#caregiver!rory williams
littlespacereader · 3 months
(sorry I'm asking anonymously i get nervous doing requests because my brain is silly) i have read your recent couple of doctor who fics and i love them!! they are so sweet and cute, i was wondering if you would ever do a cg Amy and Rory with a little reader?
When I tell you that this is one of the cutest ideas ever, I mean THIS IS ONE OF THE CUTEST IDEAS EVER! I love Amy and Rory so much! I love their relationship and their dynamic with the Doctor so much! So to add a little one to the mix is just *chefs kiss*. I really hope you love this super fluffy story! Make sure you read till the end! It could open the door to a part 2 possibly👀 Anyway! Please enjoy! Thank you for the request!!
Little Flower in the Garden🪴🏡
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Caregiver! Amy Pond, Caregiver! Rory Williams & GN Little! Reader (SFW!)
Tags - sleepy cuddles, forehead kisses, gardening, hugs, water gun fight, and a surprise at the end👀
The sun cast its rays through the window of Amy and Rory’s house with the blue front door. They both groan, not really wanting to get up just yet. It’s the weekend meaning they both had time off to just relax.
Rory pulled the blanket back up so he could go back to sleep, but it would budge. He pulled again, the same result. Finally he opened his eyes and sat up to see what was causing his blanket to be weighted down so much.
Y/N laid snug between Amy and Rory, thumb in their mouth with one hand while the other held onto Amy’s arm.
Rory couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight. Lately they’ve been trying to get Y/N to sleep in their own bed so they could have a little privacy at night. But it seems it isn’t working as much as they tried.
Amy started to wake up herself, pulling in her arm only to find it held only by her sweet little one. She smiled, leaning down to place a kiss on their head before turning and looking at Rory.
Rory raised an eye brow, “You know they’re never going to learn if you keep encouraging them.”
“Well I think maybe they needed a little extra comfort last night.”
“Yeah? What about my comfort?”
Now it was Amy’s turn to roll her eyes, “You get plenty of it too.” She leaned over and gave him a kiss.
“Plus,” she added, “They’ve been really good at staying in their own bed this week.”
“No they haven’t.”
“Yes they have. They slept in their bed…what was it…Oh! Tuesday night, they slept through the night in their own bed.”
“Yeah they did….but what about the other nights?” Rory smirked.
“Well…progress is progress.” Amy shrugged.
By this time their Little one was starts to wake up to the sounds of their Caregivers talking above them. “Mama? Papa?” I mumbled with a yawn.
“We’re right here sweetheart. Good morning to you too.” Rory said, placing a kiss to the top of their head.
Y/N rolled over and snuggled closer to Rory. He smiled, as he wrapped his arm around them pulling them closer.
Amy smirked “So much for not wanting them in the bed.”
“Shut up.” He chuckled.
It’s a beautiful day! The sun is shining! It’s clear skies! And best of all, we had no plans. Those are the best type of days!
Papa made breakfast while I sat at the counter top eating along side Mama. “What are we gonna do today?” I asked looking to her.
“Now that is a very good question….” She put her fork down and made a funny face like she was thinking very hard. I started to giggle.
“All I know is I gotta fix the fence.” Papa pointed out front.
One of our flower gardens out front has a small little fence wrapped around it. I went to bed one night and it was fine, but when I woke up the next morning it was broken! What could’ve happened?
I asked Mama and Papa about it but got strange responses from either one. So naturally it was my turn to play detective and figure it out. No animals, no foot prints! The only thing I could find was that the shape of whatever broke it was a big square. What box hit the flower garden? It didn’t make sense!
“Papa might have the right idea. We shouldn’t waste this beautiful inside. Let’s work on Mama’s garden together. Wouldn’t that be nice?”
I happily nodded my head. That would be the best!! I loved helping Mama in her garden! So the two of us left the dishes for Papa and made our way to the backyard.
Mama helped me put my shoes on before we walked hand in hand to the shed. Truth be told….the shed is a bit scary. So as we got closer I started to hide behind Mama.
She noticed this right away and decided to play a game with it. “Don’t worry Y/N, I am your knight vowed to protect your royalty with my life!”
She swung the door opened and pretended to point a sword inside the shed. “Back foul creatures! Back!” She waved the pretend sword around.
She turned back to me and offered her hand again, “There is no monster in here. I’ve made sure of it.”
I smiled and took her hand again, “Thank you Mama.”
She squeeze my hand lightly, “Of course. Can’t have anyone trying to take my little bug now can I?”
We walked into the shed and grabbed our supplies! A sun hat for both of us, two hand shovels, a rake, gardening scissors, some new seeds, and a watering can.
With our supplies in hand we began our gardening! Mama made a new flower box for us to start planting new flowers in. “Alright Y/N why don’t you dig small holes in the planter why I snip some of the dead leafs off the rose bush over there. Sound good?”
I nodded my head and got to work! It’s a nice warm day out, but not terribly hot for what we are doing. I made small holes in rows so that each seed would have a nice place to sleep and grow into a flower.
“Excellent job!” She came back over, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Now we have to plant our seeds. Here,” she handed me the small bag. “You do the honors.”
I happily took the bag and began to gently place each seed into each spot. Once done, I covered all the seeds with the rest of the dirt.
I grabbed the watering can and ran over to Mama. “Mama! Water!”
“The spout back here is broken but I think the one out front is working. Ask Papa to help you, he should be out there.” Mama said as she clipped the roses.
I nodded and ran around the house to the front. There Papa was beginning to fix the small fence around one of our flower garden.
“Papa!” I dropped the watering can and gave him a hug from behind.
He jumped at the surprise hug but smiled all the same. “Hey! There’s my sweetheart! What are you trying to do? Give your Papa a heart attack?” He joked, turning around and giving them a proper hug.
“I need help with my watering can.” I pointed out.
“The other spout is still broken isn’t it?” Papa sighed.
“That’s okay. I’ll add it to the list.” He joked, “Let’s get your can filled up so your plants have something nice to drink.”
Hand in hand we walked over to the spout. He turned it on and filled it up for me. “Alright see if that too heavy for you.” He handed it to me.
When I went to grab it it was too heavy as it slipped from my hands and splashed up at us. I giggled and Papa laughed too.
“Hey! You dropped that on purpose!” Papa teased.
“I did not!” I laughed again.
“Oh alright. But I’m keeping my eye on you.” He dumped some of the water out before handing it back to me. “There, that should be better.”
I grabbed the watering can and it was much easier to hold now. “Thank you Papa!”
“Of course sweetheart. If you need anything I’ll be trying to build this fence again.” He sighed as he returned to his work.
I returned back to the backyard and right over to my flower garden. I made sure not to give my seeds too much water but just enough so they had something nice to drink.
With the remaining water I walked around and gave our other plants something nice to drink.
“Y/N! Come over here quick!” Mama called out.
I dropped my watering can and ran over. She turned around with her hands cupped over one another. “Put your hands out.”
I did as she asked and she dropped a small caterpillar into my hands. I gasped and looked at the cute little guy walking around slowly in my hands. “Wow!”
“Found him eating all my rose leaves! Must’ve been very hungry!”
“Do you think he’s going to be a butterfly one day?” I asked looking up at Mama.
“Oh definitely! What color do you think he’ll be?”
“Oh I can see it now! Him with his purple wings flying around the garden.” I smiled at the mental image.
“Now put him down somewhere safe. We don’t want him to get hurt.” Mama instructed.
I nod my head and went to a separate planter box with tons of leafy plants. “Here Mr. Caterpillar, this will be a nice home for you.” I gently place him down and watch him slowly make his way to another leaf to eat.
“Y/N,” Mama called out to me, “Go wash your hands real fast before you go back to watering.” I nod my head and run back inside.
I made my way into the kitchen and start to wash my hands in the empty sink. I look through the window and see Papa working hard on the fence. Since he’s doing something more strenuous than Mama and I he’s starting to sweat in the heat.
With my hands clean, I grab a cup from the cupboard and open the fridge. I move the custard over to the side and grab the pitcher of lemonade. I pour a glass for Papa and bring it outside.
I pull on his shirt to get his attention and not scare him again. When he turns towards me I hand him the cup. “Here Papa, I got you lemonade!”
“Awww! For me? You’re so sweet Y/N. Thank you so much!” He takes the cup and places a kiss on my head. “You take such good care of me.” He wraps an arm around me.
“How’s the fence?” I lean into his side and look at the progress he’s making on the fence.
“It’s going. Hopefully this time the wind won’t blow it down again.”
“I thought Mama said Betty across the street fell on it?”
“That’s what I meant! The…The time before! Yeah the time before it was the wind.” Papa quickly said.
“Hey you lot!” Mama called from behind. She threw two water guns infront of us before she sprayed us with hers. “No slacking on the job.”
Papa quickly put his cup down and grabbed the water guns, handing one to me. “Are we going to take this? Let’s get her!”
And so the rest of the afternoon was spent with the three of us chasing one another around the yard with our water guns in hand laughing and giggling.
It was the middle of the night. I yawned and opened my eyes realizing I’m in my own bed. That’s wrong…I should be with Papa and Mama. So with a big stretch and a yawn, I grab my blankie and made my way out of bed.
But I only make two steps out of my bed and toward the door when I hear a strange notice outside followed by the sound of cracking.
I quickly run to the my window and look outside. There, where the fence was just fix is…a blue box?! What?
I stare out the window at the strange blue box now sitting in the flower garden. That’s what broke it the last time! But…how did it get there? And what is it?
My curiosity takes over as I run downstairs and out front in pjs with my blankie in hand. There, staring at the box, stood a man…a tall man, with brown hair and a bow tie.
“I’m sorry Amy, I think at this point the Tardis just doesn’t like your planter-.” He turns around and stops when his eyes land on me.
“Oh! Hello! You must’ve be Y/N! I’ve heard so much about you from your Caregivers!” His whole face lit up seeing me for the first time.
He walked over with a big smile on his face. “I’m the Doctor.”
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sonseulsoleil · 1 year
Rory Williams is truly one of the Guys of All Time. Erased out of existence but survived through Amy's memory of him, lived for two thousand years as a plastic centurion, didn’t officially take Amy's last name in the marriage but might as well have, is a nurse, a caregiver at heart, dressed up as a centurion again to search the universe for Amy and their baby for no reason other than to be Extra, punched Hitler in the face and then pointed a gun at him. who is doing it like him.
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silliestlittledemon · 5 months
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Regressor! 11th doctor and caregiver! Amy Pond and Rory Williams 🌙⏰️ sobbing i love them they make me wish i had a cg sometimes
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newyorktheater · 6 years
Jeff Daniels as Atticus Finch, Bryan Cranston as Howard Beale, Stephanie J. Block as Cher
Three shows opening this month on Broadway bring to the stage  adaptations of three landmarks of American culture: “To Kill A Mockingbird,” “Network,” and “The Cher Show.”
The three Chers in the Cher musical are not the only Chers in a musical. Off Broadway, Disney star Dove Cameron is playing Cher Horowitz in The New Group’s adaptation of “Clueless.”
Clueless might be a good description of the audience before it attends “Nassim,” the first production of Barrow Street Theatricals after leaving its home on Barrow Street after 15 years. We’re given very few clues as to what “Nassim” is about. I
It’s one of the several new plays Off-Broadway  that promise a novel experience, at venues that often fulfill that promise  — “The Head and the Load” at Park Avenue Armory, “The Jungle” at St. Ann’s Warehouse, “Slave
from The Jungle
Play” at New York Theatre Workshop, and much of the work at BAM’s Next Wave Festival and Soho Rep’s Fringe Encores series.
In “Noura” at Playwrights Horizons, a family that fled Iraq eight years ago plans the perfect Christmas dinner. But “Noura” is in no way a “Christmas show.” There are plenty of those, some included below in my selection of openings in December, organized chronologically by opening date. Each title is linked to a relevant website for more information.
Color key: Broadway: Red. Off Broadway: Black or Blue. Off Off Broadway: Green. Theater Festival: Orange.  Christmas Show: Gold (A post later in the month will offer a fuller list of holiday shows)
For more information about the season in general, check out Broadway 2018-2019 Season Guideand Off Broadway Fall 2018 Preview Guide
December 2
The Emperor’s Nightingale (Pan Asian Rep @ Theatre Row)
Damon Chua’s adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen’s story “The Nightingale,” set in 18th-century China, employing traditional lion dance, puppetry, 18th century Chinese songs. The future Qianlong Emperor befriends a magical bird who helps him learn what he must do to be King.
December 3
The Cher Show (Neil Simon)
The musical traces the career of pop star Cher, who is played by three performers at different ages of her life.
  Wars of the Roses: Henry VI & Richard III (Theater for the New City)
For just three performances, Austin Pendleton directs and adapts the story of Richard III, combining Shakespeare’s text from ‘Henry VI, Part 3’ and ‘Richard III.’
A Child’s Christmas In Wales (Irish Rep)
The annual adaptation of Dylan Thomas’s short story, with new and old songs.
  December 4
The Head and the Load (Park Ave Armory)
The title is a play on the Ghanaian proverb, “the head and the load are the troubles of the neck.” William Kentridge’s collaborative combination musical piece, performance art and art installation is about the nearly two million African porters and carriers used by the British, French, and Germans who bore the brunt of the casualties during the First World War in Africa.
Wounded (Soho Rep)
Print of Fringe Encores Festival: A woman struggles to find a balance between her own needs and being a full-time caregiver to her husband, a veteran severely mentally and physically injured in the Iraq war.
December 5
Greek (BAM)
Part of the Next Wave Festival: An “in-your-face operatic retelling of the Oedipus tale,” set in 1980s London.
December 6
Network (Belasco)
Directed by Ivo Van Hove, Bryan Cranston stars as Howard Beale the network anchor who’s mad as hell and can’t take it anymore, in the stage adaptation of the 1976 film.
December 9
Slave Play (New York Theatre Workshop)
The old South lives on at the MacGregor Plantation in this antebellum fever-dream written by Jeremy O. Harris and directed by Robert O’Hara.
The Jungle (St Ann’s Warehouse)
Meet the hopeful, resilient residents of the Jungle – a sprawling refugee camp in Calais, France. Take a seat inside the bustling Afghan Café to experience how, with minimal resources in a cold, inhospitable environment, refugees and volunteers built a warm, self-governing society out of nothing
December 10
Noura (Playwrights Horizons)
A play written by and starring Heather Raffo as Noura, who eight years ago, fled her home in Iraq along with her husband and family. Today, she plans the perfect Christmas dinner to celebrate their new life in New York. But the arrival of a visitor stirs up long-buried memories. Inspired by the Nora in Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House.”
Fabulation, or The Re-Education of Undine (Signature)
A revival of a satire by Lynn Nottage: After her husband steals her fortune, successful African-American publicist Undine must move back into her childhood home in the Brooklyn projects
December 11
Clueless The Musical (The New Group at Signature)
Amy Heckerling adapts her 1995 movie into a musical, directed by Kristin Hanggi(Rock of Ages), choreographed by Kelly Devine(Come from Away) and starring Dove Cameron (he star of the Disney Channel teen sitcom Liv and Maddie) as Cher Horowitz, a girl “so psychotically optimistic she can’t see that her bungling attempts at playing Cupid disguise her own fashion-plated isolation.”
  Ruben & Clay’s Christmas Show (Imperial)
Officially called Ruben & Clay’s First Annual Christmas Carol Family Fun Pageant Spectacular Reunion Show,Ruben Studdard and Clay Aiken reunite on Broadway 15 years after their run on the second season of “American Idol.”
December 12
  Nassim (Barrow St at City Center)
“Nassim” marks the return of Iranian playwright Nassim Soleimanpour (White Rabbit Red Rabbit)  — and of Barrow Street Theater, now renamed Barrow Street Theatricals, since it lost its theater on Barrow Street after a stellar 15-year run. (Our Town, Tribes, Every Brilliant Thing, Sweeney Todd,etc.) Now at New York City Center, the theater presents a show that we’re told has played in 10 countries, but aren’t told what it’s about: “No rehearsals. A different guest actor at every performance. A sealed envelope. And some surprises.” We do now the guest actors will include Michael Shannon, Cush Jumbo and Michael Urie.
Nervous/System (BAM)
Part of BAM’s Next Wave Festival: The latest tech-heavy work by Andrew Schneider, “a high-tech bird’s-eye view of everyday life.”
Strange Window: Turn of the Screw (BAM)
Part of BAM’s Next Wave Festival: The Builder Association’s adaptation of Henry James’s gothic tale.
The Net Will Appear (Mile Square at 59e59)
A comedy of an unlikely friendship between the feisty 9-year-old Rory and her septuagenarian neighbor Bernard (Richard Masur.)
December 13
To Kill A Mockingbird (Shubert)
A play written by Aaron Sorkin and directed by Bartlett Sher, based on Harper Lee’s beloved novel about virtuous Southern lawyer Atticus Finch (portrayed by Jeff Daniels) at a time of racial bigotry
Christmas In Hell (York)
On Christmas Eve, little 8-year-old Davin is mistakenly taken down to Hell. When he returns, not only has he missed Christmas, but he is devilishly changed.
Can’t get tickets that you want at the box office? Try Ticket Liquidator for tickets to..
The Cher Show
Bryan Cranston
To Kill a Mockingbird
December 2018 New York Theater Openings Three shows opening this month on Broadway bring to the stage  adaptations of three landmarks of American culture: "To Kill A Mockingbird," "Network," and "The Cher Show."
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ao3feed-doctorwho · 6 years
The Longest Time
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QTvab7
by st_mick
Rory navigates the Battle of New York as best he can. Tony rediscovers old friends and invites them back into his life. Rory's nursing skills and love are put to the test by a terrible diagnosis. General Ross takes advantage of Peggy's death, and King T'Challa offers sanctuary to all.
Words: 18036, Chapters: 7/7, Language: English
Series: Part 9 of He is the Sun in His Own Solar System
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Multi
Characters: Rory Williams, Peggy Carter, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Maria Hill, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Natasha Romanoff, Thor
Relationships: Rory Williams/Peggy Carter
Additional Tags: Battle of New York, Rory gets the better of a fixed point... in his own way, Old friends passing away, Alzheimer's sucks, Caregiver Fatigue, Drunk Thor and Steve are awesome, Grief/Mourning, Capture and torture, I never liked General Ross, And Sharon Carter has NO place in my AU
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QTvab7
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johnrooksby · 7 years
My CHI 2017 picks
I’m just back from CHI 2017 in Denver. Here are my top picks from the conference (so far - I’ve not read everything). Its been a good year, so the list is longer than usual...
Papers on personal tracking
Naomi Yamashita, Hideaki Kuzuoka, Keiji Hirata, Takashi Kudo, Eiji Aramaki, Kazuki Hattori Changing Moods: How Manual Tracking by Family Caregivers Improve Caring and Family Communication
Tracking of by one family member of another with depression. interestingly/controversially the subject of tracking does not have direct access to the logs. 
Elizabeth V. Eikey, Madhu C. Reddy. It's Definitely Been a Journey: A Qualitative Study on How Women with Eating Disorders Use Weight Loss Apps
Interesting study of the use of My Fitness Pal by women with eating disorders. Many interesting design suggestions. 
Jochen Meyer, Merlin Wasmann, Wilko Heuten, Abdallah El Ali, Susanne CJ Boll. Identification and Classification of Usage Patterns in Long-Term Activity Tracking
A nice study of usage patterns with activity trackers. The paper looks in a fairly simply ways at whether an app was looked at or not. 
Ravi Karkar, Jessica Schroeder, Daniel A Epstein, Laura R Pina, Jeffrey Scofield, James Fogarty, Julie A Kientz, Sean A Munson, Roger Vilardaga, Jasmine Zia. TummyTrials: A Feasibility Study of Using Self-Experimentation to Detect Individualized Food Triggers.
This a great paper that brings principled self experimentation to personal tracking. The authors have created and trialled an app to support self experimentation by people with irritable bowel syndrome. 
Ruth Ravichandran, Sang-Wha Sien, Shwetak N Patel, Julie Kientz, Laura R. Pina. Making Sense of Sleep Sensors: How Sleep Sensing Technologies both Support and Potentially Undermine Sleep Health 
This paper presents a survey and interview study with people that use sleep trackers and several interviews with health professionals. The authors make some very interesting points about measurement. 
Daniel A Epstein, Nicole B Lee, Jennifer H Kang, Elena Agapie, Jessica Schroeder, Laura Pina, James Fogarty, Julie A. Kientz, Sean Munson. Examining Menstrual Tracking to Inform the Design of Personal Informatics Tools
A broad study of menstrual tracking apps that makes some interesting points on gender. 
Amid Ayobi, Paul Marshall, Anna L. Cox, Yunan Chen. Quantifying the Body and Caring for the Mind: Self-Tracking in Multiple Sclerosis
This is an interesting study of self tracking by people with degenerative disorders. The paper considers the mindful and lived aspects of tracking along with the more functional aspects. 
Chia-Fang Chung, Nanna Jensen, Irina A Shklovski, Sean Munson. Finding the Right Fit: Understanding Health Tracking in Workplace Wellness Programs  
A systematic take on tracking in workplace wellness initiatives.
Papers related to mindfulness
Bin Zhu, Anders Hedman, Haibo Li. Designing Digital Mindfulness: Presence-In and Presence-With versus Presence-Through 
This paper presents a helpful framework for designers describing different ‘levels’ of mindfulness technology.
Christina Kelley, Bongshin Lee, Lauren Wilcox. Self-tracking for Mental Wellness: Understanding Expert Perspectives and Student Experiences 
A paper on self tracking for stress management and mental wellness among students, focusing on the challenges of uptake.
Petr Slovák, Christopher Frauenberger, Geraldine Fitzpatrick. Reflective Practicum: a Framework of Sensitising Concepts to Design for Transformative Reflection 
The paper considers two examples of ‘social emotional learning’ (a counselling course, and a primary school life skills programme) through the lens of Schön’s work.
Blockchain and Bitcoin
Larissa Pschetz, Ella Tallyn, Rory Gianni, Chris Speed. Bitbarista: Exploring Perceptions of Data Transactions in the Internet of Things. 
Interesting work with a bitcoin integrated coffee machine showing provenance data. 
Karim Jabbar, Pernille Bjorn. Growing the Blockchain Information Infrastructure
A study of a Bitcoin entrepreneur setting up bitcoin ATMs and payments infrastructure in Denmark. 
Corina Sas, Irni Eliana Khairuddin. Design for Trust: An Exploration of the Challenges and Opportunities of Bitcoin Users
Interesting study of Bitcoin users and issues of trust out there in the wild. 
Papers on messaging
Mariam Hassib, Daniel Buschek, Paweđ W WoƝniak, Florian Alt. HeartChat: Heart Rate Augmented Mobile Chat to Support Empathy and Awareness 
The creation and trial of an app in which biometrics and mobile messaging are combined. 
Katerina L. Gorkovenko, Nick Taylor, Jon Rogers. Social Printers: A Physical Social Network for Political Debates. 
Interesting design study in which social printers were placed in the home. 
Frank R. Bentley, Nediyana Daskalova, Nazanin Andalibi. “If a Person is Emailing You, It Just Doesn't Make Sense”: Exploring Changing Consumer Behaviors in Email
This paper considers what email is to people these days, when messaging apps are so widely used. Email is now primarily for relationships with business, such as collection of receipts and coupons. 
Rui Zhou, Jasmine Hentschel, Neha Kumar. Goodbye Text, Hello Emoji: Mobile Communication on WeChat in China 
A qualitative study looking at sticker and emoji based messaging in China.
Joe Marshall, Conor Linehan. Misrepresentation of Health Research in Exertion Games Literature
A lot of health related research is misrepresented when describing the reasons for creating exertion technology.
Ari Schlesinger, W. Keith Edwards, Rebecca E. Grinter. Intersectional HCI: Engaging Identity through Gender, Race, and Class
A meta review of identify representation in the HCI literature.
Chris Elsden, David Chatting, Abigail C. Durrant, Bettina Nissen, Andrew Garbett, John Vines, David S. Kirk. On Speculative Enactments 
Design fiction meets user studies.
Barry Brown, Eric Laurier. The Trouble with Autopilots: Assisted and Autonomous Driving on the Social Road
A methodologically interesting paper using YouTube as a source of data.
Papers on “Datawork”
Melanie Feinberg. A Design Perspective on Data
We should think of data not just in terms of use and representation, but in terms of its creation and design.
Peter Tolmie, Rob N Procter, David William Randall, Mark Rouncefield, Christian Burger, Geraldine Wong Sak Hoi, Arkaitz Zubiaga, Maria Liakata. Supporting the Use of User Generated Content in Journalistic Practice
A study of journalists use of data tools, showing amongst other things that they do not simply take the output of these tools at face value but combine sources of information and treat them sceptically. 
Nadia Boukhelifa, Marc-Emmanuel Perrin, Samuel Huron, James Eagan. How Data Workers Cope with Uncertainty: A Task Characterisation Study
Introduces (to me at least) the idea of “data work” and “data workers”.
Asma Ghandeharioun, Rosalind Picard. BrightBeat: Effortlessly Influencing Breathing for Cultivating Calmness and Focus 
Work that reminded me of Tina Bin Zhu’s paper on mindfulness (above).
Ziming Wu, Xiaojuan Ma. Money as a Social Currency to Manage Group Dynamics: Red Packet Gifting in Chinese Online Communities 
Interesting on WeChat payments/gifting. 
Grace Eden, Benjamin Nanchen, Randolf Ramseyer, Florian Evéquoz. On the Road with an Autonomous Passenger Shuttle: Integration in Public Spaces
An interesting perspective on autonomous vehicles, taking a passengering and pedestrian view of how autonomy comes to be.
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silliestlittledemon · 5 months
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Amy Pond and Rory Williams as caregivers moodboard 🗡🌻
Any k!nk or f3t!sh content DNI!!!
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silliestlittledemon · 5 months
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Rory Williams as a caregiver moodboard 💙🫂 I actually miss him so much :(
Any k!nk or f3t!sh content DNI!!!
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