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Loosely inspired by the "Erik is the youngest of the Dragon Slayers" headcanon.
What if he was the only Little among them?
The others, all mostly consisting of Caregivers, never let it go upon finding out. They know he lived a hard life, so they were pretty insistent on taking care of him.
Laxus, Gajeel, and Natsu are usually the main three to have custody over him for a week or so. Sting and Rogue usually visit to help entertain him. Wendy helps care for him when he's injured or sick.
Erik, who was raised on negative beliefs surrounding Littles, did get a boost of self-confidence from having the group wanting him around enough to warrant fighting amongst each other over who got to spend time with him.
#fairy tail#littletail#cobra/erik#little!erik#natsu dragneel#caregiver!natsu#gajeel redfox#caregiver!gajeel#laxus dreyar#caregiver!laxus#sting eucliffe#caregiver!sting#rogue cheney#caregiver!rogue#wendy marvell#caregiver!wendy#sfw agere
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What would Katsumi, Doppo (as father-in-law), Natsue (as mother-in-law), Oliva (as uncle-in-law, I loved that headcanon), Baki and Retsu do with an o/s who is going through a medical process for a cyst on her ovary that It's not deadly but it's somewhat dangerous?
Situation: Taking care of a S/o who is going through a medical process. / Cuidando a un S/o que está en un proceso médico.
Characters: Baki Hanma, Orochi Family, Oliva Biscuit and Retsu Kaioh.
Baki Hanma.
I think he is a bit clumsy at it. He gets nervous because he can't properly gauge the situation.
Should he be worried? Should he not be worried? How serious is it? Is his S/o going to be okay after the whole process? He is very confused, even when the S/o tells him to stay calm, that as long as they handle things with proper care everything will be okay.
He will do what you ask, because he genuinely doesn't know how to handle the situation, he doesn't have that much knowledge about medical processes or recovery, but he will do what he can to help.
He tries to go get medicine and food for some nutritious meals, he doesn't have a huge repertoire of meals, but he tries.
Baki tries, he's not the best, but he will do everything he can to get his S/o okay, comfortable, and to recover faster.
He gets nervous in the hospital, it's too quiet and you have to be too careful in every single thing you do there, but he will stay with you and every now and then the S/o will hear "are you okay?"
Honestly, he's more nervous and disoriented than his own S/o, Baki wants to do things right to ensure the well-being of the one he loves.
Doppo Orochi.
He is a bit strict regarding the recovery and rest that the S/o must keep, no efforts or sudden movements. Only rest and good food.
Doppo has the doctrine that the body must be in optimal conditions for anything, it must be taken care of and given the opportunity to heal itself.
This does not mean that he does not believe in medicine, but he believes that adequate rest is necessary.
He is inflexible about certain activities that the S/o can do, no matter how important they are, of course he will offer to cover that responsibility.
Imagining it this way; Doppo with his white suit, his hat and his sunglasses while carrying a shopping bag filled with provisions and groceries for the S/o's lunch along with a small cake for later.
He is strict, but has a considerate side that is willing to comfort the S/o's worries, medical processes can be stressful and discouraging from time to time.
He accompanies her to all medical checkups and during grueling blood tests to help them cope.
Katsumi Orochi.
He is worried about his S/o's condition, but will try to remain calm because he believes it would be a more suitable environment for his partner to recover faster. He is doing his best to maintain a more pleasant environment.
He will attend all of the S/o's medical visits and will pay close attention to everything he needs to know in order for the treatment to go well.
Katsumi prefers to be the one to take care of his S/o during the entire procedure, although he trusts his mother and father, he prefers to be the main caregiver for his S/o because he wants to be as attentive as possible.
However, that does not mean he can really stop them. Natsu and Doppo are extremely skilled at evading Katsumi's refusals.
Doppo does the grocery shopping and Natsu makes all the meals for the S/o, Katsumi can only look at them in disbelief as his parents can avoid him to take care of the S/o. It does not really bother him, he believes that the company can do good to his S/o.
In case the S/o has to stay in the hospital, Katsumi will visit them frequently, however, he is calm knowing that his S/o has all the necessary care.
He also tries to make things more comfortable for his S/o, brings a warm sweater, changes the water for the flowers, helps his S/o get up and sit down whenever necessary, and takes care of errands and to-dos.
Natsue Orochi.
She is super cute, she is so attentive to the S/o, regardless of whether they tell her it is dangerous or not.
If the doctors ask the S/o to go home to rest, she will offer to take care of them, so they can stay at the Orochi house for a while or she will visit them frequently to help with cleaning or lunch.
Natsue has a maternal instinct that has been nurturing the S/o since Katsumi brought him home, she watches them closely to make sure they are okay. She doesn't hesitate to help you walk, not letting you lift heavy things or stretch too much to reach something.
She is not holding back the urge to spoil you with little sweet things.
If the doctors ask the S/o to stay in the hospital to receive the care she will visit them often, she will bring some flowers with her because she thinks they can cheer him up.
She is asking the doctors about things she can do to take care of her S/o, some diet, massages, some medicine maybe. She wants to be prepared for when the S/o gets out of the hospital, after that she doesn't want to let him/her go on his/her own.
Natsue is going to take care of her son/daughter-in-law with much love, they are already part of the family.
Oliva Biscuit.
He could cry, I mean, he will cry. It's his poor, beloved nephew-in-law we're talking about, how could he not be worried? Of course, Oliva is the one who is most worried and the one who asks the most questions about the treatments.
He will get whatever medication is needed, there is nothing he won't do to ensure that the treatment is followed to the letter, but he is questioning the doctors about the side effects and how to deal with them.
I think Maria is tired of Oliva's whining, but she is also feeling just as worried and that is the reason she doesn't blame Oliva. She lets him cry on her shoulder and rubs his back to calm him down, she is not the nicest, but her intention is obvious.
Oliva brings a lot of gifts for her nephew, some from Maria and many others from herself. He is worried and tries to make them feel better by smothering them with gifts.
Oliva will cry if the S/o has to stay in the hospital because she won't be able to visit him as often as he wanted, nor give him all the gifts he wanted.
He is tempted to build a hospital/hospital room just for the S/o where he can have all the freedom he wants.
Maria will intervene in this because it is going too far, Oliva will protest for a while, but she will really dismiss the idea when the S/o also tells her that it is not necessary to go to so much trouble.
Retsu Kaioh.
Retsu accompanies his S/o throughout the entire process and never stops being a comforting support, in anything you ask of him.
He takes them to checkups and scheduled appointments throughout the process, tries to make everything as pleasant as possible, calm talks about the way to the hospital to keep a good mood and start the days in a good mood.
He is researching ways to maintain ideal conditions for a person to recover and continue their treatment from home, as well as getting them more balanced meals, medications, and accompanying them to medical appointments.
Retsu would prefer that the S/o stay in the hospital because he knows that is the place where they will receive the best care, equipment, and professional attention they need. He does not leave them alone, but he will respect if the S/o wants some space.
He will be there if they want to talk or vent, and he feels it is necessary to keep track of the S/o's mental state while keeping track of the S/o's physical state. He wants to listen to them and know what is going through their mind throughout the process.
He wants the S/o to feel comfortable, so he makes the place to suit his S/o's taste, whether at home or in the hospital (in this case, the changes that are allowed).
Retsu knows that the process can be long, so he tries to support his S/o by keeping track of checkups and visits, medical prescriptions, treatments and medications, all to reduce the mental burden on the S/o.
Versión en español.
Baki Hanma.
Creo que es algo torpe en ello. Se pone nervioso por no poder dimensionar correctamente la situación.
¿Debe preocuparse? ¿No debe preocupase? ¿Qué tan grave es? ¿Su S/o va a estar bien después de todo el proceso? Esta muy confundido, incluso cuando el S/o le pide que guarde la calma, que mientras traten las cosas con el cuidado adecuado todo estará bien.
Hará lo que le pidas porque genuinamente no sabe como manejar la situación, no tiene tanto conocimiento sobre procesos médicos ni recuperación, pero hará lo que pueda para ayudar.
Trata de ir por medicamentos y alimentos para algunas comidas nutritivas, no tiene un gran repertorio de comidas, pero lo intenta.
Baki lo intenta, no es el mejor, pero hará todo lo que pueda para conseguir que su S/o esté bien, cómodo y que se recupere más rápido.
Él se pone nervioso en el hospital, es demasiado silencioso y hay que ser demasiado cuidadoso en cada cosa que haces ahí, pero se quedara contigo y cada tanto el S/o escuchara “¿te sientes bien?”
Honestamente, esta más nervioso y desorientado que su propio S/o, Baki quiere hacer las cosas bien para asegurar el bienestar de quien ama.
Doppo Orochi.
Es un poco estricto con respecto a la recuperación y al reposo que el S/o debe guardar, nada de esfuerzos ni movimientos bruscos. Solo reposo y buena alimentación.
Doppo tiene la doctrina de que el cuerpo debe estar en optimas condiciones para cualquier cosa, hay que cuidarlo y darle la oportunidad de curarse solo.
Esto no significa que no cree en los medicamentos, pero cree que es necesario el descanso adecuado.
Es inflexible sobre ciertas actividades que el S/o puede hacer, sin importar cuan importantes sean, por supuesto se ofrecerá para cubrir esa responsabilidad.
Imaginándolo de esta forma; Doppo con su traje blanco, su sombrero y sus lentes de sol mientras carga un bolso de compra llena con provisiones y despensas para el almuerzo del S/o junto con un pequeño pastel para más tarde.
Él es estricto, pero tiene un lado considerado que esta dispuesto a consolar las preocupaciones del S/o, los procesos médicos pueden ser estresantes y desalentadores de vez en cuando.
Le acompaña a todos los chequeos médicos y durante los extenuantes análisis de sangre para ayudarles a sobrellevar las cosas.
Katsumi Orochi.
Esta preocupado por la condición de su S/o, pero tratara de permanecer calmado porque cree que seria un ambiente más adecuado para que su pareja se recupere más rápido. Esta haciendo cuanto puede para mantener un ambiente más agradable.
Él asistirá a todas las visitas medicas del S/o y pondrá mucha atención a todo lo que debe saber para que el tratamiento salga bien.
Katsumi prefiere ser quien cuide a su S/o durante todo el procedimiento, aunque confía en su madre y su padre, él prefiere ser principal cuidador de su S/o porque quiere estar tan pendiente como sea posible.
Sin embargo, eso no quiere decir que puede detenerlos realmente. Natsu y Doppo son extremadamente hábiles para evadir las negativas de Katsumi.
Doppo hace la compra de la despensa y Natsu hace todas las comidas para el S/o, Katsumi solo puede mirarlos sin poder creer como sus padres pueden evadirlo para cuidar al S/o. No le molesta realmente, cree que la compañía puede hacerle bien a su S/o.
En caso de que el S/o deba quedarse en el hospital, Katsumi les visitara con frecuencia, sin embargo, esta tranquilo al saber que su S/o tiene todos los cuidados necesarios.
Él también trata de hacer las cosas más cómodas para su S/o, trae un suéter cálido, cambia el agua de las flores, ayuda a su S/o a levantarse y tomar asiento siempre que sea necesario, además de que se ocupa de los mandados y pendientes de ambos.
Natsue Orochi.
Ella es super linda, esta tan atenta del S/o, independientemente de que le digan que es peligroso o no.
Si los médicos le piden al S/o irse a casa para descansar ella se va a ofrecer a cuidarles, para que vaya a quedarse en la casa de los Orochi durante una temporada o ella les visitara con frecuencia para ayudar con la limpieza o el almuerzo.
Natsue tiene un instinto materno que arropara al S/o desde que Katsumi le trajo a casa, los mira atentamente para asegurarse de que esta bien. No esta dudando en ayudarte a caminar, sin dejar que levantes cosas pesadas o te estires demasiado para alcanzar algo.
No está aguantándose las ganas de consentirle con pequeñas cosas dulces.
Si los médicos le piden al S/o quedarse en el hospital para recibir cuidados ella les visitara seguido, traerá algunas flores con ella porque cree que pueden levantarle el ánimo.
Está cuestionándole a los médicos las cosas que puede hacer para cuidar del S/o, alguna dieta, masajes, algún medicamente tal vez. Quiere estar preparada para cuando el S/o salga del hospital, después no quiere dejarle ir por su cuenta.
Natsue va a cuidar de su yerno/nuera con mucho cariño, ya son parte de la familia y ella adora a su familia.
Oliva Biscuit.
Él podría llorar, es decir, va a llorar. Es su pobre y adorada sobrino político de quien estamos hablando, ¿cómo no se va a preocupar? Por supuesto, Oliva es quien esta más preocupado y el que hace más preguntas sobre los tratamientos.
El conseguirá cualquier medicamente que sea necesario, no hay nada que no haga para garantizar que el tratamiento se cumpla al pie de la letra, pero está cuestionándole a los doctores los efectos secundarios y como sobrellevarlos.
Creo que María esta cansada de los lloriqueos de Oliva, pero ella también se siente igual de preocupada y esa es la razón por la que no le recrimina nada a Oliva. Lo deja llorar en su hombro y acaricia su espalda para calmarlo, no es la más amable, pero es obvia du intención.
Oliva lleva un montón de regalos para su sobrino, algunos de parte de María y muchos otros de parte suya. Está preocupado y trata de hacerles sentir mejor al ahogarlos con regalos.
Oliva va a llorar si el S/o tiene que quedarse en el hospital porque no va a poder visitarle con la frecuencia que él quería, ni darle todos los regalos que él quería.
Esta tentado en construir un hospital/habitación de hospital solo para el S/o en donde pueda tener todas las libertades que desee.
María va a intervenir en esto porque ya es irse demasiado lejos, Oliva protestara un rato, pero realmente descartara la idea cuando el S/o también le diga que no es necesario tomarse tantas molestias.
Retsu Kaioh.
Retsu acompaña a su S/o durante todo el proceso y jamás deja de ser un apoyo reconfortante, en cualquier cosa que le pidas.
Los lleva a los chequeos y citas pautadas durante todo el proceso, trata de que todo sea lo más ameno posible, charlas tranquilas durante el camino hacia el hospital para mantener un buen animo y empezar de buen humor los días.
Esta investigando formas de mantener las condiciones ideales para que una persona se recupere y continúe su tratamiento desde casa, además de conseguir comidas más balanceadas, medicamentos y los acompaña a las citas médicas.
Retsu preferiría que el S/o permanezca en el hospital porque sabe que es el lugar en donde recibirá los mejores cuidados, los equipos y la atención profesional que necesita. No les deja solos, pero respetara si el S/o quiere algo de espacio.
Estará ahí por si quieres hablar o desahogarte, considera que es necesario llevar un seguimiento del estado mental del S/o mientras se lleva un seguimiento del estado físico del S/o. Quiere escucharlos y saber lo que pasa por su mente durante todo el proceso.
Quiere que el S/o se sienta cómodo, por lo que adecua el lugar al gusto de su S/o, ya sea en casa o en el hospital (en este caso, los cambios que se le permita).
Conoce que el proceso puede ser largo, por lo que trata de apoyar a su S/o al llevar la constancia de los chequeos y visitas, las recetas médicas, tratamientos y medicamentos, todo para restar la carga mental del S/o.
#baki the grappler#baki son of ogre#baki dou#baki headcanons#retsu kaioh#baki hanma#hanma baki#natsue orochi baki#natsue orochi#katsumi orochi baki#katsumi baki#doppo orochi baki#doppo orochi#oliva biscuit#biscuit oliva baki
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Haikyuu asks?? Kenma and Hinata both being littles, but Kenma is a sleepy little and Hinata is very energetic! They still like playing together though, and their teams think they’re adorable together. -🦐
HAIKYUU ASKS I’m resisting the urge to make another side blog specifically for it because I don’t know how big the audience is ALSO hello I think you’re a new anon that I’ve never seen before
Anyways time to do my job, as with most pairs I think they can exist in a balance together
Especially because they initially got along when they first met canonically
I think they share an animal crossing island but they both do very different things
Honestly, I live for the idea of babysitter/cg coach nekomata and old coach ukai I think that would be adorable
But still primary cg for kenma would be kuroo
I don’t think hinata would have a primary caregiver but I think he would play with Natsu
Kenma likes sitting in trees because hinata like climbing them (Kenma is placed in the tree by Lev)
Kenma sits on the floor because Hinata keeps jumping on the bed and it shakes him around
#age regression#age regressor#agere blog#sfw smolspace#sfw agere#pet regression#petre blog#haikyuu agere#haikyū!!#haikyuu
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@thr0wnawayy Thanks for your comment, I'm going to clarify and say that at this point I'm talking more about the fandom than about the story itself. However, even in the manga you at least have victims like Natsu or Shoto who are able to show negative feelings for him and are allowed to, at which point do we see Midoriya being able to show any feeling other than forgiveness or ignoring his past because focusing on it makes bk look bad? Horikoshi makes bk's violence a comedy while at least Endevor doesn't have that same treatment and it's understandable why what is funny about your abuser hitting you for laughter? Bk and Midoriya have so much in the manga (bnha and tum), ovas, etc thousands of scenes with bk (Izuku's main torturer) and Izuku (his victim) using slaptick comedy and you don't see that with Endeavor and you even have the fandom defending those scenes because it's "comedy" and because it's his personality. This is not allowed with Endeavor and rightly so, because you can't create a dynamic of redemption when abusive behaviors continue. Oh my god, the only reason we don't have scenes like this after BK's apology is literally because it's a war and they have minimal interaction, but even then the only time BK feels truly sincere regret for what he did by saying "I can't believe what I did to you", yet you have the fandom treating him softly and saying he shouldn't be the only one to feel guilty.
Endeavor arc isn't perfect and honestly the fact that Rei remains his caregiver is shit, but at least it feels treated more seriously and there is no attempt to make comedy out of it, we don't see scenes of Enji shouting or hitting Shoto treating him like comedy or his personality, because that is the idea, this isn't true with bk where this is commonplace and if you call him an abuser they go down to your throat saying that you can't call a child abuser but Midoriya is called an stalker (I guess one child can't be called abuser but another can be called a stalker?), the double standard of fandom is in the manga and Horikoshi focused on the fact that each person who thought badly of bk would later change their opinion even if the guy made the stupidest mistakes.
Read takes saying that bk shouldn't feel all the blame for Izuku's insecurities or self-destructive mentality makes me sick. Sure, the shitty teachers didn't help but it was bk who actively sought to harass and let his followers harass Midoriya, bk is possibly one of the big reasons why Midoriya formed his personality and trying to deny it only shows that you don't want to accept that your fave is an abuser. It doesn't help that Horikoshi is literally incapable of putting bk in a bad light where we don't even get reactions from Izuku for the apologies, etc., because in the end it doesn't matter, Midoriya is just another item on the list to check off for how to write bk, that is why we never got a reaction from Izuku to the apology because it was never for him, he was just a spectator who had to be there so that bk would apologize and everyone could say "see, you can't not like him anymore because he says sorry."
The big problem is that his apology took 300 chapters and arcs with bk being violent with Midoriya for comedy. Shit, Endeavor's redemption arc is a little better because no one is defending him hitting his wife and kids, while bk's "consequences" aren't even tied to his own actions and everyone in the manga takes it upon themselves to explain how even when he screws up it's because he's the best.
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My favorite 'random theory/headcanon' for people who think V3 happens in the Hope's Peak Universe and all the 'Dr is fiction' stuff is bullshit, is the 'Kaede Akamatsu and Natsumi Kuzuryu are twin sisters'. Because A) if the 'Kaede has a Younger twin sister' it makes sense since Natsumi's birthday is the day after Kaede's (March 26th and 27th) B) it would make sense for Natsumi to have been in the Main buildings Music room during the twilight saga (which had a piano) AND give her further reason to think she was the Ultimate Lil Sis as well as fuel her inferiority complex, C) They look similar, D) Kaede and Fuyuhiko both being super into upholding the law, but also 75% ready to murder, and E) I find the potential dynamics SUPER interesting
More headcanon rambling under the cut
Kaede called them 'Fuyu' and 'Natsu' for short
Fuyuhiko just occasionally tells people about his 'little sister' but never specifies which lil sister, or the fact he has two (which leads to people being confused as to how he can have a Sister whose super outgoing and friendly, yet really mean and has no friends)
Natsumi gave Kaede the nickname 'Piano Idiot'
Kaede refers to Fuyuhiko as her 'Big Brother' rather than 'Older Brother', mostly out of habit
Kaede goes by their mother's maiden name because she wanted her talent to speak for itself in the Piano contests, not fear for her families names
Kaede and Fuyuhiko ROASTING each other
Fuyuhiko: You gonna get over your dumb-ass reservations about riding bikes? Kaede: You gonna hit a growth spurt? Fuyuhiko:... You gonna ask out that Detective (or insert whoever you ship her with here)? Kaede: You gonna ask out Peko? Natsumi: You're both stupid. Kaede is so used to the deadly aura around her, so she 100% doesn't notice Maki's blood lust, nor all the references she may be an assassin.
Kaede's class being FLOORED when they finally meet her siblings. Mostly because the sweet optimistic Pianist who scolds them for breaking the rules IS IMMEDIATELY FAMILY TO THE BIGGEST YAKUZA FAMILY IN JAPAN and it only came out because she nearly tackled her brother in a hug when they did a class meet up with 77-b.
I imagine Soda and Teruteru walking up to Fuyuhiko like "How dare you have not one but TWO cute sisters" And Fuyuhiko claiming both his sisters are fucking insane, but also thinking No one's good enough for them.
ANYONE WHO DATE'S KAEDE HAS TO GO THROUGH A 'SHOVEL' TALK WITH FUYUHIKO AND KAEDE, except it's less of a 'Hurt her and we'll hurt you' and more of a 'If you hurt our sister, no one will ever know you existed.'
After their parents realized Kaede had a talent for Piano, their mother became very strict about what Kaede could and couldn't do.
Once their relationship as siblings is outed in their classes, Kaede will just pop into Fuyuhiko's class to check on him. Chisa lets this slide because she thinks it's cute.
Natsumi gets made if Kaede let's anyone else take pictures of her playing piano. Everyone knows the only exception is if Natsumi's in the picture with her
Natsumi actually knows how to play piano, because when they were younger Kaede wanted to enter a duet competition, but couldn't find a partner.
Kind of a Side headcanon to this:
Peko and Maki recognize each other as hitwomen within moments of meeting. They also have an unspoken agreement of 'I won't reveal you work for the Kuzuryu's if you don't out me to my class as an Assasin'. At first, Peko wasn't sure if this deal included Kaede, but after hearing her talk about Maki as a 'Child Caregiver' she knew she shouldn't say a word.
Peko is the reason Kaede doesn't know it wasn't normal to just compliment girls.
Peko is just as protective of Kaede as she is Natsumi.
After v3 Headcannon's:
(I imagine that there was some memory fuckery to make it make sense, but this is DR so memory fuckery is par for the course)
The survivors look for the families of those killed in the killing game to give them some closure.
Shuichi ends up being the one who has to tell Kaede's family.
Imagine his shock when Future Foundation gets him in contact with the Head of the Yakuza (and his wife Peko), whose on some island somewhere.
He has to tell Fuyuhiko that Kaede is dead.
Then he's asked to elaborate on how Kaede died.
Fuyuhiko can't ever look at a Piano again. Something that meant so much to one of his little sisters. But after knowing they both died in proximity to one? One being murder in cold blood, the other framed? He can't stand the sight of it.
He still has Kaede's favorite brought to the island in her memory, but neither of them set foot in the music venue where it stands, never to be used by its owner again.
Peko grieves by learning a few simple songs (not the one Kaede was forced to play in death), but it brings her comfort and she imagines she's playing with the girls that she grew up with, her sister-in-law's who never got to see the day they'd get to have that title.
V3 simulation AU because i hurt my own heart: Kaede moves to Jabberwock Island to live with Fuyuhiko and Peko, mostly to help her regain her memories of Hopes peak and to come to terms with the fact her younger sister is dead
Her class visits (usually just video calls)
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Touya is Dead, Dabi is Here.
Dabi is the foil to Endeavor. His villainous foil. However, not everything is about Endeavor. Let’s shove him to the side for a second. Dabi is also the villainous foil to himself, in a stranget twist and turn of events. Dabi has a villain persona that he plays up, he’s trying to show everyone that he’s the monster created by Endeavor’s monstrous actions, but I think he’s also playing himself as the opposite of Touya, the villainous foil to Touya’s once heroic ambitions. Touya was supposed to die, but Touya lived. Now, Dabi is trying to destroy everything Touya is, by embodying the opposite of everything Touya was.
1. The Child Who Didn’t Get Saved
Touya’s remembered in a certain way by his family members. Endeavor doesn’t even seem to pity the child who died on his watch, so much as he pities himself. He pities the fact that he didn’t get to raise his son up into a successor. When he sees the scarred up Dabi still alive in front of him, he doesn’t feel happiness that his long dead son is alive, or even pity for the monster covered in burns.
His first thought is disappointment, that Dabi didn’t grow up into what he wanted him to be. Natsu remembers the crying child that always clung to him, but he probably has the most realistic view of his brother. Someone who was suffering under his father, and someone whose pain shouldn’t be forgiven or swept under the rug. Whereas Fuyumi and Shoto who were both less close to Touya, don’t even seem to know how to talk about him, or how to feel.
Touya is in the eyes of others around him, either a sad and tragic case. A crying child in need of saving who unfortanately did not get saved. Or he’s just not talked about at all. I’m not going to talk about Shoto and Fuyumi because of course they don’t know how to feel about the death of their own brother, and their mom who they’ve been seperated from for a decorated they’re coming to terms with all that slowly but... not only did society as a whole forget about Touya but, Endeavor too. He doesn’t really see Touya. He just sees an unfortanate lost child. He sees a son who he wants to come home. Touya died so young, and so suddenly that his feelings aren’t really recognized. Nobody really knows Touya, and the Touya they all understand is the sad child he used to be. The sad, pitiful, tragic, child.
And is it any wonder that Touya doesn’t want to be this person anymore? That Dabi denies being this person? If all Touya used to be was a sad child, constantly crying, who was never good enough no matter how hard he tried. Then wouldn’t it make sense that Dabi wouldn’t want to be this person anymore?
It’s painful being Touya. Touya is vulnerable, a child who couldn’t do anything about his situation. A child who tried so hard he ended up burning himself. Not only is Touya vulnerable, he’s frail, weak, all the things Dabi doesn’t want to be and all the things his father found worthless. Touya has flames stronger than anyone, but a weak constitution to go along with it, so much so he always ends up hurting himself with his own fire. It’s pretty obvious to see that Dabi is in pain, everyone else around him except for Dabi himself seems to notice it. He’s covered in burn wounds at all times, he’s literally constantly smoking, and just barely stitched together. Yet, Dabi denies being in pain, and through doing that, he denies himself.
2. That Child Grew Up Into An Asshole
Denial is a coping mecahnism. Refusing to acknowledge that something is wrong is a way of coping with emotional conflict, stress, painful thoughts, threatening information and anxiety. Rather than simply being vulnerable, it’s sometimes easier to deny that you are ever vulnerable atall. Especially for people like Dabi who spent long periods in their childhood feeling helpless and week.
From the moment a baby comes into the world, forming attachments to parents or other caregivers is critical to a child’s emotional, physical and psychological development. For an infant, having a gentle and responsive caregiver provides the nurturing a child needs to grow into a healthy adult. A cared for child develops self-esteem, feels secure in exploring the world around him or her and has a strong foundation for understanding how to build healthy relationships later in life.
But if those earliest relationships break down, the child may experience what is known as abandonment or neglect trauma.
One way of coping with this trauma is to be entirely self sufficient. To basically close up, never need to rely on other people ever, and therefore never open up. Basically, what Dabi denies more than anything else is his vulnerability, even though it’s obvious he’s in pain.
Vulnerability, after all is the reason he got abandoned. Touya was tossed to the side because he was too weak. Therefore, in an effort to be strong Dabi denies feeling any pain at all, and in the process shuts out his other feelings. He also denies anything, his connection to his family, any feelings of guilt or remorse he might have.
Self-denail, and self-abuse, it’s the same reason kids from bad homes end up acting irresponsibly and abusing drugs, it’s all a fancy way to hurt yourself.
If overthinking about things causes him pain, causes him to break Dabi’s solution is to simply not think about things. If being Touya is too painful for him, then Dabi chooses not to be a person and plays up the monster.
It’s almost like Dabi and Touya are two separate people stitched sloppily together, but they’re coming apart slowly at the seams. Dabi pretends to be a remorseless villain when facing off with Endeavor, but then in front of the crowds when he’s begging for sympathy he shows off all of his burns, sits politely, and presents a character that is much more human making his case that he killed innocent people but he did so with reason, for a good cause. While, the same Dabi instead of Endaevor seems to just want to burn everything for the fun of it. The point being that, Dabi contradicts himself a lot. He argues with himself.
It’s because Dabi is putting on deliberate acts. He’s changing himself based on the audience. It’s just that he’s also not as good of an actor as he thinks he is. However the performance seems to be pretty consistent at least for the most part, he wants everyone to regret what Touya became because of Endeavor’s abuse so he purposefully makes himself into the opposite of everything Touya was. Touya wanted to be a hero to carry on his father’s legacy, Dabi is a villain dedicated to completely destroying his father’s reputation and leading him to ruin.
Touya was known for being particularly close to Natsuo, not only playing with him all the time, but confiding in him. Touya must have been a good big brother to Natsuo if Natsuo misses him so much. Yet, Dabi acts like Natsuo is nothing special, just another casualty in his revenge on Endeavor.
Touya was someone always working hard to earn Endeavor’s attention and please him. Dabi seems to only want to bring about Endeavor’s ruin and think of ways of hurting him. There’s a certain irony in Dabi being so laser focused on Endeavor, because once again you reap what you sow. Endeavor wanted to raise his child to exist solely for his purpose, to carry on his legacy, to center everything around Endeavor’s needs rather than to care for another living human being with needs of his own and that’s what he got - someone who is singularly laser focused and obsessed with bringing him down. Even if Touya is still obsessed with only Endeavor to the point of forgetting the rest of his family, that’s literally just a symptom, a side effect of child abuse, of Endeavor raising Touya with the expectation that he had to please him.
Touya was a kid who is always crying, and Dabi seems to have no feelings at all. Once again, always, always he presents himself as the opposite of everything that Touya was and wanted to be.
Dabi denies that he is Touya, and therefore denies that he is in pain.
He pulls his brother close, and hugs him, and then does the opposite of what a big brother is supposed and hurts his younger brother instead of protecting him.
It’s not just Dabi being the opposite of Touya, it’s almost like he’s doing everything he can, to burn up and riun Touya’s memory. To deny that any part of him ever was Touya.
Dabi is in denial, but also I think some part of Dabi is aware of his denial. Like I said, he contradicts himself. He says that these are Endeavros’ flames, then just as easily he says “no duh, it’s obvious I’m not Endeavor.”
I think Dabi realizes what he is doing, it’s just at the moment he believes he has to do this. It’s the only way. Whatever, Dabi is hoping to achieve, the radical reform of society, the destruciton of the hero system, it’s more important the feelings of his family, and more important than his own feelings.
However, if those feelings are there it means Dabi isn’t without hope. There’s still a human side to Dabi. Dabi is still Touya, the same way Shigaraki is same Tenko. Their child selves died, but they never did die. Dabi is trying to be pure evil, but parts of him are still good he’s just suppressing himself.
I think what Dabi needs to realize is that his hurt feelings, his feelings of vulnerability, are just as important as the strength he fights with. He needs both parts of himself in order to live on, weak little Touya and villainous Dabi. I don’t think Dabi will turn into a 100% good person, but as for character development the same way that Shoto is learning to reconcile his two disparagent sides, his ice and his flames. I hope that Dabi learns that he’s still Touya, while being Dabi at the same time. He’s not a villain, he’s someone capable of being both good and bad. It’s only that way he can learn to live on as Touya, rather than hoping to die and drag his father to hell with him as Dabi.
#mha meta#touya todoroki#todoroki touya#dabi#lov meta#league of villains meta#my hero academia#my hero academia meta
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Ch:8-taking Care of Him~little Natsu
ch:8-taking care of him~little natsu by Akuma karma
Natsuo is a little one while endeavour acts like his caregiver
Words: 1990, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 9 of 10 Stories of endeavour being a dad and a husband
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Other
Characters: Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor
Relationships: Todoroki Enji | Endeavor & Todoroki Natsuo
Additional Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Good Parent Todoroki Enji | Endeavor
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/36973741
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some lesser known manga that i really really really recommend y’all read.
favs are in bold!
Cat Street - Keito Aoyama used to be a child actress. But after a traumatizing event caused her to quit from the acting business, she became a shut-in, refusing to go to school or interact with anyone. One day, she meets a man who tells her that he’s the principal of a free school - where there’s no set schedule and students can set their own pace. Slowly, Keito sets foot back into the outside world, and meets people who help her grow and heal from her past trauma.
Chichi Kogusa - A story about a medicine seller who spends most of his time on the road, doing his work. When his wife suddenly passes away however, he becomes the sole caregiver of his young son, who has until this point been mostly raised by his mother and his aunt. This is the story of how he takes his son on the road with him, and how the two slowly get to know each other, and discover their new normal.
Cyber Idol Mink - One day, Mink finds herself in possession of a CD from the future, which allows her to become whomever she wishes. She uses this chance to become a cyber idol version of herself and quickly rises to fame. However, Mink has to keep her abilities a secret, because it’s a crime to use technology from the future.
Dream Saga - Yuuki is just a regular girl who one day finds a strange red stone that allows her to travel to another world when she goes to sleep. Before long, she finds out that not all is well with this world, and she must join forces with others from her world to help save this world, or it could be the end of everything as she knows it.
E? Heibon desu yo?? - Yukari is a high school student who dies in a traffic accident, only to find herself reincarnated in another world as the daughter of a poor nobleman. She decides to use her memories of her previous life to help bring in money for her family, and her people.
Film Girl - Nakamura Mei is just spending some time with her friends at a cafe when they suddenly bump into a famous male model. And if that isn’t wild enough, he actually recognizes her from when she used to be a child model??? It turns out, he used to be a huge fan of hers, and he won’t rest until he convinces her to return to the world of modelling.
Flat (Aogiri Natsu) - Heisuke is a regular, lazy high schooler who doesn’t really care for anything except baking sweet desserts. One day, his young cousin Aki is visiting his home, and ends up imprinting on Heisuke. As the two spend more time together, they both teach each other important life lessons.
Himegimi to Sanbiki no Kemono - When the royal palace receives a letter from a group of famous thieves saying that they will be stealing a valuable treasure of the late king, nobody expects their young princess to disappear. But as the princess Violet gets to know her kidnappers, she sees that not everything is as it seems.
Kaichou-san no Koneko - Our main character is an earnest and too-strict-for-his-own-good young high schooler who one day finds himself the caretaker of a helpless, adorable little kitten that was forced on him by his mother, who is in the middle of a divorce. How will this adorable kitten help change our isolated and lonely hero’s life?
Katana (Kimiko Kamata) - Akira Narikawa hails from a long line of famous swordsmiths. His father and grandfather are both considered living national treasures, and he is expected to continue in their footsteps. The only problem? Akira has no desire, whatsoever, to inherit the family business. But with his ability to see the katanas’ true form, Akira can’t seem to stop himself from continually being mixed up in katana-related trouble, no matter how much he tries.
Kokoro ni Hana wo - When their foster parents passed away, Sakura and his four brothers found themselves separated and on their own, adrift in the world. But after a year of hard work and dedication, Sakura is ready to re-open their mother’s beloved flower shop. All he needs to do now is to convince his brothers come back home and help him out.
Magical x Miracle - Merleawe has just started studying at the national school of magic when she bumps into a strange man who kidnaps her, and brings her to the royal castle. Upon reaching their destination, Merleawe learns that she looks almost exactly like the nation’s missing Master Wizard, Sylthfarn. In order to keep panic from breaking out among the public, Merleawe is asked to stand in for the young master wizard until he is found.
Sarashi Asobi - Shinigami Ai is bored with his job and with his existence. When he meets and develops an interest in a high schooler with only days left to live, he doesn’t expect to become attached to her...or to accidentally extend her life past its natural end. With no idea what is to come, Ai decides to stay by her and let her live for as long as he can.
Socks Goblin - The Island of Four Seasons is made up of four villages, Spring Flower Village, Blazing Sun Village, Five Color Autumn Leaves Village, and the dreadfully cold Snowflake Village. When Sujin accepts a job offer to work at Bigfoot Bank in Snowflake Village, she must leave behind the only life she has ever known in her sleepy little Spring Flower village. She ends up meeting many lovely new people, including her shy and nervous neighbour, Mr Lala.
Tsubasa wo Motsu Mono - Set at the end of the 22nd century, on an Earth ravaged by war and climate change, we follow the love story of the ex-thief Kotobuki, who is trying to find an honest job so she can leave behind her thieving ways, as well as the genius Raimon, who used to follow her when he was a military commander, and who has now quit in order to achieve his dream of being with her.
Yuru Koi - After quitting her high stress job, Suzu moves out of the city and back to her sleepy little hometown after 6 years away. On her way to her parents’ house however, she falls into a hole, and ends up being saved by the guy who had dug the hole. Despite their rocky meeting, the two quickly find their relationship developing into something more.
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Chapters 2 & 3
I did end up reading more. Some thoughts about the art and I realize I should have questioned FT’s morality sooner.
Dude, an elf!
Chapter 2 vs 521. Ouch. I prefer the first one.
You know, I feel like even the change in art style might contribute to FT’s later problems. In the beginning, the art style is loose and flowy. The bad proportions are ‘cartoony’ instead of painful. It lends itself well to the fun, carefree mood and I suspect it helps the humor, because it read more as a cartoon than serious story.
Jump ahead and the art is much cleaner and attempts a slightly more realistic look. Thus areas where proportions are bad (tiny wrists, excessive boob, head size) become more glaring and uncomfortable. Humor doesn’t work as well, as the art is giving a more serious portrayal. The art is grounding the story more in reality, but the story didn’t follow.
You’d think the art being more serious would help the more serious subject matter Mashima attempted in later FT but I don’t think it did. I’d theorize that increased detail in the art perhaps made me expect increased detail in the story.
I have a lot of good things to say about FT’s later art (fanservice aside) but this is interesting to think about.
“Roy, you’ve got a head wound there--HEAD WOUND!” -Moss, The IT Crowd
So the general public, historical community, church, royalty, the scientific community, and all of Hargeon all must hate this boy for destruction of property, reckless endangerment, loss of livelihood and more but but as the magic council said last chapter “he’s fun”. This is rather more than ‘over the top’.
And yet she didn’t know his name or face.
Also don’t worry about RUINING people’s lives I guess. Survival of the fittest? Magic is might and those muggles are meant to be ruled any way? Jfc man, people are homeless and out of the job because of you.
*right for you, nobody else
Who seriously keeps giving these people job requests.
A++ parenting. Fairy Tail is sUCh a ~nice~ family. There’s that survival of the fittest ideology again. Bit of the magical supremacy too. Don’t need no weaklings in this guild. Makarov being stressed about Macao is zero excuse for this.
Hints of Natsu having emotional depth! Quick Mashima! Foster it! Opps...no you killed it dead.
Hush Natsu, you’re not in a position to call people out on their logic. :)
Chapter 3
Oh good??? Don’t worry she’s still young and pure???
I’m confused, somewhere in there Mashima does seem to know this behavior is gross but.......
The fight scene is fine, I’m glad Lucy tried and I’m not disappointed she didn’t accomplish much yet, it’s early enough for her to still be learning. The fact that she never really will get her wins is not the fault of this chapter.
Natsu thinking Taurus is a new monster is funny and I like how he melts the ax and spits at the monkey creature.
His speech that they’re all nakama is eh but at least he’s only using it as motivation not actual power. The speeches have never been my favorite side of Natsu. I now find it strange that he has such passion and dedication to the guild. I feel like his desire to find Igneel should have impeded his ability to stay still and commit to them. I’d have thought his heart would always have been preoccupied with Igneel, always half ready to leave with him, yet he put down roots in Magnolia.
Not to mention the loss of his sole caregiver should have given Natsu real abandonment and trust issues. This both makes sense and doesn’t, as it could explain his passion about not abandoning anyone else, but makes his complete faith in them strange.
Nice to have a moment of full teamwork here, and I certainly appreciated the lack of Lucy’s-boobs-squished-against-the-rocks shot.
Woah, check out Happy with a med kit! Details like this must have fooled me early on that wounds might mean something in this story and our characters would face actual stakes. This is far preferable to Wendy healing even death later on.
I appreciate this scene because it’s nice to see Natsu’s fire being used for something creative, nice to see them working on something that’s not just smashing stuff, and the concern for Macau is REAL.
Defeats 19/20 monsters and is ashamed. These people had real problems that should have been addressed, but we’re going to spend the rest of the series letting their bad habits win out. Natsu just threatens to punch Macau and that’s that.
A heart warming ending, Macau does right by apologizing to Romeo.
Ultimately a fine chapter. This was a niced sized mission that introduced the world a bit and had actual struggle. I wish we could have had more of these short missions to explore the world and not require huge emotional impacts. It’s just the nice message at the end is undermined for me now that I think of how these “kind” people are treating random community members. Lucy’s going to be fine only as a part of their ‘in’ crowd.
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Please may I have a Fairy tail age regression scenario of when Caregiver! Natsu knew exactly what he was doing when he basically hung little! You (his sister age 4 by the ankles..she is biologically four and she is four but it was proven that she had little! traits anyway) upside down by the ankles to get you to pipe down when you got upset for no reason at all with Team Natsu and you started laughing when he did that..honestly..you are a handful..Caregiver! Natsu didn't really have a clue what went on when he was in the toilet (he asked them to watch you) but it was definitely silly..honestly.
https://youtu.be/0BR1Na7w-jA?si=EzgBBg5WF68ie7uR (to help you with what I mean and it was typical toddler stuff)
(Sorry for the really late post. I've been struggling juggling finals ((Which are done by now, so yay, one less thing to worry about lol.)), writing, writer's block, and just overall being tired. I am still trying to work on the requests, I've just been struggling with them for the time being lol.)
Big Brother Rescue
You weren’t entirely sure what caused it. Heck, nothing could’ve caused it, really. You were just four and had a harder time growing up compared to your peers, so it could’ve easily just been toddler nonsense.
That being said, you were still sobbing and wailing as everyone around you tried to get you to settle down.
“Here, Sweetie, look at me,” Lucy tried as she waved a toy in front of you. No dice.
Gray attempted to entertain you by creating a functional rattle with his magic, but you just swatted it away.
“Easy, we do not hit,” Erza gently scolded. You didn’t care to hear it, you just kept crying.
“What set her off?” Lucy asked.
“I don’t know. I think she might’ve tripped? Or maybe she saw something that upset her?” Gray offered, but he didn’t sound so sure.
“Maybe Natsu can find out when he gets back..” Erza sighed, “Right now, let’s just try to get her to calm down.”
“Maybe she’s hungry. Or thirsty!” Lucy said, “I’ll grab a bottle,” she hurried off, before soon returning with said bottle in hand.
“Here, how about some milk? It’s nice and cold!” she offered, but you just turned your head away.
“Aww, don’t be like that. You love your bottle,” Lucy tried to coax you into it. Still nothing. You just kept turning your head away while trying to hit the bottle away.
Lucy sighed, backing away.
“What happened?”
The three turned, spotting Natsu. Your brother.
“She’s got herself worked up and we don’t know what happened,” Lucy explained, “Which means we also don’t know how to fix it.”
“I leave for a couple minutes to use the bathroom…” he sighed, “Alright, leave it to me. C’mere, you little rascal!”
He walked up to you, then grabbed your ankles and lifted you up, holding you upside down. He grinned down at you, before gently bouncing you. Your tears stopped, and you even giggled back up at him.
“There we go. There’s the smile I was looking for!” Natsu said, then spun around, letting you fly around. “Weeee!” you laughed happily.
“Alright, up we go,” he pulled you up, then held you in his arms upright, “That’s my girl.”
You babbled happily, reaching up to grip his scarf.
“That worked?” Gray asked.
“Well, if it got her to calm down, I see no issue with it,” Lucy said, handing the bottle over to Natsu. “Think she wants it now?”
You reached for it, babbling away, “Ah! Ah!”
“I’d say so,” he chuckled, slipping it into your mouth. “My sweet happy little sister.”
You cooed happily.
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Please may I have a Fairy tail age regression scenario of when Little! Juvia is in a rambunctious mood and can't help but feel a desire to push some limits..her Caregiver! Gray was extremely patient because the others were very close to losing their patience with her noisy behaviour (and toys) today. Some of the caregivers were extremely grateful when Caregiver! Gray told his little! Juvia in the nicest way possible to tone down a bit with her little toys..considering some of the littles were asleep in the backroom.
*Caregiver! Lucy is a caregiver to her little! Wendy*
*Caregiver! Laxus is a Caregiver to his little! Freed*
*Caregiver! Erza is a Caregiver to her Little! Levy and Erza is often a babysitter for Jellal and the other members of the littles*
*Caregivers! And basically babysitters Gajeel and Natsu often babysat Sting and Rogue..*
(There was also other littles who also had an assigned Caregiver too in the Fairy tail guild)
Little! Juvia is a diaper user and Gray only put her in them as a precaution and rightly so considering how often she had accidents and she never realised considering that she uses her diaper as if she was using the toilet..
Noisy Raindrop
It was the middle of the day at the Fairy Tail Guildhall, and the middle of a multi-Guild playdate being held inside. Everything was going just fine so far, up until it was decided that naptime was coming up.
“Alright, all the beds have been set up in the room. Time for all of you to settle down,” Laxus stated, lifting Freed to his feet.
Not a problem, normally, but not all Littles were expected to actually nap, which caused the ones who were to start pitching fits.
“How come they get to stay up while we have to nap?” Jellal demanded.
“Yeah!” Sting exclaimed. “I wanna stay up too!”
“It’s so unfair!” Freed huffed.
“Guys, how the others choose to care for their Littles is their choice,” Erza explained patiently, holding a sleepy Levy in her arms.
“And we’re caring for you guys the way we choose to,” Gajeel stated, holding an actually asleep Rogue in his arms. “You can keep playing later.”
“And some of you are pretty tired, oh yeah!” Richard commented as Cobra and Midnight leaned against him, half-asleep.
“And all of you know how important naptime is for you,” Jura lifted Lyon into his arms. The icy Little huffed quietly.
“And others have already had their naps today,” Mirajane said, looking up from where Lisanna and Kinana played with each other.
Gray sighed, “Besides, they won’t just be playing while you guys are asleep,” he explained. “Juvia here will be having a snack and sitting with us. Isn’t that right, Raindrop?”
Juvia giggled, reaching for his hand.
“We’ll be setting up games for all of you to play together once you guys wake up,” Natsu explained, “And you don’t want to be too cranky to play later, do you?”
“No..” Sting sighed.
Jellal crossed his arms with a pout.
Lucy gently bounced Wendy in her arms. “Let’s get you all settled down, okay? We’ll wake you guys up when the hour is over.”
“Fine,” the Littles synchronized.
“Alright! I think everything looks pretty good,” Lucy said.
“I think so, too,” Erza said.
“We help!” Milliana exclaimed. Erza ruffled her hair affectionately, “You sure did!”
“Can we play the games now?” Kinana asked. Mirajane pulled her close, “Not yet. We need to wait for the others to wake up first.”
“Although, I don’t think that’s stopping some of them,” Kagura said.
“Oh no..” Gray murmured, watching anxiously as Juvia played with toys that loudly played some form of audio. First it was a dragon toy that had a voice box inside that would make it roar whenever you squeezed its chest, then a magic fairy wand that played music, a star necklace that lit up and played a jingle, and the list just keeps growing.
Gray honestly wondered if the Little was purposefully testing his patience given the fact that she only played with these toys after the others were still napping. She also never showed much interest in such toys before.
Not that he would lose his patience with his precious Raindrop, but he could feel the gazes of the others on his back, knowing they are slowly losing their patience with him.
He cleared his throat, grabbing Juvia’s attention. “Raindrop, maybe you should put those toys away,” he said, gently taking her current toy. “Besides, you’re supposed to be sitting with the Caregivers. I’ll let you have one quiet toy, but you have to stay with me.”
“Mmm..” Juvia murmured quietly, “Papa..”
Gray almost instantly knew what that meant. “Oh dear,” he chuckled lightly, “Let’s get you cleaned up, shall we?”
“I’ll go check on the others to make sure her playing didn’t wake up the others,” Erza said, before ducking into the back room.
Gray took Juvia into the designated changing room, then cooed at her and tickled her stomach once she was laid down onto her mat.
“We need to have a talk, sweetheart. You knew you weren’t allowed to play with any of those toys while the others were napping, right?”
Juvia sheepishly nodded.
“I’m not mad,” he quickly clarified as he started on getting her cleaned up, “But you are aware that those toys would have woken the others, right?”
“Juvi.. didn’t..” she admitted. “Juvi sorry..”
“Don’t worry about it, Raindrop. But those music toys are getting put away after this, and you’re going to have an early bedtime tonight.”
He quickly changed her, getting her into a clean diaper, before taking her back out into the main room.
“Crisis averted,” Erza assured. “A couple of them were waking up, but I was able to get them to settle back down.”
“And Juvia here won’t be allowed near those noisemakers for the rest of today,” Gray assured the others.
“Thank goodness for that,” Gajeel huffed quietly. “Rogue is a pain to settle back down once he’s been woken up.”
“What Little isn’t?” Erza giggled.
“Alright, you’re sitting with me from now on, Raindrop," Gray booped Juvia's nose.
Juvia giggled.
#littletail#request#caregiver!gray#caregiver!erza#caregiver!richard#caregiver!natsu#caregiver!gajeel#caregiver!lucy#caregiver!jura#little!juvia#little!sting#little!rogue#little!levy#little!jellal#little!cobra#little!midnight#little!lyon#sfw agere
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Chapters: 47/47 Fandom: Fairy Tail Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Midnight | Macbeth & Erza Scarlet, Cobra | Erik & Natsu Dragneel Characters: Erza Scarlet, Midnight | Macbeth, Natsu Dragneel, Cobra | Erik, Cubellios | Kinana, Happy (Fairy Tail), Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster, Wendy Marvell, Charle | Carla, Makarov Dreyar, Angel | Sorano Aguria, Racer | Sawyer, Hoteye | Richard, Mirajane Strauss, Elfman Strauss, Gildarts Clive, Lucy Ashley, Midnight | Macbeth (Edolas), Natsu Dragion, Cobra | Erik (Edolas), Erza Knightwalker, Gajeel Redfox, Pantherlily (Fairy Tail), Mystogan (Fairy Tail), Freed Justine, Jura Neekis, Ichiya Vandalay Kotobuki, Hibiki Lates, Eve Tearm, Evergreen (Fairy Tail), Bickslow (Fairy Tail), Cana Alberona, Mest Gryder | Doranbolt, Levy McGarden, Zeref Dragneel, Precht Gaebolg, Ultear Milkovich, Meredy (Fairy Tail), Zancrow (Fairy Tail), Rustyrose (Fairy Tail), Capricorn (Fairy Tail), Yomazu (Fairy Tail), Kawazu (Fairy Tail), Juvia Lockser, Laxus Dreyar, Acnologia (Fairy Tail) Additional Tags: Non-Sexual Age Play, Age Regression/De-Aging, Age Regression Caregiver Natsu Dragneel, Age Regression Caregiver Erza Scarlet, Age Regression Little Midnight | Macbeth, Age Regression Little Cobra | Erik, not age play, Littles Are Known, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, sippy cups, Diapers, Thumb-sucking, Pacifiers, Bed-Wetting, Age Regression Little Cubellios | Kinana, Bottle-Feeding, Post-Oracion Seis Arc, Edolas Arc (Fairy Tail), Post-Edolas Arc (Fairy Tail), Tenroujima Arc, Nightmares Summary:
Earthland was a place filled with many people of many Classifications, this was something that Caregivers Natsu and Erza were well aware of. What they weren't aware of, however, was the fact that two of their latest enemies were Littles.
Or the story in which Natsu and Erza adopt a couple of Seis Littles.
#a fresh new start#caregiver!natsu#caregiver!erza#little!cobra#little!midnight#little!cubellios#sfw agere
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Edolas Fairy tail regression scenario
Edolas Caregiver! Juvia with stubborn Little! Gray Surge of when Little! Gray Surge refused to take off his never ending layers of clothes despite the fact that his clothes were absolutely filthy and he needed a bath pronto (Little! Gray Surge absolutely stinks of mud and other things) after he went missing for hours because he wanted to play in the mud after it rained for a certain amount of time. Caregiver! Edolas Juvia had an endless amount of patience despite how annoying it may seem..she knew better than to yell at her Little for not cooperating..but Edolas Juvia did teach her little a good lesson about staying clean and how others would feel if he was still covered in mud or if he got dirty in other ways..(Basically it was Juvia's talk of how would Gray feel if a friend refused to show good hygiene around him kind of talk)..
That finally got Little! Gray Surge to cooperate with the bathing and all..Little! Gray Surge finally listened to his Caregiver. *cue the gratefulness from the other members of the Edolas Fairy tail guild*
(Again, apologies for the long wait!)
“Gray, darling,” Juvia said, looking down at her Little. “You know you can’t wear all those layers for bathtime.”
“N-no..” Gray shook his head. He wanted to keep them on! He got cold easily and Mama knew that!
Juvia sighed, gently rubbing her forehead. Her precious little Snowdrop liked to run off and play for hours, even if he knew he shouldn’t. Juvia refused to let him play outside recently because it rained heavily and she didn’t want him getting sick, but he ran off anyway and it took the Guild hours to find him.
And when they did, he was all sorts of muddy and dirty. It seeped through the many layers of clothes, was in his hair, and made him look like an overall mess. It didn’t help that he was sweaty and smelled like the dirty water he played in.
Which led to the current predicament, getting him into the bath.
Her Little, as much as she loved him, was one of those Littles. The ones where you’d have an easier time wrestling with the Royal Army’s Legions than trying to convince him to do something he didn’t want to do.
"Snowdrop, don't those icky clothes feel uncomfy? I'm sure you'll feel so much better in the bath."
Gray let out an uncomfortable noise at the thought.
Juvia sighed. She had tried just about everything she could think of, but nothing seemed to get him to move. But then, one last idea went into her head.
"Darling, would you like it if Natsu kicked up a fuss about this? Or came to the playdate covered in mud and smelling like dirty water?"
"So do you think everyone else likes it that you are?"
"No…" his shoulders slumped.
"And do you think it's okay to be all dirty? What if you get sick and can't play anymore until you get better?"
"But.. cold.."
"Aww, darling, I'll make the bath nice and warm for you," Juvia assured him.
"Always. And you'll have all your fun bath toys."
Gray lit up.
"You just have to promise not to run off anymore," she said.
He nodded again, "I promise."
"Good, now let's get you all cleaned up, and we can cuddle later," she booped his nose, then took his hand.
She could already imagine how thankful the others will be after this.
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Fairy tail regression scenario
Caregiver! Gray Fullbuster accidentally yelling at his Little..(Little! Juvia Lockser who regressed around 3-4) when Gray thought that it was Natsu who came to bother him again when it was actually Little! Juvia Lockser actually wanting a hug because she was unhappy about something and that was generally a mistake of the Caregiver (Gray accidentally yelled at Little! Juvia) ..it was obvious that it made the poor little cry because of her sudden rain outside when she went to cry somewhere private in the guild. Caregiver! Gray apologises to his little Juvia for the mistake on his part..Gray had been pissed off because of Natsu and Gray knew that it was a mistake to yell at her and it was wrong and he was sorry for yelling at her..Juvia didn't deserve that and Gray didn't realise that it was Juvia who tapped his shoulder and it thought it was Natsu who had more things to say to piss him off and accidentally yelled at her..
Gray was not in a good mood.
He’s been dealing with Natsu all day and Gray’s slowly losing it. The pink haired pyromaniac was driving him up a wall more than usual today and he just wasn’t in any mood for it anymore.
So when he felt a hand tap his shoulder, trying to grab his attention, his first thought immediately went to just how annoyed at Natsu he was.
“WHAT,” he snapped, whirling around. All of his annoyance immediately faded away into guilt when he watched as Juvia violently flinched back. Rainy blue eyes widened, before filling with tears.
“J-Juvia!” he stuttered, “I-I didn’t.. I didn’t realize..” he reached out to her. She backed away, before running off.
“Wait-!” Gray wanted to go after her, but felt a hand on his shoulder preventing him from moving. He glanced over, looking into Erza’s worried eyes. “Leave her alone for a moment. Let her calm down a bit first.”
“I-I just..”
“I know. Don’t worry about it, I’m sure she’ll forgive you once you two talk about it,” Erza assured, ‘But for now, just let her calm down a bit first.”
“I just w-wish I knew..” he said, “I wish I knew it was her so I didn’t…”
“Why did you snap?” she asked. He ran a hand down his face, “Natsu’s been bothering me all day…” he admitted, “I thought it was him coming to bother me again.”
Though, in hindsight, Natsu wouldn’t have wasted time tapping Gray’s shoulder. He’d have just hit him.
“Ugh, I’m such an idiot…” he pressed his hands to his face.
“No you’re not. You’ve just had a rough day, is all.. Juvia will understand once she calms down.”
“I just want to give her a big hug and let her know how sorry I am..”
“You can do that once she’s calmed down a little. I’m sure she’ll come to you when she’s ready.”
“I hope so..”
So with that, Gray waited.
And waited.
The few minutes Gray had to wait were some of the longest, most agonizing minutes of his life, although he rationally knew it hadn’t been that long, but the guilt eating at him made it feel a lot longer than it actually was. He impatiently and anxiously paced around while his nerves went into overdrive.
Fortunately, that all was finally able to come to an end when he saw Juvia poke her head out of hiding, shyly looking over at him.
Gray walked closer, before opening his arms to her. Juvia wasted no time in running over, burying herself in his embrace.
“Oh, Raindrop, I’m so sorry…” he buried his face in her shoulder, “I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that..”
“Is okay, Papa..” Juvia said quietly. “Juvi been having a bad day and.. wanted a hug from Papa..”
“Well, you’re getting a hug now. Papa’s been having a bad day too, Raindrop… I’m so sorry…” Gray said.
“Papa have a bad day?”
“Yeah..” he said quietly, “Natsu’s been bothering me all day and when you tried to get my attention.. I just.. I just kinda lost it..”
“Papa need hug like Juvi!” Juvia hugged him tighter. He chuckled, “Yeah, I did.. Thank you, Raindrop.”
“We cuddle now? Juvi wants cuddles!”
“Yeah, we can go home and cuddle, Raindrop.”
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Fairy tail regression scenario
Caregiver! Lucy Heartfilla being a caregiver when Little! Wendy slipped in her Littlespace (Wendy was no longer big!) when it was obvious that the little regretted everything when she persuaded her caregiver to take her on a child friendly water ride (Carla didn't come with them due to obvious reasons and it wasn't Carla's thing..so Carla stayed with Happy and Natsu). It got unsettling halfway through when it wasn't all happy and silly and sunshine and rainbows..the frightened cries of a 12 year old girl was obvious as hell (Lucy was reluctant to take her on that ride..Lucy knew that it would unsettle her). Wendy was acting like a full-blown toddler by now.
https://youtu.be/Sp5TwoWeivk (that was the ride that Caregiver! Lucy Heartfilla and Little! Wendy went on in the water ride)..
Scary Ride
“Come on, come on!” Wendy tugged on Lucy’s arm.
“Patience, patience,” Lucy chuckled, “The rides will still be there if we’re five minutes late.”
Thankfully, the two girls had a day off. Neither of them were needed for a job, and they had plenty of Jewel saved up, so Lucy decided to have a day together with her precious Little girl at an amusement park. Carla decided to stay behind at the Guild (Lucy last saw her talking with Natsu and Happy, so it was highly likely she had joined them on whatever job they picked.) and waterparks never really appealed to the Exceed anyway.
Lucy allowed Wendy to lead her by the hand once she wasn’t as hyper. She was still energetic and bouncy, but at least she was no longer tugging on Lucy’s arm.
“Can we go on that one?” Wendy pointed. Lucy strained her eyes to see what the girl wanted, her gaze landing upon a sign labeled Monster Mansion.
“Are you sure? That one looks like it’s more of a spooky ride,” Lucy said. Even in her big headspace, Lucy wasn’t sure if Wendy could handle it. She had seen the girl do amazing things, but she was still rather meek and sensitive, even outside of her headspace.
Wendy nodded, “I can handle it, I swear!”
When Lucy still didn’t look convinced, Waned pulled out the puppy-dog eyes, “Please? I can handle it!”
Lucy sighed, “Fine, we’ll go on it. But if you can’t handle it, we’ll only be going on it once.”
“Deal,” Wendy nodded.
With that, Lucy led the younger girl to the ride she wanted to go on. It was a boat ride that went into a tunnel. A rather dark tunnel that left Lucy feeling slightly unnerved.
“It’s not too late to back out, you know,” she said. Wendy shook her head, “Fairy Tail wizards don’t quit!”
Lucy chuckled, and soon enough, the two of them were strapped into the ride, getting ready for it to take off.
“Don’t hesitate to hold my hand if you need to,” Lucy offered. Wendy nodded, slowly reaching over to do just that.”
Fortunately, the first segments were pretty easygoing. They passed by a camera, a few animatronics, a band, and a few changes in scenery. It gradually became darker and while the designs of the monsters unnerved Lucy a little bit, it didn't seem so bad. Wendy seemed to be enjoying herself.
As they continued, the tunnel kept growing darker, until it became impossible to see anything that wasn’t already lit up. Both girls jumped when a fake lightning effect lit up the room and fake thunder audio played overhead, which was quite loud. Lucy took note of how Wendy’s grip on her hand tightened.
They passed by an animatronic that appeared to be trying to tell them something while pointing at a picture of a mansion projected on a sheet, but Lucy had a hard time hearing him. The boat continued on its track towards what looked like a glowing, grinning face. Wendy gripped Lucy’s hand a bit tighter.
The face vanished, leaving everybody in pitch black darkness, with the only lights being the fake eyes watching them.
Wendy whimpered, and Lucy wrapped an arm around her.
With a deep snarl, the new animatronics appeared. These ones weren’t as cute or cartoony, and Lucy was reminded that yes, this was supposed to be a scary ride. Wendy tried to sink into herself, trying to make herself look smaller, while Lucy rubbed her back gently. “It’s okay,” she tried to assure the young Slayer.
Everything went dark again, with things only lighting up ever so slightly once the boat got close to them. Wendy squealed, covering her eyes. It wasn’t long before the poor girl was crying, and Lucy was trying her best to console her.
Fortunately, they were reaching the end of the ride, as they passed through a door that brought them back to the cutesy, cartoon animatronics. “Look, sweetheart, it’s over! It’s over..” Lucy soothed.
They passed through a large tunnel built into the shape of a monster’s mouth, which didn’t help matters much. What did help was when Lucy finally saw the sunlight at the end. She gently nudged Wendy, who was sobbing behind her hands. “Sweetheart, look! Look, it’s over. No more scary monsters.”
Once the ride had stopped, Lucy helped Wendy out and lifted the girl into her arms, letting her cry into her shoulder. “Here, let’s take a break and we can go get a snack from the stands, okay?”
Wendy whimpered and sniffled, not looking up. Lucy kept rubbing her back, “Shh.. you’re okay, I’m here..”
It was probably safe to say they wouldn’t be trying that ride again.
#littletail#request#caregiver!lucy#little!wendy#sfw agere#poor baby got spooked#also i am so sorry this is so late
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The Little Fire Dragon
First post to this blog! It's not the greatest, but I hope it's alright anyway! Keep in mind, this is a nonsexual age regression story, as all of them on this blog will be. If that isn't something you will enjoy reading, then it's best that you turn away now. If you're okay with it, then I hope you enjoy reading!
Happy watched as Natsu slowly maneuvered his way to a table. Sitting down would help, right? The Exceed sighed and flew up, holding onto Natsu’s arm to keep him steady. “You should probably go home, Natsu…
“Don’t… be silly… Happy.. I’ll just sit for a minute and clear my head, and I’ll be fine,” The Dragon Slayer assured. “Natsu… are you slipping?” Happy asked quietly.
“What? No!” Natsu replied, just a bit too loudly. When people glanced over, he hurriedly sat down at the nearest table. “I’m fine, Happy. Just quit… talking about it, and I’ll be alright.”
“Maybe it’s best if you go home, Natsu. What if you slip here and everyone finds out?”
“Don’t worry! I’ve been able to avoid it before.”
“If you say so.”
Natsu grinned, only to look up when a familiar blonde sat at the table with them. “Hey guys!”
“Oh. Hey, Lucy!” Natsu greeted. Lucy tilted her head slightly. Natsu looked pale and his voice sounded strained. “Are you alright?”
“What do you mean? Of course I am.”
“You sure? Your voice sounds off…”
“I’m fine, no need to worry!” Natsu grinned, trying to assure her. Lucy might’ve believed him if it weren’t for the fact that Happy had a slight glimmer of worry in his eyes.
“You sure about that?” A voice spoke from beside Natsu, he whirled his head around, looking up to see Gray. The Ice wizard sat down next to him. “Gee, flame for brains, you’re awfully pale. Nervous about something?” he taunted.
“You wish!” Natsu slammed his fist on the table. ‘I’m not in the mood for this! I couldn’t handle a fight right now!’
“You wanna go?!” Gray challenged.
“Knock it off, you two. Something’s wrong with Natsu,” Lucy explained.
“Nothing’s wrong!” Natsu growled, growing defensive. However, the more worked up he got, the further he slipped. ‘I need to get out of here.’
“Come on, Happy. We should take a job. We haven’t gone on one in a while.”
Happy, picking up on the hint, hovered up, “Aye, sir!”
“Not so fast,” another voice spoke up. ‘No…. Not her… Not now…’ Natsu thought, turning to see Erza.
“You look unwell. Maybe we should take you home,” the armored wizard stated.
“I said I’m fine,” Natsu growled.
“Obviously not…” Gray said, walking up to Natsu. “You’re beginning to worry us, Natsu.”
“Please, tell us what’s wrong…” Lucy said.
Natsu glanced around, noticing that more people were paying attention to them. He backed away slowly.
“I wonder what’s up… This isn’t like him…”
“Is he sick?”
“Stop talking…. Stop talking about me…” Natsu murmured, backing against the wall.
“Hey, buddy…” Happy flew up to his face. Natsu covered his eyes with his hands, sliding down the wall until he was sitting down.
“What’s up with him?” Gajeel asked.
“Is he okay?!” Wendy hurried over with Carla following. “He doesn’t look unwell…” the Exceed murmured.
“He’s fine..” Happy stated, then tugged on Natsu’s scarf. “Hey, we should go home. You’ll feel better out of this guildhall.”
Natsu sniffed, uncovering his eyes, revealing tears that began rolling down his cheeks.
Everyone gasped quietly. “Can it be? No….”
“He’s a…”
“Natsu? Our Natsu?”
“He’s a Little!” Multiple people chorused.
“Let’s go home pal…” Happy said.
“Mhm…” Natsu let Happy take his hand and pull him up.
“Do you need any help, Happy?” Lucy asked.
Natsu was trembling madly, wiping his eyes. “You’re…. You’re okay with it?” Happy asked.
“Of course we are, we’re his friends! Why wouldn’t we be?” Lucy smiled.
“Natsu was usually worried about it. He was worried everyone would make fun, or see him as weak….”
“Come on, let’s get him home,” Erza said as she picked up Natsu bridal style. Natsu hid his face against her chestplate.
“Aww… Someone’s a shy Little…” Lucy smiled as she poked his cheek. “Don’t worry. If it helps, I happen to be a Caregiver. I’d never make fun of someone for their Classification.”
“And he’s definitely not weak, that’s for certain,” Erza stated, using her thumb to rub soothing circles on Natsu’s back. Natsu murmured quietly, closing his eyes.
“We’re coming too,” Wendy said, carrying Carla in her arms. "I can help, since I'm a Caregiver too!
"We can split the responsibilities. I can handle most of it, and Lucy and Wendy can keep him entertained."
“I might as well come too,” Gray said, following behind them.
“He’s so cute when he’s asleep,” Lucy murmured, brushing Natsu’s bangs out of his face.
"Indeed," Erza agreed.
With their newfound knowledge, the group of wizards carried the Little to his home to care for him.
#fairy tail#little!natsu#caregiver!lucy#caregiver!erza#neutral!gray#caregiver!wendy#classification au#littletail#age regression
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