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dramioneasks · 3 years ago
The Safe House - Sambalam - not rated, 11 chapters - Hermione is less than pleased to be all alone in an Order safe house. Then Draco Malfoy shows up and complicates things even more. In which Draco is the damsel in distress, Hermione is the put-upon hero, Harry is peak Saviour, and Lucius manages to be...well, not good, but not completely evil. For a moment or two anyway.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 3 years ago
Colours & Promises by UniverseOnHerShoulders ( JackIanto, Team | Complete | 3073 | T )
During his imprisonment on the Valiant, Jack finds himself wondering about the fate of his team. Tortured by the Master with lie after lie, fiction after fiction, he tries to piece together the truth and cling to scraps of hope that they might still be alive. When everything is over, and his ordeal consigned to 'The Year That Never Was,' he returns to Torchwood with a desperate need for comfort, but finds himself instead confronted by four rightfully furious team members, and an ex-lover from hell...
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thetorchwoodarchive · 3 years ago
Start Spreading The Word by UniverseOnHerShoulders (JackIanto, Gwen, Tosh, Owen | Complete | 2555 | T)
For very clever people, sometimes the members of Torchwood Three can be staggeringly obtuse - which works to Ianto and Jack's benefit, as neither of them fancy being the subject of workplace gossip. But are the team as oblivious as initially expected? Or are they merely biding their time?
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thetorchwoodarchive · 4 years ago
Unmade Plans by Universeonhershoulders (Ianto&Tosh, JackIanto, ToshOwen | complete | 2765 | T)
There are a lot of problems that come with working for a secret organisation that fights aliens, but the fact that extraterrestrial life tends not to respect ordinary working hours is definitely in Toshiko's top ten. Finding herself unexpectedly alone on Valentine's Day after an imminent incursion of... something or other, she's pleased to find that Ianto is in the same boat.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 4 years ago
Unstable and Prone to Explode by UniverseOnHerShoulders (GwenRhys, Gwen&Andy, Gwen&Jack | complete | 3128 | T)
One of the goals of Gwen and Rhys resuming their Torchwood activities had been to keep Anwen safe from harm, be those alien or more terrestrial. However, the practicalities of juggling saving the world with childcare are not always easy... and nor is managing to juggle birthday parties, play dates and some of Torchwood's more dangerous gadgets.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 4 years ago
Who’s your Superman? By UniverseOnHerShoulders (Gwen&Ianto, JackIanto | complete | 2647)
In retribution for a not-especially-funny prank in the Hub, Gwen decides to exact her revenge on the mischief maker: one Ianto Jones. On a work trip away, she comes up with a carefully-concocted cover story and springs it on him, but will he play along?
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thetorchwoodarchive · 4 years ago
My Only Sin Is I Can't Win by UniverseOnHerShoulders (Gwen&Jack&Ianto | complete | 2921 | T)
Faced with a challenge on Earth and unable to reach his usual handy benevolent Time Lord for help, Jack Harkness has to make a snap decision. Travelling to Stormcage with Gwen and Ianto, the three of them set out to liberate the only other person in the universe who might be able to assist: their disgraced former Prime Minister.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 4 years ago
Shut up And Drive by UniverseOnHerShoulders ( GwenRhys | Complete | 3,5K | PG-13 )
Gwen Cooper has been many things: police officer, defender of Earth, Dalek fighter, reverser of miracles, full-time supermum, restorer of Torchwood Three. But this? Chauffeuring a time-travelling alien to Sheffield? This is new.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 3 years ago
It's All Greek To Me by UniverseOnHerShoulders ( Owen&Ianto, JackIanto | Complete | 2381 | T )
On a dark night in Splott, Ianto Jones and Owen Harper are supposed to be undertaking surveillance on a person - query alien - of interest. Instead, alone and bored, the two lapse into a surprisingly honest conversation; Owen furnishes Ianto with some advice, and Ianto forces Owen to confront some uncomfortable truths...
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thetorchwoodarchive · 3 years ago
For Old Time's Sake by UniverseOnHerShoulders (Gwen&Jack, JackIanto | complete | 2585 | T)
There’s a box in Jack's mind marked ‘Dead Friends’. He doesn't like looking in it too much, and yet not looking makes him feel like he's been unfaithful, like he doesn't care enough, like he's letting the memory of them down. So he tries to keep it closed, because that box hurts; that box robs him of the ability to breathe, and he needs to stay sharp, stay alive, and keep Gwen alive. Only... well, sometimes he opens the box, and he does his duty, because his friends deserve that.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 2 years ago
So Your Light Could Shine Through by UniverseOnHerShoulders (Jack&Martha | Complete | 1738 | T)
Travelling with the Doctor shows you so much more than just the universe; it shows you a new way to live, gives you spiralling adrenaline highs, and reminds you that the realm of possibility is wider than you think. Nobody ever warns you about everything that comes after, though; what happens after you leave the TARDIS and return to life on Earth. And now Martha Jones is living in the after, wondering if this is all there is.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 2 years ago
No Damsel In Distress by UniverseOnHerShoulders (JackIanto, Anwen | Complete | 2150 | T)
Anwen Williams was never going to be the sort of little girl who tolerated injustice, unfairness, or bullying. But in some ways, she's a lot more like her mother than anyone anticipated... especially when she takes matters into her own hands.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 2 years ago
Hi! I'd like to rec a fic on AO3: And I Like to Tiptoe Around by UniverseOnHerShoulders. It's Jack/Ianto but mostly Ianto-centric. Thanks for the consideration!
And I Like to Tiptoe Around by UniverseOnHerShoulders (JackIanto | Complete | 2658 | T)
Ianto Jones is very, very good at his job. He has to be, after all - nobody else has all the right attributes to be perfect at clearing up the team's mess, both literal and metaphorical. Charming the citizens of Cardiff, disposing of burnt-out cars, and hiding corpses? All in a day's work for Ianto.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 3 years ago
The Anwen Williams Chronicles by UniverseOnHerShoulders (JackIanto, GwenRhys, Anwen&Ianto | series | 14655 | T)
Anwen Williams is used to the weirdness that comes with her parents' jobs, and knows that Torchwood is far from a regular nine to five. But when she comes home to find the house in disarray and her mum and dad missing, she knows something is wrong and tries to enlist help from the only people who might be able to find them: Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones. But when Jack refuses to get involved, she takes matters into her own hands, and with Ianto's support, she resolves to find her parents and bring them home.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 3 years ago
You Cut But I’m Bleeding by UniverseOnHerShoulders (JackIanto, GwenRhys, Ianto & Anwen | 10394 | complete | T)
Anwen Williams is used to the weirdness that comes with her parents' jobs, and knows that Torchwood is far from a regular nine to five. But when she comes home to find the house in disarray and her mum and dad missing, she knows something is wrong and tries to enlist help from the only people who might be able to find them: Jack Harkness and Ianto Jones. But when Jack refuses to get involved, she takes matters into her own hands, and with Ianto's support, she resolves to find her parents and bring them home.
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thetorchwoodarchive · 3 years ago
Carved Open My Heart by UniverseOnHerShoulders (OwenTosh, OwenDiane | Complete | 2033 | T)
Trapped in a state of limbo between life and death, Owen tries to make sense of what the future has in store for him. Haunted by those he's lost and without the possibility of moving on, he ponders on his new existence, and is reminded of a reason to carry on.
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