#captian super captian
erikoswinoswald · 2 months
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The Captians ⭐
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brainlessbaguette · 11 months
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Y'all I am so scared. This could either be great or an absolute dumpster fire of a movie. Why live-action? No seriously why live-action??? For Zelda, the games that are so wonderfully cartooney even at their most serious? Why is Avi Arad producing a Zelda movie? His mixed bag of movies aside I DON'T THINK HES DONE FANTASY??? Like correct me if I'm wrong but I believe its mostly sci-fi, superheroes and stuff.
I know I'll enjoy it regardless, trashy movies are my jam. But if we want more it can't flop like 1993 mario(love that movie) and thats the bit thats got me nervous.
I'm gonna anxiously hold out hope solely becuase the tweet opened up with "This is Miyamoto." Just DON'T do BOTW/TOTK. I know you want to pick the cash cow Nintendo, but video game movies are WAY more likely to flop if you pick the one where everyone would rather just play the game. The bigger the fanbase the worse the odds get, so I am begging you not to come out of the gates with an adaptation of the ones where everyone and their mother has played it.
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playthe-piper · 5 months
the urge to write a highschool based chatfic for Gotham
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casside-sionnach · 1 year
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Brie Larson as Carol Danvers aka Capitan Marvel
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vivianquill · 1 year
ohhhhhh no
ladies and gents we have a new au.
oh frick.
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youngplutoworld · 1 month
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My OC Mara has a message for Capitan Sophia from @cherrycreamfairy
That was originally going to plan this out, but I ended tired. Anyway, Happy (Late) Birthday Sophia!
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hifumiitogo · 1 year
i wont ever play it but i see that ishmael limbus company and nod. moefication. same with rodya. wouldve finished crime and punishment if that was how rodya actually looked like.
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writingoddess1125 · 1 year
could you do Luffy,Buggy and Mihawk their s/o taking their hat? :D
Of course! Sounds super cute! May add a touch of SPICE as well just to make it fun!
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• You lifted the hat from Luffy face gently to check on him. He opened one sleepy eye and once he saw it was you grinned widely, watching as you gently put on his famous straw-hat. His arms reaching out and like the cuddly boy he was took you into his arms.
• "(Y/N), that's my hat" He giggled, Not upset at you currently wearing it. You couldn't help but giggle as well. Careful to make sure it didn't catch the breeze or get crushes in the cuddles
• "I know, I just wanted to see how you were doing and couldnt help myself" You admit, Luffy looking at your face intensly as he broke in a brighter smile.
• "Did I ever tell you why that hat is so important to me? Or who it came from?" He asked with a wide grin. Cuddling you close.
• You lean your head on his chest "Yes, but I love to hear the story anyway" You giggle. Luffy smiling brightly as he started the tale of how he me got the Hat from Shanks and the adventure leaving up to it.
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• Buggy sat on his throne looking over his freaks, throwing out random orders and demands as he wanted his sets to be perfect.
• Walking behind the throne you carefully lift the hat from his head and place it on yourself, At first his eyes looking to see who dared to touch him. Until seeing it was you and giving a crooked smile.
• "Here to cheer me on (Y/N)?~" He purred at you. Earning a good chuckle from you as you walked around his throne. Adjusting the hat on your head
• "No, Just came to distract you a little is all" You admit, Buggy smiling at this. Quickly ordering his freaks away to enjoy his time with you.
• "You know, There is a Rule when it comes to my hat Doll~" Buggy grinned, Grabbing your hips and pulling you onto his lap. His hand holding your hip tightly with a crooked grin on his lips.
• "Oh?" You hummed, sitting pretty on his lap as he leaned back on his throne. Taking you all in with lustful eyes. "Take the hat. Ride the owner~"
• "Pretty sure you made that up Buggy~" You couldnt help but giggle, The Captian shrugging and Grinning even wider
• "Even Better!" He cackled before attacking your lips with a hard kiss.
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• You smile as you see Mihawk seated at the bar- You and him had quite an interesting relationship. One that left you two far too familiar with each other then just passing friends.
• When you steal the hat from his head and put it on yourself. Mihawk golden eyes lock onto you, setting his drink down infront of him.
• "Bold as ever (Y/N)" He said with his same stoic expression, however a mild amusement shining in his eyes at seeing you in his hat. You smile at him and wink
• "Only with you and wanted to test the water to see how large it was~" You teased, adjusting the larger large hat on you with a feathered touch.
• Mihawks hand reaching out and grasping your chin gently to look at him.
• "I do hope you realize that you'll be wearing that Hat this evening Darling?" He said casual, Releasing you and taking another sip of his drink but his eyes locked onto you. Warmth hitting your cheeks.
•"You got it Hawkeye~" You purred with a playfully wink. Earning what could only be described as a growl from him as he smirked.
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caregiverlad · 2 months
Hewwo! I’m a newer follower and I wanna know if you’d do more Captian Price caregiver HC’s? No rush <3
(Also I’d like to be called 🦈 please)
Cg Captain Price Headcanons (Pt. 2)
Part One
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Nighttime Routines with the cap always go smooth. he knows exactly how to get you fed, in the bath, and in your pjs as efficiently as possible. The only other person he trusts to get you to bed is Simon.
We already know he’s the best at carrying you on his hip, but imagine this: him letting you dangle off his arm as he just goes about his day. he doesn’t need his arm anyways.
You and him snuggled up on the couch watching scary movies (don’t worry, he’ll cover your ears at the loud parts, and let you hide into his side at the super scary parts)
He’d absolutely adore you being his lil puppy. (if you do a trick, he’ll put a gold star sticker on your forehead)
speaking of gold stars, he definitely has a rewards chart hung up in your room. for good behavior you get gold stars and eventually get treats!
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thenerdperson · 2 months
So I rewatched A New Hope the other night, so I'm making an appreciation post. It's literally the most basic plot ever, farm boy longs for something but he doesn't know what, turns out hes the chosen one with super cool powers not seen in forever, ends up with an old man mentor who dies too soon, a dnd party as freinds and goes to save the princess from the villains and does some cool near impossible feat due to cool powers mentioned earlier. However, Luke longs to see the galaxy without being angsty, keeps his hopeful outlook on life for the series, and doesn't develop the lone wolf attitude and leans on his friends constantly. Han Solo isn't toxic (though he is flawed), he never lies about having debts to pay off, even though he is a rouge and a scoundrel he hugs and laughs freely, and Chewbaca is his freind and equal, not someone less because he isn't the captian or a human. Leia is a princess but is not a damsel in distress. She is not afraid to steal, lie, and kill for her people and the rebellion. She is tortured and witnesses the massacre of her planet and all she loves and still fights for freedom. She is dignified, strong, and stubborn but never assumes she is better simply because she is royalty. Obi-Wan and Chewbaca 10/10. Just, A New Hope, the first Star Wars anything, love it.
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ask-squidbeaks-agents · 2 months
Does captian 3 still preform as dg sango?
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// I'm still in absolute disbelief that was almost canon lore or at least was nearly in the games- it was too crazy to not add to the agents lore- Personally my Three did it as a form of like- teen rebellion
Four, Eight, Neo: YOU WHAT?! Callie: OMG yous didn't know?? Cap used to be a super cool, popular underground DJ! He played so many gigs! Marie: Callie- Popular and Underground don't go together.. Callie: *Gasp* Cap you should totes do it again! Captain: I'd rather not... Four: Yeah "Mr DJ" lets hear those tunes~
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All propaganda and what each competitor is from under the cut
Dick Grayson (DC Comincs)
So a bunch of Robins are orphans or orphan adjacent but Dick has the strongest case in his birth parents, whom he was raised by, being very very dead. The kind of orphanhood that sticks in the characterization marrow. Plus in some versions he was carted off to the orphanage and everything, starting his "what if I fist-fought my parents' killer myself" arc early until Bruce ultimately decided to pluck him off his warpath and adopt him.
Dick Grayson is truly the orphan of all time not only is he the ward of another famous orphan (batman) but he really was able to surpass his mentor after being orphaned and used that anger towards his parents death to immediately start fighting crime under the Robin Moniker. The other orphans in dc wish they could do it like him. Plus his name is Dick which is objectively funny.
Dressing like a stoplight and kicking people in the face under a bat furry's direction was the MORE reasonable coping strategy than his original plan. Of singlehandedly taking down the entire mafia even though he was a baby.
Think Batman had issues? Well, consider what happens is he raises his mini-me. This guy is waaaayy too tactically driven and ambitious for a thirteen-year-old. And awesome. And the adult version is —- somebody append a photo.
Okay I submitted Bruce Wayne but like I can’t not submit my beloved boy as well! Anyway his parents have the nebulous honor of being so fucking dead, like literally never coming back to life ever. They died in that circus and the only time I can possibly think of them as ‘coming back’ in any way is in Darkest Night, where there were zombies everywhere. So even when they return to the story they’re still fucking dead! Anyway Dick is like super orphaned, I love him but you look at him and you know his parents are dead.
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please
Trust me bro
Tim Drake (DC Comics)
An early reader-insert character, Tim had all the traits the average comics fan at the time wanted: money, martial arts skills, cool skateboard tricks, lots of girlfriends, secret knowledge about Batman and Robin. He volunteered to be Robin, because what comics fan wouldn't in his place? Continuing to be relatable, he's now bisexual, depressed, and living in a crappy apartment. Which is also a boat, because comics readers think it would be cool to live in a houseboat.
His biological mother, Janet Drake, was murdered in the carribean. In the same attack his biological father was hospitalized for injuries and in a coma. Janey Drake was buried on Christmas Eve. During the period that Jack Drake (his biological father) was in a coma he was temporarily under the care of Bruce Wayne. When Jack got out of the coma he was confined to a wheelchair while he went through physical therapy. He would meet his future second wife, Dana Winters through the physical therapy. The two would get married later, Tim having a good relationship with Dana. Her mediating between the father and son during some of the misunderstandings. Jack would find out that Tim was Robin, then realize Bruce Wayne was Batman, threaten Bruce with a gun, and order Tim to quit being Robin. Though later, Tim would get approval from his father to be Robin again and the two would start improving their father son relationship. During the event of identity crisis Tim's indenture would be at stake and Captian Boomerrang would break into the Drake's house and murder Jack just as Tim arrived. Tim having heard his last words over Comms. His stepmother Dana Winters would be hospitalized in Bludhaven for the mental trauma this inflicted on her, and would soon find herself a victim when Bludhaven was bombed/nuked. Tim would then be adopted by Bruce. Though in 2008 Bruce would be supposedly killed by an Omega Beam, leaving 17 year old Tim as a three times over orphan. Though Tim didn't believe Bruce to actually be dead, but lost in the timestream and would go on a Brucequest to get him back. On this trip he would lose his spleen, and nearly die multiple times.
Doomed by the narrative to become an orphan. Tim had a good thing going for a while, but after he started getting involved with the Bats, his life went downhill from there. He became Robin on the day of his mother's funeral. (I should note that the racism I mentioned in her cause of death is that the person who kills her is an awful racist caricature, NOT that she's canonically a POC.) From there, he spent a while balancing Batman (mentor) and his biological father (who was rendered comatose in the incident that killed his mother, but woke up not long after). Both the Robins that came before him were orphaned. As one Tumblr user put it: while Tim Drake managed to beat the odds and remain not an orphan, eventually, the writers succumbed to the calls of orphanhood. His father dies after he finds out Tim's identity, and it is because he knows the secret that he is ultimately targeted and dies. In the aftermath, Tim attempts to get revenge by assassinating the culprit, but ultimately is unable to betray his personal values and go through with it. He has one of the more realistic parent-child relationships among the Bats because it is down to earth in spite of the eventual doom. Really, it comes down to this: Robin isn't just Batman's sidekick, he's Batman's child. And that meant it was only a matter of. time before Tim Drake was orphaned
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casside-sionnach · 1 year
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I will never not like her, mary sue my left but cheek
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
Just had another thought:
So people will usually write that Phantom doesn’t have a heartbeat, because dead-not-working or core-and-no-organs, right? And the supers with super hearing can tell he doesn’t.
… Captain Marvel is basically made of magic. When he isn’t Lil Billy he doesn’t need to eat, sleep, etc…
So what is Cap doesn’t have a heartbeat either?
So many different ways to play that out. Are they members of the same species? Are they both magic? Are they both dead? Should the JL be concerned by these lacks of basic bodily functions?
And of course, then you’ve got 2 kids with great power and little impulse control everyone believes are super Old…
They would screw with the JL so hard. So many dead jokes. And Jason as a Halfa and playing along would just be… (chef’s kiss!)
oh my god YES! you also gotta think, If Captain Marvel was there first and then Phantom joined the team, they might just assume that Danny is just a similar entity like Captain Marvel: A chosen Champion. He even has a catchphrase when he transforms and everything! so it could go either way: They try to make the JL believe that Captian Marvel is a ghost or they try to make the JL believe that Danny is a Champion of the Infinite Realms.
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