#car parking booking script
jackethen12 · 2 years
This could be a potential business opportunity for all the budding entrepreneurs. All you have to do is, think about owning a car parking booking script as a marketplace owner.
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pitchsidestories · 4 months
part of me wants forever II Sara Doorsoun x Barça!Reader
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masterlist I word count: 1672
a/n: hi, it's inspired by this request here, we hope the time jumps aren't too confusing. Let us know what you thought of the oneshot.
This was how it all begun. You didn’t expect your love story to start on an ice-cold evening in November after your team has played a Champions League group stage game against Eintracht Frankfurt, but it did.
“Sara, this is y/n. Y/n, this is Sara.”, Ingrid introduced you to each other, her eyes were shining as the stars above you in the night sky. Maybe it was written somewhere up there, what would be happening in the following days, weeks and months.
You knew the person you fell for would say that it was fate which brought you two together. But for you it was Ingrid who did.
 “Hi, Sara, nice to meet you.”, you greeted her smiling.
“Nice to meet you too.”, the older defender replied. The brown eyes who wee looking back at you were so beautiful like the person to whom they belonged too, they were something you could get lost into if this wasn’t an away game and you’d have to leave soon to the hotel you were staying at.
“You guys played really well.”, you complimented Sara in an honest tone. It was true, especially in the first half they had a stellar performance, in which Laura Freigang scored the opening goal, but in the second half your team turned it around and you won fairly comfortably with a 3:1.
“Thank you. So did you.. obviously.”, the german player answered with an amused grin on her lips.
“Y/n, we got to hurry up!”, Mapi reminded you impatiently.
“Don’t worry, Mapi. I’m coming.”, you reassured her, trying to shake off her fingers on the hood of your jacket.
“See you soon.”, Sara waved at you.
“I literally can’t wait.”, you told her. Even though you only shared some polite words with each other you had a feeling that this wasn’t the end of your script together.
On the next day your team was on the way home, the bus taking you from the Barcelona airport to the place where your cars have been parked.
 “Y/n?”, Ingrid looked up from her phone to turn her attention towards you who was sitting on the seats opposite of Mapi and her.
“Yes?”, you responded, lifting your gaze from the book you were currently reading.
“Sara messaged me.”, the Norwegian informed you, wearing a mischievous smile on her face.
“You mean Sara as in the cute Frankfurt defender.”, you replied innocently.
“Who else, genius!”, Fridolina laughed, sitting right behind you, she and Ingrid had to play with the player during their times in Wolfsburg.
“Do you know how many Sara’s there are?!”, you asked the Swedish player.
“Yes, but none of them looked at you the way she did. So, what was in Sara’s message, Ingrid?”, Fridolina stated.
Ingrids face split into a wide grin as she read the message on her phone screen: “She asked for her number.“
“You know what? You can give her my number.“, you said in a burst of courage that made Ingrid only smile brighter.
“Thank you.“
You watched the Norwegian type on her phone. “You’re welcome.“
Sara had immediately texted you that night. And as the months had passed, texting her became a daily habit for you. From good morning to good night, you shared your free-time with her. You haven’t felt that connected with someone for a long time.
One day you decided to jokingly text her about your shared taste in music, not expecting anything from it.
“Fletcher has a concert in Barcelona. You should come with us, Sara.“
“To a Fletcher concert?“, she wrote back, seemingly unimpressed.
“Yes, Jana got tickets.“, you answered.
You waited impatiently, the three dots appearing as she typed.
“I can’t say no to that.“, appeared on your phone screen.
You smiled happily: “Perfect.“
A few weeks after your text conversation, you found yourself at the concert, singing along while Sara had her arms wrapped around you. It was a casual gesture as you swayed from side to side with the rhythm.
Jana rolled her eyes: “Ugh, stop, you two lovebirds!“
“We’re doing nothing!“, you laughed, full of innocence.
“Literally.“, Sara agreed, continuing to move you with her.
Jana pulled out her phone: “Wait, let me at least take a picture of how annoying you two are.“
She snapped a few photos, a fond smirk on her face. You turned your attention back to the singer. This night was perfect and you wanted to enjoy every moment of it.
The Fletcher concert was something you liked to think back to during your busy football season.
The same was true for the biggest game of the season, the Champions League final. As expected, it was a tight game, Lyon made it hard to get through their defense. Only Aitana and Alexia found a way. So when the final whistle sounded, you were overcome with a mix of relief and happiness.
You hugged your teammates tightly, still processing what you had just achieved when Ingrid tapped you on the shoulder and pointed towards the stands. “Y/n, look who came.“
You only blinked at her for a moment before your gaze finally followed the direction of her hand gesture.
Saras face grinned at you from the stands. The sight of her was enough to make your heart pound in your chest.
You left Ingrid standing and ran over to Sara, stopping right in front of the Frankfurt defender: “Sara, I thought you couldn’t be here?!“
She only flashed you a wry smile: “Change of plans.“
“That’s amazing.”, you muttered, exchanging a short, but soft kiss with your girlfriend.
“You’re welcome.”, Sara smirked at you, as she wrapped her arms around you into a hug.
Mirroring the happiness Laura Feiersinger appeared next to her former Frankfurt teammate:” I almost lost her at the place when they sold the cake.”
“Very typical.”, you giggled, it was no secret that your lover has a sweet tooth.
Nervously Sara put a loose string of hair behind her ear:” That’s not true.”
“Sure.”, the Austrian midfielder smiled amusedly.
“It just looked so delicious.”, the German player defended herself, while a blush crept onto her high cheekbones.
“To be fair it did.”, Laura admitted.
“See?”, Sara responded satisfied.
“Well, I do.”, you tuned into their conversation, before your girlfriend kissed you, to celebrate the Champions League win properly.
Having Sara with you during all the chaos which was going on in the night was very special to you. In the morning you two chose to go on a walk to see a bit of the city. It amazed you to watch your girlfriend being so in peace with herself.
The defender was a warm person and over the weeks you’ve been together she started to share some pieces of herself and her history which you found admirable. Her late coming out, a father who wasn’t saying anything against that, but also didn’t like to talk about it anymore.
The heartbreak Sara felt when the first woman she fell for broke up with her. It impacted her so much that during an important game she scored an own goal. And her questioning if she could ever fall in love like that again? The German player knew the answer now, she was capable of loving again, you showed her how.
Fast forward and it was time to be with your national teams again, you both couldn’t wait for the upcoming free days afterwards which you planned to spend together.
“Sara, we got to talk.”, Lena Oberdorf yelled at the older woman who just sat down with Felicitas Rauch in the dining room of the hotel they were staying at.
“About what?”, Sara frowned who didn’t know her best friend in the team knew what the young midfielder was thinking about.
“I was suspecting you fell in love again, but now Obi found proof of it multiple ones.”, the fellow defender who played in the USA explained with a cheeky smile on her lips.
“What are you talking about?”, the Frankfurt player asked her teammates innocently.
“You and y/n, who football wise is so out of your league.”, Lena replied grinning.
“Beauty wise too.”, Felicitas added in a teasingly tone.
“Excuse me? That’s not what friends are supposed to say.”, Sara protested, her mouth formed to a little pout.
Felicitas smiled apologetically: “Just kidding… but playing wise not. She’s at the best football club in Europe!“
“And she and her team won against you this season. Twice.“, Lena added, rubbing salt into the wound.
“I’m aware of that.“, Sara shrugged unimpressed.
“Just a friendly reminder.“, Lena said.
Sara rolled her eyes: “That doesn’t mean we can’t go out.“
“True. I guess she’s the reason you can’t visit me in the US in your free time?“, Felicitas asked, casually changing the subject.
“That’s not true! You’re always busy!“, Sara protested.
Her best friend raised her eyebrows: “So are you apparently!“
“It’s not because of her. I’m still a football player.“, Sara explained, cringing at the thought of how packed both of their schedules were.
“I know that. So when will you introduce me to her?“, Felicitas continued.
Sara only groaned in response.
In the evening, you were on the phone with Sara as she recounted the details of the talk she had with her teammates.
“So they know about us now?“, you concluded, a smile on your lips.
“Yes, apparently we’re on Ingrids photo dump.“, Sara replied with a laugh.
You shook your head about your Norwegian teammate: “Ingrid might have done that on purpose. Sorry for that.“
“Typical.“, Sara sighed, slight fondness for her former teammate sneaking into her voice.
“She said she had a feeling when she introduced us and I believe her.“
“There’s no way!“
You sucked in your breath in feigned shock: “And I thought you were the romantic!“
“Oh, I am. I just like to think that it was fate.“, Sara replied. You could almost hear the wink through the phone.
Lowering your voice, you whispered: “Me too. I want this to be forever.“
pictures are from pinterest.
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elordilover · 6 months
Could you write a Walker Scobell x Actress Reader where she is anxious for her upcoming audition and he's helping her through it and helping her practice her lines and such?
Thank you so much! I love your writing <3
i love this! thanks for the request!! ♥️
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the audition
pairing: walker scobell x fem! actress! reader
summary: you are getting ready for an audition, your boyfriend walker helps you through your anxiety
warnings: none! not proofread, just fluff! oh and some anxiety
you had been practicing for your audition all day. running over lines and blocking to make sure you got this role. tomorrow was the day you were waiting for, your audition for a character in heartstopper season 3. you were going to be auditioning for one of nick nelson's relatives.
all the stress had finally come over after many many hours of rehearsing lines. every time you messed up on a line you got super stressed and overwhelmed. you only knew one person who could fully understand what you are going through, and help you through it.
you grabbed your phone off your bed and instantly call him, your boyfriend walker. He had been through many auditions and could help you with this stress and pressure.
"hey baby", his voice flooded your ears. he picked up after the first ring
"hi walk", you responded, hoping he wasn't in the middle of his family dinner, since is was 6:34 pm.
"baby? what's wrong?" he sounded concerned.
"I'm okay, just a little anxious for my audition tomorrow", you told him.
"ohhh", he hummed, "do you want to come and eat dinner with me and my family then we can practice?'
he knew how to make you blush. he knew exactly how to make you smile after a hard day. "yeah! ill be at your house in like 25 minutes", you told him, already feeling better.
"okay, see you soon, i love you!!" he said, sounding excited.
"i love you!!", you said as you hung up, grabbed your script and went outside to the car.
walker immediately hugged you when you parked at his families house, "hey baby", he said.
"hey bubs", you cooed back to him.
"my mom is making some dinner right now, then after i want to practice with you", he said while holding your hand and leading you to the dining room
"Y/N!!", you heard leena yell. "leena!!" you yelled back as you hugged her, you missed her.
you sat and ate with the scobell family, they provided you so much happiness in a time of worry.
after everyone finished eating walker grabbed your hand and led you up to his room. you pulled out your script and handed it to walker.
"okay heres how we are gonna do this, if you get a line right, i give you a kiss", walker told you as he opened up the script book and turned to the page you were reading for tomorrow.
"okayyyy i guess that will work", you replied. you really wanted to get these lines correct now.
"first line, you ready?', he asked as you nodded in response. "hey guys! how are you?", walker said, imitating how it would be said on screen.
"so good, i'm amazing!", you replied back with a happy tone.
"correct. one kiss", walker said as he leaned in and gave you a quick peck on the lips.
this went on for about an hour and a half, you had acquired 27 kisses from your sweet boyfriend.
"i'm really starting to get nervous for tomorrow", you told him.
"you are going to do wonderful, i promise!", he responded cheerfully.
"but you're just saying that to make me feel better", you could feel your heartbeat become faster.
"Y/N, i promise, you are the most beautiful, kind, talented, amazing, loving person i know-
"walker stop"
"no i could go on" he said as you leaped into his arms and gave him a kiss on his cheek. you were the luckiest girl.
"i love you so so so much", you said, you didn't have any words to truly describe your love for him.
"no i love you more Y/N, you are going to do so good tomorrow, they are going to love you", he told you as he swayed back and forth with you in his arms. "and even if you don't get the role, i still love you, and there are so many other roles that are perfect for you".
"i love you so so so much walker, more than you know", you said as he picked you up and spined you around. "thank you bubs"
you woke up to a text from walker saying how proud of you he was, and how he loved you. you quickly sent a response and started getting ready for the audition.
you showed up and your nerves came flooding back, seeing the director, casting director, etc scared you.
it was finally the time to audition, you thought you did pretty well and was excited for next week, which was when you would know if you got the role.
you texted walker again, telling him you were done. he replied saying that he was proud of you and wanted to hang out as soon as possible.
you were with walker, it had been about a week since your audition, you were a little nervous but mostly excited.
your phone rang with a number you weren't familiar with.
"baby. wait is this it?", walker asked while looking at your phone.
"i think it is", you replied while answering the call.
"hello, is this Y/N?", you heard.
"yes! this is her!"
"we would just like to congratulate you on your role in heartstopper season 3!!! we just emailed you more information and everything you need to know. we are so excited to work with you!"
you quickly responded and hung up the phone, then turned to your boyfriend, who looked nervous.
"walker! i got the role!"
"oh my god! im so proud of you baby", he said as he engulfed you in his arms. you were so happy. one to have this loving boyfriend by your side. two to get to be able to be a part of this wonderful project.
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i am so excited to announce my role in heartsopper season three! i am so thankful for everyone that has helped me with this process! i love you all! i feel so honored! 🍂🏳️‍🌈♥️
walkerscobell- yay! so happy for you!
kitconnor- so excited to work with you!
joelocke- yayyyyyyyyy
y/nfan13- my two fav things!!!!!
heartstopper- 🍂🍂🍂
taglist 🏷️ @izzystylinson @saltnseas @platypusbearrr @lilly-andreas123
(hopefully that works)
requests are open!!
thanks so much for reading!! likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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whimsiwitchy · 3 months
I hear the secrets that you keep (series)
chapter three: you make me nervous
Pedro Pascal x F!reader 
series masterlist
series summary: 24 year old y/n is an insecure and struggling actress in Los Angeles until she finally books a leading role in a big Hollywood movie next to her leading male, Pedro Pascal. A spark of friendship flickers between the two and slowly begins to blossom into something more. As y/n is navigating a new found fame and a new found romance, she fears that a lie she has been sitting on might ruin everything.
Warnings: plus size reader (no specific description of reader, slight descriptions of weight: stomach fat, stretch marks, etc.), hefty age gap (24 years/14 years), female anatomy description, she/her pronouns, use of gendered terms (girl, girly, etc.), y/n used, descriptions of nudity, swearing,  use of the word fat, warnings may change as the story progresses. 
authors note: Hi everyone. I just posted chapter two a few hours ago but my mind was buzzing with ideas lol. This chapter has a lot of awkward energy so I apologize in advance. Enjoy <3
chapter summary: y/n attends the table read for Risky Disco and gets to know Pedro. 
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The week leading up to the table read seemed to drag on. Even though you kept yourself busy, it was like every time you looked at a clock, it ticked slower and slower. You were somewhat grateful for the delay as it gave you more time to prepare yourself for your first day working on Risky Disco. Not only did it delay your first day of work, it also delayed having to see Pedro again. You felt so silly. One ten minute interaction was invading your entire nervous system. To prepare yourself to see him again, you started watching interviews and clips of him acting. You wanted to know what his personality was like so you wouldn’t make a fool of yourself when you two are bound to cross paths fairly soon. Whenever you weren’t working your server job, you were reading through your script or watching videos on Pedro. You felt kind of weird finding out things about him when he would know nothing about you, but hey that’s the price of fame right? People knowing things about someone without that person knowing anything about them. 
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The table read was set to start at 9am. So naturally, you were up at 5am to get ready for the day. You took a quick shower and started to decide what to wear. Trying to keep comfort in mind, you scanned your closet for an outfit. Table reads usually include a lot of sitting so you knew you didn’t want to wear anything too tight around your stomach. You hated when you sat and your jeans would dig into your stomach or when your ‘baggy’ jeans tightened around your thigh when it flattened against whatever you were sitting on. You really wanted to look as cute as possible though, for yourself of course, not for anyone else…
You decided to wear a pair of sheer black pantyhose, with black shorts pulled over them, accompanied by a simple black v neck long sleeve shirt. For shoes you wore your trusty pair of classic docs. Once you were dressed, you worked on your hair and makeup, keeping it fairly simple. Looking at the time, it was now 7am. You made a quick breakfast and drank a cup of coffee. After you finished eating, you grabbed a tote bag and filled it with all of your essentials: your script, chapstick, lipstick, perfume, deodorant, and wallet. You then filled up your reusable water bottle, grabbed your keys and made your way out of the door. 
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The table read was taking place in the same building as the audition, making it a lot easier to find where to go and park. After parking your car, it was 8:30. You decided to go ahead and go inside. When you walked in, you spoke to a receptionist who told you what room to go to. As you neared the room, you realized that you were the first person here and for some reason that was embarrassing for you. Instead of going in, you lingered near the door and tried to look busy on your phone. After five minutes of opening and closing different apps, you heard someone walking down the hallway. You kept your head down and pretended to text someone so you didn’t look like such a loser. 
“Hey, y/n right?” 
Your entire body tensed up, you know that voice. You know that voice a little too well after all of your ‘research’. 
“I’m Pedro, I read lines with you during your audition.” You finally looked up and you almost let out a gasp. He was wearing a pair of light denim jeans, a basic black t-shirt, and a leather jacket. You let your eyes meet his and you saw that he also sported a baseball style cap with a pair of glasses. In conclusion, he looked good. Too fucking good. 
“Oh yeah that’s me. Hi, it’s nice to actually meet you.” You let out the words better than you thought you would. He gives you a smile and raises his hand to offer a handshake. You reach out and latch your hand to his. His hand was soft yet rough at the same time and it engulfed yours in a perfect way. You both let go and stand in silence for a moment. 
“So, just us so far?” he asked as he looked around. “Yea, I guess so. I feel like such a weenie getting here so early.” You cringed at your choice of words but Pedro let out a laugh. “Well, I definitely wouldn’t say you're a weenie.” he said with emphasis on the word ‘weenie’. “You’re professional, early is good.” You gave him a thankful smile. “I had this theater teacher that would hound us for not being on time. She would always say ‘early is on time and- ""-and on time is late.” he finishes the phrase for you and the two of you both let out a small laugh. “You hear that a lot in the acting world. Yet no one seems to follow it.” He says while looked down at his phone to check the time. 
Silence falls over you two and you start fidgeting with your fingers as a distraction. “Hey, why don’t we go ahead and sit down. We can show off our skills of being on time to all of the late weenies.” He smiles and you laugh at his use of weenie again. Pedro opens the door for you and you let out a quick thank you. As you walk in, you see a large table with name tags in front of each chair. You glance around the table, searching for your name. Once you found it, you made your way to your chair and Pedro took a seat right next to you. 
He was so close to you and it was too intense. First he comes in looking like sex on legs, now he’s sitting only a few inches away from you. He smells so good. You wish you could just- “You don’t walk much do you?” he asked as he turned to look at you. You do the same. “Sorry, I don’t want you to think I don’t want to talk to you. I do. I just get weird around new people and don’t really know how to act and I just have horrible people skills in general sometimes. You also kind of make me really nervous.” You shut up and quickly turn to face forward with a blush on your face. “I make you nervous?” He asked. You gave him a quick glance and saw that he had that stupid smirk on his face. You actually can’t believe you just said that out loud. You had never been someone who got the nervous rambles. You usually just give a short answer and keep quiet. You were so humiliated it was unbearable. Luckily, the room began to fill up with other actors and crew members. You felt Pedro shift beside you and your leg started bouncing out of nervous habit. 
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The table read was surprisingly uneventful. You had been nervous to read lines back and forth with Pedro but somehow your mind locks in when it’s time to act. You could still feel the intensity, especially when it came to the scene that led up to the steamy moment between the main characters. You just ignored the butterflies and kept reading. 
Once it was over, the director gave a little speech and the crew gave us a few notices. Letting everyone know to check their emails frequently for any changes made to the schedule. As soon as they released everyone for the day, you gathered your things and began to make the walk back to your car. Just as you were grabbing your door handle, you heard your name being called. When you looked up Pedro was jogging over to you. “Hi.” He said as he stopped in front of you. “Uhh hi.” You said awkwardly, still embarrassed from earlier. “Would you maybe want to hang out, get to know each other a little bit? We’ll be spending a lot of time together on screen and I would love to get to know you outside of filming and stuff.” All you could do is stand there and look at him. “I’ll try my best not to make you nervous.” He teased as he smiled brightly at you awaiting an answer. “If I agree to this, you have to promise to not make me nervous.” You held your pinky up and he linked his with yours, locking in his promise. You both dropped your hands. “So uh, what do you want to do?” “I honestly didn’t think that far ahead, I was just trying to catch you before you left.” You look down at the ground and think. “I mean you could come to my place. It’s small and there’s not much to do but we can just hang around and talk I guess…” You trail off at the end looking up at him. “Yea that sounds perfect.” There's a pause… “Uh, do you want me to give you my address or something?” “Oh yea here, let me give you my number so you can send it to me.” You pull out your phone and go to create a new contact. You hand your phone to him and he types in his number. When he hands it back, you notice that he set his contact name to ‘Pedro :)’. You smiled a little and opened the message app and sent him your address. “I just sent it. Did you get it?” He grabs his phone out of his pocket. “Yea I got it.” another pause… “Uh okay cool well, I’ll see you there I guess.” “Yea see you there.” He smiles. “Just text me or something when you get there so you don’t get lost in my apartment complex.” 
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When you got home and hadn’t received a text from Pedro yet, you ran inside and quickly cleaned up as much as you could and sprayed some air freshener. 
‘I’m here :)’
Shit. You checked your appearance in the mirror before running out of the door and down to the parking lot. When you saw him, you started rethinking your entire life that led up to this point. What did you do to deserve having a sexy ass man want to hang out and get to know you?? I mean it’s for work purposes but still, it counts in your head as something more. You saw him get out of his car and make his way over to you. “Hi, um, follow me.” God why did you have to be so weird. “Okie dokie, lead the way.”. Once the two of you reached your apartment, you opened the door and walked inside. “You can take your shoes off if you want, I don’t really care but if you’d be more comfortable you can.” You look at him and he’s smiling at you. “Sorry, I don’t know why I keep rambling.”. You sigh and usher him to follow you to the living room. He takes off his jacket and hat. The sight of his biceps in that tight ass black shirt almost has you drooling. You try to collect yourself as quickly as possible before he notices anything. You take off your doc martens and plop down on the couch. You pat the couch and he sits on the other end. This is so fucking awkward oh my god. 
“Do you want anything to drink or something?”.
“No it’s okay, thank you though.” 
“No problemo.” 
“Is there anything specific you want to know or um..” You look at him and quickly look away. “Sorry I'm really not good at meeting new people and being myself.” Your leg starts to bounce. “Hey, it’s okay. I’m the one who should be sorry. You told me you had trouble with new people and I sprung this on you.” His eyes move around the room. “You don’t have to be sorry. I promise I want to get to know you too, I just don’t really know how to do that.” 
He thinks for a moment. 
“How about we start with what we already know about each other, then we can ask each other questions based on that? Sound good?” You nod. 
“I can go first. I know your name is y/n. I also know that you’re 35 and that you’re an actress.” You squint your eyebrows together. 35? Where the hell did he get that from? You think for a moment.. Oh fuck. You completely forgot that Angie said you were 35 to get the audition.  
“Oh um yeah. Well I know your name is Pedro, I think you’re 49 but I’m honestly not that sure, and I also know that you’re an actor.” oh yea totally believable that you didn’t know this man's age  by adding an ‘I think’ super smooth…
“How long have you been acting?” 
“Well I moved here like six years ago, almost seven at this point. I did some theater in high school. So however long that is. This is my first big role though.” “That’s surprising.” “What is?” “That this is your first big role.” “Why do you say that?” “Sweetheart, your audition was incredible. You were a natural.” 
“Oh um thank you. I’d like to think I’m good.” “You are good.” He sets his hand on your thigh and squeezes as he speaks and immediately retracts his hand. You can still feel the warmth of his quick touch and the spot tingles. Your heart is beating at an unhealthy speed. You look down at your thigh and back to his stupid handsome smiling face.
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The two of you continued to talk and get to know each other. You spoke about acting, family, interests, hobbies. Once the conversation flowed more, it was easier to let loose and talk to him without stuttering every two seconds. 
Pedro was laughing at something you said when your stomach growled. 
“Oh my god that is so embarrassing.” You hide your face in your hands. “No need to be embarrassed sweetheart.” There was that name again. “I should leave soon, I didn’t realize it was so late already.” You really wanted him to stay. “You don’t have to go. I was probably going to order something if you wanted to join me.” You offered hoping he would say yes. “I don’t want to be a bother, I’ll get out of your hair.” “Oh. Okay.”. He stood up and stretched his arms up, making his shirt raise just enough for you to catch a glance at his lower tummy. You quickly looked away and stood up as well. 
He put his hat and jacket back on. “Well I should head out.” “Yea.. yea um I’ll walk you out.” You both started walking towards the door. “I’ll see you soon yea? Next time you better not be all shy again you hear me?” “No promises. You make me nervous, remember?.” He chuckles. You open the door for him. He gives you a quick goodbye and then he's gone. You close the door and make your way back to the couch to sit down. You ordered some food and tried to process everything that happened today. 
As you were eating, you got a text. 
Pedro :) 
I had a lot of fun today, we should do it again. 
You start to text a reply but before you can hit send, another text comes through. 
Pedro :) 
Did I mention that you looked really beautiful today? 
Thank you for reading <3
next chapter
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its-been-rose · 5 months
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So I spent like 2 hours on this
Anyways, let me explain:
Methodology: to make this map I watched an unedited playthrough of the game and marked down how long it took to get from one scripted event to the next. I then inserted in the known times/save points the game gives you at certain intervals. I then calculated at what time each event would take place given how long the game takes to actually play, and then put those numbers to correspond with the actual in- game clock. All times marked with a ~ are approximate.
What I found:
The game is actually pretty much in real time, with some exceptions. There are some timeskips. If you’re playing a speedrun, you’re gonna come in at like 3:30, and the game ends roughly at 4 am ish. This means that if you do everything super fast and don’t waste any time, the game timeskips about half an hour here and there. I tried to account for these timeskips where they occur in my map like adding two minutes when Roddy’s song is skipped. Some sections also take a bit longer than the in-game time. For example, the time from Maurice to Virginia to Eugene to Murphy is much longer irl than it is in-universe, meaning no matter who is doing what kill, they are BOOKING IT from victim to victim.
Who did what: so my choices of who did what kill rely on two things: one, proximity to the confirmed kills/scripted events, and two, my own personal headcanons for who did which. I will now put the game’s timeline in order as well as who did what. Please keep in mind anything happening within KFAM like ponty’s calls or the little Peggy q and an after Maurice or Forrest being the rizz king to Sandra are not included.
~11:40 pm: sheriff Matthews is killed (Marie) (I didn’t put an actual time on the map for this because i don’t know if it’s right or not but in my HEAD, Marie started her attack at George’s TOD)
~11:55 pm: whatever the opening cutscene is (Henry)
~12:04 am: Leslie is attacked (Marie)
-Marie recovers from being shot at by the Sherriff and tased by leslie
~12:25 am: Sandra is attacked (Marie) (Sandra’s excact location is unknown but I put her by what is presumably a parking lot by the football field near the river running route.) (Sandra is not seen getting into her car because Marie takes a longer time to actually get into the parking lot due to being injured)
~12:25 am: Henry slashes the fire engine tires and makes his way up to Maurice.
~12:47 am: Maurice reports a break in (Henry)
-Henry is locked in the archive for like 10 minutes
-Marie drops off the tape on her way to get Henry
-when she breaks him out, they hear Murphy acting a fool, but Marie tells henry to stick to his current target before going up to the maze.
~1:20 am: Marie calls Virginia because she has the phone and sends Henry on his way (Virginia’s location is also unknown so I just guessed)
~1:35 am: Henry goes to attack Virginia but is scared off by the frat. Immediately books it to Murphy.
~1:40 am: Eugene is attacked (Marie)
-marie, on her way to the graveyard, sees the teens going to the murder house and watches
~1:53 am: Murphy is attacked (Henry)
-Marie sees the prank unfolding and slips into the group
~2:15 am: the teens are attacked (Marie)
-Marie spends a few minutes at the graveyard visiting George and recovering from getting a bookshelf tipped over on top of her
~2:32 am: Forrest spots the whistling man outside KFAM when going to retrieve LRH (Henry)
~2:43 am: Marie and Henry meet outside the gas station to regroup (optional? Idk)
~2:45 am: the bomb is detonated (Marie)
-Henry goes back to KFAM to hang out outside as the last victims are personal to his mother.
~3:10 am: Ricky is attacked (Marie)
~3:18 am: Jason is stabbed in the woods (Marie)
~3:25 am: Casey calls KFAM now inside her house
-Marie kidnaps Teddy on her way to the school gym
~3:45 am: Henry enters KFAM and locks Forrest in the producer booth
~3:46 am: Interview with Teddy begins (Marie)
~3:58 am: Peggy confronts Marie
Thoughts? Do you agree or disagree? What would you change? Do you think this was a complete waste of my Sunday evening? I’d love to hear your thoughts!!
*edited to add: I changed Virginias location to make at least a little more sense lol
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humbledragon669 · 1 month
Script to Screen comparison: Episode 5 – The Doomsday Option P1 – large changes and deletions
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Standard Intro
Having followed the episodes through with the Script Book, I've tried to break the differences between the original script and the end result on screen into a couple of different categories:
Large changes (whole scenes/multiple lines of script.
Things that are in the original script but not in the finished episode (I'm calling these deletions). This blog post will cover these and large changes only (for brevity) – additions and amendments will be covered separately.
Things that aren't in the original script but are in the finished episode (I'm calling these additions).
Things that have been changed (I'm calling these ones amendments).
Not all of the changes fit neatly into one category or the other (there are shades of grey...). The first three of the differences will be presented within bullet lists, with a description. The last of the categories will be presented in a table. I'll make comments about anything I find particularly notable after each category.
Large changes
The opening shot of the first scene has changed – the script had Crowley driving towards the camera, angry and scared, amongst a cacophony of fire engines and police sirens, instead of an overhead shot of the Bentley driving through the streets of London.
The opening to scene #503 has changed – a shot of Crowley in the Bentley driving past a hive of activity outside the bookshop is missing entirely, and instead of seeing him drive the car up onto the pavement (or sidewalk if you prefer) with a dramatic brake screech, we have a simpler shot of his exiting the already stationary car.
Scene #506 changes:
The opening of this scene is missing, which would have showed the bookshop collapsing, the police doing some crowd management and a firefighter telling his colleagues how he tried to stop Crowley from entering the building.
The voiceover speech from God has been repositioned (it would originally have been heard as Crowley departs Soho).
There is a line from God’s speech that has been cut (“He had nowhere to go.”).
The stage directions suggest Crowley should have looked a lot more dishevelled than he does in the finished episode.
There should have been a number of onlookers at the scene, all of whom are scripted to look at Crowley but not really see him. They even move, silently, out of the way as the demon returns to his car.
Crowley’s sunglasses were originally scripted to go into a bin.
The stage directions have the Bentley reversing from the scene.
The explosion that takes place as Crowley drives past the window of the bookshop is additional to the script.
A conversation between a firefighter and a police officer about Crowley’s departure is missing.
There is a shot of Madame Tracy answering the door to Shadwell, including an obviously rehearsed welcome speech for her clients, that has been cut.
A chunk of conversation between Madame Tracy and Shadwell, where he hints at the devastating power he now believes he has, is missing from the finished episode.
A handful of lines from Adam where he appears to be talking to Dog about the events that are underway have been cut.
Scene #514 (Madame Tracy brings a sleeping Shadwell a cup of tea) has been cut.
A couple of lines between Newt and Anathema about the morality and their capacity to kill a child have been cut.
There is a sentence from Madame Tracy where she tells her clients to hurry up and get inside owing to the terrible weather, which Mrs. Ormerod’s responds to. Both of these lines have been cut.
A few lines between Madame Tracy and her clients as they are welcomed into the flat are missing from the finished episode.
An exchange between Madame Tracy, Julia and Mrs. Ormerod about their donations has been cut.
Scene #522 (an exterior shot of the café car park showing Famine’s bike parked up) has been repositioned. It was originally scripted to take place after Famine’s entrance into the café, rather than before it.
A chunk of dialogue between Famine and War about them not having birthdays and the weather, including scene #524 (an exterior shot of the café car park showing Pollution parking their bike up), has all been cut.
Scene #528 (an establishing exterior shot of Shadwell’s flat) and the dialogue at the beginning of scene #529 that immediately follows (where Madame Tracy issues séance instructions to her clients) have both been cut.
A chunk of Madame Tracy’s lines, where she initiates the séance proper, is missing from the finished episode.
Mrs. Ormerod’s initial questioning of Colleen about Ron being with her originally included a much longer speech, where she lists out some of the things she wants to tell him.
A couple of lines between Madame Tracy and Mr. Scroggie about his supposed spirit visitor have been cut.
The final interaction between Madame Tracy and Mrs. Ormerod, complete with a pathetic threat from the latter, is missing from the finished episode.
An extension to the scene in the kitchen, where Madame Tracy actually makes two cups of tea, taking Aziraphale’s preferences into account, has been cut.
Most of the content from scene #531 (Crowley stuck in the traffic jam) is missing. This includes a conversation between Crowley and Beelzebub via the car stereo. The following scene (a police officer in their car talking to the dispatch room as a rain of fish starts to fall) has been cut entirely. The final cut to this sequence is a single line from the beginning of the next scene, where the radio announces the M25 traffic jam to be the worst in history.
Scene #534 (the shot of Crowley in a muddy field, repositioning markers) has been repositioned to interject scene #127 (Crowley giving a talk about the M25). The script also gives quite a bit more in terms of stage directions for this shot, all of which is missing, along with the only line Crowley says for this scene (him telling the M25 that it is both a motorway and the sigil, Odegra).
Shadwell’s awakening in Madame Tracy’s flat is different – he was originally scripted to wander through the flat, flattening himself against the wall before he enters the kitchen, holding his hands in front of him in a childlike “gun” arrangement.
An interaction between Madame Tracy and Shadwell, where he refuses to listen to what Aziraphale has to say, has been cut.
We were supposed to see the scene in Shadwell’s flat where Aziraphale and Shadwell discuss the arrival of the Antichrist on earth in two separate POVs (one from Madame Tracy, the other from Shadwell), rather than the standard narrative-type position we see in the episode.
A chunk of dialogue and its accompanying establishing shots about Madame Tracy’s available transportation, including one of the two/three of them mounting the scooter and leaving the flat, has been cut.
The stage directions have Crowley’s Bentley covered in dust and already stationary, incorporating a police roadblock, and some sort of special effect to give the impression of “evil energy”. The dust, roadblock, and special effects are all missing, and we actually see the Bentley come to a stop, which forms the only content for this scene.
A large chunk of the beginning of the scene where Adam eventually releases The Them has been cut. In it, we would have seen Adam forcefully levitating Brian, Pepper, and Wensleydale several hundred feet into the air, much to their fright.
The Them having a reunion at the end of the scene on the cricket green has been cut.
Scene #557 (which essentially consists of a bunch of double entendre comments from Madame Tracy whilst she and Shadwell try to get comfy on the scooter) has been cut.
Scene #563 (The Them coming together in Tadfield on their bikes) has been repositioned. It was originally scripted to take place after the Horsemen get the directions from R.P. Tyler, instead of immediately after the cricket green scene.
A chunk of dialogue between Newt and Anathema about how Agnes’s prophecies work in practice is missing from the finished episode.
Scenes #560 (a conversation between some scientists and the police officer that saw Crowley driving through the wall of flame) and #561 (an establishing shot of Madame Tracy and Shadwell flying through the sky on the scooter) have been cut.
An exchange between R.P. Tyler and Pollution, following the latter’s littering in the middle of the street, is missing from the finished episode.
Scene #564 (Heaven preparing to advance) has been cut.
Scene #565 (Hell preparing to advance) has been cut.
The beginning of scene #566 (Newt and Anathema driving to the airbase) has been cut. Mostly this consists of more scene setting for Agnes’s prophecies.
A handful of lines between Newt and Anathema (about the prophecy they’re working with and what her family thought of it) have been repositioned. Originally, they were scripted to take place after Newt’s concerns about being waterboarded rather than before.
A shot of the Horsemen on the other side of the airbase entry gate, becoming four individuals again, concluded with a “creepy” wave from Pollution to the guard, is missing from the finished episode.
Scene #570 changes:
All of the dialogue, which mostly consists of comments about the location that Armageddon is taking place in, has been cut (or repositioned – see amendments).
The setting for this scene was originally scripted to show the Horsemen walking through the airbase, rather than seeing them pull up to the bunker and dismounting.
An interaction between Dog and Shutzi, with accompanying lines from Adam, has been cut.
A speech by War about the human desire to kill is missing from the finished episode. It was meant to be preceded with a shot of Pollution hitting some keys on a keyboard, causing wisps of smoke to appear from it; this is also missing.
An exchange between Death and Pollution, where they explain to him what they’re doing, has been cut.
A handful of lines between War and Famine about Death are missing from the finished episode.
A chunk of scene #575 (two army men in a nuclear bunker), in which the commander and the crewman are trying to complete a crossword, has been cut.
Scene #578 (Madame Tracy/Aziraphale and Shadwell getting directions from R.P. Tyler) has been cut.
The opening to scene #585 has been changed – the shot of Madame Tracy arriving on the scooter is additional to the script, and the whole thing was supposed to be shot as if from the Guard’s POV.
A couple of lines between Death and War about the world being theirs are missing from the finished episode.
A handful of changes have been made to the middle of the scene on the tarmac:
Adam was originally scripted to tell the soldiers the reason that they had to go to sleep (“So you don’t get hurt.”).
There was supposed to be a shot of the lead solider looking at him incredulously.
Pepper had a line, which was ignored, where she asked Adam how he did the things he does.
In episode 4, I noted how much the finished episode differed from the original script by way of amendments. In this episode, the same is true, but this time it’s the amount of material that has been cut that’s notable. Entire scenes (sometimes more than one in a sequence) and speeches have been cut away, seemingly quite brutally. There is also, for the first time in this script-to-screen journey, the first instance of a note-free page in my Script Book, that is to say that particular page is exactly the same between script and screen (it’s page 328 if you’re interested, part of the conversation between Aziraphale and the Quartermaster).
I feel like most of these large changes have been pretty expertly implemented. There are a few of them that would have felt entirely at home in the earlier episodes, where the tone was less urgent and doom-laden (like the scene with the Commander and Crewman completing a crossword), but don’t really have a place this late on in the series – their presence would have slowed the pace, dampening the sense of urgency, and wouldn’t have offered a great deal in return. I feel like it probably takes a very savvy production team to read a series in that multi-layered way, and make the (probably painful) cuts that are needed to maintain the tone they want to achieve.
There is only one large change on the list above that I feel like I miss. It’s the handful of lines between Anathema and Newt where she confesses she wouldn’t be able to kill a child, even if it was to save the whole world. Had those words been present in the finished episode, it would have really highlighted the journey that both Aziraphale and Crowley have made towards becoming human, seeing as they have both admitted the same thing.
The stage directions state that Crowley is angry and scared, but this is not apparent in the finished episode.
A line from the firefighter about appearances being deceptive.
An exclamation from the firefighter in an attempt to stop Crowley from entering the bookshop.
The stage directions suggest we should have heard “rumblings” inside the bookshop.
Crowley was scripted to call Aziraphale’s name once more after being knocked over, and then putting his glasses back on.
A line from Shadwell about the events that have happened not having any place on Earth.
A couple of sentences from Madame Tracy, where she assures Shadwell that Newt can probably look after himself.
An interjection from Shadwell where he attempts to reject Madame Tracy’s offer of help.
The stage directions have Heaven with an open roof, and in a state of chaos.
The model of Earth was supposed to be contained within a glass box.
Adam originally brought back the mouths for the rest of The Them with a verbal cue (“Mouths back.”)
The stage directions have a tear running down Brian’s face whilst he grins maniacally.
A line from Anathema about the earth moving during her escapades with Newt.
A line from Anathema about the storm dying down.
The stage directions have Anathema picking up the prophecy cards in the bedroom after she tells Newt to get dressed.
A couple of words from Anathema where she stipulates her doubt is specifically focussed on what they do about Adam (“I don’t know about that any more.”).
A couple of sentences from Crowley’s drunken soliloquy (about how he and “the guys” were going to ask about job conditions and career progression opportunities).
The stage directions have the entire bar taking on the impression of an old polaroid after Aziraphale’s arrival.
A line from Crowley about him trying to get drunk.
We were supposed to see a shot of more of Aziraphale’s notes (not just the map).
Mrs. Ormerod was supposed to be carrying an umbrella that had blown inside out. She was also scripted to make reference to it as “cheap rubbish”.
A shot of War dismounting her bike and entering the café.
A shot of the café door opening for Famine’s entrance to the café.
Famine offering War a greeting (“Hello”), rather than just greeting her by name.
War was scripted to express the length of time it’s taken for the four of them to get together (“finally”).
A line from Famine where he expresses relief that a thunderstorm is on the way.
The stage directions state that Madame Tracy is irritated at Mrs. Ormerod’s interjections as she “goes under”, but this is not apparent in the finished episode.
A few sentences from Julia where she expands upon her mother’s death.
A line from Madame Tracy as Aziraphale starts to take possession of her body where she announces that something is “coming through”.
Aziraphale was originally scripted to ask if Madame Tracy’s clients spoke English in two languages in addition to German – French and Mandarin.
A couple of extra words from Mrs. Ormerod as she expresses her shock than Ron is actually there in the room with her.
A sentence from Mrs. Ormerod where she comments that she was sitting down at the wedding.
The stage directions have Madame Tracy’s eyes rolling up as Ron prepares to lose his temper.
A line from Ron about him not caring about kimchi.
The lights were originally scripted to be turned back on by Aziraphale (as Madame Tracy) snapping his fingers.
The kettle was supposed to be whistling as we join Madame Tracy in the kitchen, making tea.
Crowley was supposed to mark the changes he made to the design of the M25 on the diagram as he gave his speech.
A line spoken by the audience of Crowley’s speech.
A second shot of Aziraphale’s reflection in a mirror as Shadwell enters the kitchen.
We were supposed to be able to hear people shouting in the background on the M25.
A line from Crowley where he talks himself through the route he needs to take to get to Tadfield.
The stage directions have rain flooding down the windows at the call centre (there aren’t even any windows in the finished episode, let alone rain).
According to the script, we were supposed to have a panning shot of the cubicles with their occupants in the call centre.
The script has the lights getting darker in the call centre as Hastur materialises out of the phone lines.
There was supposed to be a shot of Aziraphale (as Madame Tracy) crossing his fingers when he tells Shadwell how many nipples Adam has.
A line from Crowley about not having to complete any compliance paperwork anymore.
A line from Hastur about him not liking jokes.
The stage directions have a police roadblock on the hard shoulder that Crowley has to drive around.
Hastur’s hands were supposed to catch on fire before he tells Crowley to stop.
The stage directions have the flames dissipating inside the car after he gives the Bentley a pep talk about it not burning.
Crowley’s suit was supposed to be “interestingly ripped” during the extended close-up of him in the burning Bentley.
Buddy Holly’s “Everyday” was supposed to be playing as Crowley drives through the wall of fire.
The script had a moment of very eerie silence immediately after we see all four of the Horsemen proceeding down the highway, towards Adam’s voice.
A couple of sentences at the end of Adam’s speech about which parts of the world each of The Them will get to rule over, mostly just expanding on what they’ll all do.
The stage directions have Pepper stroking Dog after Adam’s speech about who gets which bit of the world to lord over.
A line from Adam that spells out more distinctly where his territory will be, which sounds suspiciously like the territory he gave to Anathema when he first met her.
The stage directions have Dog whining in a very distinctive way just after Pepper tells Adam they don’t want to go anywhere.
A line from Adam where he points out that The Them are now able to talk after he tells them they can go anywhere they want.
A line from Brian where he asks Adam what’s going to happen next after Adam tells them all he doesn’t care.
The stage directions have a loud crash noise that announces Adam’s presence as he hangs over The Them on the cricket green.
The script gives a description of Adam desperately looking from one member of The Them to the next, getting increasingly panicked.
Dog shaking his head when Adam begs them all to come back.
The stage directions have Hogback Wood shaking during Adam’s inhuman scream.
Pepper demanding that Brian hit Adam with the cricket bat before he can fully awaken.
Pepper signalling that Brian should in fact not hit Adam with the cricket bat after she sees Dog licking his face.
According to the script, we should see Anathema packing up her cards and the elusive bread knife as she’s getting ready to leave Jasmine Cottage.
A line from Aziraphale about how fast Madame Tracy’s scooter is (not) going.
A line from Madame Tracy about the speeds her scooter is actually capable of achieving.
The stage directions have the scooter wobbling as immediately before it is encompassed in the blue light that signifies Aziraphale’s miracle.
According to the script, we should have seen R.P. Tyler leaving his house with Shutzi.
A sentence from Anathema where she gives Newt directions to the airbase.
The stage directions have War giving a cursory glance around her surroundings before she becomes so dismissive of them.
According to the script, we were supposed to see Anathema becoming more “witchier” in appearance once she and Newt arrive at the airbase.
Anathema’s acknowledgement of a broken security camera, which has been crushed by the fallen tree.
The stage directions indicate that a long shot of the weather during the exchange between The Them and R.P. Tyler would have been desirable.
The soldier repairing the computer was supposed to be doing so lying on the floor.
A shot of the Horsemen looking less human immediately following God’s voiceover speech about them initiating worldwide nuclear war.
There are console lights described in the stage directions for the scene that takes place in a North American nuclear bunker.
According to the script, the commander in the North American bunker was supposed to tap the control panel after the switches had flipped.
A montage of missiles launching immediately after the Commander asks to speak to Stratcom cyber command.
The stage directions describe a “SUDDEN CRASH DOWN” as the Bentley comes to a stop.
According to the script, Agnes’s book was supposed to be little more than a blackened lump of charcoal by the time Crowley arrives at the airbase.
The airbase alarm was supposed to be triggered during a shot of the Guard hitting a red alert button.
A shot of the guard raising his gun at Madame Tracy/Aziraphale and Shadwell.
A line from Famine about the tardiness of the Antichrist.
A shot of The Them dismounting their bikes as they arrive at the communications bunker.
A line from Brian about how they always lose whenever they go up against adults.
The stage directions have an alarm and a red flashing light being heard/seen across the airbase compound as the soldiers approach The Them on the tarmac.
A shot of the Horsemen responding to Adam’s announcement of his presence.
“Everyday” rendition leading us into the end credits.
As with the large changes, I think all of these cuts have been pretty expertly made. I mostly don’t feel like their presence would have given us anything that would we haven’t gotten from elsewhere, despite them all feeling like they are in keeping with the general tone of the show. I have two exceptions to this. The first is the description from Adam about what his territory is going to be. True, it’s an exact repetition of what he describes as his “world” to Anathema in episode 3, but isn’t that kind of the point? He could have the entire world, but all he wants is this little patch that he thinks he’s already king of. The notion that he truly loves his little life is something that gets hammered so hard in the book, but I think is significantly underplayed in the show, and this would have gone a long way to rectifying that.
The second of my two exceptions is Crowley calling Aziraphale’s name after he’s knocked down. Not the part where he puts his glasses back on – I think it’s desperately important that we see his eyes during his ragey speech. But the part where he calls out Aziraphale’s name? That would have broken my heart, in the gloriously safe angst-y way that this show does so well. Don’t get me wrong, David does an exceptional job in that scene: it must have been incredibly difficult to deliver that heartfelt speech with everything else that was going on at the time, and my heart is breaking by the end of it anyway. There’s just something about the idea of him calling Aziraphale’s name one last time, mostly in despair but with a little bit of dying hope. Aaaand I’m crying. Actually crying as I write this. THAT’S why I miss it.
That’s it for this part. Additions and changes coming up in Part 2! As always, questions, comments, discussion: always welcome. See you in the next one!
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britt-kageryuu · 3 months
Leo was a bit bored and rambling. Though the audience and chat were enjoying him talking. His model was dressed in a white shirt with a blue flannel overtop it, bluejeans, sneakers, and his mask with one gay tail, and one pride tail. His model is seated in a version of his train car.
"I don't really understand those ASMR videos, or those voice packs I heard other VTubers do. While I get that some of them are kinda like those audio dramas that are published for popular amime/manga, games and light novels, it's still just a bit weird." He pauses to grab something, which was apparently a book.
"Like in the back of this book is the scripts for a couple audio dramas for this one series. They're from the main girls fiance's pov, but when he talks to her, they didn't record her talking. You just have his thoughts on what she's saying. Actually give me a sec." Leo mutes his mic, and the audience can see he's doing something.
After a few minutes he turns the mic back on, and starts talking with a slightly different tone to his voice, "Hey, sorry if I kept you waiting! I got caught up in traffic... Oh you just got here? You're not just saying that to make me feel better are you?" Leo's model has a bit of a playful look, and he switches the background to a park with sakura trees in full bloom. "I hope you don't mind us having a picnic instead of going to that anime café. They were booked full. But hey the weather is nice, and I made us some lunch." His model holds up a big fancy stacked bento box.
"What?! You didn't think I could cook? Just because I don't do the fancy stuff like my brother, doesn't mean I can't cook. Trust me, you'll love this. But first let's find a place to set up our picnic... Oh you like this spot?" Leo pauses, and then switched back to his train car.
When he started talking again he was back to his usual tone, "Okay, that wasn't that bad, but it's got to be a pain in the butt to write this stuff out, or improve it in a way that sounds natural if a bit cliche. That was just me rehashing some popular romance story tropes, and I couldn't get very far before I started to kinda hit a road block." Leo pauses to take a drink of his tea, "Maybe I could get Dee to try reading some stuff like this. Maybe frame it as, 'I bet you can't read this in a non flat voice!' Or something." He starts to read over the chat, and scrolls back to about where he started to read off his quick script, just reading some of the reactions.
"While this will definitely not be a big thing, and we might never do this again, it would be interesting to see you guys reaction to us posting a couple videos like that. No Promises Though!! We may be creative, but we do have day jobs." Leo continues to read through the chat, before something catches his attention.
"What in the name of Pizza Supreme does that mean? Is that some new thing, or slang? I'm gonna look this up real quick." Leo then goes down a rabbit hole of searching, and kind of forgot he was streaming, and the audience if just listening to his random mumbling about whatever it was he looked up, and then got sidetracked by.
Really I personally don't fully understand ASMR. The closest I ever got, was listening to a song while reading, and the song just kinda resonated with how I was reading the story, and I got a shiver up my spine.
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romanarose · 10 months
Take Care of You
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Francisco Morales x Benjamin Miller
SUMMARY: Pope is coming to the fight. No one’s seen him for a while, so the fight has more energy to it this time. Frankie helps calm his nerves, but Benny wants to be more than behind the scenes.
Warnings: briefest of smut (end of blowjob), cheating (Frankie is cheating with Ben, not on him), a lil angst, a lot of fluff, references to tom being homophobic and using slurs but we dont see him at all.
A/n: Canonically, Frankie wrapped Benny's hands before the scene in the gif in the script, but the scene ended up CUT SADLY. Adding in my version of what happen.
Yeah, Benny was nervous.
Pope was in town and would be coming ot his fight, the first one in several months. It wasn't like he never came to the states, but we wasn't flying back every weekend either. Usually when he was back, he had some big plan, a grand scheme, and adventure to go on. Benny needed to win, it was imparitive that he won when Pope was here so he didn't think he lost his edge. Every single mission Pope had, Benny went, he needed it. His MMA fights didn't pay the bills, they barely paid for his drinking some days, and his stock boy job at Walmart was humiliating. All he had were his fights and Santiago's adventures to keep him going
And, of course, Frankie, whose mouth he was currently cumming inside as Frankie knelt on the floor between where Benny sat on the bench.
Frankie, whose hat had fallen on the floor after getting in the way of deepthroating, swallowed him down like he always did, and then sat back on his with a satisfied smirk. "Feel better?”
Benny smiled his dopey grin and tucked himself back into his red shorts. "Yeah I do, thanks." Thanks. Benny chastised himself. Who the fuck says thanks after an orgasm? He never quite new how to act around Frankie. Frankie had been easier than the others, for sure. When Ben joined Delta, he needed so badly for everyone to like him, to think he was capable, to prove to himself he earned this spot and hadn't just gotten this position from being Ironhead's brother. Of course, that hadn't hurt. Will didn't pull any stings for him, but it was through Will that he heard there was a position open, and Will had mentioned his brother would be applying, but that was it. Ben knew he was good at what he did, but he felt like he was constantly fighting to prove that to the others, even know. A 35 year old man still wanting his cool older brother and his friend to like him. Pathetic.
Well, Catfish did more than like him, it seemed. Despite always being kind to him, gently teasing him to put him at ease, the recently change was something new. Of course Ben had a crush on Catfish, how could he not after watching him fly. He was so assured, collected, in control, just as he was when he was railing him in a secret hook up. And it had to remain secret, their sweaty nights spent exploring each others bodies, the hotel bookings and parked cars in corn fields, and days like this, tucked away in locker rooms. Ben longed for the day he could fuck Fish in his own Ben, to hold him all night and make him breakfast in the morning.
But he couldn't, because Ben lived with Will, and Fish lived with his girlfriend and daughter.
It wasn't a happy family, Benny reasoned to himself to make the guilt go away. They were on the verge of breaking up long before Ben entered the dick-sucking-picture, but then she got pregnant and Fish wasn't the type of guy of abandon his lady while pregnant. He was, however, the type to go run errands and fuck Ben in the Walmart employee bathroom. The one thing the shit job was good for.
Ben stood up, helping the older man off his knees. Fish mumbled a thanks is return, then directed him to sit as he grabbed the wraps. This was their ritual. Not the stress relief blowjob, but the hand wrapping. Part of Ben wondered if Will knew about them, if that's why he always made himself scarce and left the hand binding to Fish.
Will was maticulas, wrapping and rewrapping until it was perfect, until Will absolutely sure Ben would be okay, that it wasn't too tight, obsession over it until one day, Frankie got tired of watching and pushed Will to the side. Gently, carefully, firmly, Frankie wrapped his hands up. When Will inspected the hands, he was satisfied, entrusting Fish to do the job from then on. That meant a lot to Ben. Ben was aware how protective Will was of him, and the fact Will was able to entrust his baby brother's safety to Fish was important.
"You're gonna do great, Benjamin." Frankie tried to sooth him and he carefully wrapped the right hand. "You've been on a hot streak. Pope is gonna be very impressed."
Ben watched him, marveling at the care Fish always put into him, his hands, in bed, in the field. "I know I care too much about his opinion."
Frankie shrugged. "It's only natural."
"What do you think he'd think about us."
There was a brief pause in Frankie's actions, not looking up before he returned to his work. "And what exactly is us."
For months now, they hadn't really talked about what happened, they fucked and spent time together, but never talked. "Oh that's right, you just want sex."
THAT made Frankie look up, hurt in his eye as he straddled the bench. "How can you say that?" He finished the left hand, but still held it.
Ben looked away, ashamed he'd insinuate such a thing but too stubborn to back down. "You just call me when you want to bend me over a sink."
His voice was quiet. "Is that what you really think?" When Benny didn't reply nor look at him, Franke reached out, taking Ben's face in his hands and guiding it to his. "You listen to me, Benjamin, you aren't just sex and... I'm sorry I made you feel like that. It's doesn't have to be sex. It's quick fucks because I can't take you on a nice date. It's bathroom blowjobs because I can't hold you in my arms all night long."
Feeling his eyes tear up, Ben tried to push him feelings down, to push down the love he had for Catfish, but none the less he hears his voice quiver as he speaks. "But why?"
With a sigh, Frankie hangs his head and rests it on Ben's shoulder. 'It's just... I got the baby, you know? And the guys, they don't know what we are, I don't even know if we know what we are... it's all so... complicated..."
Benny understood, he did, and he reassured Frankie as much as he hugged him. "Can we try? I don't... I don't wanna be your dirty secret anym-"
"You're not." Frankie quickly broke in. "You're not... you're not dirty, Ben. You aren't dirty, and we aren't wrong. We just need to be honest with everyone."
Benny held his breath. "You we can... talk to the guys?"
There was a hesitation, but Fransisco spoke. "Yeah, yeah we can talk to them. Let's see what bullshit Pope's got going on this time and just wait a few days. If we're going somewhere, we don't need to be divulging and big secrets right before life or death situations but... yeah. After this, we can tell em."
"And your girl?" Benny kissed the crown of Frankie's head.
Frankie chuckled softly. "If we end up going, I'm pretty sure she's leaving anyway... Besides, she's fucking her boss, so I doubt it's gonna be much of a loss. I'm sure we can figure out a custody agreement."
Ben adored Franks daughter and lit up at the idea of helping raise her. "Yeah? You think we can pull this off."
Shrugging slightly but smiling, Frankie's kind eyes sparkled. "I dunno, we can try."
"What do you think that'll say?"
Frankie thought for a moment. "Well, I don"t think Will’s gonna give much of a shit. He just wants you to be happy, you know that, right?"
"Yeah, I know."
"And Santi hasn't been in a committed relationship since his 2 week girlfriend in Sunday school, so he doesn't got much room to talk."
Ben laughed, beaming again at his lover. "Yeah, I don't think he'd care much anyway." Ben's smile faltered. "And Tom?"
Frankie's smile fell a bit too, knowing how Tom was. Tom didn't say anything outright like 'man, I sure hate gay people.' But there were comments, outdated names he called them as 'play' insults... everyone knew where Tom stood.
"I won't let noth'n happen to you, okay? Neither will Santi or Will, 'kay? I love you so much, it's gonna be alright."
Ben breathed a sigh of relief. "Yeah, okay, s'gonna alright. I love you too, Fish"
Frank pulled Ben to stand up, pulling his face in for a wet kiss. "C'mon, Santi's waiting, he's gonna be so proud of you, just like me and Will are."
When Ben entered the locker room, Frankie trailing behind him, he tried his best to push away the thoughts of his best friend sucking his dick and promising his love not ten minutes ago. ***************************
RIP Andre Braugher, thank you for playing such an important role in queer representation in media <3
Had this idea in my head for MONTHS
check out my FishBen section on my triple frontier mastlist for more <3
not tagging the usual bc its not x reader sooooooo tagging some i thought may enjoy based on reblogs from boys of summer and whose expressed wanting to read
@missdictatorme @milkymoon2483 @spacecowboyhotch @velocibee @rubyfruitjungle @maplemind @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @reggiesfilthylittlesecret @gogh-with-the-flow @i-own-loki @writingforcurrentfixations @miraclesabound @pockcock
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[DISCONTINUED] yandere! wally darling x detective! reader au (Omniscient Series)
authors note: please keep in mind some parts aren’t going to be canon to the Welcome Home plot. I am fully aware Wally Darling is NOT yandere canonically this is just an au/head-canon. Also! To keep in mind this is all fictional and yandere media is not something to be taken seriously romantically in reality. If you do please seek help. With that I hope you enjoy the prologue of this story !
wally darling belongs to @/partycoffin please be sure to support his works!
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I woke up to a pitch black place. My vision is covered in darkness but my feet told me otherwise, stepped onto a puddle of black ooze. Panicking I tried to escape and call out for help, the black sticky ooze smelled of old books and wires, I blinked looking down and suddenly seeing written scripts, but they were all drawn with eyes. The red plastered all over them, I couldn’t move I was stuck to one place as I heard the telephone ring.
I was unable to see where the telephone is. I only hear the ringing getting louder and louder, my ears starting to get engulfed by the sound of the telephone ringing as I heard whispers all around me. I can’t hear what they say as I begin to sweat and tried to get out of the black puddle that has glued me in one place.
My vision blurred taking my eyes off the ground, looking up to see an unknown figure. Almost getting close to me…
The sound of my alarm woke me up as I sat up in cold sweat, taking a few breathers as I rubbed my face against my hands. Sighing in relief and exhaustion, I then got up and turned off my alarm getting ready for the day at work. Skipping breakfast was a usual thing for me because I didn’t have any appetite or the energy to make one. Instead I just drink coffee to make me awake and alerted through the whole morning at least.
Stopping at my destination which was the police department. I looked for a car garage and parked there, being in a busy city can be draining and exhausting. The smog in the air, constant cars running and stopping from each traffic light, people interacting, usual same routine almost everyday 24/7 plus overtime.
Ever since I’ve gotten this job, it’s been restless. To add the cherry on top I still have to pay my college expenses from the classes I took and supplies I borrowed in order to pass my classes to get a damn bachelors degree. Being a kid you dreamed big and now once you’ve reached that dream it suddenly doesn’t feel all bright and colorful. It might be me who is just grown up and still unsatisfied of my own life, feeling stuck in one place.
As I reached to the police department, entering in and greeted a few people who were in the office. Trainees, private investigators, police officers, you can name it all in this office, they’re all under the branch of law enforcement.
I looked at my dark green door as I twisted the knob of my own office, sat down and turned on my computer as I decided to cut on the tv that was hung up on the far right corner of my door, listening the news to see what was happening today locally.
“Breaking News, crime rate has suddenly gone up more than the past month. Crime investigators have been trying to keep track of homicide rates, although the traces have lead to the unknown, most of them died in there homes and child abduction cases has risen up. Police has warn everyone in the city to lock up your doors and be alert of your surroundings, if you see anything suspicious please call ***-***-**** to report anonymously.”
The news station then shifted back to the daily weather and updates around town. Starting up my computer to scroll through the files of missing persons, recent ones were children. When children comes up to the topic it becomes morbid, usually very heartbreaking to lose your child. Dead or alive.
A knock on my door made me pull away from the computer screen. I looked up to see my partner, who is a police officer holding a file labeled as evidence. “Another one Ruby?”, I responded as she took a seat and looking across from me.
“You know how it goes around this job”, Ruby opened the manila folder, showing two dead parents that have their eyes taken out, a mother laying dead in the bathtub, drowned and in a paralyzed limped state. The father who was put in a closet and tied in an intricate way that you need a pair of garden scissors to open through that loop. Supposedly died of blood loss as I saw his side stabbed deep into his lower abdomen. I looked over a family photo, two kids. One boy and one girl.
“Any information about them?” I took the paper of their information. “Family of four, both parents work and kids go to school, the oldest is about 10 and the youngest is 5. Mr. and Mrs. Caddel, children’s names are Brian and Catherine”, I closed the manila folder and nodded. “I was wondering if you’re up to take this murder case. This has been reoccurring around the city and people need answers”, I looked up at Ruby, “I’ll take it.”, Ruby smiled at me and got up closed the door, “Don’t fail me now kid!”. I rolled my eyes, although she makes a point because she’s much older than me.
I sighed and felt a headache shot up in me, I grabbed my painkillers under my desk cabinet and took one and drinked my bottled water that was already sitting on my desk. “This is going to be a long tiring week for this case huh?” I said to myself…
footnote: you have reached the end of the prologue! Critic is allowed as I appreciate the feedback^^
I’m sorry if you didn’t like the 1st person point of view. But I wanted you guys or y/n to get the feel of what’s going on, information about yourself, the settings in a descriptive way as possible.
this won’t be a romantic story as it will go darker. With that thank you so much for reading the prologue!
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ineffableigh · 1 year
Timeline of Suspicious Events Brain Dump - PART 1
OK, I gotta get this out of my brain and onto some kinda page so here we go! Spoilers galore in here probably
I feel there's far too many instances of Incredibly Convenient Timing™ throughout season two so I gotta get these written down. Leaving out the minisodes for now since, until I watch them through again, I feel they're mainly there to provide character background and show Aziraphale's arc from naive to more understanding of the deep cruelty of Heaven. Dropping the rest under the cut!
Semi-chronological events:
Armageddidn't - Beelzebub and Gabriel discuss how that shit was supremely fucked.
Bar 1 and 2 - Beez and Gab meet up again and agree NOT to do Armageddon 2 Electric Boogaloo. NOTE: in BOTH these instances, the same two guys are at the table behind them playing chess, then cards. Very suspicious.
Bar 3 - Beez and Gab set up the Every Day phenomenon in Edinburgh and Gab receives the fly. I couldn't see the dudes from the previous bar in the background this time but not sure.
Heaven - Gabriel refuses to start Armageddon 2. They seem to move on.
Heaven - An unknown amount of time later, Gabriel is put on trial by the Metatron and sentenced to a big demotion. He 'goes to clean out his desk' and flees to Earth. CONVENIENTLY, the Metatron essentially lets him go ("Should we sound an alarm?" "Oh don't be so wet. You'll all just have to find him." This is suspicious because we KNOW the disdain he has for the angels' competence.)
We then see Aziraphale get the message from Maggie that she wants to talk, which has three suspicious elements for me: That she left a note instead of coming to talk to him, the misspelling (ugrency), and then the odd fake crying. Everything about this interaction feels strange and scripted for a planned interaction, whether Maggie knows it or not. Why did she wait 8 months to bring up the late rent?
Sometime after this, or perhaps during, Shax and Crowley discuss in the park about "something going down in the Up. UP up." I feel like this implies that Beez already knows Gab was getting fired, but I'm speculating heavily here. But clearly SOMEONE in Hell knows something was going on, OR Hell already knows about the Second Coming being on the agenda.
Gabriel arrives to GREAT AND DRAMATIC FANFARE at the Bookshop. Sure, a naked man is novel, but LOTS of weird people are constantly shown in the background of most outdoor shots throughout both seasons. I find it EXTREMELY STRANGE that the ENTIRE street plus cars all stop and crowd around to watch Gabriel arrive. The cars even block the streets! It's VERY strange.
Aziraphale calls Crowley, who's driving Somewhere™. They agree to meet at the cafe across the street. Awkwardness about the 'naked man friend' ensues, etc.
The two move to the bookshop and cross Maggie along the way. They make a point of having her call Aziraphale 'an angel' and refuse food. Likely a red herring but worth noting.
Crowley meets 'Jim' and loses his shit. I agree it's very Interesting™ that Crowley says to 'ask him properly', as this ties in to suspicious memory related stuff throughout the season.
Crowley leaves and gets hit by lightning. We see the lightning hit the cafe door and some lights. I do wonder WHY it did though - it didn't hit any other shops, why only Nina's cafe, and while Maggie happened to be there? AND it affected their phones? It's just a LOT to get them stuck in the cafe together 'til later.
Crowley gets summoned to Hell by Beez and the Housefly Brigade and learns about the Book of Life threat. We heard this over the phone with Michael earlier. Crowley doubts the existence of the Book, so we know there's a threat out there but can't be sure it's real.
SIDE THOUGHT: Michael says anyone involved could be struck from the Book of Life but at the end of e06, the Metatron says Michael 'has no such authority'. This brings up a huge 'who said what to whom?' gap we absolutely need to fill. Where did Michael get the Book of Life idea if not from the Metatron?
The Husbands do their giant miracle as a direct result of the above dubious threat, which directly triggers Heaven suspecting the bookshop as Gabriel's hideout. This is our first major 'convenient plot progression' flag, I think.
Next modern day segments are intercut with the Job minisode. Here we learn about the Every Day song that Gabriel, surprisingly, can remember. It feels likely that love can make you remember things you lost, so I doubt this particular event is Too Convenient.
On the other hand, it feels Too Convenient that of all the record shops, MAGGIE'S shop is the one supplying records to that particular pub up in Edinburgh? That seems an awfully long way off. It's like 7.5 hours!
Point 2: This interaction with Maggie is extremely strange. She's idly flipping through records until Aziraphale comes in, and then she stands there very blankly until bursting into very dubious tears about Nina. I don't know about you but I feel it very strange for anyone who WASN'T comfortable to directly come talk to their landlord to suddenly wax poetic about their 'doomed love life'. And then immediately pivot to the song/records/pub. We also learn Nina has a partner here but Azi just. Ignores this later?
IMMEDIATELY after this, the Archangels make a surprise visit and because Maggie's convenient outburst was on his mind, he pretends THAT was what the giant miracle was about. This is our second major 'convenient plot progression' flag.
Right after this is the meetup in the pub. CONVENIENTLY this is right when Mr. Brown (of Brown's World of Carpets) happens to be getting a drink, rather than running his store. He has his clipboard with him and everything, and pins the Monthly Shop Associates Meeting on Aziraphale. I think this is awfully convenient and becomes our third major suspicious plot flag.
After this, Aziraphale and Crowley discuss having to set up Nina and Maggie. These two dinguses go straight to 'we have to make them actually fall in love!' instead of coming up with a scam plan like they did in the Job minisode. I don't know what to make of this, but I figure the two of them are just so flustered by everything they don't come up with, well... a smarter plan.
IMPORANT: Before the Job Minisode the clock nearby says it's 5:20pm. When Aziraphale comes back from his apparent reverie, Crowley is gone and it's freaking 6:30pm! That's a big gap to fill.
Here Crowley learns a) that Maggie and Nina got stuck in the cafe together after his tantrum, b) Nina has a partner and c) Nina doesn't appear terribly interested in Maggie. He never seems to mention this to Aziraphale.
Aziraphale asks for the Bentley to go investigate the pub. I find it very strange that he's determined to go by car when car = 7.5hrs, train = 5hrs, and plane = 1.5hrs. Why you gotta leave for 16+hrs Aziraphale??
The next day, Muriel shows up to 'inspect' the miracle. Both Aziraphale and Crowley can see that they (Muriel) are out of their depth and extremely inexperienced. This is their SECOND chance to make shit up like they did with Job!
It really feels like Saraquiel was trying to do them a solid and they fuckin flubbed it lol
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thoughtfulchaos773 · 10 months
Sydney Adamu Theories
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I am on a Sydney kick. So many possibilities come with cracking Sydney open and exploring SYdney's background. I am confident that the writers will explore this because the show is masterful at answering our questions in the midst of all the chaos. Even on Reddit, there are questions about Sydney.
Since Storer used tattoos to tell the story of the character, as we learned about Carmy, his tattoos started to make sense because we explored his history. The question for Sydney's tattoo sits with us as viewers; it's an ample opportunity to see Sydney and why she wants to get a star, succeed, and how she landed at the beef ready to work with Carmy and reach that dream. What inspired her to stage with Carmy, and what did she mean when she told her father she was at a different place in her life?
Theory one: Sydney, unlike Carmy, experienced failure in her career; some will see she is a quitter, and others will see Sydney put her mental health first. Maybe before Sheridan Road Catering, Sydney had a breakdown dealing with pressure and abuse like Carmy experienced at Eleventh Madison Park
I wonder if, like Carmy, we'll see the cost of committing to your craft to the point where you miss out on life. I'm leaning towards Sydney experiencing a nervous breakdown in the past. Her father is adamant about Sydney not committing to the thing that caused her heartbreak. Maybe Sydney has gone through many ups & downs in addition to Sheridan Road Catering.
The past must be so sorrowful for someone to imprint a symbol representing heartbreak over her shoulder. Maybe putting her all into things is part of Sydney's nature, and her father witnessed such a mental health scare that he's worried when she says she doesn't have another one in her...
But when she shows her dad the potential of the bear on opening night, her dad validates her: this is the thing. Now that her dad sees her as a leader, someone who's stable and knows what they are doing, she's pressured to work at a place that could be the like other places, and this time, she's trapped.
When her dad asks her if she trusts Carmy, this could be in relation to someone in her past experience as a chef, someone who was supposed to be her mentor and someone she could trust who broke her heart. They weren't necessarily partners (whoever this past person was), but it was a power dynamic. A dynamic that's absent in Sydney's and Carmy's relationship. Here are other reasons she probably had a mentor in the past that used her-
When Carmy tells her he's her boss, she considers what to say next. Carmy pulling this power play made her speak up and tell him her needs. Most importantly, she can stand out at The Beef.
Her father gives her a book on leadership. Perhaps this person (a mentor) stole her ideas, kept her from having a voice, and drained her mentally.
To keep it short, Sydney put so much pressure on herself that she ended up having a nervous breakdown and maybe she didn't have a partner but someone who used her, perhaps a boss or mentor who exploited the power dynamic between them.
There's another question that remains: What's with the name of the Catering business she started?
I'm also confident this will be answered because it's written in the original script.
Siderbar/theory: what's up with Carmy asking Sydney about her favorite road? The only road in relation to Carmy that I can think of is Jimmy mentioning the car accident dream. He said they were driving around Lake Genova or something like that. Well, maybe it was Lake Michigan, meaning they were driving along Sheridan Road- maybe the dream was a foreshadow?
Ugh this is all over the place, but I got questions, and I don't know how I'm going to wait for 6 more months.
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betterbooktitles · 8 months
I had placed a stack of albums on the counter of a tiny strip mall record shop when my smartest writer friend called me out of the blue to tell me I should “always have a mistress.”
Relax. She meant a metaphorical mistress. That is, a writing project on the side. You have your main squeeze (a novel or a script) but then you flirt with the idea of writing a YA Romance or a Thriller or (god forbid) poetry. You need something to write that feels like a break from your “Big Project.”
I was staring at the cover of Tears for Fears’ Songs From The Big Chair, imagining the person I would be once I heard “Head Over Heels” on vinyl when my phone rang. I only had the ringer on because I was waiting for a potential call from a casting director. A certain late-night show sent out a casting notice for “shirtless man” and I, without any shame, turned on the lights in my wife’s office and had her take a few shots with my phone. I had the ringer on in case a stranger got my (half) nudes in an email, and said “That’s it! Get me that torso!” I’m sorry to say, enough time has passed without a call that you will not be seeing my chest on TV any time soon. Usually, my phone remains on silent when I’m out in the world. It also remains on silent when I’m at home because I’m staring at it all day anyway. Who needs to bring noise into that equation? If you call, I’ll see it.
Between the tone of her voice and the occasional swoosh of a car going by, I could tell my friend was driving and had me on speakerphone. She was on her way to lunch with someone on the business/agency side of Entertainment, heading to a mix of pleasurable banter over food with a friend but also a business-minded networking session with someone she hadn’t seen in 6 months. This call, pleasurable to me but in retrospect a bit of business since we talked instantly and almost entirely about work for 20 minutes, was eerily fortuitous. It was like she knew I was writing this week about work and relationships.
“You have the mistress project because it makes you feel young,” she said, telling me about her decision to write 50 pages of a Romance novel. “The problem is that you think ‘Maybe I should leave my wife for this younger project.’” She had submitted the first chunk of her frivolous manuscript to an agent, and, to her horror, the agent loved it. Now she has to live with it for a while. She has to explain to her previous project that they are either in a polyamorous marriage now or about to enter a trial separation. Plus, she had to see if the mistress project was wife material or if she’d fall into the same patterns as her previous relationship. OK. We get the metaphor.
“I’m afraid my new mistress is buying dollar records,” I said, watching the traffic go by, sipping from a lid-off paper cup full of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee that, between the time I’d spent looking at records and chatting in the parking lot, had turned cold. I felt the urge to rush back into the store and apologize to Timmy the manager for stepping out. I worried he’d already re-shelved my copy of The Go-Go’s Beauty And The Beat or that someone had seen the Tears For Fears on the top of “my” unpurchased heap and bought it for himself. This shopping trip was supposed to be an Artist Date (I guess the metaphor is still going), a weekly outing you do solo to engage with your Muse before journalling about it because a book called The Artist’s Way says it’s the only way to remain creative. You woo the Muse by engaging with art alone. Typically, I’d go to a museum or a movie by myself for my Artist Date but I’d had a record player for over 2 months and had only amassed a measly hundred-plus albums in my house so far. My next Artist Date will be a trip to IKEA to buy a shelf to hold more.
“No, Dan.” My brilliant friend said, “Replacing your main project with records or books is like saying you’re not going to have a mistress and instead get into sex dolls. You need a creative project.”
Read the rest of the essay here.
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i-want-my-iwtv · 5 months
(Cont'd from here)
Anon asked:
5. Is a possible interpretation of the ending that Louis&Lestat are working together again? Lestat said he could go out again if he had Louis but Louis said he had to go. Lestat then somehow ends up going after the guy that Louis was just talking to? Obvi not a coincidence so maybe he's just following Louis…but what if he's doing what he said? He's going out again bc he has Louis. Louis set up Malloy; or at least did so only after his reaction to his story? Maybe a stupid theory lol. ^2/3 anyway, sorry to come at you with all these questions, I just can't find answers anywhere else. Loved the movie and would just like to understand it better. I also think Louis&Lestat could be working together again because if Louis has resigned to killing people to survive, which is all Lestat ever really wanted him to be, is there any real reason they can't be in eachother's lives anymore? Thank you so much for any time you can give me and my questions lol! ^3/3
No worries, these are interesting questions!
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I mean, that's an interesting thought, that Louis set Daniel up for Lestat to feed on... 👀 Could be true, but based on the script and the books, and the fact that Louis never hunted with Claudia... (Louis does hunt with Lestat or other vampires on occasion later in canon) but I don't think Louis would send an innocent victim out for Lestat to kill*.
I think in the movie version of the story, my interpretation was that:
Lestat had been following Louis for a while.
When Louis and Daniel went indoors, Lestat crawled into the open backseat of Daniel's car, conveniently parked nearby. This way, he could listen to them talk (the window was open!) and it put Lestat in place for acquiring the tapes of the interview afterward (and the car! And some human blood!).
In the movie's timeline, Louis had visited Lestat in NOLA (we don't know when, but based on Louis's clothing, it looks like late '80's or early '90's) and then left him there...
We don't know how much time passed until he met with Daniel, San Francisco looks like the late '80's or early '90's, too.
So maybe Lestat went to great effort to track Louis down to San Francisco and followed him, still wounded but desperate to reconnect with Louis when he had revived with more strength.
I also think Louis&Lestat could be working together again because if Louis has resigned to killing people to survive,
Yes, Louis seemed to get over his issues with killing ppl when Claudia entered the picture, she never saw him eating rats.
Maybe he wanted to set a good example for her, or maybe he just finally agreed, having tried to kill her, that human blood is more nutritious for vampires... we don't know! Lestat makes some snip at Louis about eating rats in front of Claudia and he tells her it was a long time ago, before she was born, and "I don't recommend them," with this little slurp to amuse her:
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because if Louis has resigned to killing people to survive, which is all Lestat ever really wanted him to be, is there any real reason they can't be in eachother's lives anymore?
But no, Louis & Lestat aren't clearly back together again at the end of the '94 movie, but at least Lestat is mostly revived by the very end, there's hope that he's going to be his old vibrant self in a new age, and maybe even turn Daniel! I don't know what the plan was for the next movie, but there was a sequel planned for a long time, the movie rights eventually expired. The more book-focused fans might say that Louis enjoys his space and doesn't need a constant lover, and that Lestat is somewhat of a manwhore who struggles with monogamy (maybe partly BECAUSE he can't get Louis to commit to him, so he goes out looking for love surrogates), but he always pines for Louis. Now matter how hard you ship Louis and Lestat you will never ship Louis and Lestat as hard as Lestat does. [X][X @high-fructose-lesbianism]
The more book-focused fans in VC fandom generally agree that Louis gave the interview in order to get his story out, and if Lestat was still alive, it could provoke him enough to come out of hiding** bc maybe Louis still has feelings for Lestat, but killing people was not the only reason they couldn't be in each other's lives. Louis suffered in the dynamic they were in during the 65 years together in IWTV. There's been a lot of writing on it over the years but most book-focused fans agree there was some level of abuse from Lestat to Louis (and Claudia), whether emotional, verbal, and/or physical. Lestat threatened them both with harm at different times, and he had been very secretive, which created frustration for Louis and Claudia about their nature as vampires, and even if Lestat did all this out of fear for their safety, or worry that they might leave him, or any other reasons, it was still Not Great, not something Louis would want to throw himself back into so easily!
If you read the books, Louis/Lestat has a tension as a ship that continues throughout, and Anne Rice basically tried to have them finally together in the last book. She had teased us about a L/L wedding over the years, and that never went through in canon. 😭💗
**And in the Vampire Lestat, Lestat does rise and he wants to join a rock band, when he tells them his name, they thought it was marvelous that he was pretending to be the vampire Lestat:
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*In canon, Louis kills random people, so that he's not responsible for judging them as deserving of death, even murderers can serve their time and return to society! If Louis gets to know a victim at all, he has too much empathy for them to kill them. However, canonically and in the '94 movie, Lestat kills evildoers, it stems from him saving his village from wolves when he was alive, when he was praised for protecting the villagers and the livestock from those terrorizing wolves. It justifies his need as a vampire to kill, while also making him a kind of hero bc he's protecting the innocent ppl from the evildoers.
Killing evildoers takes more effort in some ways, bc Lestat has to read their minds first or see them be criminals in order to be sure they're really evil, but he enjoys it! Sometimes he spends weeks, months, years pursuing a victim.
Anyway, since Daniel's not shown in the '94 movie or canon to be an evildoer, I don't think Louis would feed him to Lestat.
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jeyneofpoole · 8 months
hi i hate rick riordan and the obsession with movie/tv adaptations of other media. please use this ask as a chance to rant about everything you hate most in the pjo show. <3
omg hiiiii an anon after my own heart!!!! ok this is a very wide question and i do unfortunately have assignmence to do so i'll try and make it quick: my entire problem with the show is the total lack of character. the dialogue is completely expository with little to no room for relationship building or opportunities for the actors to, like, act. i fully believe that leah sava jefferies could have pulled off a really good annabeth if they didn't have her literally doing a powerpoint presentation on the plot of the episode every two minutes. walker is an incredible talent and a fantastic percy, and it would have been really nice to see him have a chance to be his character. oh also this is the tiniest nitpick but why the fuck is the score so boring??? you're going to tell me that the PERCY JACKSON show has a generic fantasy bullshit phone-it-in score??? the song for the end credits is the closest we get to any sort of theme and it's boring as hell!!!!
the exposition killed this fucking show, dude. i cannot believe that those scripts made it past a thought in rick riordans yucky little head bc that was abominable. no stakes no tension no fear no anxiety no dread like everybody's all on the same page at the same time percy is never out of his depth. never. medusa was practically wearing a name tag and the crusty thing made me actively suicidal. i do think that the worst episode was by far the lotus casino though because that was goddddddawful. first of all why were we there in the first place? to talk to hermes? to lin manuel miranda? this is what i'm fucking talking about the kids are always on top of everything!!!!! in the book they get roped in on accident and we get to learn about the characters' inner motivations (think of annabeth and her architecture game, etc.) but in the show we're in and out and spend 5 minutes driving a car around in a parking garage because we needed to pad out the runtime because our show sucks shit and we should all kill ourselves.
speaking of the hermes thing why was every single god there. like you've undercut the power of all the gods by having one show up every episode and a half to be boring and do nothing. the visual design is terrible the underworld and olympus are virtually indistinguishable and the pit to tartarus is in the open sunny sky for some godforsaken reason???? oh also having annabeth at the luke confrontation and turning it into a swordfight (like the only swordfight of the season, btw) robs the original scene of all of the horror and tragedy that makes it so good. percy is TWELVE and luke the ALMOST ADULT MAN tricks him with a SCORPION and then percy has to STUMBLE through the woods DELIRIOUS and DYING <- good and fucked up. LUKE and PERCY the PEERS OF INDISTINGUISHABLE AGE have a bad SWORDFIGHT and ANNABETH catches him with FACTS and LOGIC <- sucks shit. but what do i know i'm just a dyke on the internet. ok love you bye.
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darkhighness · 1 year
Good Omentober Day 13 - Muriel
Prompt by @disaster-dog
Muriel ‘watches’ their first Shakespeare book with Mister Crowley at The Globe
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It was interesting being stationed on earth, Muriel had decided. There was a whole world so entirely unlike Heaven that was laid out in front of them to discover and they didn’t even know where to start. They had called Mister Crowley whose number was written neatly on a notepad on the desk in Aziraphale’s cursive script.
Muriel looked at the phone and struggled for a little while before they worked out how to dial the number. They were shocked when the ringing started but once they heard the familiar voice they let out an excited squeak.
“Mister Crowley?”
“Speaking-” The demons words were slurred and Muriel almost couldn’t understand him.
“Mister Crowley, Aziraphale told me to call you if there were any troubles and I don’t know what to read next!” Muriel gushed. They had already read many books, starting at authors starting with A and they’d gotten all the way through C but some were terribly boring. Except for one book about different types of dogs. Muriel liked that book.
“That’s why you’re calling?”
“Yes! There’s so many books and while I want to read them all there's so many boring ones.”
There was a long sigh on the other end of the phone before the demon answered, “Have you read any Shakespeare? Aziraphale used to love it. It’s better to watch it then read it, but it’s a place to start.”
“You can watch books?” Muriel’s eyes widened and the opportunities seemed endless, “Oh that would be just wonderful!”
“No, not watching books, you-” Crowley’s awkward shifting caused some distortion in the mic before he continued, “Look, Muriel, was it? You just close up the bookshop and I will come over and we can find a book to watch.”
“Oh Mister Crowley, that would be amazing! You’re the nicest demon I’ve ever met.”
“Just be ready in 10 minutes, Muriel.”
The call was hung up and Muriel grew so terribly excited. They hadn’t really left the bookshop since Aziraphale left and it took a long time to read so if they could watch books they would get through them much sooner. Muriel turned the sign on the door around, proudly announcing that the bookshop was closed.
Very quickly after that, the Bentley was parked right outside and Crowley emerged. Muriel couldn’t help but note how long it had been since they had talked last. The demon was still in his usual attire but he looked tired. Demotivated. Slightly inebriated.
“There’s a show, Midsummer, you’ll like it. Lotsa fairies. We’ve got tickets we just gotta get to the theatre,” Crowley stammered, “I’m a little more drunk than I thought, if you give me a moment.”
The demon used his powers to extract the liquor from his system and slowly became more aware of his surroundings. Muriel was still absolutely glowing, however and left the bookshop, locking the door behind them.
“I’m ready to go Mister Crowley!” They beamed. The demon just gestured to the car and watched as the eager angel got in, “I love your car, Mister Crowley. Do all demons get cars? I know Supreme Archangel Aziraphale doesn’t have one!”
“We used to share.” The demon muttered before getting in himself and immediately fiddling with the radio. A song started playing and the demon scowled before trying to turn it off.
“What’s a nightingale, Mister Crowley?” Muriel asked excitedly.
“A bird. A lousy, boring bird.”
“That sings?” The angel asked softly, turning to face the demon who had finally turned the radio off.
“Yeah I guess so.”
Crowley planted his foot and began to cruise through London, making his way to the Globe. Muriel thought the place seemed super exciting but when they turned to face the demon, his face had fallen into a frown and he said nothing as he got out of the now parked Bentley. He helped Muriel out of the car and stood, staring at the theatre with his hands planted firmly in his tight pockets.
“Bit different than I remember, must say,” He muttered under his breath.
“Oh Mister Crowley, this is fabulous! Look at all the people going in.”
Crowley led Muriel into the theatre, showing the usher the tickets he had miracled into existence. Standing room, naturally. He wanted Muriel to have the authentic experience after all.
“So how do we watch the books?” Muriel asked innocently.
Crowley, attempting to be as patient as possible with the angel explained, “So there’s going to be actors who read the words and act it out. Instead of having to imagine the pictures in your head, they will all happen on the stage.”
There were a few strange looks at that from the theatre snobs in the audience but Crowley paid no mind to them. At this point his priority was making sure Muriel had a good time.
“Oh my goodness Mister Crowley that was fantastic!” Muriel gushed, latching onto the demon’s arm in excitement, “I especially liked the part where they turned him into a donkey!”
“I thought you’d like it,” The demon smiled. Usually, he couldn’t stand anyone in his personal space but Muriel was just so damn excited that he couldn’t bear to interupt them. He hadn’t seen anyone this excited over Shakespeare that wasn’t Aziraphale.
“Can we please go watch another book?”
“Not today. But…If you want to again in the future we can. You obviously have my number,” Crowley explained, gently guiding Muriel to the car.
“Thank you for today, Mister Crowley. It has been the most fun. If only Aziraphale was here!” Muriel rushed, swinging their legs into the car and sitting down.
“If only.”
(Edited for formatting and spelling)
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magnorious · 8 months
Review: ‘We Take a Zebra to Vegas’, Percy Jackson Episode 6
***Spoilers Ahead for all books and show. TL;DR at the bottom***
After episode 5 I was starting to wonder if episode 3 was a fluke. Here we have the potential for the only non-book reference I wanted in the entire show: Would Nico cameo in the Lotus Casino?
Small, I know, but book fans were robbed of ever seeing him on screen once already when Titan’s Curse was never adapted and with his massive popularity, I was almost certain he’d be here. The closer we got to the Lotus Casino, however, the more I wanted to be wrong. Almost none of the characters look like they’re supposed to, many of them with inconsistent personalities to match. I went from hoping for a blink-and-you’ll miss it reference with a little scruffy 10-year-old that book fans would be able to tell is Nico by his appearance alone to hoping they’d not touch the matter with a 10-foot pole.
After the absurdly dramatic and angsty episode 5 that was supposed to be semi-dangerous and funny, there was a chance to have both the whimsy and wonder of the Lotus Casino, and the rather chilling escape. Before that, the conversation about conservation in the back of the zoo trafficking truck. There was a lot of opportunity for more quiet character moments as well as the adventure and absolutely no need for more nonsense filler.
Onto the episode and given that Hermes is in the thumbnail, are we all in agreement that he only exists here because he’s played by Lin Manuel Miranda? That’s the reason, right? He barely exists in the first book otherwise.
We start right off the bat with more interesting changes. Instead of IM-ing Luke in some random car wash, they do so in the zoo truck. The scene in the book was funnier, because it existed in the place that it did to be funny and the pay-to-pump water gave a clear time limit. But more importantly – they decided to scapegoat Clarisse… for reasons.
Why? Just why? In the book they spend 99% of their quest accusing the wrong person, Hades, and don’t realize they’re wrong until it’s too late. Everyone in the book was like “it’s Hades, it’s gotta be, his kids were Nazis” (a detail I still can’t believe exists, wow). Chiron said it was Hades, everyone said it was Hades, based on ancient biases that Hades spends the entire series proving wrong. He is the best godly parent by a country mile by the end of Book 5 and all of that groundwork started here, when Hades was just as much a victim of the Master Bolt nonsense as everyone else.
Clarisse is neither here nor there, because the writers didn’t have the foresight to script or film any scenes at camp of this random arrest that’s supposed to be important now. The jump cut from ‘the animals have a plan’ to them stopping traffic on the Vegas strip was funny, but it robbed the scene of the seriousness it should have had. More powers Percy doesn’t get: His ability to talk to horses and horse-adjacent animals.
Once they make it to the Lotus Casino, the script does this incredibly irritating thing where it removes the tension of the unknown from every hurdle they meet. Percy’s trapped alone against a mysterious monster in the book and has no idea how to beat it? Nope, Annabeth exposits all over it. They enter a seemingly-abandoned, mortal waterpark and only get suspicious once it’s too late? Nope, Annabeth figures out immediately that it’s a godly amusement park and they must be careful. Two twelve year olds and a satyr are immediately charmed by the glitz and glam of the lotus casino and get trapped for almost the rest of their time limit for the quest? Nope, Grover exposits all over that, too, ruining the mystery and any danger or threat.
The show also does the irritating thing where it creates problems just to solve them later and before you go “that’s the point of conflict” I mean it creates meaningless problems through meaningless contrivances, like every horror movie cliche that forces its characters to make illogical choices so they don’t just run away from the horror.
And another irritating thing! Spoiling bigger mysteries before their time: We didn’t learn about May Castellan until book 5. Why is this here? What purpose does this serve? Percy realizing he didn’t even know Luke’s last name for five whole years meant something to him. Seeing Luke’s tragic, mortal mother, after hating him for five years *means something* to Percy and to the readers. The gods damned Lotus Casino was absolutely not the place to discover any of this. Why did they do this?
Also, who tf is Augustus? He’s fine. Grover’s random side quest is fine. Every consecutive episode leaves me more and more annoyed with him, but it’s *fine*.
They do actually forget their purpose in the casino, thank the gods. Or, Grover does. Annabeth continues to give away May Castellan exposition like Halloween candy, smack-talking Hermes in a way that she’d never dare at 12 years old. Hermes is still only here because he’s played by Mr. Miranda. He’s fine, he’s just not Hermes. His “woe is me, loving mortals is so damn hard” speech exists. The sentiment is four books early, but it exists.
I understand why it’s here. They’re trying desperately to capture Percy’s internal conflict over whether or not the gods and his dad care about him, if he should let himself be disappointed presuming that they don’t. Problem is– in the book, Poseidon didn’t send a naiad to give him false promises of a clandestine meeting. In the book, the naiad told Percy there’d be a vague “gift” in Santa Monica, and Percy was never naive enough to think that gift would be his dad.
The entire season so far has tried to give nuance to both sides of the “do the gods care and should they be expected to” argument and it’s just not a very well written attempt. Why? Because it had five entire books to give both sides, and they’re shoving as much of it as they can here like they’re afraid they won’t get renewed for season 2. In doing so, they’ve made a tonal mess.
Once Hermes is gone and done randomly and spitefully sabotaging their quest, Percy, unseen, figures out that they’ve lost time and lost Grover. Also, Annabeth pick-pocketed the God of Thieves? Funny, but no. The script has its weird Mitichlorian moment sciencing lore by adding in the detail that lotus nectar or whatever is pumped in through the air, a question no one had and a plot hole that didn’t exist.
They do manage to keep the fear and unsettling realization that they’ve lost time, but their amnesia is inconsistent and confusing, considering that they overexplained how the casino works. Then they’re gone using a God of Thieves’ Car gimmick.
No Nico, thank the gods, unless he was one of the VR kids in the background. It would have been wonderful to see him in a better script.
In the book, they get instantly dazzled by the food, the video games, the nice clothes, nice suite, all things Percy could never dream about growing up poor. There is no Hermes and he only figures out something’s wrong when he meets other kids displaced from time and has to shake Annabeth and Grover from the illusion. They use their casino cash cards with infinite money to hail a cab all the way to LA and it’s funny.
They create more problems that didn’t need to exist by forcing Percy to drive a taxi and okay, that was genuinely funny. I am shocked, though, that Annabeth’s pride let him drive.
The episode comes to an end with them supposedly by the Santa Monica Pier… in a thunderstorm. In southern California. Odd choice, but okay. I'd say the storm exists because Poseidon's pissed but I really think it's there beacuse "dark and stormy night" fit their new vibe better than bright sunlight.
Maybe in live action it was tricky trying to make him both dry underwater and still plausibly underwater and not just rotoscoped in with a hazy green filter. For all their love of exposition, they never actually told non-book watchers about that, or that he can breathe underwater and control some currents. It’s also supposed to be night time, and yet he’s lit as if it’s high noon far above on the surface – they could have just written the beach scene at noon.
Then the naiad he was supposed to talk to in St Louis drops the bomb that the Summer Solstice deadline already passed, Poseidon got too impatient to wait for Percy after the casino delay, and the gods are now at war.
What the fu…..?
Percy resolves to keep going despite armageddon already happening apparently. She gives him exactly the right amount of pearls that he needs, not three, which would force him to choose, and then cut to black.
How is the best part of this episode Annabeth’s completely deadpan and exasperated Dude when Percy asks her not to make fun of him? That, and Percy driving the taxi.
Once again, to all the set designers and VFX artists and costumes and makeup and foley and music and score and everyone in between – you’re amazing, keep up the great work. To the actors, you were given a bad script and bad direction and you did the best you could.
Having just come off watching Game of Thrones for the first time and seeing little Arya, Bran, and Rickon Stark’s actors doing donuts around these three just goes to show that it’s not that child actors’ lack of experience that’s the problem. Heck even Baby Percy is better than these three. It’s how much or how little help they get in conveying what they’re supposed to. These kids were thrown to the wolves.
I don’t watch the teasers and I stay away from all marketing for the show. I don’t know who’s been cast to play any characters we haven’t already seen so what Hades and Poseidon look like are a complete mystery that I do hope pays off.
With two episodes to go they have the following left from the book to adapt: Crusty’s water beds, the DOA studios, the entire trip to the underworld and Cerberus and Hades that took two hefty chapters, the Ares fight, Percy’s trip to Olympus, Luke's betrayal and reveal, and the return home to find Hades had paid his debt.
Suddenly the mini series with an episode to burn in St Louis has to sprint to the finish line.
Maybe if they hadn’t spent ten minutes expositing with Hermes they could have at least crammed in Crusty and the DOA, but it looks like armageddon is already upon us so who knows? They might’ve just tossed out the rest of the book to write their own ending.
TL;DR This show is a mess and this episode actually has me nostalgic for the brevity of the horrible movie because they didn’t even try and it’s fun to make fun of. This is just disappointment stretched out across seven hours instead of speedrun in 90 minutes. The skeleton of the book (mostly) remains intact and to all those who keep saying “at least it’s not the movie,” you’re right. Enjoy.
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