#capacity 1000-1500
velnna · 1 month
Hello! Would you mind sharing what resolution/canvas size you usually use for your art (especially your comics)? do you have any advise on finding a middle ground between high detail art vs. the resolution capacity for images posted to tumblr (or anywhere else, for that matter)?
Love your work <3
It really depends on the brushes I use but my resolutions tend to be tiny! Page width is anywhere between 1000 and 1500px and height depends on what I'm working on (generally A5 ish proportions). At 300dpi but that changes nothing in the actual process
I also work low res for illustrations, and again that depends on the brush. The lowest I go is 600-800px as the longest dimension and highest around 1500-2000px. If I need something at a higher res I'll work small then resize and fix it if needed
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History of the RBMK 1000 (Reaktor Bolshoy Moschnosti Kanalnyy): High Power Channel Type Reactor
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The RBMK 1000 reactor, the type involved in the Chernobyl Disaster, is a boiling water reactor (BWR) designed in the 1960s at the Kurchatov Institute, the Soviet Union's nuclear science center.
The USSR had placed a priority on developing nuclear power in the late 1950s in its never ending attempts to improve its infrastructure and power its rapidly expanding industrial base. Nuclear reactors are extremely effective at providing high baseload capacity to a power grid, since they are rarely switched off and (depending on the design) can generate enormous amounts of electricity for lower running costs than a more traditional hydrocarbon power plant. Essentially, since they are (almost) always on, they are always providing the grid with a large and extremely reliable supply of energy. It also allowed the USSR to appear at the front of atomic energy, and laude the successes of the ‘Peaceful Atom’. In the atmosphere of the Cold War, peaceful use of atomic power was a key propaganda tool at home and abroad.
The RBMK was selected for construction by the Ministry of Energy over the rival VVER Pressurized Water Reactor in 1968. It was chosen because it was cheaper to construct in terms of material costs, and the components could be mass produced in pre-existing factories for far lower cost. With an enormous power output of 1,000 MWe (megawatts of electricity) it was declared the 'National Reactor' of the USSR. Construction began on the first RBMK in 1970 at the Leningrad Atomic Energy Station. This unit entered service on December 21st, 1973.
Below: A labeled diagram of the core of an RBMK type reactor.
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The RBMK 1000 and its successor RBMK-1500 (basically the same reactor with a slightly higher power output) was fraught with safety issues almost from its inception. This was related to several design features and quirks of the reactor, notably the abnormally high positive void coefficient due to steam bubbles in the coolant circuit and the use of graphite as a moderator. Several other even more concerning design flaws would become apparent over the course of its operation, culminating in the explosion of Chernobyl Unit 4 on April 26th, 1986. These revelations have even continued up until present day, with the most recent example being in 2012 when Leningrad Unit 1 (the one mentioned at the end of the previous section) had to be shut down for 18 months to replace graphite moderator blocks that had deformed due to heat and extensive use. This issue has been identified at several other RBMKs.
The reactor type experienced no less than two partial meltdowns in the history of its operation, one at the Leningrad plant and one at the Chernobyl plant (the partial meltdown incident at the Chernobyl plant is different from the explosion and complete meltdown of Unit 4 in 1986). Both of these were serious incidents with not insignificant radioactive releases, but they only partially damaged the respective reactors. The public was not notified in either case, and all information on the design flaws was kept secret by order of the USSR’s highly centralized government.
RBMK construction was halted only in the wake of the Chernobyl Disaster in 1986. Of the 26 reactors approved for construction, only 18 ever entered service. Several modifications were made to the existing RBMKs to eliminate the dangerous flaws that had lead to the 1986 accident. As of 2023, most RBMKs have been shut down and decommissioned. Of the 18 completed reactors, only eight still operate (Three at the Kursk NPP, two at the Leningrad NPP, and two at the Smolensk NPP. All but one of them are scheduled to be shut down and decommissioned by 2030).
The RBMK’s impact has primarily been showing that graphite moderated reactors have far fewer safety features than other water moderated reactors like those in the West. Ironically, the VVER which had been sidelined by the RBMK has enjoyed massive commercial success both in Russia and abroad as an exported design. VVERs are still being actively built and operated in about a dozen countries worldwide.
This is simply an informative blurb on the history of the RBMK-1000 nuclear reactor. I am going to make a more in depth explainer of how the reactor is built as well as an analysis of the physics of the accident at Chernobyl. I will update this post with a link to them when they are complete. My planned deadline is the 26th of April, the anniversary of the explosion. I hope this post has been informative and I am of course happy to answer any further questions and provide any requested information.
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aspiring-feeder · 5 months
Can you give me some advice on effectively gaining a big belly without getting sick?
The scientific answer would be to find your maintenance calories (online calculator) and then add 1000-1500 calories to that. About 500 extra calories a day is about .5 pounds per week gained. Any added calories no matter the food will help with gaining weight and fat while still eating healthier foods like fruit, veggies, etc
As for stuffings it’s all about building capacity by taking it slow and eating till you’re slightly more than full. That way you’re not feeling sick.
Last Tips
Find what foods or drinks work for you
Don’t get discouraged
Have fun with it and experiment
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duxbelisarius · 1 year
The Dance of the Dragons: A Military Analysis (Pt. 4)
Before we begin, a huge thank you to those readers who have continued following these posts (in particular @notbloodraven, @branwendaughterofllyr and @lemonhemlock). If this is your first post you’ve seen, parts 1, 2 and 3 are all linked here.
Before analyzing the campaigns and battles of the Dance, we must first determine the army size of the Blacks and the Greens; doing so allows us to determine the military strength of the factions relative to each other, and by extension their capacity for waging war in pursuit of their goals. The numbers provided in the text unfortunately veer between straight forward and indeterminable, based on their convenience to George’s narrative.
Excluding the Iron Islands, which fought no major battles on land, the text gives us straightforward army sizes for the North, Vale, Westerlands and Stormlands. According to The Dying of the Dragons - Rhaenyra Triumphant, Roderick Dustin led a force of 2000 Northmen into the Riverlands to support the Blacks (the so-called “Winter Wolves”). Cregan Stark subsequently led his own host south after the return of Aegon II, which Septon Eustace and Maester Munkun place at 20000 and 8000 respectively. Gyldan places it at twice the size of the Lads’ Riverlands army or c.12000, giving the North a total force of 14000 troops. The Vale reportedly assembles 1500 knights and 8000 men-at-arms at the same time as Cregan’s march, eventually sending out 10000 men under Leowyn Corbray. Finally, Borros Baratheon assembles near 6000 men upon calling his banners per Rhaenyra Triumphant, but The Short, Sad Reign of Aegon II tells us that Borros had only 600 knights and 4000 foot soldiers with him when he marched on King’s Landing.
As for the Westerlands, Jason Lannister leads a host of 1000 armoured knights and 7000 archers and men-at-arms against the Riverlands; the destruction of this host at the so-called “fish feed” is said to have slain or scattered the greater part of the west’s chivalry, suggesting that 8000 was the ceiling for the Westerland’s army size. This figure conflicts with other numbers provided by TWOIAF and F&B, with the former stating that 1000 Lannister knights and 10000 men-at-arms fought in the War of the Ninepenny Kings; the latter states that the Lannister-Gardener host at the Field of Fire numbered 55000, of which the Gardener’s brought half again as many as the Lannisters, suggesting a split of between 20 to 22000 Westermen and 33 to 35000 from the Reach. 
The task of determining the army size of the Crownlands is a far more difficult one, as George never provides us with solid numbers within the text. The Crownlands houses that we know fought in battles during the Dance are as follows: Rosby, Stokeworth, Darklyn, Staunton, Crabb, Brune, Celtigar and Hayford. We’re told that 100 men of House Staunton were killed when Criston Cole sacked Rook’s rest, while the 800 men killed in the battle would have included men from House Stokeworth, Rosby and Darklyn that had switched sides to Aegon II. Aemond and Criston Cole attacked Harraenhal with an army of 4000 men, which almost certainly included Crownlanders given that Aemond called his banners before hand. We also know that Cole led 100 knights and 500 men-at-arms from the royal household against Duskendale and Rook’s Rest along with 1800 sellswords, so the 4000 men cannot only be from the Crownlands. 
Those from the ‘Green’ side of the HOTD fandom are likely well aware of the notoriety of the Riverlands army, the size of which seems to fluctuate based on the needs of the plot. The best figure to go off of from Fire & Blood is that of Aegon’s army at the Field of Fire, which numbered 11000 men primarily from the Riverlands. House Tully’s forces can be estimated by comparing the forces of Addam Velaryon at Second Tumbleton and the Lads army that fought at the Kingsroad. The World of Ice and Fire and F&B both suggest that Elmo Tully led forces at Second Tumbleton, but neither Elmo nor the Tully forces are mentioned in the actual accounts of the battle in F&B or the original Princess and the Queen. Addam’s force was about 4000 strong and comprised of troops from house Frey, Blackwood, Piper, Darry, Vance (presumably Wayfarer’s Rest), Smallwood, Vypren and Deddings. We know that the Lads’ army contained Tully troops and was nearly 6000 strong, comprised of troops from house Frey, Blackwood, Darry, Mallister, Vance and Bracken. Given that the Riverlords suffered only 100 casualties at Second Tumbleton, we can assume that there was crossover between those who fought there and who later marched with the Lads; assuming that the Brackens could substitute for the forces of house Smallwood, Vypren and Deddings, this would place House Tully’s forces at about 2000 men. 
In The Hour of the Wolf, Gyldan states that the Tullys possessed less land and a smaller army that the Blackwoods, Brackens, Vances and Freys, while we know from Catelyn’s second chapter in A Storm of Swords that Walder Frey supplied 1000 knights and 3000 infantry to Robb Stark. Between 2500 to 4000 men seems a reasonable estimate for these houses, given the Riverlands a potential army of between 12 and 18000 men including the Tullys and no other houses, or c. 8000 to 12000 excluding the Brackens and the Vances of Atranta, This is without including any of the other houses that fought in the Dance (Mooton, Piper, Roote, Darry, Mallister, Smallwood, Wode, Bigglestone, Chambers, Perryn, Grey, Charlton, Vypren, Deddings), nor does it consider all the figures provided by George. 
Aside from the armies raised by Addam Velaryon and the Lads, the only other host whose size we are given is that which fought at the Lake Shore (the “Fish Feed”) and the Butcher’s Ball. Aside from the 2000 ‘Winter Wolves,’ Forrest Frey commanded 200 knights and 600 foot at the Lakeshore, alongside 300 archers led by Robb Rivers of Raventree. These were joined by survivors from earlier battles alongside Lords Bigglestone, Chambers and Perryn, with Garibald Grey, Jon Charlton and Benjicot Blackwood arriving later. When this host appears again at the “Butcher’s Ball,” it consists of 300 mounted knights, 300 longbowmen, 3000 archers and 3000 Riverlands infantry, and all that remained of the Winterwolves (less than a third of their original strength). This would give the Riverlords over 7000 men if we factored in casualties from the Lakeshore, resulting in a grand total of 13000 men between the Lakeshore host and that of the Lads. Factoring in losses from the other battles fought in the Riverlands, it seems likely that the Blacks could have raised 15 to 17000 men.
Determining the size of the Reach’s armies is somewhat easier thanks to George offering some numbers for the armies raised, though considerable guesswork is involved. Although the Hightowers did not send troops to the Field of Fire, the size of the Gardener host at the battle gives us a number to work back from. The Gardener host probably numbered 33 to 35000 men as referenced earlier, while Maester Munkun places the size of Ormund Hightower’s army prior to 1st Tumbleton at over 20000, of which 10% were mounted knights. Ormund’s original force comprised 1000 knights, 1000 archers and 3000 men-at-arms, accompanied by ‘uncounted thousands” of sellswords, freeriders, camp followers and ‘rabble.’ If we assume the number of freeriders and sellswords was similar to the sellswords that fought beside Criston Cole at Rook’s Rest, Ormund would have an additional c.2000 men. If we assume that non-combatants (ie the camp followers and ‘rabble’) accounted for c.3000, then Ormund’s host would be 10000; House Rowan and the other Blacks of the Reach would likewise have 10000 troops, based on Gyldan’s comment that the Rowans descended on the Mander with a host of equal size. The other 13 to 15000 can be accounted for between the forces of House Tarly, Beesbury and Costayne and those houses that later surrendered to Ormund and Daeron. Of course this method does not account for House Tyrell and those houses not mentioned in the Dance, but it allows us to work with what little numbers George gives, however crude the calculations might be. 
I’ve decided to forgo a discussion of population estimates for Westeros, so I’ll link Atlas of Ice and Fire’s blogpost on the subject and a video by TWOIAF editor Elio Garcia which address this subject. Suffice it to say that the army sizes arrived at above are well below what Westerosi population estimates suggest they would be, and this can be chalked up to discrepancies between George’s writing in the main books and his side works. The total army sizes using our figures above come out to c. 40000 on either side, though not all of these forces were active at the same time during the Dance. 
Thank you for following along if you’ve made it this far; I promise it gets FAR most interesting from this point onwards, as we’ll begin analyzing the ground battles of the Dance. Stay tuned for Part 5, and as always, the replies and my inbox are wide open if you have questions/want to chat!
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wendy-sinobake · 2 months
SINOBAKE Group Limited is a leading biscuit and cookie making machinery manufacturer based in China. The company designs, develops, and manufactures a wide range of high-quality baking equipment, including biscuit and cookie production lines, chips line,cake line,automatic raw material feeding and dosing system,ovens and mixing machines. Mold size width: 800/1000/1200/1500/1800mm. According to different types of biscuits, the output of production is not the same. Capacity can achieve 100~5000kgs/h,
  We has a strong reputation for producing reliable and efficient machinery that is easy to use and maintain. The company has a team of experienced engineers and technicians who are dedicated to researching and developing innovative new equipment and technologies to meet the evolving needs of the baking industry.
  We has a global customer base, and its equipment is used by many well-known food brands and manufacturers around the world. The company has a strong commitment to customer satisfaction, providing comprehensive support services, including installation, training, and after-sales support.
  Overall, SINOBAKE Group Limited is a trusted and respected player in the biscuit and cookie making machinery industry, and its equipment is renowned for its quality, reliability, and performance.
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the-good-spartan · 9 months
Rethinking the scale of Spartan mess and barrack buildings...
The maths is boggling my brain.
So Cartledge reckons that in good times there'd have been approximately 120 kids/young men per bouai; that's just under 1500 young people who presumably would've dined at the boys syssition.
Assuming they honoured the same 'rules' as the men's syssition as per Xenophon, with 15 people max per phiditia, that's 96 groups and 96 tables in the syssition.
This is a lot, sure, but imaginable. The men's syssition is another story.
By the late fifth century, post-Persian Wars and Great Earthquake, there's something like 6000 Spartiates of military age (if the ancient historians are at all reliable on that score), plus gerons. It's possible that after the end of military service they stopped dining at the mess, but I don't think so, because the kings certainly continued to dine there and they were gerons.
So.... let's add another what, 1000? for the lucky ones who survived 40 years of war, earthquakes, poor medical knowledge and whatever else to reach 60+ years of age. That's something in the region of 7000 Spartiates - which means 466 phiditiai, and that's if they're all at max capacity... 466 tables are going to need a very large building, or series of buildings, to accommodate them.
Without the gerons, we might reasonably get that down to less than 400 tables, but that's still a *lot* of tables.
And to take this further, there's the barracks.
It's contested, but at the broadest possible reading, 'boys' from age 7 to 30 were required to live at the barracks, even after marriage and children.
Providing space for something like, let's say, 2000 boys and men to sleep requires a *significant* series of structures. I worked at a barracks for close to ten years, and even with extremely basic dormitory style accommodation, with bunk beds, housing 300 men took multiple multi-storey buildings.
Obviously, they wouldn't have had bunks, and they would've been expected to make do with a lot less personal space than the average soldier expects these days, but the point stands.
These buildings must've been absolutely monumental structures lining the Hyakinthian Way.
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Choosing and Maintaining a Power Outage Generator:
Multifuel (hybrid) Generators are capable of running on Gasoline, Kerosene, LPG/CNG/Bio-Gas fuels. Fossil fuel [only] generators will not be practical when fossil fuel resources become scarce. A generator (3000 watts or more) with AC (Inverter) outlets for critical electrical appliances can help during a power outage, especially during the summer to help keep refrigerators and freezers running for extended periods of time. SOLAR GENERATORS: Diversification is a trait of a true prepper who doesn't rely on a single type of resources. That's why even a hybrid [fuel] generator may not be the only power solution for a prepper. That's when a "Solar Generator" can be used to fill the gap. This type of generator runs appliances using only rechargeable [car size] batteries and an inverter to convert DC power to AC power for appliances. An electric source (usually solar panels) recharges the batteries but it can be recharges from an electrical outlet, wind turbine or water turbine. There are many commercial models on the market but can also be DIY with the correct knowledge. Use this link for further research on Solar Generators. It is recommended that the selected Solar Generator be able to daisy-chain to exterior batteries to extend the duration of the power (not, usually, the power output/wattage). In other words, additional connected batteries will increase how long power lasts (1 hour to 2 hours) but will not increase the wattage of the output (1200 (+/-) watts to 1500 (+/-) watts). Additionally, daisy-chaining exterior batteries will be cheaper than daisy-chaining multiple Solar Generators. Calculate the appropriate sized generator, necessary to run critical AC electrical applicances and medical equipment, by adding together your appliance wattage (amps X volts = watts) requirements. SAMPLE: Refrigerator = 800 watts (6.7 amps X 120 volts) Microwave = 700 watts (5.8 amps X 120 volts) ------------------------- TOTAL = 1500 Watts (a 2000 Watts generator) Additionally, understand that some appliances require a surge of power before they reach their continuous power usage. For example; a refrigerator needs to run on a surge of electric for its compressor before it reaches its designated temperature setting. It may require 800 watts of surge power until it reaches its designated temperature setting and then drop down to about 600 watts. So, for this particular appliance, a 1000 watt generator will power the refrigerator. It's alway best to acquire a generator that produces more power than you think you may need. Keep this in mind if using a power inverter as the same rule applies. The more devices plugged in to the generator, the less time it will run. Know its fuel/battery capacity and how long it will run on a full tank/charge. Keep enough fuel on hand to fill it several times (possibly for as long as a week). Keep in mind that a Solar Generator can be recharged by a fuel generator so both types can be used in an emergency to extend your power capability, and save fuel, during an outage. When the Solar Generator dies, start up the Fuel Generator to run appliances and recharge the Solar Generator. Then switch back to the Solar Generator to save your fuel supplies. Test run the generator at least every 6 months with at least one appliance (refrigerator, portable heater, etc.) attached as a power-outage simulation. Refer to our Post on Generators. Ground the Generator: Quick Guide to Grounding Portable Power Generators When the generator has completed its mission and it's unused until the next mission, turn off the generator's fuel switch, and run it until it dies (runs out of fuel in the line) to remove fuel from the fuel line to reduce the chance of generator fuel line clogging, freezing or damage. Then turn off the power switch. Use Fuel Stabilizer (STA-BIL, etc.) in the fuel storage container (gas can), appropriate to the type of fuel being used, to further reduce the chance of generator fuel line clogging or damage. It's best to use pure fuel (no Ethanol). Change generator oil at least once a year; more if used frequently. Reference Link Related Resources: Solar Powered Gadgets for Emergencies Portable Fuel Generator Noise Reduction Setting Up Off-Grid Cabin Power Coping With Fuel/Gas Shortages
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P4T receives earnings from qualifying purchases using re-directing links that may be contained in this Post. Thank You for your support.
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multipromachines · 3 days
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Multipro's stuffed toys machine ensures precise injection to maintain shape and just the right amount of stuffing. Choose from our two teddy bear machines, with capacities of 1500 grams or 1000 grams per minute, to improve production speed and minimize errors. For more details, visit- https://www.multipromachines.com/product/toy-filling-machine
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oppvenuz · 6 days
Top Wedding Venues in Mumbai: Price Guide and Venue Features
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Top Wedding Venues in Mumbai: Price Guide and Venue Features
Choosing the perfect wedding venue in Mumbai is a crucial decision that sets the tone for your special day. Mumbai, with its vibrant culture and stunning locations, offers a plethora of options for couples looking to tie the knot in style. From luxurious hotels to picturesque outdoor settings, here’s a detailed guide to some of the top wedding venues in Mumbai, including pricing information and venue features to help you plan your dream wedding. Why Choose Mumbai for Your Wedding? 1. Variety of Venues
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Mumbai boasts a diverse range of wedding venues, from historical landmarks and beachfront resorts to modern hotels and lush gardens, catering to every taste and preference. 2. Cultural Richness
Many venues in Mumbai showcase the city's rich cultural heritage, offering a unique ambiance that adds charm and character to your wedding celebrations. 3. Accessibility
Being a major metropolitan city, Mumbai is well connected by air, road, and rail, making it convenient for guests traveling from different parts of India and abroad. Top Wedding Venues in Mumbai: Price Guide and Venue Features 1. The Taj Mahal Palace, Colaba Location: Colaba Capacity: Up to 1000 guests Price Range: INR 8,00,000 20,00,000+ Highlights: Iconic architecture, waterfront views, luxurious ballrooms
The Taj Mahal Palace is synonymous with luxury and elegance, offering breathtaking views of the Arabian Sea and opulent ballrooms perfect for grand weddings. Pricing varies based on the venue space, package inclusions, and guest count. 2. Grand Hyatt Mumbai, Santacruz Location: Santacruz Capacity: Up to 2000 guests Price Range: INR 5,00,000 15,00,000+ Highlights: Spacious banquet halls, lush greenery, gourmet catering
Grand Hyatt Mumbai is renowned for its expansive banquet halls and lush gardens, providing a tranquil setting amidst the bustling city. Their wedding packages include gourmet catering and personalized service. 3. The St. Regis Mumbai, Lower Parel Location: Lower Parel Capacity: Up to 1200 guests Price Range: INR 10,00,000 25,00,000+ Highlights: Contemporary luxury, rooftop venues, bespoke wedding planning
The St. Regis Mumbai offers contemporary luxury with rooftop venues boasting panoramic city views. Their packages are customizable and include exclusive amenities tailored to your wedding vision. 4. ITC Maratha, Sahar Location: Sahar Capacity: Up to 1500 guests Price Range: INR 7,00,000 18,00,000+ Highlights: Mughal inspired architecture, expansive lawns, gourmet dining
ITC Maratha combines Mughal inspired architecture with modern amenities, offering expansive lawns and luxurious banquet halls. Their wedding packages feature gourmet dining and personalized services. 5. Novotel Mumbai Juhu Beach, Juhu Location: Juhu Capacity: Up to 1000 guests Price Range: INR 6,00,000 12,00,000+ Highlights: Beachfront location, outdoor venues, comprehensive event management
Novotel Mumbai Juhu Beach is known for its beachfront location and outdoor venues overlooking the Arabian Sea. Their wedding packages include comprehensive event management and scenic views. Tips for Choosing a Wedding Venue in Mumbai 1. Set a Budget
Define your budget early and consider all costs, including venue rental, catering, decor, and additional services. This helps narrow down options and prevents overspending. 2. Visit Venues Personally
Schedule visits to prospective venues to see the space firsthand. Pay attention to the ambiance, facilities, and overall vibe to ensure it aligns with your wedding vision. 3. Understand Package Inclusions
Review wedding packages carefully to understand what’s included, such as catering, decor, accommodations, and entertainment. Compare packages to find the best value for your needs. 4. Consider Guest Convenience
Choose a venue that is easily accessible for your guests, with ample parking or transportation options available. Consider nearby accommodations for out of town guests. 5. Book Early
Popular wedding venues in Mumbai book up quickly, especially during peak wedding seasons. Secure your date and venue as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Conclusion
Choosing a wedding venue in Mumbai is an exciting journey filled with options that cater to every wedding style and budget. The venues mentioned above represent some of the best in the city, each offering unique features and luxurious settings for your special day. By understanding pricing details and venue features, you can make an informed decision and create memories that last a lifetime in the vibrant city of Mumbai. Start planning your dream wedding today amidst the cultural richness and urban charm of this dynamic metropolis!
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pingale · 8 days
Wine Cellar Market Trends Analysis, Trends, Share, Industry Size, Growth and forecast 2024-2032
Wine Cellar  Market Methodolgy:
Introspective Market Research offers comprehensive Wine Cellar Market research studies, providing valuable insights and strategic guidance to businesses worldwide. We ensure reliability and accuracy in our reports for informed decision-making.
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Wine is a consumable good. It is a natural food product, thus heat, light, or storage in an area with fluctuating humidity and temperature can cause it to deteriorate. Even a slight increase in temperature can harm wine. Proper storage can preserve or even improve wine quality, which is one of the main reasons experienced wine collectors construct wine cellars. Only wine connoisseurs who want to store their wines for a short time before enjoying them should use wine freezers. For those who wish to retain their bottles for a long period, there is a wine cellar. With time, a well-aged wine can develop a more complex flavor and aroma.
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Wine Cellar  Market Regional Analysis:
It is anticipated that the wine cellar market globally will be led by the North American area. The market is expanding as a result of ongoing technological advancements in the infrastructure and the accessibility of sufficient funding to establish the wine cellar. Furthermore, over the previous ten years, consumption in the US has steadily increased annually. Individuals from various walks of life enjoy it. It is taken throughout the year, throughout both prosperous and turbulent times. Beer consumption has been falling, despite the fact that consumers are becoming more interested in niche products due to the popularity of alternative recreational beverages. Customers have been making more and more purchases from online wine sellers in the meanwhile.
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Life Insurance Market https://introspectivemarketresearch.com/reports/life-insurance-market/ 
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Our team at Introspective Market Research focuses on result-oriented methodologies which are based on historic and present data to produce authentic foretelling about the industry. Introspective Market Research’s extensive studies help our clients to make righteous decisions that make a positive impact on their business. Our customer-oriented business model firmly follows satisfactory service through which our brand name is recognized in the market.
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sunnysworlds · 9 days
Wedding Resorts in Pune
Planning a wedding is a monumental task, with every couple striving to make their big day as perfect and memorable as possible. One of the most crucial aspects of this planning is choosing the right venue. Pune, with its blend of modernity and tradition, offers numerous options. However, when it comes to picturesque settings, impeccable service, and luxurious accommodations, Sunny's World stands out as the premier choice for wedding resorts in Pune.
A Jewel in Pune's Crown: Sunny's World
Sunny's World is not just a resort; it's a destination. Nestled amidst the serene hills of Pune, this expansive property offers a variety of venues and packages tailored to make your wedding a fairy-tale affair. Here’s why Sunny's World is the ideal choice for your special day.
Breathtaking Venues
Sunny's World boasts a range of venues, each with its unique charm and ambiance:
The White Orchid: This stunning venue offers a perfect blend of elegance and grandeur. With a capacity to host over 2000 guests, it is ideal for large weddings. The sprawling lawns, surrounded by lush greenery, provide a picturesque backdrop for your ceremonies and receptions.
The Amber Lawn: For those looking for an outdoor venue with a touch of luxury, the Amber Lawn is perfect. It can accommodate up to 1500 guests and offers a beautiful setting under the open sky, making your evening ceremonies magical.
The Sapphire Hall: If you prefer an indoor setting, the Sapphire Hall offers a regal atmosphere with its opulent interiors and state-of-the-art facilities. This venue is perfect for hosting up to 1000 guests and ensures a comfortable and grand experience.
Luxurious Accommodations
Sunny's World provides top-notch accommodations for the wedding party and guests. With a variety of rooms and suites designed to offer maximum comfort and luxury, your guests will enjoy a memorable stay. Each room is equipped with modern amenities, ensuring a relaxing and enjoyable experience.
Exquisite Catering
A wedding is incomplete without a sumptuous feast. Sunny's World offers a range of catering options, from traditional Maharashtrian cuisine to international delicacies. Their team of expert chefs ensures that every meal is a culinary delight, tailored to your tastes and preferences.
Customized Wedding Packages
Understanding that every wedding is unique, Sunny's World offers customized wedding packages. Whether you’re planning an intimate gathering or a grand celebration, their dedicated wedding planners work closely with you to ensure that every detail is perfect. From decorations to entertainment, they handle everything, allowing you to enjoy your special day stress-free.
World-Class Amenities
Sunny's World is equipped with a range of amenities to ensure a seamless wedding experience:
Spa and Wellness: Pamper yourself and your guests with a relaxing spa session before the big day.
Swimming Pool: Enjoy a refreshing dip in the pool or host a poolside party.
Adventure Activities: For guests who love adventure, Sunny's World offers various activities like zip-lining, rock climbing, and more.
Scenic Beauty and Accessibility
Located just a short drive from Pune city center, Sunny's World offers the perfect blend of accessibility and tranquility. The resort's location amidst hills provides a breathtaking backdrop for wedding photos and videos, capturing memories that will last a lifetime.
Choosing the right venue is crucial for a successful wedding, and Sunny's World in Pune offers everything you need to make your big day perfect. From stunning venues and luxurious accommodations to exquisite catering and personalized services, Sunny's World ensures that your wedding is an unforgettable experience. Make your dream wedding a reality by choosing Sunny's World, the jewel of wedding resorts in Pune.
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qocsuing · 26 days
Pit Type Furnaces: A Comprehensive Overview
Pit Type Furnaces: A Comprehensive Overview Pit type furnaces are versatile and widely used in various industrial applications. These furnaces are designed for heat treatment processes such as hardening, tempering, and nitriding. Let’s explore the key features and benefits of pit type furnaces.Get more news about High Quality Pit Type Furnace,you can vist our website!
1. Introduction to Pit Type Furnaces Pit type furnaces, also known as top-loading furnaces, have a unique design where the workpiece is loaded vertically into a pit or chamber. These furnaces offer several advantages:
Space Efficiency: Pit furnaces utilize vertical space efficiently, making them suitable for compact manufacturing facilities. Uniform Heating: The vertical loading design ensures uniform heating throughout the workpiece. Versatility: Pit furnaces can handle various materials, including metals, ceramics, and composites. 2. Types of Pit Type Furnaces 2.1. Pit Type Hardening Furnace Material Loading Capacity: Ranging from 0-500 kg to >5000 kg. Max Temperature: 0-500°C, 500-1000°C, 1000-1500°C, 1500-2000°C, >2500°C. Features: Quality-assured, non-corrosive, highly conducting. 2.2. Pit Type Tempering Furnace Material Loading Capacity: Ranging from 0-500 kg to 1500-3000 kg. Max Temperature: 0-500°C, 500-1000°C, 1000-1500°C, 1500-2000°C. Features: Super strengthen, great efficiency, stainless steel conveyor belt. 2.3. Pit Type Nitriding Furnace Material Loading Capacity: Ranging from 0-500 kg to 500-1500 kg. Max Temperature: 0-500°C, 500-1000°C. Features: Fine-finish, elegantly designed, highly anti-galling. 3. Applications of Pit Type Furnaces Pit type furnaces find applications in the following areas:
Automotive Industry: For heat treatment of engine components, gears, and shafts. Aerospace Industry: Used in the production of aircraft parts. Tool and Die Manufacturing: For hardening and tempering tool steels. General Manufacturing: Heat treatment of various industrial components. 4. Conclusion Pit type furnaces offer efficient and reliable heat treatment solutions. Whether you need to harden, temper, or nitride your workpieces, consider the benefits of pit type furnaces for your specific application.
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swami124 · 1 month
Floor Area Ratio (FAR) in Gurugram: An Overview
Floor Area Ratio (FAR), also known as Floor Space Index (FSI), is a critical parameter in urban planning and real estate development. It defines the maximum allowable floor area that a developer can build on a given plot of land. In Gurugram, a rapidly developing urban hub in India, understanding FAR regulations is essential for real estate developers, investors, and urban planners. i got the writing source from this article
What is FAR?
FAR is calculated by dividing the total floor area of a building by the area of the plot on which it is constructed. For example, if the FAR is 1.5 and the plot area is 1000 square meters, the maximum permissible floor area for the building would be 1500 square meters.
FAR Regulations in Gurugram
In Gurugram, FAR regulations are governed by the Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) and the Department of Town and Country Planning (DTCP). These regulations vary based on several factors, including the type of building (residential, commercial, industrial), the location within the city, and the size of the plot.
Residential Areas
Plotted Developments: For plotted residential developments, the FAR ranges from 1.0 to 2.0 depending on the size of the plot and its location within the city. Larger plots in prime locations typically have a higher FAR.
Group Housing: For group housing projects, which include apartment complexes and multi-family residences, the FAR can go up to 1.75 to 2.5. This higher FAR is intended to encourage vertical growth and efficient land use.
Commercial Areas
Retail and Office Spaces: Commercial properties such as retail outlets, office buildings, and shopping malls are usually granted a higher FAR, ranging from 2.0 to 3.5, reflecting the need for higher density in business districts.
Mixed-Use Developments: Mixed-use developments, which combine residential, commercial, and recreational spaces, are allowed an FAR of up to 4.0 in some parts of Gurugram, promoting integrated urban environments.
Industrial Areas
Industrial Estates: Industrial areas typically have a lower FAR, around 1.0 to 1.5, to account for the larger spaces needed for manufacturing and warehousing.
Factors Influencing FAR in Gurugram
Several factors influence the FAR regulations in Gurugram:
Infrastructure Capacity: Areas with better infrastructure support higher FAR due to the ability to handle increased population density.
Public Transport Accessibility: Proximity to metro stations, bus stops, and other public transport hubs can lead to higher FAR allowances.
Urban Planning Goals: The city's master plan, aiming for sustainable and balanced growth, dictates FAR adjustments to manage congestion and ensure green spaces.
Environmental Considerations: FAR may be restricted in areas requiring conservation of green spaces, water bodies, or heritage sites.
Recent Trends and Developments
The government of Haryana has been actively revising FAR norms to encourage investment and accommodate the city's rapid growth. Recent amendments include increased FAR for commercial buildings and high-density residential projects, reflecting the demand for more living and working spaces.
Implications for Stakeholders
Developers: Higher FAR can lead to greater profitability through increased floor space, but it also demands compliance with stricter building codes and environmental regulations.
Investors: Understanding FAR is crucial for evaluating the potential return on investment in real estate projects.
Residents: Higher FAR can lead to better amenities and more housing options, but it may also result in increased congestion if not managed properly.
FAR regulations in Gurugram are pivotal in shaping the city's landscape. With the continuous evolution of these norms, stakeholders must stay informed and adapt to ensure sustainable development that meets the needs of the growing population while preserving the city's livability and environmental health. for more information visit https://gouriekmeetdesigns.com/
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craftsmencrusher · 1 month
Top 5 vertical shaft impactor in Udaipur
Craftsmencrusher, a prominent player in the mining and construction equipment industry, is renowned for providing top-tier vertical shaft impactors (VSIs) in Udaipur. Among their extensive product lineup, the top 5 vertical shaft impactor in Udaipur stand out due to their exceptional performance, durability, and advanced technology. Firstly, the Craftsmen VSI-2000 is a powerhouse designed for high-capacity crushing with a robust build and innovative features that ensure superior aggregate shaping and fines production. Secondly, the VSI-1500 model offers a perfect balance between efficiency and cost-effectiveness, making it ideal for medium-scale operations. Its state-of-the-art rotor and wear parts contribute to reduced operational costs and prolonged equipment life. The third standout model is the VSI-1000, which is highly acclaimed for its precision and versatility in producing fine and coarse aggregates across various materials. It is particularly favoured for its ease of maintenance and high uptime. Fourth on the list is the VSI-800, a compact yet powerful machine that excels in producing high-quality sand and gravel for construction projects. Its user-friendly interface and energy-efficient design make it a favourite among small to medium enterprises. Lastly, the VSI-500, although the smallest in the lineup, packs a punch with its advanced crushing chamber design that enhances productivity while minimizing wear and tear. This model is perfect for smaller projects requiring consistent and high-quality outputs. Craftsmencrusher’s vertical shaft impactors are engineered to deliver remarkable results, catering to the diverse needs of the mining and construction sectors in Udaipur. Their commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction positions them as a trusted name in the industry, continually driving excellence and technological advancement in their product offerings.
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heshamalshafey · 2 months
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A wide variety of products are also available to meet the needs of THE UAE market : • ROAD BARRIER • PEDAL BOAT • STUDY SEAT • MODERN FLOWER POTS All products are certified by : NFS DUBAI MUNICIPALITY ISO 14001 ADNOC WARS UKAS URS
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All kinds of water tanks for sale in the UAE Plastic & polyethylene & fiberglass water tanks &ROAD BARRIER for seal in UAE
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fpr-newenergy · 2 months
FPR P1000
FPR P1000
Portable Energy Station P1000
With the robust and adaptable FPR P1000 portable powerstation 1200 watt, you can tackle any adventure in any setting. Its IP52 classification protects it from dust and dripping water, and with the insulating cover on, the power bank 1000w can function dependably in temperatures ranging from -30°C to 40°C. Its lightweight and small size guarantees easy transportation and makes it appropriate for all users. Its strong six-series aluminum alloy structure and several charging choices make it the ideal energy partner for your mobile lifestyle, while its fanless operation ensures a quiet environment. With the FPR P 1000 power station 1200w, you may enjoy dependability and independence as well as unlimited options.
Highlights of FPR P1000 Portable powerstation 1000 watt lifepo4
power station 300w
portable power station 200w
compact power station
portable power station 5000w
powerstation 3000 wh
portable power station 220v ac outlet
Ingress of dust is not entirely prevented, but the portable power station 1500 watts type must not enter in sufficient quantity to interfere with the satisfactory operation of the equipment; complete protection against contact. Vertically dripping water shall have no harmful effect when the enclosure is tilted at an angle up to 15° from its normal position.
Gallery of FPR P1000 Portable powerstation 5 kwh
good portable power station
portable charging unit
portable energy station
camping charger station
Further Information on FPR P1000 Portable Power Station
Output Power
220V 50Hz / 110V 60Hz / 50Hz
12V / 6A Max
5V / 2.4A (x3)
PD3.0 5-20V 100W (Max)
PD 100W
Car Charging Port
12V/12A Max, Supports car start
5W, 10W, SOS, Quick flashing
100V-240V 60/50Hz 2.5A Max
20V/9A 65W
PV (Solar Panel)
Solar Panel
160W Max, 3 Hours
Working Temp: -30°C to 40°C
Product size
Package size
Net weight
Single gross weight
Why FPR P series doesn't have a fan?
High-frequency resonance techniques were applied in the inverters of the FPR P series to boost efficiency to 95% while reducing heat generation to just 5%. The thermally conductive silicone casing efficiently dissipates excess heat into the surrounding air, eliminating the need for ventilation openings and fan-based cooling. This enhances the product's sealing integrity to meet the IP53 standard, safeguarding internal components from dust and moisture, significantly increasing longevity and safety, and reducing noise to 0 decibels.
Why plastic material is not chosen for the FPR P series casing?
1. Plastic's heat dissipation capability is less than one-third of that of alloy, necessitating the addition of ventilation holes and fans for heat dissipation. This can lead to issues like water vapor erosion, reducing product lifespan and safety. 2. High-power power supplies generate electromagnetic radiation, and plastic cannot shield this radiation, which can be harmful to human health. Professional power supplies, instruments, and meters consistently use alloy shells for their superior shielding properties.
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