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“AMOR É FEITO CAPIM”... Como assim???
Há alguns anos, enquanto aguardava meu pedido, num restaurante próximo à escola em que lecionava, fui despertada dos meus pensamentos pelo som de uma música popular que, à época, fez muito sucesso. Só que até aquele momento eu ainda não a tinha escutado, então prestei bem atenção para não achar que estava enganada e confirmei, a letra era mesmo aquela: “♬♪ Amor é feito capim, mas olha que absurdo, a gente planta, ele cresce, aí vem uma vaca e acaba tudo ♬♪”.
Não tive como conter o riso, embora tenha ficado mais surpresa pela comparação banal entre CAPIM X AMOR do que pelo evidente protesto de alguém que, como eu, já tinha levado um pé na bunda.
É engraçado como a gente sempre busca culpados para os nossos fracassos, em vez de assumir a parcela que nos cabe e, já que estamos falando em vaca, vamos dar nomes aos bois: em vez de dar a mão à palmatória e admitir que “isso não deu certo, porque não demos o nosso melhor”; que “aquilo foi um fiasco, porque não havia interesse”; ou ainda que “a gente nunca deveria confundir sexo com amor”!
E a gora, essa comparação esdrúxula. Eu fico, então, pensando nas pessoas que estão plantando capim e atribuindo a ele um valor que não tem. Você e eu podemos, neste exato momento, estar investindo pequenas fortunas emocionais, e materiais, em relacionamentos ou em projetos que não valem a pena, que estão fadados ao fracasso desde o início!
É preciso cultivar nesta vida algo bem mais nobre que capim. De preferência, algo que cresça, que floresça, que dê frutos e que ainda forneça boas sementes.
Se qualquer vaca está devorando nossos sonhos, sem nenhuma parcimônia, o problema não é a vaca. A gente é que está plantando a semente errada.
Lídia Vasconcelos
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Berikut Profil 5 Pimpinan KPK Terpilih dan Rekam Jejaknya
LAMPUNG, Cinews.id – Lima nama yang terpilih menjadi pimpinan KPK telah resmi diumumkan usai menyelesaikan tes uji kelayakan dan kepatutan (fit and proper test). Lima nama tersebut adalah Setyo Budiyanto, Ibu Basuki Widodo, Johanis Tanak, Fitroh Rohcahyanto, dan Agus Joko Pramono. Kelima sosok terpilih tersebut bakal mengemban tugas menjadi pimpinan KPK untuk periode 5 tahun kedepan, 2024-2025.…
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Pansel: 20 Capim KPK dan 20 Calon Dewas KPK Lolos Tes Asesmen
Panitia Seleksi mengumumkan hasil tes profile assesment Capim dan Dewas KPK masa Jabatan Periode Tahun 2024-2029. Ada 40 calon Pimpinan KPK dan 40 calon Dewas KPK yang ikut tes tersebut beberapa hari lalu. Namun, hanya 20 Capim KPK dan 20 Calon Dewas KPK yang dinyatakan lolos. “Yang dinyatakan lulus masing-masing untuk calon pimpinan ada 20 orang dan dewan pengawas ada 20 calonnya,” kata Ketua…
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Dapat Info soal 382 Orang yang Lolos Seleksi Capim-Dewas KPK? Beri Tahu Pansel
Panitia Seleksi (Pansel) Calon Pimpinan (Capim) dan Dewan Pengawas (Dewas) KPK mengumumkan hasil seleksi Capim dan Dewas KPK masa Jabatan Periode Tahun 2024-2029. Ada 236 dari 318 orang yang lolos seleksi Capim, dan 146 dari 207 orang Dewas KPK. Ketua Pansel KPK, Muhammad Yusuf Ateh mengatakan, pihaknya meminta tanggapan dari masyarakat terkait nama-nama yang telah dinyatakan lolos seleksi…
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My two fics for the @cap-ironman Holiday Exchange ♡
in the storm, we stay clear for @kandisheek ♡
mcu, rated explicit, 4432 words.
Beside him, Tony’s getting comfortable, too, unknotting his tie with one hand, the other tapping away on his phone. The light from his phone illuminates his profile. Steve forces his gaze way when he realizes he’s been staring at Tony’s mouth for a solid five seconds.
It’s going to be a long wait.
Steve and Tony's car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. It leads to some misunderstandings and then finally some long overdue conversations (and car sex! 🤭)
Something On My Mind ♡
mcu, rated mature, 2179 words.
During a team game of Never Have I Ever, Tony finds out that Steve has done—some things with men. Things spiral from there.
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Papa-capim - Yellow-bellied Seedeater por silene andrade
#sileneandrade#Papa-capim#Baiano#Yellow-bellied Seedeater#Sporophila nigricollis#Thraupidae#Passarinho#Bird#Natureza#Nature#Pássaro#Nikon#Nikon COOLPIX P1000#flickr
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Papa-Capim is canonically Indigenous. He is from the fictitious Tribo do Rio.
Professor Kukui is canonically Indigenous. He is Alolan, which is the in-universe version of the Kānaka Maoli.
#indigenous character tournament#ict round 1#tournament poll#turma da mônica#turma do papa-capim#papa capim#papa-capim#pokemon sun and moon#professor kukui
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Cap-IM Rec Week 2024: Cap-IM Sunday
Rec Week's final day is all about community - because that is all of you who are here to bring fanworks, joy and cheer to the Cap-IronMan community! Wonderful fanworks have been created over the years and it is time to celebrate all the lovely creators that help make our events possible. We're finishing our rec week with Cap-IM Sunday, so rec any and all fanworks produced for a Cap-Iron Man event, both old and new!
Note: Please mark major warnings for your recs, and if you have time, let us know why you’re reccing a work.
Reply to this post with your recs!
All ways to participate with recs for the Cap-IM Rec Week 2024 on DW, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram & Discord:
You can comment with your recs on the day on the special posts that will go up on our Dreamwidthcommunity. (Anon commenting will allow anyone to participate, even if they don’t have an account.)
Reply to the day’s tumblr post that will go up on our cap-ironman tumblr or the tweet on our cap-ironman twitter or the post on our Bluesky account and add your recs to it. Or drop a rec or two on our instagram post!
During rec week you can make a Tumblr-Post and tag it with #capimrecweek within the first five tags on the post. Please include the day’s theme you are reccing for somewhere in the body of the post. On the dedicated day we will reblog posts for the day’s theme on our community tumblr and our other socials and later include them in the masterlist.
During rec week post rec(s) on Twitter matching the day's theme and mention @ cap-ironman so that we can retweet it.
Share your recs to our cap-ironman discord server in the #stony-recs channel mentioning the day’s theme you are reccing for somewhere in the rec
Rec Week 2024 Themes and Schedule
Better Together Monday, July 22nd: Tell us all about those fanworks where Tony and Steve are better teammates, are more competent, complete missions more efficiently and are just overall better for working and being together!
Time Travel Tuesday: July 23rd: Rec all those great fanworks where Tony or Steve (or Tony and Steve) travel to the past or the future or to an alternate past or future and discover unexpected realities and new truths!
Early Canon Wednesday, July 24th: Bring on all those fanworks set in those heady early days of canon where Steve and Tony have just met and are starting to work together.
DarkFic Thursday: July 25th: All you DarkFic lovers rec us those fanworks that hit that spot, the one where things go bad, or go from bad to worse (and even more worse) and the endings are unexpected.
Family Friday, July 26th: Rave about those fanworks about Steve and Tony being parents to young children, or single parents meeting other single parents, or starting a family or dealing with teenage kids or finding family, whatever family means.
Smut Saturday: July 27th: Give all the recs for those spicy fanworks that make your blood run hot or make your heart thump harder.
Cap-IM Sunday: July 28th: Rec all your favorite works created for one of the Cap-IronMan challenges!
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Bro just took on a 3v1 and won. After that, another 1v1 and made him run away. Then, he successfully accomplished his mission.
Bro was dressed like a fkin Dark Emperor. Bro was imposing, immaculate. Bro was Klein Moretti.
That was so epic!
#vertigone rambles#lord of the mysteries#lotm#klein moretti#lotm volume 2#the fight against Capim and company#Also!! Successfully escaped under the nose of two High-Sequence Beyonders!#flawless
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O Maurício do Velho Testamento.
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Cais do Capim na Rua do Sol, ao Fundo a Ponte de Santa Isabel a Esquerda a Assembleia Legislativa do Estado - Recife Em 1915.
#Recife#Recife PE#Recife City#Rua do Sol#Cais do Capim#Pontes do Recife#Rio Capibaribe#Ponte de Santa Isabel#1915#Pernambuco#Nordeste#Old Photography#Old Photo#Vintage#Efemérides#Fotografia Antiga#Recife Antigamente
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27 Plantas que Afastam Insetos e Protegem Sua Casa Naturalmente
Algumas plantas, em vasos, no jardim ou em hortas, nos ajudam a espantar ou a diminuir a incidência de alguns insetos, como o Aedes aegypti, embora o efeito não ter sido ainda demonstrado cientificamente, a sabedoria popular as recomenda. Edson Jesus – As Estrelas na Terra. 2020 set 05 Descubra como embelezar seu lar e afastar insetos indesejados com plantas que funcionam como repelentes…
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#aedes aegypti#afastar insetos indesejados#alecrim#anis#arruda#ácaros#óregano#batata#brócolis#bugs insetos#canteiros hortaliças#capim limão#Capuchinha#cebolinha alho-poró#cenouras#citronela#como embelezar seu lar#cravo da ìndia#crisântemo#demonstrado cientificamente#Edson Jesus As Estrelas na Terra#endro#erva cidreira#erva-doce#ervas#ervas da família Allium#fada e bruxinha erveira Facebook#fáceis de cuidar#geranio#horta
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Komisi III DPR RI Resmi Memilih Setyo Budiyanto Sebagai Ketua KPK Periode 2024-2029
JAKARTA, Cinews.id – Komisi III DPR RI resmi memilih Inspektur Jenderal (Irjen) Kementerian Pertanian Setyo Budiyanto sebagai Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) periode 2024-2029. Keputusan diambil usai pelaksanaan uji kelayakan dan kepatutan atau fit and proper test. Harta kekayaan Setyo Budiyanto Laporan harta kekayaan penyelenggara negara (LHKPN) miliknya mencatatkan nilai sebesar…
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Dilantik Hari Ini, Pimpinan dan Dewas KPK Periode 2024-2029 Aktif Kerja 20 Desember
JAKARTA – Pimpinan dan Dewan Pengawas Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) periode 2024-2029 baru mulai aktif bekerja per 20 Desember 2024 mendatang, meski telah diambil sumpah jabatan oleh Presiden Prabowo Subianto pada hari ini, Senin (16/12). Hal itu merujuk pada Surat Keputusan Presiden Nomor 161P/2024. “Tanggal efektif berlakunya mulai tanggal 20 Desember 2024,” ucap Juru Bicara KPK, Tessa…
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Uau! Olhe este Hot Whells! Perfeito para dar de presente para as crianças!
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Descubra os Surpreendentes Benefícios desta Folha para a Saúde!
Na busca por opções naturais para melhorar a saúde e o bem-estar, muitas vezes esquecemos que os maiores aliados podem estar em nosso quintal. Uma dessas joias escondidas é a folha de limão. Amplamente usada na culinária para aromatizar pratos e em infusões, a folha de limão possui uma série de propriedades que vão além do sabor refrescante. Neste post, você vai descobrir os inúmeros benefícios…
#benefícios da folha de louro#beneficios do capim limão#benefícios do capim limão#benefícios do chá de folha de louro#beneficios do chá de limão#benefícios do chá de limão#beneficios do cha de louro#beneficios do limão#benefícios do limão#cha da folha de limão#chá de folha de limão#chá de folha de limão para emagrecer#chá de folha de limão para gripe#chá de limão#chá natural de folha de limão#folha de louro#folhas do limão#limão
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