#can you tell a gay person drew this while feeling a gay way
spinetacks · 15 days
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merch freak + his nose earring just because 😕
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thatfandomslut · 7 months
Fighting For You
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Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Trigger Warnings: reader was in the Burn Book, arguing, make outs
Valentine's / Followers Celebration; Regina George w/ quote 4 and piece of chocolate 7. Or: “So it’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day.” w/ falling in love
Valentine's / Follower's Celebration requests are closed.
Regina lay in the hospital bed wanting desperately to get up. She couldn't believe that she forgot to take out the page of the Burn Book about (Y/n). While she knew she was in the wrong, it was only made worse when she realized how distinct (Y/n)'s handwriting was when she held the page up to Regina with her eyes filled with tears. '(Y/n) (L/n), even more weird and gay than Janis Imi'ike.' While she felt the insult was tamer than the others, she still knew the gravity it held (Y/n). Hurting (Y/n) felt worse than getting hit by a bus, and Regina now knew both from experience.
With a groan, she reached over to find her phone on the side table, wincing when she stretched too far. When her fingers finally caught the sides of the phone, she drew it closer and held her phone up to where she could see it. Still nothing. (Y/n) hasn't responded to any of her calls or Regina's numerous messages. She was beginning to feel desperate for (Y/n)'s attention. This was something she wasn't used to feeling as she typically didn't have to beg for others to notice her. However, (Y/n) was proving harder and harder to get in touch with. So, it resulted in her finally giving in and calling the last person she thought she'd ever call, Janis Imi'ike.
It rang a few times, and Regina was about to just end the call when she heard a confused 'hello' on the other end. "Janis, perfect," she said, smirking to herself feeling like she finally found an in. "Is there any way you can get me in touch with (Y/n)? She's been ignoring all of my phone calls, and I just want to talk to her." The sooner the better. Regina was due for another dosage of her medicine, and her medication made her incredibly loopy.
There was an annoyed sigh from the other end. Regina gave a side-eye to her phone, despite Janis not even being able to see her. "Regina, first, why do you still have my number? We haven't talked since eighth grade." She stated over the phone, hoping Regina understood how strange it was to receive this call. At the same time, there was a bit of sympathy in her voice. "As for, (Y/n), whatever you wrote about her in the book, and yes, we know you had a part in it, really hurt (Y/n). I'll talk to her, but there that's all I can do. And, I can't make any promises that she'll want to talk to you." Janis said before hanging up, leaving Regina a bit more deflated.
She knew that Janis still might not be able to get (Y/n) to call. Regina also completely understood why (Y/n) was so upset. If it was the other way around, Regina would be plotting her revenge. She knew that (Y/n) deserved her space and that she couldn't force her way in, but she couldn't lose her. The only person that seemed to be inflicting any positive change in Regina was (Y/n). Now, there was a chance she might've ruined it forever, and that absolutely killed her. When the doctors came in to give her the medication, she sighed and decided to try and sleep.
When Regina woke up, she wasn't expecting (Y/n) to be seated beside her chair. She almost thought that she imagined the girl as she flipped through her chapter book. Her vision was still too bleary to see what the book was exactly. But a smile crept on her face as she looked over (Y/n) in a sleepy haze. "You came," she said, her words slurring slightly. It was a tell-tell sign that she was drugged up on medicine. (Y/n) looked up in surprise before a small smile appeared on her lips. Regina could barely see it but she recognized the small upturn of (Y/n)'s lips anywhere. "I thought you weren't gonna come," Regina spoke, peering up at the girl.
In an attempt to sit up, she smiled wide. "I wasn't planning on coming." (Y/n)'s words almost sobered Regina up instantly. There was a look of thought on (Y/n)'s face. Regina always knew when she was thinking because her brows would furrow and she would look down to whatever was at her feet. "Look, what you did was mean, but I want to forgive you. It’s not gonna be easy. It’s gonna be really hard. We’re gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day.” (Y/n) told her with a sheepish smile playing on her lips.
Regina swore that it was misty in the room all of a sudden. Her normally icy blue eyes were mellow and kind. "Okay, yeah, we'll work on it together." She said, holding out her hand. (Y/n) took it carefully, wondering if Regina would even remember this later. She wanted to say it when Regina was sober, but her thoughts were finally in one place, and the words spilled out naturally. Regina played with (Y/n)'s fingers as she danced in and out of sleep with (Y/n) in the room. While the air between them was still tense, there was a new calm that settled over the room. Regina felt more safe and comfortable with (Y/n) by her side. It almost made her forget about the corrective neck collar around her throat.
The two were fully aware forgiveness wasn't going to come overnight, nor would it be awarded just because Regina was in an accident. The two would need to work together, and when Regina felt better, there was bound to be a long discussion on the events. But, for now, (Y/n) decided it was okay to provide some temporary forgiveness as she allowed Regina to clutch her hand. The steady sound of the heart monitor beeping let (Y/n) know Regina was still there, and she fell into the same state of peace Regina was in.
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I'm the ugliest nerd in the world and I have nobody. I wish I was a man with dark brown eyes, nice muscles and everything that makes a himbo... and every nerd I kiss becomes a man like only an Arabian fairy tale could tell. He would only want me. Only I could keep his muscular body up with kisses and fucks.
Can you grant me this one Wish?
An Arabian fairy tale
Once upon a time, there was a nerd called Gregor. He lived his life in a big city and every day, he was miserable. Not only was he gay and lonely, no, the little nerd was also ugly. He wasn't just ugly, no, he was the ugliest nerd there was in the whole country.
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Every day he wished he could find a lover and live happily ever after, but every day, he was reminded of his status as a lonely nerd. He tried online-dating, but due to his exterior, nobody seemed to want him.
Gregor was a shy, awkward guy who didn't get many chances to talk to strangers. In his free time, he enjoyed writing fantasy stories, a hobby that didn't bring him too many friends, either. It was frustrating, too. In his stories, the hero always managed to find a true love. He wasn't alone, no, he had someone at his side.
In his real life, however, Gregor didn't have such luck. The best thing that happened to him in a while was meeting another nerd online. There wasn't going to be anything romantic between them. As fate would have it, the other nerd, called Evan was also gay and lived not too far away, but Evan had made it pretty clear early on that Gregor just wasn't his type. Instead, he rooted for manly men, with a different ethnic background. Evan and Gregor spent a long lonely night in voice chat together, discussing their preferences. Evan apparently longed for the firm touch of a strong man with Arabic background.
Meanwhile, Gregor didn't dare say what he wished for. What was the use, anyway? There was no way it was going to happen. No one wanted to be with a weak, ugly nerd like him. To be honest, he didn't actually really know himself. In his thoughts, a partner was something so abstract, so far away that he hadn't even thought about how such a person would look like.
Evan's fantasy wasn't bad, though. After their talk, Gregor lay awake in his bed and imagined strong, middle-eastern men, along with Evan. Perhaps he had developed a slight crush on the other nerd. Finally, he drifted off to sleep, wishing that he and Evan could be together.
When Gregor awoke the next morning, he felt strangely energetic and in a pretty good mood. Thinking nothing of it, he quickly got dressed and thought about what to do today. He didn't have any work to do and would usually have spent the day indoors, writing one of his stories. However, after the refreshing talk yesterday, that didn't feel all too appealing. Instead, he had an idea: He knew where Evan lived and worked. Perhaps he should walk over to that other part of the city, and they could have a coffee. Not as a date, of course - but more as a continuation of last night's talk.
Gregor didn't have time to waste and left the house. As he stepped into the sun, the first thing he noticed was how bright the world suddenly appeared. He didn't think much of it, but a few moments later, the second strange thing happened: People were looking at him!
Now, Gregor was of course used to people looking after him - he was really ugly, after all! But today, it was different. The gazes that lingered on him didn't seem to be hostile or disgusted. They seemed curious.
Perhaps his shirt had a hole in it, Gregor thought. He checked himself, but no, the shirt was fine.
As he walked, the attention he drew increased steadily. Was there something on his face perhaps? Or his arms?
As he checked his arms, Gregor was amazed by what he saw: His milky-white skin that usually had a sickly tone to it was entirely different today: instead of the pale and blotchy skin, he now had a healthy and firm complexion. The muscles in his arms, which he usually thought of as scrawny and flabby were now clearly visible.
He checked the other arm, and it was the same. What was going on? Also, his vision was getting blurry. When he took off his glasses to clean them, however, his vision cleared up instantly. It was as if his short-sightedness was just gone!
As Gregor kept walking, the changes became more apparent: His legs, which had always been thin and small, were now visibly muscular. His stomach, which had always been a little fat, was now a firm six-pack. His clothes, which had been a bit baggy before, were getting tighter and tighter as both his height and his shoulder width increased more and more.
His hair, which had always been a dark brown, was getting even darker, and a strong stubble covered his chin. His skin, which had been the same milky white tone, was getting a darker, more exotic tan.
Gregor had no idea what was going on, and he was a little scared. But the more his body changed, the better he felt about it. He wasn't an ugly nerd anymore. He was not yet sure what he was going to become, but it was surely better than what he had been.
Meanwhile, his clothes were getting increasingly tight, and he felt like taking them off. That was not something he would ever do in public, but his urges were stronger than his shyness. With a quick movement, he took off his shirt and ripped his pants open. To his surprise, below the tight jeans, a pair of silk shorts in a shiny royal blue had formed instead of his slip, which covered his privates. However, even though he wasn't naked, the ample bulge that stretched the silky fabric left little to imagination: a large and thick manhood had formed between his legs, which left a clearly visible dick print, along with the thinly veiled big orbs of balls he now had.
By now, Gregor's appearance was attracting a lot of attention, as his body kept growing more and more, becoming larger and more impressive by the second. He wasn't even "lean" or "fit" anymore. The way his body expanded, he definitely qualified as "muscular" by now, perhaps even "bulky". His shoulders were wide and strong, and his back had filled out so much that his neck had almost disappeared entirely. His biceps and triceps were both at least the size of his head and were covered in a fine, dark fuzz. The rest of his body had also become much hairier: His chest was covered in a generous carpet of dark hairs and a thick bush of pubes was pushing out against the silky shorts.
People had stopped and stared, and even a few had started to snap pictures or take videos with their phones. Gregor was enjoying the attention. His facial structure reformed into something much more manly. His new Arabic heritage became clearly visible on his face. His nose, his eyes, and his jawline changed and became broader, more prominent. His eyes became deep and dark, and his bushy eyebrows made him appear quite serious and manly.
A superior grin appeared on his face that wouldn't go away anymore. Gregor knew he had become a walking wet dream of Arabic hunkness - especially for Evan. He couldn't wait to surprise him like that.
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Even though his identity hadn't changed much, Gregor didn't feel like calling himself Gregor anymore. Ghalib. That was a far more fitting name for his impressive Arabic stature. It meant 'victor' or 'conqueror' - and Ghalib felt exactly like that.
Ghalib wasn't even sweating when he arrived at Evans place a short jog later. He rang the bell, and when the little nerd in front of him opened, he didn't waste any time: Ghalib pulled Evan into a tight and sensual kiss, invading the other man's mouth with determined force. Evan moaned in his mouth and his legs gave in.
Ghalib held the small nerd up and carried him inside the flat, kicking the door shut behind him. The rest of their clothes soon littered the floor as the two men kissed passionately. However, as they were making out, Evan, too, began to change. It was almost like watching his own changes in fast forward: The hair on his head receded into a shorter style and was replaced by a thick fuzz that grew on his chest and the rest of his body. Evan's face morphed into a masculine and rugged appearance. His skinny, pale arms and legs grew more and more muscles, until they looked like they were sculpted out of marble. His skin darkened and an Arabic ethnicity appeared by it.
Finally, the smaller man's cock expanded and swelled up. Within a few seconds, it reached almost the size of Ghalib's.
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As they continued kissing, the two men, now equally hung and ripped, felt up each other's bodies. Ghalib had no idea why this was happening, or what had brought on these changes, but he didn't care. All he knew - or was pretty sure about - was that it didn't have to stop with Evan.
As the other hunk went down on him, Ghalib made a decision. Evan and he would share their gift, turning more and more nerds into a true harem of sexy Arabs!
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musicalmoritz · 9 days
Funniest headcanons?
Okay wow I have so many crack headcanons so prepare yourself. Take every negative thing I’ve ever said abt fanon and throw it out the window, this is about to get so unserious
• Hanako is a fudanshi. This applies to the whole Toilet Gang (except Nene would be called a fujoshi), they’ve got a little book club. Hanako is the most insane about it tho
• Aoi and Akane are a himejoshi/himedanshi couple
• Lemon and Akane smoke weed together on a regular basis (throw back to the time I looked up “slang words for marijuana” for my Terukaneaoi fic and ended up sounding like Skyler White)
• I feel like an average conversation between the Toilet Gang is the most insufferable, out of pocket middle school humor you’ve ever heard in your life. Those four make South Park look like a kids show
• Akane has a random lock of Aoi’s hair on a shelf in his room
• Since the Minamoto father is absent and the mother is dead, Tiara just kind of assumes Teru and Akane are her parents. Instead of correcting her on this, Akane decides to be the dad who stepped up
• Akane is one of those filmbros who does NOT play abt Pulp Fiction (me) (that’s the second time I’ve mentioned that movie in relation to Akane today)
• He’s also the type to ask you to name three Nirvana songs if he catches you wearing one of their shirts and if you even so much as think about saying Smells Like Teen Spirit, he’ll shoot you in the head
• Hanako is lowkey mad Kou and Mitsuba started dating without him
• In the TBHK universe, Mei is the one who drew the Miku Binder Thomas Jefferson image
• Nene writes reader insert fan fiction
• She’s also a BookTok girlie (not one of the really bad ones, just cringy. As in she would unironically love the book boyfriend audio)
• Sakura is rly into disturbing movies and they make Natsuhiko watch them with them just to make him nauseous
• Hanako and Kou jokingly flirt with each other and it makes Mitsuba and Nene genuinely mad. Like Hanako can ruin Mitsuba’s day with a single “I can take your man”
• Yk that one image of Cheryl Blossom wearing an “I ❤️ Boys” shirt? Teru owns that shirt
• Akane is the type of dude to raise his hand during a class discussion and say “I’d like to play the Devil’s Advocate”
• Aoi flirts with waitresses very poorly and it gives Nene severe secondhand embarrassment
• Once a week, Natsuhiko challenges Teru to a fight. She loses every single time
• Nene has one of those traumatic hamster death stories
• Mitsuba’s hair is dyed so whenever he’s being particularly annoying, Tsukasa tells him his roots are showing
• Kou and Nene have had one of those awkward “I have a crush on someone🤭 And it’s someone you know veryyyy well👀” moments
• Sumire used to climb to the highest places she could find to get Hakubo’s attention, and it gave him a mini heart attack each time
• OG Mei had a fursona. It was a dragon
• Yk in Spongebob when Squidward was confirmed to be the most miserable person in all of the Bikini Bottom?? In the TBHK universe that’s Akane except it’s for all of Japan
• Teru has given the “I’m vengeance, I am the knight” speech while exorcizing supernaturals AT LEAST once
• The Minamotos frequently watch Cinderella together bcuz Tiara is obsessed with it, to the point that it’s become Teru and Kou’s favorite movie as well. Teru drags his friends to watch it with him too but Kou refuses to admit he likes it
• Kou chews with his mouth open
• Mitsuba has cheesy romantic fantasies about Kou the same way Nene does about her crushes (I credit this one to one of my TikTok mutuals @/mads)
• Natsuhiko has an ASMR account (just like they do in the Monster Nursery au)
• Tiara doesn’t quite understand the premise of being gay or coming out so every day she congratulates Kou on being bi
• Kou straight up lies to Tiara about things, it’s an older sibling canon event. Teru does the same to Kou. For example I once told my sister you could dilute chocolate milk into regular milk by pouring water in it. And she believed me.
• Despite the fact that Kou’s been friends with them for many years, Teru regularly forgets Yokoo and Satou’s names
• Aoi and Nene’s mothers have a bet on when the two of them will reveal they’re secretly dating
• Mei is one of those ppl who’s allergic to almost everything. You order a plate of shrimp beside her and before it even hits the table she’s like “Keep that FAR away from me”
• Kako was homophobic until meeting Akane. A “I don’t support that lifestyle” kind of homophobe. Before meeting Akane’s baseball bat
• It’s okay tho he supports his bisexual son now!! He goes to pride parades and everything
• Mirai braids Akane’s hair when she’s bored
• Tsuchigomori has never felt the touch of a man
• If you say one bad word about Teru around Kou, you better be prepared for a full monologue. Stan Twitter wishes they could be as dedicated as Kou (Yokoo: I want to kms / Kou: Wait until the next student council election we can’t lose votes)
• To avoid tarnishing her popular girl image by coming off as rude, whenever Aoi wants to leave a conversation with someone she doesn’t like she pretends to faint
• Mitsuba breaks up with Kou every other day
• When Aoi and Nene are having trouble communicating their feelings verbally, they find a wrestling ring and box their feelings out
• Aoi and Nene apply to every job together, they are a package deal
• Kou is the designated bug killer for the Toilet Gang
• Yako can talk to other foxes. But only foxes, no other animals so the power isn’t all that exciting
• Natsuhiko hasn’t picked up on Mitsuba being gay yet so he keeps offering to set him up with girls
• Sakura has been involved in at least (1) unethical psychology experiment in the past. They administered those shocks for Milgram with a completely straight face
• The hands in Mitsuba’s boundary reflect his feelings so every time Kou comes to visit, they jump around him like overexcited dogs
• Tsukasa had a very intense Alvin and the Chipmunks phase
Okay I have homework that’s due in like 2 hours so I’m gonna have to end it there. I hope my terrible sense of humor amused some of you
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onepiece-polls · 1 year
One Piece Shipping War - Round 3 Side D
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Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Doflamingo x Crocodile:
they had one interaction in the entire manga/show but it gave such Divorced vibes. they just kept staring and glaring at each other like,,, ok. they definitely have a History. doflamingo (depending on the translation) kept saying allusive things like “Let’s hook up!” and “You’re teaming up with Whitebeard? Don’t make me jealous!” like he has it down baddd for crocodile. also don’t get me started on when Oda drew a “What if they teamed up?” scenario where doflamingo has his arm around him, while crocodile wears both a flamingo and a crocodile wearing crowns on his jacket.
I just like awful dilfs in love 😔
two fuckin freaks lmfao
I like the potential for very toxic dynamics also the comedy of their clashing personalities
Honestly, I just think they’re really funny. Weirdass middle aged men, twice divorced, in spite of never being married in the first place. The drama and darkness of it all is great too; but mostly they’re funny.
Most divorced
I really feel like doflamingo flirting at marinford.
Propaganda for Nami x Vivi:
Yes, Nami has a new girlfriend on every island, but her heart belongs to Vivi. Vivi in turn refuses to marry, because her heart belongs with a pirate ❤
THEY’RE LESBIANS! IN LOVE! another point: my friends who are watching OP for the first time came to me and asked “so Nami and Vivi… they’re gay right?” So it’s pretty apparent to even newcomers
I just think they’re neat! And in love. Nami gave up money for Vivi that’s True Love
Anyone who saw them can just tell they’re gay. Like Nami gave up money for her
They're one of the rare lesbian ships in op, they care for each other so much !!
They were so gay that Luffy offered to share food to cheer Nami up when they were separated.
i dare you to read Baroque Works through Alabasta without shipping them. the way Vivi and Nami are so affectionate with each other, and Vivi putting saving her nation on hold to get Nami healthy again ???
Let’s go lesbians!!!!! Ok but actually, I think Nami saw a lot of herself in Vivi (ha) especially when Igaram “died” and then throughout their journey together Nami really encouraged her to open up to the crew. Nami showed Vivi it was ok to ask for help just like Luffy showed her.
Vivi was Nami's gay awakening and you cant change my mind. Nami was in love with Vivi and Vivi def had some kind of feeling for Nami. They were so close and they were more then just 'gal pals'
Lesbian Pirate Supremacy! they clearly care a lot about each other and considering when nami meets vivi she is probably one of the first close female friends she gets to have.
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phoenix--flying · 9 months
things my friendgroup has said while playing roblox games but its just titan army characters (canon +my hcs and a couple aus)
Chris: Not pump up the music box. What is is? Luke: Wind up??
Ellis: It's 5:07, we might not even need to wind up the music box. Cecil: Did you just say its almost seven???
Chris: Watch them all come into the room at 5:50. bonnie appearing at the end of the hall Al: CHRIS. CHRIS! Chris: OH GOD BONNIE-
Drew: Ethan is just SO homophobic he'd rather die then deal with lesbians. Ethan: Uh...yeah true
Luke: What if we did a reverse Five Nights at Freddys where the animatronics had to spend five nights at our house and then we literally like smash them in with a baseball bat.
Lee: Yall I have no idea what I'm doing. Silena: You can do it Lee! Lee: dies
Lou: I think that was Foxy leaving his home. Cecil: uh..nuh uh.
Lou: Oh. I don't like that sound. Ellis: No neither do I.. Cecil: Run.
Lee: Ventilation sys-... *phantom puppet standing directly behind him doing nothing* HI?? CAN I HELP YOU??
Silena: I've never seen him on the first night. Luke: I have. Lee: ....I feel like Lee is about to tell us me a horror story.
Ethan: Hes alive. Al: *walks into the room and stares at him.* Oh shit.
Silena: He's still in here? Don't tell me to come closer bitch.
Al: Please distract him. *jumpscare noise* ...by distract him I didn't mean throw yourself into his arms.
Chris: Luke your head just flew off of your head for a second."
Luke: I'm dead by the way so I am...no longer living. Lee: wow i wonder...
Silena: He's by Lees corpse 🤗 Lee: Thanks Leens😒
spooky noise Cecil: What was that?? *runs off*
Lee: If you do die I will to. I'll die with you.
Chris, Al and Ethan: *incoherent yelling and screaming about balloon boy* Luke: .....what??
Nyssa: Yea Foxys like eating your ass right now.
Luke: I hate Balloon Boy, I hate his stupid round eyes and his frickin balloon sign. Get outta here. Silena: His like free balloons take one I love you sign? Luke: Yea. Chris: Like I don't care. Go burn. Lee: How about we just burn the whole place to the ground.
Al: If I don't see him, he doesn't see me....he might see me. He might see me. Ethan: He sees you.
Cecil: What if it's really fun. Like what if we go to fun land after this. twenty minutes later Cecil: NO WE HAVE TO SLIDE INTO FUN??? Lou: NO KING WHY DID YOU SAY WE WERE GONNA GO TO FUNLAND??
Lee: Wait thats a seven? Silena: Its a two for me! Luke: ITS DIFFERENT NUMBERS!?
Ethan: Is this Sirenhead?? Chris: Do not even start. DON'T even tell me that.
Lee: So just hang left? Silena: Yup. Luke: Just always go left. Chris: Hehe. That's what I thought too. Silena: Oh..
Al: Chris I can't believe your profile picture isn't a cat. Chris: Al I can't believe you're GAY.
Mitchell: Why is your face purple?? Ethan: You're purple too?? Drew: WELL. YOU'RE FACE IS PURPLE TOO.
Chris: But I can see really well, I don't know what's wrong with you. Ethan: Cause you...cause you died. Al: Cause you fucking walked into Bonnie??
Chris: Oh my god I did it guys! All me. Silena: YOU DIDN'T!? You died like immediately. Luke: You died before the animatronics even started moving.
Cecil: Why would you say that? Chris: You trusted the person who walked into Bonnie on the first night? Cecil: I don't trust you, Luke: And he wasn't even off the stage yet. Cecil: I'm just gullible.
Lou: Oh my god this is so much better I can actually see them....actually nevermind it's not better. It's not better. I see too much.
Lee: Do you wanna play FNaF 4 :D Luke: NO??? (they played fnaf 4)
Drew: Oh come on lets get out! Car! OH IS THAT A KIA SOUL!? EUAGHGHHH
Cecil: I kinda wanna go down there. I really wanna go down there. I'm going. Ellis: Don't die. You're probably gonna die what am I saying?
Chris: Oh Foxy's in the garage?? Foxy's about to drive that car bro
Drew: Is Freddy in this game?? Yeah he is. Silena: Yeah Freddy's in the room. He's under the bed. Drew: Oh! He's under the bed! That makes me feel really safe! That's really- I don't like that. I wish you didn't tell me that.
Lee: I feel like I'm being chased in a horror movie or something. Silena: Me too. Lee: Except I'm surrounded by JOSH HUTCHERSON and I can't be serious about that.
Luke: I'm heading there. OH nevermind I just got hit by a military tank.
Al: Why am I coughing so much?? Chris: Because you're gay. Al: Yeah its a sickness.
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nightswithkookmin · 1 year
Hey it's been a while, missed your blunt rants and opinions.
Today something just came into my mind when my boyfriend said I'm so bluntly flirty, upfront and bold but when it comes to it being initiated back to me, I usually back out and became shy and reserved. Then I wondered because although Jungkook is shy he can be bold and upfront flirty sometimes too so
Who do you think between him and Jimin is more dirty minded, most to get horny and that can randomly talk about sex and all?
Because I feel like Jungkook is just a small bunny you know all doe eyes and innocent baby while Jimin is more like daddy vibes😅😁
Sometimes I get confused with their dynamic roles in the relationship because at times I would say Jimin is more in the in control role, decision making kinda think but then it changes and I can't exactly tell when and how
That's because they are both flirty and dirty minded and shock the pants off eachother- which is good cos sometimes pants can get in the way of - never mind
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I think you are right to assign Jm the decision making role in their dynamic- he's a natural at it being a libra and all that jazz. Then he's the hyung coupled with his high emotional IQ and life experiences especially as a hyung to his own bio bro- there's a reason women make better leaders than men ya know? It's not all about brains, heart matters too.
Fun fact, Jimin once said(drew) if he became a ruler he'd have all his hyungs bow down to him and worship him- except for Jungkook whom he'd coddle like feathery baby- which is odd cos outta the six it is Jungkook whom he had trouble bending to the knee. Couldn't even get him to treat him as a hyung and yet he's the one that gets a pass- even when he is in his ego he shows his heart, love compassion and a weakness for his Maknae( whom he drew as crying like a little bitch in his sketch💀)
On the freaky scale, honey it's a tie between those two I'd say. I love Jimin and he's my bias but sorry he's the freakiest dude I've come across on the internet 😭
And Jeon Jungkook can hold his own too😭😭😭😭
Smooth criminals🥲
There's a reason they both be shitting their pants when the other is dominating their 'fan service' moment or initiating it on stage. Jungkook had Jimin's knee wobbling with that last one
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Havent seen that man so terrified of another man in his personal space the gay panic was real bless his heart🤧
Please don't let me think about them poking their tongues at eachother thinking they fast- ah shit
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Now I'm going over every freaky thing they've done as if checking off items on my grocery list😭😭😭😭
The beauty about jikook is they challenge the cis heteronormative lens and the fact you feel you can't place them in a strict and set or defined box slash role makes me so happy because you shouldn't be able to put them in any set binary positions because they are a SAME SEX DUO😭
They are both complex human beings both intelligent and affectionate within their own right. Just because Jimin is the elder of the two and is predisposed to being treated as such which puts him in a position where he constantly have to call the shots don't mean he's carved out that niche for himself within their dynamic.
And just because Jungkook is the youngest of the two don't mean he can't make decisions for the two. He can and he should. He has my full support on that- Jimin can be a little dish out-can't take-dude sometimes.
And we see this play out in the little things- Jimin whispering to Jungkook asking if he wants to do something, Jungkook nodding or shaking his head at whatever it is Jimin asked just him.
Then sometimes he's not asking Jk, he's telling, he's reasoning with him, imposing on him- like grabbing him, pushing his limits, glaring at him, directing him, commanding him and Jungkook let's him.
Then JK on the other hand- he doesn't say much, you don't see him consulting or trying to reason through decisions with Jimin- he's not asking Hey JM would like my jacket you seem cold, he's just commanding him to take it because he's cold. He's not asking, do you want help with that box it looks heavy, he's taking it from him whether Jimin likes it or not because he's a gentleman.
He isnt much of a negotiator like Jimin is. And that's what makes them unique from any other ship. This dynamic they have- and its unique to Jikook and Jikook alone. I don't see Jk like this with anybody else.
And I wouldn't say that makes JM better than him or vice versa because it boils down to differences in their personalities. they express themselves in different ways because they are different.
Gosh, I wish you could see the images in my head whenever I'm writing about them like this. Its one moment after the other, It would make so much sense to yall.
Also permit me to overstep, most times I find persons who are able to flirt shamelessly but act shy when they are being treated the same do so out of one or a combination of the following reasons: self projection. They project themselves on the other person and judge themselves from that perspective. So they might be thinking damn that's so cringey, do I look this cringy when I do it etc. They shy because they self criticizing.
Then there are those who don't project necesarily but still engage in critiques and judgements of the situation especially if they think they themselves are better at flirting than their partner, or if they think their partner is doing too much, going outside their personality, faking things, copying them, or just being cringe. They shy because they embarrassed.
The opposite of that is putting your partner on a pedestal and thinking damn they hot, or they good at this, almost idolizing them in a way that inspires you to be more like them because you find whatever it is attractive and want to attract them too. They shy cos they whipped. (This is the case with Jikook I think or perhaps a mixture of both)
So in your case do you feel that's what's happening when your bf initiates? Do you feel shy because he's good at it and that gives you butterflies or do you feel shy because you think they cringe as hell? 👀
I'm asking for science.
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sunnyie-eve · 18 days
22 | Date
Series: Unexpected
Paring: (Matt Sturniolo x OFC Brock!) (Chris Sturniolo x OFC Brock!)
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: bad date
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"Stop Dani-ing me! I have to get ready for my date!" Dani opens her door shouting out at the boys calling for her.
"Wait what?" All three shouted out not knowing about it rushing to her room.
"You have a date?" Nick asks her, "Why was I not told?" He asks as well.
"It slipped my mind. I'm sorry." She tells him, "Now what are all of you in my room?" She looks at them through her mirror.
"We wanted to know more." Chris tells her.
"Are you meeting him there or is he coming to get you or what?" Matt asks in his turn.
"He's gonna be here in 20 minutes so I need to finish so can you three leave me alone please?" She asks and they don't leave her room, "That meant get out now." She gets up shoving them out of her room so she could finish.
"She's never even talked about a guy to any of us." Chris says as they go up the the living room.
By the time that Dani's date showed up at the door she was fixing her up a bit in the bathroom so all three guys answer the door to greet the guy. He was a bit shocked to see three guys open the door and not Dani.
"She's finishing up in the bathroom..." Nick says not knowing the guys name.
"Okay, I'm Elijah and you guys are?" He introduces himself.
"Sturniolo Triplets, I'm Matt, that's Chris and Nick. Dani's roommates." Matt points to each of them with a smile.
"Nice to meet you three."
"How did you two meet?" Chris asks Elijah since he was curious.
"Through a mutual friend so we've been talking getting to know each other hitting it off. She's really sweet and kindhearted."
"Yeah, her personality is amazing. That's what drew me to her wanting to get to know her more now after two years of our friendship online she's my roommate." Nick laughs.
"Really, that's how long you guys have known her?"
"Oh no, just him and her." Matt tells him, "Chris and I just met her a few weeks ago."
"A few weeks ago and now she lives with you?"
"Yeah but it feels longer. Plus Matt invited her to move in with us. She was going through stuff." Chris speaks up again.
"That's interesting."
"Sorry, sorry! I'm done now." Dani comes rushing down the stairs tripping so Matt helps catch her by wrapping his arms around her, "Thanks for the save even through I was closer to Chris but he didn't seem to care I almost died." She gives Chris a look while she smiles at Matt.
"I would have cared, I just didn't react in time." He hits her.
"Well, you two have a good time doing whatever." Nick tells the two.
"Thank you, love you." Dani hugs Nick goodbye then waves to the other to as Elijah opens the door for her.
"Nice meeting you guys." He nods his head before shutting the door behind him.
"He seemed nice." Chris looks at his brothers.
The car ride to the restaurant was quiet for Elijah and Dani mainly because he was still processing she lived with three guys. Inside being sat at their table they start their small talk which was nice but it went down hill once they got their food.
"How come you never mention your roommates were guys?" He asks her.
"Honestly, I thought you already knew. I've posted about them and it's very pubic too. Not just on my things but theirs as well." She tells him.
"Well I don't go through everything to research you." He gets a little snappy.
"My bio on Instagram literally has rooms with three annoying Sturniolo brothers. Is that really a problem?" She laughs a bit.
"Guy and girls can't just be friends. One out of the two will want to sleep with the other."
"I disagree with that statement because I've had plenty of guy friends and they never wanted anything. Also Nick is gay so I'm sure he doesn't want that. I'm not his type so." She laughs.
"What about the other two?"
"Matt and Chris are my friends too." She tells him.
"You don't know what they really feel about you. Hell the way Matt grabbed you and he was as the one to invite you to move in." It was his turn to laugh.
"That's true, I don't know what they really feel about me but to me they're still my friends. And Matt invited me to move in because I didn't have a place to go since I didn't want to go back to my brothers and his friend's place."
The two start to bicker more about her and the three so she pays for her meal and gets an uber back to the house since she told him it wasn't gonna work out going forward or just as friends since to him that's not capable of happing.
"Sadly Dani won't be in this video because she's out on a date." Chris starts their video.
"As much as we would love to see her fail at guessing us. We'll just have to do it for her." Matt speaks up.
"I'm happy she's finally out of the house meeting more people." Chris slightly tells the truth, "We constantly have her busy. But the dude seemed nice picking her up." He says as Matt tries not to show any emotion on his face, "I approve." Chris says not exactly telling the truth.
"Yeah, we've gotten protective of her." Matt speaks up again.
"Who would've guessed?" Nick acts like he's surprised.
As time goes on with them playing Dani arrives home acting like everything went well so they wouldn't ask to much since she knows how they are.
"Look whose back." Matt says as Dani walks up from the front door.
"Hi," She smiles but was forcing it.
"How was the date?" He asks.
"It was alright." She lies, "He was a gentleman. I'm gonna go change." She leaves going back to her room.
"Seems like something..." Both Matt and Chris says as they hear her door close.
"It wasn't alright." Matt finishes.
"He seemed super nice." Chris looks at him.
"Maybe a fake first impression?" Matt sighs feeling bad if that was the case.
"I feel bad then." Chris felt the same and so did Nick because she seemed excited for the date when they talked about it.
"Dani, come see if you can guess who this next one is!" Nick calls out for her so she joins them dressed all comfortable.
"See if you can do worse than me." Matt tells her.
Nick shows the zoomed in pic and Matt says it was Chris while Dani beat Chris to saying it was Matt, "That's me?" He didn't believe it even zoomed out.
"Matt really?" She laughs at him, "You still can't recognize yourself?"
"How did you know it was Matt?" Chris asks her.
"Those beautiful eyes. I see them enough to know it's him." She says making Matt get embarrassed.
Nick shows the next pic and Dani shouts Chris and he thought it was Nick, but when Matt said it was himself he changed his answer to Matt too.
"That's 100% Chris."
"What?!" He didn't believe it.
"It's Chris." Nick confirms.
"Am I better than Matt?" Dani asks Nick, who tells her yes.
During round three with Chris and Nick, Dani still played a bit,"Matt!" Dani shouts.
"You!" Chris agrees.
"Me!" Nick says himself, "Me."
"That's Matt. The amount of times you have flipped me off motherfucker." Dani points at him so he shows it was himself, "Yes!"
For the rest of the round Dani quit playing since she stopped being competitive and just didn't want to play anymore.
"That was so fun."
"Dani..." Matt was cut off by Chris.
"Did better than I expected. She's one of us." He says making them laugh.
"One of us?" Matt repeats laughing.
"She's becoming a Sturniolo." Nick laughs.
"I basically am because I'm picking up some of y'all's habits!" Dani agrees as the guys lose it laughing, "That's scary. I'm moving before it's too late." She walks closer to the camera, "Bye y'all, I'm out of here." She walks off camera.
Later in the day while everyone was on the couch watching a movie, Matt decided to text Dani since she was way on the other side over by Nick.
Matt: So the date actually went terrible?
Dani: What gave it away?
Matt: The tone of your voice when you said alright.
Dani: Ha, yeah... He hates how you guys are my roommates. Guy and girls can't be just friends.
Matt: Nick is literally gay?!
Dani: He didn't care.
Matt: That's ridiculous. What else was said?
Dani: Guys and girls can't be just friends. And he used you as an example. The way you caught me and invited me to move in.
Matt: I invited you to move in because you didn't want to go back to live with Colby and Sam. I was helping you out. And if I didn't catch you, you could've hurt yourself. Was I supposed to let you just fall?
Dani: That's what I told him before saying things aren't gonna work out and we can't be friends because he said that's impossible.
Matt: I'm sure the next guy will be better.
Dani: With my luck? I might as well stay single for life.
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miraclesabound · 1 year
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Summary: Miguel has known for a long time that he's asexual. He's never been ashamed, but it's easier to talk about when he knows the important people in his life have his back.
Pairings/Characters - past Miguel O'Hara/OC!Raquel, mention of Miguel and Raquel's daughter, current Miguel/F!Spider!Reader, F!OC Tommi Dade with a crush on Miguel, mention of Jess Drew and Lyla, Miguel's mom Conchata O'Hara
Notes/Warnings - awkward conversations, mention of teen pregnancy, figuring out physical boundaries, spoilers for ATSV, loss of a spouse and child, suicidal ideation, romantic harassment, ableist and acephobic language, a very one-sided fight, possible love epiphany. Also available on AO3.
Tags: @writeforfandoms, @inklore, @pettyprocrastination, @romanarose ,@guruan, @astroboots
Teen Years
“Hey, Mom?”
“Yes, mijo?” Conchata O’Hara looks up from her crossword puzzle, and she sees that Miguel looks troubled. “Something wrong?”
“You know how you always told me and Gabe to be careful if we meet a girl, because you don’t want to be a grandma before your time?” The seventeen-year-old sees his mom’s eyes go wide, and he quickly adds, “No one’s pregnant, I promise! But…” He pulls up a chair to sit next to her. “What if I have the opposite…issue?”
Conchata considers herself well-educated, but she’s at a loss. “You mean…if you’re gay?” she asks.
Miguel shakes his head. “I mean…what if I never feel…that way…about anyone?”
“I thought you had a big crush on Xina Kwan last year?”
“Oh, she’s really cool and pretty!” Miguel says. “But I never thought of being…I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to kiss her – I just really liked being around her.”
“Well then…I think you’ll be ok for now, kiddo.” Conchata pats Miguel’s hand. “Better to not jump into stuff while you’re still a kid.”
An Alternate Life
Miguel has a few brief relationships throughout college and his early 20’s – and by the time he turns 24, he can say, with about 94 percent certainty, that he’s asexual and panromantic.
He worries briefly that this will affect how he integrates with his counterpart’s family, but Raquel, his now-wife, knows immediately that this isn’t her own true love back from the dead. She makes it very clear that Miguel isn’t expected to perform “husbandly duties” in bed.
“I won’t make love to a stranger,” she tells him. “But if you’re going to be here, I’ll need all the help with Angie that I can get.”
Miguel rises to that challenge beautifully. Angie is a wonderful kid and raising her is a joy. In that process, Miguel even finds himself falling in love with Raquel. He’d seen glimpses of her goodness on the multiverse scans, but in person, navigating her and Angie’s life and even his, she’s magnificent. He makes sure to tell her every day, and he soon gets in the habit of quickly kissing her on the shoulder at night when they go to bed.
When the universe begins to fall apart and Miguel loses Raquel and Angie, he’s devastated of course – but at the same time, there’s also the tiniest relief that he and Raquel didn’t end up having sex. If they’d conceived a kid together and Miguel had lost that little one too…he might have seriously considered suicide.
The Spider Society
You and Miguel have started dating casually in the last few months – Lyla and Jess know, but for privacy’s sake, you don’t say anything to anyone else at HQ. Miguel knows that some other Spider Society members speculate about his orientation, and he doesn’t want to expose you to that. Jess and Lyla are generally good about heading off any untoward questions, but neither of them are quite prepared to deal with Thomasina “Tommi” Dade.
Tommi is, on paper, a perfect candidate for the Society. Her powers are based on a crab spider, and while she lacks some finesse, she makes up for it with sheer force and speed during a fight. Unfortunately, that same “rampaging bull” quality also applies to her personality. Once she gets an idea in her head, she won’t let it go – and she has decided that she and Miguel are perfect for each other. Every day she tries to get his attention in some flirtatious way, and the few times it happens in front of you, it takes everything you have to stay quiet. Jess’s attempt to stop Tommi’s behavior is only a temporary salve. One day, she pulls Tommi aside and tells her that Miguel is ace and to please leave him alone – but Tommi misunderstands and thinks that Miguel just doesn’t date at all. When she comes across you and Miguel having a clearly personal dinner, she explodes at the both of you.
“How dare you call yourself asexual??” she screams at Miguel. “If I’m not good enough for you, but this little nobody is, then you’re not ace, you’re a coward who can’t handle a real woman! What kind of a leader are you?”
Miguel starts to get up, but you stand first, feeling rage building in your body. “You need to apologize right now,” you tell her. You’re offended on your and Miguel’s behalf, of course, but you realize you’re also angry at Tommi for accidentally bad-mouthing Raquel. Miguel has never hidden her memory from you, and you know she was a better woman than Tommi will ever be.
Instead of answering you, Tommi shoves your shoulder, and you briefly lose your balance. However, what she doesn’t know is that this gives you an opening to use your kickboxing training. Your back foot plants to the ground like a tree root, and your free leg flies up, hitting Tommi in the side with a devastating roundhouse kick.
Tommi’s stance isn’t nearly so secure, and she hits the floor in an undignified heap. When she catches her breath, you offer her a hand up, but she bats it away. “You’re fucking psychotic!” she hisses. “You two can keep each other!” She stumbles to her feet with venom in her eyes – but she does leave.
A different man might feel his cock jump at your display of protectiveness. That doesn’t happen for Miguel, but he’ll admit, *IF* Jess or Lyla push for details later, that you gave him a sense of security when you stood up for him – a feeling he hasn’t had since losing Raquel. That has to be a good sign, right?
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lesbianrobin · 2 years
what do you think of gay steve? i don't dislike the headcanon in theory, but i feel like it's usually done as a way to make steve & nancy's relationship/breakup less important (and often to make it easier to ship r0nance)
i gotta be honest i dont think i've actually ever read any fic where steve is explicitly stated to be gay and not bisexual, besides maybe my own fic nancy drew and the mystery of the magnetic closet, so idk if i'll rly have whatever answer ur looking for re: other people's intent. in magnetic closet i wrote steve as being a bit uncertain as to his identity, leaning gay, but he also explicitly tells nancy that he loves her and their relationship is still significant to him, so like. like MY motivation wasn't downplaying their relationship so at the very least that isn't Everyone's motivation.
anyway like separately from how people Use It in fic i'm into gay steve! i tend to default to bi steve for like fic and headcanons etc bc it's sorta become the fandom standard and a lot of my bi friends like bi steve and i love my bi friends 💖 but if i'm being honest i do think that you can easily interpret a lot of steve's canon behavior in favor of him being gay if you want to do so, and i think i tend to lean that way when i'm writing him even when i don't mean to. just to like preface all of this i'm gay myself and i am terrible about projecting onto steve so yknow take all of the following with a grain of salt.
so like personally i think he never rly had romantic feelings for robin and he only confessed to liking her because he thought his love for robin Had to be attraction since she's a girl yknow? and in s4 it's implied that he's had a string of casual relationships based entirely on sex and he hasn't been able to connect with any of the girls at all which is a bit 🧐🤨. the way steve flirts indiscriminately and talks about wanting a family in the future makes me think like... i think that his search for love is more about wanting a family/wanting love than specifically wanting to be with a woman. like i think in his mind bc of Eighties Heteronormativity the two things are equated, so when he Thinks that he wants to find the female love of his life he Actually just wants a family. and i fear i'm making it sound like steve is a misogynist who just wants a wife to give him kids which is not my intent. like i think steve has a lot of respect for nancy and loves her deeply regardless of whether that love is romantic in nature or not. the fact that he said he was over nancy in s3 while confessing feelings to robin, dated around a bunch, and then suddenly had feelings for her again in s4 comes off less to me like "steve never got over nancy" and more like "steve is unable to find the kind of love he wants with a woman no matter what he tries and he's returning to nancy because he thinks that he just messed up their relationship with his flaws and if they tried again he could be better and everything would be perfect." like nancy was the closest steve ever came to actually being in love with a girl and as time passes he realizes that he doesn't think he could feel that way with another woman. but the thing is that stancy was just not a great couple yknow but they had these external pressures on their relationship that allow them to look back on it and think well maybe NOW we'll be more compatible and we can be happy. like it's this subconscious belief that being in the right relationship could make Everything in his life right.
idk i think at this point i'm just rambling and i fear i'm making no sense but like i think gay steve is really interesting to think about Because his relationship with nancy was so important to him. like it's genuinely really compelling to explore their relationship through the lens of compulsory heterosexuality and consider like the sort of friendship they might have in the wake of steve realizing that he's gay. i also think it's interesting to think about in the context of his friendship with robin and like how radically different their journeys are while simultaneously being kinda the same.
ultimately though since he's like presumed straight in canon i don't think it rly matters whether people hc steve as gay or bi? like it's kinda just whatever you want.
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denimbex1986 · 8 months
'I expect Andrew Haigh to be a bit bleary-eyed this morning. After all, it’s the day after the British Independent Film Awards and Haigh’s stunning new film, All of Us Strangers, has just walked off with seven awards, including best supporting performance for Paul Mescal, best director and best screenplay for Haigh and the big prize of the night, best British independent film. Surely he was out celebrating? “Oh, I’m too old for drinking and having fun," he laughs. "I was in bed by about 12.30 after a cup of tea.”
Adam, the protagonist of All of Us Strangers (played by Andrew Scott), is similarly partying-aversed – initially at least. As the film opens, he’s alone in his near-empty tower block in London, where he spends his nights gazing longingly across the city or watching archive clips from Top of the Pops while struggling to write a screenplay about the death of his parents. His lonely existence is punctuated one night by Harry (Paul Mescal), his only neighbour, who turns up at his door drunk and horny.
A lonely gay man longing for connection puts us in mind of Weekend, Haigh’s breakout feature from 2012, although a hint of the supernatural creeps into the new film. While researching his screenplay, Adam goes back to his childhood home to find his mother and father still living there, despite having died in a car crash when he was 12. “At one point, I was nervous that people would just see this as Weekend Part 2 with ghosts.” laughs Haigh. “I was like, ‘Oh God, I don't want that to be what this film is.'” Haigh agrees that the films are in conversation in some way, though. “Weekend was 12 years ago, and as I've got older, there were more things that I've wanted to explore about queerness and the nature of love. And I've poured that all into the new film.”
One theme that links the two films is the feeling of being outside of society as a queer person. “As queer people, we're all trying to understand romantic relationships because we haven't had a framework of what those relationships can be,” explains Haigh. “You know, you grow up in a family where everybody is straight, and everyone at school seems to be straight, and you're not, so you're unsure how you fit in with any of that. So I think it can take a lot of queer people a long time to understand what it is that they want. But it is not that you're inherently lonely because you're gay, which is what people used to think. It's just that the world says we are that kind of person.”
All of Us Strangers is based on Strangers by Japanese author Taichi Yamada, which tells a similar narrative about a heterosexual writer. What drew Haigh to the story initially was its central concept of meeting your parents as they were when you were a child and you are now an adult. “The idea of being able to go back and meet your mum and dad on the same level would be an incredible experience,” says Haigh. “Often we think our parents should know everything. But then, when you get older and you look back, you're like 'Jesus, my parents were 32 when I was a kid. I was a mess when I was in my early 30s. Why did I expect my parents to know everything?'”
Haigh suspects that children’s inability to fully see their parents' point of view is what makes family dynamics so tricky to navigate. “If love is, in general, let's say, about truly knowing the other person, it's no surprise to me that familiar relationships can be quite complicated, because there is so much that stops us from being honest with each other within those relationships," he says. "So to me, to have this sort of space, separate from reality, where you can find a common ground feels so appealing. I mean, it's wish fulfillment, obviously, because it’s never going to happen, but it feels like something that would be special.”
All of Us Strangers is undoubtedly Haigh’s most visually complex film. But like all his work it’s centred on great performances. Working with actors is clearly something he relishes and Andrew Scott is an actor he’s wanted to work with for the longest time. “Obviously Andrew has had a lot of lead roles in theatre, and he's done a lot of stuff on television, he has been in a lot of films, but I've never seen him be the centre of a film. And I've always thought, Why? Because he's such a good actor.” Haigh also felt Scott would understand this world. "In real life, Andrew and I have similar experiences," says Haigh. "Andrew is gay, so we understand what that experience was like growing up. Plus he really responded to the script. So it was just a no-brainer, really. He's a really talented actor, he loves the script, and he understands it. It's like the three things you want more than anything else.”
Paul Mescal matches Scott’s performance every step of the way. Haigh points to Mescal’s eyes as being the key to his performance. “It just feels there's a whole world going on behind there that you want to sort of understand; there's a soulfulness to him. And with a role like Harry, you don't know a huge amount about him. But Paul lets you know that he wants him to be compassionate towards Adam, and you also get the sense of his own demons. It’s all there in the eyes and I feel like Paul is so good at communicating two things at the same time, one thing on the surface, and then something else that's underneath. And that's rare."'
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voidfkedup · 6 months
tw: domestic abuse, narcissist parents, atheism
Sometimes I feel like I might be a bad daughter. Sometimes I wish to be born on a different family, or not even been born at all. 
But I wouldn't have the people that I care about. Maybe I would have better friends if so, who knows. 
I don't know why she's so angry at me. Of course, we all have bad days and the last thing that we need is someone to say the wrong thing before you snap. 
But it doesn't excuse to grab my hair and press my head against the kitchen counter, or the wall of my bedroom. 
While I do understand and appreciate the things she did for me, the things she had to go through during her life to raise me. Obviously I do, but it doesn't excuse when she raises her hand at me when I have a different opinion from her. 
I'm not gay, even as hard as it is to like man when all they ever do is flaunt to each others and cheat. I'm not trans, and I actually do feel very comfortable in being a woman, aside from the annoying periods. But it doesn't give me any peace of mind when she tell me that I dress or act too mainly, demanding an answer she already know out of me, saying that she can fix it with a good beat up. 
I cried and was hurt because of that. Not because I am, but for the fact that even if I was, she wouldn't accept me. That it was only another thing for her to become violent about. 
I'm sorry that she's on a rough path of her marriage with the step-douche, but yet again, it's too hard to live under the same roof as her, where you don't have the permission to do your own thing without her criticizing. 
Pushing me to tell him that I miss him, I hope he comes back soon. Tell him that she is a strong and a good woman, that she had battled for everything and she's my role model. That I want to be just like her when I grow up. 
I don't. I don't miss him, he's an asshole most times than don't, but he never let her raise her hand at me — at least when he was around. She can be a good person, to others. And she can be a good mother when she wants, but like we always say, the bad things overshine the good ones. 
Because nothing can erase when you threw me out of the house with nothing but a bra and shorts. Nothing can erase the headlock she put me on and the despair I felt when you left me like that almost passing out without air entering my body. And right after that demanding me to clean the scratches that drew blood I made on your arm while I was fighting to breathe. That I am the guilty one because I didn't tell him the things you wanted me to. 
He knows it would've been fake. But it wouldn't matter any way, because the moment he opened his mouth to tell her to stop asking me to say things, she would also get mad at me for not being convincing enough. 
This marriage is in ruins not because of me. It's because she can't control herself. 
Guiltripping me, saying that I'm a bad daughter, that I don't have enough empathy for you. That I rather focus on my studies to pass my last year of university, and stating she wouldn't let me do my test, and she would break my wrist as a way to prove herself. 
Telling me I'm ungrateful, she gives me everything and I give her nothing in return. That I'm always cold, never asks how she's doing, how she feels. Never tells her anything. That I lack God in my heart.
I wonder why…
Telling me that my father left us to starve, when I had talked personally to his lawyer and she has proof that my mother is lying, and my dad never left us in any state of need. 
But the way she tells me, it's like it's true. And yet again, I don't remember anything from my childhood. All the memories when I was in between 4 to 11 are more than gone. 
And my father knows all about it. He's always the one in shit talking her every chance he gets. He's always telling me to tell him when she does it, that he will do something about it. 
It's all bark and no bite. 
Because if so, he wouldn't let the step-bitch walk over me. And even if he did get me out of here, he doesn't have anywhere for me to be. His other kids took over my old room, I had no space there. 
Too much for being “the one he loves the most”, huh?
My grandparents do nothing but defend my mother's actions when she does that. And the paternal ones are dead. I don't have a space there, either.
I don't have money, I can't find a job, I can't pass an internship. My friends, even of how much they may love and care about, wouldn't be able to help me either way. The last time, it got so much worse.
I have nowhere to be. 
I can only stay in this god forsaken house, hoping that tomorrow will be better than today. 
But even with all of this, I can't help but feel like I'm a bad daughter. That I could've done something better. Even if I know that nothing would be good enough. 
I'm just very tiring.
I do have trouble believing in a God, when my entire life I had to go through this. Brcause how good a God can be when he let this happen to me, and let bad and worse things happen to many others. What a shit God there is, then…
Because why she keeps winning, getting everything she wants when I have to live this misery bullshit. 
That's just not fair. But then again, that's how the world is, right? The bad always get what they want. 
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asherlockstudy · 2 years
I agree with your takes.. Yeah they basically queerbait and then get mad that we are baited. LOL. They're gaslighting us in a way. Also, I dunno why Rhett is mad at us when he initiates most of the Rhink stuff. It's like he's saying they're unto me, I better stop them. Rhett, it's okay lean into it and don't be afraid of what others say. But I guess that's just the achiever/performer in Rhett. So he wants to do these things but he doesn't want people commenting on it so that's what he does.
I'm sorry for the delayed reply, these days have been crazy.
Yep, that's how I see it too. To be fair, if my interpretation of this situation that I will explain shortly is accurate, I understand that they are in a hard place.
We should not forget how this ship started and what kind of people Rhett and Link were 8-10 years ago. They were people coming from an extremely conservative background and the shipping was based on little incidents that were happening spontaneously and unintentionally. Nothing like the rhink or queerbaiting jokes they do nowadays. Furthermore, there was no Mythical crew and Rhett and Link were essentially completely unaware of how they and their interaction was received and interpreted by the viewers.
For example, in the very first years of their YT presence, Rhett made a mad video response at some other youtuber who called Link gay (meanwhile, Link just stood there not giving a shit lol). Now, they wear Pride t-shirts all the time. I am sure they are trying hard to change who they used to be but I am also pretty sure the proud t-shirting would be less frequent, had it not been for an entire company being employed solely to keep them relevant.
So, the Rhink ship was founded on spontaneous or subconsious moments. This is what makes people talk, not the scripted explicit jokes. And while this might not hurt Rhett and Link deep inside, it could cause problems to their real relationships with family and friends who still were part of that conservative environment. We see it today still, Rhett struggles hard to reconcile the man he wants to be now with the man that can be accepted and approved by his father and rest of his family.
In short, I don't think Rhett and Link hate or judge the shippers for shipping them but they are frustrated by the problems this shipping causes to their environment.
I personally think the dynamic or even nature of their friendship / relationship has changed over the years but so did the expectations in the workplace. What I mean is that while Rhett and Link were trying to cope and understand what the vigorous shipping meant for them and their friendship, the Mythical Crew chimed in to inform them that indeed it would be quite beneficial for the enterprise and their stardom to lean in on this. Surely, if it was just a joke between platonic friends, there was nothing to feel uncomfortable about, right? And Rhett and Link had to agree with that because they have people to pay and mouths to shut and addressing something openly and with humour is the safest step in order to disperse rumours and gossip.
Thus I believe that the root of their frustration is that they feel they are losing control of their personalities, of their relationships with family and friends, of their business and of their friendship with each other, and what all these mean to them. They have made it pretty clear that they are not interested in GMM from a creative standpoint anymore and they just show up to keep the massive company they have created for themselves and which now has CEOs and executive producers who tell them what ought to be done.
The problem is that the Crew still pushes them for more and for what would sell. The reason they drew a red line at kissing IMO is not that they are afraid of it making them "feel things". If these two individuals were about to feel things for each other, then I reassure you it has already happened a long time ago and it hasn't waited until they become 45 years old and after discussing it at length with each other, fans and employees for decades. They refuse to kiss publicly because it's their last barrier before they feel like animals in the zoo. If they ever do it (because they might, who knows), the last frontier of meaningfulness will have fallen. That's what Rhett meant when he suddenly yelled to the viewers out of nowhere "YOU WILL NOT GET WHAT YOU WANT" in that GMM about a year ago. 
So, what they do is that they try to give Rhink in a way that gives them the illusion that they are in control of the situation. When it is scripted and prepared thoroughly, when it is in agreement with their wives and expected or planned by the crew, when it is such a stupid joke that it cannot be taken seriously or when they wake up in such a good mood that they are like "heck I'll even rhink it up today a bit because it is MY choice to do so". That’s why they want us to love the Rhink they give us but they get mad the moment it gets beyond their control or shippers seem to not appreciate it enough. They still slip unintentionally sometimes because they are humans, but it is rarer these days. They have matured quite a bit before the cameras.
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Review: Straight Expectations by Calum McSwiggan
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I was delighted to be invited to join The Write Reads blog tour for this colourful new YA release. There really are few things I love more than a good gay rom-com, so I was very excited to devour this one. In case you were wondering, it is absolutely no relation to the Charles Dickens classic novel of a similar name!
Max has always been out and proud but recently, he has been frustrated with his inability to get a boyfriend in the small town he lives in. One evening, while hanging out with his best friends Dean and Alicia, he loses it and wishes that he could just live a normal life like the straight kids seem to. But the next morning, Max is astonished to discover that his crush on Oliver Cheng has gone and that Alicia is apparently his girlfriend -and he can see how hot she is! The worst part is that Dean doesn’t seem to exist in this reality. How can Max get back to the life where he’s living his truth alongside his best friend?
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I think my favourite part of this book was the fact that it all felt so authentic. I don’t think that Max could have been written by anyone other than a queer man and I wouldn’t be surprised if some of Max’s thoughts and feelings mirror the thoughts and feelings that McSwiggan knows very well. I definitely believed in all of the other characters too, so I’m sure that they’ve also been lifted from real life.
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I really enjoyed the humour and laughed along with Max and his friends multiple times. They make such stupid, juvenile comments but they’re the kind that you can’t help but laugh at. I also adored how strongly their love shines through their dialogue and there’s a real found family vibe to them despite them all having supportive, present parents.
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The fact that a real LGBTQ+ bookshop is mentioned gave me a lot of joy because I could tell that McSwiggan was shouting out to them. I also noticed a passing reference to a certain queer YA summer camp book that I’ve read and therefore could recognise (at least I hope it’s the one I’m thinking of!). These little Easter eggs drew attention to the queer YA community and I really thought it was a lovely gesture and homage to that.
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Ultimately, the story is about the power of good strong friendships in your teenage years. While Straight Expectations is specifically about the importance of these connections for queer kids, the same sentiment could be extended to neurodiverse kids, creative kids or those who are simply ‘a little bit different’ in some way. Finding allies and those who truly understand you on a personal level is vital to good mental health and self-acceptance.
Straight Expectations is a fun, sparkly rom-com about grass not always being greener on the other side but not being able to see that till you’re standing on it. The friendships were so special and I couldn’t stop smiling at the genuine platonic love that leaked through every page, the fabulous theatrical performances and the wholesome ending.
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onepiece-polls · 1 year
One Piece Shipping War - Round 3 Side B
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KidKiller art by @anj-does-stuff. Check out the original post here!
Propaganda under the cut.
Propaganda for Kid x Killer:
The loyalty, the way they praise each other, their past, the aesthetic, Kid's reaction to seeing Killer with a SMILE in Wano, the fact the Kid's hobby is listening to music while Killer's is playing the drums, they are made for one another.
That sweet sweet captain/first mate loyalty…can’t be beat
Killer and kids are cannonicly ride or die
Murder couple, captain x first mate will always have special place in my heart, childhood friends bonus, love that they're just unashamedly bastards together and separately
OMG they care so much for each other!!! Kid called Killer his partner! They are mates for life! 💕
Child. Hood. Best. Friends. You want more? *cracks knuckles* Growing up beside one another, calling one another partner, only ever seeing Kid crying and losing his hard head persona when it involves Killer, Killer calming down after being reunited with Kid for a bit, KILLER KNOWING WHERE - down to the centimetre- TO CUT HAWKINS’ ARM SO HE DOESN’T HARM KID!!! THE!!! CENTIMETRE!!! That’s some intimate level of knowledge right there!
Propaganda for Shachi x Penguin:
They may be underrated characters with very little screen time, but you can see that they clearly are affectionate with each other (ex: hugging in the manga) and also speaking at the same time, sharing thoughts, and beyond that, they grew up together. They've clearly known each other for a long time and typically work together very well. They are a package deal, you cannot separate them <3
Two idiots with one braincell/ two bros sitting on each other laps because they're gay / it's not gay if it's the homie
Law officiated their marriage fr
They're overcompensating for how gay they are for each other and everyone can tell
(Headcanons included) Everyone who likes a cute younger brother aura X a serious Tsundere older brother aura would love this ship! Shachi and Penguin know each other before they even met Law. I think their parents are on good term since they went to the beach together. I like to think that they knew each other since birth. They are both very close, and inseparable since forever. And it would be cute to think that the both of them only has each other. A cute and shy Penguin being best friend with a fun and exciting Shachi (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)♡ They both survived the tsunami together. And since Penguin was the oldest one. He would feel like he had the responsibility to protect Shachi. Big brother aura Penguin! He loves Shachi so much that he would do anything to protect him… They are very close for a long time because they knew each other's blood type and Shachi invited Penguin to stay at his uncle's house. ✨But of course, the uncle and aunt were abusive. Since Penguin thought that he had to protect Shachi at all cost. Penguin would always be the one to receive most of the physical abuse. Shachi would be a crybaby and cry everytime he sees Penguin in pain. But Penguin would always say that he was okay. (skipping to growing up) there's also that time where a bomb exploded. Instead of worrying about themselves, they cared about the other person more ✨I think it was Penguin would called out for Shachi?Then, there was the fighting scene on swallow island where ShachiPen fought the enemy together. I like to imagine the both of them already liking each other since their younger age. Especially Shachi. Shachi who had been protected during his childhood by Penguin decided to become stronger for him. Because of INK, my favorite artist, that drew a lot of ShachiPen, I have their version of ShachiPen stuck in my head. And it also became my headcanon. Shachi became a lot stronger than Penguin and it is now his turn to protect him. Hehehe. After Savaody I like to imagine that something bad happened to one of them. Then they finally confessed their love. ♡(ŐωŐ人)
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nebuvoid · 1 year
Hey it's the devilman anon again back from the trenches... I finally finished devilman lady and I'm sure you've talked/heard about it a thousand times but I can't help but want to complain about it sorry it's just SO MUCH
99% of the story feels completely pointless? Why even have Jun and Asuka as protagonists at all? Everything would be so much easier (AND SHORTER) if it was just Akira in hell and stuff. Go Nagai would have to come up with some other way for the earth to get destroyed and for Hell to open up sure but that couldn't possibly be more difficult than what he actually did.
Also the way Akira came back was so unnecessary what the fuck. I had already skimmed that post you linked that explained what happened in the manga so I was aware of what was coming but it still didn't stop me from getting slapped in the face with Akira stating that the woman he had sex with was now his mom. That sex scene between them was so bad too, Jun was having PTSD the whole time... Not that I would expect any sort of healthy sex scene from Go Nagai at this point. Can't believe this old man really made me read volumes upon volumes about his sexual assault kink.
Of course the amount of rape and nudity is awful and unnecessary but that goes without saying I think. The lore stuff was ok I guess but not enough to make this worth it. The art was certainly much better than the original which is nice, but I still kind of miss the wonky artwork. The fights felt sort of lacking tbh, they were over way too quickly.
I also thought it was so funny how like midway through Go Nagai just does whatever and starts retelling Dante's Inferno. Fuck it. (Guy who has only read The Divine Comedy writing his manga:)
This got so long uh. Yeah bad manga would definitely not recommend but I'm somewhat glad to have read it just so I can trash it with confidence.
Oh just one more thing. So funny how he made Akira fall in love with a woman (in 5 seconds) only for her to turn out to be Ryo the whole time. Straightbaiting at its finest
you are one of satans bravest for having sat through that whole thing 🥲🫡
yep. it really is that bad and pointless. and i completely agree that the art style is a total downgrade. he didnt even improve, the boobs are spheres now. i drew like that when i was 11.
well i say pointless but lore telling us that god is actually the true bad guy who keeps destroying earth because humans keep evolving into devilmen one way or another, who he cant manipulate the way he can with humans, and to punish satan for loving the devilmen and daring to defy him the first time, again making him not easily manipulable like the other angels, is pretty significant.
also yeah hes always had an obsession with dantes inferno, he made one, or two? i dont recall right now. Mao Dante. lol. other manga before devilman that focus on DI he just keeps reusing his own ideas to the max.
the straightbaiting IS based though yeah lmao. its because thats satan actually. since hes clean cut into two then and jun is his softer kinder side while asuka is the more surface abrasive ryo we know. ....or you know, feminine and masculine, quite literally, because somehow go nagai made a BL epic that inspired dozens of other classics and yet doesnt think gay people exist as such. personally i think his mind, too, is dantes inferno of layers of bullshit.
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