#cary loudermilk
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lennyenthusiast · 3 months ago
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I worked hard on this
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variouspolltournaments · 2 months ago
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Anti-Propaganda is not allowed. Please only give reasons to vote for something and not give reasons to vote against something.
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jocia92 · 1 year ago
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Young Cary and Kerry Loudermilk at Christmas.
Legion S01E4
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Do You Know These (Non-canon) Autistic Characters?
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Evidence below the cut!
Cary and Kerry are (LONG story short) technically two halves of the same person, and in some ways they seem like total opposites. Cary is more obviously an autistic Type, the used-to-be-called-Aspergers stereotype nerdy scientist--fairly literal-minded, has to sometimes be reminded by friends that sarcasm exists, bad at judging intent. Kerry is a brave fighter, super-fit and pugnacious! But her autistic symptoms are even stronger than his: she usually speaks in flat, direct statements unless very comfortable-- when another character asks about her background, she tells the story in third person almost as if reciting a fairy tale, and then when the other person has the nerve to ask a follow-up question you can SEE her struggling to put it into words. She's even MORE literal-minded to the point of seeming naive, and Cary is constantly trying to teach her/remind her of social Rules which he has more of a grasp on. And although she has her own unique Reasons for it, she also can't spend too long out interacting before getting overstimulated and having to retreat for awhile. Just in a slightly different way than other people.
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yourfaveisfriendshaped · 3 months ago
Cary Loudermilk (from Legion FX) is friend-shaped!
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Cary is friend-shaped!
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couldtheycatchkira · 3 months ago
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everyonesonthespectrum · 2 years ago
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Today’s Autistic character of the day is:
Cary Loudermilk from Legion
Requested by @pennypyro
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vertigoartgore · 1 year ago
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Bill Irwin as Cary Loudermilk in the FX show Legion.
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ninawolv3rina · 7 months ago
Ok so like Syd is my favorite character in Legion but every second Cary Loudermilk is on screen is a treasure
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rockinlibrarian · 8 months ago
Fic Self-Recs!
Anyway, I took the self-indulgent dare of an “I tag anyone who wants to do this!” on a post reblogged by not-even-a-personal-Tumblr so I’m sure the “I” wasn’t thinking of ME at all, but I was curious if I could do it. The tag dare is “What are your five favorite fics that you have written?” Anyway also, I failed the dare, because I had terrible trouble narrowing my 37 posted fics (3 are anonymous) (no I did NOT enter the current Masked Author event three times,* calm down) down past ten? And I’m still not sure. How can you ask someone to choose among their babies? Well, fics aren’t babies, and there are definitely some I wouldn’t pick, so there.
I would like to separate it into two parts, one of fics I can recommend to you all, one of fics I’m being entirely self-indulgent by including, but even that doesn’t work out neatly.
I’m going to start with a self-indulgent one, because my #1 favorite fic I’ve ever written is unfortunately kind of inscrutable to people who haven’t seen all three seasons of cult-favorite show Legion:
“The Magic Man of Oz”! It is my favorite so much that I think you should read it anyway even if you won’t get the references! I added an entire chapter of annotations just so you could look UP the references! It is The Wizard of Oz told through Legion references! It has a delightful intrusive narrator! It has the greatest fight scene I have ever written, maybe because it’s extremely untraditional! I will not stop harping on this, my favorite fic I wrote! So let’s skip to a less self-indulgent alternative #1:
“Exploration of the Astral Plane: An Immersive, Multidimensional Study, by Cary Loudermilk, PhD, and Oliver Anthony Bird.” I’ve been on a rereading this kick lately. While this is also Legion, it’s a prequel that requires next to no preknowledge! And it still has wacky dream imagery and unusual structure and you still get to enjoy Oliver Bird being HIM-like, he’s just not narrating!
Now we’ll do the rest of the Legion fics just to get them out of the way! But these ALSO require next-to-no pre-knowledge (even less, actually! “Exploration” requires you to know that it takes place in the X-Men universe and that Summerland is a retreat for traumatized mutants! These next ones don’t even require THAT!), so they make very good recommendations, too!
2. “A Strictly Scholarly Collaboration: the Original Romance of the Mind” is me writing a romance! My way! It’s all about relationship-building, nothing at all physical! Yet one of my favorite AO3 bookmarks was given to it by someone who usually deals primarily in Explicit fics and THEY said “Exceptional viewpoints, intelligence, accuracy, and romance. Solid 10/10,” so that’s a win for everyone! 2.1/2 bonus so I don’t have to give away another slot “Two (or Three) Mutant Freaks and the Strictly Scholarly Collaboration” –are bonus scenes that would exist if it took place in a world where Oliver was already friends with Cary and Kerry! Which brings us to:
3. “Two (or Three) Mutant Freaks Against the Fourth Grade,” which was my favorite that I felt the need to harp on before I wrote “Magic Man of Oz”! It’s just a cute little story about mutant nerd-boys making friends! I think everyone should read it, even if I don’t love it quite as much as I did at first! Okay, we’ll leave Legion now, I promise. How about a couple from my second most-commonly-written-for fandom?
4. “A Captain With Seven Children…What's So Fearsome About That?” asks What if Maria (not Von Trapp because she’s obviously not married in this scenario) from The Sound of Music got hired to be governess at The Umbrella Academy instead? It also requires next to no pre-knowledge of either source material! So you should read it! It’s not done yet because I haven’t figured out how to run away to Switzerland when we’re in America and the bad guy is the father himself quite yet! But that’s okay because everything else is delightful!
5. “On Soul Mates and Nemeses” is where I attempt to justify my obsession with shipping Fiktor! It has lots of little snippets of flashback scenes that are fun and really isn’t that heavy on the shipping! Which leads us back to the self-indulgent list:
2. “New World Symphony” (which is also Fiktor but also has a lot of interesting non-shipping bits) is one I only have one chapter posted for, but I swear to you, Chapters Four and Five are SO GOOD. Unfortunately Chapter Three just BARELY exists. Chapter Two is very likely to be the next thing I post, but that doesn’t make Chapter Three get any more written. You HAVE to read Chapters 4 and 5 though, I’m serious. Speaking of which:
3. “Tesseract” notoriously hasn’t been updated on AO3 since late 2021, but there’s some really amazing stuff yet to come, I promise! I keep chipping away at it and there is so much I can’t wait to share!
I’m counting this last one among the self-indulgents for the opposite reason though:
4. “The Invitation: an epilogue” DOESN’T need any advertising. It’s my most-kudoed fic! (Although “In Which Jason and Chidi Rob a Bank” is only behind by two now so it may actually lose that status sometime soon). But that doesn’t mean it’s not one of my very favorites regardless, so I have to put it on the list even if everyone already agrees with me!
Now I'm supposed to tag people! I feel like I should tag actual people to make up for the self-indulgence! @stephsageek came up as soon as I hit @ so yeah; @a-freemaniac I'm pretty sure it was your Tumblr I saw this on-- I don't know if you write fic or just read it but I'll put it out there; @littlerit; @uniasus I think you might have done this before but you're the next fic writer on my list here-- oh I think I asked you what your FAVORITE was in an ask game once, this is FIVE favorites so it counts; @destinyandcoins!
*Edit to add, 8/3/2024: This comment was a deliberately misleading half-truth. I entered the (now long-completed) Masked Author event TWICE.
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stcrforged · 1 year ago
The rules are simple! Post characters you’d like to roleplay as, have roleplayed as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten, just write down however many you can and tag that number of people). Please repost, don’t reblog!
CURRENT MUSE(S): (canon muses)
dr. hermann gottlieb (pacific rim)
tendo choi (pacific rim)
monkey d. luffy (one piece)
fíli (the hobbit)
faramir (lotr)
grog strongjaw (tlovm / critical role)
dr. ian malcolm (jurassic park)
the corinthian (the sandman)
varric tethras (dragon age)
dorian pavus (dragon age)
sindri (god of war)
mimir (god of war)
týr (god of war)
viktor vektor (cyberpunk 2077)
WANT TO WRITE: (maybe i will write them someday, maybe not)
james howlett / logan / wolverine (x-men)
dr. hank mccoy / beast (x-men)
piotr rasputin / colossus (deadpool / x-men)
matthew the raven (the sandman)
chato santana / el diablo (suicide squad / dc comics)
pietro maximoff / quicksilver (x-men)
peregrin took (lotr)
proinsias cassidy (preacher)
sasha kaidonovsky (pacific rim)
aleksis kaidonovsky (pacific rim)
peter grodin (stargate: atlantis)
king richard (galavant)
chirrut îmwe (star wars)
qui-gon jinn (star wars)
obi-wan kenobi (star wars)
cassandra pentaghast (dragon age)
oliver queen / green arrow (justice league unlimited)
isolde (merlin)
kerry loudermilk (legion)
cary loudermilk (legion)
shatter (the gifted)
mr. wednesday (american gods)
zorya vechernyaya (american gods)
dr. hank mccoy / beast (x-men)
matthew the raven (the sandman)
Tagged by: @chaoslulled Tagging: @luckhissoul, @caracarnn, @fadedpath, @fenrs, @astraltouch and anyone else who wanna do this!
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428-05-3221 · 1 year ago
oliver bird - as a mutant, oliver is a powerful psychic, as a telepath he is able to the minds and memories of others. he is also able to speak to others by manifesting into their dreams. oliver's other notable abilities are : astral projection, astral manipulation and illusion manipulation. oliver is a mutant activist, a beat poet, and a scientist. he crafted summerland as a safe haven for mutants, somewhere they could flourish, could learn to use their abilities freely and connect with others like them.
oliver spend quite a lot of time in the astral plane, using it both to search for mutants, and as an escape from the world around them, somewhere he could create a world of his own, somewhere he had control. but he wandered too far and lost himself into the void of consciousness.
summerland - a horse ranch inherited by oliver bird in the 40s, when oliver began converting it into a facility to shelter mutants. summerland was founded by oliver, and cary loudermilk as well as oliver's wife melanie. summerland is meant to be a safe haven for mutants to explore and learn about their abilities, as well as somewhere meant to keep them safe from persecution.
- melanie bird - oliver's partner and wife, she is not a mutant, however she took over summerland in oliver's place. building it up as a safe haven and training facility. she had practice with this with oliver himself. helping with his 'proclivity' helping him to learn how to channel his powers, and 'tune in or out' of the people around him. oliver ( within the main verse ) does not remember her name, nor her face, but he does remember her thoughts, the way she would memorize things, and will often use the memory of her mind - sunflowers - to calm or collect himself. - cary loudermilk - a mutation or mutant, it’s hard to tell. cary is a scientist and host/protector to a girl who can only be described as his sister : the two sharing a body and headspace when connected. when separated they share injuries but are independent people. they are two parts of the same person, and from an outside perspective could be considered opposites : impulse and consideration, anger and clam, brute and brain. cary is an old friend of oliver’s and helped him to found summerland.
not long after it's founding, oliver lost himself in the astral plane and summerland fell into the care of melanie bird. though his voice can still be heard within the facility, quite literally, as the announcements, coffee pot and other robotics have oliver's voice.
divisions ( division three ) - after an event known as "the Lazarus Affair" the united states government began funding an organization to deal with 'mutant threats' the divisions work alongside one another within the organization as well as with other government agencies. the divisions are as follows :
- division one : global command and communications - division two : science, genetics, and technology - division three : identification, study and elimination of mutant “threats”
division three is of the mind “if you are not with us, you’re against us” and are not afraid to use extreme force or torture to gain information both from mutants and their loved ones, imprisoning or killing them. they are the parallel to summerland.
after the shadow king's escape, summerland was merged with division three, shared resources allowing both sides to widen the scope of the man hunt for oliver b.ird and the newly acquired parasite.
the shadow king - amahl farouk, the demon with the yellow eyes, the angriest boy in the world : once an extremely powerful mutant, now a parasite. after he was separated from his body, the shadow king escaped death by hiding within the mind of david haller* ( the legion / the worldbreaker. ) when cast from david, the shadow king sought out the next most viable host, though he did not hide within oliver's self conscious, instead possessing oliver, taking control of his body not to hide, but to escape. oliver is held captive within his own mind alongside lenny busker.** while the shadowking was possessing him, oliver came in and out of consciousness, sometimes aware of the atrocities he was forced to enact, and others not.
* david haller - the worldbreaker / the legion . an extremely powerful mutant used to harbor the shadow king's spirit after his death. he was meant to be the vessel the shadow king used to find his body, or perhaps was meant to be the vessel the shadow king took. farouk tormented david since birth. ** lenny busker - a friend of circumstance, their face was the mask the shadow king would often wear to terrorize david. after their death lenny was held captive by the shadow king, pulled alongside him into oliver's mind until farouk found a suitable host to twist into a new body for her.
the astral plane - often considered the place between life and death, where the spirit goes when dying or entering the world. this is a reality where you can imaginify a kingdom, but nothing is ever real. oliver wandered too far into the make believe, an escape from the world, ( more often than not, oliver will say he did so as an attempt to find other mutants. let the truth be what you believe. ) oliver would best explain the astral plane as the neural network beneath the soil that connects fungi. it exists for everyone, the thing that connects all beings, whether they know it or not. things are only real here, if you believe them to be.
the ice cube - while his consciousness was lost to the astral plane, oliver's body was cryogenically frozen by cary upon melanie's request, this tethering to the 'real world' and keeping oliver from wandering deeper into the stream. this condition manifested in the form of a giant hollow ice cube where oliver existed. ( the icecube is an extension of oliver's consciousness and abilities, it comes in many forms and is well protected. no one can enter or leave without oliver's assistance, however oliver himself is also unable to alter the exterior or the temperature within )
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jocia92 · 2 years ago
Legion: A Silent Film Fight
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To the person who submitted Cary and Kerry Loudermilk from Legion - the picture link worked!
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rockinlibrarian · 2 years ago
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Okay, look. I'm not saying this isn't an accurate result.* But people who can't think of anything to write about the token Nerd character are REALLY just not trying hard enough.
Says the writer of the vast majority of Cary Loudermilk-POVed Legion fics on AO3.
Yes Cary is hardly just a Token Nerd, but that's my point! Fic writing is supposed to be about digging deep into characters, more than what the source material gives you!
Yet I AM still the writer of the vast majority of Cary Loudermilk-POVed Legion fics on AO3, and dang does HE have stuff to WRITE about. Do I have to do everything myself? 🤓
And hey, where's all this Cary art, anyway?
*because it is. Can't you hear @sunnymarbles right now saying, and I quote, "lol, nerd" at me?
Another quiz for if you were a fictional character how would your fandom treat you (if you think your life is too boring to have a fandom just think of yourself as living the domestic!au of some sci-fi or fantasy)
reblog with your results
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