#career goals isa
Alma: Well, children, as you are all getting older, it’s time to start thinking about what you might like to do in the future. Does anyone have any ideas?
Dolores: I have already planned mine, Abuela. I am going to be a musician and compose my own music.
Alma: Marvellous. I will be looking forward to hear it.
Mirabel: I have already planned mine too! Our local tailor has already promised me a job as an embellisher, seeing as he does not have one and knows I “have potential”. Don’t ask me how. I only went in for some thread and somehow walked out with future employment.
Alma: Because you are very talented, nieta. You should be proud of yourself.
Luisa: I’d like to get into construction. I really enjoyed rebuilding Casita and I’ve already looked into some architecture books, so I’d love to do something like that!
Alma: I’m sure I can arrange for you to shadow some of our builders for a while, just let me know when you are free.
Camilo: Me and Marco are gonna be dads!!! Well, he doesn’t know yet, but I’ve already started buying a ton of baby things and I’ve picked out some great names!
Alma: That all sounds amazing, Milo, you and Marco will make wonderful fathers. And you, Isabela?
Isabela: I already have a job actually, Abuela. I’m a full-time, professional lesbian.
Isabela: Just yesterday, I was a blushing mess in front of sixteen different, pretty women
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queenlua · 2 months
ok, this Kevin Woo guy is the most fantastic chad i've heard of in a while:
The journalist who exposed Lambda School wasn't a journalist by trade. Vincent Woo was a successful entrepreneur best known for CoderPad, a collaborative coding website used extensively in programming job interviews. After he sold CoderPad for millions of dollars, he focused on the public interest, such as housing activism.
Woo's work on CoderPad gave him expert insight into the programming job market, and in 2019, Austen's outrageous hiring numbers set off red flags. Whenever pressed for more details on his outrageous claims, Austen said a full report was coming soon, but six months would pass without any updates.
Woo obtained an investment memo Lambda School sent out to Y Combinator titled, "Human Capital: The Last Unoptimized Asset Class." In it, they disclose, “We’re at roughly 50% placement for cohorts that are 6 months graduated,” contradicting the very front page of their website.
Where did the 86% on their homepage come from? In 2018, Lambda School submitted a single report about 72 graduates to CIRR. CIRR is an organization formed by the boot camp industry following the boot camp crackdown of the 2010s, to cleanup their image. Bootcamps are supposed to submit their hiring stats every six months, in one standard format, to prevent underhanded boot camps from fudging the numbers. In two years, Lambda School had produced nothing beyond that single, small report.
Woo reached out to Sabrina Baez, Lambda School's former Director of Career Readiness. Baez oversaw job placement in those early days, and Austen had reprimanded her for low hiring rates. She told Woo that probably only 50% to 60% of graduates found jobs.
Finally, Woo obtained private communications with investors revealing the quiet deals with hedge funds. This flew in the face of their marketing's, "We don’t get paid until you do," and Austen's now-deleted tweet, “We never, ever get paid upfront for ISAs.”
With all the damning evidence, the story was ready. Most reporters would now email their subjects for comment, but Woo elevated the story to performance art. He asked Austen for a recorded interview, without revealing its nature. Austen, lulled into a false sense of security by tech press puff pieces, agreed. What followed was the most riveting hour of tech journalism I've ever heard.
Austen: "Our goal right now, is that if a student is endorsed, call it graduation, that we place 80% within 120 days."
Woo: "Why did you tell investors 50?"
Austen: "What… I don't know… what communication you're referring to."
The interview went downhill from there, as Austen scrambled to invent excuses.
bonus: check out this dude's hilariously understated linkedin:
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(also, the whole article's worth a read. i'd been following the Lambda School saga for a while but there's a bunch of new fuckery here that even i didn't know about. smh)
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camryn-haitani · 8 months
Hello everything is fine? If requests are still open can I request headcanon (barou, rin and bachira: separate) falling in love with the female reader who also plays football? Thank you in advance.
all requests are appreciated and this is my first one ever so I thank you a million times<3
BlueLock Boys falling in love with another football player
Rin Itoshi, Barou Shoei, and Bachira Meguru (separate) x football player reader
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the title is pretty self explanatory so yeah<3
TW: cursing, sae slander, biting in Rins(not sexually or violently, just in a playing way), alcohol mention in barou's(none is consumed),
all characters are aged up and adults
these are going to be very long bc of the backstory of how y'all meet. so please bear with me. they may be ooc and I apologize. these brackets [ ] are little notes from me, just so y'all know
lowercase intended
Rin Itoshi
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Rin got forced to go to a women's football game because Isagi's best friend is on the team (you). Isagi physically dragged rin through security, in the concession stand line, and into their seats. Rin didn't even know who he was rooting for.
"hey dip shit." Rin asked. "what's up man?" he answered, not looking at rin, waiting for you to come out to the field. "who's team are we rooting for exactly?" he said with his monotone voice. "(whatever team you choose). they wear (whatever color) and (whatever color)." Isagi said. Rin only nodded and waited for the game to start.
he got startled when Isagi immediately stood up and started screaming your name when you came out on the field. Rin didn't even bother and only looked up at the jumbotron. you had your resting bitch face that weirdly attracted him to you. not romantically, but you definitely intrigued him. he put his phone down and started paying attention to the game, well he payed attention to you. you were the striker for your team so he was definitely paying attention to you.
Rins eyes were trained on your figure the entire game. he cheered (not as loud as Isagi did) when you scored a goal, he internally celebrated whenever you took back the ball, and he definitely payed attention when you came on the screen.
after the game was over, your team had won so Isagi excitedly dragged Rin to where you and your team was back at the locker room. you gave him access to the locker room since he's your bestie.
"y/n!! congratulations!!!" he let go of Rin and tackled you in a suffocating hug. "omg hi isa." you look over to his friend. "who's this?" you pointed to rin. your eyes widen when you realize something. you pulled Isagi off of you and ran over to rin.
you grab his shoulders and shake him. "oh my god oh my god oh my god. you're rin itoshi! you're literally sae's brother, I know y'all hate each other but holy shit! I'm besties with your brother but I know you're the better brother. and I'm rambling on and on because I'm nervous because I'm literally obsessed with you and your plays on the field. I've studied how you play and I just have to say youre absolutely amazing. this is actually a dream come true. I'm so ha-" you get cut off by Isagi. "oh my god y/n, shut up!" he pulls you away from rin.
"no it's ok, I surprisingly enjoyed that." Rin looks confused. "I'm sorry, when I meet people I look up to, I get super nervous and I can't stop saying what's on my mind. just like I'm doing right now. I'm so so sorry, I've looked up to you since the beginning of my career. and I ju-" "y/n! you're doing it again" Isagi interrupts.
"you... you look up to me?" Rin asks. you nod aggressively. "also sorry for shaking you." you apologize. Rin motions his hands for you to give him your phone. your eyes widen and your mouth drops. you start to mouth words but no sounds come out. you nod before running to get your phone from your bag.
"wow Rin you got yourself a fan." Isagi wraps his arm around rins shoulder. "did you know about this?" he asks. "maybe I did.... maybe I didn't" Isagi looks at rin. "it's also why I wanted to bring you to one of her games. she wasn't kidding about studying your plays. she's stayed up countless nights looking at your strategies and plays. she has pages and pages of her and your plays combined" he says.
Rin feels proud of himself for some reason. you, of all people, are a huge fan of him. he didn't think he was anything special. but when he hears you say those things to him, he felt more confident in himself. he internally smiled to himself.
he sees you run back to him and he pulls out his phone. "holy fuck, wait till I brag to sae about this. I'm sooooo gonna make fun of him for this." you were so nervous you absolutely could not contain your excitement. "uhm brb, imma go run around the field for a few minutes. haha...." you sprint off to the field while Isagi follows after you.
Rin soon follows Isagi after putting your phone in his pocket so it won't get lost. he can faintly hear you yell, "I did it! I win in life!" with your arms up in the air. Rin saw you run up back to him at full speed and he braced for impact. you jumped in his arms while he caught you and held his face in your hands. "you are my inspiration for this career and I'll never be able to thank you enough." you quietly tell him. Rin slightly softens when he hears your words.
you get down and he gives you back your phone. "y/n we have to go but I'll see you later tonight right?" Isagi yells. "yes! I'll make your room." you say back. you see Rin and Isagi leave the locker room and you open your phone to see rins contact
Rin(the obviously better brother✌️)
you smiled and hugged your phone.
time skip
you and Rin have talked a lot since y'all first met. like every day. good morning and good night texts, training texts, 3am texts, and all around everything texts. Isagi teases you both because of it, but neither of y'all care. Rin enjoys your company and you enjoy his, what's so wrong with that?
one thing
he has caught major feelings for you. he even changed your name in his phone to have a heart next to it. and it's the "<3" heart too. he's down bad. he's come to Isagi multiple times asking what you like, don't like, your favorite restaurant, snacks, movies and TV shows, e v e r y t h i n g.
he wanted to make sure he wouldn't upset you by saying the wrong thing or hanging out at a place that you don't like. he constantly pestered Isagi to make sure he wouldn't fuck it up.
Rin wanted to see you again (even though y'all hung out yesterday). surprisingly enough, he's never stayed the night at your house. so you took it into your own hands and texted him.
you: hey rinnie rin rinnnnn
rinnie rinnie :3: yes?
you: I have come to realize that you've never stayed the night at my place. sooooooooooo
rinnie rinnie :3: lemme guess.
rinnie rinnie :3: you want me to stay the night?
rinnie rinnie :3: I'll be over in 20
you put down your phone and cleaned up a bit, even though Rin said he didn't care if your house is clean or not, he's there for you and not your house.
you called Isagi and told him all the details.
you: "isagiiiiiii I'm so nervous... Rin staying the night tonight."
Isagi: "ok.... and?"
Isagi: "woah there, calm down. I know you're like in love with him in more ways than one, but pookie calm down. just.... be yourself."
you: "wow thanks for that cringe shit. that helps nothing!"
you heard the door bell ring and you get all excited but nervous at the same time.
you: "he's here! I'll tell you what happens when he leaves. bye isaaaa-" you hang up the phone
you throw your phone on the couch and open the door. rin has his backpack on with his stuff. 'hes so cute.' you say to yourself. "am I just gonna stay outside while you stare at me or are you gonna let me in?" he laughs a bit. "oh shit, yeah come in." you move out of the way
he sets his stuff down and plops onto your couch, stomach first. you flop on top of his back. he can easily push you off but chooses not to.
"whatcha wanna watch? or are you hungry? i can door dash?" you spurt out all the options. "I'm ok for now, but thank you. we can watch attack on titan if you want." he suggests. "season 3?" you ask excitingly [this is my favorite season, I watch it all the time :D] "always" he answers. he pushes you off his back and you land in the floor.
before he got to your house, you moved your coffee table and set down a few blankets and pillows. so you sat between his legs on the floor while he's on the couch. you wrap your arms around his legs and pull them closer to you.
"ow! you bitch!" he laughs. you bit his leg. not hard enough to cause damage, but enough to hurt. he pulled his legs up to sit criss cross. you pick yourself up and flop in top of him, going limp. "get off of me, you're not a lap dog." he smiles. "nah it's comfy here." you respond.
he pushes you off yet again and you land on the floor. you place your chin on his legs and look up at him. his gaze at you softens as he stares into your eyes. this bolt of confidence runs through him and he kisses your forehead. he stands up and goes to your kitchen. your mouth wide open as you follow him.
"what was that?!" you ask
"what was what?" he innocently says
"you know damn well what that was."
"oh you mean this?" he turns around and kisses you again but on your lips. his hands on each side of your face and your arms around his neck. "I like this" you say in between kisses. "I'm glad you do." "hey rin?" you pull back. "hm?" "i love you." "i love you too."
Barou Shoei
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barou and Raichi coincidentally won tickets to the women's football match this weekend and so they decided to go together cause why not. they get there and wait for the game to start. they introduced all the players and they start the match.
of course your team won cause your teammates are bad bitches. and wow, another coincidence, the tickets included a meet and greet with the team. barou and raichi ask staff members where the meet and greet was because they don't know where the hell to go. they follow the directions and find the others waiting for the team to come out. they stand in the back of the line and wait.
"hey man, uhm I'm actually a huge fan on y/n's so this is actually a big deal for me. so I apologize if I get nervous or freak out..." raichi admits. "nah man youre cool. I don't even know anyone on the team so you can help me. i honestly don't care, I just came to see their strategies." barou stuffs his hands in his pockets and looks around.
your team comes out and sits at the tables for the meeting. the line moves slowly and Raichi gets more jittery and shaky as he gets closer to you. "dude calm down, it's not like youre meeting the president of the United States." barou says. "dude shut up! she's amazing, she's set records, man!" raichi shoots back. barou just rolls his eyes and continues to wait.
they finally get to your table and you flash them a smile. "hi guys, it's nice to meet y'all." you hold out your hand for them to shake. raichi nervously takes your hand and shakes it. barou keeps his hands in his pockets. "aren't you... Barou Shoei?" you point your sharpie at him, "and your Jingo Raichi, correct?" you point your sharpie at Raichi. raichi's eyes widen in shock. "you.... know who we are?!" he yells. "yeah! i remember y'all from BlueLock! y'all were amazing." you compliment. "he's the fangirl here," Barou points to Raichi, "he's been freaking out ever since we got in line. going on and on about how your plays are so cool and your record setting skills." "Barou!!" he slaps his arm. "it's ok, I appreciate it." you look around in case anyone is looking as you lean in. "I'll give both of y'all my number in case y'all have any questions." you wink at them.
you write your number down on an autograph sheet and give each of them one. "dude....." raichi never taking his eyes off of the paper. "hey man, nice job. you got her numberrrrr" Barou teases him. "so did you!" he yells. "come on man, let's go home." barous doesn't want to admit it, but he had a fun time.
time skip
barou gets home and actually debates on whether to texts you. he's got nothing better to do so why not.
you: hey
y/n(that football player): oh hi :)
you: I'm bored
y/n(that football player): I'm actually surprised you texted
you: whys that
y/n(that football player): idk thought you wouldn't text me. I heard you didn't know who I was lol
you: yeah I had no idea until fanboy said something
y/n(that football player): I figured, you didn't seem that intrigued when we met. soooo, since you're bored, whatcha wanna do?
you: ion know that's why I texted you.
y/n(that football player): idea timeeeee. everyday, we have to ask each other one question and the other has to answer.
you: wtv sure
you: favorite food
y/n(that football player): (your favorite food), wby??
you: (whatever you think fits him)
y/n(that football player): oooh cool
y/n(that football player): I have training tomorrow so imma have to go to bed. text you tomorrow, goodnight:p
you: same, goodnight
time skip
the texting went on for months. he's asked you multiple times to help him train and of course you helped him, and Raichi too. sometimes all three of y'all have practice together. raichi has asked you hundreds of questions and you've answered all of them of course.
barou has taken a certain liking to you. he doesn't mind when you text him outta no where or when y'all hang out outside of practice.
y/n❤️: shoeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
you: yes y/n?
y/n❤️: whatcha doinnnnnn
you: absolutely nothing, you?
y/n❤️: good, I'm coming over
you: you have no idea where I live dumbass
y/n❤️: then gimme your address >:(
you: fine (address)
y/n❤️: be there in a fewwww
he started panicking. what if his house isn't clean enough? what if you don't like his house? what if his house smells weird? all the questions running through his head while he's picking up the tiniest of clutter around his home. he doesn't know why he's doing it but he's worried about what you think... of.. him...
he drops everything in his arms. "shit" he realizes. "I like.. no, fuck! I'm in love with her. what? no! yes? but how? I mean, I get excited when she texts, I get sad when she loses her games, I feel comfort when we hang out, but that doesn't mean I lover her." he stands still for a few seconds. "fuck" he sighs. "I do love her..." he picks his stuff back up and continues to clean.
after he's done, he hears a car pull up. his heart pounds in his ears and his hands gets shaky. he hears the car turn off and the door slams shut. with ever step he hears, his heart pounds in his head.
he shoots up and opens the door before you have a chance to knock. your hand was halfway up to knock but he opened the door. "hi Shoei!" he moves out of the way to let you in. you set your keys down on the counter and take off your hoodie. you sit nervously in one of the chairs and wait for him to say something.
"uhm are you hungry?... or thirsty?" he asks. "water please." you respond. his body softens when he hears her voice. he walks to the kitchen and gets her drink. he hears her phone ring and looks at her. "oh it's Raichi. I'm gonna take this." you point to your phone. "you can go upstairs or the other room if you want." he tells her. you (unknowingly) walk to his room and answer the call. he finishes getting your drink and sets it on the counter.
he sits on the couch and waits for you to be done. 'ah shit I forgot to get the charger Nagi let me borrow. I'll set it on the table so I can give it to him tomorrow.' he says to himself. he walks to his room and opens the door.
"yes Raichi I know. I'm just so nervous around him..." you speak while your back is turned to him. "i just... I don't know if he feels the same way. he's so.. handsome and caring and sweet. i love everything about him, jin. i love him. and I'll say it a million times. I'm in love with bar...ou" you turn around to face him, jaw slacked open. "uhh.. I'm sorry. I'll go if you want me to. i understand if you feel uncomfortable around me now and-" "shut the fuck up." he walks over to where you stand and kisses you. you don't know how to react, you're frozen. 'is this happening? am I drunk? no, I can't be, I've had zero alcohol." you think to yourself.
"no stupid this isn't a dream. i love you too, stupid" he says, pulling you in for another kiss.
Bachira Meguru
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back in bachira's BlueLock days, you were their supervisor. you know, monitoring their health, how they're doing, how they're performing, all that. you don't know how but you became particularly close with bachira without even noticing. you would make up stuff just to see team z play, or slip out of a meeting to watch him practice. he never showed off in front of you because who cares what others think of him. bachira taught you how to play the game and dribble just like him too. but once BlueLock was over, y'all lost contact.
over the years, he continued football. he constantly watches games, specifically (the team you play for). he went to their home games, he collected their merch, he even bought collectable cards, but there's one card he takes every where in his wallet. and it's your card. he thought she was so cool with her tricks, plays and strats [he forgot who you were].
bachira, of course, bought tickets for your next home game. so when the time came, he packed what he needed and set off to the stadium.
bachira always buys the expensive tickets too. he got that money money. so when he hears that y'all were having a meet and greet after the game, he just had to buy them.
bachira sat in his seat and waited for the game.
lil time skip to the middle of the game
he was watching you ever so closely and he remembers this thought every time he watches your games.
'her dribbling looks so familiar.'
time skip
the game was over and he was so excited since y'all won. he quickly ran out of his seat and head to where the meet was.
bachira groaned when he saw the big ass line, but it was all worth it to me you. he steps excitedly when he takes a few steps closer in the line, not being able to contain his excitement. you're his inspiration for continuing his football career.
finally, it was bachira's turn. you flash him your warmest smile, "hi, I'm y/n." you held out your hand. he immediately shook your hand.
your eyes widen as you immediately stood up and put your hands in the table, making your teammates stare at you and Bachira startled. you leaned in closer to his face, inches from his. bachira got flustered by this and his cheeks turning a bright pink. you're eyes widen even more in realization.
"oh my god!! bachira!!" you yell, hopping over the table and smother him in a hug. he immediately returns it but he's confused as to why and how you know his name. "it's me! y/n, from BlueLock! i was y'all's supervisor. megs, you inspired me to take in football and go into a professional career." you hold his face.
it takes him a lil bit to place you in the correct spot in his memory but he figures it out. "holy shit! y/n hi!" he hugs you. you wrap your arms around him, tightening every second.
you sit back down and sign whatever he wants you to sign. you secretly slide him your number, not wanting the other fans to see and you go back to signing autographs and taking pictures.
time skip
[I apologize for all the time skips :(]
he almost immediately texts you once he got home.
you: HI Y/N
the best football player💪: HELLO BACHIRA
the best football player💪: YES I DID THANK YOU
those kinds of texts went on for a good while. you both enjoyed them and always though about each other. you offered for him to come practice at your teams field when no one was there so he can practice with you and he can teach you more stuff he's learned since BlueLock.
these practices went on for a long while. sometimes until 2:00 am or later. but neither one of you cared, y'all were having fun and thats all that mattered to you.
bachira always loved these practices. it's a chance to get closer to you. his stomach would always erupt in butterflies when you invited him to practice and he never knew why. he always got that lovesick puppy look in his eyes when you show him a trick you learned. and again, he never knew why he would feel like that, but it was only with you
a few months have pasted since you've reunited with bachira and you've loved it. it was around 1:40 am and you invited bachira to yet another field practice, just y'all two. he was dribbling up the field while you were trying to steal the ball back. he ran upfield and you got closer. he tried to fake you out but you accidentally tripped him. he landed in his back and you fell but caught yourself with your arms. palms all grassy, knees hurting from the fall, bachira's ass hurt when he fell, but none of that mattered to y'all because you were staring into each other's eyes. not wanting to look away, you picked yourself up.
"I think we're good for today. I'll get our stuff..." you turned away. bachira just laid there staring. he didn't want you to get up, or leave. he heard your footsteps and that knocked him out of his trance.
you were about to walk off the field when you heard quick and fast footsteps. "y/n!" he yelled running up from behind you. "bachi-!" his lips crashed onto yours. you dropped all your stuff just to wrap your arms around his neck.
"I didn't know you felt the same way megs." you smiled against his lips. "I'm glad I showed you then."
"I love you, y/n"
"I love you too, megs"
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moonlight-yuyu · 1 month
Idol Life, Moodboard, Ideal Type, As A Girlfriend, Green Flags, Red Flags, Love Language for: @hy0ung
I am so happy that you requested something Aurora! I hope that you'll enjoy it and that it will reach your expectations <3 always feel free to request again <333
Ideal Life
Stage Name: Mira
Position in the Group: Main Vocalist and Concept Leader
Group: STAYC
Boyfriend: Seonghwa from ATEEZ
Crushes and Partners:
Yeonjun from TXT
Taeyang from SF9
Confirmed Relationship with Seonghwa from ATEEZ: Mira and Seonghwa's relationship becomes public after months of speculation, with fans adoring their chemistry and supportive relationship.
Isa from STAYC: Close friend and fellow member, known for their strong bond and mutual creative support within the group.
Yuna from ITZY: Known for their shared interests in fashion and their bubbly personalities, making them a fan-favorite duo.
Jisung from NCT DREAM: Known for their playful friendship and shared love for music, often collaborating on fun projects.
Karina from aespa: Best friends, frequently seen together in public and on social media, supporting each other’s careers and personal lives.
Artistic Direction Controversy: Mira faces criticism after a new concept she introduces for a comeback is met with mixed reviews. Some fans feel the concept is too different from the group’s usual style, leading to heated debates online. Mira addresses the criticism with grace, explaining her artistic vision and expressing her commitment to pushing creative boundaries. Her honesty and dedication to her art win over many fans, turning the situation around.
Detailed Ideal Life
Early Career:
Mira, debuts as the main vocalist and concept leader of STAYC. With her Pisces Sun and Ascendant, Mira has a dreamy, empathetic, and creative personality, which deeply influences her artistic expression and public image. Her Gemini Moon gives her versatility and a lively, communicative nature, allowing her to connect easily with others. Her Aquarius Mercury brings innovative thinking and a unique approach to her creative projects. Pisces Venus enhances her romantic, idealistic nature, while Aries Mars provides her with the drive and energy to pursue her goals with passion and determination.
Rise to Fame:
Mira quickly gains recognition for her emotive vocals and unique creative direction. Her Pisces Sun and Ascendant lend her an ethereal, magnetic presence, drawing in fans with her emotional depth and artistic vision. Her Gemini Moon helps her adapt to different styles and communicate effectively, while her Aquarius Mercury ensures her ideas are fresh and innovative. Pisces Venus adds to her allure, making her a beloved figure in the industry, while Aries Mars drives her ambition and energy in performances.
Personal Life:
Her Pisces Sun and Ascendant make Mira a compassionate, intuitive, and creative individual, often seen as a dreamy artist with a deep connection to her emotions. The Gemini Moon brings a curious and adaptable nature, helping her navigate the complexities of her personal and professional life with ease. Aquarius Mercury gives her a unique, forward-thinking communication style, often leading her to unconventional and original ideas. Her Pisces Venus ensures her relationships are deeply romantic and idealistic, while Aries Mars adds a touch of fiery passion and determination to her pursuits.
Friendships and Relationships:
Isa from STAYC: Mira and Isa share a close bond, characterized by mutual creative support and a strong friendship within the group.
Yuna from ITZY: Their friendship is marked by their shared interests in fashion and their bright, energetic personalities, making them a favorite duo among fans.
Jisung from NCT DREAM: Mira and Jisung are known for their playful friendship and shared love for music, often collaborating on fun projects and social media content.
Karina from aespa: Mira and Karina are best friends, frequently seen together in public and on social media, supporting each other’s careers and personal lives.
Dating Seonghwa from ATEEZ: After months of speculation, Mira and Seonghwa’s relationship is confirmed, becoming a beloved couple in the K-pop world. Fans adore their chemistry and the way they support each other’s careers.
Public Image and Scandal:
Artistic Direction Controversy: Mira faces criticism after introducing a bold new concept for a comeback that deviates from the group’s usual style. The mixed reviews lead to heated discussions among fans, with some loving the change and others skeptical. Mira addresses the criticism with maturity, explaining her artistic vision and emphasizing the importance of creative growth. Her response earns her respect and admiration from many fans, turning the situation into a positive learning experience.
Career Highlights:
Hit Singles and Albums: As a member of STAYC, Mira contributes to numerous successful singles and albums, known for her emotive vocals and unique artistic contributions.
Variety Show Appearances: Her Gemini Moon and Aquarius Mercury make her a natural on variety shows, where her quick wit and innovative ideas shine. Her Pisces placements ensure she connects emotionally with the audience.
Solo Projects: Mira explores solo music and creative direction projects, using her Pisces and Aquarius placements to push artistic boundaries and establish herself as a visionary artist.
Future Aspirations:
Artistic Direction: With her Pisces Sun’s depth and Aquarius Mercury’s innovation, Mira explores roles in artistic direction and concept development, helping shape the future of her group’s and her solo artistic endeavors.
Creative Ventures: Mira delves into creative fields such as visual arts or fashion design, using her Pisces Venus’s aesthetic sensibilities and her Aquarius placements’ originality to create impactful work.
Philanthropy: Using her platform to make a difference, she becomes involved in charitable causes related to mental health, creativity, and artistic expression, inspired by her Pisces Sun’s empathy and her Gemini Moon’s adaptability.
Mira leads a successful career as the main vocalist and concept leader of STAYC, known for her emotive performances and innovative artistic direction. Her Pisces Sun and Ascendant, Gemini Moon, Aquarius Mercury, Pisces Venus, and Aries Mars make her a unique and compelling figure in the K-pop industry, blending emotional depth, creative originality, and dynamic energy. With strong friendships and a high-profile relationship with Seonghwa from ATEEZ, Mira navigates fame with creativity, empathy, and passion, staying true to her artistic vision and compassionate nature.
Ideal Type:
Emotionally Supportive and Understanding: Someone who is emotionally available and empathetic, able to understand and support your sensitive and dreamy nature.
Intellectually Stimulating: You crave mental stimulation, so someone who is witty, curious, and enjoys engaging in deep or unconventional conversations is ideal.
Passionate and Adventurous: You're drawn to someone with a passionate, dynamic, and adventurous spirit who can bring excitement and spontaneity into the relationship.
Creative and Artistic: A partner who appreciates or participates in creative endeavors, reflecting your artistic and imaginative tendencies.
As a Girlfriend:
Romantic and Compassionate: With a Pisces Sun and Venus, you're a deeply romantic and compassionate partner, often going out of your way to show care and understanding.
Intellectually Curious: The Gemini Moon and Aquarius Mercury make you curious and communicative. You enjoy sharing ideas, discussing a wide range of topics, and learning new things together.
Empathetic and Nurturing: The Pisces Ascendant and Venus contribute to a nurturing and empathetic nature. You're highly attuned to your partner's emotions and desires to create a harmonious and loving environment.
Independent and Energetic: The Aries Mars gives you an independent streak and a love for action. You value your independence but also enjoy shared activities and adventures.
Love Language:
Words of Affirmation: Due to your Gemini Moon and Aquarius Mercury, you value verbal expressions of love, encouragement, and meaningful conversation. You enjoy receiving thoughtful texts, letters, or compliments that affirm the emotional and intellectual connection.
Acts of Service: Your Pisces Sun and Venus appreciate when a partner shows care through thoughtful gestures that make you feel supported and cherished. You also enjoy doing small, kind things for your partner to show your love.
Quality Time: The Pisces influence means you value deep, meaningful time spent together, whether through intimate conversations, shared creative activities, or simply being together in a calm and peaceful setting.
Green Flags:
Emotional Intelligence and Compassion:
The strong Pisces influence (Sun, Ascendant, and Venus) makes you highly empathetic and intuitive. You connect deeply with others' emotions and are often very understanding.
Intellectual Curiosity and Open-Mindedness:
The Gemini Moon and Aquarius Mercury enjoy engaging in stimulating conversations and exploring new ideas. You are drawn to people who are curious, open-minded, and enjoy discussing a variety of topics.
Support for Creativity and Imagination:
Why: Pisces is a creative and imaginative sign, and with Venus also in Pisces, you are attracted to the arts and creative expression.
Adventurous Spirit and Initiative:
The Aries Mars brings a dynamic and energetic quality, making you enjoy action, spontaneity, and new experiences.
Respect for Independence and Personal Space:
While Pisces can be deeply connected to others, the Gemini Moon and Aquarius Mercury also value personal freedom and space to explore their interests.
Red Flags:
Emotional Distance or Insensitivity:
With so much Pisces energy, emotional connection and empathy are vital. Emotional coldness or lack of compassion can make you feel neglected and misunderstood.
Routine and Predictability:
The Gemini Moon and Aries Mars thrive on variety, change, and excitement. A life that is too predictable or routine can feel stifling.
Overly Rigid or Conservative Thinking:
Mercury in Aquarius values progressive, forward-thinking ideas and innovation. Traditional or close-minded attitudes can feel limiting.
Over-Dependency or Clinginess:
While Pisces is deeply compassionate, you can feel overwhelmed by too much neediness, especially if it restricts your freedom to explore (Gemini Moon) or take initiative (Aries Mars).
Lack of Direction or Ambition:
Mars in Aries brings a strong drive and desire for action. A partner who lacks ambition or direction may not align with your need for progress and achievement.
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taylor-on-your-dash · 10 months
Taylor has written a lot of songs (State of Grace, Holy Ground and False God for example) that reference and/or talk about relationships and love through the lens of religion. Would've Could've Should've is one of them too and we can actually say that the whole song is an extended metaphor.
Let's start with these lyrics:
If I was a child did it matter, if you got to wash your hands?
Here, John Mayer washing his hands can signify two things:
He's refusing to take responsibility. This concept comes from Pontius Pilate symbolically washing his hands of the responsibility of Jesus' crucifixion even though he believed that Jesus was innocent.
He's washing away guilt, like Lady Macbeth washing her hands of Duncan’s blood to try to get rid of the guilt for his murder.
All I used to do was pray / You’re a crisis of my faith
We know that Taylor grew up Christian and still considers herself one, as we know from Miss Americana. She had a Bible on her nightstand, according to a photoshoot she did for People in 2007, and now she's not so sure anymore. She must've been taken comfort in praying, but now she's referring to it using a past tense, meaning she has lost her faith. it was an integral part of her identity and now it's in the past.
The chorus continues the metaphor:
I would've stayed on my knees - this is both a reference to praying and to the universal victory and worship of God: "every knee will bow, and every tongue will swear allegiance” (Isa. 45:23)
And I damn sure never would've danced with the devil at nineteen - mention of the devil, the ultimate enemy of salvation. she danced with the devil, meaning that she feels like she voluntarily engaged in "immoral" behaviour.
And the God's honest truth is that the pain was heaven - here she mentions of God and Heaven, the ultimate goal for a Christian, but she's actually swearing on God that dancing with the devil felt like Heaven, which is quite the contradiction. In fact, the whole chorus is a chiasmus that reinforces the anthesis: knees/heaven and God/devil.
If you never touched me, I would've gone along with the righteous / If you never saved me from boredom, I could've gone on as I was / But, Lord, you made me feel important and then you tried to erase us
Touch is an important part of humanity and in the Christian religion Jesus heals others through the touch of his hands. In this case, Taylor is regretting the touch of the devil and the fact that he woke her up from boredom, leading her astray. We also have an interjection (Lord), which mentions God through a metonymy.
God rest my soul / I miss who I used to be / The tomb won't close / Stained glass windows in my mind / I regret you all the time / I can't let this go / I fight with you in my sleep / The wound won't close / I keep on waiting for a sign / I regret you all the time
In what could be the best bridge of her career, Taylor is praying God to let her soul rest in peace, which is a way to say that who she was before John is dead, but the tomb still won’t close cause she can't find closure. Taylor sees love as her religion but her old self who believed in love with the innocence of a child died because of her relationship with John Mayer.
The stained glass windows is probably the most interesting lyric of the track and it ties to the other religious themes in the song. She says that the tomb is in her mind, meaning that she feels trapped with and because of her memories. Stained glass windows can also represent the ones in Catholic Churches that depict an important scenes from the Bible, as if this relationship was reflected as a stained-glass image in her mind. The glass distorts the light that passes through it, just as her life experiences after that relationship were distorted by it. She went from seeing life through rose-colored glasses to stained glass windows, meaning that her view on love and relationships is being looked at through memories that “stain” any optimism and faith in new relationships.
They also represent an actual memory of hers… because at the time John Mayer lived in a parish converted into an apartment, which had stained glass windows.
The last subject I want to touch is “I regret you all the time”, because I feel like if you look at some of the songs written shortly after Dear John and/or her relationship with John Mayer, for example, Back To December: it is quite mind-blowing to consider how the tumultuous relationship with John Mayer influenced her regretting Taylor Lautner… but that's for another post.
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isa-ghost · 2 years
Hm ok not sure how to write this post but it's a fun thing and I've been wanting to gush about it for weeks. Uhhh
Achievement Unlocked: Finally found something that's pushed me closer to agnostic than atheist??
Basically, I was seeing an obnoxious, totally inexplicable amount of hawks and corvids in my area irl, especially whenever I was stressed. So I asked all my witchy friends about it (one was straight up born into a coven, it's fuckin sick 🤩) and they sent me some stuff those animals symbolize.
And then I asked about what deities/entities they're associated with. They sent me a short list, so I started looking into each one to see if I felt a strong pull to any of them. One of them was Apollo, the Greek God of [A Lot of Cool Shit]. Right away, I clicked with him. The god of truth, prophecy, healing, the arts. It's all stuff that matters a lot to me. I especially found it fascinating he's said to be a protector of the young, and I, a psych major, want to be a therapist of some sort (read: healer) specifically for teenagers. He's also Known for being incredibly bisexual, and even though I'm pan, my sexuality is still a huge part of me. And a lot of other things about him clicked with me too, both big things like my career goal and my identity, and small insignificant things like the fact that he's a Sun God and I'm a Fire Sign. There were way too many coincidences and connections I was making to myself while reading about him to just think nothing of it. Most damning of all, hawks and corvids are said to be his messengers. If that wasn't a "Hello Isa I've been trying to contact you about your car's extended warranty" moment, I don't know what is. So I said fuck it, I'm gonna give working with him the way my witchy friends work with their deities/entities a try.
It's been like three weeks now? And I haven't done much but I'm really happy about the concept of it all. I see hawks and crows a lot still, especially when I'm stressed or upset (One morning I was getting roadrage omw to school and I shit you not, I watched a hawk land on a street lamp and there was a crow sitting on the very next one. I couldn't help but laugh). I got myself a necklace with a crow on it because I don't really have a space to do formal practice type stuff. And last night I had my wife do a tarot reading for me, and the gist of it was "you have a budding relationship, it's a good thing and it'll help you, nurture it with all the creative freedom you like and be chill about it." Which is basically what I've already been doing.
But my favorite part of this wild ass development is that I realized while reading up on Apollo that my whole life I've thought of or spoke about something and then it either happened or something related to it would suddenly show up in my life right after. I don't believe in ✨️manifesting✨️ and holy shit I'm not calling myself psychic whatsoever, but this weird coincidence thing has been happening to me as long as I can remember and I've been noticing it even more after looking up Apollo, both irl and in my dreams. I think Apollo's dodgeball being my favorite Tumblr meme before this all happened to me is making a comedic amount of sense now.
I'm still pretty skeptical of most religious practices because I just. Am one of those people, I guess. And I had Catholicism shoved down my throat by my dad as a kid, AND I'm queer, so I have a Bad relationship with the concept of religion as it is. But this feels right, and it's fascinating to me, and the idea that these weird happenstances in my life could be a figure that represents several things that make up my core values and my identity trying to get my attention feels really touching. It feels like something wanted my attention so badly, and I've been happier since I gave it a chance.
TLDR: After consulting my witchy friends about some weird shit that keeps happening to me irl, I did some light research and figured out I feel a strong connection to the god Apollo. He represents a lot of things that matter to me and the concept has made me a lot happier recently. And I'm pretty sure he's given me minor dodgeball privileges. I'm finally invested in some form of religious practice, and best of all its one I kinda get to just make my own because it's not an organized one.
So if yall need a dodgeball thrown at something, maybe I got you. 👈🏻👀👈🏻
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captainai-47 · 1 year
The Agency and Isa's Career (๑ १д१)
Finally explaining this. Forgive how crappy I give explanations huhu.
Big thanks to these two for giving me a basis with their questions ❤❤
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WARNING: Contains some sensitive topics
The Agency
Description & Purpose
The Agency is an undercover, vigilante-military-like organization with only 3 specific goals in mind. Peace, Order & Balance. As humanity progressed with their technology through time, so too did the imbalance and corruption. There is so much conflict, seen by the public eye or not; The Agency is in charge to produce prodigious agents who can uphold and maintain these 3 objectives and keep them afloat.
But despite these ambitions, it's not like the Agency itself is free from injustice, cruelty and misconduct.
Before Isabella became the reigning Branch Master, the Agency used to take in runaways or abandoned children. Sometimes, even taking them from poor orphanages. Children are easy to manipulate, influence and exploit. The child wouldn't be immediately exposed to the harsh reality as they are still given time to grow before starting 'training.'
Captains, Wing Leaders and people from Main teams are the results of these children. Cloudunes are easy to recruit so they don't usually come from this background.
Do they run with the government?
No one knows. This is to the knowledge of the higherups alone. Although they seem to have justified goals, as I explained, the Agency is cruel. They have committed crimes against human rights in order to produce these Agents. Yet these said Agents do missions in order to keep everything in control.
Thanks to Isabella, alot of these rules were bent and changed but even so, there are limits to even her reign in the Agency.
Branch Masters: The highest, singular position of a Section. Each Branch Master is in charge of their given Section Number. They're the captains, the head, the leader of their teams. They deal with the more rigorous missions handed out by the higherups.
Wing Leaders: The Vice Captain of a Section. It is optional to have more than one Wing Leader if the Branch Master sees it fit, but mostly, there is only need of one. They are the right hand of the Captain and offers extra support
Cloudunes: Perhaps the most safest and numbered rank in the Agency. They consist from below all the way up to hundreds of 'seemingly' normal workers. Although of the lowest rank, this is what a Section is mostly made out of. They are the info brokers and serve as the eyes and ears of their Section as they actively work in the public eye more compared to the first two mentioned.
Higherups: They're the only ones above the Branch Masters. They oversee all Sections. Each Branch Master reports to one or two higherup. They are extremely low profiled that most Cloudunes and Wing Leaders don't even know who're their designated higherups are. It is only their Captains that have personally met these people but even then, encounters are rather rare.
Section: A section is basically the term referring to the general team of a Branch Master. That includes the Captain all the way to EVERY Cloudune under them.
Main Team: A Branch Master's main team consists of themselves, their Wing Leaders, and a handful of Cloudunes that can handle the battlefield. This is basically a Branch Master's personal squad to aid them during a mission.
Specialty: This is how a Section will be percieved in the public. This all depends on the Branch Master and the higherup assigned.
(Ex: Since Isabella's specialties are Wildlife and Criminal Investigatory, her Cloudunes' jobs and most of her minor missions fall under anything related to this category. However, a Branch Master's position is far more flexible than this and missions can go outside of their specialties.)
The Vanguard: Basically the council of the Agency. This just consists of the top 5 Branch Masters along with their respective Higherups. Not much to note about except that they mostly hold meetings together (Usually the Branch Masters meet separately as I mentioned that the higherups are quite elusive).
Territory/ies: Depending on a Section's man power is how wide their territories are. A Branch Master has ONE main territory and other smaller branches spread out globally (usually under another Branch Master.) In their main territory is where their main base and hq are located in.
Selection: This is basically just another word to say recruitment for the Cloudunes. If a person was recruited means they were personally cherry picked by a higherup. They will then be introduced to the Branch Master (or the Wing Leader if they're unavailable), and will be decided if they get in their section or not. They'll be given time if they believe their Specialty doesn't fit in a Section and they allow choices of other Branch Masters to oversee you.
Section Ranks: This is the way to identify how powerful your section is. The higher the Section Rank, the more respect the section practically commands.
Rank Duels: There are two ways to move a section higher in the ranks. One of them is this. This is basically a Coup d'état between two Branch Masters. A fight for a position to be higher in the rankings as a Captain and as a Section.
Credit Rate: Doesn't really have the same meaning as usually percieved in business. Credit Rate is basically how much your Section contributes to the agency. The more missions your Branch Master and their Main Team accomplishes and the more Cloudunes flourish in their given jobs will help a Section go up the ranks. This is basically how they calculate a Section's man power to begin with.
Welp, this is the best I can explain their keypoints. English isn't my first language so I apologize for any screw ups 😭
Up next is Isabella lore 👀👀👀.
If you have questions, feel free to ask on my inbox and I'll put them on the trivia in my Masterlist 🤗.
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kangjihyuk · 3 months
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it seems that kang jihyuk has entered the scene. he looks exactly like teo yoo. this 45 year-old is the board member of the bulletin corporation. it’s a small wonder since he is known for being resilient & diligent and detached & prideful. he has been involved with the company for 20 years.
name : kang jihyuk age : forty-five years old height : 180 cm / 5'11" gender : cis man, he/him sexual orientation : straight status : married children : four — kang jiah ( f / 25 ) — david hyunseok kang ( m / 24 ) — daniel minseok kang ( m / 20 ) — isabelle 'isa' sumin kang ( f / 16 )
schooling : london school of economics more schooling : idk current employment: — board member of the bulletin corporation. oversees all the subsidiaries. worked closely with the late ceo. recently, his role hasn't been as defined due to new leadership.
he comes from a family of doctors. both of his older siblings were following in their parents footsteps, and he had also been working toward the same goal. once he saw his older siblings struggling to keep up with tutor and studying while have zero time for themselves, to sleep or to socialize, he decided against it. they had even told him to choose anything else, but this and that their parents would be more forgiving toward him for picking a different career path since he's younger.
it took a lot of convincing, but in the end his parents were okay with the idea once they all agreed he would pursue a career in finance. it sounded boring, dreadful, but numbers made sense to him. this would be easier than med school. this small change made him feel he had some control over his life. yes, it was a bit delusional to think so since his parents had still made the choice of what other career he would pursue, but it still felt like a win.
his father had already secured a job for him after completing his schooling. he would be forced to work at his family friends company, the bulletin corporation. he learned everything he needed to know directly under simon lee. he was quick to become a favourite. he remained loyal to the company for twenty years. he assumed his loyalty would be enough, but once simon had passed and inhye was announced as the new ceo, his pride took a massive hit, he felt betrayed, insecure and unsure of what he wanted to do going forward.
he doesn't know what his life would be like without the bulletin corporation. the idea of finding a new job terrifies him ( but he'd never admit it ) and so he remains indifferent, passive, sort of accepts things for the way they are for now. he's trying not to be resentful or think too emotionally about it.
( sorry for this short and bad intro. i am rushing this fhgsdshjdgf)
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sunnytastic · 2 years
Hi Isa! I was wondering how you got into watching Mythic Quest? Who's your favourite character so far? Fav episode? Have you seen Dark Quiet Death yet?
About your Ian/Poppy question: NOT a spoiler dw! The MQ showrunners Rob, Megan and David have stated in multiple interviews and podcasts since S1 that Ian and Poppy will never be romantic. They wanted to write an intimate platonic m/f mentor/mentee working relationship/friendship(?) b/w two people with different skills who need each other to achieve their goals. Rob's also said that he thinks the age difference and power dynamic would make it very inappropriate and not what they wanted to explore at all.
Since they've been saying this openly since the beginning, it's not spoiling anything to lyk rn not to expect that type of development in future seasons (ofc non-canon shipping is totally valid, not judging!)
Btw, there's definitely aspects of Rob in Ian and Megan in Poppy, but it's not straight-up self-inserting. Megan gets frustrated when people insinuate that in podcasts/interviews. Poppy's experience working under a difficult arrogant male boss (who still helps her career and whose opinions she respects even as he disrespects her) has influence from Meg's time working for Dan Harmon, but I'm sure lots of other writers in the MQ room have had those experiences too, esp women, and the characters are developed by all the MQ writers, so we shouldn't discredit them just because we only know Rob, Megan and David.
Sorry this is so long, idk if you'll even read this haha, but anyway the first two seasons of MQ are surprisingly good and I hope you like it!
hi thank you for the ask!
im about 2/3 of the way done with season 1 and I really like it so far! it's a lot different than what I was expecting but that's definitely a good thing
my favorite character is easily brad. he is just so goddamn funny and i think i have a thing for the asshole™ character. and danny pudi is just a fantastic actor
so far, my favorite episode is in fact, dark quiet death. it is so fucking good and I was not expecting it at all. i mean that episode itself should have been nominated for an emmy. im sure there is a reason they included it in the season and I am excited to see how it ties in.
as for ian and poppy, i took back my shipping statement after watching a few more episodes. they are very cute, but in a big brother/little sister kind of way.
i can see how poppy might be influenced by Megan but I agree, it's definitely not a self-insert. I saw a video on here a few days ago where david said that a lot of brad's lines were inspired by megan which I TOTALLY see. megan is so funny in a cutthroat way.
overall, i pretty excited to keep watching. hopefully I can finish it today or tomorrow.
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wtflife01 · 2 years
Hell even if she ends up a public wannabe influencer wag let’s hope she’s better at it than the ones we currently have. 🙊//
This got me thinking, wags have only become influencers due to the big boom F1 has have in the recent years.
If we go back Hulks wife, Checos and even Isa in their time had really small instas, and even way back for example Jules Bianchi GF had a public account and always posted him even after the accident and stopped at his death
But at the same time, if they want to be 100% public there is no issue, becomes weird when they start collaborating with brands and doing ads
Even more weird when they mostly share about their relationships when they have ads to do or race weeks they will spend days and days without posting anything but the moment there’s a race they go active 😂
Also being an influencer wasn’t that BIG of a thing as it is nowadays, now it seems like it’s everyone dream to be an influencer and receive free stuff for doing the bare minimum and if you are a wag you don’t have do do anything at all which seems to be the goal of many of them they want the crazy expensive lifestyle and the media clout but they clearly aren’t interesting enough on their own, have any talent or a good personality and then theres also the crazy fans who praise them for anything they do, a lot of these wags come across as very self centered and obnoxious so they get major ego boost with it, even if they got into the relationship with a normal lifestyle and careers the attention they know they can get from being someone’s girlfriend is to appealing for their self centered asses to not capitalize it the most they can.
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shuamorollss · 2 years
The World on Our Side — syj / fem!reader
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Sim Jaeyun, after living in london for 2 years with his ex girlfriend, Lee Chaeyoung, finally comes back to Korea to have a fresh start. That is... until he accidentally found you breaking down while eating at a local mcdonalds. You knew him by then, since he dated your best friend, and Jake knew you, being the best friend of his ex. So this is only an unexpected reunion, right? it's not like you two would secretly start hanging out to escape from all the struggling sides of life.
characters. one.
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You— you didn't have everything, you didn't live in a luxurious household, don't eat steak for any meals, though you were thankful for all nice things that came along your way. You were more thankful for your parents who made their efforts to give you a good education, and so with that, you wanted to return their favors. They always did say "Reach where you want to be." and ever since then, aiming for law is definitely what you'll be reaching. Not caring for anything else, sticking to that one career and only that. But being too focused on the future didn't stop you from having fun in this lifetime. Having people who aims for the same goal makes it easier for you to live your life and still see the joy in the world with your own eyes.
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Jake— never ever made any faults in life, he was always in troublemaking friend groups but stays the angel out of the rest. No wonder Isa had her eyes on him, he was sweet, gentle, and every girl wanted him. Just how jake wanted Isa the first day he had her eyes on her. Even with one pick up line he already had Isa in his fingertips, and he fell in love, hard. He was the happiest man when Isa reciprocated his feelings, and so with that, a healthy relationship that lasted a few months or so, until Isa decided that she wanted to start a life with him in London. She was excited, and he was too, knowing London would be a great place to get inspiration to writing more songs. Though things didn't go well from there, to the point it tore them apart. From wanting to find inspiration to losing it completely. Now he's back in his home country, wanting to start over, wanting to forget the memory he had there with Isa. Just hopefully, there would be progress along his way, and his passion to finally come back.
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Prologue ... Masterlist ... Characters (2/2)
taglist— @lov3niki  @woneulz @sd211 @arizejkt19 @trsrina  @yenqa  @bookishcalls ​ ​@i46kmg
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© seungiepup. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of the works published.
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upismediacenter · 2 years
New-look UP Jr. Fighting Maroons Cap Off Return to UAAP
With the 56-71 loss against University of the East last March 1, the UP Junior Fighting Maroons conclude their run in the UAAP 85 Boys’ Basketball Tournament with a record of 1-13. Although putting in a lot of effort before each game and maintaining their vigor throughout, they were unable to end the season on a high note. This caused a series of unfortunate events, for this also marks the final game for captain Jonas Napalang and his five senior teammates, as they will be moving on from the high school scene later this year.
The first game of UPIS after the 3-year tournament drought showed lots of promise, as they bested UE 101-94 last January 15 in an overtime thriller. UPIS star big man Kobe Demisana led the charge, tallying 17 points, 14 boards, 4 blocks and 2 steals in his first game in maroon. Meanwhile, Basty Jacob, his frontcourt duo, scored 19 points and 9 rebounds. Valdeavilla, Napalang, and Melicor also had 18, 17, and 16, respectively.
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Kobe Demisana attacks the basket for a lay-up. Via: UAAP Media Team
The succeeding games however, ground the UPJBT’s momentum to a halt as they suffered loss after loss. Their games against UST, Adamson, DLSZ, FEU, and NU all resulted in blowouts. Yet these defeats did not cause them to lose heart because of the overflowing support that they received from the community. Rather, they served as inspiration for the team to fight even harder.
In an interview with Jonas Napalang, he stated that part of his duty as the team captain is to get to know his teammates as he will be leading them throughout the season. A team captain also needs to be professional by being consistent, staying patient, and encouraging his team when they are losing. “We motivate each other by encouraging each other. When the team is down we seniors try not to blame one another, but instead try to uplift each others’ confidence.”
Now a senior, Jonas touched on his experiences compared to his rookie year. “Para sa akin, mas mataas yung expectations ngayon na kami ang seniors,” he said. “Isa ako sa dapat maglead sa team so dapat mature at maging kuya ako para sa mga mas bata sa amin. Nung rookie, kailangan lang mag-attend sa training para maipakitang deserve maging member ng team.” When asked about the additional responsibilities attached to being team captain, he emphasized the importance of being a good role model. “Dapat ako yung nakakaintindi sa lahat and dapat palaging masipag ako sa training, kasi once na makita nilang tamad-tamaran ako, tatamarin din sila.”
Finally, he left a message for those who aspire to join the UPJBT, as well as a message for the team’s supporters. “Ang advice ko lang is focus kayo sa goals niyo, and magstay na positive palagi,” he said. “Para naman sa supporters ng team, sobrang thankful ko talaga sa lahat ng sumusuporta kasi isa silang dahilan kung bakit lumalaban pa rin kami kahit natatalo.” He also shared his mindset on his career moving forward. “For me, hindi pa ako tapos and mayroon pang college, so lalo pa akong magsisipag and pagsisikapan kong mag-improve.”
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UPJBT Team Photo. Via: UPJBT Instagram Page
Jonas is joined by Kobe Demisana, Marcus Raymundo, Clark Cordero, Karl Villaverde, and Floyd Florentino as the seniors who will be graduating high school in summer. UPJBT supporters however, still do have a bright spot to hold on to, as the seniors will be leaving behind a young, established team led by the 1-2 punch of Rocco Melicor and Sebastien Jacob, accompanied by the versatile scoring ability of Daryl Valdeavilla. //by Reiñell Fajardo and Rocel Bautista
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isabelladesoto · 2 years
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THE ENCHANTER - Isabella Sofia De Soto
pinterest. playlist. musings.(TBD)
CHARACTER INSPO: Yennefer (The Witcher.) Cassandra (Promising Young Woman.) Alina Starkov (The Grisha series), Nancy Wheeler (Stranger things.) & Fallon Carrington (Dynasty.)
TRIGGER WARNINGS: bad parenting, bribery, blackmail, missing persons, mental health issues unspecified, injury
FULL NAME: Isabella Sofia De Soto
NICKNAMES: Isa, Bella, Belle
AGE: 35
BIRTHDATE: November 7th, 1987, at 4 a.m
ZODIAC: Scorpio sun, Pieces moon, Libra rising
HOMETOWN: Half Moon Bay, California
CURRENT RESIDENCE: Half Moon Bay, California 
OCCUPATION: Theatre actress/heiress
ENNEAGRAM:  8w7- the non-conformist
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral
+ visionary, determined, passionate, intuitive, enchanting, ambitious, dreamy
- sensitive, secretive, rebellious, moody, restless, impulsive/unpredictable, stubborn, skeptical
Born to the influential De Soto family, Isabella was always in the public eye and was no stranger to expectations. However, from an early age, it was clear she was not the child to be molded in the family's image. 
She was to be a prima-ballerina, which her parents picked for her- but for Isabella, the goal turned into a hobby she eventually only touched in brief moments. 
Isabella often had to be reminded of her "place," the role she was meant to play, and how her actions negatively impacted the family. She was doing her best, constantly watering herself down to be the daughter her parents wanted, but it was never enough. She was never her twin sister or her older brother - the golden De Soto's while she lost herself to their shadows. 
Isabella was a secret keeper, her brothers, her twins - even her mothers. The skeletons overflowed from her closet, more than half not her own- but Isabella clung to them, for it was the only way she knew how to keep the people she loved safe. 
She kept herself safe by retreating into her made-up worlds, and as she got older, the retreat turned into sneaking out to find the pieces of herself lost out to the world somewhere. 
She got better at playing her part, if only because she had carved out a niche for herself in the rest of the world. By the time she was eighteen, she knew the life she wanted was nothing like the one planned for her. 
Instead, she put away college plans and took up countless hobbies and interests she could profit from. In between it all, she fell in love. For the first time, Isabella had a name for it- knew it and clung to it- she felt seen, and between her and Clay, they curated a group of like-minded people to call found family. They chased away loneliness and injustices with little stunts that made them feel alive.
Sadly, life and consequences caught up to them. After a night of recklessness, Clay and Isabella are arrested, thus beginning the start of the end.  
Isabella didn't know it then or expect how this night would change her entire life or break her heart. However, after things quietly went much better than she had thought, she suspected the De Soto's threw around some weight. She did not expect Clay to fall collateral damage to that and, to this day, has no idea that her parents threatened him with real consequences if he didn't stay away. 
Isabella struggled but, through community service, found a love for theatre. Once she was done with it and found it more challenging than she could face staying in the small town, she left for the east coast, where she threw herself into the hopes of making it on Broadway. 
She made it- her career blossomed, and so did the problems. She didn't think she'd find parts of her in a place she had never really been, but it was a slow rebuild of her heart. Her passion really takes shape on stage. 
It was a dream come true, and after spending years keeping a man at arm's length, Isabella let him in, agreed to marry him, and was on the way to a June wedding. 
However, the wheel of fate always spins back, and a series of unfortunate events began to pile up. The first was a brutal incident of obsession when a fan broke into her dressing room, resulting in a struggle that left her with a scar on her knee and PTSD that disrupted her career. 
A few weeks later, her twin sister was suspected of missing. Weeks turned to months, she still could not face a stage, and her sister had still not returned. Unable to face her demons in the city, Isabella left a letter to her should-be husband and returned home to Half Moon Bay to throw herself into the search for her sister. Half in desperation and half in need of resolution. 
She bakes when she is stressed. There is plenty of muffins and cakes in her house right now. 
Isabella has a small crescent-shaped scar on her palm that mirrors one her twin had when they promised to never abandon one another.
While she has not attended a formal college, she collects books on topics she is interested in, such as languages and history. 
Isabella loves to sing and often sings to herself throughout the day.
Growing up, Isabella felt very alone and collected a group of like-minded people who lived a secret life where they went on adventure thrill-seeking trips. This turned into minor vigilante shenanigans. They would use their collective skill set to unearth some unsavory people's secrets and other "robin hood" esque stunts.
Mataeo De Soto -father: He is a proud and driven man who has taught Naomi her self-worth. Xavier has never allowed her a second of doubt where her worth where he is concerned. This can sometimes translate into believing he knows best and attempting to control her life passively. 
Sofia De Soto  - mother: Close despite frequent arguments. Naomi feels unseen by her parents. Especially her mother. They swing from high and low, and when she is particularly down, she often seeks out the comfort of her mother.
Serena De Soto- Twin sister, they were very close growing up, but their lives split in recent years, and there were some issues between them. Since she's gone missing, Naomi has returned home to be with her family. She has begun snooping around the secretive life of her sister. 
Alejandro De Soto: Oldest of three and often most responsible of the De Soto siblings. He thinks Naomi is frivolous and vain; she believes he is dull and lacks a sense of adventure. He has struggled with addiction since they were young (Naomi has frequently covered and tried to get him to seek help). Despite this, she still has his back. 
Jan 1987 - Birth 
August 1992 - Begins school. 
1989 - now - dancing
2005 - graduated high school 
June 2005 - Meets Clay
July 2005 - October 2011 - Clay 
October 2011 - arrested. 
January 2012 - Begins community service at 25 years old. 
October 2012 - Finishes her community service but continues for a few months at the local theatre.
February 2013 - Moves to NYC to try her hand on Broadway
2013 - December 2022 - In NYC on Broadway 
Fall 2017 - Meets Jesse but keeps it casual for a long time until she realizes she has feelings for him.
2019 - Finally gives Jesse a chance, and it's not long before they're engaged to be married, living a picturesque life she could have never imagined
May 2022 - Dressing room break-in 
June 2022 - Sisters' disappearance 
December 2022 - Returns permanently to HMB
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nice2meetyouu · 2 years
Nag-quit nanaman ako. Mas unstable ang pagkatao ko kaysa freelancing.
Natuwa si bossing sa akin at gusto nyang magwork ako full time sa main company. Ang ibig sabihin ng full time ay 6 days of work na walang fixed time. Para syang business, pag ikaw ang may-ari 24/7 alert ka. Hindi pwedeng 8 to 5 lang.
I appreciate the thought pero inexplain ko rin na as a person, ito 'yung goals ko, financially and career-wise. I thought na baka isipin nyang joketime 'yon so sinend ko 'yung ibang job offer sa akin to show na nasa ganitong salary grade na ako. Sabi niya that's nice, are you planning to join them?
Sabi ko oo, at sabi niya hindi niya kayang i-match 'yon. I know!!! Kaya ang counteroffer ko ay we can keep the arrangement that we have now and I can also do [insert task], or switch to [insert role]. Gets ko naman 'yung takbo ng bagay-bagay, pero tamad kasi ako mag-manage ng tao it's just that hindi ako ang best for that role. 'Yung 2016 self ko ang papatol sa ganyan. Ok na ok 'yan kung that time mo ito inoffer sa akin (third year college ako noon).
Kahapon, nireiterate nya na ang offer niya ay xx,xxx. Tapos minamadali na niya ako mag-confirm. Dinedelay ko nga e kasi baka maipit sweldo ko pag nagdecline ako pero walang choice, parang ayaw niya pag-usapan 'yung project nang hindi ako nagbibigay ng clear confirmation. So sabi ko thank you but I will have to decline. Sahod pa naman bukas huhu pls release my money!!!
Ito 'yung variation ng okay naman kayo as friends pero nagdecide 'yung isa na i-step up ang relationship so na-terminate prematurely at walang nangyari.
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argroupofedu5 · 5 months
Unlocking Opportunities: Pursuing MBBS in Nepal
Embarking on the journey to get to be a specialist is a desire shared by numerous, driven by the crave to mend and serve humanity. In later years, Nepal has risen as a signal of trust for trying medical experts, advertising an interesting mix of quality education, social inundation, and reasonableness. In this web journal, we dig into the charm of studying MBBS in Nepal, exploring through the complexities of fees, and revealing the finest medical colleges within the country.
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Studying MBBS in Nepal: A Gateway to Excellence
Nepal, with its breathtaking landscapes and rich social legacy, gives a conducive environment for scholarly development and individual advancement. Choosing to think about MBBS in Nepal opens entryways to world-class restorative instruction whereas inundating oneself within the country's dynamic embroidered artwork of conventions and values. Renowned for its inviting air and regarded staff, Nepalese medical universities cultivate an environment where students thrive academically and socially.
One of the most compelling reasons to seek after MBBS in Nepal is the reasonableness calculated. Compared to numerous Western nations, the toll of therapeutic instruction in Nepal, counting tuition expenses and living costs, is essentially lower, making it an alluring option for students from different socio-economic foundations. Besides, the educational programs are outlined to meet international benchmarks, guaranteeing that graduates are well-prepared to practise medicine globally.
MBBS Fees in Nepal: Making Dreams Available
The reasonableness of medical instruction in Nepal could be a key driving constraint behind its ubiquity among aspiring specialists. The MBBS expenses in Nepal change depending on the college and may incorporate tuition expenses, convenience, nourishment, and other various costs. Normally, the total cost of pursuing MBBS in Nepal ranges from [mention specific range], making it a cost-effective choice compared to many other countries.
Moreover, a few universities in Nepal offer grants and monetary help to deserving students, facilitating the financial burden. These grants may be based on scholarly justify, financial need, or specific criteria set by the university. By making medical education accessible to a wider pool of students, Nepal demonstrates its commitment to nurturing the following era of healthcare experts.
Best Medical Universities in Nepal: Pinnacles of Excellence
Choosing the right medical university is vital in forming one's scholarly and proficient travel. In Nepal, a few teachers stand out for their commitment to excellence and commitment to medical instruction. Here are a few of the finest medical colleges in Nepal:
Tribhuvan University Institute of Medicine (TU-IOM): 
As the oldest and most esteemed medical institution in Nepal, TU-IOM brags a wealthy legacy of scholarly fabulousness and development. With state-of-the-art offices and experienced workforce individuals, the college offers a comprehensive MBBS program that prepares understudies with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in their restorative careers.
Kathmandu University School of Medical Sciences (KUSMS): 
Eminent for its student-centric approach and accentuation on inquire about, KUSMS isa head goal for trying doctors. The university's present day framework and interdisciplinary curriculum give understudies with adequate openings for hands-on learning and proficient advancement.
B.P. Koirala Institute of Wellbeing Sciences (BPKIHS): 
Settled in the serene town of Dharan, BPKIHS is synonymous with brilliance in medical instruction and healthcare. The university's community-oriented approach and centre on country healthcare make it a favoured choice for understudies trying to form a difference in underserved communities.
Nepal Medical College (NMC): 
Situated in the heart of Kathmandu, NMC is known for its rigorous scholastic educational modules and commitment to producing competent healthcare experts. The university's collaborative learning environment and emphasis on clinical exposure guarantee that graduates are well-prepared to meet the challenges of modern healthcare.
Nobel Medical College: 
With a vision to supply quality therapeutic instruction and foster advancement, Nobel Restorative College stands as a testament to Nepal's commitment to fabulousness in healthcare. The college's holistic approach to restorative instruction and focus on research make it a favoured choice for yearning specialists seeking to make a meaningful impact in the field of pharmaceuticals.
Conclusion: A Journey of Discovery and Growth
Considering MBBS in Nepal offers a unique opportunity to set out on a transformative educational journey established in academic greatness and cultural immersion. With reasonable fees, world-class universities, and a wealthy tapestry of traditions, Nepal beckons aspiring specialists from around the globe to realise their dreams of becoming compassionate and competent healthcare experts. As you embark on this remarkable journey, keep in mind that your choice to study MBBS in Nepal isn't close to obtaining information but too about embracing a new way of life, one filled with sympathy, judgement, and a relentless interest of brilliance.
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luxurypropertiesworld · 9 months
How to be in Top 1% in 2024
Introduction: Unlocking Success in 2024
In the fast-paced city of Gurgaon, where dreams soar as high as the towering skyscrapers, the quest to join the coveted top 1% of achievers isa common aspiration aspiration. As we step into the new year, it's time to equip ourselves with the right strategies to make 2024 a transformative year. This article unveils the key tips to help you rise to the top, focusing on what to do, ways to boost productivity, and pro tips on effective time management for a successful life.
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What to Do - Setting Clear Goals
The first step towards achieving greatness is setting clear and realistic goals. Take some time to reflect on your long-term objectives and break them down into smaller, actionable steps. Whether it's career advancement, personal development, or health and wellness, a roadmap will guide your journey to success.
  How to Increase Productivity - Harnessing the Power of Focus
Productivity is the linchpin of success. In a world full of distractions, mastering the art of focus is crucial. Create a conducive work environment, eliminate unnecessary interruptions, and prioritize tasks based on their importance. Embrace techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, dedicating focused intervals to work and short breaks for rejuvenation.
  Pro Tips on Time Management - Balancing Act for a Successful Life
Time is the most precious resource, and managing it effectively is a skill that sets high achievers apart. Begin by identifying your peak productivity hours and allocate your most demanding tasks during this time. Embrace the 2-minute rule – if a task takes less than 2 minutes, do it immediately. Additionally, leverage technology tools like calendar apps to schedule and organize your day efficiently.
Cultivating a Growth Mindset - Embracing Challenges
To be in the top 1%, it's essential to adopt a growth mindset. View challenges not as obstacles but as opportunities for learning and improvement. Failing is a great way to learn and grow as a person. Seek feedback, continuously learn, and stay adaptable in the face of change. A growth mindset not only fuels personal development but also propels you towards the upper echelons of achievement.
  Building Strong Networks - Collaborate for Success
Success rarely happens in isolation. Cultivate strong professional and personal networks to exchange ideas, gain insights, and open doors to new opportunities. Attend networking events in Gurgaon, join industry-related groups, and connect with like-minded individuals. A supportive network not only enhances your knowledge base but also provides a platform for collaboration and mutual growth.
  Balancing Work and Well-being - Prioritizing Self-Care
In the pursuit of success, it's crucial not to neglect your well-being. The top 1% understand the importance of a healthy work-life balance. Set boundaries, prioritize self-care, and allocate time for relaxation and rejuvenation. Whether it's through regular exercise, mindfulness practices, or spending quality time with loved ones, maintaining a holistic approach to well-being is the cornerstone of sustained success.
  Conclusion: Elevate Your Life in 2024
As we navigate the bustling streets of Gurgaon, let's embark on a journey to join the elite top 1% of achievers. By setting clear goals, honing productivity, mastering time management, fostering a growth mindset, building networks, and prioritizing well-being, success becomes an achievable reality. Let 2024 be the year you elevate your life to new heights and stand tall among the city's high achievers. Embrace these strategies, stay committed, and witness the transformation unfold.
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