#car hunting
oxygenpdf · 1 month
just want you to know. saw a nice old car today and thought of you 😌
I’m honoured!!! Thank you, love 🫶☹️
If you see anymore lmk, this time of year is usually when people pull out the nice cars.
I’ve been seeing a lot of classic corvettes in my city.
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bobmueller · 2 months
Car Shopping Chronicles: Twinsies
🌟 Exciting week coming up with my daughter home from camp! Spent Friday in Tulsa test-driving cars—almost went for a "speeding-ticket red" Audi A4. Also squeezed in some writing and rocked out to Dolly Parton's latest album
Youngest Daughter is home for a week from camp. I’m almost as happy as the animals were. She’s got a week off, then one more week at camp. Then she’s home for two weeks, and heads off to college. I’m not sure I’m ready for all of that. Cars My wife and I are twinsies now. We spent Friday in Tulsa looking at cars. I test-drove an Audi A4 that I really wanted to like, because it was, as I told…
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violenteconomics · 1 month
as a prank, ace and epel start referring to their upperclassmen as members of their family rather than by name — when they're not actually talking to their upperclassmen, of course — just to see how long it will take them to notice. and after a while, the other freshmen start doing it, too.
ace is the first one to come up with this idea. he think it's a harmless little thing, a prank that'll cause plenty of mayhem but won't get him in any serious trouble. so he starts referring to cater and trey as his dad and mom respectively, and riddle as his uptight, no-nonsense older brother.
("one time i saw my brother try to put one of mom's tart into like a ziplock bag to save it for later, and when he took it out like two days afterwards, it fell apart immediately and he started bawling, ha ha! my dad got the whole thing on camera and shared it with me — i can show you if you want.")
he ropes epel in on the plan. epel is a little more hesitant, but seeing this as a way to get back at vil, even in a small way, he agrees to it. vil is now "ma" and rook is now "pa". people do start to wonder why he still uses he/him pronouns to refer to his supposed mother, but they decide not to question it too much.
("a few months ago, my pa told me a story about how one time my ma was trying to comb his hair, only for his comb to get stuck. so he got another comb to get the first one out, and that ended up getting stuck, too. five combs later, and peepaw had to rush him to the barber for an emergency haircut. it was pretty funny, but now i'm left wondering how pa even knew that story... hold on, i need to check my bathroom mirror for cameras, excuse me.")
surprisingly, deuce catches on pretty quickly, and he starts thinking maybe it's a new dorm policy. he doesn't know why, or why nobody else seems to be doing it, but ace seems pretty sure of himself, so he starts doing it, too, if a bit awkwardly.
("my brother always gets on my case for my bad grades. it's a little frustrating, but he only does it because he cares. my dad tutors me whenever he can, but he's not very good at studying, either. but whenever i do get good grades on my report card, my mom makes me egg tarts!")
yuu starts after they ask ace about it, and thinking it's a good prank, they decide to join in on a little mischief. so they start referring to all the teachers as their "dad". it makes people really confused, because they assume they only have one dad, two at most, but "dad" seems to change personalities every single time they talk about him.
("i was helping my dad do paperwork the other day, except we didn't get anything done and spent the entire evening playing solitaire and making dog puns."
"i was filling my dad's basketballs for him for his next game, whilst simultaneously helping him rework his pick-up lines that he's going to use on rsa's 'hot librarian' — his words, not mine. it was... a weird experience."
"i was feeding my dad's cat a couple of days ago, but i guess i fed him too much, because he's just a ball with limbs now. it's fine, though — it's not like my dad actually goes anywhere. too old for that, y'know?")
ortho is up next. idia's already ortho's brother, so he can't really do anything with that, but he really wants in on the average teenage experience of pranking your peers. so he starts referring to literally every upperclassmen he knows as his "brother". this is when everyone starts to realize that something's wrong, because some of things ortho says can not apply to idia in any reality.
("my brother is so talented! he's so good at talking to people, and making them sign contracts with him, and convincing them to invest in his restaurant... gosh, i wish i could be as good at communicating as him!")
jack is, unsurprisingly, very unamused when he figures out what the others are doing, but he doesn't try to stop them. but after a few weeks of exposure, and jack starts unconsciously doing it, too, which the others don't point out to him because they think it's absolutely hilarious.
("my brother didn't show up to morning practice, again, so my other brother and i went lookin' for him, and we ended up findin' him in a tree. obviously, my brother and i can't climb as well as my eldest bro can, so my brother just... threw a spelldrive disk at him. to get him out of the tree. and then we had to rush him to the infirmary because now he had a concussion. i don't... i don't know why he thought that would work.")
sebek is the last hold-over. not only is he unamused by this prank — and frankly very aghast when he realizes that jack has also been infected by it — but he's also really repressed and will do literally whatever it takes to not sully his image in the eyes of diasomnia. of course, with enough wear and tear, this doesn't last very long.
("ugh. my brother fell asleep on the road AGAIN! i swear, so many people have tripped over him, i'll be surprised if he hasn't broken any ribs yet.")
ace and epel think all of this is extremely funny, so they all keep trucking along with it with nobody noticing for a couple of weeks. it's all fine and dandy until the first-years are out on the town during the weekend, and deuce gets involved in a really bad carriage crash.
at the hospital, deuce starts deliriously asking for his older brother to take him home. but when the receptionist checks his familial records, they're really confused because deuce never even had a brother.
unfortunately, ace knows exactly who deuce is talking about, and awkwardly spends the next 30 minutes trying to get a hold of riddle over the phone.
the awkwardness doesn't end as riddle actually gets to the hospital, and the doctor smiles and says, "you must be mr spade's big brother."
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after watching the new 4 hour hbomberguy video essay I saw some people complaining that he's just targeting people and causing drama, but I think that he should keep doing these hit pieces forever. I think every plagiarist and credit-thief should tremble in fear lest they attract the wrath of this one youtuber.
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meirimerens · 5 months
youtube shorts is just tiktok without being on the app the amount of "i'm a [qualification] and [misinformation]" could make one turn their skin inside-out in protest. "i'm a board-certified OB-GYN & it's only been about the last hundred years that women have actually experienced menopause. We didn't live long enough to experience it" how can you be so incredibly wrong about something so integral to your practice. King of the Hittites Hattusilis III was told in 1250 BCE that his sister was too old to reproduce at age 50+. Aristotle wrote in the 4th century BCE that women stopped menstruating between ages 40 to 50, common menopause ages today still. i cannot begin to tell you how 4th century & 1250 BCE don't really count as "the last hundred years" unless that -s is doing a lot of heavy lifting. waiter waiter more misinformation laws.
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tapeworrmart · 1 month
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Prey animal 🐏
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the-woman-upstairs · 1 year
Ethan, after Benji has once again volunteered him for an insane death-defying stunt:
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swan2swan · 4 months
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This line is one of my Absolute Favorites from this show, because it really digs right into the new world that the kids are in:
They're not kids anymore.
There's a furious man threatening harm to Bumpy and her friends, and Sammy puts herself square in the middle of the argument, turns on the charm and promises that she'll make it up to him...and when he doesn't acquiesce, she immediately turns Stern. She bluntly tells him to go home. As an adult talking to another adult.
She has her own property. Her own life. Her own world. She has authority now. The days where they're kids hiding from robots or businessmen or sneaking away from big game hunters and mercenaries are over. Sammy has land, she has responsibilities, and she's not backing down from them. Sammy Gutierrez is an adult woman, and she's going to act like one.
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twsted-seas · 5 months
*half wakes up at 6 am*
*checks Tumblr*
*falls out of bed and faceplants on the carpet*
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James Hunt, Wolf, Monaco 1979
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bobmueller · 3 months
Putting the Ten Commandments in Schools Misses the Mark
Louisiana's recent push to incorporate the Ten Commandments into schools raises questions about the true intent behind this move.
It’s fireworks season. I’m putting in shifts at our stand between now and the 5th of July, though I’ve only got one overnight shift this year, which is kind of nice. I’ll keep up the blog streak, but expect shorter posts until after the 5th. Ten Commandments What is Louisiana trying to accomplish here? That’s only partially rhetorical, by the way. I know that Christian Nationalists want to…
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mrehkka · 7 months
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(I screwed up the text placement on the last page, read from professor membrane top left, down to zim bottom left, then dib top right)
Poor Dib lol
Btw i headcanon that zim has an internship at membrane labs when they're in high school. Zim talks to Membrane about Dib and them hanging out (he thinks the boys are dating and just not telling him yet) and the professor is hoping zim's "real science" attitude rubs off on Dib lmao
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Was really hoping, during the portal scene with Nesta and Bryce, that Cassian would show up and be like "What's going on?" while coming to stand next to Nesta. And then him and Hunt would just stare at each other through the portal like "Is that my other world equivalent??!!"
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escapefromrealitysm · 2 years
Alex Karev x Sister!Reader
Summary: After many years, Alex meets his little sister again under unexpected circumstances
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: angst, accident, injuries, medically innacurate
Note: English isn’t my firs language, so I’m sorry if (when) you found mistakes.
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It was hard to figure out Alex. If someone, she knew that the best from all. She was the closest to him, until they were separated to different foster family. That event unutterably shattered them. They were each other’s last promise of safety. That was ripped away from them, and there was nothing they could've done in order to stop that. Neither of them wanted a normal family if that meant that they have to go separate ways. But they had no voice in the matter. Was life ever fair though?
She wanted to be there for him, help him through his first heartbreak, celebrate his graduation with him. She wanted to cry on movies to have Alex laugh at her and maybe sometimes make him waffles.
At first they tried to keep in close touch, but the new forced family didn’t like their continous communication. So it was cut shortly.  The only thing that helped them stay a bit connected was their last name.
Alex didn’t talk about his sister. Not in his personal life, nor in the hospital. Although these two sometimes interwined. His sister was ripped away from him and that was something he couldn’t really process since then. And even if he wanted to talk about her to his friends and collegues, even then he couldn’t because he hadn’t heard about her since. Above that it was many years ago so he thought she wouldn’t even want to hear from him. They both believed this crap. So life went on and neither of them tried to find the other.
✦✧✦✧    ✦✧✦✧    ✦✧✦✧    ✦✧✦✧
The ambulance just rolled in with another case for the Grey- Sloan Memorial Hospital. The paramedics opened the door and immidiately started talking and informing the medical team about the patient and her injuries. Car accident. Fast tachycardia. Internal bleeding. Head and chest injuries. Severe fractures. Collapsed lung. Based on the shared informations it was clear to Owen, Meredith and Pierce that the female on the gurney, in her mid 20s was deep in the woods. They found out that her identity is yet unknown but the scene investigators were going to inform them based on the ID found in the wreck as soon as possible.
The team of three wheeled the patient into the ER and their number was increasing with other nurses and doctors. They were in need of more hands.
„Somebody page Shepherd!” was heard the instruction.
„Okay honey, what’s your name? Can you hear me?”- asked Price while focusing on the stetoscope’s sound. She never got an answer. The girl was out again by the end of the question. The entire room was in a rush, trying to work against time and minimalise the damage what the woman’s body’s suffered.
„We need a chest tube, now!”- and with that Owen got to it.
A nurse suddenly rushed into the room with Amelia who already started to assess the injured person’s condition.
„We have a name, age, blood type…”
As soon as the nurse took in the reaction to her past sentence she realised it would’ve been better if she doesn’t share the information before the surgery. Everyone froze when they heard what was the name. Meredith looked up, and locked her eyes with Owen’s, frowning. Y/N Karev. Karev. That couldn’t be. It must be accidental.
The medical team had to recover, she didn’t have much time. They did the urgent examinations, and headed to the OR, quickly. Even though they didn’t know for sure that Y/N was indeed a relative of Alex or not, they felt some sort of extra pressure, what they had to shut out as the OR door closed.
Some time later in the OR there was so much blood and there was still so much to do. They started doubt if they could stop the bleeding and get to the next task in time. Pierce was worried about Y/N’s heart. Didn’t know if it could take such a pressure for too long. They have to get back if she stabilised a bit. Although Amelia’s stopped the bleeding in the brain, she wanted another scan just to be sure. After some argument between the doctors they decided to close her up and let her rest a bit in the ICU.
Let her rest. But who is she? Meredith although was tired, but had to find Alex. She'd hoped that it’s some kind of misunderstanding. She walked on the long hallway of the hospital, her eyes were scanning the area, she wanted to find Karev. Since it was dark outside, maybe he has finished with his shift and took off with Jo already. No, that wouldn’t be great.
Suddenly at one of the corners they bumped into each other, she'd found Alex.
„What?” - He instantly knew something'd bothered Mer. By how she carried herself, and the look on her face.
„You look like you just saw a ghost.” He meant this as a joke, but his friend didn’t reacted to it like that.
She didn’t want to have this conversation in the middle of the hallway, hell, she didn't want to have this conversation at all, but she couldn’t hold the question in anymore.
„You don’t have a sister who I don’t know about, right?”- she asked desperately.
Alex was staring at his friend. He was expecting almost everything just not this. Why would she ask something like this?
„Wha– what are you talking about?” he was now panicking. Why would she asked something like this in the middle of her shift. It didn’t make sence.
„We just had a surgery on a girl. Her name’s Y/N. With your last name. She isn’t…”
And that was the moment when she knew she didn’t need Karev to answer her question anymore. He already did with his reaction.
He couldn’t think for a moment. He felt like the entire hospital started spinning, while his stomach was growing smaller.
„Where is she?” He felt like his heart was beating almost against his skin tissues while displacing his lungs and ribs out of the way.
„She is in the ICU for now, but Alex…” – he didn’t hear what she said after, because he started sprinting to the stairs leading to the named place. No, this couldn’t be. Sometimes he played with the thought what’d it be like to see her again, to talk to her for the first time in years. He was sure he would be nervous, yes. But he was confident to say that he wouldn’t have thought in his worst nightmare that their reunion would be something like this.
At the nurse station he got the direction to the asked patient’s room. He stepped through the sliding door, and there was no doubt anymore. He was in his sister’s hospital room.
Inside the room there were still nurses adjusting the machines and take her last vitals, but slowly they’d finished for now.
He couldn’t believe what he'd seen. She was so broken. At the first sight he noticed her head was shaved and bandaged. She was attached to a ventilator, covered in bruises and scratches. In his deep thoughts he didn’t even realise that the nurses’d left as well as Meredith was already by his side.
He had to sit down, or else his legs were going to give out.
He didn’t have to ask. He could see that Y/N’s situation was pretty bad. But he wanted to know the details. All of them. Whats up with her brain, how are her organs and limbs and how was and is their oxygen supply? How bad was the bleeding, how many more surgery will be necessary? How many bones were fractured? And who the fuck did this to her? He couldn’t decide which one to ask first if he was going to find his voice.
The doctor and friend standing beside him knew that he would want answers to his unasked questions. So she started to listing out loud what had happened before and during the life saving surgery. Told him who are his sister’s doctors, in case he wanted to get some more info. He had found out that one of the most concerning injuries affected her brain heavily.
Meredith knew exactly how does it feel to watch somebody you love on life support. Hear the ventilator do its job. And even if it’s part of their everyday life as a doctor, it doesn’t prepare them for the case when its not a person whom they know nothing about. She knew there was nothing she could say or do that’d make this easier for him. So she just stroked Alex’s shoulder to let him know that she was there for him, whatever was going to happen and assured him that later she’d send Amelia in, to inform him with the specific details. With that, she left the room.
Alex didn’t know what’d happened to her since he wasn’t a part of her life anymore. He didn’t know why she was in Seattle, hell he didn’t even know if she was going to make it. But he knew for sure that he was going to stay by her side and there isn’t anyone who could debar that this time.
He wouldn’t admit but he was afraid all along that there would be silence after everyone left him alone with his sister. But there wasn’t. He heard the late night traffic of the city, the sirens from the surrounding streets, the machines in the room, and his sobs as well. Even if he only wanted to hear his little sister’s voice.
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teamcoupe · 2 months
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BMW Isetta Jagdwagen, 1955. A "hunting car" based on the BMW Isetta was built for the CEO of BMW, Kurt Donath, who liked hunting and used the car to go shooting. Currently on sale in Holland, its is unclear if the the car offered is the one built for Donath or a replica
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