643 posts
Mostly fandom blog. Occasional art. Current obsessions are Fairy Tail & The Walking Dead. Any sci-fi or fantasy likely to appear. Not spoiler free but I strive to tag very thoroughly. Have a lovely day! :) UPDATE: This blog is pretty inactive but as of August 2019 I'm still technically here :D
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choiceschoices · 7 years ago
Thanks @ac-fairytail! :D Pitty that url didn’t update. >:/ If anyone’s wondering I’m still here just @choiceschoices.
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Natsu’s Scar Fix
Yep, I took two hours to go through 23 shots from the final chapter and draw Natsu’s scar back in. That’s every single shot showing the right side of his face. I know, scars can fade, but I really liked that one. It was the one thing about Natsu that changed as a result of this arc and everything he went through. Wounds (and events!) should have consequences and this scar being on his face was interesting (probably accidental) symbolism. Natsu went through a lot this arc and Mashima may blow it all off but I don’t have too.
I was a little inconsistent with the placement and angle of the scar but in my defense Mashima wasn’t consistent with it either. It started out lower on his face but often migrated to right below the eye.
[On the off chance someone wants to use these as an icon or something, have at it! Just let me know so I can see :)]
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choiceschoices · 7 years ago
BOTH! That’s what I’m going with :)
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Sometimes I have a hard time seeing Adrian and Chat as the same person, so I took a picture of Adrian and made a quick edit to put him in the Chat outfit, minus the slit eyes.
Look at that those are barely the same boy! 
Marinette hardly changes to become Ladybug. But Chat has quite different hair and eyes, the top two landmarks for recognizing cartoon characters. Plus, he acts so darn different as Chat, with the flirting, cocky attitude, energy, and recklessness. I don’t blame myself for having difficulty meshing that with quiet, polite, considerate Adrian. Chat somehow looses most of Adrian’s innocent cuteness. 
Frankly, Marinette is at a real disadvantage in the race to recognize each other.
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choiceschoices · 7 years ago
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choiceschoices · 7 years ago
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choiceschoices · 7 years ago
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I failed to make a proper Christmas picture/comic/whatever so here’s that asshole Acno substituting for a Christmas tree ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the kids are getting coal from Santa that’s for sure
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choiceschoices · 7 years ago
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Some alternate versions of my latest edit. 
The first is my personal favorite. I think Marinette’s brain would short circuit if she saw it :D
The seconds is just a comparison of his ear covered vs not. The third lacks the slit eyes to up the cuteness a bit, just for the heck of it. 
[Please ask to repost]
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choiceschoices · 7 years ago
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Adrien as Chat II
Chat’s outfit painted onto a screenshot of civilian Adrien. Requested by Anon. I honestly really like this look for Adrien/Chat. I like being able to see more Adrien in Chat Noir. ^.^ 
@everythingisubtext​ suggested on a previous edit that Chat’s hair style change could relate back to a need to cover Chat’s human ears. I think that could be part of it, as I think it did help :) No need for a full hair style change though, I just painted in a few extra locks. 
My other masking/unmasking edits: Marinette, Adrien, Ladybug & Chat, alternate versions of this one. 
[Please ask to repost]
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choiceschoices · 7 years ago
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choiceschoices · 7 years ago
oh man i know right? 
If tumblr can stop recommending na//lu pages that would be awesome 🙃🙃🙃👌👌👌🖕🖕
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choiceschoices · 7 years ago
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choiceschoices · 7 years ago
I think this must have been one of the scenes that got me hooked on the show. 
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choiceschoices · 7 years ago
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Hi I still like Invader Zim
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choiceschoices · 7 years ago
Holy fuck i just realized how amazing Erza could have been as a character if Mashima didnt turn her into a plot device. A strong person who has flaws, quirks and weaknesses not to mention a good backstory. Shes in love but it doesnt make her less of a person (unlike juview). Basically Mashima fucked up big time with Erza because she could have been one of the best female characters in this god forsaken series.
I agree… so much. I loved Erza at first, you don’t even know. But it got real, real obvious Mashima just didn’t know what to do with her, and… it’s such a waste of a good character, you know?
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choiceschoices · 7 years ago
What would be your commandment when writing Fairy Tail?
Behold, AC’s 10 commandments of writing Fairy Tail:
Thou shalt not write a main character with the personality of a cardboard cutout and the personal development of a toenail clipping.
Thou shalt not make any one character’s development or screentime wholly dependent on another.
Thou shalt see all personal and interpersonal arcs through to the end, and not allow any stray toenail clippings to steal the payoff for them at the last second.
Thou shalt spend longer than ten seconds thinking up branches of magic, and thou shalt at least make sure related branches have internal consistency.
Thou shalt give Gray Fullbuster’s magic the time of day, be it expanding the role of his Devil Slayer magic or reducing the role of Iced Shell.
Thou shalt not allow Erza to have an armour for everything, because this is not a videogame. Thou shalt also not allow the nakama hakama to be invincible.
Thou shalt not allow the power of friendship to be a real, tangible thing.
Thou shalt give the Celestial Spirits the attention they require.
Thou shalt remember that power scales need to exist. 
Thou shalt not bring back or create family members for Team Natsu when you cannot think of a better way to get them invested in a plot.
Thou shalt not allow tasteless fanservice to grace your work. If thou do, you shalt make it gender-neutral.
Thou shalt give Zeref Dragneel, Acnologia and END actual plot relevancy that isn’t contrived. Thou shalt make them actual decent antagonists.
Thou shalt remember the implications of a timeskip.
Thou shalt not allow any goddamn snake fucking.
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choiceschoices · 7 years ago
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the difference 2 years made in my art. been feeling uninspired lately but it’s nice to look back at how far I’ve come so far :^)
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choiceschoices · 7 years ago
Update for anyone this may concern: 
Please do NOT repost my art, edit it, or upload it to other platforms. 
I feel like I should have been more definitive about this. When I said people can “use the pictures directly” I was picturing chat conversation windows and the like. In small scale cases like that, facebook chats maybe, I understand fanart being copied directly into the message. Anything at all larger scale or more public than that and I really just want my art linked too. 
Thanks folks! Please bear with me as I figure out my terms of use preferences. :)
Can i use ur edits just to prove my point to some assholes
Thank you for asking! Always very appreicated. I’m really flattered you want to engage with my work :)
Short answer is yes. My biggest concern is getting credit for my work and seeing reaction to it. So linking to my post is my first preference. And/or if you really want to use the pictures directly, I like being tagged. At the least, please make sure my signature doesn’t get cropped from the image.
If you’re looking to be using the edits on a site other than tumblr, I don’t currently have other accounts I post art to but I’d be happy to look into that. I’m really happy if people want to be sharing the edits on other platforms; I just want to be the one to post it there.
Side note: Of course I don’t know what conversation you’re in or how its going but since assholes got mentioned I feel obligated to express a hope that nobody, including you, is getting hurt. I’ll take this opportunity to tell everyone: I’m happy if my work is interesting and sparks discussion but I’d like it to be clear I don’t condone hurtful comments. I post stuff in the hope in can spread enjoyment. 🌼
Thanks again for asking about use! I think that’s really awesome
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choiceschoices · 7 years ago
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Okay I know the animation in dragon cry was,,,,,shiny, but I do think that Lucy’s Capricorn stardress transformation thing was cute and somewhat well done, if a little out of place (but the movie was a dumpster fire anyway so,,)
I watched it so long ago, I can’t really remember it! I do remember Carla’s, though. And. The atrocity that was the actual Stardress
we are going to get so many stardress transformations… i know it, i feel it in my soul
lucy’s gonna be naked for allll of them
I wonder if they’ll bring back Erza’s transformation scene while they’re at it…
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