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coolladydot · 1 year ago
Bunul gust dă dependență
Nu știu alții cum sunt, dar eu iubesc atât de mult mâncarea încât uneori nu știu dacă mânânc ca să trăiesc sau pur și simplu trăiesc ca să mânânc. Mâncarea reprezintă bunăstare și este un remediu pentru mai multe neajunsuri ale vieții. Gătitul este remediu pentru stres și totodată e o bună variantă de exprimare a creativității. Atunci când gătesc mă simt un mic demiurg chef. Ați observat că…
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laurenhinds · 1 year ago
Bulete de cartofi cu cascaval
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apas-95 · 8 months ago
cascaval was discovered by ancient humans as an extant form of cheese. but branza was Created
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magnoliamyrrh · 5 months ago
Game Hint!: Make up for the lack of musaka pics by dropping the recipe
my pleasure!
take tomatoes, eggplants, idk what its called in english but that thing which isnt zucchini but its like it but light green or yellow, potatoes (sometimes), onions if u want even and cut them into rings of about 1 1/2 cm thickness. pan fry them (u can also skip the tomatoes on this if u want it gets a bit messy) in oil until they turn golden. can use either sunflower or olive oil, olive oil is healthier but heavier. if you want less oil in it and you want it to be lighter, skip this step
chop up some onion and slowly pan fry it (to turn soft, not crispy). take ground meat (can be beef or lamb or turkey but beef is what we most commonly use) and add that in there. add tomatoes in some form - bullion, chop up your own, use pre decided tomato sauce in there. season with salt, pepper, paprika (can also add cumin if u want). optional u can also fry up some garlic and throw it in there, but it will not be as light. when the mixture cools down, mix in a raw egg in there
we generally make it in thick ceramic pots for baking. layer some vegetables, put a layer of the meat sauce, layer some more vegetables on there, keep doing this until u run out with preferably a layer of vegetables on top. put in oven at around 180 c idk
mix in a bowl two eggs with cascaval which is shredded (sorry dont know the name of this in english either but look up photos). if not that than i guess like,,, those mexican cheese blends or provolone would work..? when the musaka is abt halfway done pour it over the top of it :) dont wanna add it from the beginning bc it might get burned!
we tend to make it different in warm weather vs cold weather. in warm weather we tend to not add potatoes, sometimes to not pre-cook the vegetables, to use turkey meat, not use garlic or only a little, and to season it less heavily but to add chopped up fresh greens like dill or parsely. we also tend to keep it in the oven a little less time so that the whole thing is lighter. in the winter we tend to use beef, add potatos, pre cook the vegetables, keep it longer in the oven, and season it more heavily.
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jachymricanek · 2 years ago
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tecsanrebel · 4 months ago
Files Secure 2.1 cracking usor ca felia de cascaval / Multa inteligente pentru el dar stres la final
Files-secure una din clonele lui IE Defender , IE-Antivirus si AntiSpyPro , dar culoarea este portocaliu / oranj , a fost el cu cautarile care deturnate de virus , orice cauti pe google e deturnat , iar asta duce la alerte de cate ori cauti in folder sau cauti pe google o eroare care ducea la initierea si instalarea lui. Variant of the p*rn adware? Serios? La asta nu ma astept. El mai cauta…
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apaminerala · 2 years ago
Cumparam : Legume şi mixuri de legume în stare proaspătă tocate cuburi/feliate vidate
Legume şi mixuri de legume în stare proaspătă tocate cuburi/feliate vidate
CUMPARAM Legume şi mixuri de legume în stare proaspătă tocate cuburi/feliate vidateConserve de legume-fructeProduse din plante aromatice si medicinale(saculeti, uleiuri, esente, etc.)Produse lactate din lapte de vacă (unt, cascaval, etc.) certificate 100% BIO(Koşer)Miere de albinePoduse procesate din carne, tradiționale fără nitrați Trimiteti oferta cu cantitatea si pretul…
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screampotato · 1 year ago
I love mamaliga. Give me some mamaliga with cascaval and sour cream! So good.
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planetvelly · 5 years ago
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Page 71 from Fisksoppa... and suddenly everybody is running at top speed! what happened? follow the link in bio to find out! . . . #ileanasurducan #mariasurducan #webcomics #webcomicseries #pirates  #digitalart #digitalink #artistsoninstagram #illustratorsoninstagram #romaniancomics #explorers #friends  #fisksoppacomics #deliciousstuff #comics #runboyrun #enjoyreality #cascaval #cheese  #chadingscene #speedygonzales #runforyourlife https://www.instagram.com/p/CEYi2AmpLMe/?igshid=42ee4gqrxamk
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lukaasrachael-blog · 6 years ago
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"Cheese Lady Goes to Romania" is now available in Tastewashingtontravel.com. If you want to learn a bit about Romanian food and drink, well, give it a read! The trip entailed much, much more, but I had to keep it relatively short. It's an e-zine,not a home for novellas! #romania #foodstagram #romaniancuisine #wine #blacksea #ciorba #foodie #foodwriter #cascaval (at Romania) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwAi1nCgmme/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1noku52acmhxy
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mariacandida · 3 years ago
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gatescdeplictiseala · 4 years ago
Salata de Paste cu Sunca si Cascaval | O reteta simpla si gustoasa 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5AugrjXuX1o 🍄🍄🍄#salatadepaste #salatadepastecusuncasicascaval #maionezadecasa
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pigpennoiseshow · 5 years ago
I need cascaval pane or i'll die
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portail-de-provence · 3 years ago
les volontés de transmission et de rayonnement de la culture provençale ? Nous sommes nombreux et on vous met le feu !
les volontés de transmission et de rayonnement de la culture provençale ? Nous sommes nombreux et on vous met le feu !
Vous faites partie de la communauté d’amoureux du Sud de la France , mais vous ne savez pas où aller ? Sur https://portail-de-provence.fr/ , notre Adn c’est de partager les bons plans des passionnés qui animent notre région ! Escapade authentique ou vacances insolites , Visiter le Sud de la France en amoureux ou en famille  est un programme alléchant , alors on vous emmènent ! Il y a en…
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foxstens · 3 years ago
cheese is... weird
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planetvelly · 5 years ago
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Page 70 of Fisksoppa webcomic - and a vision of pure delight! But... something is not quite right... follow the link in bio to see it all. . . . #ileanasurducan #mariasurducan #webcomics #webcomicseries #pirates  #digitalart #digitalink #artistsoninstagram #illustratorsoninstagram #romaniancomics #explorers #friends  #icecream  #fisksoppacomics #deliciousstuff #comics #afewofmyfavaouritethings #enjoyreality #cascaval #cheese #impendingdoom https://www.instagram.com/p/CEFcVBOpUhA/?igshid=mlil7l1jpucx
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