#captain pike fanfiction
thecoffeenebula · 10 months
The Discomforts Of Food
Part One
Christopher Pike/Reader
Genre: angst, fluff
warnings: this story is about a eating disorder
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You are struggling with your eating disorder. You have lost a lot of weight. As you have been getting weaker, the entire crew has become concerned with you. Captain Pike ordered you to go to sickbay, where nurse Chapel was all in ready to take care of you. Both Chris and Christine are by your side to get better.
This is the second week your commanding officer had to send you to sickbay. Another day of getting unwell at your station. In your eyes you did not need to go to sickbay. You were fine. You looked fine. You just had been having stress and that was affecting you. At least that is what you kept telling yourself.
Despite what you were telling yourself, you were pale looking. Your face all fallen in, the bones around your shoulders showing. Even when you stepped underneath the shower when you looked at the mirror you could see your ribs become visible. But sadly, there was not where your focus was.
Subconsciously you knew that something was going on. When you were helping out on a new colony an old man mentioned how thin you were and joked about how you barely ate, as for you, what you ate seemed like a normal portion. It made you really insecure, but still everything felt normal. Your eating felt normal to you.
For months you had been unhappy with your body. You had been overeating for no reason. You just felt like you could handle more than you could take. But the more you did it the more you had the feeling there was a permanent rock in there. Eating was not enjoyable anymore. So one day you were done with all of it, so you decided to eat lighter and smaller portions. Maybe that is where it went wrong, as the ligther portions might have been too light. You mainly ate crackers, yoghurt, fruit and some bread. Dinner you ate in really small portions as you thought that was all your body could handle. You finally felt happier in your body as you did not have that continuous bloating feeling. But eating that light, avoiding most of the fats that you needed, especially in your line of work as a security officer, you needed a lot more of that. Avoiding fats, heavy and unhealthy foods made you this. A thin troubled woman, who had no idea about how much she needed to eat to survive, and slowly killing herself in the process.
You enter your room. The instant the door shut you let out a scream and kick the table that is besides you. “Why?”
Your roommate looked at you, who was happily reading a book in the corner. They got snapped out of their zone and turned around to face you. “Hey, hon, what’s going on? Aren’t you supposed to be on duty?” She put her book down and turns toward you. She notices the look on your face. All pale. It looked as if you were about to faint.
“They send you to sickbay again?”
You nodded.
“And did you go?”
You scoff at her words. “No, what do you think? There is nothing wrong with me. I am just stressed and it sucks. I hate it that I am this sensitive and my body turns into this nauseating, dizzy mess.”
You walk to your bunk where you lie down and put your hand over your head. Irritation rushes through your body as if it is the blood that pumps through your veins.
“I know this is all frustrating for you. Maybe you like something to drink. Maybe something with sugar might help.”
You scrunch your nose. Sugar is the last thing you want. “No thanks, I am good. I just want to sleep. I am exhausted. ”
“Okay. Well if you need something just say so.”
You lift your arm a little to look at your roommate, standing in the middle of the room. You smile at here a little.  “Maybe some water.”
“Suer can do.” Alice, your roommate, walks up to the food synthesizer, types in what she wants and grabs the two appearing glasses of water. She walks back to you and sits down on your bed. She hands you the glass of water. You take it and take big gulps out of it. “Easy” Alice says looking concerned.
“Maybe you would like something to eat. Food can give you energy as well.”
“No, thanks.”
Alice hesitates and looks down at her own glass. You know when she has something on her mind. You roll your eyes at her. “Spill it.” The words come out harshly.
“Okay, well…” Alice nervously fidgets with her glass. “Maybe it is a good idea to go to sickbay.” She could already see you catch air to go into defence. “I know there is nothing going on, just stress. But maybe nurse Chapel can give you something or help you so you won’t feel shit all the time.”
You give her a look.
“It is just a suggestion. But this is the fourth time in two weeks that you get back here. If this keeps going captain Pike or Commander Chin-Riley might reassign you… you might never work as security officer again if Starfleet thinks you cannot handle this job. I don’t want that for you.”
You put your glass down, tired of listening to your worried friend and turn around to catch some sleep. Alice just looks at you and leaves you be. She cannot force you to do anything at all. But she hopes that you will come to your senses.
Another day has passed. Today was an easier day. You were not send to sickbay and you followed along every moment. Captain Pike organized a dinner for his crew. You were invited. You and Chris go way back. He and your father went to the academy together. Your father made Chris your godfather, so he always tries to keep an eye out for you. Chris wrote your recommendations letter to Starfleet and made sure you could serve aboard the Enterprise. He was proud to have you as security officer on his team. You mean a lot to him. He has not seen you a lot over the past few weeks as Chris has been really busy, so he wanted you to be at his bridge crew dinner.
The moment you got off duty you changed your clothes and raced to the captain’s quarters. You were a bit hungry and you missed the captain. You missed your late night chess meetings as Chris had to cancel them because he was so busy. Finally some time together again.
As you enter his quarters, everyone is already there, La’an, Una, Christine, Erica, M’Benga, Spock, Sam, Nyota and Hammer. Sitting there, sipping their wine. Erica instantly comes over to you with a glass of what appears to be water. “As you are always the only sober one, here you have your go to drink. A simple plain glass of water.” She says jokingly. You smile at her.
“Well, someone has to stay responsible on these kind of events and keep the crew under control.” They all laugh. “What must the rest thing if their senior officers walk around the corridors drunk?” “They join in.” Erica says with a wink. Of course, you thought. Instead of coming with a comeback, you take a seat next to Sam, and look at how Spock helps the captain cook, which is a hilarious sight. You never saw Spock in an apron. The happiness did not stay long for you. Your thoughts began to take over at the sight of the food. How there was a lot of it, and how much you needed to eat of it, and what would be too much for you and if there still was a dessert, how much you needed to eat then to have place for it, the thought of how the dessert would be way too much and unhealthy… you could not eat that… the thoughts made you cranky. Not only the thoughts of course, but the lack of food was also playing a part in your crankiness too.
Everyone was talking and enjoying themselves, but you just sat there, staring at your drink, looking at it quite concerned. Captain Pike had been keeping an eye on you. He did not say anything yet. When you walked in concern instantly took over him. Your roommate had been talking to him about you. About how you looked, about how you closed yourself off. She was pretty sure you were overthinking things to much due to the stress you had been having.
Captain Pike and Spock decked the table with food. Everyone took a seat and enjoyed their meal. You just took a little bit off everything. The voice inside of your head is telling you not to eat too much to avoid the feeling of being bloated.
Chris had something special prepared for dessert. He knew about your love for cheesecake. So he made his grandmother’s special New York Cheesecake. As he presented it on the table, something inside of you snapped. You felt full from the little bits you had been eating. You did not want something so unhealthy and mighty in your tummy. You just sat there very uncomfortable, staring at the cheesecake. As Chris wanted to put some on your plate you instantly refused. Chris’ brow is raised up, as he is confused to why you would refuse his famous cheesecake. “Okay” he said steadily. He served the rest of the crew present in his quarters a piece of cheesecake. Everyone seemed all too happy about receiving a piece, despite being all so incredibly full. You could not grasp to how they could be like that. How can you enjoy food even if you are so incredibly full.
Over time, chatting with everyone else, you noticed your hunger returning. It was quite a miserable feeling as everyone had eaten out. You did not want to feel hungry at all. You tried your best to be all nice to them. But you could feel your body become tense and faint. You just tried so hard to keep your focus onto the people around you. Chatting and laughing at stupid jokes. Drinking their wine as if it is Coca Cola. It made you so uncomfortable. 
After cleaning up, everyone left. It was just you and Chris in his quarters. Chris noticed you had a strange look on your face. He grabbed the last piece of cheesecake and easily slides it over to you. “It’s still yours if you want it.” You could feel the pressure onto your head.
You saw that lovely piece of cheesecake lying there on the counter. But everything inside of you told you not to eat it. It was unhealthy and it fills too hard.
You shook your head “I am good. You can have it.”
Chris pulls the plate aside, so he can lean his arms onto the bar.
“Okay, what’s going on?”
You look at him. “Nothing, I’m fine.”
Chris raises his brow at you. Not convinced at your words.
“You seem stressed.”
“No. I am not stressed.” You grasp for breath.
“(y/n), I have to be honest with you. You do not look good.” The irritation rises from your feet up to your head.
“I am doing okay. I have never been more fine. Everything is going well…”
“Then why do you look like a prisoner who hasn’t seen a meal in a month?”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” You say deniably.
“So you have not looked in the mirror lately.” You must admit that every time you looked into a mirror you did notice your ribs sometimes. But you thought this was because of the morning, that you had not eating anything yet.
“I have. I am thin, so what?”
“Maybe a little too thin?” Chris looks at you hopefully. He sees your ever so hopefully eyes looking into his. He gets from behind the bar.
“Come here.” He says, and walks with you to the mirror that stands across the bedroom. He put you in front of the mirror.
“Can you recognize yourself?”
Before you dare to take a look at yourself you keep your eyes on Chris. “Don’t look at me, keep your eyes on you.” He says whilst turning your head to the mirror. You are staring into your own eyes. You look yourself up and down. You look small. You are as thin as a stick. For the first time you had a really good look at yourself. The concern radiates through your eyes. It makes Chris see in that you finally see it.
“What do you see?”
“I am a stick figure.” You say sadly. “I am not okay, am I?”
“Well you are as okay as you can be” Chris places a small kiss into your hair.
“I look like that guy from that old Earth movie you once showed me. What was it called again? Fantastic Beasts? There was this old guy looking just as dead as me.”
Chris chuckled. It was good you still had some humor in you yet.
“You knew all this time things were not okay, you just did not want to see it.”
“Yeah. I have seen the signs, I just, it did not seem real to me. But it is getting more real every day. With the tiredness and by the looks of my body.” You sigh “Chris I am afraid to eat.”
Chris stands in front of you. His soft gaze upon you.
“These thoughts in my head. I am afraid to be full, I am afraid to eat fat and unhealthy things. I am continuously afraid that my stomach will have problems. So I just eat in a way I think is good for me. Because it does not seem to upset my stomach.” Your eyes have become watery. Tears are almost beginning to flow out. The distress within you is high. Chris wraps his arms around you. It is okay.
“No, Chris, it’s not. I am too afraid to eat cheesecake. I am hungry right now and I do not want to eat. Especially not the cheesecake because it is too heavy and unhealthy. It’s not good for me…It’s only gonna give me problems…” tears are streaming down your face.
Chris shushes you. “I just don’t know it anymore.”
“I don’t know either. I am not in your situation, I have no idea what your going through. My mind is not racing about thoughts of food. Only how delicious it is. Like that cheesecake.”
“You are only making it worse.”
“I’m sorry.”
Chris’ sparkling concerned eyes gaze upon you. He looks down at you.
“I just want you to be okay. We can go to sickbay, together if it helps.”
You hesitate for a moment. “I don’t know.”
“Do it for yourself. Doctor M’Benga can help you. You can become better again.”
You nod along his words.
“Okay. I will seek help. But only if you come with me.”
“I won’t leave your side.”
“Thank you.” You say smiling at him.
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owlsomee · 6 months
Can somebody please link me a multi chapter fic of my babies? I’m desperate. I miss them too much
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ichayalovesyou · 5 months
Cool News Guys
Guess who finally has an AO3 Account?! MEEEEEE!
Am I slowly but surely putting all of my Captain Pike x Reader fics on there? YES!
Would it be awesome if y'all checked it out? ALSO YES!!
All of my Star Trek stuff is under IchayaLovesYou as a pseudonym of my main account! My non-trek (BG3 and WIld WIld West) stuff are under my main account.
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fic-rec-time · 5 months
Another Life
by LullabyKnell
Star Trek AOS/Complete/Chapters: 12  Words: 61,871
In one moment, James T. Kirk is the acting captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise, on his way home to Earth after stopping the Narada. In the next moment, without explanation, James T. Kirk is an Academy cadet on academic probation again, barely a day before Nero will destroy Vulcan. 
He dares himself to do better. And with a planet on the line and no proof but his own memories, he knows that "better" means he'll need some help.
I am . . . beyond words. This is an amazing piece of writing. The desperate determination to save Vulcan and everybody else, Jim and Spock and Pike leaning on each other, Spock and Jim coming together as a team, the bridge crew coming together as a team, its all so good. The emotion in this sweeps you away. The mechanics of the time travel itself I won’t get into detail on, because spoilers, but it feels so true to the source material.
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shamelesstrekkie13 · 2 years
AOS Christopher Pike x Reader after a big fight
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Hiii!! So, this is my first time publishing a fanfic in here, so if I'm making any mistakes, please tell me! Also, you can send me requests for any characters of Star Trek, Percy Jackson, Shadow and Bone or Harry Potter :) Also, I should warn you that English isn't my main lenguage, so, I'm sorry for any mistakes I might've made. I really hope you enjoy this fic!
Words: 2662
I don't think there's anything to warn about. There are a couple cursewords, and the word "kill" does appear, but it's all very light.
After I stormed out of Chris’ quarters, I went to the Mess Hall, searching for Sulu, so that he could cheer me up. This wasn’t our first fight, but it was the biggest one yet. The reason why we fought was a really stupid reason, which usually wouldn’t have made either one of us mad, but the stress got to us. So I started getting annoyed and a disagreement became a full on fight. And then, because Chris was also under a lot of stress (because of his captaincy of the Enterprise), the relatively normal fight became the biggest fight we’ve ever had. We started calling eachother names that neither one of us meant, but Chris crossed a line after calling me clingy, needy and 'too much'. And by 'crossed a line' I mean completely shattered my heart. 
Honestly, the only reason why that bothered me so much is because my love language is a hundred percent physical touch. It’s one of the few things that make me feel loved and secure, and it’s my first method of showing love. I’ve always loved hugging and stroking or something as simple as holding hands, because that’s how the message of love got across from one person to another. With Chris being my superior, we could hardly do this kind of thing in front of other people, and since we both work so much, we didn’t have a lot of time for us either. That’s why Chris calling me 'clingy' and 'needy' and 'too much' hit me so hard. I didn’t even know I was 'too much'. For me this was a completely normal thing, it didn’t even cross my mind that it could be annoying. After hearing Chris tell me that, the only thing I could do was get out of his quarters as soon as possible, so that I wouldn’t break down in front of the person who called me 'too much.' That hurt in so many ways that I just couldn’t even look at him without hurting all over again.
I found Sulu sitting on a table with Chèkov, and I immediately went over to them, to explain and vent about what happened. As soon as they saw me, they knew something bad happened, I’m guessing because I didn’t greet them in my usual cheery and optimistic way. I sat down and sighed profoundly, and then I began explaining everything. While I was explaining the events trying desperately not to cry, Chèkov got up and went towards the replicator to order us some alcohol. When he came back with all the shots of tequila, I drank them all, without even thinking that some of those would be for them too. 
“I just don’t understand how he could say something like that” I continued venting. “It makes no sense. He never once complained about me being needy or clingy or annoying. What if that’s what he’s been thinking all this time but never told me?”
I started spirling and questioning everything about our relationship, because we had only been dating for almost a year, even though we had loved each other for much longer, but due to our ranks in StarFleet, neither of us had acted on our feelings. We didn’t even know if the other one felt the same way we did. 
“I wouldn’t say that” started Sulu “that man is crazy for you. I can’t even imagine him saying anything like this to you” 
Everybody knew about my way of showing love. Most people found it cute, and said they’d love to have a girlfriend who showed so much affection. Everybody jokingly said that the Captain didn’t need to be worried about any cheating. I loved too hard to ever cheat. 
“I agree with him. You should talk to him, I’m sure it was just the stress talking” said Chèkov with his pronounced accent. 
“But that’s the thing. Even if he said it because of the stress, doesn’t that mean that at some point in our relationship he felt that way?” I started to tear up again “Maybe everybody’s right and I love too hard”
Sulu and Chèkov looked at each other before addressing me.
“You loving so hard is something unique. And it’s a good thing. And even if he feels like that, which is hard to believe, you deserve much better. You are awesome, girl.” 
When Sulu finished his pep talk, Chèkov commented too:
“If the captain truly feels like that, then we’ll help you move on. We’ll call Nyota and she’ll create a party for you to drink and dance your pain away.”
At that moment I felt so lucky to have the friends that I have. To have support through those dark days that everybody has. I looked at them gratefully. 
Soon enough, Nyota and Spock joined us at the table, and she started to tell a story about a cadet that touched the wrong thing and caused a blackout in the entire ship. Even though I knew exactly what she was doing, which was to distract me from my chaotic love life, I followed her lead. 
Captain Pike was a very busy man. He was the captain of the Federation’s flag ship. He was in constant stress because of a million things, but today it felt different. Maybe because of the headache he woke up with. Or maybe because of the huge fight he had had earlier with his girlfriend. Yeah, that was probably it. He didn’t know what came over him. He just snapped when she got close to hug him. Maybe it was because he was late for his shift, and captains can never be late. It could also be because of the meeting he had that afternoon with Admiral Marcus, which made him really nervous and even more stressed than he already was. He didn’t know how to feel about Admiral Marcus, and because of that, he needed to be careful around him. 
Pike couldn’t afford to not be at his maximum when the time of the meeting with the Admiral came. He thought he should distract himself with work, because there was nothing left to do to prepare for the meeting, so the only thing he could do was work until the time came. 
It sounds as if Pike was going to a meeting to find out if he was guilty or innocent of some crime, but that wasn’t the case at all. Just the presence of Admiral Marcus caused this reaction in him. The goal was to go to that meeting free of stress, but now, after the fight he had had with his girlfriend, he was more stressed than ever. He was also worried. Like, sick worried. Because he obviously didn’t mean anything he had said to her, but he knew he fucked up. He knew it, and he was terrified of the consequences of his fuck up. He loved his girlfriend more than anything, she was there for him no matter what, even after his torture. Not many people would’ve stayed after an event like that. He loved her for that. He also loved the way she loved him. The way she loved in general. He loved everything about her, because her love was all he needed to survive. And she had more than enough love for him. All those things he had called her in their fight were repeating in his mind, like an infinite, torturous loop. He didn’t mean a single word of what he had said. 
He also knew that she loved harder than anyone, despite everything that had happened to her in her life. And he admired that above everything else. Her capacity for love was extraordinary, and he might’ve just lost her. No, he definitely lost her. And he couldn’t deal with the implications of that loss right now. Not when he had a ship to run, not when he had a meeting with one of the Admirals of StarFleet. Not when he knew that when he started processing that loss, he would break down, and he wouldn’t recover. He couldn’t. It was just impossible to move on from a love like that, especially when it was his own fault that the relationship had ended. 
Pike entered engineering, to distract himself from the heartbreak he was sure would kill him. He had to oversee a repair procedure on the warp core, to make sure nobody fucked it up. He started walking around engineering, not caring about the repair anymore, just trying to make sense of his thoughts. He walked past a console when a memory hit him. Over a year ago, a shipwide failure happened, knocking the Enterprise out cold. You were there, in engineering, on that same console, trying to revive the ship. You had found a solution on how to fix the problem, and he thought “damn, she’s smart.” And he was right. You were one of the smartest people he had ever met. He also thought you’d have a boyfriend, because it was impossible for a woman like you to be single for long. But, luckily for him, you were single. And the rest was history.
The time to meet Admiral Marcus had come, and the captain made his way to his ready room, to meet the Admiral on a call. He had no clue why this meeting was happening, which was worrying. He started thinking, once again, that maybe StarFleet Command would want to retire him from the chair, because of the torture. And that was an unthinkable thought. When he had thoughts like this, you were always by his side, ready to shine and dissipate all the shadows that were clouding his mind. But you weren’t there now. And you probably wouldn’t be anymore. So he had to force his thoughts away from his mind, which was very difficult to do, since there were shadows everywhere, and your light wasn’t there. 
The computer informed him about Admiral Marcus calling him, and so he straightened his spine and accepted the call.
“Good afternoon, Captain. You look like hell.”
“Good afternoon, Admiral. I must say, I have no idea why this meeting was scheduled in the first place, and that has been making me nervous.”
The captain was trying to keep his nerves under control, so that he wouldn’t say anything stupid. 
“Well, you can relax, Chris. StarFleet Command has decided to promote you to Admiral due to your admirable strength against Nero. Congratulations.”
Pike felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from his shoulders. He felt an enormous relief that nobody was forcing him to retire. His next thought was to tell you about his promotion, and then he remembered he hadn’t seen you since the fight. So he decided to go see you, have you back, and tell you the news. He started to see everything from a different perspective, and he decided that he may have fucked up, but he wouldn’t give up so easily. He wanted you by his side, and it saddened him that you weren’t there when Admiral Marcus had told him about his promotion. 
“Those are excellent news, Admiral. I’d like to thank whoever made this decision, because it’s something I’ve been waiting for a long time. If you excuse me, I have people to share this news to. Have a nice day, sir.”
He hung up without waiting for an answer, and got out of his ready room on long, fast strides. He asked the computer where you were so that he could go and talk to you about both the fight and his promotion. Chris realised that if he was going to be Admiral, he didn’t want to be it without you. If it hadn’t been for you he probably wouldn’t even be on Starfleet right now, due to the torture. 
When he arrived at the mess hall, he saw you with Sulu, with all kinds of alcoholic beverages on the table and a couple of them in your hands. You were laughing at something Sulu had said, and Chèkov was explaining something, gesturing a lot with his hands, and you looked really interested at what he was saying. Suddenly, Pike wished that it was him at whom you were laughing and dedicating that beautiful smile. 
Chèkov saw the captain and stopped speaking abruptly. He then said something to you in quiet whispers. You turned around and looked straight at Chris. The captain’s heart started to beat at an unsafe rhythm, faster with each step you took towards him.
“We should talk” You said
“Yes, we should,” the captain agreed.
Chris took your hand and practically dragged you to his quarters. Once you both got there, he held both your hands and started talking.
“First of all, I need you to know that I didn’t mean a single thing that I said this morning. I love the way you love me, and your way of showing affection. I was really stressed about my meeting with Marcus, and I took it out on you. And I’m terribly sorry for that. I thought my whole future at StarFleet was in danger, and instead of letting you help me, I snapped at you. It will never happen again, because now I know what would happen to me if you ever left me. Just today, after the fight, I was absolutely terrified of you leaving me. For a moment there, I thought we might never be us again. And then, I had my meeting with Admiral Marcus, and he told me that I’ve been promoted to Admiral. The first thing I thought after being relieved that nobody was forcing me to retire was you. Without you, I probably wouldn’t even be on StarFleet after my torture. You’re the reason for this. You’re the reason for every single good thing in my life. You’re everything. So, I really hope you can forgive me for my fuck up. If you do forgive me, I have a lot of good ideas on how to celebrate our accomplishment.”
You were left speechless. After Chris’ speech, you felt as if you were going to cry and just break down right there of happiness and relief. 
“So you never meant anything you said this morning? I was starting to think that maybe you felt that way all along and that you weren’t happy or that maybe I really was ‘too much’” Your eyes were tearing up slowly, and the captain realised that.
Chris’ heart broke from just hearing your self-doubts. His heart broke a little bit more when he remembered that he was the cause of your self-doubts. 
“I would never think that. You’re more than enough, and I could never have ‘too much’ of you. In case you didn’t realise, I’m madly in love with you, and I’m absolutely horrified by the words that I said earlier today.”
As if the captain couldn’t restrain himself anymore, he took a step forward and engulfed you on a huge bear hug. He held you tightly for several minutes, enjoying your body temperature and having you in his arms once again. He rested his face on the crook of your neck and inhaled deeply, as if he wanted to memorise your smell and never forget it. He whispered how sorry he was in your ear and kissed you several times on your cheek and neck, as if tasting the most delicious and sweet food. 
“Chris, this morning I’ve also said a couple of things that I didn’t mean at all. So, really, I’m at fault here too. And I love you too. You’re also one of the most loyal, kind and smart men I’ve ever met, and I’m really grateful to have you as my partner.” You held him tighter than ever too. You had missed him terribly throughout this day. 
You cupped your lover’s cheeks and directed his lips towards yours. 
Sure enough, that night neither of you slept much.
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starryeyes2000 · 1 year
Captain Honorary Dad: Chapter 1
A Constitution Class School Bus
Read on AO3 or FFN
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 800
Summary: Inspired by this tumblr prompt: TNG always makes a big deal of how Picard isn’t comfortable commanding a ship with children on board. Tell me Pike would not LOVE having kids on his ship ... Thank you @authortobenamedlater
Chapters will be vignettes.
Excerpt: Contains a mild spoiler for Strange New Worlds Season 2 Episode 1
“Children,” La’an said with disbelief in her tone. “I heard you say children. Children on board a starship, this ship. Is this a prank Captain? Have you fallen and hit your head?”
“Not recently.”
Una spoke from the other end of the conference table. “He’s serious. Mission parameters transmitted this morning. Enterprise will lead a taskforce of cargo and escort vessels departing in a month.”
La’an crossed arms over her chest. “So we’re being punished.”
“Establishing a joint colony in the Hei cluster is honoring a promise to the R’Ongovians. As our crew participated in talks seeking their alliance with the Federation, it’s only natural we undertake the mission,” Pike said.
Continue Reading on AO3 or FFN
Author Masterlist
Taglist: @arrthurpendragon @bardic-tales @themaradwrites @chickensarentcheap @authortobenamedlater
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ziyan-idaris · 11 months
The final story in the Kinktober 2259 series: Chris and Una have done away with the kinktober ball and are just having a lazy morning in bed.
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waitingintheskyyy · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek: Strange New Worlds (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Number One | Una Chin-Riley/Christopher Pike, La'an Noonien-Singh & Number One | Una Chin-Riley, La'an Noonien-Singh & Christopher Pike Characters: Christopher Pike, Number One | Una Chin-Riley (Star Trek), La'an Noonien-Singh, Original Male Character(s) Additional Tags: Shore Leave, Family Dynamics, Alternate Universe, not sure Summary:
La'an has always found a family in Una and Chris, when they got married thought, she started to feel unnecessary to that family. She'll get proven wrong and get the family she deeply desires.
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audiofanficpod · 1 year
Dana Scully Feels Every Inch of Mr. Spock by AnonymousFijiMermaid
Read by Annie
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Please leave the author a comment if you enjoyed their story 😘
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lyricalviolet · 2 years
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Chapters: 39/39 Fandom: Star Trek: Discovery Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Michael Burnham/Christopher Pike, Michael Burnham & Christopher Pike Series: Part 1 of Doubt Thou the Stars Are Fire Summary:
All Michael Burnham wants is to be an explorer and pay back the debt she thinks she owes the Universe.
All Christopher Pike wants is to be a good man and to serve others.
Enter the Seven Signals, a murder mystery, galaxy-ending peril, and each other.
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Amidst the Stars and Raging Seas
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Hi, friends! The first fanfic I've ever shared publicly is now complete! You can find the whole thing here! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it <3
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threespacemonkeys · 1 year
Shameless self promotion! I should be working on my MerMay stories instead I’m being sucked back down the star trek hole, my first love
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yelling at teresa lisbon through a screen isn’t enough i need a gun
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41, 42, 48 for the fanfic ask meme?
Fanfic ask meme.
41. Who’s your favorite character you’ve written?
This is going back a ways, but I completely love my Robert and Sarah April for my Pike-April Family Business AU. I basically made them into my OCs. Writing them came so easily for some reason, their family dynamic with Pike was a ton of fun, and I got a lot of positive feedback on it. I want to revive this AU at some point but it keeps sputtering.
This is AOS, not Strange New Worlds, though I love both Pikes dearly very much.
(These stories are all on my FFN, if anyone’s curious)
42. What’s your favorite title that you’ve come up with?
I love titles so this is hard 😆
Exception Handling, cause I think it’s a clever use of computer terminology, and finding the title was almost as wild a ride as writing the fic.
What Do You Do With a Drunk Togruta?
48. Who is your favorite character to write for? Has this changed since you’ve started writing for that fandom?
I have written for so many fandoms I’m just going to go with the ones where I’ve done the most writing/have a standout favorite character.
Star Trek AOS: Pike
TCW: Rex
Halo TV: John and Cortana count as one character right? Especially after the finale?
Halo game-verse: Roland + Lasky, because in my world AIs their humans are a package deal I guess.
…It seems I have a type.
My favorite character to write for doesn’t tend to change, I just accumulate new ones as the fandom progresses. 🤣
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2063april5 · 1 year
Ongoing list of queer stuff in snw
Pike seems to be in an open relationship
Christine Chapel is attracted to all genders
Captain Angel is nonbinary and goes by they/them
Sybok is dating a nonbinary person
Rukiya made the physical manifestation of two female fairytale characters be in a relationship together in her larp fanfiction
Ariana has two moms
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starryeyes2000 · 1 year
Episode 2: That Hug
Extra Scenes, Codas, and Other Stuff (SNW Season 2)
Read on AO3 or FFN
Pairing: Pike & Una; hints of Pike x Una
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 462
Summary: Deleted scenes, character development, and other odds and ends for Strange New Worlds Season 2. Contains spoilers.
May I kiss you?
Continue reading on AO3 or FFN
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Taglist: @arrthurpendragon @bardic-tales @themaradwrites @chickensarentcheap
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