds didn’t change direction. Some dry grass shifted a few tail lengths ahead, her eyes and ears focused on the spot, the colors moved and she realized it was the hare’s pelt blending in with the vegetation.
Wolfpaw launched herself, knocking the hare over, it recovered quickly and darted but she brought her paw down on its back. With it stunned she sunk her teeth into its neck, its squirming stopped instantly. She stayed like that for a few moments, exhaustion and relief flooding her, she almost wanted to cry. Such a large catch would feed her and Lynxkit for a few days. Most of the prey she did catch she tried to give as much as she could to the kit, eating only the bare minimum.
Taking the catch back to camp, she was reenergized, ready to process the meat and make a fire to cook. Perhaps she could even figure out how to save the pelt for their nest. It felt like a good omen.
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After the successful hunt, Wolfpaw cooked the hare on sticks over the fire, she would’ve preferred to make it into soup, especially for Lynxkit. But the clan didn’t have any pots or bowls so she had to make do without, she wondered if she could sneak away to Small creek and take some clay to make pottery, but she dismissed it.
Lynxkit was getting bigger by the day and more restless as well, constantly asking to accompany Wolfpaw on her hunt and explorations. Wolfpaw of course didn’t take her, the kit was well meaning but still a kit. And she remembers what it was like being apprenticed too soon, her mother had insisted she start at 5 moons instead of 6 as the code required. She wouldn’t make the same mistake.
“Wolfpaw come oooooonnn!” Lynxkit whined, clinging to her friend’s tail. “I can help! Let me come with you.”
She sighed, she’d wanted to try hunting again, now that she had more energy and confidence, but she couldn’t take Lynxkit with her. But it was unfair to keep the kit confined to the camp.
“Alright, you can help me gather materials.” She finally relented, the kit squealed in delight and released her tail.
Wolfpaw led them to the edge of the camp to one of lower rock walls, she had gotten used to leaping up the wall, paw pads now rough with wear. She could clear over the rocks in 3 leaps now, but with Lynxkit she takes her time, showing her where to place her paws. They slowly make their way up to the shrubby grass above, the kit quiet while she concentrates.
“What matter alls are we getting?” Lynxkit asks when they finally reach the top, her eyes scanning the area for the first time.
“Materials.” Wolfpaw pronounces the word slowly for her.
“Material.” The kit repeats back with a smile. “What is that?” They walk east, towards an area Wolfpaw had been to when she was in Duskclan, the abandoned two-leg nest.
“It’s stuff like grass, moss, sticks. We can use it to make other things we need, like baskets to hold stuff or twine to tie stuff up.” Wolfpaw explains, she’s trying to be mindful of her speed but the kit is so excited she runs ahead of her. “Normally in a clan an artisan would spend their time making these, but since it’s just us we’ll have to do it.”
“It’s just us for now.” Lynxkit says confidently, causing Wolfpaw to pause. The kit keeps going for a moment before noticing and stopping.
“What do you mean?”
“I have dreams and a big cat, bigger than you, tells me Saltclan is gonna grow.” The words make Wolfpaw shiver with nervous energy that she has to shake out of her fur before starting to catch up to Lynxkit.
“What else does the cat say?” She asks, she wasn’t a cleric but she’d heard often that kits were closer to Starclan and it was easier for them to see dead cats. The cleric of Duskclan told her that kits often grow out of this as they age and can’t always be credible, but always worth investigating.
“That you would get a bunch of lives, like 20, and we’d be strong and fight the other clans.”
“I don’t know about 20 lives,” She laughed, unsure how to take this news. “How often do you have these dreams?”
“I’ve had 5,” Lynxkit held up a paw, wiggling her toes. “She’s a big cat with gray fur full of stars!”
They continue walking, switching topics until they arrive to the nest. It wasn’t in Duskclan’s territory, but her older siblings had showed it to her one day after a particularly tough lesson, they’d stayed for most of the day together. The memory made her chest feel tight, she tried not to dwell and focus on their patrol. She wasn’t sure what she’s supposed to gather, she only vaguely knew what materials her former clan used.
She showed Lynxkit a mossy space and went over how to gather it, the kit’s claw was just sharp enough to slice through the growth. With her company occupied, Wolfpaw took some time to wander around the nest, ducking under debris and wood beams. Every few paces she’d stop and test out a vine or plant, tugging on it to test its strength and flexibility. Eventually she came across cordgrass, it felt about the same as the twine she’d seen before. She cut several strands, taking it over to set beside a very focused and careful Lynxkit.
She looked around for anything that could make baskets, a few broad leafed reeds clung to the edge of the dilapidated nest. She took a bundle of those back to Lynxkit, who despite her focus had only a small pile of moss. Wolfpaw walked around the edge of the nest, towards the north west part she could smell part of Duskclan’s border. She ducked around a wooden beam, the smell made her nervous and its thick scent covered up any prey nearby.
Veering to the east the air was clearer, she checked over her shoulder, the border was far and she could still see Lynxkit. She dropped to a crouch, testing the air again she slinked forward, she caught the scent of mouse. She crept forward half a tail length before she saw it, the undergrowth here was thin, just like the rest of Duskclan, so she could lunge forward for it without tripping. A swift bite to its back wrestles a squeak out of her prey, its over quickly.
She’s pleased with herself, with this mouse and the rest of the hare she’d cook back at camp, the pair would be set for several days. If she dried or smoked the meat then it’d last longer, but she’d need more sticks to set it up. Carrying the mouse back she chuckles at the look of awe on Lynxkit’s face. The pile of moss has gotten bigger, with a chuff of annoyance Wolfpaw realizes she’ll have to make at least two trips to bring all the materials home.
Oh well, the day was a success, things were finally looking up for them. They walk home together, tails laying over each others back.
Wolfpaw- a white tabby molly with short fur, heather blue eyes, and a notch in her right ear. 7 moons. Apprentice. Nervous, compassionate, oddly observant.
Lynxkit- a blue point molly with long fur, blue eyes. 2 moons. Quiet, sweet, quick to help out.
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1800naveen · 14 days
My appreciation.
September 2023, I started the "a court of thorns and roses" series. Booktok got me hyped to read it so when I did, I really enjoyed it. (I fell victim to liking Rhysand and the inner circle, forgive me)
Feyre, Tamlin, and Lucien were my favorite characters. Their dynamic, how their relationship grew, I loved it all. (I was also a hater of Nesta but I changed now, my mind opened.)
I also saw spoilers on Tik Tok about acomaf and Rhysand which put me into a slump and I didn't continue reading the series again until April 2024. Yeah, it was that bad.
Finding out that people hated Tamlin for his later actions got me bummed because I really liked him at the time. I got spoiled for the rest of the series but I don't really care for spoilers that much.
During my slump, I made an account on Tumblr. I mostly liked posts but I would comment at times. I was afraid of making a post because I was just nervous.
I still had love for Tamlin so I avoided the Acotar side of Tumblr for a while. Because what if someone came after for my thoughts or opinions? That scared me. I felt somewhat alone when it came to not hating Tamlin or seeing him as a "villain" (he's more morally grey). I also still didn't like Rhysand because of the whole under the mountain thing which weirded me out.
Then one faithful day, I was looking through the Bryce Quinlan tag after finding out about her when I saw this post (it was about the crossover) and it was the first anti Rhysand post I liked.
And I clicked on the anti Rhysand tag and my third eye opened. When it came to booktok, I thought that hating this man was some sort of taboo.
These guys showed his wrongdoings, went on analysis, how he was toxic, how he treated certain characters, etc. Thanks to them, I was right to feel what I felt about him. He fucking sucks.
I then went on the pro Tamlin tag and I had finally found my people. Ones that shared the same thoughts as I did when it came to Tamlin and it gave me inspiration to make my first post on here.
(And the rest was history...) *cue the clapping*
Nah but seriously, I want to give my appreciation to the Tamlin, Nesta, Lucien, and Eris fans, the anti Rhysand people, the inner circle haters, and the people who just hate this series in general. I'm grateful for finding a community where I fit right in and where I won't get burned at the stake for my opinion (most of the time). I actually made friends on here which is great because I usually suck at making friends (Me and Tamlin twinning, can't make friends for shit) so this is great.
Giving my appreciation to the people who inspired me to become the blog that I am today: @szalonykasztan00, @copypastus (love your art❤), @shi-daisy, @arson-09, @thrumbolt, @achaotichuman, and @feyres-divorce-lawyer (so glad that I found you on tik tok first, a fellow Rhysand hater).
My mutuals where we are united by both love and hate: @sonics-atelier (thanks for making those analysis posts), @wingsdippedingold, @rin-u-pos, @positivelyruined (bless you for the Luke Eisner fancast🙏🏾), @nickel156, @viktoriaashleyyx, @thatapologisttoyourantis.
And those who I first found out on tik tok and then found them again on Tumblr (some are mutuals, some aren't and the first two I found out there asoiaf tik toks): @watcherintheweyr, @kataraavatara, @booksnwriting.
Yuh, that's about it. Just wanted to make something nice and sweet. Thanks to my 107 followers that I got for mostly being a hater or from other stuff that I post.
Me to all of you (This feels corny but I was born on the cob🌽):
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(Here's the posts I was talking about.)
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Ok but, how cool would it be if there was a click & point adventure game and dating sim based around The Beasts
Like, imagine you, the player, woke up in a dark, unknown forest. You don't know how, or why, you got there, but one thing's for sure, you don't want to stay for long, who knows what kind of horrors could be lurking in the darkness. . ? Quickly you make use of the environment, gathering wood & making a fire (via a minigame) in hopes it'll alert some cookies to your location, and while it doesn't work at first, it does give a certain someone, or something, a beacon to your location. . .
As you sit before the fire you just built, you begin to notice something was off. . . the forest you were in, it was quiet, eerily quiet, normally at night, many forest would be bustling with some sort of life: the sounds of night beasts, owls in the night, maybe the occasional cricket, but there was nothing. What only adds to this uncanny wood were its lack of creatures, not once did you encounter any sort of beasts on your journey. . . both these factors alone made you question what was really happening, is this all a dream? were you going crazy? questions were racing through your head, till finally, something snaps you out of it. . .
"Ooooooh!~ What do we have here?~"
"Has a little cookie come by to give me a visit?~"
A voice from the darkness pulls you out of your thoughts, jolting you onto your feet. Hearing that so suddenly within such a vacant space, you could've sworn you were alone. . ! You frantically look around, desperately trying to find the source of the voice, but the thing only laughs at you. . .
"W-Who's there?! show yourself!!"
"*Ehehe he he he HE HE HE HE!*"
"Try looking up here, darling~"
Your attention was slowly drawn to a tree behind you. On one of the branches, two heterochrome eyes staired at your from below, taking you off-guard, was that. . . a cookie? The creature made zero attempts to hide themselves as he jumps off the tree branch, over your fire. Light from the flames revealed their figure, they appeared to be some sort of jester, its figure & face making them resemble that of a cat. They do a bow before finally introducing themselves
"Shadow Milk Cookie, the world's favorite trickster~"
"Pleasure to meet you!"
In this scenario, the player is given two options, each of course having a different outcome:
Run Away
Sprinting away in fear will, of course, cause Shadow Milk to chase, eventually getting caught, though this does increase his interest in you
"*heh he he HE HE HE!* where are you going you silly little thing?!~"
"That was so much fun!~ I think I'm starting to like you already!~"
Standing Your Ground & Ask Questions
Respectably, you don't anything regarding the fallen heroes, but asking more questions does leave Shadow Milk upset
"H-How could you not know who I am?!"
"Shadow Milk Cookie, actor, playwright, dictator, does that not right a bell?!"
This's basically how the story starts. The player is isekaied into this strange world and are quickly met with the Fallen Heroes, who all woo the player with their charm & status in an attempt to find out how they got in, so they can do the same to get out. . . whatever that means. But one thing leads to another, and they all fall in love with the player, fighting over them. As for the player, they transverse through the strange world, learning of it and its secrets via minigames, hidden secrets, and puzzles, all while learning about the fallen heroes and their backstories. . .
I picture the game itself being a mix between one of those disturbing click & point adventure games (i.e. Sally Face, Fran Bow, and Little Misfortune) and a dating sim (i.e. Obey Me) which by itself, would cause major emotional whiplash, cause imagine going from seeing the most messed up sh*t to smooching your jester bf. For reference, think of the game as "Little Goody Two Shoes" something you should play btw!
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