#cant stop thinking about loser eddie
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stervrucht · 7 months ago
Eddie thinks he's hot shit, full of undiluted charm that strikes like lightning and catches like fire.
Steve may have made a mistake by laughing at Eddie's poor attempts at flirting—may have opened Pandora's box, really, if said box was filled with lame innuendos.
Steve stands behind the counter at Family Video, organizing some returns with half his mind elsewhere. He watches, caught between second-hand embarrassment and guilty amusement, as Eddie kills time flirting with innocent bystanders while he waits for Steve to finish his shift.
Eddie is utterly oblivious to the reactions of his victims, too absorbed in what probably passes for clever wordplay in his head. He hardly seems to notice the objects of his conquest leaving. Mostly because—after some particularly lame line—he is much more interested in Steve's reaction.
So yeah, Steve is dealing with a monster of his own making, but whatever.
Eddie's flirting may be horrendous to others, but it definitely works for Steve.
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tommygotwrittenoff · 4 months ago
anyway buck and eddie are such losers they'd probably do sexy firefighter roleplay
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freaksun · 7 months ago
cute, cuter, cutest
you call eddie cute and it leads to more.. allusions to smut under the cut. bestfriend!eddie
you giggle, shoving him lightly “youre cute.”
he visibly jolts, eyes widening slightly. you dont know why hes reacting so harshly, it was a compliment!
he cant stop the fire that engulfs him, the searing red blush that climbs up his neck, covering his cheeks in a beautiful colour that puts his feelings on a platter for you to pick at.
at least he expects you to, to laugh in his face and tell him you were only joking, you dont think hes cute you think hes a loser. a part of him wants to tell you off, to reject you before you can reject him
but you dont. - well,- you giggle a little bit which doesnt help but then you move closer.
“youre even cuter when youre flustered.” you smile at him, a warm inviting thing that makes him wanna lean forward and fall into you. into the pit your unconditional affection and company and sweet sweet laugh, from which he may never return.
pushing through the thorns in his throat, he cant help but make sure youre not making fun of him. even though he trusts you and youre smiling at him like you smile when you watch your romcoms, he still expects you to laugh and run away.
“are you making fun of me?” hes direct. no way around it.
he regrets it immediately when your smile falls, and youre looking at him like he’s a hurt puppy.
“what? of course not, eddie.” something he wouldve never guessed in a million years is when you reach out to touch him. you hold his face so softly and he can just feel the way you care about him in the way your thumb is rubbing his cheek.
you look at the ground, retracting your hand in a whirl of regret and fear of crossing a boundary. suddenly shyer than hes ever known you to be. hes frozen, petrified with tho only thing stronger than fear - hope.
if he wasnt so scared he’d lift your chin with his thumb and maybe even kiss you like hes always dreamed of doing, but hes stuck in fear of ruining things ‘like he always does.’
you look back into his eyes, which both scares him and comforts him at once. he’s been your bestfriend so long that staring into your eyes makes him feel at home in a way no one else can. or maybe thats cause hes in love with you.
“I-“ you start but seem to lose your confidence. this time hes ready. he mirrors you, holding your cheek with his pointer finger above your ear, his others right below it, and his thumb gently stroking the apple for your cheek. his hand fits there so comfortably like he was made to do it.
“im listening.” he nods reassuringly. he always knows how to make you feel ok.
you swallow, eyes flicking between his and the dirty hardwood floor of his room.
“i love you.” you state plainly, eyes burning holes into the wood planks. you say it to each other all the time, but this time its different. this time you cant bare to look at him when you say it, can stand to see him reject you.
“i know, baby..” he tries to hide the disappointment, but you can tell he doesnt get it.
you look back at him, your slight frustration overtaking what was stopping you from looking at him before. hes so beautiful. his brown puppy eyes staring into yours, scared but begging you to tell him what you really mean. it helps you feel more confident that hes not going to reject you, the look on his face makes it clear.
“thats not what i mean.” his eyes widen again, just a smidge. still, its enough to make him look like a cartoon deer.
he can feel the heat emanating from your face.
“what do you mean?” he knows and you know and you know he knows and he knows you know.
still he needs to hear it.
“I mean..” you reach your hand up to your face, holding his wrist and squeezing gently.
“i think you’re beautiful. and cute, and handsome.. and.. hot..” he turns pink quickly, looks like hes hiding away in his mind. its like hes not there, like he just cant hear you being so nice to him.
“you make me laugh every day. i think youre the funniest person i know.” his lashes flutter, and it seems like hes forced himself to be present, to hear you. he turns pinker.
“you’re so fuckin sweet. you care more than anyone ive ever met and i fucking love that.” you make it a point to compliment everything you know he feels bad about everything hes been made to feel bad about
“i think you’re so strong. you hear what people say about you every day and you still prove them wrong. still manage to be kind in the face of hate.” hes red now, tears in his eyes.
“and i love every minute with you. you make time pass so quick.. you make me feel safe and loved and appreciated. i love you, eddie.”
he blinks and his tears fall. you coo and wipe them from his cheeks. he smiles, his hand moving from its dutiful place on your cheek to grab your wrist.
“c-can i kiss you?” ever the gentleman he still asks after you’ve laid out your heart to him. as if you’d say no.
you nod, smiling shyly. he leans in, both your hands on each others faces guiding you both towards each other. you close your eyes and all you feel is his soft pillowy lips brushing yours, gentle as he has always been.
you cant hold back. you’ve dreamed about this forever and you always thought you’d be shy about it, gentle and letting him lead.
instead, in the moment, you pull him closer to you in a sudden desperate haze, shoving his lips into yours. he makes a suprised ‘mmf’ sound you absolutely eat up and it only makes you want him more.
his hand finds your hip, pulling you into him now just as needy. his tongue slides across your bottom lip, begging for permission. you moan softly, hoping he doesnt notice but god knows he does, and he needs more. needs to hear you moaning his name.
the second your mouth opens that centimetre, the kiss deepens tenfold as you pull on his clothes. moaning into each others mouths you suddenly realize where you are and whats happening.
you pull back, smiling and panting heavily.
“im gonna close the door”
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luveline · 8 days ago
does eddie know about reader getting kidnapped in the steve zombie au? i feel like it would freak him out and also he’d totally understand steve’s fussing now. i can imagine maybe robin mentioning it passing and eddie asks steve and they discuss it in hushed whispers away from r, steve finally opening up to eddie and dropping the jealousy even if for a moment.
afterwards, eddie is a bit more protective with r and she’s confused? at night when theyre cuddling before bed, she mentions it to steve and he’s get this guilty look on his face and tells her what happened. i’m just not over the whole kidnapping debacle i cant lie. it was intense and poor reader must still suffer from the pain.
thank you for requesting!! zombie au | fem, 2.5k
cw mentions of abduction and dark themes
“How long have they actually been together?” Eddie asks. 
He asks out of boredom, mostly, but there’s something else —when you and Steve first got here, together, after Eddie found you looking for antibiotics and so bravely saved Harrington’s life— he assumed you and Steve were new lovers. The way he was with you pointed to a honeymoon stage in full flux. Even now the question gets asked because he sort of can’t believe you and Steve are nearing the two year mark. In apocalypse years, that’s basically twenty. 
“Since the start, pretty much. Steve says she liked him for a while and he fell for her hard a couple of months before they found me,” Robin says, letting her book rest tented across her chest. 
If Robin weren’t a homosexual, and Eddie also weren’t a homosexual (maybe, he’s not fully decided), he thinks she’d be the girl for him. You're taken, but Eddie likes being your friend too much to care anyhow. 
Across the grass, just out of hearing distance, Steve is tipping your head back. Sat behind you, talking to you, his hand held carefully against the front of your neck, thumb poking into your chin guiding you back. He looks worried. You laugh in his face and free fall backwards until you’re both laying in the dirt, your back to his chest and Steve’s spine to the ground. 
“He gets really worried about her. Like, all the time.” 
“Well, she got hurt pretty bad. If I remember it right, she fell two stories and didn’t wake up for a few days.” 
Eddie’s never heard that story. He’s heard about you getting locked in a fridge with a geek, and that you and Steve got chased by a gang of scroungers by the I-65, but, “She fell two stories?” he asks, “And she’s alive?” 
“That’s not even the worst of it,” she says with a laugh. “You know how she got the nickname killer?” 
Eddie shakes his head, ‘cos he does, and he doesn’t want the funny story, he wants to know what the hell happened to his friend. “What’s the worst of it?” 
Robin realises he’s being serious and stops laughing. It’s not like she thought it was funny that you got hurt, but it wasn’t like you were in any real danger. But Eddie’s like a bloodhound. There’s a story here and he knows it and he needs to hear it, worse when Robin stays quiet for a long time. 
“A couple of weeks after they got to the College, we had to go get her.” Robin digs her hand behind her back. “There was a man, he… sort of faked his death? And he took her.” 
“He faked his death and kidnapped Y/N?” Eddie asks, shellshocked. 
“He faked his death to kidnap her.” 
“What? Why?” 
Robin frowns at Eddie severely. “He was Steve’s partner for patrol. He was too interested in her, asked a bunch of questions Steve wouldn’t answer, and then he disappeared. We assumed he’d wandered off and died like an idiot.”
“But he didn’t?” 
“No, he… God, Eddie, I thought she would’ve told you all this stuff.” 
Eddie shrugs. Part of your charm is your poor self-esteem, he teases, how cool you are and how terrified of being a loser you seem to be, despite the inevitability of being both. Everyone Eddie loves is a massive loser, and that’s what makes them his kind of person. 
Your friendship is an honest one, but it doesn’t mean you’re forthcoming. 
“He only had her for a day,” Robin says. “I shouldn’t tell you more than that, it’s not fair, but we found her. Steve went crazy until we got her back, and he’s been like this since.” 
“Shit, Robin, I’m tempted to stand guard by her tent. Wait, what happened with to the guy?” 
“He shot himself trying to hit Christopher with his gun.” 
Eddie whistles lowly. “Got what he deserved.” 
“Yeah, I think he did.” 
Eddie doesn’t like what’s implied. He should ask you about it directly, but he’s heard your nightmares sometimes. He always assumed they were of the same variety as his own, gnashing teeth breaking the skin of his arm or leg as he tries desperately to escape from a corner. 
He doesn’t make Robin say more, and he doesn’t ask you about it. He can’t find time alone with you, and he isn’t sure what he’d say. 
Steve glares at him from across the flames of a small campfire. “What?” 
“What do you mean, what? Just standing here.” 
“You’re suspiciously quiet, Munson.” 
“I want to ask you about something but I don’t want you to bite my head off.” 
“I’m sure I will.” 
“I know you will.” But Eddie cares about you enough to chance it. He steps around the fire, digging his shoes into the hardened muck of ash and pebbles, “It’s about Y/N.”
Steve’s eyes go looking for you. “What about her?” 
“Robin told me she got taken by some guy? Like, actually taken?” 
The light in Steve’s expression just dies. “Yeah.” 
“He’s dead now, right?” 
“Yeah. Killed himself like an idiot.” Steve frowns at Eddie again, tongue poking at his lip. “He took her while she was showering. I’d just got back from a run and she told me to sleep while she was gone. I woke up that night and nobody knew where she went. I didn’t sleep, I– went through every building on the campus with Hopper and I couldn’t find her, I didn’t know where to look, but a couple of us went outside the walls anyways, Chris and Vanessa, Jonathan, me and Rob, and she left a couple of things in the woods. Buttons, bits of fabric.” 
“Smart girl.” 
“When I found her, he had her ziptied.” 
“That’s what those scars are, on her face?” Steve brings a pinched hand to his jaw. “He grabbed her and his nails… I cleaned them out afterward but they got infected anyway, so she’ll have them forever. She used to cry for hours. Sometimes she still cries about it.” 
Steve sighs, ragging a hand through his hair roughly. “I wouldn’t tell you that stuff, but I know she won’t, and sometimes I’m not here to look after her, and I know you will.” 
“Yeah, I will.” 
“And I know you like doing tricks with that cat’s cradle stuff, so you should probably, like, be aware that she doesn’t like having her hands tied together.” 
“I won’t do anything to her,” Eddie says lightly. He feels like he and Steve are on different footing than before. “Thank you for telling me.” 
“I shouldn’t have, just–”
“She’s your Achilles heel, Harrington.” 
“Sure, whatever that means.” 
“Your one weakness.” 
Steve grins, to Eddie’s surprise, crossing his arms over his chest, their temporary ceasefire stretching a little longer. “I guess she is.” 
Steve is laying down in the tangle of your blankets waiting for you to press yourself into his arms. A niggling thought appears at the surface of your mind, your gaze having fallen to his collarbone, bared by his too-large sleep shirt, a worry you can’t ever seem to truly move past: Steve loves you and you can’t deserve it. It goes away when you realise it doesn’t matter. Steve loves you and you have to try to deserve it, to fall into his arms and build him up as he does for you. Maybe you already do, and your cruel head has taken too many hits. Whatever the case, the part of you that has a big crush on your boyfriend wants to rest near him. There’s no better pleasure than settling down to sleep on his side and knowing he’s going to pull at you until he’s deemed you comfortable. 
“Steve…” you murmur, placing a hand either side of his chest to hang over him. 
“What?” he asks. 
“Can you do that thing where you hold me like I’m a baby?” 
He laughs loudly. It’s ridiculous and silly and you’d never do it if Robin were spending the night in the tent with you, but you lay across Steve and he gets an arm under your legs to curl you up. It’s less like a baby (as you’re much too big and tall and he’s not nearly as gentle as he’d be with a kid) and more like a pill bug, all your weight on him, your face smushed into his neck and his arms around your back. Somehow, someway, you slot together nicely like this. “Just tell me when I’ve broken your back,” you mumble.
“As if.” 
“As if,” you repeat. 
“Do you feel like a baby?” 
“No. I just figured that was the quickest way to ask for this.” 
“I think you can just ask me to hold you,” he says, his hand spreading out between your shoulders, “and that’ll work.” 
“Mm.” You aren’t ready to sleep, and he couldn’t like this, it’s not a permanent position. Your head whirs with thoughts of the day, and the stomach-central-heaviness that comes with being body to body with someone you love. “You okay?” you ask quietly. 
“I’m good.”
“Me too.” 
“I’m really nervous about that ’expedition’, Friday,” he says. 
“We don’t have to go.” 
“Maybe we shouldn’t,” Steve says. 
“It does seem far away.” 
“Thing is, even if we don’t go, Robin’s dead set on going, and I swore we’d never be apart again. I can’t break that promise.” 
You nose at his chest. “I guess we have to spend the next two days convincing her to stay home.” 
“How are we gonna do that?” 
“I don’t know. Break her leg?” 
“Sounds like something Eddie would say.” 
You laugh into his skin, quiet and contented, because you know you’ll find a way to stay with Robin. Maybe she’ll be impossible to convince and you’ll both have to go with her, but nothing matters beyond staying together. 
“He’s been acting weird,” you confess. 
Steve’s thumb rubs the band on your bra. “Do you wanna take this off?” He doesn’t wait for an answer, pulling the clasp together under your shirt and releasing it in a move so dexterous it borders on offensive. 
You shrug out of your bra without displaying too much skin. Steve’s hand falls to your stomach, shy of your belly button, trimmed nail skimming a ticklish line. “He’s been quite gentle with me,” you say unsurely. 
“He doesn’t have a crush on you. Well, more than he usually does.” 
“I thought I should tell you, though. I don’t want to give him the wrong idea.” 
“God, you don’t,” he says, “Eddie doesn’t get wrong ideas ‘cos all his ideas are already wrong, but it’s not something you did. This time, it’s my fault.” 
“How’s it your fault? He wouldn’t fight me in the river, did you tell him not to?” 
“He doesn’t actually listen to me.” 
“So why’s he acting like I’m glass all of a sudden?” 
Steve finds your hand and holds it, pulling at it, encouraging you to lay down on him again. “I’m sorry, but I told him about what happened with… with Connor. Nothing in detail, only that it happened.” 
“I know it’s not my story to tell him.” 
“You’re half of it, though,” you suppose aloud, turning your face up to the tent ceiling, pleased when his hands adjust you and cross over your front. 
“I told him that he tied you up, and about your mouth. But I didn’t tell him about any of the things he said, or– I know I shouldn’t have said anything, I just don’t want you to be alone one day and have that secret, just in case he needs to look after you–”
“Are you going somewhere?” you ask quietly. 
“Of course not.” 
You let the quiet grow for a time, until you let out a sigh, your chest collapsing beneath his hand. “I honestly forgot that he doesn’t know all that stuff from before.” 
“That’s okay,” he says softly, hugging your chest with the same gentleness as he holds in his voice, “sometimes I forget too.” 
“We went through a lot.” 
“We still are.” 
“But things have been a lot better here, right?” you ask. “I mean, it’s not the College, we don’t have our room, but we have each other, and the porta-cabins aren’t bad. Hopper even said that next month when we choose our campground we’ll stay until after the winter, and we’ll have a cabin, right? Me and you, Robin, Eddie, Marcy, Sarah– not a bit of privacy–”
“I'm not sharing a room with that imbecile.” 
“It’ll be fun. Warmer than last winter outside.” 
Steve sighs. “So much rain.” 
“Do you think Eddie thinks I’m weak?” 
Steve doesn’t answer. He slips you from his chest and slinks in behind you, his lips under your ear. You turn your head to see him and find him close enough to kiss. 
“No,” Steve says surely. “Eddie doesn’t think that you’re weak. He’s just hearing about it for the first time, and he cares about you. Remember when you told me about the time those girls at school smashed your lunchbox and tipped milk over your head? It was years before we met and it still made my chest get all hot and achy.” 
“I can’t imagine people caring about me so much, sometimes,” you confess in a mumble. “Especially now.” 
“But they do.” 
Sweet, then, for Eddie to worry. As much as you like fighting with him in the river while you wash your clothes, it’s nice to think he might’ve refrained from his usual attempts at drowning you because he was upset on your behalf. “He’s a good guy. Maybe he can go with Robin instead.” 
“I trust him, but Robin is never leaving me again,” Steve says. “Not that far away. Nah, we’ll just go with her.” 
You couldn’t lose Robin, but you also couldn’t lose this version of Steve who has his best friend back. “Right,” you agree, burrowing against him, fingers digging under him until he lifts his back and lets you hug him. Your arm will be dead in minutes. 
Steve asks if you want to read together, so you do, until it’s too dark to read without the torchlight and you’re too tired to do more than be hugged by him. As you’re falling into sleep, he speaks, and you miss each word individually but understand the jist of it: no one’s gonna hurt you, he’s saying. He’s swearing it. Because we’re together. 
You mumble love yous and goodnights to each other. You have a nightmare that night but you’re not scared when you wake. You'll have more nightmares in the future that aren’t as easily forgotten, just, for once, the memory fades into nothingness as Steve draws your face into his hands and lays you back down. As quickly as you’d woken up, you’re sleeping. 
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knyontop · 3 months ago
Hello ;) I wanted to know if you can do Yandere! Bowers gang with a reader preferring the company of the Losers' Club?
The reader may have "made friends" with the Bowers gang and discovered how bad they are. Then he may have moved to the losers' club room and made friends with them. So he began to avoid the Bowers Gang and prioritize the Losers' Club. ;)
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₊˚ ‿︵‿୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿ ˚₊
Literally was so SO excited when i got this request!! Part one
Ft: Henry Bowers, Patrick Hockstetter, Victor Criss, Belch Huggins, Bill Denbrough, Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak.
Tw: possessive behavior, Patrick being Patrick, violence, threats, bullying, gaslighting, harassment.
・you best believe this man is FUMING😭
・even after you said you would stop being a brat you just go off and hang around some losers!
・although he is super mad, hes also slightly hurt you would rather hang out with them then him.
・now this is not in a “pity me” way it’s because he thinks hes better then everyone and it just hurts his ego that you would rather hang out with someone else. (I dont blame you)
・every chance he gets to jab at you and the losers club he takes, hes definitely meaner to you now that your hangin’ around them.
・but you stand your ground, surprisingly, you felt more confident then you did before.
・but how long would that confidence stay?
・Henry waits for you to try and seek them out, but, you never do and seeing you so happy with the losers club makes him extremely upset.
・hes starting to get tired of this bullshit so whenever he sees you with Bill he snaps.
・Henry grabs your arm roughly the grip so tight it would definitely leave a bruise Bill trys to stop him but he yells at him telling him to stay out of it, Henry gives you two options ether you talk with him or Billy boy gets it.
・obviously you dont want to see your friend get hurt so you go with Henry. (Right choice)
・when you two get alone hes yelling at you practically blinded by rage it honestly scares you.
・”What the fuck!? I thought you were done with your fucking tantrum! I cant BELIEVE you went off with those losers!”
・”There not losers! There my friends-“ slap.
・he shoves you to the ground and kneels down close to you, he grabs the collar of your shirt.
・”I dont wanna hear it. Your coming back to the gang, do I make myself clear?”
・his tone shows no room for discussion so you nod.
・”Like I said, your never getting away.”
・Sorry Y/N, bowers wins again.
・now he is also mad but not as mad as Henry, Patricks mostly just amused that you think you can just ignore him.
・Patrick knows that Henry is not a patient man so he figured that Henry would do something about it soon or you would come back later.
・that is until this starts to go on for months and he himself is starting to get more mad seeing you with the losers club.
・a possessive and jealous feeling growing, it started driving him crazy!
・anytime he passed by you out of school he would give you a glare that clearly said “your in trouble”.
・you have a defiant glare back even though you were scared, it amused and pissed him off greatly.
・you may be able to stand up to Henry, but, Patrick? You know you dont stand a chance.
・even Henry can be disgusted by Patricks actions, Patrick is the most cruel one out of the four delinquents.
・when Henry started talking about getting you back Patrick was the first one to agree, he didn’t care anymore he didn’t even care if you got hurt in the process, fucking hell you deserved it!
・he knew one thing for sure, when you came back, he wasn’t going to let you anger him like this again. Make him care this much about one puny kid. He would make sure knew your place.
・when he heard you were back he was overjoyed, dont take this in a soft way or a cute way it’s quite the opposite hes just glad he can get back at you.
・when hes able to get alone with you he’ll rough you up a bit, asking you if you thought that avoiding them (him) would keep you safe.
・”Did you think that this would last long? Huh stupid? Well looks like the big bad bowers gang got you, stupid.” He always called you stupid, he got a laugh every time you would look like a kicked puppy, you even started to believe that you were stupid.
・he started gaslighting you into thinking that the losers club didn’t care for you, they never did. Why would they? Why would they care for a stupid, weird, kid like you?
・you couldn’t answer that, you were to tired to anyway.
・he felt satisfied with his work so he left you alone to spiral, think about everything he said, to ponder if its true or not.
・his words got into your head, maybe they didn’t care… I mean, you were stupid. Who liked hanging around someone as stupid as you? I mean, except for the bowers gang.
・so now anytime they would try and come up to you you would give them the cold shoulder truly believing they didn’t care, Richie Tozier truly tried saving you from the bowers gangs grasp but he couldn’t. (Maybe just not yet¿)
・Patrick would be seen in the background with a cheshire cat smile, pleased with his work on your stupid little head. You believed him.
・poor boy is UPSET😭
・why would you rather hang out with some losers over them? Over him? Why are you avoiding him? Huh? HUH?
・he knows your probably upset about what happened last time, but, why would you hang out with them over him and the gang?
・he just doesn’t understand why. (Which is frustrating on your end)
・Victor is the one who will try seeking you out himself, which always leads into arguments.
・gosh sometimes he just wants to slap the shit out of you you piss him off sometimes!
・but hey, sometimes friends rough house so its fine. (Its not he just wants to justify himself)
・when hes hanging out with his younger siblings all he can think about is you, he misses you but your such a selfish brat your to focused on yourself to even care! No, no, he doesn’t mean that. (Maybe he does)
・Victor wants an apology from you, he thought all of this was over! Why would he even need to apologize?
・hes caught up in this delusion that he didn’t do anything wrong and that your the one in the wrong, but your to young and immature to understand that.
・Victors trying everything to get you back though, he even spreads rumors about the losers club to try and scare you away from them but it did not work you just believed they were rumors..
・when he hears that Henrys going to get you back hes on deck for whatever as long as its not to destructive towards you.
・look, Victor really does care about you honest! Hes just a little… weird about it?
・yeah lets go with that ;)
・anywho, when your back hes all over you telling you off but also saying he missed you.
・he may or may not have known about Patricks little plan to get you back in line but he didn’t stop it.
・whoops, well, whatever he did it worked.
・and all that matters is your with them! (Him)
・very disappointed in you.
・literally like a mother😭
・im jk guys but literally mama Belch..
・im jk im JK I dont like people who ignore Belch and Victors darker sides.
・but Belch is disappointed and upset, always looking at you with an almost betrayed expression and angry.
・Belch doesn’t get as physical with kids as Henry but he does push them around so he one time shoved Eddie into you and walked off cus’ he was feeling petty..
・lowkey was kinda funny to Richie.
・(I do NAWT have any ideas..)
・(im winging it)
・he does miss you, he misses the peace you brought him, the happiness you brought him… and the annoyance with your annoying self but then those idiots took you away!
・your just doing this to get back at them, you wont be gone for long, right?
・he hopes.
・(im so sorry Belch lovers😭)
・when he hears your finally coming back hes relieved, he just hopes no harm comes to you in the process.
・but in the back of his mind he believes you need some type of punishment wether it be cruel or not just to put you back in line…
・but it seems the day after your back, your out of that rebellion phase! (Thanks to Patrick)
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Belchs part was rushed.. btw, I think im making this a series! And I have big plains for it :3 how would we feel making the losers club yandere tooooo??
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eddiesgmcsierra1500denali · 7 months ago
Eddie would definitely contemplate giving the sal treatment to anyone who so much as looks funny at buck. Like my beautiful favourite person ever is here cooking us the best eggs you will ever eat and you cant even stop what youre doing to say hi. And then theyre like cap Im literally polishing the fire truck like you asked 5 minutes ago. Literally he (politely) chews them up in front of the whole house and then threatens to transfer them if they dont eat every last bit of buck’s breakfast in apology. (The 133 dont mention buck at all to probies because eddie’s buck wrath is their form of probie hazing)
this is even funnier when you think about the kind of captain eddie probably is usually. like he’s literally so chill and it usually takes a little while before new people learn that he’s an embarrassing loser dad Underneath. except for buck shows up and he is immediately vibrating like YAY BUCK!! and acting like a besotted fool. so if anyone was under the impression that eddie was normal and cool well they will no longer be mistaken!
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darkcrowprincess · 1 year ago
The losers club parents:
*trigger warning use of homophobic words*
*their parents have all noticed their children have been missing together for hours. They start looking in all the spots the kids hang out.*
Mrs and Mr Uris calling out together, their voices echoing together out near the barrens: STAN!! STANLEY!
Mrs Denbrough freaking out and hyper ventilating: We cant lose another child Zack! I can't lose another baby!
Mr Denbrough tries to console her but it feels like empty words: We'll find him. He'll be alright. Its not like Georgie he's with his friends.
Mr and Mrs Hanlon yell out together next: MIKE!!
Sonia Kaspbrak: Your children are never going near Eddie again! You hear me!
Mr and Mrs Hanlon call out again: MIKE!
Maggie Tozier is unfortunately stuck near Sonia, her husband up ahead with Ms Hanscom so they both could call out for Richie and Ben together. The parents have spread out in a big circle near the woods of the barrens. Each calling out their childrens names hoping they'll hear it. Maggie was unfortunately left to deal with Sonia( who they were surprised that the hypochondriac actually agreed to look with them)
Maggie tries to be nice and puts a comforting hand on Sonia's shoulder: Sonia it will be alright. Well find them. It's not any of the boys fault.
Sonia slaps the women's hand away and goes on a horrible tirade: NO! My Eddie Bear is delicate. He should have never run off with any of these boys! Especially your son!
Maggie is finally pissed off(and protective): What do you mean by that?!
Sonia with a cruel smile on her face: You know what your son is like. The whole town knows what a dirty boy he is. But I will not have that little faggot infecting my son with his disgusting feelings!
Maggie slaps the woman hard across her face. Red is in her vision. Her long nails leave scratches along her fat cheek.
Wentworth, goes to stop his wife from full on beating the shit out of Eddies bitch of a mother: Maggie!
Maggie: Our children are missing and all you care about is saying hurtful things about my son! I don't give a shit if my son is gay or both our kids have feelings for each other! As long as they're happy!
Maggie is about to jump on the vile woman but her husband picks her up. She's still tries to kick and hit at Sonia (unknowingly, she looks a lot like her son in that moment).
Maggie: You are a vile woman and your son deserves better. FRANK WOULD HATE YOU, especially for what your doing to your son.
Sonia: YOU BITCH! You take that back!
Sonia is held back by Mr and Mrs Denbrough.
Maggie: Why its not like I'm lying, Frank if he was alive right now would take Eddie away from you and never look back! And it be within his right! Your suffocating your son!
Sonia screams in anger: I'm protecting him! Its because of all your kids!
The two mothers keep fighting. Which causes the other parents to come closer and try to help. Unknowingly their children are at the top of the cliff of the barrens hearing everything.
All 7 of the losers peak their heads over the cliff to watch everything. Like little animals popping their heads out of hidding.
Eddie and Richie both stare at each other in shock.
Bill: W-we need to get down there. I-I can't believe t-the-y ww-were looking for us.
Richie: Do we have to, I'm actually finding it really cool how badass my mom is being right now.
Bill: R-richie! What about Eddie?!
Eddie with a bit of satisfaction for himself: Give it a few more minutes. Mrs Tozier just tackled my mom into the mud.
The losers all look back to see the fight.
Eddie to Richie: Your mom is so cool.
Richie with stars in his eyes: 🤩 I know right.
Richie without thinking moves fully out of hiding to cheer his mom on: GO MOM!
Maggie who finally hears her son, looks up to see the kids on the cliff: RICHIE?!
The other losers: Richie! How are we suppose to explain this to them?!
*This being the fact that they just finished fighting an evil space clown*
Richie: Oops.
Maggie dropping Sonia Kaspbrak back into the mud, yells back up to her son: RICHARD WENTWORTH TOZIER! Get your ass down here now! You know how worried we have all been!
Richie nervous now: Ooooh full name not good.
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tht0nesimp · 1 year ago
Yandere Losers Club Headcanons
tw; kidnapping but like...less organized and only mentioned a little bit, manipulation, violence, drugging, hypochondria, forced religion,
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-he is much to his dismay like his mom
-He's like a constant nurse, even when you promise your fine! Hitting your knee on a rock hurt for sure, but its not like your going to die..well hopefully not, maybe he's right? thoughts like those will become common as he worms his worries into your mind
-He's willing to share, but only with the club, he continues to promise that its what's best for you when he gives you a prescription of Cyclobenzaprine, just enough to not give you too much serotonin syndrome, but a little extra joy is normal! Not being able to get up just means he needs to get you another prescription or eight! You trust him, dont you?
-Eventually when you try to distance yourself, all the drugs hes been giving you, all the prescriptions you now dont take will come crashing down on you. Hes not going to necessarily mock you when the kidnapping happens and you go through extreme stress and withdrawl...but this wouldn't have happened if you!-
-He gets along best with stan and mike, since all three want what's best for you
-He has his problems with, surprisingly, bev. She got you hurt once and he still hasn't completely forgiven her though he will back her up when you try and vent to him about her manipulating you
-Your overreacting! hes hurt you think she would ever spread rumors about you when she was bullied herself. shame, shame, shame on you
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-Manipulation to the max, she will make you want to spend time with her. There is no other option
-She's one of the more patient of the group though, when you finally start to distance yourself she will calmly help create a plan to help bring you home. You will inevitably be back after all whether its due to drug dependency or the loser club knocking you out on your way back from a party, is up to the universe
-She wouldnt hurt you to a certain point, if she believes its for the greater good then your tough out of luck. But she prefers to just make you feel guilty and dependent
-she gets along best with stan and ben, as the other two are too scared to stop her
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-Its not that he doesnt want you to not be a tad scared of him, but you make it so difficult! I mean, hes the worst at hiding his tendencies about you
-He doesnt fully get why you get bothered when he curses out your crush? What could possibly be wrong?
-Dont worry, he would never hurt you EVER. Well, not on purpose, a few scrapes on an adventure is different!
-He gets along best with mike and bill, as they both enjoy going on adventures with you as well
-Eddie and him clash sometimes, mainly just because of eddies naturally overprotective nature around you getting hurt
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-Mike is a bit more gentle, hes one of the few who feels guilt about what hes doing
-Hes also very jealous of the others at times, and although hed never take it out on you..sometimes he gets clingy when he thinks you might be prefering the others over him in any capacity of the sense
-It goes without saying that he wouldn't hurt you, but he cant bring himself to rat on the others when the kidnapping happens. He locks the guilt even further back in his mind at that point and refuses to acknowledge when you call them crazy
-He gets along best with eddie and bill, all three are deeply concerned for your safety just about constantly
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-Pomegranate??? When he's especially feeling in debt to god for giving you to him, he encourages you to pray! before bed...when you wake up...before eating....whenever you feel like leaving him...yknow when you should be grateful for things!
-If your not super religious he's...ok with that. Sometimes he may wish you were willing to engage with that stuff but he tries not to bring it up too much
-Besides that, hes somewhat tame. But he doesn't feel guilty
-He goes with the vibe of the group so if you do something wrong or when the kidnapping comes around and they feel you need repercussions he's not going to stand up for you but he wont be cruel to you
-He gets along well with bill and mike, theyre all pretty chill with you
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-You wont know hes a yandere unless they kidnap you, he's a scrawny little guy with a stutter who is barely keeping on after georgie's death...do your really think hed ever do stuff like that?!
-You help him with his stutter, your one of the big reason he tries to overcome it when hes a bit older
-Theres not much he does besides a bit of manipulation about him feeling guilty for what happened to his brother, after all, who wouldn't feel bad for this poor guy!
-He gets along best with bev, they both like each other...and you so it works out for them to share you
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icetobes · 1 year ago
a rollercoaster of fucking emotions
911 thoughts s7 e5
- alien hand ?? lmao
- hen and her knowlate 🫶🏻
- lmao pleasee they’re struggling so much lmao
- oh bucks being choked
- bobby 🫶🏻
- oh eddie… um
- kinda funny… those poor guys
- i’m so excited this is aaaa
- NO WHAT 😭😭😭
- they’re ??? not ??? getting a little girl ????
- i’m devastated they can’t do this to me i was so excited why would they do this to me
- another girl ?? a nine year old :((((
- they’re the best chance :((( aaa
- they’re going to a movie 🥹🥹
- evan.
- the 118 was a regressive place… you did that ngl but it’s okay
- “i’m not lying” BUCK BABY
- “date with a dude” 😭
- “i guess it’s just me that makes you nervous” IM GONNA AAAA
- HOT CHICKS buck stop ??? help
- he’s so awkward :(((
- “it’s mine”
- “i think you’re adorable but i don’t think you’re ready” IM SOBBING NO
- aaaa henren again 🥹🫶🏻
- the blanket is the only thing she has left :((
- hen understanding non-verbal i’m going to CRY
- denny is so sweet im aaaaa
- karen getting emotional me too babe
- lied to eddie…
- a date…
- he’s not saying it…
- “this person” he’s so 🫶🏻
- “who it is isn’t the point”
- “HE”
- “more than an ally”
- “didn’t think that’s where you’re interests lie” eddie diaz
- he came out to maddie… kinda im shaking
- eddie and … her… ew
- i need him to find something dumb
- THE CACTUS “you’re kinda cool” he’s a loser i love him
- karen 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
- oh the teddy bear:(
- mara are you okay :((
- oh she’s :(( poor baby :((
- buck at the stationnn
- “you are here early” buck you are literally so awkward
- a avoid not having sex ??? what
- “SHE WAS A NUN” “oh”
- he’s so angry about her past as a nun im crying
- not the cross help…
- GO TO CAP 😭😭😭
- “you looked like you wanted to tell me something” uh
- hen and bobby time
- talk about mara :((
- that poor baby :(
- i hope she realises she’s safe she deserves it
- oh denny :( he’s so sweet i can’t
- karen kinda side eyeing her… don’t make me dislike you :(
- her blanket is her safety net 😭🫶🏻
- “this isn’t working out” NO YOU GOTTA MAKE HER SAFE
- i need this storyline to work out good it’s got to i need this
- second thoughts about moving in BOBBY YOU ARE GOOD
- panic attacks mention
- a commitment phobe
- demisexual eddie diaz i WILL have you one day
- “only you know that” but i don’t think he does tho
- go to confession hehe
- a dog attack …
- they’re literally comparing a dog and a child i can’t
- and they’re vets now ???
- is this twice they’ve saved a dog
- dog :D
- they asked athena 😭😭
- “are you sure” oh my god i’m gonna cry aren’t i ??
- “i don’t want to be another name in a long list of people who failed her” 😔😔😔
- her little voice oh my heart is breaking
- oh my god :(( mara you poor sweet baby i hope you get the love and safety and happiness you deserve
- i’m crying i can’t do this
- “she was afraid we weren’t goig to wake up” ILL SOB
- “she wants to know what i want for dinner” lmao
- DO I??? stay in the loft 🤭🤭🤭
- “i’m gonna have to break up with her” omg best idea you’ve had
- “you and tommy have the best idea”
- “really?”
- not questinging buck but tommy 😭😭😭😭
- “is that weird” “NO ABSOLUTELY NOT”
- this do in t change a thing between us
- “he dumped me”
- “you should call him”
- i’m so happy aaaaa
- “call tommy”
- not them exiting with a parallel lmao
- hi eddie
- “heyyyy” hes so awkward
- dinner with her brother girl-
- “guy who needs a minute” eddie diaz im in your fucking walls
- EW
- “can’t wait to move out” me either LMAO ME
- karen my love 🫶🏻
- the blanket slowly coming down, like a barrier coming down
- “you’re safe here even if it doesn’t feel that way yet” :(((( AAAAAAAA
- SHE SPOKE :((( baby spoke im so proud of her im not okay
- BUCK ????
- did he call tommy 🤭🤭
- omg hiiii
- coffee date aaaa
- “mmm so not like that” LMAO
- “i would like to change that” aaa
- “i didn’t want to pressure you” AAAAAAAAAAA
- “i don’t know what im ready for but i am ready for something” i can’t do this
- “evan.”
- “i need someone to dance with” HOLY SHIT
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eddie-munsons-blog · 2 years ago
“But GOD FUCKING DAMMIT! Let it overflow! Do something stupid! I’m stupid! Do me! I’M YOURS! Fuck, I've never been courted like that! Makes my fucking brain melt!”
To Eddie ♡
Oh eddie… I- I don’t even know what to say- your blushing? Hiding behind your hair? Because of ME. LITTLE OL ME. the “IM YOURS” line made me scream into my pillow so thanks a lot. I know you are eddie- I know EXCALTY how you are and that’s why I like you so much…and yeah I might seem really excited and confident now but- Eddie I’m a nobody..I’m not loud in public like you- and I’m shy..YOU make me shy..
Everything about you gets me flustered! I CANT tell you who I am..you don’t even know me. But I know you..and Eddie your best guy there ever was and you get a lot of attention..I’m just a spec in your world. But I’m trying out here..I like writing to you. I like making you feel special because it’s what you deserve eddie..and honestly I can’t contain the way I feel about you so this helps me a lot. I have thought and written pages about! With lipstick kisses all over the paper it’s embarrassing. But I’m telling you because you need to know someone out here is that crazy about you. Anytime is see something- for example this leather jacket I saw at the thrift store- I think of you..and this one metallic silver nail polish I have..you! And the time I went out with my friends and I saw this guy- with long dark hair I thought my heart was gonna burst out of my chest..but he wasn’t you when he turned around..
And my friends oh my friends try so hard to make me move on..but I never could. Id never be able to move on eddie, you consume me. I don’t care if all I get to do is watch from a far it’s enough for me as long as it’s you..
Is it true your hitting your pillow right now? *Thank you Percy* <3
also I told myself I’d stop with two letters of me acting pathetic but here I am..
~ From your secret admirer ♡
I appreciate your honesty. I know I seem dangerous, dangerously loud, with dangerous opinions that more than not make me enemies... But don't put me on a pedestal. As much as being complemented by you flatters me, I'm just a guy. A loud loser, really.
You act as though you have nothing to give, and I’m holding the keys to the world. Yet I am the one that is empty-handed while you bring gift upon gift in the form of kindness.
Do you know how hard it is when your heart longs for somebody it doesn't know? I don't know what you look like, I don't even know your name, and yet I feel like burning alive with every letter of yours.
At least you can admire me from afar, have your mind run loose over me. I have nothing, even though knowing your feelings is everything!
I promise you that through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I will find a way to have this work whenever you're ready.
So, I beg of you, let your friends stay ingnoted and don't move on from me—Stay. Stay right here with me, hidden away behind a letter. For love is only a four-lettered word that I will lay at your feet, kneeling before you.
✨Percy’s note✨: Jesus Christ. Can you believe that's the same guy that flunked English twice? He's probably turning this whole thing into a song as we speak—well, no. He lies there on the carpet and is dramatically dying like his own personal brand of Romeo. 🙄
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pjobroadwayslut14 · 3 years ago
*whispering* adult miniseries reddie could’ve realistically watched halley’s comet pass across the sky together had eddie survived
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septsaph · 5 years ago
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hxneybimbo · 3 years ago
could we maybe get something on eddie inviting steve in after steve walked on eddie fucking her brains out??? (and eddie casually mentions “steve here likes to watch doesn’t he”) tbh cant stop fucking thinking about that smut LOL fml
eddie munsion x reader & steve harrington x reader 
WARNING: voyeurism, male masturbation, fingering, squirting
Steve really shouldn’t be here. Him being here literally proves Eddie “The Freak” Munson’s theory right: he’s a degenerate fucking pervert who gets off to watching the girl of his dreams getting her brains fucked out. He should feel at least a little bit of shame; but, he doesn’t. All he feels is desperate to catch you both in the act; find you with your legs spread and moaning like the little slut you are while getting completely wrecked by Eddie.
(He didn’t know whether to thank or deck Eddie in the face for coming into Family Video during his shift to extend an invitation. Instead, he gave him an unamused look and told him to fuck off.
“Don’t be such sourpuss, Harrington. Totally get it though, I’d be pretty fuckin’ pissed if I had to deal with blue balls.” Eddie grinned smugly, holding his hands up immediately at Steve’s glare. “I’m kidding, chill dude! But seriously be there, Harrington! You’re in for a real fucking treat, promise.”)
God, does he feel like some pathetic, loser virgin every time he thinks about your pretty cunt being pounded into relentlessly; puffy lips swollen and bruised by Eddie’s balls smack against them. It’s been a real pain in his ass, fisting his cock every night in his room and in his car on every single break of his.
So sue him for accepting Eddie’s invitation and going to his trailer like he was told. His cock is already hard and straining against his jeans after thinking about the treat Eddie’s had planned for him. Was he going to fuck you raw again until your pussy was painted white? Or maybe he’ll get to see you with your legs spread out, cunt on full display with Eddie’s fingers pistoning in and out of you for an hour or two straight?
Like always, the front door of Eddie’s trailer is open, practically demanding him to walk in. He slips inside the house and walks towards the familiar hallway that leads to Eddie’s room. This time there’s no music, just complete and utter silence. He gingerly pauses half way down the hall when he hears your cute whimpers and he takes a deep breath. He definitely can’t do this. He’s fucking sick in the head or something. What kind of person gets off to watching people fuck? Steve most definitely doesn’t.
No, nope, not at all. He’s a normal guy with normal fucking kinks. The regular kind.
“Don’t be a fucking coward, Steve.” He muttered to himself. “Just walk in there and watch and maybe we won’t get turned on. Maybe it was just a fucking fluke.”
He anxiously brushed his hand through his hair and sighed, feet moving forward to stop in front of Eddie’s bedroom door. He turns the doorknob and he sucks in his breath as he opens the door. He stays still in his spot as he finds you with your legs spread and Eddie’s ring clad fingers sunk inside of your pretty cunny, pistoning in and out of you. The squelching sounds of your soaking pussy mixed with your sweet whimpers go straight to Steve’s cock, twitching and hardening underneath his jeans.
He awkwardly stands there with a hard on. He doesn’t know if he should make his presence known, interrupt the both of you. He thinks it’d be cruel to interrupt both of you when he can tell you’re so close to cumming all over Eddie’s fingers. The way your back arches off of your boyfriend’s lap and your moans start to get louder and more high pitched. He tenses when the dark haired stoner makes quick eye contact with him, smirking lightly before he gives you his full attention. Eddie will always prioritize his princess and he’s gonna make sure you at least got your fourth orgasm that he promised you.
Your thighs tremble along with your body as Eddie fucks your pretty little cunny so well, hitting that sweet spot that always has you squealing out Eddie’s name and spasming. You don’t notice Steve at all, not when your eyes are clenched and your too focused on begging Eddie to stop because it’s too much for your sensitive pussy. You’re gripping his wrist with your hand and trying to clamp your thighs down his hand, whining softly.
“S’too much, Daddy! N-No more!” You sob loudly, a little shriek escaping you when Eddie’s thumb starts to caress your swollen clit. He gives your cunt a harsh smack as a warning, ignoring your whimpers and protests.
“Shut the fuck up and take it you ungrateful, little slut,” Eddie hissed against your ear, fingers curling inside of the tight gummy walls of your pussy. “You were the one beggin’ me to play with your pussy, so fuckin’ take it.”
Honestly, Steve didn’t expect Eddie to be a mean dom or have a daddy kink. Nor did he expect you, Miss. “I’m a good girl who is too innocent for this fucking world”, to be so depraved. To be such a little fucking slut as Eddie likes to call you. God, what he would to shove his cock down your throat. He pulls down his zipper and jeans silently, wrapping his hand around his thick cock and he groans quietly. He doesn’t want to make any loud noises that will interrupt this fucking art so he silently begins fisting and grinding into his hand, watching how Eddie fingers you.
Eddie’s ruthless with the way his fingers hit your most sensitive area inside of you. It doesn’t help with the fact that he’s thumbing your sensitive, raw clit. And god, do you take it. Your brain turns to mush as drool seeps out of your mouth, flood of tears trailing down yours as your fourth orgasm of tonight crashes over you hard. All you muster up is a silent scream, your body spasming and clamping your thighs down on Eddie’s hand as your pussy gushes all over his sheets.
“Fuck,” Both Steve and Eddie muttered as they watched your pretty pussy gush and squirt all over the already stained bed. It doesn’t take long for Steve to cum into his own hand, grunting quite loudly as he paints his palm white. You slump against Eddie’s chest and pant softly, opening your eyes to find Steve with his hand wrapped around his cock. You let out a quiet squeak and you immediately sit up, pushing your shirt down to cover your tits and pussy.
Eddie threw his head back and let out a loud, boisterous laugh, startling you. You look up at him with your lips jutted into a small pout and eyebrows furrowed into confusion. Eddie takes a peek at you before turning his head up to stare at Steve; the smile on his face breaking into a wide, amused grin.
“Steve here likes to watch, Princess.” Eddie leans forward to whisper those words against your ear. “Like a sick fuckin’ perv.”
You turn to look at Steve with wide, innocent eyes and back at Eddie. “Like a perv?”
“Total fuckin perv.” Eddie nods with a light chuckle, nearly cooing at your confused yet so adorable expression. He forgets how dumb you get after he gives you an orgasm. A little bit of his cock gets you a bit stupid too.
Steve scowls at Eddie, “I’m not a fucking pervert! It’s just a fucking… very different kink that I happen to be into.”
Eddie shoots his arms up in mock surrender, “Hey, whatever weird kinks you’re into isn’t any of my business but I’m just saying– Jacking off to watching my girl get fingered? Pervert type shit.”
You don’t know what to say except awkwardly sit there. You’re a little ashamed and embarrassed that Steve watched the whole entire thing—that you were clueless to his presence the entire time. But knowing that he was jacking off to you being fucked by your boyfriend, slightly turned you. You eye the white liquid that’s seeping out of his palm and your thighs clench together, your pussy fluttering.
Eddie caresses your hip and you shiver when the cool metal of his rings touch your skin. Your boyfriend trails kisses down your neck and nips your ear, “Don’t think I don’t know you’re turned on by having an audience, Princess. He can watch all he wants but he can’t touch. You’re mine, got that? That means this pussy is mine too.”
You gulp and nod, eyeing Steve and blushing when he eyes you up. It doesn’t help with the fact that his cock is still very hard and so, so thick that you can’t help but want to wrap your pretty lips around and worship it. But compared to Eddie’s? Your boyfriend’s cock was pretty, so so pretty that you’re obsessed with it.
“Let’s give him a show, princess. Gonna show him how to fuck a goddess like you.” Eddie grins.
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emixion · 7 years ago
Ok so in addition to ballerina!eddie please consider hiphopdancer!richie
-they go to the same studio but obviously never have class together because they do different types of dance
-Richie likes staying after his class to watch the ballerinas (he's fascinated by how graceful they are compared to his intense hip hop) and has maaaajor heart eyes for Eddie.
-Eddie pretends to be annoyed with Richie's onlooking but he secretly likes it and holds his head a little higher when he notices Richie peeking during his class
-of course Richie flirts with Eddie between their classes and Eddie rolls his eyes and tries to hide his blush
-Eddie eventually starts going to the studio early so he can see Richie in his class and lowkey gets weak in the knees cuz boy's got MOVES
-When they start dating they're the ultimate dance power couple and will pirouette/six step your ass if you try to mess with them
-Richie kissing Eddie's head on his way into the studio. "Have a good class, babe."
-they get eachother flowers for their recital and have to hide them in the dressing room
-Sneaking into the wings of the stage for one last kiss and "kick ass, babe!"
-Richie trying to mimic Eddie's moves when he practices
-"Your form is terrible. Point your feet, dumbass!"
-Richie practicing before goofily scooping Eddie up and swinging him around to the beat
-Both of them dancing like idiots around their studio after classes are done for the day playing their songs over the speakers and just enjoying being together
-ballerina!eddie and hiphop!richie
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thatgazebobullshit · 8 years ago
The Losers dressing up as each other for Halloween: a concept
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mk-tozier · 4 years ago
Losers are 15 here, Bev came back from her aunts because i can, x reader
warnings: swear words, a bit heated and just Richie being richie, sorta fluff? plot twist, kinda short because I’m just trying to get out some writing. ok peace
Here I was sitting in Bill’s room, carelessly staring at him, I have a huuuge crush on Bill. He’s adorable, he has a great personality and he’s just so ughhhh 😍. I sat up from Bills bed, sitting criss cross apple sauce. “So Bill?” I look down at my legs. “Yes Y/n/n” Bill says almost immediately, my name flowing with the sweetness of his voice. Something about hearing him say my name makes me flustered.
“I was wondering, do you u-um like anyone?” I ask looking up at him. Bill looks off to the distance for a second. “I don’t know, maybe.” He shrugs a bit. “D-Do Y-you?” “Yea, he’s the most amazing boy I know.” I smile slightly. Bill smiles at my comment. “W-well who is the m-m-mystery boy?” He asks beaming happily. This is it. I’m going to admit my feelings to him. Little do I know, I wouldn’t be the only one who would decide to do this. Before I could say anything the doorbell rang, echoing through the whole house. “I-I’ll get it, but y-you’re telling me a-afterwards.” Bill giggled and winked, swarming my stomach with butterflies once again.
Bill went downstairs and I waited patiently, sitting on his bed, smiling and thinking. After 5 minutes I realized he was taking awhile. I got up from the bed and began walking down the hallway and down the stairs. I stop at the bottom of the stairs. “Hey Bill! What’s up it’s been taking awhi-“ I cut myself off seeing Bill and Beverly, lips locked, pull away. “O-oh.” I say lowly. “S-s-sorry, I didn’t mean to d-ditch you, this k-kinda just h-h-happened.” He blushed madly. Tears swell up in my eyes, I feel a lump in my throat. “N-no it’s fine Bill, I h-have to meet up with Richie at the arcade a-anyways” My voice cracks a bit. “A-are you o-okay?” Bill asks. “Yeah, you seem a bit upset Y/n/n?” Bev says worry In her eyes. “No, I’m fine, I really have to get going though, wouldnt wanna be late or Richie might kick my ass” I joke, faking a smile, running up the stairs, into bills room.
Of course he likes her, I don’t hate Bev, its the exact opposite. She’s sweet and funny, she’s soo beautiful, just the dream girl, perfect for any guy, I don’t exactly hate myself, but I’m obviously not enough for Bill. I grab my back quickly, wiping my cheeks and swallowing the lump in my throat. I go downstairs. “Bye guys” I say quickly before walking out the door, not even waiting for their goodbyes.
Time skip
“Tozier!” I exclaim, hugging him from behind. “Your day just got a thousand times better!” I giggled, trying to get the thought of Bill Denbrough out of my head. Richie turned around and faced me, looking down and grinning. “You bet it fucking did sweetheart.” I hugged him again, tightly, smiling into his chest. “I missed you Rich” I say. “I missed you too sweet cheeks.” He chuckled slightly. My smile died down as I pulled away from the hug. “You okay there y/n/n?” Richie bites his cheek slightly. When he says my nickname, its different from Bill, my name flows with the sweetness of his voice, meanwhile with Richie, My name just fits with his raspy voice, like a puzzle piece. “Y-yea I’m fine!” I fake a smile. “Don’t lie to me, I’ll beat your ass if you don’t tell me” Richie looks at me sternly. “F-fine.” My voice lowers.
“Bill” is all I can let out before I get the same lump in my throat. “Did he hurt you, I’ll beat him up, wh-what’d he do to you?” Richie’s eyes fill with worry. “No, not that. He, he kissed Beverly” I say lowly. He frowns looking into my eyes. “Your amazing doll and if he can’t see that, he’s fucking blind, Blinder than me. I need glasses and i can tell you’re beautiful Don’t be sad over a dumbass like him, I’d pick you over any girl any day.” Richie hugs me. “Thanks Rich.” I sigh slightly. “I just wish it were him who would pick me over any girl, you’re  my best friend, that’s different, obviously you would pick me.” Richie sighs lowly, biting his lip slightly, he looked hot with his lip tugged between his teeth,concentrated- ohfuckno, I did NOT just call Richie Tozier HOT. Okay maybe I’d be an idiot if I didn’t realize my best friend was cute, not only cute tremendously hot but I don’t like him, I’m just smart enough to know he’s got good looks. Richie put his hand under my chin, making me look up at him. “Then let’s make him jealous, show him what he’s missing, sound good doll?” He smirks, licking his lips slightly. I smile up at Richie. “Sounds great Rich, but how.” “Okay so you get a makeover right? Look like a whole art piece, not like you don’t already” Richie winks at me before continuing. “And follow my lead.” I nod and smile at him.
Time skip to a couple days later.
I rode my bike next to Richies. “are you sure this is gonna work?” i ask him. “Of course its gonna work, and if it doesn’t then its still a win, we get to pretend to date. I get to act like I’m with the most beautiful girl in the world and you get to act like your with me, the hottest and funniest guy ever.” Richie smirks. “yeah yeah” i roll my eyes, smiling. We pulled over by the quarry, about 2 feet away from everyone else. I got off my bike, laying it down next to a rock. “its way too hot out today, if we go in the water, there’s about 20 diseases we can get but if we stay in the sun, we could get heat strokes” Eddie rambles. “It’s hot out because of me and Y/n!” Richie exclaims. I roll my eyes again, this kid is something else. “shut up Richie” Stan groans. “Eddie we’ve been in the quarry billions of times and every time we come put fine, why are you still worried” i say, reassuringly. “you never know” He replies. “hes just making up excuses because hes too afraid to jump” Richie smirks. “whatever” Eddie says, going back to doing whatever. I look over to see Bill sitting on a rock, staring at me and Richie, i give him a small wave before turning around so i can undress, my swimsuit under my clothes. I watch Richie take off his shirt, his skin pale but slightly toned, he has slight abs which is confusing since the kid almost never works out. I eagerly take off my shirt and shorts/skirt, I feel eyes on me, i look over, seeing Richie looking me up and down. “eyes to yourself Tozier” I giggle. “Hey! I’m just admiring the beauty! Cant a guy look at his girlfriend!” Rich snaps. “girlfriend!?!” Everyone mutters from behind us, shocked. He winks at me. “called it!” Bev says. “its about time you two got together, the sexual tension is unbelievable” Sexual Tension? But there’s nothing between me and Rich, what is she talking about? This whole thing is fake. “Yeah seriously, I’m surprised you guys havent fucked by now” Stan says. What the hell are they talking about? But I’ve always liked Bill. Yeah, Me and Rich flirt all the time but there’s no feelings involved, right? I feel my cheeks burning, not from the sun either. Richie smirks, staring at me. “Who says we havent” He shrugs, the smirk staying on his face, as if it were glued there. “RICH!” I squeaked, my cheeks burning even more. “forget i ever said anything” Stanley gagged. “DO YOU GUYS NOT KNOW THE AMOUNT OF DISEASES-“ “yes we know, we know, and Richie is only joking” i roll my eyes. “Bill, you okay?” Ben asks. Rich winks and elbows me softly. “y-yea I’m fine” he replies. “you sure? You’ve been awfully quiet” Ben asks again. Richie nudges me again. I don’t wanna make Bill jealous anymore, what if this whole time, i only told myself that i like Bill to cover up the fact that i like Richie? No I’m just being stupid now, I’ve never liked Richie. Hes just my best friend and hes just helping me out, thats all. “i-I’m okay, l-l-lets just swim!” He says, smiling slightly.
Time skip
The whole time, me and Rich splashed each other and messed around, flirting a lot too. Richie dunked me under the water before pulling me back up, grabbing my waist, our bodies touching, our faces inches apart, his lower body brushed against my leg,holy shit,rich was hard. My face heated up, why is he hard, he doesn’t even like me.Just breathe, its probably just a teenage boy thing. His thumb rubbed circles on my bare waist, our faces inched closer,only about 2 inches away from eachother now, i felt his warm breath against my lips. This can’t be happening, worst part is I’m not stopping it. “RICH! Y/N! C’MON WE’RE GETTING OUT! WE’RE GONNA GET ICECREAM” One of the losers yelled. Me and Richie pulled away, both of us blushing, Richie blinked before swimming away. My face heated up thinking about what happened in the Quarry. Why’d I allow us to get that close. “H-hey Y-Y/n can i t-t-talk to you for a s-s-sec?” Bill asks. I look over at Richie, who sends me a smile. His eyes look sad, why would he be sad? This was his plan afterall.
I followed Bill into a small opening away from the losers. “I-i know I’m k-k-kinda later but i l-like you. It’s o-okay if y-y-you dont like me. i-i k-kn-know your with richie.” Bill admits. “actually I’m not with Richie, it was to make you jealous because i liked you but what about Beverly, I wouldn’t want you to lead her on, she obviously likes you” i say. “y-yeah i kn-know. the k-kiss happened o-o-out of nowhere. i t-t-told her I wasn’t s-sure of m-m-my feelings” He says. “w-wait...l-liked?” “yeah...i- i think i like Richie.” i say softly. “o-oh. okay..” Bill says. “he d-d-definitely likes you b-back. You sh-sh-should shoot your shot” i smile. “thanks Bill” “o-of c-course! G-g-good luck!” he says
I walk back over to Rich, who was trying to put on his shirt but was failing miserably, i giggled. He finally got on his shirt. “Jesus this damn thing hates me or something” He mutters, causing me to giggle again. “oh hey! sooo how’d it go with Bill” Richie smirks. “um...i actually rejected him” I say. Richies eyebrows furrowed, he frowned, but i could tell he was trying not to smirk. “why? i thought you liked him?” he asks. “Beverly likes him, it wouldnt be fair to her. aaaand I’m pretty sure i like someone else.” i say. “oOoOoO and who might that be” Richie smirks. I put my hands on his shirt, pulling him closer to me, connecting my lips with Richies. This was a Kiss waiting to happen, Richies eyes went wide but they soon relaxed as he put his hands on my waist, kissing me back. I pull away, out of breath. “does that tell you who i like?” i ask. “nah, i think you’re gonna have to try again.” Richie smirks. I roll my eyes smiling before connecting our lips once again. This kiss was much more rough and passionate, our lips glided against eachother, smoothly as if our lips were made for eachother, like puzzle pieces connecting. His tongue glided against my bottom lip, asking for entrance, i part my mouth slightly, Richie entering his tongue right away, exploring my mouth. The kiss got more heated and rough, both of us out of breathe but not wanting to pull away. “THATS DISGUSTING” Eddie yells. “hey lovebirds we’re gonna get icecream” Beverly chuckles. I pull away from Richie, panting. “we’ll catch up, i still have to put on my clothes” i say. The losers start to get on there bikes and talk amongst themselves. I grab my shirt and short/skirt putting it on quickly. “sucks those have to go back on” Richie winks. “RICH!” i squeak. “whaaat? I’m only telling the truth, I’d rather watch you in your swimsuit” he replies. I roll my eyes. “so...Wanna be my girlfriend?” Richie asks. “no because i just made out with you for no reason. Of course i wanna be your girlfriend Rich” i reply, he rolls his eyes smiling. “Now lets go before the losers forget about us!” i say hopping on my bike.
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