#canon:a day in death
thetorchwoodarchive · 2 years
So Your Light Could Shine Through by UniverseOnHerShoulders (Jack&Martha | Complete | 1738 | T)
Travelling with the Doctor shows you so much more than just the universe; it shows you a new way to live, gives you spiralling adrenaline highs, and reminds you that the realm of possibility is wider than you think. Nobody ever warns you about everything that comes after, though; what happens after you leave the TARDIS and return to life on Earth. And now Martha Jones is living in the after, wondering if this is all there is.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 4 years
Do you guys know any good undead!Owen stories? I've gone through the 26 on AO3 that are tagged, and I was wondering if you have seen any that weren't, or maybe any on other sites? I love fanfic that deals with Owen being not quite dead!
Joke's on me by Virtualsilver (Owen&Ianto | complete | 835 | Gen)
Owen isn’t handling his death and subsequent undeath very well.
Blood on Steel by Sholio (Owen&Ianto | complete | 12,257 | T)
An alien booby trap turns the Hub into a deathtrap. Lucky thing it doesn't react to someone with no vital signs. Now Owen is their only hope. More specifically, he's Ianto's only hope.
Lambert & Butler by Copperbadge (Owen&Ianto | complete | 1282 | T)
Well, when coffee, alcohol, and sex fail us...
Exhibit by Mirrankei (JackIanto, ToshOwen | complete | 38k | T)
Owen, Tosh, and Ianto find themselves kidnapped to the future. Stuck in space 2000 years in the future, they become part of an Earth exhibit in the station museum. But the portal that brought them is broken, and a visiting Time Lord smells a trap...
Frames of Reference by Echo (Jack&Owen | complete | 2736 | T)
There's a difference between 'mostly alive' and 'mostly dead'. Sometime it's just hard to remember which one is which, especially when you get right down to the details. Migration/repost from 2008 LJ
Accidental Zombie: Dr Owen Harper by rozisa (OwenDianne | complete | 19k | T)
With Tosh's death, Owen decides to go to Flat Holm to wait for Diane's return from the rift. Along the way, he learns to cope with not being alive or exactly dead. Spoilers and fix-it for CoE.
Flipping With A Coin That's Got A Tail On Either Side by Lady Paperclip (OwenMartha | complete | 2540 | PG-13)
“I’m still not dead,” he says by way of a greeting.
Also be sure to check out the Undead Owen tag in our tag library (under character tropes) — Mod Alyssa
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thetorchwoodarchive · 3 years
Monkey’s Paw by witling (jackianto, dark jack, dubcon)
Monkey's Paw part 1 & 2 by Witling (JackIanto | Complete | ~ 11000 | E)
“Jack's sick,” said Gwen. “We need to find out what's wrong with him. Someone needs to get close to him. Talk to him.” There was a pause, and then Ianto noticed they were all looking at him. The autopsy room felt suddenly very small. “Oh,” he said. “Right. Okay.”
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thetorchwoodarchive · 3 years
Carved Open My Heart by UniverseOnHerShoulders (OwenTosh, OwenDiane | Complete | 2033 | T)
Trapped in a state of limbo between life and death, Owen tries to make sense of what the future has in store for him. Haunted by those he's lost and without the possibility of moving on, he ponders on his new existence, and is reminded of a reason to carry on.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 2 years
Dead Inside by chick_with_wifi (ToshOwen, Owen&Ianto, Owen&Jack, Owen&Gwen | Complete | 4518 | T)
Owen adjusts to being dead and debates his suitability for missions with help from the team.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 3 years
Three Times Owen, Tosh, and Ianto Slept Together and One Time They Were Caught At It by Sholio ( OwenIantoTosh, JackIanto | Complete | 7254 | M )
From post-season-one to late season two. Sex optional.
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