#caos easter eggs
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Lovely easter egg in Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Harvey is dressed and posed in reminiscence of Glen, Nancys boyfriend in the first Nightmare on Elm Street movie.
#chilling adventures of sabrina#caos#halloween#nightmare on elm street#freddy krueger#harvey kinkle#sabrina the teenage witch#tv shows for fall#horror movies#nostalgia#easter egg#movie trivia#ross lynch
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#Moshang pregnancy where it takes a village.
Now, of course! People have been getting pregnant and having babies for as long the world has been turning. It happens every day, everywhere, in a variety of ways.
But the universal truth is this: it's easier not to do it alone.
Airplane had briefly mentioned mpreg in PIDW as a little Easter egg, a gag for the fujoshis in his audience and to show that 'manly men' like LBH were so manly that they could get even other men pregnant.
(And a little for himself. For his self insert heart. For the little Fantasies he has about his favorite character)
He had never meant for it to be anything other than that. It was just a minor little detail. A glance and you'd miss it sentence. Just a book. Just a joke!
But goddamn it he wasn't laughing now.
He was pregnant.
Mu Qingfang was looking at him very sternly, clinically-- near judging him for it.
"Oops?" He said, trying to ease the tension that hung over them; break that heavy, judgemental look.
No luck.
"How long has shixiong been feeling these symptoms?"
Said symptoms were extreme fatigue, heavy nausea without vomiting, headaches and swollen, nigh tender, chest area.
"erm, about like, three to four months?"
The brush in MQF's hand snapped in half.
God... He knew it was a bad idea to come to the Healing Peak.
MQF didn't give a shit (None of his martial siblings ever did). He could still remember when he had broken his arm as a disciple and had come to Qian Cao for emergency aid. He could still remembered how callous everyone had been when resetting his bone. And then all but telling him to Go, rub dirt on it if it hurt and to grow up.
He had vowed to never come back. Nothing! Nothing less than dying would ever bring him back to this hellhole!
God, he shouldn't have broken his vow...
SQH couldn't bear the condescension. That little sigh of MQF's, how he talked to him like a child or a very dumb animal.
If it weren't for his kids threatening to riot, he would never have come.
"Well, if that's that, Shidi, I must get going!" He said, jumping to his feet, putting distance between himself and the Healing Peak Lord.
"It's been lovely talking to you, Mu shidi. I'll keep in touch about your deliveries thru the kids and--"
God damn it!
SQH put on his best, most subservient, costumer service smile and turned back to the other Peak Lord.
"Yes, Shidi?" He asked, slowly, deliberately, using every syllable as almost a sutra to abstain from his flight or fight response.
"You can't go, shixiong!" Wow. Where was that Coming from? "Your child... It is the ice demon's, Mobei Jun's, correct?"
SQH felt hackles at the back of his neck rise. There was deep protective urge bubbling at the pit of his stomach. What was Mu Qingfang doing, mentioning his king? What did he want with him?
Was he doubting his king?
For sure he was doubting SQH. Doubting that he was worthy of his king, that MBJ would ever feel attraction for someone like him...
Doubting their marriage. His loyalty to his king.
"...Yes." He answered through the teeth of his smile
God, he hated being here.
He hated being in any CQM Peak aside from his own.
He hated being any sort of brother to these people, to be made to be a family with people that didn't care for him. Who despised him. Belittled him.
Specially when he was ill.
Or, in this case, vulnerable.
"Human and demon pregnancies are dangerous, shixiong"
He wasn't himself right now. SQH knew this. He could brush off the pity, the condescension, the scorn. He had lived thru it two times already. He was fine with it.
But not right now.
And because of that, a very wary "so?" Came out. Unfiltered. Unguarded. Raw
MQF was taken aback. "So?" He frowned. "Shixiong, please you must take care of yourself"
That was weird.
MQF was usually less... Concerned than that.
SQH shook his head, trying to banish such a stupid thought.
"I'm fine, Shidi"
He was always just...'fine'.
Fever? Just fine. Broken leg? Just fine. Poisoned? Just fine. Stabbed, beaten and dumped? Just fine.
And MQF never argued about it before. Never pressed. Never cared.
Why in the hell was he pressing?
The QC Peak Lord seemed to be biting back Words. His hands jerking between reaching out and staying at MQF'S side
SQH placed a hand over his stomach. He didn't even know if he wanted to keep the kid (he hadn't even allowed himself to process that bit of information) but he was sure as hell not letting someone hurt one
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🇮🇹 Mi è sempre piaciuta la mitologia greca dai tempi della scuola (anche se non posso dire di essere un’esperta!) perciò non potevo non dare un’occhiata a questa rivisitazione moderna. 'Kaos' è una dark comedy (con anche qualche scena cruda) che si svolge su tre piani: l’Olimpo, Creta e l’Oltretomba. La voce narrante di Prometeo (che spesso rompe la quarta parete rivolgendosi direttamente a noi spettatori) ci accompagna nel corso degli episodi, raccontando e spiegando alcune cose. Guardata già due volte. A una prima visione alcuni passaggi non si comprendono appieno perchè vengono spiegati, o assumono senso, negli episodi successivi. La seconda visione (avendo già unito tutti i puntini) mi ha quindi fatto apprezzare meglio il tutto. Disseminati nei vari episodi troviamo poi diversi easter-egg e riferimenti (per citarne uno: il melograno, i cui semi, ad esempio, condannarono Persefone e rimanere negli Inferi) che testimoniano l’attenzione della serie ai dettagli. Credo sia scontato dirlo: mi è piaciuta! Spero vivamente ci sarà una seconda stagione (a questo proposito: grazie Netflix per aver cancellato Dead Boy Detectives è.è) perchè la lotta tra umani e dèi è appena cominciata!
"Una linea appare, l'Ordine si azzera, la Famiglia cade e il Caos impera." --- 🇬🇧 I've always liked Greek mythology since school (although I can't say I'm an expert!) so I had to check out this modern reimagining. 'Kaos' is a dark comedy (with some crude scenes) that takes place on three levels: Olympus, Crete and the Underworld. The narrator's voice of Prometheus (who often breaks the fourth wall by addressing us viewers directly) accompanies us throughout the episodes, telling and explaining some things. I've already watched it twice. At first viewing, some passages are not fully understood because they are explained, or make sense, in the following episodes. The second viewing (having already connected all the dots) made me appreciate it all better. Scattered throughout the various episodes we then find several Easter eggs and references (to name one: the pomegranate, whose seeds, for example, condemned Persephone to remain in the Underworld) that demonstrate the series' attention to detail. I think it goes without saying: I liked it! I really hope there will be a second season (on that note: thank you Netflix for canceling Dead Boy Detectives è.è) because the fight between humans and gods has just begun!
"A line appears, the Order wanes, the Family falls, and Kaos reigns."
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#217 Estado Eléctrico (2025)
En los 1990, una guerra entre humanos y robots sumió al mundo en el caos. Gracias a la empresa Sentre que permitió a los humanos transferir sus mentes a drones, los humanos ganaron la guerra relegando a los rotos a una zona 0 donde son desechados y olvidados. Pero lo que sirvió como salida para los humanos ahora se ha convertido en su cárcel.
Tal y como ocurre en la película Wall-e los humanos prefieren la vida virtual a la vida real, por lo que conviven en casas prácticamente indigentes y en condiciones desastrosas mientras su vida virtual es completa.

Actualmente, Michelle (Millie Bobby Brown) vive con Ted (Jason Alexandre) que es su padre adoptivo y abusivo, desde que en un accidente de tráfico perdió a sus padres y a su hermano Christopher. Desde el accidente ha vivido en hogares de acogida hasta llegar a casa de Ted, que no le dedica ninguna atención y se preocupa solo por el ingreso del cheque mensual, además Michelle tiene problemas adaptativos tanto en la escuela como en la era en la que se encuentra, rechazando la tecnología y el uso de drones.

Un día, Cosmo, un robot consciente, busca a Michelle. Cosmo solo puede comunicarse mediante gestos y un conjunto limitado de palabras pregrabadas, pero logra convencer a Michelle de que está controlado por su difunto hermano menor, Christopher, quien fue un niño prodigio. Ella y Cosmo emprenden un viaje a través de un paisaje distópico para encontrarlo.
En el camino, se encuentran con Keats (Chris Pratt), un curtido veterano, y Herman, un robot consciente donde ambos trabajan juntos como hermanos. Keats y Herman se ven obligados a acompañar a Cosmos y Michelle en la búsqueda de la verdad.

Dentro de la zona de exclusión donde se encuentran los antiguos robots abandonados encuentran en unos grandes almacenes un grupo de robots liderados por el señor Cacahuete, allí el doctor (Ke Huy Quan) que le indicó a Michelle que toda su familia había fallecido le cuenta que después del accidente encontró a Christopher en estado vegetativo y le ayudo mediante la tecnología para poner su consciencia a favor de la empresa Sentre, dirigida por Skate (Stanley Tucci), un hombre sin moral que usa a humanos y robots a su antojo.
Y así decidió hacer con la inteligencia de Christopher, usarla a su favor para aumentar las interacciones y flujos de datos de sus programas para la virtualización de humanos. Sin embargo, después de que Christopher saliera inesperadamente del coma unos trece meses después, un arrepentido doctor construyó una vía para que su mente escapara.

La policía virtual mata al doctor y amenaza a los robots con destruirlos si no entregan a Cosmos. Decidida a rescatar a su hermano, Michelle se infiltra en el cuartel general de Sentre con la ayuda de Keats y Herman mientras los demás robots libran una guerra contra el ejército de drones de Skate.
Michelle descubre a Christopher en estado de coma, con la conciencia atrapada en el sistema Neurocaster. En una reunión en el mundo virtual, Christopher expresa su deseo de liberarse de su existencia explotada. Respetando sus deseos, Michelle lo desconecta, lo que resulta en la muerte de su cuerpo físico. Durante la batalla, Keats casi pierde a Herman cuando su gran forma robótica es destruida por un dron. Sin embargo, una versión en miniatura de Herman emerge de los escombros.

La reconciliación de algunos robots con algunos humanos abre la posibilidad de una unión mediante la paz, sin la tecnología del abuso, y Michelle, Keats, Herman y los demás deciden aliarse y construir un mundo nuevo donde vivir en armonía.
Michelle tiene que vivir con la perdida de nuevo de su hermano, ya que este viaje empezó con la idea de poder reunirse con él y avanzar juntos en la etapa más vulnerable de ella, cuando se siente más perdida y sola.

La muerte de Christopher desencadena el cese de las operaciones de drones de Sentre, lo que desmantela el control de Skate y pone fin a la explotación de la tecnología Neurocaster. Tras el incidente, Skate es arrestado y el mundo comienza a reconstruirse tras la devastación causada por la guerra y la avaricia corporativa. Michelle transmite al mundo exponiendo cómo la tecnología Neurocaster ha afectado la vida de las personas e invitando a quienes deseen vivir en paz a la zona de exclusión.

El cuerpo de Cosmo es arrojado a un depósito de chatarra, pero se lo ve levantándose, lo que sugiere que una parte de la conciencia de Christopher aún puede residir dentro del robot.

El Easter egg de Estado Eléctrico que confirmaría el regreso de Bruja Escarlata
#millie bobby brown#chris pratt#key huy quan#stanley tucci#anthony mackie#woody harrelson#giancarlo esposito#jenny slate#colman domingo#Devyn Dalton#woody norman#jason alexander#estado electrico#electric state#film#cinema#pelicula#netflix
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**Desarrollo y Gestión de Videojuegos: La Batalla Infinita Entre Creatividad y Caos** ¿Alguna vez te has enfrentado a un boss final en un videojuego y has pensado, esto debió ser un caos programar ? 🎮 Bienvenidos al ring donde la creatividad y el caos colisionan: el desarrollo y gestión de videojuegos. *El Combo Creativo* - El desarrollo de videojuegos es una danza entre arte y tecnología. Programadores, artistas y diseñadores se unen en una coreografía pixelada para dar vida a mundos que antes sólo existían en nuestra imaginación. - Pero, ¿qué pasa cuando esos saltos artísticos nos llevan al borde del abismo técnico? Esa es la magia del juego, amigos, saber hasta dónde podemos saltar sin caer en el vacío. *Los NPCs en la Gestión* - Los Project Managers son como esos NPCs que te dan las quests más importantes, pero sin los cuales la historia principal no avanzaría. - Su misión: mantener a todos en el mismo nivel de la partida, evitar que el equipo se pierda en las side-quests y, lo más importante, que el juego llegue a las manos de los jugadores antes de que se pase la moda. *El Sandbox de la Innovación* - Imagina que tu mente es un sandbox gigantesco. Las ideas de gameplay fluyen como si fueran la lava de Minecraft, y no hay límites para lo que puedas construir, solo la CPU de tu creatividad y tu RAM de recursos. - ¡Pero ojo! El exceso de libertad sin estructura puede llevarnos hacia un juego que es más bien un bug con créditos finales. Aquí es donde entra la gestión para poner orden en la creatividad. *El Easter Egg del Éxito* - Todos amamos esos easter eggs escondidos que nos sacan una sonrisa cuando estamos a punto de aventar el control por la ventana. - En el desarrollo y gestión de videojuegos, el easter egg del éxito es encontrar el balance perfecto entre pasión y praxis, entre sueños y deadlines, entre lo que queremos hacer y lo que podemos entregar. **¿Ready, Player One?** - Si estás en este campo de batalla, o buscas entrar, recuerda que cada día es una oportunidad para subir de nivel, para aprender un nuevo hechizo o para descubrir un atajo. ¿Tienes alguna anécdota épica sobre el desarrollo y gestión de videojuegos que te gustaría compartir? ¿Qué boss te ha costado más derrotar: el de la creatividad sin límites o el del caos en la gestión? 👾 Utiliza tu mejor power-up en los comentarios, invoca a tus aliados con un tag o simplemente disfruta de la partida. Y si crees que alguien puede sacarle jugo a este contenido, ¡no dudes en pasarlo! #DesarrolloDeVideojuegos #GestiónCreativa #Gamers #Programación #ArteDigital #IndustriaGamer #ProjectManagement #CreatividadVsCaos #Videojuegos_mx #JuegaYAdministra
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Curiosidades y Easter Eggs 🐣🕵️♂️
¡Bienvenidos a la sección más curiosa de La Pequeña Caverna de Bolt! Aquí es donde desvelamos los secretos mejor guardados, las referencias ocultas y los easter eggs más inesperados en el mundo de los videojuegos indie. 🔍 Si eres de los que les gusta explorar cada rincón de un juego... ¡este es tu lugar! 🎮👀
1. Hollow Knight y su Conexión con Dark Souls 🦗💀
Si alguna vez has jugado Hollow Knight, puede que hayas sentido un aire familiar en su atmósfera oscura y su diseño de niveles... Y no es casualidad. Los desarrolladores del juego, Team Cherry, han confirmado que Dark Souls fue una de sus grandes inspiraciones. 🖤 Además, hay un easter egg directo: si golpeas repetidamente a uno de los gusanos encarcelados en el juego, suena un sonido muy parecido al grito característico de los no-muertos de Dark Souls. 😲 ¡Un detalle para los fans más observadores!
2. Undertale y los Mensajes Ocultos de Flowey 🌼🖤
En Undertale, hay muchos momentos que te hacen pensar "¿Qué está pasando aquí?"... Pero uno de los más misteriosos involucra a Flowey, ese personaje que parece inofensivo al principio, pero que esconde oscuros secretos. 👁️ Si intentas hacer un "true reset" después de haber obtenido un final pacifista, Flowey se dirigirá directamente a ti, rompiendo la cuarta pared y comentando que "lo has hecho antes"... Como si supiera que eres el jugador manipulando el juego. ¡Espeluznante! 😬🌼
3. Celeste y el Modo Pico de 1-UP 🍓🗻
Celeste está lleno de desafíos ocultos... pero uno de los más curiosos es el "Pico de 1-UP", un nivel que emula el estilo de los antiguos plataformeros. 🎮🍄 Si eres fan de juegos como Super Mario Bros., te encantará este guiño: puedes encontrar una fresa especial que solo puedes obtener si realizas una serie de saltos perfectamente calculados, sin tocar el suelo ni una sola vez. ¡Un homenaje retro disfrazado de un reto moderno! 😅🍓
4. The Binding of Isaac y las Referencias a Películas de Terror 🎬👻
Sabemos que The Binding of Isaac es un juego lleno de simbolismo oscuro y referencias religiosas... pero también está repleto de homenajes a películas de terror. 😱 Por ejemplo, uno de los jefes, It Lives, es una clara referencia a la película de culto It’s Alive (1974), sobre un bebé monstruoso. Además, el propio Isaac tiene varias transformaciones y poderes que recuerdan a personajes icónicos como Pinhead de Hellraiser. 🎞️👹 ¡Parece que Isaac no solo está lidiando con sus demonios internos, sino también con los del cine de terror!
5. Hades y el Perro Cerbero... ¡que puedes acariciar! 🐕🔥
Hades no solo es genial por su narrativa y combate... ¡también tiene un easter egg que te hará sonreír! 😄 En el juego, puedes acariciar a Cerbero, el temible perro guardián de tres cabezas del Inframundo... Y no solo es un detalle encantador, sino que el propio Zagreus hará comentarios sobre lo bueno que es su "buen chico". 🐾 ¡Un detalle adorable en medio del caos del inframundo! ❤️🔥
Conclusión: Los Secretos que Esperan Ser Descubiertos 🕵️♂️✨
Los easter eggs y las curiosidades en los videojuegos son esos pequeños guiños que los desarrolladores dejan para los jugadores más curiosos... esos que aman explorar cada rincón y descubrir lo que otros podrían pasar por alto. 🎮 Ya sea un homenaje a un clásico, un mensaje oculto o un detalle gracioso, estos secretos nos recuerdan que los videojuegos son mucho más que lo que vemos en pantalla. 🐣 Así que... ¡sigue explorando y descubre lo que otros no ven! 👀🎉
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Chilling Adventures of Sabrina Part 2 Easter Eggs And References
I finally finished watching this set of episodes last week, and finally got to type out all of Easter eggs and references this weekend. There will, of course, be spoilers for the episodes here, but I have a feeling anyone interested in Easter eggs has probably already watched the episodes by now.
Chapter 12: The Epiphany
The Spinning Clothes Change
Well, this is straight out of the Melissa Joan Hart era of Sabrina Spellman, isn’t it?
Sister Shirley Jackson
Shirley is one of the members of the coven. Shirley Jackson, however, isn’t a fictional character. That name belongs to the woman who wrote The Haunting Of Hill House, now adapted into its own Netflix series. Brother Lovecraft is also mentioned, which is probably a nod to HP Lovecraft.
Dorian’s Grayroom
If you don’t understand that Dorian here is the title character from Oscar Wilde’s Dorian Grey, I’m going to guess you haven’t had any classic lit in your English classes yet. You will, don’t worry.
The entertainment at Dorian’s is actually a woman straight out of the Bible. She’s also the subject of an Oscar Wilde play, so someone’s a Wilde fan.
“They go low, we go high.”
Roz is a Michelle Obama fan. Another reason to like her.
“The half-witch must not ascend…”
This word choice seems purposeful considering Sabrina is from the same showrunner as Riverdale where we have a bunch of kids running around Riverdale trying to “ascend” with the Gargoyle King.
Chapter 13: The Passion Of Sabrina Spellman
Bye Bye Birdie
It’s funny that Sabrina starred in the Baxter High version of this play since the actress also dealt with it quite a bit when she was in Mad Men. Cute nod.
The Play’s Color Palette
Did anyone else get a Baz Luhrmann Romeo and Juliet vibe from this play? Or was it just me?
Archie Comics At Cerberus’
Both the regular Archie comics as well as Afterlife with Archie can be glimpsed on shelves in the store.
Theo’s Locker
Theo’s high school story feels very Carrie at times. His locker being filled with feminine products is one of those times. Fittingly, Riverdale did Carrie: The Musical in an episode as well. So, you know the showrunner is a big fan.
Chapter 14: Lupercalia
So Many Archie Comics
Sometimes, it seems like that’s all the comic book store in town has. But it’s not, as we will see in the next episode.
So, there is a Dr. Masters in Archie Comics. The character here, and the character in the comics, don’t share the same first name though, which is likely purposeful since another Dr. Masters appeared on Riverdale as well. While his last name is likely a nod to the comics, his first name is likely a nod to the mythology of Lilith. The story goes that Lilith was created before Eve, that she was actually Adam’s first wife, before leaving the garden, thinking for herself, and also being branded as the world’s first demon, Lucifer’s first wife, or the world’s first witch, depending on the interpretation of the story. It’s fitting that Lilith gets a chance with another Adam.
Chapter 15: Doctor Cerberus’ House Of Horrors
Mrs. McGarvey
She’s played by science fiction actress Veronica Cartwright. She was in such classics as Alien, The Birds, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, and The Witches of Eastwick. She also appeared in TV classics like The Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents.
Wonder Woman And Aquaman
The long shots of the comic book store reveal images of Wonder Woman and Aquaman on the shelving, so, now we know they sell something other than Archie comics.
The DC universe gets another shoutout when Harvey has his reading. The school he supposedly gets into is the Arkham Colony of the Arts, a nod to the asylum for Batman’s many villains.
Interestingly, also during Harvey’s reading, his roommate Howard is a familiar face for Riverdale fans. The same actor plays Dr. Curdle Jr. on Riverdale. Now, we don’t know if Curdle’s first name is Howard or not, but it would be a nice nod to the double appearance of Ben Button on the show last season and on Riverdale. I’m curious if Greendale is like and alternate reality for the Riverdale universe at this point.
Chapter 16: Blackwood
Ray Wise
He plays the Antipope here. Ray Wise loves to play devilish characters. He’s frequently a bad guy. In fact, he already played the devil for the show Reaper. Who else was on Reaper? Aunt Hilda herself, Lucy Davis.
Chapter 17: The Missionaries
Sabrina On Her Bike
The music that plays and Salem accompanying her definitely reminded me of the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz, no?
If anybody was paying attention to “Jerry” before the reveal that these witch hunters were angels, they would have noticed the name on his nametag. That suffix is a dead giveaway for his angelic roots. Also, cute that these angels are inspired by the Mormon religion, though I’m sure the Mormons don’t appreciate being depicted as the bad guys.
“God will forgive your original sin…”
This line confuses me since “original sin” was supposed to be eating from the tree of knowledge. Essentially, free will is original sin. But it doesn’t actually seem like that’s what the witch hunters are references, but rather just the sinful behavior of the witches in general. It’s an odd phrasing, so I threw it in here.
Sabrina The Savior
Not only does Sabrina get the crown of thorns, but she also gets pierced in the side, and holds a crucifixion pose to get things done. The imagery is clear.
Chapter 18: The Miracles Of Sabrina Spellman
(Side note: I love that Harvey made the Dark Phoenix comparison here. Anyone who has ever seen anything related to X-Men would have likely had the same thought. Sabrina not appreciating that Harvey compares her to a comic book when their entire lives are out of a comic book is also really amusing.)
His name is a reference to the longest living man in the Bible. But he’s played by the incomparable William B. Davis AKA the Smoking Man from the X-Files.
Chapter 19: The Mandrake
Sweetwater River
The ritual Sabrina is supposed to partake in involves making a golem and drowning your double at Sweetwater River. Sweetwater is the river that separates Greendale from Riverdale. It’s also where Jason Blossom was lost and Cheryl Blossom almost died - a set of twins, or doubles as it were. Nice symmetry.
The Ghost
The sheet thrown over Lilith’s new Adam before he tries to kill Sabrina is an homage to one of Michael Myers’ kills in Halloween.
Mandrake-Sabrina’s Scream
Okay, my first thought here was that it was a nod to the idea of mandrake roots looking like babies and how they were used in the Harry Potter series. (The Mandrake scream being fatal once mature.) But it also works as a nod to the screeching in Invasions of the Body Snatchers. We’ll call it a double egg.
Chapter 20 The Mephisto Waltz
The Episode Title
It’s taken from Mephisto, or Mephistopheles, a high ranking demon in German folklore. It’s also the name of a demon in Marvel comics, but that’s probably not related. It’s also the name for the devil in Faust, which makes another person with a name for the devil (Nick Scratch) becoming the literal embodiment of the devil rather poetic here.
“Ashes, ashes, he falls down dead…”
I like that the sisters decide to kill Blackwood using a spell to the tune of “Ring Around The Roses,” which was actually a song about a plague. Were they trying to give him a plague? Fitting.
“Not today, Satan.”
Glad to see modern pop culture makes its way into Greendale outside of horror movies and comic books.
The Archies
Sabrina still has her thermos for the fictional Archie comics band in her room. I’m sure there are tons of Easter eggs in her room if we could actually see everything. Just like Harvey still having Archie artwork on his walls.
The song is from Phantom of the Opera, in case anyone watching the show doesn’t love musical theater as much as the rest of us.
That’s it! That’s all I’ve got, though I’m sure I’ve missed some since I’m not as well versed in horror and probably didn’t catch all of the movie references.
#chilling adventures of sabrina#chilling adventures of sabrina part 2#caos spoilers#caos easter eggs#chilling adventures of sabrina easter eggs
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Word of Honor as text posts (42/?)
#山河令#shan he ling#word of honor#wenzhou#zhou zishu#wen kexing#gu xiang#liu qianqiao#luo fumeng#du pusa#zhang chengling#cao weining#caoxiang#xiangning#wohmemes#in case this isn't clear#the last one is a bts moment easter egg
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Chilling adventures of sabrina - easter eggs and references to the riverdaleverse
#crossover#parallel#riverdale#chilling adventures of sabrina#riverdale x caos#josie and the pussycats 2001#easter eggs#kiernan shipka#caos season 4#riverdale 4
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Rosemary’s Baby (1968) Chilling Adventures of Sabrina - Chapter 2: The Dark Baptism (2018)
#Rosemary's Baby#Mia Farrow#Rosemary Woodhouse#Chilling Adventures of Sabrina#CAOS#Sabrina Spellman#Kiernan Shipka#Netflix#Easter Egg#Parallels
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00 Intro with Logos (00/34)
Hey all, so as you can tell from my blog, I post a lot of original content pertaining to colored images from line art, photography, and gifs of things that I find interesting. Well, for the past couple of months I’ve been working on music. I’ve created a soundtrack for a series I’ve been writing for the past 7 years. Though I have not finished this series, nor have I posted it anywhere, I am close to and I thought that creating music on my phone would inspire me to complete the main timeline. (It helped me write one chapter lmao)
The story is called “What is Cao?” And it’s a thrilling adventure with friends and many enemies resulting in catastrophe and Easter eggs. But I will be posting these songs as I finish them. I have one soundtrack completed and halfway through a second one. If you have any questions to what the fuck I’m doing or talking about, feel free to ask!
thanks for coming to my ted talk :)
#music#witcherstones#00#intro with logos#artist#what is cao?#tie#story#stories#writing#easter eggs#art#album#soundtrack#ost#official#intro
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No but seriously, I love the Cain&Abel reference in episode 5 of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina. I mean that's just so awesome and if you know the story of C n A it just makes it better. Good game, writers.
#caos#the chilling tales of sabrina#Chilling Adventures of Sabrina#Aunt zelda#Aunt hilda#cain and abel#Reference#Good game#Easter egg#Bible#God#Lucifer#Satan
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#sabrina morningstar#caos#chilling adventures of sabrina#caos netflix#sabrina spellman#the chilling adventures of sabrina#kiernan shipka#sabrina netflix#sabrina#netflix sabrina#netflix#netflix series#netflix original#television#series#easter eggs#tcaos#the chilling tales of sabrina#the caos writers suck ass
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ENG SUB – CaoXiang Reincarnation Coffeeshop AU by Cadillac, 13 Aug 2021
Cadillac straight up gave us a CaoXiang reincarnation coffeeshop AU with their latest Qixi ad! There were so many easter eggs in this – the red string bracelets, the "I want to treat you to a meal" line, and the fact that his dessert shop is named Four Seasons!
There’s even a reference to WenZhou with the couple in the red and blue hanfu.
And remember in EP31 when Cao Weining suggested that they elope? They did get their little dessert shop in the end :’)
Note: The Qixi Festival (also called Qiqiao Festival) on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month celebrates the annual reunion of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl in Chinese mythology, and how their love moved the heavens so much that the magpies formed a bridge over the Milky Way for them to meet.
#CaoXiang#SHL cast#my translations#CaoXiang Reincarnation AU#wohdaily#Zhou Ye#Ma Wenyuan#word of honor#周也#马闻远#山河令#曹蔚宁#顾湘
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and here it they!Angie and Anori!
this is literally the best edit i ever made,i’m soo in love with this one. took a lot of time,but it worth it.
anyways here the headcanons:
they are very excited for easter,is her favorite holiday.
they tried to help paint,but them was making a caos spelling ink everywhere and eating the chocolate,so Meredy make her leave.
she “helped” Lance hide the eggs (she took every egg that Lance hide and put in a obvious place until he noticed)
after Lance make her leave,she goes to Anori and convince her to dance with her.
they got tired and spend the rest of the day sitting under the tree and talking with Meredy,Lance and Leiftan.Mathieu,Koori and Chrome sit with them too after a while.
they all stayed talk and eating chocolate,sometimes they sing songs.
they also discover that Lance is actually a good singer (Meredy already knew that).
Angie was the most to sing between they.
Anori was the “bunny” of the holiday.
she was in a very good mood.
she stayed entertaining the kids and help they find the eggs.
she played the “hot/cold” game with the kids.
when she got tired,she changed her clothes for something more comfortable.
she was eating a chocolate bar when Angie came and convince her to dance.
they dance for a while,Meredy joins them for a dance,and then they decided to take a pause.
they pass the rest of the day sitting under the tree,Anori lying down.
Anori singed some songs of her people and talked about them,
#eldarya#eldarya easter#eldarya angie#eldarya anori#eldarya edit#eldarya headcanons#eldarya oc#eldarya new era#eldarya a new era#eldarya guardienne#eldarya guardian#angie#anori#eldarya leiftan#eldarya koori#eldarya lance
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🌪️🔨 Navegando en la Tormenta: Construyendo Confianza y Positivismo 🛠️🌞 ¿Te perdiste el GamesIndustry.biz HR Summit en Londres? No te azotes, que tengo una predicción y algo de chisme-caliente para ti. Los juegos son más que gráficos llamativos y mecánicas adictivas; son equipos de talento humano forjando realidades alternas, aún en tiempos oscuros. Con todo el desmadre que traemos en el mundo, ¿cómo mantienen esa chispa a tope? Aquí te va: - 👫 La clave está en la confianza; sin ella, estamos jugando en modo difícil sin necesidad. - 🤝 Cada problema es un boss que se vence con la confianza de saber que tu equipo watcha tu espalda. - 🌟 Mantener el positivismo pese al caos es como tener una armadura legendaria en un juego MMORPG; todo te pega menos. Mi predicción: Los que atiendan a estas insights del HR Summit, se van a equipar con las mejores 'power-ups' para sus equipos. Van a pasar de nivel mientras otros siguen atorados en el tutorial. Además, ¡checa estos videos online! Es como darle replay a tu misión favorita para pescar todos los easter eggs que te perdiste en la primera ronda. 🕹️ ¿Quiénes creen que serán los próximo level designers de este RPG que llamamos trabajo en equipo ? Échales un ojo: 👉 [“Weathering the Storm: Building Trust and Positivity in Challenging Times” HR Summit Video](https://www.gamesindustry.biz/weathering-the-storm-building-trust-and-positivity-in-challenging-times-hr-summit-video) #GamesIndustry #HRSummit #Confianza #TeamBuilding #Positivismo #InnovaciónEnRRHH Comenta tus tácticas, dudas o simplemente nombra al compa que ya está jugando en modo leyenda y debería ver esto. ¡Vamos a darle un power-up a esta plática! 🚀🎮
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