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animentality · 1 year ago
Read a DND porn fic where someone was using the shocking grasp cantrip in a manner of which it was not intended.
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daunt-the-wizard-bitch · 1 year ago
Which cantrip would you want the most for day to day life? Justify in reblogs. Bonus points if you use it for evil.
Edit: prestidigitation is BANNED (It's boring)
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feyosha · 2 years ago
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tatter-demalion · 2 years ago
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Some blade cantrips for your gish needs! You can find these on Homebrewery here.
I think it's a bit silly that the way these cantrips are written (which matches how they were changed with Tasha's) is that you can't use them with reach weapons. I say, use them that way anyway! It's fine.
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dungeonmalcontent · 9 months ago
I have gotten far enough into one of my projects that I am comfortable sharing pieces of it.
I usually try not to get too worked up about my projects in public because I don't want to lead anyone on with something they might really be i to but i don't have the drive to finish. Like any of my three half written TTRPGs...
But this is different. This is something entirely in my wheelhouse, that I have sincerely enjoyed making so far, and I think fills a really fun niche in the hobbies I love.
I am making a small book of poetry. Each poem is themed around a cantrip in the 5e d&d srd (now in creative commons, so I have very little legal worry on it). And I know not everyone is into poetry. But I've also decided to take it a step further into a domain I'm slightly less comfortable with.
Each poem will be emphasized by an original illustration. I don't think I've shared much of what it looks like when I illustrate original pieces. My vector art skills, sure, but my actually style is very different.
I'm very excited about this and with sharing it.
More below cut.
More exciting, since I've gotten far enough into the project, I'm comfortable sharing a bit of the current draft. It's not final and definitely will change since some aspect ratio and font issues persist--this particular one was more proof of concept really.
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It should go without saying the final book will be something I intend to sell, but I'll likely share some or even most of the poems for free through various media (but not the illustrations or the final pages). The final result is more than just poetry, it's more than illustration. I hope that through my artistic interpretations I will be able to capture the essences of the Cantrips, or at the very least what it is like to cast/roleplay them.
Anyway. More on this project later. Current working title: Cantrips - a collection of arcane poems.
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titleknown · 7 months ago
Silly Idea: D&D cantrip that causes you to gush huge amounts of fake blood if you take a single point of damage.
Specifically for faking injuries, the blood gushing doesn't do extra damage, the spell generates it.
It isn't illusory, it's real and it stains, but tastes awful to any actual sanguivores. Like the equivalent of a human eating those biodegradable packing peanuts.
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dndcreaturesinfo · 1 year ago
Cauldron Golem by Critical Crafting
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spikeoshields · 22 days ago
Cantrip concept.
Prestidigitation is very useful for cleaning things in a hurry, but its indiscriminate so things can get… out of hand.
The spell just cleans. It doesn’t know the difference between dust or stains. But in a 1 foot square
The households and labs of mages are now either meticulously clean or complete train wrecks, cause if you use magic to clean, you have to clean EVERYTHING. If you don’t it looks like you gave up halfway through pressure washing.
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dndtreasury · 2 years ago
Cantrip-Nip by Goblin Coach
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honourablejester · 2 years ago
Some Homebrew Damage Cantrips
Mostly to give more options for some of the rarer damage types. Going more for attack rolls than saves, though I can see the argument on some of these (Corrosive Caress particularly) that they should be saves instead.
Transmutation Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action, Range: 60ft, Components: V,S, Duration: 1 round
You hurl a tiny bead of heavily compressed air at a creature, detonating it on a hit. Make a ranged spell attack against a creature within range. On a hit, the creature takes 1d8 thunder damage and, disoriented by the detonation, cannot take reactions until the start of its next turn.
This spell’s damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
Available to: Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard
(Note: initially I has this as an evocation cantrip, but if you’re more shaping and compressing the air and then explosively letting it go, that feels more transmutation, I think? Feel free to discuss)
Conjuration Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action, Range: 30ft, Components: V,S, Duration: 1 round
Gathering spite and vitriol into your palm, you gesture lovingly at a creature that you can see within range. Make a ranged spell attack against that creature, causing a phantom echo of your corrosive touch to caress them. On a hit, the target takes 1d6 acid damage that damages and weakens their flesh. The next time that creature is hit by a weapon attack that deals bludgeoning, piercing or slashing damage before the start of your next turn, that attack deals an extra 1d4 damage.
Both this spell’s acid damage and the damage dealt by the subsequent weapon attack increases, by 1d6 and 1d4 respectively, when you reach 5th level (2d6 and 2d4), 11th level (3d6 and 3d4), and 17th level (4d6 and 4d4).
Available to: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
(This is clearly borrowing notes from both Booming Blade and Mind Sliver, but I’m not sure how well it balances)
Conjuration Cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action, Range: 60ft, Components: S,M (a pebble), Duration: Instantaneous
You conjure a tiny magical stone fist and use it to punch an enemy from range. Make a ranged spell attack against a creature you can see within range. The creature takes 1d8 bludgeoning damage on a hit, after which the hand vanishes.
This spell’s damage increases by 1d8 when you reach 5th level (2d8), 11th level (3d8), and 17th level (4d8).
Available to: Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
(I was distinctly tempted to add a note that ‘Before it vanishes, the hand mimics the somatic gesture you used to cast it’, to be interpreted as one wills, but I refrained. Feel free to add it back yourself, though)
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I'll stop being so pessimistic for a second, because I want to dive into some facts, myths and superstitions about fae. After all, it's not THAT bad, the Glamour still flows, enough to sustain those who rely on it.
Speaking of Glamour, can't forget to mention the magic, one of its purest forms to be precise — cantrips. It's been harder to produce them as years pass, but they still do their job when it comes to traversing difficult landscape, retreating from unpleasant people or just showing some simple tricks at a party. No impossible leaps or telekinetic manipulation, though, at least not those that are very useful. Magic is overall diminished, but when you're creative enough with what you have, you find it quite helpful.
Another thing — cold iron. Yeah, the mighty bad stuff that makes you boil inside your skin and lose a part of yourself... Yeah, it's a thing, but a rare one. I remember grabbing a cold iron lump (wrought iron from bloomery) when I was a faun, and despite it being room temperature, I've had quite a bad time. It hurt and the lesson was learned. And yet, all other kinds of iron and steel are not dangerous at all. So the only thing to be worried about are psychos who deliberately use ineffective ancient method of creating a tool for the sole purpose of harming certain hard-to-identify individuals, which sounds too absurd to be true. I believe that times of fear and malice are gone. People don't care enough to hunt us.
And finally, perhaps, the coolest fact of all. The Dreaming itself. And it's the most hard part. I do believe in its existence, at least in a way that's still percievable by human eye. Hallucinations, vivid dreams, shadows at the brink of your sight and unusual lights in a deserted forest — there is a high chance that it is the Dreaming. Not in all cases, though. Had an unpleasant situation when I took an outright ghost as a chimera. None of us were satisfied by such misunderstanding. But, aside from ghosts, the Twilight Realm got almost nothing to fear — most of the things harmful had seemingly retreated to the far or even deep Dreaming when it was more (or at all) accessible.
So yeah, that's all I could think of for now. Ask me about the details and things I didn't mention, and I will answer.
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wearesorcerer · 4 months ago
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lailoken · 2 years ago
Gwarch Charms (For Sale)
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"A Gwarch—Welsh for "What encloses or shuts up," andcpronounced like Quark, but with a G at the beginning, and a χ at the end—is a basic form of Spell, unique to the Wending Way. It shares similarities with a Cantrip Purse (also called a Charm Bag or Spell Sachet,) and can be used for a variety of purposes, though it serves best when it comes to acts of Healing, Blessing, and Protection.
During the central corpus of the rite, the working space is cleansed and aligned, pertinent powers are invoked, and the caster's intention is encapsulated using a Sigil or composite-sigil on a small slip of paper. After the petition has been completed, it is folded into a tight strip that can be inserted into the opening of an ethically sourced Snail Shell, before stuffing the remainder of the shell’s interior with materials appropriate to the context of the pertinent Gwarch. Finally, the talisman is physically sealed by melting wax from a Hallowed Candle over the opening of the shell to properly secure the contents, and is then fumigated with specialized incense blend while the programming of Gwarch's given task is energetically fixed.
I currently offer three kinds of Gwarch, intended as talismans that help to promote Protection, Luck, and Healing, respectively. Upon receiving it, the recipient is instructed to carry the Gwarch with them for Nine Days and Nights, before burying it at a crossing of ways in order to bring the magic worked to fruition.
Be advised: Gwarchs are best used target mild to moderate tasks, but not particularly complex or dire situations. Additionally, since every shell is wild-gathered in a ritual context, no two shells look just alike. However, if you have a particular preference of some kind, please feel free to inquire about it by contacting me."
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Anyone interested in purchasing one or more of these lovingly crafted Spell Catalysts may do so on my shop for $18 each: ☆
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glitchingicarus · 2 years ago
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Druid and Warlock casting the cantrip Chill Touch
The first time I had Quet cast chill touch, I made a point to describe the skeletal hand of the spell as looking like it was made of jointed sewing needles (inspiration taken from Coraline and a nod to his patron as the source of his power). So when our party’s Druid, Amanita, cast it for the first time a few sessions later, we all got to discussing how the spell might look different for her. Someone suggested the dead mans fingers fungus and I couldn’t shake the idea, so I decided to draw them both casting it. Same spell, different look.
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thewildnopeboat · 1 year ago
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The things that the other cleric has to hear because I ask if they have a spell
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dungeonmalcontent · 11 months ago
Am I committing myself to spend a lot of time thinking about Cantrips for the next week or so? Yes. Yes I am.
Little non-gameplay project I want to work on. Who knows if I'll finish it. This isn't the secret project I was drafting a bit ago. That secret project is still on the back burner for now, along with some more homebrew subclasses. But I've been thinking a lot about what I actually want to make, like for me, and what is naturally growing in my mind like native plants growing in a burnt lot where a house used to be. And it isn't really homebrew.
Anyway. Yeah. Thinking a lot about Cantrips. And spell books. And art. Granted I'm not really an artist. Anyone that's been here for a while could tell you that.
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