#can you tell I was experimenting with textures lol
alfheimr · 5 months
My Favorite Cheap Art Trick: Gradient Maps and Blending Modes
i get questions on occasion regarding my coloring process, so i thought i would do a bit of a write up on my "secret technique." i don't think it really is that much of a secret, but i hope it can be helpful to someone. to that end:
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this is one of my favorite tags ive ever gotten on my art. i think of it often. the pieces in question are all monochrome - sort of.
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the left version is the final version, the right version is technically the original. in the final version, to me, the blues are pretty stark, while the greens and magentas are less so. there is some color theory thing going on here that i dont have a good cerebral understanding of and i wont pretend otherwise. i think i watched a youtube video on it once but it went in one ear and out the other. i just pick whatever colors look nicest based on whatever vibe im going for.
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this one is more subtle, i think. can you tell the difference? there's nothing wrong with 100% greyscale art, but i like the depth that adding just a hint of color can bring.
i'll note that the examples i'll be using in this post all began as purely greyscale, but this is a process i use for just about every piece of art i make, including the full color ones. i'll use the recent mithrun art i made to demonstrate. additionally, i use clip studio paint, but the general concept should be transferable to other art programs.
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for fun let's just start with Making The Picture. i've been thinking of making this writeup for a while and had it in mind while drawing this piece. beyond that, i didn't really have much of a plan for this outside of "mithrun looks down and hair goes woosh." i also really like all of the vertical lines in the canary uniform so i wanted to include those too but like. gone a little hog wild. that is the extent of my "concept." i do not remember why i had the thought of integrating a shattered mirror type of theme. i think i wanted to distract a bit from the awkward pose and cover it up some LOL but anyway. this lack of planning or thought will come into play later.
note 1: the textured marker brush i specifically use is the "bordered light marker" from daub. it is one of my favorite brushes in the history of forever and the daub mega brush pack is one of the best purchases ive ever made. highly recommend!!!
note 2: "what do you mean by exclusion and difference?" they are layer blending modes and not important to the overall lesson of this post but for transparency i wanted to say how i got these "effects." anyway!
with the background figured out, this is the point at which i generally merge all of my layers, duplicate said merged layer, and Then i begin experimenting with gradient maps. what are gradient maps?
the basic gist is that gradient maps replace the colors of an image based on their value.
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so, with this particular gradient map, black will be replaced with that orangey red tone, white will be replaced with the seafoamy green tone, etc. this particular gradient map i'm using as an example is very bright and saturated, but the colors can be literally anything.
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these two sets are the ones i use most. they can be downloaded for free here and here if you have csp. there are many gradient map sets out there. and you can make your own!
you can apply a gradient map directly onto a specific layer in csp by going to edit>tonal correction>gradient map. to apply one indirectly, you can use a correction layer through layer>new correction layer>gradient map. honestly, correction layers are probably the better way to go, because you can adjust your gradient map whenever you want after creating the layer, whereas if you directly apply a gradient map to a layer thats like. it. it's done. if you want to make changes to the applied gradient map, you have to undo it and then reapply it. i don't use correction layers because i am old and stuck in my ways, but it's good to know what your options are.
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this is what a correction layer looks like. it sits on top and applies the gradient map to the layers underneath it, so you can also change the layers beneath however and whenever you want. you can adjust the gradient map by double clicking the layer. there are also correction layers for tone curves, brightness/contrast, etc. many such useful things in this program.
let's see how mithrun looks when we apply that first gradient map we looked at.
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gadzooks. apologies for eyestrain. we have turned mithrun into a neon hellscape, which might work for some pieces, but not this one. we can fix that by changing the layer blending mode, aka this laundry list of words:
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some of them are self explanatory, like darken and lighten, while some of them i genuinely don't understand how they are meant to work and couldn't explain them to you, even if i do use them. i'm sure someone out there has written out an explanation for each and every one of them, but i've learned primarily by clicking on them to see what they do.
for the topic of this post, the blending mode of interest is soft light. so let's take hotline miamithrun and change the layer blending mode to soft light.
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here it is at 100% opacity. this is the point at which i'd like to explain why i like using textured brushes so much - it makes it very easy to get subtle color variation when i use this Secret Technique. look at the striation in the upper right background! so tasty. however, to me, these colors are still a bit "much." so let's lower the opacity.
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i think thats a lot nicer to look at, personally, but i dont really like these colors together. how about we try some other ones?
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i like both of these a lot more. the palettes give the piece different vibes, at which point i have to ask myself: What Are The Vibes, Actually? well, to be honest i didn't really have a great answer because again, i didn't plan this out very much at all. however. i knew in my heart that there was too much color contrast going on and it was detracting from the two other contrasts in here: the light and dark values and the sharp and soft shapes. i wanted mithrun's head to be the main focal point. for a different illustration, colors like this might work great, but this is not that hypothetical illustration, so let's bring the opacity down again.
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yippee!! that's getting closer to what my heart wants. for fun, let's see what this looks like if we change the blending mode to color.
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i do like how these look but in the end they do not align with my heart. oh well. fun to experiment with though! good to keep in mind for a different piece, maybe! i often change blending modes just to see what happens, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. i very much cannot stress enough that much of my artistic process is clicking buttons i only sort of understand. for fun.
i ended up choosing the gradient map on the right because i liked that it was close to the actual canary uniform colors (sorta). it's at an even lower opacity though because there was Still too much color for my dear heart.
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the actual process for this looks like me setting my merged layer to soft light at around 20% opacity and then clicking every single gradient map in my collection and seeing which one Works. sometimes i will do this multiple times and have multiple soft light and/or color layers combined.
typically at this point i merge everything again and do minor contrast adjustments using tone curves, which is another tool i find very fun to play around with. then for this piece in particular i did some finishing touches and decided that the white border was distracting so i cropped it. and then it's done!!! yay!!!!!
this process is a very simple and "fast" way to add more depth and visual interest to a piece without being overbearing. well, it's fast if you aren't indecisive like me, or if you are better at planning.
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let's do another comparison. personally i feel that the hint of color on the left version makes mithrun look just a bit more unwell (this is a positive thing) and it makes the contrast on his arm a lot more pleasing to look at. someone who understands color theory better than i do might have more to say on the specifics, but that's honestly all i got.
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just dont look at my layers too hard. ok?
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astrow1zar6 · 9 months
Astro Notes-18
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Leo placements I notice tend to have a different texture hair then the rest of their family. Like their family could all have straight hair & they come out with really thick curly hair or something.
Gemini Venus’s always have their nails done 💅
A lot of cancer risings are really pale or just find it difficult to tan. They give Snow White vibes (ik this varies race wise however) even with darker skinned families they tend to be a little lighter than the rest
Scorpio Venus’s will try to make their crush jealous to see if they really care. They do this A LOT. They can be very insecure when they catch feelings.
Scorpio moons all have hunter eyes, they like penetrate your soul
Saturn in the 7th house natal is so difficult to have. This aspect delays marriages & relationships. In ur early years dating was probably really difficult for you & grew up seeing everyone get into relationships but you. The relationships you do have are usually very cold & unaffectionate:( but the older you become the easier it will be to find a partner that’s for you. You do best with very mature partners!
Uranus in the 4th house shows that you could’ve been the black sheep of the family or just have an overall different personality/lifestyle than the people you grew up with. Could be very distant with family members.
A lot of Scorpio suns or people with heavy Scorpio placements have had their parents or a parent pass at a young age. A lot of Scorpios have to experience death too early in life..
Saturn in the 5th housers grew up being judged a lot i notice. Any little bit of expression from these people were usually shamed by family or peers. Many were made to feel like everything they did was cringey which is why they become so uptight as they age.
Gemini risings can never stay at one job for too long. They’re always getting bored lol.
It’s kinda difficult to tell what if a Taurus Venus likes you they move so slow & cautiously it’s hard to tell. They take SO long to make a move 😭 they will micro flirt tho however like give you touches that linger or stare at you a lot.
Jupiter in the 1st housers always know everybody. They have a flock of people around them constantly. This can make you extroverted even with quieter placements. I also notice these people are always so TALL.
Once you bring up something someone with a mercury in the 3rd house is interested/passionate in be prepared to listen to a 5 hour rant about it lol. Once you get them started (even the quiet ones) they will talk your ear off. These people tend to over talk others when they get too excited. They don’t mean to tho lol
Cap moons try to act really nonchalant when they like someone. They usually pretend they have no feelings for you but will do little things to give it away like making excuses to be near you but won’t straight up admit it, they hate expressing emotions.
Apologize for not posting as much was on vacation! Will get back to my daily posts 🥰👌🏽
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sobfultoast · 6 months
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•°~* Careful Touches *~°•
Prompt: Touching their demonic features (Wings/Tails).
Characters: Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor.
(This is my first one. It ain't the best, idk. Lol)
Being human, it was only natural that you'd be curious about what makes the brothers different from yourself, like their horns and such.
Whenever they were in their demonic forms, you couldn't help but stare at them with fascination. You just had to say something...
"They're beautiful... Can I touch your wings/tail?"
• ° ~ * ~ ° •
"You want to touch my wings? I always knew you were brave."
Lucifer doesn't just let anyone touch his wings. They must be people he trusts and respects. Out of all three realms, there are only 5 beings who have laid a hand on his wings and are still alive: Diavolo, Mammon, Michael, Simeon, and now you.
Lucifer's wings are dense with soft, fluffy feathers. It's so thick with feathers that you can't see your fingers anymore as you sink your hand. Be gentle with your strokes, while his feathers are as resilient as him, it can still cause him discomfort if handled roughly.
As you pet his wings, he physically relaxes. Letting out a heavy sigh, his composure becomes less strict. He feels vulnerable, but he thinks that he is okay with that. It was an intimate experience for him as he doesn't particularly like his wings. They hold a painful past to him, but you said they look beautiful... Someone can see the beauty in something he can't. Someone can see the beauty in his past, and that means the world to him.
You'll see him letting his wings unfurl more often when it is just the two of you. A cursed record playing in the background, he is working on paperwork with you on his lap, stroking his wings. It's soothing.
"Eh? My wings? B-beautiful? Of course, ya think my wings are beautiful! They belong to the great Mammon after all!"
Mammon went bright red, but that didn't matter to him. His human thinks his wings are beautiful! Damn, right! Of course, you can touch his wings, and don't stop until he says so!
Mammom's wings are smooth but rough like leather. He uses a certain wax to make them sleek and shine. He has to look good. He is a model, after all.
As you stroke his wings, he started to squirm? Laugh? He almost pushed you away in a giggle fit. Turns out, he is very ticklish on his wings. It's more sensitive near the base of his wings, and it's the easiest place to tickle him to tears. He has noted to himself to never to let you touch his wings when you have that mischievous look on your face.
He likes using his wings to get your attention, especially now that he knows you like them. He'll walk around the house with his wings out, and he'll try to make it look like he is naturally stretching them, but we all know he's forcing it. He'll wrap them around you more often, using it to guide you closer to him. If you ask him about it, he'll deny it in his tsudere fashion but continues.
He has also bragged about it to everyone. Everyone. "Hey, guess what! My human said these wings are beautiful! Ya hear? What did they say to ya? Nothin'? that's what I thought."
"H-huh?! B-beautiful? You think my tail is beautiful?! Y-you must be lying. This must be one of your normie tricks!"
Leviathan went straight to denial. No way do you like his tail! His tail is such an eye-sore, he tells himself, why can't it be as dangerous as Satan's or as cute as Belphagor's? There is no way— W-wait, YOU'RE SERIOUS?! Once you assure him that you're serious and you'd love to touch his tail, he goes bright red and quiet. Give him a moment, and he'll slowly lift his tail towards you. He looks away, still hesitant. You have a feeling that if you don't stroke his tail now, you might affirm his thoughts and make him cry.
Levi's tail is smooth, and your hand glides over his scales. The scales themselves give his tail a nice and unique texture. It rattles with nervousness, but once you praise it, he'll melt into putty.
Levi is more comfortable having his tail out now, which also means you will be finding that tail wrapping itself around you more, too. It has a mind of its own that always betrays his tsudere act. He'll swear he'll never fall for your normie tactics while his tail is slithering its way up your thigh and waist.
It gets more clingy to you the more you pet and praise it. He still has days where he hates his tail, but you are always there to adore it.
"I don't think that would be a smart idea..."
Satan's tail is as dangerous as his wits. It has razor-sharp edges that have shown Satan its strength in fights and fits of rage. He hates the thought of hurting you, no matter how much you want to touch it.
Even if somehow you have managed to convince him that he won't hurt you, he is still hesitant. He keeps plasters and bandages on standby as you gently press your finger on his tail. The tales aren't false. A light press, and you can already feel how sharp it is. Press any harder, and you'll cut yourself. It makes a rattle noise when it moves, like two bones hitting each other.
After you pet his tail without hurting yourself, he'll be slightly more relaxed with it. He's still wary, though.
So, no tail hugs like Leviathan or Belphegor. Sorry :(
"Oh, hon! I know they're beautiful! And of course you can touch them. You don't have to ask, I don't bite. Unless you'd like that~"
Asmodeus' wings are drop-dead gorgeous! Of course, you'd stare at their beauty. You don't ever have to ask to touch his wings as he'll probably ask you to touch them often.
Asmo's wings are soft and smooth, like his porcelain skin. They would have been like Mammon's leathery wings if Asmo didn't dose his own wings with skin-care and wing-care products. A very nice texture to touch. His wings flutter with excitement when you pet them. He just can't help it!
Most times, when you pet his wings, it can quickly take a spicy turn. How can he not when you are caressing him so sensually?! But, he does slightly prefer the more domestic feeling of cuddling with his favourite person (other than himself) with them showering him in affection. The only thing he really ever wants...
He spends so long on his wings' care because he really misses his old wings. They were so pure and beautiful. Now they're dull... To make up with that, he has a 2 hour care routine, per wing, that he does every week. If you would like, he can show you his wing-care routine, and you can help him too! He'd love that! He has 4 wings, and caring for each of them is a time exhausting task. He appreciates that you take time out of your day to help him.
"Yes. You can. Just... Be careful with them..."
Beelzebub's wings are delicate, despite the rest of him. His insect wings can easily tear, but fortunately, his wings regenerate quickly. It's still painful. Because of this, he very nervous at letting people touch them, but he knows you won't purposely hurt him.
Beel's wings are thin. It's kind of hard to pet them. Doesn't mean you can't have a closer look to something so different from anything else you have seen. His wings make a buzzing noise when he flaps them really fast. The same buzz makes most buffets in devildom have flashbacks.
His wings are too weak to make him fly. Have you seen him? There is no way those thin wings can make that buff bloke fly! If anything, it might let him glide or hover for a short time for sports. He has to buzz them really quick to do that, so when he is attempting to hover, a big gush of wind happens and it is able to send you flying.
Beelzebub is happy you like his wings, but he is sad that you can't really pet them like the other brothers. It is what it is.
"Really? Huh... You're werid. You can touch it if you let me use you as a cushion."
Now you have a lazy demon napping on your lap, and he is not moving no matter how much you try. I mean, a free nap spot and free pets. How can he say no?
The base of his tail is rough fur, and the end is very fluffy, a perfect pillow, but it's really knotty as he is too lazy to care for it. Maybe you can brush it? He'll let you brush it. It saves him from getting scolded at by Lucifer or Asmodeus for not looking after himself because he was lazy. Once you've brushed it, it poofs up and becomes all fuzzy.
Unlike Satan's and Levi's tail, Belphie can't control his tail, so he can't use them as another arm or weapon. The most he can do with his tail is wag it like a cow would do.
Belphie also trips on his tail a lot. When Belphie falls over, he doesn't get up. He just lays there and waits. He waits until one of his brothers or you pick him up. It's the main reason why he carries his tail, not cause it's a fluffy pillow. It being like a fluffy pillow is just a happy little coincidence.
•°~* Have a lovely day! *~°•
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whosmarii · 9 months
Nsfw headcanons about mcu Peter Parker.
He loooves make out sessions, I believe he could have you sitting on his lap while kissing for hours without getting bored o needy of something more.
Other thing is that Peter found out how much he loves to touch your body in one of your make out sessions. He never notice how his hands run through all your body, caressing every single space of your skin. Your arms, hands, fingers, legs, feets, face, neck,etc. He loves to feel your muscles moving, your bones being there, your hot breath and the moving of your body to accompany that breath, the texture of your skin in his hands, he loves to feel that same skin getting hotter or colder with or without his touch, he loves to feel you there, to feel you real, alive and with him.
Peter also loves to watch you, the physical attraction he has for you is too much to handle for him. All the things he likes to feel, he likes to watch too. When you two are more comfortable around each other (cause let's remember that he is very awkward and shy) he would tell you that he wants to see you touching yourself, and not like masturbating. He wants to see you touch your body like he does, so everything he feels with his hands he can see with his eyes.
Maybe this is a little creepy but, like I kinda implied before, he...maybeee...has some type of kink with you being like...alive? or real. LET ME EXPLAIN. Peter loves to see you, feel you, taste you, he just loves to have every one of his senses in you and to have every one of yours senses in him, and when that happens he can't help the arousal that runs in his body by the thought of your existence, and specially the thought of your being, being there with him, in his bed. To know that such a real and alive beautiful woman is there by his side. (Peter Parker is a hopeless romantic in every universe, it's in his nature to be extremely aware of you and to have such dramatic thought about your breathing lol).
For the end, a little though I have. Peter has a very very high sex drive but he doesn't have time to fullfil it tho. Probably that's the reason why it is so high, I mean teenager Peter had his hormones at it's highest and didn't have time to yk, experience that type of things. And more grown up Peter still is very young and with a whole adolescent life of no sex. So, yeah, I believe he is really needy of sexual relive.
Okkk, that's all guys.
This is my first post so tell what things should I correct and give me ideas for the next post, tell me what and who would y'all like me to write about.
And, I'm not very used to Tumblr, so if you have ideas on how to make my post more aesthetically pleasing please feel free to tell me!
pd: English is not my native language, so maybe some things are not write correctly, please let me know that.
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hijackalx · 11 months
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A = Aftercare (what they're like after sex)
hmm honestly feel like it depends on if hes feeling u or not. if he was just trying to catch a nut hes rude af. like before he leaves he'll throw a wet rag at u. and he used cold water to get it wet 🥲 BUTTTT if he really does like u i think he'll prolly run a bath for u both or something. i can see him washing ur hair/body for u 🥺
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner's)
his chest duhhh lol thats why he walks around with his titties out. i think hes got a really good upper body in general. like shoulders/arms/chest. and i feel like hes an ass man. yes that means all booties ALL. he likes to spank, bite, and leave marks all over it. omggg the type to smack or pinch ur ass in public LMAO
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
yall already know im a firm believer that this man cums bucketfuls. he'll have u sitting there like "damn why is it still going" LMFAO almost exclusively wants to cum inside. to the point to where its hard to convince him not to. he wants to breed u sooo bad 😭😭
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
*NONCON MENTION* it gets him concerningly hard when u tell him no but let him do it anyway. like i dont think he would ever AGGRESSIVELY force u to do anything hence the "let him", but something about being able to change ur mind/overpower u does something to him *NONCON MENTION OVER*
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they're doing?)
well. i think hes an expert when it comes to pleasing himself (which is typically thru penetration, so for my AFABs if yall can finish vaginally just know he do be laying pipe 🤤) but he didnt really grow up caring about his sexual partners much lol. i do think he wants to please you though, like badly. thats the only reason hes willing to let u offer some guidance when it comes to giving oral/fingering u.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
mating press yall. like when he hooks ur legs over his shoulders and basically folds u like a lawn chair lol. also likes doggy though so he can pull ur hair and leave welts on ur ass lol.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
hes wayyyy too intense to be goofy at any moment while u guys are fuckin LMAO. like this man loves sex and gives his ALL. he puts his mf game face on and locks IN baby 😹😹
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
YESSSSSS !!!!! YES !!!!! this man is SO hairy EVERYWHERE !!!! the same texture as the hair on his head. im about to faint yall catch me
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
uhh. i can see him being kind of romantic on special occasions. but like i said hes pretty intense usually and to me that doesnt leave much room for romance lol. especially since he can be so mean too
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
yeah. like all the time. hes a hornball so if ur not around as an alternative he WILL be jizzing into his hand. omfg if yall are like, ever distanced from each other he will want to send nasty ass letters back and forth to keep him satisfied until u get back LMAO god forbid they ever end up at the wrong place
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
his office. will fuck on every surface and up against every wall. everyone else is afraid to touch anything in there 😭
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
he likes when u seem weaker than him, either in the sense that he has a physical or mental advantage over u. dont let anyone else treat u like that tho or he'll think ur a pussy lol
N = No (something they wouldn't do, turn offs)
^^ as i mentioned letting other ppl have the same power over u as he does is a turn off. so if ur like me u got to grow a backbone or get the boot 🥾🤾‍♀️ 😭😭  anyway. i dont think he'll be willing to do anything that makes him feel "lesser" or more submissive. i mean u could probably trick him into doing it if u make him think its his idea or something LMAO
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
i genuinely think he eventually gains an affinity for giving ??? he likes the sounds u make and the way u pull his hair. so yeah, gives lots of kisses and will mutter a lot of praises while down there too. dont get me wrong though u better be giving back too 😹😹
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
rough as fuckkkk bro. doesnt ever like to be gentle. sex just brings out a lot of aggression in him. u will be sore and bruised after. if u convince him to chill out he'll be a pouty baby about it
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
anywhere and everywhere possible. i dont think its a goal of his to be seen by others while doing it but i also dont think he cares so that doesnt really stop him
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
he'll try to get u to do all kinds of fucked up shit. including shit that is probably lowkey dangerous 😹😹 hes pretty sadistic so get ready gurl
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
15-20 mins max shawty lmao sorry 😹😹 and since he wants to act like a wild ape ur prolly not getting a round 2 since he wore himself out. but if u didnt get off in time he'll use his hand to help u finish even if hes sleepy 😴
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
will tease u at random times throughout the day by saying some absolutely horrendous shit in ur ear while ur in public and then acting like nothing happened. but usually doesnt want to waste much time before the act, so he might tease just enough to get u ready. nothing more though
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
heavy grunter and breather. will only moan occasionally if its really hitting right 😹😹 if u do get him to moan i can see it being decently loud. its like a reward
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
very high libido man........ prepare ur hole 🪦
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
sometimes he can stay awake long enough for aftercare but other times itll have to come after a power nap 😭 youll be like "bae how was it" and turn around to see him completely unconscious. snoring and everythang
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wazzappp · 1 month
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1.2. 3. 4.(You're Here!)
FINISHED!!! I’ll be adding little links so the whole comic is easier to follow. Honestly I was looking at the first page and uhhhh. Brother eughhhhhhh. I feel like I’ve MUCH improved since I first started this. I started experimenting with some textured brushes and effects layers to add a little more interest to the pages and I think it adds a lot to it. And now I get to move on to telling the rest of the story hell yeah (I have to draw Heisenberg factory interior. Aghh. Also sorry the house back looks so different I decided to stop being allergic to architecture and just draw the damn house lol)
They’ve been communicating too well they need to lie to each other a little <3. I think it makes sense for them both to be a little spooked by each other. Despite Gabe’s efforts his powers are DISTURBINGLY similar to Eveline. His description of assimilating the garden plants into essentially his own mini less sophisticated hive mind didnt really inspire a lot of confidence.(plants aren’t very smart so they don’t make as good friends for building a complex hivemind [thank god]. As a side note I wonder how long, if ever, it would take for Robbie to acknowledge that he was LITERALLY INSIDE EVELINES HIVEMIND when he was stuck in the mold column at the end of the ship section [GODAMNIT I need to draw Gabe with a machine gun]. LIKE BRO YOU TALKED TO A SANE AND NORMAL JACK BAKER HOW THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THAT HAPPENED. Christ this is a long side note sorry sorry adhd ‘extra thought’ induced rant over.)
And ROBBIE. I mean the Bakers were fucking SCARY dude. If you ever wanna know what having RE Robbie be after you would feel like, just play Jacks section of the game where he’s hunting you through the house. You can waste your bullets by firing a whole mag into his head, but he’ll just get back up. He won’t stop coming after you. It is PANIC INDUCING my dude holy fucking shit. You start flinching at every little noise of the house settling, hyper aware of anything sounding like a voice, is that the thunder outside or is he slamming his godamn shovel on the ground as a promise to severely fuck you up again…Gabe hasn’t forgotten what that’s like.
Anyway full comics don’t seem like such a nightmare anymore!! I’ve been successfully desensitized lmao <33
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11queensupreme11 · 3 months
Why does Muzan from kny give off vibe that he could be a child of Beelzebub and Percy? And he's so messed up because Beelzebub isn't a good dad at all and he lowkey hates his kid cause he doesn't look like Percy (I remember you said something about Beelzebub would want their kids to inherit Percy's features and is capable of experimenting on his own kids if they don't come out the way he wants ) and Muzan like his grandpa (Ror Poseidon ) is obsessed with perfection the only person he sees as the definition of that is his mother ( Percy ) he would be the one who would fall in love with his own mother and try to kill Beelzebub because he's taken her attention away from him I could just see this man be so obsessed with his mother and to Percy he's probably the perfect kid in her eves (because he actually behaves around her ) but man evervone is all like "THAT FUCKING DEMON CHILD!!!! Their worse nightmare a perfect combo of the tryna of the sea and the devil all in one
I could probablv see Poseidon like him if he wasn't in love with his own daughter as well but Poseidon lowkey also doesn't like the fact that he doesn't look like Percy so yeah Muzan is out here suffering just because he looks nothing like his mom and inherited all his dad's features
He wouldn't even blame Percy ( ofc no how could he? His mother is perfect) IT WAS HIS FATHERS FAULT that man couldn't do anything right and make him look like his mother!
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You can’t tell me that don’t give off the father and son Vibes 💀
omg valkyraeblack hiiiiii 🥺💖💖💖💖
and also.... this entire ask just put visions in my head dfjhvbjhc THIS IS ACTUALLY SO GOOD?
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he's got the pitch black hair from both parents (maybe he can inherit percy's wavy hair texture??? idk), his daddy's red eyes, his grandpa's obsession with perfection, and his mommy's 'mama's boy' attitude (cuz percy is definitely a mama's girl lol)
this is actually such a nightmare combination for everyone lmao. beelzebub's and poseidon's personalities combined into one angry beelcy baby, everyone would be HORRIFIED and rightfully so aside from percy who genuinely loves her son 😂😂😂
and if he started showing signs of being in love with his mom, percy'd probably be like "maybe we should all attend some family therapy! 🤗" while dying on the inside 💀
(also are you planning on watching the kny movie next year? i'm planning on watching it and i cant wait!!!!)
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devotion-disorder · 8 months
THANK U!!!! While I think it's possible to go to a point where Kuuya just...relents to every single thing you demand of him, its not like he's going to let go of all rationality so easily (ironic as it sounds). He's a pushover not only to his partner but to most of the other people in his life as well, so he's not going to let go of his commitments just like that. But I think it's definitely possible if you play your cards right.
and info about getting your hair done under the cut:
If you want to do it exactly like how I did, its actually a balayage instead of a full bleach! anyhow, I guess the biggest thing is that bleaching is definitely a commitment. Here's some stuff to note based on my experience:
It depends on your natural hair! my natural hair color is pretty dark, so I needed to bleach it twice to get any sort of bright color. my hairstylist also said apparently my hair is just kinda resistant to bleach, which is why it took literally 9 hours lol (and other complications because Ive gotten it bleached before)
I've always gotten it bleached at a salon and it can be a bit pricey ngl
You can't bleach your hair if it's been chemically treated (eg. straightened / permed)! and you can't do it afterwards either, because of how damaging bleaching is. So i have to style it myself if i want any sort of curl!
you might also need to invest in some decent hair care products + colored shampoo etc etc if you want your hair to not be the texture of straw lmao
More on that, you might want to be careful if your hair is already pretty dry/ brittle to begin with, because bleaching will really truly make it so dry lol
the color can fade pretty quickly, even if you keep up with the proper shampoos and stuff. I expect the pink color in that photo to be gone by at most a month LOL
so yeah...pretty hefty price to pay for funky hair color. That's why I didn't bleach it until ~2 years ago, because I was so hesitant. But!!! I can say that i regret absolutely nothing, because having pink hair rules LOL. I mean this is literally my third time bleaching it!!
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ribbonetteart · 8 months
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Tribute to one of my favorite movies of all time + the franchise that has me in a death grip 💖
a bit late for Christmas but at least Valentine's day is around the corner ^^;;
Process below if that interests you:
AS I SAID EARLIER, I had been working on this piece as early as December of 2021 😱!!!
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This was the original sketch! I was inspired after learning about Blaze's own design inspiration coming from Takarazuka theater, as well as it being the Nutcracker season so this film was in bouncing around in my head.
and this was allllll the way back in 2021 ^^; I had put the idea to paper to capture the image in my head immediately. But the idea in my head was extravagant and beautiful and would certainly take time to complete, as well as the patience and skill to work with watercolor 😔 I've certainly done my share of watercolor, both physical and digital, but I still feel like my physical watercolor work is a fluke, and I was still a novice digital artist at the time of this sketch.
In short, I wasn't confident my skill could live up to the vision.
So I would put this on the back burner. It wouldn't be ready in time for Christmas, and I could use this as an opportunity to hone that digital art experience so it could be ready next year!
2 Years Later...
It's December 5th. Fuck it. Let's crack this open again, I tell myself.
SO starting with the line art, it's actually 2 different brushes layered over one another.
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I also changed Sonic's expression to be more love struck-looking, because I'm a sucker for romance.
The image on the left is a watercolor line brush, while the right is a pencil brush. The reason I wanted a water color look was because I thought it would make the illustration look dreamy and fantastical, and I wanted that to extend to the line art as well. However, my usual lines on traditional usually veer more towards thick and cartoony from years of studying the Sonic art style, so I really felt like I was working against myself here. I had also asked friends for their input and they preferred the lines on the right as well. If my followers actually do read these blog posts, I'd love if you could comment which line art style you prefer drawing or looking at.
The happy medium was to just combine the 2. Here's a better look at that:
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I like it! I think it combines the solid line with the rustic water color grain. Best of both worlds :]
For the actual painting, The most notable thing I can say is that getting the right pastel-y color was VERY difficult to achieve for someone like me who often loves to use bright and saturated colors in her art. I feel like I really set myself up to do one of those "evil art style" or "opposite art style" challenges I've been seeing around. I had to repaint Sonic at one paint because the blue of his fur was WAY too saturated for the style I was going for:
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I started with painting Sonic and Blaze in first and then working on the background. I think that's probably the backwards way of doing it but one of the perks of digital art is you can do stuff any order you want when you have layers.
The background wasn't actually as difficult as I thought it would be. I wasn't going for any difficult perspective, and I was using a reference so that could be it. I'm usually averse to backgrounds but I really wanna tackle more of my weak points in art. I actually had way more fun than I was expecting, painting the sky and adding texture to the grass. I think I had the most fun rendering the water coming from the fountain (which you can't even see too well anyway, lol).
Funny enough, I had just about finished painting the characters and background by early January. So why am I posting this in February?
The Flowers...
In case you don't know. I love flowers. I love looking at them, I love learning about flower languages, I love drawing them. so seeing that my reference image showed flowers circling the fountain, I was excited! I was already having more fun than I expected to be having (working against my usual style, rendering a background), so how could this be a pain in the ass?
Well, I am my own worst enemy 😞I couldn't exactly identify each flower offhand from this screenshot alone. The texture of the flowers is kinda grainy, since I don't think the animators were expecting viewers to look too closely at the set piece to use as reference for my lovingly crafted crossover fanart. If anyone has this in high quality though, please tell me.
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(I think I actually got this reference from a tumblr post but I can't find it on my blog for the life of me nor can I find it in the tags I'm so sorry)
I'm a huge stickler for details so I really wanted to be as "accurate" as possible in my illustration. I can hardly identify some of these flowers with confidence. I think there are roses in there? or tulips? I'm not sure if those yellow flowers are roses or some kinda petunia or if I'm way off.
I'm sure these details won't matter to most viewers but it was EATING AWAY AT ME. Eventually I decided to try drawing in flowers that might look similar to the ones in the reference. Or some based on their flower languages. I was certainly overthinking it ;;;; It led me to going "fuck it" and just throwing in whatever I wanted. There are no irises visible in that screenshot but I made it the centerpiece of the flower ring. Who give a shit.
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I made some guides for me to follow: The blue ring was so I could make sure the flowers make a half circular border around Sonic and Blaze. I was envisioning how it could look as like an icon or sticker or something, which is why it's framed this way. then the second guide is the sketch of the flowers I made. I always do line art and I'm not great at just improvising with color to paper, or color to screen in this case.
The rest of this process is then just working on each flower piece by piece (with the help of the mirror tool of course) with varying degrees of detail. Some flowers are more abstract than others, and I had debated if that would look jarring and disrupted any kind of harmony I was trying to maintain with the style parameters I set for myself. And then I decided I was overthinking it once again which is why this was taking me nearly 2 months to complete.
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At some point during this process, my wifi went out for a whole week! Of course, I could still work on this illustration offline, but I had a lot of tabs open with a bunch of reference images on there (plus I like to listen to music while I draw otherwise I lose focus and I had neglected to download a varied selection on my phone or laptop 😭 Learn from my mistakes).
The most tedious of this process was making each set of gladioluses a unique color.
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Was it worth it? You tell me! I think they're pretty, at least.
Along the way, I repainted the grass because it wasn't symmetrical (It didn't need to be but I had been using the mirror tool for a lot at this point and it was bugging me). I made other little final adjustments, like color adjusting the leaves on the flowers, lowering the flower ring border, and so on.
Ultimately, I'm extremely satisfied with the final product. I had my heart set on doing something like this for a long time. I had so much fun just experimenting throwing on color or not worrying about technical stuff. Of course, I did do what I usually do and overthink it at some points, but I'm working on it!
I've wanted to do an extremely indulgent AU illustration and other drawings for a Sonic x The Nutcracker story for a long while. I will be totally honest, I'm still a little embarrassed to share stuff like this, even after years of posting fan art online. It feels like the more self indulgent something is, the more people might judge me for it ^^; But I wanna practice what I preach and kill the thing inside me that cringes at my harmless attempts at joy and whimsy.
I would love to do some more drawings for this AU, but maybe post them around December when it would be more seasonally appropriate. I hope you'll stick around for it!
If you read this whole thing to the end, thank you. Whether you follow my blog or not, I hope you have a lovely day :3💝
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beneathsilverstars · 2 months
you could. probably think if some characters are texture eaters and if so which textures they would prefer or what reactions they'd have over disliked textures
@kimdokjafan replied
I would love to hear what you have to say about the party's food preferences! Things like favorite food, things they dislike/won't eat
i started answering this anon and then got this reply, so i'll combine them. got really long lol, food is such a complex topic!
bonnie enjoys the multi-textured fish head, so they're probably big on texture! i think they're starting to have enough cooking experience to get put off when a texture isn't correct. like the problem isn't the texture itself but rather that rice should not be like that, they overcooked it, yuck, ugh! they would probably make a new batch if possible. however, they're also used to eating what you have because it's all you have — sometimes the nice neighbor drops off her shitty mac n cheese and it's better than nothing, or you mix up salt and sugar for today's bread but you're almost out of flour — so they'll try to come up with a new use for the fucked-up batch where the weird texture works better, or just eat it themself. unpleasant, but better than serving it to someone else or wasting it! as for what they enjoy the most: lots of different textures mixed together, like a salad or deluxe burrito. and chewy things!
we know bonnie's favorite foods are pineapple, rice, and samosas. i'd say they love sweet things as most kids do, but they're really starting to prefer a little more complexity to their sweet treats, like the tart acidity of pineapple. rice is a great favorite bc it's a comforting plain staple, but it can also be used in such a variety of dishes, as the entire base or to add texture! bonnie likes spicy, sour, etc... bring on the flavor! honestly i don't think there's many ingredients they don't like, it's more often a case of that flavor doesn't go there, why would you do that??? maybe they haven't grown into bitter vegetables yet.
siffrin also likes the fish head, so they really enjoy a fun texture, and they like trying new foods as they travel — but when they don't like something they hate it. but they also hate to raise a fuss! so if they're eating with other people, they'll try to just eat around the offending element without making it too obvious that's what they're doing, and then claim they're just not that hungry. if they're by themself, they'll spit it out and rinse out their mouth and eat something crunchy. they don't like tomatoes, which is convenient bc they also don't like when sandwich bread gets soggy at all. they don't like mushrooms or caramalized onion. they enjoy super crunchy things and a nice thick soup!
we know malanga fritters are presumably his favorite. i think he likes mashed potatoes too. fish, of course, and hearty stews. he loves clam chowder! he used to be a big sweet pastries fan, but post-canon he pivots to fruity sweetness bc he can't stand caramel-marshmallow-candy sweetness anymore, and even fruit's on thin ice. most of his disliked foods are about the texture, not the taste. but he's also really sensitive to associations - if he coincidentally gets sick after eating something, eats something badly seasoned, etc, it'll put him off of that taste for a while even if he doesn't remember why.
iirc isabeau wasn't into the fish head. he likes simpler and more predictable foods! he gets yucked out by overripe fruits, but luckily it's usually pretty easy to tell if a fruit will be good. if he does accidentally bite into a bad one, he makes a face and swallows it as quickly as possible, and asks if anyone else wants the rest before he donates it to the local wildlife. he likes fluffy breads and nuts! he's the kind of guy to pack a stack of pb&js and an apple for lunch every day, just buying a different flavor of jam each time he runs out. he doesn't like anything too spicy or bitter! probably a cheese fiend too.
mirabelle isn't super particular about textures, but she is pickier about tastes; she doesn't like a couple common vegetables, like green beans and cooked carrots, and a couple common sauces, like mustard and marinara. she doesn't like nuts, but sometimes eats them anyway because they're so popular in dormont's house for some reason and she gets tired of refusing to eat them, and now she sorta hates them even more but also will absentmindedly stand there munching on them? in general if she doesn't like a food she's served she'll still try to eat enough to be polite, but sometimes can't manage it. some foods she loves are honey, olives, and apple pie. she does love plums too, but it's less that they're objectively her favorite taste and more that they're her thing. it's fun having a thing!
odile likes delicate textures like flaky pastries and watermelon, and doesn't like purely glop-based foods like oatmeal, though it's tolerable with a crunchy topping. she really enjoys a good meat, like a nice herby steak or buttery pork belly. she doesn't dislike sweets, but she doesn't indulge in them in often; when she does, she prefers lemony desserts or bitter chocolate. she finds most foods tolerable at least, and especially likes sharp flavors, like vinegar and vodka!
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nickeverdeen · 6 months
Maybe (or not) you remember me but I asked once if you write neurodivergent readers. So... I'm finally here to make my first request (🙈). I wanted to have HCs with jesse from Tlou being reader's boyfriend (besides ellie being her bestfriend and joel having a really soft spot for reader in his old heart). And in this case, reader is a high-functioning autistic. (I don't know if you feel like you can write a reader like that, but I can write some of my own characteristics/habits to help you if you want).
So, the idea is Hc's with how jesse deals with an autistic reader, for example: reader having sensitivity to loud voices sometimes, having some problems with some food textures and repetitive hobbies, stimming with hands a lot (thinking about jesse letting reader fidgeting with the colar of his shirt is so comforting), how jesse tries to make things a little easier for her day by day, how is being attentive with her during sex moments, how does he feels about reader patrolling with him or someone else (even tho she's capable and smart), or how would he or some other main character feel if some random person is bothering reader somehow would be nice. This is more jesse centric, but you can say things about other characters too if u want. Anways, If you read until here thank you, I know I'm babbling by now lol
Oh and if you don't feel like writing this one it's fine by me too. Do what you feel comfortable!!
Hey, of course I remember you and I did the best I could and pls tell me if I messed something up and don’t worry as I’m completely fine with writing this as I myself have ADD and mild ASD so no worries and feel free to request anything anytime!
Jesse x high-functioning autistic fem!reader
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Pairing: Jesse x reader (romantic), Ellie x reader (platonic), Joel x reader (platonic)
Warning: Mention of sex
Jesse is incredibly patient and understanding when it comes to your sensitivity to loud voices
He always makes sure to speak softly and calmly around you, especially in crowded or noisy environments
He’s attentive to your cues and knows when you’re starting to feel overwhelmed by loud noises
Whether it’s a crowded party or a busy street, he’ll gently guide you to a quieter area or suggest taking a break
Jesse is your rock during moments of sensory overload
He’ll hold your hand, provide comforting touches, or even use calming techniques like deep breathing exercises to help you feel grounded and calm
He’s proactive about creating a sensory-friendly environment for you
Whether it’s adjusting the volume on the TV or choosing quieter places to hang out, he’s always thinking ahead to make sure you’re comfortable
Jesse is your biggest advocate and isn’t afraid to speak up on your behalf
If someone is being too loud or insensitive to your needs, he’ll step in and politely address the situation
He’s constantly educating himself about autism and sensory processing issues to better understand your experiences and how to support you
Jesse loves finding new ways to connect with you that cater to your sensory preferences
Whether it’s going for quiet walks in nature or enjoying calming activities like painting or listening to music together, he’s always looking for ways to make you feel at ease
He’s great at finding creative solutions to help you navigate loud or overwhelming situations
Whether it’s using noise-canceling headphones or carrying earplugs, he’s always prepared to help you manage sensory overload
Jesse’s unwavering patience and understanding make you feel truly accepted and loved for who you are
You never have to worry about being judged or misunderstood when you’re with him
Above all, Jesse’s love for you is unwavering, and he’ll do whatever it takes to make sure you feel safe, comfortable, and understood
Jesse is incredibly understanding of your sensory issues with food textures and always takes them into consideration when planning meals or dining out together
He’s patient and supportive, never making you feel bad or self-conscious about your food preferences and always willing to accommodate them
Jesse enjoys exploring new recipes and cooking together with you, focusing on dishes with textures that you find comfortable and enjoyable
He’s always on the lookout for restaurants or eateries that offer a variety of textures to suit your preferences, making dining out a stress-free experience for you
Jesse encourages you to communicate openly about your food texture sensitivities, ensuring that he’s aware of any new triggers or preferences that arise
He’s willing to try new foods and textures with you at your own pace, providing encouragement and support every step of the way
Jesse understands the importance of routine and stability for you, so he’s always up for participating in your repetitive hobbies or activities, whether it’s watching the same movie or engaging in a favorite pastime together
He finds joy in sharing your hobbies and interests, embracing the comfort and familiarity they bring to your relationship
Jesse is patient and never rushes you when engaging in repetitive activities, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the experience and find comfort in the familiar
Jesse’s unwavering support and understanding make you feel accepted and loved for who you are, quirks and all
Jesse is incredibly understanding when it comes you stimming with your hands
He knows that it’s a natural behavior for you and never makes you feel self-conscious about it
He notices how your hands move in certain patterns or motions when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, and he gently encourages you to stim whenever you need to
Jesse actually finds it endearing and comforting when you fidget with the collar of his shirt
He sees it as a way for you to feel grounded and connected to him, and he always lets you do it without hesitation
Whenever you’re cuddling or sitting close together, Jesse intentionally wears shirts with soft collars, knowing that it brings you a sense of calm and security to fidget with them
He often holds your hand or intertwines your fingers when you’re feeling particularly anxious, providing you with a sense of physical reassurance and comfort
Jesse never rushes you or makes you feel pressured to stop stimming
He respects your boundaries and always creates a safe and accepting environment for you
He learns about different stimming techniques and tools that can help you manage your sensory needs better, and he’s always willing to try new things to support you
Jesse is observant and attentive to your nonverbal cues, knowing when you need a moment alone to stim or when you need his presence and support
He often incorporates activities that allow you to stim into your daily routine, whether it’s going for walks, playing with fidget toys, or engaging in sensory-friendly activities together
Jesse constantly reassures you that your stimming is completely normal and nothing to be ashamed of
He loves and accepts you exactly as you are
Jesse learns about autism and its various aspects to better understand his girlfriend’s needs and experiences
He creates a calming and predictable routine for you both, knowing that structure can provide stability and comfort
Jesse communicates openly with you, discussing any changes or plans in advance to minimize surprises
He sets up a quiet and sensory-friendly space in your home where his you can retreat when feeling overwhelmed
Jesse encourages you to engage in activities that you enjoy and finds ways to incorporate you into your daily routine
He offers gentle reminders and prompts to help you stay organized and on track with tasks and appointments
Jesse provides emotional support and reassurance during challenging situations, offering comfort and understanding
He actively listens to your concerns and respects your boundaries, always prioritizing your comfort and well-being
Jesse educates his friends about autism, helping them understand how to best support and help you when something’s up
He advocates for your needs in social settings, stepping in to explain or intervene if necessary to ensure your comfort
He participates in activities that you enjoy, showing genuine interest and enthusiasm for your hobbies
Jesse researches and introduces new coping strategies and sensory tools that may benefit you
He remains patient and understanding, recognizing that everyone experiences the world differently and embracing the differences between you two
Jesse continually learns and grows alongside his girlfriend, adapting his approach to best support you as you navigate life together
Jesse pays close attention to your verbal and non-verbal cues, ensuring clear communication and mutual understanding throughout
He creates a comfortable and sensory-friendly environment, minimizing distractions and providing a safe space for you to relax
Jesse prioritizes his girlfriend’s pleasure and enjoyment, focusing on your needs and desires during sex moments
He takes the time to discuss boundaries and preferences with you beforehand, respecting your limits and boundaries at all times
Jesse engages in gentle and reassuring touch, using soft caresses and strokes to help you feel relaxed and at ease
He remains attuned to your responses, adjusting his actions and pacing based on your comfort level and feedback
Jesse encourages open communication during sex, inviting you to express your feelings and desires without judgment
He incorporates sensory stimulation that you enjoy, such as specific textures or sensations, to enhance your pleasure
Jesse maintains eye contact and verbal reassurance, offering words of encouragement and affirmation to you throughout
He checks in with you regularly, asking if you are comfortable and if there’s anything you need or want to change
Jesse creates a sense of safety and trust, fostering an environment where you feel free to explore and express yourself sexually
He embraces your unique way of experiencing sex, adapting his approach to suit your preferences and comfort level
He avoids sudden or unexpected movements, providing gentle guidance and support to help you feel secure
Jesse focuses on emotional connection as well as physical pleasure, prioritizing sex and closeness in your sexual experiences
Jesse remains attentive and responsive to your needs and desires, ensuring that your sexual encounters are mutually satisfying and fulfilling
Jesse feels proud and honored that you choose to join him on patrols, recognizing your intelligence and capabilities
He admires your bravery and determination, knowing that you are more than capable of handling yourself in challenging situations
Jesse values your unique perspective and skills, seeing you as an asset during patrols and missions
He prioritizes your safety and well-being, ensuring that you have the necessary support and resources while patrolling together
Jesse trusts your judgment and decision-making abilities, knowing that you are capable of handling yourself in any situation that may arise
He enjoys spending time with his girlfriend on patrols, cherishing the opportunity to work together and strengthen their bond
Jesse remains attentive to your needs and comfort level while patrolling, offering reassurance and support as needed
He encourages you to communicate openly about your experiences and feelings while on patrol, fostering a sense of trust and teamwork
Jesse respects your autonomy and independence, allowing you to take the lead or contribute in your own way during patrols
He acknowledges any challenges or difficulties you may face while patrolling, offering encouragement and understanding throughout
Jesse values your contributions and insights during patrols, appreciating your unique perspective and problem-solving skills
He remains vigilant and protective of you while on patrol, ensuring that you are safe and supported at all times
Jesse communicates openly with his girlfriend about the risks and dangers of patrolling, seeking your input and collaboration in decision-making
He prioritizes clear communication and coordination with you while on patrol, working together seamlessly to achieve their objectives
Jesse acknowledges and respects your boundaries and comfort level during patrols, adjusting their approach as needed to ensure your well-being
Jesse cherishes the opportunity to patrol alongside his girlfriend, savoring the moments you share together while working towards a common goal
Ellie deeply values her best friend’s presence on patrols, recognizing your unique perspective and attention to detail, which often spot things others might miss
Despite your autism, Ellie views you as an essential and equal member of the patrol team, treating you with respect and admiration for your intelligence and capabilities
Ellie feels a sense of responsibility towards her best friend, ensuring you feel comfortable and safe while on patrol, and always ready to provide support or assistance whenever needed
She occasionally worries about her best friend’s well-being during patrols, especially in dangerous or high-stress situations, but trusts your abilities and instincts to handle yourself effectively
Joel respects your intelligence and capabilities, recognizing your unique strengths and skills that make you a valuable asset on patrols
He feels a sense of protectiveness towards you, understanding that you may face additional challenges due to your autism, but admiring your determination to overcome them and contribute effectively to your patrol missions
Joel appreciates your honesty and sincerity, finding your straightforwardness refreshing and valuable, especially during critical moments on patrol where clear communication is essential
Despite any initial reservations or concerns, Joel quickly realizes your capabilities and trusts you to handle yourself competently during patrols, treating you as an equal and valued member of their team
If there would be someone bothering you Jesse would feel protective of you, especially knowing that you may have difficulty handling certain situations
He would approach the situation calmly but assertively, intervening if the random person is bothering you
Jesse would prioritize your comfort and well-being above everything else, making sure you feel safe and supported
He might try to defuse the situation peacefully by calmly talking to the random person and asking them to leave you alone
If the random person doesn’t listen, Jesse would be prepared to take more decisive action to ensure your safety, but he would try to avoid escalating the situation unnecessarily
Jesse would make sure to reassure you afterward, letting you know that he’s there for you and that you don’t have to face such situations alone
He might also discuss strategies with you on how to handle similar situations in the future, empowering you to advocate for yourself
Jesse would be understanding of any anxiety or distress you may feel after the encounter and would be there to provide comfort and support
He would also make sure to check in on you regularly to see how you’re feeling and if there’s anything else he can do to help
Overall, Jesse’s priority would be to create a safe and supportive environment for his girlfriend, where she feels loved, respected, and protected
As your best friend Ellie would immediately step in to defend you, not hesitating to confront the random person
She would use her quick wit and sharp tongue to shut down the person bothering you, making it clear that they’re not welcome
Ellie’s protective instincts would kick in, and she would make it known that messing with her friend is not something she takes lightly
She might use humor or sarcasm to diffuse the tension and lighten the mood, but her underlying message would be clear: back off
Ellie would stay by your side throughout the encounter, offering you support and solidarity
She would make sure you feel safe and reassured, using her own confidence and strength to bolster her friend’s spirits
Ellie might also try to distract you afterward, engaging you in a fun activity or conversation to take your mind off the incident
She would be fiercely protective of your emotional well-being, offering a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on if needed
Ellie would make it clear to the random person that bothering you is not something she’ll tolerate, and she’ll be keeping an eye out to ensure it doesn’t happen again
Overall, Ellie’s loyalty and fierce protectiveness would shine through as she stands up for her best friend and ensures she feels supported and defended
Joel having a soft spot for you would feel a surge of protective instinct towards you, wanting to shield you from any harm or discomfort
He might initially feel a bit more reserved in his approach compared to Jesse and Ellie, but his protective instincts would still drive him to intervene
Joel would calmly assess the situation and step in to defuse any tension, using his calm demeanor and authoritative presence to assertively handle the situation
He would make it clear to the random person that bothering you is not acceptable, firmly but respectfully insisting that they leave you alone
Joel’s protective nature would extend to your emotional well-being, and he would make sure you feel supported and reassured throughout the encounter
He might offer you a comforting presence, standing by your side and subtly communicating his support and solidarity
Joel would be observant of your cues and emotions, tuning in to your needs and offering his assistance or guidance as necessary
After the encounter, Joel would check in on you to see how you’re feeling and offer you any additional support or reassurance you may need and he might offer you some good coffee too
He would also make it clear to the random person that bothering you is not something he’ll tolerate, and he’ll be keeping an eye out to ensure it doesn’t happen again
Overall, Joel’s protective instincts and caring nature would shine through as he ensures you feel safe, supported, and defended
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rat-butch · 5 months
impera ghouls' fav art medium, from an art school dropout
found this in my notes app, i previously sent them to @gravehags but i'm posting it here because why the fuck not.
mountain's kinda obvious, but he really likes working with natural materials. enjoys woodworking and land art. despite his size, has very deft hands and is extremely delicate. makes a trip to the farm each season to get some beautiful fresh and golden hay to weave it into ornaments and jewelry. and let me tell you that's a testimony to his skill cause i literally cried over hay last october and I had to soak it in water to be able to bend it. the texture was disgusting and i got destroyed at the critique anyway lol
i've already said it before, but cumulus is totally into stamp carving and linocuts. 11/10, very calming, probably has rough hands since you have to use lots of white spirit to get the ink of off the lino, and you gotta use a special rough scrub to get ink out of your skin. puts her creations everywhere, gives you and the ghouls little cards and patches she printed herself :)
cirrus and sunshine probably share the screenprinting workshop. it's a very delicate craft, especially when you go for traditional paper stencils. but worry not, ghoul claws are sharper and more precise than your average cutter. though, a intricate multi-colored stencil implies there's a lot of drying time involved, especially on fabric. they always have some kind of brunch during that time, with tea and snacks and such. invite you to join them if you happen to pass by. (it's them printing the merch i know it)
aether makes very cool metal sculptures. he's got both the strength and the patience for it. you know those adorable little bird-shaped garden ornaments made from scrap metal ? yeah he did some because the local old ladies are always commissioning him to make them. also the workshop's babysitter, has to keep an eye on swiss and dew when they start beefing with a circular saw in their hands.
rain is very skilled in needlework. originally considered himself a better painter, since he's got a sharp eye and is good at color theory, but discovered all the ways you can use embroidery and sewing with an artistic approach during a workshop in his first year. sewed a costume made out of dried orange peels and called it 'orange leather' once. also interested in book binding. will get snappy if the others call him a little grandma while he's embroidering.
phantom is a photographer, and a pretty good graphist as well. he's too shy to admit it, but he really does know how to present his work. has the cleanest portfolio around, and is probably a huge perfectionist. i mean, perfectionism is kind of a must in art school but bug is an anxious wreck (give him a hug). very gentle, handles the lenses and lights with lots of care. mainly photographs landscapes and nature mortes, but enjoys taking portraits as well. makes a lot of self-portraits and will very shyly ask you to pose for him.
aurora makes little pop-up zines. it's a prefect way for her to give way to both her gentleness and chaotic nature. while pop-ups may look tedious to make, it's actually lots of fun, and you can get pretty chaotic with it too. has a whole collection of patterned and textured papers, she made most of them. probably has a 'cool paper stash' she hasn't touched because she doesn't want to 'waste them' and said paper is like christmas wrapping paper from 2016 (it's me i'm guilty).
dewdrop is more interest in contemporary art, especially sculpture. little guy has no patience and likes to break stuff, i see it as a match made in heaven. uses his fire ghoul abilities to burn different matters and experiment with them. kinda see him as my friend who burnt a humongous quantity of human hair for a project. was pissed no one cuddled him for two days because of the smell.
swiss is totally a performance artist. i mean, technically, all of the ghouls have a huge affinity with it, but swiss especially. a big fan of contemporary composers like john cage and karlheinz stockhausen, as well as bauhaus performance art. he likes to let loose, have fun exploring his body's and voice's capicities in an artistic light. probably submitted some kind of sextape as a project, but it's okay because the professor likes provocative stuff.
bonus : all of them probably were nude models for the evening classes at some point. i haven't included anatomical study in the hcs because no one in their right mind would enjoy sitting on a stool and drawing greek statues for 8 hours straight, but none of them would mind being the models. although they'll probably ask you for a massage afterwards because of how tiring it is to stay in the same position for so long.
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partyhorn · 5 months
Have u ever posted your comic or animation workflow anywhere? Im super curious on how you tackle the process, especially not using a drawing tablet. I know you have a very simple (and adorable) style so that probably helps in terms of workflow -- Im just curious about the steps you take.
Thank you! With both comics and animation my key thing is to not spend too much time on any particular thing, just draw loose and fast. Honestly the only downside to drawing with a mouse is that I can tell my arm has extremely specific muscle memory regarding it- if my mouse breaks and I get a new one I have to spend a good month or so just letting my hand get used to it again lol. Same with if my setup gets readjusted too much- right now my setup is my mouse on one of those padded mousepads, on top of 2 books, with my elbow resting on my 3DS case (I'll get an actual pillow or something for it eventually lol). But luckily thanks to this I suffer very minimal wrist pain 👍
(...Okay I started to go really in depth in my process here, so sorry if this is way more than what you were asking. Putting it under a readmore just to save space lol)
With MFM in particular, I start by writing out the entire script for the next story arc, which really is just all of the dialogue and vague notes about any important actions. Then I do the paneling with very loose stick-figure like sketches of where the characters are and what they're doing. I prefer having very little planning when it comes to character poses and panel shapes, coming up with those on the fly makes things much more exciting and faster to make. But it's the opposite with dialogue... it needs to be 100% FINAL before I draw a single line lol.
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That's part of my script for my most recent chapter, as well as what my extremely loose goofy thumbnail sketching is like. I write the script as one big thing and don't separate it into pages until I actually start drawing- then I go and color change it just to keep track of what dialogue goes on each page
After that, I go back and do the ACTUAL sketch, as well as the lettering (I don't believe this is how it's done professionally. I used to do lettering as the very last step in the process... but then found it hard to cram speech bubbles in the right places lmao.) After that is lineart, coloring, background flat colors, then shading/rendering for all of it. I do each step in batches, as in I sketch out ALL pages of a chapter before moving to lineart, I line ALL pages before starting coloring, etc. I find it way easier to be productive when it's broken up like that, though when I first started the comic I used to draw each page to completion before starting the next (but also, the comic's style was DRASTICALLY simpler back then haha)
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(Unfortunately I merged some of the shading to the background flat colors so it's not entirely accurate... oops) FireAlpaca has a sand texture feature that I only found out about last year- adding that to the backgrounds makes them look 10x better with WAY less effort.
With animation, it depends on the project. For simple 5-10 second animation I make for fun, there's very little planning lol. I skip some steps in the process- I'll sketch out the keyframes (and maybe any difficult inbetweens if necessary), line those, then go straight into making linework inbetweens. I'm not a cleanup artist and have no experience in that, so I always find trying to line my rough animation makes everything jittery and wobbly. If I do it with a clean line from the start then I can avoid that and save a lot of time 👍
For my bigger projects (such as the Parvey cartoon and the MFM Kickstarter trailer), I do the whole animatic with final audio first and foremost, with the animatic being almost like the keyframes. I split them up into individual shots, .mp4 files anywhere between 1-30 seconds usually, and animate those one at a time. I'm a huge fan of free to use programs and try to use them as much as I possibly can, here's a list of the ones I use:
FireAlpaca- for the actual drawing part itself (storyboarding/animating/etc). FireAlpaca has a feature that lets you export every frame as it's own drawing, as well as an onion skin mode
Windows Movie Maker- for compiling all of those frames into video format, creating individual shots. If you upload all of your frames and set them to around 0.08 seconds, it equals about 12fps (I usually animate at 0.10 seconds/10fps, its a bit slower but looks nice)
Onlinesequencer.net- for making music. It's the place I've made all of my songs on, like the timeloop song, hyperworkaholic, and the background music for the MFM Kickstarter trailer.
Audacity- for editing audio/music. Also great for recording things directly from your desktop
DaVinci Resolve- for editing and putting together all of the shots into one big video. Can get kind of intensive on the computer during rendering, so watch out.
YouCut (app)- also for editing and compiling shots, I used this one a lot a couple years back but I'm not sure how well it holds up. Doesn't need much phone storage to download but needs a lot to render videos.
MS Paint (yes really)- for typing up text. FireAlpaca has a text option but I don't like it as much as Paint's.
...The only thing I genuinely can't do alone is voice acting. Luckily there's a big voice acting community on Twitter and they're all amazing to work with!
This got... way more in depth than I planned for it to be, so sorry if this is way more than what you were asking lol. But that's my general process when it comes to my art 👍
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dolljunk · 2 years
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HooDude has always been a fave character of mine because he was so whimsical and silly, but the SDCC set was something I just couldn't justify buying because plush toys are so outside of my scope as a collector.
But recently I've been on a Monster High kick (in case you couldn't tell lol) and wanted to give making him a try as an experiment. I actually started a Hoodude custom a few years back, hoping to just make him a jointed figure but I wasn't happy with the direction I was going in.
I cobbled together a DC Superhero Girls body and some assorted spare parts before sculpting a head. I realised I could marry the two concepts of a hard plastic doll and a plush toy by setting about sewing an outer "skin". I can not fathom how to sew a plush toy but I do know how to draft a mostly fitting outfit so I went about approaching it as a fursuit using the foodwrap/masking tape method.
I used a mix of denims to match the different shades of his body and add some texture but I made sure to use a jersey knit for his head because that's how it's textured in the CGI movies.
For his hair, I used some minky fabric cut into strips and sewn them to his scalp in a similar way one would glue on wefts for a wig. I also did some freehand stitching for his face and used these two buttons for his eyes.
I'm really pleased with how he came out because I was worried about drafting the pattern for his fabric components totally freehand and making sure it fit snugly. His hands are actually removable so I can switch out tops and such if I really wanted to.
His jacket was a masking tape pattern put on top of his fabric skin since I wanted him to have the option to wear normal clothes and I'm glad I have a working hybrid of the two ideas.
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Hiya, and love your works! Do you have any drabbles or headcannons on Ominis having a hard time choosing a treat at Honeydukes wheneveron trips to Hogsmead? I can imagine all the different scents driving him crazy sometimes lol
Headcannons for Ominis at Honeydukes
Warnings - none
Ominis loves all the scents in the store
although a lot of candy doesn't smell particularly strong, since he has a sweet tooth he loves the sugary, chocolatey smell that wafts out as soon you open the door
it's a place that really makes him feel happy and somewhat childlike, it's not like his parents ever took him somewhere like it
he likes to pick out favorites based on their textures
he prefers sweet, chewy candies over chocolate bars or hard candies
especially if it has some gooey, teeth rotting liquid in the middle
he's in the shop every time he's in Hogsmeade so the shopkeepers will often let him sample things to decide what he wants
he definitely takes advantage of that when he knows it's someone who hasn't seen him lately and he'll have lots of samples for candies he's definitely never had before
he likes to enjoy the sensory experience, but will pull out his wand to read labels make sure he's not about to be tricked into tasting something horrid
he would scold Sebastian for tricking him into nasty flavors, telling him he was ruining his good time
he's into candy much more than pastries so he'll trade Sebastian extra sickles and galleons in exchange for helping him hoard breakfast treacles and tarts
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c-kiddo · 2 years
tmn are all nd: a bunch o headcanons
(a sequel to these trans headcanons lol)
(also, warning before that this post is about neurodivergency and mental illness, so various mental illnesses will be mentioned. i dont want to single any out here, but you should probably skip this if thats something thats upsetting 2 you)
(also also, this is a infodump and not super in-depth or articulate, so sorry if i worded things wrong because i don’t mean to lol im just bad at reading things on screens so it might get jumbled. . )
beau: she’s got adhd and will hyperfocus and work All night on her theories and notes. perhaps she has audhd, has low-ish empathy and doesnt know how to regulate volume or realise her tone is usually annoyed sounding ksjnjkfs :''') also she has depression n that combined with adhd made her especially impulsive and self destructive, but she’s working on it, getting better :’) also had problems with substance abuse but the cobalt soul (dairon specifically) helped her get out of that. has cptsd because of her upbringing and abuse from her dad 
fjord: he’s got adhd too, babey!!!! also he’s got tourettes and his most common tics are: clearing his throat, a small head tilt, raising his eyebrows and grinding his teeth. he's a bit (a lot) impulsive and him and beau cant be trusted alone together they will get distracted and into trouble
yasha: she's autistic!! mostly effected by th social aspect of it.. like, talking to people is hard and she doesn’t get jokes or sayings and its all just tiring. also has p bad social anxiety. also memory loss from trauma as per canon.. struggles with when she does start to remember things but luckily has a support system so she doesnt just run off on her own like before :')  she also tends to disappear off like that due to sensory overload and just being overwhelmed in general bc of autism
caleb: i mean, he’s autistic n its basically canon. he experiences psychosis and has ptsd n depression/anxiety that has come from his trauma. he already had OCD before trauma and his obsessions revolve around hurting others A Lot, especially with fire after his trauma.. he also has dermatillomania due to ocd and anxiety. also has some sort of disordered eating in a self-punishment way.. .
veth: she has autistic-girlie-who-was-diagnosed-as-an-adult swag .. . and then the substance addiction that often comes with that i guess :''') .. also think she has body dysmorphia of course, especially during her being Nott, and some lingering things after too.. she just struggles to perceive her body for a while.. yeza rly helps ground her back to herself tho so thats nice :' ) . also she ptsd from her own murder + drowning , as per canon
molly: has npd and also he has a traumatic brain injury caused by all the things going on in his brain when his souls leave and he dies and things.. so struggles sometimes to find the right words and with memory and with mood regulation. also experiences psychosis and just, in general, strange things going on in his brain.. . also he likes sounds and textures all the time but will sacrifice th sounds for hanging out with yasha because its 110% worth it to sit with her instead ;w; they sign to eachother sometimes and have a made up sort of language
jester: she's got adhd and it means she loves having 10 conversations at once and spinning around and telling you all about her fave romance novel at lightning speed. she stims like all the time with little objects and ribbons and bells. also accidentaly yells a lot sknfsk and same as molly, likes noise n things all the time, gets kinda anxious or sad without it.. ;-; oh jester,, filling up space with noise so she doesnt have to be in the quiet..im not sure if i have any more thoughts about her rn :o
caduceus: he’s autistic (so overwhelmed by noises and too much all the time, also his empathy is fluctuating and he's not sure how to perceive it.. its confusing, he can be very empathetic and then, sometimes he's just in focus-mode and totally doesnt get at all what the vibes th other person is putting out is).. he’s got (inattentive) adhd. also depersonalisation derealisation disorder. and experiences psychosis since it was triggered by being alone in the grove so long + consuming hallucinogens a lot. he tends to just deal with it and not to tell tmn though, even though most of the time there's some little whispery noise or a fuzzy shape around, he's not scared mostly, only when he's triggered by something... also bad anxiety sometimes that he doesnt know how to deal with so he usually casts calm emotions on himself to help, or the herbs he chews (or smokes) for his joint pain help it. and also, his eating is Disorded but doesn’t quite realise (denial, ignoring it perhaps) the eating habits he has aren’t healthy,... he's just. kinda messed up still from all that time alone.. he had his own odd sometimes nonsensical reasons behind ways he treated his body and some of them stuck. also omg this section is a mile long im sorry,  but also he has dyslexia and dyspraxia and dyscalculia . .. numbers and letters and walking without bumping into stuff is tricky. also thats why his fine motor skills for writing /drawing aren't so good like in canon :-3 
ok,. thee end. good night now u_u zz
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