#cascade lore
cascadeclan-gen · 3 months
CascadeClan makes its home in the Silver Fir Zone of the North Cascades National Park.
The territory is a wet woodland. There is a large stream running through the center, leading to a perched lake that overflows in the spring and fall to create a cascading waterfall. Near the stream are deciduous trees and a wealth of flowers, but the trees turn to fir and cedar the further away from it you get. The understory is full of brambles, ferns, and creeping vines, and many small animals and birds make their home within. The land is steep, and riddled with divots and gullies created by avalanches and landslides.
Spring and fall are rainy, and summer is kept cool by the shade and the humidity. Winters can be harsh, with low temperatures and a frequent snowfall, but at least it keeps the predators away!
CascadeClan’s camp is located on a small island by the lakeshore. Stepping-stones allow easy access, but an apprentice’s first task is often swimming to shore.
Leader’s Den: an upturned tree stump; the den is in a hollow in the trunk, and the leader addresses the Clan from atop the roots
Healer’s Den: a large stone leaning against a log is the entrance; inside is a small clearing surrounded by ferns where cats sleep and are treated, and herbs are stored within the log
Warrior’s Den: a collection of large rocks; they’ve been stacked to create a roof, and the area underneath has been dug out to create a spacious hollow
Apprentice’s Den: a structure made of driftwood; the sticks have been leaned against each other to create a triangular shelter, with vines and large leaves woven in to help stabilize the den
Nursery: inside of a thick blackberry bush; the inner walls have been lined with moss to prevent kittens getting scratched on the thorns
Elder’s Den: nestled into the roots of a tree stump on its side; the roots have been woven with vines and driftwood to create a cozy shelter
Greenfur: a large, imposing fir tree neat the lake. Moss grows from its branches and along its trunk, and many prey animals make their home nearby, making it a great place to hunt.
The Shallows: a short walk along the lakeshore from camp, the lake is shallow and calm, with large rocks for sunning and water perfect for an afternoon swim!
Darkhollow: an abandoned bear den, nestled in the root system of a tree near the Lodge. While no bears have been seen there in a while, sometimes big cats or lone wolves and coyotes will stay within for a brief time. The Clan keeps a close eye on its occupants.
Lookout Point: a ridge with stunning views of the other mountains, as well as the landscape below. A popular place to patrol with a crush.
Training Field: a sunny area along the stream. Little tree cover and plenty of short grasses make it an ideal place to train apprentices, and a fallen tree offers an easy place to cross.
Border Groups:
Little Bear Lodge: A Twoleg vacation destination. A group of loners lives nearby, fed by the workers at the Lodge. Rooms are available within, and a handful of small cabins are available for rent as well. Kittypets sometimes come through with their owners.
Ranger Cabins: A collection of cabins for Park Rangers to live in. Seasonal kittypets live here, often returning year after year.
Group 6: A group of coyotes that live near CascadeClan’s territory. The family group often fights with the cats, as an ambitious or aggravated coyote may view them as a meal.
Territory Tales:
Bigmaw: apprentices whisper about a fish that lives deep within the lake, big enough to swallow a cat whole. Dubbed Bigmaw, apprentices left to their own devices often dare each other to go deeper to get a glimpse of this beast.
The Ancestors: CascadeClan’s version of StarClan. They believe their fallen Clanmates stay in the forest with them still, sending omens and signs to guide the living. It is believed that on full moons the Ancestors will join together for a massive hunt through the forest.
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The problem with big fandoms (using "problem" in a very loose sense here) is that it's really hard to stumble across the weird niche undertagged stuff when its being buried in five million coffee shop/royalty/high school/soulmate aus. If there are 150 works in the tag total you can look through very quickly and find anything that appeals to you. When there are over a million it is much harder to do that.
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Happy Pride Month Tulgey Wood Watchers! 😸🏳️‍🌈
So, I was inspired by @b0njourbeach’s current Pride series and decided to to treat you all to two edits today! One of Che’nya and one of AR.
This is with their permission, I asked and they gave the go ahead. They made a nonbinary Che’nya edit for their still on-going series, and they also make other very fun/funny twst photo edit series. I def recommend checking out their blog. I adore Che’nana. 🤣
I chose to do two different edits. One focused on sexuality and one focused on gender! Also, I did both these photo edits on my phone so please forgive me for them being not as good as they could be, especially Che’nya’s hair and earrings. 😭
I will also preface this by reminding everyone this is just my headcanon for the Che’nya on this blog!
Putting this under a cut because explaining my headcanons for Che’nya got a little long! 😁
Anyway, I think we all know at this point that my Che’nya is not heterosexual. Neither is AR! However, while Che’nya is pansexual, AR could almost be considered the exact opposite, hilariously enough.
AR is asexual!
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What you didn’t think I would be doing a face reveal for this did you? 🤭
If I had to decide which kind I am out of space, cake, dragon, and garlic bread… I would probably go with garlic bread ace tbh. Dragon ace is a very close second though. 😂
Now, while AR considers themselves cisgender but goes by they/them on this blog (but is also just ????? on their gender overall because gender is hard wtf 😵‍💫) Che’nya is not cis!
Surprise! It’s a he! It’s a she! It’s a they! It’s a zey! It’s a cat!
It’s Che’nya! And he is genderfluid!
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And yes, the flag is represented a bit upside down… well that would be because Che’nya got dressed in the Looking Glass world. Whoopsies! 😹
Now, you may be wondering, if Che’nya is genderfluid, why does he use he/him pronouns basically all the time? That’s because, while I chose to edit him as genderfluid, his identity actually goes a bit deeper than that.
See, Che’nya doesn’t care what gender he identifies as, or what he is perceived as, or what pronouns are given. If you address Che’nya as her, then she’ll roll with it. She doesn’t care. Why would she? She’s still Che’nya. The same applies if you address her as them. They simply continue as they were - which is usually causing mischief and trouble. They do tend to do that. Call zem out on something? Do you really think that will stop zem? Zey could not care less.
However, while Che’nya is genderfluid, his identity could be further classified as a subset of genderfluid - demifluid. Meaning, one part of his gender is static while other parts are fluid.
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Now, generally this static part is nonbinary, but it can be binary, and for Che’nya it is. Because, going even further?
Che’nya is a demifluid boy.
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Which means the one part of his gender that is static, that sticks with him more, is his more masculine side.
Basically, to put it simply, he’s genderfluid, but masculine leaning.
Which is why, most of the time, he goes by he/him pronouns and that is what he defaults to. But for the most part?
Che’nya is just vibin and having fun! 👍
Happy Pride everyone!
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Dinosaur Land Location Part 1
So many people wonder where Dinosaur Land is in the Mario World. While many people believe it's near the Mushroom Kingdom, it's also believed to be part of the Cascade Kingdom.
This is because as established in a previous post, the Cascade Kingdom is one of the last places dinosaurs still live. In 2 other posts I pointed out how Yoshis have gone extinct in both the Mushroom Kingdom and Isle Delfino. It would make sense for Dinosaur Land to be part of the Cascade Kingdom. We only see Fossil Falls and we known the continent is much bigger. In fact when looking at the Triceratops skull shaped continent on the planet and official map, one can notice a group group of islands next to it. This is probably where Dinosaur Land is located.
Seems pretty sound right? Well.... It's not actually stated that the islands are Dinosaur Land. And while the Cascade Kingdom is stated to be one of the last places dinosaurs still roam, it doesn't mean it is the only place they are still found as evident by the previously mentioned Mushroom Kingdom example. With that being said upon further research, it has become apparent that Dinosaur Land is actually located in the Mushroom Kingdom. I explain why in the second part to this post.
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ossyflawol · 2 years
Any ideas on what would have happened to Aperture if the Resonance Cascade hadn't occurred?
Radio silence.
By the time that the Resonance Cascade occurs, Aperture's staff would have been wiped out a week prior thanks to 2003's Bring Your Daughter To Work Day when GLaDOS gassed everyone in the facility.
What I imagine would happen is likely some federal investigation into what had occurred in Aperture Science, thousands of people all disappearing in the facility, daughters included, would devastate a lot of families who would be desperate for answers as to what happened to their Sons, their Daughters, their Fathers, their Mothers, their Brothers, their Sisters, their Uncles, their Aunties, their Nieces, their Cousins...
To say the least, Aperture Science would likely legally cease to be a corporate entity as there is no staff remaining, and the clash that would occur between GLaDOS and the Government would be incredibly, incredibly interesting.
After all... how do you trial a Sentient Supercomputer armed to the teeth with defences in a Court of Law?
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possessable · 8 months
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This is a whole game i have planned by the way i just haven't...made it...yet....
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insufferablemod · 7 months
uuGGHHHh act 5 act 2 my beloved
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liroyalty · 4 months
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"Oh, Father, provide us a miracle, Underneath a storm cloud that's inescapable~ Mother, become a blessing to see us through the night, Revelation, your light shine forth~"
"Come follow me, Come follow me, Follow your destiny~"
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More au stuff
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( oh yea this is a sorta off the string au I feel like I should mention that lmao)
Got a semi-finalized design for Robotic Mythology Suns down for now, don’t mind me utterly failing to draw wings :,) Moon’s next btw
Also my base Suns designs is actually somewhat inspired by @toxictoxicities! (sry for the tag, ur artstyle is very smooth what can I say)
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realmofthefirebird · 10 months
Adventure Time Wish King AU, the Wish-King wanders the world granting anyone their deepest desires, but manifests them in the worst way possible... The more wishes he grants, the more powerful he becomes... And 'Princess Wishes' are the strongest wishes, thus his favorite to grant! (Wish-King can grant more than 1 wish, but Canon Prismo's wishes are more powerful!) ✨👑⭐
Ok but do Gunter and Evergreen still exist in this world? How did the crown turn him into the Wish King and not the Ice King? Does this imply that evergreen had wish powers instead of ice powers? Or did Gunter just wish for the crown to give him wish powers? Does the crown still make Prismo mad, or is he still fairly normal personality wise?
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cascadeclan-gen · 2 months
Moon 4
“Are you sure we can’t go with Otterdive and Hyssopbloom on border patrol?” Pebblepaw asks. It was sunny and warm, and Pebblepaw was itching to take a long walk through the forest. Especially with Otterdive - the young warrior would always take time to show him new plants or interesting bugs.
“Yes, Pebblepaw,” Snowstar replied, still patient even though this was the third time he’d asked. “This is an important lesson. One that is well past due.”
Through a great feat of restraint, Pebblepaw didn’t roll his eyes. Snowstar thought every lesson was important. He plodded after his mentor through the undergrowth, but his sour mood dissipated as they arrived at Lookout Point. Pebblepaw raced the last few foxlengths forward to stop at the edge of the cliff. A warm breeze ruffled his fur. The landscape spread out below him, greens and blues disappearing as they combined with the cloudy gray sky.
Snowstar sat beside him, eyes fixed on the horizon. “It’s time I tell you our story, kit. The whole truth.” Pebblepaw sat down next to Snowstar, close enough their pelts were brushing. He didn’t say anything and let the leader collect his thoughts.
Snowstar curled his tail around Pebblepaw, and began to speak. “We are from LightClan, of the tallest peak. A Clan named after the stars that guided them, proud and pious. But the Clan was built on cowardice and vanity. LightClan once lived here, in this territory, with two other Clans.
“Their names and histories have been lost to time, but the three Clans thrived in their home. Until one fateful day, a wildfire swept through. One of the medicine cats was given warning, so that they could aid the other Clans, and all three could survive. But terrified and panicked, the one Clan fled without telling the other two. They followed the brightest star to a mountain peak, and called themselves LightClan. They thought themselves important and chosen. They were cowards,” Snowstar spits. Pebblepaw looked out onto the CascadeClan territory, picturing it ravaged by flame, and pressed closer to his mentor.
“By the time I became an elder, my former mentor was the oldest cat in the Clan. She whispered this tale to me, passed down through her family, for she had neither mate nor kits. But someone needed to know of LightClan’s past. One not of glory, but of shame. And I knew that someone had to do something. I called a meeting and told the Clan the truth, and called for them to join me and return to this territory and right our wrongs. To find the descendants of those Clans, if they had survived, and restore the three Clans. But LightClan would not listen.
“In the end, only a pawful of cats joined me. Your mother, Ridgepelt, saw this as a sign, and wanted to join me on a grand adventure. Skystripe knew that we would need healing and aid on our journey. And you, kit, brought with your mother. I think you remember the rest well enough; you helped found the Clan, after all.”
Pebblepaw nodded, silent. He could understand Snowstar’s frustration with the ancient Clan who had abandoned cats to die. But he wasn’t sure that his leader had done the right thing, recreating a Clan that had been snuffed out so long ago. After all, wouldn’t StarClan have warned all the medicine cats about the fire if all Clans were meant to survive? And he had only heard the story from an old elder. What if it was wrong?
But Pebblepaw loved his home. He couldn’t remember LightClan very well, and his life was here by the lake. Besides, he trusted Snowstar. He knew the old tom always tried to do the right thing. So he would trust him to be right about this, too. “We’re only one Clan, though. How will we create two more?”
Snowstar smiled. “I believe that the territory wants us here. It wants three Clans once more. I promise you, kit, cats will come, and the forest will be whole once more.”
Pebblepaw sunbathed with Mistyfur and Doveshade. He asked them about life at the Lodge before they joined the Clan, and marveled at how different it was!
Currantkit joins Pebblepaw for a meal. The kit is starting to eat solid food, and asks Pebblepaw about all of his favorite prey.
Doveshade’s whitecough doesn’t improve, but it doesn’t worsen either.
Mistyfur’s tail becomes infected.
Skystripe struggles to care for Doveshade and Mistyfur while also caring for her two kits, but doesn’t trust her Clanmates to properly heal her patients, and doesn’t ask for help.
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modulatechaos · 1 year
Cascade!Rosa fic snippet (Title TBA)
You remember her from your dream-nightmare-vision of the future. You remember staring at the back you stare at now, remember the embroidered rose and the gold chains stitched easy through the leather coat fluttering slightly in the breeze. You remember the red ribbon that was always tied through her hair, now wound around her waist. Your daughter, the one who would destroy the world.
Your daughter, the one who will fight tooth and nail to save it. You're proud, so, so proud. An ache settling deep in your chest as you come up to stand beside her, looking at her profile. She's focused ahead of you at the angels coming; confident smirk, eyes wild with a lit fire. She's ready for the coming battle, ready to fight in a war you know she's already fought once.
So are you.
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axmoth · 1 year
I should mention why cascade usually only wears warm clothing no matter what time or season I draw her.
Cas is constantly cold, Her magic is ever continuas and can never be stopped, She never runs out of it, But at the same time, she then has to run other parts of her magic that usually the average monster could just.. do without thinking?
Like monsters with limited magic would he able to keep an average body heat without thinking much of it,
But cas has to actively warm up if she wants to be warm, And they personally think it's a waste of magic, So instead of doing that, they just wear warm clothing so that they don't have to worry about it,
And for them, They'd have to be INCREDIBLY cold to feel even a hint of burden to actively warm themselves,
Prism also has this, Though prisms body temperature actually relys on there emotion, Since there a bit glitchy and all, There body tempeture can be .. somwhat regulated,
When Prism is feeling neutral and or meh, They'll have an average body temperature when angry there bones can get hot enough to burn the skin, and or can invoke a small shock.
(@the-void-8-my-soul I'm sure you'll want to see this random fact about Prism if i havent already ranted about it lol-)
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Dinosaur Land Location Part 2
So in the previous post I suggested Dinosaur Land and by extension Yoshi's Island was part of the Cascade Kingdom. However, it might actually be part of the Mushroom Kingdom.
So the SMRPG and M&LPIT maps place Yoshi's Island close to the Mushroom Kingdom. While they are composite maps that don't have things in their right placements, it is interesting that both place it not too far way. Someone might suggest the SMB4SMW manual doesn't say it's part of the Mushroom Kingdom, at the same time it doesn't say it isn't part of the Mushroom Kingdom.
Speaking of SMRPG, you can find a place called the Pipe Vault that leads to an underground location leading to Yoshi's Island. But since you get here via Pipe it could be argued you Warp here, so we need something more concrete.
So in the game Mario & Wario a good proportion of the places take place in Yoshi's Island due to the following info. Yosu Ko aka Yoshi Lake is rumored to be the place where Yoshis are born/hatch. This would place it near the location we see in SMRPG Yoshi's Island. Kumotori Yama aka Cloud-Catching Mountain has Super Koopas flying around. Kōri no Dōkutsu aka Ice Cavern has Rexs frozen in ice. Honō no Dōkutsu aka Flame Cavern had SMB4SMW Blaargs. And Pukupuku Kai aka Cheep Cheep Sea has Blurps. All of these are enemies from Dinosaur Land, and are connected to Yoshi's Island. Plus Yoshis are present of course.
Now why is this important? Well the level Barūn Burijji aka Balloon Bridge bridges Dinosaur to Karakara Sabaku aka Dry Dry Desert which is East of the Grasslands. This would mean Dinosaur Land is not part of the Cascade Kingdom but part of the Mushroom Kingdom, particularly in the inland sea to the South of the Grasslands/Desert Land. This would also mean the name of this sea is Cheep Cheep Sea. This would also explain why Yoshis once had range in the Mushroom Kingdom, and some exist on places like Lavalava Island. This also explains species such as Ravens, Crazee Dayzees, Bumpties, and Rexs existing the Mushroom Kingdom and even the Beanbean Kingdom. This also explains the stork passing over Yoshi's Island several times in the Yoshi's Island Games, and why Baby Bowser so easily got to Yoshi's Island in M&LPIT.
Now as for Yoshi's Island, people question if there is 2 Yoshi's Islands or if Yoshi's Island eroded over time. I don't think this is the case, I think what is going on here is we are only seeing what is relevant in Dinosaur Land's levels of Yoshi's Island, and it's actually much bigger. Similar to how we only see portions of Yoshi's Island in SMRPG and M&LPIT. It is also the same Island due to the presence of Yoshi's House in SM2YI.
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multi pov is delightful to write
pov 1: recent concussion victim unable to observe reality correctly and experiencing hallucinations of sworn enemy
pov 2: lesbian assassin with an oscar in third wheeling
pov 3: ghost lovers who work as spies for the god of death
pov 4: closeted boss who may or may not have faked her death and killed her rapist
pov 5: good luck, babe!
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saltytwi · 3 months
hey. hey i cant really find much stuff about this on youtube. does anyone care about the worldbuilding in super mario odyssey. am i alone. guys
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