#caroline x demelza
elyangelofdeath · 2 years
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mockscreens · 2 years
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please like/reblog if you save!
more poldark lockscreens here!
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demelza · 6 years
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I went to Caroline. I had to talk to someone and... i know no one closer, more truly a friend. 
@damelzacarne asked: demelza and caroline or caroline and demelza (😂)
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rather-impertinent · 5 years
Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Poldark - All Media Types, Poldark (TV 2015)
I’m sorry it’s been 75 years since I updated this, but I hope you like the newest installment! I mean you won’t like it, but you might still enjoy it. lmao love u friends thanks for reading xo
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littlefeatherr · 2 years
Poldark by juliajam15
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eggpuffs · 3 years
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drake carne speaking absolute truths and making me believe so much in love
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pbdulasstuff · 2 years
I had this one for awhile now thought I would put it out there
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While Eleanor was cleaning the kitchen, Joshua asked Ross to come into the study. Once there he shut the door, “I was telling Eleanor about Claude, she asked, if I would consider her bringing him home to care for him.” “Of course, I would love to have him here at the farm, it is where he should have been all along,” Ross said. “The issue is if Eleanor leaves, I could not send him back he would be here, do you understand me now,” Joshua questioned?” Ross did not know what his dad was referring to, “I do not understand Dad, what do you mean?” Joshua sighed, “Ross Elizabeth never wanted anything to do with your brother she would not even talk to him. She acted like he had a sort of disease.” Ross said, “Father you are mistaken, she always loved him, I am sure she would want him here.” Joshua said, “Before I agree, I want you to ask her, if your serious on her for your wife. I will not dishevel the boy only to him dislocated again.” Joshua got up and left the room
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romantic-hero · 4 years
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Demelza stood against the wall drinking wine as she watched the dance before her. She had not wanted to come to the Treneglos party, but Ross had insisted. She was infuriated because Ross always claimed to hate dancing or excused himself due to his long ago healed ankle, yet there he was dancing with Ruth  Treneglos. Demelza was not usually jealous, and she didn’t rightly know if she was jealous or just plain did not like Ruth. Though John was considered  a better catch than Ross, Ruth and her horrid mother,  Mrs Teague, still fawned over him when ever they met out in society.
Caroline appeared at her side. “Dearest, your face is a storm cloud. Can’t you hide your feelings better than that?” Caroline took Demelza’s empty glass and replaced it with a full one from the tray of a hovering servant. “Drink this. And calm down.”
Demelza seethed with anger as she watched Ross and Ruth smile as they maneuvered the tricky steps of the minuet. She knew she was being unreasonable. If only Ross looked miserable, she wouldn’t care as much.
“Judas!” exclaimed Demelza. “I could crown him for looking so pleased.” She swallowed a great gulp of wine.  
“Demelza, you could dance with John. That would irritate both of them.”
Caroline watched Dwight dancing with Elizabeth. She noticed George scowling at the entire scene before leaving the room with his Uncle Cary. If George was displeased, then Caroline didn’t mind in the least about Dwight dancing with Elizabeth.
“John is dancing with Ruth’s sister,” grumbled Demelza.
“Then I suggest...” and Caroline leaned in and whispered in Demelza’s ear. An observant person would have noticed Demelza’s scowl turn to laughter as her cheeks turned crimson.
“Caroline! I could never!”  Demelza hid behind her fan unable to control her giggles.  “What if someone saw us?”
“They are all in their cups, my dear.”  Caroline watched the dancers. “It’s entirely up to you. But I can assure you that you would have Ross’s undivided attention for the rest of the evening.” Caroline turned and looked at Demelza. “It always works with Dwight.”
Demelza sputtered in disbelief. “You’ve actually done this? Where? I don’t believe you.”
“Remember last Christmas at Lord Basset’s ball?” Caroline asked.
“Dwight never left your side.”
“Exactly.” Caroline smiled.
“Caroline, perhaps Dwight is more easily pleased than Ross,” Demelza whispered to her friend.
“Nonsense,” chided Caroline.  “They are both men.” She tapped Demelza’s shoulder with her fan.  “Here comes Ross. I dare you.”
Demelza certainly  never turned down a dare and with a calm face but a beating heart, Demelza smiled at Ross. “Caroline will you excuse us?” She took Ross’s arm.  “Ross, I need to speak with you.”  She stopped a servant and took two glasses of brandy from the tray. She handed one to Ross, nodded at Caroline and lead Ross outside.
The outside of Mingoose House was alit with torches. Many couples wandered in the gardens with the servants at the ready to fetch drinks as the need arose.
Demelza headed towards the trees that were cloaked in darkness and  once she felt she was beyond the the firelight, pushed Ross up against a sturdy trunk.
“Demelza, what is this urgency?” asked Ross. He drained his glass and waited as Demelza drank her brandy. Demelza looked at Ross over the rim of her glass. Already she was excited. She handed Ross her glass and he set them down in the grass.
Demelza put her arms around Ross. “I want you, Ross,” Demelza murmured into the hollow where his neck cloth and curls met.
“Are you drunk, my love?” asked Ross not unkindly, for Demelza was quite shy about love making except in the privacy of their bedchamber.
“I am drunk with desire for you,”  Demelza softly moaned.
“What do you desire, Demelza?” Ross asked as he took Demelza’s arms from around his neck and held her hands behind her back.
“Just to please you, Ross.” Demelza’s back was arched from the way Ross was holding her and she felt his mouth on hers, his tongue pushing between her lips before moving down her  décolletage to the tops of her pale white breasts.
“What would please me, Demelza,” Ross said between kisses, “would be you. The food tonight has been lacking and I have quite an appetite.”
“Ross...” Demelza started to object, but Ross pulled her deeper into the trees and he knew that among the woods that bordered  Mingoose were low stone benches that had been there since before he was a boy. Well away from the party and all it’s lights and noise, Ross made Demelza sit. “Unfasten your bodice,” Ross told her roughly as he knelt before her.
“Yes, Ross.” Her fingers trembled as she did as she was told.
“Now unlace your corset,” Ross commanded next and as soon as her breasts were free, Ross, now between Demelza’s knees, began to tease their rosy peaks with his mouth, gently sucking one while his hand caressed the other, alternating attention between them as Demelza started to whimper.
“Ross, people will hear,” she protested as her fingers wove their way into his curls holding his head.
“No one will hear, my love,” Ross said. “ The music will drown out any noise you might make.” As he continued, his hands found the hem of her dress and Ross began to lift the fabric until it was bunched around her waist.
“Ross, what if someone sees?” Demelza gasped, as Ross let his attention wander downward.
“I will be sure they do not,” Ross assured her and he lifted one slim leg and kissed her thigh above the creamy white stocking that was held in place with blue satin ribbon. His stubble scratched the delicate skin in a most pleasing way and Demelza relaxed against the back of the bench, the stone, cold against her bare skin. Ross rested her leg on his shoulder, then began nibbling her other thigh, lifting it so that both Demelza’s legs were around his neck.
Ross marveled that Demelza followed the trend of wearing nothing but stockings under her evening clothes. He silently thanked Caroline for he was sure her influence was behind Demelza’s recent fashion choices. Ross slowly tormented his wife by slowly trailing kisses and gentle bites up one leg and down the other while his hands explored the rest of her body.
“Ross,” Demelza groaned. “ Please,” she pleaded and she didn’t know wether to to pull his head closer or to push it away, his torment of her bordered between agony and ecstasy.
Ross lifted his head. “Was this not what you had in mind, my love?”
“Mmmmm,” was the only sound Demelza could make and Ross returned to the task at hand, ravishing his wife on a public path through the grounds of Mingoose. Ross delighted in making  Demelza writhe and moan he knew just where he could create the most pleasure. Ross finally kissed his way to the center of her passion and he took his time flicking that delicate spot with his tongue until he at last felt the pulsating tremors that told him Demelza was about to find release and when she did, Ross held her still with his hands and and teased her to the brink once more. She called his name as she reached  the height of satisfaction.
Demelza couldn’t move. She felt Ross pull her skirts down and place her feet on the ground. She let him fasten her corset and bodice. Then she stood up and Ross took her in his arms and kissed her long and hard before holding her at arms length and looking her up and down. “I think if you can stop looking like the cat who stole the cream, no one will suspect what you’ve been up to, Mrs Poldark.”
Demelza laughed. They found their empty goblets and walked arm and arm as if they been out for nothing more than a stroll. A servant approached them with a full tray and they both took a glass of wine. Then they slipped back into the party and joined Dwight and Caroline for supper. Dwight wondered why Caroline and Demelza couldn’t stop smiling and were trying desperately not to laugh. “I really have no idea,” said Ross. “It’s almost to the point we can’t take them out in society.”
“Almost,” agreed Dwight. Then he turned his attention to Mrs Ogden on his left while Ross glared at Caroline and Demelza. But it only made then laugh all the more and Ross couldn’t help but smile before he returned to his roasted quail.
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upstartpoodle · 4 years
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Colours (1/2) >> Red
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littlegirlinvisible · 5 years
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We have had the time of our lives, now the page is turned the stories we will write. It's hard to walk away from the best of days, but if it has to end I'm glad you have been my friend in the time of our lives.
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artsyhistorian · 4 years
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Behold, the Poldark characters genderbent.
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mockscreens · 2 years
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please like/reblog if you save!
more poldark lockscreens here!
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demelza · 6 years
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‘I didn’t know she’d set me free...’
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rather-impertinent · 4 years
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Poldark (TV 2015), Poldark - All Media Types
Chapter 2 is very fluffy, enjoy friends! xo
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rycbarmerlin · 5 years
Farewell Poldark, you provided us with five wonderful years of Sunday evening stress, love, tears, heartbreak, joy and a whole load of wishing that Ross Poldark would think before he did literally anything.
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nervousladytraveler · 5 years
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Here is another installment of Splendors Sequels. This one has actual fluff and a wee touch of heartache. It is also a bit of a cop out in terms of how certain characters are dealt with (you’ll see what I mean right away).  Thanks to everyone who has been reading, commenting, liking, and reblogging!
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