#caroline fluff
pitchsidestories · 3 months
coming home II Guro Reiten x Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1190
summary: Guro and you can't wait to be reunited again after you both were away with your Norwegian and Swedish national team.
a/n: Hi, it's inspired by this request here, we hope you have fun with this little, fluffy oneshot.
“Earth to Guro.”, Caroline Graham Hansen spoke visibly frustrated to her fellow Norwegian teammate who was typing and smiling at her phone, but not taking any notice of the rest of the group which was very unlike her.
It was a beautiful day in their home country and yet Guro wished herself back to the rainy streets of London, where you and her would lay in your shared bed, listening to the noise the raindrops made against the large windows.  
“Huh?”, she glanced puzzled at the Barcelona player.
“We’re here.”, Caroline reminded her.
“Sorry, just texted my..”, the Chelsea forward started to apologize.
Maren who was the most familiar with her and the smile she had on her lips while thinking about you interrupted her softly:” Your girlfriend? You’ll see her soon enough.”
“Ugh.”, the Barcelona footballer groaned.
“Don’t ugh me, Caro.”, Guro laughed.
“You’re so in love, it’s disgusting.”, Caroline shrugged.
“Ignore the black cat, Guro. We’re happy you found each other.”, Ada threw in smiling amused.
“We’re happy.”, the other player repeated scoffing.
“All of us except for Caro.”, Ingrid corrected the prior sentence of the Lyon footballer.
“Thanks, girls. I’m really happy with her.”, Guro beamed.
“We get it.”, Caroline muttered, eager to play.
The game went not in the favour of the Norwegians, they lost and played under their own high expectations. The Chelsea forward was relieved once she was able to get to her hotel room and video call you.
 “Can’t wait to see you again, the match was awful.”, she confessed.
“Not that long anymore, one game to go.”, you tried to cheer her up, you were away with your Swedish national team.
“I know.”, Guro admitted.
“You can do this, captain Guro.”, you assured her. Unfortunately, you weren’t alone in your room, Magdalena and Fridolina were sitting opposite of you, giggling at your motivational speech.
“What’s so funny.”, your girlfriend wanted to know.
“Magda, Frido, shut it., you scolded your teammates, before turning back to her, sorry min älskling.”
“Thanks.”, Guro replied.
“Better, right?”
“Yes, a lot.”, she confirmed. Afterwards you continued to talk about your days.
Way to soon, Magdalena reminded you:” It’s dinner time.”
“Damn it, she’s right.”, you cursed.
“Why are your teammates so horrible.”, your girlfriend questioned grinning.
“They are the worst.”, you agreed jokingly.
“Lies, you love us!”, Fridolina protested.
“Yeah, sometimes.”, you answered truthfully.
“See?”, the Bayern Munich defender gave you a winning smile.
“Bye, Guro, hope the grandmas here fall asleep early, so we can continue talking later.”, you said goodbye to her with a heavy heart.
“I hope so too.”, Guro said.
Of course it was raining when you arrived back in London.
Dragging your suitcase behind you, you opened the door to your shared apartment.
“I’m home!“, you called, knowing that Guro must be somewhere. She had let you know via text that she would arrived a few hours before you.
You kicked off your shoes and left your suitcase in the middle of the floor.
Guros face appeared in the doorway leading to your kitchen: “Finally!“
“God, I missed you.“, you smiled at the sight of your girlfriend and jogged over to her to jump into her arms.
Guro, being a similar height as you, almost lost her balance but regained it in the last moment before you both would have tumbled to the floor.
“Missed you too.“
She kissed your cheek before putting you back down.
You sat down at the kitchen table. Without a word, your girlfriend placed a cup of water and a freshly brewed coffee in front of you.
You marvelled at the thoughtfulness. It was exactly what you needed after a long flight.
As soon as she sat down with you, her own coffee in hand, you asked: “How was camp? Tell me everything.“
“Good, really.“, Guro answered plainly but you could tell from the way her face lit up that it actually had been a good camp for her.
You nodded, satisfied with her answer: “That’s great. What kind of food would you like to order? The usual? The bill is on me.“
Your girlfriend smirked at the quick change of topic: “Someone’s in a good mood.“
“Yeah, we won both of our games.“, you explained laughing.
“I saw that.“
“Did you see my goals too?“, you asked innocently while typing on your phone. The order from your favourite restaurant was quickly placed.
“Of course, I did.“
“Pretty nice, huh?“, you bragged jokingly.
Guro wrinkled her nose, rather unimpressed, and shrugged: “They were okay.“
“Only okay?!“, you repeated, feigning offense.
“Yes, only okay.“
You leaned over, poking your girlfriend in the side repeatedly. You knew how ticklish she was.
“Hey, stop that!“, she protested, trying to protect her torso from you.
“Stop what?“, you played dumb, continuing to annoy her until she burst out laughing.
“Oh, that.“
“Stop it!“
You finally backed off, giving her time to catch her breath: “Okay, okay.“
“Thanks.“, she sighed.
The doorbell interrupted you anyway.
“Oh, our dinner is here.“, you announced excitedly and stood up.
Your stomach growled as you took the food inside. The smell of take-away immediately filled the kitchen.
“Finally.“, Guro said, impatiently opening the styrofoam boxes.
You took the first bite and hummed: “Delicious as always.“
“I missed this food so much.”, the Norwegian admitted grinning. The varieties of meals you could order in London would never fail to amaze your girlfriend and yourself.
“Same but more than me?”, you replied in a teasingly tone.
“Yes, of course.”, Guro joked before taking another bite.
“What do you want to do now?”, you changed the topic swiftly.
“Like right now?”, the brunette lifted an eyebrow.
“Yes.”, you nodded enthusiastically. Being back with the person you loved most reenergized you like nothing else did.
“Spend time with you.”, she answered genuinely.
Later you both laid together lazily on your sofa and Guro called your Chelsea captain with a smirk on her face:” Hi Millie.”
“What’s up?”, the blonde responded.
“Y/n and I are busy doing gay things and we might not be at training tomorrow.”, the Scandinavian explained.
“Too much information.”, Millie giggled.
“Just letting you know.”, Guro told her friend innocently.
“I’m not covering for you tomorrow.”, the Defender announced determined.
“Please, you owe me that.”, your girlfriend reminded her sweetly.  
“Fine, but don’t ever call me again.”, Millie groaned dramatically.
“Thanks, see you.”, Guro responded gratefully.
“Bye.”, with these words they hang up.
“Gay things?”, you snorted once she has ended the call and looked into your eyes again.
“Yes, we have all night.”, the midfielder winked at you.
“And tomorrow as well.”, you remembered.
“Yes, I’ve to make up for the time we didn’t see each other.”, Guro proclaimed.
“Come here.”, you said beaming, opening your arms for a hug which she happily accepted.
With closed eyes you whispered into her ear:” You’re home now.”
Both of you knew you felt comfortable everywhere in the world, but home to you wasn’t a place, it was each other. Coming home meant returning to one another and it was one of the best feelings in the world.
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fandoms--fluff · 1 year
Can you do a tvd x teenage Salvatore reader
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Female teenage Salvatore reader x Stefan Salvatore x Damon Salvatore (+others)
Warnings: swearing?
"Come on you have to get up" Stefan says sitting on your bed beside where your laying.
"Go away it's too early for this shit" you mumbled into your pillow.
Stefan sighed and took the blanket off of you, solving the mystery of where one of his favorite sweaters went, you're wearing it.
"Come on its either the easy way or the hard way" He said knowing full well you can hear him.
You didn't respond and he reached over to you and pulled your body into his lap. "The hard way it is then."
He stood up carrying you and went downstairs where Damon was sitting. By the time he got there, you were almost fully dozed off again if it wasn't for Damon throwing a pillow at your face to wake you up again. You just responded by holding up a middle finger at your older brother and then snuggling into your other older brother, going back into the comfortable position you were in before.
"You realize you do have to change before we leave the house, right?" Damon raised an eyebrow while smirking.
"Who said I was leaving?" You groaned, not wanting to leave and get out of your comfy clothes.
"We are. Everyone is meeting at Elena's house, we need to talk about the problem on our hands" Stefan says, putting you down on the armchair next to a stack of books that needed to be put back, on the ground.
"Whyyyy, so what? there's another doppelganger, big whoopty-doo" You rolled your eyes, actually not minding Silas because he was entertaining at least.
"Too bad, you're going" Damon said, putting his drink down.
You begrudgingly walk up the steps to Elena's house. You still have Stefan's sweater on, only changing from your sleep pants to dark wash, flared jeans.
When you walked in, you immediaetly make you're way down the hallway and to the left where Jeremy is playing video games. You sat down next to him after you grabbed a controller from the coffee table.
The two of you quickly immersed into the shooting game, completely forgetting the point of the whole friend group meet-up.
"Where are Jeremy and Y/n?" Caroline asked, looking around the room, not seeing the two sixteen year olds (you, biologically). "Playing video games in the next room" Elena sighed. She tried to get you guys to stop, but failed and walked away, not in the mood to fight with two moody teenagers who both don't want to socialize except with each other for some reason.
"Then I'll be right back" Caroline said.
She walked down the hall and over to the both of you. She stood in front of the tv, but before either of you could say anything, she grabbed both your guys' left ears.
She pulled you guys by your ears to the living room. "Hey!" you both exclaimed at the same time, not happy about being pulled away from your secluded area.
The next three hours are the most boring and long hours both you and Jeremy have ever had to endure. Well, before you fell asleep on top of each other and no one noticed after those couple of hours.
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mayghosts · 2 months
Hi! 🎉 Could you write a fanfic with KK harvey? The song could be hurt my feelings by Tate McRae. Some tropes I had in mind are enemies to lovers, sports rivals, forced proximity. They could get all up in each other’s face on the ice and be so mad and play rough with each other and then confront each other in the locker room when everyone’s left and it ends up angsty with them getting all close again and LOTS! of teasing as well. IDK just an idea I had it would be lovely if you wrote it !!🙂‍↕️
SUMMARY: request!!! Reader plays for Minnesota and has a long running rivalry with Wisconsin player KK Harvey. (Brad Frost is Minnesota head coach)
WARNINGS: head injuries, fighting, slightly explicit
AN: kicking off the 500 celebration with a bang!! I hope this is everything you wanted and more 🫶
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Adrenaline pumped through your veins as the crowd seemingly got louder by the minute. You knew this game was going to be crowded, you just weren't expecting it to be this packed. Pressing your lips together, you looked at the girl positioned across from you. Blonde curls peaking out from the bottom of her helmet, the number four plastered across her back. You felt your adrenaline spike harder when she made eye contact with you again.
Glancing into the crowd, you immediately spotted her. Fling or girlfriend, you weren't sure, all you knew was that KK was fucking her. Wearing an official team jacket, you watched as she cheered from behind the glass. This only made your blood boil, you blamed it on your general hatred of the girl. You readjusted your grip on your stick before the whistle blew.
Brad always told you that you don't have to prove anything to anyone. That you “play best when you’re unattached.” However, Brad has never had a long running rivalry with someone who always gets to be the good guy in the eyes of the media. He also has never had multitudes of fan edits made about the “sexual tension” between him and his rival during the last game they played together. Brad is not rivals with KK Harvey.
So you took Brads words in one ear and out the other. Every other game this season, you swore to yourself that you would keep your emotions under wrap. Play as the machine you were scouted to be. The quick, calculated, and cold player the media raved over in articles. However, today was different, and it barely counted anyways. Just another pre-season game.
The puck went to Wisconsin first. The first period was mainly uneventful. You avoided KK, letting the rage simmer in your stomach. However you could feel your disposition slipping as you entered the second period. This girl Claire had been all over you. Constantly bumping and trailing you, giving you no space, you let it slide during the first period. But with Wisconsin pulling ahead at the start of the second, your patience was wearing thin.
You could tell Brad wasn’t pleased with your perfromamce this game either, especially this period. Changing plays last minute, pulling dramatic stunts to try and dirch Claire. He knew you weren't playing how he wanted, you knew you were benched if you didn’t close the growing point gap.
You rocketed down the ice, keeping the puck close to you before firing it to your center Taylor. A perfect pass, you watched as she fired it into the net. A perfect goal. Brad would like that. You kept your speed, as you went to circle behind the net.
The collision was hard. You heard it before you felt it. Claire had come fast from the other side of the net, smashing you into the boards. Your head hit the plexiglass hard. Crumbling to the ground you landed on all fours, your vision blurred as you felt hot blood stream out of your nose.
The arena silenced at the blow of the whistle. Claire stood frozen in front of you. You stood fast, dropping you stick, before ramming your fist against her face cage.
Immediately everything swarmed. The crowd was on their feet, yelling anything and everything. KK was immediately on you, roughly pulling you off Claire as you yelled at her. “Dont fucking touch me Harvey!” she glared at you hard, her grip softend slightly as she steered you away. “You always need to be the Godamn hero! You just can't- stop, I said don't fucking touch me!!” You squirmed out of her grip, knocking her hands away. Blood dripped of your chin onto the ice as Maggie immediately came between you two. Her mouth was moving but you couldn't hear a thing she was saying, tears brimmed in your eyes as you suddenly felt all the air leave your lungs.
Crumbling into Maggie, your head pounded as she helped you off the ice. You spent the rest of the game in the health office with the lights off.
We lost by two points.
Stepping into your team lockeroom, you were met with a freshly showered and clothed KK Harvey. Clad in loose grey sweats and a black nike sports bra, she sat on the bench across from the door like she was expecting you. Her hair was still wet from the shower and she had a look on her face that you assumed was irritation.
"Oh hell no," you muttered under your breath as you immediately turned to leave, pulling the door handle. To your dismay, the door did not open. "What the fuck did you do to the door Harvey?" You pulled harder at the door which did not open. “I didn't do shit to the door, you were the last one who touched it!” you groaned closing your eyes.
“Why are you even in here? Shouldn't you be out with you team? And your girlfriend?” She was quiet, just watching you as you stated back at her. “What? You want an apology or something?” She slumped over letting her head fall into her hands
“Is the door really not opening?” You rolled your eyes at her, “what do you think?” “You don't have to be such a bitch you know? I was only here in the first place to make sure you were okay-”
“Since when have you cared about my health?” “Can you not fucking interrupt me. Please.” “Oh my god I'm going to kill myself. You are so stuck up!” You stood up, walking towards her. “When was the last time you didn't get exactly what you want? You have the media, the fans, fucking everyone, wrapped around your finger. I'm SO sick of it!” She immediately stood up to meet you, stepping just a bit too close for an argument. The height difference left you slightly craning your neck to look up at her. She was silent for a moment.
“How bad is your head?”
“...Feels like its going to explode.”
You were silent again. You looked over her shoulder refusing to look her in the eye, but you could feel her blue eyes tracing your face.
“I’m not sorry.”
“I know.”
You flicked your eyes up to hers. Neither of you stepped away, clinging to whatever remained between you.
“Want me to turn the light off?”
You swallowed hard, “Yeah, please.”
As she flicked the light off, you collapsed against the couch. KK gingerly sat on the opposite edge.
“I’m sorry the media isn’t nice to you.” Once again you found yourself wanting to poke her eyes out. “KK that's not your fault-” you paused. The nickname slipped out a little too easily. You had never called her anything besides Harvey. You could feel her looking at you in the dark room, you knew what face she was making too.
"I know its not my fault, but I've had opportunities to say something to make it better and I haven't. You are my biggest competitor on the ice, you always play a tough game. But that dosen't mean I hate you or that you're a mean person...You're mean or cruel, I know your not."
You were quiet for a moment. "I'm just so tired of everything." You wanted to die as soon as you heard your voice tremble. To be fair you had kept the tears in through the whole incident and through your long discussion with coach after the game. You were planning on crying when you got back to your dorm. Crying infront of KK was a low. Desperately you looked up, pressing the heels of your hands into your eyes.
You felt her scooch down the couch to sit next to you. Gently, she grabbed your wrists as you let her pull them away from your face. "Don't do that you're going to make your head worse." She didn't let go as she softly held your wrists, her eyes surveying your bruised hands. Letting your head lull to the side, you could make out the faint outline of her face, the curve of her nose, and the glint in her eyes.
"Don’t be.”
She slowly runs her thumb over your forearm, her eyes tracing the veins in your left arm. You watched her face as you softly tucked a stray piece of wet hair behind her ear with your other hand. She peered up at you.
“I really want to kiss you right now.” 
You felt the butterflies in your stomach explode at her words. Climbing into your throat and clouding your brain.
“-and I know I can't because you're obviouly concussed and you've had a long day and I-”
Her words trailed off as you cupped her cheek with your right hand. Tracing your thumb under her eye.
Gently, she pulled you closer to her. Your knees connecting with hers. You both lingered for a moment, just a breath away from changing everything.
She kissed you like she loved you. Soft and sweet, nothing mattered at all except for her lips and her hands still holding your wrist. Gradually she pulled you ontop of her and you slowly pushed her into the couch.
Propping yourself up on your elbows, you pulled away. Her eyes raked over your face like she was trying to commit it all to memory. “God you're so fucking pretty” you slowly made your way to her neck, sucking purple marks into the exposed skin. She hummed at your actions, dropping her head to the side, her cheeks dusted a light pink. You settled your head on her chest letting your eyed droop shut.
“I wish we talked more.” your voice came out as almost a whisper. You felt her place a kiss on your head as she responded, “lets talk tomorrow okay?”
“Nothings gonna change, you know? I really like you Caroline.”
“I know baby, I know.”
“G’night Caro.”
You fell asleep as she gently traced patters on your back and she followed soon after.
Taglist: @ayannatv @smiths-fan--13 COMMENT BELOW FOR 500 CELEBRATION TAGLIST
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pinkyqil · 5 months
Would you ever write for Irene Paredes? I feel like a fluffy mom fix with her would be so cute.
Butterfly // Irene paredes kid fic
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Summary: Irene and her kid spend the day at barca training grounds and she's just wilding
A/n: I honestly enjoyed writing this send in some Ileana request, might be one of my favorite kid fic that I wrote so send in more requests you want of her and Irene, too the anon who sent this request I hope i got it right cause it was between Irene x r with a child or Irene + child, and I went with Irene + child r if this isn't what you wanted you can always send it in again and I'll do it properly hope y'all are enjoying my writing we'll be ignoring any mistakes has there yet to be finally edited.
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You've been good all day for mami meaning you get to go too tomorrow's partice getting to see your favorites people's and run around a ball the whole day.
Mami had promised to take you with her if you showed that you could be on your best behavior which you did and tomorrow you get the vist the barça girles.
You we're so excited that you went to bed early praying that tomorrow would come really quick.
Mami had gotten you this all black training kit that was just for you which the girls fanned over cause of how adorable they found you in it.
Irene woke you up a little earlier than the usual time she gets you up. after getting you and her dressed it was time for breakfast she gave you some waffles and sausage and grape juice one of your favorites.
You thought to yourself that today must be really special since mami gave you a special breakfast something different from what you usually have.
"Mami up up car now finish eating can we go to prawctice now". You asked basically rushing her, for a soon to be five fingers old you speak very well.
"un momento baby let mami finish cleaning up before we go okay why don't you go make sure we got everything packed in your training bag okay".she told
"Okay". you told her before running of to make sure you had everything.
"Aye cariño, no corras". she told you
"Si mami". You replied but just walking a little faster instead of running.
Finally arriving at practice with what felt like eternity you had gotten excited the moment mamì pulled up at the parking lot. With that you'd Immediately taken off your sit belt from your big girl car sit and opening the car door to run off.
Irene who quickly parked properly before scolding you. to make sure no one got hurt along with you.
"Oh dios mio Ileana we don't do that". she told you with the scary voice.
"lo siento mami". you told her before taking her hand after worrying her with the stunt you had pulled just now.
"Ai Irene don't be harsh on the little one she's just having a little fun".
mapi came into the conversation after spotting you both getting out and your crazy little stunt.
"Maria your child might be allowed to do crazy stuff but that doesn't mean my should". Irene told her injured teammate.
Before both adults could say any more you had spotted Caro and Marta coming out of their car.
which you sprinted your little legs over to them.
"Ro Ro Ta Ta". You said greeting the couple as they picked you up.
"nena how are you". Marta said while holding your hands so you wouldn't run away from irene again.
"Good me go training today". you told her
" We can see darling how about we walk in together while your mama gets your stuff". she said
"Irene wil take her inside with us". caro told her.
"Thank you guys don't run around while I'm not there Peque stay with you aunties and wait for me bébé . She told you.
The whole day training was fun you got to spend the whole day with your favorite aunties and wacht the youngsters pull one of the funniest pranks on the older girls you'd laugh even though mamí told you not too.
You'd got passed around training to see what different excerise the girls were doing. You had play time with vicky esme and jana who had fun playing dolly with you.
After a while Irene finally let you go more further into the pitch with your ball but you had to stay closer.
You tried getting way more distant than you should cause you saw a group of butterfly and seek them out.
Until you got pulled back by lucy who saw you trying to escape your original spot.
"Where are going Peque". She questioned you
"Butterfly". you pointed for her to see before running around trying to catch them.
"Ileana what did we say about running around like this in practice". Mami scolded you
"Irene let her have a little fun she's been very good the whole day let her chase". Alexia butted in especially after seeing how happy you look.
"Fine don't run that much bèbè". she yelled so you could hear.
"gracias mami". You told her before chasing after the butterfly with mapi who honestly couldn't keep up with a four year old
"Ai marià you can't keep up with four year old or what".alexia told her with a teasing tone making the whole group laugh.
"She's very fast even you yourself wouldn't be able to keep up". mapi said trying to catch her breath she was definitely done chasing a four year old and butterflies.
Irene came swooping you up and carrying you so you could get a better view of the lovely butterfly and how pretty they're. you tried catching them now that you were closer but
"No we don't hurt them". Mami told you with her stern voice.
"but I want. You tried telling her
"No Peque you can't have them okay".
"Fine". you said grumpy but to tired too do anything.
The ended with you falling asleep on the drive back home mama had gotten you a new toy butterfly. and made you your special spaghetti that you got all over yourself thinking you could feed yourself.
You went to bed early so you could grown bed and strong like your mama to play football like her one day.
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paigebueckersmommy · 3 months
somewhere only we know - c.h
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caroline harvey x fem!reader blurb
warnings- nothing just really bad fluff cuz i suck at writing it
a/n: i gave up with the banner and trying to make it look better 😭 anywho send more kk requests the earth is lacking with kk fics anywho i iterally hate this
you were sitting on your couch, not doing much of anything, you phone starts ringing, it’s kk.
you answer her, “hiii baby” kk says over the phone, sounding excited. “hiii kk, you sound excited?”
“uh yeah- do you think you can be ready for me to pick you up in a couple minutes?” kk says, you immediately sit up, knowing you were in sweats and looked pretty rough,
“uh- y-yeah? where are we going sweetheart?” you asked her, “it’s a suprise, nothing fancy. i’ll see you soon ma.” kk said before hanging up.
a couple minutes later kk texts you, “here baby” and you walk down, seeing kks car in the parking lot. she opens your door for you, “hiii pretty girl,” she says with a smile opening your door.
she kisses you softly when you sit down in the car before going to the drivers side. she got situated in her seat with a smile. “how far is the suprise kk?” you say looking at her,
“just 15 minutes, it’s in a town a couple minutes from here, poynette i think.” kk said as she started driving from the campus of your college.
as she said, about 15 minutes later you arrived at a building, and kk parked. “what is this place?” you said confused, it looked almost like a church.
“you’ll see, ma.” she said before coming to open your door, and holding your hand as she took you down a few steps on the side of the building, a gazebo and a lake with greenery surrounding, the sunset behind the lake complimenting it.
“this is beautiful kk.” you say taking in the view. “how’d you find out about this place?”
“i came here a few months ago, before we started dating, for a banquet i think. this t place is used for all types of things.” she said as you two walked closer to the lake, when you two reached the small gazebo, you two sat on a bench in it.
you two sat in silence for a few minutes, until you put your head on her shoulder, she broke the silence. “i love you sweetheart.”
“i love you too.” you say before a couple minutes pass by and your be real notification going off, perfect timing. kk saw and brought her hand from your shoulder to your face, pressing your faces together and the other side showing the sunset.
“i love how excited you get over those.” kk said as you hit send, smiling.
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ghostmaldo · 7 months
ꨄStardew Valley Headcannons: Artist farmer leaves a sketch for their love interest to find ꨄ
This took me so long to write, I’ll cry if this flops, but its fine ;-;
I might draw out the poses honestly… gives me something to do hehe Xp
No warnings, fluff, comfort, GN!Reader
Ask box: Open 💙
ᡣ𐭩 Penny ᡣ𐭩: Ooooh this sweet child, I just want to take her away from all of her troubles-
~It’s been a long day for Penny. She’s been spending most of the day tutoring Vincent and Jas, taking them out into the wilderness and to the library. Standing outside for a moment while the rain pelted the library rooftops. Of course, eagerly chatting with farmer while they ran around town doing their usual chores.
~ Between all that of course she’d have a altercation with her mother. Nothing she can’t handle but that dosen’t mean it dosen’t hurt any less. So, she practically dragged her feet back to her camper (RV? Whatever that thing is called).
~She reaches out for the handle of the door, then she stops. What this…?Her eyes blowing open slightly as she sees a neat envelope sticking out of the crack in the door. She see’s her name written in a sparkly gel pen as she retrieves from the door. Her heart starts to beat a bit harder in chest…
~She carefully opens the envelope. The scent of a sweet smelling perfume pulls at her heart strings further. Someone must have put a lot of thought into this little gift…for her…?
~Unfolding the paper from inside, she takes in a sharp breath. It’s a portrait drawing, of her sitting in fields. It’s gorgeous… It looks exactly like her… Penny marvels at each pencil stroke. Even the little smudges at the ends of the paper catch her eye. She almost feels like crying. And a single tear does fall when she sees the signature at the bottom.
From: (Farmer)
~The farmer, as if one Que, appears behind her. “Oh you found it! I was worried it might-“
~She can’t hold herself back from throwing her arms around the farmer and hugging them tight. The farmer returning the embrace happily. Penny didn’t know how the farmer knew, but she needed to see this after the kind of day shes had.
~She frames the drawing and keeps it in a special place her mother can’t find. Often looking at it when she needs a pick me up and instantly she feels a little better about life.
ᡣ𐭩Shane ᡣ𐭩 Disclaimer: Due to my own personal experiences/triggers I’ve been warned by my friends I shouldn’t play his route and I’ve only really picked up things here and there so it may not be perfect, but I still want to include him as he is still very deserving of affection. That being said, this is where farmer and Shane have a few hearts between each other and he dosen’t hate them entirely ^^
~Another late night walking back alone to his Aunt’s house from the saloon. His head is swimming with all the beer in his veins, swaying from side to side on his feet as he walks. Eventually arriving to his doorstep, through his blurry visions. He makes out his name on the front of his door. “Shaaane… thats my name.”
~His a bit confused at first. Reaching out to touch the letters of his name written in the sparkling gel ink. That’s when realized his name is written on an envelope of some kind. The confusion on his face only deepens. What kind of joke was this? He certainly wasn’t laughing.
~He grumbled as he fumbled with opening the letter. Revealing the picture of himself with his chicken Charlie… He blinks… and blinks again… He stares at the picture for a long time. His drunken mind unable to process what his looking at. At the bottom of the page he reads:
“From (Farmer)”
~He feels a tightness form in his chest. He almost wants to be angry the farmer left this for him to find… Yet… he thumbs over the thin strides of ink forming his face.
~After several minutes of just standing there holding the drawing, he carefully tucks the drawing into his coat pocket. Wondering inside and briefly forgetting about it as he throws himself into bed to sleep off the hangover. The farmer somehow finding themselves into his dreams.
~He won’t bring up the drawing for a few days I think. Not exactly knowing what to say. It isn’t until he sees the farmer one random afternoon buying supplies from Marnie that he catches them before they leave.
“Uhh, thanks for this.” He takes the folded piece of paper out from his pocket, unable to look the farmer in their eyes. “It’s nice…”
ᡣ𐭩Maru ᡣ𐭩
She’s having her afternoon sit near the saloon. Enjoying the warm air and peaceful chirping of the birds near by. Penny usually does by to sit with her sometimes, but she’s pleasantly surprised to find the farmer waving at them. A brand new battery pack in their hand, instantly she perks up, wondering if perhaps…
~ It is! She’s overjoyed to receive another battery pack from the farmer. Maru already knows the exactly project she’ll use it for. She waves the farmer good bye as they have other things to do.
~Once they’ve gone. Something feels different… about this battery pack. Sitting back down and inspecting the object more closely. She noticed theres something attached to the battery. An envelope with her name written on it. “Hmmm?”
~Cursorily, she thumbed the letter open. Using the upmost of care to unravel the drawing inside. Her eyes went wide with surprise. A drawing of her at the clinic writing something on a clipboard. It was so… life like. Just by looking it over, Maru could tell it was done with care. She smiled fondly. A loud, she read: “From, (Farmer)
~Quickly, she hurried after the farmer, hoping they hadn’t gotten to far. Seeing them about to head back to their farm, she blitzed it. Hugging them from behind as she reached them. “Thank you farmer! This is the best!”
~Another one to frame it and place it somewhere special. Considers it one of her most prized possessions.
ᡣ𐭩Sebastian ᡣ𐭩
~Lizard blinking at 10am in the morning. Sebastian reaches to turn the alarm off on his phone. He groans and grumbles for a few minutes before deciding to sit up and move over to his computer. He placed his fingers on his keyboard, the abruptly stopped when he felt a strange sensation on the pads of his fingers.
~Tilting his head, he spotted… an envelope His name written in a neat sparkly cursive. Ugh… he hoped this wasn’t a joke from his mother. He carelessly ripped the envelope open, though he was careful with the contents inside. Unfolding the paper, his eyes landed on a drawing of him… one of him working on his motorcycle. One of the corners of the page reading: From (Farmer)
~Sebastian.exe has stopped working-
~He takes a slow deep breath in, heart beating wildly inside his chest. He found the gesture to be so… sweet. Sebastian admires the piece for a long while before he can focus on anything. He places it somewhere safe but where he can still admire it within his working space. It’s all he can think about for the entire days (And probably for several days after)
~In the evening time, he purposely places himself near the mines so he can show his appreciation to the farmer. He waves them over as soon as he sees them. He becomes a little shy rubbing the back of his neck nervously, but he does want to say something. “Hey, I found the drawing on my desk… Thank you… That was very kind of you…” Will hesitate to go in for a hug but if farmer meets them halfway he will gladly embrace them.
ᡣ𐭩Leahᡣ𐭩 Disclaimer#2: I haven’t tried to romance Leah yet and I know the very baseline of her personality so I apologize (again) if this one isn’t perfect but also still wanted to include her.
~Leah’s been inside her small home for most of the afternoon working on her latest project. Deciding to take a stroll through town to take a small break and stretch her limbs out. She opens her door and catches the glimpse of something fluttering downward and landing on her door mat. An envelope? What could this be?
~ Inspecting the object, she traces her finger over her name. Some of the glitter from the Gel pen rubbing off. She can’t hide the smile that creeps onto her face. She’s a bit giddy over receiving something so mysterious and thoughtful!
~She opens the letter and finds the portrait of herself inside. She’s smiling happily with her house in the background. Lead is amazed by the penmanship. Her eyes glaze over every detail, her heart swelling with emotion. At the bottom of the page is a signature: From (Farmer). She lets out a happy squeal and lightly presses the drawing to her chest.
~Quickly, she runs inside to find a frame for the piece. Placing it on a special place on her wall where she can easily admire it. Then she takes off into town as originally planned. Now with a new motive in mind.
~She’s happy to find the farmer running around town. Lead quickly catches them and pulls them into a warm hug. “Farmer! I didn’t know you could draw! I love the gift you left for me! We should have drawing sessions together!” She’s just so happy and excited to have someone to relate too and the gesture was so sweet to her.
ᡣ𐭩Sam(son) ᡣ𐭩
~Okay, okay, so his already well into his morning routine before he notices anything. He comes back into his room to retrieve his skateboard when he then notices something tapped to it. An envelope with his name written on it. He eyes cursorily as he picks it up. Honestly having no idea what the letter could possibly be about.
~Opening it up, he find the drawing of him on his skateboard. A really well done drawing of him on his skateboard. “Wow.” He grips both ends of the paper and takes a moment to admire it. Eventually finding the signature at the bottom corner of the page. From: (Farmer).
~He breaks out into a wide smile. He can feel the warmth of his own face and his heart swoons. He places the drawing on his dresser before taking off without his skateboard. He briefly pauses outside, having mean to have grabbed it. But his brain is spinning so much he just waves off the skateboard and takes off on foot to see if the farmer might be wondering around somewhere.
~And his right. He catches them coming out of the community center. He approaches them with a smile thats returned to him. “So, when did you have time to sneak into my room hm?” He teases lightly, and they share a laugh together. “Hey but really, that was really nice of you. You’re really talented!”
~Another one to become shy when he goes in for a hug but once he feels the farmer wrap their arms around him, his content.
~He’ll stick around a moment to catch up with farmer, inviting them to hangout with him and his friends sometime at the saloon. He gives them one last hug before letting them get back to their work. The whole walk home his smiling like his on top of the world.
~ Tapes up the drawing somewhere in his room, his mom asks him about one time and he blushed the whole time as he explained the farmer gave it to him. Mom finds it sweet and teases her son about it.
ᡣ𐭩 Haleyᡣ𐭩
~ Haley opens the door to her shared home and finds the farmer standing there, mud and all, trying to place the envelope of the frame of her door. They stare at each other for a moment before he nose scrunches up as she notices the mud caked around their boots. “What are you doing?” She asks a bit dryly before she notices her name inscribed on the letter.
~”Oh! Is that for me?” She plucks the letter from the farmers hand before they have anytime to explain themselves. They stand there awkwardly as she doesn’t hesitate to rip the letter open. Revealing the drawing of her with her camera. Her face turns into one of surprise, a little oh leave her lips. it’s a bit hard to tell at first if she likes the drawing…
~Then she smiles gleefully. Spinning around with the drawing still in her hands and hugging it to her chest (not so gently as Leah but the drawings fine ^^). She goes to hug the farmer but stops when they realize they’re still covered in mud. So, instead, she gently lays her hand on their shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.
~”You made me look so pretty! Thank you! If you maybe… clean up a little maybe you can join Emily and I for dinner?” The farmer happily agrees. At dinner time is when Haley hugs them properly now that their clean. Even going as far as to compliment the shampoo they used. “So much better now that all the mud is gone!” (It’s a compliment, I promise)
~At dinner time, the farmer can see Haley’s placed the drawing in a frame and has it in her living room where everyone can gaze upon her beauty capture by the farmer.
ᡣ𐭩 Harveyᡣ𐭩
~”Alright (Farmer), just take this medication as directed and make sure to stay hydrated okay? And try to be careful in those mines!” Harvey’s gives the farmer a friendly smile as they are discharged from their clinic. Linus having brought them him when he found them exhausted in mines some time during the day. He was glad to see they were alright and hoped they found some time to get some rest.
~As his going to finalize his paperwork and pass it on to Maru, he sees an envelope on top of his other paperwork… when did that get there? He read his name on the letter, lightly pulling it from his clip board. He rest up against the counter, pulling the drawing from inside. A drawing of him taking a stroll through the patchy area in town. It’s so lovely… it takes him a moment to realize it is him. “From… (Farmer)”
~His so touched by the kind gesture he just stand there for a long time. Maru has to come find him to notify him he has Marnie waiting for him and he quickly has to tuck away the piece of paper in his coat. Clearing his throat and desperately trying to compose himself. “Sir your face is a little red are you okay?”
Stutters out a: “O-Oh yes! I-I’m fine just a little warm is all.”
~His a little distracted throughout the day and he can’t seem to stifle the rapid beating of his heart. His already thinking of something he can give to the farmer as appreciation… but he can’t seem to find anything he deems would speak his gratitude… Oh well maybe…!
~After locking up the clinic for the day, he catches the farmer out of the corner of his eye. He hollers for them and smiles brightly as they approach him. He lightly scolds them for not being in bed and resting, but quickly forgives them when they show him the bottle of water tucked away in their overalls (Or however farmer may carry this item ^^)
~”Oh and thank you for the uh… letter you left me. That was nice of you…” Is a blushing red mess and his nervously fiddling with his hands. “Um don’t worry about the bill this time. I’ll take care of it… just this one.” His startled when the farmer hugs him out of nowhere. The scent of the earth coming of their clothes makes his mind go a little blank., though deep down he enjoys the interaction.
~Has the drawing carefully tapped onto his clipboard so he always had it with him.
~Emily’s happily bursts through the doors of the saloon for her shift. There dosen’t seem to be too many patrons yet as she walked over to the other side of the counter. Gus appeares suddenly and catches her attention. “Hey! Secret admirer left this for you.” He claims with a wink as he slides over an envelope to her.
~”Oh! A secret admirer?” She looks at her name on the letter fondly. Closing her eyes as she holds it up above her face, almost if she were trying to conjure a face of who would have left this for her. The anticipation becomes too much as none of the faces she makes seem’s right. She impatiently opens the letter and finds the drawing of her dancing elegantly inside.
~She gasps and her eyes double in size…. Then promptly screams in absolute delight, jumping up and down on her feet. Gus shaking his head and smiling in the back ground while he prepares for the salon. “Make sure to read the bottom left corner.” When Emily hears this, she seizes her jumping and looks back at the drawing. From: (Farmer)
~ It’s at that exact moment farmer walks through the front doors. Emily sequels happily upon seeing them. Immediately running to practically jump into their arms. “(Farmer)! This is so sweet, I love it so much! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She gives you a tender kiss on the cheek that has farmer melting. Me too farmer, me too.
~Invites them to have a drink at the bar while she works. Every so often coming over to talk with them. Anyone can tell she has an extra pep in her step and her eyes are dazzling every chance she speaks with the farmer.
~ Frames the drawing and places it in a special spot in her room. Frequently picks it up and talks to it as if it the farmer themselves.
~Elliot is peacefully taking his afternoon walk, his mind a bit busy with thinking about his writings. On his way back, he crosses paths with the farmer. Seemingly in a mad dash to get where they were going, though they do wave at each other and smile before they disappear from his sight.
~Upon returning home, he instantly spots the envelope on his door. “My, my, what is this?” He says to himself, gingerly picking up the letter and delicately prying it open. Inside, is a beautiful drawing of him at his piano. A hushed gasp leaves his lips. He covers his mouth with his finger tips as his in pleasant shock. His eyes travel all over the drawing until he finds the signature at the bottom. From: (Farmer)
~He shakes his with a smile on his face. “Oh, that farmer.” He speaks lovingly. He takes the drawing inside where he sets it on his piano like a sheet of music. Theres something brand new brewing in his mind. He sits himself before the piano, fingers tapping away at the keys experimentally. Until theres a new song dancing on them. It’s not long before his scribbling notes on blanks sheet music.
~Before the sun goes down, Elliot decides to take one final stroll through town. In hopes to find the farmer still running their many errands. Lucky for him, he finds them doing just that. Snagging them as gently as he by the arm, he playfully swings them around. “There you are (Farmer)! If I may have a few moments of your time.”
~Sits them down on the nearest bench and shows them the song he wrote for them. (Yay swooning yet?) Together they sit and chat long after the suns gone down. Invites them over the following day so he can preform said song for them. “For your art of me. I was touched by it (farmer), allow me to show you my appreciation.
~The drawing sits on one side of his piano much like sheet music
ᡣ𐭩Abigail ᡣ𐭩
~Abigail is wondering the valley late into the evening. Hitting all of her usual spots and now headed for the graveyard. It’s a pretty normal evening when she first arrives. Then theres something laying on the ground that catches her eye. An envelope with her name on it, sitting in the middle of a gravestone. “Ooooh, spooky!”
~She reached for the envelope and looks over the writing. She turns it over a few times to see if there’s anything else mysterious about the object. When she dosen’t find anything more, Abigail opens the letter. Finding a drawing of her playing her instrument in a majestic looking manner. “From: (Farmer)”
~She holds the drawing up to the light to admire the details closer. She’s so touched by the gesture. She has half the mind to run over to the farmers house right now. But decided to simply find them in the morning. By the time she gets there, they’ll be long asleep.
~Best believe as soon as she wakes up for the day shes at the farmers door knocking. When they open the door, she dosen’t waste a second in throwing her arms around the farmers neck in an embrace. “Thank you so much for the drawing! It’s beautiful! I had to come over and say thank you!”
~She’ll stay awhile and chat with the farmer before heading home. But not before she invites them over to possibly have a game night or hangout at the salon.
~Frames the picture and has it in her room where she sees it at least once each day.
~His outside throwing the football to himself before deciding to come inside. His grandparents are out and about at the moment, so he decides to sit at the kitchen table. Once his settled, he noticed something on the table. White envelope sitting undisturbed with his name on the front.
~Thinking its a note from his grandmother, he opens it without a second thought. His face drops when he sees the drawing of him inside. Football in hand. He gawks for a moment, totally caught off guard by the illustration. At the bottom he finds the infamous signature: From: (Farmer)
~He smirks at the discovery. Leaning his head into his palm while still holding the paper with admiration in his eyes. His ears momentarily perk up as he hears a familiar voice outside. His granny, and behold, the farmer themselves!
~Alex quickly gets up from his chair and quickly makes his way outside. Nearly running into his grandmother, she walks inside with a happy, knowing smile on her face. Chasing after the farmer, he catches them just in time. “Running away when you’ve left me such a charming gift?” His smirking but his mostly playing around.
~ Chats with the farmer and manages to slip in they should come over for dinner with him and his grandparents. To which farmer gladly agrees.
~While Alex was away flirting with the Farmer, his grandmother finds the image on the table and decides to place it on the fridge. Alex dosen’t have the heart to move and honestly its the perfect place for it.
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xvxni · 7 months
The Vampire Diaries Masterlist
Let's get started!
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓥𝓪𝓶𝓹𝓲𝓻𝓮 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼/ 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓞𝓻𝓲𝓰𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓵𝓼
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𝒞𝒶𝓇𝑜𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑒 𝐹𝑜𝓇𝒷𝑒𝓈
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Lady In Shining Armour
Due to the recent arrival of the Mikaelsons in town, your best friend Caroline doesn't have time for you anymore. It hurts to see you and the girl who has known since you were in diapers grow apart. But when she saves your life, confessions follow up and you realize that vampires are not the only things immortal...
Angst, fluff ---- COMING SOON!
Caroline is so not in high spirits, but you know just the thing to cheer up everyone's favourite blonde.
Fluff, a lil' bit of angst ---- COMING SOON!
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Dating Miss Mystic Falls
Headcanons of you dating (let's face it) the best Miss Mystic Falls the town has ever had.
Fluff, smut, possibly angst ---COMING SOON!
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Nothing... yet.
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𝓑𝓸𝓷𝓷𝓲𝓮 𝓑𝓮𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓽𝓽
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You're new at being a witch and you're not great at controlling your magic. You realise that your older sister Bonnie is the only one who can help you, but you got into a terrible fight with her just a few days back... but blood is thicker than water.
Angst, fluff ----COMING SOON!
Diary Entry
You're crushing on the supposed nemesis of the gang, Klaus Mikaelson, who earns a vivid diary entry. Your friend Bonnie finds out. Disaster ensues.
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Best Summer
Headcanons of you and your best friend Bonnie spending the best summer ever.
Fluff, fluff, fluff! ---COMING SOON!
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Amidst the supernatural chaos of Mystic Falls, you and your friends are fighting everyday for your lives. It is easy to be scared, but why fear when Bonnie is here?
Fluff, possibly angst ---COMING SOON!
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𝓔𝓵𝓮𝓷𝓪 𝓖𝓲𝓵𝓫𝓮𝓻𝓽
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Baking Lessons
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that two crafty teenage girls in the kitchen is the perfect recipe for a disaster.
Fluff, fluff, fluff! ---COMING SOON!
You are the youngest Gilbert, who recently found out that you had been compelled to leave town. You lose your trust in your eldest sibling, Elena.
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Nothing... yet.
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Nothing... yet.
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𝓢𝓽𝓮𝓯𝓪𝓷 𝓢𝓪𝓵𝓿𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓮
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I'm just loving that dress on you. Let's burn it.
It Has Always Been You
Under a state of intoxication (was it just the alcohol?), you reveal your darkest desires to Stefan, who does his best to make them come true.
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Nothing... yet.
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Amid the supernatural occurrings of Mystic Falls, you and your boyfriend Stefan finally find a moment for yourselves.
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𝓓𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓷 𝓢𝓪𝓵𝓿𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻𝓮
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Phone Sex
The title says it all...
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Headcanons of how you and your boyfriend Damon spend the weekend.
Slight smut, fluff ---COMING SOON!
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Your boyfriend Damon has been acting very possessive and controlling and you get into a huge fight with him. You go out for a drive to clear your head but end up in an accident instead. Damon finds you and takes you home, making up for everything he had done.
ANGST, fluff
Requested by: @imagine-all-the-fandoms
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The Mikaelsons Masterlist here
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Hola, mis amigos!
I'm Avani. I'm new here and I mostly write for myself, but I read all these wonderful stories here and I wanted to share my work as well. I live for books. I'm particularly drawn to classics and I just love the enemies to lovers trope. Cats are love and they should totally rule the world!
I'm also an amateur writer, an artist and I love cooking. I'm a Scorpio and my house is Ravenclaw. I have a knack of being obsessed with everything and anything I come across. I mostly write on Bridgerton and TVDU.
I'm an Elijah girl and have a thing for chin dimples and bespoken suits.
You can find me under #xvxni posts .
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fandomnerd9602 · 10 months
Could I request Mary Marvel and Lena Luthor (separate) with a speedster reader who makes amazing puns like "Be back in a Flash!" or "Here's a Flash fact for ya!"
Y/N runs up and kisses Mary…
Mary: love you baby
Y/N: love you too, duty calls and I’ll be back in a flash (winks)
Y/N runs off…
Mary: you’re so corny…hey! We’re supposed to be fighting crime together!
Mary flies after Y/N…
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Lena looks around at the mess in her home…
Lena texts Y/N…
Y/N runs through and cleans the whole house in the blink of an eye…
Y/N: does your flashing cleaner get his reward?
Lena: cuddles on the couch coming right up
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nana-mizu-shiki · 4 months
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Tim has a worrying fixation on chocolate fondant,
Edit: This doesn't have nearly enough notes on it yet, this fic was funny as fuck, no Angst I swear on my fanfic privileges, and more people should read it. So, Go. Click it. Read Nerds.
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“I’m also a good Christian, I’m very happy to get on my knees for Jesus.”
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"...welcome back to 'Do the Butts Match?' I'm your host Bernard, and..."
I love conspiracy theorist Bernard ( T∀T) ((ヾ(≧皿≦メ)ノ))
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pascaloverx · 9 months
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© credits for the owners of the pictures used. they don't belong to me. credit is not mine for the pictures.
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three (+18)
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen (final)
epilogue (+18)
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bubbiethesaur · 8 months
LRA doodles
(Woe, silly doodles be upon ye)
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One of my goals this year is to improve my art skills, so I’ve been trying to practice every day. And what better way to practice than to do silly LRA doodles?
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fandoms--fluff · 6 months
Crushing Hard
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Hybrid female reader x Hope Mikaelson (+mikaelson family & caroline)
Summary: Hope has a massive crush on you, a girl who basically nobody knows anything about. And her family comes for a surprise visit, yay.
Warnings: swearing
Hope has been a little obsessed with you, she admits it. She can't help but be attracted to you, you're crazy hot, not afraid to speak what you think, and your personality is amazing. And has she mentioned how drop-dead gorgeous you are?
The only setback is that you hate the school and basically everyone in it.
"You're drooling" Josie whispers into her ear. Hope snaps out of it, and brings a hand up to the corner of her mouth to find out it's completely dry. She rolls her eyes and looks up at Josie, frowning.
"Oh, you're crushing hard. Sorry for interrupting your daydream, but I'm pretty sure your family is here," Josie tells her, looking between Hope and some of her family.
"There are a bunch of newer kids this year, but still a lot of the older ones. I try to make the environment around here fully positive and happy." Caroline explains to the family. An amused snort comes from the couch a couple feet away.
"And you don't ever take a break" You glare at her. All their heads turn towards you. "This is y/n, one of the older students. I believe she came here a couple months before Hope did." Caroline sighs.
"You must be delusional because I did not come here willingly. You forced me. And still force me to be here every fucking day of the year" You stand up, crossing your arms, fury evident in your tons and stance.
"Werewolf?" Kol's the next one to speak. "I don't know, what do you think?" You snap at him before turning back to Caroline. "And that's the other thing, I've been here for how many years, and no one still knows what I am"
"You won't tell us" Caroline points out.
"Well, I would think considering you're apparently an expert on supernatural beings, and run a damn school for them, that you or anyone here would be able to tell like that" You snap your fingers at the end.
Klaus steps forward, not liking the way you've been talking to Caroline. "Oh, don't even start" You roll your eyes before he can get a word out.
"What?" Hope snaps her attention to her friend before looking in the direction Josie was a moment ago. To her surprise, her Dad, Mom, Auntie Rebekah, Uncle Kol, and Uncle Elijah are standing across the room, chatting with the headmistress, Caroline and you?
Oh no, Hope thinks to herself before getting out of her seat and quickly walking toward the group with Josie right behind her.
"Dad! What are you guys doing here?" Hope goes up to her father. "We came here for a surprise visit, but caught up in the wonderland tour," Kol told his niece, glancing at Caroline then at you.
You still have your arms crossed, leaning most of your weight on your right leg, making your left hip slightly pop out a bit more than the other.
Hope tries to keep her eyes off of you, not wanting her family or you to notice.
"Oh, nothing. Having a splendid fucking time!" You tell her in a fake cheery voice. You start walking away, "I like your shoes" you tell Rebekah before walking out of the room, your high heels clicking strongly as you do.
"She's mean..but sweet? I don't know" Caroline shakes her head. "She's like Katherine. I like her" Kol answers, smirking.
"Kol." Elijah says sternly to his little brother as Klaus galres at him.
Hope just stares at the ground, not wanting anyone to notice the flush that appeared on her face. "You okay Sweetie?" Her Mom asks. "Mhm. Uh I'm glad that you guys are here, but Josie and I have to finish a project. I'll, uh, catch up with you later" Hope tells them quickly before practically dragging Josie out of the room with her.
"What was that?" Josie asks her as Hope paces around Josie's room. Lizzie is planning a dance somewhere outside with a huge binder.
"I don't know, but now im pretty sure my family kost likely doesn't like Y/n. And if somehow my delusional relationship with her actually freaking happens then there's no point becuase there's a big chance my dad will get protective and ban her or kill her or something. Wait can she even die? I don't know, there's no way she can't die, right? Oh that would suck I'd she died before I can even make a move, or who am I kidding there's no way that's gonna happen. She probably hates me anyways. God, I'm so pathetic" Hope rants to her best friend.
"Okay, okay, calm down. You're not pathetic. You're just overthinking this way too much. There's no way Y/n hates you, I don't believe she does" Josie places her hands on Hope's shoulders, making her stop moving around.
Hope let's out a breath she didn't know she was holding in, then sighs, "I'm sorry."
"Nothing to be sorry for" Josie smiles.
You walk into the dining hall, only to be met with the same group of people. "Fucking great" you practically growl, rolling your eyes. You go over to the table lined with food and grabbed a piece of garlic bread.
As you're about to take a bite of it, a voice sounds. "Are you sure you're supposed to be eating that? It says no one is to touch the food" Elijah nods to the sign standing before the long table of food.
You glance at it then shrug, "Well too bad, I'm hungry and they don't exactly have any blood beside from fucking Thumper and Bambi" you take a bite of the garlic bread.
"So you're a vampire" Rebekah says. You twitch your eyebrow up, a smirk playing at your lips.
"Depends how you perceive it" you walk over to them, your eyes turning yellow and veins appearing under your eyes.
"A hybrid" Hayley's eyes widened a bit. "Did Hope turn you?" Klaus asks, not remembering himself ever turning you.
"Seriously? You think I'd let a girl who has a crush on me, sire me? I don't think so" you cross your arms.
"Crush?" Kol asks, knowing Hope has only told him about her crush on you. He wonders how you found out, cause there's no way his neice would've told you. Especially considering the interaction earlier today.
"Not that hard to figure out. Especially when her eyes are always on me, not the chalkboard in class" you cross your arms. "Oh, and Katherine was basically my sister, so that was a compliment back there" you smirk.
"Wait, if you're that old, what are you doing here?" Hayley asks.
"Well I'm pretty sure then Caroline would hate me more than she already does, then tell Damon and he would try to kill me, but it would end up with his head cut off his body and then Elena and everyone, and personally I don't have any fucking time or want for that. Though Damon being dead would be a bonus. So mind as well make some people, aka, Caroline miserable for a bit" you pop the rest of the garlic bread in your mouth.
"What? You still have that sappy crush on her?" You tease Klaus.
You turn around and walk out of the room. As you turn the corner, you run into Hope. She looks if you had a word, sheepish.
You sigh, realizing it, "You've been here the whole time, haven't ya?" You crossed your arms.
"Uh, yeah. Sorry," She turned before walking as fast as she could away from you. She had come down here to find her family, and instead heard you talking to them again and couldn't help but eavesdrop on the conversation.
She can't believe she's been so stupid. There's no way she's ever had any chance with you. And your acknowledging about her crush on you was just the cherry on top. She wishes she was anywhere but here now.
You look up, quietly groaning, not wanting her to find out like that. Both your age (well, sort of) and the knowledge of her crush.
You vamp in front of her in a split time of two seconds. "Look, I get it, I'm just some stupid girl who has a crush on a girl or woman I don't know! who's way out of my league. No need to rub it in my face!" She exclaims, trying not to let any tears cloud her vision.
"Hey! You're not some stupid girl, okay?" You tell her before she tries to walk away from you again. She lets out a harsh breath before looking up at you from the ground.
"And I'm not trying to rub anything in your face. Yes, I know you have a crush on me, but I don't want you to think anything bad about that. I'd never use it against you or make fun of you for it, or whatever you think I may do." You run your hands through your hair to keep it out of your face.
"And I've never thought about you in that way before, but I can say that I don't hate you as much as everyone else here," She snaps her gaze from the wall to your face, not expecting that. To have that said to her from you is basically like a simple 'I love you' to someone a person may have known for a while. It's also a really big compliment coming from you.
"So there's that" You walk closer to her before pressing a kiss on her cheek. You walk away, up the stairs to your room as Hope stands there frozen. That's one of the best solutions that could have happened at the moment, and she's practically screaming with joy on the inside.
She brings a hand up to the cheek you kissed and gently grazes her finger against the spot.
Her family then also comes down the hallway and up to her. "What happened, Sweetie?" Her mom asks, noticing her reddened face.
"Oh, n-nothing," She tells her, trying her best to hold back the grin that she has on the inside.
Kol looks from her hand placement and reddened face to her excited stance, putting two and two together. He catches her eye and smirks before mouthing 'good luck'.
That just makes her blush more than she already is if that's even possible.
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thewalkingmeepa · 1 year
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thewritersaddictions · 10 months
Requests/Drabbles: (TVD) Damon Salvatore- My Girl
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This girl's night had been planned for nearly two weeks now, so when the girls piled into the car to drive over to Bonnie's house it was a show to just beginning.
Caroline had brought the best smelling pastries. A new bakery had open up just a few days ago, she said it was treat for all the shit we had been going through recently.
Elena had grabbed about eight dozen movies off her rack at home. Tonight's theme was romcom, I had brought the wine. A few different bottles of wine.
The drive back to Bonnie's was filled with light chatter, and lots and lots of 2000's music blaring through the speakers. The fall weather was a nice touch as well as the leaves were crunched beneath the car's tire, and our feet.
We all giggled with excitment as we tired and were not successful in making the three butt couch a four butt couch. With Elena putting in the first romcom of the night, I was okay with pouring four large glasses of wine and ditching them out to their owners. Caroline and Elena were shoulder to shoulder as I and Bonnie sat pretty much ontop of each other.
It was nearly two more romcom's later before I was a giggly, content women dancing around with Elena in the living room. The ending of 'Pretty Women' was playing, my cheeks felt hot and warm to the touch.
"Elena I love you so much…" You said dragging her to touch our foreheads together. "Aww, I love you too." The air filled between us with the smell of white wine, and pastires. She giggled, so I giggled.
Caroline was fast asleep her cheek pressed into the side of the couch, and half the blanket covering her curled up body. Bonnie wasn't anywhere around, but the sound of clinking and clanking coming from the kitchen gave her away.
"Bonnie! Where'd you go!?" I screamed, yelled into the space between Elena and I. A murmured shh, came from Caroline's lip. "I'm in here you goofs." Bonnie asnwered. She didn't seem that drunk, or at least a little buzzed. "Come one sit back down Elena and I wanna watch 'nother movie." Your words starting to mumble together.
"No I called Damon, to come pick you up." Bonnie declares. You go to pout, but the thought of Damon makes me all warm, and shivery. "Okay." You don't argue with her anymore, rather you take a seat on the edge of the couch. "He said he'd be here in a few maybe ten minutes." Bonnie tells me you nod, and start to wait.
"Come on Elena, let's get you to bed ya." You can hear Bonnie talking to Elena and then a tiny grumble but nothing else. Footsteps that are loud at first, and then quiet as the two of them make their way up the stairs and to Bonnie's guests room.
Lights come through the blinds of the house, and it's just a moment later when there's a knock on the door. You jump up, rushing towards to the door. When you open it Damon is standing there with his hands on his hips. Staring at you. "Come on honey." Damon says as he stands there waiting for you at the door's frame.
"Okay." You say dopely with a smile on your fface. Grabbing your pruse at the front of the door, and grabbing his hand to walk down the stiars of Bonnie's front porch. Before the two of you can get very far Bonnie is calling out Damon's name. "You take care of her Damon, she's had at least four large glasses of wine. She pours a lot." Damon rolls his eyes, "Of course BonBon." Damon's voice echos through the tree, and night sky.
You cling to his side, as he walks you to the side of his car. The slick blue where you almost see your reflection through the paint. "You should have told me you were having a girls night." Damon says as he opens the passengar door for you. You grumlbe under your breath. "I did Damon, you just forgot." You whine.
Damon comes down to face level with you. Grasping onto the buckle to bolt you into the seaat for the ride back home. Your hand comes up to grab at his cheek. Trying to pull him in closer. "Whatever you're thinking of doing just don't pretty girl." Damon says. The latching of the buckle clicking, and before you know it the door is slamming shut and you watch as Damon walks around the car to the drivers door.
It's not until Damon is driving down the main street to get to the Salvatore residence that your hands get a mind of their own. They go from your lap, to tangled together, to just one of your thigh and the other traveling, in search of the meaty thighs of Damon. When you do finally manage to grab onto the meaty flesh the car swerves a bit. Making your shirek with both excitment and fear. "Missy if you don't put… move your hand." Damon demands. "But what if I don't wanna?" You say shaking your head in his direction. "Love, I know you okay. I know what your playing at and it's not happening." Damon says trying to control his voice.
"I'm not playing about anything." You can barely see Damon shake his head. You move wiggling beneath the belt, to get somewhat closer to Damon. "Please I just wanna touch you Damon!" You beg him. You can feel the heavy air that blows from his nose as he tries to push you away from him as he's driving down the road.
"NO." Damon says adamently. Pushing your wandering hands off his thighs and into your own lap. "Now be a good silent girl, and just sit there until we get home, and then you're going to bed." Damon demands. You huff, but sit there silently.
Just waiting to get home to annoy him further.
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Completed on: 10/18/23
Posted on: 11/18/23
Requests Master List // Drabble Master List // The Vampire Diaires Master List
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theeoriginals · 2 years
Ok. But I need to know what happened with Athena, Stefan & Caroline at that party?? 👀 in smutty detail 🙏
three’s a party 
author’s note: i was going to hell long before this so i’m unashamed 
warnings: threesome, smut, MINORS DNI! general sex things ig ? idk how to word this, they’re having all of the sex! service top athena, bottom caroline, face sitting, overstimulation, piv sex, technically unprotected sex but vampires can't procreate so we have all of the unprotected sex we want over here! girlxgirl & girlxgirlxguy. enjoy!
smut below the cut - 18+
it's natural, the way athena and caroline fall back together, the way stefan melts over athena. they're giggling drunkenly, but they're not drunk– it's not like any of them could really get drunk at this point, but the raging party downstairs and the heavy tension makes every whisper and every touch feel like it's dialed to a ten.
it feels like hours, and perhaps it is, when they finally part long enough to remove their clothes, and really, the gift is for caroline, so athena makes that her main priority. 
she dips back down between caroline’s legs, the movement familiar as she takes in her taste. 
caroline moans, head thrown back at the first bout of pleasure that sings through her body like a symphony. athena laughs into her skin, pulling back to press a trail of wet kisses on the insides of her thighs as stefan shifts behind her, brushing his hands up and down the bare expanse of her olive-toned back. 
when athena swipes her tongue through caroline’s folds again, the girl lets out a choked moan and athena shifts, using her strength to hold caroline’s legs open. her fingers dip into the meat of her pale thighs, sure to leave fingerprint-shaped bruises there in her wake if only for a moment. 
stefan grips her hips suddenly, pulling her back, and she sits up, knees digging into the mattress as caroline takes a breath, her chest flushed with the exertion. stefan spans his hands around her waist, dragging them up until he is gently cupping her jawline, tilting her head to the side and revealing the soft skin of her neck. 
caroline’s eyes darken, the faintest hint of veins crawling up beneath her eyes when stefan’s fangs brush against her skin, not piercing the skin but bringing her blood rushing to the surface. 
the sudden scent of her blood makes both of the vampires groan. “you guys are so predictable,” athena tilts her head back onto stefan’s chest, letting out a breathy, smug laugh. “i flash a little bit of neck and you can hardly contain yourselves.”
stefan makes a noise of discontent, and digs his teeth a little harder to her skin, finally piercing it. a small bead of blood bubbles up and slides down her neck, and stefan quickly dips down, dragging his lips across the red ambrosia, smearing it across her neck.
athena's smug smile falters and her breath stutters around a moan, her hand coming up to comb through stefan's hair and hold his lips to her neck.
caroline watches, her bright eyes darkened with the veil of lust that had settled over her, and she watched with rapt attention as stefan lifted his head up and brought athena into a kiss.
athena pulls away from stefan, her dark brown eyes falling back down onto caroline as the blonde squirms in anticipation. "i think we're making the birthday girl feel a little left out, stefan,"
the vampire chuckles lowly, bringing his head back up from where he'd been at her throat again, and he fixes his eyes on caroline with a smirk. "well, we can't have that, can we?"
stefan releases his grip on athena and she drops down over caroline, pressing her hands into the mattress on either side of the blonde's head.
athena slowly presses her lips to caroline's, but just before the blonde leans up into it, athena pulls away, dragging her lips across caroline's cheek and down to her jaw, resting them at her throat just like stefan had moments ago.
athena smirks against her pale skin and bites down suddenly, making caroline let out a surprised noise that quickly melts into a moan. athena pulls away, watching the bruise she's sucked into her neck slowly fade before she leans back in and makes another one in its wake.
satisfied with the breathlessness she's left caroline with, athena moves down, trailing her lips against her bare chest, nipping the skin with her teeth in between the soft kisses she was giving.
it filled her with a certain satisfaction to see the tarnish of her canines fade, knowing that even though they were healing, caroline was still writhing beneath her touch. it made her feel heady and powerful, especially with the knowledge that stefan was watching.
"athena," caroline puffs out her name, frustration laced in her voice that makes the goddess smirk against her stomach as she slowly makes her way back down to the peak of caroline's thighs.
"caroline," athena echoes her name, looking up at her from beneath thick, dark lashes. she turns suddenly, sinking her teeth into caroline's thigh one last time as the blonde finally teeters over, sinking her hands into athena's dark hair and pulling her to her core.
athena presses the tip of her nose into the sensitive skin there, not moving, looking up at the girl. "do you want something from me, care?"
caroline throws her head back, the vibrations of her words touching on her delicate nerves. "do something– tongue! use your tongue, please,"
athena puffs a laugh, the small bit of air making goosebumps break out on caroline's skin. the goddess sends a brief glance over her shoulder to her boyfriend, quirking a sharp brow.
"you heard her, stefan; tongue, please,"
stefan's fingers dig in where they're wrapped around her thighs, making her eyes flutter slightly as she turns back to caroline, finally dragging her tongue through the soft, pink folds again.
caroline's moan is partly muffled by athena's as stefan leans down, finally sinking his teeth into something else, and athena falls forward, tongue sinking deeper into caroline's wetness as stefan feasts on her.
stefan's own moan is muffled between her thighs and athena wraps her arms around caroline's thighs, letting the girl squeeze her head as she uses the hand in athena's hair as leverage to pull her in as close as she possibly can.
athena moans into her taste, eyes fluttering shut at the liquid gold that floods her tastebuds, practically pouring from caroline's weeping hole. shifting, athena undoes the complicated pretzel she'd weaved herself into and slides her hand beneath her front, bringing a finger up to delicately trace the path her tongue left.
caroline shivered at the extra stimulation and athena swiped two fingers through the arousal spread messily around her mound, and slipped them back down, right into caroline's pulsing hole.
her loud moan fills the room again, and athena smirks as she leans back into her, lips pressing against her sensitive clit. she curves her fingers, earning another poignant moan.
athena's eyes roll back as stefan follows suit, sinking two of his thick fingers into her heat, and she moans into caroline's pussy, the sound making the blonde echo one back.
"stefan," athena pulled back, chest heaving as her fingers slipped out of caroline, her own pleasure distracting her momentarily. "stefan, please,"
"what do you want?" he pants behind her, pupils dilated with lust. "tell me what you want, sweetheart."
athena drops her forehead onto caroline's lower stomach, digging her fingers into the sheets as he curves his fingers into the sensitive, spongy spot inside of her that makes her weak in the knees every time. he does it again, once, twice, three times in quick succession until she clenches around him with a prolonged moan as her release hits her.
"fuck!" athena's voice cracks on the moan that breaks from her throat and stefan pulls his fingers from her core, watching as she clenched around nothing.
caroline watches with rapt attention as athena falls apart, and she meets stefan's gaze from where he's kneeling behind the goddess. her cheeks flush even further when his hungry stare rakes over her naked form and she fights the urge to cover up under his attention. after all, caroline had never misunderstood why athena was so smitten with him. he had a way of giving his attention to people that made you feel like you were the only one in the room. of course, he only ever chose to make athena feel like that, though.
athena comes back to herself quickly, snapping her head up quickly to flick her hair out of her face. she licks her lips, swallowing as the slight tremble in her knees stops.
stefan finally looks away from caroline, turning his full attention to athena as he pores over her, brushing her hair off her face from where it was sweat-slicked against her cheeks. he presses a kiss to the corner of her mouth, holding her hair in a makeshift ponytail. "what do you want caroline to have, hm? tell me,"
"i want–" she stops, cutting herself off quickly as she presses upright onto her knees, twisting around to kiss stefan firmly. "want you to fuck me, while i make her come on my face,"
stefan nods, taking in a breath as his deep eyes shift to caroline, athena's doing the same.
under their gazes, caroline flushes, remembering that this is about her. this is for her. she isn't too dumb to realize this is a one time thing, and she won't turn any ideas down because of that.
athena wraps her hands around caroline's legs and tugs her down the bed, making the girl yelp in surprise and then glare up at athena. "you want that, care? you want me to make you come?"
caroline nods, feeling breathless all over again. just like stefan, athena was good at making you feel like you had all of her attention, but there was something about her that had always just taken caroline's breath away. knowing that she was a goddess seemed to make the effect worse, but in the best way.
"you wanna watch stefan fuck me while you ride my face?" athena smirks, as if she can read the thoughts running through her brain. "he's real pretty when he does, baby, you'll love it."
"yeah, yes– want that, i want that, please,"
"alright, move for a second," athena taps at her thigh and the blonde shifts, moving at her command.
athena twists, shifting from stefan's hold and she flops back onto the mattress with a breathless giggle. her dark hair splays out around her head, and stefan can't resist the urge to lean over her and kiss her again, stealing the laughter right out of her mouth.
athena swipes her tongue over his lips and he parts them for her, letting her lick into his mouth for a moment before she pushes at his shoulders and takes in a breath.
her dark eyes shift to caroline who watched the scene with wide, entranced eyes, and she beckoned the girl toward her with a motion of her fingers. "come here, care,"
hesitantly, caroline scoots towards the top of the bed on her knees, swinging a leg over athena's head, careful not to pull her hair or hit anything as she went.
"wait," athena's gaze shifted from her face down to her bare center as it hovered over her, and she smirked at caroline's shaky sigh. "turn around, face stefan."
caroline whined, pink flooding her cheeks. "'thena,"
"don't you want stefan to see how pretty you look when you come? come on, baby, you'll be fine,"
caroline didn't put up much more fight, the thought of stefan having his eyes on her making her stomach clench with arousal. she carefully shifted, turning around to face the other vampire as he kneeled between athena's thighs, bringing her legs up to straddle his hips.
stefan smirked, quick to take athena's lead in a situation. he leaned forward, cupping caroline's cheeks as she glanced away from him.
"look at me,"
her blue eyes quickly met his green ones and she inhaled sharply at the heavy gaze.
"we'll take care of you, yeah?"
caroline nodded silently as he trailed his thumb down, dragging the pad of it across her bottom lip and tugging slightly. instinctively, caroline's tongue darted out, bringing his thumb just barely into her mouth, enough for her to lathe her tongue over it before nipping at it slightly with her teeth.
stefan inhaled sharply, hand clenching on her jaw at the action.
he looks away from her, tearing his eyes to where athena rests in between caroline's thighs, looking between them with an insatiable lust that makes his blood sing through his body. he wraps a hand around himself, releasing his hold on caroline's jaw as he finally lines himself up with athena's weeping hole, dragging his leaking tip through her folds just to hear her frustrated puffs of air like always.
he smirked slightly before pushing into her, and he let out a soft moan at the familiar feeling of her warm, tight walls gripping at him, pulling him further into her. athena let out a high pitched noise, one of relief as he finally gave her what she wanted.
caroline watched as he sunk into her, his hips pressed firmly against her ass as athena tried to thrust up into him, trying to make him move immediately.
stefan pushed her hips down with a grunt, fingers digging into the skin there and steadying her.
taking the silent order as it was, athena suddenly pulled caroline down onto her face, sliding her tongue from the top of her clit to her hole, before sinking into her to fully feast.
caroline threw her head back, falling forward over athena's upper half and planting her hands on the mattress as stefan began thrusting in and out of athena steadily.
athena quickly pulled caroline closer to her again, not letting the girl get too far away before she was furiously licking at the arousal that was dripping from her.
"'thena," caroline moaned out her name, eyes squeezing shut at the onslaught of pleasure that washed over her. "fuck,"
the goddess pulled away slightly, using her fingers to spread the spit and arousal around, making a mess out of the girl. "look at stefan,"
caroline let out a breathy whine as athena pushed a single finger into her, not enough to truly stimulate her but enough to make her want more.
"look at him, caroline," athena muttered, pulling her finger out to add another one in beside it. "let him see you, let him touch you,"
caroline pushed herself up, resting her hands on athena's waist as she slowly met stefan's gaze, already finding him looking at her. caroline whimpered as athena swiped at the sensitive spot inside of her teasingly, eyes rolling back slightly before stefan brought a hand to her jaw again, forcing her to look at him.
"does it feel good, caroline? is athena making you feel good?"
she nodded, swallowing roughly around the lump in her throat. "yeah, yes, please, more," she let out another moan as athena licked around her fingers, picking up a rougher pace. "stefan,"
athena moaned into caroline's core and stefan smirked, slowing his thrusts down as he lowered his hands to caroline's chest, swiping at her sensitive nipples.
stefan lowered his head, swiping his tongue across her tits, careful to keep both of them equally lavished in attention as caroline's peak grew closer.
"i'm gonna–"
"are you gonna come?" athena slowly added a third finger in her, and she moaned out, feeling the goddess push against her spot, this time with more purpose. "come, caroline. do it, now,"
under her spell, caroline shuddered as her climax hit her, a low moan spilling from her lips as athena kept her fast pace, not giving her a second to come down from her high.
"athena, 'thena, please,"
"do it again," athena muttered pressing purposefully against the spot, almost immediately bringing caroline to her second high. "that's it, come on,"
"i can't, i can't,"
"yeah, you can, come on," athena slowed, pulling her fingers from caroline to give her a moment's break. "we're almost there, we're almost done. you can give me a third one, come on,"
caroline watched as stefan picked up his thrusts again, skin slapping against skin as athena started to lap at her sensitive pussy again. "yeah, yeah, one more– one more, fuck!"
the blonde moved, bringing her fingers down to athena's mound to swipe them through the pooling slick there, and she teased around her center, making athena and stefan moan out at the extra stimulation.
bringing her fingers back up, she pressed down on athena's clit, rubbing the button in gentle circles that quickly sped up.
athena moaned into her core and the vibrations made her shiver. doubling down on her mission, athena pressed her tongue firmly against caroline's clit and swirled it around, feeling like she was about to lose her mind as her own climax approached.
athena pulled away, panting for air as stefan drove her to her peak and she felt the suddenly sloppy roll of his hips as he drew closer.
"fuck, fuck," caroline moaned out, the sounds echoed by the other two, though her moans her quickly swallowed as stefan pressed his lips to hers. caroline moaned as his tongue swiped against her lips and she mirrored the move, dragging her tongue against his.
"come on, care," athena panted, repeatedly pushing at the over-sensitive button inside caroline's warm walls. "together– let's do it together, come on, give it to me,"
caroline breaks from stefan, falling forward again as she put more pressure on athena's clit, briefly flicking her eyes up to see stefan's roll back in his head.
"oh, fuck," athena's breathless words seem to fill the room and it's an unintentional command to them all to let go.
low moans from stefan are drowned out by the desperate ones caroline lets out, and athena's are muffled into the meat of caroline's thigh as her fingers remain thrusting relentlessly in and out of the girl.
"athena, fuck!"
caroline grips at the bedsheets as athena finally slows, pulling her fingers from her as the aftershocks tremble through her legs.
stefan lets out a somewhat shaky sigh as he pulls from athena's wet heat, his eyes looking at the mess he'd made of her.
caroline swings her leg back over athena's head and practically collapses onto the mattress, earning a breathy chuckle from stefan as he slid off the mattress, coming around to the other side of the bed.
athena blinked tiredly, wiping a hand over her mouth and chin with an exhausted but still smug smirk on her slick, red lips. she let out a heavy breath and laughed to herself. "i think i could sleep for a thousand years after that, holy shit,"
stefan hummed lowly in agreement, but he tugged at athena's arm and gestured to caroline. "shower first, then bed,"
caroline groaned, turning her head away from him. "bed now,"
"no, we're all sweaty and sticky, and these sheets are already going to have to be washed, we need to shower," stefan reaches over athena and pushes her shoulder, making her get to her feet as she grumbles unhappily.
"fine! fine, we can shower first,"
"no," athena mumbled, her eyes fluttering shut as she waved them off.
"not. happening."
stefan heaved a sigh, rolling his eyes upwards towards the ceiling as caroline shook her head with a laugh, already heading towards the bathroom to turn the shower on.
stefan turned and picked athena up before she could realize it, and he heaved her over his shoulder, making her yelp in surprise.
"we're showering, athena," he muttered, walking towards the bathroom. "then we can go to sleep."
"you are so mean,"
he laughs, bringing a large hand up to slap at the bare skin of her ass, making her yelp out, the sound barely concealing her slight moan. "come on, sweetheart, the party doesn't have to end yet. it's still caroline's birthday, after all."
athena's silent for a moment and then she hums in agreement. "three's a party,"
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braveclementine · 3 months
Gonna Give All My Secrets Aw-a-ay
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, smut, fingering, breast worship, pet names
Copyright: I do not own any Twilight characters or locations. I do own Davina Mikelson and Marcel. I also own the backstory for my OC. I do not condone any copying of this.
Davina P.O.V.
Birds are annoying. I mean, seriously. When you're trying to sleep and they're just going "Cheerp cheerp! CHEERP CHEERP!" Honestly, it sounds like they're screaming.
The pain had been immense, the way I imagined being a vampire and being set on fire must feel. You know, if you're set on fire alive. They weren't kidding when they said becoming a vampire was painful.
I much preferred the vampire diary way. Drink some vampire blood. Snap your neck. Ba bam- you're a vampire.
I wondered how long it was exactly that I was out. I knew it ranged anywhere between two to five days, depending on where the venom was injected and lots of other lovely factors. The stronger the heart, the shorter the time. And if the venom was injected into the heart or near it, then it was more on the two to three day side.
Of course, the ending brought tears that couldn't spill to my eyes. Watching memories. I could see everything that had ever happened in my life play backwards. From the pain, to the wedding, the Marcel's changing, to the newborn fight, to spying on Seattle, to being in Kentucky with some of my family, finding out I was a werewolf, Sam's sister, and then there was Laurent trying to kill me, Edward telling me about them leaving, being in the hospital because of James, coming to Forks, the last few years of working to get a plane ticket, the bombs going off, Azim and I kissing, Azim and I laughing, meeting Azim's parents, going to gymnastics meets and Tae Kwon Do competitions, learning military strategy, moving to the base, being back in Forks, running around with Paul and Sam, swimming in the ocean, Kol's birth, Josh arguing with Sam's mother, a four year old playdate with Tyler Crawley, and then being born in a hospital.
My eyes snapped open. The pain was gone. Good. It felt like I had been burning for years.
The first thing I heard were birds and I almost groaned in annoyance. But I could also hear squirrels crunching on nuts, rabbits sprinting through the forest, a mountain lion- or maybe a bear but it definitely had hunting feet- walking over stone and rock, the violent flapping of hummingbird wings.
Feeling wise, I could feel the soft fabric of the sheets beneath me. Soft, fluffy, and warm. I could also feel that I was wearing something made of silk, but I didn't move my head to look down quite yet.
As for the smells. . . I could smell so many different smells. There was cinnamon, hyacinth, pear, sourdough bread, pine, vanilla, leather, apple, moss, lavender, chocolate, lemon and lime, tomato sauce, almonds-ew-, roses, jasmine, lilies, plastic, and so many other different smells. The strongest smell was seawater.
I took in a shuddering breath, feeling the air move through my lungs, but not really. I looked around the room. The ceiling was white, dust motes flying in the air. I could read the titles of all the books on the shelf across the room.
I sat up slowly, moving my legs over to the side of the bed, getting to my feet. I caught sight of myself in the mirror and stared in horror at the red eyes. My dark hair and pale complexion gave me a Snow White complexion. I was just missing the blue eyes.
I had been lucky with my complexion though. I had been captured in a mid-tan state, my dark skin coming out only after being in the sun for long periods of hours. I now looked Half-Cullen like, Half- Quileute like and I loved it.
I pursed my lips at the choice of dress Alice had clearly dressed me in. It was a green colour that balanced out the skin and eyes nicely. Except for the fact that I was not wanting to be in it. I much rather wanted to wake up in jeans and a T-shirt.
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I could hear voice downstairs and I could distinguish Emmett, Jasper, Carlisle, Alice, and Bree's voices.
I darted down the stairs, stopping in front of Alice, my arms crossed angrily.
"Davina!" Carlisle said in surprise, "You're up early."
"Early?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.
"It's only been two days." Emmett said, looking me over, "Looking good Mama bear."
"Really Alice?" I questioned, gesturing to the dress. "Really?"
"What? It's a wonderful dress to go on your first hunting trip in." Alice said, putting an elbow on Jasper's arm.
I looked at her incredulously, "You want me to go hunting in. . . this?"
Jasper shifted uncomfortably, "That's what you care about?"
I looked up at my favorite son, "What do you mean?"
Jasper looked confused, "I don't understand this."
I stared at him blankly and then looked around for an explanation. Bree was the one who answered, "He means. . . you care more about the idea of your hunting attire than thirst."
"Oh." I said, thinking. I concentrated on my throat but I didn't feel anything. "Where should I feel. . . hungry?"
They all stared at me in surprise, "In your throat." Emmett explained.
I concentrated and then shook my head, "Maybe I'm just not thirsty yet."
"Maybe we should go hunting anyways." Carlisle suggested, reaching out to take my hand. I slid my hand into his, feeling the smoothness of his palm, the creases where the lines were, and finding that he was no longer cold nor hot, but that we were the same temperature now.
I looked up at him, staring into his honey coloured eyes and then reached up to kiss him on his lips. He tased wonderful, like things I couldn't even put into words. His lips were hesitant against mine and full. I pulled away, smiling, "Let me go change."
"No." Alice pretty much growled at me.
I sighed, "Yes, let me try tackling a grizzly bear in this dress. It'll get ripped and I actually kind've like it."
"You could go nude." Emmett said, grinning and winking at Carlisle who rolled his eyes.
I actually kind've liked the idea.
Jasper shook his head, drifting away from the room. I looked after him, my smile fading, "What's wrong?"
"He has never seen a newborn with this kind of self control." Alice said and then drifted after him.
"Oh. Great. I'm still weird even after my death." I muttered.
"I don't know." Emmett said in a serious voice, smirking. "You haven't quoted Harry Potter once since you've awoken. You might be going sane."
I stuck my tongue out at him and then tugged on Carlisle's hands. "Come on then."
Carlisle and I exited the house. It was a sunny day and I stared, my hand outstretched as the sun bounced off my skin, sending sparkles out, glittering across the pavement. I stared at Carlisle whose face was glittering.
"You look so handsome." I murmured, wanting to take him to bed at that moment.
Carlisle smiled and I felt my heart do flips. Well. . . not my heart, but ya know.
"And you look absolutely breathtaking." He breathed.
"Except the eyes." I said with a sigh, preening as he swept a strand of my long black hair back from my face.
He gazed at me, sliding his thumb across my cheek and I relished the feeling of his hand. "Even with the eyes you are stunning."
"Well," I said, taking his hand, squeezing it lightly. "Let's go hunt some animals and make them gold."
Carlisle nodded, "Ready?"
I nodded, preparing myself, and then started to run.
It was amazing. It was better than my motorcycle. I flew across the forest, laughing a little, and when we reached the creek, I leaped without thinking, feeling myself almost fly as I crossed the water.
I landed lightly on the balls of my feet, continuing to run, thinking of nothing but the wind caressing my skin and then- Carlisle stopped me.
"We don't want to go to far." He purred. His eyes were raging between black and yellow and I smirked.
"Well hello, Lord. I see you're trying to make an appearance."
"Well," the eyes became completely black, "You look completely ravishing like this."
"You've completely taken over Carlisle." I complained lightly, walking my finger sup his tight sweater.
"He's trying to figure out your self control so he's to distracted to try and take over." Lord smirked before smashing his lips to mine.
Oh yes. I liked where this was going.
My back hit a tree, making the plant shake underneath my body. I barely felt the bark scraping against my impenetrable skin, pushing back fiercely against Lord's lips. So rough and smooth and delicious.
His hands ripped the dress from behind and I tore his sweater off of him. I growled, seeing the light blue buttoned up shirt underneath. "You wear to many clothes Lord."
"Blame Carlisle." Lord growled, biting at the skin on my neck. He pulled back and murmured, "I can leave a bruise. Good."
I chuckled before using strength and speed, sending the both of us crashing into an opposite tree as I pressed against him tightly.
And then I paused, lips hovering above his, "The kids?"
Lord's black eyes melted, becoming tawny again and Carlisle actually shook his head like he was trying to clear his mind. HIs eyes lingered over where he'd ripped part of my dress, revealing the top of my cleavage. He cleared his throat and said, "I do apologize for that. And they're at our house. We can go see them after we hunt."
I nodded, my mind focused solely on the hunt. "Let's find a few rabbits then."
He raised an eyebrow, "Rabbits?"
"Or squirrels." I muttered, thinking back to Vampire Diaries. "That's what they eat in Vampire Diaries."
Carlisle chuckled, reaching out his hand. I took it without hesitation. "Let's find you a mountain lion, shall we?"
I laughed lightly, running again. This time, I led, following my heightened senses to a cave.
"Can I just walk in there and eat it?" I questioned.
Carlisle seemed a little anxious and muttered, "Maybe we should find deer instead."
I raised an eyebrow. "It's not like the mountain lion is going to hurt me."
The mountain lion suddenly paced out of the cave, growling at me.
I could smell it, and while it was appealing, it didn't send me wild like I thought it might've. I stalked forward, avoiding its claws, and bit down into the neck.
I tasted the blood, gushing into my mouth. It was. . . sweet? I don't know how else to describe it. It was satisfying, but it tasted different and I realized that was because I was dissecting the different tastes of the blood. I could taste the water, the salt, and even the plasma. I wrinkled my nose a little bit, trying to ignore the taste that way.
I pulled back once I was done. I had done pretty well, I thought. I'd barely spilled any blood on my dress. I turned to look at Carlisle who had a strange expression on his face.
"What?" I asked, racking my brain. "Did you want some?"
"It's not that." He said softly, coming over and pulling me into his arms. "It's just. . . well first it's very hard watching you drain something that would normally kill you. And for another, you're thirst didn't take you over. You were very calm in your feeding. And. . . you also didn't seem to enjoy it."
"Well." I said, frowning slightly. "I've always liked big cats. Maybe I should go after a bear instead. Those scare me. I might not feel as bad about killing a bear than a cat. And well, for another, it was the taste."
"What do you mean?"
"I could taste the individual components of the blood." I explained, wiping my bottom lip. "The water, the salt, the plasma, it wasn't the best taste in the world."
"Oh." Carlisle whispered, frowning deeper.
"Now can we go see our kids?" I asked.
Carlisle was still staring at me and I recognized this face from my months of interning under him. He was analyzing me like a data project. "Carlisle?"
He snapped out of it. "Our kids? Yes, we can go see them now."
"It's only been two days. . ." I murmured, "What are they like?"
"They're wonderful." Carlisle said with a small smile, "Come on, I want you to meet them."
"Are they. . . have you noticed any signs of danger from them at all?" I asked in worry as we ran back, not to the main Cullen house, but our small cottage.
"Nothing." Carlisle said and then frowned slightly. "They bite a lot. Esme- she's the one whose been helping me take care of them but she hasn't told anyone else about them- she said that when our little girl bites, she doesn't feel anything. But the boys are venomous."
"Two boys and a girl?" I breathed out.
Carlisle nodded, "The boys are identical. The girl looks more like me."
I smiled. "What did you name them?"
We stopped running once were in front of the front door to the house. Carlisle stopped me, picking me up into his arms, carrying me across the threshold before kissing me on the lips.
I giggled as he set me back down on my feet.
"I'm letting you name them." Carlisle murmured.
I shivered, nervous. I already had boy names in my head, but nothing for the little girl.
"Carlisle?" Esme's voice floated out the door. She appeared, holding a very small baby with long golden locks in her arms. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of my daughter.
"Oh." I gasped.
Esme's hold tightened around the baby. "They're still part human Davina."
Carlisle wrapped his arms around me tightly. "Breathe deeply."
I was nervous, not wanting the scent of my daughter to attract me. I let out a stuttering breath and then breathed in.
I could smell honey, cinnamon, and parchment, like the way Carlisle smelled. And I could smell her blood which smelled sweeter than the mountain lion, but it was nothing. I felt nothing. I was still relaxed in Carlisle's arms and then asked, "Can I hold her now?"
Esme was shocked, looking from me to Carlisle.
"Maybe you have a self control gift." Carlisle said, but he didn't relax his arms. I sighed, staring a the blond girl.
"She doesn't look like she's two days old. . ." I whispered.
"She's around three and a half months." Carlisle whispered behind me.
Fear spiked through me, "So. . . she's aging much faster than normal?"
"Yes." Esme said. "All three of them are."
"But- but then- then they might not live very long." I panicked. Venom stung at my eyes and I quickly blinked.
"No, they might not." Carlisle said, kissing my cheek.
"Oh." I whimpered.
"Esme, I think she's alright." Carlisle said, letting go of me.
I stepped forward cautiously, extending my arms for the little girl. Esme handed her over and I shivered. Her skin was warm, her heartbeat faster than I thought it should be. Her eyes were ice blue and I looked at Carlisle, trying to imagine him with blue eyes.
He smiled a little, "I could put contacts in if that helps your imagination."
I giggled a little, the sound lighter and less horse-goat-sheep sounding than it used to be. More like an angel now I guess. "Sorry. Personally, I was thinking your eyes might've been green."
"Sorry to disappoint."
I was suddenly by his side, pressing my lips to his, our daughter between us, "You don't disappoint me. Ever."
Then I pulled away and was in the babies room in a heartbeat. The two boys truly were identical, around the same size as their sister.
"Do you have names?" Esme asked me quietly.
I nodded, "For the boys anyways."
The only difference between the boys was that one of them had short black hair while the other one had curls and they were a tad degree lighter.
I handed the baby girl back to Esme with reluctance, picking up the one with straight black hair. I held him out to Carlisle and said, "This is Samuel Carlisle Cullen."
Carlisle smiled, kissing the top of my head, before taking his son into his arms. I turned back, picking up the last baby, looking into his eyes and said softly. "This is Niklaus Kol Cullen."
Niklaus after the hybrid. Kol was after my brother.
I turned to the girl, having no idea what to name her. Nothing seemed to fit her right. Kijana? Jasiri? Temperance? Kisa? Naomi? Camille? Luna? Kiara?
"Caroline. . . Elizabeth Cullen." I finally decided.
"Those are all wonderful names." Esme decided.
I hesitated and then asked, "I feel so normal. Why?"
Carlisle shook his head, "This could be your gift. Self-control."
"Do the children show any signs of gifts?" I asked.
"Not yet." Esme said. "But of course, they might not be able to have gifts. Or maybe they'll develop later."
I nodded and then looked at Carlisle, "I need to make a call."
I paced by the treaty line. I was terrified, unsure. Carlisle stood nearby. He had promised to be there so that I wouldn't hurt them.
"They're coming." Carlisle said and then laughed quietly. "I didn't have to tell you that."
I smiled a little. "It'll take some getting used to, I'm sure."
Sam appeared first and I was surprised he wasn't in wolf form.
I felt a smile break out over my face at the sight of him. "Hey Sammy."
"Hey shorty." He said, grinning. "You look. . . yourself. 'Cept the eyes."
I shuddered, "I hate the eyes. But. . . Carlisle thinks I have the gift of self-control. Yay I guess. I was kind've hoping to be able to shoot lightning from the sky but I'll take what I can get."
Sam raised an eyebrow, looking between Carlisle and I. "She really hasn't changed at all."
Carlisle chuckled, "No. No she hasn't."
"How is everyone?" I asked. "Have you heard from Jacob at all?"
Sam paused and then said, "How about you come down on the Rez."
I blinked. "What?"
Sam sighed, "Billy, Sue, Old Quil, and I. . . well we might've come up with a late wedding gift for you. We decided, as you're basically the wolves mother, you could come down on the Rez. You're the only one, mind you, although Carlisle, you're not that bad."
"Thanks." Carlisle muttered, but he looked worried, "Are you sure you're okay with this?"
I paused, glancing over at Sam and then sniffed tentatively. I cocked my head to the side, "You don't smell."
Sam looked surprised and then said, "You don't smell either. Well, not bad anyways."
Carlisle looked stunned. "I don't understand this at all."
I tilted my head, "Could it be because I'm- or was- half werewolf? So maybe I don't have an aversion to them?"
Carlisle hesitated, "I need to research this."
He was in front of me in a flash, taking my face in his hands, kissing me hard. I kissed back fiercely, wrapping my fingers into his hair. We kissed until Sam cleared his throat. "I'm as romantic as either of you, but I don't like watching my little sister kiss anyone."
I giggled, pulling back from Carlisle. "I'll see you back at our house, okay?"
Carlisle kissed the side of my head, pulling away slowly, and then he was gone.
I hesitated on the brink of the treaty line before carefully stepping over it. I looked around nervously and then said, "No booby traps?"
He chuckled. "None."
I reached my arms out hesitantly and then he pulled me into a hug. I inhaled his warm, comforting smell. Like jasmine and spices, sweat and leather rolled into one. I sighed. "I'm glad you smell the same."
"What do I smell like?" Sam questioned.
"Jasmine, spices, sweat, and leather." I mumbled, feeling embarrassed. "It's a good combination."
"Hmm." Sam said, pulling away, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, pulling me through the forest. "And you smell like honey, almonds, peaches, and lime."
I growled. "I know I smell like fruit. I've been told several times."
Sam chuckled.
Very soon, we were at Emily's house.
"Umm, Sam." I said in a small voice as Emily came out to greet us. I grabbed his shirt, hiding halfway behind him.
"Davina!" Emily cried happily, stopping short of me. I hesitated, almost trembling behind Sam. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt Emily. I noticed Jared and Paul emerge, looks of excitement on their faces too.
"Hey Vampire mom!" Jared called, jogging over.
I shivered.
"It's alright Davina." Sam said. "You're not going to hurt them."
I inhaled deeply, smelling for Emily's scent directly. And though I smelled her, though her blood smelled divine, there was no unnecessary craving for it.
I let go of Sam's shirt a little, taking a few steps till I was closer to Emily, but still hesitating. "Hi." I said softly.
Emily threw her arms around me, taking me by shock, making me freeze. Sam was there in a second, worry in his eyes until I very slowly put my arms around her.
"That wasn't so bad." I mumbled as she pulled away.
Sam seemed rather relieved. "So. . ."
"I mean. . .you smell good." I said half-heartedly, still really nervous. Though I couldn't smell the werewolves as awful, my nerves were tingling like I knew I was being surrounded by enemies, "But I'm not craving after your blood. Or any blood for that matter." I frowned a little. "I hunted a mountain lion today. It didn't taste as good as I thought it might."
"You hunted a mountain lion?" Jared asked with a grin. "What was it like?"
"Boring." I said slowly. "It kind've just stood there while I killed it. Maybe it was in shock?"
"But you said it didn't taste good?" Sam asked, frowning slightly.
I shifted uncomfortably. They were okay with this conversation? "Well. . . I could taste everything individually. The water, the salt, the plasma. It wasn't very good. The water was most potent in taste, but it didn't taste. . . it didn't taste like blood really."
"Interesting." Jared said.
"Mom!" Seth's voice called from behind me and a brilliant smile lit up my face. I turned, dashing towards him and wrapping my arms around him. I was very careful not to squeeze him to tightly though.
"Hi Seth." I said with a grin.
I could hear Jared and Paul complaining behind me about how I hadn't hugged them.
I darted till I was in front of Jared and Paul and hugged both of them too.
"Paul imprinted." Seth offered.
My eyes lit up, "Really!"
Paul rolled his eyes but he was trying not to smile either. "Yeah. Jacob's sister. Rachel."
"Quil imprinted too." Jared said.
"Really?" I asked, astonished. "Did everyone imprint while I was dead?"
"No." Seth said glumly. "I haven't. Neither has Leah or Embry or Jacob or Collin or Brady."
I ruffled Seth's hair. "Well good. You're to young for love."
Embry and Quil showed up sometime later. I found out that Quil had imprinted on a two year old named Claire, who happened to be related to Leah and Emily.
Privately, I was thinking that it made sense they were imprinting on each other's family members. Jacob was a powerful member of the wolf family. Which meant his sisters' technically had the gene too. So it made sense for Paul to imprint on one of the sisters. And anyone related to Leah, Seth, and Emily would have strong genes too from Harry's side of things. Same with Quil's blood line.
I didn't stay long, not wanting to overstay my welcome for one thing, but also wanting to get back home to Carlisle.
Unfortunately, Paul still wasn't good at keeping his nose out of other people's business. "So what are you going to do tonight?"
I raised an eyebrow. "I have no idea."
"So you and doctor aren't going to. . . get it on?" Paul smirked.
I wish I could've blushed. I scowled at him instead, putting my hands over Seth's ears. "Not in front of the kids dumbass."
Paul snickered.
I got to my feet, swooping down and kissing Sam on the cheek. "I'll come back soon, I promise."
"Stay safe." Sam said and I smirked, rolling my eyes.
And then I was gone, running back for the treaty line, back into the forest, and back to my house.
Our house.
Carlisle and mine house.
I stepped inside.
Carlisle was in front of me in an instant. "Shh, they're asleep."
"They sleep!" I said, delighted.
He nodded, smiling slightly. "Did you have a good time at the reservation?"
I nodded, "I was very happy."
"Good." Carlisle whispered, moving his lips to the skin underneath my ear. "Mm, do I get you all to myself tonight?"
I giggled, "Yes you do."
"Good." Carlisle growled.
Before I knew it, we were in our bedroom, on the bed. I was under him, his dark gold eyes practically glowing.
I yanked him down to me, my hands wrapped in his reddish-yellow locks, pulling his lips to crash down on mine. He growled against my lips, his tongue fighting for dominance against my open lips. Except this time, I could hold my own fight.
Our tongues mixed together, creating new sensations while his hands traveled down to my shirt. He didn't even bother unbuttoning it, ripping it in half instead and I was grateful that it was a new top I hadn't gotten attached to yet.
I rolled over, pressing him down to the bed, gripping his hips with my legs, squeezing tightly as I tore his shirt apart, blue buttons flying and scattering across the floor.
I pressed my lips right above his pants line, licking a stripe all the way up his chest, his neck, all the way to his earlobe before nipping at it. He growled again, his fingers pulling at the stretchy leggings I was wearing, pulling them downwards and they were discarded as well.
My fingers worked fast, undoing his belt, yanking it out of the belt loops, tossing it away. It fell to the ground with a dull clink. I unzipped the black dress pants, pulling them down quickly. His arms were behind my head in an instant, his body pressed against mine and I could feel his member pressing against my mound.
Our mouths moved furiously in sync with each other, our hands tangled in each others' hair. I moaned against his lips as one of his hands traveled down to my heat, rubbing my clit with lightning fast speed between his fingers.
The sensations were even more erotic as a vampire. They hadn't been lying when they said your emotions were heightened. This was at least ten times better than when I had been human.
"C-C-Carlisle." I moaned out. "Please."
He plunged three fingers into me, thrusting them in and out at a furious pace, rubbing my clit even faster.
My eyes rolled back in my head as I clutched his shoulders before I bit down on his bottom lip, his fingers bringing me over the edge, and I released all over them.
I could smell the arousal now, bitter and exotic and sharp. Carlisle slowly pulled his fingers from my warmth, sticking them in his mouth, licking them clean.
I wanted to ask if that actually tasted good, but didn't want to ruin the moment either.
Carlisle smashed his lips to mine again, flipping me back over on my back into the pillows. I could taste myself on him, something that seemed highly erotic and actually somewhat pleasant. My tastes and his tastes all mixed together.
"Carlisle." I growled, missing the fullness between my legs. I rolled over so that he was pressed into the sheets, angling myself to go down on him.
His hands shot to my hips, thrusting me back into the pillows, before pounding into me. He bottomed out and I gasped in pleasure, eyes rolling backwards before I recovered, bucking my hips to get him to move.
He moved in and our, faster than I thought possible, even with the speeds we could run.
I was a whimpering mess under him, surrendering to him completely. "Carlisle , please!"
"What baby? What do you need?" Carlisle purred lowly in my ear, his dick a blur as he thrusted in and out of me.
I whimpered, wanting more, "More, Carlisle, more."
"More what baby?"
My eyes rolled back into my head, my hands gripping his shoulders.
I had no idea what I wanted more of, I just knew I wanted more. "Faster."
The fuck? Could he go faster? Something was wrong with my br-
He thrusted even faster and I was practically screaming underneath him. His mouth, lowered to my breasts, flicking out at my nipple. The overstimulation was overwhelming. I barely got his name out as I clenched around his cock and milked it for all it was worth. He didn't stop, pounding me through my orgasm, drawing it out, chasing his own release.
The sensation was more than white static. It was a burning white fire that made my toes curl and now I saw how it had taken Emmett and Rose weeks to leave their house. I never wanted to leave this. I wanted Carlisle and I to continue going forever.
We were blessed with such short refractory periods it wasn't even funny.
This was probably going to be my favorite extra curricular activity outside everything else.
"CARLISLE!" I screamed as he twisted my nipple tightly between his smooth dexterous fingers, pulling it, sending the jolt straight to my clit at the same time I came.
My entire body was shaking and her wrapped one arm around me. My legs, wobbly, I jerked forward, the both of us landing off the bed and onto the floor. We didn't even break rhythm, barely noticing the stone floor beneath the both of us. Carlisle simply rolled over onto the carpet, pulling me on top of him, thrusting upwards into me.
We couldn't even get sore.
Carlisle moved his lips to my throat, biting, licking, sucking at my skin, purring with delight as large purple bruises popped up on my skin.
I growled, trying to mark him the same way, and failing. That caused enough confused for the both of us to slow down and observe things.
When we finally came to a complete stop, I was breathing shallowly and so was he. Carlisle ran his hand over my neck, observing the bruises.
He pulled out slowly, causing our combined juices to pool out onto his stomach and he chuckled lightly, kissing me.
"Let's take this to the bathroom, shall we?"
I wasn't as ecstatic, touching the bruises.
"Carlisle, what's wrong with me?" I asked in a whisper. "My skin marks, I don't thirst after blood, blood doesn't even taste that good to me, and I feel completely normal!"
Carlisle pulled me into his arms, carrying me to the bathroom, "There's nothing wrong with you darling. Maybe. . . maybe your gift delves farther than self control."
"So what is it?" I asked.
"Maybe it's more of a. . . normality gift. A gift that keeps you human in a vampire body. I wonder. . . " he drifted off, thinking deeply.
"What?" I questioned.
He looked at me, pulling out the handle on the bathtub- which by the way was huge- and let it fill with warm water. "I was wondering if you could eat human food was all."
I frowned slightly. "But vampires-"
"Vampires also can't bruise." Carlisle said, smiling almost sadly, running his fingers over my hickeys.
"Am I not a vampire?" I questioned. It was overwhelming and venom welled up in my eyes. "Did something go wrong during the transformation?"
"No." Carlisle said. "The only thing that could go wrong is you died. But you didn't. You are a vampire Davina. That much is obvious by the eye colour, the speed, the strength. You have all the physical attributes of a vampire. But when it comes to feeding, that's where you're different. I think it must relate to some sort of gift."
"Carlisle, if my skin can bruise, doesn't that mean I could be killed easier than a normal vampire?" I whispered quietly.
Fear flashed through his eyes for the briefest second. I knew he was thinking about the Volturi and the enemy I had made myself out of Jane.
"I. . . I don't know. There's no way to test it without hurting you either." Carlisle whispered. "I can't test it on you. I can't let anyone else test that on you."
"But evidence suggests it, right?" I questioned softly, throwing my arms around his neck, holding him to me.
"Yes." He said quietly.
I sat there for a long time before he slipped both of us into the bathtub. "It's okay." Carlisle whispered, "We'll figure it out. Everything will be okay."
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