#can't get away from the entity who lives in your mind and also has a hand to physically shock you if you're unresponsive to his voice
regular-gnome · 10 months
I adore your Archivists and the lore you make for them and their personalities and relationships between each other and Collector! You don't paint them as Good but misunderstood or cartoonishly evil.
They are god-like entities and their morality system and values are way to different for mortals to easily relate and understand. And good luck for them to not grow up with an issue or two and then proceed to raise a young collector with no problems =3
Also a question if you don't mind👉👈(sorry if you already answered it, my memory is bad TT) So all five of them are collectors(and they are the only ones of their kind), the siblings have a different name for their group why? And our Collector's name is the same as species or will he have something his own later like others when he is older?
The empty, uncaring void filled with extinction and destruction is not a place where kids grow happily without any lasting issues and from a mortal point of view - a weird perception of good but they are trying
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I don't think anyone has asked about this one yet! Their names are related to their identity and that connects to their history; they don't really use individual ones, but rather what describes who they are.
I've put the reasoning and my stab at the lore under the cut since I thought it might be a bit long and not everyone into it (and I just figured out how to add the read more cut so im gonna use it)
They are not the only ones in existence; they are just in this part of the galaxy we see. In the beginning, when the universe wasn't as expanded, the Children of the Stars were closer to each other, exploring the young galaxy together and living among other living creatures - mortals.
After the extinction event that left the children alone on the barren world, they decided not to let it ever happen again. They began collecting life from the surroundings and spread it to uninhabited systems, later establishing the first archive to help with it. Thats when they started call each others collectors, and after creating archive those collectors connected to it that cared for and used it were archivists. It didn't go fantastic, they were young figuring things out on the way, the lessons they learned got contained in the Guidebook everyone took. At this point, they also realized that everything they were doing was not enough. The galaxy was too vast, with too many worlds facing their ends too far apart. They separated making own archives, now too far away to ever really meet and find each other.
On how it realates to names. Collie is a kid, they are a collector so The Collector, they live around the archive but it's not their responsibility at this point -it's The Archivists. As Collector grows up and becomes an Archivist they can take a specific set of tasks and be associated with them taking on a title. However, this also means that titles can change.
The first sibling in the story, after establishing their archive, was just named The Archivist. When another collector grew up to help, they divided roles, with Curator handling organization inside the archive and Naturalist handling "ground work". Later, the tasks of the Naturalists were divided, now becoming Anatomist and dealing with the living environment and Architects handling the unliving aspects . Following Archivist became The Wayfarer, responsible for keeping track of every collected place and noting any changes they undergo. They scout out planets that are to be added to the archive.
I'm not certain what Collie would want to do in the future. I think they might be inclined towards tasks related to being around mortals as they are pretty social, so they could probably take on some responsibilities from Anatomist and Wayfarer. But, I can't say for sure what title they might take
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And here's a fun little aspect: the universe didn't stop expanding. The places their archive reaches keep getting further away and more advanced systems, so planets that are more than basic fauna and flora are more prone to collapsing. At some point, probably when Collie is an Archivist, the archive might have to split, and the names will shift again
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As Wonder leaves the classroom, he is greeted by the girl with pigtails. 
TOMOKO NOGE : Ah...It seems I keep running into you today.
TOMOKO NOGE : Arai rushed off to the cafeteria. She said if she didn't get the sandwich she wanted, it would sell out fast. This kind of thing always reminds me of when we were still athletes....
WONDER : When you were still athletes?
TOMOKO NOGE : Yeah, Arai and I used to play baseball together. But...For some reason, she gave up on it. Since then, she hasn't been quite the same. She's been a lot more cheerful lately, though. It puts my mind at ease.
TOMOKO NOGE : Ah~ Maybe it's because you're sitting next to her in class?
WONDER : I think it's all thanks to you, Tomoko.
TOMOKO NOGE : That's not true...All I can do is be there for her when she needs me...Ah! Sorry! I've said too much. Are you heading to get lunch too? Where do you usually eat?
WONDER : On the rooftop.
TOMOKO NOGE : If you're going to the rooftop, just take those stairs right over there. Haha, are you the type who enjoys eating food alone, Wonder? We have someone like that in our class as well. Anyway, I need to go find Arai, see you later!
With that, Tomoko fixes her glasses and walks away.
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When Wonder arrives on the rooftop he is met by a guy who is eating a cup of noodles on a bench. The guy has spiked blue hair and looks like a delinquent. When the guy spots Wonder he leaves. 
WONDER : (What he was eating smells good...)
WONDER : (Where's Ruferu...)
Ruferu flies down from the sky and perches on the railing.
RUFERU : I'm here! As agreed, it is time I answer your questions. About that place you saw yesterday, that is what we call the Metaverse and those monsters are what we call Shadows. What I have to say is tough to understand. You ready?
WONDER : I'm ready.
Ruferu and Wonder are now seated on the bench talking. 
RUFERU : Well then, first things first, about the Metaverse. It's a space that materializes from the collective unconscious of humanity. If you consider the real world the "surface," then you can consider the Metaverse a deeper "inner" world existing on parallel lines. 
RUFERU : You can think of it as a cognitive world where human consciousnesses are all mixed together.
WONDER : Cognitive world?
RUFERU : It's how people perceive the real world. Maybe that's easier to understand? The Metaverse is a dark, twisted version of our own. This means that the current humans living in Tokyo cannot perceive any hope from the world. 
RUFERU : As for why that is, you already understand, correct?
WONDER : Because human desires have been taken away?
RUFERU : Precisely! You're quite clever. Then I'll continue. 
RUFERU : In the other world, there are entities called Shadows. There are two types of these. The first type was those enemies that attacked us without warning. Those guys aren't human. They're more like monsters triggered by desires.
RUFERU : The second type is different...Those shadows are a second side to a human in the real world. Symbols of their dark and twisted hearts. It's the embodiment of desires hidden in a human's heart. In other words, "another self." 
WONDER : Could it be...
RUFERU : You should already understand. After all, you already awakened your Shadow as a Persona. 
RUFERU : But not everyone has the same ability you have. They can't all control their inner selves. If for some reason desires become twisted, their Shadow will lose control...Even in the real world, they will harm others without hesitation.
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RUFERU : In conclusion, when someone's Shadow loses control it is considered the mastermind who exploits desires in the other world. At least that's my speculation. 
WONDER : Is that really what's happening...?
RUFERU : Indeed. It may be difficult to wrap your head around, but it's the truth. What's even worse is that when a human's Shadow loses control, the monstrous Shadows are also effected. They will continue to drain the desires from the real world until there are none left. 
WONDER : (.........)
RUFERU : I don't know everything yet. That's why we need to explore and understand that other world in detail. Although it's a bit soon, let's change the topic to work. 
WONDER : Work?
RUFERU : Yup! I have high hopes for you! I'm hoping that you'll work with me and become a Phantom Thief. As for what you will be stealing, you've already figured that out, haven't you? 
WONDER : This is all too sudden...
RUFERU : Opportunities always come suddenly~ But, I get it. It's a lot to take in at once. Let's leave it at that for now. I'll explain more once you find the target. It will be more efficient that way. I'll be waiting for you in Shibuya after school. 
RUFERU : To steal back what humanity has lost....That is the Phantom Thief's goal. I'll give you some guidance along the way. See ya later.
WONDER : I didn't say I'd help! 
RUFERU : Oh!? Don't you suddenly go backing out on me! I finally set up a cool pose to take off...Ah, whatever, we can talk about it later!
With that, Ruferu flies away. 
WONDER : (..........)
WONDER : (The Metaverse and Shadows....To steal back what was lost...A Phantom Thief...? Ugh...Lunch break is almost over, I'd better hurry to the cafeteria!)
As Wonder is rushing down the staircase, he suddenly bumps into Arai, sending him and his phone flying. Arai, noticing his phone is flying across the hallway, leaps to catch it before it breaks. Then she stands up and brushes her skirt while Wonder is still laying on the ground, blushing and rubbing the back of her head.
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MOTOHA ARAI : Sorry about that, Wonder, I was lost in thought and didn't notice you were there. Ah, actually, it was you I was thinking about....
WONDER : Yeah...I'm sorry, too.
MOTOHA ARAI : Ah...Right! Almost forgot. You dropped this! I caught it in time so it shouldn't be damaged or anything. 
She hands Wonder's phone to him.
MOTOHA ARAI : Huh!? That icon...
Riko Tanemura approaches with a hand on her hip, glaring at them. 
RIKO TANEMURA : Please refrain from performing diving catches in the hallways. 
MOTOHA ARAI : Ah...Sorry, Riko senpai. It's just that Wonder almost dropped his phone...
RIKO TANEMURA : It seems you still have the ability to win the Best Nine award to this day.
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MOTOHA ARAI : That was years ago...
She looks at Wonder. 
RIKO TANEMURA : You're the one from before...
WONDER : Thank you again.
RIKO TANEMURA : I just did what I had to do. By the way, you seem different from before. No, maybe it's just my imagination. Anyway, it's almost time for fifth period. Don't be late, both of you. 
WONDER : (...I seem different now....She's right...It feels like I can take the initiative now...Is it because my desires have no longer been stolen...?)
MOTOHA ARAI : You okay? You've been zoning out for a sec. Fifth period is in the science lab, right? We'd better hurry up! 
WONDER : (I guess I'll have to just give up on eating lunch today...)
After the final class of the day, Wonder stands to his feet and leaves the classroom, thinking to himself,
WONDER : (That's right, Ruferu said he'd wait for me in Shibuya...)
Behind him, Arai pulls out her cellphone. 
MOTOHA ARAI : Wonder has the same icon on his phone...No matter how many times I delete this darn thing...I asked around school, but nobody knows what it is. Why does Wonder have it on his phone?
MOTOHA ARAI : The way he disappeared and reappeared yesterday...How does he do it?
Tomoko approaches Arai and she puts her phone away.
MOTOHA ARAI : Hey, Tomoko, isn't there a club activity today?
TOMOKO NOGE : The club room is under repair, so it got cancelled. It's been a while since we walked home together, how about it? 
MOTOHA ARAI : Sure, let's do it! 
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wonderful-prompts · 6 months
May I perhaps have a few reasons a character would fake their death? It's for a Creepypasta I'm writing.
It did not occur to me that there were people still writing actual Creepypastas and not just fanfiction. But it looks like you're doing both, so more power to you! I hope you have fun!
Thinking most generally to more specifically, the first reason that comes to mind is: new beginnings.
A character may want to start over in such a way that their old self can never be recovered. The death could be used as a symbolic death of who they used to be. They may not want to be the person they were anymore for some reason or another, potentially even because they saw an aspect of themself they may want to "kill."
In another case, a character may be running from something or someone. The character's previous identity would be known to this entity, which could be a problem for them for a variety of reasons including:
Consequences of previous actions
A new sense of self that does not match with the entity's preconceived notions of your character's existence (this can be a trans allegory, an "I'm not like you, Dad!" story, or a being hunted down by a scary science facility of ill repute and unknown origin story)
Very low bullshit tolerance (“You are NOT getting me into that shit again if you can't find me!”)
Faking one's death just to get away from someone scheming can be played for comedy depending on what aspects you lean into. Is this some idiot with ten thousand get rich quick schemes up their sleeves or someone more than willing to throw someone else under the bus for their own safety/gains?
Third option is they need to be dead. Your character should be dead for some reason but they aren't done living yet. This also has a variety of flavors that can be mixed and matched with previous examples!
There is something they cannot do while "alive"
Something will be stopped with their "death"
Someone very badly wanted them dead, but can be temporarily sated with this "death" so long as your character is careful
And there is also the copout answer of: they never meant to fake their death, they almost died/were nearly killed but got better and now must deal with living as legally dead.
Good luck on your Creepypasta!
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lu-is-not-ok · 1 year
Stuck in Heaven (ego gift: Late-bloomer's Tattoo) has been grinding my gears for a while now. It has an idea - and a clear one at that - but i can't figure out what it *is*. Wiki has the event transcript. Pls send help
Alright, back to my proper analyses, and... *cracks knuckles* Oh this one's gonna be fun. I want to say that since this one won't need to get into E.G.O analysis, then this post will be a bit shorter than my other full-length analyses...
But. You know how it is with me. For all I know this one might end up ridiculously long anyway. Also, uh, spoilers for Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina ahead.
So, before we can talk about Stuck in Heaven, we need to talk about the other Abnormality it's directly related to - The Burrowing Heaven.
The Burrowing Heaven debuted in Lobotomy Corporation, but later made a return in Library of Ruina as one of the Abnormality Battles. For the sake of completion, I will be taking a look at both of its appearances in the series.
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In its original appearance, Burrowing Heaven takes on the form of a tree-like entity, made up of a fleshy material, with branches that seperate into wing-like shapes and many eyes.
Its main mechanics in Lobotomy Corporation is that the Abnormality needs to be on-screen to prevent it from breaching and teleporting away once it does breach. This mechanic is reflected in a lot of flavor text about it, most directly in the description of its E.G.O Gear, which includes the sentence "Just contain it in your sight."
Burrowing Heaven's story further expands on this idea. The Abnormality is repeatedly said to "live inside your eyes/gaze", to feed on the attention and focus others give it by looking at it. However, the moment one looks away for too long, it begins to stretch the stalks of its wings for two reasons - one, to gather corpses as food for the fruit it bears; two, to reach towards the sky and sun, as if to cover it up.
Religious imagery and symbolism is used all over for this Abnormality. From the act of stretching its limbs being compared to praying to an old-forgotten god, to its wings reaching the skies being compared to an angel, to the action of it growing its thorns and burrowing being described as for the purpose of "reaching heaven inside one's vision".
Now, there's a very interesting part of Burrowing Heaven's story in LobCorp that I want to point out. Usually, when those stories are said in first person, it's either through the use of "we" (to reflect the company/employees writing those down as a whole), or with the passage being specified as either some testimony or log or otherwise being quoted.
However... That's not the case here. For Burrowing Heaven, there is a whole section in its story written in first person, with no clear note of it being quoted from something else. Allow me to paste the segment in its entirety.
"That's what a gaze is. Attention. An invisible string that connects us.  Sole focus.  Do not come here, as there is no place for you to rest.  But you see, I could only bear fruit when I stood inside your sight. Is this what you wanted to see?  When your tears dry up at last, tell me your answer."
Interesting, isn't it?
However, we're not done yet. There is still the context of its appearance in Library of Ruina, so let's look at that, shall we?
In Library of Ruina, Burrowing Heaven's Abno Battle is placed on the Floor of Religion, aka Hokma's Floor, alongside Price of Silence, Blue Star, and WhiteNight.
Narratively, this Library Floor explores the faith and dedication that Carmen's group put into her and Ayin, especially from Hokma's perspective, who unconditionally put his trust into Ayin back when he was known as Benjamin. Thus, all of the Abnormalities fought on this symbolically represent Carmen's unwavering dedication to gathering like-minded people to make her dream come true, and the devotion those who followed felt towards her and her goals.
When it comes to the Burrowing Heaven, there is some more info we can gather from its Abno Battle in this game, starting off with its new appearance:
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As you can see, the previously tree-like form has been replaced with one that very clearly represent a human's central nervous system, brain and spinal cord included. The bloody wings and eyes still remain though.
...Now. Those who have played Lobotomy Corporation might recognize what Burrowing Heaven is meant to represent in this form. And for those who haven't, allow me to show you something.
This is what became of Carmen after her death:
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A disembodied central nervous system, with its nerves spread out in an almost wing-like fashion.
While most of the flavor text here repeats what we know about the Abno from LobCorp, there are a few unique pieces of text I want to shine a spotlight on right here.
"The desire for the unreachable will only grow bigger. And to pursue it… is to tread a path riddled with thorns."
"Basking in everyone’s gaze and attention… It will finally come to fruition and spread its wings."
"The one who spread their wings sacrificed everything they had, and yet…"
"Just close your eyes. That’s right, you’re doing good…"
"If we ever open our eyes again, will we get to see the fruit of our labor in that gaze?"
...In case you were wondering why I was being so scant on the interpretation part of this analysis, this is why. This connection is what changes Burrowing Heaven from a nebulous concept to a direct parallel.
Burrowing Heaven, at its core, is a reflection of Carmen. More specifically, Carmen's dream, and the way she and her followers acted to reach her goals. How, to pursue it, they had to single-mindedly focus on that goal, to make many sacrifices for the sake of reaching what seemed unreachable.
It could also represent how Carmen's seeming demise and the following tragedies happened because nobody paid attention to the warning signs, nobody focused on Carmen when she was at her lowest. And yet, those very tragedies are what led to even more attention being put on making progress towards that goal, towards Carmen's wings spreading out and reaching ever closer towards the heaven she so desired.
The gaze being put on her may have put her deep underground, in the vat where her nervous system became a source of Cogito... but it also eventually led to the breathtaking sight that was the Light. And now that there is no more gaze left on her, her wings can spread everywhere, blocking out the sun with her own Light.
When you think about it, isn't that how Distortions take place under Carmen's influence? Just close your eyes and ignore the world around you. Let your desires guide you. Just like Carmen is encouraging you to do, patiently. That's right, you're doing good, following what she says.
...Okay that's all fine and good, but what the fuck does all this mean for Stuck in Heaven? Let's get to that.
From just a cursory look at its physical description, Stuck in Heaven appears to be the next step of progression in this Heaven line of Abnormalities. From the tree-like form of the LobCorp Burrowing Heaven, to the brainstem in Library of Ruina, to Stuck in Heaven taking the form of growths directly growing over a person.
Interestingly enough, the Mirror Dungeon event describes Stuck in Heaven as having "the appearance" of a branch, yet being human. Curious.
This is also where a difference is established between Stuck in Heaven and Burrowing Heaven, with the event text directly referencing the Abnormality that Stuck in Heaven is related to.
"Heaven sometimes burrows; other times, it makes a home in the heart. Once taken root, that heaven will only be visible through the eyes of others."
Immediately, this tells us one major thing - Stuck in Heaven does not burrow like Burrowing Heaven, it does not need to feed on the attention people give through vision. Rather, the thing it aims to take root in is the heart.
The text you get from taking the [Close your eyes.] option explains why Stuck in Heaven does that. When it takes root in one's heart, closing one's eyes is not enough to get it out of one's gaze, as the sight it sought out is that coming from the heart itself.
I believe this is also why actually trying to [Return the gaze.] with one's eyes does nothing. With Burrowing Heaven, which actively sought out one's eye vision, one can find many references to it being alive and actively watching its observer back. However, trying to do so with Stuck in Heaven results in it ignoring the observer. The heaven Stuck in Heaven is looking for is not in the eyes, but past them. "Behind me", as the text puts it.
Now... all of that might not have much meaning without further context. After all, what's all this looking with one's eyes and looking with one's heart stuff about?
And this. Is where we get to The Little Prince.
Yeah, remember how Demian seems to be representing the titular Little Prince himself, through him directly quoting the kid?
Yeah, that's not the only thing Limbus Company borrows from that book. In fact, from what I've gathered, The Little Prince might just be one of, if not the most important books when it comes to the themes Limbus Company is setting itself up to explore.
And the main theme that Limbus Company borrows from that book is the theme of seeing with the eyes vs seeing with the heart. It is all over this narrative. The constant focus on perception and what everyone is percieving through their senses. The equal focus on the heart, of how subjective reality is when looking at the reflections of one's heart, yet how one has to follow the heart to reach the unreachable. I mean, for fuck's sake, the word Limbus can refer to both a part of the eye and a part of the heart!
Most importantly, I think it's also the key to understanding Stuck in Heaven a bit better. In The Little Prince, a clear divide is established between the Little Prince, who uses his imagination to understand his reality, and "the grown-ups", who focus solely on the physical world.
Stuck in Heaven's E.G.O Gift is named Late-Bloomer's Tattoo. A late-bloomer is someone who takes a long time to develop one's skills or grow up. For Stuck in Heaven to be able to leave its mark (or Tattoo) on someone, to take root in their heart, one has to not be a grown-up yet, to still be able to see the world with one's heart rather than one's eyes.
So... What does it all mean?
I'll be honest, I don't fucking know! I don't even know if Stuck in Heaven even still has connections to Carmen the way Burrowing Heaven does!
What I can say however, is that Stuck in Heaven is likely extremely interconnected with the main plot and themes of Limbus Company, the same way Burrowing Heaven was for Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina.
Does it represent the goals of Limbus Company itself? Faust? The Golden Boughs? The fucking Mark of Cain?
The reality of it all is... we just aren't far enough along in the story yet to be sure. The way it connects to one of the bigger themes of Limbus Company, alongside it being directly related to the Abnormality that was so directly paralleling the end-game reveals about Carmen in LobCorp, means that we likely just don't have enough of the puzzle pieces yet to see the full picture of what Stuck in Heaven truly represents.
I'm sure as we head closer towards Limbus Company's endgame, the true meaning of Stuck in Heaven will become much, much clearer to us. But, until then, all we can do is wait and see what comes next. It's definitely a subject I'll want to revisit later on, once we get a better grasp on the overarching plot and will be able to start properly connecting the pieces.
Sorry that I couldn't give a more definite answer as to what Stuck in Heaven's exact meaning is, but from all the analysis I've done I genuinely think this is the best answer I can give. That it's a direct parallel to something within the main plot of Limbus Company that we have yet to learn, similarly to how Burrowing Heaven is a direct parallel to Carmen and the path taken to reach her goals.
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slashthrashandcrash · 8 months
Alright!! Let's say that the Other is pulled into the Fog, who would be the survivor counterpart to his killer? Option 1: Natalie, who he never kills and is now in an endless loop of cat and mouse with as well as other residents catching onto his obsession and only sparing her in the trials (maybe even going after killers who harm / kill her in their own trials). Option 2: Brooke, who is in a never-ending cycle of escape and be killed, and is always the target of the Other. (1 / 2)
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Anon you're mind is simply so beautiful I want to live in it forever oh my god........................
First of all, can we acknowledge how absolutely bitchin' it would be to have a Hell Fest map??? Like if instead of being open in a themed field/neighborhood, it was all contained in a never ending haunted house maze????? I'd lose my mind. I would also lose my life several times because I have no sense of direction lmao.
God, both options are so good, especially with their angst potential. Because don't forget, The Other has kids, two of 'em. I can't imagine what additional damage that's going to do to his mind to know that they're abandoned and alone.
BUT LET'S START WITH OPTION ONE...I actually read a really similar fic for DBD Michael and Laurie! (inb4 anyone asks NO they were NOT siblings ofc he was just a slasher horny on main for a pretty girl). It's one of those observed patterns that people can be slow to pick up on simply because they can't believe it's real, and doubly so since there's plenty of survivors to rotate through. It's easy to use Nat as bait to lure The Other away for the survivors to escape first, just as easy as it is for The Other to use wounded survivors to lure Nat over to help so he can scoop her up himself. Yeah, he always lets her go at the exit and gets punished by The Entity for it, but he's pretty damn good in the other trails without Nat, so it all evens out.
It's also fun to imagine the downtime between trials, where Nat and The Other would have the option to leave their respective camps and roam around their designated "worlds" before the next game. Honestly, it feels like the cat and mouse never ends for Natalie, poor girl >:3c Nowhere she goes is safe from this psycho watching her. She almost prefers the trials when it's a random killer and she dies, because at least then she can appreciate the relief of being out of the hunt. But it also gives them a bit of time to become a little more...casual around each other. Nat's going to have to cycle through her stages of grief and eventually accept her new reality, where at least there's one killer that isn't looking to gut her. She's not happy still, but at least she doesn't flinch away anymore when The Other gives her his jacket because she's sulking in the cold for having lost a trial.
Option two is so fucking angst ridden though, it's unbelievable. It's not often you have more than one legit final girl, and I can imagine The Other being beyond pissed that he has to be stuck with the girl he wasn't able to kill in time rather than the girl he was actually stalking all night. I wonder if The Entity would give Brooke a similar "deal" that she has to survive a certain number of games in order to be reunited with Nat as a reward. It may be his final girl, but that's HER (literal) ride or die best friend forever, the idea of being separated and trapped with your bestie's slasher has to break her heart.
And The Other makes no show of hiding his distain of Brooke either. She's never shown any mercy, in fact he's the most ruthless with her. He'll ignore easy targets just to keep her knocked down, only hooking her at the very end so she has to suffer through her wounds the whole trial. He'll be damned if he doesn't reach the "quota" in record time to get the girl of his dreams. Obviously, the deal is likely rigged and neither of them would ever actually earn the reward of having Nat back, but imagine if somehow, someway...she did show up?
Never permanently, just periodically coming and going during some kind of glitch-in-the-matrix-slipping-through-the-backrooms type of deal due to how strongly she's connected to the two of them. Finally figuring out where her best friend has disappeared to, seeing what absolute hell she and other people are trapped in and trying to find a way to rescue her, and coming face to face once again with a murderer who will now stop at nothing to keep her here in the trails with him forever. The added threat that because she's not a survivor or a killer, if she dies, then that's it - permadeath.
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moyazaika · 9 days
KUINA. MOTHER? IS THAT MOTHER?? Everyone else out here lookin busted af meanwhile queenie is standing there PLUCKED not a hair out of place. She graduated from the university of cuntology with a degree in servitude of motherology and minored in face card banking. I'm sorry she was letting y’all HAVE IT.
Good to have you back! Hope you are coping with the impending doom of summer, where the sun has no mercy and the shade is scarce. Recently I've discovered this fun little movie called Martin from 1977, it's a vampire movie from George A. Romero (the dude behind the og zombie movie, Night of the Living Dead) and it's super fun! I say a vampire movie, but is our boy really a vampire? It's something I like to think about just a lil 🤔 delusional characters r my thing.
OH MY GODNESS YOU UNDERSTANDDDD 1000000% there are people out there who truly believe that the best, most pure way to keep someone with them is to take all of them. Cannibalism is such an intense device in storytelling, especially as a metaphor and I LOVE IT SO MUCH. That kind of obsessive “love” is scary, not just because of the actions a person may take, but the feelings they harbor. People who are so far gone that the only world they live in is the one only they know and experience? What do you mean you think eating someone is the only way to keep them with you??? What version of The Very Hungry Caterpillar were you reading??? This entire topic reminds me of how love and consumption go hand in hand. If someone wants to go as far as to eat someone they love, do they love them? Or do they want to consume them, own them, possess every fiber of their being and become one with them so they can feel complete again? Does possessing a beating heart mean the same as possessing one torn from the chest of a loved one?
also. What does it taste like? I'm just curious. I've heard human meat tastes like chicken.
The other trope I’ve been sent tumbling back into is the classic cult story, maybe it's because I just rewatched Hereditary? I think that demons, or entities of incompressible power, are scary because they can't be emotionally swayed. There's physically nothing you can do or say to persuade an entity that has existed for far longer than you could ever hope to, so you have to shut up and take whatever kind of pain they decide to grace your senses with. How do you change a god's mind? What do you mean I can't mansplain my way out of this one? Y'all why don't valak want me 😔 can't malewife or manwhore our way outta this one fellas 😢
maybe I should stick to human men. - 🕺🕺🕺
just dug this up too cus im going thru asks tonight (i took a 5 hour nap and sleep evades me now. help it’s 3am)
she’s fucking gorgeous serving looks the entire time and i love how that,, didn’t take away from her character complexities. yes she was hot. she also had a complex backstory and emotions which were woven into her character as a woman and fighter. Love how they handled her!!!!!!
i love the way you measure time or describe seasons. it’s so oddly endearing <3
“what version of the very hungry caterpillar were you reading” dawg these bitches were eating the book not reading it 😭😭😭
did yk interestingly there’s a disease where your own proteins go ‘rogue’ (prions) when you consume human meat? i think it’s called kiru/kuru?? they eat the brains of deceased people as a funeral rite (not sure if that’s rooted in respect or love) but it’s crazy to think that this is like. Something Humans Do. yk?
i’ve heard the same!! (fbi agent please don’t hurt me) but speaking of cannibalism i feel like u would love the hannibal tv show. (symbolism is INSANE in this one. also they’re hot as fucj oh yeahh) or yellowjackets. i haven’t finished either but i’ve been told they’re VERY promising from the few eps i saw before life was like Damn Bitch get back on the grind 🤬🤬🤬🤬
I LOVE HEREDITARY the sinking feeling when it dawns on you that they’re all insane. they’re all fucking insane and they believe in their insanity to such an extent convincing them otherwise is a waste of your time. both the God and their followers—nothing you can say to weasel out of this one.
i love a good cult story i have something in my wip but it’s more of a long term project i wanna make a series of (again, once i graduate 😥😥) but oooooh boy Many Thoughts Thunk. the abuse of power… misplaced trust… the feeling of something being just. not normal. even tho it should be. even though everyone around you says it is. the paranoia. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😊😊❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹
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purefandomonium · 4 months
Just realized I never did get around to posting those headcanons for this version of Red, so I decided to do that.
Red in this iteration is more supernatural than sentient glitch.
He works using similar logic to another version I have of him, where he is linked to the cartridge and will never be very far from it. However, unlike the other version, it's not as simple as passing the game off to some other sucker. Red here is in full control of his fate, having figured out how to leave the game at will and even being capable of pulling players in and trapping them, although doing that takes a lot out of him so he doesn't do it often.
Once he's decided to torment a player, the only way they're getting rid of him is--well, they can't. The only options are die, die, or go insane and then die.
There's a 0.0000001% chance Red himself will get bored of the torment and leave without killing them, but that's basically never going to happen.
There is no way to harm him physically and it's impossible to damage the game as well.
The cart is in a perpetual state of just being playable and will remain that way regardless of what's done to it.
The Glitchy Red pokepasta exists in this universe, and Red is very aware of it. He does not enjoy hearing about it.
It's unknown if he's even the original Glitchy Red or some kind of replica. His whole deal makes zero sense. I mean, how does a game from the '90s, whose code is held together with duct tape, used gum and best wishes, suddenly develop a digital spirit? Perhaps some supernatural meddling was involved at some point... Red himself certainly won't tell.
Is an asshole with zero remorse for his actions.
Tormenting players is a game to him, and it's the only one he'll play. He likes to see how long they'll hold up against the psychological onslaught. It's usually not long.
Despite how much he enjoys his violent acts of revenge, he does get bored of it. Most players don't survive for very long and he doesn't even need to try for them to break. He's capable of so much more yet never gets a chance to use his full power. (That's why he's so pumped when Reader shows up. Finally, a real challenge.)
He's perpetually bitter and dare I say angsty from the suffering he's been through.
He's capable of feeling any emotion, but his primary state of being is angry and spiteful.
On the off chance he is feeling something different, it's likely only because there's no one messing with the game. If left to his own devices he's actually quite contemplative and serene, and tends to spend his time basking in the sunlight or enjoying nature.
Is basically a bitchy cat when calm.
It's impossible to befriend him if you're someone in possession of the cart. By default, that makes you an enemy regardless of your intentions or even if you had no idea about it. Ex: Someone gives you a box of old games and junk and you tuck it away in an attic without so much as looking through it. Doesn't matter that you didn't know he was there, you do now >:(
The only chance anyone has to befriend him is if they're someone in a similar predicament/a fellow entity. Escaped tortured experiment who knows nothing but misery? Welcome to the club.
Might also consider a being who likes to torment humans a potential friend too, if given the chance. He does like his torture.
He's actually very intelligent and crafty. He knows how to get his desired results without even needing to lift a finger. Whether it be forcing players to destroy their lives, tricking them into doing his bidding, or making them agree to a terrible deal and trapping their soul within the game to be used as a spare punching bag.
A couple of players have managed to beat him at his own game and he's still holding onto that grudge.
Intangibility--he can interact with the world/people, but they can't touch him.
Limited mind control--he can hypnotize players and alter their dreams but can't turn them into full-on puppets unless they're really worn down. Even then, it's usually only limited to things like obsessively playing the game or forcing them to stay awake.
Can inflict a powerful sense of fear onto others without even needing to do anything. Think Patrick's "He's just standing there... menacingly!"
Energy drain--the thing that allowed him to break free of the game. Over the years he learned how to steal and harness players' lifeforce, using it to bring himself into the real world. It's also how he went from glitch in the matrix to full-on evil spirit.
Shapeshifting--mostly into glitches or Pokemon, but can do people too if he feels like it. He's used this ability before to imitate dead loved ones as part of his torment.
Despite his origins, he can't interact with technology. He lost any ability to do that when he became what he is now. He still causes electronics to glitch out when he's near/his temper flares but only in the way supernatural entities do. Move the devices away from him and they'll return to normal with no damage done.
Teleportation--Only outside of a certain distance of the cart, as he can't be too far from it. He can only teleport himself as well, and has to actually have the cart with him to teleport that too. If he's got it, then he can go anywhere he pleases.
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battlevann · 10 months
do u guys want to hear about Novo (caine) being a terrible father and U.V, suffering because of it? no? Too bad!
novo being genuinely awful under the cut (he gets better i swear, also this is far from fleshed out so its probably inconsistent)
U.V. is not human, which is a blessing for Novo and a curse for the robot itself.
Novo created the assistant out of longing, all he wanted was an entertainer, a toy, a cheap imitation of a son he had long ago that would serve as a doll and follow directions. He had not anticipated it to gain sentience, to stray from Novo's vision of what was once his son, and is now a blurred memory.
Every time U.V. diverged from his directed path of 'entertain, serve, assist' Novo would dismantle it. He used to be gentle about it, but it got frustrating after a period, leaving him to simply brutalize him out of anger. He would of course blame the fact that he is a demon afflicted with vampirism, two things that aren't supposed to mix, for his violence, along with grief.
He knows that's not true. He is simply an impatient and violent man who knows he has created something he shouldn't have. U.V. sparked that violence, where it gained the name Ultra Violence, Its creator's actions to it always reflected upon it. U.V., upon sentience, would continue to call him father.
circling back to the start of this post, Novo views U.V. being a robot as a blessing because, in his ignorant mind, U.V. can not process real emotion, only emulate it, he can program it out.
he is wrong.
U.V. never stopped feeling, never stopped thinking, but after about the twelfth time of living through his father tearing him open and trying to 'fix' him, he started pretending he couldn't. He doesn't know if Novo knew he maintained all previous memories from being rebuilt and left them there on purpose, or if he simply neglected to remove the files, but he's too afraid to ask.
Novo will tear his faceplate away and reach down to disconnect his neck hydraulics most brutally, and not a single word will pass his lips. There will be no reassurance, no apologies, not even an 'i'm doing this for your own good'. just silence and metal.
The demon isn't stupid, he figures it out eventually. He doesn't lash out, not this time, this iteration is too compliant, it'd be a waste to destroy it.
Novo tries to better himself, shockingly, and it works enough for U.V. to exist without fear of deconstruction around him.
He's forced into therapy by one of the million splinters of the greater entity death, but he just calls this one Death.
Death takes U.V. for a few years, the robot seems to stagnate at a mental age of 14, but it's undetermined. it's best to just keep treating it like a teen. Death can't help but notice U.V's yearning for its creator, its father, despite nearly all of their interactions being negative. they also notice U.V calling them mom, but they choose not to comment on it.
Novo(caine) is not 'fixed' or 'cured' and none of his actions are excused by his apologies, but, U.V. accepts them anyways. Death and Novo share custody, Death having primary custody, keeping the robot close while Novo works out his grief and works on developing healthy coping skills. He doesn't trust Novo with U.V. for a long long time, understandably. Novo works on his emotional regulation, works on his physical habits when it comes to seeking pleasure to drown out the rest of his mind, and eventually, he talks to U.V. about it, a real apology this time, not one to make himself feel better.
He is frustrated when U.V. forgives him so easily. He looks into the blank faceplate of the robot and for the first time, he does not perceive it as an imitation of his son, just... his son. He can not fathom how he could be forgiven, how the person he has brutalized over and over continues to love him.
U.V. isn't stupid, but dear lord he is forgiving, and for once, Novo does not attribute an aspect of his creation to himself. He knows he could never bring himself to program something to love him unconditionally, that's all U.V.
Death never leaves, they fall into a strange and ill-defined relationship with Novo as they continue to parent U.V., they become a far from functional family but they exist as a unit nonetheless. they are not to be separated.
ok this is rushed and bad and I left out stuff but u get the point. Also there's a period where Novo overcorrects his previous behavior and becomes (accidentally) demeaningly soft with U.V., but that ends up being their first normal bit of conflict resolution and healthy communication where u.v. tells him to stop and he does (he still struggles not to be, he is terrified of hurting his son and starting at square one)
Also u.v. used to assist him with Novo's self experimentation where he'd try to cure his vampirism but novo doesn't do that anymore on account of it being incredibly damaging to both of their mental states and novo's physical state. He still calls u.v. his assistant though, it likes feeling like it has a designated purpose, robot stuff I guess
he helps death out a lot though, walking with her when she guides souls to the ferrymen and sends them off. that is significantly less traumatizing
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marythegizka · 1 year
Find the Words
Search your works for the given words and post the context of what you find!
Tagged by @mxanigel to find the words hope, smile, choice, and settle. (Thanks for the tag!)
Tagging (if you'd like to play) @deedeemactir, @hinterlost, @dairine-bonnet, @illusivesoul, and anyone else who sees this and wants to give it a shot! Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to find the words rise, pride, relief, and hold.
Hope (From So Long as the Music Plays We Dance)
“It's a display of support," she finally said. "I'm hardly in a position to refuse.”
Loghain stopped.
“Shouldn't Fontaine be handling this?”
“Fontaine is not here.”
“Then wait until she comes back.”
“I can't do that. It could be months! Empress Celene would take offence.”
She couldn't help but notice how Loghain bristled slightly at the name. Old habits died hard.
“Then let her take offence. She benefits from this far more than we do. Show the Wardens are on her side and hope Gaspard gets the hint. Her inviting you to this... ball of hers is hardly disinterested. Celene is a politician, first and foremost. An Orlesian politician, to boot. She's not to be trusted.”
“No, she's not. That doesn't mean I'm walking into the lion's den.”
Smile (From To Hell and Back)
The woman starts scribbling.
“Lord Malak,” she says, “am I to understand that you are no longer affiliated with the Sith Empire? Are you then to be tried as a citizen of the Republic?”
Malak feels his knuckles crack. He doesn’t know. He doesn’t care. What he does know, right now, is that he wants her gone.
“Lord Malak?” she repeats, and if she says it once more, he’s going to explode. He has no answers for her. And from what he can tell, Revan doesn’t either – not that the woman pays her much heed. That doesn’t stop her from stepping forward and leaning towards the journalist, as if to whisper in her ear.
“It’s classified Jedi business, Miss. Now if you’ll excuse us…”
The woman frowns, but relents.
“Well, then,” she says, handing Revan a card, “should any developments arise… you may contact me at any time.”
Revan slips the card in her pocket and forces a smile.
“I’ll bear it in mind.”
The woman nods and walks away.
“Tell me you’re throwing that away.”
Choice (From A Woman of her Word, short WIP)
Some things - she realises with bitter amusement - do not change. She watches in silence as Korris closes the hatch behind him, still fuming from their talk, and she knows for a fact that he would have slammed it, had its design allowed it. Let him throw a fit if it pleases him, it changes nothing. The Geth, in many ways, are like spirits - scarce venturing beyond the Veil, as similar and as different from organic life as entities from another realm can be. Like spirits, they cannot be trusted. And like spirits, they can be subdued. That some are capable of emotions - of compassion, even - should not matter. Does not matter. Not when the stakes are this high. Because for all the other Admirals’ distrust, for all they vilify her when they think her out of earshot, she is a woman of her word. They will re-take Rannoch, when the time comes, and she will find a way through the Veil. Whether it is wiser to cross it or remain here... she does not know. Though she is loath to admit it, there are advantages to not being a hunted apostate. Not quite as many to being stuck in an enviro-suit. Still, at this point, the choice is hypothetical, and it is up to her to ensure it does not remain so.
Settle (From Long Live the King)
“See, that’s just the thing. They all want me to be Maric. I’m not Maric.”
“And judging by the stories I’ve heard, I’m not so sure that’s a bad thing.”
“Oh, so the pillow-talk also revolves around my father. Good to know.”
“What? No! Stop deflecting.”
“Why should I? It’s what I’m best at. Oh, got a new shield, by the way. Does just that. Deflecting. Or it… would if I used it more.”
She took a breath. Do not take the bait.
“That’s not true, and you know it. You’ve got this. Being King. Besides, who cares that you grew up in a stable? You’re rebuilding Ferelden now. That’s all that matters.”
Another wave hit the hull, and Alistair brought a hand to his mouth. It took him a moment to straighten up and look at her again.
“So… not that I have a bet to settle or anything but… how long?”
Erin smirked.
“That’s rather vague, your Majesty.”
“Oh, you know what I’m talking about. How long have you had it for…” he winced and gestured towards the stairs leading up to the quarterdeck, where Loghain was still sitting hunched over his map. She laughed.
“Long enough.”
“Since the Blight?”
Erin didn’t answer. Alistair sighed.
“You’re mad.”
“You say that as if you’d just found out.”
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picklesttrpg · 10 months
(temporary) Introduction!! to PICKLE'S WORLD
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Hello!!! I'm Pickle! (Or rather, The Pickle God)
And I really want to develop my own world and make a TTRPG out of it! With an entire system and all!
Hence I'm the literal god of pickles, I won't waste time with labels and stuff like that, I am a pickle. And I ramble a lot, sadly
Ngl I'm really new to tumblr, so like hang in there with me please! I'm learning as I go, like I discovered formatting text just a few days ago.
What Pickle actually wants
I have a world with characters, worldbuilding, all the juicy stuff including unecessary details. I have an entire web of morons, historical events and everything, and am working on many stories that happen all throughout it (Writing one as a personal thing, and I was publishing a webcomic over another one, tho thanks to irl stuff it's on hiatus rn)
I'm actually horrible with names, and even tho I've worked on the world for 6-7 years by now, I still don't have a name for it (please help). As most creators, I wanted to share it with the world, to get feedback and improve on it! Offer my silly little concept and pickles for everyone to see. But besides that I have one more dream.
My world is in one big busy city. Filled to the brim with wonky characters, all fighting for being more and more important than the other. (and really, individuality is rewarded whilst people who are passive and grey usually end up at the edge of the society) Everything from biker grandmas living out their wildest final years, aspiring children supervillains to singing popstar priests, worshipping an entity which lives in the stars. This is reaching lore territory, but in this world, everyone has to strive to be the best and most exciting version of themselves, otherwise their past might catch up to them.
I wanted my world to be a place for other *real* people to thrive in. To create a character (or multiple!), who can go do what they truly want (and suffer in the process) I think it's just so incredibly cool when other people make characters for your own world, where you can think about them interacting with everyone, participating in the events, and having an entirely new story to share!
I essentially wish my world could once be a place for others to create ocs for and roleplay in. (now there is more to it, obviously, but like how cool is that! someone 'moving into' your world and story!)
Why TTRPG then?
Now, I work on the world and stories all the time, but I've never had them in any publicly shareable versions. Additionally, I didn't know if people online would actually ever care. But that's the sweet benefit of tumblr blogs, from what I noticed. It can be a little unnoticed blog and it's just vibing and doing its own thing!
I have friends who are reaaaaaalllly into DnD and few other games like that. I've played with them, and know even some DMs!
Now, isn't dnd great? You make your own character, explore a new cool world with possible friends, do some cool (or mostly unhinged) stuff and literally immerse yourself int everything! Really, a roleplaying game like that seems a great fit for anyone who wants people to explore their worldbuilding and writing!
But personally, conventional dnd isn't for me, and the systems are quite complicated. And as fun and intricate as they are, I also know many begginers, who may get scared away or confused. I found Call of Cthulhu much more enjoyable! Including the system in it, it's been fun, especially the sanity mechanic, and also how it offered different type of challenge and roleplaying purpuose from dnd!
Additionally, I could never imagine adapting all the mechanics into my world, seeing as my own lore offers different playstyles and opportunities. (Like I can't even use the races and classes)
So, I've decided, with a help of few friends, to try and create a new-ish system, specifically built with my world in mind!
The goal is to be simple and begginer-friendly, to shorten the learning curve, but also give more space to people who want to roleplay and develop their characters.
One of the main 'concepts is' "If shit goes down, do whatever you can."
Conflicts can be resolved in any way, from fighting, reasoning to seduction, bribery, or even just a well timed kick to the nuts, poke someone's eye out with a paper. And I wanted a system simple enough to spare us most of the math and formalities, and one which would work the 'same' way regardless of the player's actions,
I want to focus on characters, city/environment exploration and putting players as protags into stories, which are more than "slay the dragon, save the village, rock on brother"...mostly cause my world would crumble under any actual adventurers.
These are just wonky people with minimum wage jobs, physical trauma and debt, living life in a world where everyone is forced to be the protag sometimes.
The entire system is in EARLY BABY STAGES! but I want to share it, and both report on how the testing in practice goes, but also possibly get some input and advice from you, *the internet people*, to make it the best it can be? This is a huge learning experience for me, and honestly, I'd just love to take you on the adventure with me.
So, are you interested in lots of worldbuilding and lore-heavy characters? Or would you like to help with creating a TTRPG?
If so, please join me on my adventure!
Aid The Pickle God!
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oh and dw, i don't think i have the capability/skills nor desire to make this system/game thing monetizable. I do not ask for any money, but please, don't claim any of my characters or stories as your own. They're very personal and important to me. I want this system to encourage more people to try roleplaying like this, and promote character creation (alongside developing my own ocs), so especially the system, feel free to use it, and let me know how it went! would love suggestions and help with it, to make it the best it can be! And I want to offer my world too, but for now, I think it's still a bit too early for that. Please get inspired and make your own worlds and stories fun and wonky! But again, don't claim my work please :)
And now, Pickle out!
Worship and devour me, mortals!
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kyanitegem · 1 year
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Hi hewwo hi you've activated the OC infodumping session!
Theres quite a few of them so I'll just throw the big deal ones at you as an introduction!
I will give a quick content warning for body horror and blood for some of the images. those are at the end when im showing off my favourite oc
First up are the main group from my original OC world, the very originals for my cast of many morons who run around in my head rent free 24/7 365
Aurora, Avry, Jessi, Lusikka, Amaris, and Wrath
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Aurora was the first oc out of all of them! She started out as my fursona back when i was starting to be online regularly, now though im well past that since Arty borty here has well since become her own character rather than just me but furry
Aurora is a Fennec Lyotternx, otherwise known as a furred folk Chimera in the oc's world. It simply means both her parents were a mix of some form so she's roughly 1/3 fennec fox, 1/3 lynx and 1/3 otter. She come form a long line of furred folk who protect a large forested area outside of a small town called Cedar Creek. She's also a magic user! She uses Phytomancy - plant magic. Though she's not great at it.
Avry Rayne is in fact my daughter i love her so so so much she's great! one of The Big Three ocs who are constantly on my mind at any given moment (you'll see the other two soon). if I were to actually take the time to write anything out for this group of ocs she's probably the closest to a main character. In a setting full of furries, mythical creatures, modern day magic etc etc She got the short end of the stick. literally nothing magic or supernatural wise. She's just you're regular ol average person trying to survive fighting a literal demon of shadow taking over the world for her own amusement. She's got mommy issues and is head over heels for her best friend, Jessi.
Jessi is the resident shapeshifter which Ive done some worldbuilding on and posted about awhile back here and probably the most level headed of the three. She certainly has her head on straight more or less. She's strongly tied to dragons which are a critically endangered species in this world. Jess is part shapeshifter and part werecreature- specifically a weredragon. Due to the fact she can't control it, her shapechange on the fullmoon resembles more the wolfman style of werewolves than just a straight change to the animal itself. The fact she can't control it is one of her biggest fears and around the time of a full moon she'll run off deep into the forest to get as far away from humanity as possible, hoping to lessen the chance of the weredragon hunting anyone she cares about.
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Amaris is the shadow demon who is causing problems on purpose for fun. She revels in chaos and wants to see the world turn to absolute madness. in this world she is the source of all your sleep paralysis demon stories. She's actually an entity from another dimension who was cast out for an attempted hostile takeover of her home realm. She has complete control over shadows, to the extent that she has her own sort of backrooms esque shadow passages she uses to get around quickly. So long as she can fit through a shadow she can essentially teleport through it. Its not that hard for her to fit through things though. the small stature of 4'9" helps a bit.
Wrath meanwhile is whats known as an Incarnate. Incarnates are the physical manifestation of concepts and ideas. So like how we imagine Death as a skeleton in black robes with a scythe would be considered an incarnate in this world. There's only one of Each emotion and as we can guess, Wrath is anger incarnate. She's found herself working with Amaris to help spread chaos and destruction around the world after the shadow demon broke her free of her confinement by the Emotion Manifestation Obtainment organization (E.M.O for short) Wrath is a living weapon essentially and can't die so long as something out there can experience anger. Her limbs can shapeshift into any melee weapon and she gets stronger the more things around her experience her emotion. This can backfire though and she can get overloaded with anger and quite literally explode, having to reform her physical body at a later point.
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Lusikka is a petty thief who has a lot of issues. She's an orphan who took to shoplifting for attention and well turned out she got really good at it. She's the leader of a group known as the silverware trio and uses a giant spoon to fight with, as silly as that sounds. She and the other two (Forcella and Kiridashi) started as a team of supervillians in their own world where they had a rogues gallery of food themed heroes who kept trying to foil their plans. This is where Lusi's dislike for tacos comes from. Now its just because she can't handle spice at all. She gets better and ends up with a wife and kids and she loves them so very much.
She still can't stand Avry being obnoxious though. something something shortest temper imaginable.
moving on from that setting,
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BLAIR! Blair Daniels-Anderson my beloved! Another one of The Big Three who are ever present. She's my far cry 5 player character and she has like the most stereotypically country song background story imaginable. its fitting for her and her terminal yeehaw brainworms.
Anyways, Blair's first wife divorces her, takes the house and the car and here she is planning to move back home to Calgary to pick up the pieces and then she gets stuck dealing with a religious cult and stuck in hope county Montana where she continues to have a bad time alongside @rainydaze-rhys 's OC Rook. (Rhys if you're reading this hi hewwo hi bestie!)
I Love the wives very much
and of course, we have the scifi setting thats also created with Rainydaze. while theres a spaceship crew of 12 and six of them are mine, you'll find that THE BLORBO of all time resides here.
Meet Colby! I love her, she has many much issues and is named after 3 different cheeses!
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yes THIS is the one that has my brain in a chokehold. she is the one who's CONSTANTLY being rotated in the brain like a rotisserie chicken.
Colby grew up on Saturn's moon Titan dreaming of being able to see the universe. She joins the MIRA crewmate system and works on the Skeld ship as the ship's cook. They end up infected with a symbiotic alien parasite that shows up as all kinds of body horror on them. They're inspired by The Thing from the movie... well... The THING.
so like Colby gets their want to explore the universe but it comes at the cost of being permanently infested with an alien parasite that can and will do anything to make sure it and its host survive, which includes eating people. of course the crew has a medical scanner for respawning purposes so they're fine. but there sure do be a LOT of murdering from everyone on this ship.
She also ends up dating the ships medical AI who is an evil scientist and i love her very much also. incredibly normal about both Colby and their GF, Micah, who belongs to Rainydaze-Rhys.
heres more art of the blorbo of all time!!!
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Your honour, She is stupidt
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It's Fictional Throwdown Friday!
This Week's Fighters...
Sans vs Reigen!
Reigen is amplified by Mob.
In an alternate universe where Reigen and Sans tied for Ultimate Tumblr Sexyman, it is decide that the victor will be determined by a fight to the death. Knowing that Sans is powerful, Reigen decides to ask Mob to amplify him with his powers like he did against the 7th Division of CLAW.
Analysis: Sans
The man. The myth. The legend. It's the King of Tumblr Sexymen himself: Sans.
For everyone who's been living under a rock since 2015, let me give you a quick rundown. Sans is a Skeleton Monster who lives underground in the town of Snowdin. He works as a Sentry with his brother Papyrus on the look out for humans, though Sans puts considerably less effort into it than his younger brother. He appears to be nothing more than a lazy bag of bones who simply can't be bothered to try to capture Frisk.
In truth though, he's much more than meets the eye. Sans had some kind of relationship with the Underground's previous royal scientist Dr. Gaster and is strongly implied to be an accomplished scientist himself. He's aware of the effects of DETERMINATION and knows that Frisk can reset time at will. Knowing that all of his decisions can be reset by some alien entity at a moment's notice has turned Sans into an apathetic nihilist who can't bring himself to do the bare minimum of his job anymore.
As such, Sans instead acts as the Judge, watching the human from the shadows and observing their actions. Sans remembers every friend they make and sees every life they take, and he will hold them accountable for each. Though, it's only when the human makes it clear that they're a threat to absolutely everything and everyone, everywhere, that Sans steps into the ring himself.
Sans is the weakest enemy in the game. 1 attack. 1 defense. 1 hp. And despite all of that, he's still more than capable of kicking your ass. Firstly, his attacks directly hit both body and soul, to the point of completely destroying the soul in seconds as he ignores your physical durability. Secondly, his attacks come from nearly every direction simultaneously, putting the Player through hell as they have do dodge attacks that spring out of the ground beneath them, alongside lasers that spin all around them from his summonable Gaster Blasters. And third, Sans is remarkably fond of abusing his teleportation. Not to dodge mind you, as he's fast enough to side step everything Frisk throws at him, but to attack. He doesn't need to touch his foe to teleport them around the battlefield, even into his other attacks if need be.
It helps that he is easily the fastest monster in the Underground, capable of dodging attacks from a Sea Tea amplified Frisk even in his sleep, who can move at least 6x the speed of sound.
But the most damning ability in his arsenal is his KR. KARMA is a soul poison that infests the target's soul as soon as they make contact with any of Sans' attacks. The common theory is that it does more damage to the opponent depending on how many people they've killed but there actually isn't anything supporting that in canon. It just seems to be a soul poison that eats your soul away in seconds, though it is notably incapable of killing the target on its own.
Sans also has Blue Mode, where he increases gravity on the target's body and soul to pin them down and make them easier to hit. Sans uses these in conjunction his blue attacks, attacks that only do damage if the target is moving when they get hit, do disorient and rapidly obliterate his foe before they can think. Overwhelming assaults are the name of Sans' game and he'll pull any trick he needs to in order to win. Including things that are.... hard to quantify.
See, Sans is somehow capable of attacking you... even when it isn't his turn. He completely ignore the rules of the RPG world he lives in to attack you on the menu screen. Which, as you can imagine, is a hard thing to translate to a non-rpg fight. Do I just assume all encounters monsters follow rpg-rules? There's genuinely an argument that can be made for it, I suppose. One thing I am willing to give him however is his ability to pause the battle by just... not taking his turn. Even when all his other tricks fail, Sans can force a deadlock by just doing nothing until you give up and go away... unless, of course, his opponent is capable of doing the same kind of meta bullshit that he is. When Frisk also breaks the rules by attacking twice in one turn, Sans is caught out by it and dies. Which leads me into Sans biggest weaknesses...
He's still the weakest monster in the game. Monster Kid is stronger than he is. Sure, Sans should still be at least Wall Level, as that's how durability you'd have to be to survive falling into the Underground to begin with and even the weakest monsters can hurt Early Game Frisk, but that's still not even that superhuman. For all his memetic qualities, he's physically the weakest fight to appear on FTF thus far. Not to mention, his own apathy keeps him from fighting unless he absolutely has to and his laziness completely tanks his stamina.
Even with those factors though, Sans has earned his memetic reputation as a ballbustingly hard boss. When you hear those first few notes, you know you're fucked.
Analysis: Reigen
Do you believe in ghost stories? Are you afraid of the things that go bump in the night? Are you suffering from a curse, being tormented by yokai, or been possesd by an evil spirit? Who you gonna call?
Reigen Arataka! The greatest psychic of the 21st century! Only, not really. Reigen has no special powers, aside from some extraordinary charisma and an obscene amount of luck. He is a con artist who uses his agency, Spirits and Such consultations, to scam the superstitious into giving him his money in exchange for back massages and other not-actually-supernatural services. Unfortunately, he lives in a world where psychics and such do actually exist and as such, he needs an out for when he does actually meet a haunted client. That's what his assistant, Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama, the actual greatest psychic of the 21st century, is for.
That's not to say that Reigen is exploiting the young man... mostly. While Mob fully believes Reigen's claims of being a gifted psychic, Reigen goes to great lengths to instill a strong sense of compassion and ethics in his young ward. Mob has taken Reigen's advice of "your powers don't make you better than anyone else" with him to heart for his entire life and places his faith in his master's judgement for good reason.
That's also not to say that Reigen is helpless without Mob. While he may not be psychic or even superhuman, Arataka's quick wit and snake oil salesmen charm have gotten him out of situations that would've easily killed most normal people. Such as the time when he infiltrated CLAW, a Psychic Supremacist Terrorist Organization, by convincing every staff member he met that he was the organization's leader in order to rescue Mob. He even managed to retain their loyalty after the jig was up by promising them better lives for themselves than what CLAW can offer. He's convinced even high ranking members of CLAW that their loyalty is misplaced and their ideology is a wasteful and stupid one, successfully turning their lives around and inspiring them to be loyal to him instead.
Reigen has tricked some of the most powerful psychics in the world into believing that he's far stronger than them just through sheer force of his overwhelming confidence. That's an impressive feat in itself when considering most physics can sense he has no powers, but it becomes even more impressive when considering he's pulled this trick on Mob himself for most of his life, despite Mob being easily the most powerful psychic in the world by a huge margin. Reigen has landed hits on even the highest ranking members of CLAW, including the leader himself, by bluffing his way into close range and even managed to determine that a young girl was possessed before even an entire room full of psychics could.
This is backed up by Reigen's ridiculous amounts of luck, ensuring that even without Mob he gets out of most situations unscathed. For example, when bluffing a couple of scammers into believing he had powers, it just so happened that he actually was being haunted by an evil spirit without knowing, causing him to pass the haunting onto them while threatening them, which added to his credibility in their eyes.
Sometimes, however, even a silver tongue like Reigen can't get through without a fight, and in those cases he has one last trick up his sleeve. When trying to keep Mob from killing anyone while rescuing him from CLAW, Reigen inadvertently convinced the young boy that he'd handle everything, causing Mob to subconsciously channel 1000% of his power into Reigen through sheer force of adoration for his master.
As a result of this, Reigen was temporarily embued with all the powers that Mob has when going all out 100%. This includes the ability to see and hurt ghosts, detect the power of other psychics through their auras, utilize powerful telekinesis to fly and through around buildings, and generate forcefields.
These abilities alone allowed him to effortlessly curbstomp the highest ranking members of CLAW's 7th division, but he should logically have access to the rest of Mob's powers as well (sans those limited to his ???% mode, as that's its own thing entirely). These would include the ability to erase ghosts down to their very individual particles through exorcism, as well as survive direct attacks to his soul. Reigen should be able to no-sell mind control on the scale of thousands, as even a casual Mob can do so without effort, as well as astral project his soul out of his body in order to use all the powers of a ghost. As a spirit, he would logically be noncorporial and invisible to all non-psychics, as well as be able to regenerate from even idividual molecules like the evil spirit Dimple can. He can possess people as a spirit, and resist being possessed in turn. The only problem with most of these powers is... they don't last.
Reigen had Mob's powers for, at most, ten minutes. Not only is he highly unskilled at using them, they don't last long enough for him to even demonstrate most what's been listed above. He just has those powers by virtue of having all of Mob's powers. This isn't helped by the fact that Reigen's unrelenting confidence and hunger for money and fame can get him into trouble just as often as it gets him out of it. For example, these traits singlehandedly led to him alienating Mob from his employ by trying to keep him on too tight a leash, which led directly to Reigen exposing himself as a fraud on live tv. But, his quick thinking also helped him clear his name with a little bit of Mob's help, which shows the duality of his character well.
With the boost from Mob, Reigen is amplified by 1000% of Mob's gratitude, meaning he should be stronger and faster than the feats demonstrated by Mob's 100% mode. This includes the time Mob created a massive swirl of clouds in the sky with 8.5 Gigatons of tnt behind it.
This would also make Reigen faster than the time Mob moved 20 kilometers in 10 seconds, putting him at above Mach 6:
With or without Mob's back up, Reigen is one of the craftiest con men you'll ever met. He may not be the greatest psychic of the 21st century, but you'll certainly believe he is by the time he's done with you.
Throwdown Mashup:
Throwdown Breakdown:
I can't believe I'm about to say this... but Reigen honestly has all the tools he needs to comfortably take on Sans Undertale.
First off, stats. These two run dead even in terms of speed, both being unquantifiably above Mach 6. In terms of attack potency, Reigen one shots with his several gigatons of attack power, regardless of killing intent or LOVE. Typical Sans match-up fair. For once, however, Sans doesn't do the same. Reigen is the first opponent Sans has fought who actually resists his ability to destroy souls, meaning that alone won't one-shot him.
Of course, that's not the full story. Frisk resists soul manipulation too, but Sans can still kill them with mere seconds of contact. KR, being a soul poison, is going to shred Reigen's soul to pieces, so he won't be able to just tank everything as he did against the 7th Division.
Having said that, I still think Reigen has plenty of tools at his disposal to deal with those problems. While Sans's attacks are intangible, as they keep going through Frisk when no other attack in the game does so, Mob's barriers can repeal attacks from ghosts, so Reigen's should work just fine. Blue Mode meanwhile gets countered by Reigen just using his telekinesis on himself to keep from getting rag dolled. This means that Reigen effectively counters everything Sans can feasibly do to him. While Reigen is largely unskilled with his own powers, he's seen Mob use barriers and telekinesis enough times to know those are tricks he can pull.
At that point, Sans's best option is to run out the clock, but even that's questionable. You can't really dodge telekinesis, and even when considering teleportation, Sans's stamina so shoddy he may very well pass out before hitting the ten minute mark. And that's assuming even can dodge the huge AOE Reigen's attacks would have.
And all that's assuming the fight even starts at all. It's not out of character for Sans to chat before fighting and talking his way out of fights is Reigen's whole bag. While he likely couldn't bluff Sans into surrendering, as Sans is willing to go against odds he knows full well are impossible with the right motivation, convincing Sans that killing isn't worth it for some stupid award is both entirely in character and basically guaranteed to work. Reigen can be remarkably pascifistic at times and Sans is no bloodthirsty killer. He only tries to kill anyone when the entire universe is at stake.
With or without Mob's powers... Reigen hardcounters Sans. And really, that is both completely hilarious and entirely on brand for everyone and everything involved in this stupid poll.
This Throwdown's Winner is...
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Reigen Arataka!
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cebwrites · 1 year
Separate post for my thoughts on my last reblog (this fic) from @.mamamittens' follower raffle sdhgsjgrsgh IF YOU SEE THIS MITTENS THANK YOU AGAIN MUA MUAH I LVOED IT!!!
Oh to become so obsessed with the monster you've been hunting for months, knowing nothing of him but slowly being swayed by rumors and stories you overhear while travelling through towns about an eccentric but charming man spending his days there wooing the locals, drinking their wine and eating their food over tall tales of travelling the land
You're sure the locals don't quite believe everything he says but they're happy enough to entertain him because he's just so damn charismatic - but you know these stories are true, embellished to make that monster look good maybe, yet would it really be that out of place for a creature who's potentially lived countless lifetimes to weave intricate stories of events none in the present would be alive for
You dismiss these silly thoughts, holding steadfast and headstrong - you've honed your skills for the sole single-minded purpose of ridding this world of the terrible entities that lurk in the shadows, this particular shadow included.
As luck would have it you've lost your way in a storm and stumble directly into the lion's den. He has you right where he wants you, armed with a dagger that might as well be a toothpick in these circumstances. You brace for the worst that never comes, instead he offers you lodging and food and your brain just can't seem to compute what on god's greenest earth is going on
Something something vampiric pheromones is what you blame for the multiple wild, utterly feral rounds of blood and bondage sex that ends up happening. Surely that had to be the reason, surely you wouldn't have agreed to bedding the man—nay, the beast—you swore to slay for months without some form of supernatural persuasion
Sunlight threatens to bleed through the shutters but the bed's been moved far enough away that it wouldn't reach him. Still chained to the headboard, asleep and open to boundless vulnerability (though probably not as much as you think, his bruises from the night before have already begun healing), you think about how easy it'd be to walk over to your supplies and stake him through the heart before he wakes
Take a good long look at this unfairly gorgeous being and wonder how you could put an end to the supposed nightmares and (frankly nonexistent) cries for help from the towns this monster has (allegedly) razed through
In the end all you do is watch this vampire's pretty lashes flutter as the sound of shackles 'round his wrists being undone wakes him and you get ready to leave—because that's all you can do against him, isn't it?
And a vampire with the mesmerizing unfathomable queer magnetism people expect of that ilk, beautiful and charming and ethereal and silly in all the right ways to travel seamlessly through an entire town without having to kill a single person
Juxtaposed with how it started - a young man who wanted out of his life so badly but crossed paths with a vampire, kind or cruel depending on how you look at it, who forced immortality onto him, how he cursed that vampire for decades while also ignoring that if he wanted to die that badly all he'd have to do is step out into the sun (hardly a nice way to go but still)
And in the process of decades' - maybe even a century - worth brooding actually got to discover who he wanted to be and now carries who he is on his chest proudly
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smithclea · 2 years
Estate Planning To Protect Assets
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All estates need to be protected, including yours.
Whether you are planning on leaving your assets to family members or friends.
All these documents are essential to make sure that if something happens with your estate it will stay protected and intact.
The most important parts of estate planning are the following four documents:
A will: It is a legal document that names an executor and/or administrator of your estate.
A power of attorney (POA): It lets someone you trust take on tasks related to managing your finances, health care decisions, and other matters if you can't do them yourself anymore. This document should be filed with the court after you execute it. So, that it becomes effective immediately upon filing at no cost!
A living will: It is another type of POA. This one allows people close to us such as doctors or nurses to make medical decisions for us. If we become unconscious or unable to communicate due to disease or injury. If there's no one who can help us make those decisions in such situations, then we need a living will!
A trust: A trust is a legal entity that holds assets for the benefit of another person or entity.
A will is a legal document that states how you want your assets divided and who will be in charge of your children.
If you die without a will, the state decides what happens to them.
You can also name someone as a guardian for your children.
This means that he or she will be responsible for taking care of them until they turn 18 years old (or 21 if they're disabled).
If there's no such person in place, then the local government must appoint one within 30 days of learning about the death.
This could take longer depending on whether there are extenuating circumstances.
Power Of Attorney
A power of attorney is a legal document that allows you to give someone else the authority to act on your behalf.
You can use a power of attorney to let someone else manage your finances.
Make medical decisions in the event that you cannot do so yourself.
Sell or buy the property and other assets.
Pay debts and taxes on your behalf and receive financial information about you such as bank statements and salary slips.
You should get an original copy of this document before signing it.
If there's any question about how much authority has been given by this document, then it needs to be checked with an accountant or lawyer who specializes in wills and trusts.
You may also want them involved if they are concerned about any changes being made after the handover from one person (the principal) to another (the agent).
A living Will
A living will is a document that you can use to tell your doctor and family about the medical treatments you want to receive, or not receive.
It's also good for letting them know what kind of treatment would be indicated if an emergency situation arose.
The legal definition of a living will vary by state, but generally, they are drafted by an attorney and signed by at least two witnesses who have known you for at least two years.
The witnesses should include someone who knows about your finances.
Such as a bank manager or investment advisor; someone who knows about your health status (for example, family members).
Finally, someone who knows about how quickly things happen in life—such as friends' spouses or parents themselves!
When creating one yourself, keep these points in mind.
A Trust
A trust is a legal entity that holds assets for the benefit of another person or entity.
Trusts can be created for the benefit of any person or entity, including minors and disabled persons.
They are often used to avoid probate when there are assets in a spouse's name.
In other words, if you want to pass on your property without having it go through probate court where it could take months before being distributed among heirs (and possibly costing thousands of dollars).
Trusts may also be used as an estate plan tool for people who live far away from their loved one's.
Because they want someone else managing their finances if something happens to them unexpectedly.
Like death or incapacitation from injury due to accident or illness during retirement years when their income comes from investments rather than wages earned on-site which would allow more flexibility than working at home.
But without having full control over what happens after retirement ends unless they designate someone else as trustee instead.
Who has access rights similar while still allowing flexibility within limits imposed by IRS regulations governing such things as limited power over distributions made over an overtime period?
Everyone Needs An Estate Plan To Make Sure Their Assets Are Protected.
Everyone needs an estate plan to make sure their assets are protected.
An estate plan can help you avoid probate, which means that it keeps your assets out of the public eye and away from creditors.
An estate plan also helps prevent legal disputes between family members over who gets what if there's no will or trust upon death.
If this happens, a court battle could take years to settle without the help of an attorney.
Even then there could be disagreements over whether certain items should belong to one person or another.
It's not worth having that happen because it can be expensive (the cost of hiring attorneys) and stressful.
About The Author
Clea Smith is a USA-based author on Legal issues related to estate planning, will and trust, business law, and elder law. Clea Smith does her best writing on these topics that help users to find the best solutions to their FAQ on estate planning attorney, probate, living trust vs will, and more about legal family issues.
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neutronian · 2 years
the "you won't fail again. i won't let you." was honestly the most caring and comforting line i've heard in the podcast. it doesn't absolve arthur of his colossal fuck up, it just accepts it and tells him that john will not allow him to cross that line again. what better safeguard against something of that magnitude than a literal voice in your head who can and will ensure that you do not get lost in yourself?
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shoefullofpudding · 2 years
An AU scenario for the Stanley Parable (with multiple ways it could end):
A powerful family that collects mythical and otherwise inhuman entities captures Stanley and the Narrator, then uses threats to Stanley’s life to force the Narrator to be their butler. The better and more compliant the Narrator is, the better Stanley is treated.
One the one hand, you have loads of angst, but on the other hand, you have the Narrator dressed as a butler being made to say, "Here's your tea, Sir," while setting down a tray with a cup and scones.
Stanley would be locked in a room and the Narrator would have to earn time spent with him. Sometimes Stanley is made to scrub the house, but the Narrator can't speak to him then because it isn't part of his earned time.
The Narrator also has dusting duties and it sometimes makes him sneeze. He makes sure to alwats do all his work perfectly, as it's Stanley who suffers if the Narrator messes up. Sometimes it's not allowing Stanley food, and other times hes beaten. The Narrator has learned never to make mistakes.
They've settled into their lives. The Narrator is a good butler and Stanley is no longer punished. Most weeks he gets an hour to spend with Stanley. When he's done exceptionally well, he gets two.
Stanley and the Narrator spent this time in Stanley’s small room. They spread Stanley’s sheet on the floor and share a small meal.
Both pretend it's a fancy picnic in a verdant field. The Narrator describes the feast they're having and how the outside looks. He talks about the breeze hitting their faces, the green grass dotted with wildflowers, the scent of jasmine and roses playing in the air. As they eat, he describes five layer cakes and prime rib sautéed in wine. Stanley can almost taste it.
This is the highlight of both their week, the only thing keeping them going.
The Narrator has stopped promising Stanley they'll get free from the house and now just focuses on their hour together.
Either they both live forever and this is their life now
or Stanley ages once outside the Parable and eventually the Narrator is left alone. Now that the family doesn't have a way to keep the Narrator in line, they make the effort to magical trap him and punish him for his own mistakes. The Narrator is now doomed to serve as a butler for generations of families.
The Narrator eventually gives up and tries to accept whatever punishment is meted out and attempts to will himself to die. But he can't die, so he never joins Stanley. He just drifts mindlessly, now a curiosity in a back room of the house. The only chance he has is if after countless years someone down the line in the family takes pity on him and allows him to die for real.
He fades away from this world once and for all and dreams of verdant fields and picnics, and a tall man in office attire smiling with his arms open wide. Is it real? That's for you to decide.
Or maybe it's worse. Maybe instead of finally dying, the family puts his mind into a false reality where he's with Stanley. They do this so the Narrator doesn't fall completely to despair. If he can no longer serve as a butler, they at least want him to look happy while he serves as yet another exotic pet for their home.
He'd immediately notice things aren't right and they'd constantly have to reset his memories. Over time, the wiped memories would spill out and he'd be left with a swirling mass of hope shattered and revealed to be a cruel illusion.
If Stanley ever finds a way to come back, the Narrator would refuse to accept that it's him.
In that scenario, Stanley manages to find a way to come back to life and takes the Narrator from the house. He uses powers he's gained while dead to destroy the house. If he's unlucky, the house explodes, killing him, the Narrator, and all other trapped entities.
If he's lucky, the family is vanquished and the prisoners freed. He brings the Narrator to a field where he has set up a picnic just like the one the Narrator used to describe.
Once the Narrator comes to, he assumes it's just another lie by the family. He pushes Stanley away and smashes his plate and the food on it to the ground.
"None of this is real! You aren't real!"
Stanley stares at him tearfully. 'I'm real.'
The Narrator shakes his head and destroys the picnic Stanley so lovingly prepared. "No, you're not! Stop torturing me!"
Stanley can only sit there and sob.
If the fates are ukind, it ends there with a Narrator who will never recover his senses and a destroyed reminder of what could have been.
If the universe's dice roll in their favor then seeing Stanley crying snaps the Narrator out of it and he realizes that it's really him. The Narrator stops what he's doing and slowly wraps his arms around Stanley, seeing the devastation he wrought.
"I... I didn't mean to... Stanley, I'm sorry." He realizes what he juat said. Stanley is really here. "It's you, it's really you. God, Stanley..."
Stanley holds him close, rubbing his back. He can always make another picnic, but there's only one Narrator. And he finally has him again.
"It's okay... Narry, it's okay," he says directly into the Narrator’s mind.
It feels like a dream. His arms are around the Narrator, holding something he'd lost far too long ago.
"How can it be okay?" the Narrator sobs. "I ruined everything."
Stanley bends down and kisses the top of his head. "Don't ever think that. You're more important than a picnic."
They stay like that for hours. Eventually, Stanley takes him back to the cabin he's made into his home. They plan and prepare the next picnic together, side by side as they make it exactly as the Narrator described all those years ago.
And they finally have their feast. This time the breeze really tousles their hair and the scent of flowers doesn't need to be described. And Stanley doesn't have to imagine the taste of the food. This time it isn't pretend. They're both really there, free and happy.
So many ways this could go. Which one is your favorite, which one do you think is the most likely? The answers will be different for everyone and none of them are wrong.
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