#geoffrey charles poldark
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incorrectpoldarkquotes · 3 months ago
Geoffrey Charles: Uncle George, can you give me some romantic advice?
George: Look, just because I married your mother doesn't mean I know how I did it.
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flipperbrain-awakes · 1 year ago
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Mining with Ross
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jamesscarstairs · 2 months ago
poldark time jumps are hilarious because neither ross nor demelza have a single grey hair between them but geoffrey charles is now a middle aged man with a mortgage
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durtystars · 2 years ago
guys. ross taking naps with geffory charles because he hangs out at trenwith more than often because he feels bad that his nephew doesn't have a father anymore+he conks out from exhaustion sometimes from working everything he's got in the mine dealing with shareholder meetings so he accidentally falls asleep in the couch and geffory charles just climbs on it and sleeps on his lap. the bossliz era really just can't stop giving
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wildwren · 1 year ago
ranking george warleggan's blood feuds
1. george vs. aunt agatha - absolutely iconic, nothing will ever top this, frankly this IS the high point of all 5 seasons of poldark. george said "i refuse to be out-cunted in my own house" and agatha was like "this is LITERALLY my house" and then they fought to the death. "that old woman will have no party" is THEE george warleggan quote of all time
2. george vs. ross - this is high on the list for george vs. ross because we all know how much of a ross hater i am, but actually im a george x ross truther, like they DO have chemistry, gay sex would nOT help, it DEFInITELY would make things worse, but i think they should try it anyway!!!! also remember that time george wept when ross' daughter died and told ross that some of the light had gone out of the world with her, and ross responded by telling george he would step over george's uncle if he saw him drowning in a puddle? because i think about that a lot. i might be paraphrasing
3. george vs. drake - i find george vs. drake tiresome sometimes because drake is simply *too* hapless, but at the same time, it's very funny that over the years, george has accused drake of: theft over forty shillings, intent to riot, grain stealing, trespassing, child grooming, bride-stealing, home invasion, and murder; has gotten drake kicked out of church, arrested, beaten and left in a ditch, imprisoned, nearly hanged; burned down his blacksmith shop not once but twice; had a pack of dogs sent after morwenna because she agreed to marry him, and probably other things i'm forgetting. meanwhile, in every sense of the idea, drake is just kicking a stone down the road.
4. george vs. geoffrey charles - i wish george vs. geoffrey charles was more fun but it's just sort of basic like oh no, george, do you hate your stepson who your beloved wife had with another man who you also hated??? how original that's incredibly creative of you!!! george almost marrying cecily was sort of an unhinged touch but by that point i did not really care. i'm a geoffrey charles hater though so maybe it's a personal problem :/
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crowleybrekkers · 1 year ago
omg you were literally so right when you made that post about David tennant being part of everything… I was just looking into this guy from one of my fave shows (Christian Brassington, he was in Poldark as this vile man named Osborne Whitworth) and like. Apparently he wrote the script for something called Screening and it had David and Georgia Tennant in it? And Georgia’s brother Louis played one of my favorite characters (GEOFFREY CHARLES YEAHHHHH) in Poldark? anyway. that post you made was very real.
you cannot escape the tennant.
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oetravia · 5 years ago
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Morwenna Chynoweth smiling in 3x02
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dauntlessdownton · 4 years ago
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upstartpoodle · 4 years ago
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2x03. Francis Poldark.
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littlegirlinvisible · 6 years ago
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We have had the time of our lives, now the page is turned the stories we will write. It's hard to walk away from the best of days, but if it has to end I'm glad you have been my friend in the time of our lives.
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incorrectpoldarkquotes · 18 days ago
George: Elizabeth, please revoke your 'no swearing' rule.
Elizabeth: Why?
Geoffrey Charles: *outside* Well, that just DILLS my PICKLE!
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flipperbrain-awakes · 8 months ago
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POLDARK ~ 4.07
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wichrylosu · 5 years ago
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Poldark connections   
Reappear (2021) (x)
Ellise Chappell - Morwena Chynoweth (x)
Freddie Wise - Geoffrey Charles Poldark (x)
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durtystars · 1 month ago
thinking about how the running theme of ross and liz is love. not just love for each other exclusively, love for their family. love for their friends, love for their shared co-parented child geoffrey charles. that's how you know it's real
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mantra4ia · 5 years ago
Oh Poldark season 5, what have you done? (Poldark Reaction'd)
I'm sorry that I've just gotten around to season 5, but the story pacing is wretched. Debbie Horsfield breaks my heart.
On the bright side:
Jack Farthing as George Warleggan has a stellar season.
Valentine, Caroline, and Morwena steal the show.
Elizabeth's cameo, though strange, was a nice touch of nostalgia.
The **** slavery and **** racism energy make me feel delightful.
Demelza 5x08 interrupting Ross' spy game and his face: amazing.
"Do you think I might try to poison you / I wouldn't rule it out," was on the nose, but even still, I can appreciate a good one-liner between George and Ross.
Robin Ellis and Aidan Turner on screen together in the last episode Poldark to Poldark, how incredibly brilliant! "I wonder you are so ill acquainted with the law as to hold it in contempt. Your servant sir - And yours." It almost makes up for the frantic trying of ends in the season. Almost.
Personal moments of petty anger:
It was a sore, SORE mistake not to base the season on Winston Graham source material. It's audible in the writing.
Tess can stumble all the way off. How in the world did they spend that much time on her!
I need more Prudie dammit. She's one of the characters who has been steadfast since season 1, she deserved far more screen time. They did her dirty. Verity too.
That saber duel was theatrically terrible. It seemed like they only put it in as a reprise to Ned and Ross fencing, and that was just as bad. It would be comical if it was not depressing.
Demelza's heartbreak and subsequent renewal of faith in Ross in 22 minutes (19:00-41:00) on 5x08. "I should never have kept things from you." Ross Poldark character regression from four seasons ago, coupled with the Demelza's fond narration of the dog fight in season 1. It's all just too much telegraphing, a forced tool of PACING! God 5x08 was a scramble.
What was the point of Geoffrey Charles and Cecily? Again pacing. What is the literal bloody point? I like Geoffrey Charles, I hate the purpose he serves in season 5.
The stakes are so convoluted among all the spy intrigue. The dynamic between George and Ross for example that is central to Poldark and where a lot of story fondness is invested, got shoved to the back burner unceremoniously. So very diluted.
Apart from Elizabeth's cameo, the throwbacks to previous seasons, the fawning, the service, was too heavy-handed. The best service you could do for these characters is move the story forward over an adequate length of time.
The Caroline, Kitty, Dwight tensions. Again, problems with pace. Catherine Despard was a cool character, but I feel like she was rushed along after her husband's death. I detest when they turn a character who is interesting, and could be developed, into an auxiliary. Quite frankly she was far more interesting to watch then Ned Despard.
"Ross, you will come back." Except that's a cruel, cruel joke because he won't. Ross and Demelza's dialogue is too neatly packaged for a final season and signal an ongoing journey that won't come to pass and screen. "The past is gone," could have fooled me "and tomorrow doesn't exist" well there you have it right. Despite whatever articles tease, I cannot wait 10 years for the possibility of a 6th season that may never be.
I wish they had planned this conclusion out over the course of two seasons, or extended season 5 to accommodate all the ambitions of added character storylines.
All in all, despite the fact that I don't think season 5 was a proper end for what was condensed into eight episodes, I will desperately miss this Poldark cast.
"All that matters is now."
Why, Poldark, why?!
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poldark-caps · 5 years ago
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