#cassie x rose
“What are the major blood vessels that run through the neck called?” Slade asks, his back to Rose, his hands busy with operating the makeshift laboratory’s equipment. He did this sometimes, quizzed her on things she had already learnt, on the rare occasion that he runs out of super-soldier serum and doesn’t have the next batch ready yet. He says it’s to make sure her memories while on the serum and her memories while not on it don’t get jumbled; Rose suspects he just likes to make her obey him even when she isn’t chemically forced to.
Rose lifts her head, curtains of white hair falling over her face as she does so, and says nothing.
(A man had stood over her like this, once, and had screamed at her to cry. She hadn’t obeyed then. She’s not going to obey now).
Slade doesn’t quite turn around, but he does turn his head to the side so that he can look at her over his shoulder. “Don’t make me ask again.”
Her lips betray her before her conscious mind can stop them. “Carotids.”
Slade lets out a pleased hum. Rose tries not to retch and mostly fails, a flood of bile overflowing through the gap between her lips and running down the sides of her face to stain her bodysuit.
She can’t even wipe it away.
“How many are there?”
Not for the first time, Rose wishes that her hands were free so that she could rip out her own vocal chords before they betrayed her again. As it is, she closes her eyes—or rather, eye, singular, now—and slumps back against the radiator she is chained to, taking comfort in the way the sharp metal edges of the device dig into her back in a way that is uniquely real, and prepares for her body to betray her once again. “Two.”
“On either side.”
“Either side of what?”
“The neck.”
“Good girl.”
Unlike most people, Rose Wilson disliked late mornings.
It wasn’t that she thought there was anything wrong with waking up late—she wasn’t her father, she didn’t share the same gung ho military outlook on life that led him to live his life like a wannabe Spartan—it’s just that she liked the solitude early morning would bring. Those precious few hours in which everyone was asleep and she was unaccounted for were more precious to her than any of her meager belongings. Usually, she’d spend those precious hours on the roof, either going for an early morning swim in the rooftop pool or taking the opportunity to lounge about in the early morning California sunlight, but today she’d slept in a little longer than usual and didn’t have enough time to do either of those things before her teammates wake up, so she decides to just get herself a coffee and spend the time she does have scrolling mindlessly on her phone.
She would have done just that if she hadn’t walked into the kitchen to find her teammates sitting around the table, clear-eyed and awake and evidently waiting for her. The back of Rose’s palms starts itching, but she pushes her instinctual paranoia aside and leans against the doorframe, letting her one-eyed gaze sweep over the assembled heroes questioningly. None of them meet her gaze. Some rub their arms or scratch the back of their necks, but not one of them looks at Rose.
Ah, she thinks, feeling bitterness roil up from her stomach. This is it, then. The moment they finally kick her off the team for good. She’d been wondering when they would finally muster up the courage to just get it over with.
In any case, Rose isn’t about to make it easy for them by taking the hint and packing up her stuff like a good little bunny. If they want her off the team, they’re gonna have to look her in the eye and say that, she decides, doing her best to pretend her mouth doesn’t suddenly taste of bile.
With that in mind, she pushes away from the doorframe and walks up to the table, putting her hands on her hips and looking down at her teammates with narrowed eyes. “There a team meeting no one bothered to tell me about or something?”
Her teammates shy away from her gaze, all save for Tim, who is the only one with the courage to at least turn his head and look her in the eye. She thinks she could respect him for that, if he was anyone else, if this situation was anything but what it was.
Rose’s lip curls. “Well?”
Tim’s eyes slide to the empty chair to his left. “Sit down, Rose.”
She doesn’t move. “I’ll pass.”
Tim sighs, long and weary, like a suffering parent talking to a particularly obstinate teenager, and Rose think she’s never wanted to punch someone in the face as much as wants to punch him now. 
Perhaps sensing her rising hostility, Conner stands up and places a hand on her shoulder in a way that doesn’t feel placating at all.
“No one wants to make this any harder than it needs to be, Rose,” he says, his voice hard, and Rose wonders when he began to use his super-strength as an implicit threat. She shrugs her shoulder, trying to shake off his hand, but his grip simply tightens, his invulnerable fingers denting the scales of her armor under them. Rose exhales in pain and surprise and tries to shove him away, but he simply catches her hand and twists it behind her back painfully, forcing a pained grunt past her lips. Her free hand drops down to reach for a weapon, a flashbang, anything, but Conner grabs that arm as well and twists it behind her back next to its neighbor.
“What the—ow, fuck, let go of me!” Rose snarls, straining against his hold. “What the hell is the matter with you?!”
“I’m sorry, Rose,” Tim says, his face like stone. “But you forced us into this.”
Rose doesn’t understands until he reaches into his utility belt and pulls out a syringe dripping with a very familiar yellow liquid. Her eye widens in horror.
“You wouldn’t,” she says, her voice half gasp, half whisper.
“We invited you back because we needed your skillset, Rose.” Tim takes a step forward, and Rose almost dislocates her own shoulder trying to pull herself away. “But we don’t need you.”
Rose’s one eye sweeps desperately over the room, looking first at Eddie, who disappears in a puff of smoke without even looking at her once, and afterwards at Cassie. To her shock, the demigoddess keeps her gaze on the wooden wall of the cabin, shame coloring her face. She nods, even though Tim isn’t even looking in her direction. “Do it.”
Rose doesn’t even have time to feel the cold sting of betrayal before the syringe plunges down towards her neck. The last thing she sees before everything goes dark are the blurry faces of her teammates flitting around the edges of her vision, faces and mouths stretched into unnatural grins, her father’s laughter ringing in her ears as the cabin burns.
“Good girl,” he says, again and again, in between bouts of cackling. “Good girl. Good girl. Good girl. Good girl…”
Rose doesn’t exactly wake up screaming, but she does find herself sitting up in bed, breathing heavily, once her enhanced mind chases away the petrifying fog of terror that’s enveloped her senses. Pushing down the panic worming its way into her heart, she reaches for her phone and swipes a thumb across its surface to unlock it, quickly selecting the camera app and taking a picture of her own neck. She holds it up in the darkness of the room and tries to focus on her breathing. No marks. No bulging yellow veins, no round patch of dead skin, no pulsing muscles. Nothing.
Not that that means anything, Rose reminds herself sharply. After all, the first time her father drugged her the effects lasted for well over a week, more than enough time for the marks to disappear. She needs to go through her checks, needs to reestablish what reality is and isn’t, needs to-
“Rose?” She feels a hand settle on her shoulder, invisible thanks to her blind spot. “What’s wrong?”
Rose’s breath hitches and she blindly shoves away the person the hand belongs to, registering the shocked yelp she makes as she falls out of bed. Rose scoots backwards and turns her head so she can look at Cassie—Cassie who turned away, Cassie who let it happen—as looks up at her from where she’s fallen, tangled in a nest of sheets. “Hey, what the hell!?”
“Don’t touch me,” Rose snarls, kicking the covers away and scrambling to her feet, breathing hard, her mind whirling as it tries to separate nightmare from reality. Was she dosed with the serum and is only now snapping out of it? Was it all a horrible nightmare? Do they want her to think it was all just a horrible nightmare because they did drug her but ran out of serum halfway?
She’s being stupid (is she?).
Tim would never have done that (wouldn’t he?).
The team would never have let him (does she know that for sure?).
Cassie would stop it (what if she didn’t?).
Or… could this be the dream?
Maybe she’s back with her father. Maybe she never escaped. Maybe all of this is just an induced hallucination, created to ensure her mind remains dormant while her father uses her—uses her body— as he sees fit. He knows people who could do it. Telepaths, supervillains who specialize in mind control, scientists, hypnotists…
Maybe she imagined Dick. Maybe there were never any Titans. Maybe the real Cassie has never even met her. Maybe the past years have all been a figment of her imagination. Maybe she’s alone in that stupid cabin in the middle of fucking nowhere with only him for company and she doesn’t even know it.
“… Babe, what’s wrong?”
Rose blinks. Cassie is standing in front of her now, her gaze having softened, her hand hanging in the air as if she’d reached for Rose again but thought better of it. And Rose…
She wants this to be real. She wants it to be over.
“Babe?” Cassie asks again, moving her hand forward but stopping just before palming her cheek. Asking for permission.
Rose turns her head and takes a shaky breath, trying not to think about the fact that her father never asked for permission for anything. No, she says without saying anything, and half expects the world to collapse then and there.
It doesn’t.
“Okay.” Cassie lowers her hand and takes a step back. “Sure. Whatever you want.”
Rose takes another heavy breath and moves to sit down on the edge of the bed, pushing her hair back with one hand and sighing. Cassie sits down as well, and Rose finds herself leaning into her without really meaning to. Cassie, taking that as assent, begins rubbing calming circles into the small of her back.
“I get it,” Cassie says after some time.
“No, you don’t,” Rose says, but doesn’t move away. “None of you ever did.”
They stay like that for some time, neither saying a word. The only sound Rose hears by the time they both go back to sleep is the sound of her father’s laughter still ringing in her ears.
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satoshy12 · 9 months
Danny's many Kids/Clones
It all started when Danny once said he would like a few playmates for Dani, as it seems like she feels alone. It had been just bad luck that Vlad heard it, and in his way, Vlad thought to fix that! Was to create new Clones! And that was how five more playmates for Dani came to be. And Danny had five more new Clones. + A few weeks later
As Danny opened the door, there stood five new tiny Danny's, and before he could say anything, his mom screamed Grandbabies and hugged them. It was not long before the whole Amity Park knew about it, and he was again grounded for time travel. Something about not learning from his mistakes. And Amity Park was just going like, "The Fenton kid once again, Time Travel'd, it seems, they are adorable!" They aren't even sure how old the Fenton kid is now with all the times he did that. ++ Danny's first thing was to call Vlad in anger, but then he saw the joy Dani had with her siblings... And he wasn't that angry anymore. But he asked who he used, as they don't look as fully like him as Dani did. He seems to have used the ones that teens play in Hero and Villians. ++
So he had 1 of them are Twins.
Bat-Phantom = Cassandra Cain and danny Blackfire-Phantom = Blackfire and Danny Ravager-Phantom = Ravager and Danny Wonder-Phantom = Wonder Girl and Danny
++ First one to find out about Time Travel babies is Deathstroke, who proclaims himself Grandpa Slade! And yes he trains and treats all the 6 kids the same, he won't fail this time!! And he is very thankful how Amity Park is, otherwise it would be super weird. I mean he is known for fighting the Justice League most of the time!! ++ Danny is learning to be a doctor, he knows his luck and being one would make it easier to look after his kids.
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mcsm-r0ckz · 30 days
This is the first thing that comes to mind when I hear Cassie x Aiden
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mcsm-confessions · 2 days
rip Cassie Rose you would have loved Charli xcx
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r-capa · 1 year
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okay sunshine girlies, hope i'm making sense.
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moomarzy · 11 months
friend had a dream and made a crackship
i call that shit guns n’ roses 🧨 🥀
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sillysnaildraws · 23 days
Back at it again!
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ruffled-wings · 2 months
Mwehehe ifffff asks are still opens for thangs to draw i got a cool and epic ship for you that are the most rarest things ever.....Castella(Cassie Rose x Stella because why the hell not i can see Cassie pretending to be reformed when she gets to Beacontown maybe and meeting Stella in the process)
Castella is a ship I never thought I'd see- but lowkey, I think it has alot of potential! Absolutely drawing more of these two in the future, maybe writing a thing or two!
I doubt Stella would know of Cassie’s crimes when they first meet and get to know eachother over time, but it'd be fun to see what happens when she does...👀
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ofmossandmen · 1 month
I'm so sorry this took me so long to get to but I was having some trouble thinking of stuff lmao. Anywhoo, Platonic fluff Cassie Rose for the soul
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♥️- You and Cassie become acquaintances after the whole "YouTuber game a Clue" incident. I think after all that time she did find a way to escape her own traps, and found herself wandering around the woods around the mansion. And that's when she bumped into you.
♥️- Even if spending months - maybe up to a year - in obsidian trap, with only hee cat to keep her company, has given her time to reflect and realize her wrong-doings...she still gets a little apprehensive around you.
♥️- She's eternally grateful that someone would give her a chance, after getting abandoned by The Old Builders, and after she went crazy at the mansion.
♥️- Her experince with The Old Builders means there are a lot of times where she doesn't trust you, or is completely convinced you're lying to her.
♥️- With that being said, she let's you stay at the mansion with her. Maybe you're lying...maybe you can't be trusted...but you're helping her. And that's all she needs right now.
♥️- You occasionally cook her meals, you take care of Winslow, you tidy up here and there. But most importantly, you sit and listen to her.
♥️- For once...Cassie doesn't feel ignored or casted aside.
♥️- After several weeks of listening to Cassie's pent up anger, the tone begins to shift. Now you guys are talking more about your interests, what kind of foods you like, adventures you've been on.
♥️- and one day, you make her laugh! A real genuine laugh! You didn't think what you said was all that funny but she's giggling! (I headcannon that she snorts when she laughs idk why.)
♥️- And before you know it, you've been living with her for almost a month. You hear her laugh almost everyday, and it's almost like her demons of the past have melted away. Finally, Cassie has real and trustworthy friend. And you have one too!
♥️- Also? Winslow cuddles infront of the fireplace while shes sitting next to you and she's reading to you???? Sign me the fuck up!
My asks are still open if you want to request an mcsm x reader fic!
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whataboutsimple · 1 month
That's new feeling..
Both Cassie and Maya are grown adults in this story!
Maya was used to Old Builders meetings. Maya was used to talking to Cassie. Maya was not used to feel this warm feeling.
Enjoy your cuties, @lonelynx0
For knowledge: it's happening after S2 and every villian there redeemed themselves.
Sometimes Maya doubted her tastes in people. Like, a lot. At first, she became friends with Gill and Aiden, who behaved themselves.. not quite politely to people around them. Mainly Aiden, but still.
Then she dumped Lukas, who was the only normal person in their group, just because Aiden said so. She didn't even care about Jason and his band as much as Aiden did, she was just glad that they all survived and she still dumped Lukas.
Not her best life choices.
And now she need to deal with this warm feeling in her chest everytime she sees her.
The red-haired girl with glasses who almost killed Jason and definitely killed a couple of other people.
Maya stood uncomfortably in the doorway, not knowing whether to finally go inside there or go back to her room and spent rest of infinity in pity pit to herself.
This so-called "Annual Meeting Of Old Builders" was held today. Not like they didn't meet each other outside of it, but this certain day was special and none of them missed it. Usually they brought their families.
For example, out of the corner of her eye, she could see Soren, Ivor, Harper, and Otto talking quietly at the table while Lucas and Jason cooed sweetly somewhere in the corner. As far as she knew, Soren adopted Lukas, and Ivor married Harper, so they were considered a family members.
On the opposite side of the room were Isa, Hadrian and Mevia. It seems that Isa introduced the two to Aiden, because he used to miss meetings because of trips to Jessica.
Isa, Milo and Reginald were parents figures for them since the whole Sky City incident. She was glad they didn't just threw them away.
Finally, Reginald and Milo were sitting on the couch, discussing something with Gill, while Cassie watched in silence.
Their eyes met.
Maya anxiously tucked her hair behind her ear, seeing how the girl smiled at her. This is not the first time they see each other or talk, but Maya had never felt this way before. She didn't feel it.. warmth inside the chest, butterflies in stomach, heart racing, call it whatever you want.
She did though that Cassie was beautiful. Breathtaking almost. But it's not like she's going to admit it. Too much problems for her taste.
She jumped up a little, squeaking when Cassie suddenly appeared next to her — «You're kind of silent this time.»
Maya was throwing knifes with her glare — «You shouldn't sneak up on people like that. I could've hurt you.»
«Would be nice to see you try.» — she smirked smugly, adjusting her glasses.
Maya hated to admit it, but her battle skills really weren't the best, especially compared to Cassie Rose.
Rolling her eyes, the brunette sighed — «Do you want to come to my room ..? It's quite noisy here.» — she awkwardly turned away, avoiding eye contact with the girl. It really was getting uncomfortable and she didn't knew why. Usually it was nice to see everybody, but this time she wanted some silence.
«Mmm, sure. Winslow, come to me, kitty.» — she turned her head, beckoning the cat from the couch, to which it lazily glanced at her before continuing to sleep. Cassie clicked her tongue — «Stubborn.»
«Just like you.» — the words escaped Maya's lips, before her eyes widened and she quickly covered her mouth with her hands — «I'm sorry! Sorrysorrysorry, I didn't mean that!»
Cassie chuckled, grinning — «Don't be. I like the straightforwardness.» — she lazily ran her hand through her hair — «So what were you saying about the room? I'm looking forward to see it.» — there was something mischievous in her eyes.
Butterflies in the stomach were bothering her, but Maya only nodded slightly, turning towards the stairs. It's totally not going to be easy for both of girls. But warm feeling in the chest? Was worth it.
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Memes from Titans Tower, part two:
Part one:
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iminmypeace · 2 years
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justrainandcoffee · 1 month
I have nothing better to do, so here you have my OCs as cats.
In order I created them:
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Allie and Aveline.
Linnie is tired of your bs and she's judging your life's choices. Allie is just a baby.
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Rose and Alfie... He's not mine, but you know. They belong together.
She's upset... As usual. Alfie is cooking... preventing her to go in the kitchen. Just in case 😂.
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Jasmine and Cassia.
Jas and her peculiar hair and full of colours.
Cassie living her best life 🙃.
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mcsm-confessions · 17 hours
rip cassie rose you would've loved lesbianism
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bigendercreature · 5 months
Art under the cut, but there ARE spoilers!!
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Hi Maya x Cassie nation
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sleepyprincess-blog · 8 months
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