#cassius tea
kad-dala · 8 months
Gi pripaak @synthwwavve
Tiingilar @misha-farfaraway
Cassius uj'ika @fox-trot
Ne'tra gal @archeo-starwars
Aliit'skraan @hypersped
Pog pirpaak @lothcatskilledthesith
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Helloooo! How's everyone doing? 💖💚
(also, to Finley: you and I have the same name!! How AWESOME is that??)
Actually pretty decent. Eating some ramen in the middle of the damn night like usual, lol. Me n’ Tempest are snuggling together watching some anime.
I’M DOING STUNNING, DARLING !! Blade (the love of my life) and I are watching some anime recommended by him. You ?
I am doing ok. Trying to isolate noise. Too much outside noise, but I am doing fine.
… Fine, I guess. I feel loopy … maybe it’s a hangover or something …
Busy. Trying to figure out how to tailor suits …
OMG WE SHARE THE SAME NAME ??? Rad !! I’m good, clicking through channels for some tea haha
I’m doing alright !! Listening to broadcasts for events that might be important … lol
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thefauxsport · 3 months
Any tea on Cassius Marsh?
Is he still playing? I know no tea for him. Sorry…
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bitethedevil · 3 months
Living with The Devil You Know (Raphael x Tav): Chapter 13
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Chapter: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen
Read this fic on AO3 (Link)
Fic Summary: Tav broke their agreement by handing the Crown of Karsus to Mystra instead of Raphael. Not only that, but she also robbed his house and killed his incubus. Raphael is patient and he is determined to get his revenge.
…Tav isn't too bothered. She will figure something out eventually. Until then she just has to find a way to live peacefully with a devil.
Chapter Summary: Tav speaks with Korrilla and decides to do something stupid. She returns to the House of Hope and Raphael is less than thrilled to see her.
(AN: We are back in the house babyyyy.)
“Are you going to tell me why you were napping in my backyard?”
Korrilla was sitting on Tav’s sofa, wrapped in a blanket. Tav handed her a cup of tea.
“You know I can’t tell you the boss’s business,” Korrilla said.
She sat down beside her.
”I also know that you have a wonderful tendency to gossip,” Tav said. “Please Korrilla. If you can’t tell me why he’s keeping an eye on me, at least tell me what is going on. Why did he free me and Hope?”
“I can’t say.”
Tav sighed. She needed to know. It was time to play dirty.
“I wonder how Raphael would feel about his favorite warlock getting caught and the fact that she is sitting in my house drinking tea.”
Korrilla glared at her.
“Your little threats might have worked on Cassius, but not on me,” she said. “I am not telling you anything, Tav.”
“I’ll do it,” Tav said. “I’ll tell him.”
“And how exactly will you do that?”
“A sending spell,” Tav answered.
That made Korrilla pause and scowl at her.
“Don’t,” she said harshly and sipped her tea. “Your sending spells have caused enough trouble as it is. Fine…Ask your questions, but I was never here and I—”
Tav interrupted her.
“You were never here, you never said anything, I never heard anything, and we have never talked,” Tav finished her sentence and smiled at her. “I know. Of course.”
Korrilla looked at her and sighed deeply.
“I have no idea,” Korrilla began explaining. “I just know that he had almost destroyed half of the furniture in the house when he summoned me there after you left. He has been acting odd ever since.”
“Odd?” Tav asked.
“On edge,” Korrilla explained. “He thinks something might happen to you, so he makes me keep an eye on you at all times.”
Tav’s brow furrowed in confusion.
“Happen to me?” she asked. “Am I in danger or something?”
Korrilla shrugged.
“If you ask me, he just seems paranoid,” she said, and a yawn escaped her. “He thinks that someone might have gotten word about those sending spells you sent back and forth to the Hells. You’re not the first of his prisoners to have done so, so I don’t know why he fusses so much about it. I happen to value being in one piece, so I don’t ask.”
Tav looked at the floor in front of her as she contemplated this.
“And it truly is odd,” Korrilla continued. “Some of the devils of the Hells know about my sister and Raphael’s obsession with her. One should think that she should be the obvious one to go after, but she is granted no protection whatsoever.”
That was rather odd.
“How is she?” Tav asked. “Hope, I mean. Do you see her?”
Korrilla shook her head.
“She hides,” she explained. “As she should. No reason to tempt him into taking her again. If you’re clever, you’ll do the same. He misses you, though he won’t admit it. Raphael never lets go of something he deems as his. You and Hope should count your lucky stars.”
Tav did not feel lucky. She had been so determined to forget everything about him and to close that chapter of her life, but here she was, missing him again. Korrilla’s words had opened up those wounds that she was still trying to heal. Korrilla must have seen it in her expression.
“You look like someone who is considering doing something stupid,” Korrilla said. “I can see it on your face.”
“Hm?” Tav said and looked at her. “What? No.”
“Oh, it’s no skin off my back if you do,” she said. “Just know that you might never get so lucky again, if you do decide to go back to him.”
“Go back to him?” Tav repeated as if it had been an outrageous statement. “You think I’d be stupid enough to go back to my captor who kidnapped me and kept me imprisoned?”
Korrilla rolled her eyes and smiled at her as if she did not believe a word she was saying. That offended Tav.
“What the fuck do you know?”
“Oh, nothing at all,” Korrilla said in an innocent tone. “It is not like I have been watching you drown yourself in wine and cry for the last month. It’s not like I was waiting outside while you went into the Devil’s Den all by yourself. Let me guess, you were pining and sniffing the pillows? You really are insufferable, the both of you.”
The warlock got to her feet.
“You have some nerve, Korrilla,” Tav huffed. “And when I have been so nice to offer you my hospitality...”
Korrilla smiled and opened the door to leave.
“Thank you for the tea, Tav,” she said. “I will see you around.”
Tav huffed after Korrilla left. She paced around her living room for a moment, as she looked out her window to see if she really was leaving or going back to watching her again. When she saw the shape of Korrilla disappear in the distance, she sat down in a chair.
She sat in the quietness for a moment, thinking about what she had just heard. Her fingers drumming on the armrest as she did. She took a deep breath and looked out the window again. She felt restless. When she finally decided to go to bed, she couldn’t sleep for all the thoughts in her head. However, a conclusion to all those thoughts and her last many weeks of feeling miserable presented itself in her mind:
She weighed her options. She had nothing making her stay except her friends, and most of them were in other realms or cities anyway. She had made up her mind: she wanted to stay with him, and she was desperate to make it happen.
Tomorrow she was going to do something stupid…
Helsik was looking at her with wide eyes and an even wider smile in amusement.
“He really did a number on you, didn’t he?” she laughed. “Let me see if I got this right…So the first time you went there was to kill him. Then you got kidnapped and cried your eyes out on my floor when you were finally freed, and now you want to go back?”
Tav grumbled and sighed. Why was everyone always in her business?
“…yes…” she answered. “It’s complicated.”
“I’m sure it is,” Helsik said with a chuckle.
“Why do you even care? Just take the gold and let me upstairs.”
“Can’t a girl be interested in a bit of gossip?”
It dawned on Tav that whatever she said could be shared with Helsik’s patron, and she was not sure she wanted another devil to know what was going on. Especially if Raphael’s suspicions were correct and it was not just paranoia that he was afraid that she might be in danger.
“My business is my business,” Tav said. “Look, who cares? You and Mammon profit from my stupidity.”
Helsik’s eyes went to the sack of gold on the counter and then back to her.
“You know the price,” she said and crossed her arms. “It isn’t ten thousand, it’s twenty.”
“I’m a frequent customer, surely that must mean something,” Tav said with annoyance. “I paid you twenty thousand last time we went there, and that was with three more people.”
“You pay for the portal, not the amount of people that passes through it. Besides, I should charge you even more. Going there multiple times means I’m taking a bigger risk.”
Tav groaned.
“As if Raphael can’t figure out that I am using one of the only diabolists available to the public. He knows I live in the Gate, where else would I go? Ten.”
“Ten,” Tav said stubbornly.
Helsik considered her for a moment and sighed. She took the sack of gold and gave her the supplies for the ritual.
“You know what to do,” Helsik said. “You are an odd one, you know. One has to wonder why anyone would return to the Hells after having escaped like that.”
I’d be tempted to tell you if I had an answer, Tav almost said.
“Keep wondering,” she grumbled and took the bag of supplies to head upstairs.
Raphael was writing a contract when he thought he heard something. He paused his movements and held his breath for a short moment as he listened. He knew that any of his servants or debtors would not be stupid enough to go against his wish of complete silence while he worked. They knew the consequences.
The sound stopped and he looked around the room. There was nothing to be seen, so he went back to writing. Shortly after there was another sound. It stopped the second he looked up from the contract in front of him. Someone was moving around in the house.
He put down the quill and slowly got up from his chair as he listened. There was a faint sound of footsteps. He walked away from his desk to investigate and find out who was going against his order and begging for a broken spine. The sound of footsteps had brought him to right outside the archive.
The loud sound of the organ suddenly starting to play made him jump. His fists clenched and his teeth gritted in anger before he recognized the melody. He had only taught that song to one person.
His brow furrowed. It could not be.
Tav was using an invisibility spell. She saw him enter the room from the corner of her eye and her heart started pounding. From fear and excitement all at once. She did not know how he would react, so she kept her eyes on the keys and focused on playing the melody right.
He just stood there as she played until the end. When she finished, he snapped his fingers, and she became visible. She finally gathered the courage to look at him. His expression was unreadable, though she could see a small smile.
“Brava,” he purred. “What are you doing here, mouse?”
She opened her mouth to say something but closed it again. She did not really have a good answer to that. She sighed.
“I…I don’t know…” she said quietly.
It was odd. He was just standing there looking at her. There was a hint of coldness to his expression, even though he was still smiling. She wanted nothing more than to kiss him. For him to hold her and smell her hair like he always did.
“Lying has never suited you, Tav,” he said. “Try again…”
She got up from where she was sitting at the organ to look at him better. She still kept her distance. She took a deep breath and searched for the right answer in her mind. She knew it, of course, but she did not want to say it. Though there really was no reason to be coy now. She had already broken into his home…again.
“Despite my better judgment, I’ve missed you,” she said, and her voice cracked slightly.
“Have you now?” Raphael asked in a tone that really did not reveal much of how he was feeling about the whole thing.
It made her even more nervous. She took a deep breath and looked at the floor. It was too intense to look him in the eyes at that moment of vulnerability.
“Yes,” she said quietly. “It doesn’t make sense, but I have.”
He looked her up and down before looking at her face again.
“I told you that I did not want you here anymore, did I not?” he said in a cold tone. “I am not sure that I could have made it much clearer that I wanted you out of my home.”
That was like a knife in her heart. It hurt and it made her tear up. It also made her stubborn.
“Tell me that you haven’t missed me, and I will leave immediately,” she said and looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “I’ll go away for good. You will never see me again, I promise.”
He stared into her eyes, and they narrowed at her. She mentally prepared herself for him to twist the knife in her heart.
“You know I will never lie to you…” he said calmly. “Though that does not change what I have said. I want you out.”
Raphael’s eyes narrowed further and there was a cruelness in his eyes as he slowly stalked towards her.
“Your friends risked their lives to get you out of my claws, little mouse,” he said. “Had it not been for the circumstances, they would be dead right now. Are you truly so selfish?”
He was getting closer, and his expression was almost threatening.
“And here you are…” he said in a low voice with a cruel smile. “The mouse saved from its trap, only to happily jump into the cat’s maw itself.”
She started walking backwards as he got closer.
“You can save the dramatics, Raphael,” she said.
She was trying to put on a brave face though she felt the fear in her bones. She was not sure what he might do.
“And you, my dear, can stop pretending that you are not a terrified little girl,” he countered. “That act has gotten old and tired a long time ago.”
She was now backed up against a bookshelf, trying not to tremble as she looked up at him.
“I’m not scared of you,” she said quietly.
“You might not want to be, but you are,” he growled. “And you should be.”
 “Fine…” she whispered. “I am scared…but so are you. You are terrified. That’s why you are pushing me away isn’t it? So I don’t ‘distract’ you.”
“Watch your tongue,” he warned in a dangerous tone as he loomed over her.
She did not like seeming him like this. This had been a mistake, but she still felt herself becoming more and more desperate to fix it. She wanted nothing more than for everything to go back to how it was.
“Please…” she pleaded with tears in her eyes. “I don’t like this anymore than you do, but please don’t push me away.”
He was so close that she could feel his irritated breath on her skin. He closed his eyes and inhaled sharply. For a moment she held her breath as she thought he was going to explode. Instead, he leaned his forehead against hers. She sighed softly in relief.
He was so close, and she wanted nothing more than for him to kiss her. For everything to go back to how it was. He cradled her head with his hands and leaned back to look at her. His thumb brushed over her burn scars.
“When someone is stupid enough to love someone so cruel and so evil, then they deserve to live, and die, with that choice,” he said quietly though there was still a harsh quality to his tone. “I believe those were your exact words when you told me of what happened to your mother. I do wonder if you see the irony, my dear. Have you truly learned nothing?”
“You are not like my father,” she answered.
“Indeed,” he said and caressed her cheek. “I am much more cruel, and unlike your father, you will find me a monster that is quite difficult to burn, my sweet.”
“What if I don’t care?” she cried.
He studied her face as he kept caressing her cheek. His eyes went to her lips, and she could feel his breathing get slightly faster as he was leaned against her. In one swift movement, his hands went under her thighs, and he lifted her up against the bookshelf behind her.
He gave her an almost bruising kiss as if he wanted to devour her. One of her arms went behind his neck, the other to his cheek as she returned the kiss immediately. He groaned into her mouth as her lips parted for him. He slipped his tongue into her mouth and the kiss turned even hungrier.
He suddenly breathed in deeply and the kiss turned sweeter instead, as if reining himself back.
“For once, I am truly sorry, dearest,” he said breathlessly between kisses.
“What?” she mumbled against his mouth.
She had not even noticed that he had removed one of his hands from her thighs. She heard the snap right beside her ear.
The bookcase behind her disappeared and he released her from the kiss and his grasp. She opened her eyes and saw that her surroundings had changed. She was at home. Her heart fell and she looked at him. His hand was ready to snap again.
“Don’t return,” he said. “You will thank me for this one day,”
“NO!” she said and grabbed his hand. “Don’t do this…Don’t fucking do this to me, Raphael. Take me back.”
“Take me back!”
“Don’t tempt me,” he snapped at her. “You will stay here. You will go back to your library and your books. You will grow old, and when your soft little heart stops one day, I will be there to collect.”
He said the word ‘soft’ as if it was something that disgusted him.
Tav was not having it. She felt herself grow angry.
“I’ll tell them,” she snapped right back at him. “Which ever devil, warlock, cambion or whoever will listen to me. Isn’t that what you are so scared about? That someone will find out that I am a weakness. That I’ll—”
She was interrupted when Raphael’s hand shot out and closed around her wrist in warning. He yanked her closer and for a moment she thought he would hurt her. She had hit a soft spot. He looked like he was seriously considering snapping her neck for a moment. There was a fire in those brown eyes of his that told her he was absolutely furious.
There was a low groan of frustration from him before he let go of her arm. He calmed down somewhat.
“You will do nothing of the sort,” he said in a low voice. There was a hint of a cruel and hateful smile on his lips. “But fine. If that truly is the game you want to play, then let’s make a deal…”
She should have been more rattled by the fact that he had almost hurt her, but she was too relieved that he finally seemed to see sense.
“I’ll sign,” she said without question.
She even surprised herself with how desperate she had become.
“I truly appreciate your enthusiasm,” he said. “Though it is not that kind of deal. I have your soul regardless, so you have nothing to bargain with.”
“What then?”
“I realize that I have sheltered you too much,” he explained. “The deal is this: You will spend a day with me and see for yourself what it is I have been doing while you have been sleeping in my bed. When the day is over, I will give you a simple choice. You will decide if you want to stay with me or go home.”
She nodded.
“But know this,” he said with a raised finger and leaned closer to her. “If you leave, you will stay away for good. I will not have you back in the House of Hope ever again, and you will not seek me out. If you do, I will be forced to act and I will not be as kind as I have been today. Should you instead for whatever reason decide to stay, then you are mine and there is no way back. Do you understand?”
“Will I be permitted to leave if I decide to stay?” she asked.
She was pretty sure she knew what he would say, but his answer surprised her.
“We could discuss it if you do decide to stay,” he said with a shrug. “You won’t though, so let’s not waste our time on hypotheticals.”
That made her slightly nervous. Whatever he was going to show her, he seemed sure that it would be enough for her to refuse to stay with him. She wondered what horrors she would be exposed to in the next 24 hours.
“Do you agree to the terms?” Raphael asked.
In a way it was a win-win for her. One option was that she would stay with him, and potentially be able to leave and visit her friends every now and again, which was everything she could ever want. The other option was that Raphael would scare her away and she would hopefully be able to get over him for good.
Raphael smirked at her and reached out and took her hand in his. He kissed her knuckles.
“Then let us not waste any time, dear,” he said and then snapped his fingers, whisking the both of them away from her house.
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pianostrings · 9 months
Rebel Moon Novelization
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Some interesting parts from the novelization! Contains potential spoilers for Rebel Moon under the cut.
The novelization opens with the destruction of King Heron's world, as punishment for aiding the Bloodaxes. Noble forces Heron's son, Aris, to kill his father with the bone staff to protect his family before he is conscripted into the army. Noble beats the rest of his family to death anyway.
Kora's sex scene with Den is fleshed out (wink). Inwardly, she admits to liking Gunnar, despite his shyness, but has issues with intimacy and the idea of starting a family.
Hagen, a villager whose wife and daughter died, was the one who found Kora and took her in. He is something of a father figure to her.
Slightly longer dialogue scene with Sam & Jimmy. Features Jimmy's line from the trailer that a 'A king is a man, and a man can fail or betray. But a myth is indestructible.' He mentions that Balisarius had the Jimmies separated from Princess Issa, despite their vow to protect her, and that most of them had never set foot on the Motherworld.
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Sam thanks Aris for saving her (❁´◡`❁)
Den takes over as the village leader after Sindri and his wife are bone staffed to death 😓
Before Kora leaves, she asks Hagen to task Private Aris to fix the guns on the dropship she crash-landed on Veldt in.
In Kora's flashback scene, we learn Kora's family lived above the tea shop they owned. She had two older siblings. They are killed by Imperium soldiers while she is upstairs packing.
Kora's scene with Balisarius has dialogue. He introduces himself. She tells him her name is Kora. She believes he is impressed she had the guts to pull the trigger. He renames her on the spot 😒 and takes her as a 'a gift to himself and his legacy' 😒 because 'every leader had an heir'.
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Kora's life on the ship is briefly detailed. Balisarius brings her to a surrendering planet and makes her watch the soldiers open fire on its people. She is sent to train at the Imperium military academy and doesn't see Balisarius for years. Before she leaves, he tells her she can't tell anyone about her past or where she came from. She graduates with top marks and her final test is orchestrated by Balisarius: it involves her executing a man without question.
More scenes in the village. Aris keeps his Imperium uniform to keep up appearances for transmissions to the Motherworld.
While trying to fix the ship, Aris and Sam share how their parents died. It's giving young love over shared trauma 🥰 They wake to find there is a deer with antlers removed (important!) roasted on a spit and the ship has been repaired. Aris guesses it was Jimmy who did it.
We hear from Jimmy's perspective that he ran to save Sam because he felt the same connection and loyalty to her as he did Princess Issa (interesting). He decides to make his own choices, carves his own staff, cloaks himself with a robe, and a pair of fashionable deer antlers to go into the wilderness.
Hickman hints at Tarak's backstory-- he says Tarak runs when given the chance and that he let his own people die at the hands of the realm.
Cassius takes a call from someone who makes him more uneasy than Noble, a high scribe named Enoch with abilities that defy logic. Cassius finds Noble predictable in his brutality.
We learn more about Cassius: he doesn't have the implants the realm's upper classes and high-ranking officials make to their bodies because it would leave him open in ways he didn't want. Cassius's family isn't native to Moa (the Motherworld) but had been there for generations and became affluent. His mother's penchant for opulence mounted debts for his father, a senator, and her modifications revealed their circumstances to another senator who blackmails them. Cassius's father trades him to serve with the priests who tells him that silence and observation are powerful tools (interesting).
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Sexy scene with Noble and the Octopus, called the Twins. They were gifted to him by a warlord and are one of the few things he actually likes. Not shockingly, he is really into tentacle shit and BDSM. Cassius interrupts and Noble offers to let him go a round with the Twins. Cassius, grossed the eff out, politely declines. It's TMI, even for him.
More Cassius backstory: his career in the priesthood doesn't work out; after his family is ruined and executed, he joins the military order where he meets Noble, who confirms his father was responsible for Cassius's family's downfall & execution. In the academy, Cassius sees Noble's cruelty up close. He thinks of Noble as someone charming and cruel, surrounding himself with slightly smarter but less ambitious people. Good at working his way into the right circles.
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Daggus is known throughout the galaxy for its cobalt mines. The land was leveled and indigenous life died out. Workers, mostly refugees, move there with the promise of wealth only to be exploited and live in poor conditions.
Kora offers to help Nemesis with Harmada, but she declines. She says: 'Harmada has grown accustomed to the pain of her grief. I know her rage intimately. We are not enemies.'
After watching Gunnar save the child, Kora thinks that even though he isn't a seasoned warrior, he has the heart of one. She's catching feelings.
In a flashback scene, she watches Princess Issa play in the snow at the winter castle. There is a frozen lake with giant fish and creatures swimming underneath (important later).
Kora witnesses Issa bring the bird back to life and warns her not to show anyone her power. Issa recounts that when she was born she almost killed her mother but when she was placed in her arms, the Queen was miraculously healed. Everyone present was sworn to secrecy. Unbeknownst to them, the King watches this scene from the castle window.
The King approaches her later and tells Kora that Issa likes having her as a guard and expresses his happiness at her new role. He asks if she misses her homeworld, but Kora doesn't respond. Balisarius told the King that Kora was abandoned as a child.
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King Levitica agreed to help the Bloodaxes because he finds the Imperium's notion of 'homogeneous purity vile' and because 'they neither respect nor value anything that doesn't serve them at the expense of their own lives.' His comfort and kindness remind Kora of Hagen, her father figure on Veldt.
While waiting for the Bloodaxes, Tarak tells the others of how the people of his home, the Samandrai system, were killed or enslaved by the Imperium. Kora asks why he wasn't taken and conscripted to be made an example of. When he doesn't respond, she surmises he left before that could happen. Kai calls him a coward and ribs the other men. He and Titus almost get into a fight. Gunnar tells Kora he thinks Kai is a dick.
Darrian tells Devra that "people need a revolution they can see". When he refers to not allowing another world to fall in their name, he is presumably referring to King Heron's world at the beginning of the book.
A dying King Levitica tells Noble that "goodness will return to the universe. Endless war and needless death will end in the universe., There will be one to bring it back." So sad to see the end of his squidgy face.
Kora and Tarak speak; Tarak doesnt trust Kai, but she brushes it off. Girl, there are SO many alarm bells ringing.
Kai's betrayal reminds Kora of the "first monumental betrayal in her life."
There is more dialogue between Noble and the team as they are bound and about to be transported. Noble mocks Nemesis's dead children (seriously, fuck this guy!!!). The spine machines are meant to paralyse them for transport.
Noble asks if Gunnar will be a problem being transported unbound but Kai laughs it off, saying Gunnar is a coward. Oop. That was a bad read.
The fight sequence actually has them fighting together. Titus acknowledges Nemesis saving his life. Tarak and Titus fight happily side by side.
Darrian's death scene is vague; it says his body 'shut[s] down like the hunk of metal he clung to' while screaming 'Death to the Motherworld! Death to the Realm! For Shasu!' while hysterically laughing.
More dialogue when Noble and Kora fight. When she looks over his (presumably) dead body, she wishes it was Balisarius instead and is sad to know that she'll likely never be able to confront him in person.
There's a "who's going to fly this thing" moment with Kai's freighter. A crime this was left out. (Also, they don't answer this; the freighter apparently just lands itself when they arrive back in Providence.)
Back on Veldt, Sam invites Aris to stay in her home. She loves sewing and quilting, which she learned from her grandmother. Aris likes the quilts, which is good because she has so many.
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After the company arrive in the village, they are followed by two Hawkshaws at a distance. They are watched, in turn, by Jimmy.
Devra commands her ships return to 'Base One'.
The astral plane setting where Noble meets Balisarius is confirmed to be the winter gardens of the royal palace where the Princess Issa scene was set.
Balisarius' face is noted to have been kept young with 'fortune and science' (yeah, and bad CGI 😐)
It's explicitly confirmed that Kora is responsible for the assassination of the royal family, or at least is being blamed for it. Noble says: 'I have found her. The hated other who murdered in cold blood that which we held most dear.' He also calls her 'the ethnic impurity, the monster, the Scargiver, the enemy of us all.' Balisarius says Arthelais is the 'assassin of the royal family, she who killed the king and queen, as well as her charge, the Princess Issa.' - From Rebel Moon Part One - A Child of Fire: The Official Movie Novelization by V. Castro Other interesting parts:
The scribes extract the teeth of their victims and put them on their masks in front of an image of Princess Issa to 'honour her.' The effect is, not surprisingly, extremely horrifying.
While Kora is living on the ship, she sees a Kali in a giant metal encasement with 'thick tubes of red and blue energy' and 'something alive in there'. She feels sorry for it, and thinks it is the only other thing on the ship who understands the feeling of being trapped.
Kora's off-worlder status is being made a big deal of, and I'm still not sure why. Balisarius apparently gets no heat for raising the assassin that murders the royal family?
Cassius is given way too much backstory for him to just be a random henchman. I suspect he may be collecting information to overthrow Noble at some point.
I am outing myself as a Sam is Princess Issa truther, even if it doesn't make any sense at all. But I think it's neat.
Sam and Aris ❤
Jimmy ❤
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bullet-prooflove · 4 months
4000 Follower Celebration: Safe With Me - Remy Scott x Reader
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Tagging: @whateversomethingbruh @luannysousa @scorpio-1357 @littleone65
References to:
My Girl Series:
Marks - Remy likes to leave his mark.
Too Much, Too Soon - You stand Remy up.
Helpless - Remy learns why you stood him up.
My Girl - Remy checks in with you at the hospital.
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You don’t remember much about what happened during the Rhode Island case. It’s a mix of fragments, images and sounds. You recall stepping into the Enlightenment Room at the Awakenings Centre with Cassius Lee, the leader of a religious sect you believed was trafficking girls. Sitting down on the couch as he served you tea.
Things get hazy after that, you start to feel a little sick, a little faint. You lose control of your muscles, your ability to move, to speak. A hand grips your jaw, forcing your head back so all you can see is the floral etchings in the plaster on the ceiling above.
“Let me go.” You’d mumbled as his thumb traced over your lower lip.
“Why should I let you go when you look so pretty like this?” Cassius had murmured against your throat as he’d drawn down the straps of your dress.
You still dream about that day, it comes to you in the depths of the night, invading your peace. Your heart pounds and your breathing quickens because for a moment you’re back in the Enlightenment Room as Cassius Lee begins to disrobe you.
It’s Remy’s voice that draws you back to the present, his warm, gravelly tone. The shelter of his form is warm and soothing as he gathers you up into his arms, cradling you close. You bury your face into his bare chest, his hand soothing through your hair.
“You’re home baby girl.” Remy whispers against your skin. “With me, in our bed.”
Your breathing starts to even out as the room filters in around you. It’s bathed in the glow from the nightlight that Remy bought when the two of you first got together. He’d realised quickly in the early days that you couldn’t sleep without one. That’s when you knew that he was serious about you, that he was envisioning a future.
His thumb ghosts over the apple of your cheek, his forehead coming to rest upon yours.
“You’re safe with me honey.” He whispers as he looks into your eyes. “You’re always safe with me.”
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olympic-paris · 4 days
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more …
September 18
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53 AD – Trajan, Roman emperor, born (d.117 AD); The first non-Italian Roman emperor. His accomplishments were both martial and civic, including construction of the aqueducts, the restoration of the Appian Way and the building of the massive Forum of Trajan. According to Spartianus, he was a proud possessor of a paedogogium, a harem of boys he took along with him on campaign, apparently for his and his officers' pleasure.
Dio Cassius, sometimes known as Cassius Dio, reports that Trajan drank heavily and loved boys. "I know, of course, that he was devoted to boys and to wine, but if he had ever committed or endured any base or wicked deed as the result of this, he would have incurred censure; as it was, however, he drank all the wine he wanted, yet remained sober, and in his relation with boys he harmed no one."
This sensibility was one that influenced even his governing, leading him to favor the king of Edessa out of appreciation for his handsome son: "On this occasion, however, Abgarus, induced partly by the persuasions of his son Arbandes, who was handsome and in the pride of youth and therefore in favor with Trajan, and partly by his fear of the latter's presence, he met him on the road, made his apologies and obtained pardon, for he had a powerful intercessor in the boy."
His sexuality was never in question, only the stories used to illustrate his preferences. The monumental erection, the Column of Trajan, was Rome's highly appropriate tribute to this emperor, considered to have been one of the "good emperors."
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1883 – Gerald Tyrwhitt-Wilson, 14th Baron Berners born (d.1950), also known as Gerald Tyrwhitt, a British composer of classical music, novelist, painter, & aesthete. Berners was notorious for his "eccentricity," e.g. dyeing pigeons at his house in Faringdon in vibrant colors and at one point having a giraffe as a pet and tea companion.
Berners' musical works included Trois morceaux, Fantasie espagnole (1919), Fugue in C minor (1924), and several ballets, including The Triumph of Neptune (1926) (based on a story by Sacheverell Sitwell) and Luna Park (1930). In later years he composed several songs and film scores, notably for the 1946 film of Nicholas Nickleby.
His friends included the composers Constant Lambert and William Walton and he worked with Frederick Ashton; Walton dedicated Belshazzar's Feast to Berners.
He bequeathed his estate to his companion Robert ('Boy') Heber Percy, who lived at Faringdon until his own death in 1987.
Berners obtained some notoriety for his roman-à-clef The Girls of Radcliff Hall, (punning on the name of the famous lesbian writer), in which he depicts himself and his circle of friends, such as Cecil Beaton and Oliver Messel, as members of a girls school. This frivolous satire, which was published and distributed privately, had a modish success in the 1930s. The original edition is rare; rumor has it that Beaton was responsible for gathering most of the already scarce copies of the book and destroying them. However, the book was reprinted in 2000.
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1905 – Greta Garbo (d.1990) was regarded as one of the greatest and most inscrutable movie stars ever produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and the Hollywood studio system. Garbo received a 1955 Honorary Oscar "for her unforgettable screen performances" and was ranked as the fifth greatest female star of all time by the American Film Institute. Garbo's biographer Barry Paris notes that she was "technically bisexual, predominantly lesbian, and increasingly asexual as the years went by."
Garbo began life in poverty as Greta Lovisa Gustafsson, the daughter of a janitor in Stockholm, Sweden. When her father died in 1919 of tuberculosis, Greta had to quit school at the age of fourteen and go to work. Her good looks helped her get jobs in a couple of advertising films before she was discovered in 1922 by unabashedly homosexual Swedish filmmaker Mauritz Stiller. He cast her as the female lead in Gosta Berling's Saga (1924) and got her a role in a German film, The Joyless Street (1925). Stiller took control of the actress's career, changing her last name to Garbo. When he went to the United States to work for Louis Mayer at Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Stiller took his protégée along. Mauritz Stiller did not succeed in Hollywood, but Greta Garbo was destined to become a star. She made fourteen silent films, among them The Torment (1926) and Flesh and the Devil (1927), where she tended to play the beautiful femme fatale, luring men into passion. Garbo made the rocky transition from silent films to talkies flawlessly. Her husky, accented voice fitted intriguingly with her ethereal beauty, enabling her to create more complex characters than she ever had in silents.
In Anna Christie (1930), Anna Karenina (1935), Camille (1936), and others, she played a tragic heroine, passionate, but doomed. In the delightful 1939 comedy Ninotchka, she mocks this gloomy sensuality with charming self-deprecation, causing MGM to tout the film with the single headline, "Garbo Laughs!" In 1941, prompted perhaps by the failure of Two-Faced Woman, her comedy follow-up to Ninotchka, Garbo took a break from filmmaking. Although she reportedly considered several projects for a comeback, the title roles in Hamlet and The Portrait of Dorian Gray, among them, her break turned into permanent retirement.
It has been suggested that Garbo struggled greatly with her sexuality, only becoming involved with other women in affairs that she could control. Some also suggest that Garbo remained single in the United States because of an unrequited love for her drama school sweetheart, the Swedish actress Mimi Pollak. Garbo's personal letters recently released to the public indicate that she remained in love with Pollak for the rest of her life. When Pollak announced she was pregnant, Garbo wrote: "We cannot help our nature, as God has created it. But I have always thought you and I belonged together."
Famously connected to Mercedes de Acosta, one of the more Sapphic companions of the day, de Acosta wrote of their affair in her book Here Lies the Heart. Upon her death in 1990, Garbo left her entire, substantial estate to her niece, Gray Reisfeld, and nothing to Claire, the elderly female companion with whom she lived for many years.
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Rose (C), son "Luis" (L) and Sam Steward
1909 – Francis Cyril Rose (d.1979), also Sir Francis, 4th Baronet of the Montreal Roses, was an English painter vigorously championed by Gertrude Stein. His wife Frederica, Lady Rose (1910-2002) became a well known travel writer, notably on Corsica, under the name of Dorothy Carrington.
Rose was born at Moor Park (Hertfordshire), England. He took up residence as an expatriate in Paris between 1929 and 1936, where he trained under Francis Picabia and José Maria Sert. Francis Rose got his beginning as a set painter for Diaghilev's Ballets Russes. He occasionally collaborated in his work with another English painter, and his sometime lover, Christopher Wood. In the 1930s he traveled with his future wife, Dorothy Carrington, in France, Italy, and North Africa.
In France, Rose became an intimate acquaintance of Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas, the former helping to launch his painting career by commissioning several of his works (most notably a portrait of herself) for her own notable art collection. Her memorable utterance, "Rose is a rose is a rose is a rose" dates from 1913, however, long before her acquaintance with the artist. Rose would go on to have exhibits in Paris, London, and New York. He also worked as an illustrator for a cookbook by Toklas, The Alice B. Toklas Cookbook.
The English artist was the last, and probably the most infamous, though least known, of Gertrude Stein's many protégés. Several of Francis Rose's drunken escapades are wonderfully recollected in Samuel M. Steward's Dear Sammy. One story, peculiarly or not-so-peculiarly omitted from the artist's autobiography, Saving Life. (1961), is about Luis, his valet de chambre. In 1952 Alice B. Toklas wrote Sam Steward to tell him that Francis Rose "was in a good deal of trouble with Luis his 'valet de chambre" boyfriend."A casual encounter between the artist and a Spanish gypsy boy in front of a bistro in Paris had resulted in not only an evening pickup, but in the young man being hired for the entire summer, as both valet and bedmate. As Sam Steward tells it, "It was only after Luis got into some trouble with the gendarmérie over a stolen bicycle that Francis — after he called to help him out of his difficulty — examined his papers and discovered that the boy was his illegitimate son. This episode titillated both France and England for some time. It certainly titillated Alice B. 'Francis,' she wrote, 'is saying that he is going to recognize Luis so he will inherit his title!! As yet this tale has not been confided to any English friends — who would put him straight about bastards inheriting titles…' "
Rose married the writer Dorothy Carrington in 1942. Alice Toklas for one was greatly enthusiastic about Rose's marriage to "Frederica" (Carrington), noting that the marriage had done Rose "a world of good." But Rose was a noted homosexual and the marriage eventually foundered. They divorced in 1966. Rose spent his final years in penury, helped along by certain friends, among them Cecil Beaton. Some of his paintings today form part of the Yale University Art Gallery (Stein-Toklas collection) and the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco.
In 1961 Rose published a memoir, Saving Life.
He made a brief appearance as "Lord Chaos" in Kenneth Anger's film Lucifer Rising (1972).
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1928 – Jack Robinson (d.1997) was an American photographer famous for 1960s celebrity and fashion photography and documenting the New Orleans of the 1950s. Jack Uther Robinson, Jr. was born in Meridian, Mississippi. He grew up in Clarksdale, Mississippi, in the heart of the Mississippi Delta, an area famous for racial injustice, the Blues, and social and religious conservatism. His father was a mechanic and auto parts dealer.
Robinson attended Clarksdale High School, from which he graduated in 1945. He then enrolled at Tulane University in New Orleans, where he completed five semesters before dropping out in 1948. In 1951, he began his professional career in photography, working as a graphic artist for an advertising agency in New Orleans. He took numerous photographs of the city and his friends, many of them artists and photographers. His early work captured the charm of the French Quarter and documented New Orleans night life. It also preserved valuable glimpses into the New Orleans gay subculture of the 1950s.
Among Robinson's most fascinating images are photographs of the Mardi Gras festivities in the years between 1952 and 1955. Some of these document the celebrations in the gay area of Bourbon Street, especially around Dixie's Bar of Music, then one of the most prominent gay bars in the country.
In addition to architectural photographs, society portraits, and Mardi Gras pictures, Robinson also took a number of photographs of young gay couples, romantically posed. These photographs are striking because of their rarity, and touching because of their sincerity. At a time when there were few precedents for posing gay couples, Robinson conveyed homoerotic attraction in a number of ways, including having the young men stare deeply into each other's eyes and touch tentatively. The very awkwardness of these embraces conveys a profound sense of commitment.
During the New Orleans period, Robinson fell in love with a young man named Gabriel, whom he photographed incessantly, often in the nude. The Gabriel photographs are especially distinguished by their play of light and shadow and by their sensuality.
In 1954, Robinson and Gabriel travelled to Mexico. There the artist captured Mexican scenes in large and medium format photographs.
In 1955 Robinson and Gabriel moved to New York where he quickly became noted for his fashion photography. He was sought out by many of the top designers and others in the fashion industry. By 1959, one of his photographs graced the cover of Life magazine, signalling his arrival as a top commercial photographer.
Vogue's legendary editor-in-chief Diana Vreeland recognised Robinson's particular gift for portraiture. In addition to commissioning fashion photography from him, she also commissioned portraits of celebrities, especially the rising stars of music, film, television, and literature. Robinson's work appeared in Vogue over 500 times between 1965 and 1972.
By 1970, Robinson had established himself as one of the leading commercial photographers in the world. He travelled to Europe to record the fashion innovations of the great design houses. His work was regularly featured in the most prestigious fashion and celebrity magazines of the day.
But even as Robinson succeeded professionally, his personal life became increasingly problematic. His relationship with Gabriel failed. He suffered from the stigma associated with homosexuality. He increasingly turned to drugs and alcohol for solace. Frequently in the company of Andy Warhol and his entourage, he became part of New York's frenetic club scene.
Such fast living soon affected Robinson's work. His daybooks and list of commissions reflect the deterioration of his life. As jobs dwindled, he was forced to move from his fashionable studio at 11 East 10th Street. Finally, in December of 1972, he retreated to Memphis, where his parents and older brother lived.
Broken and addicted to alcohol, Robinson sought help from a long-time friend, who sponsored his membership in Alcoholics Anonymous and helped him recover his emotional health.
In Memphis, Robinson abandoned his career as a commercial photographer. He began painting and soon took a job as assistant to noted artist Dorothy Sturm, who designed stained glass windows for churches at Laukauff Studio, one of the largest stained glass studios in the country. Although he was undoubtedly lonely, and in the words of a friend 'full of anger and angst,' he seemed to enjoy his anonymity and seldom revealed that he had once been a leading photographer in New York City. In 1976, Robinson left Laukauff Studio to work at another glass studio, Rainbow Studio, where he was to remain for the rest of his career.
Robinson fell ill in November 1997 and was soon diagnosed with cancer. He died on December 15, 1997.
Robinson left his estate to his employer, Dan Oppenheimer, owner of Rainbow Studio. Oppenheimer was surprised to discover in Robinson's small and spartan apartment over 140,000 negatives. In 2002, Oppenheimer opened the Jack Robinson Gallery and Archive in Memphis. It is dedicated to preserving and promoting Robinson's legacy.
Although Robinson soon slipped into obscurity, his work has recently been rediscovered, thanks to the efforts of the Robinson Gallery and Archive and to several recent exhibitions in Memphis, London, and New Orleans.
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1961 – Dag Hammarskjöld (b.1905), U.N. Secretary-General, dies in a plane crash while attempting to negotiate peace in the war-torn Katanga region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Despite holding a position of public prominence as Secretary-General of the United Nations from 1953 until his death in 1961, he managed to withhold even the most minor details of his personal life from the world. Even his posthumously published journal, Markings, shies away from any mention of his private life. Possibly asexual, probably homosexual, Hammarskjöld was unable to accept his sexuality and lived an unhappy, frustrated life of sexual abstinence, suffering slurs from political figures and the international media. But though he couldn't resolve his own internal conflicts, he was masterful at settling external conflicts as he worked to solve disputes in Palestine, Vietnam, Egypt, and the Congo, demonstrating one of the classic, same-sex archetypes of the mediator.
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1978 – Openly gay Billy Eichner is an American comedian, actor, writer, and television personality. He is the star, executive producer and creator of Funny Or Die's Billy on the Street, a comedy game show that airs on Fuse TV. Eichner was nominated for a Daytime Emmy Award for "Outstanding Game Show Host" in 2013. He is also known for playing Craig Middlebrooks on the sitcom Parks and Recreation.Eichner gained attention as the host and writer of Creation Nation: A Live Talk Show, a critically acclaimed stage show in New York. He also appeared on Conan as a special correspondent in original video shorts and as himself on Bravo's Watch What Happens: Live with Andy Cohen, Last Call with Carson Daly, The Wendy Williams Show, and Fashion Police with Joan Rivers, among others.
On August 5, 2013, it was revealed that Eichner would guest star in the sixth season of Parks and Recreation. Eichner's first episode aired on October 10, 2013. He stars as Donna's Eagleton counterpart, Craig Middlebrooks, who joins the Pawnee Parks and Recreation Department when Pawnee absorbs Eagleton. He became a series regular in episode four of the seventh season of the show.
Eichner starred in a Hulu original series titled Difficult People with Julie Klausner, and executive produced by Amy Poehler.
In July 2020, Eichner announced that he and Tom McNulty were developing a film biography of fellow Northwestern University alum Paul Lynde called Man in the Box, with Eichner portraying Lynde.In March 2021, Eichner announced that he is currently writing and starring in the film Bros, which tells the story of two gay men with commitment issues who decide to settle down with each other. Being produced by Universal Pictures, it is set to be the first adult-oriented LGBT movie ever produced by a mainstream film studio. In August of that same year, Amazon Studios announced that they had bought the rights to develop the film Ex-Husbands, starring Eichner and co-written by him and Paul Rudnick.
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2011 – Died: Jamey Rodemeyer (March 21, 1997 - September 18, 2011) was an openly bisexual teenager, known for his activism against homophobia and his videos on YouTube to help victims of homophobic bullying. He committed suicide as a result of constant bullying.[
Jamey T. Rodemeyer lived with his parents and his sister in their home near Buffalo, New York. He was open about his sexuality, and faced severe bullying as a result of it. Rodemeyer's inspiration to help others came from Lady Gaga, whom he admired most. He often referred to her in his videos, and quoted her lyrics to provide guidance to others. He also made a video for the "It Gets Better" project, a website dedicated to preventing teen suicide.
Rodemeyer was found dead by his sister on the morning of September 18, 2011, in an apparent suicide by hanging. Before his death, he posted a final update on Twitter directed to Lady Gaga. The tweet read, "¡ladygaga bye mother monster, thank you for all you have done, paws up forever".
In an interview with Ann Curry on The Today Show Jamey's parents said that their son was still being bullied, even after his suicide. When his sister attended a school homecoming dance, Jamey's friends began chanting his name in support when a Lady Gaga song began playing. As a result, bullies at the dance began chanting that they were glad he was dead.
Lady Gaga later met with President Barack Obama to discuss what his administration would do to prevent bullying in schools. Also in response to his death, reigning Miss New York Kaitlin Monte founded an online petition to bring the issue of cyberbullying (known as "Jamey's Law") to New York legislators. Shortly after, State Senator Jeffrey Klein proposed new cyberbullying legislation. The two joined to launch the New York Cyberbully Census.
In October 2011 actor Zachary Quinto noted Rodemeyer's death as the genesis of his decision to come out publicly as gay, saying on his website "...but in light of Jamey's death - it became clear to me in an instant that living a gay life without publicly acknowledging it - is simply not enough to make any significant contribution to the immense work that lies ahead on the road to complete equality". In response to Quinto's coming out (and in reaction to gay suicides caused by bullying), Dan Kloeffler of ABC News Now also came out.
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2012 – Berkeley, California becomes what is thought to be the first city in the U.S. to officially proclaim a day recognizing bisexuals. The Berkeley City Council unanimously and without discussion declared Sept. 23 as Bisexual Pride and Bi Visibility Day.
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greenerteacups · 1 year
Can you spill some tea on fifth book? I’m dying here, love love love your work
i can tell you the way i would currently describe it as "a bunch of heists stacked in a trenchcoat shaped like a spy movie," but that's probably too organized, so perhaps it would be more accurate to say "several heists dancing a quadrille with a spy movie, while the third act of when harry met sally keeps trying to cut in."
(also, here's the list of chapter titles, if you're interested >:])
[5.1] Summer’s End
[5.2] The Ministry of Magic
[5.3] The Old London Place
[5.4] Rumors on the Hogwarts Express
[5.5] Umbridge’s Lament
[5.6] The Miseducation of Hermione Granger
[5.7] The Hogwarts Resistance
[5.8] The Room of Requirement
[5.9] Occlumency
[5.10] Gryffindor vs. Slytherin
[5.11] The December Rebellion
[5.12] Tannenbaum
[5.13] For Auld Lang Syne
[5.14] The Patronus
[5.15] The Pureblood Sisters
[5.16] The Fall of Cassius Warrington
[5.17] I Will Not Tell Lies
[5.18] The Golden Afternoon
[5.19] Heroes
[5.20] As Though Nothing Could Fall
[5.21] Toujours Pur
[5.22] The Princess’s Tale
[5.23] In Extremis
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crimswnred · 1 year
third sneak peek — meet Joyo
a scuba diving instructor (from Cornwall)
doesn't like drama but seems to be always in it
not sure if he's there to find The One™
but he's open for a good time
believes in not waiting for good things to happen
would like to find someone special if they came along
says his job is super chill
and god, he has OPINIONS! 👇
about the others:
coupled up with Geri
thinks she's fire and so, so sexy
but isn't sure if they are right for each other
is happy Alex is there with him and they have great chats
says Rafael is like a clueless puppy and needs to slow down a bit
and that he doesn't know how to be mysterious
thinks Cassius is a good looking man
doesn't seem to be a fan of Bryson
think he's a lot, that he's drama and that he's like an annoying little brother
says Willow is one of the sweetest person he had ever met and has his eyes on her too
says Estelle is sarcastic, that he likes her
and that her sarcasm is sending Bryson through a loop
Daphne is proper jokes, according to him
but it's totally friendzone between them
says Daph and Raf look like they found true love
but he's not sold on it yet
wishes Daph and Raf would enjoy the summer rather than trying to hang onto each other
says Daph is happy to look somewhere else (tea)
he had to help Raf with Cassius
apparently they had a challenge that led to chaos
Willow was annoyed, Geri loved the attention and Bryson was obviously involved.
and Geri was a bit off with him.
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*I think he's Filipino but take that with a grain of salt.
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simpingforpjo · 2 years
I googled cassius yesterday accidentally instead of cashew and I threw a whole tantrum and ranted to my friend about Ides of March and the ABSOLUTE FREAKING TEA of "et tu brutus" and i open Tumblr today, the tag is trending and i think I've time traveled but oh well it's still the 12th
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Queen of the Wild (Epilogue)
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Summary: discover the fates of *yn* blackburn and robb stark in the four years that follow the battle between the north, the lannisters and the kingdom of vesiros.
Warnings: fluff, swearing, childbirth, violence, death
Notes: end of an era <3 hope you enjoy x
Series Masterlist
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It had been two weeks since Cerlina had informed her of her condition and still her and Cerlina were the only ones who knew. When Cassius had enquired about her health later she had simply brushed it off and told him it was a passing fever and cough.
She knew that her people would be delighted. She was no fool, she knew the prospect of a Blackburn heir had always been discussed in hushed whispers behind her back. Questions of when, how, who, if.
There would be no issue in relation to lineage or relation, the concepts of bastards and true borns, of divine lineage and 'pure' blood had long been discarded. She could have the babe and raise it without a husband if she so desired. The question of who the father was though, that would always follow her wherever she went, in the looks and whispers in the shadows.
Cerlina could brew her a tea, to cure her of her 'ailment'. But *yn* knew deep down that was not an option. She had already grown far too attached to the small human growing inside her. Besides, to do so would be an insult to the gods according to Cerlina. This was a miracle conception, a one in a million chance.
Then, there was Robb.
She had managed to avoid him these past few weeks as she tried to process the information herself. Then her mind had turned to ponder if she should even tell him. The thought of his rejection of the child was one too painful for her to bare.
But she knew that she had to tell him at some point, she could not keep this from him forever, even if she wanted to. It was just a matter of when and how.
*yn* stared down at the note that had just been delivered to her room. She felt sick with nerves as she stared down at the elegant looping of the ink.
Our usual place at dusk this evening.
Forever Yours, Robb Stark.
It seems that Robb had made her decision for her.
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The forest was so quiet that the water-starved leaves crunching underneath *yn*'s boots seemed to echo off the trees.
Her breath puffed out in a cloud. The bed of leaves that she waded through were shades of browns. Mildew or ice was beginning to turn the remaining leaves white.
Another reminder that the long night was drawing ever closer.
As she approached it she realised the stream was beginning to frost over. It was hard to believe now that only a few months ago her and Robb had spent their fleeting time together frolicking in it.
A snap of a twig made *yn*'s eyes dart around. Her hand involuntarily went to rest on her stomach. Over the growing life inside of her. She had to make a conscious effort not to do it in front of her people these days.
Luna pushed against her side gently, as if to remind her that she was here. Protecting her. Luna had sensed very quickly that *yn* was with child, and even though she had her own pups to look after, her protectiveness had increased triple-fold.
"So the queen still does in fact live."
Her hand slid from her stomach to her side. A soft smile appearing on her lips at the sight of Robb making his way towards her through the thick brush.
"I was beginning to think that you had disappeared off the face of the earth." His tone was teasing, enough to make her brow quirk up in amusement.
"I have been busy, not all of us can have their advisors run things for them while they go out hunting you know."
Her expected taunt made him chuckle, a warm glow in his eye as he neared her.
"I was beginning to think you were avoiding me."
Her heart hammered in her chest as he finally reached her and wrapped his arms around her waist.
I actually am because I am pregnant with your child even though we are at war and our people hate eachother! How delightful is that?
"Now why would I ever do such a thing?" She forced a smirk onto her lips, shoving the voice back down into the pits of her stomach.
He hummed in response, his gloved hand reaching up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.
"I have missed you." His chest rumbled as he spoke.
He leant down and captured her lips in a hungry kiss. She felt herself involuntarily stiffen.
She felt him frown against her skin after a few moments. He pulled away, his eyes scanning every inch of her features. He knew her too well. To the point that even attempting to deceive him was pointless.
"What is wrong my love?"
Her lips parted to answer. For once she was at a loss for words. All her years of courting royalty and whispering sweet nothings into the ears of dangerous men to sedate them - all that training completely and utterly failed her as she stared up at him.
She felt like he was peering into her soul.
She was going to be sick. She did not know whether to attribute blame to the pregnancy or to her nerves.
She took a step back. "I cannot-"
"*yn*, what is the matter-"
She took another step back. Her heel landed on a concealed branch. Her foot twisted oddly under her weight. For a brief moment panic flooded her. She was going to fall.
Her hand attached itself to her belly.
Luna's growls filled the air as she pushed herself in between them. Gnashing teeth made Robb quickly draw the hand back he had extended out to help her.
"It's alright." *yn* soothed, her other hand leaning out to run her fingers through the dire wolf's thick fur. She felt Luna's taught muscles ease under her touch.
"Wha-" Robb cut himself off, his brow furrowed in confusion as his eyes darted from Luna to *yn*.
He froze. Her hand was still resting on her belly. His eyes moved from her belly down to Luna again, who was still eyeing him warily as she moved from between them.
"I- you-" He breathed out as he took a step back to survey her.
"Are you?" He blinked in disbelief, his gaze fixating on her belly once more.
His eyes scanned her face. The slightest nod of her head was all it took for tears to begin to well up in his eyes.
"Fucking hell *yn*-"
She felt a breath catch in her throat as Robb moved forward and wrapped her in his arms. She could feel her own tears slide down her cheeks as he squeezed her so tight that her feet lifted off the ground.
"Robb-" She managed to get out as she struggled to inhale any oxygen.
"Oh I am sorry my love, sorry I-" Robb stammered as he hastily placed her back down onto the ground.
"That is not going to hurt the babe is it?"
She let out a small chuckle and shook her head. Tears were now streaming down both of their faces. "No, it is perfectly safe."
He let out a relieved laugh and nodded, his eyes never leaving her stomach as he spoke once more.
"How long have you known?"
"About two weeks."
Robb frowned at her answer. "Why did you not tell me?"
"I- I was afraid you would not want this." She admitted quietly.
"Not want this?" Robb echoed in disbelief. "The woman I love is pregnant with our child." His hand reached up to cradle her face.
"There is nothing on this earth I would want more."
*yn* leant up and captured his lips with hers. She could taste the saltiness of their tears on her tongue as their mouths moved as one. The pair only pulled away when it became necessary to draw breath.
Robb pressed his forehead to hers, his eyes shining like she had never seen before. Like a newfound purpose had sparked it.
"There is actually one thing I think I want just as much."
His murmour made a small smirk twist up onto her lips.
She rested her arms around the back of his neck. "And what would that be Lord Stark?"
"For you to be my wife."
The statement made her freeze. Her hands slid down from around him to hang at her sides. She took a step back.
"Robb." She frowned. "You do not have to."
Her answer clearly threw him off guard.
"You do not need to propose to me just because I am with child. The concept of bastards is not one we accept in Vesiros." She explained when she saw the confusion seep from his pores.
Her explanation made a chuckle emit from the back of his throat. This time it was her turn to have confusion flash across her features as he shook his head and pulled her back into him.
"Do you remember the night of Cassius' wedding?"
"Of course I do."
"And what I said when we were up on that balcony?"
She felt a smile involuntarily tug up onto her lips.
His smile broadened when he saw that she could see where he was going. "About that being us down there one day. Getting married. In the Godswood. Becoming one."
She watched as he reached into his pocket.
His fist unfurled. She felt her heart skip a beat.
A dainty ring sat neatly in the palm of his hand. It was silver, simple. A small sapphire carved into the shape of a wolf's head placed neatly in the centre.
"This was my mothers. My father gave it to her when they were to be wed."
"Robb...." She swallowed as she eyed the ring gleaming back at her.
"I knew I was done for the second I walked into your throne room and laid my eyes on you."
He took her hand in his.
"I have been carrying this ring with me for months, waiting for the right time to give it to you."
She was trembling ever so slightly in his grip. It was quite a sight to behold. Queen *yn* Blackburn of Vesiros, a wildling queen, brought to shakes and tears by a Stark. It was a sight that had to be seen to be believed.
"And I cannot think of a more perfect time than when I have just found out that we are to have a child."
They were both crying once more. Silent tears sliding down their wind chaffed cheeks. Lightheaded and pulses pounding.
"Marry me, Queen Blackburn."
*yn*'s lips parted. Excuses and questions begged to tumble out. How would this work? How would their people react? What if their people did not accept them?
Her tongue kept them at bay. For once she did not want to think like a queen of a kingdom. Like a scheming politician. She wanted to put herself first. She wanted to be a woman head over heels in love with a man. Giggling and blushing and hopelessly devoted.
"Yes." She pushed her forehead against his as she guided her finger into the ring clasped in Robb's hand.
"Yes I will marry you King Stark."
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The union of *yn* Blackburn and Robb Stark was not a grand spectacle or a public affair.
It was on an unassuming night, basked in the light of a full moon in the Godswood. The attendees could almost be counted on one hand.
Cassius, Talisa, Mikel, Erik, Arya, Bran, Rickon, Luna and her pups.
They all watched on as *yn* and Robb took eachother's hands and whispered the sacred words of the gods to one another. The shouts and whoops and hollers as they kissed and sealed their sacred vows.
King and Queen. Husband and wife.
Once it was announced to their people, word spread like wildfire around not just the north, but all of Westeros.
Some saw it as a disgrace, a stain on the Stark name, to be entwined with a wildling. Others saw it as a mark of power, heralding Robb a 'wildling tamer'. Some saw it as an act of war.
It was hard to look past what the union now meant. Two of the most powerful armies in Westeros were now joined as one.
The outcry *yn* had expected from her people and from Robb's was less than she had expected. It appeared that the whispers in the north of the undead returning had sparked enough fear for people to welcome the news of a larger army.
It was the only time she would ever be somewhat grateful for the return of the white walkers.
The witches and prophets blessed the union, praising Robb and *yn* for listening to the omen of the birth of Luna's pups. Who were they to ruin their excitement and tell them that they would have wed regardless of any such omen.
Seven months later, *yn* had never hated Robb Stark so much in her entire life.
“Push Your Grace. Just one more.”
Her body felt like it was on fire. *yn* Blackburn had been through multiple wars, had seen the greatest suffering a human could suffer. Or so she thought. In that moment, she was convinced there was no greater suffering on earth than that of childbirth.
She could not believe Cerlina had called this a blessing.
“Come on my love.” Robb's raspy voice murmured in her ear as he knelt beside her. “Take my hand.”
*yn* let out a groan of pain as she pushed once more, her hand clasping around her husband’s as she squeezed with all her might.
“I see the head!” Cerlina announced from below her.
“You're nearly there my love.” A hand caressed her face, drawing her attention away from the pain between her thighs. Her eyes locked with the deep brown ones of her husband.
She nearly broke all of the bones in his hand as she gave one more push.
Frail wails echoed throughout the cavernous room.
"Ah-" *yn* let out a hiss as pain ripped through her once more. This could not be possible - she still felt so full, like her body was being torn apart.
"What is going on?" Robb queried, his eyes darting around the room when he saw the midwives exchange glances.
"Robb, make it stop." She begged as her body continued to scream at her.
"There- there is another one Your Grace!" Cerlina exclaimed as she looked up wide eyed at the king.
"Another one-"
"Push Your Grace! I see the head already."
*yn* gritted her teeth and pushed with all of her might. She was so consumed by the pain that she had not even processed Cerlina's words. All she knew was that she had to do whatever she could to make the pain stop.
She let out a moan of relief as the pain subsided, air filling up her lungs once more as the midwives gushed in praise.
“It’s ok my love, it is over.” Robb murmured, kissing her damp hair as he held her closely. *yn* let out a silent sob as she clung to her husband, letting him pepper her face with kisses and praises as she fell limp in his arms.
It was when another set out wailing reached her ears that her brain finally processed it.
"Did she say two-" *yn* cut herself off as she sat up, her eyes widening in disbelief at the sight in front of her.
“Twins, your grace." Cerlina smiled up at her Queen.
"Two boys."
"Twin boys." Robb breathed out, tears filling his eyes as Cerlina brought over the two babes to them, both now wrapped in cloth.
Overwhelming love and warmth filled *yn* as a son was placed into each of her outstretched arms. Almost as if those last few hours of pain had been erased, like she would do it all again now just to hold them like this.
"They are perfect." *yn* whispered, her voice cracking as she studied them.
"Perfect." Robb echoed in agreement. She leant down and placed a kiss to each of their foreheads before handing one to Robb.
"Two heirs for two kingdoms." She murmured to him, smiling as she watched her husband be completely entranced by his children.
Her words made his eyes flicker up to her as a smile spread across his lips. "They will both make fine Kings, I can already tell."
She glanced down to her son in her arms.
"Eddard." *yn* whispered as she studied him. There was a pause as Robb looked over at his son before glancing down at the son in his arms.
"And Leo."
*yn* blinked through her tears as she smiled at him.
"Ned and Leo Stark."
If the birth of direwolf pups was seen as a good omen, the birth of healthy twin boys was practically a hand delivered message by the gods themselves.
Two heirs for two kingdoms. It was heralded as a miracle.
Their union was now unquestionable. They were the north's saviours. They would lead them to victory over the white walkers.
However, the war in the South was still raging on. Both Robb and *yn* had made it quite clear they had no interest in the Iron Throne, but that did not stop the South from trying to drag them into their war.
And then there was Sansa in King's Landing. Jamie and Tywin Lannister were still rotting in Robb's cells.
Cersei Lannister was spiralling into madness.
A Targaryen girl was amassing an army across the sea.
A wildling village had been massacred by white walkers.
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Four years later
"Leo, do not throw things at your brother."
"But he stole my bow and arrow! He needs to be taught a lesson."
"Leo, listen to your mother."
*yn* shook her head as she watched Leo fold his arms and go off to pout and play with his toys in the corner. She stroked Luna's fur absentmindedly as Luna nuzzled her head into her lap.
Ned appeared completely unbothered and unfazed by the apple core that had been thrown at his head. Instead, he continued to play with the wooden wolf on the fur rug situated in front of the fireplace.
"He gets that violent behaviour from you, you know." Robb mused as he came to take a seat next to her on the couch.
"Oh is that so?" She raised a brow.
He hummed in response before pulling her in for a kiss.
It was hard to believe that their twins were now four years of age. What they had survived in those handful of years of living on this earth.
Robb had eventually traded Jamie and Tywin for Sansa.
The war against the undead had been fought and won. Not without casualties. Cassius had died, leaving behind his widow and two young children. *yn* had been inconsolable for months.
Daenerys had defeated Cersei before turning mad and wiping out half of King's Landing. And the entirety of the Targaryen line, except for Jon Snow.
Then she was killed by Jon Snow.
With the Iron Throne now vacant once more, eyes turned to Robb and *yn*. But neither wanted it. They'd spent their entire marriage fighting wars and political webs and snares.
They wanted to rule in peace and raise their children.
Sansa Stark was now the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, minus the North which still had its independence. Tyrion Lannister was her hand. Arya was her commander.
Jon agreed to be *yn*'s new commander in the aftermath of the war. As her people began to trickle back to south of the wall, Jon was happy to take up residency in Vesiros castle while she spent time in Winterfell.
Somehow, none of these events had been the biggest surprise that *yn* had faced.
*yn* smiled at the sound of little feet hitting stone floor.
After convincing herself that her twin boys had been a once in a life time miracle from the gods, two years ago she found herself with child once more.
Alira Stark beamed up at her.
"Come give me a kiss."
*yn* and Robb laughed as they watched their daughter scramble up the couch and into their arms.
They watched from their seat as Luna's pups bounded into the room, causing Leo and Ned to let out squeals of joy. They were almost fully grown now but were as gentle as lambs when it came to *yn*'s children. Like they knew they would get snarled at by their mother if they were too rough.
It was the first time since *yn* could remember that she was not at war. Looking over her shoulder waiting for someone to try and kill her, or usurp her, or take over her land.
She felt safe. They both did.
Even though neither of them knew how long it would last, they were at peace.
The wolf and the wild horse could finally rest.
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It took me years but this series is officially complete!!! Hope you loved it as much as I do <3 As always, feedback is always appreciated. Please give it back here xx
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eeldritchblast · 8 months
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Tagged by @babeoffrontiers ❤️
Name: Cassius
Nickname: N/A (he is not a fan of nicknames!)
Gender: Cis male (he/him)
Star sign: (I don't know enough to assign him one rip)
Height: 158cm (5'2")
Orientation: Homosexual
Race: Drow
Romancing: Astarion
Fave fruit: Peaches
Fave season: Winter
Fave flower: Orchid
Fave scent: Freshly baked bread
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Coffee
Average sleep hours: 6-7
Dogs or cats: Cats
Dream trip: He doesn't know enough about the surface to even pick a place lol - but he'd be down for going wherever
Amount of blankets: 0-1 (he runs hot)
Random fact(s):
He was embarrassed by his "ugly" (by drow standards) black hair and purple eyes courtesy of his warlock patron, but after arriving on the surface and realizing no one there gave a shit, he got over it
Mommy issues kinda man
Certified monster-fucker
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jarbaje-dump · 2 months
☕️&💘? 🥺 Cassie and Estella please save meeeee
☕️ — does your oc prefer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, milk, water, or some other drink? how do they like to take this drink (ex. coffee with milk, hot chocolate with whipped cream, a specific kind of tea, etc)?
Both Cassie and Estella would like coffee, but Estella's palette would be much more varied. She has access to imported beans and would've grown up with something similar to Turkish-style coffee, made with a cezve, so I designed a cup that would probably be found in her noble house. Cassie would otherwise like chamomile tea.
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💘 — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
Estella considers her twin sister Clarimonde to be the most important to her despite spending long times apart. Cassius considers his guardians, Kalliope and Vander, the most important, especially with his mother's passing. There's potential for Estella and Cas to be in the 'circle of importance'.
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From left to right, Clarimonde, Kalliope, and Vander. Their designs aren't finalized, though :>
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museandquill · 2 months
Find Five Lines
Thanks @kaylinalexanderbooks here
Rules: post five lines that match the given prompts, then change one prompt for the next people.
A Line About a Vehicle
From Hellenic Chronicles book 1 (Vitoria's POV)
“God Christ Miles!” I shout, trying to move away from him but all I do is hit my head. I reach back and rub my head before finally taking in my surroundings. Miles was pressed into my side and I was sitting on what felt like a mattress. There was a large set of windows across from me and I could see trees zooming past. I leaned against a back door and I could see a large map taped up on the ceiling. There were blankets on chairs, and fake plants wrapped around the rearview mirror.
A Line About an Animal
From Hellenic Chronicles book 1 (Cassius's POV)
I pulled my eyes away from him as a death moth flew into my sight. I held my hand out as the moth landed on my hand. This was not a regular death moth, this moth was pitch black with a skull on its back and lavender spots on its wings. This moth was controlled by my father and I have often seen it fly around me when no one is around. It is a sign my father is watching over me.
A Line About a Drink
From Hellenic Chronicles book 1 (Eve's POV)
She sat down next to me and waved her hand. A large teapot appeared in the air with two tea cups surrounding it. “How did you…?” She looked over at me with a smile as she poured two cups of tea. Lavender buds and chamomile flowers fall out of the tea pot before turning into a lavender liquid. She hands me one of the cups as she drinks from her own. I took a hesitant sip as warmth filled my body. 
A Line That is Shouted
From Hellenic Chronicles book 1 (Jane's POV)
“And today, during training, he was acting like he was stronger than me! I’m one of the strongest kids in our school, he’s almost eighteen and I can beat him in a fight! And don’t get me started on Raven this morning! She was late, late, getting back to school! Are you even listening to me?” I stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed Annie wasn’t responding.
A Line That Includes a Lie
From Hellenic Chronicles book 1 (Celia's POV)
My yelling caught the attention of the mortals around us. They cast strange looks before ushering their children away and running off. I let out a shaky sigh. “They need to be here.” I repeated in a quieter tone. “Okay, what the Hades is going on with you?” Harlan snaps. “What? Nothing’s going on.” “Now we all know that’s not true!”  “Do we?” Miles muttered to Eve, who just smacked his arm. “Harlan, not now.” Jane said, grabbing Harlan’s arm.
Your lines: A line that is shouted, a line that includes a lie, a line about friendship/romance, a line about a drink, and a line about a vehicle
Tagging @davycoquette @finickyfelix @lavender-gloom @ghostlyboysstories @aster-wright-writes
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mkiss723 · 2 months
LItG S9: Vol 12, Ep. 22-24
Kinda shocked my “date” ended up being with Uma. Wasn’t a fan of her back in whatever season that was, so seeing her again was whatever. She spilled the tea on the boys behaviors back at the Villa and I’m not surprised by any of them honestly except…
Hamish! He’s really done a 180 and is such a cutie this season?! I never thought I’d say that 🤭 and my man Jude being good and loyal. Can’t wait to see him again.
Told the girls what Uma told me. I’m not keeping secrets for the rest of those boys!
I feel bad for Cassius. I said I liked him best (because heaven forbid they ever let you say your OG guy during casa!) so then he was trying his hardest to sway me but it didn’t work and I had to turn him down. They really need to make nicer options for that!
Kat & Lyle are the new Kat & Finn and I just couldn’t care less about them… Kelly chose to stick with Finn. Good luck with that…. And Natasha chose Stefan which is cool and I encouraged it.
However!!! Miss Uma better be sitting next to Jude as a friend because if she comes between us so help me I will be so furious… 🤬
I just want to be back together with Jude and have smooth sailing!! (Ha like that would ever happen! 🤣)
Side note: I’m really happy this Casa time wasn’t very long. I wasn’t overly interested in the casa boys so I’m happy to get back to the villa rather quickly this season
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justalittletomato · 6 months
It’s about time I had another Maul and Starlight thought. They have a habit of having tea together, both have less than stellar sleeping patterns, so why not share a drink on those more than sleepless nights.
The florets blooming as the team brewed. He had grown to enjoy the taste. A slight spice to it. One he could not quite place.
Starlight placed a cup before him, fixing it as he liked with just a slight add of sweetness from sugar and no more.
He stared at their lips. “That’s where it was.”
Starlight hummed curious. “You taste of Cassius tea.”
A blush, “is that why you like the tea so much?”
“Well if that’s the case, while you wait for the tea to cool.”
A kiss to his lips. There it was that bit of spice….just like Cassius tea but much more…
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