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diario-vespertino · 1 year ago
“Los pibes siguen yendo presos por un porro”
Hablemos de cannabis. La posibilidad de registrar nuevas semillas y el autocultivo como ámbito de resistencia contra la industria. La soberanía cannábica lucha contra la penalización y el prejuicio social. ¿Cuál es el lugar de lxs pequeñxs cultivadores para que el cannabis no se monopolice? ¿Medicinal sí, recreativo no?  A diferencia de otras partes del mundo, donde solo los laboratorios o farmacéuticas pueden registrar semillas, en Argentina cualquier ciudadanx puede registrar su propia variedad de semilla de cannabis en el Registro Nacional de Cultivares (RNC). En julio del año pasado el Instituto Nacional de Semillas (INASE) emitió la resolución N°260, que habilita la compra y venta legal de semillas y esquejes en Argentina en el marco de la Ley de Cannabis Medicinal. Esto significa que los comercios, grows y entidades que estén inscriptos en el Registro Nacional de Comercio y Fiscalización de Semillas del INASE pueden vender semillas, esquejes y plantines registrados. “Durante mucho tiempo la única arma con la que contábamos era la convicción de que cultivar era un derecho que debíamos defender porque la sociedad estaba juzgando mal, al cannabis y a las drogas en general. Esa fue la batalla que dimos todos estos años y estamos muy lejos de haberla ganado, pero de a poquito se empiezan a ver resultados como leyes nuevas que acompañan”, cuenta Nicolás Geniso, uno de los fundadores de la cooperativa 1439, activista cannábico y miembro de la Asociación Argentina para la Producción, Crianza e Investigación de la Semilla de Cannabis (CRIACANN).
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En noviembre de 2020 el Poder Ejecutivo Nacional emitió un decreto que amplió los derechos de las personas usuarias de cannabis, permitiendo el cultivo personal y solidario. La creación del Registro nacional de personas autorizadas al cultivo controlado con fines medicinales y/o terapéuticos (REPROCANN) permite la inscripción de personas para plantar, trasladar su cosecha y preparados medicinales por todo el territorio nacional. El registro, única herramienta para evitar la penalización por cultivo y tenencia de cannabis en Argentina,  permite tener hasta nueve plantas en floración, sin límite de plantines, y trasladar 40 gramos de flores secas y hasta seis recipientes de 30 mililitros de aceite medicinal. ¿Pero qué pasa más allá de la ley y de los derechos conseguidos? ¿Qué pasa en los barrios con los pibes y las pibas que llevan un porro en la mochila? El Reprocan está pensado exclusivamente para personas que utilizan el cannabis con fines medicinales. Sin obra social, prepaga o médicx que recete su uso es imposible acceder. Aquellas personas que no pueden costear una consulta médica quedan exentas. Ese sector social que queda afuera es el que carece de suficientes recursos económicos y continúa siendo estigmatizado si tiene un porro en el bolsillo.  "Los primeros años como cultivadores fueron duros por la  persecución y  la violencia policial. Cultivar te exponía frente a la ley, y a que te roben porque es una mercancía muy cara y no podés hacer la denuncia. Los peores ladrones eran los policías. En los allanamientos te robaban hasta las pantuflas. Hoy por suerte eso casi no sucede, pero la ley de drogas no cambió y sigue cayendo gente presa por un porro; tal vez no en las grandes ciudades, ni en la clase media, pero los pibes pobres de los barrios siguen cayendo porque la cana los sigue jodiendo. El porro sigue siendo un pretexto más para que la cana los detenga", explica Nicolás. Soberanía cannabica Lo que comenzó hace dos décadas como un espacio de activismo cannábico en defensa de los pequeñxs cultivadores, se transformó en militancia y trabajo, y hoy es Catorce Treinta y Nueve, el colectivo de criadores de semillas de cannabis y la cooperativa agraria para la producción de variedades de marihuana locales. En 2013 surgió la pata comercial: nació Lugannabis, un grow shop en Lugano que de a poco fue sumando integrantes. Hoy son 13 amigxs en una estructura verticalista, no jerárquica y esa característica es la que lxs enorgullece.    –Ustedes en el colectivo de criadores de marihuana Catorce Treinta y Nueve registraron una nueva variedad de semilla de cannabis y apuestan a defender el lugar de lxs pequeñxs cultivadores para que la industria del cannabis no se monopolice. ¿Cuándo se dieron cuenta que esta militancia se estaba transformando en una profesión y un laburo? ¿Cómo empezó 14/39? –Desde el origen defendemos el  lugar de lxs pequeñxs cultivadores dentro de una industria que en nuestro país recién está emergiendo. Hacer semillas es algo de lo que nos venimos ocupando hace mucho para nuestros amigos. La semilla también es un símbolo de la resistencia del cannabis. Lo primero que hice fue plantar y ahí pensé ¿cómo planto el año siguiente? ¿cómo me aseguro la semilla? ¿cómo la hago?. Yo empecé a investigar, por necesidad en su momento y ahora lo podemos hacer legalmente.
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– Contanos de Choco OG, la nueva semilla que generaron en 34/19 Es una variedad de floración rápida que oscila entre los 54 a 56 días, de sabor afrutado con destellos de chocolate y gusto a chicle. Es además una planta con resina abundante, de producción generosa, que da cogollos carnosos y equilibrada en proporciones de genética entre índica y sativa, con un efecto relajante, duradero y placentero.  –¿Cuál es la importancia de fomentar el autocultivo? –Creo que el autocultivo en sí está bastante fomentado en el país, de hecho el REPOCANN de alguna manera lo avala y vamos a hacer lo imposible para que no se monopolice la industria con el hijo del gobernador tal o la sobrina del gobernador tal, que es algo que viene sucediendo. De hecho, (Gerardo) Morales tiene hectáreas de cannabis sin ningún control pero los pibes siguen yendo presos por un porro. En todos los ámbitos es así, si tenés plata, tenés derecho a la justicia. Tal vez la lucha de estos años sea cómo hacemos para que esta industria que está naciendo sea distinta a todo el resto donde todo está monopolizado. Es un gran desafío porque justamente la comida, los medicamentos, la salud están monopolizados. Va a ser difícil, pero el mundo está hecho para soñar y vamos a seguir soñando y luchando para que el cannabis sea accesible a todos. Y que los que quieran y puedan trabajar en esta industria generen puestos de trabajo genuino y no trabajo esclavo, como está pasando en el norte, donde el gobernador Morales le quita hectáreas a las comunidades originarias.
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–Parece haber una aceptación social a la hora de hablar de cannabis medicinal pero aún se estigmatiza el uso de cannabis recreativo ¿Qué pensas al respecto? –Ese es un debate que en estos últimos años venimos dando, incluso internamente en el movimiento. Lo medicinal si bien avanzó un montón, sólo es accesible para el que puede económicamente, ya sea porque en su casa puede plantar o puede comprar un aceite. Estos últimos años -con respecto a la parte recreativa- empezamos a hablar del uso adulto responsable. Si yo lo uso para recrearme, concentrarme, relajarme, crear o para lo que yo quiera, es un tema mío, es mi derecho como adulto y es la jurisdicción sobre mi cuerpo que me dio la naturaleza decidir para qué lo uso, por eso englobamos todos los usos en el uso adulto responsable que lo elegimos, más allá del caso medicinal donde se genera una necesidad física. De todas maneras la barrera entre esas necesidades emocionales y físicas es muy fina, por ejemplo, yo consumo medicinalmente pero nunca un médico me recetó cannabis, quién puede discutirmelo si le hace bien a mi cuerpo y a mi mente, son paradigmas que se van derribando poco a poco. "Vamos a seguir soñando y luchando para que el cannabis sea accesible a todos" –¿Que significa para ustedes la soberanía cannábica? –Es una frase que hace varios años empezamos a repetir como un objetivo. Nos preguntamos qué buscamos cuando estamos en esta industria que ya no solo es plantar en mi casa para mí, sino laburar de esto. Lo primero que buscamos es ser soberanos, dejar de tener que depender del exterior, ya sea en cuanto a genética o técnicas de cultivo. Creemos que el trabajo que se viene haciendo acá en la clandestinidad hace tantos años, por alguna extraña receta mágica, te da un extra porque tuviste que hacer las cosas de manera que nadie te viera. No sé si pasión es la palabra, compromiso o dedicación, no sé cómo llamarle, pero te dedicás más porque sos perseguido por hacerlo, entonces se necesita un compromiso extra. Eso le dio un toque a todas las genéticas argentinas de estos años que no tienen nada que envidiarle a la genética de afuera. Por eso hablamos de dejar de mirar hacia afuera. La cultura cannábica mira mucho a Estados Unidos y a las modas. Nosotros con la soberanía lo que pretendemos es que podamos ser independientes, poder generar nuestros propios recursos cannábicos. Tanto la medicina que necesitamos para consumir, como la semilla que necesitamos para plantar y todo lo que se pueda producir en el país porque estamos convencidos que hay igual o mejor calidad que en el extranjero.
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 –¿La recientemente reglamentada Ley del Marco Regulatorio para el Desarrollo de la Industria del Cannabis Medicinal y el Cáñamo Industrial tiene algún alcance para ustedes? –Es muy reciente, hay que esperar a ver cómo se implementa pero en teoría sí. Esta ley da licencias para los criadores y productores de semillas como nuestro caso y abre todo un una industria que estaba frenada porque al no estar reglamentada no se sabía cómo se iba a llevar a cabo. Ahora se bajó esa reglamentación en un momento medio raro, a días de las elecciones y todo va a depender de cómo siga, porque lo pueden frenar de un día para otro si al que viene no le gusta. En la práctica todavía seguimos igual. Estamos en el 2023, la ley de cannabis medicinal se promulgó en 2016, está el REPROCANN y uno puede tener plantas en su casa, pero no se activó ninguna industria. El que no puede tener una planta, no puede comprar, ni acceder a la medicina de ninguna manera y pasaron nueve años de la reglamentación. Hasta ahora seguimos igual, pero tengo esperanzas de que esto ayude a que la industria se desarrolle.  
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:::Estefanía Santoro para Revista Citrica / Fotos: Agustina Salinas::: Read the full article
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grinsgrimmy · 1 month ago
Some sweet fluffy cuddling with Carcel Escalante? Cárcel wants to cuddle with use in bed but reader is too shy and embarrassed!
S H Y .
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๋࣭⭑ֶֶֶָָָ֢֢֢𖹭 drabble . (1024 words)
sum. carcel managed to convince you to sleep with him that night. problem was that you couldn't sleep with him that night.
ㅤㅤlike carcel? read carcel oneshot .
note : thank you for the request, anonie! v v cute request. regardless, im back!! i, unfortunately, still have tests next week so i might still be slow on posting fics but ill try my best. thank you for supporting my fics still :)
drabble request slots
ㅤ⪩⪨ m.list
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carcel had convinced you to sleep together for that night.
the problem?
getting you to actually settle down and sleep with him.
you were a cute bundle of nerves, standing stiffly far from the bed as though the mattress were made of molten lava.
you were clearly flustered. It was evident by the hesitant shift of your feet, too meek and shy to even step a little bit closer to the bed. hence, you remained rooted in your spot.
meanwhile, carcel lay sprawled out comfortably on his own bed. with his golden hair a tousled mess against his pillow, he gazed at you with a small, amused smile, but his eyes had a look of affection.
as much as he was disappointed that you have yet to be comfortable being husband and wife with him, he could not bring himself to complain.
your shy, flustered expression gave him more reason to admire and adore you.
you were simply too cute.
he had to hold his giggles as he admired you.
carcel had ensured that you would be comfortable for tonight. he had asked your closest maid about your nightly routine.
you love reading before sleeping, the maid said.
so, carcel brought a few books from your collection for you to read. 
you drank tea while reading too.
it led to carcel preparing a cup of your favourite tea, neatly on the bedside table alongside the stack of books.
he went to your bedroom to get your cherished pillow (which you apparently had, according to the maid) and placed it beside his pillow.
carcel even took your fluffy blanket since his blanket was rather thin and he thought you preferred fluffy ones. 
but he had not stopped there. in the adjoining bathroom, he had prepared an extra bathrobe, towel, toothbrush, and any other necessities you might need for that night or the following morning.
he was ready— more than ready— for that night.
all that was left was getting you to lay on the bed with him.
“mi amor,” carcel called out in a gentle tone, hoping to not frighten you. a teasing smile danced on his lips as he mused, “do you want me to sleep alone tonight when i had convinced you so desperately that morning?” he patted the empty space beside him.
you fidgeted your fingers, your heart thundering in your chest. you meekly shook your head, not wanting him to sleep alone, yet you do not have the courage to head to the bed. 
“do you need me to come to you instead?” carcel offered oh-so sweetly, sitting up on the bed. you quickly shook your head, your voice barely above a whisper. “n, no, it's fine.”
he had to hold in his glee at hearing your absolutely adorable, timid voice.
he coughed to calm himself before letting out a soft chuckle, “take your time. i'm not going anywhere.” he said gently, his voice like a caress.
his words did ease you a bit. your heart fluttered at his words, feeling a little encouraged. you shakily take a small step forward, your legs trembling slightly. you felt like running away the closer you got to the bed.
carcel's smile did not waver but got wider the closer you got to the bed. he opened his arms as an invitation for you as you drew closer. when you were in front of him, he gently pulled you towards him, guiding you to sit on the edge of the bed with him.
“there we go.” he whispered, pressing a kiss on the top of your head. ”i got you.”
you let out a shaky breath out of relief, allowing yourself to be engulfed into his embrace, ”i'm sorry. i'm just not used to this.” you admitted shyly.
carcel simply press another kiss to the top of your head to reassure you, ”no need for apologies. as long as you're with me, that's all that matters.” he insisted, giving you a comforting smile. 
carcel's fingers intertwined with yours, his thumb gently rubbing your hand in a soothing, rhythmic motion to soothe you further into relaxation. every so often, he pressed a kiss to your cheek, nose, or forehead.
carcel settled beside you, his warmth a steady presence against your side as you too seated in with a book that you chose from the beside table.
carcel made sure you were comfortable. he adjusted your pillow and blanket so you could lean back while reading, then huffed proudly at his handiwork.
as you read your book whilst enjoying the tea he made for you, he snuggled against you with a blissful expression— joyful to have you by his side tonight.
“was everything up to your expectations?” he mused with a blissful sigh. you gave him a grateful yet timid smile, “more than my expectations. you didn't have to do all of this for me, really.”
carcel opened his eyes, giving you a smirk, “it's a must. you deserve the best.” he insisted, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you continued reading.
every few moments, he pressed a kiss to your neck or temple. his affection was a quiet comfort.
his arm wrapped around your waist, he was simply content to gaze at you for the rest of the night.
after a while, the book in your hands began to blur as your eyelids grew heavy. the warmth of carcel's body pressing beside you and the tea you drank were luring you to drowsiness.
carcel immediately noticed, “time for bed?” he whispered, staring at the way your eyes fluttered. you nodded mutely, embarrassed that your sleepiness was caught by him.
carcel's arms tightened around you by just a fraction, watching you return the book to where it was before tucking yourself to bed with him.
his fingers traced lazy circles behind your back, “goodnight,” he whispered after a moment as you two exchanged a final kiss on both of yours' foreheads.
and with carcel's heartbeat in your ear, alongside his protective arms around you, you drifted off to sleep with him.
sleeping with carcel became the norm for you after that night.
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・❥ want a hc / oneshot? please consider commissioning in ko-fi !
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1choclo · 4 months ago
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sambuchito · 4 months ago
a ver vamo a abrir tuiter que lo tnego aband
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rydrzg · 6 months ago
📍 Zona de cabañas
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Gracioso como la situación se había tornado en su contra, ahora en su muñeca descansaba lo que bien podría pasar como un reloj, y de cierta manera le molestaba, era como si su pasado le volviera a pisar los talones. Con eso en mente el mismo se ofreció para ir en busca de los suplementos que hacían falta en el campamento, ¿alguien lo escucho? ni le prestó atención sólo se alejo con la excusa de traer más comida. Y para cuando las cabañas se hicieron presentes estaba más tranquilo, sonriente se acercó a la primera puerta que vio y se veía entreabierta, pero un ruido lo hizo girarse de golpe evitando que entrara a donde pensaba estaría lo que buscaba, lo menos que quería era más problemas " ¿quién esta ahí? "
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viejospellejos · 11 months ago
Las sutiles diferencias entre una cárcel y un colegio:
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manhwa-animated-cover · 11 months ago
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sprinklesoncake · 2 months ago
I started reading “The broken ring: this marriage will fail anyway” and I love it! What I noticed is how similar Carcel and Rafayel are.
They both can be VERY pouty:
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meladyguizado · 24 days ago
No hicieron falta cadenas ni muros de piedra para saberme prisionera; ya te tenía a ti, y eso bastaba para sellar mi condena.
- Melady Guizado (2024)
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sidsinning · 1 year ago
master of writing to make me this down bad for a cheating man ive gotta say
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9-93 · 7 days ago
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grinsgrimmy · 2 months ago
Hi! How are you? I’m new to your blog and I’m loving every second of it! You really captured the male mcs really well and I’m so happy to find you in the community!
I saw your request is open! May I ask if I can request a drabble?
Can you do a drabble of Carcel Escalante from The Broken Ring: This Marriage Will Fail Anyway? Wherein Reader has been shutting out Carcel from her room and it made him anxious, so he sneaks into her room and was surprised to see a portrait of him in a big canvas drawn by Reader? A surprise for his birthday supposedly?
You can decide how will you end it! Again, Thank you so much and have a wonderful time! <3
S E C R E T .
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๋࣭⭑ֶֶֶָָָ֢֢֢𖹭 oneshot . (1348 words)
sum. you had been shutting yourself in a room, and it made carcel paranoid
ㅤㅤlike carcel? read carcel drabble .
note : thank you for the request and your sweet words, anonie! im doing fine, thanks for asking!! i try my best to make sure the canon characters i wrote are not out of character. however, im going to be honest, i have never read this manhwa before, but i was willing to pick it up for this request and oh my god i was not disappointed. other than that i went over the word limit AGAIN
request drabble have reopened !!
ㅤ⪩⪨ m.list
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you had been acting odd lately. 
odd enough for it to worry carcel. 
it had been escalating to two days. Every chance he tried to find you when you were supposedly said to be 'busy', it was simply you locking yourself in a different room within the house.
when asked regarding what you were doing inside of said room, you only responded that it was not his business to know. as much as he wished to argue about it, he did not. 
but your husband, he deathly wished to know what it was. 
it did not help that carcel was an easily jealous— no, a paranoid person.
... but you could not be committing liaison within that room, no? 
of course not. you were never the type to do that anyway. 
it was just a thought. certainly.
then, were you sick and you did not wish to worry him?
this entire ordeal left him restless. 
when carcel dared to ask the servants of the house, they all simply went quiet and refused to answer. hell, even the butler remained quiet about it. 
it did not help that during the night, when you both were to end up sleeping together, you acted as if you had not just locked yourself in a room for the entire afternoon. 
he wished to respect you sincerely, but you were not exactly helping his paranoia either. none of the people in the house was going to ease his anxiety either, for god knows why. 
by the third day, his patience was wearing thin, and so was his beauty sleep. 
every time he closed his eyes, thoughts of what you could possibly be hiding gnawed at him, unraveling all sense of reason. 
the servants' silence only fanned the flames of his paranoia. 
as midnight drew closer and the house had fallen quiet, carcel made his decision. 
sneak into the room you had locked yourself into for three days. 
was it disrespectful of him? certainly, but it was definitely a lot more disrespectful that you never told anything nor said anything to your poor ol' worried and concerned husband that was sulking outside of the door every afternoon like a kicked puppy. 
carcel managed to slipped out of your shared bedroom and quietly headed through the halls of the house until he reached that room. 
he stared at the door for a few seconds, debating whether he should genuinely enter without your permission. it felt as if he was committing a crime. 
carcel's hand hovered over the handle. With a breath held in his chest, he slowly turned the knob of the door. The door easily gave way without resistance, making him debate whether to enter or not.
after a few seconds, he stepped inside. it was dark, save for the faint glow of the moon coming from the window without a curtain. 
carcel immediately noticed a large object near the window. he stepped closer, his eyes adjusting to the low light. 
and he saw it. 
he guessed it was a large canvas on an easel covered by a cloth to hide the painting underneath it. without thinking twice due to his sheer curiosity, he pulled the cloth away to reveal the painting behind it. 
it was unfinished, yet there was a line art that revealed—
his own face. 
captured in delicate yet stunning detail. 
carcel's heart stilled, his eyes glued to the rough sketch lines and the unfinished fine brush strokes of the paint. 
it was him. 
the sight took his breath away. 
from the calm expression to the unfinished paint, every brushstroke speaking of hours of careful observation from you.
carcel could see where you had tried to perfect every feature, wanting to commit every detail of him. a devotion he never realised you had for him. 
you had been painting a portrait of him? 
this entire time? 
that's. so. cute!! 
the realisation melted into a giddish glee within his heart, a blush crept to his cheeks immediately as he giggled to himself. 
his wife is so cute as always. 
while his giddish glee, he noticed a writing that he initially missed by the corner of the canvas. his eyes widened when he read it. 
'happy birthday'. 
just how oblivious could he be? his birthday was a week away, and this was his... gift. his birthday gift. 
damn it, you were too cute for him. 
carcel could feel his heart beating. he was completely flushed, laughing like a lovesick teenager to himself as he admired the artwork.
all the restless hours, the jealous little thoughts, thinking you were sick and all the paranoia— it seemed ridiculous to him now.
you were holed up in this room for days, creating something immaculately sincere and gentle. 
it definitely caught him off guard.
his wonderful, talented, genius of a wife.
he felt like a fool for forgetting that you picked up on painting a few months ago.
with one last lingering look at the painting, he left the room quietly. his heart felt lighter than it had felt in days. 
he managed to slip back into bed, and a gleeful smile spread across his face. he glanced at your sleeping form, blushing red.
placing a gentle kiss on your sleeping self's forehead, he tucked himself to bed, not without tucking you closely to his chest. 
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the next morning, you managed to find out that carcel had entered the room. the cloth of the canvas you had once draped over it was on the floor. 
you deduced it was carcel. all of the servants knew that you were making a surprise gift. this had been meant as a surprise.
a heartfelt, intimate gift for his birthday. and now, thanks to his impatience (you did not know you locking yourself in the room was making him paranoid), the secret was spoiled.
frustrated and albeit disappointed, you tracked down carcel. you found him in his bedroom, having a briefing with the butler. “carcel escalante!” you yelled as you barged into his office. 
sensing your anger, which was uncharacteristic of you, carcel sat frozen on his seat— terrified to see why you were angry at him. meanwhile, the butler left the office due to your furious state. 
carcel gave a nervous smile. “what's wrong, dear?” he asked shakily with an unsure expression, sweating. it reminded you of a child that was caught rummaging in the cookie jar.
you placed your hands on your hips. “you went into my art room, didn't you?” narrowing your gaze, you frowned.
you could see the colour drained slightly from his face when his realisation dawned on him. 
oh, right. 
he forgot to drape the cloth over the painting. 
he spent begging on his knees for forgiveness, which you stubbornly did not appeal to.
carcel followed you around like a guilty shadow, imploring for you to show him mercy.
he tried to argue that it was due to you acting so strange, hence forcing him to investigate what happened, but you still refused to forgive him.
when you announced you would not give him the painting as a gift since he ruined the surprise. 
carcel felt his world shattered. he could feel himself wanting to burst into tears. he whined and sulked at your decision.
by the end of the day, he was practically at your feet, giving the best puppy eyes you had ever seen from him.
carcel begged and begged for you to finish the painting and give it to him by his birthday, despite it no longer being a surprise. 
carcel even teared up at the prospect of no longer receiving the very thing you put countless effort and devotion into.
though it was fun, on your end, to witness carcel murmuring every variation of apologies, you did relent and promise you would finish the painting and gift it to him.
that alone made him sprang up with joy again, kissing you all over with glee.
although, he could not promise he would not do it again due to his paranoia, he made sure to forgive you in a different way that night.
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・❥・want a hc / oneshot? please consider commissioning in ko-fi !
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bukubook · 8 months ago
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The way he just lights up after seeing her. // The Broken Ring: This Marriage Will Fail Anyway, Ch. 29.
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slamminslamminmcgill · 14 days ago
new york posting rq but god the thought of lalo fingering me or making me hump his thigh on an empty subway car late at night 😵‍💫
or maybe even blowing him and two pigs try to get on the train so he just shoots them both in the head 🥰🖤
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f4rm · 2 years ago
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viejospellejos · 3 months ago
Un detenido estaba en pleno juicio vía Zoom y entraron a su celda a molerlo a golpes:
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