Welcome to the oceanI take inspo from Bonefall’s au, Rippleclan, and NiftysenpaiMain blog is @Jayleap
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Different cats fighting styles:
A/N: just wanted to write about how each saltclan cat fights. I’ll add to this list as the first bloom litter ages.
Wolfstar is considered tall, but not lanky, she’s got decent muscling for her size but not as much as Jagged or Shadow. She’s improved on her fighting since her duskclan days and is actually pretty good. She’s fairly fast and her strikes, while not powerful, are very precise. She can usually knock someone off balance easily and as long as she keeps a fast cat slow or a strong cat sideways, she’s winning. She also fights like she has lives to spare (which she does) so she takes more risks. Her signature move is dropping onto her back when grappling an opponent and kicking their stomach with her back legs and making them vault over her. It throws them off balance and she can even launch them into trees, rocks, or Shadowdive.
Lynxdawn is only a good fighter if her opponent doesn’t actually fight back lol. In times of stress and heightened emotion she can use her size and bulk to knock someone over. She doesn’t really have a strategy and doesn’t know how to escape holds or avoid strikes but rarely has a fight gone past her just knocking someone down. Usually the fact that she’s a cleric and looks like she could fight is enough to keep others from trying her
Snowspeckle is very fast and while she can’t grapple or put cats into holds, her strikes are precise. She fights similarly to Wolfstar, though she’s faster than her leader, but her strikes aren’t very strong. She works well when paired up with others, she typically tires her opponents out and will spend majority of the fight dodging. Her style of fighting is considered ‘dirty’ or ‘less honorable’ by stronger- slower- fighters.
Nightleap is just like her mate but even faster, shes very good in a large scale battle. She’s like a crow, she’ll run around the battle field yanking on tails or just landing a single blow before running off to the next cat. This lets her goad some cats into chasing her where she’ll undoubtably out race them or lead them into a clan mate who’ll knock them out. She doesn’t do well in one on one fights and will likely run to get back up instead.
Mallowstripe is a poor fighter but he’s improving. He’s got a strange talent from holds, he’ll latch onto an opponent and they can’t shake him even if they roll over and squish him. He’s slower and his strikes are weaker, but he has a knack for strategy and is a decent back up partner. He picks up on his partner’s flow quickly.
Shadowdive is a cat that everyone wants to avoid in a fight. This guy is a monster and is starting to garner rumors of being part dog or badger due to his ferocity and battle prowess. He is bloodthirsty is battle and won’t hold back even against former friends and family, his loyalty it to Wolfstar and Saltclan in that order. His strikes are heavy and precise, his faster than most cats his size, and he has a high pain tolerance. He has a wide range of attacks he uses so it’s anyone’s guess what he’ll hit you with. He is known to pick up cats either by the scruff or in his arms and shake them before throwing them to the ground. He also slams his paw onto cat’s heads or backs, knocking them down. He also bites and throws cats into each other. He’s a phenomenal solo fighter but does well with a fast partner who can move around his bulk quickly.
Ripplepaw is a quick fighter, he’s similar to Snow and is working on improving his grappling and hitting harder. He’s very evasive and tends to go after opponents bigger than himself, much to his mother’s chagrin.
Otterpaw is a heavy hitter, he’s not slow but he’s no where near as fast as his moms. He’s a good dodger and works well with a partner, specifically Shadowdive, he buzzes around the larger tom like a fly, striking down multiple enemies while using Shadow’s bulk to duck behind from blows. He’s a decent grappler, but is looking to improve that and practices his bite holds on large chunks of firewood.
Let me know if you wanna see any specific background character and I’ll write them.
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Moon 15 Bonus Scenes
New leaf
A/N: normally I do two of these but this moon it’s just the one.
Sandkit plots a way to sneak out of camp, but is foiled by Nightleap hearing her talk to herself about the plan.
Dropletkit doesn’t think she’ll ever be an apprentice.
Shadowdive ponders what the difference between killing prey and killing a cat is like.
Coralkit is rubbing against Mallowstripe's legs, hoping to get a snack. It works and he gives her a smoked fish head to gnaw on.
Ripplepaw is helping Mallowstripe and Shadowdive move dried bramble to reinforce the camps defenses. He laughs at their sarcastic back and forth, but ends up with a thorn in his paw from the task.
Snowspeckle accidentally assigns Shadowdive to three border patrols in one day and apologizes. Only for him to go on all three anyway.
Wolfstar has noticed the scent of mischeivous kits in her den and notices a bundle of colorful shells and dove feathers have been left. She arranges the shells on the clefts in her walls and the feathers are added to her nest.
Mallowstripe gives Shadowdive rosy maple moth wings for his nest. It symbolizes hope and love. (Link leads to Wikipedia)
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I love how instead of making a separate lore post about X I just use whatever cat knows the least about X asks another cat who’s an expert on X to explain it. Currently I’m writing it as Shadow and Lynx respectively.
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For your consideration:
Fernstorn, regretting that they shared their cat weed now: no honey thats not what she meant.
Junipersong, high but from a different circle maybe from her leader dadstar, feeling like she’s in her nightmare blunt rotation: yeah! She said the silverpelt is sacred!
Wolfstar, hearing scared not sacred: of what dude? It’s the sky what’s -cough hack- it got to be ‘fraid of????
Butterflygaze, ‘sober’, tweaking, and not medicated enough for this: im gonna crash out rn
Lynxdawn after trying catnip recreationally for the first time at an after gathering, trying to sound deep: the ocean…is..sacred, it’s an…an exten-extension of Silverpelt itself…
The other clerics- also high- nodding along: yes, good point. Mhmm.
Wolfstar, also high for the first time: so…the night sky is salty?
Other clerics, offended: GASP! How dare you insinuate that!
Mallowstripe, sober but a simp for his leader: let her finish
Wolfstar, oblivious to the drama: if…if you bit into..a star it would just be salt. Like a bad sausage.
Lynxdawn nodding sagely: like a bad sausage yes
#he was only here to hang out with his bos-I mean Fogdapple#who ditched him btw#Junipersong gets high with her dad and her mom hates it bc she built up a tolerance and is jealous#Wolfstar will become a low key maybe during the holidays stoner#lynxdawn will never touch the stuff again and be very annoying about it#mallowstripe will try coke next moon#to make up for him not getting him now#as a treat#😌
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Lynxdawn after trying catnip recreationally for the first time at an after gathering, trying to sound deep: the ocean…is..sacred, it’s an…an exten-extension of Silverpelt itself…
The other clerics- also high- nodding along: yes, good point. Mhmm.
Wolfstar, also high for the first time: so…the night sky is salty?
Other clerics, offended: GASP! How dare you insinuate that!
Mallowstripe, sober but a simp for his leader: let her finish
Wolfstar, oblivious to the drama: if…if you bit into..a star it would just be salt. Like a bad sausage.
Lynxdawn nodding sagely: like a bad sausage yes
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🎨 for Ripplepaw
📝 I’ve always been interested in how clangen comic creators keep their notes!
🎨- favorite hobbies? Ripple still loves moss ball chasing and tag, he’s become very competitive and likes to challenge warriors now too. He’s less interested in stories than when he was a kit, he’d prefer to make history than learn it, but he’s still relegated to story telling for the kits occasionally. He’s gotten into stretching and meditating bc of Wolfstar and Snowspeckle which has been good for his behavior.
📝- my notes are a wreck, it’s a mix of screenshots on my phone, notes on my iPad, and doodles and notes scribbled onto a notepad at work. I’ve gotta check like three different sources before posting
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🎲 💔
(love the clan btw!! i've been reading since a very early moon but i haven't commented)
🎲- not very close at all lol, I use the ranking system from Rippleclan and the cooking/fire/tools anthropological made by BoneFalls so it’s not very close to the cannon at all. I follow the events and prompts pretty loosely as well and I don’t include things that I think aren’t necessary or are too ‘out of character’.
💔- probably Jaggedstar and Wolfstar I feel like they kinda understand each other now but it’s an uneasy understanding. I also think Shadow and Mallow are pretty complicated, even now as they court it’s a very tense relationship.
Also Tysm!
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I am, for some unknown reason, always drawn to the saddest wettest beasts so please tell me ™️ who your saddest little guy is
Oooooooh I don’t know if y’all are ready for this, I’m gonna give a few answers bc somehow this is subjective to me lol
Who is the saddest little guy in Saltclan currently? Mallowstripe, this poor boy just wants to be wanted and accepted, he finally has that but he’s still a sad lil guy.
Who could potentially be the saddest little guy in Saltclan that we’ve already met? Dropletkit, no spoilers but this girl goes THROUGH IT like easily she is the wettest and saddest at any given time.
Who do I (the author who has knowledge that the readers don’t) think is the saddest lil guy? Jaggedstar, I’ve only touched on some of the trauma this girl has been through. We’ve barely scratched the surface of awful stuff that’s happened to her, some of it is relevant to the story and some of it is just me being a sucker for a spiteful, misunderstood woman born of tragedy. But historically in other fandoms, my tragic/doomed/remorseful female characters aren’t well received and often are misunderstood by my audience so I’m fully prepared for comments about ‘why Jaggedstar is evil and deserves no love’
I don’t care she’s a sad guy at heart and I love her
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🗣️- Who’s the biggest gossip in the clan? Surprisingly, Mallowstripe, he’s got details of everyone’s dreams and 100% tells Wolf and Snow
👑- The leader and deputy disappear, who takes over? Lynxdawn, not only is she the most fit to lead and make clan decisions, she’s also obligated as the clan’s only lead cleric. Although even if she wasn’t a cleric she’d still be the best option. Some people might think Shadowdive would take the helm or at least be co-leader but nope! He’s not sitting around camp talking politics, that man is going to find his wife (and Snowspeckle if he has time). Mallow would probably stay back to help care for the clan, but if there was another camp keeper or someone to take his place he’d be right there with Shadow.
🌋- what sort of natural disasters do the clans face? Well I’ve set them in coastal North East of America, usually I just look up Maine for specific fauna and flora, so the most common disasters specific to the area are blizzards/winter storms. They also have the usual phenomenons such as wildfires, mudslides, floods from storms, and large tidal waves from the ocean.
❄️- what’s the hardest season for the clans? Probably leaf bare, I feel like that’s a pretty consistently difficult season for all four clans (aside from Oakclan but they’re not immune to the cold). The cold and snow make it hard to hunt, they find less herbs and firewood, and storms are unpredictable and devastating. Green leaf is harsh but saltclan has ocean breezes to help cool them off plus the water itself. Wildfires can ravage their territory but it can’t really spread into camp easily with the sand, plus they can still fish while the territory recovers its plants and prey. New leaf has flooding and mudslides, but it’s mostly in the eastern part of the territory. Leaf fall has few hazards aside from early cold snaps and dwindling prey. So yeah leaf bare is probably the hardest.
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❤️! (Clangen ask game)
Fennelheart! I kinda pictured him as this dude bro and of course I knew his story would be short so I didn’t put much effort into him
Turns out everyone loved him, I wish I’d done a little more with his story in hindsight, there were a couple story lines he would’ve had. His fling with Jade, there were some moments of him flirting with Wolfstar (ofc), and I’d already planned which of the first bloom litter would be his apprentice.
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Woohoo let’s do this again and hopefully get me outta this funk
Clangen Ask Game V2
I had some questions I wanted to edit, some I wanted to add, so here’s round 2 of the Clangen Ask Game! Most are phrased in reference to clangen comics or fan writing, but this can apply to whatever clangen/clangen-adjacent media you create!
For the cats, please include a cat you’d like to answer
🎨 Favorite Hobbies?
🌙 Heavy or light sleeper, what are their dreams like?
🐀 Favorite Prey?
🌿 Favorite herb?
🎉 Favorite Holiday/Seasonal Event?
👯 Wild circle of friends, or a few close ones? Who’s their best friend?
🌳 What does their family tree look like?
⚡️Special powers or abilities?
🌷Quirks or other mannerisms?
🎯 What do their life goals look like? Deputy, Leader, Medcat, a family?
🏠 Would they ever consider becoming a kittypet?
🐾 What do they think of nearby clans/groups?
🪲What do they value the most?
🌲Favorite location on the territory?
🌧️ Favorite weather?
🧹 Favorite and least favorite clan task/chore/patrol?
🙀What do they fear the most?
✨ What is their relationship with StarClan like?
🍀Secret they’re hiding?
For the clan
🏞️ How did your clan start?
📜 How does your clan’s warrior code differ from other clans?
🎭 Does your clan have any specific traditions, rituals, or holidays?
🌌 Does your clan believe in StarClan, or another sort of afterlife?
💥 What’s the most dramatic event in your clan’s history?
🗿 Does your clan have any important or physical artifacts they keep?
🗣️ Which cat is the biggest gossip in the clan?
👑 Your leader and deputy disappear into thin air, who takes over?
⚔️ Who is the best and worst fighter in the clan?
🐾 Best and worst hunter?
🌟 Which cat has the strongest StarClan/Dark Forest connections?
🔮 Which cat is the most superstitious?
⚰️ What are your clan’s death rituals?
🛡How does your clan choose new deputies?
🌠 Are there any cats in your clan who don’t believe in StarClan?
🐱 Who are some of the cats outside the clan, and what is the clan’s relationship with them?
💔 Which cats have the most complicated relationship with each other?/make you go feral?
🎆What do omens/messages from StarClan look like to your cats?
For the World
🗺️ What does the territory look like? Any unique landmarks?
🐇 What are typical prey you’d find in the territory? Rare or unusual prey?
🐺Typical predators?
🦌 Are there animals that the clan can’t or won’t hunt?
🏘️ What is the twoleg activity like?
⚠️ Are there any dangerous areas cats have to avoid?
🏵Areas that are considered cursed or sacred? Your clan’s equivalent to Moonstone/Moonpool?
🌋 What sort of natural disasters happen here, any that have significantly changed the landscape?
❄️ What is the most challenging season for your clan?
🪴What herbs are most important to your med cats? Rare or magical herbs unique to your world?
🪵 What natural resources does your clan collect for tools, rituals, decoration, etc.?
For the Author
✍️ What inspired you to make your clangen comic/ other media?
⏩ How far ahead do you play in clangen? How far ahead do you draw/write?
📝 What do your notes look like?
⏳ What sort of deadlines or rituals do you follow to keep yourself on schedule?
⛔️How long are you planning on making your comic? For as long as you feel like it, or is there a set end?
🎲 How close to “canon” clangen RNG do you follow?
🔄Do you let clangen fully control names, or do you interfere? Where do you get inspiration for names for warriors and kittypets?
❔Do you have any suggestions for people looking to start their own clangen blogs?
💘 Any cats you ship? Any non-canon/crackship/oddball pairs?
™️Who is your saddest little guy?
😻Which cat would you steal to be your kittypet irl?
🐈 Are there any characters currently based on your irl pets?
🌀Out of context spoilers/WIP?
🏔Lore you’ve been wanting to share but haven’t gotten a chance to?
✏️Who’s your favorite character to draw/write?
❤️ Which character does the audience seem to love that you weren’t expecting?
🌍 What are some of your irl inspirations for the lore/worldbuilding of your comic?
💭 Fan theories or headcanons you love? How much does audience interaction change the events of the comic?
🤝 If you could collab with any other clangen creator (or just want to shout out your favorites), who would it be?
This also might just be me, but be sure to give your favorite creators time to draw or write their responses! Don’t be discouraged if it takes a minute
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So while I haven’t been able to really write or draw at home on my iPad recently (shout out to my ass hat of a coworker) I have however been working on my camp and den sketches in ink on my note pad. Ironically at work even tho I’m still absolutely furious.
Anyways I’m planning to post them soon, I’m not sure if I’ll post the pages themselves or trace over them on my iPad and upload that instead. I might do both who knows.
I’ve been really wanting to revamp the clangen camp and make it clear where everything is and what it looks like inside. The cleric den is one I’m particularly proud of.
Eventually I want to redo the entire map of the clans, to show areas that I’ve expanded or changed. Plus I’d like to show the terrain and elevation differences between everyone. Honeyclan is super flat compared to Saltclan, and Duskclan is even more rocky.
So shout out to my coworker Hannah who lets my blab and info dump about all of this even tho she hasn’t read warrior cats in years. It really helps flesh out these characters and the anthropology behind them. 💖
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Slight spoiler buuuuuuut as soon as wolf and mallow became mates in the game I locked their relationship change status so they couldn’t break up then I made mallow and shadow mates and locked them too. No poly kitty divorce sorry but I love them too much as a group to let them break up
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Moon 15 pt 2
New Leaf
a/n: sorry for the delay! I wanted to post this ahead of valentine's day but my work has been very unfortunate lately and it really messes with my head so I really appreciate everyone and their kinds words about my imaginary cats <3 hope y'all enjoy this update

Mallowstripe followed Wolfstar through the dimly lit camp, his paws unsteady despite the warmth blooming in his chest. It had been a long time since he’d felt wanted, truly wanted, but now—standing beside Wolfstar, knowing she had accepted him—he still had one more cat to face.
Shadowdive was easy to find, perched near the camp’s center, watching the tide pools with that unreadable expression of his. Waiting for his mate. The night wind ruffled his thick pelt, but he didn’t move, only flicked an ear as they approached.
“You’re back,” he said, voice fond, his eyes flickering to Wolfstar before settling on Mallowstripe.
“We need to talk,” Wolfstar said gently, stepping forward.
Shadowdive turned fully now, his sharp gaze taking them both in. “You look serious,” he muttered. “Did something happen?”
Mallowstripe swallowed hard, but Wolfstar placed her tail against his back in reassurance. The dark tom's eyes followed the motion.
“Mallowstripe and I talked,” she began. “About... us.”
Shadowdive’s gaze darkened slightly, but he said nothing, head tilted waiting.
Mallowstripe took a deep breath, feeling his heart in his throat again. “I told her how I felt. About her. And about you.”
He paused, but Wolfstar nodded to encourage him, swallowing thickly he continued. "I wanted to be honest with her and with you."
Silence stretched between them, heavy like a storm on the horizon. Shadowdive’s face was unreadable, but his tail twitched once, a flicker of something beneath the surface.
“I know I’ve been... difficult,” Mallowstripe admitted, shifting his weight in the still warm sand. “You and I— we haven’t always gotten along. But I care about Wolfstar. And I think—I think I might care about you too.”
Shadowdive’s ears flicked back, his expression unreadable, but Mallowstripe caught the subtle shift in his posture—loosening just slightly.
“And what do you want?” Shadowdive asked, voice steady as he looked at Wolfstar.
Wolfstar didn’t hesitate, she could read him where Mallowstripe couldn't. “Both of you. Together. Or at least the chance to try. If that’s something you want too.”
Shadowdive was silent for a long moment, looking between them. He wasn’t an emotional cat, not in the way Mallowstripe was. His love had always been steady, silent, expressed through action rather than words. But as he looked at Mallowstripe—ears pressed back slightly, tail flicking in nervous anticipation—he thought back to the times he’d watched the other tom without realizing he was watching.
The way Mallowstripe’s brow furrowed in deep thought as he prepared food for the clan, precision and care in every movement. The way he curled in on himself when he thought no one was looking, shrinking away like he expected to be dismissed before he even opened his mouth. The way he carried so much guilt for things he couldn’t change, for things he’d already atoned for.
And yet, for all his nervousness, there was something stubborn in him, something strong. Mallowstripe never turned away from a difficult task, never stopped trying, even when he wanted to. He'd stepped in to help manage kits and the injured many times, despite everything he still had to complete before the day's end. Shadowdive had seen it in the way he carried himself, even when he was afraid.
He let out a quiet huff of laughter, shaking his head.
“You think you might care about me?” he echoed, his tone more amused than cold. “That’s a first.”
Mallowstripe bristled, embarrassed, but Shadowdive shook his coat and went on. His movements smooth and unbothered.
“You frustrate me,” Shadowdive admitted, and Mallowstripe blinked, ears flattening. “You overthink everything. You get in your own way. You talk too much when you’re nervous and too little when it matters. Truly your own worst enemy.”
Mallowstripe frowned. “Thanks,” he muttered.
“But,” Shadowdive continued, ignoring the interruption, “you also care too much. You put your whole heart into everything you do, even when it makes you miserable. You’re cautious, careful. You take pride in your work. You take care of the clan. You take care of Wolfstar.” His gaze softened, almost imperceptibly. “And I think you try to take care of me.”
Mallowstripe’s mouth opened slightly, stunned into silence.
Shadowdive let out a small sigh. “I won’t lie, I wasn’t expecting this. But...” His gaze flicked to Wolfstar, then back to Mallowstripe. “If Wolfstar wants you, then I trust her. And if you want to court me, well—” he smirked slightly, “you’d better be ready to work for it.”
Mallowstripe blinked, not sure if he should be relieved or offended. “You want me to court you?”
“Like you said, we haven’t always gotten along,” Shadowdive said, standing, his face smug and Wolfstar giggling beside him. “I’m not about to throw myself into something blindly. But I’ll give this a chance. We’ll see where it goes.”
Wolfstar beamed, pressing her muzzle against Shadowdive’s. “Thank you for listening and giving this a shot.” she murmured before turning to Mallowstripe, pulling him close as well.
"You court him and I'll court you." She murmured in his ear, making him flush. "Deal?"
"Deal." He leaned into the embrace.
Mallowstripe exhaled, finally allowing himself to relax. Maybe this wasn’t what he expected, but it was a start. And for the first time in moons, he didn’t feel like an outsider.
Shadowdive let out a gruff sigh, but there was no real bite to it. “Come on, then. Let’s go inside before someone gets the wrong idea and starts gossiping.”
Mallowstripe let Wolfstar guide them torward to her den, warmth settling in his chest. Maybe this could work. Maybe, for once, he wasn’t just dreaming.

Lynxdawn was tired.
Her steps were slow, her temper short, but she was grateful for her clanmates stepping in to help with her litter. She didn’t want to snap at them—it wasn’t their fault. The strange dreams were.
Coralkit seemed to pick up on her moods best, often ushering her sisters out into the clearing to play while their mother tried to rest. Sometimes, Dropletkit would stay behind—ever the quiet one. But her presence was oddly comforting.
Lynxdawn had told Wolfstar and the others about her nightmares. Of course, the leader already knew—Mallowstripe’s gift ensured that. But voicing her fears brought her some comfort, so she relayed each dream.
Most involved the ocean. Dark waves swallowing the shore in a flood. Whispering voices carried on the water like seafoam.
It was chilling, to say the least. Wolfstar had worked hard to help her interpret them.
They suspected the visions were about Lostclaw, the enigmatic cat spoken of in stories. But Wolfstar feared another possibility—an impending flood, a powerful wave capable of dragging even the strongest swimmer into the sea.
To be safe, they had instated a new rule: no solo patrols on the beach. It was an easy rule to follow, though Ripplepaw still grumbled, assuming it had been put in place because of his near-drowning.
Lynxdawn had little patience for the troublesome tom lately. He visited his injured mother often, helping her hobble outside for fresh air, just as she had done for him last moon. But somehow, he always managed to get underfoot—asking the same questions she had already answered, poking through her herbal stores as if he belonged there.
She was ready to ban him from her den entirely, but Nightleap beat her to it, scolding her son with sharp words. It didn’t seem to dampen Ripplepaw’s fondness for her, though.
Silver linings, Lynxdawn supposed as she stepped into the clearing.
Night had long since fallen, the moon nearing its peak.
In the cleric’s den, Snowspeckle was curled up beside her mate, already snoring. Lynxdawn stretched as she walked the perimeter of camp. Wolfstar and Shadowdive were murmuring to each other in the leader’s den.
Through the dim light, she glimpsed Mallowstripe in the warriors’ den, sleeping alone. He cracked an eye open as she passed, blinking at her with quiet fondness. She dipped her head in return.
The apprentices were curled around each other like kits, their sides rising and falling in steady sleep.
Outside the nursery, Lynxdawn hesitated. Her daughters had been put to bed long ago, and she knew she should join them. But her paws weren’t ready to rest.
Instead, she made her way to the tide pools, draping herself along the sun-warmed rocks.
The tide was high, the water nearly at the top of the pools. Aside from the occasional ripple, the surface was still. The scent of salt was comforting. The distant rhythm of the waves lulled her heavy eyes shut.
Her ears twitched.
The tide pools glowed.
A vision.
Lynxdawn leaned forward, breath caught in her throat as the water stirred without a single paw touching it. A whirlpool formed, and within its depths, stars shimmered before giving way to an image.
She gasped.
His fur was clean and healthy, his heavy jowls shaking with laughter. He lay in the grass, sharing tongues with two unfamiliar cats—a large dilute calico molly and a lithe, copper-colored tom.
Somehow, Lynxdawn knew.
His kin.
His parents.
Tears welled in her eyes. She wished she could reach him, could tell him she had tried. She had tried so hard to save him. But he was oblivious to her presence, content in a place that was not StarClan.
Somewhere else.
The vision faded far too soon, leaving only her reflection rippling in the water.
A tear slipped from her cheek, disappearing into the pool below.
A small voice pulled her from her thoughts.
Lynxdawn sniffled and turned. Dropletkit stood a few tail-lengths away, shifting uncertainly. It wasn’t often she called her that. The word made Lynxdawn’s heart clench.
“I’m here, honey.”
The little tabby padded closer, stopping a bit farther from the water. “Why’re you crying?”
Lynxdawn smiled softly, giving her daughter a gentle lick between the ears. “I was thinking about Fennelheart.”
Dropletkit tilted her head. “Are you sad?”
A quiet purr rumbled in Lynxdawn’s chest as she rubbed her cheek against her daughter’s. “No, my dear. These are happy tears.” She sighed. “I was sad that I couldn’t save him. But now I know he’s in a good place.”
Dropletkit was silent for a moment, simply sitting beside her mother, breathing in the steady rhythm of her purrs.
Then, softly, she said, “I understand. Sometimes I cry happy tears when I think of my first mom.”
Lynxdawn pulled her close, wrapping her tail around the little kit. “I’m glad you remember her fondly.”
Dropletkit hesitated before speaking again. “She’s dead, isn’t she?”
Lynxdawn’s breath caught. She turned to look at her daughter, whose eyes were solemn. She wasn’t asking. She already knew.
Lynxdawn exhaled slowly. “Yes. I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t want to tell you until you were older.”
Dropletkit studied her mother’s face for a long moment. Lynxdawn braced herself, fearing she might see blame in her daughter’s eyes.
But then Dropletkit nodded. “It’s okay.” Her voice was steady. “I’ve known this whole time.”
Lynxdawn blinked. “You have?”
Dropletkit gave a small, knowing shrug. “I never said it out loud. I didn’t want my sisters to know.”
Lynxdawn’s throat tightened. A watery smile spread across her face as she pulled Dropletkit into a firmer embrace. “I should have known. You’ve always been an observant one.”
The little tabby let out a soft hum, grooming her mother’s fur—a rare show of affection. “I think they’re almost ready to know. Not yet, but soon. Before we get apprenticed, for sure.”
Lynxdawn chuckled. “I planned to tell you all when you were five moons old.”
Dropletkit nodded, satisfied. “That’s smart.”
Lynxdawn couldn’t fight the smile tugging at her lips as she gathered her eldest daughter in her paws and carried her back to the nursery.
That night, for the first time in moons, her dreams were peaceful.
Soft downy fur. The scent of milk and salt air. The warmth of sunlight against her pelt.
A mother’s love, steady as the tide.

SaltClan was early to the gathering. Very early.
It was still light out— that's how early they were. And yet, somehow, HoneyClan had still beaten them there. As soon as they arrived, Wolfstar's clanmates dispersed to socialize while she made her way straight to Rookstar.
"Thank you for agreeing to meet me," Rookstar greeted as she ascended the leader's stone.
Wolfstar nodded, settling beside her. "I was a bit surprised to receive your message the other day, but I appreciate the chance to speak with you."
Rookstar smiled as she loafed next to Wolfstar. "We don’t have the luxury of time, so I'll get straight to it. I’m concerned about DuskClan and OakClan."
"I am too. I noticed their odd behavior at the last gathering," Wolfstar agreed. "I also overheard a concerning conversation between Thornstrike and Jaggedstar. Something is going on."
"I haven’t been able to monitor DuskClan well, given our borders." Rookstar turned her gaze toward the mingling crowd. "But OakClan has been very guarded. Their patrols used to be at least cordial, but now they’re jittery and standoffish. Sometimes it even escalates into scuffles. Nothing serious, but still worrisome."
Wolfstar shifted uneasily.
"I’ve asked my artisans to stay alert when visiting the Artisan Knoll. One of them mentioned OakClan has started posting two guards at the entrance." Rookstar’s voice was low but firm.
Wolfstar frowned. "My cleric has received a few dreams— the name 'Lostclaw' keeps coming up." She watched Rookstar closely. "Do you know of any cat by that name?"
The ginger tom shook his head, his brow furrowing in confusion. "I don’t think so. I can ask some of my warriors— maybe they were a loner or a kittypet."
Wolfstar sighed. His reaction seemed genuine, which was a relief, but she still had no leads. "I doubt they’re a living cat. It seems like an old name. Even asking other clerics hasn’t helped."
Rookstar hummed thoughtfully. "I’ll see what I can find out. Perhaps Junipersong can hold a ritual."
Wolfstar stretched, flicking her gaze over the clearing. Ripplepaw had stayed behind with Nightleap as part of his punishment. Otterpaw, however, was in the crowd, chatting with the other apprentices.
Snowspeckle and Shadowdive stood at opposite ends of the clearing, positioned where the remaining two clans typically entered. Ready to signal their arrival.
"The sun is setting quickly," Wolfstar murmured. "We don’t have much time to speak."
Rookstar followed her gaze and smirked. "Clever. You don’t leave room for error, do you?"
Wolfstar ignored the remark. "Let’s meet at the half-moon gatherings. We’ll each escort our clerics to the river border."
"Understood," Rookstar agreed— just as Shadowdive began to trot away from his post.
The large warrior walked briskly over to Otterpaw, speaking with him and the other apprentices— the signal that OakClan was near. Snowspeckle, noticing, moved from her spot as well, heading for the deputy’s stone to avoid suspicion.
Wolfstar debated whether to leap down and mingle, but she hesitated too long. Archstar had arrived, their clan behind them, calling out a hearty yowl.
"Fun’s over," Rookstar muttered, inching away as Archstar leapt gracefully onto the stone, their sharp eyes raking over the pair.
"Greetings, Rookstar, Wolfstar," Archstar said smoothly, their voice like silk. "Are we only missing Jaggedstar?"
"Seems like it," Wolfstar replied flatly.
Archstar only hummed, a smirk curling their lips as they wedged between the two, loafing comfortably. Wolfstar fought back a sneer and scooted aside.
DuskClan arrived shortly after, Jaggedstar leading them with a running leap onto the stone. She looked surprised to be the last to arrive.
"Oh, glad you’ve finally joined us, Jaggedstar," Archstar greeted, a sly smile splitting their face.
The dark molly scoffed but nodded politely to Wolfstar and Rookstar. "I hope I didn’t keep you waiting. That wasn’t my intent."
Wolfstar started to reassure her, but Archstar cut in smoothly. "Oh, I’ve only been here a moment, but these two—" they gestured to Wolfstar and Rookstar "—must’ve been waiting a long time. They seemed awfully cozy when I got here."
"That’s enough, Archstar," Wolfstar hissed, keeping her voice low, aware of the gathering’s watchful eyes. "We’re all here. Let’s begin."
"Yes, let’s," Rookstar agreed.
Archstar sat back with a satisfied sneer but started the gathering.
Wolfstar kept a close watch on the crowd. DuskClan cats were restless, shifting nervously. She couldn’t see Thornstrike. OakClan cats looked exhausted. Otterpaw stood oddly to the side, avoiding her gaze.
OakClan’s announcements were brief— new apprentices, new elders. DuskClan had nothing to report. HoneyClan announced a new litter and Rookstar’s son becoming a warrior.
Wolfstar kept SaltClan’s announcements short as well, mentioning their increased salt production with the warmer weather— an open invitation for trade.
The gathering ended quickly, tension still thick in the air. Rookstar descended first, and Wolfstar followed slowly, her ears tuned to the lingering leaders.
"Where’s your deputy, Jag?" Archstar asked, their voice smooth.
Jaggedstar growled low. "Mind your own pelt, Archstar."
The silver tabby laughed. Wolfstar paused to listen as she began to descend.
"You’d better wise up, dear. The past has a way of haunting those who ignore it."
Wolfstar bristled as she leapt down. She heard her mother’s voice chuff out from above. "Only thing haunting me around here is you, pest."
In any other situation, the remark would’ve made Wolfstar laugh. Now, it only stoked her irritation.
Shadowdive and Mallowstripe met her at the base of the stone, concern etched into their faces.
"Oh no. What happened?" she muttered, glancing around. Otterpaw sat off to the side, looking guilty, shifting his paws in front of a low-hanging bush. Lynxdawn and Snowspeckle flanked him.
Mallowstripe flicked his tail, beckoning Wolfstar closer. "Show her."
Otterpaw hesitated before shifting aside. Beneath the bush, a pair of sleepy blue eyes peered back at her.
Redpaw, OakClan’s cleric apprentice, was curled under the makeshift shelter, yawning and stretching leisurely— as if he hadn’t just been caught breaking gathering rules.
"What’s going on?" Wolfstar asked, shooting a look at Shadowdive. He nodded and turned to keep a subtle watch for eavesdroppers.
Before Redpaw could respond, a voice called from behind them. "Redpaw! We’re leaving. Now."
Robinwing, OakClan’s deputy, approached, eyes narrowing at the SaltClan cats. "Wolfstar," he greeted stiffly. "Is there a reason you’re interrogating our cleric apprentice?"
Shadowdive shifted closer, his presence imposing. Robinwing swallowed but held Wolfstar’s gaze.
Wolfstar forced a smile. "What gives you that idea? Otterpaw was just introducing us to his newest friend."
Robinwing eyed Redpaw, who signed lazily, 'Made friend,' before stretching again.
With a huff, the deputy ushered him away.
As SaltClan prepared to leave, Shadowdive murmured, "You noticed it, right?"
Wolfstar flicked her ear. "I hadn’t, actually."
Shadowdive’s voice was grim. "He and Archstar were the only well-rested OakClan cats."
Mallowstripe paused, nearly letting Otterpaw jostle him. “You’re right. Everyone else was yawning and half asleep.”
“What else from Redpaw’s dream did you sense?” Lynxdawn asked.
Mallowstripe shuddered, his hackles raising as the group neared the river border, DuskClan’s pines looming beyond the water. “Pain, fear, darkness. It was hard to focus with the gathering happening. I smelled salt water.”
Wolfstar exhaled sharply as she stepped into the river, the icy water clinging to her fur as she waded through. One by one, her clanmates followed, emerging on the other side with wet, sleek pelts. She gave her whiskers a firm shake, flicking away droplets before taking the lead again.
Someone started to speak, but she hushed them with a flick of her tail. Just because they were permitted to travel within three fox-lengths of the river during gatherings didn’t mean their words wouldn’t carry. The trees loomed overhead, stretching like dark claws against the night sky, their towering presence pressing into her pelt. She forced herself not to bristle. The feeling was irrational, but DuskClan’s land always set her on edge.
A familiar presence brushed against her side. Shadowdive, silent as ever, matched her stride, his broad shoulder pressing comfortingly into hers.
A second warmth joined on her other flank, and she didn’t have to glance over to know it was Mallowstripe. She let out a soft purr, bumping between them in quiet appreciation. Behind her, she could practically feel her clanmates rolling their eyes. The secret of Mallowstripe pursuing them hadn’t lasted long, and by now, the novelty had worn off.
As they crossed into SaltClan’s territory, the dense, stifling trees gave way to the open stretch of coast. The cool ocean breeze swept over them, carrying the scent of salt and sand. It felt like exhaling after holding her breath for too long.
The patrol fanned out, no longer confined to a tight formation now that they were home.
“I wish we could’ve spoken with Redpaw more,” Lynxdawn murmured, breaking the silence.
Shadowdive let out a low, irritated growl. “That stupid deputy knows something.”
“It’s awful what that poor kit saw,” Snowspeckle sighed, leaning down to give Otterpaw a firm lick between the ears. He was just tall enough now that she no longer had to stoop so low to do it.
Otterpaw’s ears flicked back, his nervous energy from the gathering still lingering. “I remember you said he was acting weird at the last gathering. I wanted to see if maybe I could ask him about all the strange things going on.”
“You were supposed to be sleeping when we discussed that,” Shadowdive said flatly.
Otterpaw barely managed to suppress an eye roll. “Then maybe don’t debrief loudly right in front of the apprentice den.”
Snowspeckle sucked in a sharp breath. “Otterpaw! Don’t be disrespectful.” She shot Shadowdive a pointed look. “He’s taking after you a bit too much.”
Shadowdive smirked, but he didn’t argue.
As the patrol entered camp, Wolfstar caught his amusement and gave him a look before addressing Otterpaw. “I’m going to let that go and blame it on stress, but don’t forget your manners again.”
Otterpaw ducked his head, looking properly chastened. “Yes, maow.”
Without further reprimand, he trotted off toward the apprentice’s den, clearly relieved to be dismissed.
Nightleap gave Wolfstar a small nod as she passed, pausing to murmur something to Snowspeckle, the kits and Ripplepaw asleep in their dens.
No one made for their nests just yet and Wolfstar knew why. She hadn’t spoken about her meeting with Rookstar.
She let out a slow breath, then turned to face her gathered clanmates. “Tonight, I spoke with Rookstar. He’s also noticed the odd behavior from OakClan and DuskClan. He’s been aware of the border tensions too.” Her voice was even, but the weight of her words settled over the group like a heavy tide. “We’ve agreed to meet during the half-moon gatherings to discuss what we’ve seen.”
Silence. A tense, heavy thing.
“For now,” she continued, “we will focus on growing our clan and investigating the name Lostclaw. Try not to worry—I will keep everyone updated on what I learn.” It was a promise, but one that did little to ease the nervous shifting among her warriors.
Eventually, the clan began to disperse. Mallowstripe lingered a moment, then hesitantly brushed his head against her shoulder before giving Shadowdive a similar gesture. She caught the flicker of uncertainty in his eyes before he padded toward the warriors’ den, where Snowspeckle and Nightleap were waiting.
Lynxdawn’s tail twitched as she made for the nursery, her movements stiff with tension. She laid with her daughters, curling protectively around them.
Wolfstar felt the exhaustion creeping in. Shadowdive pressed against her side, guiding her toward the leader’s den. She didn’t protest, too tired to do anything but lean into his warmth.
As they settled in, he began grooming her coat, his raspy tongue smoothing through the snags and knots. It felt like he was pulling the stress of the night away with each careful stroke.
Wolfstar let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes. She could think about everything else tomorrow.
Cat Allegiances:
Wolfstar- 21 moons. Leader. Responsible. Compassionate. Natural intuition. Apprentice- Ripplepaw.
Lynxdawn- 16 moons. Lead Cleric. Thoughtful. Loving→Faithful. Good teacher.
Snowspeckle- 32 moons. Deputy. Artisan. Loving. Thoughtful. Good singer.
Nightleap- 36 moons. Warrior. Insecure. Sneaky. Incredible runner.
Mallowstripe- 22 moons. Camp keeper. Nervous. Careful. Strange dreamer.
Shadowdive- 20 moons. Warrior. Blood thirsty. Loyal. Good swimmer. Apprentice- Otterpaw.
Ripplepaw - 8 moons. Warrior apprentice. Troublesome. Fearless→ Adventurous. Fast runner. Mentor- Wolfstar. Conditions: Water in lungs. Resolved.
Otterpaw - 8 moons. Warrior apprentice. Attention seeker→Insecure. Bouncy. Good swimmer. Mentor- Shadowdive.
Dropletkit- 3 moons. Skittish. Shy. Interested in clan history.
Kelpkit- 3 moons. Charming. Quiet. Plays in mud.
Coralkit- 3 moons. Noisy. Bossy. Never sits still.
Sandkit- 3 moons. Impulsive. Noisy. Moss ball hunter.
Moon 0
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RippleClan: Moon 91 (Aftermath Edition)
When Weevilsight won't leave the medicine den, her sisters force her on a walk.
[Image ID: Weevilsight, Wolfgaze, and Ravenweaver sit in the snow together. Wolfgaze and Ravenweaver groom Weevilsight, who sits disconnected from the world while she vents about all the grief and sorrow of recent moons, all stemming from their mother. Art by @unfortunatereader.]
(Weevilsight: 26, female, cleric, daring, deep StarClan bond)
(Wolfgaze: 26, female, codekeeper, thoughtful, connection to StarClan, great speaker)
(Ravenweaver: 26, female, artisan, den builder, very clever)
Washington provides a gentle and wise ear to Halibutdusk. He listens to Halibutdusk's grief and draws on his own recent losses to provide what little comfort he can.
[Image ID: Washington talks with Halibutdusk outside the medicine den. Halibutdusk sits, looking at their paws, while Washington lays beside him. Art by @smashgal.]
(Washington: 219, male, elder, nervous, good mediator)
(Halibutdusk: 83, nonbinary (they/them), warrior, gloomy, masterful storyteller, clever)
Vervaincough takes her grief and frustration out on Slushtrail.
[Image ID: There are two images that include Vervaincough and Slushtrail in the snow. In the first, Vervaincough yells at Slushtrail with tears falling down her cheeks, angry and hurt while Slushtrail listens like a good mediator. In the next, Slushtrail grooms Vervaincough's head and wraps her paws around her while Vervaincough leans in, continuing to cry. Art by @salt-clangen.]
(Vervaincough: 26, female, codekeeper, insecure, understands nature, good mediator)
(Slushtrail: 27, female, mediator, wise, clever, talented weaver)
Rattlepelt and Wildclaw share a nest in the nursery for the night.
[Image ID: A two-page comic showing Rattlepelt and Wildclaw in the nursery at night, curled around Midnightkit and Valleykit. The camp is tinted purple, but Rattlepelt and Wildclaw's eyes are bright. Rattlepelt wears her fox pelt with lavender woven into the fur and stuffed in the eye sockets. The pair have the following conversation, which ends in Wildclaw pulling Rattlepelt into the nest and the pair curling around their sons:
W: "Rattlepelt?"
W: "The kittens will get cold with just me in the nest, dear, come in."
R: "I... shouldn't."
W: "What's wrong now?"
R: "You know what it is..."
R: "Mousesong, then Carnationspeckle's kidnapping, then I get possessed and it leads to the death of a kit. And me and Mousesong are just like our little ones, all of them orphaned, and now..."
R: "It's me , isn't it? Why Trumpetspore's gone? I'm- I must be cursed, and now what will happen to the kittens? or my moms? Or you-"
-she gets yoinked-
W: "first off."
W: "my mate is not cursed. I'd know, having had an omen cat as kin."
R: "ough! What in Starclan's-"
W: "and second, I can protect myself."
W: "I can protect them, and I can protect you."
W: "But right now, they need their mama to also warm them up, no matter what circumstances led them to our care."
Art by @cappuccino-bear.]
(Wildclaw: 83, female, caretaker, fierce, trusted advisor, good fighter)
(Rattlepelt: 74, female, artisan, thoughtful, leather artist)
(Midnightkit: 0, male, kit, polite)
(Valleykit: 0, male, kit, quiet)
Surprise, everyone! I've been working with a few of my most vocal fans for a special moon update featuring proper art of your beloved cats! I am so grateful to everyone who agreed to draw a scene, especially since they had to keep some events secret for a while. I adore each piece. The individuality of each style is powerful and adds so much life to this. I promise happier moments ahead, even with the normal chaos of the Clans!
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100% adding this as a divination practice to my clans
When I was a kid, they had me dissecting owl pellets. It sounds gross, but it was actually pretty cool (and personally I'm glad my school never had us dissecting actual dead frogs). Just little balls of super compacted fur and bones, usually mouse fur and bones. The mouse bones were SOOO tiny and had so many intricate shapes, and you could find little broken pieces in there too. Maybe cats could gather owl pellets for bonus materials?
I have no idea where a school would get so many owl pellets for kids to dissect, or if they're still doing this, but in some context playing with mouse bones was a thing!
My school had a marine biology course where we got to dissect increasingly complex animals, bloodworms, starfish, goldfish, working our way up towards a shark for a whole year. The day before we were gonna do it, someone LEFT THE SHARKS OUT IN A BUCKET. Aaaaaalll night, had to be trashed in the morning.
it is my third or perhaps fourth villain origin story.
Owl pellets are pretty common though! You get them in mass from almost any captive owl, since they don't chew. Come to think of it, I should totally make a divination practice for Clerics based off what they can find in a pellet.
Maybe call it something like "Omen Gralloching," in reference to cutting it open and pulling out bones like they're organs from prey. I love how an owl was used as a symbol of oncoming dark times in TPB and I'd like to subvert the "wise old owl" cultural trope in some way.
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Hmmm it’ll be tricky to keep everyone separate, but we’ll see if it can be managed fairly.
Or if the accused allows it
Another poll! (This one is unrelated to the other as a hint)
The warrior code has been broken, an attempted murder of one of our beloved clan mates. Guilt staining many paws. A trial must be held. The orchestrator will be tried, but what of his accomplices? Some aware, others not, of his lies.
Choose wisely
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