#caregiving planning
thepanvelite · 1 month
Reverse Parenting: Embracing the Role of Caring for Aging Parents
Children become caregivers for aging parents in reverse parenting dynamics.
A mother has to break the umbilical cord twice: once at birth and once when the child becomes an adult. As we grow older, the dynamics between parents and children evolve. We often find ourselves taking on more responsibilities towards our parents. This shift, known as reverse parenting, is a natural progression where children become the caregivers for their aging parents. Understanding Reverse…
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rainyfestivalsweets · 6 months
I had a rough night. My periods continue to be the worst, but last night after CBD for the intense pain, I burrito'ed myself between the heating pad and the electric blanket, which covered most of the pain areas.
Although I was up and down and felt like I was bleeding out, I managed to wake up (late ugg) but with less pain.
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Today I had a triple shot energy drink my friend gave me. 90 cals 9g protein.
Then I worked. And worked out. A dumbell circuit, step workout and a short gluten workout. Then I took a luxurious shower and lotion.... and put my waist trainer on. Open at the bottom to not pressure my screaming uterus.
Oo, that lady who snarkily commented YoU hAvE tO cHaNgE yOuR LiFeSTyLe is gonna be so fucking pissed.
Idk. If you ever feel like you need to do that to some internet stranger.....DON'T.
You don't know what anyone is suffering. What I go thru on the daily. If you don't like what you read, how about you fuck all the way off?! How about that.
Especially if you are not a follower of the blog.
Life is hard, why do people insist on making it fucking harder on strangers?
So it has been awhile. That bitch made me feel unworthy of wearing a waist trainer that I BOUGHT & PAID for, dieted to fit into, and had on hand. But I have it on today because I deserve to use ALL the tools at my disposal.
So if you don't like it, fuck off. What now? Exactly motherfucker. 💯 Fucking nothing.
120 pounds down, shooting for a new low on this journey.... and currently a badass MFer, killing weights, cardio, work, AND FT CAREGIVING!
I can't wait til I can say 130 pounds down!
140 pounds down!
150 pounds down!
160????? 🤩🤩🤩
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kyluxtrashpit · 1 year
Another old cat health ramble. Just cause sometimes I need to write things out
She’s still doing surprisingly well considering how increasingly unsettling she looks (if you follow me on twitter and open the sensitive content warnings, you know what she looks like - it’s spooky. I don’t post pics here cause there’s no real easy way to censor so it’s an opt in if you want to see her current state or not). And I think the cancer has definitely spread to her inner ear, as her balance problems are getting worse. She wobbled so bad she just about did a somersault yesterday when licking the hairball goo I give them every night off her front leg. Sometimes she rubs the area and it’s not great but it’s still manageable and it seems more like it just feels uncomfy sometimes (which I try to alleviate with the lubricant, but she doesn’t love that either so. Delicate balance)
But despite all that, she’s still so full of life and seemingly pain free. She still plays, eats, snuggles - if you covered up the affected part of her face and chocked the occasional wobble up to her being old or something, you’d never know there was anything wrong with her. She’s still so happy and tbh it. Doesn’t really make sense that she’s doing so well
Like I don’t want to look a gift horse in the mouth here but. It is strange. I expected her to be worse by now and I figured her even living to see october was a 50/50 shot. I had been hoping she’d last until this weekend, as it’s a long weekend, and unless anything goes downhill super quickly (which is absolutely possible), she’s going to sail right through without an issue. November? I don’t think it’ll happen based on the historical rate of growth from month to month but. She’s also really barely declined. The tumour is notably bigger and her balance is off but. That’s it
Idk I should be happy she’s doing so well but I can’t help but like. Feel on edge about it. Like whatever’s going to happen is going to be a really quick decline. She could pass suddenly in her sleep at any time too, or her heart could just stop or a blot clot or so many other things that would be sudden and instant. And while a long, slow deterioration is it’s own hell, so is a quick one that you don’t have the chance to prepare for. There’s no good way for it to happen but. Idk. It just makes me nervous that she’s still doing so well even though I know I should be grateful and cherishing it
Idk. There’s no real point here, it’s mostly a ramble. I feel like I’ve been preparing for it to happen any day for months, have been already mourning her for all this time. But she’s still kicking and is basically the same as she always is. And I’m happy for that, I truly truly am, but idk, I can’t help but think it’s a sign that when the time does come, there will be little to no warning. And while it sucks no matter how it happens, idk, I just can’t help being on edge about that because it still sucks, but there is at least some comfort in having at least some warning
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kim-dokja-hate-blog · 2 years
thinkin abt how han yoojin’s original caregiver title (and assumingely all of the other types) was set up perfectly for him to one day achieve the perfect caregiver title…
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 7 months
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meownotgood · 2 years
The idea of aki taking care of his person going through a rough patch mental health wise like depression or anxiety has me shaking in my boots I love him so MUCH he would help you do breathing exercises and bundle you up and do anything for you he’s such a caregiver I am so mentally ill for this man
I KNOW RIGHT I just know aki would take the best care of you....
aki can tell immediately when you're feeling off, even if you refuse to admit it, he just knows, without you ever needing to say a word. you can talk to him about it if you'd like, but you don't have to. he'll stay with you for hours, for as long as you need, refusing to leave your side until he knows you're going to be alright. he'll call off work if he needs to, he doesn't care.
he always asks you if you need anything, or if there's anything he can do to help, but even if you say there's nothing, he somehow always just knows exactly what you need. whether it's for him to cook your favorite meal, or for him to hold you until you fall asleep, or for him to give you words of reassurance. you can find solace in the fact that aki always knows just what you need to feel okay.
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mrlesbian · 1 year
being trans can be so isolating. so lonely. even with the support of some loved ones, i'm still on this journey alone.
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Upholding Humanity in the Face of Alzheimer's: A Comprehensive Guide to Patient Advocacy
Alzheimer’s disease is a journey into the unknown, not just for those diagnosed, but also for the loved ones who walk alongside them. It’s a landscape where memories fade, cognitive abilities diminish, and the power to assert one’s needs and rights becomes increasingly challenging. In this intricate terrain, the role of an advocate emerges as a beacon of hope, a steadfast guardian of dignity and…
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Encouraging healthy eating habits in elderly loved ones is crucial for their overall well-being, especially with the support of in-home aide care in Wilmington, North Carolina. These caregivers can play a vital role in ensuring seniors receive nutritious meals tailored to their dietary needs and preferences.
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nancykhemchandani · 2 months
Eldercare: How SecondMedic Supports Senior Citizens
Discover how SecondMedic supports eldercare with experienced caregivers, personalized care plans, 24/7 support, and affordable rates. 
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facts1590 · 2 months
Comprehensive Eldercare Solutions with SecondMedic: Personalized
Discover how SecondMedic supports eldercare with experienced caregivers, personalized care plans, 24/7 support, and affordable rates.
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faithhomehealthcare · 3 months
Independence Starts with a Personalized Care Plan
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Independence starts with a personalized care plan designed to meet your unique needs.🌟 Our dedicated team is here to provide the support and guidance you need to achieve your goals and live life to the fullest.🌈 Experience the power of personalized care today!💪 👈
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squaredawayblog · 4 months
People with mental health issues who have a family member manage their benefits and pay bills say they would like more input into how it's done.
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beatheprincess · 6 months
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I wana focus on being little this weekend, the nostalgic snackies n watching cartoons again n wear my cute socks w stuffies ^.^ I miss falling asleep to cartoons bru time to do it again ♡
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Fun fact- getting called cute/adorable makes me slip unintentionally 🙈😭🎀🙌🏽
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alvisanders · 8 months
Medicare Open Enrollment: A Guide for Family Caregivers
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During Medicare Open Enrollment, family caregivers play a crucial role in ensuring their loved ones have optimal healthcare coverage. Evaluate the care recipient's health needs, medication coverage, and financial considerations. Stay informed about plan changes and new options. Utilize online resources, attend informational sessions, and consult with healthcare professionals for guidance.
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dc-probate-attorney · 10 months
Proving Undue Influence
The Gormley Law Office is pleased to present this estate litigation series. We represent people every day in Washington DC and in Maryland in probate matters and estate litigation. Contact us today! We are frequently asked to represent heirs to an estate that believe they have been shortchanged in a family member’s estate because of interference by another family member or an outsider. Often,…
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