#casually reblogging my own art sorry not sorry?
bluegiragi · 5 months
I hate to ask this cause it feels stupid but I dont wanna do a bunch of research on whatever the recent cod mw fandom discourse is,
but I saw the reblog of someone accusing you of supporting people who write sexualized pedophilia and that really is personally my only """"moral"""" with nsfw shit, (I'm a patreon subscriber and ig I just wanna know where my money's going) is THAT true?
i used to follow an artist who, 5-6 months ago made racist art featuring gaz and soap in a slave context, which I didn't like, retweet or interact with in any way. they also made under-age art of ghost soap, which I also didn't interact with . people on twitter called me out yesterday, for retweeting (months before this incident) other art they'd made as evidence I stood by/encouraged/was an avid fan of all these tropes. The art I retweeted wasn't either of these previous examples of art, but one where ghost and soap were sleeping in a bed together, as adults, peacefully. I can't emphasise enough that I have not interacted with this artist at all, for over six months. The callout in question has framed me as a close friend of theirs when, in truth, our total timeline of interactions could probably be counted on one hand, and I haven't interacted with her in so long that I genuinely forgot I was still following her.
The crux of all is this is that I did not unfollow + block this artist earlier on when the racist art was posted months ago, and then I retweeted a fic tagged with "non-con" (ghost gets soap off in a context where he can't really properly consent, they're in front of a crowd of strangers and they have to fuck, but both parties are into each other) written by a friend as I wanted to support their writing.
The pedophile claims are because I retweeted a fandom bingo post that defended loli-con without reading all the squares properly, and then immediately un-retweeted it when I properly read it. All in all, the post was on my account for maybe a few minutes.
The zoophile claims are because people say i support someone who wrote zoophilic fic and called people slurs, and I genuinely don't know who they're talking about there.
The anti-asian racism claims come from the original accusers in the callout thread thinking that I made Horangi's eyes in the monster!AU sensitive as a way of making fun of Asian eyes. The real reason is because he's a cat hybrid in that AU and cats are sensitive to light.
I tried addressing all this in a casual way earlier on in a misguided attempt to sort things out more 'civilly', and responded to an ask talking about my "support" for the artist who drew the slave Gaz art by saying the fanart in question was tone deaf and in poor taste. It wasn't enough for some people, so I'm happy to say it clearly- yes, it was racist, and the reason why I didn't want to be more aggressive is because I didn't want to extend all this mess by throwing this artist directly to the wolves - I genuinely believed them at the time when they said that wasn't that their intention, and think they should've deleted the post at the time, but not unfollowing was a decision that I made. I know now upon reflection that it was naive of me, unwarranted and frankly irresponsible to take a stranger at face value and believe they had good intentions, when the act of not deleting the post in question was evidence of a lack in remorse. In the moment, I'd thought back to my own personal experience with a friend of mine who used an asian slur in my company, who later sincerely apologised and legitimately cleaned up his act after I gave him a second chance. It informed my choice to not unfollow at the time, but there's a difference between someone you know irl for months and a stranger on the internet you've interacted with a few times. I shouldn't have coddled them in my response, and I'm sorry for not treating it with the severity it deserved. It was callous, and stupid, and indicative of internal biases that I ever thought it was a light enough offence to "see through", and I deeply deeply apologise. I promise from the bottom of my heart to do better.
That's everything so far. I didn't unfollow an artist when I absolutely should've, which i'll always strongly regret. I also retweeted a properly-tagged fic on my clearly 18+ nsfw account. I've undone both of those actions now. I hope this can be the end of it.
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cafalla · 2 months
Rainbow Brite Saves Spring (1984) Book Scans
Long time, no see! It's been a while since I last posted about a scanned project. The last time I posted was about an issue of Starlog Magazine back in February.
Most of my latest posts really focused on my reading goal for the year, though that has fallen a bit to the wayside lately. I'm still reading, but at a much slower pace of about one book a month. I've been playing more video games, which I mentioned in my last post, and I do want to post and talk about them sometime!
But for today, we are going to look at this little story book I scanned: Rainbow Brite Saves Spring (1984).
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My history with Rainbow Brite is quite short and limited. My mom had many VHS tapes with randomly taped episodes of Care Bears that I used to watch. Sprinkled throughout were also the occasional episode of the Rainbow Brite cartoon. I think I also had a VHS tape with one of the Rainbow Brite movies that I would watch sometimes as a kid...but that's about it.
Aesthetically, I LOVE Rainbow Brite. I even bought an artist pin of her from a horror convention.
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I'm so sad I don't remember the artist - it's been years and I no longer have the pin backing that came with it. I tried googling around and couldn't locate the art either. If anyone knows the artist, please let me know so I can include a link for credit!
Back to the storybook - it's a simple story about Rainbow Brite and friends saving the Rainbow Sprites from Murky Dismal and Lurky's gloom potion. After the gloom potion has been blown away, the gang run off to start work on making the first day of Spring vibrant and lively with color!
I'm going to be honest, I was kind of shocked when I flipped to this page.
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They just casually drop that the Rainbow Sprites are slaving away in the MINES. I honestly forgot that was a thing.
It wouldn't surprise me if the Rainbow Sprites were the type to yearn for the mines...brb, making a terrible meme.
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I'm so sorry, I couldn't help myself. I have impulsive thoughts, a computer, and basic editing software...it gave me a giggle, at least.
And this sad realization isn't helped by the little art on the inside cover of the book of the Rainbow Sprites looking absolutely miserable.
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Worked to the bone with nothing to boost their morale.
Someone give these little guys a Happy Meal! Do I gotta do everything myself around here?!
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There we go!
(Ok, I promise to stop making edits for my own amusement, at least for the remainder of this post lol).
This artwork is actually in relation to the plot of the Rainbow Sprites becoming gloomy...but I like to think it's due to their abysmal working conditions.
The potential lack of Rainbow Sprite labor and lunch laws aside, here's some art from the book that I really enjoy!
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Starlite is definitely my favorite character in the book - he looks so pretty and elegant in this art style! The kids look cute too, but they run the risk of looking a bit wonky at times. See Rainbow Brite's toad-like appearance and Red Butler's pog face in the above panel.
I'll be posting the above artwork and more over on my photoblog, nostalgiahime, if you're into reblogging art without all my words attached to them. I've been lacking on posting to both this account and that one, but I'll have them queue'd up here soon!
Also, feel free to take a look at and read the whole storybook here on my Internet Archive account!
Thanks for stopping by ♡︎
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Announcing Avatar: Year of the Dragon Weekend!!!
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What is Avatar: Year of the Dragon?
Avatar: Year of the Dragon is a fun, casual, very unserious three-day 18+ NSFW shipping event for any Fire Nation or firebending character from the Avatar universe in honor of the Year of the Dragon and the "dragons" in their pants.
When is the event?
February 9-11 to coincide with Lunar New Year on February 10th.
How does it work?
Mods will release some sexy prompts in advance of the date to get your creative juices flowing. Use these to make something steamy with any eligible Avatar character/ship to post on the date. Tag this blog and #avataryearofthedragon and we'll reblog it. That's it!
What counts as a creation?
Anything! Fics, art, playlists, moodboards, screencap edits, headcanons. As long as it's your own work (no AI please) and fits the theme, we'd love to see it.
Who counts as a Fire Nation character?
We're erring on the side of inclusive for this event so that everyone gets to play. As long as your ship involves somebody with some justifiable connection to the Fire Nation or firebending, you're good. Yes, Avatars count as firebenders. Yes, United Republic citizens with Fire Nation heritage count as Fire Nation. Yes, characters you headcanon as being in whole or in part from the Fire Nation count as Fire Nation. Yes, your fanon and OC characters with Fire Nation roots or firebending can be used. And yes, if you have two waterbenders make passionate love on the Fire Nation throne we'll probably sigh, roll our eyes and look the other way as we reblog that, too. Just embrace the spirit of the event and have fun.
Does my content have to be smutty?
This is an 18+ NSFW event run by silly horny people who want to see more silly horny things in fandom. If you want to bring your gen fic in here I guess you can, but why would you?
Do you allow Legend of Korra and characters from the comics?
Sure do. I guarantee you General Iroh II gets laid in this event.
What about WLW ships or characters who don't have a "dragon"?
That's fine! Bring your lovely ladies and let them get it on. All genders welcome. No actual pants dragons need be involved.
What about single characters having some alone time with their "dragon"?
What about single characters having some alone time with an actual dragon, like Ran and Shaw or Druk?
OMG just write smut you guys it's not that hard. Dragons can play matchmaker but not be part of the ship unless they're human. No bestiality please.
So do you guys actually have any rules then?
We do!
Don't be a dick. This means ship and let ship, don't like don't read, no kink-shaming, no forcing your headcanons on others, etc. We want this to be fun and positive experience for all.
Like the event says, 18+. This means you and your characters both. Aging up is fine as long as it's stated/tagged. If you have a problem with that, this isn't the event for you.
No incest or non-con. We all love consenting adults here. Background mentions are fine as long as it's not between the main ship. Actual dragons cannot consent, sorry.
Tag accurately and spoiler/label all NSFW content using tumblr's community labels.
Schedule and prompts TBD - stay tuned! Follow this blog for more details soon. Didn't answer your question? Our ask box is open!
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the5n00k · 7 months
✨New pinned post because it needed an update✨
Hello! My name is Snook known formally as SnookDraws, snook4456, or TheMostRandomFandomz if you've really stuck around for a while
I am a digital and traditional artist known to animate once in a blue moon, currently undiagnosed neurodivergent, cis female, and scared of my own shadow (do not be afraid to talk to me I am friendly I love questions or casual conversation my DMs are open!)
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My fandoms include M*A*S*H, The Ghost and Molly McGee, Epic Mickey, Murder Drones, Roommates (FlowJoe), The Amazing Digital Circus, FNAF, and most anything under the sun but for the most part those first three are the only things you'll see on this account lol
I don't post art very often so I'm sorry but I'm gonna try posting more! I have gained a new obsession and inspiration has struck once again
I mostly reblog shitposts but asks about my interests or what I've made are always welcomed, thank you for reading this long ass reintroduction 🙏
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aria-ashryver · 5 months
I just had @mydemonsdrivealimo hop very politely into my DMs, following my reblogging a post about racism and whitewashing in fandom spaces. I had said something to the effect of “as white people, we will fuck up, and when we do fuck up, its time to apologise, listen, and do better”.  -- perfect time to walk the talk!
MJ pointed out that I was one of many who had recently reblogged whitewashed art of characters of colour (OPH Bryce and Keiki Lahela) and said absolutely nothing about it
Let me take a moment to apologise for this. Whitewashing in fandom spaces is unfortunately all too common, such to the point that people like myself who have white privilege, who are so used to existing in spaces that take great strides to accommodate them first, are able to look at art of characters we know and love and not even notice that something is off.
This has been a reminder for me to be more critical of what I am consuming. 
I’m not above acknowledging my own fuck ups! My behavior was racist. I reblogged whitewashed art of a POC character, that was a shitty thing to do, and I’m sorry to anyone I may have hurt with my carelessness.
I also took a second to thank MJ -- our conversation was calm and patient (far more patient than necessary), and I really appreciated that they took the time to speak to me!
It can seem like the easy thing to do in this situation is stick your head in the sand and just not talk about it. I think there is fear that if you acknowledge you did an awful thing, it means you are admitting you are a horrible person. But this kind of complacency hurts people. Silence hurts people. And this is exactly how the cycle of casual racism in fandom spaces perpetuates -- just quietly hoping something will go away if you hide from your own failings isn’t going to help matters.
I’m not a horrible person, but I can make mistakes, and I can learn from them. So this is me trying my best to listen and do better!
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komodocomics · 9 months
My furry masterlist sorry
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Pretty much all of these contain something animal or furry related
Name (special stuff to mention) √= I've looked at it
Links + text version of list (very long)
Cmyk coloredcreature √ runaway workshop √ waggery costumes √ citymutt √ fuzzbutt fursuits √ schneepardicreations.com √ blacksticky √ casual Friday fursuits (no more commissions:( ) deep space dogs √ foxfire fantasy √ freak of nature studios √ freckled cat creations (kigurumis)√ kabber creations √ kigurumiagetsu √ kitscove √ mugiwara's creative corner √ missmonster √ murkymarten √ pawaii fursuits √ skyehighstudios √ the phoenix nest √ wearcat creations √ whizmi creations (really like the yellow dog suit) √ wolf factory √ anyabozartist.com (art dolls not fursuit) √ neffertity √ battitudestudio.com √ beautyofthebass √ bigsnootsuits √ bodozo.com √ colorful creatures (bases) √ cosmellcosplay √ curl works(kigurumi ) √ drowsyseal √ verityscamander (etsy furry badge) √ lobitoworks (etsy various) √ chasingtailsworkshop (etsy tails) √ gatorwave (fur color picker) √ koshka fursuits √ bazteki.com √ (art) F-class merch √ (neon lights) creep cat √ (plushies) fursona pins √ (pins + accessories) howl out √ (clothing + accessories) weasel gear √ (clothing) midnight makers (new maker) √ wolfberrycrafts (statues and action figures) √ midnightstudiosfx (horror masks) √ Pumpkinpulp (horror advise against looking at ones marked horror if u can't handle) √ chaosfx (horror) √ Immortal masks (horror and tons of masks) √ Made fur you (may have drama but couldn't find proof) √ multicolorbark √ neonslushie (fursuit info not a maker but has accessories) √ sleepy stag suits √ spiritpanda costumes (adoptables) √ star fursuits √ Twilight knights cosplay (adopts,accessories and a fur line @canfur.ca at website) √ twinky arts (good lizard maker) √ vaporwag studios √ wormsandbones.com (art dolls) √ Freakhound studios (wolf plushies and fursuits) √ Clockworkcreature √ Melissa mendelson art √ Mixedcandy √ becominggodzilla (fan thing with how tos for Godzilla costumes) √ planetary dog toys (only action figure pieces) √ sketchbuck (cool ref image style) √ maiafischerwalter.com (artdolls) √ cults3d (3d printing website Has furry bases) √ bark's bog (plushies no comms) √ Homemadehorrors (artdolls) √ Wormandbones (artdolls) √
If anyone makes a reblog of the rest of the links thank you
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green-alien-turdz · 9 months
This is long as fuck my god sorry in advance,,, also it's 4am and my first language is not English so this my be kinda incomprehensible ,
Sorry I may or may not have stalked this account and filled half the posts I've reblogged w a shit ton of ranting in the tags even more than once IM SORRYYY it's just that you're art makes me feel SO much things bc the way you portray the kids genuinely resonate w me really deeply w the scars and implied things and the fucked up rooms and hhhh I LOVE IT
Also I wanted to say that I can't even explain coherently how seeing you portraying these heavy things as eds and the sh and just all the heavy stuff so casually w also admitting more than once that you base a lot of these headcanons on your own life and struggles make me so happy bc that's always one of the things I've always been ashamed about, like whenever I find comfort in a character I immediately start to hc them w MY heavy stuff and see them that way completely but I'm scared of portraying it through my art bc ppl are always like "why would you want to fuck them up so badly" "why do u have to put your sh n ed stuff and mentally ill shit in these innocent things" and I feel like I need to justify it in other way than "yeah it's just that me getting comfort from them means me seeing myself in them and seeing my flaws in something I love, so naturally I need to put it there for my own comfort" bc it's just too selfish or smth. I know It might sound really really silly and dumb but YOU do it so well and so seemingly unbothered that you just make me want to say FUCK YALL and do It anyway so AGHHHH SORRY FOR THE ABSURDLY LONG RANT ANYWAYS I LOVE YOUR ART SOSOSO MUCH !!!
Bro, for someone whose first language isn't English, you got that shit down, mf your english is impeccable. And I saw the reblogs, I literally don't mind, I'm glad you gained something outta it. Art is literally soul healing, even if it's dumb south park fanart - never be afraid to do what is gonna comfort you. I really hope that things are gettin a lil better in your life, from the rants it sounds pretty rough. I fuckin believe in you, man, n I really wish the best for you. If you ever need someone to talk to, my PM's are open to anyone. Thank you for bein so nice. Please take care of yourself
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big-coyote · 8 months
hi!! this may be a weird thing to ask about but ive decided to make one of my longtime ocs a coyote therian (they were connected to coyotes since the beginning) and i wanted to ask if theres stuff i should avoid when talking abt them or doing character design?
ive done some research on my own looking thru tumblr blogs ran by therians mostly, but i mightve missed some stuff!
for now they show their theriantophy as either wearing a coyote looking onesie (which is the first outfit they ever had) or when wearing other clothes they have a tail keychain on their trousers, so i also wanted to ask if you know of any other things they could have to connect with their theriotype?
again im sorry if this is a weird question! <3
(1/2) Hello! Not a weird question at all, I’m actually very honored and happy you’ve asked! I have quite a number of OCs myself that are also therians or otherkin adjacent lol. Also if anyone else has any ideas they’d like to add/advice feel free to comment or reblog!
As for things you should ovoid I’d recommend straying away from the idea of therianthropy being inherently because of mental illness. While it’s totally okay for your Oc to struggle with mental health problems or other serious topics. I often see the stigma online where people assume being nonhuman or having a alterhuman identity means the person in question must have Schizophrenia, Dissociative Identity Disorder, psychosis, a delusional disorder, etc. And again while I know plenty of nonhumans who have those disorders (I have some of them) and that may effect their identities as a whole, it shouldn’t be the end all be all of their identity you know? Ovoid adding more stigma to both.
Another thing I’d stray away from is the idea of a character being a therian because of spirit animals or any mythology related to closed practices/groups. I’ve seen many indigenous people online speak about their discomfort with the word ‘spirit animal’ and how it’s been adopted into pop culture. Being alterhuman is much more then “I feel connected to this thing/this thing is just like me”, it runs much deeper then that and it is as much as a real identity as something like gender, sexuality, religion, etc. It should be taken with as much care and seriousness as those other identities because it is huge and important part to a lot of our lives.
Lastly I’d recommend avoiding making the character the butt end of the jokes. While the Oc themselves can be funny, have funny things happen to them or have funny experiences as a coyote Therian I’d ovoid making them the punching bag to other OCs. Online it’s not uncommon to see many people misunderstanding and mischaracterizing being nonhuman for a quick laugh. It be very disheartening if an OCs entire existence in a story is just “haha they think they’re a dog, that’s stupid”. Again it’s important to take any identity like being a Therian seriously instead of just being the punch line for a joke or gag.
As for the clothing I think the onesie would be incredibly cute and good to wear as well as the tail! Many therians wear tails, both real and faux fur ones, to feel connected to their identity and feel more comfortable. I’ve also known many therians who were things like jewelry with their theriotype on it, fake animal ears, t-shirts, rings, fur coats, earrings, pins/buttons, etc. Some also like collecting plushies or posters with their theriotype as well, or having stickers on their books or drawing them. Or if you’d prefer a more casual character design you could have a character who doesn’t wear any outward Therian gear and prefers to keep it low key. Both options are very valid and would be interesting to see!
But no matter what I’m sure your Oc is going to be amazing and I can’t wait to see them! Please tag me if you make any art or stories about them, or if you have any other questions feel free to ask again or DM me!
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mud-muffin · 1 year
Im sorry but NOTHING beats reading tags under your art on Tumblr😤😤😤
There is simply ISN'T a more furfilling way to enjoy your own art and the interactions it creates, between you as an artist and the viewers. Than reading the weird comments, stories and theories people leave under art and fanart on this website. It is simply *cheffs kiss* an outstanding experience!💗
I feel like i actually get to interact so much more with my audience through looking through the tags than replying to a few comments saying they love my art, don't get me wrong, I LOVE getting praise and patted on my back for my hard work. but replying "Thanks" 30 ways can get so tiring. In the tags no one EXPECTS the artist to reply which is so freeing, cus i read EVERY comment TRUST ME, but its nice that you dont HAVE to reply to all of them💗
I'm guessing its because it's so unformal? writing stuff in the tags rather than leaving actually public comments(Like on other art spaces such as Twitter and Insta) can be slightly more intimidating while writing in the tags are more casual?
But seriously! People either leave their messages for the artist themselves or for their own followers, which creates something new, engaging and Fun! The tags are never just: "great art" or "well done" its more like: "#THIS IS ME AND MY BEST FRIEND WHEN WE GOT HIGH ON PAINKILLERS IN 9TH GRADE AND ROLLARSKATED INTO THE FOUNTAIN IN THE PARK AND GOT CHASED BY A HOMELESS MANS RAPID DOG, #THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME REMEMBER" or "#THIS MADE ME CRY ON MY KITCHEN FLOOR FOR 10 MINUTES STRAIGHT" and then they leave 😅
OR(x2) they write out half a fanfic of the fanart in the tags bringing all the weirdest or cutest headcanons to life and maybe later they will reblog with a link to their AO3 with the full novel. 😂
This place is insane for artist interaction and validation
Thanks Tumblr keep it up!
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fumble-art · 9 months
Hey! I saw an animation on YT shorts of yours with your OCs. Firstly, I want to say that your designs are AMAZING. Secondly, as an aspiring artist myself, how did you learn to draw? Are there any good sources you recommend to start learning anatomy, clothes, overall design even? Sorry if this question is overloaded with stuff, but your style is literally so unbelievably inspirational to me.
I've been drawing for well over 25+ some odd years and while I was lucky enough to have a decent art program in my high school, most of my skill was developed on my own time watching several speedpaints, animations, and studying other artists I looked up to and collected over time!
There's a lot of amazing resources for artists out there--the main book series I've had recommended to me and I endorse as well for anatomy is Morpho: Anatomy for Artists. It covers a lot of different subjects from different body parts, animals, clothing, the way fat works on the body vs muscle and much much more. I also have a google drive link I keep in my back pocket that I found here on tumblr years ago (the OG reblogged post is somewhere in the deep recesses of my reblog/casual account) but you can take a look at it here.
Thank you so much for your kind comments, I'm really happy to see my work reaching and affecting more people--that is inspirational in itself!!
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madame-mongoose · 1 year
I'm out of posts for the day (used the last of them reblogging your art and will do so again tomorrow) but
I would be very sad if you deleted everything and left, whenever you're away from tumblr your absence is Very Noticeable on my dash and I happen to like you and your art quite a lot, even if I don't say it much, for which I am Sorry.
It's really up to you, I have no say in the matter, but you are absolutely beloved here on Tumblr by myself and others alike, and I'll be damned if I don't tell you as such before you go (or stay. I Hope.)
Actually, your art was some of the first DCA fanart I ever saw here, and was a big part in inspiring me to make my own art. I remember once you did a picture of OOIE Yelling At Sun and I actually busted a blood vessel in my eye over it, not kidding! And then you started to post Wheatley and Marvin the Martian, characters I rarely ever see here but love to death, and it was nice knowing I'm not the only guy out there that really thinks they're Dope As Hell. Your whole thing about Marvin actually being fairly intelligent but kinda quick-tempered was hilarious, I've been sick in bed all day and it made me laugh even though it's painful and nauseating to even pick my head up from the pillow.
Your presence makes a difference, even though you mostly seem like you're just here to enjoy yourself, and I hope if you leave at the very least you take care and stay safe out there in the world, wherever you are?
And I hope this isn't a creepy or weird message to receive, I don't generally go off-anon, nor talk to artists I look up to so casually, and I hope you ignore it if it does creep you out, but the intention of all this is more to remind you that people are fond of and remember you (or, the you that you share with people here on Tumblr, that is. I have no delusions about how people present themselves on Tumblr being different from how they are in real life, but you mostly seem really damn cool) even if you're like, unaware that you've made any sort of positive impression on folks (you have. Wow this got long, apologies!!)
This made me cry. I've been trying to cry all day. This did it. Thank you. Sincerely. I wish I knew what more to say but. Thank you thank you from the bottom of my heart. You don't know what this means to me rn
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painted-bees · 1 year
hi sorry i'm like so obsessed with how you render do you have any resources like books or other artists that you studied to learn digital painting?
Oh, firstly, thank you!!
Secondly, I do apologize, I am really casual at learning the art thing, and most of my inspiration and stuff just comes from looking at artists online..! Do I don't have any books or anything to suggest. But I don't wanna leave you empty handed..! Here are the brushes that I used on the splatoon piece!:
As for inspirational artists, there are so...so many. Most can be found right here on twitter
@ibenkrutt @deerlordhunter @atrabilio @shadeykris @bleaksqueak @pascalcampion @tincek-marincek @ovopack @nsmmm @princecanary @newjackcole
There are many that I am most certainly forgetting atm but I hope this gives you some nice stuff to spark your eyes with ♡♡♡
The splatoon piece (I mention, because I saw your reblog tags on it haha) I actually just looked at the official promo art and tried my hand at emulating that style--with a bit of my own flare added. Who ever does those illustrations is [[chef kiss]] SO damn good, they've got a loose, confident style of mark making that I can only dream of haha!
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matri4rch · 2 years
Little Announcement + rant
This is my personal opinion, you are welcome to disagree with anything I say and I am willing to discuss the post in a civil manner down in the replies.
(I am sorry, this post is going to be incredibly long)
So I was lurking in @thequeenofthewinter 's blog as one casually does and I came across the sexyman fiasco posts. and oh my God. I should have not went to investigate.
The sheer hate for Ulfric had me a little shocked. Like yeah, I admit that my favorite nord is very, very flawed (sometimes infuriating as well) and everyone is entitled to their opinions about him, whether they are positive or negative but hating a fictional character to the point that you feel the need to say that "People who like Ulfric Stormcloak should be shot." (I just went back and it was not one, BUT TWO people who said it) Is kind of... going a little too far.
There are reblogs roasting Ulfric that I know are all in good fun, and I even laughed at some of them (love the "how is ulfric going to compete against the glory of Alduin" one lmao) BUT COME ON...
Also saw someone said Ulfric was a n*zi?! And that people sent anon asks basically saying @incorrectskyrimquotes was endorsing rascism for just putting Ulfric in the poll. While saying they want to f*ck Alduin, who I'm pretty sure is pretty damn worse in the grand scheme of Nirn.
This post was made because of the sexyman poll, but it opened my eyes to how intolerant the fandom can be towards other less-liked/more flawed characters like Ondolemar, Miraak, etc. Because they get incredible amounts of hate as well.
Now, why am I not going to publish the fic I've been mentally planning for a whole year? I hear nobody ask.
Short answer is: I do not wish to get an explosive in my mail for simping over Ulfric. lol
Long answer is: I am genuinely scared of some of the members in the fandom. I fear that I post about a character I love, cherish and am attached to just to get harassed and dragged for it. That I attempt to connect with the community to befriend people who share my interests and get shunned and casted out instead.
I love when characters make mistakes, say the wrong things and get in trouble for it, I like when they have negative traits and flaws because it makes them human and not a bland Mary Sue who can do no wrong. I write my fics because I adore the original work, I write to express my feelings, my ideas, to transform the bad things that have happened in my life and make art out of the sadness, pain and anger. I accept criticism, and wish to learn and grow as both an author and a person. But there is a very clear difference between criticism and hate.
Its honestly very disheartening to see that a game that is widely regarded as a sandbox that gives you the freedom to create your own story has so many people in its fandom that cannot handle when others don't fit into the idea/mold they have created of what is "right" and what is not. People that don't care to understand the point of view of others and resort to insulting the other person.
Anyways, thats it, thats the rant.
I am, again, extremely sorry for how long it is but I truly needed to get it out of my chest.
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Idk how old your post/rblog is and i have a rant sorry you're the receiver. I used to love Jonsa crackship years ago before the show "hints" and like the amount of people shipping it has ruined it for me tbh.
And in general, idk if in my lack of tumblr use for like 5 years, everyone "grew out of tumblr' and left cause i've come back and :( it's ship wars and character wars and at least who i followed (all 4+years since they last blogged) even when they disliked a character they never just IGNORED characteristics and stuff. Like Catelyn and Sansa were always victims of misogynistic takes but at least people weren't utterly praying for their demise like i see now.
besides like Euron and the Mountain and like Ramsay and Roose, it's hard not to see the good AND the bad of every character, male or female, that's sorta the point of the series..... like even Jaime "throw a kid out the window" Lannister has a whole ass redemption arc (and my personal theory will still die despite growth!) like ughhh
sorry to rant, but like I feel like I can't follow any asoiaf blog that isn't casual rblogs cause everyone is so PRESSED in trying to up their faves that they destroy others in the process.... how is this fun for anyone???? do you like the media you are consuming????
you can just delete this i'm just tired.
I respect your fandom experience but I have a different one. I wasn't always on Tumblr but I've been a fan of asoiaf books even before the show started airing and I don't agree that things were better in the past. Dudebros on reddit (and on other platforms) always considered Catelyn and Sansa the worst characters ever simply because they found them boring. But I also remember fans making fun of the trauma Jon Snow has thanks to his stepmother, calling him whinny and saying that he should be grateful he didn't have it worse. Long before Jon//sa, I remember Sansa and San//san fans taking elements from Arya's and other Starks' stories to give to their favourite character/pairing. And then I also remember the Dark! Dany and Political! Jon theories rising. So yeah, fandom always had awful takes.
On the other hand, I've read some great meta from various fans other the years, seen some beautiful edits and art, read good fanfictions and even make some friends. So, I'm not going to say that everything about the asoiaf fandom is awful because that would untrue.
I don't post/reblog of mine triggered your ask but I guess that's what matter the least. The most important is how we should all curate our own fandom experience. My advice to anyone who might read this is to block tags of stuff that trigger/irritate you, block blogs that annoy you ( or simply post about your disliked characters/ships) and follow people whose content you enjoy.
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diodellet · 11 months
Tumblr media
It's still a bit of a mess, but an attempt at organizing was made.
diodellet/dio | she/her | 23+ | english/tagalog | mdni
Before you follow/Rules
Sporadic posting times, slow writing (I won't take requests), rambly tags in reblogs, beware spoilers
My fanfic writing is a personal creative outlet for my emotions. I’m of the opinion that depicting sensitive subject matter does not mean condoning it but I also understand that fanfic is a source of comfort and entertainment for most readers, so I’ll make sure to put a warning beforehand.
If you are below 18, please do not interact with my smut writing.
Preemptive warning for: smut, dead dove (noncon/dubcon), yandere, casual self-deprecation, symptoms of anxiety and depression, disordered eating, codependence, mild religious sacrilege*
*I'll update these warnings every now and then. Please make sure to read the beginning notes and tags++blacklist/mute accordingly. If I miss anything, don't be afraid to ask me to tag it.
I use the block button liberally and I encourage you to do the same if anything i post icks you out. Don’t worry, I will not take it personally.
As a general rule on my blog: Let's try to be kind and respectful when interacting with each other.
Blog Navigation
Here's my masterlist!
(i also crosspost my works on ao3 at anionji)
Some other tags I use include:
#dellet-writing (for my fics, hcs, and abandoned/unfinished stuff)
#dellet-asides (misc shitposts, wips, half-baked writing posts, gacha game blogging)
#dellet-ort (the rare self-indulgent art)
#for-dellet (general comfort/writing inspo for me)
#fic reblog (scrumptious writing from my mutuals and writers i look up to)
You can also check out my fanfic reading blog @ladiota for more!
More detailed information under the cut (graphics credits, fandoms list, about the writer, etc.)
Headers Credits: It Was a Very Lovely June by Eight Cinnabar by haruno  Town of Jade by Mer (for my late 2022–mid 2023 writing)
Icon Credits: @/beelscustard || @/savemebeel
Fandoms: Twisted Wonderland, Shall We Date?: Obey Me!, Genshin Impact, What in "Hell" is Bad?, Honkai Star Rail, Haikyuu!!
About the writer (very misc):
-Direct messaging is really scary for me, but I do welcome replies (finally, they have sideblog replying aahh) and anon asks. Being tagged in reblog games and fanfic writing is also cool with me!
-I've tried having a queue multiple times (read: it didn't work out. I decided to just embrace my spontaneous bursts of energy.) Sorry if you're expecting something scheduled/timely responses to interactions, but they just happen when they happen and/or if I remember to respond 😭😭I really don't mean to come across as cold/unfriendly.
-If you wanna know who my favorites are just look at this blog's archive and my writing masterlist, you'll spot 'em relatively quickly.
-I feel very strongly about the act of writing itself so there might be writing-related discourse in the occasional reblog. (For example: you won't find me talking favorably about AI art or AI writing.) I'll make sure to keep these tagged under #for-dellet.
-Interacting with the works in my unfinished/abandoned drafts is okay. Same with taking inspiration from the premises/ideas. (Obviously I won't allow full segments of my writing, actual or abandoned, to be copy pasted and/or fed into AI.) The list is my own attempt at being more forgiving instead of perfectionistic and deleting any "unworthy" writing.
-Some additional misc tags I like to use include*: #[character's name]core, #mdni jus in case, #mecore, #any time is kalat time
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callofdudes · 11 months
This is gonna be another rant post. You don't have to read it. I just have nowhere else to put this.
You guys can tell me if this is bad to put this out here, but I honestly have no one else that I feel I can turn to with this, so I'll put it here. This post by @//wispscribbles has been on my mind lately. It perfectly sums up how I've been feeling lately.
It's been something I've been feeling since I knew the game would come out, and since I've taken other hits to my personal life. Major blows.
Why I don't feel I can go to anyone else is because to other people the idea of having such a strong, deep, emotional connection to a fictional character is stupid. and going to them with these things really hurts me when I hear that.
I grew up pretty much forced to be silent, a pretty abusive family never gave me opportunity to be my own person and tried to snatch that away from me. So I've always clung to fictional characters.
These made up characters were the only friends I had. And only just two years ago did I actually, really start growing a little circle of a couple friends for myself. I was always really isolated from all those things. So fictional characters was where I turned when I couldn't get love from my own family or bare minimum friendship.
And that really hurts me when stuff like this happens in the game...
I know it may be "stupid" because they did what they had to. But just the whole game in general and how it felt seeing clips felt dry to me. And I don't know why if affected me so much. Other than I'm already not doing well at all.
I've been trying to push away and sort of avoid what's been happening lately. I was starting to feel better, to battle my depression, and now it's come back twice as bad. I've always been scared of who I might be if I was truly happy. I've been staying in bed much, much longer. I stay up past 1 just so I can have the interaction with people I feel I want but have always been scared to reach out for.
I've fallen back into the eating disorder that I've been stuck with since I was ten. I was just starting to get over all these things and work through them. I was getting good and healthy and I felt good!
And that's where I hate it the most. I was doing so good... And not good enough.
And unfortunately, I don't know what to do. I feel... Numb. I've slowly been losing my passions, stuck in a house with the same videogames, a job, a dying console, no friends, one family member I can trust and... That's it.
Even when I have tried to make friends, I'm so socially anxious and terrified I can barely go anywhere by myself. I can't adult because I never had a childhood. It's always been adulting. I can't make friends because I struggle to hold basic conversations with people. I've never had just a casual conversation with someone my age.
And that's one of the reasons I can't make friends. Is because I never had any to begin with.
These fictional characters have been what I've clung to since I was eight.
They're who I turn to when the world goes to shit and a bunch of stupid stuff happens. I honestly don't mean to ramble and spill all my business like this, but I'm struggling. I'm really struggling.
I've been lucky enough that through my loss of enjoyment in some of my videogames, technology, hiking, art, music... That I haven't lost writing. Not yet.
My writing is where I can keep my characters alive and that's why I think, and I hope I don't lose this too.
So honestly, I thank you all a million times for each like and comment and reblog. Even if it makes me happy for a few minutes, it helps sometimes. Because these characters are pretty much all I have, and I want to do them justice.
Yeah... Sorry about this, too much stuff happening and I don't want to dump it on you guys. Stay frosty ok? 👍🏻
I really hesitated to post this and I don't have my ducks in a row. All the mental health posts about how I want to take a break but I genuinely can't. A couple days is all I can do and I hate it sometimes.
This will probably get taken down once it fully sinks in that I probably shouldn't post this. I'm here to give you fics and cod, and this isn't it. Sorry.
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