#carnivorous plant preds
yourcarnevoreuspal · 8 months
Anyways, I keep seeing posts on carnivorous plant preds, and that's what sparked my rant because I have carnivorous plant preds whom I told everyone I know about, and I love them.
So, while I won't go into too much detail on them, I'll share a few ideas I have about the concept.
I have two kinds of plant-people characters, ones who are the plant and ones that look human but have plants growing as part of them. Coincidentally, both my carnivorous plant bois are the latter.
The first boi has a big ol pitcher plant growing out of his abdomen/stomach region but is mostly concealed by the leaf that covers the opening, so the pitcher itself is at an angle and is his actual stomach. All you can see is a cute leaf on his belly til he decides you look tasty-
The second boi I don't consider a pred as much just due to my preferences in vore, but could totally be one if it was in your interest. This is because he doesn't have a stomach, not really. His carnivorous plant is called a Butterwort and is a massive one growing from his back. The butterwort eats bugs by producing a substance on their leaves that resembles water, luring the bugs but actually causes them to stick once they land, the substance then also digesting the bug. I'm sure you can see now why I don't consider him a pred, not to mention his docile nature. I think it could be interesting to see a character like him in g/t vore or the like. However, it's not my cup of tea.
My last plant pred is the first type I mentioned, but he's not a carnivorous plant. He's just like a humanoid onion guy. He's also a farmer and despises pests in his garden. Should he catch one in or near his precious garden? Well, it just so happens his favorite meal is meat. You might be wondering 'oh why does a plant guy who's also a farmer eat meat?'
Listen there are reasons and more details I'm not mentioning about my plant characters / species ok, ?? I'm just hesitant to talk about them cause ?? I've told everyone I know about these guys and if I go in to all the cool details---
Another idea I have but haven't executed yet is an Anemone boi. Yes, I know they aren't plants, but they do fit in nicely with my other plant people. Just thought I'd throw them out there to the vore community as an option, too.
Oh, and if you're into d/n&/d you should check out the Body/taker Plant. Massive plant that eats creatures and replaces them with po/dling copies.
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teal-fiend · 1 year
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pitcher plant feasts on bug or some other currently unknown creature
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cannibalvore · 9 months
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Hey sorry to be the most abnormal mgmn fan in the world again but I know, I just KNOW they had to keep this cunt in the digital world or he'd be eating people left and right and no one would be able to stop him. He's insane.
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odditycircus-2002 · 5 months
Little out of the box but me and a moot talked about a while back whole we thought given a certain status: Mk1!Shang becoming the royal painter for the Outworld court due to a natural talent and him using materials from backwater place he lived to make paintings and other stuff for cheap to get by. He gets by Jerrod/Sindel whoever and becomes the royal painter to make portraits and such around the palace, such as making portraits for the champions who win during the tournament.
Pre!Medusa!Reader is more or less the same in the Mk1 version, she is a more prominent healer and is a well known/respected mage, having trained Rain, the current Archmage in the past.
Bascially over time, Shang Tsung feels a connection and even an obsession towards her growing. He begins to paint her in secret with a lot of paintings dedicated to her beauty.
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When you mentioned painting with Shang Tsung, this image was the first thing to pop into my head. 😂 Still, that's an exciting take on Shang Tsung in MK1.
From what you're suggesting, it seems like Pred!Medusa!Reader is further out of reach for Shang Tsung than in my works due to her status. Shang Tsung is a simple painter compared to the famous Healer, who caught his eye when she and Sindel had tea in the Hanging Gardens. While Y/N is admittedly pleasing to the eye, which drew Shang Tsung's attention, their intellect and passion kept it. Y/N showed Sindel a new type of anti-venom they created, having filtered the venom through a carnivorous plant they carefully bred to eat corpses. Although, The Empress did not seem as enthralled as they were.
"That is impressive, Y/N, but was this man-eating plant necessary?"
"Uh yes, well, it was a project I had brewing I've been meaning to see to fruition. I thought I may as well use the new plant for something."
That is when Shang Tsing stepped in from behind a pillar, acting as if he was just passing by and not listening the entire time.
"It's an ingenious use of such a plant. Not only did Y/N create a new type of flora to dispose of corpses and further fertilize the land, but they also created a new type of anti-venom that will no doubt save many lives."
Y/N gives a bright smile, which sends heat to bloom within Shang Tsung's chest.
"See? He understands."
Unbeknownst to Y/N, this small interaction would begin Shang Tsung's obsession with them. After Sindel introduced them before Y/N dismissed themselves to return to their workshop, Shang Tsung began to work secretly on their perfect portrait. This portrait perfectly encapsulated their beauty and intellect. Yet, much to his frustration, it seemed as if he always felt short of capturing their essence. How could this be?!? He, Shang Tsung, is well renowned for his talent in capturing the essence and appearance of a person to a fine detail! Yet, their beauty is so great that the moon would hide itself in shame, and koi fish forget to swim and then sink the moment they laid eyes on them.
So Shang Tsung would take the time to watch them from afar and to engage in any interaction with them that he could, committing every last detail of Y/N to memory to the point that he could paint them in his sleep. Still, it's not enough. It's not the real thing. It's not Y/N.
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I want to fill you all in on my current obession.
Plant Preds.
(Botanical Humanoids, Carnivorous Plants, etc.)
There are countless examples in media of plants nomming people so it got me thinking about the details of what being eaten by a plant/plant-person would probably be like.
Is the mouth textured like a flytrap?
Would their stomach be like a pitcher plant or just a tangle of vines?
Or just like the inside of a head of lettuce?
Would it smell sweet? Floral? Or like something else?
Instead of saliva would it just be aloe vera?
Or like an essential oil?
What kind of noises would it make?
Maybe the sounds of vines moving?
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Since we've seen him as a pred, ya think we could have Gosha as prey with disposal if ya could?
Yeah I can do that!
WIth a lazy slurp, L.ouis sucked down the thrashing lizard's tail hanging from his jaws. His school uniform is ruined with his brown stomach stretching it out, but that's fine. He rests a hand on his head as he watches his stomach slosh back and forth, muffled cries of panic coming from inside. L.egoshi's grandfather, as nice of a man as he seemed to be, wasn't very excited about the wolf's relationship with the deer. Given his own background, it made sense, and L.ouis could sympathize...but he won't be letting anything get in the way of his first inklings of freedom and happiness. He slowly rubs along his stomach with a free hand, feeling over the bulges of G.soha squirming inside. "I'm sorry we couldn't see eye-to-eye in the end," L.ouis says, pushing down carefully on any bulges that stretched out a bit too much. "I tried to be civilized about it, but you brought me to this point. Nothing will be standing in the way of me and that stupid wolf. Not even you." More muffled cries rise out of L.ouis' gut, even more panicked than before. The deer can feel his stomach churning hard. All his time in the S.hishigumi has trained his body to process meat as well--maybe even better--than a carnivore. A harsh belch escapes the deer, a few scales already lacing his breath. He licks his lips slowly and gives his stomach a few pats. "L.egoshi will be devastated about your disappearance, but I'll be there to pick him back up. I'll make sure you have a beautiful service, too. There's nothing to worry about. I love L.egoshi as much as you. I'll make sure he's well taken care of." L.ouis doubts the words are very comforting to G.osha in the churning, acidic pit of the deer's stomach. But he only did this as a last resort. He didn't want to hurt someone so dear to L.egoshi...but he also won't let the wolf slip through his fingers. This is what had to be done. His hand continues to knead over his stomach, occasionally making the deer belch up a thick, meaty scent. He can feel G.osha slowly fading away, his struggles weakening and his voice growing softer. L.ouis closes his eyes as his guts churn loudly, a few last spasms from the komodo dragon, and then...nothing. He opens his eyes again when his stomach lets out a low groan and he belches up G.osha's last breath. He'd be lying if he said he took no pleasure in this...but L.ouis really did wish it hadn't had to come to this. By the end of the night, his ass is planted over a rather nice urn, grunting as he squeezes out thick logs of crap. Dense bones and dulled green scales speckle each log that slips from his ass. At the same time, he's listening to L.egoshi over the phone, the poor wolf in hysterics over his missing grandfather. "Don't worry," L.ouis says, trying to keep his groaning to a minimum has he feels a ribcage stretching his ass. "The S.hishigumi will look all over for him. If he's still in the city, we'll find him." I'll be there soon to get you" He hands up and sighs. Lying came all too naturally for L.ouis. No one is going to find what's left of the old man. As the lizard's skull stretches his ass and falls into the urn, he stands up again and covers it with a lid. He'll have to get it engraved soon, a memorial for the man. A surprise for L.egoshi once the search is given up. He'll never know how close his grandfather really is. L.ouis rubs over his softer belly, knowing it'll be the perfect pillow for L.egoshi to cry into tonight.
He was so hungry, he wasn't thinking. He just gulped, again and again, desperately working the delicious meat filling his jaws down his gullet. The bedroom was familiar to him, so was the smell, and the muffled screaming, and somehow the taste. But his mind was in a haze, and he couldn't put the pieces together, all he could do was gulp and slurp. L.egoshi flops down in the bed he just tore his meal out of, furry gut sticking up in the air, bulges shifting and pushing around. He slurps wetly, sucking down a thrashing tail tip and some kicking feet, and he feels so immensely full as the large weight settles into his middle. He pants softly, pleased whines and growls escaping him as he enjoys the wonderful sensation of being full. He was a predator, and a predator needed live meat. That was just life. Deep inside his stomach, G.osha continues to scream out his name, begging his grandson to let him go. He'd been sleeping when L.egoshi woke him up by coming into his room so suddenly. That hungry, red glare in his eyes...G.soha had seen it before, but never directed at him. And then L.egoshi was on him, and despite his own strength, the younger and more ravenous wolf had effortlessly overpowered him. And once his muzzle was engulfed by the other, he knew it was over, no matter how much he struggled and yelled. The stomach walls are churning and groaning wetly against him, not seeing a difference between live komodo dragon and an eg sandwich. He kept yelling, hoping to snap his grandson back to his senses and get out before something bad happens. But L.egoshi is snoring, passed out after having such a large meal, and no amount of yelling or kicking is enough to stir him from such a deep sleep. Even as his guts churn louder and begins to get softer, he sleeps on, only giving his gut a lazy scratch or rub in his sleep as it bubble and churns. He belches occasionally, smiling in his sleep as the delicious flavor of his grandfather gets back on his breath. Come morning, the whole thing would feel like a weird dream, and he'd be too sleepy to notice he's slipping out of his grandfather's room and not his own. He scratches his rounder belly and yawns lazily, smacking his lips and licking the lingering flavor off his lips. When he plants himself on the toilet, he's a bit surprised by how thick of a shit he winds up taking. He whines and braces himself as thick logs stretch his ass and steadily fill up the bowl below. He can't even flush with how fast is all comes out, and before long, he's gone from sitting to squatting as he overfills it. He pants when he finishes squeezing out the large, lumpy shape. When he finally looks back at the pile, a surprised yelp escapes him to see a komodo dragon's skull staring back at him, jaws still open in a silent scream baked forever into wolf shit. L.egoshi's dream wasn't a dream at all, and he's realized that far too late to fix it.
When G.osha suggested they become B.eastars together, Y.ahya was a little surprised. Would something like that even be possible? A carnivore and a herbivore together..? Staring at that big, doofy smile on G.osha's scaly face told him yes...but that cynical, nagging voice in the back of his head told him no. And a strange, gurgling voice deep in his gut told him...technically. "Close your eyes, G.osha," Y.ahya says with a gentle smile. "I got a surprise for you." Of course G.osha closed his eyes, how could he ever expect what came next? Y.ahya puts his hands gently on G.osha's shoulders, slides them down his arms...and then pins his wrists down as his maw opens wide and engulfs the lizard's head. G.osha thrashes and yells, but it doesn't stop the horse from taking thick gulps, working over those broad shoulders and then down his torso. G.osha did his best to resist, but it was too late, his arms pinned and his legs kicking around uselessly. Once Y.ahya reaches his waist, all it takes is a big, wet slurp to suck down the lizard's legs and tail, and he was packed away in a tight, groaning stomach. Y.ahya leans back on his hands, tipping his head back and belching thickly into the air. "Aaaah...that was easier than I thought it would be..." Y.ahya comments, mostly to himself. He licks his lips and rubs his stomach slowly with one hand. G.osha is thrashing around weakly in his stomach, the space too tight for any real squirming. It does let the horse see the panic on G.osha's face when he looks down at his bulging middle, though. "I'm sorry, my friend. Being B.eastars together...it would have never worked. Unless we do it like this. With you as a part of me...we can truly achieve it together." Y.ahya belches again and gives his stomach a few pats on the whimpering head of the lizard. He lays back in the grass, folding his arms behind his head and closing his eyes. The muffled whining and yelling of G.osha blends into the thick gurgling and churning of Y.ahya's stomach, creating a wonderful sound to lose track of the time to. When Y.ahya does finally return to reality, it's because of the building pressure in his bowels. Early sunset has turned into night, and he looks down at his stomach to see that it's just a soft, groaning pot belly. Y.ahya licks his lips and smiles softly. "Oh, G.osha...maybe our roles were reversed the whole time..." He rubs over his stomach slowly before rising to his feet. No one is around on the grassy hill he's resting on, so he drops his pants and grunts to begin releasing what's left of his friend. G.osha slops out in heavy logs, thudding and plopping onto the ground under him in a growing pile. With scales and bones baked into it, anyone will realize exactly what the pile had once been. Especially when that skull slops out to top it off. Of course...no one would ever suspect Y.ahya of such an act, which he knew as he pulls his pants up and walks off. As the B.eastar, him and G.osha will make a better world...one where herbivores won't have to fear anything anymore.
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vore-scientist · 3 years
Thoughts on non-oral vore? Stuff like tail vore, plant vore, and absorption (since your blog is for the sfw side).
For me, oral = mouth. That mouth doesn’t have to be the one on the face of the pred. And ideally this leads to a stomach. So stomach/tail maws are good and I appreciate such things a lot I just don’t seek out the content or create it.
(Note that like, sometimes I have prey teleport into/out of a stomach so that’s not TECHNICALLY oral vore but in spirit the pred would have swallowed them from the face mouth)
Big fan of carnivorous plants, both IRL that eat small animals and for vore.
I’m not really a fan of absorbtion personally. I’m assuming you mean like a pred made of a non-Newtonian fluid. I think having prey suspended in a creature and can still breath and swim around like that is dope but if it goes towards fa.tal it’s just not interesting to me anymore XD.
Though I like gelatinous cube monsters in DnD! So for fa.tal it’s just more fun the pred is just a icky monster than an intelligent being.
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chibi-honey-cake · 4 years
Imposter in Our Midst - Imposter x Crewmates
Okay, so this is some A.mong U.s/Within Us content, whoo-hoo! Yeah, that’s right, besides the Voretober content! (I have another Within Us story written up for the Ship entry already~) So to be fair, this was written in like 2 hours, barely proofread, and is WHOLLY inspired by this post over on @nom-central​’s blog by a lovely anon named Vee. Vee, this is your fault, so this is for you! Also with bonus additions from the tags. So have this take on some ali-yum noms~
Contains: Soft Vore, Safe Vore, Fearplay, Teasing, Same Size Vore, Nonbinary Pred, Alien Pred, Unspecified Prey, Multiple Prey, Female Prey, Willing Prey (eventually), Begging Pred (eventually), Fatal is briefly mentioned but it doesn’t happen, also a bit of magic shrinking is involved to explain the multiple prey thing Word Count: 2.5K
She'd seen it gobble up another crewmate with her own eyes, stuffing them into a wide maw on their stomach and swallowing them up. The 'crewmate' in the black suit purred loud, patting their belly as it shrank to contain the other being without a trace. Chloe gasped and dropped the clipboard in her hands out of shock, the loud clatter immediately giving her away.
Black whipped to stare in her direction, the lime-suited scientist felt her blood freeze in fright. No...! This wasn’t happening...!! Black growled low and deep, dark tentacles springing from their back as their stomach growled loudly. Drool slicked what should've been their face-shield, a grin splitting their visor.
The voice in the back of her head whispered 'run,' and that was all that it had taken to free up her legs. She bolted out of the room, fright fueling her desperation. She heard the monster in human's clothing tear after her and she knew that if she made one wrong move, it was over for her. Chloe fled through the facility, careening around a doorway so fast that she almost slammed into the wall in her panic. She knew it was practically breathing down her neck- she couldn't let it catch her!
She ducked through the lab, slipping through a decontamination cycle with ease. She thought it might trip up the monster after her as she turned to check the doors- but a loud and ominous creaking filled the room. Those black tentacles seeped between the doors, prying them slowly apart with pressure alone. An alarm started squealing as Chloe's voice quavered a cry- this thing was strong and intent on catching her!
She bolted as soon as the other doors opened, not looking back to see the creature forcing its way through the first door. Into the greenhouse she fled, the humidity fogging her face shield quickly. She slapped her helmet open, panting in terrified exertion. She couldn't let it catch her- her only chance was to make a quick loop on the catwalks and avoid the carnivorous plants that they were studying, then bolt into the decontamination again and hope that the monster has to pry open the doors again. Chloe didn't want to think about if this plan didn't work...!
She ran out onto the catwalks, her footsteps shaking and echoing on the metal grating. The vines of the plants twitched and twisted at the new and erratic movement, sensing a meal in their midst. Chloe swallowed, panicking as the heads of the large purple 'flowers' began to turn and open in her direction. Now she was being hunted by even MORE creatures...! She ran down the middle path out of desperation, hoping that the monster couldn't follow her through such a busy path. Rustling and thumping rattled the metal pathway beneath her- she had no clue how many of those vines had just barely missed her.
She turned to run to the left- but a sudden shadow loomed in front of her and blocked her path. She shrieked, recoiling back and stumbling over her own feet. She fell back onto the grating hard, the rattle of metal echoing in her ears as she looked up in terror. It was the creature, still in the form of the black crewmate, grinning wide with its impossible face. Two sets of eyes opened on its visor, that grin stretching wide enough to reach up to the sides of its 'face'. Its stomach growled, loud, low and angry.
Chloe gasped, scrambling back on the pathway in fear. Everything else was forgotten. Her pulse pounded in her ears. This was it, this is where it was going to end- But rather than pounce, the creature... tilted its head with that grin still on its face. And then it spoke.
"Lofton, Chloe." Its voice was low and hissing, sending shivers down her spine as it said her name, "Role: Technician." It was almost purring, approaching with slow steps. She tried to crawl back further, it hovered close before she could. "Intelligent, but oblivious," it grinned wide as it stood over her, its belly beginning to split like it had before. Chloe whimpered, remembering flashes of Red being stuffed down into its gullet. "I wondered how long it would take for someone to notice my- eating habits." She shivered, the alien creature standing almost directly over her now. The maw in its belly opened, teeth and tongue visible inside. "I've been waiting to devour you for so long..." it purred, staring down at her ravenously, "I saved the best for last~"
Above this creature, movement caught Chloe's eye. She shifted her attention, still terrified- when she noticed one of the open flowers moving above them. The creature hadn't noticed, reaching down towards her... But it took a moment to realize that her attention had moved to something ABOVE. The creature in human guise halted, squinting its eyes. Just as it turned to look above them, vines lurched downward towards the two figures. A look of dawning horror crossed the alien's face just as it was suddenly ensnared in the tough vines of the flower.
The creature let out an unholy shriek, thrashing against the grip on its body as another vine added to the mix. Chloe gawked, her jaw falling open as the plant scooped away her attacker. It was- It was trying to eat the creature? Chloe sat up in complete shock and mild terror. That was... That was almost her. She was just almost eaten...! But... From what they had found out about the flowers, it was not pleasant for victims. Being consumed over days, alive for most of that... It was a terrible, painful death.
The alien shrieked again, a grinding and desperate rasp as it fought. Its tentacles tangled in the vines, but they didn't seem to be able to pry them off. Chloe hesitated, working herself to her feet as she stared. It... As much as it was as close to eating her as it was being eaten right now... She couldn't just stand by in good conscience. Even though it had eaten her crewmates, she couldn't let this happen when she could do something. This was- crazy and practically suicide, if not from the plant then from the victim... But she didn't want to just stand by!
The girl sprang into action, leaping up onto the rail to meet the vines that were taking the alien away. She reached out, grasping at the vines. The alien whipped around to stare at her, all four eyes wide with terror and astonishment. Chloe ignored the look, gritting her teeth as she tugged. The vines gave slightly, but started to tighten further. She grunted, using her feet on the railing to anchor herself. The plant was trying to draw both of them towards its open flower and she wouldn't let that happen!
In the back of her head, her mind told her that the alien had clearly spoken english- so it understood her. She reached out, trying to free the black imposter. "Grab onto me!" she ordered, "Hold on and I'll get you loose!" The creature hesitated, clearly mystified on why she was attempting to help it. But after a second, she saw its tentacles shift. It let go of the vines around it and the black tentacles reached for her instead. They wrapped around her shoulders and waist, anchoring them together. She resisted the urge to shudder at the strange sensation and reached her arms out to it again. "Link arms with me!" she told it. Quickly it obeyed, reaching out and grasping her arms.
Chloe grasped its arms just the same, steadied herself on the rail, then pulled backwards with all of her strength. She strained and heaved as hard as she could manage, her voice trailing with a high groan. Her teeth were on edge, her arms trembled as her legs pushed back, and the alien stared at her with terror in its eyes. Slowly the vines started to give, creaking and slipping away from the other creature. They found that if a meal was too much of a fight, the plants would back off. Apparently Chloe was triggering that, more vines slipping. "Come... ONNNN!" she grunted, strain tight in her voice.
Then suddenly the creature was freed. It bundled into her from force alone, both of them colliding and spilling painfully onto the walkway. Chloe panted and gasped, reeling from exertion and the fast trip. Suddenly there was a tug at her arms, pulling her to her feet. "Quickly!" the creature hissed, yanking her along. She followed blindly, running behind it without regard to what was going on.
They ran back into decontamination, not stopping as they ran past the ruined door and into the lab. Finally Chloe could run no more, tripping over her own feet and skidding to a stop on the floor. She gasped for air, involuntary tears trailing from her eyes. Everything hurt, her heart was pounding out of her chest, she was absolutely terrified... And she was probably about to meet the same fate as her crewmates. The thought occurred to her that she saved this creature and it was probably still going to eat her anyway. A quiet sob shuddered her shoulders as she laid prone on the floor, the girl giving up then and there. She wouldn't be able to fight it, anyway...
Black boots appeared in her vision, sluggish tears making her vision wobble. This was it... But rather than grabbing her in those tentacles like she thought- A soft hand patted her head instead. Still the tears flowed, stopping wasn't an option at this point. She whimpered a soft sob as the hand stroked her head gently. "Hush, human," the low voice above her soothed softly, "It is alright. Don't be afraid."
"B-But..." her voice stammered shakily without her consent, clogged with mucus and exhaustion, "You'rrrre... gonna eat muh-me... t-too..."
"I will not," it responded softly, "You risked your life to rescue me, even when I was trying to devour you and your crew..." There was a low purr and Chloe dared to look up at the creature, her tear-stained face meeting its distorted one. Its eyes were narrowed with concern, that impossible grin gone and replaced with a soft frown. "That is more than I have ever been offered before. There is nothing stronger than a sacrifice like that."
Chloe sniffled, reaching up to wipe the thick tears on her cheeks. Mostly she just spread them with her lime gloves. "You're... not gonna... eat me...?" she asked slowly, still sniffling and panting. Her tears had slowed but were still leaking from her green eyes.
The creature shook their head. "No," it replied, "You are safe." Chloe paused briefly... Then let out a shuddering, sobbing breath as she collapsed on the floor again. Relief flooded her as a few more tears squeezed out of her eyes, her hands grasping feebly at the tile. She was safe... The black suit turned and sat down in front of her, still reaching out to pet her head. "And I want you to know your crewmates are safe as well," the creature added.
"Huh?" she asked, glancing up at the larger figure, "But..." She sniffled, rubbing her wet cheeks again. "D-Didn't you... eat them?"
"Yes," it replied without hesitation, "But they are safe." It reached up to its midsection, patting it with its free hand. "Within me. I have a device that shrinks and places others inside into stasis. They are safe, just asleep." Chloe looked to its hand, then back to its face in confusion. The creature hesitated, then began to explain further. "I was ordered to covertly capture and deliver the humans to our base for observation," it spoke slowly, "But... I believe it might be best if I observe here... plainly instead?"
Chloe sniffled, mulling the words over. There was a pause between them, then she looked up... and gave the creature a soft, watery smile. "Y-Yeah..." she replied. It broke into its own wide smile, creasing its four eyes up with happiness. Chloe paused, wiping her cheeks again. "Um..." she started slowly, "What, um... What do I- call you? Since you'll be around?"
The creature hesitated, then leaned down to her face. "I... That is very private. True designations are private among my kind," it explained quietly.
Chloe frowned, realizing that she probably had overstepped a boundary already. "I-I'm sorry," she murmured, "I didn't mean to... ask something so personal-"
But the creature's hand reached out to her, shushing her with a soft tap to her lips. It smiled again. "But I will tell you. No one else must know my real designation- it is only for you to know."
It had taken a while, but now Imp was a regular part of the crew. Ever since the incident, Imp stuck close to Chloe for the most part. It often had to be reminded that it too had tasks to accomplish. It had sworn off all covert activities and made a pact not to hurt anyone on the crew.
But one of the things that separated Imp from the others was that it still craved live meals. It still desired prey to wriggle inside and mostly the crewmates served that role safely. However, the one that Imp seemed to crave the most was Chloe, whining and begging through the loud growling of its tummy.
"Please, please, Techie," it whined, its black head nuzzling against her own as she connected wires in the barracks, "Please, I'm so hungry... Please, I just want a little taste, a little moving inside, please?"
Chloe rolled her eyes, stepping over to the laundry chute. "Lemme dump this-" she started before Imp was nuzzling her again.
"Please, Techie..." it begged, a loud whining growl of its stomach matching its words. "Please let me swallow you, I'm starving..."
Chloe pulled the handle with a sigh, shaking her head as she let go. "Now I'm done," she announced, "You're free to eat me, then-"
Tentacles lashed out, snaring the smaller human by the waist as Imp grinned. Drool slicked its jaw as its belly opened to reveal those teeth again. "Thank you.... Thank you!" it purred, practically shoving her into its stomach. Chloe grunted and fidgeted as the huge tongue in its belly curled around her, pulling her in greedily. One quick slurp was all it took and the jaws closed over her and sealed her in. A swallow tucked her deep into the damp, slick, and familiar confines of the imposter's belly.
Imp sank to the floor with a long, grateful sigh. Its belly rested on the floor, full of the smaller human. It caressed the lump in its middle lovingly, both arms and all of its tentacles getting in on the act. The growling had turned to sated grumbles and gurgles and the human's wriggling inside felt amazing. Its toes curled, a low thrumming churr pouring from its mouth. "Delicious... as always, my dear Techie..."
Chloe kept up her 'struggles' inside, making sure to reach all the sensitive areas she had mapped out in her head. "Mmph... A-Anything for you, Rinth," she murmured over a burble beneath her.
The imposter melted from her movement inside, then from her use of its real name. "And for you... Chloe..." it whispered reverently.
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slimy-vore-bog · 3 years
Okay, you'll get one last story, but it's only from the fact that I just realized I can use words to write whatever the heck I want.
Basically... It's a pokémon AU in one of my other pokémon AU's world.
I've had this AU where some people can size-shift since I was 16. It was originally with my characters Nicole and Camilla, who are lesbian and pan respectively. (their story is flipping wild, but that's for the main blog if I ever talk about it)
A few details about size-shifting:
Size-shifters like to swallow people they care about and keep them in their stomach (it's a vore AU, obviously)
Size-shifters can also be eaten safely when small
Size-shifting can be triggered by emotions, but it isn't always.
Size-shifting is genetic.
There's a bit of hatred towards size-shifters, that comes from fear. A lot of people don't know that being eaten by a size-shifter is safe. It's also never talked about as anything other than a "size-shifters are evil cannibals" thing.
Details about this AU specifically:
Amity is the size-shifter and she's going to be the pred, because I realized I barely ever wrote giant Amity.
Amity has a golett instead of a grimer, because that's actually a bit closer to what abominations do.
Luz’s first pokémon was a shiny shinx, who is named Sunny. (Shinx because flashing and light, shiny because... I think the name Sunny fit it better that way)
Willow isn't in the story I'm working on, but she has a Carnivine. I think it looks more like the carnivorous plants than victreebell.
Gus also doesn't feature in the story, but he obviously had to have a zoroark or zorua. Their thing is literally illusions.
I actually have a whole thing about the covens and tracks and typings though, so it means that Amity can only use pokémon that are also ground, Willow can only use pokémon that are also grass, Gus can only use dark, Beast Keeping is dragon, Healing is normal, Potions I didn't know, Construction is figthing, Bard is also not decided, Oracle is psychic, and the emperor's "coven" (haven't decided on a name) are just the strongest trainers with mixed teams.
It's a bit different from the regular pokémon world, as you can see. People in the pokémon world usually aren't forced to only use one type, it's something they pick on their own. But I want the world to still function like the Boiling Isles.
This world of pokémon is a little more realistic. I have no idea if I should make Luz a regular trainer, or someone from a pokémonless world. But if I do, she can still have her... "oh, this world is not what I thought it was! Can I go home?" from ep 1 s1. (I'm not writing the beginning of it either way)
That's really all the details I can think of... The plot in the story is just "Amity tells Luz she's a size-shifter, before asking to eat Luz, but Luz isn't too comfortable with the idea at first." (might save that for a summary lol)
I don't care if the story will seem OOC, I have realized my power as a writer and I'll write whatever crazy stories my brain comes up with!
Also, I can totally see why Luz, a character who wanted to learn magic, would want to be a writer. It's basically magic, because you can make anything happen in people's heads just by typing a few words.
George tilted his head, looking down at the old vhs tape in front of him. "There's a giant cow that eats people in this movie?" he asked, looking up at his friend who it gave to him. "Is it a so-bad-it's-good kind of movie?"
His friend nodded. "Absolutely, it's like someone snorted as much coke as they could before they sat down to write." She grinned at him before continuing. "And then they recorded the actors who were just as high."
See? I just made a little story and you imagined it! Really I just recently had a realization that I can literally make anything happen just by writing and that's super motivating.
Anyways... thanks for reading! I know this is a really weird AU, but that's the power of words! I can create anything I want! c:
Have a nice day! <3
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yourcarnevoreuspal · 6 months
I mentioned on someone else's post in a comment that I like the idea of prey with fire abilities being like... more appealing to my preds?
I imagine something about the proximity to fire makes them.. smell tasty? Like a BBQ lol. Probably makes them taste good, too.
I guess it also stems from my appeal of prey tasting like meat, not like the elf preys I wrote in the x/mas story who were like cinnamon cookies sprinkles whatever. It can be a fun thing to add in, but I find when the prey tastes like a strawberry, it tends to be off-putting for me. Not saying there's anything wrong with making your preys taste like a strawberry, it's just my preference.
I suppose a lot of my preds tend to be carnivores, as well. Why would a carnivore want to eat something tasting like a plant? Y'know?
Anyways- If fire abilities make prey smell 'meatier' to preds, what would other abilities do?
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teal-fiend · 8 months
pred who grows carnivorous plants.
Their home is full of many different species. nepenthes dangling from hanging planters. Every table top has potted flytraps and sundews flourishing.
They have a greenhouse too, which is much more dense. It smells moist, sweet, like honeysuckle. It's humid and hot, there's a small pond with frogs, and again pitcher plants everywhere, traps open like gaping mouths.
The pred shows off their house, telling their guest all about the plants. How they've shown up on every continent (except the Antarctic), how they developed their abilities due to poor soil conditions, needing to find an alternative source of nutrients.
Once the tour is finished, and the pred feels like they've gotten enough out of the interaction, they'll eat their guest to conclude the visit. Waiting for their prey's struggles to cease as they mist their plants, and then taking an afternoon nap in the garden. Dissolving their prey, in the same way that their plants do.
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peachfluffsoftstuff · 4 years
Beyond The Reef [2]
Content: Soft Vore, G/T Vore, Unwilling Prey, Shark Mer Pred, Safe Vore
Word Count: 2515
Fandom: N/A; Original Content
A/N: The next chapter!! We get Skim’s POV, and some lore. 
- Skim blinked dazedly, trying to remember what he’d been doing to feel so warm and satisfied. 
As though in response, something inside him thrashed, sending waves of content through him. Suddenly much more awake, his hands jumped to his stomach, and he looked up at Devon with alarm. 
“Was that supposed to happen?” 
The older mer only nodded, looking amused at his panic. 
Skim swallowed thickly, staring in confusion around the small reef. He remembered now. He’d been scenting the tiny mer that had stabbed him, and then everything went fuzzy. The uncertainty lacing his movements had briefly fallen away, replaced by an instinctual, single-minded focus on the being caught in his hand. It was… unnerving.
There were no signs of life in the colorful reef, no saviors for the boy the way he had been one for the other tiny mer. Despite Skim’s worry that there would suddenly be an entire group of tiny mers on their asses because of his actions, it was still unsettling that evidently nobody cared enough to save the boy from what certainly seemed like death. The little guy seemed to know it, too, with the way he’d resigned himself. He’d put up a fight for the other mer, but not himself. 
“Let's go, Skim.”
Pulled out of his thoughts by his mentor, Skim sent one last guilty backwards glance towards the tiny village, and then followed Dev up out of the reef. He could still feel the tiny heartbeat within him with each shift and movement, like a ball of light warming him from the inside out. The sensation of tiny, panicked hands against the inside his stomach was impossible to ignore. He let out a shivery purr, feeling bad and good at the same time. 
“Man, that was the worst…”
Devon raised an eyebrow at him. “Even now, you say that? The initial bond can be a bit disorienting, but most enjoy them as easy, on-hand prey. It feels good, doesn't it?”
Skim wrinkled his nose. “Well, yeah, but that doesn't mean I ever want to eat someone alive for real! Especially not someone who can talk to me and is terrified!” 
Devon smiled approvingly at him. “I'm glad.”
Skim grinned back, smoothly passing under a reef arch, and then flushed lightly, hand pressed to his abdomen. “So… does that means I can let him out now?”
“Not yet,” Devon gently chided him, “we have to get to a secure area first. You saw how fast he was, he’d immediately dart off. Unless you want to do this all over again?”
Skim resisted the urge to groan and was rewarded by Devon rolling his eyes and continuing. “Luckily, I know a place nearby. Follow me.” Ignoring Skim’s subsequent cheering, Devon led the way.
Skim looked around with interest as they winded through a grotto closer to the surface, finally coming closer to actual landmarks rather than the long distance, open ocean swimming they’d been doing. 
They eventually arrived at a slight indent, where the bigger mer shifted a boulder and revealed a narrow entryway. He gestured for Skim to go in, and got a confused head tilt in response.
“Aren't you coming, Dev?”
“This part requires the two bonded alone. It's your responsibility to explain the situation to the small one and become attuned. I'll be back when your time is up.” 
Skim nodded, his fingertips grazing where he could still feel every tiny movement. He easily swam through the opening, and turned to wave at his teacher as he pushed the makeshift door back into place, sealing off the cavern. 
The walls of the narrow tunnel he had entered were lit dimly by phosphorescent plants, and Skim followed them until he reached the cove further in. He only spent a moment looking around the enclave, noting the beam of light in the middle, and the soft plants spread along the sandy floor in patches, as comfortable a place to rest as any. 
He moved over to the light first, peering up at the small tunnel upwards, all the way to the top, where faded sunlight was illuminating the bedrock through the clear water. No wonder this place was so secure. It was close enough to the surface that the top of the cave breached the water’s surface, so even if someone tried to escape that way, it would be a dead end.
Shaking his head, he quit stalling and turned his attention inwards, still slightly amazed by the pulsing beat of another heart lined up with his own. 
Regardless of how good it felt, he had to let the tiny thing out, explain and try to help him understand why he’d done this. Focusing on a mostly unused muscle, he heaved, feeling the alarmed fluttering start up inside of him as his internals emptied themselves. 
Acrid water fanned up and out of his throat, followed by the same small body that had been in his mouth once before, not too long ago. The tiny mer still tasted sweet and soft, full of life in the way he squirmed and shuddered. Skim forced himself to open his mouth, watching as the mer shot out in an uncoordinated whirl of limbs, twisting in the water. 
For a moment, he looked completely disoriented, taking in his surroundings with the confusion of someone who hadn’t expected to see much of anything ever again.
Skim waited patiently for the other’s eyes to focus on him, and then smiled without thinking. “Hey there!” 
The tail end of his greeting was interrupted by a choked-off yell, and in a flash of shining scales the tiny figure vanished. 
“Hey, wait--!” Skim’s smile dropped, eyes wide with alarm as he tried to figure out where the smaller mer had fled to. 
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-! Uh, please, I’m not trying to hurt you or anything!” He thumbed his teeth insecurely, remembering too late that a jaw-full of sharp teeth was probably not what the blonde had wanted to see upon release. Not for the first time, he wished that he could have explained before he’d terrified the guy so much.   
Remembering how he’d found the other tiny mer earlier, he hovered over the corals and seaweed along the cove floor, sharp eyes scanning the plants. He swept a hand slowly through the taller grass, and was rewarded with another glint of scales out of the corner of his eye. Dang, but this guy was fast. 
Unfortunately for him, Skim’s vision was sharp, and he could see where the tiny figure now hid. Skim glanced at a nearby sizable shell, abandoned but mostly whole, and snatched it. Still acting under the pretense of searching, he moved closer to the group of coral, and glanced at the little guy’s hiding place. 
He squinted, noticing the mer move backwards warily, closer to…
“Watch out!”
His eyes widened as he abandoned his acting and darted over to the coral, too late to stop the tiny mer from backing into a sun coral. The sea plant immediately reacted to his presence, curling barbed feelers around his body and crushing them together to try and collapse his rib cage. The mer was too big a prey for the carnivorous plant, but if Skim hadn’t been there, he may have still been exhausted or badly injured from trying to struggle free. 
Luckily, Skim was there! He quickly reached out, ignoring the slight sting of the barbs as he wrapped his fingers around the thrashing body, tugging it gently free of the coral’s grasp. 
He opened his hand to try and see what damage had been done, but as soon as he loosened his grip, the mer attempted to slip right through his fingers, still heaving panicked breaths. Skim cursed lowly and brought the shell still clutched in his other hand up, catching the small man in it and clapping the opening against his empty hand to keep him from escaping. He felt the mer’s tail graze him as he continued to move in the shell, evidently torn between trying to fight his way out or avoid contact with Skim at all costs. 
Skim lifted the shell, and then eased his hand off it slightly, peering in at the little guy. He was pressed into the back of the curved surface like he was trying to merge with it, and visibly shaking. Skim noted the rapidly forming bruises along his sides and chest with concern; the coral got him good. He held the shell just a bit closer to his face, intending to get a better look, and promptly was rewarded with a swipe of claws and stinging pain along his nose for his efforts. 
He recoiled, feeling the scratch along the tip of his nose with one hand and managing to scoop the mer into a loose, cupped hold with the other before he could dart away again. The smaller mer’s gills flared rapidly in fear, but he could barely even wiggle for the pain blossoming along his sides.  
“Hey, hey, easy,” Skim soothed, setting the now-empty shell down and running his thumb down the tiny spine in a calming motion, “I’m not gonna hurt you, okay? Just let me explain.”
The mer shied away from the contact, his tiny claws digging into Skim’s hand in a weak attempt to hurt him. “L… Let go of me, please, just--” His soft voice cracked in terror, sounding nothing like the determined yell he’d used to warn off his friend earlier. Skim’s heart sank. 
“Okay… Okay, I will, I’m sorry.” He opened his hands completely, laying them flat like a platform. “I shouldn’t have grabbed you, I’m sorry.” He watched as the mer managed to put a considerable distance between them with a flick of his tail. 
Surprisingly, he paused, looking up at Skim with wary eyes. “Why… Why did you…?” 
Skim cocked his head, and then realized what the mer was asking. “Oh, um, I was never planning to kill you,” he explained, earnestly. The mer shot him a skeptical look. 
“No, really! I know my kind has a reputation, but I don’t eat people, half-fish or otherwise. The plan was always to let you out as soon as I got somewhere secure.”
“Then why even eat me in the first place?” Once he got past being suspicious, the little guy mostly seemed confused about why he wasn’t dead.
“Well, uh,” Skim tapped his chin, trying to come up with a good way to explain. “See, I’m a shark mer from the Eastern Depths, do you know what that means?” 
The tiny mer shook his head slowly, skin flushing slightly. Skim hurried to reassure him. “No worries, I can just tell you! All sharks born there are cursed to live a short and cruel life, no matter the species. I don’t know who laid the curse, or why. According to my mentor, it’s been around for ages, but the loophole to the curse was only found recently.”
“You can loophole curses?” the tiny mer muttered.
“Apparently! We call it Bonding. Basically, by creating a link between your magic wavelength and a compatible non shark, you can trick the curse into thinking that you’re not a shark mer. I think because our wavelength doesn’t read as shark anymore? I dozed off at that part of the lecture, heh.” Skim rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “You’re supposed to ‘just know’ when you find one that’s compatible with your magic type, which I didn’t really get until I fuzzed out when I saw you. Sorry about that...”
The mer shook his head, dismissing the apology in favor of all the new information. “So we’re… Bonded, now?” He asked, peering up at him. 
“No, not at all! The whole point of the Bonding is that it has to be agreed upon, which is why areas like this are arranged for us to discuss it. We went through the first bond, so we at least know that we’re compatible magically. We’d only continue with the second bond if we both agreed on it, and even that’s not permanently binding. Anyways, if you decide you don’t want to, you can just leave! I’d give you a lift back, if you wanted. And I would go out and… do this all over again, I guess, until it works!” His smile faltered a bit at the idea. 
The mer looked at his hands, face creased with thought. “And… what happens if I decide to stay?” 
Skim tried not to look too excited, his tail swishing excitedly. “Well, it means a lot, some good and some bad! We’d generally stay together, like traveling partners, and I might end up in dangerous situations pretty often, though I’d die before letting you get hurt, of course! But you’d get to see pretty distant places, and I’m fine with coming back here to visit if you’ve got friends or family you need to check up on.” Skim saw the mer’s closed-off expression, thought about the lack of rescue, and hurried on.
“There’ll be a lot of new stuff to deal with, pretty fast. I don’t know if you noticed, but while you were in… my stomach, our heartbeats were aligned. That signifies that our magic systems are similar enough to link, and as a result we can Bond. And the full Bond itself… It connects us on an emotional and mental level, but in order to create it, and later on keep me from dying, our magical cores have to be in contact frequently.” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly at the mer’s expression of realization.
“Yeah… It means that the whole ‘getting swallowed’ thing would happen… repeatedly. Which is a deal-breaker for a lotta people, I get it, but… please understand that I’d never try to hurt you or abuse this in any way.” Skim said, trying to project his sincerity into his words. 
The tiny mer stared at him, gauging something, and Skim stared resolutely back. After a tense moment, the mer broke eye contact. “And what if I say no?” 
Skim sighed softly, ruffling his own hair. “Then, you can leave, and I’ll help you get back, if you’d like? It’s only fair, since I dragged you out here in the first place.”
“... Prove it,” the mer said, softly. Skim blinked at him. 
“Uh, okay.” He twisted to go face the entrance, and easily pushed the makeshift door out of the way, before swimming through. The mer followed in his wake, keeping a considerable distance. After just a moment, they were in open waters again. Skim peered around; no sign of Devon. 
“Well, I can take you back home now, if you’d--” Skim paused, realizing that the mer had vanished from sight. “Oh.” 
Well, there were plenty of fish in the sea. Still, he felt pretty bad that he’d so thoroughly spooked the little guy, even if it was unintentional. He swam up to a outcropping of rock and sprawled over it. Might as well get some sun while he waited for his mentor to check back in. 
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0vorenation0 · 4 years
The Island (series #3)
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(This might look like a peaceful island, but step on within and the shadows with creep out. This part in the series is made with the help by @thecorruptisland and his magical island. The island is his original idea from a while ago. He posts about the island and I wanted to feature it in my series. Thanks for allowing me too and enjoy the posts, I will be making a two part for the island. Enjoy.)
Friday 1:00 pm (Streets of VoreNation)
“As the parade continues down past the famous saloon that Cal designed for preds. We should be able to see the king any moment” an announcer says as the parade passes. I walk out on the balcony and an eruption of cheers fills the air, I wave to all the amazing citizens and travels of VoreNation. The celebration comes to a halt in front of the building and I walk up to a microphone. “Hello great citizens and travelers of VoreNation, we are here to celebrate the Minister of War. MOW Nightly has served his nation proud and deserves a great celebration and promotion. I could think of no man greater, who I trust more to earn such a title of MOW. With that enjoy the day, and let’s get the parade rolling!!!!” I say with vigor and excitement and sit back done in my chair. The parade goes on with MOW Nightly on the first float, he saluted me as he went by. At the end was a float commemorating Private Scotty, for his bravery and abrupt end. His family would be well taken care of by the city.
As the festivities continue, I turn to Corey, I was happy to hear he could make the event. It’s always nice to see an old friend like him, apparently, he made a lot of changes to his own nation and requested I come see them sometime. I obligated and said it would be an honor, once the festival was over. At that moment my top researcher came in and told me it was urgent. Dr. Miller sounded excited so I assumed it was good news. Miller had been the head of the researching team for under a year now with one mission. Find an ancient land and civilization my grandfather used to tell me about as a kid. The citizens of VoreNation knew this place only as a legend but I had reason to believe it was real. I recently uncovered some ancient ruins before the construction of VoreNation. Hidden beneath the dirt and rock, was a clay pot. It contained ancient scrolls and texts, which were dated back before the rule of my family.
One of the scrolls contained details about this ancient land that was once legend. Even some coordinates but sadly hale of the text was damaged and couldn’t be salvaged. That’s when I tasked a research team to find the mysterious lost land. So I was excited and left immediately with him. “Corey I’m sorry, I’m going to have to reschedule. Important stuff has come up, thanks for coming” I said to Corey as I shook his hand and left. We entered the elevator and went to the research lab, once on the floor we went to a massive futuristic map lay out that was 3D. It was an island to the west of the city, it was mountainous that led in a valley and then a forest. It was a huge island, that looked uninhabited. I turned to Dr. Miller and spoke, “ congratulations Dr, you have found it. I couldn’t have done it without you. Task a team of you and two on your brightest researchers. We leave in the morning. I’ll have my ship out at the harbor and we will depart at sunrise!!”
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The following morning.... 6:00 AM
“Hello Dr. Miller, did you bring your researchers? I hope the island hasn’t been a waste of time. You know my grandfather used to talk about it all the time. He even said that the royal family originated from there. When I asked however about why they left the place, he had fear in his eyes. This expedition must be classified” I told the Doctor as I waved my hand to the captain to get a move on. As we set the course, we went over the island layout. The island was massive and surprisingly not on any modern world maps. This was strange to me because I had many people map out the world years ago. Made the island was dangerous, I thought as I ponder what could have made my family leave there home. We were preds after all, nothing really was above us in the food chain.
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“CAPTAIN SHIP DEAD AHEAD” a shipmate yelled through the intercom. I ran up the stairs and saw a massive ship, not bigger then mine though. It was head right for us and I told the Captain to halt and keep guns pointed at the ship. “Stay the props, keep all weaponry aimed at the ship. No one fires with out my orders.” I spoke through the intercom to the ship’s defense team. That’s when I saw a flag being raised, colored bright blue. The international sign of peace, I was relieved. Must be a cargo ship, but where was it going. We were very close to the island as it looked like it can out of nowhere but in the direction of the island.
We dropped anchor, watched as the ship did the same. After a few minutes, a small passenger ship came out and headed towards us. It docked by our ship and a man walked on the boat up to me. He was escorted by my men and stoped right in front of me and said “ Hello I’m Saladin, nice ship you have here. You look like a very important person. Might I ask who you are?” He greeted me and asked. I put out my hand and shook his before saying” Hello my name is Cal, I’m the ruler of VoreNation and it’s a pleasure to meet you. Might I ask why you are out here and where you can from?” I asked curious about this man before me. He began to tell me he was out here with his research team, studying and researching rare sea creatures. “Ohhh Wow it’s an honor to meet your acquaintance, your majesty. I live on a massive island about 30 minutes In that direction.” He said casually. I was shocked he was an inhabitant of the island. Come to find out he is a researcher of not just creatures but history as well. He asked if I would like to come visit the island and I obliged. He stayed on my ship and I told him about the scroll I found and about my grandfather's stories. “Wait it can’t be, your apart of a tribe that left the island hundreds maybe thousands of years ago. I must take you to the ruins where our ancestors used to live.”
“Wait are you serious? This can’t be real, I knew nothing about my family’s past. They lived here on the island, my grandfather was right? This is amazing I can’t wait to see the ruins.” I said seemingly as happy as when Dr. Miller told me he found the island. The ships docked at a harbor, the island was massive and looked like a continent. Turns out the island was full of life, there were even cities. They weren’t as advanced as VoreNation but it was still impressive. We got in vehicles and drove to the site. We passed so many strand animals and plants. One plant even looked more then alive but carnivores. “ Haha yeah be careful some of these plants are actually carnivores. They will eat any livening thing even you. So the island is supposedly older than all other lands but has never been altered by evolution. What I mean is the island is so what prehistoric. I’ve been studying it for years and you wouldn’t believe the stuff I’ve found. We’re actually going to a research facility set up right outside of the ruins of your ancestors old tribe.” Saladin spoke as he drove through the vegetation. I was completely shocked but also thought that maybe one of my land surveyor teams came across the island and never got out. That’s why the island was never mapped. We pulled up to this facility creepy looking but me and my guards went in and we headed down.
“So what do you know about monsters?” Saladin asked me as we went down the elevator. “ hahaha monsters, and here I thought you were a scientist. Monster is legend, not real.” I said joking around. The door open and we stepped inside. That’s when I saw it, a massive box. Inside was a massive wolf like man. It was asleep but realized it was sedated. “You think monsters are legend now, Cal? This massive werewolf was captured by me 2 years and I’ve spent the last two years conducting vore tests on him. Apparently he is extremely powerful and can swallow anything. That’s not the amazing thing though, what’s fascinating is that I’ve developed a serum from him. It allows the victim to be swallowed but once digest water by stomach or cock can regenerate into there original form once out of the werewolf or a man.” He told me as he handed me a shot of the serum. “ this is amazing I never knew this was possible, and werewolves and pred plants. I mean what is this place, it’s so fascinating. Wait where did you capture the werewolf again?” I asked curious. “He was right out of the edge of our family’s ruins. I assume that’s why your family left, the pack of werewolf’s ravaged this twin and vored most everyone in the town. The few survivors left for new land, never to come back again.” He said
A little time later....
“Cal I suggest you drink that serum just in case this island is very dangerous. I should know, I’m a descendant of the original founders of the island. Werewolf’s still run around, and other creatures. This werewolf is actually the last one of the alpha originals pack. There are no more like him on the island. I’ve been researching these ruins for ages and studying the ancient family who lived here. I’ve found texts about what happened by a survivor. I assume they left it so one day someone would find it and know what happened here. If you want to explorer feel free to, I know there’s an old grave yard up the hill passed the well.” He told me and he showed me a map layout of the ruins. I was nearly bursting with knowledge, it was so much to process. I need to be by myself for a minute, plus I wanted to explore the ruins.
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miniaturemallow · 5 years
My proposition is a pred that looks half human and half carnivorous plant (like a Venus flytrap or a pitcher plant).
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fly trap mouth
(that leads to a pitcher plant like tum perhaps. A pitcher plant would make for a good belly mouth also Also plants be underutilized in pred designs)
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wonderful-bellies · 6 years
Question: How would elemental preds/preys work? Like lets say there's a person who's made out of either fire, ice, water, wind, earth, lava, plants or some other element, how would that work in either a pred or prey scenario? (Although i could see a fire elemental keeping someone in their belly, but the person is not hurt or burned by the flames at all, and is perfectly safe and sound (Same with the earth elemental.))
hmmmm that’s an interesting question. I’ve never really thought about purely elemental based preds or prey, but that could make for some neat scenarios. Plants I’ve seen done before, carnivorous plants are nothing (they can  be really great too. with sweet smelling insides and sticky saliva and such oooo). Earth preds would prob be pretty simple. More than likely just a rocky chamber for a stomach yeah? Prey on the other hand... It would probably hurt to swallow a rocky prey ehehe. Water could be fun. Either floating around in the pred or maybe there’s a bubble for the belly. Oooo and possibly see through too! Prey would be fun too. Just slurp them up! Lava is kinda hard but I can’t help but think of something like @blinkpen ‘s gelatin dragons’ bellies. Like the lava lamp thing (which I LOVE by the way). Fire would probably be unpleasant from both perspectives, unless you can fiction it away and make the fire harmless. It’d be pretty cool to just have a fire chamber as a belly. And wind? Hmmm... Just... floaty I guess? I’m not sure. Cool ideas though!
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