#cat!merlin my beloved
feuxx · 1 year
hello beloved <33 may i request a cat merlin doodle? 🥺 i love him and i love the way you draw him <33
hello my lovely !!! 🥰💕 heres a cat!merlin with some lavender 😘🪻
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abisalli · 1 year
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just normal dragonlord things- like having a dragon climb on your back while you're trying to do the dishes
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frost-queen · 2 months
My mortal flaw // part 6 (Reader x Zuko)
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, @iixchloee, @cherrysxuya, @zhochikennugget,
@ficsmoothie, @reallysparklychaos, @deafeningartisancandy, @multifandom-lover01, @smilefortae, @bravelittlebastard, @mysticwitchcraftco, @roseazura, @katie-tibo, @savannah0111, @defnotriri, @darkened-writer, @avrilh, @anea08, @mymoonempress, @tcey0, @romantic-reader , @lionheart178 , @pink-www , @aloe-7 , @tomblythslut, @camilo-uwu , @lunalixya , @karmaswitch , @vewnyy , @h33seungs-babe , @junieshohoho , @buggs-1 , @elakari
@astrowerld, @tejasvkris, @thewhimsicalmoonchild, @xenop0p, @hagridshaircare, @nxcxllxsevens , @stormy-stardust , @babyred7 , @kikig000, @lavendarhearts
Summary: Reaching the city of Ba Sing Se, Zuko hopes his sister wouldn't find him here. When you get mistaken for Katara, an unfamiliar boy wages his presence in your life to the dislikes of your prince. How will the great city of Ba Sing Se work out for you? [ part 1  & part 2 & part 3 & part 4 & part 5 & part 7]
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Iroh was fanning himself, craving for some water… or tea for that matter. Up ahead he saw his nephew pushing forwards. It wondered Iroh, how Zuko could go so long without something to drink. Not able to take another step, Iroh stopped, leaning against a rock. Puffing loudly from walking for almost days now through the Earth kingdom.
“Let me help you.” – you said, jogging up to him from behind. Barely having any strength in your legs as well. The weight of travelling for days on foot without much food or water heavy on you. Joining his side, you moved his arm over your shoulder, to keep him upright. Iroh waved his hand at you, letting you know it was alright.
Iroh nearly sunk through his knees as you kept him upright with all your might. – “Perhaps we should rest.” – you suggested helping him gently down. Iroh exhaled deep sitting against the rock. – “Get up!” – Zuko’s voice startled you. He stared at his uncle, having walked back. – “Zuko surely we can…” – you began gesturing at him.
Immediately silenced by him. – “I said up!” – Zuko cut through. The rest of your words swallowed back in. Iroh was already making his way to get up as you had enough of it. – “No!” – you called back. – “We’ve been walking for days now without proper food or water.” – you reminded him. – “Give us a moment.” – begging as you approached him.
“We don’t have a moment.” – Zuko replied, gesturing behind you. Without any other words, you knew what or rather who he was speaking off. His sister Azula. Ever since he knew she was hunting him down, he had been fixated on moving forwards. If anyone allowed him, he’d track the entire length of the Earth Kingdom just to stay way ahead of her.
Reaching for his hand, you clasped your hands around it, lowering his arm. – “I know you worry, but look at your uncle.” – you told him, forcing him to take a look. Zuko shifted his gaze from you to his beloved uncle. Seeing him puff to catch his breath. – “Give him a moment… that is all I ask for.” – surely the sympathy for his uncle would make him fold.
Zuko closed his eyes with a soft sigh. – “We’ll leave in three.” – he outed pulling his hand away. You bowed your head to him out of gratitude. Turning around, you rushed back to Iroh. Kneeling before him as you took out your flask. Taking the top off it, you offered him the little water it carried. –“No… I cannot take this.” – Iroh said, knowing it didn’t hold enough for the three of them. Shaking your head, you didn’t want to hear it. – “Take it Iroh. I’m not thirsty anyways.” – you lied to not make him feel so guilty.
You offered him the flask once more. With a little persuasion, he accepted the water. Drinking the little from it with some guilt. Iroh gave you back the empty flask as you putted it away. – “Can you go a bit further?” – you asked him, wanting to be sure he was strong enough to continue the journey. Iroh nodded. You made some way for him, getting up so there was room to help him up to his feet.
You dusted Iroh’s clothing, taking him by the arm afterwards. – “One step at a time.” – you told him. Iroh smiling back at you. Zuko waited for the two of you to join him before taking the heavy lead again. Forcing a way through the Earth kingdom with nothing but trees, rocks and ground around for miles. You so hoped you’d encounter a little village soon, just to have a proper meal and sleep.
You were relieved, feeling blessed when you finally saw the city rise on the horizon. It gave you so much strength, you could practically run to it. The three of you walked through the city gates worn out. Iroh looked curiously around. – “I know this city…” – he said taking an observing eye. – “Ba Sing Se.” – he finished.
It made you widen your eyes a bit, having read so much about the great city of Ba Sing Se in books. Never being able to visit it. In truth when you still lived with your tribe, you weren’t able to visit much things. Never going further than your own tribe. Now you were seeing the world with the fire prince you were promised too. All in pursuit of the Avatar. – “Now where can we eat?” – Zuko asked, secretly being hungry for a while too. Iroh chuckled when he heard Zuko’s stomach grumble. Iroh motioned for the two of you to follow him.
You noticed Zuko looking wary over his shoulders. Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, seemed to startle him. – “She wouldn’t dare come here. We’re save here.” – you reassured him. Zuko took your hand from his shoulder, holding it for a few seconds before he let it drop at your side once more. – “For now.” – he replied, going after his uncle. Taking a deep breath, you waited a second before going after them. Iroh and Zuko walking into a place.
You were about to head in as well, feeling a sudden hand on your shoulder, put you to a stop. – “Katara.” – a male voice spoke, turning you firmly around. The gesture made you gasp. The boy blinked surprised, then his expression faltered. – “I’m sorry… I thought you were someone I know.” – he said lowering his hand on you. – “You mean Katara?” – you asked seeing him nod.
“You…you kind of … I thought…there aren’t many water tribe girls walking around the Earth Kingdom.” – he told you with a chuckle. It made you look down at your own clothing. They had been through hell, but they were still significant Water tribe clothing. – “If you know Katara, then you must know the Avatar?” – you asked thinking back of when you first heard that name. Kyoshi island. Where the Avatar’s friends nearly ripped you away from Zuko.
Thinking you might be a prisoner, when in fact you aren’t. The boy quirked up an eyebrow at you. – “Do you know where he is?” – you wanted to know. Just curiously, not even sure if you would give the information to Zuko if he did tell you. – “Why so curious about him?” – the boy curled up a smirk. You smiled sheepishly back at him, pulling your shoulders up.
Hoping it didn’t came over as obsessed. The boy than laughed loud. – “I was only teasing. So not Katara what are you doing so far away from your tribe?” – he asked slipping an arm over you. – “First of all, it’s Y/n. Princess to you” – you told him with an elbow punch to his stomach. 
The boy felt the air being sucked out of his lungs, coughing, holding a hand on his stomach. – “Second that is a long story I’m not sharing with you.” – you finished crossing your arms. The boy chuckled again, straightening his posture. – “Royalty. I see now.” – he laughed out. – “The name’s Jet, princess.” – he dramatically bowed before you, making you roll your eyes at him. Jet looked all smug at you. – “Shall I treat your highness to a meal?” – he asked speaking so annoyingly sweet.
“I will provide my own meal.” – you told him, remembering your company. Looking over your shoulder, you wondered why anyone hasn’t started missing you. Surely one of them must have come to look? Shaking the awful thoughts away, you turned around, seeing Jet fall in line with you. – “I will eat alone!” – you called out, shutting the door behind you. The establishment was not overcrowded. Looking around, you searched for your company.
You sighed disappointed, seeing them sit in the corner, already enjoying their meal. Making your way over to them, you came to sit in front of them. – “How sweet to wait for me.” – you said with a sarcastic undertone to Zuko. – “It’s getting cold.” – was the only thing he replied. Too busy slurping his soup with noodles.
Sighing softly, you picked up the spoon letting it swirl in the bowl. Your gaze got drawn to the doors, seeing them open. Seeing Jet enter almost made you spew your soup out on Iroh’s face. Coughing loud, you nearly choked as Jet made eye contact with you. Looking questionable at the company you were with. Zuko gave you some hard slaps on the back to settle down.
Pushing his hand away, you watched Jet come to sit at a table, giving him enough clearance to stare at you. – “Yuk.” – Iroh’s disgust pulled your attention away. – “This tea is cold.” – Iroh said trying to get the taste of his tongue. –“Just drink up old man.” – Zuko replied annoyed, not caring one bit about tea.
Iroh wrapped his hands around the cup. You watched, blinking in wonder as there emerged a warmth from the tea. Eyes widened as you knew Iroh had just heated the tea up in his hands. He blew the steam away before taking a careful sip. It made you look around, hoping no one had seen it. The last thing you wanted was another chase.
The three of you stepped out, fully satisfied. Now all you wanted to do was rest and sleep for days. Iroh was mumbling to Zuko, probably about looking for a place to stay as you followed behind them. Mindlessly looking around at your surroundings. – “Y/n!” – you suddenly heard, eyes widening as it only could be Jet. You turned around, seeing Jet jog up to you. Iroh and Zuko turning curiously around as well.
“I mean princess.” – Jet teased once he was near you. Zuko looked over at his uncle, trying to get some validation that what he was seeing was true. And not some hallucination. – “Are those your protecters?” – Jet motioned with his head at Iroh and Zuko behind you. – “I mean as a princess I figure, you must be protected well.” – he curled up a smile as you laughed sweetly.
Zuko took an annoyed step forwards. Uncle Iroh quickly grabbing him by the arm, pulling him back. Zuko stumbled back, looking confused at his uncle before slapping his hand off. – “No, they are my…” – you paused, not sure how to phrase it. Shaking your head, you didn’t want to go further into detail, not wanting to risk revealing any identities.
“I can show you around? Are you looking for a place to stay?” – Jet asked ruffling his hand shyly through his hair. Zuko looked disgusted at Jet’s gesture. – “We are. Do you know any good places to stay?” – you asked feeling a sudden pull on your arm. Stumbling back as Zuko stepped in. – “We’ll find our own place.” – he made clear with a glare. Jet took a step closer to Zuko, getting toe to toe with him.
“Where I come from, we show princesses more respect.” – Jet said, angering Zuko. Both men glaring at each other. – “She has my respect.” – Zuko made clear. Jet scoffed. – “Clearly.” – he answered smug. Zuko felt his anger boil, wanting to throw hands with him. – “Nephew.” – Iroh said to break things apart. Zuko huffed annoyed, turning round as he grabbed you firm by the wrist.
Pulling you away. Jet took out his sword. – “Hands off her.” – Jet shouted as Zuko paused at the subtle sound of Jet’s sword getting pulled out. Zuko turned glaring at the sword pointed at him. – “Let her go!” – Jet called out. – “Don’t worry princess, I’ll show you respect.”
You stared between Zuko and Jet. – “Let’s… let’s settle down. There is no need for swords.” – Iroh started. – “Shut up old man.” – Jet shouted, silencing him. – “Don’t tell him to shut up.” – you answered bothered at Jet’s tone. You stepped away from Zuko, coming to stand in the middle of them. Zuko wanting to pull you away, but you slapped his hand away. – “You should be treated with respect.” – Jet told you, taking a step back, yet his sword was still up pointing at you.
“You should be taken care of. By somehow who treats you right, princess.” – he finished. – “Like you?” – Zuko shouted with mockery at him. It made Jet clench his jaw. – “Clearly he doesn’t!” – Jet shifted his sword towards Zuko. Zuko inhaled deep, readying himself to launch at Jet if Iroh hadn’t stopped him. Stopping him by his shoulders. – “Enough!” – you called out losing your patience. You were too tired to handle this.
Not wanting to spend another second with these bickering men over respect, you walked off. Iroh coming quietly after you, not wanting to stop them any longer. Jet lowered his sword, gazing at your departure. He got startled when Zuko was up close with him. – “Leave my betrothed alone!” – he threatened before going after the two of you. Jet blinked stunned.
Iroh found a place to stay. A room shaped like a square. On three sides there were beds, curtains pulled before them for privacy. You went straight to one of the beds, pulling the curtains behind you. Zuko sat down annoyed in the middle of the room. His uncle joining him across from him. Iroh set his freshly set cup of tea down on the low stand between them. One look of his uncle, made Zuko sigh loud. – “I was civil.” – Zuko snapped at his uncle. Iroh quirked his eyebrow up. Communicating in silence as he knew how to handle Zuko.
Zuko sighed loud placing an elbow on his knee, chin resting on his knuckles. – “Who was he even?” – Zuko called out annoyed. – “How did he even know Y/n? Y/n’s never been here. Where did he even meet her?” – Zuko said bothered to his uncle. Whining about the fact another boy knew you. – “And the nerve he had.” – Zuko slammed his fist on the table, startling Iroh as it nearly spilled his tea.
Iroh quickly picked his cup up to protect his tea from any further stomps. – “Are you perhaps jealous nephew?” – Iroh casually spoke. – “No!” – Zuko replied, slamming his fist again on the table. – “Why should I be jealous? She is my betrothed. I’m not jealous over some guy taking an interest in her. She’s not going to abandon the agreement for him.” – Zuko let out clearly agitated.
“Then why are you getting so worked up over him?” – Iroh asked knowing just how to nudge his nephew just that little more. – “He’s a guy!” – Zuko shouted getting up annoyed. He stormed over to his side, pushing the curtain out of the way. Iroh chuckled amusingly.
Laying down on your bed, you smiled bashful, having heard it all. Jealous Zuko was something you never thought you’d encounter. Here he was getting all worked up over Jet. It didn’t take you all to fall asleep. Having been too tired to go on for any second longer. Day making way for night. Sudden noises made you wake up from your slumber. Moving restless in your sleep.
The noises getting louder as it made you jump up. Afraid it might be anyone to rat you out. Getting out of bed, you moved the curtains aside. Seeing the room was empty. Both Zuko and Iroh’s curtains still closed. Taking a calming breath, you ventured into the room. Sneaking out to see what those noises were. With one last glance at the others, you left the room.
Sneaking your way into the corridor to where the noises were coming from. Getting closer to it. Hearing it come from just around the corner. Ready to peek around the corner and be faced with the noises. A sudden grip on you, made you spin rapidly around. A hand getting pressed against your mouth to deafen out any screams. Eyes widening as he brought a finger to his lips, shushing you. Jet.
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mono-chromia · 1 year
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Team Sport
A Drarry microfic//oneshot by mono-chromia
Cover illustration by my beloved @basiatlu (alternate versions can be viewed here)
Word count: 1.015
Read under the cut, or on AO3
Draco hadn't understood, but as he comes to find out, Hermione's words had made perfect sense. Harry Potter makes a sport out of sleeping; commiting to a nap the same way he does to a game of Quidditch.
'Mione had once called Harry a "hard sleeper", whatever that may be.
"A heavy sleeper?" Draco had asked, unsure if he was missing some muggle turn of phrase. It comes up when they are trying to figure out the sleeping arrangements in the shared hotel rooms for Luna and Neville's destination wedding.
"Oh, no," she says. "Well, that too, I suppose, so he won't mind if you get back late, but he sleeps hard. I can't quite explain it." Draco doesn't mention the undiscussed assumption that he and Harry are apparently to bunk up together. "You know how he always tries to carry all the plates and cutlery to the table in a single go? Even if there's sixteen people dining?" Draco nods. "It's kind of like that."
Draco hadn't understood, but as he comes to find out, Hermione's words had made perfect sense. Harry Potter makes a sport out of sleeping; commiting to a nap the same way he does to a game of Quidditch.
Their portkey takes them from 5 A.M. in London to 11 A.M. somewhere in the Mekong Delta region, so when they arrive in their room, Harry immediately crawls into the pristinely made hotel bed, nesting the crisp duvets and the pillows into an iceberg-like structure and sleeps. Hard. Sprawled on his belly with his clothes still on (he's wearing sweat shorts at least, not jeans, thank Merlin) but with his feet sticking out for temperature regulation. He looks like he knows what he's doing. Draco watches him fuss and clumsily toe off his socks (because what lunatic wears socks to bed? Ridiculous) and then doze off immediately, squeezing in a highly efficient, half hour kip before they are expected for their lunch arrangements.
Harry seems more affected by the jetlag than the rest of the company, so Draco finds him, not unlike a cat, sleeping in strange places and at odd moments during the entirety of their stay in Vietnam.
For instance, on a couch in the hotel lobby one early morning, while Ron and Hermione argue with the clerk over the tour reservation that Ron definitely made correctly, with his head in Luna's lap, hoodie pulled low over his eyes, and his arms hugged around his chest.
Or, on the lawn chairs by the pool in the middle of the day. Which, Draco supposes, isn't that strange a place to sleep, but Harry's commitment to the activity is once again proven when Hermione ambles over to rub sunscreen on his back and place a sunhat over his head, all without as much as a twitch.
It's really quite fascinating to watch (though no one else seems to think so) and Draco finds himself somewhat jealous, because even when he diligently works through his own list of requirements for a good sleep (freshly showered, moisturized, teeth brushed, clean sheets, glass of water on the side table, window open for airflow, access to his own pillow) he still doesn't often manage to make eight uninterrupted hours, let alone any misguided attempts at a restful nap. When Draco naps it means the situation is dire, that he is unwell, that he feels like something has crawled up his ass and died there, and it usually only exacerbates his condition instead of having the much desired effect it seems to have on Harry. That effect being that he wakes up content, mellow and sleep-soft (objectively) and exists like that for five minutes or so, before moving onto stage two of his post-nap euphoria, which includes but is not limited to; a general lust for life, toothy grins, silly jokes (objectively), and a propensity for affection towards whoever is nearest to him at any given moment.
Which means that Draco finds himself subjected to the feeling of gently excited hands on his wrists and back as they ooh-and-ahh at the view on their hike, and a chin hooked over his shoulder as Harry feigns mild interest in the book Draco is reading, before asking him to come swim.
Apparently, it also means that, when Draco is keyed up with homesickness on the third of their eight-night stay, Harry invites him into bed.
"You okay?"
Draco looks back from where he has his head stuck out the window, spooked and feeling slightly caught. He stares at Harry in his bed, making up the shape of his body under the sheets from his feet (sticking out from under the cover) to his rumpled head that's more under the pillow than on top of it. Harry's voice is thick with sleep and so, so soft.
"Oh," says Draco. "Yeah. Um. Just— a bout of insomnia."
Harry just hums, low and noncommittal, and for a moment Draco thinks that he might be sleep talking. But then Harry shifts and lifts up the duvet, wordlessly and casually extending an invite towards Draco, and waits for him to get in.
Draco would object, but maybe Harry's bed is just that much more comfortable, maybe that's why he sleeps so well, and well— truly it looks much too inviting to resist. So Draco doesn't object, and quietly pads across their room to slip into bed with Harry. The blanket is bunched up and skewed, there are more than enough pillows, yet none of them in the right spot to actually fulfill their intended purpose, but Harry isn't fussed in the least, and wastes no time snaking an arm across Draco's middle and slotting his head under Draco's chin. Harry seems to fall back asleep pretty much immediately, and Draco is suddenly surrounded by an aura of sleep-warmed sheets, skin-on-skin contact and a bouquet of powdery scented curls, clean skin and sweet spearmint breath. It would have been overwhelming if it wasn't so blissfully sedative.
A robust dose of Dreamless Sleep has nothing on the deep rise and fall of Harry's chest, the dozy twitch of his toes against Draco's leg, the blooming warmth in all the spots where their bodies are touching. Draco dreamily wishes he could bottle it. Who knew that sleeping was a team sport.
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chronicowboy · 2 years
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hero-of-the-wolf · 2 months
Hey Emmie!!! What's your favorite animal? And do you have any fun facts you'd like to share about them? Also, you can answer this whenever you feel like it. You don't have to rush.
I have. SO many. so so many. it’s so hard to choose just one ough 😭
so I’m gonna talk about some of my favorite animals I’ve worked with instead 🫶
if I had a nickel for every time a giraffe leaned down and booped my face—
I worked with a blue-tongued skink that loved to be cradled like a baby 🥺
I know an ostrich that does a lil happy dance every time he sees me 😭
there was this red-legged seriema that was really really shy, but by the end he’d come up to me and take food right from my hand 🥺😭
(he’s okay, he just moved to a different facility 💔)
the little merlin that lets me kiss his little face smdbskks 🫶
one of the parrots I work with makes these whiny little pathetic sounds until I pay attention to him 😭
one of the other parrots I work with will wolf whistle at me to get my attention—
also shoutout to the cockatoo that pressed her beak to my cheek, made a kissy noise, pressed her beak to my other cheek, made another kissy noise, pressed her beak to my cheek—
ALSO I’ve only done it a few times, but feeding the crocodiles is always a super fun activity 20/10 I wish I could do it every day 😭
and last but not least my beloved cat 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 she literally lives on my lap and she follows me around and she loves car rides and she’s so whiny and dramatic I love her sm skshsksjks 😭
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emmalovesfitzloved · 10 months
Can you tell me about Fitzloved?
that's what i first meme when i saw your lovely ask! hahahah
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So its a fandom based on the epic fantasy series that follows for the most part, 2 soulmates, from their childhood all the way to their older years as they grow from friendship, partners to lovers. And I have to admit, the way it's written is almost euphoric. It's utterly lyrical.
So introductions now put aside, 'Fitzloved' is the ship name for "Beloved" (one of his many names) name of the characters and "Fitz". They are the two ongoing protagonists in one of the most respect and wonderful high fantasy series ever created, Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb. They are the main couple shall we say that span the 16 book series. I think a lot describe it as the "mona lisa of fantasy series" within the genre. It's aesthetic is very much evermore meets folklore meets Merlin. Its veryyyyy cozy fantasy and perfect for the season but also the Fall/winter.
The big 5 writers of fantasy rn i have been told are: Brandon's, Robin Hobb's, GRRM (Although he's lost a lot of respect in the community because of his insane hiatus!), Steven Erickson's (Malazan series) and Joe Abercrombie. While you will see with the Cosmere, Brandon is very much straight to the point, prioritises fights, magic system building and very cohesive ensamble casts. Unlike her peers, Robin Hobb on the other hand, is a delicacy. A slowly made dessert that has sweet and salty tastes if you will. And another defining feature is that her series does not involve a massive war at the epicentre of the fantasy plot, which ironically is rare in high fantasy now a days.
Of Cats and Closed Doors by @tragediegh
HOWEVER. The WAY in which i was introduced to this series is kind of dumb and silly, i.e. very me lol. i stumbled across a fiction on ao3 under 'in a the cabin era way' tag and stumbled across @tragediegh's soul-binding, amazing wonderful fiction called Of Cats and Closed Doors that is still ongoing and she updates mostly weekly! At first, not joking i thought it was an original work, but only well into crying, loving, reading, laughing, did i realise when i looked better at the tags it was actually based on ROTE lol. I was new to ao3 that's my only defence :P
And what @tragediegh and Hobb are doing probably tell from my handle, is make literally my roman empire. Like I reread chapters everyday before going to sleep. It's fr fr my safe space. and what i love is the maturity in which they both write, as they create stakes in different ways. She creates a very tangible atmosphere, a world you can touch, the foods cooked, how they smell, and what the character's rely on. From banquet halls, to the wood carvings the Fool leaves behind, the well lit fireplaces, mugs of ale and coffee on the table, through jewels adorned, to how the dragons gleaming like jewels in the sky… it's simply amazing. You get me. There is NEVER a moment where you feel like it's a slog or dull moment. Like I did sometimes while reading the Stormlight Archive or Outlander (those books in their defence, are longer individually).
And like I said, the thing I LOVE the most with how they make us and fall in love with Fool (one of the protagonists) through the eyes of naive and a socially sometimes challenged Fitz. Fitz himself, is the most passionate, handsome, humble hero i've ever read. He is a bastard prince who from day 0 was neglected, abused, unwanted, un-named, manipulated, gaslit just all around most traumatised character one could read. Which most people end up overlooking and resenting bc he is riddled with insecurities (despite him being a hotttie hot chiseled smokie pie that everyone wants to cuffff) and developed unhealthy copying mechanisms that can effect the readability of the main series. Which is entirely relatable. I strongly believe the hero of Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson that everybody loves, is heavily inspired by Fitz in ROTE. In fact I think Brandon said it was one of his fav series.
But really, the masterpiece of this world is obviously the Fool. When I look at the other characters, its a bit like watching a glorious puppet show - I can see how the strings are moving and what the puppets are made of…But not so with the Fool, he is an infinite mystery and creating a character like that is something I`ll never be able to get out of my head. he is other worldly. Put Tolkien fae and beautiful faeries to shame with his grace, elegance, mysticism. His story with Fitz (the other main character) with that @tragediegh and Hobb are doing imo is one of the greatest love stories of all time.
Gender Identity
And I think also, Fool (also known as Beloved to a special someone 😉) is a lgbtq+ individual, and their identity and how they chose to present and address themselves daily (and not address it!) plays a massive role in the ROTE/OCACD overall. It extremely realistic, how it's writen, where for the most part some characters are confused, don't know how to navigate the topic. Which isn't helped by how private and mysterious the Fool remains. But for the most part, is heart warming, as the gender fluidity of the Fool is openly accepted by his mate (YES MATE) with open arms as he accepts it, and it's got me CRYINGGGG as i type this fr....! These characters were created pre-2000's, which just goes to show how timeless these gender questions and acceptances really are i think!
CANON FOR ME swiftie songs that are FOR fitzloved to get a feel r:
ur loosing me
my tears ricochet
invisible string
stay don't go
the lakes
mastermind (YASSS beloved go manipulate ur boy fitzieee ily)
dress (as of chapter 48 and beyond hopefully alkdfjalkdjfj)
and Fitz's song for me for ever will be:
i see fire live and in session by ed sherran (i just feel the literal passion that fitz has through this song not to mention the howl XD)
So yeah, I cannot recommend enough this ongoing story and series to you.
TLDR: Fitzloved is a ship i read myself to sleep every night and cry about how amazing they are XD
Feel free to ask any more questions about them or even my favourite artists that do ROTE work bc ngl this post was 2x as long as i included artistic work but it was getting too long so i decided to leave that for a more specific ask :)) As you can tell i can just dedicate entire evenings singing from the top of these crusty english rooftops how amazing and life changing these two silly beans are. I hope this was enough of a good overview of my love for them and why! :)) Hopefully one day you will give it a go, and i swear your life will be changed for ever ! <333
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mariamakeslemons · 3 months
Chapter 7 (Turned into a Frog and Crushed)
TW: pseudo-animal death
It's always fun to use tried and true magic tropes. Especially to kill a certain Austrian.
Gaz may or may not be sulking in the rec room right now, arms crossed and pout on his face. Soap, however, is absolutely taking the piss out of him.
“It’s okay,” the Scotsman coos mockingly, “Ye don’ need tae see yer love e’ery day.”
“Fuck off with that,” Gaz grouses, pouting harder at the wall. You told him about Ostara coming up and how busy the shop can get.
“I love you, but I need to focus on work before Ostara. Once we’ve passed it, I’ll take you out on a date. Wherever you want to go, I’ll go.” He didn’t necessarily want that promise, but the foot traffic in your shop was picking up already and you were obviously needed by the customers shopping. So, he accepted Price’s new hat (“His name is Price?!” “Yeah, what did you think it was?” “Captain.”) from you and left back to Base. So, here he is, maybe pouting, as he waits for something to happen.
“Wut’s your problem?” Ghost asks, leaning on the back of the sofa Gaz is currently laying on.
“He’s pou’in’ ‘cause he cannae see his bonnie witch,” Soap immediately rats out, yelping when Gaz flings a pillow at the Scots’ head. Ghost just watches as his boyfriend drops from the “attack”, humming while sipping from a water bottle.
“Why can’ you see ‘em?” Ghost asks, acting polite. Gaz immediately feels tomfoolery happening, looking up at Ghost warily.
“…They’re busy with the upcoming holiday,” Gaz eventually answers.
“Pussy,” Ghost immediately states, dodging the second pillow Gaz throws.
“Gaz, pick ‘em up,” Price sighs upon stepping into the room and seeing the pillows on the floor.
“Yes sir,” he groans, rolling off the couch and onto his feet. Picking up one, Gaz yelps and falls over when a sudden burst of smoke appeared beside him.
“Young Kyle, I need your assistance,” Prometheus declares, holding tightly onto a goliath bullfrog as a white cat lounges on his shoulders. The old man explains, “I fear we must act soon if Child is to recover their magic at all.”
“What do you mean?” Gaz asks weakly as Ghost, Price, and Soap all point guns at the old witch.
“Who are you?” Price growls, narrowing his eyes at the old witch. The white cat turns its head to look at Price, blinking once. Its eyes change from that of a feline to uncomfortably human.
“Do not speak to my beloved like that, Jonathan Price,” the cat hisses in the voice of an older man. Without looking, Prometheus taps the cat’s head.
“Merlin, please stop using Allan as a telephone,” he scolds as Gaz chokes. Price drops his gun, obviously thrown at the talking cat and the use of the name of the legendary Wizard. The cat huffs before blinking again, its eyes appearing like a normal cat’s once more. It settles back on his shoulder and watches as Prometheus turns and bows toward Price.
“I do apologize for my rudeness, but I need the help of my apprentice’s soulmate to break the Bond that has been placed on them,” he explains. Soap and Ghost lower their guns as well, looking between Gaz, Prometheus, and Price.
“There’s a way t’ do that!?” Gaz asks excitedly.
“Who are y’ talkin’ about?” Price asks with a frown. Gaz jumps and offers a sheepish grin while Prometheus blinks, as if just realizing the others are still in the room.
“My apologies again,” the old witch offers, “I go by the name of Prometheus, and I am the Child’s teacher. I believe you recently helped them with recovering a certain fool’s body from an extremely dangerous creature.” Gaz sees when everything clicks in his team’s head, as Ghost and Soap relax a little while Price leans forward.
“So, there’s a way to sever the Bond that König forced on them?” their captain asks, crossing his arms.
“Indeed,” Prometheus says, even as the frog in his hand starts croaking loudly, “It will be slightly difficult, however, it is possible with my help along with their cooperation.” He gives the frog a slight squeeze, causing the frog to let out an almost yelp noise, “And, as the bastard that Bound them is not a magician in any sense of the word, it won’t matter if he knows or not.”
“…Wait,” Ghost pauses, before looking purposefully at the bullfrog. Said frog goes very still, seeming to make eye contact with Ghost, before letting out a rapid, terrified series of croaks when Ghost grabs the thing.
“This him,” he states, waving around the obviously distressed frog.
“Of course it is,” Prometheus admits unapologetically, “He’s the bastard that has been stealing magic he can’t even use from my apprentice. Being turned into a frog is the least of his worries.”
“Wait, stealin’ magic?” Soap pipes in, “How’s ‘e able tae do tha’?” Prometheus waves his hand holding said frog, uncaring of the trauma he’s obviously putting König through.
“That is admittedly another thing I wish to ask your help with,” the old man says, “Humans should not be able to take magic, in its purest form, from any magician of any kind. It should convert into energy that the body uses, usually as an accelerate when healing. However, he is somehow pulling the magic from Child without changing it into something he can use.”
“Wut,” Ghost growls, storming over to grab the frog from the witch and lifting him even higher, “Wut did y’ fuckin’ do?”
“Easy, Ghost,” Price tries to soothe, although it’s obvious that he’s not really trying. Honestly, Gaz doesn’t want Ghost calmed, not with the other man’s reaction.
“Capt’n, there’s only a handful ‘f ways f’r magic t’ be stolen. All ‘f them are dangerous t’ the magician ‘n’ illegal in 97% ‘f th’ world. This fuck’s in part of th’ 97%,” Ghost growls, looking like he’s about to slam the frog onto the ground.
“Killin’ ‘m in’nit gonna do shite, Si,” Soap pipes in, “It’s pro’ly gonna get mor’ magic pulled from Gaz’s bonnie.” Ghost hesitates before lowering his hand with a growl. The Austrian takes advantage of the lower height, leaping out of Ghost’s hand to flee to some corner of the room. Prometheus watches with disdain as his familiar hops off his shoulder, stalking the frog around the room.
“Loath as I am to ask, especially with your reaction,” Prometheus begins, “I am curious. How do you know there are such ways?” Ghost freezes, before slowly turning to glare at the old man.
“Fucker tried t’ use me t’ summon a demon,” he growls, “Needed magic from somewhere.” Gaz flinches at that confession, while Prometheus purses his lips. The old witch bows deeply to Ghost.
“I find I must apologize once again,” the old man offers, “For causing you pain, I offer a favor at your disposal.” Ghost clicks his tongue and turns away, focusing more on Soap, who had come over to comfort Ghost. Turning away to offer the couple some privacy, Prometheus requests to Price and Gaz, “I will need to ask that Kyle do a few things, nothing that will injure him, but must be done to entice their magic to want to Bond with him over the frog’s.”
“What’s ‘e need to do?” Price asks, crossing his arms while Gaz glances over at Ghost and Soap worriedly. Luckily, it seems that Ghost is calming down, so Gaz turns back to listen to Prometheus.
“He needs to soak with a few herbs. Basil, catnip, jasmine, lavender, red clover and sweetpea, specifically. It will enhance the natural attraction between soulmates, despite how it will smell,” Prometheus explains as both Gaz and Price wince at the thought of how he’ll smell after soaking. He assures them, “He only needs to soak in those herbs for ten minutes through the week. After soaking, he can shower it off, but it must be ten minutes at least.”
“Got it,” Gaz agrees easily. Prometheus pulls out a bracelet with alternating red crystals hanging from the silver chain.
“You will have to wear this as well,” the old witch instructs, “These are rubies and red fire quartz. It will help the attraction amplify to catch their magic enough to easily shift the Bond to you.”
“What about the Bond they already have with the bastard?” Price asks before there is a loud squishing sound. Spinning around, Gaz sees Ghost staring down at his boot, a cold look in his eye while Soap looks done with his boyfriend.
“Did you just step on the idiot and squish him?” Price asks with a groan.
“…Maybe,” Ghost says, dodging the question without being insubordinate.
“‘E did,” Soap immediately throws him under the bus. Gaz can’t help but snort as Ghost turns and pulls Soap into a headlock. Prometheus sighs and pulls out a small 4 ounce mason jar.
“Do not worry,” the witch assures them, idly unscrewing the mason jar’s lid, “I prepared for this.” As soon as the lid is removed, there’s a sudden sucking noise that makes all of the task force tense. He returns the lid on top of the jar, and a tiny looking König appears in the jar.
“Is that his soul?” Gaz asks, taking a step forward to get a better look. The now-tiny man flips him off, basically confirming that it is König’s soul.
“Unfortunately,” Prometheus sighs, “However, this will allow me to revive him instead of forcing my poor apprentice to do it and give up more magic to this useless walking piss stream.” Gaz chokes at that description, hearing Soap cackle gleefully while Ghost snorts. Price clears his throat, obviously fighting back his own laughter, before turning to the old man.
“Is there anything else you need us to do?” he asks, crossing his arms.
“Just have Kyle soak and keep the bracelet on for a week,” Prometheus instructs, glaring down at the jar before giving it a rather hard shake. The Austrian was likely cursing up a storm in that tiny jar, flopping all over the place. Once sure the bastard was properly abused, Prometheus flicks his fingers at the smear. The frog body is remade, but left empty as the old man scoops the body up.
“I will visit in one weeks time,” he declares, “Do as I say, and we shall be able to break the Bond your enemy has forced upon Child.”
“Got it,” Gaz acknowledges, watching as the old witch nods back and vanishes from the rec room with another burst of smoke. The task force stand in silence, mulling over the strange experience, but feeling lighter. This personal mission is almost done, the light at the end of the tunnel is near.
Poor Private Roach comes in and leaps in shock at the sight of the four of them with cruel grins on their faces.
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theladyofshalott1989 · 6 months
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In honor of the first anniversary of Like Moths to a Flame on Wattpad, here's a smutty one-shot for y'all.
The idea was sparked by an episode of Fellow Travelers on Showtime. It’s a bit of a departure from my usual style, but it was an absolute joy to write. While it's set within the Like Moths to a Flame series, it can be read as a standalone. Enjoy! :)
Mood: “you should see me in a crown” by Billie Eilish
You can read it at the link above OR I have also posted it below (after the cut). Warning: It is explicit!
On the second Tuesday of February in the fortuitous year of 1899, Sebastian Evans-Sallow returned home to a hell of a surprise.
Our esteemed protagonist froze in the middle of the entryway, his hand on the doorknob. Staring slack-jawed at his husband, he somehow managed to form the words: “What in Merlin’s name are you wearing?” His voice cracked very noticeably in the middle of his shocked inquiry, which was deeply unfortunate, but upon deeper reflection, was perfectly understandable. Sebastian hadn’t recalled his voice doing that since he was a pre-teen. He chuckled in spite of himself.
Damien shouted out in alarm, throwing himself clumsily through the nearest doorway. “You weren’t supposed to be home for another half an hour!” He punctuated his proclamation with an exasperated huff. It was, frankly, adorable.
“I wanted to get ready before the event,” Sebastian said, having recovered enough now to enter their humble abode. He shut the door quietly behind him and tiptoed through the hall.
“Well, you need to leave and come back in ten minutes! It was supposed to be a surprise!”
Sebastian scrambled to find a hiding place. Ah yes, one of the bookshelves should suffice. He pressed his torso against the side of the nearest one, finding an angle that would hopefully keep him out of Damien’s line of sight. It was just in time as mere moments later Damien popped his head around the corner of the doorway.
“Sebastian?” Damien called out.
Sebastian didn’t reply. He brought his fist to his mouth and bit down on his knuckle to hold back a laugh.
Damien gradually eased himself through the door. “Bash, did you leave?” Their orange tabby cat, Tabitha, slunk behind him. Wherever Damien went, the cat followed. She was clingy like that. To be fair, Damien also encouraged it.
Sebastian observed his two housemates, his beloved husband and his stubborn feline-child, with bated breath. Tabitha certainly knew he was in the house - the cat was annoyingly observant - but he hoped that she and he had an understanding. If Tabitha didn’t give Sebastian away, there would be treats. Lots and lots of treats.
“He left. Good,” Damien said to the cat, making an attempt to reach down and gingerly pat her head, but failing rather miserably. “Can’t have him ruining the surprise for himself.” He straightened back up. As to why he failed in his cat-patting endeavor? Well, one would if they were unaccustomed to wearing a corset. Which Damien was wearing right at this very moment.
What a time to be alive! What a glorious day to come home early! What a… Damien turned around and Sebastian got a good look at him, not just a side profile, for the first time. His breath hitched. His trousers suddenly became uncomfortably tight. Merlin’s arse, Damien was a bloody wonder. This man could do things to him. How did Sebastian ever win over this alarmingly beautiful man? His husband was absolute perfection.
Was Damien seriously considering wearing a corset, and presumably a dress, to Sirona’s Valentine’s Day ball? Or was this wondrous ensemble just for Sebastian? If it was just for him… they very well might not be attending the ball tonight after all. They wouldn’t have any energy left.
Well, Sebastian would just have to wait and find out. Although how much longer he could wait before he burst, he couldn’t say.
Damien made his way back into their bedroom. Sebastian heard rustling and a string of muted exclamations, although nothing worse than “Blast!" since Damien was a proper gentleman. When he was presumably finished, Damien floated back into the living room in a full dress, lace finish and everything, the full works. It was positively sensational.
Sebastian nearly lost it then and there. He stuffed his fist back into his mouth, this time biting down harder than he intended. And then, Damien spun in a circle. Scratch that, Sebastian was done for. He fell back on his arse with a loud thump. The noise brought Tabitha straight to him - damn cat! - alerting Damien to his hiding place.
“Bash!” Damien exclaimed, placing his hands on his narrower than usual waist. He pouted prettily.
From Sebastian’s vantage point on the floor, Damien looked so different, and yet so ravishing, that he struggled to compose his face. A part of him needed to laugh, quite badly, more from astonishment than ridiculousness, for Damien was too lovely in that baby blue dress to elicit anything but pure joy. The other part of him needed to ravage his husband immediately. That part of him, thankfully, took over entirely.
Sebastian scrambled up and threw himself at Damien. At his sudden movement, Tabitha yowled and bolted from the room. Damien let out a shocked gasp as Sebastian grabbed him by the waist and backed him up against the wall.
“Hello there, beautiful,” Sebastian said, his chestnut-brown eyes boring into Damien’s golden-brown ones. He bit his bottom lip as he analyzed Damien’s reaction.
Damien's eyes widened for the briefest of moments and his lips parted slightly, awaiting an expected snog. His pupils darkened in kind. Damien’s body, which was wedged against the wall, pressing against Sebastian’s, responded as Sebastian knew it would, but the many layers of his dress were stubbornly in the way. Sebastian released his hands from Damien’s waist and dropped down, lifting the dress, but finding it more difficult than he anticipated.
When he finally managed to tame the heavy layers, Sebastian eased back up and, breathing harder than he intended, asked, “Is this ensemble just for me or was it meant to be shared with the rest of the world?” His lips hovered over Damien’s lips, teasing him mercilessly.
Damien moaned before replying, “You, Bash. Only for you.”
Sebastian grinned wolfishly, leaned back in, and made contact with Damien’s perfect mouth. “Good answer,” he replied between kisses. “Top marks.”
They attacked each other greedily, hands exploring each others’ bodies as they were often wont to do. Even though they’d been together for what felt like ages now - Sebastian could barely remember a time when Damien wasn’t his constant, cherished shadow - Damien’s touch was still exciting, electrifying, truly invigorating. The dress was a nice touch though: different, captivating. But it was time for it to come off.
Sebastian abruptly stopped his focused ministrations. Where did one begin? The dress was practically a prison. There were far too many buttons and ties to be practical.
“How did you manage to get this damned contraption on?” he asked as his eyes scanned Damien’s unusually confined frame.
“Well, my dear,” Damien said, “there is this very handy thing called magic. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it.”
"That does ring a bell," Sebastian replied with a smirk, finally finding a series of buttons scattered across Damien's chest that hinted at a potential escape route. “I might have heard something about it in passing.” He began undoing the buttons, planting a kiss on Damien’s bare skin, a light patch of hair tickling Sebastian's nose. 
“I think you have it sorted. Mostly.” Damien provided Sebastian assistance by untying some ribbons on his right side, revealing another slew of buttons that had been hidden under a plait of fabric.
“Ridiculous,” Sebastian mumbled under his breath. With the dress now loosened, he pulled it down past Damien’s hips, and the hefty garment cascaded around Damien’s feet. Damien promptly stepped out of it as Sebastian stripped off his own, far less constrictive, clothing.
Duty done, Sebastian clutched Damien by the shoulders and spun him around, shoving him firmly against the wall once more. Damien tensed very briefly, but quickly relaxed, melting under Sebastian’s grip.
The corset remained on. The hardness of it, the unique sensation of it against Sebastian’s chest, was a new, welcome experience. Sebastian traced his hands up and down the whalebone, stroking hard so Damien could feel the pressure of it, the pressure of Sebastian’s all-consuming desire for him.
Satisfied, Sebastian then nestled his head in the crook between Damien’s neck and shoulder. “Ready?” he whispered.
Sebastian dropped his hand to Damien’s bare arse and squeezed, eliciting a quiet chuckle from Damien’s lips. Sebastian brought his hand back up to his mouth, licked it generously, then brought it down to his cock. He lubricated himself quicker than usual, since he was already practically drowning in pre-cum. Once ready, he declared, “Brace yourself, love,” and entered Damien, thrusting immediately, just as Damien liked.
Damien groaned in appreciation, craning his neck to the side to lock eyes with Sebastian. Eye contact was key, even from this angle. Damien and Sebastian preferred to climax while observing the minute reactions on each others’ faces. Sebastian never ceased to enjoy the subtle wrinkling at the corners of Damien’s eyes, more pronounced now in adulthood, as the pleasure hit.
And with years of practice, Damien could now orgasm in this position, with Sebastian inside him, without even touching himself. Sebastian was still rather chuffed by that fact. The first time it happened, shortly after they were engaged, Sebastian had been so inspired that they spent the entire night in congress. They had been lucky it was the weekend, for in the morning they were so exhausted - having each orgasmed a handful of times - they slept the entire day away. It was one of the best nights of Sebastian’s life.
Sebastian was pulled out of his reverie by the familiar sensation of his cock hardening further inside Damien, building up in anticipation of release. Damien’s breaths came more hurriedly and Sebastian watched as the muscles in his jaw tightened. Damien was close; Sebastian was too.
“Come for me, my love,” Sebastian murmured into Damien’s ear. Damien didn’t hesitate. He came as commanded, moaning with pleasure, his body shuddering under Sebastian. Sebastian followed forthwith, his breath stolen away from him as he reveled in the explosive bursts, sending a shiver of ecstasy down his spine all the way down to his curled toes. Ah, bliss.
Once his wits were somewhat recovered, Sebastian released himself from Damien, then pecked him lightly on the side of his neck. Damien turned around slowly, almost lazily, a dazed expression on his face. Sebastian didn’t blame him. He had once asked Damien to describe what it was like to orgasm without ejaculating. Damien’s response had been astonishing.
“It’s more intense, completely incapacitating,” he had said, a wistful look in his eyes. “Time stops, your face blurs, everything around me turns into a swirl of colors. It’s… beautiful, like a work of art.”
Sebastian hoped that someday he’d be granted such a mind-altering experience, but until that day, he was more than satisfied. He had his health, a wonderful home, and a fulfilling job, but most importantly, he had Damien. Damien—his kindred spirit, the love of Sebastian’s life. Whether clad in a man's or a woman's attire, Damien had the power to bring Sebastian to his knees with pleasure. Figuratively speaking, of course. What more could he ask for?
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wolfstardaughter-jj · 2 years
What's four more?
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Summary: What happens when the beloved Loki the cat goes missing for two weeks. Once he comes back, everyone’s relieved, thinking the chaos was over. But two months later a little surprise pops up on their doorstep.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader, Remus Lupin x Sirius Black
Warning: missing pet
Word count: 2.1k words
A/n: ik it's been about a week or so since this was requested, so sorry it took so long, my exams and projects were being a bitch but now they're over. Also thank you for sending this request, it is honestly such a cute thing that I was really excited to write it, tho I sorta focused more on Loki going missing for a bit.
"Love, have you seen Loki anywhere?" You asked Fred as you entered your room after having spent the last 30 minutes looking through every nook and cranny in the cottage.
Fred, who had been hidden away in your room to brainstorm new product ideas, had just noticed the absence of the very lovable cat. Fred had the tendency to lose track of time when he's busy planning and brainstorming pranking ideas.
"No, I haven't....which is odd."
It was very odd indeed. Anyone who's met Loki, knows that he's a very clingy and lovable cat. Which meant he was either bugging someone for cuddles and head scratches or following you around like a baby duckling. If it's neither of them, then he's probably off sleeping in his favourite napping spots. But even then, when you went to look for him there, he was nowhere to be found.
"Yeah, I checked everywhere. His favourite napping bookshelf, the kitchen cupboards, the laundry room, I even checked the bloody roof for Merlin's sake and he's not there." You ranted as you began to pace back and forth. Never have you been away from Loki this long.
Even when you guys were at Hogwarts, he would always find a way to get to you. Appearing randomly in the middle of charms or greeting you at the entrance of the transfiguration classroom. He never failed to make a random appearance every 30-40 minutes of being apart.
"What if he ran away?" You theorised with a worried look.
"Loki? Run away? Are you daft? That cat would rather face God himself than runaway from you." Fred assured as he got up from his desk and towards you.
"What if he got catnapped..." You suggested, your ramblings only went down hill from there.
Going from getting catnapped to a theory that maybe one one of Voldemort's minions got their hands of Loki and is gonna use him for ransom in exchange for Harry. To which you contemplated on actually giving Harry away in exchange for Loki.
"I mean Harry can handle himself, Loki can't and-"
"Loki just hates strangers so he'd-"
"go absolutely feral if he was placed in that situation-" You only continued Fred's calls as the worrying thoughts began to drown you.
Finally after a few minutes of worry filled ramblings, Fred finally got through to you. You probably would have sunk to the floor if you didn't have him to keep you upright.
"Everything is going to be fine. Teddy and your dads are going to be home before dinner, meaning we still have some time to search around the house and maybe even the nearby places in the forest. When they get here, we can ask them to help us look for him. Okay?"
Fred was trying his hardest to keep you as calm as you could. He knew that if anything were to happen to Loki, you would fall apart. You loved that cat like it was your own child.
You slowly nodded as you tried to slow down your breathing. It felt like your thoughts were going 100 miles per hour and everything was a mess.
You both started to look through the whole house again. It didn't hurt to double check things. Then your search stretched all the way out to the woods by the time Sirius, Remus and Teddy came back home.
When you broke the news to them, they immediately panicked. Sirius especially, he was almost as worried as you were. He himself started frantically looking everywhere around the house and even offered to try and "catch his scent" in his animagus form to try and look for him.
By the end of the night you had ended your search by the lake near the cottage. There was no sign of him anywhere. And it wasn't like you could ask any nearby neighbours seeing as you lived in the middle of nowhere with zero neighbours. Literally miles away from the closest town.
(time skip for 2 weeks)
It's been about two whole weeks since you last saw Loki and you basically lost all hope in finding him. You've left out missing cat posters at the nearby town but knowing Loki, he tends to stray away from crowded places.
Loki was the only pet you and Teddy ever had so it was hard to process it.
You deeply missed him and were starting to wonder about the possibility that he was...dead.
The mere thought brought a chill down your spine and tears to your eyes. You didn't want to think he was dead. Loki was a big part of your world and you loved him with all your heart.
Ever since the moment you found him in that little box that rainy night. You just knew that that little guy was going to be part of your family.
You went out to the garden to rethink possible places Loki could have gone. Even though you and the others have exhausted all options and locations possible. There was still hope he could have gone somewhere and was simply trying to find his way back home.
You sat down under the shade of a tree. You closed your eyes as you took in a deep breath. For a moment, you felt something soft and fluffy land on your lap. You thought you were imagining things but you started to feel the fluffy thing begin to purr and even let out a soft meow.
Your eyes shot open as you realized what it was.
Your scream echoed through the house which called the attention of the two adults and child who were sitting in the living room.
"Is it really you, bud?!?!" You still couldn't believe your eyes but the moment you saw the dark green collar, you knew it was him.
You pulled him into your arms, noting the amount of dirt and twigs in his fur but you didn't mind, you were too overjoyed at the fact he was back to even realise it.
"We've been looking everywhere for you, bud, you can't just run off like that. Merlin knows what kind of mischief could have happened wherever you were." You cooed as you held the black cat tightly in your arms, scared he might run off again.
A head of blue hair poked through the back door. With a wide grin on Teddy's face. His eyes lit up at the sight of Loki.
He wasn't as close to Loki as you were but he adored the cat nonetheless. He ran to you and joined the two of you in a hug.
Then followed a very excited Sirius who nearly tripped on his way out the door and a cheery Remus who chuckled at the sight before he reached the little reunion going on.
Sirius may have not been too keen on having a cat before but ever since Loki entered their lives, he had a change of heart.
“Where the bloody hell has he been?!” Sirius asked as he knelt down and expected the cat.
“I have no idea but it looks like he’s been roughing it for the last few weeks.” You stated as you lifted up Loki’s paws to see his paws literally coated in dirt and mud.
“Poor boy, let’s give you a bath.” Sirius stated as he lifted Loki out of your arms and walked off to the bathroom. 
“See, you didn’t have to worry about anything. Other than the dirt, he looks completely untouched.” Remus stated as he pulled both you and Teddy off the ground.
You nodded your head with a chuckle, “Yeah, I guess you were right. I should go write to Freddie that Loki’s home.” 
(2 months later)
You were going about your day in the Kitchen. You planned on making a cake and Fred volunteered to help out.
You chuckled at the sight of Fred covered in flour, sugar, eggs and some frosting. It looked more like he got most of the cake ingredients on him rather than in the bowl.
You looked a similar way since Fred decided to have a food fight since it didn’t seem fair that you barely had a speck of flour on your apron while he had the entire bag of flour on him.
Your attention was brought somewhere else when you heard a series of meowing coming from the front door.
You peeked your head through the archway to see Loki standing by the door as he scratched on the surface. He looked like he wanted to go out. 
You dusted off the flour from your hands and opened the door for him, but you froze when you looked down at the sight that sat on your doorstep.
“....uh, Fred! Can you come here for a second!” You called out to your boyfriend, not taking your eyes at the scene before you.
Fred rested his hand on your shoulder as he peaked over to the doorstep, “What is it lov- why is there a bunch of kittens and a cat on your doorstep?” 
“I-uh...I have no idea.” 
You looked down at the three kittens and mama cat and saw Loki go up to her and began to cuddle into her side.
“You don’t think….Oh merlin.” You cursed under your breath as you started to connect the dots.
You could even see the little similarities between the litter to Loki. It looked like they were only a few days old. It was a wonder how the mama cat even got them to your front door. The fact that Loki was cuddling into the mama cat said it all. Loki rarely ever goes near other animals. He’s terrified of them.
“Can you call dad and papa…And grab a warm towel too.” You stated as you slowly knelt down and examined the little group.
“Oh merlin, what are we going to do with you lot.” You sighed as you slowly reached out to the kittens. Making sure to check if it was okay with the mother cat.
Once she knew it was safe to touch them, you reached out the three kittens and felt the soft fur.
The mother cat had white fur with grey stripes across it which was quite contrasting to Loki’s black fur.
One of the kittens looked almost exactly like Loki as a kitten. The other two kittens looked more like their mama.
“What is it little wol-”
Sirius nearly dropped the ceramic plate he had in his hands when he saw the litter of kittens.
“What in Godrick’s name is this?!?!” Sirius asked as slowly walked closer to the kittens.
Fred handed you the warm towel before Sirius pushed him out of the way while handing the ceramic plate to Fred so he could get a peak of the adorable kittens.
“Oh merlin, don’t let Teddy see the-” Remus winced as he heard the footsteps coming up from behind him.
“Don’t let me see what?” Teddy wondered as he stood behind the group.
The boy pushed through the group and let out a yelp when he saw what Remus was trying to hide from him.
“Holy guacamole on a tortilla chip, is that what I think it is?!?!” Teddy’s eyes were as wide as tennis balls.
The group chuckled at the boy’s peculiar choice of words. 
“Yes, now move out of the way. We need to take them out of this freezing cold weather.” You stated as you gently carried the kittens into the warmth of the cottage.
As you walked on, the mama cat and Loki began to follow you through the home.
“Are they Loki’s? And if so, can we keep them, even the mama cat? Cause if we can keep them I want to name them. That mama cat should be called Astra, That sounds so pretty. That black one should be Loki 2.0- wait no that’s a horrible name. I’ll get back to him. These other two should be named after Apollo and Artemis- OH! The black one should be Hades! Yes that’s perfect-”
“Don’t get attached, Teddy. We’re not even sure if we can keep them. It’s up to papa and dad, you know that.” You reminded your brother.
Teddy turned to both his dads with so much excitement, you would have thought he was having a sugar rush.
“Pleeeaaase! Can we keep them?” Teddy was going through all the stops. Pouting his lips and looking up at your parents with his “Puppy dog eyes” that he learned from your dear papa.
Sirius and Remus shared a look and for a moment, you could tell they were having a little conversation of their own. After a few seconds the two adults decided on the verdict.
“What’s four more?”
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chronurgy · 10 months
10 characters, 10 fandoms
Thanks for the tag @rowanisawriter!
Tagging: @weavewithshadow, @bhaalsbabe, anyone else who wants to play!
Oooo this is going to be hard because I tend to get really into multiple characters from the same thing, but let's go! In no particular order:
1. Essek Thelyss - Critical Role
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He's a war criminal. He's a prodigy. He's a traitor. He's a time and gravity wizard. He's a heretic in a theocracy where his mother is a living saint. He floats everywhere instead of walking. When the gang asks if they're going to have to kill him, he laughs and says "I'd like to see you try". He crushes someone to death with gravity simply by closing his fist. "My reasons [for treason] weren't good, but they were important". He goes from not having cared about anyone in 120 years to caring so much about a bunch of weirdos in like, 6 weeks. He made his father so mad during an argument that the guy stormed off and died. What's not to love? He makes me so insane.
Honorable mention: Caleb Widogast
2. Anders - Dragon Age
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My favorite chaotic bisexual disaster man. The contrast between awakening anders and da2 anders is so fascinating for me. He's this carefree guy, except he isn't really that carefree, is he? He escapes over and over and over, swimming across the lake even. He hates the circle and hates the Templars just as much, he's just funnier about it. When you start adding up the year in solitary, Karl, the fact that he must have seen all the injuries in the circle as a spirit healer, it starts becoming very clear why he is the way he is. He also sucks! He's petty, he's mean, and he's so up his own ass about how right he thinks he is about everything. But he also runs a clinic for the poorest of the poor, dodging Templars and freeing mages all the while. He does the excellent wizard hubris thing of taking the future into his own hands, even if it kills people (suck my nuts elthina). He loves a romanced Hawke so much, even as he experiences this greater calling. Plus Grey wardens are cool as hell and he loves cats.
Honorable mention: mage!Hawke
3. Merlin - BBC Merlin
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This show manages to be both ridiculous and sad. Merlin is such a happy go lucky, cheerful character at the beginning, then we watch as things just keep getting worse. He cannot seem to win. By the end, that cheerfulness seems much closer to a mask he's desperately clinging to than anything else. He's an expert liar and manipulator, he's a killer, and he's so, so alone. If he ever tells anyone that he's a sorcerer, he'll be executed. And he lives in the shadow of that for years, unable to be himself even with the people he's closest to. Also characters who have their eyes change colors when using their powers my beloved.
4. Daenerys Targaryen - ASOIAF
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I love her chapters - there's so much interesting and human depth to her struggles (even when her struggles are fantastical). She struggles to know how to rule, and rule well. She takes hostages but loves them too much to kill them. She struggles to create and maintain a peace for her people even as that peace asks things of her she cannot bear. She worries what it says about her that her children are monsters and she both loves and fears them. She desperately wants a simple, loving life but is also so, so doomed to never have that. She's a queen and a dragon rider and a young woman trying to understand the world. She's great. (I don't care about the tv show I'm talking books here)
Honorable mentions: Jon Snow, Cersei Lannister
5. Gale Dekarios - Baldur’s Gate
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Oh yeah, another hubris wizard. He's funny and has this easy, good natured charm that makes it possible to ignore that he's an absolute FREAK. He's got one of my favorite wizard traits - a strong ends justify the means streak. He points, very genteelly, at all the ways power and knowledge drive and corrupt. He's a sweetheart but he brags all the time. Except it isn't bragging, because he can back it up. He can really, genuinely, become a god. His relationship with the dark urge also makes me insane, because I think in some ways he's both the clearest eyed about what will happen to them and the one most willing to meet them where they are and also desperately wants to believe they're a good person, even when it's clear that they aren't. His line about how their life is no longer theirs to lead, only to follow to a dark urge who embraces Bhaal is incredible. The diverging paths of who he can become over the course of the game are fascinating and there's so much depth to him. He's great. Oh, he also excuses his cat's crimes. Love that in a man.
Honorable mentions: Enver Gortash, The Dark Urge
6. Camilla Hect - The Locked Tomb
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She's the most composed, controlled, meticulous batshit fucking crazy woman in the world. Unstoppable force vibes. Instead of moving on after her necromancers death she pieced together tiny fragments of his skull and then shared her body with him. She's a genius and she can't let go of her insanely codependent relationship, even when it kills her (but honestly Paul seems pretty cool and I'm excited to learn more about them)
Honorable mention: Palamedes Sextus
7. The Jovial Contrarian - Fallen London
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A little more niche, this one! I sometimes find that characters in fallen london can sort of pale in interest compared to the overall lore and happenings, but the Jovial Contrarian is one of my favorites. He loves arguing and will argue with anyone about anything at any time. If you have regular debating lessons with him, people will hide behind couches rather than face you. He's part of the calendar council and hates the masters but also wants a solution that isn't the liberation of the night. Anytime his name is mentioned you know you're about to read something ridiculous. Fun guy!
Honorable mentions: Poor Edward (incredibly narsty. great villain), The Eagle, Ascendant (they have like, 3 lines of lore and they're all fantastic)
8. Midna - Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
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I remember playing twilight princess for the first time and I just immediately fell in love with Midna. She's snarky, she's mean, her design is cool as hell, and I really loved her arc as she grew to really care about people over the course of the game. She remains firmly the best Zelda companion in my mind.
9. Elim Garak - Star Trek
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You always knew it was going to be a great episode when Garak showed up. He always feels 30 seconds from chewing on the scenery and it is fantastic. He's an exiled spy and maybe a little bit of a monster and he never pretends otherwise. His lines to Sisko in "In the Pale Moonlight," telling him that he must have known what Garak would do, and that if the price of winning the war is Sisko's self respect then he'd call that a bargain are some of my favorite in an episode that already has a lot of really good lines. Aw man I wanna watch DS9 now.
Honorable mentions: Julian Bashir, Captain Picard, Tasha Yar (but wasn't she lame and poorly written? Yes. But young me was extremely taken with this aggressive short-haired woman for reasons I could not articulate at the time 🥴)
10. Morgan Yu - Prey (2017)
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Okay so if you haven't played Prey stop reading right now and go buy it. Don't look up any spoilers or plot or anything just do it. If you liked dishonored or deathloop you'll love it. Now: who IS Morgan Yu? Who WAS Morgan Yu? Are they even the same person any more? How culpable are they? How culpable were they? Part of the reason Morgan is so endlessly fascinating to me is because we'll never know. How integral are memories to the continuity of the self? Why did you do what you did? Did you, the person standing here right now, even do it? The game just delivers gut punch after gut punch to Morgan and I love it and I love them (whoever they might have been).
Overall honorable mentions: the outsider from dishonored, garrus from mass effect, vimes and vetinari from discworld, and all my dnd characters (shout out especially to Hermès Montclair who fucked a dragon, died (unrelated to said dragon fucking), then came back wrong and fucked the dragon again! No one's doing it like you baby)
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adhd-merlin · 7 months
freya !
freya my beloved!! 🥺🥺🥺
she's my "dearest blorbo" because I've thought about her a lot and she's very dear to me. and [keyboard smash] is how I feel when I think about her for too long
I think the real Freya question is – are you more into the cat!Freya aesthetic or the mermaid!Freya aesthetic? I kinda prefer her as the Lady of the Lake tbh 🧜‍♀️
(random Freylin fact no one asked for: it annoys me a little bit when people forget Merlin and Freya kissed twice in that ep not once! and I might even like their second kiss better)
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kallista-dragonsoul · 8 months
Today marks one year since I said goodbye to my beloved cat, Merlin. At the time, I thought that losing him would send me into a downward spiral that I'd never recover from; instead, however it kind of did the opposite: the outpouring of support I got from my friends served as a wakeup call.
Before that point, I was really only vaguely aware of how many friends I had, and I didn't think much about those around me; why would I? I had Merlin! But, once I finished mourning, I realized just how many people around me actually valued me. It was Merlin's last gift to me.
So, as much as Merlin was a little rascal sometimes, I wouldn't be here without him. I love him dearly, even now, one year after his passing. Rest in peace, my beloved Merlin; your memory will always be my greatest blessing.
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soulmatebracket · 1 year
Hi ! Could you post a list of who has been submitted so far ? (With the number of submissions for each if possible)
If that's too much work i completely understand and humbly request to know if more that one person (aka me) have submitted Obi-Wan and Anakin
[Disclaimer‼️ Just because a pairing has three or two votes does not mean that they are automatically going into the bracket. Pairings with 1 vote might also make it in if I like them enough. We will not be starting arguments over if they should or should not have made it in.]
Totalling at 235 submissions so far!
Will be in the bracket:
Usagi Tsukino & Mamoru Chiba, Sailor Moon, IIIII (prelims)
Sailor Senji, Sailor Moon, III (prelims)
Link & Zelda, The Legend of Zelda, IIIIIIIII (prelims)
Link & Zelda & Ganandorf, The Legend of Zelda, IIIII (prelims)
Link & Fi, The Legend of Zelda, I (prelims/bc i like this ones)
Inuyasha & Kagome Higurashi, Inuyasha, IIII
Aziraphale & Crowley, Good Omens, IIIIIII
That Guy and Their Cat, Real Life, IIIII
Homura & Madoka, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, IIII
Eleanor Shelstroph & Chidi Anagone, The Good Place, IIIIII
Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk, Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint, IIIII
Captain Kirk & Mister Spock, Star Trek, IIII
Naruto Uzumaki & Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto, IIII
Grian & Scar, The Life Series, IIIIII
Submission Box
Three Votes:
Breekon & Hope, The Magnus Archives
The Doctor & The Master, Doctor Who
Xie Lian & Hua Cheng, Heavens Official’s Blessing
Hawkman & Hawkwoman, DC Comics
Doctor Doofenshmirtz & Perry the Platypus
Meliodas & Elizabeth, Seven Deadly Sins
Ash & Pikachu, Pokemon Anime
Two Votes:
Sakura & Syaoran, Cardcaptor Sakura
Wei Wuxain & Lan Wangji, Mo Dao Su Shi, II
Utena & Anthy, Revolutionary Girl Utena
Judai Yuki & Yubel, Yugioh X
FitzChivalry Farseer & Beloved/the Fool, Realm of the Elderlings
Yusuf “Joe” Al Kaysani & Nicolo “Nicky” Di Genova, The Old Guard
Finn the Human & Jake the Dog, Adventure Time
Sakura & Syaoran Li, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles
Eiji Hino & Ankh, Kamen Rider OOO
Gon Freecss & Killua Zoldyck, Hunter x Hunter
The Entire Cast of Phineas and Ferb, Phineas and Ferb
Harrowhark Nonagesimus & Gideon Nav, The Locked Tomb
Daniel & Luce. Fallen
Gilgamesh & Enkidu, The Epic of Gilgamesh
Kaidan Alenko & Commander Shepard, Mass Effect
Raleigh Becket & Mako Mori, Pacific Rim
Adrien Agreste & Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Miraculous Ladybug
Bebop & Rocksteady, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Katarina Claes & Sophia Ascart, My Next Life as a Villainess
One Vote:
Mieczyslaw Stilinki & Lydia Martin, Teen Wolf
Spiderman & Deadpool, Marvel Comics
Beavis & Butthead, Beavis and Butthead
Obanai Iguro & Mitsuri Kanroji, Demon Slayer
Emma/Melinda & Dimitri/Edred, Unicorn: Warriors Eternal
Dean & Pharm, Until We Meet Again
Kaiou Michiru & Tenou Haruka, Sailor Moon
Zunzite & Zoisite, Sailor Moon
Phoenix Wright & Miles Edgeworth, Ace Attorney
Witch of Delays & Cure Oasis, Tropical Rouge Pecure
John Doe & Arthur Lester, Malevolent
Hani & Hinino Yamato, Hiraeth: The End of the Journey
Dream /Morpheus & Hob Gadling, The Sandman
Adachi & Shimamura, Adachi and Shimamura
Edward Nygma & Oswald Cobblepot, Gotham (2014)
Zelda & Ganondorf, The Legend of Zelda
Reginald Copperbottom & Right Hand Man, The Henry Stickmin Collection
Henry Stickmin & Ellie Rose, The Henry Stickmin Collection
Jonny D’Ville & Gunpowder Tim, Mechanisms
Merlin & Arthur, Merlin
Vash & Knives, Trigun
Siren & Kappa, Castle Swimmers
Ruby & Sapphire, Steven Universe
Om Kapoor & Shanti Priya, Om Shanti Om
Solane & Sym, I Was Teenage Exocolonist
Will Herondale & Tessa Gray & Jem Carstairs, The Shadowhunter Chronicles
Agent 3 & Agent 8, Splatoon 2
James Sunderland & Maria, Silent Hill 2
Macaque & Sun Wukong, Lego Monkey Kid
Tang Sanzang (reincarnated as Tang), Shah Wujing (reincarnated as Sandy), Zhu Bajie (reincarnated as Pigsy), Ao Lie (ancestor of Mei), and Sun Wukong (ancestor of MK), Lego Monkey Kid, Journey To The West
Nadja & Gregor, What We Do In The Shadows
Catherine Foster & The Ghost, Archivist Wasp
Kaworu Nagisa and Shinji Ikari, Neon Genesis Evangelion
Kiryu Kazuma & Majima Goro, Yakuza / Ryu Ga Gotoku
Red & Blue, This is How You Lose the Time War
Church & Tex, Red vs Blue
Rand al'Thor and Ishamael/Moridin, Wheel of Time
Birgitte Silverbow and Gaidal Cain, Wheel of Time
Beryl and Sapphire, Beryl and Sapphire
Kiana Kaslana & Raiden Mei, Honkai Impact 3rd
Banjo & Sento, Kamen Rider Build
Orpheus & Eurydice, Greek Mythology
Odysseus & Penelope, Greek Mythology
Emet Selch & Hythlodaeus & Azem, Final Fantasy XIV
Yona & the Four Dragons (Ki-ja, Shin-ah, Jae-ha and Zeno), Akatsuki no Yona
Akane Kurashiki & Junpei, Zero Escape
Ryo Asuka & Akira Fudo, Devilman
Zagreus & Megaera & Thanatos, Hades
Megatron & Optimus Prime, Transformers
Emma Swall & Killian Jones, Once Upon A Time
Rumplestiltskin & Belle, Once Upon A Time, I Snow White & Prince Charming, Once Upon A Time
Percy Jackson & Annabeth Chase, Percy Jackson
Buttercup & Westley, The Princess Bride
Orchid & the Moon Supreme, Love Between Fairy and Devil
Blake Belladonna & Yang Xiao Long, RWBY
Ozma & Reincarnations, RWBY
Raava/The Avatar Spirit & Wan/The Avatar, Avatar: The Last Airbender
Johnny Silverhand & Vee, Cyberpunk 2077
Newt & The Brain/Alice, Pacific Rim
Dr. Strange & Dr. Christine Palmer, Marvel Comics
Bill & Ted, Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Lucifer & God, Abrahamic Religions
David and Jonathan, The Bible
Mickey Mouse & Minnie Mouse, Disney
Cinderella & Prince Charming, Disney
Dean WInchester & Castiel, Supernatural
Essek Theylss & Caleb Widogast, Critical Role
Lup Taako & Barold "Barry" Bluejeans, The Adventure Zone
Taako & Magnus Burnsides & Merle Highchurch, The Adventure Zone
Steve Rogers & James “Bucky” Barnes, Captain America Films
Mane 6, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Raven & Lloyd Allen, Shaperaverse
Nijigasaki High School Idol Club, Love Live Nijigasaki High School Idol Club
Shinichi Kudo & Ran Mouri, Detective Conan
Kusuriuri & Kayo/Chiyo Nomoto, Mononoke
Shun Shimotsuki & Hajime Mutsuki, Tsukiuta
Nanami Momozono & Tomoe, Kamisama Kiss
Red & The Boxer, Transistor
Yvaine & Tristan, Stardust
Jayfeather & Half Moon, Warrior Cats
Time & Fate, The Starless Sea
Sappo, Fragment 147
Obi-Wan Kenobi & Anakin Skywalker, Star Wars
Ichabod Crane & Abbie Mills, Sleepy Hollow
Aragon & Arewn, The Lord of the Rings
Will Turner & Elizabeth Swan, Pirates of the Caribbean
Tom & Jerry, Tom & Jerry
Bugs Bunny & Daffy Duck, Looney Toons
Batman & The Joker, DC Comics
Akira Kurusu/Joker & Akechi Goro, Persona 5
Mytho & Ahiru, Princess Tutu
Dazai Osamu & Chuuya Nakahara, Bungo Stray Dogs
Koh & Canalo, Ryusoulger
Gai & Juggler, Ultraman Orb
Sonoi & Momou, Donbrothers
Haruka & Saruhara, Donbrothers
The Scooby Doo Gang, Scooby Doo
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rebeljyn · 2 months
Your top 10 ships
Ok be warned this changes a lot for me lmao also I don't think I can put them in order that's too hard😭
Jyn/Cassian from Rogue One - of course my beloved rebelcaptain living happy and peacefully inside the habitat I built for them in my brain
Annabeth/Percy from Percy Jackson and the Olympians - childhood classic for me, I didn't know who I want to be in this relationship because I want to be both
Vel/Cinta from Andor - Just... The lesbians of all time I'd die for them I want more of them in Andor season 2, it's a MUST!!
Merlin/Arthur from Merlin - they were in a gay tragedy, truly doomed by the narrative
Poe/Finn from the Star Wars Sequels - they deserved more in so many ways and one of them is that they deserved to make out with each other
Batman/Wonder Woman from Justice League Unlimited - I was obsessed with them as a kid, probably one of the first ships I ever shipped lmao they were so down bad for each other but Bruce was being annoying about it😭
Korra/Asami from The Legend of Korra - seriously they're so cute together I love them so much I wish Nickelodeon had let the producers make them explicitly canon in the show but at least they got to do it in the comics😔
Han/Leia - they are the blueprint for couples who love each other so much but are always bickering and it's so good I love them so much fjejdkek
Eraserhead/Present Mic from Boku No Hero Academia - They're literally black cat + golden retriever ok they've been together since high school they've been married for years
Kuronuma/Kazehaya from Kimi Ni Todoke - I will love this anime forever it's my one of my favorite animes ever and I'd die for these two they're so fucking cute
Thank you for the ask!🥰
Ask me my "TOP 5/TOP 10" anything!
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tirralirralirra · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
Tagged by @togaki-kun and @pancake-surprise! Thank you for the tag, apologies that I'm so behind, lol.
you're made of memories you bury or live by (haikyuu!! skts, amnesia fic)
My first public fic and something I ruminated on for many, many months. I particularly love some of the side character interactions. Sequel forthcoming, but when...don't ask...
People Will Say We're in Love (haikyuu!!, skts, meta on fandom, love and other twitter disasters)
Is this my most read/liked/kudos/bookmarked fic. Yes. Is it silly meta about twitter and fandom? Yes. Do I still love it anyways? Yes. You might not know this about me but I'm a sucker for good meta, especially about fandom, especially when it was crack inspired by a musical. Fun fact: I originally intended to write this fic for the Merlin fandom over a decade ago, but never worked up the courage to write fic then.
dearly beloved (haikyuu!! skts, travel fic, sappy af)
This probably borders on purple prose for some people but idc, it has a piece of my soul in it. It's a love letter to sakuatsu, atsumu, and loving someone through the old and the new. (Also I really tried to balance the prose so I think it's pretty banger anyways)
love me, love my dog (haikyuu!! skts, dog sitting fluff)
If I told you how many dog-centric fics I have written or still plan to write, well, let's not get into it. I love dogs. I love dogs as a device for getting together in weird, wonderful, fluffy ways, hairballs and all. This one is not based on any media that I know of (original to me—a fair number of my fics are inspired by other things or references to something) so I'm particularly fond of it.
TWO BOYS ON A SHIP (to say nothing of the cat) (dgs/tgaa, asoryuu, fix-it fic, sort of)
Besides the absolute banger title (that, yes, is based on a real book title), this fic is near and dear to me because I had a blast writing it and it was a rare time when pieces of the plot fell into place neatly as I wrote it. Anyways, it's my favorite characterization of Ryuunosuke and Kazuma's relationship, and answers a lot of questions for me that I didn't know I had until I was writing them. I still intend to write the continuation, but that's an entire dgs rewrite, so it's low on the docket for now.
Sorry I don't think I have any other writers I know on here that weren't already tagged (?) or I'm perhaps not mutuals with (excuse my poor memory if otherwise). So go ahead and do it yourself if you want!
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