#zuko x watertribe girl
frost-queen · 1 month
My mortal flaw // part 6 (Reader x Zuko)
Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly @denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn, @iixchloee, @cherrysxuya, @zhochikennugget,
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Summary: Reaching the city of Ba Sing Se, Zuko hopes his sister wouldn't find him here. When you get mistaken for Katara, an unfamiliar boy wages his presence in your life to the dislikes of your prince. How will the great city of Ba Sing Se work out for you? [ part 1  & part 2 & part 3 & part 4 & part 5 & part 7]
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Iroh was fanning himself, craving for some water… or tea for that matter. Up ahead he saw his nephew pushing forwards. It wondered Iroh, how Zuko could go so long without something to drink. Not able to take another step, Iroh stopped, leaning against a rock. Puffing loudly from walking for almost days now through the Earth kingdom.
“Let me help you.” – you said, jogging up to him from behind. Barely having any strength in your legs as well. The weight of travelling for days on foot without much food or water heavy on you. Joining his side, you moved his arm over your shoulder, to keep him upright. Iroh waved his hand at you, letting you know it was alright.
Iroh nearly sunk through his knees as you kept him upright with all your might. – “Perhaps we should rest.” – you suggested helping him gently down. Iroh exhaled deep sitting against the rock. – “Get up!” – Zuko’s voice startled you. He stared at his uncle, having walked back. – “Zuko surely we can…” – you began gesturing at him.
Immediately silenced by him. – “I said up!” – Zuko cut through. The rest of your words swallowed back in. Iroh was already making his way to get up as you had enough of it. – “No!” – you called back. – “We’ve been walking for days now without proper food or water.” – you reminded him. – “Give us a moment.” – begging as you approached him.
“We don’t have a moment.” – Zuko replied, gesturing behind you. Without any other words, you knew what or rather who he was speaking off. His sister Azula. Ever since he knew she was hunting him down, he had been fixated on moving forwards. If anyone allowed him, he’d track the entire length of the Earth Kingdom just to stay way ahead of her.
Reaching for his hand, you clasped your hands around it, lowering his arm. – “I know you worry, but look at your uncle.” – you told him, forcing him to take a look. Zuko shifted his gaze from you to his beloved uncle. Seeing him puff to catch his breath. – “Give him a moment… that is all I ask for.” – surely the sympathy for his uncle would make him fold.
Zuko closed his eyes with a soft sigh. – “We’ll leave in three.” – he outed pulling his hand away. You bowed your head to him out of gratitude. Turning around, you rushed back to Iroh. Kneeling before him as you took out your flask. Taking the top off it, you offered him the little water it carried. –“No… I cannot take this.” – Iroh said, knowing it didn’t hold enough for the three of them. Shaking your head, you didn’t want to hear it. – “Take it Iroh. I’m not thirsty anyways.” – you lied to not make him feel so guilty.
You offered him the flask once more. With a little persuasion, he accepted the water. Drinking the little from it with some guilt. Iroh gave you back the empty flask as you putted it away. – “Can you go a bit further?” – you asked him, wanting to be sure he was strong enough to continue the journey. Iroh nodded. You made some way for him, getting up so there was room to help him up to his feet.
You dusted Iroh’s clothing, taking him by the arm afterwards. – “One step at a time.” – you told him. Iroh smiling back at you. Zuko waited for the two of you to join him before taking the heavy lead again. Forcing a way through the Earth kingdom with nothing but trees, rocks and ground around for miles. You so hoped you’d encounter a little village soon, just to have a proper meal and sleep.
You were relieved, feeling blessed when you finally saw the city rise on the horizon. It gave you so much strength, you could practically run to it. The three of you walked through the city gates worn out. Iroh looked curiously around. – “I know this city…” – he said taking an observing eye. – “Ba Sing Se.” – he finished.
It made you widen your eyes a bit, having read so much about the great city of Ba Sing Se in books. Never being able to visit it. In truth when you still lived with your tribe, you weren’t able to visit much things. Never going further than your own tribe. Now you were seeing the world with the fire prince you were promised too. All in pursuit of the Avatar. – “Now where can we eat?” – Zuko asked, secretly being hungry for a while too. Iroh chuckled when he heard Zuko’s stomach grumble. Iroh motioned for the two of you to follow him.
You noticed Zuko looking wary over his shoulders. Placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, seemed to startle him. – “She wouldn’t dare come here. We’re save here.” – you reassured him. Zuko took your hand from his shoulder, holding it for a few seconds before he let it drop at your side once more. – “For now.” – he replied, going after his uncle. Taking a deep breath, you waited a second before going after them. Iroh and Zuko walking into a place.
You were about to head in as well, feeling a sudden hand on your shoulder, put you to a stop. – “Katara.” – a male voice spoke, turning you firmly around. The gesture made you gasp. The boy blinked surprised, then his expression faltered. – “I’m sorry… I thought you were someone I know.” – he said lowering his hand on you. – “You mean Katara?” – you asked seeing him nod.
“You…you kind of … I thought…there aren’t many water tribe girls walking around the Earth Kingdom.” – he told you with a chuckle. It made you look down at your own clothing. They had been through hell, but they were still significant Water tribe clothing. – “If you know Katara, then you must know the Avatar?” – you asked thinking back of when you first heard that name. Kyoshi island. Where the Avatar’s friends nearly ripped you away from Zuko.
Thinking you might be a prisoner, when in fact you aren’t. The boy quirked up an eyebrow at you. – “Do you know where he is?” – you wanted to know. Just curiously, not even sure if you would give the information to Zuko if he did tell you. – “Why so curious about him?” – the boy curled up a smirk. You smiled sheepishly back at him, pulling your shoulders up.
Hoping it didn’t came over as obsessed. The boy than laughed loud. – “I was only teasing. So not Katara what are you doing so far away from your tribe?” – he asked slipping an arm over you. – “First of all, it’s Y/n. Princess to you” – you told him with an elbow punch to his stomach. 
The boy felt the air being sucked out of his lungs, coughing, holding a hand on his stomach. – “Second that is a long story I’m not sharing with you.” – you finished crossing your arms. The boy chuckled again, straightening his posture. – “Royalty. I see now.” – he laughed out. – “The name’s Jet, princess.” – he dramatically bowed before you, making you roll your eyes at him. Jet looked all smug at you. – “Shall I treat your highness to a meal?” – he asked speaking so annoyingly sweet.
“I will provide my own meal.” – you told him, remembering your company. Looking over your shoulder, you wondered why anyone hasn’t started missing you. Surely one of them must have come to look? Shaking the awful thoughts away, you turned around, seeing Jet fall in line with you. – “I will eat alone!” – you called out, shutting the door behind you. The establishment was not overcrowded. Looking around, you searched for your company.
You sighed disappointed, seeing them sit in the corner, already enjoying their meal. Making your way over to them, you came to sit in front of them. – “How sweet to wait for me.” – you said with a sarcastic undertone to Zuko. – “It’s getting cold.” – was the only thing he replied. Too busy slurping his soup with noodles.
Sighing softly, you picked up the spoon letting it swirl in the bowl. Your gaze got drawn to the doors, seeing them open. Seeing Jet enter almost made you spew your soup out on Iroh’s face. Coughing loud, you nearly choked as Jet made eye contact with you. Looking questionable at the company you were with. Zuko gave you some hard slaps on the back to settle down.
Pushing his hand away, you watched Jet come to sit at a table, giving him enough clearance to stare at you. – “Yuk.” – Iroh’s disgust pulled your attention away. – “This tea is cold.” – Iroh said trying to get the taste of his tongue. –“Just drink up old man.” – Zuko replied annoyed, not caring one bit about tea.
Iroh wrapped his hands around the cup. You watched, blinking in wonder as there emerged a warmth from the tea. Eyes widened as you knew Iroh had just heated the tea up in his hands. He blew the steam away before taking a careful sip. It made you look around, hoping no one had seen it. The last thing you wanted was another chase.
The three of you stepped out, fully satisfied. Now all you wanted to do was rest and sleep for days. Iroh was mumbling to Zuko, probably about looking for a place to stay as you followed behind them. Mindlessly looking around at your surroundings. – “Y/n!” – you suddenly heard, eyes widening as it only could be Jet. You turned around, seeing Jet jog up to you. Iroh and Zuko turning curiously around as well.
“I mean princess.” – Jet teased once he was near you. Zuko looked over at his uncle, trying to get some validation that what he was seeing was true. And not some hallucination. – “Are those your protecters?” – Jet motioned with his head at Iroh and Zuko behind you. – “I mean as a princess I figure, you must be protected well.” – he curled up a smile as you laughed sweetly.
Zuko took an annoyed step forwards. Uncle Iroh quickly grabbing him by the arm, pulling him back. Zuko stumbled back, looking confused at his uncle before slapping his hand off. – “No, they are my…” – you paused, not sure how to phrase it. Shaking your head, you didn’t want to go further into detail, not wanting to risk revealing any identities.
“I can show you around? Are you looking for a place to stay?” – Jet asked ruffling his hand shyly through his hair. Zuko looked disgusted at Jet’s gesture. – “We are. Do you know any good places to stay?” – you asked feeling a sudden pull on your arm. Stumbling back as Zuko stepped in. – “We’ll find our own place.” – he made clear with a glare. Jet took a step closer to Zuko, getting toe to toe with him.
“Where I come from, we show princesses more respect.” – Jet said, angering Zuko. Both men glaring at each other. – “She has my respect.” – Zuko made clear. Jet scoffed. – “Clearly.” – he answered smug. Zuko felt his anger boil, wanting to throw hands with him. – “Nephew.” – Iroh said to break things apart. Zuko huffed annoyed, turning round as he grabbed you firm by the wrist.
Pulling you away. Jet took out his sword. – “Hands off her.” – Jet shouted as Zuko paused at the subtle sound of Jet’s sword getting pulled out. Zuko turned glaring at the sword pointed at him. – “Let her go!” – Jet called out. – “Don’t worry princess, I’ll show you respect.”
You stared between Zuko and Jet. – “Let’s… let’s settle down. There is no need for swords.” – Iroh started. – “Shut up old man.” – Jet shouted, silencing him. – “Don’t tell him to shut up.” – you answered bothered at Jet’s tone. You stepped away from Zuko, coming to stand in the middle of them. Zuko wanting to pull you away, but you slapped his hand away. – “You should be treated with respect.” – Jet told you, taking a step back, yet his sword was still up pointing at you.
“You should be taken care of. By somehow who treats you right, princess.” – he finished. – “Like you?” – Zuko shouted with mockery at him. It made Jet clench his jaw. – “Clearly he doesn’t!” – Jet shifted his sword towards Zuko. Zuko inhaled deep, readying himself to launch at Jet if Iroh hadn’t stopped him. Stopping him by his shoulders. – “Enough!” – you called out losing your patience. You were too tired to handle this.
Not wanting to spend another second with these bickering men over respect, you walked off. Iroh coming quietly after you, not wanting to stop them any longer. Jet lowered his sword, gazing at your departure. He got startled when Zuko was up close with him. – “Leave my betrothed alone!” – he threatened before going after the two of you. Jet blinked stunned.
Iroh found a place to stay. A room shaped like a square. On three sides there were beds, curtains pulled before them for privacy. You went straight to one of the beds, pulling the curtains behind you. Zuko sat down annoyed in the middle of the room. His uncle joining him across from him. Iroh set his freshly set cup of tea down on the low stand between them. One look of his uncle, made Zuko sigh loud. – “I was civil.” – Zuko snapped at his uncle. Iroh quirked his eyebrow up. Communicating in silence as he knew how to handle Zuko.
Zuko sighed loud placing an elbow on his knee, chin resting on his knuckles. – “Who was he even?” – Zuko called out annoyed. – “How did he even know Y/n? Y/n’s never been here. Where did he even meet her?” – Zuko said bothered to his uncle. Whining about the fact another boy knew you. – “And the nerve he had.” – Zuko slammed his fist on the table, startling Iroh as it nearly spilled his tea.
Iroh quickly picked his cup up to protect his tea from any further stomps. – “Are you perhaps jealous nephew?” – Iroh casually spoke. – “No!” – Zuko replied, slamming his fist again on the table. – “Why should I be jealous? She is my betrothed. I’m not jealous over some guy taking an interest in her. She’s not going to abandon the agreement for him.” – Zuko let out clearly agitated.
“Then why are you getting so worked up over him?” – Iroh asked knowing just how to nudge his nephew just that little more. – “He’s a guy!” – Zuko shouted getting up annoyed. He stormed over to his side, pushing the curtain out of the way. Iroh chuckled amusingly.
Laying down on your bed, you smiled bashful, having heard it all. Jealous Zuko was something you never thought you’d encounter. Here he was getting all worked up over Jet. It didn’t take you all to fall asleep. Having been too tired to go on for any second longer. Day making way for night. Sudden noises made you wake up from your slumber. Moving restless in your sleep.
The noises getting louder as it made you jump up. Afraid it might be anyone to rat you out. Getting out of bed, you moved the curtains aside. Seeing the room was empty. Both Zuko and Iroh’s curtains still closed. Taking a calming breath, you ventured into the room. Sneaking out to see what those noises were. With one last glance at the others, you left the room.
Sneaking your way into the corridor to where the noises were coming from. Getting closer to it. Hearing it come from just around the corner. Ready to peek around the corner and be faced with the noises. A sudden grip on you, made you spin rapidly around. A hand getting pressed against your mouth to deafen out any screams. Eyes widening as he brought a finger to his lips, shushing you. Jet.
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unfriedough · 3 years
'Lee' - Zuko x fem!reader
Masterlist <3
An: GOOD DAY FRIENDS. Today I present to you: Zuko one shot! But uhhh there’s some backstory - I haven’t written, though maybe in the future I'll write it lol, but for now, here’s a shortened version.
Yn met Zuko during his stay in ba sing se. She knows him as Lee, but she also knows that he’s struggled with doing good, because eventually he trusted to tell her his problems, and she wanted him to do good so yeah. I’m not entirely sure if this made sense and yeah, author OUT!
After Zuko joins the gang, he notices they have an extra tent. Curiosity gets the best of him, and things happen.
Word count: 1579 words.
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The night he joined them, he noticed that he was the only one situated in a room, all the others had set up tents surrounding the blazing campfire. They sat around said campfire eating, and, for obvious reasons, he joined them. As he ate this “one-of-a-kind” meal, he tuned out their conversations, which were something about Sokka’s boomerang? He utilised this time to scan his surroundings, Zuko often found himself doing this, although he wasn’t sure why. He surveyed each and every detail of the environment, going as far as to count objects.
“6 tents?” he pondered, “Aang, Katara, Toph, Sokka, Suki, and-”
“EARTH TO ZUKO!” Sokka yelled.
Zuko immediately jolted back to reality and shrunk under what felt like a thousand eyes burning into him.
“You okay man?”
“Y-yeah I-I just,” he stuttered, before shaking his head, “nevermind.”
Sokka just shrugged and went back to animatedly storytelling to the group.
The moon was now at its peak in the seemingly endless skies. Zuko had caught himself - on multiple occasions - thinking about that tent. “Who could it be for? Momo? No, that wasn’t even an option. Maybe one of the newer people: Chit Sang? Teo? The duke?” Zuko racked his brain for a logical explanation, but alas, it was to no avail. He had refrained from asking, in fear of confrontation - however he needed answers. He looked around to see Sokka’s tent still lit up, and made his way towards it, practically dragging himself every step of the way.
The blue tent had a golden light’s hue emitting off of it. He knocked on a stone near the front of the tent, silently praying that Sokka would be asleep. Sokka poked his head out abruptly, causing Zuko to flinch slightly. The watertribe boy tilted his head, quietly questioning Zuko's appearance here.
“I need to ask you something.” Zuko said bluntly.
Sokka cocked a brow and signaled for Zuko to enter the small confinement. Zuko hesitated but ended up going inside anyway.
After the teens had settled in the tent, the room had been radio silenced, until of course, the firebender spoke.
“So um Sokka,” He cleared his throat, looking everywhere but at the figure opposite him, he tended to avoid eye contact when nervous.
“Yeah?” Sokka replied with an encouraging smile.
“I noticed there were 6 tents and well 5 people that sleep in tents, and uh Katara going into the sixth tent quite often,” He rambled.
“There are in fact 6 tents,” Sokka nodded. He knew what Zuko meant, but he thought it was funny watching Zuko ramble.
“Is there another person in the group?” Zuko blurted out.
Sokka pondered for a minute, a frown settling on his tan skin.
“Uh yeah, It’s another girl, Yn, but she’s kind of hurt right now so Katara’s healing her.” He gave a forced smile.
Zuko decided not to push it.
“Ok thanks, have a good night.”
“You too!”
Resting in his room, Zuko questioned the familiarity of that name.
The sunlight elegantly flowed into Zuko’s fairly empty room, the thought of socialising already draining the awkward prince. Although he didn’t wanna leave the comfort of his bed, he needed to train Aang - that much was obvious. Begrudgingly, he got up and lightly fixed his hair, and by ‘fixed it’ I mean ran his fingers through it a few times, simple - but it worked. The door gilded open at Zuko’s pull and he walked out - slightly blinded by the harsh lighting. He made his way over to the group, who were enjoying breakfast with a side of playful bickering. Zuko smiled to himself, although he wasn’t really close with them, their relationship with each other was just too wholesome.
“Just in time Zuko!” Aang exclaimed, his grin extending from ear to ear.
Zuko gave a light smile and couldn’t help but wonder, how can someone be so optimistic when the weight of the world lies on their shoulders? The prince was handed a bowl of (unappetising) food, which he took gratefully, mustering out a ‘thank you’.
After a long and painful breakfast, the firebending duo wasted no time. Aang and Zuko were training tirelessly at the temple, moving in sync to their newly learned dance, and using the surge of power provided from the sun.
“What do you think they’re doing over there?” Aang whined pointing to the rest of the group whilst attempting to catch his breath.
Zuko shrugged. To be completely honest, he wanted to know, but he wouldn’t let his childish curiosity get the best of him.
“They look like they’re having fun.” The avatar sighed, he wanted to have fun too!
It was true, his friends were giggling non stop and being extremely loud. Aang tried to convince the firebender to allow him to go, and after a lot of convincing, he was allowed to go. The air nomad practically sprinted, meanwhile an annoyed Zuko trudged behind him.
Upon arriving, Aang joined the group’s joy. Zuko gulped as realisation hit him at the speed of light. His eyes widened as someone approached him, someone he recognised. Yn.
Zuko’s heart sank, and it sank deep. When they locked eyes, it seemed as if the rest of the world faded into nothing but a blur, and it was just them. The cheers of the crowd faded into background noise as Zuko bit back tears.
Katara’s POV: (Yes ik this seems random bUT bear with me)
I felt the tension rise between Zuko and Yn, maybe unresolved drama? I pushed that thought, and decided to move the group away, to give them some space to talk. Although, I wasn’t too keen on leaving her alone with him. I nudged the group over to the fountain, and we sat at the edge of it. I wanted to keep a close eye on them, but Aang convinced me to let the thought out of my head. I hope nothing goes wrong.
Back to your regularly scheduled program ;)
“Hey, Lee,” She smirked.
He couldn’t help but stare. She had grown so much since he had last seen her. Her arms were coated with sleeves of bandages. Zuko’s body was washed over with guilt.
“I should’ve been there, I should’ve helped, none of this would’ve happened if I hadn’t been so dense - so dumb, so-”
His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a giggle, a laugh so sweet and innocent sounding - he could listen to it for all of eternity. His gaze fell upon her as she smiled at him. A smile that caused him to melt, a smile that shone so bright it made the sun jealous, a smile that could convince him to realign the stars for her, a smile that made his stomach form a tight knot, her smile.
“Sorry, you just looked so cute when you were deep in thought,” she apologised.
Zuko’s smile was replaced by a slight frown, he had been brought back to reality, and he knew what needed to be done.
“Yn, I am so sor-” His voice cracked, he couldn’t stop the tears anymore, they threatened to fall, stinging his Amber eyes.
Immediately he noticed her face become more serious, and he braced for impact - whether that be physical or emotional. He shut his eyes tight and hung his head low, he deserved what was coming for him.
He felt two gentle hands rest on his shoulders, and someone’s chest against his. The firebender’s eyes fluttered open and he saw her there, holding him. He let himself enjoy the hug, before she pulled away slightly, wiping away stray tears from his face.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for,”
“What matters is that you’re here now, doing good,”
And his heart felt full, nothing could have made this moment better -
“Can I kiss you?” Zuko said before he could process the thought.
“I ruined the moment,” Zuko mentaly beat himself up.
“Sorry, I DidNt -” His words came out jumbled, and before he could dig himself a deeper grave, a pair of soft lips landed onto his. It took him a second to understand the gesture, but he eagerly returned the kiss, deepening it. The pair stood there, losing themselves in a sweet kiss.
Eventually, they parted, both in desperate need of air. As they panted heavily, Zuko stared at Yn, she was just so pretty. She looked back at him, and caught him staring. He tried to play it off, but this teenager’s pink tinted face gave him away. She giggled at the sight, before giving him a quick peck on the cheek. She whispered into his ear:
“Let’s keep this a secret for now,”.
A shiver was sent down Zuko’s spine, and a smile appeared on the boy’s face as he nodded excitedly.
She turned around and walked back to the group, hoping they didn’t have to witness what had just happened. Little did Yn know, Zuko’s eyes never left her. He was just so amazed by everything she did, that he forgot to move. His face followed her with admiration, before she turned around and cocked a brow.
“You coming?” She yelled.
He scrambled to collect himself before going back to the group, a dopey smile adorning his face for the rest of the day.
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An: Hope you enjoyed this story, See ya!
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sokkascroptop · 4 years
traitor. (sokka x f!reader) pt 8
part 1 | part 7 | part 9
A/N: seems a bit anticlimactic when we all knew it was going to happen. I hope y/n learns that she isn’t the burden. Anyways, here it is. 
Y/N bit her lip to stifle a snicker, she heard Azula do the same on her right. Y/N felt a twinge of sadness for what she had done. Here she was, laughing with her friends like she’d done nothing wrong. 
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The Earth King had welcomed the four of you, no questions asked, into his court.  The disguises were working and for once it felt like things were going in your favor. Y/N knelt at the foot of his throne with Azula, Mai and Ty Lee, as King Kuei recounted all that happened. Y/N had to admit, he was a little dramatic as he gestured around wildly, so much that he was constantly pushing his glasses up his nose. Y/N was surprised the bear didn’t take his hand off when he came too close. 
“You couldn’t have come at a better time. My most trusted advisor Long Feng and his Dai Li agents tried to take control of Ba Sing Se from me.”
Azula shook her head. “It’s terrible when you can’t trust the people who are closest to you.”
Blood rushed in Y/N’s ears like the thumping of drums. Surely Azula wasn’t talking about her? Right? No. No, she didn’t know. She couldn’t know. Y/N was careful when she gave Suki that fan. It was just a coincidence that The Earth King had just been betrayed by his long time friend and close confidant at the same time that Y/N had done the same thing to Azula...
“–luckily the rest of the Dai Li are absolutely loyal to me, and we haven’t had a problem.” Kuei leaned over to pet his bear on the head. “Isn’t that right, Bosco?” he placed a kiss on the bear’s nose. 
“Ew,” Mai muttered beside her. 
Y/N bit her lip to stifle a snicker, she heard Azula do the same on her right. Y/N felt a twinge of sadness for what she had done. Here she was, laughing with her friends like she’d done nothing wrong. 
The Earth King gave the girls a separate house to stay in while they were there. It was next door to the palace but Azula was happy for it; it was outside of any prying eyes and ears there might be. 
Ty Lee and Mai were seated at the large vanity cleaning their faces of the thick greasepaint. Y/N was on the balcony looking at the stars, and Azula was pacing and plotting behind her. Their faces were already scrubbed bare, having raced to the mirrors first. 
“We have come across an extraordinary opportunity girls.” Azula drawled as she approached Y/N. 
“Mai finally gets to wear makeup that not totally depressing?” Ty Lee giggled. 
“Ha. Ha.” Mai glared at her and then held her cloth out to Y/N. “Please come get this off my face.” She demanded. Rings of black circled her eyes and she still had white paint on the tip of her nose. Y/N brushed past Azula–who went to stand where Y/N was before and wiped gently under Mai’s eyes. 
“I’m talking about conquering the whole Earth Kingdom,” Azula said as she stared out at the palace grounds. All three girls jerked their heads around to stare at her. 
“For a hundred years, the Fire Nation has hammered away at the walls of Ba Sing Se from the outside. But now we’re on the inside and we can take it by ourselves.”
“Gosh, you’re so confident. I really admire that about you.” Ty Lee gushed. Mai and Y/N looked at each other and simultaneously rolled their eyes.
Azula continued. “From the inside we’re in the perfect position to organize a coup and overthrow the Earth King. The key is the Dai Li. Who ever controls the Dai Li, controls Ba Sing Se.”
“How do you know?” Y/N asked. She reached for Mai’s chin and continued wiping her face. 
“The Dai Li work as a team. They wouldn’t be divided in who they were loyal to. I bet that Long Feng still controls them from prison.”
“So what’s your plan?” Mai asked.
“Glad you asked.” Azula’s gold eyes glinted dangerously in the light. 
Ty Lee and Mai both had said good night and went their rooms about a hour ago. But Y/N couldn’t make herself get up and leave. She laid on the floor of Azula’s room on her back, staring at the wooden beams above her. It didn’t matter how tired she was or how much she wanted to sleep in a bed, once her head hit the pillow, sleep would evade her. Guilt would poke at her until her head ached and the sun was rising. 
She wished she had a way out. A way to leave Azula and the girls and go back home without getting in trouble, but she knew couldn’t have both. She couldn’t leave and still be friends with them. There way no easy way for her to tell them either. The only way she could leave is if she snuck away. 
“I appreciate you coming with me,” Azula said from the balcony. She rested her head on her hands and looked out at the earth kingdom, land that she was about to claim for the Fire Nation. 
“I wasn’t aware I had a choice in coming.” Y/N replied. 
“You didn’t. Still. It’s much better to be doing this with friends at my side.”
“Yeah,” was all Y/N said. 
“I trust you, explicitly.” Azula turned from the balcony and towered over Y/N.
Y/N rolled to her feet. “Yeah?” She was taller than Azula, but she always felt like she was looking up to the younger girl. There was a little skip in Y/N’s heartbeat. That... was unexpected.
“I know that you would do anything I asked you for.”
“Azula I–” Y/N bit her lip. She held back everything she wanted to come flowing out of her. Azula, I’m leaving. Azula, I’m sorry. Azula, I didn’t mean to hurt you. Azula, I love you.
Instead Y/N asked something safer, but had the same heaviness about it. “Azula, why does everything fall to you? To us?”
“Because whose else could do it?” Azula narrowed her eyes. “Zuko is a failure. Iroh is a failure. Everyone fails. Except for me. Taking Ba Sing Se will be the first of many victories I will take in my father’s name.”
Y/N didn’t know what to say to that. She just nodded like she understood. She kind of did, her father always needed proof that she was good enough too. But he was nothing like Ozai. 
Y/N packed her bags that night. She didn’t have much, just a few changes of clothes, her sword and her armor. And then she sat there. All night, awake staring at nothing until her eyes burned with sleeplessness; until the sun peeked over the horizon. 
Then she painted her face and got dressed in the Kyoshi warrior dress and pretended that she didn’t mean to leave at all. Because that was just who she was. 
Y/N was a coward. And she hated herself for it. She could feel her soul being ripped apart at the idea of staying. But she wasn’t strong enough to stand up for herself and she wasn’t strong enough to leave. She was loyal to Azula. So she was going to do the only thing she knew how to at this point, and it was conform; obey.
Hearing what Azula had to say last night made her feel worse that ever. Azula had said she trusted her, and that meant a lot. She sometimes showed that she lay trust in Y/N, but telling her? Someone who was normally so headstrong and independent admitting that she was putting her faith into Y/N; she could tell it was difficult for Azula to admit. 
They sat in the throne room laughing. Their plan was going to work. The Dai Li had heard Mai and Ty Lee talk about being from the Fire Nation while Azula and Y/N hid in the shadows. They slunk off to tell their boss quickly after that. Azula was going to take Ba Sing Se for the Fire Nation and Y/N couldn’t say she wasn’t happy for her friend. This was something that her father would be proud of. Y/N’s dad would be proud too, and if he told her that, Y/N was sure that she wouldn’t stop smiling for a week. 
It felt weird to follow along with their plan and laugh and joke but she cared for these girls. There was no doubt about that. They were her family, and the last thing she wanted to do was hurt them. She had pushed away that pesky guilt before, she could do it again for their sake. 
The door opened with a bang. The watertribe girl they’d been after, came running in, a flying lemur was perched on her shoulder, chattering noisily. 
“Oh, thank goodness you’re here, Suki!” the waterbender was looking directly at her. Y/N touched Suki’s headband self-consciously. 
 “Something terrible is going on. The Fire Nation has infiltrated the city. I just saw Prince Zuko and his uncle! We have to tell the Earth King right away!”
Y/N let in a sharp intake of breath. Zuko was in the city? Iroh was alive? She looked to Azula who was already walking towards the girl. 
“Oh don’t worry. I’ll be sure to let him know.” 
Something changed in the girl’s face. She didn’t look comforted by the sight of them anymore, she looked scared. Something about Azula had tipped her off that they weren’t the real Kyoshi warriors. She turned like she was going to make a break for the door but Ty Lee was already there, chi blocking her. 
The waterbender fell to her knees in front of them, her arms hanging limply, and uselessly at her sides. The flying lemur had taken off, leaving at the first sight of danger. 
“So Zu-zu’s in the city too? I think it’s time for a family reunion.” Azula stood over the girl. “So while we’re dealing with Uncle and Zuko. What are we going to do with you? Y/N?”
“Yes?” Y/N stepped forward and stood next to Azula. The watertribe girl gave her a look that could kill. 
“I want you to kill her,” Azula murmured.
“What?!”  Y/N looked at her incredulously. That was not something that Y/N would do. 
“ I want the Avatar, not some water tribe savage. She is in my way. Take out your sword, and do as I tell you.” Azula was amused even as she said it. 
Y/N wanted to drop to her knees. Azula knew. She had to know everything. Y/N was not a master at lying, she never had been but she thought she was hiding her torment well enough. As the realization dawned on Y/N’s face, a smile lifted on Azula’s. 
“Don’t be so caught up on the killing part, Y/N.” Azula reached up to touch Y/N cheek but she jerked away. “You already killed all of those Kyoshi warriors.”
A tear slipped down Y/N cheek. “No…”
“You thought I didn’t know about that?” Azula threw her head back and laughed. “I know everything about you. I know when you’re nervous, when you’re scared. You haven’t been able to look at me since. It was obvious.” She pointed at the water tribe girl. “So do what you’re meant to do and maybe I can find the strength to forgive what you’ve done.”
Y/N didn’t know what Azula expected her to do. This was never part of the plan. None of this was. These were all just schemes that Azula made up along the way to give her something to win at. If this is what loyalty was, Y/N didn’t want that. This was not something you asked of your friends. This was a game to Azula. A test to see the kind of person Y/N could be. And Azula acted like she already knew the answer. 
“What?” Azula growled. Y/N had shocked Azula and herself. She had shocked everyone in the room. Y/N was Azula’s lap-dog. She didn’t tell her no, nobody did. 
She couldn’t force herself to do it, not for anything. The alarm bells that had been tinkling before, were ringing full force in her ears now. “I won’t kill someone that doesn’t deserve it. It’s not right.”
“I’m not asking for your opinion on the morality of murder. You need to learn your place!” Azula’s voice was dangerously calm. It was worse than if she had been shooting flames at her. 
Y/N was the complete opposite. She was enraged that Azula would even suggest she kill for her. “If this is my place, then I don’t want it! I don’t want this! We were the ones who attacked them in Omashu. We have been chasing them. They have only defended themselves against us. I think that makes us the bad guys, Azula!” Everything was spilling out now. “If you want her dead, you can kill her yourself.”
“Where do your loyalties lie?” She asked it slowly, mockingly, through her gritted teeth. It was her. It had always been her. Except for now it wasn’t. 
“They used to lie with you.”
Smoke rolled out of Azula’s nose as she tried to control her breathing. Control was what she was all about. Controlling those around her but also controlling herself. She’d never let anyone know that she was spiraling because of the words that came out of Y/N’s mouth. 
Azula never took her gold, piercing eyes off of Y/N. “Mai, take her sword. Ty Lee, get the Dai Li and have them escort the savage and the traitor to the crystal caves below the palace.” Her voice shook with anger.
“You were my friend,” Azula spat in Y/N’s face. 
“Friends don’t order their friends around like their personal guard.” Y/N wasn’t sure where the surge of confidence came from. 
“I chose you. You betrayed me.” And Y/N thought Azula might cry there in front of her. That word–chose–used to mean so much to Y/N. It used to feel special, Azula never used it to describe anyone else. Now, Y/N knew why. Now, it just felt like an insult, a kick while she was down. 
“I choose me.”
Y/N didn’t look away. Not like she might have done a few months ago. Not when Mai stripped the belt that held her sheathed sword off of her, not when she forced her to kneel in front of Azula like she was a prisoner and not an old friend who had come to her senses. Y/N was done. She was free. But now she felt more trapped than ever. What had she just done?
A/N: I added some things this morning. I think I’ve read it so much that words have lost all meaning. I hope you like it! ❤️
Taglist: @myexgirlfriendisthemoon​ @reclusive-chicken-nugget​ @astroninaaa​ @bubblebars​ @beifongsss​ @crownofcryptids @welovediaaxx​ @littlefluu @lozzybowe​ @thebluelcdy​ @kellllybeans​ @sugarmoongey​ @fanficdepot​ @teenbiology​ @13-09-01​ @riespage​ @davnwillcome​ @naanlianid​
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sokkas-honour · 4 years
dream boy: part 3 - sokka x reader
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pairing: sokka x fem!reader
request: part 3 was requested by @missmorosis
wc: 2.7k
notes: i’m terribly sorry if it may seemed a bit rushed or not exactly consistent but i personally liked the way it ended. also this is the final part, i might make an epilogue if i actually finish everything i need to do.
part one | part one 1/2 | part two
sokka wasn’t able to see you until monday, purposefully ignoring all the texts from yours friends, not wanting to know if sokka actually told them what had happened or if he had decided to keep it to himself, either way, you were better off just staying off your phone until school started. you only unlocked your phone to text zuko back and even then you didn't always have the courage to do so.
you had made sure to wake up early in order to not cross paths with the watertribe boy, his sibling or just any of your friends until you absolutely had to, preferring to simply distance yourself from the others. of course you couldn't avoid them forever, you had over half of your classes with at least one of them, two of those being with sokka, the guy who you especially didn't want to see, history and gym. gym would be easy to avoid him in, you had become acquaintances with this lovely girl called jin, whom you also shared your math class with, you could just spend the whole period with her and avoid him. your real problem was going to be history. your teacher, mister kuzon, had informed the class that there would be a group project on any cultural aspect from the water tribe, and he had chosen the groups. the chance of you actually being paired with sokka was miniscule but the universe hadn’t seemed to be going easy on you lately.
and much to your dismay, the universe was in fact against you. when your history teacher’s voice had posted the groups, your heart had started racing as you approached the board to see the pairs, your heart was racing in fear and it dropped when you saw the name y/n next to sokka.
after being asked to sit next to your partner to get started, you stayed silent as you plopped down on the chair next to the boy who you were still trying to avoid, staying silent and keeping your eyes in front of you.
“are you going to work with me or is it going to be a silent treatment the whole time.” he questioned, turning to face you, arm hooked around the back of his chair as he looked at you desperately for any sign of you acknowledging his presence.
“i was thinking we could talk about the differences in the cuisine in the north and south.” you mumbled, chin on your hand as you kept your gaze on the board in front of you, ignoring the boy who was still searching for an answer.
“yeah, sounds good.” sokka sighed, giving up on receiving a straight answer from you. he turned back in his seat, disappointment radiating off of him, making you bite your lip in guilt. you shot him a glance from the corner of your eye as you saw him discreetly take his phone out to open the notes app but before you could see what he was typing he turned to face you, catching you right in the act.
“uh, saturday at your place?” seemed like the only logical way out of the embarrassing situation you had just walked into, still not breaking the staring between the two of you. you felt your heart speed up a bit at the extended eye contact, not having looked into his blue eyes in awhile, the last time being before you stormed out of his house after your confession.
“sounds good.” he offered you a small smile, happy to see that your attempt at a cold shoulder was somewhat backfiring, knowing that you couldn't avoid him forever. he let the stare linger a bit before turning his attention back to his phone and you quickly snapped back to your notes taken during the class. thanking yourself for not letting the stupid smile heat your cheeks up, now all you had to do was finish the class with a not so uncomfortable silence between the two of you.
the bell didn't take too long to ring before you had to move onto your next class which was the one you detested the most, science. courage surged through you as you waved goodbye to sokka, earning a bright smile back from the boy before you dashed out of the class. to anyone, that might have seemed rather pointless that you felt as proud as you did, a wave goodbye was considered an act of politeness, but that had been the first time you had really addressed sokka in any way since the unplanned confession. he had probably realised that as well, giving a reason for the sudden bright smile on his features.
you practically sprinted towards your science classroom, holding your books tightly to your chest to not let them fly out of your grip. you hoped zuko was already there, knowing he’d want to hear the rather big step you’d just taken in repairing your friendship with your childhood friend. you were surprised that the thought of slowly getting over him in order to just be friends had slipped your mind, remembering that this morning you didn't want anything to have to do with him for the rest of your life, wanting to just stay away from him to not ignite anything in you, but you were slowly realising it was ridiculous to throw away the friendship for your unrequited crush. you two may not be as close as before but you could still stay friends, you could still hangout with him without feeling like your heart was shattering every moment you’d meet his beautiful ocean eyes.
“zuko!” you called for him as soon as you spotted the back of his black haired head, whipping his head around to greet you with a grin, happy that you weren't ignoring him like he thought you might, considering your answers to his texts were rather sporadic and vague.
“happy to see you’re alive y/n.” he joked as soon as you caught up with him, both of you walking at the same height as you entered the room, taking a seat next to each other as you always did, even when the two of you werent as close as you were now.
“i think i’m ready to fully start moving on.” you announced, taking a deep breath before letting him know of your future plans, determination in yours eyes and tone as you felt set to move on from your crush.
“really? i'm surprised it didn't take longer.” his eyes grew a bit at your proclamation, not expecting to hear you say those words this early, thinking he’d have to see you distance yourself from everyone for weeks but it only took a day or two, making him slightly septic at how long you would actually last with your new resolution but nonetheless he was proud of you.
“yeah well i’m kind of stuck with sokka for a history project and i figured might as well start moving on from him. i still want to be friends with him.” you explained, taking your science homework out so you were prepared whenever the teacher would come on in.
“i’m proud of you y/n, its very mature of you.” he placed his hand on your shoulder, sincerity in his tone lifting your spirits up at the thought of repairing whatever damage you might’ve caused and the thought of the damage you were avoiding by taking action now instead of later.
saturday rolled around and you had managed to have some sort of small talk with sokka during your classes, still deciding to spend your lunch period with jin instead of your usual friends but it was a start to where you thought you would be saturday after you left. you had stopped eating with your friends a little over a week ago, opting to spend time with the lovely girl from your math class. you had had trouble sleeping friday night, scared of going to sokka’s house and falling back to where you started, back to square one, back in love with a friend who was already taken by a lovely girl.
your feet felt rather heavy as you walked down the familiar path to his house, bag with a your notebook and history course around your shoulder as you retraced the steps you had followed almost everyday during that particular summer, always going to sokka’s house to entertain yourself while school was out.
you first lingered in the air above the door for a couple of seconds, taking a deeo breath in to calm your nerves before you finally knocked. it didnt take long before it was opened, sokka with an eager smile on his lips was who greeted you behind the door.
“finally, you shouldve been here an hour ago!” he lamented jokingly as he moved out of the way to let you in, causing you to roll your eyes at how dramatic your friend was.
“sokka, im five minutes late.” you deadpanned, hastily taking your shoes off, leaning against a nearby wall for support.
“exactly!” he exclaimed, his voice cracking slightly and suddenly you felt as though nothing ever happened, as if your feelings had never come to make you want to change whatever relationship you had with him, simply feeling as though the two of you were just friends.
“really sokka? dont you reme,ber when i waited an hour for you outside in the freezing cold in the woods so we could make a campfire together? or that time where we were late in eight grade because someone accidentally put on ripped pants? or-”
“alright i get it.” he held his hands up in defeat at your inquisitive look, knowing you were only joking around with him to make him feel slightly guilty for all the times he had been late.
“my dad made seaweed noodles for us to eat while we work, hope thats okay.” shoving his hands in his pockets, waiting to see you reaction at the mention of one of your favorite dishes that he’d always insist his father to make you whenever you’d come by.
“no way!” you dashed into the kitchen, leaving sokka by himself at the entrance, surprised at how fast the two of you had seemed to ease back into things and some part of it seemed to good to be true but he was happy to have you back.
“wait for me!” he called for you, spending slightly to join you. a reminiscent smile on his lips as he watched you excitedly poor yourself a bowl, knowing where everything in the hous ewas from it practically being a second home for you during all those years.
“you’ll have to say thank you to hakoda.” you told him as you eyed the noodles, your stomach rumbling as you brought it to the table, it had been too long since you had eaten his father’s cooking.
“y/n, you havent even eaten it yet, how do you know its good?” he laughed as he watched you carefully bring the bowl to the dinner table, trying to get to it as fast as you could but still making sure to not let any of the broth spill out.
“because your dad’s seaweed noodles are the best!” you defended your previous statements, taking a seat as you waited for sokka to make his own bowl and bring chopsticks for the both of you. the watertribe boy nodded, slightly mocking you in his own playful way. while you waited for him to rejoin you, you took out the notebook you used for your history notes and grabbed a pen that was sitting on the table.
you scribbled down the title of your project and tapped your pen, impatient waiting to be able to dig into your steaming hot dish.
“have any ideas for the presentation?” sokka startled you slightly, coming from behind you to lean over your shoulde to see if you had written anything but he was met with a blank page.
“no, now get me my chopsticks idioy.” you shoved his head away, earning a protestful ‘hey’ from him as your brought your hand back to wram themselvbes on the bowl.
“here.” he placed the chopsticks next to the bowl before making his way around the table to sit in front of you, slowly blowing on his soup to cool it down.
“took you long enough.” you teased before you grabbed them to pick up some of the noodles, cooling them off with your breath before shoving some of it into your mouth. sokka started laughing at how quickly you engulfed the noodles that his father had spent the morning making.
you flipped him off, not caring at how ‘unlady like’ you might’ve looked but it had been forever since you had tasted his father’s seaweed noodles, during winter it was a staple food for whenever you would spend the night but since the weather had gotten warmer and you had grown more distant, it had been a hot minute since you had a traditional dish of the southern water tribe, something you’d most definitely use in your comparison of the different cuisines.
“before we start, i wanted to talk to you about something.” sokka brought his hand down, deciding not to eat just yet but rather address the elephant in the room.
“yeah?” you knew where this was going so you finished chewing what was in your mouth and swallowed, keeping your eyes on the food as you wiated for sokka’s question.
“so where do we stand, us? i mean two days ago you stormed off, after weeks of us not actually talking and now it feels like everything is fine. i just want to make sure that you’re okay.” you took a deep breath in, knowing this was coming, knowing you had to confront your feelings upfront now and not just push whatever you were feeling down, hoping it didnt blow over one day.
“if im being honest sokka, i like you, still, but i want us to be friends. im happy to see that suki makes you happy, but it might take some time for me to get over you so we might not ever be as close as before for my own sake but im willing to try my hardest to fix anything i mightve broken in the last couple of weeks. because i love having you as a friend and no matter how much it wouldve hurt to be with you before, i still missed my best friend.” you slowly lifted your head up, pouring out what was your mind without any filter, letting him know where you stood, sincerity written on your features as you wiated to see sokka’s reaction.
“that sounds good, whatever works for you. just happy i dont have to lose my oldest friend” he finally answered after silence settled between the two of you, letting your words settle and let him process your new confession.
you smiled back and then the two of you turned your attention back to the noodles, the two of you practically inhaling the food as the only sound was the muching of the seaweed and the slurping of the soup. a nice moment shared between two friends.
“you know, theres still girl that i just know you’d like.” sokka was the first to speak up, a small tease in his tone as he tried to set you up right after you told him you were trying to move on from him.
“sokka.” you threatened, not wanting him to go down whatever road he was about go down to, you finding it to be the wrong moment to bring this up.
“i’m just saying i have yue’s number if you want it!” he recoiled on his claim, but made sure to name drop the girl he supposedly thought was perfect for you. blood rushed to your cheeks at the mention of his ex girlfriend from middle school, rmebering how beautiful you thought the white haired girl was and how you had a small crush on her while they were dating.
the boy in front of you simply laughed, feeling content at where he now stood with his friend since kindergarten. he was your dream boy, but maybe not in the way you first thought. he was the boy of your dreams but not all dreams need to be romantic.
general taglist: @draqondance @biqherosix @sunnypluto @butterfly-skinnylegend @staygoldsquatchling02 @yuesallura
atla taglist: @welovediaaxx @ilovespideyyy @missmorosis
sokka taglist: @firelady-jay
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royalblue-star · 4 years
the boiling rock- zuko
Y’all this turned out to be a lot longer than I excepted, but I couldn’t help myself. Thank you if you read through the whole thing:)) 
Pairing: Zuko x Firebender! Reader
Summary: When the reader arrives at the Boiling Rock, she quickly becomes part of an elaborate plan to escape. And reunites with an old friend.
(Not my gif)
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The gondola ride to the Boiling Rock was so tense that you could cut through it with a knife. You stood in the corner of the machine surround by criminals of the Fire Nation and the leader of the most recent invasion, Hakoda. You glanced over at the guards stationed by the entrance to the gondola. They were deep in their own conversation, perfect.
"Sir," you whispered to Hakoda.
After a moment of silence, you gathered that he was blatantly ignoring you. So, you tried again.
"Sir, please."
"What?" He whispered harshly back.
You should've excepted the ferocity of his tone because you were from the Fire Nation, but it hurt none the less.
"I just, uh, wanted to say that your plan to invade the Fire Nation was brilliant, and... I'm sorry that it failed." You paused, taking a deep breath. 'I was rooting for you."
This caught Hakoda's attention. You? Clearly, someone from the Fire Nation, hoping the invasion of your own nation succeeded? The man looked at you firmly, trying to understand you. You looked out of place among the other prisoners. So, how did you get there?
"Who are you?" He asked.
"(Y/N), sir. I was on Ozai's war council, one of his best battle strategists. I tried to convince the other council members that there wasn't an invasion, but Azula had found out about it as well."
"You were trying to let the invasion happen?"
"Yes, sir."
Hakoda looked bewildered. First by the fact that Ozai would let someone as young as you on his council. And second by how willing you were to betray your nation.
"Oh, so many reasons." You grimaced. "The Fire Lord is a monster."
You glanced over at the guards again, they were still deep in conversation, but you were approaching the prison quickly. You had to shoot your shot. Hakoda was probably the only person at the prison who could help you.
"Sir, I'm trying to come up with an escape plan, and I understand if you don't trust me-"
"(Y/N)," He cut you off. "I'll make sure you get out of here safely."
Letting out a sigh of relief, you replied, "Thank you."
Suddenly the gondola stopped, and the doors opened. Outside in the yard, the Warden and a few guards stood waiting for your arrival.
Across the yard, Sokka, Suki, and Zuko stood anxiously waiting for the new prisoners to arrive.
"Who's that?" questioned Suki. She was pointing at you as you were pushed out of the gondola and into line with the other prisoners. Your head was down, making you look even smaller among the rest of the group. Zuko followed Suki's line of sight and gasped when he laid eyes on you.
"That's (Y/N)."
"Who?" Suki inquired further.
"She's the one who helped me escape on the day of the invasion! My father must've found out that she played a part in it." He watched as you were roughly led away from the Warden and towards the inside of the building. "We have to get her out with us."
"What! Why!" Exclaimed Sokka, who was confused as to why they would have to add another person into their escape plan. "You might've changed, but she might not have!"
"You don't know her, not like I do. I offered to take her with me, but she refused. She said, 'You need an ally on the inside, Zuko. I'll be working from within.'"
"She's coming with us."
You grunted as your body connected with the stone floor of your cell. Laughter from the guards that had led you there came from up behind you.
"You used to be one of the brightest minds in the Fire Nation. The Warden even admired your war tactics. Now, look at you. You're here, washed up and broken. It's sad." One of the guards sneered.
The door slammed shut, and you were left in the dark of the cell. A hot tear rolled silently down your face. 'You did the right thing by helping Zuko. You chose to pay for this price.' You thought, wiping the tear away.
Zuko and your relationship were always special. The two fo you were practically inseparable when you were young. The prince would steal you away from Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee so he could play with you. You didn't mind, he was more fun to be around anyways. But as the two of you grew older, it became harder to find time for one another.
Zuko was the Fire Lord's heir, and you were a general's daughter. While he was learning how to rule, you were learning the ins and outs of war. The two fo you did, however, learn to firebend together, but that was only for a short period each day. So, the two of you agreed to meet in secret during the night. Over time you developed a crush on the prince, and soon the crush turned into love. And love quickly became a secret.
Outside your door stood a nervous Sokka. Zuko and surprisingly, his father, had made it clear that you were to be involved in their escape. But he was skeptical due to your previous position in the Fire Nation. Reluctantly, he pushed the door to the cell open and quietly slipped inside.
You shot up from your place on the floor at the sight of him. But, there was something off about this guard. He came off as a new recruit, but that was obviously not the truth.  
"What do you want?" You growled, stepping back into an offensive stance.
"Uh, are you (Y/N)?"
This caught you off guard. It became clear that this "guard" was in fact, not a guard. There was something else at play here.
"Who's asking?" It was meant to come out as a question but ended up being more aggressive.
"My dad told me that you were escaping with us. I'm Sokka." He left out Zuko's name on purpose. He wanted to see your reaction. He wanted to see if you'd still help them without the prince.
"You're Hakoda's son?"
"He came up with a plan fast." You remarked, impressed by the older man. "What is it?"
A small smile grew on the Watertribe boy's face, and he began to fill you in on the details. Occasionally you would ask questions or drop in suggestions to improve things, but mostly you let him talk. He seemed to be like you in a sense that he had a mind for strategies. He was very clearly a diamond in the rough, but he was finding his shine. The two of you didn't have as much time as you would've liked to discuss the plan.
"Look for me in the yard once everyone is let out." He rose from his place on the ground and reached over to open the door and leave.
"Wait!" You said suddenly, jumping up from the ground. Sokka stopped and turned to look at you. It's a good plan, I think it just might work. You did a good job, thank you."
He wasn't able to hide the shock on his face, and instead of thanking you, he just nodded.
Once the door to your cell flew open, you were out of there in a flash. You bolted to the courtyard, pushing through all the hundreds of other prisoners. There were so many of them, how were you ever going to find Hakoda or Sokka? As you navigated through the growing crowd, you heard your name being faintly called. You turned to see Hakoda waving you over to where the rest of the group was.
"Hey," You said, running over to them. There was a girl that you hadn't met standing with them, but she looked familiar. Then it clicked. "Are you one of the Kyoshi warriors?"
She looked taken aback, "Yes, I'm the leader, Suki"
"That's so cool! I love your group, I think what you all do is amazing!" You marveled. She smiled at you as a form of gratitude, and the two of you quickly developed a mutual understanding of one another.
"This is it!" Called Sokka as he ran up to us. "We have to start a riot."
"Okay, but how do we do that."
Your eyes widened. This was a basic detail, and they forgot it. You bit your tongue to hold back the remarks that were threatening to spill.
"I'll show you." Smirked Hakoda. The older man made his way over to another prisoner and shoved him. And it failed, obviously.
You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed, you were going to have to think quick.
"This isn't working," Sokka stressed.
"Yeah, no kidding." You grumbled.
"Do you have any better ideas!"
"Planning things was my job, of course, I do!" You retorted. You turned around to survey the courtyard. These were mostly Fire Nation prisoners, and the good majority were probably firebenders. And that meant one thing: Pent up anger. It was a known fact that the Warden didn't treat anyone here with any respect, so that was a common source for revenge among the prisoners. And to add fuel to the fire, everyone here must be incredibly bored. So, it would only take one simple action to set everyone off. The trick was figuring out what that action would be.
'Hey, you!" Called a new voice. "You're lucky I didn't rat you out. But my generosity comes with a price. I know you're planning another escape attempt, and I want in."
'Oh, he's perfect.' You thought, a lightbulb going off overhead.
"You," You directed, pointing at the new person. "We need a riot. Do me a favor and just go over there and have fun."
"I like your style." He smirked before following my instructions. Next, you turned to Suki and tilted your head slightly, indicating her to go ahead of us when she got a chance. She was a Kyoshi warrior, why not let her have fun.
'Impressive," remarked Hakoda as the courtyard erupted into chaos. "How did you get that idea?"
"As I said, it's my job to plan things."
"Oh, good Zuko! We're all here." Sokka exclaimed. Your heart just about stopped. Zuko was here?
You turned to see hair dark hair whipping around wildly as he ran towards the group. You just about melted as your gaze made contact with his golden orbs.
"Zuko." You whispered in disbelief.
The prince stopped dead in his tracks. "(Y/N)?"
Without another second passing, you jumped into his arms. Your arms locked around his neck and your legs went around his waist. He gripped your waist tightly while bringing one hand up and into your hair.
"You're okay." He breathed. "I've been worried ever since I left."
Sokka cleared his throat from behind us, full knowing that he was going to tease Zuko for this later. "I hate to break up the moment, but we need to get the Warden."
"Suki's on it," you replied as you untangled yourself from Zuko.
"Yeah, your girlfriend's taking care of it." We all turned to see Suki scaling the wall headed towards the Warden.
Intertwining you and Zuko's hand together you said, "Why are we still standing here? Let's go!"
By the time everyone caught up to the Kyoshi warrior, the Warden was officially our prisoner.
"How do you like my tactics now?" You questioned the Warden as Suki handed him off. He only glared at you, so you smirked triumphantly.
The path to the gondola was riddled with guards, but you were met with a group of them as you approached your method of escape. One of them fired a blast of fire at Sokka, but Zuko stepped in front of him and deflected it. You moved up next to Zuko and shot two equally powerful balls of fire towards the guards, forcing them back.
"Back off! We've got the Warden!" Zuko demanded and the guards reluctantly backed down.
You all crossed the bridge cautiously and you threw the gondola doors open. "Everyone get in!"
Once everyone was inside, Zuko shut the door and raced over to a lever. Where he proceeded to pull it and bash it, sending the gondola moving. You happened to look out the window just in time to see Zuko dodging fire blasts while jumping towards the gondola.
Once Sokka had pulled the prince safely inside the gondola, you an over to him and smacked his chest. "You absolute idiot! What on earth were you thinking?"
"I was making it so that the guards couldn't stop us."
"Shut up! I'm supposed to be the smart one!"
He laughed and moved some loose hair from your face. "You still are."
Your arms made their way around his torso as a sigh escaped your lips. It had been a while since the two of you had even had a moment of peace together. Even upon his return to the Fire Nation, the two of you scarcely saw each other. So, moments like these, with the two of you locked in each other's embrace, were treasured.
"I missed you, Zu."
"I missed you too."
Across the gondola, Hakoda leaned out of one of the windows and shouted, "Wait, who's that?"
He was pointing at the figures of Azula and Ty Lee racing up the cable towards the machine.
"That's a problem." Zuko groaned, his arm moving from the previous hug to gripped your waist. "It's my sister and her friend."
"This is the rematch I've been waiting for." Suki snarled, cracking her knuckles.
"You have no idea."
You, Sokka, Suki, and Zuko all climbed out of the gondola and onto the roof, ready to face the princess and her acrobatic friend. You stood up, taking an offensive position next to Zuko while Zula pulled herself up onto the roof. The prince's arm flew out in front of you as if to protect you, not that you needed it, but anything is possible with Azula.
"Oh, how cute." Azula sneered. "The two traitors protecting each other."
She delivered a flawless kick which sent a blast of blue fire towards us. Zuko managed to block the first two blasts, but when Azula sent a surprisingly big blast, he was thrown back. It took everything in you not to check on him and focus on your opponent. He would be alright, and you knew that.
Wasting no time, you jumped into a front ariel, dodging Azula's next blast and sending your own towards her. Landing in a crouched position, you glowered at her. "You just had to ruin everything, didn't you?"
"Now, why would I let you and Zuzu have all the fun?" Two more quick shots of blue fire were sent at you, and you bearly managed to block them from the ground. Backbending back, you shot more fire from your feet at the princess in an attempt to throw her off guard.
"You know," she mused. "You could come back. Regain your rank on the council, and have your name cleared. We could forget this ever happened."
"Why would I do that?" It was rhetorical, but Azula answered anyways.
"Maybe then your family wouldn't get hurt."
Your guard instantly went down. You had completely forgotten to ensure your family's safety. The events of your arrest had happened so fast that you didn't think up a way to protect them.
Azula saw her chance. Your guard was down, and you were vulnerable. The princess sent a bolt of lightening square into your shoulder, and you were thrown into the metal hold of the gondola.
Your ears started to ring, and your shoulder felt as if it had been lit on fire. Slowly, your senses started to fade. Azula was standing over you, talking, but you couldn't make out what she was saying. All you could focus on was the growing, hot pain in your shoulder. The last clear thing you saw before your vision blurred was Azula holding out her fingers, preparing to fire again.
You blinked, and suddenly Zuko was standing over you, forcing his sister back.
You blinked again, attempting to keep your mind from completely fogging. But the pain was so intense. The last thing you felt before losing complete consciousness was you being lifted up off the ground and handed off like a rag doll.
Later that night, everyone was sound asleep on the airship they had stolen from Azula. Well, everyone except for Zuko. He hadn't left your side since they had taken off. Worry practically radiated off of him ad he clutched your limp hand for dear life. He had only just gotten you back, and now you might be taken away from him again.
"You idiot." He mumbled to your unconscious form. "Why did you try to take Azula on your own. You're supposed to be the smart one."
He knew that that wasn't fair, but he couldn't help it. You had always been able to hold your own, even as kids. But he couldn't help but feel protective over you. You were the one thing in his life that had remained consistent. You never gave up on him, you were always there for him, and you always forgave him. He had already lost Iroh, he couldn't lose you too.
"You love her, don't you?" Sokka remarked, coming up from behind the prince.
"I thought you were sleeping."
"Don't avoid my question."
Zuko turned back to gaze down at your fragile form. "Yeah, I guess I do."
"She's a lucky girl to have someone who cares so much." He patted Zuko's shoulder reassuringly. "She'll be okay."
Moments after Sokka had walked away, Zuko felt your hand shift. His head shot up as you groaned.
"Zuko..?" Your voice was scratchy, but it was the most beautiful sound that he had ever heard.
You tried to sit up, only for Zuko to gently place his hands around you and move you to a sitting position.
"Easy, (Y/N), you were just struck by lightning."
"Is that so?" you grumbled sarcastically. "I take back what I said to Sokka, your friends are bad at battle strategies."
"I know." He said laughing lightly. But after a moment he grew serious and asked, "How did you end up in the Boiling Rock?"
"Your father found out that I helped plan your escape, and that I knew about the invasion on the day of the eclipse. Obviously, I forgot to inform him about either so he sent me there. He thought that by my being at the Boiling Rock, he would still have access to my skills if needed."
You watched as the guilt flooded into Zuko's golden eyes. "It's my fault you were put there. I'm so sorry about everything. You've done everything, risked everything for me, and this is how I repay you."
"Zuko, I made those decisions on my own. I wouldn't have helped you if I didn't think it was right. I will always be by your side. And I will always support whatever crazy choices you make."
"Thank you so much, I don't think I've said that to you enough. Thank you. Where would I be without you?"
"Probably lost in a tunnel." A smile spread across both of your faces.
"Zuko I-"
"(Y/N) I-"
"Oh! I'm sorry-"
"Sorry I-" Our words overlapped each other.
"Wait," You weakly held you a hand. "You first, Prince Zuko."
Zuko's heart started to beat so loud that he was sure you could hear it. "(Y/N), I just wanted to say that I... I like you. More than a friend! Spirits, I might even love you! I've never felt this way about anyone before and I- I don't know what to do. You make me feel safe and loved and free, all at the same time! I can always be myself around you! We've been through so much together and I.." He trailed off. "I hope you feel the same."
He began to grow nervous as the seconds of silence ticked by. Did he overstep by confessing everything to you? Suddenly. you pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, cutting off his anxious thoughts. Zuko began to relax into it and kissed you back deeper. Once the kiss broke, you pressed your forehead to his and brought your hand to the side of his face.
"I love you too, stupid."
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burningupp-replies · 4 years
The Market
Pairing: Zuko x Reader
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: Anxiety attack, I guess.
Summary: Y/N and Zuko aren’t on the best of terms - Zuko joined the gaang fairly abruptly, and Y/N isn’t sure whether she can trust him yet. When she decides to go to the market to get some medicine for Toph and Sokka, however, she is stuck with him as a tourguide.
A/N: My first ever request!! I’m sorry it took so long - I’ve had finals for about a week straight >.< I hope you enjoy it!! :)
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Ever since Zuko had joined the gaang, it had been tense. No one had trusted him at first, not even Aang, really. However, as he went on adventure after adventure with everyone else, for no reason other than to help, tension started to clear around the camp. You, though, were still suspicious, and not quite as welcoming as the others.
Zuko had tried to be nice to you, he had tried bonding with you, but every time he seemed to get closer, you would pull away. It almost felt like he pissed you off further and further for every passing day, and he really didn’t know what to do. What could he do? It didn’t help that he had a crush on you the size of the damn fire nation, either. He kept fumbling around you, dropping things, knocking stuff over, stuttering… He felt stupid.
You, on the other hand, despised the fire prince. How could he just show up, steal Appa a few times, and expect to be liked? It made you seethe in anger, because he had been hunting you all for a few months. Actually, you had joined the gaang when they were travelling into Ba Sing Se, so you hadn’t been there for that long, but you still felt a sense of protectiveness over them all, since you were the oldest (Zuko excluded).
All of your friends knew exactly how you felt about Zuko and wanted to do something about it. They kept trying to change your mind, talking you through their travels together and making sure to comment whenever he did something nice for someone, but you were stubborn – perhaps more than you should be.
Right now, Sokka and Toph were sick. You were all on Ember Island, so at least you all weren’t sleeping in tents with nothing to protect against the weather, but they were miserable nonetheless. It made you sad, seeing your good friends feel so poorly, and you decided you had to do something.
“That’s it, I’m going into town to get medicine for them,” you told Katara, who was currently busying herself taking care of the two patients.
“Y/N, you know it would be really nice if we had that, but we really shouldn’t go outside right now. What if someone sees us? This is a really good hiding spot, you know,” she rambled on, and you rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, okay, but I have never once been on one of those wanted posters. No one knows I’m with you, so if I go, no one would recognize me,” you argue.
The watertribe girl ponders for a moment, before Toph groans in discomfort, and she sighs.
“Fine. But you have to take Zuko, so you don’t get lost.”
You tense, being torn between getting your friends the medicine they required and avoiding spending alone-time with a broody ex-prince. You groan out loud to yourself as you decide your friends are more important than your comfort, and hang your head, making Katara laugh.
“You’re ridiculous, did you know that?”
You stick your tongue out at her, just as you hear someone enter the room. You turn around to see Zuko with Aang in tow, and you internally sigh. Damn it. Katara grins at the two boys, asking how You stick your tongue out at her, just as you hear someone enter the room. Turning to the door, you see Zuko with Aang in tow. Katara immediately smiles, asking how training is going and offering to cook up some food. Aang listens intently, never taking his eyes off of Katara – that boy is whipped, I tell you – and Zuko keeps flicking his gaze between the floor and you.
“Hey, Zuko?” you ask, and his head snaps to you with a shocked look on his face.
He doesn’t think you have addressed him first once since he met you, and honestly, he’s kind of scared of what you want to tell him. Did you finally convince the others that he should leave? Do you just want to express how much you hate him? When he sees your struggle to speak, however, his shock turns into curiosity.
“I- As you know, Toph and Sokka are sick,” you begin stiffly.
“I am aware,” he answers.
“Well, I thought I would go into town to get some medicine for them, but Katara didn’t think it was a good idea if I went alone, so she thinks you should accompany me. Of course, if you have something else to do, I’m sure I can just-“
“I’m free,” he answers, interrupting your rambling.
You are blushing furiously at this point. Why in the world did he make you feel so uncomfortable? Of course, you didn’t trust him, but you weren’t usually uncomfortable to speak to the boy. You shook your head slightly, trying to clear your thoughts.
“Okay. Thank you,” you said, turning to grab a basket to carry the medicine. “Let’s go.”
Zuko walked beside you in silence the whole way. Usually, he would make a move to try to help you, but this time he simply walks beside you in silence, sneaking glances at you once in a while. You’re relieved he isn’t trying to hold a conversation, because honestly, you have no idea what to say to him. The others have been encouraging you to go easy on Zuko, and to get to know him, but you really didn’t know how to do that. You were an awkward person, the others were technically your only friends, and things were easy with them because you had helped them get to Ba Sing Se that one time, so you already had a solid foundation to stand on. Zuko, though? How does one even start building a new foundation with someone?
It seemed both of you were lost in thought, because soon enough, you found yourself in the middle of the market, having no idea how you got there. Zuko immediately snapped up, looking around, before grabbing onto your arm to lead you through the mass of people.
It was packed at the market – it seemed a lot of people were at the island for their vacations and had decided today was a particularly good day to get groceries. It was both a blessing and a curse; no one would realize who you or Zuko were, but it was difficult to move where you wanted to go. Another con? It felt like the steady stream of people were going to whisk you both away.
Suddenly, a hand reached out to grab your arm, and you turned around to find the owner to be Zuko. His grip was tight, but he was careful not to hurt you. He wasn’t even looking at you, his focus solely on getting you where you needed to go. Normally, you would have minded his hold – you tended to dislike physical contact, in most situations – but this specific time, you would allow the boy to touch you. It’s not like he was touching you from his own free will, he was doing it out of necessity, after all.
He dragged you around the market and through lots of people for what felt like hours. You were starting to feel panicky, like you couldn’t breathe, and you quickly grabbed Zuko’s arm with your other hand to get his attention.
“What?” he asked, not in an unpleasant tone, but definitely a little bit stressed. Once he saw you face, however, his feature softened and he nodded at you “I’m gonna get us out of the crowd, hold on Y/N.”
Zuko let go of your arm momentarily, but only to grab your hand instead. He wanted to make you feel more comfortable, more safe, but he didn’t really know how to do that. He tried to not let his own slight panic at your state of discomfort bother him, but it was difficult; he had never experienced this himself, and therefore didn’t know how to help, which was the only thing he wanted to do.
Your own head was chaos. It felt like too many thoughts were going through your mind at the same time that there was complete radio silence. There was a high-pitched ringing in your ears, and your chest felt like you were being sat on by a gemsbok bull. Your vision was becoming blurry, and your hands and feet were tingling – probably from lack of oxygen. You didn’t blame Zuko for not knowing what to do, you were a whole mess.
Soon enough, the tall lanky boy found a somewhat quiet corner of the market, where there were very few people, if any. He tried to let go of your hand, anticipating your wrath for grabbing it in the first place, but instead he felt you grip on tighter, so he let you hold it.
“Uhm…” the boy had no idea what to do. He thought back to his childhood, what his mother would have said, and figured sitting down might help. “Hey, why don’t you try sitting down, okay? Just against the wall. I promise I won’t leave you if you don’t want me to.”
His voice broke through the fog in your head, and you nodded at him, looking at him with wide eyes as you hyper ventilated. Never in your life had you been amongst so many people at once, being from the countryside just outside Ba Sing Se. Seeing the sheer amount of people moving around that market had snapped something in you, and your brain couldn’t really keep up with what was going on.
As you slid down the wall, you continued to hyper ventilate, and Zuko couldn’t help but worry. He felt like if he didn’t do something soon, very soon, you would pass out in the middle of the market, and that would attract a very unwanted scene. So he did the only thing he could think of, and held your hand between both of his, starting to trace patterns all over your palm and the back of your hand. You didn’t say anything (even though he was expecting to be yelled at), so he just kept going. Your breathing seemed to be slowing down, so he just kept going, drawing different patterns and breathing slowly for you to hear.
You were slowly coming out of your panicked state, and started to realize what was going on. You had the sudden urge to rip your hand away from his, but decided against it, settling for staring at him confusedly.
“What… What are you doing?” you asked him, eyes wide.
Zuko blushed, letting go of your hand, and clearing his throat. He had had a crush on you since the first time he saw you, and finally getting to hold your hand was a very nice feeling; even if it was for all the wrong reasons.
“I-I was just trying to help,” he tried to explain lamely. “You seemed to be having some trouble breathing, and-“
“Thank you,” you said curtly, taking a deep breath before standing up.
Your head felt light and dizzy, something almost like buzzing filling your senses, and you stumbled a little. Zuko, on his way to get up, caught you before you could fall. He looked at you with eyes full of concern, but you shook him off, taking another deep breath and shaking your head a little to clear it.
“So, where are we?”
He blinked down at you, and then glanced around his surroundings, before grimacing.
“Don’t tell me…” you said, eyes shut tightly.
“Please don’t tell me we’re lost.”
Zuko hung his head, scratching the back of his neck. You groaned, turning your face toward the sky, almost begging the spirits to guide you. Your friend were sick, Zuko had to train Aang, and oh yeah- you were stuck with Zuko. Life just seemed to love you today, huh?
“Fine. Which way did we come from?” you asked, and when the boy shrugged, you wanted to laugh. Not because it was funny, lord knew it wasn’t funny in the slightest, but because it was just your luck. “Great. Let’s walk this way.”
You picked a random direction, and started walking. The place you were aiming for had a lot of people, so you figured chances were that you were correct, but there was a lot of people in any direction you looked, so who knew. Zuko followed your brisk pace with ease, his long legs making it easy for him to keep up. Luckily for you, you soon found a store with herbs, and so you purchased what was needed, and decided to try to leave.
On the way out, Zuko grabbed your elbow tightly, making you turn to him in anger. You opened your mouth to say something, but closed it again when you saw his expression.
“Someone is following us,” he hissed, and you cursed swiftly under your breath.
“Well, fantastic,” you murmured back sarcastically. “What’s the plan, genius?”
“Well, we have two options, both of which you’re not gonna like.”
You really, really wanted to scream.
“Lay it on me, hotman.”
“Well, either we cause a scene and run away,” he started, but at your grimace he continued, “or we… pretend to be a couple.”
“What?!” you hissed back, glaring at him.
“Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable, now choose before I’m arrested, Y/N.”
You thought about it. And then you thought some more. And then you wanted to think more, but it seemed you ran out of time as Zuko dragged you over to the nearest wall, pushed you against it, and You thought about it. Then you thought about it some more. You wanted to think about it more, but you apparently took too long to decide. In a flash, Zuko had grabbed you, pulled you to the nearest wall, pressed you against it and kissed you. Hard. The weirdest part of it all was how much you enjoyed it – you had always thought that your first kiss would gross you out, especially if it was with Zuko (not that you had thought about it), but here you were. You kissed him back, winding your arms around his neck, taking the kiss deeper.
His lips were so soft, so smooth and so inviting. It set off a swarm of butterflies in your tummy, and you couldn’t help but smile into the kiss. Before today, you had been unsure about Zuko. You hadn’t hated him, but you had been on edge around him. Trust issues were a part of who you were, so really, it wasn’t his fault. But after today, when he took care so you wouldn’t get lost, and when he did all he could to help you during your panic attack, he had won you over. Of course, being a good kisser helped his case, but still.
Zuko? Oh he couldn’t believe this was happening. Your mouth moving so perfectly with his, his body pressed against yours, and you actually enjoying the kiss. His knees felt weak, and he never wanted the moment to end. He had one hand around your waist, the other cupped beneath your jaw, thumb softly stroking your cheek. His whole body was singing with delight, with relief, from getting what it had wanted for so damn long.
The two of you stayed there like that for a long time. There was no telling where the person who had spotted Zuko was, or if he had found you, but you didn’t care. The kiss was overdue, and very, very nice. You didn’t pull apart until your lungs were screaming for air, and even then, you stayed against the wall for a while, your arms around his neck and his hands placed on your body. He pressed his forehead against yours and smiled, and you returned it, albeit shyly.
“I think he’s gone,” you told him after a while, and Zuko took a deep breath before letting you go. “We should get moving before he comes back.”
Zuko’s heart sank a little bit in his chest. For a second, he had imagined that you enjoyed the kiss, but of course, as indifferent as you always were, that wasn’t the case. You were just good at pretending. Before his heart could fully break, though, you grabbed his hand with yours and intertwined your fingers. Then you smiled up at him, pressing a peck to his cheek, before dragging him off into the throng of people.
Maybe you weren’t so indifferent, after all.
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stupouid · 4 years
Unity (ATLA boys x reader) Chapter 1
Prologue|Chapter 1
A/N haha lets go im bored and i have lots of ideas so here’s chapter 1. Y/N meets Sokka in this one ee-ee I hope you guys like it!
Warning: unedited, like ONE curse word.
word count: 2432 words ee-ee
Y/M/N is your mom’s name 
if you have any more questions you can say so in the replies or my askbox!
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Omashu, Earth Kingdom
5 years later
You know how Azula said that things would run smoothly for Y/N because she was of royal blood? Well that was a fucking lie. Y/N and her father moved back to Omashu because Y/N’s mother had passed away. Y/N thought that because of her blood, she would at least get to meet her grandfather, King Bumi, but she was only met with dirty looks. After pushing countless questions onto her father as to why they were treated so badly, Y/N’s father caved in and told her the truth. The whole truth.
Y/N’s mother was an Earth Kingdom princess. Y/N was aware of that already, but what Y/N didn’t know was that her mother was disowned after her parents found out that she had a child with a fire nation nobleman. They were in the middle of a war, for spirits sake. How could the king's own daughter fraternize with the enemy? Flooded with embarrassment, Y/N’s mother suggested they leave Omashu, and Y/N’s father took Y/N and her mother to the Capital City in the fire nation so the young couple could get married and raise Y/N in peace. 
Y/N thought the story was sweet. Her mother gave up a lavish life in the Earth Kingdom to live in the fire nation (basically enemy territory.) But the rest of Omashu didn’t see it that way. They thought of Y/N’s mother as a traitor, and since Y/N was her daughter, they saw the young girl as a traitor too. It didn’t help that Y/Ns father wasn’t ashamed of his fire nation bloodline. Their neighbors were convinced that the L/Ns were spies. 
For the next four years of her life, Y/N lived in hell. She was severely bullied at school. She came home from school with tears in her eyes at least twice a week. Y/N was afraid to set foot anywhere near the royal palace. But she found solace in meditation. There was a large hill several blocks away from the bustling city where she sat and meditated. But all this (or at least some) came to an end when on Y/N’s 13th birthday, Mai’s father Ukano, successfully infiltrated the city. All fingers were pointed at Y/N and her father, as the recent events ultimately supported the claim that they were spies. However, they couldn’t exactly prove it and the L/Ns remained in Omashu. 
Despite having even more reasons for the people of Omashu to hate Y/N, at least she wouldn’t be alone anymore. After four long years of sending letters back and forth, Y/N finally got to see one of her best friends again. (Not that Y/N didn’t ever see Ty Lee in those four years, Y/N did watch Ty Lee’s performances in the circus every once in a while) In the next year, Mai trained Y/N in throwing knives like she promised, and also taught her how to take care of Tom-Tom, along with gossiping with her about what had happened with who and what. 
Y/N cried when she learned that Zuko had been banished from the Fire Nation for the past two years, and came to the conclusion that he was so focused on capturing the Avatar and regaining his honor that he never replied to her letters anymore. However, Y/N was surprised to learn that Zuko and Mai got together before said banishment. She wasn’t upset by this, as the two talked about how they were more like siblings to each other years before.
A month after Y/Ns 14th birthday, Mai and Y/N received a letter from Azula stating that she and Ty Lee would be in Omashu. Azula was forming a small, elite team to bring back Zuko and General Iroh to the fire nation. Y/N was confused as to why Azula would need a team to bring them back, but then realized that Zuko wouldn’t stop until he caught the avatar, and probably needed lots of people to convince him. Nonetheless, Y/N tagged along with Mai to reunite with Ty Lee and Azula. 
Hugs were shared, gifts were given, and soon it was time for the four girls to head back to Mai’s home. Once they arrived, the female warriors learned that not only did the majority of the city’s citizens had to evacuate because of a sickness called ‘pentapox’, (which Y/N had never heard of in her life) but that Tom Tom was missing and most likely being held hostage by the Resistance. Azula was furious with Mai’s father for being so careless, and Y/N and Mai were outraged that the citizens had taken Tom Tom. Azula proposed they trade Tom Tom for King Bumi and rename the city to ‘New Ozai’ because Ukano had made a fool of himself. Despite being raised in the fire nation for more than half of her life, and the people of Omashu treating her and her father like dirt, Y/N was conflicted by Azula’s proposition. Technically, Y/N could take the throne (if it ever came to that), and this was her mother’s home. But Y/N knew better than to defy Azula in anything and stayed quiet. The four girls went to bed, mostly thinking about kicking the resistance’s asses. 
Soon morning came, and the girls got ready to make the trade. The girls met with the Avatar just next to where the statue of Fire Lord Ozai would be built. Upon arriving, the fire nation girls were met with a small boy with a hat on, a beautiful looking girl water tribe girl who looked around her age, and an extremely handsome watertribe boy who had a necklace that matched hers. 
“Hey! Where’d you get your necklac-” “Hi everybody!” The watertribe started to question Y/N, but was cut off by King Bumi being lowered down by a crane in a cage.
“Azula? Is that…” Y/N was amazed. This was her grandfather?
“Sadly, it is. You can go to him while I confer with the Avatar.” Azula chuckled. Y/N ran straight to her grandfather. Aang was about to protest, but Mai said, “You brought my brother?”
Aang responded with, “He’s here. We’re ready to trade.” Mai, Aang, and Azula talked to each other for a while, and in the meantime Y/N was trying to get to know her grandfather.
“K-king Bumi?” Y/N asked the old man.
“Are you asking if I’m King Bumi? Because I am. What do you want?” The old man replied. Despite being trapped in a metal case, Y/N was still intimidated by him.
“I knew your daughter. Y/M/N?” King Bumi’s face contorted, and Y/N couldn’t tell if it was out of confusion or disgust. “Y/M/N?” he stated. “Oh! Y/M/N! My daughter! Yes! It’s been so long since I’ve seen her. She moved to the fire nation, you know. Speaking of which, you look just like her! I wonder wh-” Y/N cut him off.
“She died. Four years ago. And I’m… I’m her daughter. So you’re my grandfather.” Tears were threatening to slip out of Y/N’s eyes, but Y/N wouldn’t dare let them out. She didn’t want to cry in front of Azula and the cute watertribe boy.
“Oh. What’s your name? How come I’ve never seen you before? Why have you never visited? You know, I wasn’t the one who chose to disown Y/M/N. It was your grandmother, actually.” Y/N was shocked to hear that he didn’t hate her. She started sobbing as she said, 
“Y-Y/N. My n-name is Y/N. My mother s-said that after she was disowned she urged my father to move us to the fire nation. We lived there until she died, when I was 7.”
“Oh, you poor girl. How come you never visited? I would have been more than happy to let you stay!” Despite his crazy exterior, King Bumi was a kind and soft person at heart.
“I-I thought you would hate me! I-it doesn’t help that my father isn’t ashamed of being fire nation. And I’m so sorry that my friend’s father has taken over this place. I’m so sorry, King Bumi.”
“Nonsense! It isn’t your fault you lived in the fire nation, or that this place is conquered by the fire nation. I could never hate you because of your mother. I never even hated your mother. I just wish you came by the palace sometimes.”
“I wish I did too-” The cage that trapped King Bumi was being lifted up, and Y/N was cut off by King Bumi screaming “Whoaa! See you all later!” Panicking, Y/N screamed, “GRANDFATHER!” She then turned around, screaming “AZULA!”
Aang thought to himself, ‘Grandfather?’ Before screaming, “Bumi!” Aang sprinted forward, but Azula blocked his way, shooting her blue flames at him. This confused Y/N. Why was Azula shooting at him? The small kid jumped and then he suddenly had a glider. While taking out the glider, his hat fell off, exposing the light blue tattoos on his body. Astonished, Azula and Y/N shouted, “The Avatar!” Y/N was aware that the current Avatar would have to be an airbender, but to actually see him in person, especially when Zuko was supposed to see him, it was amazing! The thought of the Avatar returning was what got Y/N through the hard times in Omashu. She knew that with him around, the world would be at peace again. But Y/N realized, if that kid was the Avatar, that meant Azula was shooting at him.
Y/N just stood there, watching as Ty Lee and Mai charged at the two watertribe teens while they were escaping with Tom Tom. It was a lot for Y/N to take in, and she couldn’t decide who’s team she would be on. After hearing a crash, she turned around to see the Avatar removing the chains from King Bumi’s cage.
“It’s just like old times, isn’t it, Bumi?” she heard the Avatar say to her grandfather. ‘Old times?’ she thought, but then remembered that the Avatar had been missing for over 100 years. Y/N decided she should be on the Avatar’s side since he knew his grandfather, so she started running over to the two, before noticing that Azula was shooting several fire missiles at them. This gave Y/N another reason to be on the Avatars side, her best friend was about to kill her grandfather for spirits sake!
Y/N booked it for Aang and King Bumi. But Azula’s missiles were faster than Y/N. Luckily, Aang fought them off with his airbending. Helpless, Y/N just stood there, watching the two throw their bending at each other. She hears Mai nonchalantly say “How are you gonna fight without your bending?”, which meant that Ty Lee chi blocked the watertribe girl. Y/N heard the watertribe boy reply with “I seem to manage!” and she couldn't suppress her chuckle. Y/N turns around again to see the Avatar and Azula still fighting. She heard the Avatar shout, “Hang on, Bumi! Our ride’s here!” signalling that the two were about to leave. Y/N was not going to let the Avatar leave with her only relative on her mother’s side, not without her at least. So Y/N screamed, “AVATAR! BUMI IS MY GRANDFATHER! TAKE ME WITH YOU!” 
This outraged Azula, and she started directing some of her firebending toward Y/N. But after training with Azula for many years, Y/N knew her blind spots, and dodged the fire with ease. Aang heard what Y/N had said, and decided that it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take her with them. He figured that it wouldn’t hurt to take them, especially since she seemed to defy her friend for him. Y/N joined Aang and Bumi at the end of the chute the two were on.
“Im Y/N. Bumi’s granddaughter. And you’re the Avatar!” Y/N said, amazed. He looked much younger up close. “Were you friends with my grandfather?”
“Very close, actually. Before I disappeared. I’m Aang, and this is Momo!! It’s nice to meet you! I didn’t know Bumi had a granddaughter!” Aang replied, laughing. Y/N scratched the lemur between his ears. He was very adorable.
“I didn’t know either!” Bumi stated. The three laughed loudly. The laughter died down and there was an awkward silence, before Bumi said, “You should go. Goodbye, Aang and Y/N. Don't forget what I told you about jing! I’ll see you when the time is right.”
“What? Why! I only just met you! I can’t leave you!” Y/N interjected. She didn’t want to leave her grandfather behind.
“Just go. Y/N. I know you’ll help Aang with his mission greatly. And besides, Princess Azula doesn't seem too happy with you. Wouldn’t want to see how that turns out.” Y/N laughed. Hopefully she would see him again soon. She nodded at her grandfather and King Bumi let himself tumble backwards into the chute. 
“So… I guess we’re allies now, huh?” Aang stated out of the blue.
 “I guess so.” Y/N replied. “I didn’t realize that you were so young. I think I could help you guys out.” Aang nodded at this and they went to go find the two watertribe teens, Sokka and Katara.
Meanwhile, Ty Lee, Mai, and Azula were on a palanquin in the city. “So,” Mai started. “We’re tracking down your brother and Uncle now, huh?”
“It’ll be interesting seeing Zuko again, won’t it Mai? Too bad Y/N won’t be with us to see him.” Ty Lee asked Mai. The broody girl blushed at the thought of seeing Zuko again, but Azula grimaced when Ty Lee mentioned Y/N. She had saved that girl, chosen her, and she had the audacity to defy her? For some Avatar? As far as Azula knew, the Avatar was nothing more than a roadblock for Fire Lord Ozai’s plan to conquer the rest of the three nations. 
“It’s not just Zuko and Iroh anymore. Since little Y/N decided to betray us for the Avatar, we have a third and fourth target now. Don’t feel bad for Y/N, by the way. If I hear you even talking positively about her, I’ll make sure your fate is the same as my brothers.” 
taglist: @emberislandplayers​, @eridanuswave​
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jettingtothemoon · 4 years
Daughter of the Spirits; chapter 6
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➳ pairing: zuko x f!reader ➳ genre: a retelling of the show from season 2 onwards with a heavy focus and expansion on zuko’s story (canon divergent) ➳ warnings: violence, swearing, smut (underaged if your age of consent is above 16), spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen the show ➳ word count: 3107 ➳ rating: 18+ ➳ summary: In which y/n comes across the fire nation prince during her stay in Ba Sing Se. ➳ tags: @harmlessoffering, @lammello (i’m sorry if i’m forgetting anyone, lmk if i am or if you want to be added)
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Chapters: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
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All Is Lost
You watched as the flying bison landed not too far from where you and Iroh approached and three kids jumped off before heading inside a nearby building. "Woah, is that-"
"It is," Iroh confirmed your suspicions, he was indeed taking you to see the avatar.
Instead of asking why he had led you to them, people you could only assume would want nothing to do with helping Zuko, you decided to have faith in the old man as you knew better than to think he would do anything that could put his beloved nephew into more danger.
You approached the house and Iroh stepped up to knock on the door. Not long after, the door slid open, revealing a small girl whom you had previously seen climb off the bison along with the avatar and another Watertribe boy.
"I'm glad to see you're okay,” she smiled at Iroh before turning her attention to you, “but who's the girl?"
Iroh looked past the girl, addressing the avatar directly as he spoke, "We need your help."
It seemed Iroh was already acquainted with all of them, but the young Earth Kingdom girl was the only one who seemed happy to see him. Not that she could, as you had noticed the first time you saw her that she was completely blind. The more you examined her, the more you realised that she was likely her earthbending to somehow see things — including noticing you at the door beside Iroh. The two boys looked much too startled to see him to be on good terms with Iroh, which made sense as they must have clashed a few times in the past before.
What you couldn’t understand was why he was asking them for help? Not that you had any problem with the avatar, in fact you believed he would be the one to finally put an end to the war, but asking the avatar for help to save Zuko was surely like asking a monkey to talk. In other words, it wasn't going to happen.
The young boy, whom you recognised as the avatar from his blue Airbender tattoos, pointed a finger at both the young girl and Iroh as he exclaimed, "You guys know each other?"
The girl, however, simply smiled. "I met him in the woods once and knocked him down, then he gave me tea and some very good advice."
Well, that does sound like Iroh. You thought to yourself.
Iroh bowed slightly and spoke again with a smile, "May we come in?"
Although the two boys seemed against it, the girl nodded so the two of you headed inside.
"Princess Azula is here in Ba Sing Se," Iroh revealed.
The avatar quickly spoke up with a determined glint in his eye, "She must have Katara!"
"She has captured my nephew as well."
The boy's face scrunched up in dissatisfaction but he spoke rationally nonetheless, as expected of the avatar, "Then we'll work together to fight Azula and save Katara and Zuko."
"Woah there, you lost me at Zuko." The older, Watertribe boy jumped in, clearly thinking this was not a good idea.
Iroh sighed. "I know how you must feel about my nephew, but believe me when I tell you there is good inside him."
You smiled slightly, happy to see Iroh defending his nephew. You had seen it too, the good inside of Zuko, that was why you had stuck around. It was the reason why you ever gave him a chance in the first place.
The Watertribe boy simply pushed Iroh back. "Good inside him isn't enough. Why don't you come back when it's outside him too, okay?"
You couldn't help but chuckle quietly to yourself at the boy's words. He just sounded... funny, even in a situation as serious as this. The ridiculous delivery of his sentence paired with his over the top expressions and gestures was just amusing to you and you were certain that he was a nice person just from that. Well, from what you had gathered, they all were. You could see why they didn't trust Zuko but you and Iroh were desperate. You knew you couldn't save him alone.
"Katara's in trouble," the avatar stated, "All of Ba Sing Se is in trouble. Working together is our best chance."
The elder boy hummed and nodded his head in agreement, finally coming around to the idea of working together before he set his eyes on you. "Who's the girl anyway?"
"I'm- um, well. My name is y/n. I'm from the Northern Watertribe but I grew up here in the Earth Kingdom. I fled Omashu, came here and long story short ended up joining Iroh and Zuko. I know you don't know me, or have any reason to trust me, but I can also vouch for the good inside Zuko. He's not a bad person, just... troubled. I know that doesn’t make up for what he’s done to you but he has changed," you explained, trying to sum it all up as quickly as possible although, as you spoke, you noticed the avatar curiously eyeing you up..
"So you're Zuko's girlfriend," the watertribe boy concluded with a roll of his eyes.
You sighed and rubbed the back of your neck. "I guess so?"
"We brought someone along who might be able to help us," Iroh interrupted, sensing that your conversation was over, before leading everyone outside.
You and Iroh obviously hadn’t come empty-handed and had captured a lone Dai Li agent on your way.
As soon as the others laid eyes on him, the young girl earthbended two small walls of rock around him to keep him in place and you all approached as Iroh pulled off the gag around his mouth.
"Azula and Long Feng are plotting a coup. They're going to overthrow the Earth King." The cowardly man instantly gave up his superiors, although you found some comfort in the fact that he had no loyalty to traitors like them.
"My sister, where are they keeping Katara?" the watertribe boy demanded answers, threatening the man with his weapon.
The man, once again, hurried to answer, "In the crystal catacombs of Old Ba Sing Se, deep beneath the palace."
Without moving to free the man, the group of you left him behind as you ran off to begin your rescue mission.
"We're going on that?" you stated, looking at the giant air bison before you.
"Yep," the watertribe boy confirmed before climbing up onto the bison.
The young girl helped Iroh up as you climbed up by yourself, surprised to find the Watertribe boy offering you a hand.
"Your sister, I think I saw her before," you admitted.
"Where?" the boy asked.
"Outside of Iroh's tea shop. She was with that lemur you guys have. Now I understand why she ran off so quickly, she must have seen Zuko and bolted." 
The boy's expression softened slightly. "She must have ran to the palace to tell the Earth King but ran into Azula instead."
"I'm sorry she got into trouble because of us."
"It's not your fault. I'm Sokka by the way. That's Toph and Aang, the avatar. Our lemur is Momo and this bison here is Appa," Sokka introduced everyone, seemingly already coming to the conclusion that you were not bad like he believed Zuko to be. Perhaps it was because you were both from the Watertribe.
Once you were all safely seated, the avatar called out something to his bison and you took off. It was amazing, being so high up, flying through the sky. If the circumstances weren't so dire you would have had time to enjoy it but right now you were just too worried about Zuko.
The flight was short and when you landed, Toph jumped down and began to feel at the ground — you really would have to ask her about how she did that if you ever got the chance. "Well, whaddayaknow, there is an ancient city down there, but it's deep."
She stood up again and began earthbending a path while Sokka devised a plan, "We should split up. Aang, you go with Iroh and y/n to look for Katara and the angry jerk, no offence-"
Iroh shrugged, knowing those words to be somewhat true when it came to his nephew. "None taken."
"-And I'll go with Toph to warn the Earth King about Azula's coup."
And so, the five of you split up.
Aang used his earthbending to provide a path forward while Iroh held up a flame for light. Although you could have been doing the same as either of them, you were still unsure about revealing your secret so you just kind of followed along behind.
"So, Toph thinks you give pretty good advice and great tea." Aang smiled, making polite conversation with Iroh despite knowing that he was with the Fire Nation and Zuko.
"The key to both is proper ageing. What's on your mind?" Iroh also smiled at the boy, watching as he pushed more earth to the side for you to continue your descent.
"Well, I met with this guru who was supposed to help me master the avatar state and control this great power," he frowned, "But to do it, I had to let go of someone I love and I just couldn't."
"Perfection and power are overrated. I think you are very wise to choose happiness and love," Iroh explained and, although his words were for the avatar, you couldn't help but feel as though he was also speaking for Zuko even though he wasn't there.
"What happens if we can't save everyone and beat Azula? Without the avatar state, what if I'm not powerful enough?"
Hearing the avatar's worries reminded you that he too was still only a child, one still new to being the avatar. He was definitely a good few years younger than you, you'd say probably about twelve. Just meeting him in person, and his friends, had shown you that it was up to children, most younger than yourself, to end the war. It was sad when you thought about it but even though you'd only just met them, they had given you hope.
"I don't know the answer. Sometimes life is like this dark tunnel, you can't always see the light at the end of the tunnel but if you just keep moving-"
Aang pushed more earth out of the way and you finally reached the crystal catacombs of Old Ba Sing Se.
"-You will come to a better place."
"We must be nearly there!" you exclaimed, hoping that you would come across Zuko and Katara soon. You were also relieved to see some natural sources of water in the catacombs, meaning you wouldn’t be so defenceless if you came up against any Dai Li.
Both you and Iroh followed Aang as he earthbended his way through the catacombs, clearing an easy path for the three of you. Eventually, after bursting through one last wall, you finally found what you were looking for.
"Aang!" The girl you had seen at the tea shop yesterday called out and ran to the Avatar, hugging him quickly.
Iroh did the same as both you and he ran to Zuko, although you did not miss the glare both Aang and Zuko shot each other the very second they made eye contact.
"y/n, uncle? I don't understand, what are you doing with the avatar?" Zuko spoke accusingly, pointing a finger towards the young boy who had helped you rescue him.
"Saving you, that's what," the avatar remarked and, although it only fired Zuko up, you couldn't help but let out a quiet giggle.
Iroh held his nephew back as he threatened to lunge at the avatar. "Zuko, it's time we talked,” he turned back to the avatar, “Go help your other friends, we'll catch up with you. y/n go with them."
You nodded, understanding that Iroh wanted a moment to talk with Zuko alone and so, you left with Aang and Katara.
"Who's this?" Katara asked as the three of you continued to run through the catacombs.
"y/n. She's from the Northern Watertribe and a friend of Zuko's."
The girl scoffed, "A friend of Zuko's, huh?"
"Come on Katara, she helped us find you. She isn't like him."
Although you were glad that the avatar came to your defence, it only hurt you that they thought so lowly of Zuko. Although, you couldn't really blame them after the things he has done.
"If you say so," she mumbled as you picked up your pace before declaring, "We've gotta find Sokka and Toph!"
As soon as her words finished, a blue flame came hurling towards you from behind. Aang barely managed to stop it with his earthbending before it collided with the three of you.
Immediately, Katara sprung into action and ran at the firebender with some impressive waterbending attacks. You and Aang also readied yourselves, both getting into a defensive stance as a cloud of steam engulfed the room.
Before you had a chance to attack, Azula flew out from behind the steam and began throwing balls of fire at all of you. Aang and Katara thankfully blocked them with their waterbending. Aang then pulled Zuko's sister down with his earth-bending so that she was standing between the three of you.
"You're the girl that was with Zuzu,” she deciphered, as her eyes flickered between the three of you, waiting for you to attack.
The four of you were at a standstill and you were still undecided on whether to reveal your bending or not but, before you could come to a decision, a bright orange flame shot towards the middle of you all.
You turned to find Zuko in an attack stance, relieved that he was finally here but, as he looked between his sister and the avatar, he did something you were the most afraid of. He attacked Aang.
The avatar quickly defended against the attack and jumped to the side as Azula began to fight Katara.
Like an idiot, you just stood there. You didn't know what to do. You wanted to help Zuko but you couldn't go against the avatar, not when he was the world’s only hope. You were lost, conflicted and for a moment, you thought you finally understood at least some of what Zuko was going through within himself.
"Zuko!" you cried out, seemingly taking your side as a burst of air flew towards him, knocking him back.
You tried to run to his side as his fight against the avatar continued, half-hoping that you would be able to change his mind. However, you only got in the way. Before you could do anything about it, you were the one flying back through the air until you came crashing into the rocks behind you.
"y/n!" Zuko yelled, only growing in rage as his attacks grew more violent.
You lifted your head slightly, trying to watch the fight through your blurred vision. You had hit your head and you'd hit it hard.
Their fight continued and, with the aftermath of a huge rock Aang pulled down, Zuko too went flying before colliding with a large green crystal.
You pulled yourself back to your feet, blinking away the pain coursing through your skull and glanced over to Katara who was using her waterbending to detain Azula. Well, until Zuko's flames cut through the water, freeing his sister.
Aang climbed up from behind a rock and Azula rushed over to attack him, leaving Katara against Zuko.
"I thought you had changed!" she yelled
Their fight was a spectacle, a clash of polar opposites. Not only in fire and water but also in personality. You could tell that Katara was kind and hopeful, practically the exact opposite to Zuko.
"I have changed," Zuko declared before throwing more flames towards her.
You jumped in, using your own waterbending to help Katara defend against his attacks.
"Zuko! Stop this, please," you begged.
You didn't want him to go back to who he was before. He wasn't this person, he was kind and full of love. He just didn't realise it, he was blinded by honour and rage.
"y/n, you're either with me or you're against me."
You once again jumped into the fire between him and Katara, this time managing to stop the flames with your firebending. You heard Katara gasp but you didn't care that she knew, you knew she wouldn't try to harm you just because you could bend all the elements like the avatar. You also knew that she wouldn't tell anyone if it would put you, someone she had no reason to see as an enemy, in danger.
"Please don't make me choose."
Zuko stopped for a split second, looking at you with guilt in his eyes before his expression steeled again. This time, he focused his attacks on you, deliberately knocking you to the side as he knew you were already hurt — trying his hardest to take you out of the fight.
You fell, hitting your head again as everything began to fade to black. You weren't angry with him, you knew he was only trying to protect you, so that he wouldn’t have to hurt you more than he already had. You were simply disappointed.
Only a few minutes later, when you began to come to, you saw something you didn't expect to see. Aang was in the avatar state, rising in a beam of light but, within an instant, a spark of lightning shot through the air and he came crashing down.
Katara rushed to him, catching him before he hit the ground as you sat up, watching Zuko and Azula close in on them. Just as you were about to stand and stop them, a blast of fire shot in front of them as Iroh jumped down to join the fight, defending the avatar.
"You've got to get out of here! I'll hold them off as long as I can!"
Against Azula, Zuko and the Dai Li, Iroh knew he could not defeat them all alone but, once again before you could help, he was surrendering. The moment Aang and Katara were safe, he just gave up. He still didn't want to fight Zuko, he still had faith in him despite everything.
As they restrained him, Zuko rushed to your side to help you up.
Without the strength to even look him in the eye, you brushed him aside and got up yourself.
That day was the day you lost him. The day the Earth Kingdom fell.
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Chapters: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,
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96 notes · View notes
Avatar: TLA  (Part 16 of many)
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Request:  None
Requested By:  Nobody
Pairing:  Zuko x reader
Summary:  Avatar Day
Warnings:  Methods of death mentioned.
A/N:  I’m not a huge fan of this episode, but…..here we go.
Word Count:  3K+
  A rumble stirred you from your sleep.  You sat up in your sleeping bag, just as four rhino creatures, with firenation riders atop them, emerged from the woods and began circling your group.
“Give up!  You’re completely surrounded!”  The leader yelled.  A couple archers shot fire-tipped arrows at Sokka sleeping bag just as he crawled out.
“Come on, come on, come on!!”  He shouted, running for Appa.
“My scrolls!”  Katara complained.
“My staff!”  Aang added.  They both ran off, collecting their items.
“Guys, come on!”  You shouted, now fully awake.  They ran back, jumping into the saddle.  “Yip, yip!”  You told Appa.  He flew into the air, but one of the men shot fire, forcing Aang, Katara and Sokka to duck.
“Wait!  My boomerang!”  Sokka shouted.
“There’s no time!”  Katara informed.
“Oh, I see.  So there’s time to get your scroll, and time to get his staff, but no time to get my boomerang!?”  He complained.
“That’s correct!”  She replied.  You flew Appa higher, into the clouds, so that you were out of sight.  You flew for a little while, making sure that the attackers were gone, before coming back down and spotting a town.  You landed Appa, sliding off and walking to the market.
“Sorry about your boomerang, Sokka.”  You heard Aang tell Sokka.  Sokka was currently sitting on the ground, hugging his knees to his chest.
“I feel like I’ve lost part of my identity.”  Sokka confessed.  He stood.  “Imagine if you lost your arrow.”  He told Aang, lifting the hat off his head.  “Or if Katara lost her….hair loopies.”  He gestured.  “Or if Y/n lost her bracelet.”  Your hand instinctively went to your wrist as Katara hugged her brother, trying to comfort him.
“Here’s your produce, ponytail guy.”  The man at the market said before disappearing inside his shop.  Sokka took the basket and frowned.
“I used to be ‘boomerang guy’.”  He muttered, walking away.  Katara paid a man, while you watched Sokka leave.
“Hey!  Watertribe money!”  The man exclaimed.
“I hope that’s okay.”  Katara told him.
“So long as it’s money!  Have a nice Avatar day.”
“Avatar day?”  Aang asked, excitement written on his features.
“You guys are going to the festival, right?”  The man asked, turning around to face you.  You all exchanged looks, before following the man further into town.
“There’s a holiday for the Avatar.”  Aang noted.  “Who knew?”
“Look!  They made a giant Kyoshi float!”  Katara informed, pointing behind you.  You all ran closer.
“And here comes Avatar Roku.”  Sokka noted, pointing as well.  He seemed to be in better spirits.
“Having a huge festival in your honor is great, but frankly, it’s just nice to be appreciated.”  Aang confessed.
“And it’s nice to appreciate their deep-fried festival food.”  Sokka informed, taking a bite of something.  You smirked at him, until Katara said something that drew your attention.
“Aang, look!”  She said.
“That’s the biggest me I’ve ever seen.”  Aang admitted.
“Makes sense.”  You muttered.  A man suddenly ran towards the statues, carrying a torch.
“Now a torch!  That’s a nice prop!”  Sokka noted.  “It’s bright, dangerous, and smells manly.”
You raised an unconvinced eyebrow at him.
“Hey, what’s that guy doing?”  Katara asked, pointing.  The man with the torch ran at the statue of Kyoshi, jumping through the material it was made of, setting it on fire.  He set Roku and Aang’s figures on fire as well.
“Down with the Avatar!  Down with the Avatar!”  Everyone chanted.  Your mouth dropped open in shock.  Your arms fell to your sides.
“What?”  You muttered quietly.  The man threw the torch into Aang’s figure’s eye.  Aang winced.  Katara rushed forward, putting out the fires.
“That party pooper is ruining Avatar day!”  A man shouted.  Aang frowned.  You eyed him wearily.  He jumped, landing on his figure’s shoulder, taking off his hat.
“That party pooper is my friend!”  He declared.  You face-palmed.
“We’re doomed.”
“It’s the Avatar, himself!!”  A man shouted.
“He’s going to kill us with his awesome Avatar powers!”  Shouted another.  Your eyebrows furrowed as you turned to them.
“What?”  You muttered quietly.
“No, I’m not.  I-” Aang started, raising his hand.  A man panicked, and jumped into the crowd, hiding.  Aang looked at his hand, placing it behind his back.
“I suggest you leave!  You’re not welcome here, Avatar.”  The man from before informed.
“Why not?”  Katara asked.  “Aang helps people.”
“It’s true.”  Aang assured, floating down.  “I’m on your side.”
“I find that hard to swallow, considering what you did to us in your past life!”  The man admitted.  “It was Avatar Kyoshi!  She murdered our glorious leader, Chin the great.”
“You think that I murdered someone?”  Aang asked softly.
“We used to be a great society before you killed our leader.”  A different, elderly man spoke up.
“Aang would never do something like that.  No Avatar would!”  Katara defended.  “And it’s not fair for you all to question his honor!”
“It was in a different life!  It’s not his fault.”  You voiced.
“Give me a chance to clear my name!”  Aang pleaded.
“The only way to prove your innocence is to stand trial.”  The man informed.
“I’ll gladly stand trial.”  Aang answered.
“You’ll have to follow all our rules.  That includes paying bail.”
“No problem.”
“How was I supposed to know they wouldn’t take watertribe money?”  Aang asked.  You sighed, rubbing at your temples as you paces back and forth in front of Aang’s cell.
“So, some people don’t like you, big deal.”  Sokka told him.
“You can’t make everyone happy.”  You added.
“There’s a whole nation of firebenders that hate you.”  Sokka continued.  “Now let’s bust you out of here.”
“I can’t.”
“Sure ya can!  A little, whoosh!  Swish, swish, swish!  Airbending slice!”  Sokka exclaimed.  “And we’re on our way.”
“I think what master swish is trying to say, is that you’re supposed to be out saving the world.  You can’t do that locked up in here.”
“I can’t do that with people thinking I’m a murderer, either.”
“Oh, for heaven’s sake, it’s one bloody island.”  You grumbled, rolling your eyes.  “We don’t have time for this.”
Aang was silent for a few moments.  “I need you guys to help prove my innocence.”
“How are we gonna do that?”  Sokka asked.  “The crime happened over three-hundred years ago.”
“That’s okay, Sokka.  For some reason, I thought you were an expert detective.”  Aang told him.
“Well, I guess I could be classified as such.”  Sokka replied.  You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah!”  Katara agreed.  She placed her hand on her brother’s shoulder.  “Back home, he was famous for solving the case of the missing seal jerky.”
“Everyone wanted to blame it on the polar-leopard, but I figured out it was old man Jarko, wearing polar-leopard boots.”  Sokka added.  “See, a real eight-hundred pound polar-leopard would have left much deeper tracks.  Okay, I guess I am pretty good.”
“You said all of that in one breath?”  You asked.
“So, you’ll help me with my case?”  Aang questioned.  Sokka thought for a moment.
“Fine.  But I’m gonna need some new props.”  He determined before walking out.  He returned a little bit later, a hat on his head with an attached monocle.  Katara chuckled, and Sokka extended the monocle, looking at her through it.  “What?”  He asked.
“This is the crime scene.”  The man told Sokka.  You and Katara tagged along, seeing if you could be of any assistance.  Sokka scurried around, looking things over.  “This is the footprint of the killer, Kyoshi.”  Sokka leaned over, examining the footprint.  “It was at sunset.  Three-hundred and seventy years ago, today, that she emerged from the temple, and struck down Chin the Great.  After that tragic day, we built this statue to immortalize our great leader.  Feel free to appreciate it.”  He finished, walking away.  You raised an eyebrow at him as Sokka rushed forward, examining the statue.  He stood for a second or two, before running off.
“This temple and the statue were cut from the same stone, and we know that the statue was built after Chin died.”
“So, if they were built at the same time, that means-”
“SHH!  I wanna solve it!!”  Sokka cut his sister off, glaring at her.  He stepped around her, pointing.  “That means Kyoshi never set foot in this temple.”
“That’s a big hole in the mayor’s story, but it’s not enough to prove Aang’s innocence.”
“You’re right.”  He pulled out a long object, and started blowing bubbles out of it like a pipe.  “We need to go to Kyoshi Island.”
“Where’d you get that?”  Katara asked.
“What’s Kyoshi Island?”  You asked, very lost.
Appa flew into town, a bell signaling your arrival.  You gazed at the large statue of Kyoshi, thinking that this situation was a little ironic.  One island that loves Kyoshi, and has a statue of her, the other hates her, and has a statue of their fallen leader.
You turned, hearing shouts, and saw a bunch of people dressed in blue run to greet the group.  A man near the front foamed at the mouth, passing out.  Your eyes shot open in concern.
“Where’s Aangie?”  A girl voiced, stomping.  You almost gagged.
“He couldn’t be here, Coco.”  Katara informed.  Everyone groaned, walking away.  Well, almost everyone.  One man remained.  You cocked an eyebrow.  “Oyaji, Aang is in jail.”  Katara explained.  “The town of Chin says that he murdered their leader in a past life.”
“They say it was Kyoshi.”  Sokka added, holding his pipe.
“Kyoshi!?  That’s crazy talk!”  The man, Oyaji, voiced.  “I’ll take you to her shrine.  Maybe something there will help you clear her name.”
Oyaji led you all through town, past several houses.  Sokka jogged, catching up.  “So, uh.  What’s Suki up to?”  He asked.  “Is she around?”
“Actually, she and the other warriors left to fight in the war.  You kids left a big impact on Suki.  She said you inspired her, and she wanted to help change the world.”
“Oh.  Well, that’s great.”  Sokka voiced, though he sounded upset.
“Who’s Suki?”  You asked, eyebrows knitted together.
“I’ll explain later.”  Katara assured.
“This temple was converted into a shrine to Kyoshi.”  Oyaji informed.  “The clerics tell us these relics are still connected to her spirit.  That’s her kimono.”  He told Katara, who was looking at it.
“She had exquisite taste.”  Katara noted.
“Please don’t touch!”
“These fans….these were her weapons, no?”  Sokka asked, picking one up and examining it.
“Also refrain from touching the fans.”  Oyaji pleaded.
“These were her boots?  Her feet must have been enorm-” You cut yourself off, coming to a realization. 
“The biggest of any Avatar.”  Oyaji informed with pride.
“Wait a minute.  Big feet?  Little footprints?  There’s no way-” Katara was cut off again by her brother, who cleared his throat.
“Special outfit, hat and pipe.  Do these things mean anything to you?”  Sokka asked.
“You’re right.  I’m sorry.  Please, continue.”  Katara told him, stepping back.
“There’s no way Kyoshi could have made that footprint.  And therefore, there is nothing linking her to the crime scene.”  Sokka said.  Katara crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.
“Brilliant, Sokka.”
Oyaji led Sokka to a painting.  “This piece is called ‘The Birth of Kyoshi’.  It was painted at sunrise on the day this island was founded.  Why, it was today, in fact.  Three-hundred and seventy years ago.”
Sokka made a noise.  “Wait, three-hundred and seventy years ago?!  Are you sure it was today?”
“Well, seeing how it’s Kyoshi day, yes, I’m sure.”
“This ceremony didn’t take place at sunrise.”  Sokka noted upon further inspection.  “It took place at sunset.  Look at the shadows.”
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise.  “Wow.  I didn’t think you were that observant.”  You told him.  Sokka shrugged.
“I try.”
“They point east, so the sun must have been in the west.”  Katara pointed out.
“So what?”
Sokka pushed his sister out of the way before she could answer.  “So if Kyoshi was at the ceremony at sunset, she couldn’t have been in Chin, committing the crime.  She has an alibi.”
“Let’s head back with the news.”  You suggested.
“Honorable mayor, we’ve prepared a solid defense for the Avatar.”  Katara started.  You were back in front of Aang’s cell, though this time with the mayor.  And a case.  “We did an investigation and found some very strong evidence.”
“Evidence?”  The mayor laughed.  “That’s not how our court system works.”
“Enlighten us.”  You challenged, crossing your arms.
“Simple.  I say what happened, then he says what happened, and then I decide who’s right.  That’s why we call it justice.  Because it’s just us.”  He laughed again, walking away.
“That is bogus!”  You yelled after him.
“Everyone loved Chin the Great because he was so great.  Then the Avatar showed up and killed him!  That’s how it happened.”  The mayor stated, walking away with a large grin on his face.  You fumed.
“I can’t believe this.”  You muttered, sinking further into your seat.
“The accused will now present its argument.”  A man said, backing away.
“You can do it, Aang.  Just remember the evidence.”  Sokka directed.
“Right.  Evidence.  Ladies and gentlemen!  I’m about to tell you what really happened!  And I will prove it with facts.  Fact number one!  Uh.”
“The footprints.”  Sokka whispered.
“Oh, yeah.  You see, I have very large feet.”  Aang said lamely.  He pointed down, at his small feet.  You face-palmed.  “Furthermore, your temple matched your statue.”
“Aang, you’re defending your case, not complimenting their architecture.”  You mumbled, running your hand through your hair.
“But, I was in a painting at sunset.  So, there you have it!  I’m not guilty!”
Sokka and Katara both had worried grins on their faces, but tried to be supportive of him.  “He’s dead.”  Sokka spoke quietly.
“Mayor Tong!  I’d like for the court to hear one last testimony.”  Katara informed.  Recess had just finished.
“I have already told you!  It is just me and the accused!  You can’t call any witnesses!”
“This isn’t just any witness.  I’m going to call…….Avatar Kyoshi, herself!”
Murmurs formed in the crowd.  The man stepped aside revealing Kyoshi.  Or rather, Aang in makeup, and in Kyoshi’s large clothes.  Your eyes shut.  This wasn’t going to go well.
“What are you doing?”  Sokka whispered to his sister once she returned to her seat.
“Well, she is Aang’s past life.  Maybe wearing her stuff with trigger something.”
“I do believe in the power of stuff.”  Sokka agreed, pulling out the extendable monocle.  The mayor stood.
“This is a mockery of Chin law!”
“Please!  If you could just wait one more second!  I’m sure Kyoshi will be here!”  Katara pleaded.
“Hey, everybody!  Avatar Kyoshi, here!”  Aang spoke in a high-pitched tone.  You fought the urge to scream.
“This is ridiculous.”  The mayor noted, walking towards Aang.
“Now on that, we agree.”  You mumbled.
“For the murder of Chin the Great, this court finds the Avatar-” He didn’t get to finish.  Aang was consumed by a tornado, and everything grew dark.  You squinted against the wind, just in time to see the tornado disappear, revealing Avatar Kyoshi.  For real, this time.  She stood taller than the mayor, and perhaps anyone you’d ever seen.  Your mouth dropped open in shock.
“I killed Chin the Conqueror.”  She spoke.  Her voice was powerful and strong.  “A horrible tyrant, Chin was expanding his army to all corners of the continent.  “When they came to the neck of the peninsula, where we lived, he demanded our immediate surrender.  I warned him that I would not sit passively while they took our home.  But he did not back down.  On that day, we split from the main land.  I created Kyoshi Island so our people could be safe from invaders.”  She bowed her head, the tornado returning, and the world brightening up again.  Aang was left in her place.
You and Katara ran over to him.
“So, what just happened?”  He asked.
“I have a new favorite Avatar.”  You informed.  Katara glared at you before returning her attention to Aang.
“Uh, you kinda confessed.  Sorry.”
The mayor stood.  “And I find you guilty!  Bring out the wheel of punishment!”
You sighed.  “Yeah, that’s fair.”
“The accused will now spin the wheel of punishment to determine his sentence.”
There were many horrible things on the board.  Laying on a bed of needles.  Eaten by a shark.  Mauled by a bear.  Burned alive.  That kind of stuff.
“I said I would face justice.  So I will.”  Aang spoke, walking towards the wheel.  He gave it a spin, and one of the men in the crowd spoke up.
“Come on, torture machine!”
“Eaten by bears!”  Shouted another.
“Razor pit!”
“Community service!”  Katara hoped.  “Please stop on community service!”
The wheel slowed to a stop.
“Looks like it’s boiled in oil.”  The man said.  The crowd cheered.  You groaned.
“We were so close!”  You gestured at the wheel, revealing community service was next.  Suddenly a bomb flew in, exploding.  You turned around, seeing the same men on rhinos that attacked you earlier.
“We’ve come to claim this village for the Firelord!”  The leader announced.  “Now, show me your leader!  So I may-” He cut himself off, giving one of his troops a signal.  The cut the statue of Chin, destroying it.
“Good riddance.”  You muttered.
“-dethrone him.”  He finished.
“That’s him, over there!”  A man shouted, pointing towards the mayor and Aang.  The mayor hid behind the wheel.
“You, Avatar, do something!”
“Gee, I’d love to help, but I’m supposed to be boiled in oil.”  He replied.  You grinned.
“There, community service.”  The mayor said, turning the wheel.  “Now serve our community and get rid of those rhinos!”
Aang smiled, rushing forward and jumping out of the outfit.  You grabbed everything he had so carelessly kicked off.  Aang, Katara and Sokka all took care of the intruders, while you trailed behind them, grabbing Kyoshi’s things.
“Guys!  Be careful!  These are antiques!”  You complained.
“From now on, we’ll celebrate a new Avatar Day!”  The mayor announced.  It was night, and everyone was in town, fireworks being set off into the sky.  “In honor of the day Avatar Aang saved us from the ruff rhino’s invasion!”
“What is this?”  Sokka asked, looking down at the bowl in his hands.
“That’s our new festival food.  Un-fried dough.  May we eat it, and be reminded of how on this day, was not boiled in oil.”
“That’s clever.”  You noted, looking down at the little un-cooked Aang shapes.
“Happy Avatar Day, everyone.”  Katara said, eating one of the ‘Aang’s’.
“This is by far the worst town we’ve ever been to.”  Sokka noted.  You nodded in agreement.
“You can say that again.”
A/n:  We get to meet Toph in the next one!
Tag List:  @pizzamelon7384, @rissa-doodles, @chewymoustachio, @book-nerd-and-a-fangirl, @exo-nova, @emo-plaidin, @dinoromp, @90skid018, @mack-n-size, @thenoblenomad, @importanttyrantruler, @poisonedinventor, @thepixelatedarcher, @hitsugayarose
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carnistcervine · 5 years
Agni’s Favor
Just something kinda quick that I wrote up from an idea I got this morning.
AU, I guess. Doesn’t strictly follow canon lore-wise at least. I know that they establish an identity for the Avatar Spirit in LOK, but personally, I’ve always preferred the idea that it’s the World Spirit or spirit of the planet. :’D It makes the consequences of Avatar slaying much more deep and serious, and also gives a built in explanation for why the Avatar is a master of all four elements.
Agni. Spirit of the sun, father of dragons, and honorable guardian of the people of fire.
Not that he was terribly pleased with his people at the moment. The fire throne's recent line of succession was bringing dishonor to his name.
It had started out well enough, with the friendship of Roku and Sozin. Even before the world knew, Agni knew that Roku was the Avatar. All the spirits knew. Any ancient spirit could recognize one of their own. And honestly, the friendship between the Fire Prince and the Avatar? That was how things were meant to be. Just as the moon pulls the ocean, the sun warms the planet. The Fire Lord and the Avatar were meant to be allies, to be friends.
Agni honestly didn't care about his people's attempted conquest of the world. Those were human matters, and humans were well, human. However, the thing that made his flames burn hotter was how the Fire Lord would stubbornly turn on the Avatar. Fool. A damned fool. And when Sozin left Roku to die on that volcano, Agni's flame simmered in disappointment.
It was fine though, Roku was reaching the end of his life anyway, and it was ultimately the volcanic gas that had done him in. However, what really made Agni burn was how Sozin destroyed the Air Temples in an attempt to get the next Avatar. Had Sozin burned the temples for his own sadistic pleasure, Agni would not have cared, but to attempt to destroy the Avatar cycle, to stop the reincarnation of the World Spirit, that was unacceptable.
Thankfully, the Avatar had been a desperate child, and fled before destruction could reach him. And as the Avatar slept, Agni watched over the world. A gleaming blue gem in a cosmic void. Blue was such a lovely color, it's really no wonder the Moon fell for the Ocean.
Despite Agni's grievances, he still had the back of his people and their deigned leader. Even in his disappointment, he blessed each potential heir with his flame. However, he gave a certain Fire Princess his favor. Gifting her with blue flame. Blue really is such a lovely color.
When the true heir of fire lost his son, the second born ascended the throne. And this Fire Lord, burned and banished his first born, leaving the second born, the Fire Princess, with a direct line to the throne. The scorched prince searched the world for his honor, and the princess reveled in her favor. Agni watched silently, like a burning sentinel in the heavens.
Truly, Azula must have known that she had Agni's favor, otherwise why else would she attempt to usurp the Earth King and Long Feng? And her whole speech about having a divine right to power. Certainly she must have known. Even still, to claim a divine right to the throne? The second born of a second born who stole his throne? All in a land not her own. If Agni had a mouth, he would have smirked. Somehow her plan worked. At fourteen Princess Azula managed a bloodless coup of the impenetrable city.
However, things took a turn. The Avatar's companions wanted to defend Ba Sing Se, and the Avatar wanted to defend his companions, and the Avatar Spirit... would defend the Avatar. Agni would not defend the Fire Princess against the World Spirit. But it seemed he didn't need to. In a move Agni considered most dishonorable, she had struck down the Avatar with an attack to the back, mid ascent.
It reminded Agni of when Zhao had killed the Moon Spirit. Such action disgusted him, mortals had no place to kill the vital forces of nature. To a kill an ancient spirit, one of Agni's own. It was like watching the slaying of his children all over again. When the Ocean and the World joined together to destroy his people's fleet, Agni did not step in. If the World Spirit deemed such action necessary, Agni wouldn't stop it. Agni turned his back when the Ocean personally dragged Zhao into the depths of the spirit world.
Served him right.
But to watch Azula destroy the Avatar Spirit. Agni flared in anger. How DARE the mortals! How DARE his OWN PEOPLE?! Had he a face, he would have roared from his rage. From there, he abandoned Azula.
Once the Avatar Spirit had perished, the effect was immediate. The world stopped turning, the ocean and sky currents stopped moving, the core of the planet began to cool. Of course the mortals wouldn't notice until it was too late.
Thankfully though, a Watertribe girl with spiritually enhanced water managed to revive the both the spirit and it's host. She hadn't known it, but she saved them all. Agni never would have guessed it, but he was proud of one of Tui and La's people. Blue is a wonderful color.
But of course, Agni still had revenge to enact. Only, his wouldn't be so grand and obvious as the Ocean's fit of rage. No, he would be much more insidious. After all, all firebenders had a little bit of him in them. Their inner flame. Agni already knew of the crack's within Azula's mental foundation. She wanted love, but at the same time rejected it. Creating a turmoil within herself. Turmoil that was consumed by her inner flame, making her hollow. So without love she used fear to control others. Like some kind of monster. Just like that, the Sun had an idea. He would wait for his prime opportunity.
When Azula came to Ember Island, Agni spoke to her through the flames of the bonfire. Azula's own mother, Ursa thought she was a monster. Only, Ursa didn't really believe such a thing, but it fell in line nicely with the things that Azula already believed about her mother. She mentioned the thought to the others, and it didn't get to her in that moment. But the seed had been sewn.
When Zuko left to aid the Avatar, Azula was mildly disappointed, but not at all surprised. Agni crackled. "What did you expect?"
When the two nonbenders betrayed Azula, Agni crackled through her inner flame. "Just like your Mother."
When Ozai left to become the Phoenix King, Azula had to remain behind as Fire Lord. She felt honored, but Agni knew better. "You're just a tool." She didn't believe him. She didn't want to.
When she sat in her seat, blue flames crackling behind her, Agni pitched in. "They're all out to get you."
"What do you mean?" She turned her gaze slightly, eyeing the flames from the corner of her eye.
"None of these people have your back. None of your servants have your back." Agni crackled. "Just like your friends. Just like your father."
"False!" Azula said sharply. "Father is proud of me, and I have fear to control those under me."
"Really now?" Agni wanted to smirk. "Even the proud, and stubborn earthbenders who call themselves the Dai Li? Why would any earthbender in their right mind support the Fire Nation? Unless..." Agni paused thoughtfully. "Why don't you call them in, if they get here before an assassin could kill you, then they must be on your side."
Agni watched with near glee as Azula banished and turned on her many servants and supporters.
When all was said and done, and no one was around to style her hair, she ended up messing it up and cutting it in a maddened revenge. Agni reached into her splintering mind once more and conjured the form of her mother. While he tried his best to use Azula's memory to mimic Ursa's voice, his crackling tone still slipped though. Thankfully for him though, Azula's enfeebled mind didn't notice the difference.
With Sozin's comet scraping along the sky, Azula and Zuko held their final agni kai. Dishonorably, and predictably, Azula ended up attacking a non-combatant. And the honorable prince dove in the way to save the Watertribe girl's life. Agni recognized the child in blue as the girl who had revived the World. Being one of the people of water, Agni could not give his favor or blessing to this child. However...
When it came down to it, Azula should have won, she had her kata just right and pointed directly at the face of the water girl. However, in the place of favor, Agni granted this child mercy and blocked Azula's inner fire for just a second, just long enough for the waterbender's ice to encase both parties. The water girl had saved the Avatar Spirit, so Agni returned the favor in the best way he could.
With Azula defeated, the burned prince, no, the honorable prince. The one without Agni's favor, was crowned Fire Lord. And at last, things were once again as they should be. With the Fire Lord and the Avatar as friends.
Agni crackled pleasurably at the scene. Azula had his favor, but Zuko, Agni's champion, didn't need it. And Fire Lord Zuko would create a Fire Nation that Agni could be proud of.
"Well done." Agni crackled.
Slightly startled, the newly crowned Fire Lord looked around. He couldn't see anyone, but he got the feeling that someone was very proud of him.
Basically, Azula fucked up when she killed Agni’s waifu.
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justsomewritingblog · 2 years
Avatar:TLA (Part 3)
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Request:  None
Requested By:  Nobody
Pairing:  Zuko x reader
Summary:  Jet part 2
Warnings:  mentions of violence, mentions of blood, mentions of injury
A/N:  Buckle up boys and girls.  This series is gonna be a long one.
Word Count:  1K+
You traveled through the woods, trying to find your way out so you could head to the North Pole by yourself.  As much as you loved Aang, Sokka, and Katara, most of the time, they were troubling you, and you couldn’t take it.  You had left the things you’d carried so that the gaang could use them.  It was rightfully theirs, after all.  You were lost in thought, traveling down the cliff when you tripped over something, and rolled most of the way down.  You landed on a flat rock that was sticking out of the earth, bringing your quick method of travel to an abrupt stop.
The wind got knocked out of you and you gasped for breath.  It was then you noticed something may have happened to your ribcage.  Breathing was very hard, and it hurt….a lot.  You groaned and fought the tears that threatened to spill from your eyes.  The pain was almost unbearable.  The pain in your ribs, and the pain in abandoning your friends.  You hadn’t known them for very long, but you’d grown attached to at least some of them rather quickly.
Tears rested on the edges of your eyes.  You could taste blood.  You’ve no doubt cut your lip on the edge of the rock that so helpfully stopped your rolling.  You groaned and let out a strangled sob as you pushed yourself onto your knees.  You wanted to roll into a ball and cry, but you figured that would only make the pain in your ribs worse.  You grunted as you stood, the pain still constant.  You looked around to try to get your bearings when you saw it.  A village, not far off.
You started making your way down the remainder of the hill, being very cautious this time.  You got to a particularly steep part so you paused, looking for a safe solution.  You stepped over to a tree, and walked a little bit down the hill.  Your momentum carried you further, and you leaned into another tree, smacking against it.  You did this down the remainder of the hill and dropped to your knees once you’d finally reached flat land.  You crawled over to a flow of water and you bended some of it so it rested against your ribs.  You cured some of it with what little knowledge you had of healing.  You stood, the pain still noticeable, but no longer unbearable.  Your eyes trailed the stream and you saw a dam.  You didn’t see anything strange, so you made your way into the town.
Everyone watched you as you entered.  You were still wearing your watertribe garments, though they were torn in a few places.  You wandered around, looking for a place to sleep, as it was getting dark.  You walked up to an elderly man.
“Is there a place I can stay?  Just for the night?”
The man smiled.  “There aren’t any inns around here, not many people come through, you see, but you can stay in my guestroom.”
“How can I repay you?”  You asked.  The man smiled again.
“Enjoy a meal.”
Your eyes widened in shock.  “Surely there must be something-”
He held up a hand.  “There is no need.”  He led you inside.
You had a lovely supper, and enjoyed talking to the man and his wife.  Their only son had moved out, many years ago, and they were thrilled to have the company.  When you were getting ready for bed, you healed your ribs a little more, the pain mostly subsiding.
The next morning, you woke up late.  You sat up and healed yourself a little more before getting ready for your journey home.  You had told the nice couple of your upcoming adventure, and they insisted on giving you supplies.  You refused it several times, but they wouldn’t take no for an answer.
You were saying your goodbyes, tying the supplies around your waist, when you heard panting.  You turned and spotted blue.  You squinted to see better, before your eyes widened in surprise.
“Sokka?”  You whispered.  Sokka came to a halt, looking at you.
“Hey, Y/n.”
“What are you doing here?”  You asked.
“I came to warn everyone.”
“Warn?  About what?”
“Jet’s planning on blowing the dam.  He’s going to flood the town.”  Sokka informed.
You glared.  “I knew there was something fishy about him.”
“We don’t have much time.  They tied me up.  I managed to get away, but Jet doesn’t know.”
You nodded before turning to the couple.  “Can you help us gather everyone together to make an announcement?”
They nodded, before hurrying away.  You and Sokka watched them leave.
“Who were they?”  Sokka inquired.
“They gave me a place to stay, dinner, and supplies for the road.”  You muttered.  Sokka’s shoulders slumped.
“You’re still planning on leaving?”
“We can discuss it later.  Right now, we have bigger problems.”  You said quickly before running off.
You managed to get everyone together.  Sokka was standing in the middle of the crowd, telling them about Jet’s plan.  A firenation soldier stepped forward.
“He’s a spy.  We can’t believe him.”
You were about to step forward and defend your friend, but an old man, dressed in red beat you to it.
“This man tried to help me when I was attacked.”  He explained.  You looked up at Sokka, a smile on your features.  “Please listen to him.”
You stepped forward as well.  “He’s my friend.  He only has everyone’s best interest at heart.  I’ve met Jet, and I know that Sokka’s telling the truth.”
Hushed murmurs filled the air.  You cast a worried glance at Sokka.
“Evacuate the city!”  Everyone started shouting, making their way out.  You let out a breath of relief.
“Uh, uh.  You can be relived once everyone’s safe.”  Sokka told you.  You nodded in understanding.  Everyone rushed around for the next couple minutes, grabbing the things they needed.  You picked up a kid and ran out, Sokka behind you.  You just managed to get everyone on a hill when the water flooded the town.
You watched in horror as everything was washed away.  The child you were holding let out a yell.  You set the girl down on the ground and watched as she rushed to the water and grabbed a doll.
“Mrs. Pretty!”  She exclaimed.  You smiled softly.  You turned to Sokka.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For what.  Saving the town.”  You explained, smacking his arm softly.  He smiled.
“I had to.  Jet-”
“-is a monster.”  You finished.  “Unlike you.  The hero.”
Sokka flushed red for a few seconds before it died down.  “Are you still going to leave?”
You sighed.  “Do you want me to stay?”
“Do Aang and Katara want me to stay?”
At this, Sokka grew quiet.  He was silent for several moments until he came to a conclusion.  “I’m sure Aang would.”
You let out a tiny laugh before grimacing slightly, bringing your hand instinctively to your ribcage.  Sokka reached forward.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah, I just-” you pulled some water out of your canteen and healed yourself a little more, “I did something to my ribs.”
Sokka opened his mouth, but you held up a hand, silencing him.  “It’s getting better.”  You assured.  “You should probably get back.  They’ll be looking for you.”
“I’m not leaving without you.”
Now it was his turn to silence you.
“You’re coming with me, and that’s final.”  He grabbed you by the hand and drug you along behind him.  You jogged to keep up with his long paces and when you tried to rip your hand free, he only gripped onto it tighter.  You sighed and caught up, deciding you weren’t going to win this fight, and walked with him.
You had climbed- correction.  Sokka had practically thrown you into Appa’s saddle, so he was sure that you wouldn’t leave.  You rolled your eyes as he took the bison’s reigns, flying over to where you heard voices.
“It will be safe.  Without you.”  He said, as he flew Appa into view.
“Sokka!”  Katara exclaimed.
“I warned the villagers of your plan just in time.”
“What!?”  Jet asked, furious.
“At first, they didn’t believe me.  The firenation soldiers assumed I was a spy.  But one man vouched for me.  The old man you attacked.  He urged them to trust me.  We got everyone out just in time.”
“Sokka, you fool!”
“We?”  Aang inquired.  Sokka leaned to the side, revealing your figure.  You gave a small wave.  Aang looked overjoyed, but you couldn’t place the expression on Katara’s face.
“We could have freed this valley!”  Jet complained.
“Who would be free?  Everyone would be dead.”  Sokka clarified.  You smiled up at him, proud of his actions.  Aang airbended up onto the saddle, and crushed you in a hug.  You winced slightly, but a smile overtook it as you hugged him back with just as much force.
“You traitor!”  Jet replied.
“No, Jet.  You became the traitor when you stopped protecting innocent people.”
“Katara, please.  Help me.”  Jet pleaded.  Katara closed her eyes.
“Goodbye, Jet.”  She said his name like it was a bad taste in her mouth.  She climbed into the saddle just as Sokka said,
“Yip, yip.”
Appa flew into the air.  It was silent for a few moments until Aang spoke up.  “We thought you were going to the dam.”  He told Sokka.  “How come you went to the town instead?”
“Let me guess…..your instincts told you.”  Katara teased, she was smiling this time, though.  Sokka shrugged.
“Hey, sometimes they’re right.”
“Um.  Sokka?  You know we’re going the wrong way, right?”  Aang asked.
“And, sometimes they’re wrong.”  Sokka said, turning Appa around.  You smiled at the interaction before climbing to the front of the saddle.
“Sokka, I’m very proud of you for what you said back there.  It was very mature of you.”
Sokka smiled softly.  “Thanks, Y/n.”
A/n:  Repost!  (UGhh, this is such cringe.  XD )
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palecheesecakebarah · 7 years
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ships : Zuko x Katara ( from Avatar : The Last Airbender )
She became his favourite scar
Once a watertribe girl and now a firelady ? Zuko teased Nice work, peasant,
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sokkascroptop · 4 years
traitor. (sokka x f! reader) pt 9
part 1 | part 8 | part 10
A/N: I finished this at 4 am, I am so tired. I also loved writing this, hence the staying up until 4 am to finish it. 
Y/N looked between them, unsure of what to do with herself. She wasn’t friends with Katara, she was in fact better friends with Zuko, but it felt weird to stay, like she was listening in on a private conversation. But she thought they were starting to make some headway. They hadn’t tried to kill one another while locked in the catacombs yet. And she missed him, she wanted to stay with him, to see if she could make up for the mistakes she made while with Azula. 
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Neither girl knew what to do with one another. 
The cavern was large and they kept each other in sight as they explored it separately. Green crystals grew out of ground everywhere Y/N could see. They shined like glow-moths and lit up the cave with an eerie haze. It was cold and damp too, and all she could smell was wet dirt. 
She reached up and touched one of the crystals. It was the tallest of it’s bunch and thick as her wrist. She ran a finger along it. It was angled on top, it’s sides were sharp.
Y/N found a foothold and pulled herself up to be eye level and tugged on it. 
“What are you doing?”
Y/N gasped and slipped off the rock she was standing on. She felt something sharp dig into her belly and pulled herself back up. She turned around and looked at the watertribe girl who was standing there with her hands on her hips.
“Don’t run up on someone like that. You scared me. I almost impaled myself on another one of these dumb crystals.”
“I didn’t–what are you doing!” She exclaimed as Y/N pulled hard on the crystal, this time her hands slipped off the slick surface and she had to jump down backwards before she fell on her back. Maybe she needed to try one that was smaller. 
“Are you trying to find a weapon?” the waterbender asked her. Apparently whatever made her want to stay away from Y/N a few hours ago was gone, she followed Y/N close on her heels as she inspected other rocks in the cavern.
“No.” Yes, Y/N very much was. 
“Well, they took my waterskin so I don’t have anything to bend. You shouldn’t be worried.”
“I’m not.” Y/N wiggled a smaller crystal but it was rooted just as deep as the last one. She had a feeling they were all going to be like that. “Besides there’s water all in the air, can’t you smell it?”
The girl’s voice was small when she answered. “I don’t know how to bend water out of the air.” 
“Oh. Well, what a time to learn,” Y/N muttered. She bunched up her dress around her and sat down heavily in the dirt. She really needed to learn when to stop talking. “What’s your name?” Y/N asked, trying to be polite. She didn’t really know what else to do. They were stuck in this cave and weren’t going anywhere anytime soon. 
“Katara.” she sat down across from Y/N, an arm’s length away. “And I already know yours.” She wasn’t too hard to read. She looked like the person who held all her emotions on her sleeve. She wasn’t mad at Y/N, she just looked suspicious of her. Y/N was sure she looked the same. They represented two sides of a war. Wait, could Y/N even say that anymore? Were they two opposing sides? Or side’s adjacent now?
“I guess I should say thank you?”
Y/N waved her away almost immediately and Katara looked grateful that she didn’t have to say anything else. Y/N picked her words carefully. “I think that we both helped each other.”
Katara raised one eyebrow and stayed silent. A clear indication she wanted Y/N to continue. Y/N sighed. “I was… planningonleaving,” she said it quickly, like the words would burn her mouth. It was the first time she admitted it outloud and it felt surprisingly nice. Like when you’re underwater running out of air and you finally reach the surface. “But, I couldn’t do it. I was scared of leaving. You gave me an opportunity to get away.” 
“Then why don’t you seem happy about it?” Katara’s face was so open, she looked like she genuinely wanted to hear about what Y/N was going through. She didn’t think she had ever met anyone like that before. 
“That’s the worst part of it.” Y/N whispered like there was someone around to hear her admit it. “I have regrets. Not everything but–and I know, I know it’s stupid of me to think that but, I just wish I had kept my mouth shut and done what she had told me to do.” Y/N put her head in her hands. How could feel like that? One minute she was weightless, the next moment she couldn’t breathe from the pressure in her chest. 
“Like kill me.” Katara frowned. 
“No.” Y/N recovered quickly. “That was never something I would have done. I—I thought that my guilt would be gone if I was, and it’s not.”
“Because that’s not how feelings work. You can’t just wish them away. They’re going to stay until you can let go of them.” 
“That’s...”  Probably true and definitely deeper than Y/N wanted to go. Because Y/N wanted to let go, so why hadn’t she? What were the claws of guilt hooked on? Where had everything gone wrong?
Neither of them slept fully that night. The cave had too much light for Y/N to feel like it was night time even though her body told her it was. Everytime she closed her eyes, she tossed and turned fitfully. She woke up from dozing one time and Katara was sitting up looking off in the distance with tired, unfocused eyes. Another time Y/N sat up and Katara was sleeping nearby, her head pillowed on her arms. The third time Y/N was jerked out of her sleep she swore she woke up to Azula’s voice but after looking around, realized that she wasn’t there. It felt like she was hallucinating, her dreams mixing with reality.  
The last time Y/N woke up it was for good. Her sleeves were covered in greasepaint from rolling around in her sleep, using her elbow as a pillow. Her stomach ached with hunger pangs. She leaned her head back against some rocks. “They could have at least given us food,” she groaned.
Katara’s stomach echoed her sentiment from where she was pacing with a low growl. She grimaced. “Maybe let’s not talk about food. It’ll only make it worse.”
Just then, above them, there was a loud rumbling as a rock was removed from the entrance of the tunnel they were dropped down from. Y/N went to stand next to Katara. They squinted up at the blinding light that came in through the hole. “You’ve got company,” One of the Dai Li shouted down to them. They watched as a figure was pushed and rolled down the tunnel to a stop at their feet. 
The red scar on his face was unmistakable. “Zuko!” 
Zuko pushed himself to his knees and scowled at them. Katara slowly started backing away from them. She looked between Zuko and Y/N defensively. Y/N could tell she was feeling outnumbered. “No, Katara wait–” Y/N started to say.
“What are you doing here?!” Zuko grabbed Y/N’s arm and turned her around to face him. 
She shook his hand off. “What?”
“Why are you here?” He asked again. “Is this one of Azula’s tricks?”
Y/N watched his mouth move and heard the words he said but Y/N just stared. Of course he wouldn’t know. Last thing he knew, Azula and her were joined at the hip. 
It seemed the answer was clear as day on her face. His eyes widened and then his face returned to his usual frown. “I didn’t know you had it in you.”
Y/N had taken a few steps back, creating a large distance between the two of them. She kept looking between him and Katara–who was eyeing them closely from across the cavern. 
“Had what?” she asked, confused.
“The ability to defy her.”
It was Y/N’s turn to scowl. “I’ve always had it in me,” she said defensively. “This is just the first time I’ve used it against her.”
She’d always had a streak of defiance. That’s what Azula liked about her in the first place. But all these years of being friends with her had made Y/N compliant and malleable because those were the types of friends Azula needed. Y/N’s rebellious streak of never listening to her teachers or parents had faded when she realized the kind of trouble it could get her into when you were friends with a young firebender with a temper. 
Zuko sat against a rock and set his head in his hands. Y/N noticed his hair was longer than before, scruffy looking. He didn’t look sad, just beaten. 
“I’m sorry,” Y/N blurted out. When both Katara and Zuko looked at her. She sighed inwardly. She hated that she had so many people to apologize to. She groaned and fisted her hands in her air. She paced back forth between them. “I’m sorry for… what do I even say? I’m sorry for chasing you around the Earth Kingdom and trying to capture you? I’m sorry for lying and being deceitful and… fuck!” Y/N kicked the toe of her boot into a rock. The sharp pain did nothing to distract her. Y/N didn’t know why it was so hard to find the words she wanted to say. 
Zuko didn’t look at her as he spoke. “Kind of hard to not do what the Fire Lord orders.”
“Well, you’re not the only one who was chasing after us.” Katara glared at Zuko.
Zuko glanced at Katara with his one good eye and looked back at his hands. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“No, I do! You’re always following us, hunting Aang, who is by the way, the world’s last hope for peace! You’re a terrible person. But what do you care? You’re the Fire Lord’s son. Spreading war, violence and hatred is in your blood.” 
None of this was directed at Y/N but she was rocked by the powerful words Katara spoke anyways. Every word she said rang true. The Avatar–Aang, was not someone who was meant to be captured, and Y/N was sure in this moment she couldn’t trust or fight for a Nation that wanted him all to themselves. She didn’t know how she didn’t see it before. 
Katara was crying softly in the corner she situated herself in. “The Fire Nation killed my mother. It doesn’t matter what you say, you can never tell me they’re fighting for good.”
Y/N felt a pang of sympathy for Katara. She hated seeing other people cry. She wanted to move closer and comfort her but she wasn’t sure how well that would be received. 
“I’m sorry.” Zuko lifted his head to look at Katara. 
She looked taken aback. She wiped her eyes and the three of them sat in companionable silence. Y/N felt so miserable for the three of them, sitting in a cavern together. Two sides of the war and one girl who was now stuck in the middle, looking for a way out of it all. Two, who had worked for and acted in place for those more powerful and had no choice in anything. And the one who took the hardships for it all. 
Y/N heard a rumbling over her right shoulder, and in an instant, the wall was knocked down. Through the rubble and dust she saw the Avatar and Iroh. 
“Aang!” Katara beamed. She ran and hugged him. “I knew you would come. 
Iroh walked over and hugged Zuko, which Y/N was surprised to see him return. “Uncle, I don’t understand. What are you doing with the Avatar?”
“Saving you, that’s what!” The Avatar quipped. 
Zuko snarled and Iroh had to hold him back. “I think we need to talk, Zuko.” Iroh nodded at The Avatar and Katara. “Go help your other friends. We’ll catch up!” 
The Avatar grabbed Katara's hand and they began jogging back through the tunnel he had made. 
Y/N looked between them, unsure of what to do with herself. She wasn’t friends with Katara, she was in fact better friends with Zuko, but it felt weird to stay, like she was listening in on a private conversation. But she thought they were starting to make some headway. They hadn’t tried to kill one another while locked in the catacombs yet. And she missed him, she wanted to stay with him, to see if she could make up for the mistakes she made while with Azula. 
“Y/N,” Katara called from the tunnel. “Come with us.” The Avatar stood next to her, looking at her like she had grown another head. 
Y/N looked at Zuko and Iroh, people she knew, people who were where she was from, people from home. “Why?”
“Where else are you going to go?” Katara asked. 
Y/N sent another look to Zuko. He looked like he wanted to say something, maybe tell her not to go with them, but he didn’t and Y/N ran off with Katara and the Avatar. 
They ran into a larger cavern, much like the one they were just in. Next to them was an aqueduct and from somewhere Y/N could hear trickling water filling it. 
“We’ve got to find Sokka and Toph!” Katara said to the Avatar. 
They were two steps ahead of her, and Y/N kept looking over her shoulder to see if Iroh and Zuko had caught up yet. Instead, she saw the last person she expected. 
“Duck!” She yelled. A ball of blue fire was blocked by a slab of Earth the Avatar brought up. Katara ran around the stone and used her bending to drag a wall of water up from the aqueduct and pummel Azula with it. Flames hit the water and evaporated it instantly. Y/N stuck behind the wall, feeling helpless in the fight. 
Azula jumped and ran across a row of crystals above them. Y/N noticed she was no longer wearing the Kyoshi warrior uniform. She was wearing a Dai Li uniform and had Y/N’s sword strapped to her back!
A white-hot streak of rage shot through Y/N. She didn’t even know how to use one and she was carrying Y/N’s around like a trophy! 
Azula jumped a small space between the crystals she was balanced on and a large tower of rock. She threw three fireballs at Katara and the Avatar who blocked it with a water shield above them. 
Azula landed in a crouch on a small ledge and as soon as the water fell around them, the Avatar used earthbending to knock the tower down. Azula jumped at the last minute to avoid being crushed and landed between Katara and him. 
Before a thought could even go through her mind, Y/N launched herself out from behind the rock and ran full speed at Azula. She hit her with a grunt and tackled her to the ground. They landed in a pile of writhing limbs. 
“Give it back!” Y/N screamed. She yanked her sword out from under Azula and kneeled on her chest, the sword posed over her throat. There was a beat, and then another. Every sound in the cavern was blocked out by the blood rushing in Y/N’s ears. She was elated to see the look of shock and terror that crossed Azula’s face. Y/N wasn’t able to enjoy it for long.
An explosion next to her knocked her of Azula and she went rolling away. It could only have come from one person. Zuko stood in the entrance of the cavern, still poised like he was ready to throw another fireball. The five of them looked between each other and Y/N broke into a smile when she saw him. 
But he didn’t return it. 
Suddenly, he threw a fire punch at the Avatar.
He blocked it with a gust of wind but was still thrown backwards from the force of it. Upon seeing her brother fight for her, Azula began a fight with Katara. 
And Y/N just watched it all unfold in front of her, helpless in the bending war that was going on. 
Zuko threw fire-punch after fire-punch at the Avatar. She could see the anger in his eyes as The Avatar evaded the flames each time using earthbending and airbending to jump and weave around fireballs. He bowled over Zuko with a large gust of wind and jumped to perch on a crystal at the top of the cavern. Zuko yelled in frustration and jumped to his feet. 
He set his feet and threw the largest fireball she’d ever seen him make at the Avatar. He bent the crystals around him but the energy from the fire still hit it, knocking him into the cavern wall. He jumped around the top of the cavern on ledges, avoiding Zuko’s fire whips. He used earthbending to knock a stalactite down from the ceiling, causing Zuko to dive to the side. 
Azula was having just as much luck as her brother. Katara had waterbent shackles around one of Azula’s arms and one of her legs. She tried to yank out of their grasp but there was no use. 
Y/N thought back to a time when seeing her be incapacitated would have scared her, she would run to Azula’s aid even if it was the middle of danger. Now, she just watched as she struggled. 
Suddenly, the shackles were cut away with fire and Zuko jumped in the fight, and Y/N saw her chance. 
She jumped in, ducking under a fire whip. She sliced at his leg and cut Zuko. He stumbled a bit and threw fire at her that was quickly extinguished by Katara’s water. Together they worked to push Zuko further back, Y/N waving her sword around in his face, occasionally catching some skin and Katara extinguishing any flame that got too close to Y/N. With Y/N as a distraction, Katara was able to encase one of his arms in water. He thrust the other in Y/N’s face but she carved upward with her sword and cut the middle of his palm. He winced and pulled it to his chest. 
All of a sudden, Azula jumped down from above Y/N and shot a fire blast at her. She jumped away but the edge of her Kyoshi dress caught fire. She patted it out quickly and looked to see that Azula had turned on Katara, shooting fire blasts her way. She was forced to let go of Zuko’s trapped hand to defend herself. Y/N ran to Katara reaching her just in time for her to throw a water shield around them. With the onslaught of fire from Azula and Zuko though, the shield busted and they were thrown into the rocks. 
Y/N’s vision went fuzzy. She could tell something was happening in front of her but her eyes wouldn’t focus and the ringing in her ears was too loud. She felt something warm roll down the side of her face. What was that? Next to her, Katara was lying motionless, her hair loosened from it’s braid. Y/N reached out and shook the other girl’s shoulder. 
“Hey, Katara, we have to get up.” She groaned and blinked her eyes open. 
Y/N grabbed her wrist and pulled Katara to her feet. They were instantly surrounded by Dai Li agents. Katara pulled water from the aqueduct and encircled them with it. She flared her hands out and tentacle-like projections waved around them. Y/N hefted her sword but it hadn’t been much use and it still wouldn't be when the Dai Li trapped her like a stone mummy.
On the other side of the aqueduct, the Avatar faced down Azula and Zuko and more Dai Li agents. There were too many of them for the three of them to fight off. She watched as he turned away from them and created a crystal tent. Then, the crystal tent began to glow. 
It was blinding. The crystals exploded and the Avatar rose in the air. Everyone stopped to look in awe. Y/N saw now that it was him glowing, his eyes and tattoos lit up the cavern like a small sun.
And then the lightning hit. The Avatar’s body jerked in the air as lightning coarsed through him. Someone screamed. It might have been her, but Y/N wasn’t sure. And he fell. 
Katara didn’t miss a beat as she created a large wave that flooded the cavern, knocked over most of the Dai Li and carried the two of them to the Avatar. She caught him before he hit the ground. She held him like he weighed nothing, his clothes were torn and burnt. Y/N couldn’t tell if he was alive or dead. Katara looked up at Y/N with tears in her eyes. Y/N’s face was wet too; she knew what she had to do. She turned her back on them. 
Last stand it is, she thought to herself as she raised her sword against the army of benders in front of her. But a wall of fire blocked them from attacking. 
Iroh jumped down in front of Y/N. “You have to get out of here. I’ll hold them off as long as I can!” 
Y/N grabbed the Avatar’s other arm and threw it over her shoulder. Together, her and Katara dragged his limp body to the waterfall where she bent the water and lifted them up. 
They landed in the grass behind the palace. High above them, circling like they were looking for something was the Avatar’s sky bison and the rest of his friends. 
Y/N stood and waved her hands above her head. “HEY!” she screamed. “Over here!!” 
Someone on the sky bison heard her and they turned their way. 
Y/N faced Katara. She was still holding the Avatar in her arms. Her hand shook as she pushed his shirt aside and looked at the wound on his chest. It was red and laced outwards like tendrils of smoke. Y/N looked away. 
She grabbed one of Katara’s hands. “You can heal him.” If she was as good of a healer as she was a fighter, the Avatar would be fine. 
“You can.”
The sky bison landed next to them and Katara and Y/N lifted the Avatar up to Katara’s brother to be pulled on. 
He grabbed Katara’s arm first and pulled her up onto the bison. He looked down at Y/N’s outstretched hand and hesitated. But then he grabbed it anyways. They needed to get out of here, they needed miles and miles between them and Ba Sing Se and Y/N was coming with them whether he protested it later or not.
A/N: so there she is!! I might have unintentionally lied and said that we have sokka x y/n content in this part. I planned on this actually being longer but I was too tired to continue this one any more and I feel like Y/N and Sokka talking in a brand new part would be better. Also! It was so hard to write a non-bender in this fight?? Let me know what you guys think!! ❤️❤️
Taglist: @myexgirlfriendisthemoon​ @reclusive-chicken-nugget​ @astroninaaa​ @bubblebars​ @beifongsss​ @crownofcryptids @welovediaaxx​ @littlefluu​ @lozzybowe​ @thebluelcdy​ @ohjustlookalive @sugarmoongey​ @fanficdepot​ @teenbiology​ @13-09-01​ @riespage​ @davnwillcome​ @naanlianid​ @creation-magician​ @lunariasilver​ @vintagerose1014516 
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stupouid · 4 years
Unity (ATLA boys x reader) Chapter 2
Chapter 1| Chapter 2
A/N: this one has lots of cute sokka moments for Y/N!!!!! you go girl!!
I kind of edited this so yeah<3
Warning: like 3 curse words
Word count: over 3k words lelele
ask any questions in my askbox!
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Chapter 2
The Swamp Meeting Sokka and Katara, formally, was… interesting, for Y/N. When Katara saw Aang walking towards the two siblings with Y/N, her first instinct was to freeze her, not even acknowledging the way Aang wasn’t even troubled by Y/N’s presence.
“Katara!” Aang shouted, as he unfreezed the ice that entrapped Y/N. “This is Y/N. She’s King Bumi’s granddaughter, and more importantly, she’s a friend. She defied Princess Azula, Zuko’s sister, to save me. If it wasn’t for her King Bumi and I would probably be fried.”
“I don’t believe you.” Sokka stated. “If you were really King Bumi’s granddaughter, we would have met you weeks ago, the last time we were here.”
“It’s a long story, but I can assure you I’m no threat. I’m not a fire bender or an earth bender, I’m already considered a traitor to the fire nation, and I left my sword and my throwing knives back home. The only way I could possibly hurt you is by chi-blocking, and I’m not even as good as Ty Lee!”
“Hold on. Why’d you say earth or fire bender? And why do we have matching necklaces?” Sokka questioned.
“She’ll tell us while we’re on Appa. Now come on, I have an earthbending teacher to find. Y/N, you wouldn’t happen to know any great earthbending teachers, right?”
“No, I don’t, but I’m tired. And your sky bison is so cute!”
Y/N told Sokka, Katara, and Aang the whole story. How her mother was the princess of Omashu and how she traveled the whole world and had many suitors from different nations (Y/N's mother had multiple water tribe suitors and her favorite had given her a necklace similar to Sokka’s, hence as to why they match), how Y/N's mother had Y/N with a fire nation noblemen which led to Y/M/N being disowned by her family, how Y/N grew up in the fire nation and how Y/N moved to Omashu after her mother’s death, and how Y/N was too scared to set foot anywhere near the royal palace. 
It was a lot for the watertribe siblings to take in, but they sympathized with her as they both lost a mother as well. Ultimately, they decided she wasn’t a threat to them and would help them out when navigating the fire nation and Ba Sing Se, as the girl traveled to many places due to her father and mother’s high status.Katara may have trusted Y/N right away, but Sokka was still suspicious of the girl, and most likely jealous too. 
Sokka certainly didn’t appreciate the fact that Y/N was a better warrior than him even though he was older than her, and he was jealous because of the way she had with a sword. 
Days passed and the four teens were flying over a large forested area, covered with a blanket of fog. Aang was in some sort of trance and Y/N was eyeing the swamp suspiciously, while Sokka sharpened his machete and Katara studied some scroll.
“Hey, you taking us down for a reason?” Sokka questioned. There was no reply from Aang, and Y/N didn’t bother to answer Sokka. The swamp was too… ominous. 
“Aang, why are we going down?”Aang must have snapped out of his trance because he then said, “What? I didn’t even notice.”
“Are you noticing now?” The watertribe boy retorted. Noticing Sokka’s harsh attitude, Katara moved up to the front of the saddle, and said, “Is something wrong?”
“This is going to sound really weird,” Aang started, “but I think the swamp is calling to me.”
Y/N interjected with, “I feel it too. I can hear some sort of… ringing, I guess. It’s weird and I don’t like it.”
Sokka ignored what Y/N said and targeted his next question to Aang. “Well, is it telling you where we can get something to eat? I’m starving!” At this, Y/N rolled her eyes. In the short time that she knew Sokka, she had pinned down three of his personality traits to be talking about food, girls, and his boomerang. Disgusting. 
Y/N tuned out the rest of the conversation until she heard Sokka scream, “You better throw in an extra yip! We gotta move!” And that was when Y/N saw the tornado.
Y/N had never liked tornadoes. She also wasn’t fond of lightning. As Y/N was panicking, she saw Sokka fly off Appa’s saddle. She instinctively reached out for his hand and he grabbed on to it. Y/N saw the look of panic on his face, since Y/N was the person who would decide if he would live or die. She could either let him go here and risk Katara freezing her to death, or bring Sokka back onto the saddle and have him owe his entire life to her. The princess went with the latter. 
As Y/N helped Sokka onto the saddle, Aang created an air shield around Appa. However, Aang was struggling with keeping it intact, and eventually the shield broke and Appa and the rest of the team fell into the swamp. Fortunately, Y/N fell right next to Aang, so he bended the air to give them a soft landing. 
Aang stood straight up and looked around, asking, “Where’s Appa and Momo?” When he didn’t find them right away, he shouted, “APPA! MOMO!” Y/N was laying on a tree root and had no intention of moving until Sokka appeared right before her with a huge-ass grin on his face.
“What? Did ya’ get too tired Princess?” Sokka teased. Y/N's face turned red, totally not from Sokka calling her princess. Her face turned red because he was teasing. Yup.
Fuming, Y/N replied with, “Funny, because I was the one who saved you. Now you owe me your life.” Y/N stood up and brushed off the dirt from her clothes. Sokka was left speechless by the girl, because everything she said was factual. 
Soon the four of them were united and Sokka suggested they start a fire. Aang and Sokka argued while Katara noticed that Y/N was just in the background. Walking over to Y/N, Katara said, “Hey. Are you, uh, okay?”
“What?” Y/N replied, “Oh no, I’m fine. Really. I’m just not a big fan of this place.”
“Oh, okay. Just… let me know if you need anything, yeah?” Y/N simply just nodded in response to Katara. The four kids had dinner and then went to sleep, huddled against each other for warmth. Or more like Katara and Aang were huddled together in the middle, and Sokka and Y/N were on the outside. Suddenly, Sokka screamed, and the rest of the three teens woke up, only to be dragged away by some vines. Y/N tried her best to get out of the vines, but with no weapon (it was with Sokka) or no bending, she was stuck. 
“Guys? GUYS!” she screamed, but no luck. Y/N kept wiggling inside of the vines until they randomly let go.Stepping out of the cage of vines, Y/N was met with a figure. Y/N could tell that the figure was most likely female, so she called out, “Hey lady! Could you uhh… help me find my friends?”The lady didn’t respond, so Y/N started walking towards the woman. Y/N was just about 5 feet away from the mysterious woman until she turned around, and Y/N was met with the face of...her mother.  
“Mom?” Y/N asked, with tears coming to her eyes.“Mom, is that really you?” The mysterious woman just nodded, and Y/N ran over to her, tears streaming down her s/c skin. “Mom!”
“Y/N,” the lady started, “I want you to know that… that the heart wants what it wants. The person you end up with may not be the person you expected. The person you may end up with may have crossed you many times before. But just know that they’re with you for a good reason, and that they love you for you. The person you end up with is an amazing warrior with an intelligent mind.” Y/N didn’t know what else to say. She wasn’t even thinking about love yet, she was only fourteen for spirit’s sake! Nonetheless, Y/N accepted her mother’s advice with a thank you. The young girl was about to embrace her mother when her image started shimmering.
“Mom? Mom!” Y/N called out. 
“Y/N! I love you so, so much! Don’t forget what I said!” Screamed Y/N’s mother, and then she disappeared into the night. Y/N stood there, processing what her mother had told her. Why was it important that she know who she would end up with? She had expected her mother to apologize for not telling her the whole truth, or some information on a powerful earthbender so she could help Aang with his search. 
Y/N shook her head and her h/c hair framed her face. The girl started walking, not sure of where she was going, until she came upon a large clearing. (in reality some vines pushed her until she reached said clearing.) She found a tree root and sat on it, thinking about whatever the hell her mother had just said, until Sokka appeared, along with Katara and Aang.
“What do you guys think you’re doing!?” Sokka shouted, as he put away his machete. “I’ve been looking all over for you!” 
Katara, obviously agitated, replied with, “Well, I’ve been wandering around looking for you! And you, Y/N, where were you?”
Y/N was about to speak, but Aang cut her off with, “I was chasing some girl.” Y/N couldn’t help but laugh a little.
“What girl?” Katara asked. Y/N couldn’t tell if she was jealous or just plain confused.
“I don’t know. I heard some girl laughing and I saw a girl in a fancy dress.” Aang replied.
“Well there must be a tea party here and we didn’t get our invitations!” Sokka screamed sarcastically. Y/N giggled. Who knew Sokka could actually be funny? “What are you laughing at, Y/N?” said the watertribe boy.
“Nothing!” the h/c haired girl replied. “Nope, nothing at all.”
“I thought I saw mom.” Katara stated. 
“Oh. I thought I saw my mother too.” Y/N uttered. Sokka frowned as he noticed Y/N didn’t seem too happy about it. 
“Really? Did your mother say anything to you? I tried to reach out to my mom but she disappeared before she could tell me anything!” Katara blurted.
“She talked to me about the person I be with in the future. She said they were a skilled warrior who was very intelligent. I don’t know anyone like that though. Except some people in the fire nation, but based on how things are going, that’s a no. But she also said that the person I end up with is not someone I would expect.” Sokka mulled over her words.
“You don’t know anyone like that? What about me? I’m intelligent! And I’m the best warrior in the Southern Water Tribe!” Sokka exclaimed. Hearing Sokka’s words made Y/N blush, but also made her laugh.
“Well, I’m sorry that you were so offended by my mother. I’ll admit, you’re smart, but you could work on your skills with a sword.” Y/N breathed. 
The two kept bickering until Sokka said, “Look, we were all just scared and hungry and our minds were playing tricks on us. That's why we all saw things out here.” 
Katara looked surprised. “You saw something too?” 
Sokka looked away, obviously thinking about what he was going to say next.“I saw… I saw Yue. But that doesn’t prove anything! Look, I think about her all the time, and you and Y/N saw your moms, who you guys probably miss a lot.” 
Y/N knew who Yue was. Despite constantly bickering, there were some times where Sokka and Y/N had deep conversations, conversations Sokka was too scared to have with Katara. They talked about Y/N's past, and how Yue’s death deeply affected Sokka. 
“What about me? I didn't know the girl I saw. And all our visions led us right here.” Aang started walking around, thinking deeply, trying to connect the dots.
“Okay ... so where's here? The middle of the swamp?” Katara questioned.
Y/n cut in. “I think… I think this is the heart of the swamp. It has to be the center. I think it was calling us.”
“It's just a tree. It can't call anyone. For the last time, there's nothing after us and there's nothing magical happening here.” As soon as Sokka said that, a huge seaweed monster appeared before them. 
Sokka screamed and ran straight to Y/N, wrapping his arms around her, while Y/N just stood there trying to understand what the hell had just appeared right in front of them. The monster started attacking the four friends, so they all split up. 
The monster got to Sokka first, picking him up and swinging him around like an infant would with a toy. Aang bended the air to chop off one the arm that was holding Sokka, only to become the next target for the seaweed creature. 
After Sokka was free from the creature’s grasp, Y/N helped the tan boy tear up some of the vines, as he gave her back her sword just seconds ago. Things were going smoothly until Sokka was swiped from the ground, (yes, again) but Y/N chopped off the arm that was holding him. 
Katara was using her water to slice another arm of the creature but the holes the water bender created kept on growing back. Aang was running around trying to lose the vines that were reaching out towards him. Sokka was randomly sucked into the chest of the creature while Y/N was trying her best to reach for his hand. 
Katara froze and then unfroze Sokka, allowing him to get out of the seaweed monster's chest. 
“There’s someone in there!” Sokka shouted to Katara. “He’s bending the vines!” Katara looked over to Y/N and the both nodded, signalling they were about to do something badass.
Katara ran to the left of the monsters body and sliced the monster’s head on using her water bending while Y/N hacked away at the right side of the monster’s body using her sword. The seaweed head of the creature slid off the body, and the man inside the seaweed was exposed. 
Aang shouted, “Why did you call me here if you wanted to kill us!?”
The man inside the monster said, “Wait! I didn’t call you here.” The man was wearing nothing but a loincloth covering his, you know, and a leaf hat on top of his head. 
Almost instinctively Sokka covered Y/N's eyes. Annoyed, she put his hand down and said, “I’m only a year younger than you. I don’t need your protection. I’m mature and I can defend myself just fine. I don’t need you.”
“Whatever. How am I gonna be a warrior if I have no one to protect?” Sokka started. 
“You can protect your sister-”
“The last time I tried to do that, she found the Avatar. Plus, she’s a bender. And the last princess I had to save turned into the moon. You may not be a princess yet, but I’m going to protect you. Think of it as my... redemption.”
At this point Y/N’s face was extremely red. 
“Well I think your redemption is a whole lot of bull. I’m not just some replacement for Yue, Sokka.” Y/N scoffed and started walking towards where the water benders were.Sokka reached for Y/N’s wrist tugged on it, pulling the s/c girl to him. Y/N couldn’t help but think of what happened with Zuko before she left. 
“I didn’t mean it that way, you idiot. You aren’t a replacement of Yue for me. We may fight a lot, but I care about you, Y/N.” 
Y/N thought about his words. She gave him a smile and said, “I guess,” then started walking towards Katara and Aang, who were following the weird swamp man. 
“So, who are you then?” She heard Katara say. The strange man started bending vines out of the way to create a path. 
“I protect the swamp from folks that want to hurt it, like this fella with his big knife.” 
Embarrassed, Sokka put away his weapon, but then said, “See, completely reasonable. Not a monster, just a regular guy defending his home. Nothing mystical about it.”
The strange man, who’s name turned out to be Huu, laughed. “Oh the swamp is a mystical place all right. It's sacred. I reached enlightenment right here under the banyan-grove tree. I heard it calling me, just like you did.” He sat down on the said tree. 
Sokka elbowed Y/N in the stomach and said, “Sure you did. It seems real chatty.” Y/N couldn’t help but giggle and Sokka looked over to the younger girl with a look of confidence on his face. 
“See, this whole swamp is actually just one tree spread out over miles,” Huu started. “Branches spread and sink, take root, and spread some more. One big, living organism. Just like the entire world.” Y/N was amazed. She looked around, her face filled with awe of the place. 
The princess didn’t bother to listen to the rest of their conversation, and rejoined the group when she saw they were all sitting down. 
“In the swamp, we see visions of people we've lost, people we loved, folks we think are gone. But the swamp tells us they're not. We're still connected to them. Time is an illusion and so is death.” Confusion washed over Y/N’s face. Was death really an illusion? Sokka noticed Y/N’s troubled looks and placed an arm on her shoulder, feeling pride in the way she relaxed against his touch. 
“But what about my vision? It was someone I had never met.” Aang questioned. 
“You're the Avatar. You tell me.” replied Huu. Aang mumbled something about how time was an illusion but Y/N didn’t pay attention. 
She was daydreaming about who-knows-what until she heard Aang shout “Come on! We’ve got to hurry!” 
The rest of the teens followed him through the swamp until he led them to Appa and Momo. There was a fight about the creatures, but eventually, Aang had his precious animals back.
Time passed quickly, and suddenly it was night time, and the GAang and the swamp benders were huddled around a fire. Y/N had complained about being too cold despite the swamp being normally warm and Sokka had wrapped his coat around Y/N’s shoulders. 
“How you like that possum chicken?” A swamp bender named Due asked. 
Sokka responded with,“Tastes just like arctic hen.” He shoveled another spoonful of soup into his mouth, then swallowed. “So why were you guys so interested in eating Appa? You've got plenty of those big things wandering around.” 
Sokka pointed at the catgator right next to the swamp benders. Due looked shocked. 
“You want me to eat old Slim? He's like a member of the family!” Due then grabbed a fish from wherever and tossed it towards the catgator. The catgator catched it and Sokka laughed. Y/N couldn’t help but smile when she heard him chuckle, it was like music to her ears. 
“Nice Slim!” Sokka cheered. He then threw a bug at Slim, but the catgator just growled. Y/N giggled.
“Catgators don’t eat bugs, Sokka.” The girl said. Sokka turned his head towards Y/N.
“And how do I know that you’re right, Princess?” Sokka inquired as he poked Y/N’s sides. By now Y/N was giggling like crazy and Sokka looked at the girl like she was the only person on Earth. 
“The girl is right! Bugs are people food!” Due laughed. 
“Where'd you say you was from?” another swamp bender named Tho, asked. 
Katara responded with, “My brother and I are from the South Pole. Y/N was born in the Earth Kingdom Omashu, but lived in the Fire Nation Capital for most of her life. And Aang is from the Southern Air Temple!” 
“Didn't know there was waterbenders anywhere but here.” Tho breathed. “They got a nice swamp there, do they?” Y/N giggled at his statement. According to her mother, Sokka, and Katara, there were zero swamps in the northern or southern water tribes.  
“No, it's all ice and snow.” Katara corrected. 
“Hmm. No wonder you left.” Y/N found this strangely funny for some reason, and she placed her face onto Sokka’s shoulder to stifle her laughs. The watertribe boy’s face turned crimson red, as he had never experienced something like this, not even with Suki or Yue. 
Sokka cleared his throat, and to Katara, he said, “Well, I hope you realize now that nothing strange was going on here. Just a bunch of greasy people living in a swamp.” This made Y/N laugh even harder and Sokka felt extremely confident. 
“What about the visions?” Katara countered.
“I told you, we were hungry. I'm eating a giant bug!” Tears were coming out of Y/N’s eyes, Sokka was acting incredibly stupid. And the way he ate the bug’s abdomen was disturbing and hilarious at the same time. Sokka placed his arm around Y/N in an attempt to be smooth. Y/N, just thinking it was a friendly gesture, allowed it. 
“But what about when the tree showed me where Appa and Momo were?” Aang added. 
Y/N had calmed down a few moments before and was currently sitting straight up, no longer leaning on Sokka, much to his dismay.
“That’s Avatar stuff,” Y/N started. “That doesn’t count.” Y/N fixed her h/c, h/l, and then asked Huu, “How did you make that tornado that sucked us down? It was pretty freaking awesome.”
Huu looked confused. “I can't do anything like that. I just bend the water in the plants.” 
Sokka stood up, then announced, “Well, no accounting for weather. Still, there's absolutely nothing mysterious about the swamp. I’m also tired, so I’m gonna go set up our sleeping bags. Y/N? Care to assist this handsome young fellow?” He held out an arm for Y/N to grab onto. With nothing else to do, Y/N took his arm and stood up. 
“I’m not sure that the term ‘handsome young fellow’ is suitable for you, but I’m tired, so why not?” The two started walking towards Appa, on their way to get their supplies. 
taglist: @emberislandplayers​ @eridanuswave​ @fandomobsessedlife​ @hopefuloperaangelnerd​
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