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The boy stood on the burning deck Whence all but he had fled; The flame that lit the battle's wreck Shone round him o'er the dead.
Yet beautiful and bright he stood, As born to rule the storm; A creature of heroic blood, A proud, though child-like form.
The flames rolled on–he would not go Without his Father's word; That father, faint in death below, His voice no longer heard.
He called aloud–'say, Father, say If yet my task is done?' He knew not that the chieftain lay Unconscious of his son.
'Speak, father!' once again he cried, 'If I may yet be gone!' And but the booming shots replied, And fast the flames rolled on.
Upon his brow he felt their breath, And in his waving hair, And looked from that lone post of death In still yet brave despair.
And shouted but once more aloud, 'My father! must I stay?' While o'er him fast, through sail and shroud, The wreathing fires made way.
They wrapt the ship in splendour wild, They caught the flag on high, And streamed above the gallant child, Like banners in the sky.
There came a burst of thunder sound– The boy–oh! where was he? Ask of the winds that far around With fragments strewed the sea!–
With mast, and helm, and pennon fair, That well had borne their part– But the noblest thing which perished there Was that young faithful heart.
Casabianca by Felicia Dorothea Hemans
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"Rendez-Vous en Terre Inconnue : Avec Jarry chez les Inughuit au Groenland" documentaire présenté par Raphaël de Casabianca, décembre 2023.
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View of Casabianca, Corsica, France
French vintage postcard, mailed in 1921
#historic#photo#briefkaart#vintage#sepia#photography#carte postale#postcard#casabianca#mailed#postkarte#france#postal#tarjeta#1921#ansichtskarte#french#old#view#ephemera#postkaart#corsica
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Trump, la quiete dopo la tempesta: il ritorno del buon senso (forse) http://dlvr.it/THdyXw
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Appena una settimana dopo aver vinto le elezioni Trump ha iniziato a formare la sua squadra di governo. Da decenni le decisioni sulle caselle chiave non erano così tempestive, segno che nel suo secondo mandato Trump ha le idee chiare sulle figure di cui può fidarsi. E soprattutto sulle priorità da perseguire. Innanzitutto estirpare la cultura woke da forze armate, scuole e università; in secondo luogo inasprire lo scontro con la Cina, in terzo luogo vendicarsi di chi lo ha perseguitato (dal suo punto di vista) con accuse false scatenandogli contro il Dipartimento di Giustizia e l'FBI. Rimangono i dubbi sulle intenzioni riguardo l'Ucraina, ma The Donald non potrà calarsi troppo le braghe in mondovisione.
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The Arbour, Dove Nest, Rydal, Cumbria
This unassuming little garden arbour has provided shelter for some of the greats of the 19th century – although the name of only one will be widely recognised today. It was built as a retreat in the grounds of a little villa called Dove Nest, which overlooked the great lake of Windermere. Continue reading The Arbour, Dove Nest, Rydal, Cumbria

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#Adam Walker#Casabianca#Charles Lamb#Dove Nest#Ellen Weston#Felicia Dorothea Hemans#lake district#Rydal Mount#The Samling#William Wordsworth#windermere
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Profitti miliardari per l'industria Americana del gas e petrolio

I profitti del petrolio e del gas triplicano sotto Joe Biden anche se l’industria lo denigra. Bonanza mostra un ruolo presidenziale limitato nel guidare i rendimenti nonostante l’avvertimento di un secondo mandato “disastroso”. I profitti dei maggiori produttori statunitensi di petrolio e gas sono quasi triplicati sotto la presidenza di Joe Biden, anche se l’industria rimprovera le politiche “ostili” della sua amministrazione e avverte che un secondo mandato sarebbe “disastroso” per il settore. I primi 10 operatori quotati del paese per valore, che finiranno di pubblicare i loro utili del 2023 questa settimana, sono sulla buona strada per aver accumulato un utile netto combinato di 313 miliardi di dollari nei primi tre anni dell'amministrazione Biden, rispetto ai 112 miliardi di dollari dello stesso periodo. sotto Donald Trump. La capitalizzazione di mercato collettiva del gruppo – che comprende ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, EOG, Pioneer Natural Resources, Occidental Petroleum, Hess, Devon Energy, Diamondback Energy e Coterra Energy – è aumentata del 132% nel periodo a oltre 1,1 trilioni di dollari, rispetto a un calo del 12% nei primi tre anni di Trump. I dati sui profitti del 2023 si basano sui rapporti sugli utili, ad eccezione di Devon, che dovrebbe pubblicare martedì i risultati del quarto trimestre, i cui ultimi dati sui profitti trimestrali sono stime di consenso. La produzione statunitense ha infranto record negli ultimi anni: a novembre, la produzione di petrolio ha raggiunto la cifra senza precedenti di 13,3 milioni di barili al giorno, mentre il gas naturale ha superato per la prima volta i 105 miliardi di piedi cubi al giorno. Lo scorso anno la nazione ha superato il Qatar diventando il più grande esportatore di gas naturale liquefatto al mondo. La sovraperformance sotto Biden sottolinea il ruolo limitato della Casa Bianca nel dettare le fortune del settore. La recente fortuna dei profitti è stata in parte determinata dall’invasione su vasta scala dell’Ucraina da parte della Russia, che ha fatto salire i prezzi del petrolio e del gas. Anche la forte ripresa della domanda globale di energia, reduce dallo shock del Covid-19 nel 2020, ha sostenuto i prezzi. Il West Texas Intermediate, il benchmark del greggio statunitense, ha registrato una media di circa 80 dollari al barile durante i primi tre anni di Biden rispetto ai 58 dollari al barile di Trump.

Le grandi compagnie americane di gas e petrolio sono fiorite con Joe Biden Ciò si scontra anche con le argomentazioni repubblicane secondo cui l’amministrazione Biden ha soffocato l’industria e con i terribili avvertimenti secondo cui una vittoria democratica nelle elezioni presidenziali di novembre metterebbe a rischio la sicurezza energetica americana. “Fin dal suo primo giorno in carica, il presidente Biden ha preso di mira i nostri produttori di energia nazionali e ha indebolito attivamente gli sforzi dell’America per essere indipendenti dal punto di vista energetico”, ha affermato questo mese il presidente repubblicano della Camera Mike Johnson. Biden ha condotto una campagna sulla piattaforma climatica più ambiziosa di qualsiasi presidente americano nella storia, promettendo di guidare una “transizione dal petrolio”. Appena entrato in carica, ha implementato una serie di politiche che hanno fatto infuriare l’industria: dalla sospensione temporanea di nuovi contratti di locazione per lo sviluppo di combustibili fossili su terreni pubblici al fallimento dell’oleodotto Keystone XL. Durante il suo mandato, tuttavia, ha ridimensionato parte di quella retorica iniziale, esortando l’industria a trivellare di più per contrastare i prezzi elevati alla pompa e incoraggiando le esportazioni di gas naturale liquefatto per arginare una crisi energetica in Europa. “Per reprimere l’inflazione, Biden ha sostenuto una produzione record per mantenere bassi i prezzi del petrolio e del gas, pur favorendo maggiori esportazioni di gas per aiutare l’UE”, ha affermato Paul Bledsoe, docente presso l’American University ed ex consigliere sul clima dell’amministrazione Bill Clinton. “Non puoi fare di meglio da un presidente democratico”. Eppure la campagna di Biden è stata riluttante a pubblicizzare il successo del settore per paura di contraccolpi da parte dell’ala progressista del Partito Democratico e si è affrettata a criticare gli operatori. Con l’impennata dei prezzi del petrolio nel 2022, il presidente ha criticato Exxon per aver guadagnato “più soldi di Dio”. L’anno scorso l’amministrazione ha imposto severe restrizioni sul leasing offshore e a gennaio ha sospeso le autorizzazioni per nuovi terminali GNL, facendo arrabbiare i leader del settore.

L’industria del petrolio e del gas contribuisce con decine di milioni di dollari ai repubblicani ad ogni ciclo elettorale Mike Sommers, amministratore delegato dell’American Petroleum Institute, ha affermato che il successo dei produttori di petrolio e gas negli ultimi tre anni è avvenuto nonostante l’agenda politica “ostile” del presidente, che minerebbe la sicurezza energetica della nazione se lasciata senza controllo. “Anche se non si vede un impatto in questo momento, penso che stiano gettando i semi per una diminuzione della produzione in futuro. Ogni settimana vediamo un altro regolamento sotto questa amministrazione che penso potrebbe essere molto dannoso”, ha detto Sommers. Questo mese l’API ha citato in giudizio l’amministrazione Biden per la sua decisione di limitare il leasing offshore, evidenziando una crescente reazione del settore contro le sue politiche climatiche ed energetiche. Trump e i suoi delegati hanno fatto del sostegno all’industria del petrolio e del gas una parte fondamentale della sua campagna di rielezione, sostenendo che il recente successo del settore è incastonato nell’agenda di deregolamentazione della precedente amministrazione. “Conosciamo la politica del percorso dei profitti. L’industria energetica sta raccogliendo i benefici dell’amministrazione Trump”, ha affermato Carla Sands, importante donatrice di Trump ed ex ambasciatrice in Danimarca. In realtà, dicono gli analisti, i presidenti in carica hanno un impatto minimo sulla performance a breve termine del settore. “In generale, i rendimenti di una data presidenza hanno ben poco a che fare con chi è in carica. Si tratta più dei fondamentali”, ha affermato Bob McNally, presidente della società di consulenza Rapidan Energy ed ex consigliere energetico di George W. Bush. “Penso che le conseguenze di un’elezione negli Stati Uniti per la politica energetica e climatica saranno probabilmente sopravvalutate ed esagerate”.

La produzione statunitense di petrolio e gas naturale ha raggiunto nuovi record sotto la presidenza di Joe Biden © FT montage/Bloomberg Trump ha promesso di stracciare gran parte della legislazione sul clima di Biden se vincesse a novembre, cosa che secondo alcuni analisti potrebbe danneggiare la posizione degli Stati Uniti all’estero e danneggiare le esportazioni energetiche del paese. “Una vittoria di Trump si tradurrebbe in una massiccia rottura con il mondo sulla politica climatica globale, ironicamente aumentando la pressione pubblica contro le esportazioni statunitensi, soprattutto in Europa”, ha affermato Bledsoe. Nonostante alcuni dubbi nell’industria nei confronti di Trump e del suo programma anti-libero commercio, i grandi donatori di petrolio e gas continuano a schierarsi in grande maggioranza dalla parte del suo partito. Secondo una ricerca di OpenSecrets, i repubblicani hanno ricevuto 126,4 milioni di dollari in donazioni elettorali dal ciclo elettorale del 2020 dall’industria, rispetto ai soli 23,6 milioni di dollari ricevuti dai democratici. Harold Hamm, magnate americano dello shale e miliardario donatore repubblicano, ha dichiarato al Financial Times che una vittoria di Biden sarebbe “disastrosa” per il settore. Ha detto che il presidente sta implementando politiche che porterebbero alla “morte per mille tagli” per l’industria, citando le sue restrizioni alle trivellazioni sui terreni federali, una pausa sulle approvazioni del GNL e regolamenti più severi. “Se Trump sarà il candidato prescelto dal processo delle primarie, lo seguiremo sicuramente . . . sarebbe disastrosa”, ha detto Hamm, che ha anche fatto una donazione ai candidati repubblicani Nikki Haley e Ron DeSantis. Reporting aggiuntivo di Eva Xiao a New York Read the full article
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SERGIO CASABIANCA: in concerto a Gravina International Jazz.
a cura della redazione Venerdì 4 ottobre alle ore 21.00 Sergio Casabianca si esibirà live in trio all'interno del Gravina International Jazz a Gravina di Catania. Sergio Casabianca, all’interno della splendida cornice della Sala delle Arti “Emilio Greco” in occasione del Gravina International Jazz, proporrà live alcuni brani tratti all’ultimo album “De Visu” (uscito il 6 ottobre 2023 per TRP…
#Catania#clarissa d’avena#De Visu#GRAVINA INTERNATIONAL JAZZ#red&blue music relations#SERGIO CASABIANCA
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oh hey they had dick reference that poem again. he must really like it
thats a really good poem choice for robin
#1940s#batman#b 43#dick grayson#someone should do one of those web weave things with dick and casabianca
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A Musical Confession in Sway
There's a moment in Sway that literally makes me want to stand up and applaud for the folks who did the incidental music for the Endeavour soundtrack. Unfortunately, it's only in the UK version—but I'll get to that later.

It's at the very end of the episode when Morse is sitting on the bench reading the letter that Luisa wrote to Thursday before her suicide. As we watch him, we hear Luisa reading the letter in a voiceover:
(Long read...)
"You should know. It was not Ugo betrayed us all those years ago. They said they'd spare Francesca. I should have died at the Villa Casabianca. I have lived with my sin. Hidden it from the world. And then I saw you again. I just want to be at peace. Every life holds one great love. One name to hold on to at the end. One face to take into the dark. It was always too late. Remember the girl you knew. And forgive her. We were young. It was the war. Amore mio."
It's heartbreaking. She admits that the story she originally gave to Thursday was a lie—and she felt could no longer live with that lie.
Beneath all of this is the music—what is popularly referred to as the Albinoni Adagio in G minor—a beautifully sad, baroque piece that is usually arranged for strings with an organ continuo. It fits the mood perfectly—but it *also* fits the circumstances of Luisa's confession as well. Why? Because the composition is essentially a musical fraud.
The Adagio was supposedly discovered in a manuscript fragment obtained by Remo Giazotto, a music history professor from Florence, shortly after WWII. Giazotto, who was working on a biography of Albinoni, had done extensive research in Dresden's Saxon State Library. The library once held most of Albinoni's unpublished work in its archive. Sadly, it was almost entirely lost in the WWII firebombing of the city.
Giazotto asserted that the fragment, which contained six bars of melody and a basso continuo line, was a portion of a lost trio sonata written by Albinoni around 1708. In 1958, Giazotto published (and notably copyrighted) what he called a "reconstructed" version of the Adagio. It was a piece that I honestly think is best described as: "super tragic mood, really catchy tune."

It was an immediate hit in the classical world—and perhaps more notably—with film directors. It has, in fact, become maybe too much of a hit. A CBC article about the Adagio quotes New Yorker critic Anthony Lane (in a review of Manchester by the Sea) saying:
"Should Albinoni's Adagio in G Minor not be banned onscreen?" he asks. "Any piece of music that has been used for Rollerball, Gallipoli, and Flashdance has, by definition, been squeezed dry."
And if you want to come face-to-face with the version that Yngwie Malmsteen regularly plays, well, that's between you and...something...
But returning to our story, Giazotto claimed that he had found Albinoni's fragment and had merely completed and arranged it into the Adagio. However, suspicions began to arise because:
He was never able to produce the actual fragment itself
No record of the fragment was ever found in the Saxon State Library
He very carefully maintained his own copyright on the popular and thus moneymaking work
Eventually Giazotto changed his story and said that the Adagio was indeed his composition entirely. Some claim the change was motivated by conscience. Some claim it was motivated by desire to ensure he maintained income from the copyright.
Giazotto died in 1998. In most of the classical music world, he is famous for the Adagio itself and for having perpetuated one of the best-known musical hoaxes of all time. However, several recent findings are once again raising questions...

In 2007 a paper was published revealing the existence of a modern transcription of the Albinoni fragment. It was found amongst Giazotto's papers after his death by his assistant, Muska Mangano. It is described as "bearing in the top right-hand corner a stamp stating unequivocally the Dresden provenance of the original from which it was taken". This supports Giazotto's orginal story.
Then in 2021 the head of the music department at the Dresden State Library, Barbara Wierman, said it had been discovered that a photo of the same manuscript later found by Mangano had already been sent by Ricordi publishers to the Dresden State Library in early 1969—providing additional support for the transcription's provenance.
So perhaps Giazotto had been telling the truth after all?
Now unfortunately for Endeavour fans, the international version of Sway uses a different piece entirely—Sospiri, Op. 70 by Edward Elgar—as the incidental music for this same scene instead of the Adagio. I adore Elgar, but it's probably one of my least favorite pieces in terms of his popular works. Still, Sospiri certainly does an adequate job setting the mood for this scene. It just doesn't do the same thing the Adagio does. A whole layer of meaning has been lost.

I *hate* that the international versions of so many Endeavour episodes use entirely different music from the UK versions. At the same time, I do want to point out that the blame for that really shouldn't be placed with the creators of the show. It's a difficult financial decision that productions are often forced to make because of what can be absolutely outrageous international licensing costs—particularly for the US market.
That said, a film or program's soundtrack is not meant to be optional. Changing the music isn't an artistic version of switching out the curtains. It's altering an integral part of a creative work.
#itv endeavour#endeavour morse#sunday confessional#sunday free for all#endeavour: sway#endeavour: music#albinoni adagio#remo giazotto#musical mysteries
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Dracula Dictionary, August 8th
sultry: humid and hot
Mulgrave Woods, Robin Hood's Bay, Rig Mill, Runswick, Staithes: villages close to Whitby
steamer: a steamship
Scarborough: a seaside town just south of Whitby
eminence: a rise of ground; a hill
mares'-tails: clouds that have a long slender flowing appearance
assemblage: a gathering
athwart: across
R. A. and R. I.: the Royal Academy of Art and the Royal Institute of Art
schooner: a ship with at least two masts where the sails go from front to back rather than from side to side
undulating: moving up and down like waves
rapidity: speed
convulse: disturb or upset severely
spume: foam
lanthorn: lantern
stanchion: a fixed vertical bar or pole used as a support
gunwale: the upper edge of a ship's side
old salt: an old sailor
fetch up: stop
hitherto: until now
a pall: something that covers or conceals
mirabile dictu: it's a miracle
lashed: tied
concussion: a hard blow
spar: a wooden pole that supports sails and rigging
stay: a large strong rope used to support a mast
top-hammer: (should be top-hamper), matter or weight (such as spars or rigging) in the upper part of a ship
derelict: run-down, abandoned
aft: towards the back of a ship
to and fro: back and forth
Admiralty Court: a court that deals with all laws related to the sea
salvage: the ship or cargo saved in a rescue
contravention: contradict, violate
statutes of mortmain: laws that say that property cannot be owned by a "dead hand" (although the "dead hand" usually means a corporation (especially the church) and not an actual dead person)
Casabianca: a poem about a boy who refuses to leave his post on a burning ship after everyone else has already fled
mortuary: a place where dead bodies are kept before burial
inquest: an investigation conducted by a coroner into the cause of death of a person
Yorkshire: a part of northern England
wolds: a hilly region
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Fic Rec List - Charles/Pierre (Rated E)
If your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let me know and I will remove it immediately, no questions asked. I have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop me a message🤍
have a pairing you want me to do next? please read the faqs and then head to my inbox.
don’t forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!


your wish is my command, ladies. 😘 fics highlighted in purple contain the 'super hung' content you were hoping for, @welightitup 😉❤️ all of these fics are nsfw. please check tags before you read.
this list doesn't contain even half of the fics I wanted to share. there will be a part two.
too far into the waters to float by @hungerpunch | E | 2k Charles and Pierre rendezvous after FP2. As well as being insanely hot, there is also a trust and a closeness here between these two that just feels so true, and so beautifully written. I love the way this author writes dialogue - it is always such a pleasure to read.
'He focuses on the mole under Charles' right eye, the one that kisses his undereye circles when he’s tired enough. And today, he’s tired enough. This is not il predestinato. This is just some guy. Some guy who is Pierre’s best friend, fatigued but red-blooded and eager for it—at least enough to send a text asking for it—and it's hot as fuck.'
darkest little paradise by heroics | E | 2k Charles and Pierre celebrate after Pierre's maiden win. Their dynamic here is some of my favourite Pierre/Charles in the whole fandom. They know each other inside and out, and know exactly what buttons to press, how far to take things, and what the other needs. The emotions here are just gorgeous. I loved every second of this.
'Pierre’s always been steady, reliable, happy for all of Charles’s successes. It’s a good thing he’s won today: anyone else and Charles would be livid. Monza is his to win; he deserves to be loved here.'
backseat freestyle by @grandprix-ao3 | E | 2.8k I have no way to summarise this that isn't going to get my blog flagged for mature content - please just read it! This author is an insta-rec for me. No one does sexual tension quite like they do. The imagery here is also absolutely stunning. I cannot recommend this one enough.
'It’d been a strange sensation to get used to; the feeling of empty hands, stretched-out patience, gum-thick and soaked in broken-off pleasure where it sits swollen in his chest, like a helium balloon ready to pop.'
in my ribs and under my chest.by @pipitwrites | E | 2.8k Charles and Pierre try something new. This is stunning. The author has a beautiful, almost melodic style, and combined with Pierre and Charles' clear devotion for each other and the insanely hot things they do to each other - this is a work of art. This fic is an ode to Charles' waist, and I loved every single second.
'"I already know what you look like naked," Pierre reminds him with a smirk and Charles flushes at the implication, which is stupid. They've been living out of each other's pockets since they were children, before Charles had ever considered what it might be like to be wrapped up in Pierre.'
Casabianca by @francophonesfictions | E | 3.1k Charles has had a bad day - they meet in a locker room. This fic made me insane. You can tell that they are just completely crazy about each other. This is blisteringly hot, and cut through with moments of just sheer literary genius. Gorgeous.
'Pierre is stubborn by default and relentless when he smells weakness, and Charles is one big weak spot where Pierre is concerned.'
all of me, all of me by @hourcat | E | 3.1k Charles and Pierre are reunited after two weeks apart. If you look up the word 'tenderhorny' in the dictionary, you'll find the entirety of this fic. This author is fantastic at balancing mind-blowing heat with honey sweet moments, and it results in just the most gorgeous fics. This author is another insta-rec for me.
'In truth, it's been maybe two weeks tops; it's an eternity, though, for the two of them, who spend half their season waiting for winter break just so they can get up inside each other without consequence.'
your love is thick and it swallowed me whole by @wolfiemcwolferson | E | 3.3k Pierre sees a photo of himself and Charles that changes everything. The Realisation Moment in this fic stole my breath away, and I'm not sure I returned to normal functioning until I reached the final line. Masterful. The urgency and the tension and the underlying need of it all - no one is doing it like this author.
'Because for just a second - a second - Charles had looked over at Pierre like he could see it. Like he could see the want all over Pierre’s face and if he sees it then...'
a place further by @yekoc | E | 3.9k Charles and Pierre don't fuck during the season. The relationship here is stunning - so easy and light and you can just tell that they are friends before they are lovers. So hot. So funny. So sweet. So well written. A joy!
'When the door stays stubbornly shut, Charles decides to try to pray. Like always, it’s in Italian: faith edged back up on him at Ferrari, but it’s still a half-formed thing, more hope than habit.'
get me with those green eyes, baby by @singsweetmelodies | E | 4.6k Charles and Pierre and Basketball Date 2.0. I love how much fun they have together in this - the flirty banter, the teasing, the absolute ease. This is ridiculously hot, but they are also quite clearly best friends, who know each other by heart. This is tender and sweet and a little bit soulmate-y. Chefs kiss.
'Charles' gaze softens, and a hint of brightest summer green returns to his eyes, a dapple of light against the darkness of desire there. "Always," he whispers, so softly that if Pierre hadn't been leaning right over him, their faces inches apart, he wouldn't have heard him.'
you should think about the consequence (of you touching my hand in the darkened room) by anonymous | E | 4.7k Charles has a business Zoom call - Pierre has other ideas. This is insanely hot. One thing I love about this author's fics is their Pierre characterisation: charming and quick witted and just absolutely besotted with Charles.
'Charles had done his best not to look over his shoulder, even though his every instinct had been screaming at him to do so. Whenever they were in a room together, his whole body instinctively wanted to turn and gravitate to Pierre. He couldn't help it.'
drugstore perfume by @grandprix-ao3 | E | 6.5k Charles stays at Pierre's house, and learns something new. You will need oven gloves (/mitts) to handle this fic. I think this was the first Pierre and Charles fic I ever read, and it restructured my brain in a way that cannot be reversed.
'But he doesn’t shut up; of course, he doesn’t. Perhaps this is something Charles has always known about Pierre, that he doesn’t know how to close his mouth, that he just grins and squints and leans forward against countertops with dewy skin and dangling necklaces like he owns the entire fucking world: like he knows everything he does will make Charles hot under the collar, like he wants to take advantage of it.'
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Elizabeth Bishop, "Casabianca," after the poem of the same name by Felicia Dorothea Hemans
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Trump 2.0: l’America riparte http://dlvr.it/THST5G
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L'#america oggi appare come Blanche DuBois, la protagonista del dramma di Tennessee Williams, "Un Tram Chiamato Desiderio". Una creatura tormentata e depressa, in preda a una profonda inquietudine nascosta dietro un comportamento esibito come normale e la dipendenza inconfessata dall'alcol. Anche America che affida il secondo mandato a #Trump è in preda ad inquietudini che non sa guarire, un malessere oscuro a cui reagisce isolandosi e seguendo le pulsioni di un pifferaio poco magico e molto stonato. Quale direzione prenderà l'America nei prossimi 4 anni? E cosa implica questa doccia fredda per l'Europa?
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