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thegreatprinceoftheforest · 2 months ago
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Northern Rocky Mountains White-tailed Deer | Amanda Iceton
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She doe be posing 🦌😁
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raw-wild · 6 days ago
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Eastern Roe Deer | Sofronov Evgeniy
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charring58 · 6 months ago
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The Cervinae or the Old World deer, are a subfamily of deer. Alternatively, they are known as the plesiometacarpal deer, due to having lost the parts of the second and fifth metacarpal bones closest to the foot (though retaining the parts away from the foot), distinct from the telemetacarpal deer of the Capreolinae (which have instead retained these parts of those metacarpals, while losing the parts away from the foot instead).[1]
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erherr · 1 year ago
In case you are like me and disappointed that this wasn't actually a like about animal adjectives
accipitrine hawk
anserine goose
aquiline eagle
asinine ass
avine bird
bovine cow
bubaline buffalo
cameline camel
cancrine crab
canine dog
caprine goat
cervine deer
corvine crow, raven
crocodiline crocodile
elephantine elephant
equine horse
falconine falcon
feline cat
ferine any wild animal
hippopotamine hippopotamus
hircine goat
hirundine swallow
hystricine porcupine
lacertine lizard
larine gull
leonine lion
leporine hare
lumbricine earthworm
lupine wolf
murine mouse
myrmecophagine Anteater
aleclaphine, bubaline, antilopine antelope
simian ape
tolypeutine armadillo
ovine sheep
pardine leopard, panther
passerine sparrow
pavonine peacock
picine woodpecker
piscine fish
porcine pig
pteropine bat
ranine frog
scolopendrine centipede
serpentine serpent
soricine shrew
struthionine ostrich
suilline swine
taurine bull
tigrine tiger
ursine bear
vespine wasp
viperine viper
vituline calf
viverrine mongoose
vulpine fox
vulturine vulture
zebrine zebra
zibeline sable
anguine snake
arachnoid spider
batrachian toad
bovine bison
cervine elk
cetacean whale
cygnine swan
delphine dolphin
dipterous fly
eusuchian alligator
formic ant
galline chicken
gastropodian snail
vermian worm
murine rat
musteline badger
ostracine oyster
otarine seal
pieridine butterfly
scyphozoan jellyfish
simian monkey
testudine tortoise
vespine Hornet
percesocine barracuda
apiarian bee
rupicaprine chamois
viverrine civet
coralline coral
elapine cobra
didine dodo
myoxine dormouse
draconine dragon
cervine elk
piscine fish
musteline ferret
pulicine flea
pteropine flying fox
vulpine fox
gazelline gazelle
cricetine gerbil
cricetine hamster
hyenine hyena
macropidine kangaroo
hirudine leech
microtine lemming
lemurine lemur
patelline limpet
homarine lobster
pediculine louse
manatine manatee
musteline marten
musteline mink
acarine mite
talpine mole
arctian moth
didelphine opossum
orygine oryx
lutrine otter
pantherine panther
musteline polecat
pythonine python
crotaline rattlesnake
ceratorhine rhinoceros
glirine rodent
capreolinae roebuck
zibeline sable
salamandrine salamander
limacine slug
hippocampine sea horse
atherine smelt
sciurine squirrel
musteline stoat
termitine termite
acarine tick
microtine vole
musteline weasel
pongine orangutan
phascolomian wombat
icterine blackbird
turdine bluebird
pyrrhuline bullfinch
emberizine bunting
buteonine, cathartine buzzard
pyrrhuloxine cardinal
rangiferine reindeer
phalacrocoracine cormorant
phocaenine porpoise
varanine monitor lizard
alectorine crane
cuculine cuckoo
columbine dove
charadrine, scolopacine woodcock
vulturine vulture
meleagrine turkey
cypseline swift
cygnine swan
ciconine stork
oscine songbird
charadrine snipe
coturnix quail
pullastrine pigeon
charadrine plover
alectorine, phasianine pheasant
perdicine partridge
psittacine parrot
struthious ostrich
strutious ostrich
philomelian nightingale
mimine mockingbird
icterine meadowlark
hirundine martin
anatine mallard
garruline magpie
psittacine macaw
milvine kite
halcyonine kingfisher
falconine kestrel
garruline jay
trochiline hummingbird
larine gull
fringilline finch
accipitrine falcon
You know how the word "feline" refers to cats, and "canine" refers to dogs? There are a whole bunch more animal adjectives, and here are some of them:
equine -> horses
bovine -> cows
murine -> mice/rats
porcupine -> porcupines
wolverine -> wolves
marine -> marmosets
saline -> salmonella
cosine -> cosmonauts
citrine -> citrus
combine -> combs
famine -> your fam
bromine -> your bros
palpatine -> your pals
alpine -> alps
christine -> christ
asinine -> asses
machine -> the speed of sound
landmine -> explosions
migraine -> migrants
trampoline -> tramps
dopamine -> dopes
medicine -> the Medici family
praline -> prey
masculine -> mascara
feminine -> femurs
latrine -> latissimus dorsi
fettuccine -> fetuses
poutine -> sadness
turbine -> turbans
engine -> england
supine -> soup
valentine -> valence electrons
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snototter · 2 years ago
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A White-Tailed deer buck (Odocoileus virginianus)  in Algonkian Regional Park, Virginia, USA
by Tom Black
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animalids · 3 years ago
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Shiras moose (Alces alces shirasi)
Photo by Marlin Harms
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cozamal0tl · 2 years ago
Hiker hides behind a tree as a moose approaches
(X) <-
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anirobot · 3 years ago
Police have captured a reindeer and delivered it to the Korkeasaari zoo to recover.
The capture was supervised by a veterinarian at the Korkeasaari Zoo.
The vet also made sure the animal was indeed a reindeer, not a Finnish forest reindeer (Rangifer tarandus fennicus)...
However, the veterinarian will carry out further examinations of the reindeer to confirm the subspecies, as it is a calf born last year and because the young calf does not show the characteristics of the species well.
A DNA sample has been taken from the animal and submitted for examination!
There is no information about the owner of the reindeer and the Finnish Forest Reindeer residential areas are far to the north.
DNA test to decide future of Helsinki's young roaming reindeer
The reindeer was taken to the zoo's wildlife hospital after being caught by police on Saturday. The animal had shown severe stress symptoms but on Sunday morning the hospital said the young reindeer survived the night, was on its feet and had eaten.
He is a young male reindeer, but the authorities do not yet know his subspecies ...
He has no ear marks! According to Finnish law, a reindeer owned by someone must have ear marks that indicate the owner.
The Finnish ear marks:
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The ear marks are read from behind! Picture: Paliskuntain yhdistys
Reindeer - Wikipedia
Reindeer herding - Wikipedia
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faunalregion · 4 years ago
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inprnt · 4 years ago
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"DEER RENDER " by roma Timbreza on INPRNT
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thegreatprinceoftheforest · 5 months ago
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European Roe Deer | Andreas Nowack
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deathtek · 4 years ago
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dendroica · 5 years ago
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Moose at Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge (via USFWS Mountain-Prairie)
Photo: Tom Koerner/U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
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purenenaas · 6 years ago
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Wild Taiga Forest
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stephanocardona · 6 years ago
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Rehbock im reifen Weizen by hans24
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