#can you guess his crush whoa its so hard to tell
noxseraph · 3 months
for nox: 6, 20, 21, 24 :3!!
excitinggg :D
6) Any flowers you associate with your OC? moonflowers (datura/angel trumpet), black roses, narcissus, forget me nots, nightshade and night sky morning glory!! 20) What hobbies does your OC have? he loves to bake, do gardening, and he likes collecting trinkets and books/scrolls!! he has a library in which he keeps tomes on all kinds of subjects and his house is ornate with lots of magical trinkets :0 he also likes to paint, dance, cook, play instruments....he likes to have fun 21) Any embarrassing secrets your OC demands you take to the grave but you will share anyway? he's head over heels over a certain someone....omggg........ (not that i can think of u.u he has secrets but they are not very embarrassing) 24) What kind of sleeper is your OC? Light or heavy? What side do they sleep on? Do they like to sleep over or under the covers? he doesn't need to sleep so he rarely does it but if he does he's an extremely light sleeper. nothing and no one should move a muscle near his room or he will hear it and open his eyes. it sleeps under the covers face down bc if it sleeps on his back it starts experiencing weird wing pain even if he has his wings dispelled </3
✨thank youuuu✨
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romanianwilkinson · 3 years
A collection of sentence starters from the game Monster Camp. Feel free to change words and pronouns as desired. CONTENT WARNING(S) FOR: Monster Prom/Monster Camp spoilers, suggestive, cursing, crude content
“ I just have it here because [NAME] insisted that I offer it, as a marketing stunt. ”
“ And lastly, super-horny-type players no longer get a charm buff against tsundere types! ”
“ War machines don’t turn me on or anything! ”
“ I don’t wanna be weird, but do you mind if I climb inside of you and play around with your main turret? ”
“ A wine to DIE for, you say? Well, darling, don’t threaten me with a good time! ”
“ This one just says ‘ hmu with that reaper dick, daddy ’. ”
“ You on your phone, as always! Probably making blogposts on your Tik Tok page. ”
“ Yeah, you really don’t want to witness a repeat of the last time [NAME]’s diehard fans went without a selfie for fifteen minutes. My tailbone still hasn’t completely healed. ”
“ Now hold still, this will only hurt for a moment --- ”
“ Yay! You found a shenanigan! ”
“ My poems all have two or three emotions in them, AT LEAST. ”
“ No way, really? The way to WIN at poetry is by LOSING at life? ”
“ I dunno, maybe fall in love with someone who’s married and develop an opioid addiction? ”
“ It’s morbid, but... kind of romantic? ”
“ GASP! Google+? Are you kidding me? The psychopaths behind that global tragedy are here?! ”
“ Prison has changed me, [NAME]. Would you like to trade me some cigarettes in exchange for my fundamental dignity? ”
“ Undermining the laws of reality, subverting life and death, that’s the kind of stuff my followers expect. But CHEATING? No way. ”
“ Though we are imprisoned in chalk jail, we are free in our hearts. But our hearts are also imprisoned in chalk jail. ”
“ Um, no, I am NOT groveling. I am posing a dignified query to [NAME] that just so happens to be performed on my hands and knees. ”
“ I didn’t know you condoned playing the friend card to get free labor, [NAME]. ”
“ Ah, but saving the world doesn’t put avocado toast on the table. We indie seancers and necromancers need to pay our rent too, you know. ”
“ And as you know, I am illustriously Internet-famous, so if you could shower me with adoration and give me the pizza that would be fabulous. ”
“ Do you wanna fuck the pizza or not? ”
“ Are you ready to go swimming? I must admit, darling, I’ve always wondered what you would look like while... wet.”
“ Did you turn this date into an orgy without consulting me? ”
“ Gosh, I love it when you insult me! Please do it more! ”
“ Now who wants to make a baby? ”
“ What if she puts a curse on me that makes me magically forget the location of the clitoris?! ”
“ Hey, don’t knock wacky decisions that endanger us all! That’s how I always manage to stay a step ahead of my nemeses! ”
“ Oh gods, I’ve killed so many monsters, just for being monsters. This is making me question my entire moral foundation. I NEED MORE THERAPY. ”
“ I’ve said it once, and I’ll say it again: fish give better pedicures than people! ”
“ You’re not tricking me into parenting a stupid egg. I’ve never fucked even ONE chicken! The egg is not my son! ”
“ You came to visit me at camp, Daddy! ”
“ Don’t be ridiculous, I know your brand of horny, [NAME], and this ain’t it. ”
“ I thought we both agreed to be nothing but vague and haughtily aloof about our past dalliances. ”
“ Point EAST, compass! EAAAAAAAAST! You dumb fuckboot!!!! POINT! EAST! ”
“ One time I was told a soul’s worst fear was bugs and I inadvertantly sent The Beatles. It happens to the best of us... And the worst of us. ”
“ Why do you keep suppressing your monster half? Embrace your true nature! ”
“ Wow. I didn't think this was possible, but I guess I was... wrong? About social media? Oh dear God, is this how grandparents feel?!?! Am I a GRANDPARENT?! ”
“ I don’t know! I was relying on my friends to cover up my bold and idiotic statement! ”
“ ... I ate the oars. ”
“ PSYCHE. The ocean can eat my ass. ”
“ So pucker up, [NAME]! I'm about to declare mouth war on your FACE! ”
“ That's right. I'm talking about a classic Transylvania Hot Tub, a Seth Brundle, and a REVERSE Reverse Romanian Wilkinson. ”
“ Sorry, I was in your ribcage seeing if I could use it to cut strips of crepe paper into confetti and then I got lost in your kidneys. ”
“ There's nothing sexier than a doomed romance between a dating sim player and a hot fictional character. ”
“ That's right! I secretly replaced one of you with a bear while no one was looking, to teach you a valuable lesson about the art of disguise! ”
“ Enchant my armor. I’m going into the lake. ”
“ This stupid lake monster called me short the other day, but I was too low level to crush him like he deserved. ”
“ That dumb wet dinkhole won't know what hit him! But it will be me! I will hit him! ”
“ No, YOU'RE a fuckshark! Also, what does that even mean?! ”
“ You seriously didn't notice the enormous needles those interns jabbed into your veins as soon as [NAME] got here? “
“ It all makes sense! The Camp Dome is just an elaborate ploy to distract us from the giant mouth that eats campers! “
“ This is the BEST show I've ever seen in my life, which is now at an end! “
“ Am I high, or did he just tell us EXACTLY how to foil his evil scheme? “
“ What, like a few severed heads and visions of my grandpa screaming in horrendous pain are gonna freak me out? Where I'm from, you can buy that stuff at IKEA. “
“ ERROR: Due to the sixth mass extinction, the slaying of leprechauns is inadvisable. “
“ Then why do I have half-finished scarves, decoupage, pot-holders, friendship bracelets, and a taxidermied rabbit in my skeleton? “
“ The wang elemental. ”
“ I also have an uncle who works at Nintendo as a copy machine! “
“ What flavor of ice cream AM I?! Now I gotta know. HA! You know what I should be? 'Pistachio.' Because my outside is HARD, but I'm full of NUT. “
“ I mean, life is a bit like... this sandwich! No, stay with me, I'm going somewhere good with this. “
“ A survival situation without any sexy fun time isn't worth surviving in the first place. “
“ Rut the RUCK?! ”
“ The ' ambulance of the heart ' is just a regular ambulance! Ambulances treat all organs! ”
“ Yeah, that's why I made sure that my so-called ' emotional armor ' was also ' actual armor '. “
“ And being yourself is the key to living your dreams, which is the key to self actualization, which is the key to being really good at sex! “
“ So hot I'd buy that even without free shipping. 10/10, call me some time. “
“ Hi, quick question: does it count as kidnapping if I'm abducting you so you can help me do a thing you already agreed to help with? “
“ I could be wrong, but are you just upset because you DON'T have a skeleton that's inside your body? “
“ Whoah, whoa, hold up. You're fucking my grandma? “
“ No, [NAME], that is a popcorn bag full of more dynamite. Put it down. “
“ I hear that at least 70% of people on Patreon aren't murderers! “
“ If you want cash, just rob banks like the rest of us! “
“ Did it work? Do you feel any less horny? ”
“ Yes... incidentally, we are no longer allowed to enter Italy. “
“ Is anyone else turned on right now? ”
“ Yes! Yes! I know what you're feeling! I suddenly see how marrying a corpse isn't okay! “
“ Look, choose whatever you want, but I'm not responsible for whatever you put in your mouth. ”
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Love Cuts Deep
Chapter 6- We’ll Stumble And Fall
Bucky Barnes x reader Series Rewrite (Civil War, Infinity War/Endgame, TFATWS)
Summary: Realizing Zemo was behind the bombing in Vienna all along, your growing team of four heads to the airport. But will you make it to Siberia in time?
Warning: fighting, oh boy some angst, some fluff for the soul, long chapter
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“I can’t believe you guys actually brought everyone a suit. How thoughtful.” You chuckle sarcastically while following the rest of the team over to the airport.
“Yeah. Well, wearing jeans and a t-shirt probably wouldn’t cut it.” Replies Clint as you continue onward, an amused smile pulling at the corner of his lips.
Soon Steve has the six of you positioned in various areas in the airport as you await the inevitable meeting with the one and only Tony Stark and whoever the fuck has decided to join him. At this point you’re only here for Bucky and to get your asses to Siberia to stop the sleeping Winter Soldiers from ever waking up again.
Although it appears that something else is afoot between Steve’s friends, knowing only that this disagreement has something to do with the Sokovian Accords and freedom to fight or something like that you’re honestly not one hundred percent sure. All that matters to you is the safety and freedom of Bucky, that’s all that you care to fight about.
Leaning against an airport window, you squint your eyes in search of the others outside to no avail, nothing very dramatic is going on, well at least what you can tell by.
“Anything?” Wonders Bucky as you turn away from the glass and walk over to him.
Giving him a casual once over, you simply shrug, “Not yet. Guess the shows not ready to start.”
“Hey guys over here!” Calls Sam from further down the airport terminal, “Hurry! I see them!” 
“As you were saying.” Smirks Bucky.
“Shut up.” You mutter before hastily jogging over to Sam as he looks out the window, “Jeesh alright man, we’re here.”
“Alright good. Look I found the Quinjet.” Replies Sam as your eyes trail across the large parking lot where the aircraft sits comfortably in one of the hangers.
Soon he touches his earpiece to alert Steve, “Their Quinjet’s in hanger five, north runway.” He says before turning to glance at the two of you on either side of him, “Alright let’s roll, come on!”
Rising to your feet, the three of you begin booking it down the giant airport interior when suddenly some strange red and blue blur swings past the large glass windows on your left. Then it begins hastily crawling across the see through exterior. Not having a real moment to press the matter, you keep hustling across the tiled flooring, just a few steps behind Bucky.
“What the hell is that?” Wonders Bucky aloud as you keep pace with him, you could honestly ask the same thing.
Sam turns to look, arms pumping fast as he tries his best to keep up with the two of you, “Everyone’s got a gimmick now.”
Letting out a breathy chuckle at his timely complaining, your legs pull you closer to the exit as you take notice of how the strange blur can swing from roof to roof.
Without warning, glass shatters from up above and a second later you hear the surprised grunt of Sam as this mystery person slams him into a wall. Immediately Bucky comes to an abrupt halt that causes you to almost smack right into him, instead do you swiftly shift to the side as he launches himself at the....whatever it is?
You stand back in curious uncertainty as Bucky throws his metal fist directly at the guy in spandex, though to yours and definitely Bucky’s great astonishment, this spider kid holds his fist like it’s nothing.
“Whoa!” Exclaims the excited childlike voice as he glances from the arm to Bucky’s wide eyed face, “You have a metal arm? That is awesome, dude.”
A hot second later your boot comes into contact with his stomach, the kid goes flying across the tiled flooring, tumbling across the floor before quickly finding his footing once more.
You stand defiantly in front of Bucky and a slowly recovering Sam as the spider kid holds his stomach, pointing a shaky finger in your direction as he yells out a weak, “You have the right to remain silent!” Just as you smirk, before the shling sound of your claws emits into the tense atmosphere.
You can’t see it, but his eyes are as big as saucers, heart pounding a mile a minute from within his young chest as you suddenly step to the side for Sam to fly forward and swiftly pick him up. You snicker as they push and shove one another in midair while Bucky approach’s your side when you retract your claws once more.
“You’re good with kids I see.” He teases with a playful smirk as you gently shove him.
“What can I say Barnes, I just got that natural motherly instinct.” You sass back before jogging once again, Bucky hot on your heels as the two of you race after Sam.
You watch as he throws the kid off of him before turning mid air and blasting at one of the steel metal beams, the spider kid swings, just narrowly missing getting knocked the fuck out. He swings from one beam to the next before dodging a poster sized hunk of airport wall that was thrown by Bucky, stopping for a quick breather on one of the overhead beams just up ahead.
Bucky slides into a metal pillar for quick cover as you follow close behind, soon the two of you are hidden behind the pillar as the kid shouts, “Hey, buddy, I think you lost this!” In reply, Bucky peaks around the corner just as the spider kid slingshots it heading directly for his face.
Not waiting a precious second longer, you grab the back of his collar just as the hunk of steel wall clashes violently into the pillar, and presumably where Bucky’s handsome face would have been if but a second too late.
He falls into your arms, knocking the two of you to the ground with a thud as his body just about crushes your torso, “Thanks.” Mumbles Bucky as he quickly pulls himself off of you before turning around and offering his hand.
Clasping it tightly, you let him pull you to your feet as you give him an irritated look, “I’m gonna gut that little arachnid.” You growl angrily as his eyes crinkle in amusement.
Following the sounds of glass shattering and metal snapping in two, you and Bucky race around the pillar and across more of the airport as Sam gets his hand stuck to the side of a glass balcony banister.
The spider kid landing on the side of another pillar as you two stealthily wander closer, “Those wings carbon fiber?” He wonders as Sam gives him a dirty look.
“This stuff coming out of you?”
“That would explain the rigidity-flexibility ratio, which, gotta say, that’s awesome, man.”
“I don’t know if you’ve been in a fight before but there’s usually not this much talking.” Sasses Sam in great irritation.
“All right, sorry. My bad.” Laughs the spider kid as he jumps from the pillar before swinging down heading for Sam, a moment later Bucky rushes past you and takes the full force of the blow. You watch as the three of them shatter the glass banister as both Sam and Bucky go flying downward onto the hard floor below.
That did not look graceful.
Stepping into the open you can’t do much but watch in annoyance as the little shit lands high up on a steel beam, “Guys, look, I’d love to keep this up, but I’ve only got one job here today and I gotta impress Mr. Stark, I’m really sorry.” Mutters the kid before reaching his arm out to web them again but is quickly interrupted when Redwing catches his webbing.
A second later he lets out a surprised yelp as he goes flying across the airport rafters before smacking into a steel beam and breaking glass as he makes a swift unwilling exit away from the three of you.
Smiling in deep satisfaction, your mind immediately remembers the two who are laying sprawled out across the grey stoned floor. Walking over to the broken and heavily bent metal beam of the destroyed railing, your ears quickly pick up the sound of your man, “You couldn’t have done that earlier.” Whines Bucky as you glance down at the two of them.
“I hate you.” Mutters a defeated Sam as you break out into a humored smile at their current states of dishevelment, Sam’s hands are stuck to his chest by the kids webbing while Bucky’s metal arm is held firmly against the ground.
Letting out a snort, they’re eyes instantly fly up to meet your smiling face, “You let that little shit kick your asses!” You cackle as Bucky rolls his eyes.
Sam gives you an annoyed glare, “Y/N you mind doing something productive and getting us the hell out of here?” He grumbles as you casually rest your hands on your hips.
“I don’t know? You two seem like a pair of big boys who can handle themselves.”
Closing his eyes, Bucky huffs at your sass, “Please Y/N.....I love you so much....like a lot.”
Biting your bottom lip you cave, “Yeah alright hot stuff I’ll be down.” The two of them watch patiently as you jump from the balcony before landing gracefully onto the floor below, you give them a wink as you move to crouch down next to Bucky’s left arm.
Summoning your claws to action, his eyes trail warily as you swiftly slice the webbing from the floor, a smirk upon your beautiful face as you look down at him, “Because you asked so nicely.” You muse before rising to your feet and freeing Sam from his sticky constraints.
Soon they’re set and ready to go, “Thanks Y/N.” Begrudgingly mutters Sam as you three run out the exit doors headed for the giant airport parking area.
In no time your little team of three reaches Steve and the rest of his crew, all of you running for the coming battle across the lot before a golden beam slams its might into the cement below, effectively blocking the seven of you from running any further.
The caped man known as Vision floats relatively unthreatening from above as be heeds a hefty warning, “Captain Rogers! I know you believe what you’re doing is right. But for the collective good...you must surrender.”
Though you’d like to believe that surrendering would prove an effective choice leading to an eventual freedom, that does not appear to be an option as the rest of Ironman’s team finds their places in his court. The six of them, verse the seven of you. Well now this is certainly going to be an interesting turn of events.
Watching them expectantly, you shift your gaze over to Bucky who keeps steely eyes glared at the foes ahead, “You know I think maybe in retrospect we should have just lived a nice quiet life in New Zealand. Instead of fighting off Steve’s work friends.” You mutter as he turns a humored glance your way.
He gives the tiniest of reassuring smiles, “I think you’re right.” Whispers Bucky before looking back at the other team, “Just don’t kill anyone alright.”
Now starting at a slow jog, you smirk, “Fine. But I’m going to beat that cats ass.”
Racing at a full sprint now, both sides interject with a hard clash as each person from their respective teams finds a target. Punches are thrown left and right as everyone does their best to beat one another into submission, or at least until they’re too exhausted to fight any longer.
After a couple minutes of tag teaming the panther around like a sack of angry potato’s, he successfully manages to punt your ass into one of the portable metal ladders placed randomly around the airport docks. Your mind goes fuzzy as you pick your body off of the blacktop, blinking wearily, your vision slowly rolls the fog away in your disoriented state.
You take a step to help Bucky but are rudely interrupted by your own body’s shaky gait pattern, you stumble forward, quickly catching yourself when Wanda blessedly throws the panther off of Bucky just as ten sharp claws reach for his exposed jugular.
Shaking the dancing butterflies out of your head, Bucky shuffles off the ground before racing protectively to your side, face a mask of worry as he clutches your shoulders, “Y/N are you with me?”
Giving him an almost drunken smile, you reach your hands up to squeeze his forearms reassuringly, “I am awesome thanks for asking.” You giggle before Scott says some nonsense about getting big in a lab once.
God this team is so weird.
Brows furrowing in confusion, you and Bucky jog over to Steve as he stands behind some wooden crates when out of nowhere Scott grows to the size of a small building. Giant arms and legs moving like a humongous lumbering tree come to life; your eyes large and full of great bewilderment at this abrupt change, and you thought the Vision was the weirdest thing here.
You take a cautious step back, lightly smacking Bucky on the arm to gain his attention as you continue to stare up at a giant Scott, “Bucky, please tell me you see that very large man too.”
“Uh, yeah.” He slowly replies, just as bewildered by the giant version of Scott as you are.
You nod, “Okay good. I was starting to think my brain hadn’t settled right.” You admit as he sends you a half worried frown.
“Guess that’s the signal.” Adds Steve while the three of you watch as War Machine tries to knock Scott down, immediately getting swatted in the direction of a plane before that spider kid helps to stop him.
Starting to walk backwards, you cough to gain the boys distracted attention, “Alright, let’s get the fuck out of here.” You urge as Steve nods before leading the way to the Quinjet that’s across a good portion of the airport parking strip.
Your jog is swiftly cut short when Vision manages to beam a huge watch tower, it crashes towards the ground when suddenly a great mass of red energy holds it in place before the building can hit the cement. Running faster now, the three of you race for the safety of the hanger, just barley dodging the heavy debris that comes crashing to the earth behind you.
Soon you’re met by Natasha who stands guarding the way to freedom, an apprehensive expression crossing her features, “You’re not gonna stop.”
“You know we can’t.” Answers Steve.
You raise a brow as she begins lifting her arm, “I’m gonna regret this.” She mutters unenthusiastically before shooting a blue bolt of electricity right into the body of the panther, your heads snap over to the sounds of his pained grunts.
“Thanks. I would have loved to do that.” You add before leading the way towards the Quinjet, Steve and Bucky close behind while Natasha shocks the panther once more.
The ride to Siberia was admittedly a somber one, no one really talked much for the duration of the lengthy trip except maybe a little at the beginning, along with some heartfelt words between you and Bucky as Steve piloted. Though a heavy dark atmosphere seemed to seep into the limited space as more time passed.
Soon enough, the Quinjet had reached its snowy destination in the mountainous cliffside edge of a previously unknown Hydra base. You stand on the edge of the opened aircraft as Steve stands by your side while Bucky finds a gun, “No weapons?” He wonders with a curious brow as you simply shrug. “I kind of got six retractable daggers in my fists already....so, I’ll be fine. They probably won’t.”
Steve hums in knowing answer as Bucky finally joins the two of you, and with that does everyone begin walking towards the opened metal doors stuck tightly within the protruding rock of the hidden base.
Humming in knowing answer, Bucky finally joins the two of you and with that does everyone begin walking towards the opened metal doors stuck tightly within the protruding rock of the hidden base.
“He can’t have been here more then a few hours.” You mutter while studying the snow covered tracks leading into the opened base door.
Bucky looks to you with a worried expression, “Long enough to wake them up.” And with that said, do the three of you enter.
The ride down the steel elevator is a somber and silent one, thankfully only lasting for a brief thirty seconds, soon the doors open and Steve lifts up the caged veil for the three of you to duck under.
Bucky takes the lead, gun drawn and ready as you walk silently behind him, preparing yourself if these other winter soldiers are awake and ready to kill. With nothing in close proximity or any sounds to be heard except for the movements of your companions, the three of you stealthily walk across the opening with your backs to the wall until you reach the short cement staircase.
Suddenly the door you came in from creaks and whines with the power of someone forcing the old rusted metal open, the three of you whip around in an alert flash. Bucky with his gun aimed at the mystery intruder from behind you and Steve with his shield held; blocking him, yourself, and Bucky’s lower half. Your claws obviously drawn.
“You ready?” Whispers Steve.
A moment later the two old grey doors are forced apart to reveal the glowing eyes of Ironman, Steve immediately lowers his guard as Tony dissembles his helmet back into his suit. Dark eyes appearing rather unthreatening as he nods to Steve, “You seem a little defensive.”
“It’s been a long day.” Mutters Steve solemnly.
Tony then looks up at Bucky, “At ease, Soldier. I’m not currently after you.” Before glancing down at you who’s guarding him, “And I don’t have a death wish to cross blades with you, I’m not here to brawl.”
“Then why are you here?” Asks Steve, voice with the tinge of uncertainty.
Tony shrugs while walking closer, “Could be your story’s not so crazy. Maybe.....Ross has no idea I’m here. I’d like to keep it that way. Otherwise, I gotta arrest myself.”
Steve almost smirks, “Well, that sounds like a lot of paperwork.” Tony scoffs at the irony of it all before Steve finally lets down his full guard, bringing his shield back to his side, “It’s good to see you, Tony.”
Tony nods, “You too, Cap.” Head back up to find Bucky’s, “Manchurian Candidate, you’re killing me. There’s a truce here. You can drop it...”
Steve gives the two of you a reassuring nod, Bucky lowers the gun as you begrudgingly retract your claws. Soon after the four of you begin wandering the base until you all start walking down a small hallway leading into the main room where the soldiers are being kept.
Where they brainwashed Bucky and help him in cryo. Where they held you in the ice.
“I got heat signatures.” Announces Tony warily.
“How many?”
“Uh, one.”
The four of you walk into the large cavernous steel laced room, it’s dark and emits an almost bluish hue with the exception of the six holding chambers that give off a dull golden glow helping to light up the area ever so slightly.
This place really brings back memories you’d rather have seen buried and gone forever. Of course you’d get one last look.
“If it’s any comfort,” Speaks a familiar voice you’d loath to hear again, “they died in their sleep.” The four of you wander cautiously closer, observing the dead winter soldiers with a single bullet wound through their heads, “Did you really think I wanted more of you?”
Bucky shares a nervous glance with you, “What the hell?”
“I’m grateful to them, though. They brought you here.” Immediately the lights are called to life and in the far center wall appears the man from Berlin, Steve throws his shield but the man sits comfortably behind bulletproof glass, he smiles knowingly, “Please, Captain. The Soviets built this chamber to withstand the launch blast of UR-100 rockets.”
“I’m betting I could beat that.” Asserts Tony while the four of you walk around the center area where they used to electrocute Bucky, and you when the manipulation and programming began to wear off.
“Oh, I’m sure you could, Mr. Stark. Given time. But then you’d never know why you came.”
You scoff, “You killed innocent people in Vienna just to bring us all here?”
The man eyes you up as you approach the see through window, “I’ve thought about nothing else for a whole year.” He explains, “I studied what they did to you two, I followed the trail of dwindling breadcrumbs that you left behind.” Nods the man with a slight smile ghosting his lips as he studies your face, “Tampere. Brussels. Amsterdam. Venice. You’ve left quit the bloody trail in your wake, all those doctors and scientists who made you into Hydra’s best...”
“I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t.” You whisper sharply, eyes glaring pure daggers into his soul.
He almost smiles, face leaning in closer now, “That is a fair statement. Nonetheless, it all eventually led me to you, and I am impressed with the work of those doctors. You are indeed a marvel to witness,” He smirks, dark obsidian irises studying your face as he raises a brow, “How’s your head?”
“Fuck you.”
The dark eyed man chuckles as Steve intervenes, “You’re Sokovian. Is that what this is about?”
“Sokovia was a failed state long before you blew it to hell. No. I’m here because I made a promise.” Admits the man, of course, why else would this psycho go to such lengths to kill the winter soldiers.
“You lost someone?”
The mans face falls, eyes darkening in remorse and anger, “I lost everyone. And so will you.” He turns and presses a button before looking back up at the four of you. A small television turns on nearby that immediately calls your attentions, “An empire toppled by its enemies can rise again. But one which crumbles from within? That’s dead......Forever.”
You stand close to Bucky as Tony and Steve get closer to the glowing screen showing CCTV footage of a rural roadside at night.
“I know that road.” Points Tony in confusion as he looks up at the dark eyed man, “What is this?!” He shouts though nothing is given answer.
The video plays on as your heartbeat begins to rise, the bottom of the footage reads DEC. 16 1991, you know exactly what this is. And you’re terrified.
Soon a blurry car crashes into a telephone poll as the flash of a motorcycle rips by out of frame, soon it approaches once again, the rider parking it behind the damaged vehicle as he moves to the drivers side. A star on his left arm that flashes strangely in the light of the lamppost above; Tony’s face shifts to fear, anxiety, and anger in a multitude of seconds as the driver is pulled from his seat.
Soon the dark haired man slams his metal fist into the face of the helpless driver, ending his life right then and there. Deceased now, face bruised and bloody, the Winter Soldier drags the body back to the drivers seat before placing him there like he died from the impact of the crash.
Your eyes flicker towards the cement floor of the abandoned Hydra base as the video plays on, you know what happens next, and keep yourself from watching as the Winter Soldier kills Tony Starks mother before walking around the vehicle and putting a bullet into the security camera.
The film goes dark.
Immediately Tony tears his eyes away from the blacked screen and takes a threatening step towards Bucky, Steve places a hand on his arm as you place yourself between Stark and Bucky. Who’s absolutely hating himself right now.
“No, Tony.”
Tony stops and purses his lips at the ground, face shifting from frustration, pain, and anger as he turns to lock eyes with Steve, “Did you know?” He whispers softly, dreading the answer.
Steve pauses for a moment, “I didn’t know it was him.”
Tony’s face darkens with rage as he tightens his grip on Steve’s arm, “Don’t bullshit me, Rogers. Did you know?”
Tony awaits the inevitable as Steve gives him the honest answer, “Yes.” Tony reals back in shock, face flashing with disappointment and growing fury as he slowly nods, gathering his spinning thoughts at this heavy bout of deeply personal information.
A second later an iron fist flies up to send Steve sprawling across the cement flooring, instantly Bucky draws his gun but is quickly disabled when Tony shoots it out of his hands. You step into action but are rudely thrusted back by the force of a heated blast of energy that sends you crashing into a sleeping chambers metal side.
Your head cracks against the steel, leaving you gasping for breath on the hard cold ground as Bucky and Tony clash fists, Steve soon joining them as they brawl. Goddamn that hurt, fuck I can’t see straight, you mutter to yourself as a wet sticky substance slithers down the side of your neck as you pull yourself to a seated position.
Hands against the floor, the world feels like it’s swaying on a rocker as your visual field darts with blurry black dots; a small dark splotch patters to the floor as you stare at it in confusion. Balance somewhat stabilizing, you reach over to touch it, blood smears across the grey floor as you realize how heavy a hit you just took.
Good thing you heal quickly, or you might have just died.
Crash! Your head snaps up to witness as one of the holding chambers top portion falls to the ground in a massive heap of dust and debris, then out of nowhere Bucky races to your side, hands instantly lifting you to your feet, face dirt smudged and filled with uncertainty, “Y/N we gotta leave....oh fuck you’re bleeding. Come on, come on....come back to me please. You’re alright....you’re okay.....can you see straight?” He rambles in worry.
Pulling his hands from your irritated face, you shake your head to rid the ringing in your ears, “I’m fine, Buck. Let’s go before he kills one of us.” You urge.
The two of you make haste as you struggle your way up to the opened giant port hole, jumping from steel caged banister to the next on your way out to freedom as Steve fights to keep Tony from attacking either of you from down below.
Once Bucky reaches the edge where he’s able to see snow, you right behind him, a small missile from Tony’s suit crashes into the giant doors hinge. Causing you and Bucky to fall backwards into separate steel landing pads. Out of breath from the force of impact, you watch helplessly as Tony flies up to greet Bucky.
In any way but friendly. They clash and punch at each other until Tony gains the upper hand by wrapping an arm around Bucky’s throat, you stumble to your feet as Bucky quickly forces himself out and soon they both go tumbling downwards.
“Bucky!” You shout desperately, terrified that his landing could have cost him his life, fortunately when you scout over the edge, he’s laying on his side. In pain but alive.
Struggling to his feet he gives you a nod of acknowledgment before slipping out of view, almost immediately you hear the sounds of a struggle from the ground floor and with that do you jump downwards from landing pad to landing pad on your way to the bottom.
Boots smacking hard against the cement floor, you follow the pained grunts of the three men as they fight each other with everything that they have. Soon you turn a corner and are welcomed to sunlight and snowy mountains in the far distance from the old bases giant missile launcher air shaft.
By now Steve and Bucky are tag teaming Tony as the Ironman does his best to fight them off at once. Soon he gets a solid blast to Steve’s shield that sends him into the far wall, leaving him out of breath. Bucky takes a crack to the head that sends him to the floor. So much for holding their ground.
When Tony raises his arm for the final blow against Bucky, you’re right behind him; shoving his weaponized arm towards the opened cement pillars, the blast misses Bucky as it breaks a small part in the ceiling. Granted, you could end this all here and now by sinking your claws through Tony’s suit and ending the Stark line, but that would be an awful way to end things. And you’re done with the killing, even if he wants to kill Bucky.
Hydra won’t be the end to the last Stark. Not if you can help it.
Gripping onto his left arm and right shoulder, the Ironman quickly elbows you in the jugular; immediately a choked type of intense pain fills your body as the hit causes you to gasp and sputter while falling to your knees. Tears whell up in your eyes from the natural reaction as your hands rub frantically around your exposed skin.
Fuck that hurt like a bitch.
Unknowingly to you, Tony would have shot you again if not for Bucky who immediately gains the Ironman’s attention once more. Shoving him against the wall as his metal hand reaches to crush Tony’s suit reactor. They struggle against the strength of one another before a blinding light of orange sparks against Bucky, hitting the far wall while Bucky falls to the ground.
Throat healed, your eyes are wide in shock at the sight of Bucky, his metal arm is gone, the metal and wires still glowing a fiery orange and red from the heat of Tony’s blaster as a second later, Tony uses a lesser blast to knock Bucky forwards and across the floor he tumbles.
Steve is on Tony in an instant, the two of them beginning an intense battle of hand to hand combat while you crawl over to a bleeding Bucky who’s laying on his back, eyes closed though his chest rises and falls with heavy breaths.
Reaching his face, you shuffle to sit by his right arm, a frown adorning your features at the dark crimson that’s smudged against his sweaty face. Your hands shake with adrenaline as you touch the side of his stubbled cheek, “Buck, come back to me......Please.” You rasp weakly in between the strained grunts from Steve and Tony.
Ignoring them, you move a piece of blood soaked hair from Bucky’s face, tears threatening to spill if he doesn’t move, “Come on....open your damn eyes you beautiful bastard...” You urge, rubbing a comforting thumb against his jaw, “If you leave me here with these idiots I’ll fucking cut you...got it....” Your voice a shaky whisper, “..Bucky, please wake up...”
You give him a dismal look as he says nothing for a moment until his ocean blues open as you reveal the tiniest of relieved grins, “I’m not going anywhere.” He mumbles out, “Not without you.”
You smile weakly, “Good.” Suddenly you hear a crash like a shattering sound of glass and breaking metal, eyes darting upward, you instinctively unsheathe your right claws ready to protect Bucky with your life only to pause once you realize they stopped fighting.
Tony’s laying on his side as Steve sits nearby breathing just as heavily, faces both noticeable bloody. Tony throws him a wicked glare as Steve looks down in reluctant shame, soon he pulls himself to his feet, shield in one hand as he glances from Tony to the cold climate of Siberia.
Taking this as your cue, you look back down at Bucky, “Time to get the fuck out of here.” Before moving to help him to his feet, he clings onto your shoulder as you wrap an arm around his waist. He’s awkward and off centered from the recent loss of his appendage, but does what he can to keep upright with your aid.
Steve limps towards the two of you, shield still in hand as he slowly follows until Tony speaks, “That shield doesn’t belong to you.” He bitterly mutters, “You don’t deserve it. My father made that shield!” Steve pauses for a moment, nodding in understanding before dropping the shield onto the hard ground with a loud clang.
Coming to your aid to help Bucky up the ladder.
Not long after the intensive personal battle between Steve and Tony, plus the revelation that Bucky was the one this whole time who actually killed Tony’s parents and Steve knew about it. T’Challa soon found the three of you bloodied and exhausted in the snow.
Steve left the jet for Tony, while the prince of Wakanda, with a new perspective on the situation, allowed the three of you to join him in his own jet, while Baron Zemo sat silently in the corner. Handcuffed and fuming.
A jet ride later after dropping Zemo in a secured facility to rot for his crimes, T’Challa had brought you all into his home willingly. Soon his expert doctors had gotten things ready to place Bucky back under until they could figure out how to free his troubled mind of all the shit Hydra had forced in there.
Your eyes are trained on Bucky’s vitals when you sense him staring at you, god you feel so nervous for some reason. Blinking slowly, you draw your wandering attention over to him, “Y/N.” He mutters softly with the most adorable of smiles to bless his handsome face.
You give him a faint grin back, “Bucky.”
He slightly frowns at your disheartened expression, “Come here.” He beckons with a small wave of his hand that’s bound with an IV, “Please.”
Breathing slow, your body feels like it’s shaking with adrenaline, he can sense how anxious you feel. Walking closer now, Bucky reaches out his hand for you to take, “I won’t be gone forever, okay. Just for a little bit.”
Squeezing his hand, you reveal a weak half smile, “I know Buck, it just feels like they’re taking you away from me all over again. And I won’t know for how long.”
He looks down at your intertwined fingers, eyes trailing over the dark faded 00X13 permanently tattooed to your left wrist, “Yeah....I’m sorry it’s just.” He purses his lips together in thought, brows furrowing as his eyes catch yours, “I can’t trust my own mind. So, until they find out how to get this stuff out of my head....I think going under is the best thing. For everybody.”
Nodding, you frown, “I know, I don’t care how long they take to heal you alright. I’ll wait forever if I have to, I promise.”
Bucky reveals a beautiful smile of hope and pure love for you, one that is greatly returned, “What did I do to deserve you?” He whispers.
Smiling, you reply, “Get thrown around by the universe a bit first.” You chuckle lightly as your face slowly falls again, “Don’t worry, I’ll still be here when you wake up alright. Then I can really show you how much of this you really deserve.” Bucky laughs as you throw him a suggestive wink.
Suddenly Steve wanders into the room, drawing the both of yours distracted attention as he smiles half awkwardly, “You two gonna be alright?” He asks, eyes trailing from you to his best friend, genuinely happy that Bucky has found love in this messy world.
Bucky squeezes your hand as he gives Steve a reassuring nod, “Yeah. I think so.” He replies, blue eyes turning to you.
“I’ve been alone most of my life already, what’s another however long?” You shrug with a sad smile, eyes focused on Bucky, “I can handle it.”
He smiles back, “I know you can.”
“Mr. Barnes, are you ready?” States one of the Wakandian doctors, “The chamber is prepared.”
He nods, “Yeah. I’m ready.”
Soon Bucky slips off of the metal table and walks over to the glass Cryo chamber, pausing a moment to turn around and face you. He looks conflicted at the ground before bringing his gaze back up to you, a second later he steps forward to gently touch his hand against your cheek before pressing his lips to yours.
Steve and the rest of the doctors avert their gaze while Bucky holds you close, lips taking all they can get as he mentally memorizes everything about you. From your soft lips flush against his, to the curves and feel of your skin against his palm that he’s touched a thousand times before.
He wants so badly to stay with you and live in peace by your side, but he’s too afraid of his own mind and absolutely terrified of ever being forced to hurt you again. He’s lucky you were able to get past what he did to you in Berlin when Zemo was in control, but of course you are, you love him more then you’ve ever loved anyone. It wasn’t his fault, and you know that.
Breaking from the kiss, Bucky presses his forehead against yours as his thumb rubs reassuringly along your cheek. “Ya lyublyu vas.” Whispers your lover in Russian before tasting you one last time, slowly pulling away, he nods before turning to walk into the chamber.
He’s strapped in and then the long glass door ascends to close him in, a moment later you watch as he closes his eyes before the chamber is activated. Ice dances up the walls while below freezing fog seeps into the container, sending Bucky into a deep sleep for however long it takes.
Biting your bottom lip, you hold back the annoying lump forming in the back of your throat as Steve sets a hand on your shoulder, “He’s safe here. Don’t worry Y/N, he’ll be with us soon enough.”
You nod, eyes never leaving Bucky’s as you study his sleeping face behind the frosted glass, “I know, Steve. It’s just waiting is the hard part.”
Tagged:  @diegos-butt @minigranger @bibliophilewednesday @holyhumorliteraturelight @lilacs-lavender @a-girl-who-loves-disney @starkssnarks @vikingqueen28 @bizarrebibitch @atomicpersonacheesecake @jmstz @staygoldsquatchling02 @marvelbros-oneshots @shawnartmendes​ @mischiefmanaged71 @jckie94​  @iamasimpingh0e
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vminity21 · 4 years
sweet on you | ksj
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Pairing: baker!seokjin x female!reader
Word Count: 3,087
Genre: fluff, absolute fluff on the valentine’s day
Warning(s): other than i have the biggest sweet tooth whether it is for seokjin or a colossal of desserts but you have been warned otherwise none; Rated: pg
Summary: after every excuse you take to visit your favorite local bakery to see your favorite employee, in a sweet surprise, you learn that the baker happens to share an immense crush on you as you do him.
Credits to: @suhdays​ once again for creating the cover! Happy Valentines day!
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Seokjin kneads at the dough of what is to become the toastiest of baguettes while flour paints his arms, and his gloved hands grow achy from the continuous batches. Special orders flow numerously as the holidays inch closer, and with Valentine’s day approaching its turn, it has been long hours of consistently baking and recreating desserts for the hopeless romantics. Inwardly he knows he is guilty of such fondness for a face haunts every crevice of his mind even in the odd hours of the evening when he tosses and turns in his sleep.
The ring of the door signals another customer prompting Seokjin to slip off his current gloves to exchange for new ones, lifting his head to see none other than who makes his heart leap every single time- you. Smiling brightly in his direction, he gulps before putting on his confident face. “Welcome back! I’m glad to see the macarons didn’t scare you away,” he chuckles while you press fingertips of pure chagrin to your forehead.
“I consumed all thirty of them and I’m not sure if I should be ashamed or proud, but I surprisingly survived,”
Quiet murmurs of customers are sporadic throughout the space, yet their wandering eyes remain on the décor of the bakery, hardly noticing the sparks glimmering between you and your favorite worker. “Whoa,” Seokjin bellows, “And, I’m not sure if I should applaud you or tell you to beware. Sugar can be brutal,”
“Well, with your recipes, I’d say it’s worth the risk.” It’s a subtle flirt, yet the flattery in Seokjin’s eyes melt your heart.
“What can I get for you today?” Seokjin’s covered palms press against the freshly sanitized glass as he stares at you contently. Every chance you get, you enter this very bakery in the hopes of seeing Kim Seokjin, and every chance you get, you take home another treat that you save for your cheat day after a long week of work. Out of every local bakery, you have yet to find one that tops the way Seokjin bakes. He has a knack for ingredients and everything you have tried has been sent straight from the pearly gates of Heaven. But you are also convinced that Seokjin was God sent too because when you first discovered this place, you did not expect the immediate spark when you locked with his kind, umber eyes.
Hearts must have danced in elegant spirals around your frame while you witnessed the light movement of his hair when he turned in what seemed in slow motion to face you- plump, pink lips spread into a warm smile, teeth whiter than the whites of your eyeballs, his skin was clearer than the windows, and the way your mouth watered at the sight of his broad shoulders- you are not sure if you even breathed for a straight minute. He welcomed you with kindness and surprisingly tolerated your indecisiveness on what to purchase, but inwardly you were trying all you could to remain in his presence because something about him reveled serenity. And you wanted every part of it.
Seeing Seokjin sparked slumbers of exuberant pink paths prodding beneath your dancing shoes that are clacking in the direction of the delightful smell of marshmellows where sky tower lollipops align the world with their colorful swirls glistening beneath the brightly lit sky without a sign of melting. Vines of licorice would twist along chocolate trunks with branches growing gummy-like leaves matching the scrumptious hues of your surroundings. Rainbows of hard candies trickled along the ground to decorate the view prompting the compulsion to sink your teeth into every delicacy especially when your eyes would cast upon the pastel colors of macarons- flavors of creams protruding between the slices. You would barely miss his silhouette exploring amongst a bed of gumdrops that sat a far distance from an enormous peppermint pinwheel breezing against stalks of blue and pink clouds of cotton candy.
Visions of prancing gummy bears decorate a mountain of frozen ice cream while gingerbread men scope the milky river to avoid being caught by the currents desperate to travel the terrain as you longed to with the man lost in this wonderland of a universe. Oreo crumbs trail on either side of the stream, the smell of chocolate wafts in your direction while you continue the journey. Humming to yourself, your adventure is to endeavor the red velvet island- cream cheese frosting fluffing in an appearance of frames of pictures of more delights as well as smeared professionally into an imagined ceiling. The deep red, walls caked firmly with countless desserts poised in different areas of the domain tempted tourists passing by into taking a bite of their delectable treats.
Nearing the entrance, you would pause, recognizing him pirouetting throughout the greenery resembling grass but is edible as everything made in this dream you are infatuated by. When the pang of something grasps your attention, you searched your eyes along the sky- not noticing anything right away and when you returned your glance to where you found him, he disappeared. Halted in curiosity, you gasp at the tap on your shoulder. Crescent eyes beaming while he brushes his fingers along your gleaming lips, and that’s when your fantasy would wonder the feel of his kiss. The taste of strawberries encompassed your tongue once you would lean into him, but when something else nickered your frame, you pulled away. In awe, you observe minuscule, circular sprinkles shower the two of you in surprise. They tangle within your hair while boisterous laughter escapes both of you simultaneously- palms rising above your head while you spin, attempting to catch them as they rain. Shuffling the sprinklings within your hands, you are in love with the resilient colors brightening the atmosphere as it heightened the happiness.
The dream that has become your most cherished- golden pinecones stick to floating silvery cotton where chocolate cupcakes with thick swirls of white icing blend with red, glistening ornaments- the aroma of fresh pastries with shiny, red jelly are enticed with powdered sugar; thistles of brush dangling above while you whirl around at the enchanting view. Polka dots beautify the walls imaging fondant icing while slithers of whipped cream dazzle the rest of the desserts present. It doesn’t take long before an existence melts behind you, wrapping his arms around your frame, plopping his chin onto your shoulder. It’s the sweetness of his countenance, the plush kiss he places on the corner of your jaw; the delicate aura you are scared can magically disappear; the delicious taste of his kiss when he twirls you to capture your lips, pinning you against another wall reflecting swirls of cinnamon, fingers pressing into your waist while your hands grip his plumy tufts in desperation for more. Sprinkles clang numerously within the walls miraculously not needing a sky to downpour; lips locked and lost in time, it finalizes the fantasy where you wake up with a dazed smile.
“Please tell me you’re not contemplating macarons again,” Seokjin’s voice breaks through the cloud of thoughts bringing you back to reality while you awkwardly suppress the burn of a blush flooding your chest. “I purposely withheld your favorite flavors in hopes of you trying something new.”
“Oh, you brute, I should have known!” You laugh, seeing his shoulders shake in response to his teasing toward you, “So new? Like, new new or never had before new? I um… You know, I was actually planning on trying something new today,” you do not mean to lie, but you kind of lie.
“You had every intention on getting your usuals, and I have bamboozled you.”
“Alright, sir, two can play at this game because I can always go to Hoseok’s bakery-”
“Okay now you’re just being cruel!” Seokjin’s laugh is your favorite sound as he chuckles. Hoseok is his competition but also his best friend, and he is aware that Hoseok has been gaining much success with the recent opening of his bakery, but of course your heart belongs with Seokjin and his glorious, scrumptious delicacies warm and inviting within the glass casings.
“It is called revenge, and I shall prevail.” You wink.
Shaking his head, he quiets but only enough before he lifts his gaze to yours once again, “Speaking of anything new, I think I may have something in mind that you might like actually. I’m preparing to add another dessert to the menu, but I need someone to taste test to make sure it’s good enough to sell to the general public. Would you like to be the judge?” Seokjin leans off the glass casing still smiling at you while your eyebrows shoot up in excitement.
“Hm,” you release a purposeful ponder, “When are you wanting to showcase?”
“How about on Valentine’s day itself? I will be closing the shop early and you can come by after hours. Besides, I don’t really have anything else to do, and when I get bored, I bake.”
Boldly, you tilt your head, a knowing smile budding on your lips, “Are you asking me on a date, Seokjin?”
“I would be lying if I said I wasn’t.” Your heart flutters in reaction to his tender grin that follows his words. You have dreamed for countless months to win this man’s affections and here you are, about to experience your first date with him on Valentine’s day of all days.
“Well, I guess I will see you this weekend,” you muse, “I have high expectations for whatever you create, Seokjin.” Turning on a heel, you shift ever so slightly to throw him a chirpy shrug. Outwardly, it is all a show of composure though your inner self is screaming in joyous bursts mirroring the fireworks going off beneath his chest.
When Valentine’s day comes, Seokjin goes all out in early hours of the morning before the shop opens, red streams curl from the walls where he carefully tapes them- red, pink, and white balloons hover along the ceiling to bring more colors and the very second, he closes for the day, he will paint the floor with a myriad of rose petals while candles flicker upon the tables sporadically. He wants to prove to you that he has been waiting for this moment for a long time and he will celebrate you every day if you let him. A bundle of dark red roses lay hidden in his office as well as a heart shaped box of what one would assume is the typical fill of chocolates, but nay, it is holding the surprise of your favorite macaron flavors, just to add to the dessert that he is elated to make. He begins his swift trek to the kitchen, collecting all the ingredients and sprawling them along the counter in preparation before the crowd sets in. And when they do, he serves the happy couples with all smiles, looking forward to whenever he gets to see you.
When the hour comes for the bakery to close, he rushes to finish up the pastry, pouring melted chocolate as the completing touch. “Perfect,” he whispers, protecting the sweets with a lid to maintain the heat. A soft knock on the door makes his heart skip a beat as he briefly flings his apron on the counter, dusting off any crumb excess off his clothes and ruffling his hair before throwing a mint in his mouth. Releasing a slow exhale, he smiles, “Operation, win her heart.”
Sauntering to the entrance, he pauses in awe. Your hair is styled flawlessly while the red, shimmery dress clings to your figure complimenting a pair of high heels. Makeup covers your face in an exceptional amount where the color of your eyes shine, once you see him- mouth ajar, eyes widening in reaction, he robotically opens the door to invite you in. The smell of roses and small hints of lemon reach your nostrils calming the anxiety quivering within your fingertips. Seokjin looks so handsome as he always does, the black turtleneck hugging his torso while the tan slacks hang slightly loose against his long legs. “You look amazing,” you murmur, him shaking his head to bring himself back to the present.
“I can say the exact same to you. You look… God, you look-”
“Proper? Trim? Elegant? …Alluring-”
“All of the above,” he says breathlessly, “But you always look so beautiful,”
Blushing at his compliment, it is hard for you to stay serious sometimes especially when you are nervous, so your eyes scan the décor of the building, “I love what you’ve done with the place,” you step forward with the click of a heel, noticing the rose petals glinting upon the mahogany colored floor.
“I was hoping you would say that.” he clears his throat, “But here, have a seat, I have the dessert ready as well as a few other surprises,” he skids a chair out for you as you descend in shock. Other surprises? He disappears but only for a few minutes before he confidently returns with a lidded case covering whatever it is, he has made just for you. His other hand hides behind his back as he effortlessly places the tray upon the table. “And walla,” he smirks, lifting the lid as your eyes enlarge at the golden brown pastries pressing against a truffle of cream, some protruding delicately on the sides as melted chocolate trickles from the pastry and onto the plate. The sight is so tasty, and you can feel your mouth watering as the smell of the treat becomes prevalent.
“What is this?” You say in uttermost anticipation as he chuckles at your readiness.
“Profiteroles,” he replies, “They are one of my absolute favorites, and I have been wanting to make them for some time but haven’t until now.”
“Try one with me,” you break eye contact with the mesmerizing profiteroles to stare into the chocolate of Seokjin’s eyes, “But after you reveal what is behind your back.”
When a hearty laugh brushes past his widened smile, you are beyond yourself when he gradually brings into your line of vision, a bundle of roses and a heart shaped box, “You are not allowed to open the box until you eat a profiterole though,” Seokjin playfully demands, “So until then, I will protect this box at all costs.”
“I promise I will not touch until you say so. You have my word,” you raise your hands in defense to add to your statement. Seokjin sits across from you, settling the gifts next to the plate. Soft music reverberates suddenly to drown the silence as you feel your heart flying- you are certain that no one has ever done anything as sweet as this for you.
“Are you ready?” He says, scooting the plate closer to you.
“Very ready,” reaching carefully, you grab the treat, knowing very well that you want to devour it whole, and when you do, the cream mingled with the chocolate melts on your tongue deliciously as you close your eyes hazy. “Oh, my word,” you breathe, wanting another one immediately. “This is delicious! You have met every expectation! Jin, customers are going to love these!” The nickname flew from your mouth so naturally and instead of verbally responding, Seokjin chortling a high pitch laugh, leans forward, reaching his thumb to swipe a spot of chocolate from the corner of your mouth. The gesture is so sweet, you can’t help but gaze at him as he returns his hand back to lay on the table. “Have you tried one yet?” You speak softly. “You should. You’re phenomenal.”
He swats the air, “I’ll have one later. Your opinion matters to me the most anyways,”
“You?” Speechless, your eyes flit between his, nothing but admiration falls from his stare. “How do you do it? How do you make my mind drift to the happiest of places? I swear you just- I can’t- it doesn’t matter where I am, I am not happy until I see you.”
Reaching across the table, he leans forward, intertwining his fingers with yours as cliché as a movie, but this is the only movie you are willing to watch where the fairytale of him is connecting with you. “That’s why I always made sure your usuals were made as soon as I arrived. I didn’t want to disappoint nor have you betray me for Hoseok. Plus, he prefers coconut macaroons, not macarons.”
“The distinction between how they are actually pronounced. Thank you for clarifying,” there is nobody that has made you laugh as much as he has. “In all seriousness though, I don’t think I’ve ever had anything to look forward to until I found you.”
“And I couldn’t focus unless I knew who you were and if I was going to see you again. That’s why I always made conversation no matter how small until time gave me enough courage to finally ask you to be here.”  
“Well, I am very glad that you asked.” Smiles linger while eyes remain connected. He has the most eloquent, gentle manly charm and you hope he will end up being your eventual forever one day.
“Come here,” In one flawless swoop, Seokjin reaches for the arm of your chair, sliding it closer to where your legs touch. Surprised laughter serenades his ears once the chair is paused, but the nearness of him sends tingles along your skin. A faint scent of cologne grips to his clothes igniting the further desire building from the crave on your lips. He leans in, you meeting halfway to close the gap in the softest brush of his kiss. Sunlight exposes through the windows to illuminate in response to the magic happening right now in this moment. Linking your arms behind his neck, he wraps his around you, tugging you closer, deepening the kiss- getting so lost in you that nothing else outside of this bakery matters- only you matter.
Feeling his smile within his kiss, you pull away but still close enough to feel his breath swiping your chin, you giggle, “So what’s in the box?”
“I guess you’ll have to see,” he presses a quick, giddy kiss. You squeezing him once ecstatically.
“Okay, but first, let me get some more sugar.” You move your palms to squish his cheeks to where his lips pucker. “I don’t know about you, but I like it brutal.” And with that, you kiss him again, letting destiny complete its story on a day you never dreamed would mean so much.
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writer-panda · 3 years
The Hit on the Groom and What Became of It - Chapter 4/I’ll never let you down (in an open casket)
Chapter 1  -|-  Previous -|- Next
The Hit on the Groom and What Became of It - Chapter 4/I’ll never let you down (in an open casket)
As she hanged up, Marinette rushed to the doors and let her mother in. The previous night she spent mostly on working with Kwamis to prepare. Most were in agreement that she needed to act and not leave her kitty’s fate to chance. Tikki protested for a bit, but in the end, she saw that there was no changing Marinette’s mind and joined in on scheming. Except she had no way of tracking Adrien. Not… until she received the call!
Except now her mother entered. Sabine greeted her daughter by giving her a bone-crushing hug. 
“I was so worried! When the police called I couldn’t just sit there and wait!”
“Maman. It’s alright. I’m okay. See?” The girl did break away from the hug and smiled.
“I know. But I couldn’t help but worry.”
“Maman… Adrien’s been kidnapped.”
“I know.” Her mother’s expression didn’t reveal any emotions now.
“I… he’s been miserable ever since that wedding mess, and now this.”
“I know.” Again, nothing. 
“He’s my friend.”
“Not the love of your life?” Sabine questioned with a bit of amusement in her voice.
“No. He doesn’t need another fangirl. He needs a friend. Someone who can support him. I… I wasn’t a good friend before this…” She didn’t reveal that she wasn’t a great partner either. Chat hid things well, but from time to time his shell cracked. She should’ve seen the signs. She could’ve done something. Or at least do something with Lila. She had connections and Lila deserved a lawsuit or five. 
“Oh, sweety. You were a great friend. You are a great friend. I’m happy to see you’re not about to chase after some misguided love, but after friendship.”
“I know I’m only… wait, what?” Marinette.exe stopped working. If the problem keeps repeating itself, please contact customer service or the nearest Kwami. 
“When I was fifteen, I dropped out of… school to explore the world on my own. It wasn’t until a few years later that I met your father.” Sabine said in a bit dreamy voice like she was reminiscing. “We had several adventures across Europe before finally settling down in Paris.”
“But… Papa’s a baker.” Marinette protested. “I thought he was always a baker, like his father.”
In response, her mother chuckled. “No. Your father had much more in common with your Nona than with his father. I met him when he was fighting in an underground cage-fighting club.”
“Whoa…” Marinette’s eyes widened. That was a story she never heard before. “So how did you two got together?”
“I will tell you some other time. The point is, I know that even if I took you to Paris with me, you would’ve run away to look for your friend.”
“Maman!” For a moment, the girl wanted to protest. But then she decided that there was no point. “Yes… you’re right. But I can’t just let it happen! If the police find him, he will end up back with his father!”
“I know. And what’ll you do about it?” Her mother had this mysterious smirk on her face.
“I guess… I need to be the one to find him. I will get him situated somewhere safe. Maybe stay with him for a bit. He’s smart. And a quick learner.” He mastered being a superhero faster than I did.
“Good. Then you have my blessing.” 
“I can’t just abandon-” Marinette.exe stopped working again. Contacting the customer service might be in order. Technically, Sabine kept hinting about it. Practically, Marinette would miss a clue even if she was holding a gun to its head. “I have your what now?”
“You can go. Save him. Find yourself. And maybe kick some asses while you’re at it.”
“Most parents would be worried sick about their not-yet-adult children running off to an adventure.”
“You wanted to know how I met your father. The answer is I was the first to beat him in that cage.” Sabine’s smirk was replaced with a serious expression. “Of course I will worry, sweety. I’m your mother. But holding you back now will not help you. You’re a strong young woman and to be fair, I’m not sure how we could hold you down. You have steady access to the rooftop and two years of parkour training.”
“What now?”
“Did you honestly think we wouldn’t notice you sneaking off through the balcony?”
“And you didn’t even tell me?” 
“It would be hypocritical of us.” Sabine defended. “And if the worse came to happen, I had several… souvenirs from our travel around the world.”
“Thank you, Maman. I promise I will come back; And call you often. Well, maybe not too often.” Marinette already dashed to start packing. 
“Of course you will. And don’t get into too much trouble. I would hate to have to go and find you.” Sabine threatened with a bright smile on her face. 
“I’ll try, Maman.” The girl was only half-listening now. She couldn’t waste any more time. She learned how to trace the call about one-and-a-half years ago when she was still a bit ‘stalker-ish’. 
Sabine watched her daughter with amusement. So many memories returned to her now. Youth mostly well-spent if someone asked her. The ‘mostly’ part came to bite her just that moment as her phone pinged. She quickly checked the message and frowned. 
“I’m sorry, my little cupcake, but I need to go check it. An old friend turns out to be in town.” 
“I’ll call you later!” Marinette called from where she was furiously working on her laptop. 
When Sabine left, the kwamis swarmed her immediately.
“Your mom is so cool!” one of them cooed.
“And she’s one bad-”
“Roaar!” Tikki scolded the tiger kwami. 
“What’s the plan, pigtails?”
“Adrien’s call was made from within Gotham City. He’s still here for now. I also managed to track him to Burnley.”
“Didn’t that mercenary you called mention some Lawton?” Trixx offered.
“Yeah. I did try to search him up, but the only one with that name that I managed to find is Zoe Lawton. Wait. There is more!” She beamed up. “An old article in some Mexican newspaper.” She clicked on the link and read it aloud for her co-conspirators “Floyd Lawton, also known as Deadshot, was recently arrested after an assassination of a small group of smugglers. It is yet unknown if it was a hit or was it personal.” The article went on, but there was nothing more of interest.
“So the guy’s a mercenary too? That’s good. He’ll bring Adrien to you.”
“Not so fast. I remember hearing about him. Deadshot is one of the few mercenaries who try to keep some resemblance of a code. He’s also noted to be soft around children.”
“Isn’t Adrien almost an adult though?” Kaalki asked rather uncaring.
“Have you met the guy? He’s a literal ray of sunshine!” Plagg protested.
“So… he won’t deliver him and won’t return him.” Seeing that some Kwamis didn’t understand her logic, she clarified, “I don’t think that if he learns how Gabe treated his son he will be in any hurry to return him.”
“That makes sense.” The little being all nodded in agreement.
“So what’s the alternative?”
“He could adopt him,” Ziggy suggested.
“Please.” Marinette dismissed the idea. “He’s not Bruce Wayne.”
“He could smuggle him out of the country.”
“No. Everyone’s looking for him.” Roaar countered. “He would try to lay low somewhere.”
“Burley is large and full of potential safe houses.” Marinette started to think. “But there is also a large concentration of organized crime. Alone, we would have a hard time, but if we got them to help…”
“Is it wise to involve more criminals into your schemes Marinette?” Tikki asked skeptically.
“Don’t worry, sugarcube. To catch a bird you need wings. To catch a criminal you need crime.”
“I’m not sure that’s how it works.”
“What’s the worse that could happen? I will go there as Seamstress. I won’t even appear in person. Right, Trixx?”
“You can count on it.” The fox kwami grinned.
“But… but…” Tikki wanted to scream her head off. Why did the previous guardian choose a juvenile criminal for her holder. Marinette used to be such a sweet girl. Where did Tikki go wrong?
It was dark when an eerie mist filled one of the less-than-legal clubs in Burnley. From among the smoke, a figure entered. She was wearing a godet-type black dress with a side-cut that reached to her belt. The dress was overlayed with a very visible deep-blue corset that pronounced her blue eyes. It had some intricate laces on it. She also wore a puffy-sleeved blazer (also black, but with a dark blue finish) with large and very pronounced cuffs. Around her neck was a white double jabot fixed to a choker with a large black gem surrounded by diamonds. Her long deep-blue hair was let loose and hung over her shoulder. A simple black-and-white domino mask hid her features.
As she marched, one of her legs shifted the fabric to reveal she was wearing dark-blue socks reaching above her knee and black leather boots. A knife was strapped to the right one and several leather strips around her thigh and knee suggested she had more weapons on her. 
One of the men whistled.
“Looks like the entertainment arrived, boys!” Several cheered at that shout. At least until the man who dared to say it ended pinned to a wall with a rather large needle holding his jacket in place. It was also uncomfortably close to his jugular. 
“I’m not entertainment.” The Seamstress hissed. 
“Then you’re not invited.” Several men got up, many were holding now-empty bottled which they turned into impromptu weapons. 
“You will help me find what was taken from me.” She demanded.
“Yeah? Or?” One of the men laughed before charging at her. 
What followed next was perhaps the strangest carnage Gotham City has seen in years. The Seamstress danced between the attacks with almost unnatural grace and agility while stabbing the attackers in various places with large needles. None of the hits were life-threatening and most would heal within hours. The wounds were meant to incapacitate with minimal long-term damage.
By the time she reached the far end of the bar, almost every man was laid out on the ground groaning in pain or scrambling in fear.
“I am not asking. You will be rewarded for your obedience.” She then disappeared into the back alley. One brave/foolish enough who still had some fight left rushed after her, only to find the place completely empty. 
On the rooftop, Marinette let out her breath. She didn’t use any miraculous for that one, but she kept Plagg’s ring on. Chat Noir wasn’t seen in some time, so it would’ve been easier to explain that the ring was stolen by a criminal. She would really need to thank her mother for all the training she forced on her ever since the Akumas started to appear, as well as the lessons during her childhood. Those were all only the most basic grunts tonight, but she got their attention. One of them would run to their boss. There, she could actually do what she planned. 
Just like she predicted, some of the less injured guys left the bar in hurry and drove their bikes to another part of the district. They disappeared into a three-story building. The windows were boarded, but some light seeped through on the top floor, so that is where she climbed. Indeed, by hanging on the edge of the window sill, she was able to hear the panicked screams inside.
“...and then she just disappeared! It was like that damn Bat, only much more terrifying. She was so small, and yet there was this… this… aura of power.”
Thank you Chloe for being queen B. Marinette stifled a laugh. Mimicking Chloe was the right choice. 
“Probably another one of his useless brats.” The boss dismissed them. Marinette decided that it would make the best impression if she contradicted him right now.
She wondered for a moment how to enter the armored building. She could rip the boards away and enter that way, but she was aiming for ethereal, not brute. In the end, she pulled a pair of glasses and put them over her mask. 
“Kaalki. Would you please help me break into headquarters of a criminal organization to scare them into serving me?”
“How many sugar cubes is it worth?”
“Ten. No more, no less.” Marinette had a small window of opportunity. 
“You’ve got a deal.” 
“Kaalki! Full gallop!” The light enveloped Marinette. When it died down, she was still in her outfit, only now the blue accents were brown instead. The gem on her neck held the symbol of a horse miraculous. “I love magical clothes. So easy to maintain the image.” Marinette muttered before a blue portal opened before her and she entered.
Inside, the five men (two who came to report, the boss, and his two guards) watched as the blue portal opened before them. The mist started to pour through it as well as through the boarded window. A figure calmly stepped inside.
“I didn’t expect the Gotham criminal organizations to be so… cliche.” She commented. Two needles sailed through the air and pinned the guards to the wall. Her horseshoe weapon waited patiently on her back should she need to use it.
“Who… who’re you?”
“Me? Oh. I’m The Seamstress. I had business in Gotham, but a fool dared to double-cross me. I need to find him.”
“Why… W-why shou-should w-we help… help you?” One of the guys from the bar asked.
“Oh. I’m not asking. I’m telling you that you’ll help me.” She informed. “I’m about to make you an offer you shouldn’t refuse.” 
The boss was now shaking. Damn city with its damn overpowered supervillains. They think they can simply run things as they want. First Red Hood took out most of the top brass of the underworld and then this? Working on his father’s farm was sounding more and more appealing. Then there was the shouldn’t. The reference to the classic movie was not lost, but she said shouldn’t. Not can’t. Once more he remembered how Red Hood took over. Submit, or die. This was the same. She clearly wouldn’t hesitate. He liked to think he could see those things. 
“I’m waiting.” The lady growled. “I’m not used to waiting.” Channeling Chloe is actually fun here. 
“Fine. You can have my seat. I’m going back to dad’s farm. Just let me go and you can have them.” The boss stood from his seat and motioned for her.
Marinette.exe is not responding. Do you want to execute the process? Not yet. 
She managed to keep enough cool to smile and take the seat, although she didn’t even register what was that. 
She would panic later. For now, tracking Adrien. “I need to find where Floyd Lawton, also called Deadshot, is hiding with my… asset.”
“It… I will see to it, Boss… lady.” One of the guys from the bar nodded very fast before rushing out of the room.
“I… will bring you the list of current assets.” One of the guards informed and walked somewhere. They were used to aggressive takeovers. This was their third. Boss change, guards remain. This was honestly the first time the previous boss managed to escape with his life. 
Meanwhile, Marinette finally realized what just happened. She really wanted to hit her head on the desk, but she was too afraid to show any signs of weakness. Why did she end up in this mess again?
Sabine Cheng was waiting for her plane back when an airport guard approached her.
“Lady Cheng?” Sabine’s blood froze for a moment, but she refused to show any outward reaction at her past codename. “There is a man who wishes to discuss some… past debts.”
Damn it. And here she thought that bald bastard would forget about her. He had several more suitable people. He knew the risks of angering her.
Then again, she knew not to anger him either.
“Lead the way.” Her face was stone cold as she stood up. 
Inside a comfortable private lodge sat a blad man in a suit more expensive than the yearly revenue of her bakery. 
“Ah… Lady Cheng. I’m so happy you could’ve joined us.”
Sabine looked around and noticed that there was another man there, standing slightly in the shadows. A man she came to despise just as much as Luthor. Standing there was Gabriel Agreste.
“I can’t return the pleasure, Luthor.” She snarled, not letting her gaze drop from Agreste.
“Figured you’d say that.” The billionaire laughed. “But it doesn’t change that you came.”
“Be quick. I’ve got a plane to catch.”
“About that.” Lex smiled. “I’m afraid you won’t be on that plane. I need you to do something for me.”
“Sadly, my calendar is full for the foreseeable future.” She retorted coldly.
“Then you will clean it. Unless that is, you want me to tell my good friend the president about your little assignment for me twenty years ago. If I recall, your pardon didn’t cover that particular crime.” The man chuckled.
The only upside of this whole situation to Sabine was that Agreste finally realized exactly who she was. Or at least how dangerous she was. The deal she made ensured that Lady Cheng disappeared from everywhere but some people’s memory. To her dismay, Lex didn’t forget. And he still had that damning evidence.
She also knew exactly what was the job.
“I don’t do jobs involving kids, Luthor.” She seethed through gritted teeth. It wouldn’t matter, but she hoped it would at least give him a pause.
“Adrien Agreste was about to be married. I think that can calm your conscience. He was all but adult.” That despicable man dismissed her concern, as she predicted.
“I’m a little rusty. Don’t you have someone younger? Someone who would actually want to do this?” Sabine deadpanned. She kept true to the deal she made for her and her husband’s pardon and didn’t do any… extracurricular work.
“Alas, the fact you’re unwilling is why I need you. You see, the client, whoever they are, picked Agreste Jr. as a target in a… battle royale of sorts. It quickly stopped being about the ludicrous money reward. It’s now about proving who’s the best. And they won’t stop until they deliver him to that mysterious Seamstress.”
“So what do you want? I’m sure you could’ve bought some of them to drop the glory part.” She really didn’t want to do this.
“I offered to pay five times the price, but most of the competent ones want a shot at whatever that job is. A mysterious benefactor with no history, nonexistent in any database in the world, paying a small fortune for a simple job and offering further work? Doesn’t it sound familiar?” Lex reclined in his chair and smiled.
“One job only. I want everything you have on me. And ten times the bounty.” She noted his discomfort. “Don’t give me that look, Luthor. You can afford it. My daughter’s about to start a university.” Sabine turned to Gabriel. “I must thank you for the idea. Homeschooling really helps when one is gifted.”
“I’m sure we can come to an agreement,” Lex grumbled. If he didn’t know the quality of her works, he would’ve laughed at the price. Except he foolishly revealed that he was desperate.
“Oh, I’m sure we can.” Sabine smiled. She was like a cat that just caught a mouse.
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favefandomimagines · 4 years
Knight in Shining Armor (g.w.)
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Summary: the three times george saved you and the one time you saved him
AN: mentions of death and injury obvs if you know where this is going
It was no secret to anyone that you and George had shared feelings for each other. Except it was a secret to the two of you. The stolen glances, the touches that lasted longer than they should have, the very obvious flirting. 
Though the two of you were completely oblivious. 
It was your fifth year at Hogwarts, Quidditch season being in full swing. You were a Chaser for the Gryffindor team and a damn good one at that. 
You were currently sitting in the Great Hall for breakfast, sitting between Alicia and Angelina. “Are you ready for the game today?” Alicia asked you. “She’s always ready. She’s our prized possession.” George interjected, him and Fred sitting across from the three of you. 
“Aside from our Seeker, Georgie.” Fred added. “I guess Harry too.” George said. The younger twin sent you a wink as you tried to cover the redness on your face. 
Angelina and Alicia nudged you, knocking you out of your bashful state. “Are you two ready for the game?” You asked. “Of course! We’re going to crush them.” George answered. “Cocky isn’t a good look on you.” You teased. “It’s not cocky, love. It’s confidence.” George replied. 
The game against Slytherin wasn’t going according to plan. You knew Slytherin played dirty but during this game, it was worse than usual. Every time you got the Quaffle in your hand, another Chaser came out of nowhere to try to knock it out of your hands. 
Usually you could get away from them quick enough but you were currently sandwiched between two Slytherin Chasers and they were trying to force the Quaffle from your hands. 
One of them seemed to give up his pursuit until he slammed into the side of you, causing you to lose your balance and fall off your broom. You fell to the grass below and the world around you went dark. 
You woke up seemingly a few hours later since it was dark outside and you seemed to be in the infirmary. Trying to sit up, a pounding headache stopping you from doing so. 
“Whoa, easy there, Y/N.” A voice stopped you. You looked to your right and saw George, Fred and the rest of your friends standing around you. “What happened?” You asked them. 
“Slytherin Chaser knocked you off your broom. Thankfully you only have a concussion. It would have been much worse if George hadn’t stopped him.” Hermione explained. 
You looked at George for some sort of a confirmation of his actions. “Definitely worth the five points we lost.” He said. “George sent him into one of the towers. He’s in way worse shape than you.” Fred added. 
“Thanks, Georgie. For defending my honor.” You joked lightly. “For you, darling, always.” He replied. 
The Quidditch World Cup was something you looked forward to every year. Your parents were wealthy pure bloods and you got to go the World Cup every time. 
This year, you got invited to go with the Weasley’s and you couldn’t pass up that opportunity. Your parents were okay with the idea because they trusted Arthur Weasley to no end. 
You had arrived at your tent with the Weasley’s, plus Harry and Hermione, and were blown away with the set up. “Girls, pick a bunk and unpack.” Arthur instructed you, Ginny and Hermione. 
“This is incredible.” You commented with a large smile on your face. “A change of pace from the fanciness you’re used to, aye Y/N?” Fred said. “It’s so much better.” You replied. 
“Why? Because you’re away from the parents?” George asked. “No, because I’m with you.” You corrected. A red tint crept its way up George’s neck and painted his cheeks at your comment. Causing Fred to laugh at how flustered you made his brother. 
“Besides, I need someone to cheer on Ireland with me. My parents love Bulgaria.” You added, sending him a wink. 
Before game time, you all were walking up the stairs to your designated section, George helping you up the steep stairs because you were so incredibly clumsy. 
Even when you got to your section, he wouldn’t let go of your hand. Once the game was finished, you were all back at the tent. The boys were all hyped up about the game and you were just laughing at the craziness of the four. 
You were standing by watching when George grabbed your hand and spun you around. He then wrapped an arm around your waist and dipped you back, causing you to laugh. “How does it feel losing to Krum?” He joked. 
“It was all luck.” You answered. George laughed at you as the two of stared intently at each other. When Arthur stopped the celebration, he mentally cursed him in his head. 
It all happened so quick, it was hard to comprehend what was going on. You were ushered out of the tent by Arthur and your jaw dropped seeing the chaos ensue. 
“Oh my,” You started before George grabbed your hand. “Y/N, we gotta go.” He told you. “Wait, where’s Harry?” You questioned. “I don’t know, but we have to get out of here.” He said. 
He had a tight grip on your hand but the amount of people pushing past you made it hard for you to keep holding on. You felt his hand slip out of yours as you got pushed to the ground by some bystander. 
You tried to get up but the people running and fleeing the scene made it difficult too. 
“I lost Y/N.” George told his twin and Ginny. “What?!” Ginny exclaimed. “I have to go find her.” He said. “George wait!” Arthur called as his son ran back in the direction of the tents. 
You finally were able to stand as you looked around you, hoping to spot a familiar head of red hair. You were looking around when you felt a hand on your shoulder. 
A scream left your mouth as you turned around quickly to see George standing there. “Y/N, are you okay?” He asked, hands cupping your face as he looked at you. “Yeah, yeah, I’m okay.” You answered before wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“We have to get out of here, okay?” George said to you. You nodded your head and he took your and and pulled you away from the scene. 
If the Death Eaters were truly still there, they knew who your parents were. They were members of the Order and worked at the Ministry, besides Harry, you’d be a prime target. 
Once you were far away enough, George wrapped his arms tightly around you, afraid to let go. 
“Thank Merlin you’re okay.” He whispered. “I’m okay thanks to you, Georgie.” You whispered back.
Your final year at Hogwarts was supposed to be the best year yet. You were made Quidditch captain of the Gryffindor team, you had a good feeling you were going to pass all of your exams and you had the best group of friends.
But what was supposed to be the best year turned into the worst year. Umbridge had basically taken over Hogwarts. Your parents never had a nice word to say about that woman.
You were starting to see why. She banned Quidditch and all other student activities and you were devastated. Which caused you to act out more than normal.
Defense Against the Dark Arts was usually your favorite class when she wasn’t teaching it. She was going on and on about different scenarios where we’d use certain spells. Never once actually letting your class practice said spells.
As she explained yet another spell with no demonstration, you scoffed and rolled your eyes.
“Is there a problem Ms. Y/L/N?” She asked you. George turned around to look at you, shaking his head to tell you it wasn’t worth it. But that never stopped you.
“Would it be possible to actually practice the spell?” You asked. “There’s no need for that, dear.” She said in a sickeningly sweet tone. “I respectfully disagree with you, professor. You are aware my parents work at the Ministry. I believe they are of higher rank than yourself and they have reason to believe that Voldemort is back and I think we should be able to defend ourselves. So yes, professor, there is a need for that.” You said, your voice surprisingly confident and calm.
The class fell into various hushed whispers as students talked quietly amongst themselves. George looked at you with a mixture of utterly proud and terrified for your well being.
“Detention after class, Ms. Y/L/N. And your parents will be hearing about this.” Umbridge told you.
You rolled your eyes and leaned back in your chair as she continued on with her lesson.
After class, you arrived at the woman’s office and stepped inside. The amount of pink on the walls was enough to make anyone cringe. That and the various cat plates.
“Please sit, Ms. Y/L/N.” She instructed you. You sat in the desk across from hers and noticed the piece of parchment and the quill next to it.
“You will be doing lines for me today. You will right ‘I will not be disrespectful.” She said. “How many times?” You asked. “Until you feel the message sinks in.” She answered. “I’m going to need some ink for this.” You said. “That’s a very special quill, dear. You won’t need ink.” Umbridge told you.
You picked the quill up and began writing the sentence and soon a dull stinging presented itself on your other hand.
As you kept writing it only got worse. You looked at the top of your hand and noticed the words you were writing were being written into your skin.
You dropped the quill and clutched your hand, seeing the words already starting to scar.
“I think the message was well received. You may go.” Umbridge told you. You quickly picked up your bag and exited the office.
You didn’t think you could run so fast as you sprinted towards the common room. Your trek was cut short when you ran into someone.
“Whoa there, Y/N, are you in a hurry?” Fred joked. “Uh, yeah, you can say that.” You said quietly, not making eye contact with the twins. “What’s wrong?” George asked. “Nothing. I was just on my way to the common room.” You lied.
“Then why are you holding your hand?” Fred questioned. The twins have known you since first year. They could easily see through your lies no matter how convincing they seemed to others.
You pulled up the sleeve of your robe and showed them the top of your hand. “Umbridge did this, didn’t she?” George asked. You nodded your head though you knew they didn’t need any confirmation.
The matching scars on their hands was proof enough.
“I’m going to kill her.” George sneered marching towards Umbridge’s office. “George, don’t. She’s not worth it.” You rebutted. “She hurt you, Y/N. That’s more than worth it.” He said.
“I think what she’s trying to say, mate, is that you’ll get more than just a detention.” Fred interjected. “Please don’t do anything. We will handle her later.” You said to him.
George looked down at you for a moment before groaning. “I hate it when you’re right. Especially when Fred’s right.” He said.
You smiled at him before looping your arm through his.
“Is there anything I can do?” He asked as the three of you walked back to the common room. “Just you being here is enough.” You answered.
Fred inwardly groaned at the obliviousness the two of you had. He then made it his life’s mission to get the two of you together.
Nothing really made sense anymore. Not after the war. Of course you came out victorious but not without paying a price. A price you’d rather pay with your life than anyone else’s.
Everything happened so quickly. You had lost sight of Fred and George halfway through and the next thing you knew, Ginny was pulling you through the Great Hall.
You made eye contact with George and you knew the second you looked at him something was wrong.
“No,” You muttered as he walked towards you. “No, no, no. Tell me that’s not him.” You cried. “He’s fine, Fred’s fine.” You added. George shook his head as he pulled you into him. He tried to shield you from seeing your best friend’s body but it was no use.
Fred was gone. He was gone and you never got to say goodbye to him.
It had been eight months since the war and everyone was slowly starting to get back to normal. Or whatever the new normal was.
You and Ron got the twins’ joke shop back up and running. George still wasn’t able to step foot in the building, staying at your flat since that day.
“Mum keeps asking how George is. I have to tell her he’s fine and just getting back on his feet.” Ron told you. “You can’t lie to your mother like that, Ron.” You replied.
“Maybe you can convince him to come visit the Burrow. He listens to you more than anyone.” He said. “I don’t think he’ll listen to me this time.” You said. “He loves you, Y/N. He might’ve been too daft to say it in school but he really loves you.” Ron admitted.
You were quiet for a moment before nodding your head and apparating back to your apartment.
The living room was dark but there was a blanket on the couch, signaling that George left his room.
“Georgie?” You called. “In here.” You heard, which was a good sign. Usually he never replied when you called his name.
You opened the bedroom door and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed with a picture frame in his hands. It was a picture of the three of you the day the shop opened.
George had his arms wrapped tightly around you as Fred hugged the both of you.
“How are you feeling?” You asked, sitting next to him. “My brother died, how do you think I’m feeling?” He snapped at you. He saw you noticeably tense at his harsh tone and he instantly felt guilty.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. I didn’t mean to snap like that.” He added. “It’s okay.” You said quietly. “It’s not okay because you’ve been nothing short of incredible taking care of me, making sure I’m eating, reopening the shop for me. I really don’t deserve you.” George said.
You took his hand in yours and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I do it because,” You started, thinking about Ron’s words. “I do it because I love you, George. And I hate seeing the person I love so broken and I know I can never fill the void that’s left, there’s a pretty big one for me too but I’m hoping I can help.” You finished.
Your gaze remained fixated on your hand in his, afraid of what his response would be.
“You love me?” He questioned quietly. “Yeah, yeah I do.” You replied. “I’ve loved you since third year. Fred kept trying to get me to tell you but I was too scared you’d reject me.” George explained. 
“I would never reject you, George.” You said. “You saved me too many times to count. Now it’s time for me to save you.” You added. George nodded his head as he looked at you and you could see the tears pooling in his eyes. 
You pulled him into you, his head near your chest, as you just let him cry. The only sound that calmed him was the sound of your heartbeat and the knowing that you were his. 
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ssavanessa22 · 3 years
Sometimes love isn't enough
Warning: one swear one I think angst with no happy ending
Sometimes love isn't enough, it just isn’t no matter how much you love someone love can not be the only thing that can make a relationship work, communication, loyalty, attraction. One thing you need for a relationship to work is your family and friends liking your partner, and for some reasons Spencer's family and friends didn't like me. I remember the first time I met his co-workers, he had described the lovely women we met to me many times; “she's so lively and bubbly you're gonna love her y/n she's so sweet and nice God she's like the backbone of the bau.” However when she and I met for the first time, it was like she was another person to whom Spencer had described, she was closed off and didn't really try to start a conversation with me. I didn't even get one of the famous bone crushing hugs Spencer talked about. “Spencer i don't think she liked me”
“Honey no of course she liked you what's not to like” “i don't know but i just don’t think she likes me babe”
surprise she didn't
“Guys there's something wrong”
“What's wrong baby girl”
“Its spencer”
“What about him” JJ asked
“His girlfriend i met her”
“Oh that's nice what's she like” emily questioned
Garcia quickly replied in almost trying to get the words out as quickly as possible
“Whoa wait mama slow down”
“I don't like i just don't”
“Well i'm sure she's fine maybe you just met her on a an off day” jj replied
“Okay, okay maybe you're right”
1 month later
“Yeah baby girl was right there's just something about her i don't know what but she's not what i would expect Reid to go for”
At this point the whole bau family were the only ones left in the bullpen discussing Spencer's girlfriend… behind his back
“Yeah derek's right there's something about her I don't know how to put it shes just off” jj agreed
“Hotch what do you think we should do to help boy wonder”
“I personally believe this is a highly inappropriate conversation to have. Spencer is not only our co-worker but also our friend, and none of you whilst being some of the best profilers in the country can't seem to give one reason why we shouldn't like or trust her.”
“Who shouldn't we trust”
The team was startled when they heard spencers voice
Spencer was now in the bullpen after making his 8th cup of coffee of the day
“Kid i'm gonna be honest with you cause I care and love you very much, but it's your girlfriend”
“What about her?”
“Sugar we care about you but there's something off with her we can't point it but there's just something of”
“What the hell does that even mean”
“It just means we don't think shes good for you kid she just doesn't suit you is all”
“Well guys I really love her how could you not like her”
“It’s not that we don’t like her sugar we just don’t think you two ….. Um mesh is all”
“Garcia what the fuck does that even mean”
“Hey!”.... jj answered defensively “Spence we just care about you that’s all think about about what we are saying like really”
“I can't believe this I just she makes me happy isn’t that all that matters”
“Sometimes Reid,
and I should know. Love isn’t enough” Rossi replied
“Hey baby how was work today,” I asked as I heard his footsteps coming closer to the seat next to me of sofa
“Yeah babe”
“I can't do this anymore”
“I just, I can’t do this our relationship anymore”
“Reid where is this I’m so confused where is this coming from”
I was overwhelmed with fear and anger questioning what I had done wrong to lead to him wanting to end our relationship what was wrong with me
“I just needed clarity and other opinions on our relationship. I realized that I just don’t think we go well together… I just don’t think you it for me”
“I-I-I- what Spence babe where is this all coming from, is this about. Omg it is isn’t how stupid am I”
“Wait what are talking about”
“Your co-worker family whatever they don’t like me do they land they want you to leave me,”
“I just I don’t know how to say this y/n”
“Just say it Spencer”
“They think I can do better”
“Do you think you deserve better, do you think I not good enough for you Spencer?”
I got no reply
There were all my insecurities I had hidden and worked so hard to get rid of. Rearing its ugly head right in front of me, I mean I guess I should have known that this would happen. I would always tell Spence that I didn’t deserve him to guess he was right.
The thing about love is as you are still mourning losing a relationship you cared about so much losing someone you loved the world is still moving without you. Not grieving the same loss the have
A/n ahhh my first ever request I really hope you guys like it sorry this came late rn I’m in a and e cause somethings lodged in my throat and I’m waiting to be seen so I yh out I would finish this one shot 💗
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cryingcow · 4 years
Character Story - Kashiwagi [RGGO]
Tonight’s story is about Mr. Cold Noodle Lover, He-Who-Got-Machine-Gun-Kiss’d, Kashiwagi! Thank you to @katedrawscomics, @blurred-voices, @majimemegoro​, @chaoticcandies, @majjiktricks for the request! This time, I’m using the cooler card immediately :D
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Story: Kashiwagi deals with a coup d’etat and stress-eats cold noodles, both of which is Kiryu’s fault.
Kashiwagi: “I like eating cold noodles here whenever I’m stressed.”
Shopkeeper: “. . . But you’re here everyday for the last 10 years?”
Kashiwagi: *slurps noodles loudly*
Note: Gastroptosis, literally gastro = “stomach” and ptosis = “drop down”. A non-life threatening disease where the stomach is displaced downward to the point that part of it reaches the hip bones (see xray in the link). It’s characterized by slow motility, so there may be belching, indigestion, distension, etc. In ye olde times, corsets were used to increase the abdominal pressure to reduce its occurence; nowadays abdominal bandages can be used.
|One day in 2006 . . .|
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Kashiwagi: “. . .”
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Kazama Family footsoldier: “Boss!”
Kashiwagi: “Calm down.  . . . What is it?”
Kazama Family footsoldier: “The Komai Family members have been encroaching on our territory!”
Kashiwagi: “Where is this territory?”
Kazama Family footsoldier: “It’s a mahjong parlor on Shichifuku Street. It’s called ‘Aobaen’ . . . !”
Kashiwagi: “Leave it.”
Kazama Family footsoldier: “Eh?!”
Kashiwagi: “Protecting that broke mahjong parlor isn’t necessary, don’t bother going to the trouble. Besides, the store manager there hides mahjong bets and pockets them. He should have a taste of some other family’s collection at least once.”
Kazama Family footsoldier: “Even so, isn’t it our territory?! To just give it away free of charge . . . !”
Kashiwagi: “Is it strange?”
Kazama Family footsoldier: “It’s ridiculous! Won’t they think we’re cowards?!”
Kashiwagi: “. . .”
Kazama Family footsoldier: “Ah . . . I-I’m sorry!! I spoke out of turn!!”
Kashiwagi: “It’s fine. Rather, report to everyone my orders. I’m going out.”
Kazama Family footsoldier: “. . . Yes. Thank you for your hard work.”
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Kashiwagi: “. . .”
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Komai Family member: “Good evening. Head Kashiwagi.”
Kashiwagi: “. . . Komai Family? What’s this about?”
Komai Family member: “Hehehe . . . I would love to hear what you think of the Tojo Clan these days.”
Kashiwagi: “What are you trying to say.”
Komai Family member: “Terada of the Omi took the top spot . . . what are you doing on behalf of the young acting head?”
Kashiwagi: “. . .”
Komai Family member: “The old faces of the Tojo Clan have been crushed . . . moreover, it was ‘that’ Kiryu who nominated Terada. Can it be helped that the Kazama Family is believed to be a plague on the Tojo Clan . . . ?”
Kashiwagi: “Get to the point.”
Komai Family member: “I’m saying you can’t be entrusted to look after things! First we’ll take your territories . . . and then we’ll let you die here!!”
{Kashiwagi kicks his butt.}
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Komai Family member: “What . . . ?! Eh? S-Strong . . . ?!”
Kashiwagi: “Right now the Tojo Clan’s backbone is shaky. There’s a roadblock in picking who’ll be in the inner circle. Terada’s true intentions cannot be measured, but it is a fact that he is the current chairman. He can’t make waves on his own without permission.”
Komai Family member: “Uugh . . .”
Kashiwagi: “Got it?”
Komai Family member: “Y-Yes . . . !”
{Kashiwagi leaves.}
Komai Family member: “The Head had such strength . . .  ?!”
|To continue, one day in 2006 . . .|
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Kashiwagi: “Phew . . . Chief, thank you for the meal.”
Shopkeeper: “As always. Kashiwagi-san, you really like cold noodles.”
Kashiwagi: “I like cold noodles ‘here’.”
Shopkeeper: “Thank you.  . . . Is something troubling you?”
Kashiwagi: “. . . How do you know?”
Shopkeeper: “That’s because I’ve known you for more than 10 years. When you eat cold noodles silently and with great momentum, it’s usually when you’re worried about work.”
Kashiwagi: “. . . I’ve been placed in a position that doesn’t fit me and I don’t know how to maneuver around it . . . I’m putting you on the spot.”
Shopkeeper: “It’s okay. Kashiwagi-san, though you may look different compared to the old days . . . Nothing has changed inside. You can do things the way you want. Compassionate, respects justice . . . and unforgiving. You’re the kind of good yakuza that has become less common in this city. To me, at least.”
Kashiwagi: “. . . Heh. Thank you. I’ll drop by again.”
Shopkeeper: “Yeah! Looking forward to it!”
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Kashiwagi: “Phew . . . I ate too much . . .”
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Komai Family member: “Did you enjoy your last supper? Kashiwagi . . .”
Kashiwagi: “It’s you guys again. Haven’t you learned your lesson yet?”
Komai Family member: “He, hehehe. I was a bit surprised the other day . . . Today, I’ve scrounged up all our footsoldiers. It’s not just my family, it’s a joint coup d’etat with five other direct line families. This time we’ll kill you and crush the Kazama Family for always getting in the way. Then all the Tojo Clan veterans will come together and kill everyone in Terada’s corner. That way, we will be the rulers of the Tojo Clan’s yakuza society . . . !”
Kashiwagi: “I’ll give you some advice. It’s impossible for you guys. It’s outside your capacity.”
Komai Family member: “You’re telling me that? You’re the one acting as a decorative Head!!”
Kashiwagi: “Is it useless to talk this out . . . ? I just arrived here . . . and ate too much just now.”
Komai Family member: “Huh??”
Kashiwagi: “I’m likely to get gastroptosis if I move in this state. I’m told by my doctor not to overdo it.”
Komai Family member: “You think you can afford to make light of this situation . . . the time for chatting is over. Oi! Kill! Everyone kill him!!”
{Kashiwagi kicks everyone’s butts again.}
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Komai Family member: “S-Stupid . . . against this many people . . . !!”
Kashiwagi: “Is that all? I guess I didn’t have to worry about gastroptosis.”
Komai Family member: “. . . ku, kukuku . . . !”
Kashiwagi: “What’s so funny?”
Komai Family member: “I’m laughing at your stupidity . . . ! This coup is ‘simultaneous’. Not just here, but also the Kazama Family office and the Kazama Family territory. We’re attacking everywhere.”
Kashiwagi: “What . . . ?!”
Komai Family member: “Shouldn’t the shop you eat cold noodles at be on fire at around this time? Hyahyahyahyahya!”
Kashiwagi: “. . . . . . What did you say just now?”
Komai Family member: “I said, around this time that shop is . . .”
Kashiwagi: “Do you even hear what you’re saying?!?!”
Komai Family member: “Hii?! Ehh. No, that is, we’re burning the shop . . .”
Kashiwagi: “None of you move a single step from here. If you move . . . I’ll kill you.”
Komai Family member: “Y-Yes!!”
{Kashiwagi leaves.}
Komai Family member: “Wh-Whoa . . . !!”
|To continue, one day in 2006 . . .|
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Shopkeeper: “S-Stop it!”
Tojo Clan member: “Keep going! Let’s go over high heat~!!”
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Kashiwagi: “Wait!!!!”
Shopkeeper: “Ka-Kashiwagi-san . . . !!”
Tojo Clan member: “Huh?? Did the Komai Family guys fail . . . ?!”
Kashiwagi: “To have the nerve to burn down this shop . . . Are you ready?”
Tojo Clan member: “You’re surprisingly exercising your authority today, Head. Does it please you to the utmost?”
Shopkeeper: “Kashiwagi-san!”
Kashiwagi: “Don’t worry. It’s alright, I’ll do things my way.”
Tojo Clan member: “Everyone! Aim for a dazzling victory!! Just do it!!!!”
{Kashiwagi kicks more people’s butts.}
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Tojo Clan member: “Th-That’s ridiculous . . . ?!”
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Shopkeeper: “Kashiwagi-san! Are you okay?!”
Kashiwagi: “Heh. I’m just a bit worried about gastroptosis.”
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Kazama Family footsoldier: “Boss!!”
Kashiwagi: “Oh. How’s the office?”
Kazama Family footsoldier: “It’s been cleaned up.”
Kashiwagi: “I appreciate your efforts.”
Kazama Family footsoldier: “Good grief . . . Boss didn’t show up at the office, so I figured you’d be here.”
Kashiwagi: “Heh. The office has you guys. There’s nothing to worry about.”
Kazama Family footsoldier: “. . . Hehe.”
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Kashiwagi: “Oh, you guys!!”
Tojo Clan member: “Y-Yes?!”
Kashiwagi: “The Tojo Clan suddenly came under the control of people from the Omi . . . I understand how dissatisfied you all are. So, I take responsibility. I will not get rid of you.”
Tojo Clan member: “Eh . . . ?!”
Kashiwagi: “But Terada is the man Kiryu chose. I believe in Kiryu. You guys should believe too.”
Tojo Clan member: “Head . . . Far from blaming those of us who betrayed you, you lower your head instead . . . ?!”
Kazama Family footsoldier: “Hehe. compassionate, respects justice, unforgiving . . . and stronger than anyone! That’s our boss, Kashiwagi Osamu! Don’t you know?”
Tojo Clan member: “Uugh, kuh . . . ! What caliber . . . Please forgive us, Head!!”
Kazama Family footsoldier: “Hehehe. One situation has been dealt with, Boss.”
Kashiwagi: “Yeah. Now, how about we eat another bowl? Chief, could we?”
Shopkeeper: “Of course! I’ll show off my special skills today!”
Kashiwagi: “Heh. I’m looking forward to it!”
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kinglazrus · 3 years
Double Date
Phic Phight
Submitted by @ghostgothgeek: Danny/Sam and Johnny/Kitty double date
Summary: All Danny wanted was some dating advice from the only couple he knows, but of course he got more than he bargained for. At least going to the boardwalk sounds like a nice first date, right?
Word count: 9464 | links to ffn and ao3 in my bio
Danny stares at the tickets in Johnny's outstretched hand. He looks up at Johnny's slanted grin, then back down again. On the other side of the roof, Shadow lurks in the shade of the Ops-centre, drifting dangerously close to the supports.
"When I asked for dating advice, this isn't what I meant," Danny says. He thought Johnny dragged him up to the roof of Fenton Works for some "man to man" talk, not... whatever this is.
Johnny shrugs and stuffs the tickets into his jacket pocket. "Maybe so, but it's what you're getting! You want to treat your girl right? What better way to learn than watching the best boyfriend you know in action?"
"Johnny, I've seen you in action. Downtown. Driving around the community college and looking at all the girls while Kitty is off doing whatever," Danny says.
"Is that really such a big deal? Come on, kid. Listen to me." Johnny throws his arm around Danny's shoulder and drags him toward the edge of the rooftop. "Look how big this place is." He sweeps out his arm, gesturing toward the city. The sun is nearly set, but lots of people are still out at this hour. A warm haze of light glitters on the northern edge of the city, at the beachfront. Danny can almost see the top curve of the Ferris wheel from here.
Johnny continues. "Lots of people down there. Who knows who you actually saw doing what? I bet there are loads of blond guys with bikes around here. And I've got two tickets to the pier that says so."
Danny turns away from the glowing city to stare incredulously at Johnny. "You're using a double date with you and Kitty to bribe me into not telling her I caught you ogling college girls?"
"You said it, not me."
"Did you steal those tickets?"
"Kid, I know you're the goody-two-shoes type. I bought them fair and square with money right of pocket."
Danny snorts. "Whose pocket?"
"I don't think that matters. Come on, it'll be fun. I don't give advice for free, you know." Johnny squeezes Danny's shoulder, a little too hard for what's meant to be a casual chat. The desperate sheen in Johnny's eye kind of ruins the threat, though.
As Danny considers the offer, a shiver goes up his spine. His next breath leaves in a puff of pale blue air. With a sigh, he goes intangible and extracts himself from Johnny's hold, smiling a little when the older ghost stumbles at the sudden loss of Danny's support. Looking over the rooftops, he can't see another ghost, but they can't be far if they set off his ghost sense. He hopes with all his heart that they might be here for a friendly chat, like Johnny, but doubts it. Danny isn't lucky enough for that.
"Okay. I'll go," he says.
"And?" Johnny's grin stretches as he gestures for Danny to go on.
Danny tips his head back and sighs. He doesn't have time for this. "And I guess I didn't see you at the college last week."
"Great!" Johnny gives Danny a hearty slap on the back and climbs back onto his motorcycle. "You're not so bad, kid. When you're not kicking my ass. Just stick with Kitty and me on the day and I'll show the ropes." He kicks up the stand on his motorcycle and revs the engine. "Oh, and before I forget. If this date doesn't go perfectly, then... Shadow!"
The murky ghost rises from beneath the Ops-centre.
"Wait, don't!" Danny shouts, too late, as Shadow zips across the roof, cutting through as many of the Ops-Centre's supports as he can before melting into the darkness. Johnny takes off cackling as the whole thing comes crashing down.
The next morning, Danny keeps his head low, his gaze locked on the bowl of soggy cereal in front of him. Across the kitchen, his father stops to slap the counter.
"Didn't even hear a thing! Can you believe that?" Jack asks.
"Must have happened while we were sleeping."
"Must have."
"When I find the ghost that did it, they're gonna get a face full of Fenton grade vengeance! You know what happens when a ghost looks in a mirror, Danno? Makes 'em go crazy. We're working on this new gun that makes them see—"
"Look at that, time for school!" Danny shoots to his feet. He can't meet his father's gaze as he dumps his cereal bowl—still half full—into the sink and scurries out of the kitchen.
"Have fun!" Jack calls after him.
"Yeah, sure, I will!" Danny shouts back. Under his breath, he adds, "as long as I never have to see that gun." He grabs his backpack as he leaves, snagging the strap and swinging it over his shoulder on his way out the door. Once he is outside, and there's a solid barrier between him, his ticked-off father, and whatever ghost-fighting monstrosity his parents have made now, he stops to take a deep breath.
There are still a few minutes before Tucker should arrive for their walk to school, but Jack does not know that. Danny did not want to sit there and listen to his own father talk about all the ways he could make Danny double-dead, much less re-experience his first death. In fact, he usually tries to avoid people like that. Unfortunately, that does not always work when he lives with two of them.
Danny shakes his head. He can think about those things later. Right now, his conversation with Johnny is the only thing he cares about. Only time will tell if he made a huge mistake agreeing to the double date, but it would be nice if at least one thing could go right for Danny for once.
Inside the house, something slams, followed by a shout from Jack that rattles the window. Danny jumps away from the door and nearly tumbles down the stoop, his front foot slipping off the top step. He latches onto the bannister to keep from falling back, and his foot thumps against the next step. The landing jars his leg as his knee locks, a jolt shooting up his thigh.
"Whoa, it's freshman Danny." Tucker's voice drifts through Danny's ears.
Danny turns, rubbing his now aching knee, and scowls. "What?"
"You know. Freshman Danny." Grinning wide and smug, Tucker motions to Danny's entire person first, then his leg. "Clumsy as hell and too chicken to ask Sam out."
"Shut up! Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not!"
"Are too!" Tucker waves his hand in an airy gesture of finality, turning up his nose. He spins away from Danny, a signal that their little squabble is over. His mistake.
With a final cry of "Am not!" Danny launches himself at Tucker, pouncing on his back. Tucker shrieks in surprise, a peal of laughter echoing off his cry, and stumbles under the new weight. He tries to beat Danny off with the flat of his palm. In response, Danny clings tighter. He wraps his legs around Tucker's waist and hooks his arms over his shoulders, latching on to his wrists to keep a firm grip.
"Holy shit. You're so short, why are you so heavy." Tucker wheezes as he tries to pry Danny's arms off.
Danny throws his head over Tucker's shoulders, shifting his weight forward enough that Tucker bows underneath him. "Ghost fighting muscles, baby."
"Ugh." Tucker's palm finds Danny's chin and he pushes, shoving his head back. "You totally could have asked Sam out for homecoming but nooo, you had to go with me as a hot young bachelor."
Danny's cheeks burned. "It was your idea!"
"Only because you were getting all pouty about not going with Sam, and the only reason that didn’t happen is because you never asked!"
"Well, I'm asking today!"
Tucker freezes. For a second, Danny wonders how ridiculous they must look to anyone watching, with him clinging to Tucker worse than Klemper to literally anyone, and Tucker stretching back to push Danny's head as far back as it will go. Actually, maybe they wouldn't find it so strange. Danny's neighbours have seen a lot of weird things in the past four years; him and Tucker being their usual selves can't be high up on that list.
"You're really gonna ask today, finally?" Tucker asks.
Danny nods, as much as he can Tucker still shoving his head back. "Johnny was here last night."
"Oh yeah?" Tucker pauses, giving Danny a chance to elaborate. He doesn't, waiting for the gears to click in Tucker's head instead. It takes a moment, but he gets there. "Oh! Oh, right, yeah. He finally got back to you? Is that why, uh... you know." Tucker finally withdraws his hands and points to the roof of Fenton Works.
"Oh. Yeah." Danny's limbs go intangible, slipping through Tucker's torso in one final act of petty vengeance as Danny rights himself. Tucker shivers, shooting Danny a glare, before looking back at the Ops-Centre. Normally a pinnacle of Fenton genius that stands proudly above their home, now it lays on its side. Danny managed to catch it, barely, before it could crash into the roof, but overnight the saucer-like body crushed itself under its own weight. Now, the side touching the roof is a crumpled mess, the supports that once held it up rusted beyond repair.
"Shadow," Danny says. It's all he needs to say. Tucker nods, understanding perfectly what happened here. "Other than that it went... okay. He asked me out."
"What?!" Tucker's head whips toward Danny, his eyes wide. "I hope nobody tells Kitty. But he does give off bi energy, doesn't he?"
Danny rolls his eyes. "Not like that. He invited me and Sam on a double date with him and Kitty."
"Oh, so they're swingers."
Tucker snickers. "Okay, okay. I'm serious now. Promise." The cat-like grin he gives isn't the most reassuring, but Danny will take what he can get. "You're really gonna ask her out today?"
"Got carnival tickets and everything."
"Well, shit, man. Don't blow it."
Danny grabs Tucker's beanie and yanks it down over his face. Tucker's teasing laughter chases Danny all the way to school.
At lunch, Danny pulls Sam aside. He meets her at her locker, which is two halls away from his and Tucker's, waiting along the opposite wall for her to finish switching out her books for her lunch bag. The hall is still fairly crowded since it's only been a minute since the lunch bell went. Down the way, Danny can see Paulina and Elliot, standing with their heads tucked together by Paulina's locker, working on the local rumour mill no doubt. When Sam looks done digging through her bag, and Danny pushes off the wall toward her, Elliot happens to glance in their direction. His sharp eyes go from Danny to Sam, then back. A wicked smile takes over his face.
Danny ducks his head, letting his hair flop forward and hide his slowly reddening cheeks. In two quick strides, he crosses the hall and thumps against the closed lockers beside Sam's.
"Done lurking?" Sam asks without looking up.
"I wasn't lurking."
"Sure you weren't." Sam knocks her elbow against her locker door. Danny's eyes catch the small, black-framed mirror taped to the inside, which reflects the exact spot Danny was standing when it hits the right angle.
At this rate, Danny's face will be red as his shoes. "Oh."
"Yeah, oh. What's up?" She finally looks up from her bag as she yanks the zipper closed. When she turns toward him, she hits her locker door with her elbow once again, this time to knock it closed; but, as the door swings, Danny glimpses Paulina and Elliot again. This time, they are both watching, and the way they cover their mouths as they talk is far from reassuring.
Danny's hand jerks out. He stops Sam's locker, shoving it back open, and holds it in place to block the gossiping duo's view.
"I wanted to ask you something," Danny says.
Sam shoots a raised eyebrow at her locker door, then turns it on him "Are you okay? You've been acting kind of weird all day."
"No, yeah, I'm fine. I was just­– you know. This weekend, yeah?"
Sam looks entirely unimpressed with his fumbled words. "I can't say that I do."
"I have tickets to the boardwalk," Danny clarifies. "For this weekend. We don't have anything planned and I know you're free. So, want to go?"
As he waits for Sam's answer, he is struck by the realization that she could say no. They have been friends for years, and he has had an inkling, the past little while, that she might like him back. But he doesn't know it. No matter what Danny feels for her—and thinking about his own feelings makes his face hot and his heart stutter—she still might not feel the same. She could say no. And it's not that Danny hasn't thought about this before; there's a reason he is only asking her out senior year even though he has had a crush on her since they were freshman. But worrying about it in the back of his mind is very different from standing in front of her knowing it could actually happen.
This was such a bad idea. He is asking her out in the hallway. Within sight of Paulina and Elliot. He should have waited until after school, at least. Oh, god. Should he have gotten her something? Are you supposed to bring something when you ask someone out? Oh, this is so bad. She is going to say no, and then Danny will have to tell the story to Tucker, and Tucker will laugh because of course she said no, this is terrible.
"Sure, sounds fun," Sam says.
Danny blinks. He shakes his head, goes over her words in his head to make sure he heard it right, then blinks again. "Yes?"
"Absolutely. It's been so long since we've gone to the boardwalk. Maybe Tucker can win that stuffed shark he couldn't get last time." Sam nudges Danny's hand off her locker door and closes it, then snaps her padlock back into place.
Danny watches her blankly, slowly processing what she just said. "Tucker," he says.
"Yeah. At the ring toss booth, remember? I think he wasted fifty bucks on that thing. I told him it was a scam, but whatever." Sam starts down the hall toward the cafeteria, but Danny stays rooted in place.
He remembers the ring toss, of course. After Tucker finished emptying his wallet on the booth, Danny took a turn and got the top prize in one go. He might have had a little telekinesis to help him along, but no one else needed to know that; the giant stuffed alien was worth it. But that had nothing to do with this, right?
Before his thoughts can spiral too far, Danny shakes his head. "I meant without Tucker."
Sam pauses mid-step. Slowly, she sets her foot down and turns back around to face Danny. Her grip on her backpack tightens, and he can see the muscle along her jaw working as she clenches her teeth. Those are... probably not good signs. "Like, just you and me?"
In the background, Danny hears Paulina and Elliot snicker. He groans, dragging a hand down his face, and glares over Sam's shoulder at them. "Can you not?"
"Not our fault you're doing this in the middle of the hall," Paulina says.
"Seriously. I had way better class," Elliot adds.
Paulina looks at Elliot and beams. "You so did. But I've been rooting for this since the beginning, and I am so invested right now."
"Oh my God, this is so embarrassing." Danny has to fight off the urge to go intangible. He almost wishes his ghost sense would go off so that he could have an excuse to leave. This is not how he imagined this going, and Paulina and Elliot are making it so much worse than it has to be.
"Come on, Danny." Sam's voice snaps him out of his pity party. At some point, while he was wallowing, she walked back toward him and now has her hand on his wrist. She tugs him forward. He gives in, letting her drag him along the hall past the tittering pair until they disappear around the corner. Once they are out of sight, Sam's hand slips down into Danny's. It's warm. She squeezes his hand, just once, then tugs him into the nearest empty classroom and closes the door.
Neither of them says anything for a long moment.
Danny's hands flex at his sides as he tries not to fidget. Sam won't pull her gaze up from the floor.
"So, uh. Just you and me?" she repeats.
Danny nods vigorously, then stops and shakes it instead. "Yeah, but no. Johnny and Kitty will be there."
Sam's head snaps up.
The first thing Danny notices is the red tinge to her face, a rosy band stretching across her cheeks and nose. Her lips pinch together, not in a show of disapproval, but an expression of hers that he has become familiar with over the years. Sam doesn't usually do hopeful most of the time. Nerves aren't her thing either. But when she wants something bad enough, and she dares to look on the brighter side, she gets this look on her face. It's like she wants to smile but she holds herself back, sucking on her lips as she tries to keep composed.
That expression wavers now, her mouth relaxing as a frown tugs at her lips instead. "Now I'm confused. Are you trying to ask me out or not?"
"Yes!" Danny bursts out. "To the boardwalk with me. But it's, like, a double date with Johnny and Kitty, because he got the tickets. Actually bought them, although I'm pretty sure he stole the money." He considers telling Sam about the deal but holds back. "I really thought this was gonna go better but now I kind of want to punch Elliot in the face or something."
"Please don't punch my ex-boyfriend in the face."
"Right, not a good look. Got it."
Silence falls again. Neither of them can meet each other's eyes, although Danny keeps stealing glances at Sam. One hand hovers in front of her mouth, but when she turns her head away from him, he sees the full-blown grin on her face. Her eyes sparkle in a way he hasn't seen before. It sounds cheesy and dumb, but it's the truth. He looks at her and all he can see is how genuinely happy she is. Soon enough, Danny wears a grin to match hers.
"So," Sam says, and that one syllable sounds so much lighter than her usual tone. "It's a date."
In retrospect, asking Sam to go out with him on Saturday on a Wednesday wasn't the best idea. Danny floats around school for the rest of the day with a dopey grin on his face. He actually lifts off his feet a few times and Tucker has to clamp a hand down on his shoulder to keep him down. Over the next two days, he asks Tucker no less than five times if that really happened, if Sam actually said yes. Tucker, naturally, teases Danny relentlessly over it.
By Friday, Paulina and Elliot have made good work of spreading Danny's disaster attempt to ask Sam out all around the school. More than once, he sees money changing hands in the hallway, trying to be discreet and Danny and Sam pass by, so close together that their knuckles keep brushing as they walk.
He hasn't held her hand since she dragged him to the classroom on Wednesday, even though he wants to.
When Saturday rolls around, Danny phones Tucker an hour before he and Sam are supposed to meet.
"Do I dress normally?" he asks.
On the other end of the line, Tucker sighs. "Why are you asking me?"
"It's the boardwalk. People don't get dressed up for the boardwalk. And Sam has already seen everything in my closet. Should I try to look really nice, or should I just be myself?"
"We are talking about Sam, right? Relax, man. You know what she'd like."
In the end, Danny decides to go mostly normal. He throws a button-up over his usual outfit, rolls the sleeves up, and calls it a day. If he knows Sam, she would appreciate him not making things weird by getting too fancy and not like his usual self. He maintains that attitude up until he gets to the boardwalk and sees her waiting by the ticket booths.
"I should have dressed up," he whispers.
At a glance, Sam's outfit doesn't seem too different from her usual attire. Black on black with a few purple accents thrown into the mix. He has seen her in dresses before, but rarely outside school dances, and he has never seen this one with Flowing lace sleeves that slope down her shoulders and a flared skirt. She even has a new wide brim hat to go with it, even though it's already sunset.
Before Danny even considers turning back around and putting something nicer on, Sam's gaze roves over the parking lot and settles on him. She gives his outfit a good look. A second passes. She bursts on laughing.
"Oh, come on," Danny whines as he approaches.
"I'm sorry," she says, but she is still hunched over clutching her stomach. "But your face. You should have seen your face."
It takes a good minute for her to get her giggles under control. Even still, a few quiet snickers breakthrough when she finally composes herself, smoothing out her dress and righting her hat.
"Tucker texted me," she says. "He told me all about your little fashion dilemma."
"I'm gonna kill him." Tucker just had to get in one last jab before the date began, Danny supposes. He hopes it was worth it because Tucker is going to pay dearly. Although...
He subtlety takes in Sam's outfit again, the way the dress hugs her waist, and those boots. He didn't notice them at first but now he can't stop staring at them. Slick, black, buckled up to the knees, with the purple lace edging of a pair of stocking peeking out the top. The only exposed skin on her legs is a few scant inches of her thighs between the end of the stockings and the bottom of her dress. And it's a damn good few inches.
Danny silently amends his earlier statement. He won't kill Tucker; he will collapse into his best friend’s arms crying tears of gratitude for helping him spend a whole evening with Sam dressed like that.
Realizing that he is staring, Danny quickly drags his eyes back up to Sam's face. The last thing he wants on their first date is for her to punch him because he is being a creep. Except Sam doesn't look angry to have caught him staring. In fact, she is blushing again, nervously plucking at her sleeves with her nails.
"For a second I thought you had bought a whole new outfit just for today." Danny chuckles, his own nerves showing through. Despite how long they have known each other, he feels wholly unprepared for tonight.
"Not exactly," Sam says. She drops her sleeves and smooths out her skirt again, this time pinching some of the fabric in her hand and swishing it back and forth. "I've had this outfit for a while, but I haven't worn it yet."
"Oh, man. I'm really underdressed, aren't I?" Danny tugs at the collar of his NASA shirt with a grimace. The button-up, at least, is black, because he knew she would like that. But otherwise, he is plain old Danny.
"Not that you don't look good all dressed up, but I like it when you're yourself," Sam says.
The rumble of a motorcycle approaches from the distance.
"Besides, I think you'll look pretty fancy next to Johnny."
At least Danny has that going for him. They both turn toward and watch Johnny's motorcycle peal into the parking lot. It goes intangible, along with its riders, and phases through the parked cars, only coming back into the physical world when it screeches to a stop in front of Danny and Sam.
Johnny runs a hand over his slicked-back hair—is that gel? "You're really setting the tone for your first date, huh."
To Danny's horror, Johnny is dressed up. He switched his dusty gray jacket for a shiny leather one, and instead of his usual shirt, he wears his own button-up. But unlike Danny's, Johnny's shirt is white and crisp, and actually buttoned up.
Kitty, meanwhile, looks the same as always. "Come on, don't tease the kid. He ain't half bad looking. He snagged me for a couple weeks, didn't he?"
Danny opens his mouth, about to remind her that she had been using him to make Johnny jealous the entire time; one look at Johnny's scowl and Sam's glare has him shutting up before he can utter a single syllable.
"Uh, should we go in? You do have the tickets, right Johnny?" he says instead.
Johnny scoffs and reaches into his jacket, pulling out the tickets. "Cool it, little man. I got us covered."
"Johnny! You actually bought tickets?" Kitty gasps.
"Only the best for you, babe. Let's go." Johnny holds out his elbow for Kitty to take, which she goes with glee, her steps bouncing as they take off for the ticket booth. Over his shoulder, Johnny shoots Danny a wink.
"Oh, uh. Shall we?" Danny cringes as the words fall from his mouth, but offers his arm to Sam nonetheless. She looks between Danny and Johnny, a questioning look in her eye. Just when Danny thinks she is going to leave him hanging, she shrugs and loops her arm through his.
They follow Johnny and Kitty. Already at the booth, the ghostly couple is passing the tickets over when Danny and Sam get close.
"The pipsqueaks are with us," Johnny says.
The girl at the counter, who looks only a year or two older than Danny, stares at Johnny with wide eyes. His aura, a dull grey that's usually hard to see, is much brighter at night. With the poorly lit parking lot at their back, it's impossible to ignore. Kitty's soft green aura is far more noticeable, but she stands just behind Johnny, her arm still curled around his, staring ahead at the twinkling lights of the boardwalk.
The sun hasn't completely set yet, but the top of the Ferris wheel touches the darkest part of the sky, and its colourful lights flash in a mesmerizing pattern, beckoning people in.
Johnny seems to have forgotten the whole reason he arranged this date in the first place because he takes full advantage of Kitty's distraction to lean in close to Ticket Girl, looking her up and down.
Behind them, a line is forming.
Ticket Girl's lip curls in disgust, but Danny can see fear shining in her eyes. "Sorry, sir, but I don't know if I can let a ghost in."
The fawning curl to Johnny's smile drops away abruptly, twisting into something more similar. "That's a bit rude, don't you think?" Shadow rises from Johnny's feet, growing taller until he looms over the booth, a menacing grin stretching his blank face wide.
"Johnny!" Danny slides up to the booth, nudging Johnny over with the arm not held by Sam, and beams at Ticket Girl manning the booth. "Hey. You might recognize me­—Danny Fenton, son of Maddie and Jack Fenton."
"The ghost hunters." Ticket Girl nods.
"Right. We're actually doing an experiment right now. See, some ghosts actually have really human behaviours. Like Phantom, I bet you love him. But any good scientist has to test their hypothesis multiple times. So me and my– uh, my girlfriend?" He glances at Sam, whose red face matches his, but nods in agreement. "Are here to observe these too ghosts"—he tips his head to Johnny and Kitty—"doing normal human things. Such as getting into the boardwalk with paid tickets, just like everyone else wants to do."
"But he...." Ticket Girl glances nervously at Shadow.
"The big guy will be so chill. Super chill. You won't even know he is here, because you'll be at the booth, far away from the ghosts that just want to get inside and definitely not hurt anyone here."
The kid snatches up the tickets before Danny finishes his sentence, ripping off the stubs, and shoves a handful of wristbands across the counter, along with a whole roll of game tickets. "Just don't come back, okay?"
"Thank you!" Danny grabs the items and hustles everyone along.
"Nice work, Danny." Kitty gives him a thumb up under her and Johnny's intertwined arms. "Way to use your head."
"I could have thought of something," Johnny grumbles.
"Sure you could have, babe. Now let's check out the roller coaster first!" She drags him off, both of them without their wristbands, but Danny doesn't think it will be a problem. Everyone steers clear of them as they plow through the crowd. Every second the sun gets closer to setting, every shade darker the sky turns, the more obvious it becomes that Johnny and Kitty aren't human as their auras grow brighter.
"What should we do first?" Sam plucks four of the wristbands from Danny's fist—the kid gave him seven—and puts them on, grinning at her little collection. She takes the remaining three and puts them on Danny.
"Roller coaster sounds fun. Go with the thrills first?" He watches her slip the bands around his wrist, looping them together so that all three are intertwined.
Sam pauses on the last bracelet. "But you like saving the big rides for last."
He peeks over Sam's shoulder. Johnny and Kitty are halfway across the boardwalk already, well on their way to the coaster. Johnny twists mid-step, catches Danny's eye, and beckons him forward.
Right. Stick together. See how it's done.
"Yeah, but it might be fun to shake things up." He takes over putting the last bracelet on, hurrying to slap the sticky pieces together. In his rush, he catches some of his hair, drawing out a wince, but Johnny and Kitty are nearly there, and they've fallen way too far behind. "Come on!"
Danny takes Sam's arm and pulls her along. Focused on the path left by Johnny and Kitty's charge, he misses the frown on Sam's face as she looks down at him.
It goes better than Danny expected. Kitty leads the way, picking attraction after attraction with such gusto that he thinks she has never been to a theme park of any kind, which may very well be. Danny doesn't know much about Johnny and Kitty's life before ghost-hood, except that they died young and poor.
More than once, Danny catches Johnny watching other girls. Kitty doesn't seem to have noticed, so far, but Danny is not taking any chances. He remembers Johnny's threat and Shadow's piercing eyes watching them every step of the way serves as a constant reminder. Whenever he catches Johnny in a moment of distraction, he nudges the ghost and draws him back to the present. It earns him a few glares, but it works.
Despite Johnny's mounting annoyance, he still fulfills his side of the deal, giving Danny quick advice, either through vague gestures or whispered words while the girls are distracted.
"Let her choose what to do." Johnny feigns examining the bright bulbs overhead as they wait in line for the bumper cars. The golden lights dangle from the tent, flashing intermittently. Neither Sam nor Kitty are paying attention to the boys. Sam leans against the railing, cheering on the current bumper car drivers. A quick glance into the rink shows Valerie Grey ramming her cart against Dash Baxter.
If Johnny weren't dispensing important advice, Danny would be right next to Sam cheering along.
"It makes her feel like you care about what she likes when you do," Johnny continues.
"I do care," Danny says.
"Perfect, then you won't have a problem."
The bumper cars don't provide ample opportunity to use Johnny's advice, but when Kitty drags them to the Tilt-a-Whirl next, he gets the perfect chance. At the front of the line, he and Sam get first pick of the available seats. The Amity Park boardwalk, unlike other theme parks, has an eclectic collection of Tilt-a-Whirl cars ranging from a cupcake, to a plain seat, to a bat to a spaceship. Danny already knows which one Sam would like.
"You want to take the spaceship?" Sam asks, tugging Danny in that direction.
He resists her pull. "Don't you like the bat?"
"Yeah, of course. But you like the spaceship."
It's the strangest tug of war Danny has ever found himself in. He nearly gives in, but Johnny kicks the back of Danny's leg—lightly—and coughs "lady's choice" under his breath.
"It's just a car. We can take the one you like," Danny says.
Sam frowns, her grip slackening. It's all that Danny needs, and he eagerly pulls her toward the bat, sliding in before she can protest further. When he turns to face her, instead of a smile, she meets him with a frown.
"Is something wrong?" Danny asks, startled. Panic rises within him. Oh, no. She is not having a good time. It's a disaster after all.
"No, it's fine," she says after a moment of silence, which does nothing to assuage Danny's worries. Everyone knows "fine" doesn't actually mean "fine." It's one of the most used words in Danny's vocabulary, typically after a nasty ghost fight that leaves him limping and bruised.
Desperate, Danny leans out of the car, searching the ride for Johnny. He finds him across the way, sliding into the cupcake next to Kitty. Johnny meets Danny's gaze and motions for him to watch. In one smooth move, Johnny stretches his arm out with a feigned yawn, then settles it down around Kitty's shoulders and tugs her close. When Danny leans back into the car, Sam is watching him.
"You're acting weird," she says.
"I'm just a little tired." Danny stretches his arm up, just like Johnny did. Sam's gaze follows it all the way until he drapes it over her shoulder. It isn't until he has settled that he realizes he forgot the yawn.
The rest of Johnny's advice follows that same vein: do what Sam wants and use every chance possible to invite her closer. Danny follows it to the letter, mimicking everything Johnny does. Take the lead when walking, but let her choose where to go. Keep her close, but let her wander when she wants to. The hardest part, though, is finding excuses to stick with Johnny and Kitty.
"We don't have to spend the whole night with them," Sam says.
They are loading onto the Ferris wheel, Johnny and Kitty taking one side of the four-person carriage while Sam and Danny get the other. Danny had hoped to save this for the end of the night, for just him and Sam, but Kitty wanted to go now. When Danny tried to suggest otherwise, or even suggest he and Sam take a different carriage, Shadow's low growl cut off his protests.
"I want to make sure they don't get into trouble. You know they like to cause drama," he whispers needlessly. Neither Kitty nor Johnny is listening.
"I don't think we have to worry about that. We've been here for three hours already and they haven't done anything. I think they just want to have a good time. Mostly." Sam tilts her head, shooting Johnny a pointed look.
To Danny's dismay, Johnny is once again feasting on the local sights. As Kitty braces herself against the rail of the carriage, staring out over the beachfront, Johnny leers at the woman who helped them onto the ride. His posture mimics Kitty's as the Ferris wheel turns for the next passengers to load on, and he leans over to get one last look at the woman.
"It's a double date. Aren't you supposed to stick together on a double date?" Danny draws Sam's attention back to him with the question and uses that moment to kick Johnny's ankle.
"Ow!" Johnny cries. He whips around, fixing a glare on Danny. "The hell was that for?"
"Do I have to say it?" They both know he won't, though. With the threat of Shadow hanging over the evening, Danny won't risk letting Kitty on to what's happening behind her back.
Sam, however, has no such qualms. "I can't believe you. You're literally on a date and you're not even paying attention to your girlfriend?"
That grabs Kitty's attention. She turns, eyes wide, and looks at Johnny. "What?"
"I bet she spent a long time getting ready for today, trying to look good for you, but here you are, faking interest when she watches, then looking to someone else whenever you think she isn't." As Sam berates Johnny, her voice slowly growing louder, Danny gets the sinking feeling that she isn't just talking about the ghost. "I wonder how long she has been looking forward to this. Probably a really long time, but you're so distracted that you can't even see she isn't enjoying herself."
Danny's stomach plummets. He really screwed up, didn't he?
"You. What?" Kitty's ice-cold voice reminds Danny that there are real stakes on this date.
"I was checking out her jacket, not her! It looks like the kind of thing you like to wear," Johnny rushes to explain.
Kitty's eyes narrow. In a blink, she lurches across the carriage and takes Johnny's place at the rail, peering back at the receding woman. Damningly, she isn't wearing a jacket.
"You! You! I can't believe you!" Kitty shrieks. "I thought you wanted to take me on a nice date. I didn't even care that you the ghost kid and his girl were coming, because he's nice, and you were finally taking me to a theme park like I always wanted!"
Viridescent tears streak down Kitty's cheeks. Danny has seen her livid and raging plenty of times over the past few years, but now she looks downright distraught. Her face crumples, scowl giving way as a sob wrenches from her throat. Johnny looks as stricken as Danny feels.
"I'm sorry, baby, I didn't mean it. You know you're the only girl for me," he says, dropping to his knees.
"I thought this– this meant something." Kitty struggles to speak through her tears, fighting against the tightening of her throat and gasping sobs. "How could you?"
She takes off, then, launching herself out of the carriage with enough force that she sends it rocking. Johnny reaches after her, but it's no use. She streaks across the sky, a blur of red and green, and disappears into the sparkling lights of the game booths, out of sight in seconds.
An oppressive silence descends for one long moment.
Johnny, shoulders trembling, turns to Danny. His shadow bubbles and bulges as two furious eyes blink open. "Kid, I am going to kill you!"
Sam jumps forward, sending the carriage rocking again, and brings her leg up. Danny glimpses the neon sole of her boot before she slams her heel down on Shadow's growing face. Shadow screeches in pain and withers into the floor, disappearing into a grey blob with a pathetic sizzle.
"Shut the hell up, Johnny, and go after your girlfriend!" Sam shouts, thrusting an arm out toward the game booths.
Johnny gnashes his teeth but doesn't fight. "This isn't over, kid." He falls through the floor of the carriage, intangible, and takes off after Kitty.
With a huff, Sam drops onto the bench opposite Danny, crossing her legs and arms, and glares at a point over Danny's shoulder.
Danny fidgets, pinching the fabric of his jeans and rolling it between his fingers. He looks up at Sam, down, then out after Johnny and Kitty. "Should we–"
"They can wait until the ride is done," Sam snaps.
Danny nods, afraid to say anything else and screw this up even further. He should have noticed Sam wasn't enjoying herself. It started off great, and now... he is not sure if there will be a second date. He wouldn't blame her. With that realization comes the dawning horror of what that might mean for their friendship. It would end because of this, right? They have fought a few times over the years, and it never lasts long, but this is different. They tried dating; that changes things. If it doesn't work and they go back to just being friends, it won't be the same. They will both know that they like each other, and they will know that it didn't work.
What would happen then? Danny can't imagine not having Sam in his life, but if she is really mad at him... she has dropped people for less. Everyone in Casper High remembers the middle school debacle that led to Sam cutting off all ties with Paulina. They might be better now, but it took six years for them to become friends again. Danny couldn't wait that long.
"Danny!" Sam jostles him, her hand on his shoulder, and yanks him back to the present. She stares into his eyes, assessing him. Once she is satisfied that he is back in the moment, she returns to her seat, this time with her gaze fixed on him.
Looking outside the carriage, Danny realizes they are over the crest. He was so caught up in his thoughts that he missed half the ride, including the best moment. The realization hits him worse than one of Skulker's ecto-seeking missiles. He nearly spirals again, but Sam reaches out and clamps onto his knee, keeping him grounded.
"Danny, I think we need to talk."
This is his nightmare. Literally, he has had nightmares about Sam rejecting him. They usually end with the haunting echo of Elliot's pompous laughter as Sam chooses him, old jealousies thriving in his dreams. Sometimes Valerie is there, too, her face overlayed with Sam's as they turn him down in unison. But the worst ones are when it is just Sam, looking him straight in the eye, and saying no. Right now, this is all too close to those nightmares.
He swallows, unable to find the right words, and nods instead.
"Why did you ask me out if you weren't even going to pay attention to me?" she asks.
Danny's mouth stays clamped shut as his earlier fears are realized. Her rant was for more than just Johnny.
"You asked me if this outfit was new." Sam skims her fingers along the lace of her stockings, tracing the spiderweb patterns hidden within. "I didn't lie when I answered. I bought this a few months ago for homecoming. It was our last one, and I thought... I thought you were going to ask me to it."
"But that's not..."
"Yeah, I didn't wear it."
The dress she did wear was fancier, with layered skirts and glittering black beads.
"I bought this one because I knew you wouldn't care if I dressed fancy or not. And I know you don't like to unless you have to." She nods to Danny's casual outfit. "So when you asked me out, I already knew what I wanted to wear, because I know you. But this whole time, you haven't acted like the Danny I know and care about. You've been clingy, and overly accommodating, but at the same time ignoring everything I wanted. And when you weren't doing that, you were watching Johnny?"
Sam ducks her head and looks away. With the brim of her hat hiding her face, he can't see her, but the quiet sniffle she makes is unmistakable.
A rotten taste seeps through Danny's mouth. This was supposed to be a nice first date, but all he did was make Sam cry.
"I know I say I don't care about this stuff. I say it all the time, but..." She reaches up, carefully dabs at her eyes so she doesn't ruin her makeup. "I wanted you to look at me."
Danny finally finds his voice. "Sam, God, no. You're beautiful. When I saw you? Holy crap, I couldn't breathe. You're always beautiful. Not that that's the only reason I like you! You're my best friend. I love your passion, and your smarts, and how you won't put up with guys like Johnny getting away with any of their shit. Or me getting away with mine. I love so much about you, and I love­–"
He cuts himself off before the last word, the unsaid "you" hanging between them. He knows what he meant. She probably does, too. Now isn't the right time to say it, though, so he lets his voice fade to quiet.
The Ferries wheel jerks to a stop, their carriage rocking back and forth, and the ride technician opens the door for them.
"Hey, weren't there for of you before?" she asks.
"They got off early," Danny says. He ignores the startled look on the technician’s face as he rises to his feet. On instinct, he reaches toward Sam but holds back at the last moment. Clingy. The word echoes in his head. He wavers, unsure what to do.
Sam takes the choice away from him, jerking to her feet before he can decide. She touches his hand, but doesn't take it and brushes past him, exiting the carriage onto the boardwalk.
"Harsh," the technician whispers.
"I deserve it," Danny mutters back before running after Sam. She walks at a brisk pace, weaving through the crowd toward the line of booths. Danny catches up as she reaches the first tent. "Where are we going?"
"We need to make sure Johnny and Kitty haven't trashed anything, don't we?" Sam says.
"Right, yeah." Danny wishes his ghost sense would go off. At the very least, it could tell them if Johnny and Kitty were close by, but that only worked if they left his range in the first place. In his freshman year, they might have, but today his range stretched over most of the boardwalk, if not the whole thing.
As it turns out, tracking them is easy even without Danny's sense. When he and Sam reach the tightest cluster of game booths, they find a trail of destruction. Fallen stands, scattered prizes, and shattered lights guide them through the maze of booths and back out into the main thoroughfare.
"This looks tame for Shadow," Sam comments.
"Twenty bucks says Johnny did it," Danny says as they pick their way through shattered boards.
"Not Kitty?"
"Right now, the only person she's mad at is Johnny. But when Johnny gets mad, he isn't the only source of bad luck in their trio," Danny explains. It doesn't come out often, since Shadow does most of the fighting, but he has seen it often enough to recognize the effects.
When they leave the booths behind, they find themselves near the boardwalk entrance. In the middle of the wide path, Johnny and Kitty are locked in a screaming match. Or Kitty screams while Johnny wilts with every new word.
"It was always supposed to be our place, Johnny! And you ruined it!" She beat her fist against his chest, wailing all the while.
Johnny's silence under the onslaught speaks volumes. He doesn't even look mad anymore, just heartbroken.
"All I ever wanted, and you couldn't even—!" She stops, shuddering, and takes a deep breath. Her next words come out quiet. "If you hadn't tried to look at that stupid girl! If you had just watched the road like you were supposed to!" A gut-wrenching sob cuts her off. "Leave me alone, Johnny."
She turns on her heels and runs toward the nearest building. For a moment, it doesn't look like Johnny is going to follow. His legs tremble, seconds from collapsing beneath him. He manages to lift his gaze, though, and finally notices the sign hanging over the building that Kitty missed: Hall of Mirrors.
"Shit! Kitty, wait!" he calls, but she ignores him. With another swear, he leaps up and flies after her.
"Oh, no," Danny says. He sprints across the boards, Sam following without question. They're halfway to the house of mirrors when they hear a piercing scream followed by a crash. The building crackles. Something inside pulses, imperceptible to regular humans, but it makes Danny stagger.
"Danny, what's going on?"
Before he can answer, a wave of power surges from the house and everything goes back.
Danny wakes to a sharp ringing in his ears. Hazy light edges his vision. His hearing returns slowly. First, the muffled sound of his name, then the fizzle and pop of broken lights, and finally the soft rumbling of a gathered crowd.
All at once, Danny becomes aware. Sam hovers at his side, her hair tousled, a thin cut on her temple, and her hat in her hands. He sits up, squeezing his eyes shut when the world spins around him. Sam provides a steady hand, rubbing small circles on his back until he can open his eyes again. Around them, the stalls are dark. Thirty feet out in every direction from the house of mirrors, every light is broken. Glass litters the boardwalk. The normally glowing entrance to the park is dark, the metal twisted. Beyond that, the ticket booth lies on its side.
Directly ahead of them, a large crack splits the house of mirrors.
"What... what was that?" Sam asks. "It was like Shadow's power but way bigger. I've never... did Johnny do that? I didn't know he could."
Danny groans, rubbing his head. The piercing ring lingers in the back of his head, and it probably won't fade for a while, but it is not so bad that he can't ignore it. "Normally, yeah, but..." He grimaces. "We should get in there."
Sam nods and helps Danny to his feet, pulling him up by the arm. He staggers toward the broken attraction with Sam at his shoulder, casting wary glances all around them.
The gathered crowd isn’t big, yet. It looks like Danny was the only one knocked off his feet, the only one really affected by the ghostly surge—three guesses as to why that is, and the first two don't count. Judging by the sparks still raining down down from the shattered lights, it has only been a minute since the surge. Security isn't here yet. That gives them some time.
The employee manning the attractions sits on the boards, staring wide-eyed at the broken building. He doesn't even blink as Danny and Sam slip through the curtain.
Inside, it's dark. The lights are all down. Glass crunches under their shoes, every mirror in sight shattered, leaving blank boards behind. Johnny and Kitty aren't far from the entrance, no more than a few feet. Sam sees them first, catches the glow of their auras in the corner of her eye, and points toward a dead-end alcove after the first bend in the maze.
Kitty is tucked against Johnny's chest, her jacket pulled up around her head. Johnny has his arms around her waist, and his soft voice provides the only noise beyond the glass under Danny and Sam's feet.
When Johnny hears them, lifts his head, just enough to glare at them through the darkness. No threats spill from his lips, though, and he goes back to comforting Kitty soon enough.
Danny can't help it. He looks down at the mirror shards below them, and immediately wishes he didn't. Bloody road rash stretches up Kitty's right side, torn to the bone. Her face, protected by the darkness around them, and the shadows of her jacket, remains hidden from Danny's prying eyes. He prefers it that way.
A gentle nudge at his side reminds him that Sam is with them.
"What's going on?" she mouths.
Danny crouches, carefully not to make too much noise, and picks up a shard of glass. Johnny still hears him, though, and Shadow rises threateningly at the sight of the glass. Danny holds up a placating hand, then motions to Sam, the glass, then himself.
No matter what low opinion Johnny has of Danny right now, he wouldn't stoop so far as to expose other ghosts like that. To Danny's surprise, however, Johnny thrusts an arm out and motions for the glass. Danny raises his eyebrows. Johnny sticks his hand out further. Without complaint, Danny passes it over.
Johnny holds the glass up, angling it so that they can see his face. He and Kitty have matching road rash.
Sam gasps.
"Come on," Danny says to Johnny and Kitty. "Security will come soon. And if they see a couple of ghosts, you know they'll call my parents."
Kitty sniffs. Danny can't see her well behind the jacket, but the way her hair bobs, he assumes she nodded. All four of them go intangible, Danny lending his power to Sam. They slip through the mirrors toward the side of the building and step out into the open air. As Johnny continues to comfort Kitty, Danny creeps toward the corner of the building and peers out into the open. They left just in time. A security guard pushes through the gathered crowd and heads for the front entrance.
Danny retreats before anyone can see him, leaning against the side of the building. He shudders.
"I didn't know that could happen," Sam whispers as she comes up beside Danny.
"Not your fault. Ghosts don't make a point of going near mirrors," he says.
"You do, all the time. I saw you in a mirror this week."
"In your locker, yeah. But I'm not a ghost all the time. It doesn't work when I'm in human form."
"So, when you picked up the glass..." Sam trails off. Danny doesn't answer, letting her fill in the blanks for herself.
Neither of them says anything for a long moment. They hear the shout of the security guard, calling an al clear. Danny feels sorry for the workers at the park who have to deal with the aftermath. It didn't affect the whole boardwalk—he can see the Ferris wheel operating just fine, and a glow in the air from the game booth lights.
"Hey, kid."
Danny lifts his head toward Johnny.
"We're heading out. Consider us even."
"Thanks for showing her." Danny tilts his head back and thumps it against the wall of the house of mirrors. "You know, so I didn't have to."
Johnny shrugs. "Yeah, whatever. You're too young to deal with that shit, is all. Take care of your girl, alright?" He doesn't wait for an answer. Kitty is already gone, and Johnny goes invisible before Danny can think of a reply, leaving him and Sam alone.
"You never actually answered," Sam says, breaking the silence between them. "About why you took the double date."
Thank God it's too dark for Sam to see Danny's face go scarlet. In retrospect, of course Johnny's idea wouldn't end well, Danny was just so desperate he was willing to risk it.
"I asked him for dating advice," he mutters.
Sam splutters, a startled laugh bursting out of her. "What?"
"I couldn't think of anyone else to ask, so we made a deal. He invites us on a double date and gives me some tips, and I don't tell Kitty I caught him at the girl's college."
"You are such a dork." Sam snickers. "Is that why you kept watching him? I thought for a second me and Kitty might need to band together to keep you two apart."
Danny groans. "Please don't say that. Tucker already got me with that."
"Good. I hope he did." Sam shuffles over, leaning against Danny, and rests her head on his shoulder. "Danny, I don't need to hang off you like some soul-bound lovebird. We've known each other for ten years. I don't need some idealized romance, I just need you."
Danny feels like an idiot for ever thinking otherwise. The date might have been a train wreck, but half the boardwalk is still functioning. Maybe the evening doesn't have to be a total waste. He pulls the roll of game tickets—a precious commodity at the boardwalk—from his pocket and holds them out.
"Want to win Tucker that shark?" he asks.
Sam laughs, her shoulder shaking against his. "Only if we can ride the spaceship car on the Tilt-a-Whirl."
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whimperwoods · 3 years
The Goblin and the Giant
Ok so I saw this post by @pleasancies and holy cow?? I love it?? So here, have the biggest whumpee and the tiniest caretaker (she said and then immediately whumped them the other way around a little bit, but like... just wait for it, it’s there):
Venk’s entire body was on edge, thrumming with adrenaline. This was the worst part of being a scout, or maybe the best. Whatever was crashing around out here in the woods was big, and for a while earlier, at least, it had been getting closer to camp. He needed to get to it, get information, and get back in time for everyone to get ready, or to run.
He darted between trees, staying in the shadows where the moonlight didn’t reach, light and silent on his feet, and with a firm grip on his spear that only mostly made him feel safer.
When he saw the thing, it took him a minute to work out what it was.
It was a foot, on the end of a leg, attached to a hip, and then to a body he could barely see, it was so high up. The foot, wrapped in an enormous roll of cloth, swung through the air and then landed on its tiptoes. It was a giant. And it was sneaking.
He wasn’t sure if that was a good sign or a bad one.
For about a minute and a half, he scrambled alongside the giant’s slow, careful steps that crunched branches underfoot and nearly shook the ground, realizing as he did so that the giant was moving parallel to the camp, keeping a distance instead of coming closer.
Then, Venk got distracted, too absorbed in watching the enormous feet swinging overhead to spot the wasp’s nest in the ground until his own foot was in it.
He yelped at the first stings, too surprised to keep it in, and the giant seemed startled, too, the feet leaping backward away from the noise and coming down hard enough to shake the ground and make the wasps even angrier.
Venk pulled his foot out of the nest and scrambled instinctively up a large rock nearby to get away, cursing vociferously when the wasps flew up with him, continuing to sting.
An enormous hand reached down and grabbed Venk by the back of his ratty leather armor, lifting him up toward the giant’s face.
“Oh no,” the giant boomed, clearly trying to whisper to him.
Venk was still being stung, but that was suddenly much less important. He growled, baring his teeth, and brandished his spear in the direction of the face. “Put me down! Put me down, or I’ll put your eye out!”
“Oh! Ouch! There’s uhhh - there’s stingy things down there. Let me - uh - uh - over here.”
The giant held him at arm’s reach, took several long, hurried strides toward a nearby clearing, definitely shaking the ground this time, and set Venk back down on top of another large rock, about 400 feet from where they’d started.
Venk brandished his spear again and was surprised to see the giant shrinking away from him, one arm up in front of his face as if to protect himself from something.
Venk turned quickly to look behind himself, but saw no one. He looked back at the giant, raising his spear higher again. “Stay back!” he ordered, “What are you doing here?”
The giant had grey, stony skin, and was both thinner and narrower than most giants Venk had seen before - though, he supposed, he’d only ever seen the other ones at a distance, so perhaps he just didn’t know how to judge.
“Please don’t hurt me!” the giant said, “The master says I have to get into those ruins over there,” his huge hand pointed in the direction of Venk’s camp, and the ruins behind it they were supposed to explore in the morning. “He sent me to bring something back for him, but then I saw your camp, and I - I promise I was trying to go around!”
“What kind of something?” Venk asked, curious in spite of himself.
“It’s, um - it’s some kind of sphere, I think. It’s very magic. He said I’d know it because it was very magic and if I wanted to be sure not to disappoint him, I could just bring everything that seems magic. I - I don’t mean to - to - it’s -”
The giant’s voice started faltering, and his shoulders shrunk inward, his enormous arms coming up around his middle as he hugged himself, wilting visibly in front of Venk’s eyes.
The goblin glanced back over his shoulder one more time, verifying that it was really just the two of them, and then sighed, lowering his spear.
As frightened as the giant seemed to be of him, there was no way he could do any real damage. Not when he knew he was knee-high to the giant at best, with a spear the giant could have perhaps held as a pencil, but not as a spear.
“Can you come down here so I can talk to you?” he asked, putting the spear down and raising his empty hands. “I promise not to stab your eyes out. Just don’t grab me again.”
“Oh!” The giant’s eyes widened, and then it was falling to its knees next to his rock, so fast that the stone underneath Venk shook a little.
Even on his knees, the giant loomed over Venk and his two-foot rock, but he seemed to realize it pretty quickly and fell backward onto his butt with another shuddering crash. Then he pulled in on himself again, as if he were trying to be as small as possible, which didn’t actually do much to put him at Venk’s height, but did make Venk feel a confused tangle of emotions.
Now that he was closer to the giant’s head, he could see a huge, nasty-looking collar around his neck, black leather studded through with small metal lightning bolt shapes. Above and below the collar radiated several overlapping sets of electrical scars, like the giant had been struck by lightning a dozen times. He winced sympathetically.
“Alright,” Venk said, trying not to squander the giant’s apparent intimidation before he figured out he could probably crush Venk between his palms in a single motion. “It seems like maybe this is a time when we ought to just make a deal. That sound good?”
“I - I don’t think I can. I have to give the master what he wants.” The giant was - shaking? He pulled even farther in on himself, bringing his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them. Venk couldn’t see the collar anymore, but he could see scars crisscrossing the giant’s shins.
“Why?” Venk asked, “What kind of master have you got, that you’re that scared?”
The giant shook his head. “I can’t. I can’t, if he found out I told his name -” he looked half-panicked, his breathing getting quicker, “I can’t!”
Venk held his hands up in front of him, trying to calm the giant down. “Whoa! Hey, no. No names. You don’t tell me your master’s name, I won’t tell you my clan’s name, everybody’s happy. I’m guessing he’s some kind of mage or demon or devil or something, if he wants his name safe?”
The giant nodded, but didn’t indicate which one.
“What’s he want the orb for, anyway?”
The giant shrugged one huge shoulder.
“See, that’s gonna be kind of a problem. My clan’s got this whole thing with the orb. We’re camped there to go find it, ‘cause we’ve got this whole underground war going with a bunch of kobolds and it’s supposed to get us a dragon on our side or something, and even if I was going to let you go around past our camp, which I’m not sure the others would be thrilled about, I get the feeling our shaman’s gonna say we’ve gotta kill you before we let you take the orb.”
Venk adjusted his stance as he was talking, ready to leap backward off the rock and away from a blow if he needed to, but instead the giant wailed.
“Whoa, hey!” Venk said, patting at the air between them as if it would help, “Hey, calm down, you’ve gotta be quiet, there’s worse around here than wasps.”
The giant was weeping, and that was - huh. That was something else, too.
“I d-don’t wanna die!” he blubbered.
Venk took a deep breath, trying to calm himself before he spoke again. “Hey, buddy, it’s alright. I didn’t say we would kill you, just that I figure that’s what the shaman would say. Maybe we take the orb, we do whatever magical mumbo-jumbo gets us a dragon long enough for it to tell those kobolds to fuck off and give us our caves back, and then we let you have it. I’m just saying we gotta be clever about it, is all.”
The giant shook his head fiercely. “No, my master will know. My master will know I wasted time. I shouldn’t even have gone around I - I don’t want to kill anyone, but I have to make it back, I -” he reached up around his neck, wrapping his hand over the collar, “I have to make it back with what he wants, I - I have to please him.”
Venk felt a stab of something through his heart and sighed again, sliding carefully off the rock and landing on his less swollen foot. He was an idiot, and he was about to die for it, but at least none of the rest of the clan was around to see it. They’d probably assume he’d done something heroic when they found the pulpy mess of his body out here. Probably.
He stepped up to the giant’s side and patted his huge ankle. “Hey, it’s alright. It’s alright, I don’t want you to kill anyone, either. You gotta calm down. We can figure this out.”
We can figure this out. As if he even knew what “this” was. The giant’s sobs grew a little softer, though. Venk patted his ankle again. “There, there.”
“I shouldn’t have talked to you,” the giant said miserably, starting to pull himself together, “Master always says it’s my own fault things are so awful and upsetting, ‘cause I don’t kill people fast enough. And now I’ll be sad even if I do kill you fast enough, which I don’t even want to do.”
Venk looked up at the huge figure. This close, he could tell that the scars along the giant’s shins were burn scars, like he’d been standing in fire. The lightning scars on his chest and face weren’t really visible at this angle, but there were a couple of small but deep bruises dotting his ribs, black against the stony grey of the rest of the his skin.
“Ok, buddy,” he said, making a decision even as he spoke. “Let’s take a step back. Let’s take a step back from the orb. What’s up with you and that master? He got anything on you, or is it just that collar up there?”
The giant shook his head and said nothing.
“I won’t tell. Not a soul. Just between you and me. I just need to know what I’m dealing with here. Gotta get all the options on the table, you know? And then once we’ve looked at the table, it’s all between you and me still, alright?”
“It - it’s mostly the collar,” the giant said, voice so faint it actually came across as a whisper this time.
“Well, then we’ll get it off you, and then you don’t have to kill anybody. How’s that sound?”
The giant shook his head again, vehemently, wrapping his hands around the collar again. “No! It’s locked. It’s locked, and it’s got traps! It’ll shock me and it’ll shock you, and then he’ll know, and then -” Venk could hear the giant starting to cry again, “And then he’ll know!”
Venk breathed deeply again, trying to center himself. “Ok. Ok. That’s - good to have on the table. You’re gonna be ok, buddy.” He patted the giant’s ankle again.
As the giant continued to sniffle and snort and try to get ahold of himself, Venk breathed deeply and tried to think. How serious was he? How dumb was this? He bit his lip and kept patting the giant’s ankle, weighing the dangers to himself, the giant, and the clan.
Finally, he stepped forward and leapt up to tug at the giant’s sleeve. “Hey, buddy. One more idea, ok? One more idea. We’re gonna take another step back. I’ve got this amulet,” he lifted it out from under the collar of his armor, “And it dispells one spell a day. Only the best of our scouts have ‘em, so you’re lucky it was me that found you, but they’re made to get us out of a tricky spot. If I turn the spell off and pick the lock myself, are you gonna get hurt? Or just me?”
“But what if he finds out?” the quiet hiss was still louder than a whisper, but Venk appreciated the attempt.
“Then you tell him I did it. You tell him a tree fell on you and I came across you before you could get out from under and I thought maybe if I took off that collar I could be your master, only then it zapped me and I died and you’re still a good boy following directions, or whatever.”
“What if it does kill you?”
“Then you tell my clan to get back underground before your master gets here, and you go on forward to the ruins like you were going to anyway. I’ll write a note for them.”
The giant shook his head. “I can’t escape.”
Venk looked around and, finding no body part particularly convenient for grabbing, leapt up to tug at the giant’s sleeve again. “Give me your hand.”
The hand that came to rest on the ground beside him was too big to hold, but he wrapped his hands seriously around the giant’s thumb, trying not to think too much about babies and their hands, just now. “I promise, I can do this. And if I can’t, you weren’t gonna get away before, either. But if I can, then you can get away when you couldn’t before. That’s worth a try, right?”
The giant bit his lip, but didn’t immediately say no.
“What’s your name, friend?” Venk asked, “Mine’s Venk. I can promise you by name, if you want.”
This time, the giant’s eyes widened. “F-Falgh, Sir.”
Sir. Huh. “Falgh, I promise, if you let me try to take that collar off, I’ll be as careful as I can and I’ll give you the best shot I know how to give. Ok?”
Falgh closed his eyes, but then nodded, once, quickly.
Venk took a deep breath and nodded back. “Alright. Let’s try it. Bend forward so I can stand on the top of your back and get at that latch.”
Clambering up a living being was an odd feeling, even one that was lying on its stomach, but Falgh helped, clearly trying to flatten his back as much as he could under Venk’s feet.
The amulet flashed with a soft light and a pleasant heat, and then Venk set to work with a set of thieves tools, wishing he had more practice on things that weren’t manacles.
Then the lock clicked audibly, and both their bodies tensed immediately, but nothing happened.
“There we go,” Venk whispered, “I think I’ve got it. Let me try to open it.” The mechanism that closed the collar was more clamp than buckle, clearly designed for medium-sized hands, which sent a little half-shiver through Venk’s spine to think about. Falgh wasn’t medium-sized, either.
He held his breath as he pried open the clasp, and then - the collar fell free.
He almost fell over as Falgh let out a great, heaving sigh of relief, tension draining from his muscles. “Whoa!”
The giant froze again. “Sorry.”
Venk bent down and patted the giant’s back, beside where he was standing, “It’s ok, bud. I get it.” He wasn’t sure he did, but it seemed like the thing to say.
Falgh nodded, seriously, which also jarred Venk a little bit, and he hurried to scramble back off the giant’s back.
As he settled back onto the ground by the giant’s face, Falgh looked at him with big, soft grey eyes, and whispered, “Are you my master now? Or was that just for pretend, if it didn’t work?”
One answer to that question was clearly more interesting than the other, but he knew he could never give it, even as it crossed his mind.
He placed a small hand on Falgh’s huge cheek. “It was just for pretend, Falgh. I don’t mind if you come with me, though. I’m sure you’d be a great help in the ruins. Or you can go somewhere and hide. I’d understand that, too.”
Falgh’s eyes were dark, serious as they gazed into his own. “Are you sure you wouldn’t mind? I’m -” his eyes darted away, “I’m not convenient. Or sneaky. Or very good at things”
Venk raised an eyebrow. “Think you’d be good at carrying me back to camp? My one foot’s pretty bad. Dunno how much you feel wasp stings, but I feel ‘em kind of a lot, just now.”
Falgh’s eyes widened, darting back to Venk’s face. “Oh! Yeah, I can do that! If you want.” He bit his lip. “Will the - will the shaman still want to kill me?”
Venk smiled, patting Falgh’s cheek again. “Not if you’re with me, buddy. Not if you’re with me.”
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viastro · 4 years
liquid courage | boo seungkwan
ミ★ synopsis: in which you get drunk to muster up the courage to confess to seungkwan.
ミ★ genre: drunk confessions! fluff, crack
ミ★ warnings: none!
ミ★ word count: 1,406
ミ★ pairings: seungkwan x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi guys! i haven’t written a oneshot for seungkwan in a while because i couldn’t think of a prompt that would really suit him </333 but i finally came up with one and i think this is so cute >:(( make sure to give seungkwan lots of love, he recently got injured so please </333 send some love to him he works so hard. omg he looks so pretty in this gif HHHHHHHHH i ilovehim so much okay bye
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“Alright, I can do this.” You mutter to yourself as you pace around the living room. Mingyu watches you from his couch with a bored expression on his face, but for good reason.
you’ve been pacing around his living room saying you’re going to do it for the past twenty five minutes.
“I can do this.” You mumble again, reaching your hand up to begin nibbling on your nail. Mingyu takes that as a sign to stop you, as he stands up off the couch and takes your hand, effectively preventing you from ruining your manicure. 
“Yn, as your best friend, it’s my job to be honest with you.” You nod your head at Mingyu’s words, and he gives you a grin, before plastering on a straight face. “You have been walking back and forth across this living room muttering that you’re going to do it for the past twenty five minutes.” 
You stare at him, and you close your eyes, placing your head in your hands. Mingyu pats your shoulder as you curse yourself for being a WUSS. 
“I’m just so… nervous. I’ve never confessed to anyone before! What if he doesn’t like me back? What if he thinks I’m ugly?!” Mingyu smiles, shaking his head.
“This is Seungkwan we’re talking about. The guy who was too afraid to talk to you when I first introduced you to the group because he thought you were pretty.” You bite the inside of your cheek, before letting out a sound of defeat. Mingyu watches as you stare at the floor, still feeling unconfident, to which he sighs. He walks off into the kitchen, and you hear the sound of him going through his fridge, before coming back with a few bottles of soju.
“I think you need some liquid courage.” Mingyu tells you, and you grin.
“Fuck yeah.”
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“He’s just so precious, y-you know?” You cry to Mingyu, turning your head to see him fast asleep on the floor, empty soju bottle beside him. You let out another wail, thinking of the time Seungkwan smiled at you when you showed him a weed that you originally thought was a flower. 
“You know a way to figure out that Spring is coming?” Seungkwan shakes his head at you, grinning as you skip a few paces in front of him. The two of you are walking through campus during the one hour block you guys don’t have classes, it’s like a routine for the both of you. 
“When you see the pretty flowers sprouting from the grass! See,” You reach down and pluck the flower, turning around and holding it out to him. “It’s a pretty daisy.”
Seungkwan immediately lets out a smile at your silly mistake, reaching out and patting your head fondly. Your eyes widen slightly at the contact, heat rushing to your face, causing you to turn away so that he can’t catch sight of it. 
“They are pretty. Unfortunately, it’s a weed.” You purse your lips, staring at the weed that you once thought was a flower. 
“That is a way to figure out that spring is coming though, we just have to remember that they’re weeds.” You nod your head, about to throw the weed back onto the grass when Seungkwan stops you. “Wait!”
“Can I keep that? I wanna make it into a bookmark or something.” You let out a smile and hand it to him, to which he carefully places it into his wallet. 
“Why do you wanna keep it though? It’s just a weed.”
“Yeah, but it’s a weed that you plucked. It’s a good memory for this day.”
“I’m gonna,” You burp, before picking your phone up from the table and going to Seungkwan’s contact. “I’m gonna do it.” 
And with that, you press call, placing the phone close to your ear. You watch as your vision gets a bit blurry, letting out a yawn right when Seungkwan answers. 
“Hello? Yn?”
“Kwannie~” You say in a singsong voice, catching him off guard. Seungkwan pulls his phone away from his ear to look at it with a frown, knowing that this is nothing like you. He places it back by his ear, smiling at the sound of you mumbling to yourself.
“Are you drunk yn?”
“Just a bit.” You mutter, turning your head to look at your sleeping friend. You reach your hand up, lowering it back down and slapping Mingyu’s leg, just for him to not budge at all. “G-Gyusie fell asleep, and he’s the one who told me to drink for some liquid courage. Yet he fell asleep before I called you.”
Seungkwan tilts his head to the side, sitting up in his bed, “Why did you need to get drunk to call me?” 
Your palms begin to sweat, and you take that as a sign to grab your soju and gulp the rest of it down. Seunkgwan raises an eyebrow at the sound of you drinking more, “Yn, are you okay-”
“I love you!” You shout, and Mingyu stirs at the loudness of your voice. He kicks you softly with his foot, before falling back asleep. Seungkwan stares at his wall in shock, wondering whether he heard you wrong.
“I,” You let out a burp, and Seungkwan giggles at the sound. “I love the way your eyes light up when you smile, or when everyone laughs at a silly joke you make. I-I try to laugh at every single joke you make just to see happiness radiate off your features.” 
Seungkwan feels his heart pound against his chest as he hears your honest confession, smile making its way onto his face as you continue. “I love how caring you are. I r-remember the time you ran to my workplace just to give me lunch because I left mine at home and I had a twelve hour shift.” 
“Couldn’t let my favorite person be hungry during work.” Seungkwan says, pure fondness in his voice. 
“And,” You become choked up, and Seungkwan’s smile turns into a frown as he hears you begin to sniffle. “And I love you so much for that.” 
“Are you… crying?”
“Just a little. It’s cause I remembered how much I love you.” You mumble, rubbing your tears away with the back of your hand. 
“It’s okay yn, I love you too.” Seungkwan laughs when he hears you gasp on the other end, imagining the expression you must be making right now. “Really?”
“Yes, I’ve loved you from the moment you pulled a weed from the ground and told me it was a flower.” 
“Oh my god, you remember?”
“Of course I do!”
“Damn, then you really do love me.” Seungkwan laughs, placing his hand over his chest to try and calm down his rapid heartbeat. He’s still trying to comprehend that his feelings for you are mutual, while you giggle to yourself, happy about how tonight turned out.
“But let’s talk about it in person tomorrow, mm? It’s 2 am.” You nod your head, smiling softly. 
hehe i stayed up late talking to my crush <333
“Y-you better not forget about this conversation.” You say, frowning as if he can see your expression. Seungkwan chuckles, “I could never. Make sure you don’t forget about it either. Alright?” 
“Of course!”
Seungkwan smiles, “I’ll come pick you up from Mingyu’s in the afternoon, okay? For now go to his guest bedroom and sleep on the bed.” You stand up off the floor, wobbling a bit. “Hehe… whoa~”
“Be careful, yn.” 
“Am safety master.” You respond, stumbling over to the guest bedroom. You flop onto the bed, rolling onto your side and pulling the comforter over your body. “Are you ready to sleep?”
“Yes, let’s sleep Kwannie.” Seungkwan smiles at the nickname, hugging his pillow close to his chest. 
“Goodnight yn, I love you.” He says softly, blush forming on his cheeks, suddenly feeling shy. That feeling soon goes away when he hears you let out a small squeal. 
“Nighty night Seungkwan, I love you~” You place your phone beside you without hanging up, closing your eyes. 
Seungkwan waits for you to end the call, but after a minute of silence goes by he pulls his phone away from his ear. He raises an eyebrow at his screen, seeing that you haven’t hung up. “Yn, you didn’t hang up?” Seungkwan waits a moment for you to respond, only to smile when he realizes you’ve fallen asleep. He plugs his phone into his charger, making sure not to end the call, before resting it on his bedside table. He closes his eyes, drowsiness overcoming his excitement of your guys’ confession. 
i guess we have soju to thank for this.
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19red · 4 years
hello, this is me trying to strong-arm my brain into stopping the constant tweaking and re-tweaking of the same stinking 3k so I can write on and get to the good parts of this project namely p and j having all the sex thank you very much
The day after Patrick and Jonny bang a chick together, Patrick wakes to the weight of an alien limb squashing his bladder. The alien limb belongs to a furnace-hot, tentacular mass plastered all along his back. The mass smells oddly familiar, kind of citrusy—as if it stole Jonny’s body wash.
Patrick squints his eyes open. A blade of sunlight filters through the half-drawn curtains and stabs him in the face. Right under the window, Jonny’s suitcase dribbles clothes onto the floor.
It shouldn’t be hard to put two and two together, but Patrick’s really dumb first thing in the morning. Plus, he needs to pee. Bad. Which is pretty distracting.
He paws at the tentacle swung over his waist, fingers catching on—a beaded string. Did the alien mass steal Jonny’s bracelet too? Patrick struggles to lift his head. He wants to see.
The alien mass stole Jonny’s whole arm. What--?
A growl spills in a damp, ticklish huff into the crook of Patrick’s neck as the mass coils itself closer. Something hard pokes Patrick’s ass. His nostrils fill with a waft of scent his hindbrain understands as so viscerally Jonny that recognition smacks him dizzy.
The mass is Jonny. Last night, he and Patrick banged a chick together. That thing wedged between them, growing firmer by the second? That thing is Jonny’s—
Patrick’s heart plummets straight to his dick.
It’s okay. It’s whatever. Patrick isn’t gonna freak over a physiological response. Bodies are also really dumb first thing in the morning.
“Jonny,” he says, wriggling to catch Jonny’s attention. Jonny has always been his go-to guy in a crisis. Except, in this instance, he is also the crisis itself. Jonny’s hips buck forward once, twice—Patrick stops breathing for the handful of seconds it takes Jonny’s sleep-drenched, horny-ass body to lose interest and stutter back into relative stillness.
Fuck, Patrick thinks. Visions of impending awkwardness swarm his brain. If Jonny were to wake up right now, full-mast boner pressed to Patrick’s ass, and discover the tent pitched in the front of Patrick’s sweats, he might rush to conclusions. Their ability to make direct eye contact would definitely endure permanent damage. They’d have to restructure their life with the aim of reciprocal avoidance. Patrick would have to request a trade. Jonny would probably drop out of the NHL. He’d forsake hockey and society at large and end up trampled to death by a giant moose while he hides from Patrick in the Canadian wilderness.
Fuck, Patrick thinks again. When a whole minute drips away and Jonny doesn’t stir, he thanks the hockey gods. With very little, very slow movements, he dislodges the arm pinning him to the mattress. By the times he’s free, the light slanting in from the window changed the angle of its assault to his pupils. Still careful, he slides the covers off himself, sits up, swings his legs off the bed. His feet land on the floor just as a variation in the pattern of Jonny’s breathing alerts him it’s all been for nothing. Jonny is awake. Or, like, as close to awake as Jonny manages to be coffee-free and before noon. Which is not much, thank fuck.
“It’s early,” Patrick reassures him. Jonny gets real pissy when he doesn’t get his full eight hours. Patrick doesn’t want to get stuck with Captain seriously cranky and his legitimately lethal death glare on the flight back to Chicago.
Jonny hums, lids fluttering open and back closed immediately, dark lashes kissing the top of his cheekbones. Patrick expects him to just roll over and sink back deep into snoring, the man is easy like that, instead he plumps an arm over the empty space next to him and mumbles, “Come back,” so low Patrick feels the vibration of it in his belly more than with his ears. Jonny must think Patrick’s some chick, maybe his ex or the one from last night.
“Dude,” Patrick chuckles to clear his throat. This is prime chirp material. Jonny’s such a clingy loser. “It’s just me.”
The side of Jonny’s mouth that isn’t squashed into the pillow tugs up in a smile, then his eyes tremble open, searching the space in front of them for Patrick’s, as if he knew where to find him, as if he weren’t surprised. It’s a bit like being punched but with weird, devastating gentleness. Patrick’s left breathless and dazed, a slow ache spreading below his ribs. “Sorry,” he says, legs moving on their own accord. “Sorry, gotta piss.”
Jonny flops onto his belly and sprawls across Patrick’s side of the bed. With a sigh, he hugs Patrick’s pillow to his face. “Be quick,” he whines—or maybe not. It’s muffled and Patrick is already halfway out the door so he can’t be sure. It doesn’t really matter.
“Where’s Tazer?” Duncs asks in lieu of good morning when Patrick shows up at breakfast almost two hours later, no captain in tow.
Patrick chomps on a hunk of strawberry toast and shrugs. Contrary to popular belief, no clause in his contract bids him constant awareness of Jonny’s whereabouts.
Duncs squints, clearly feeling entitled to a degree of eloquence involving efforts of the verbal variety and resenting their lack.
“Don’t tell me he’s sick,” Shawzy says.
The legs of Stromer’s chair screech against the floor as he scoots away from Patrick. He ends up almost in Brinsky’s lap. “It better not be catching.”
“Oh my god,” Patrick puffs the words fat with annoyance. “He’s sleeping. I mean, I guess he...” He is for sure. No chance Jonny is still waiting. If Patrick barged back into his room right now, Jonny would laugh, would tell him to stop trying to make things weird. Patrick knows this rationally. Yet some spiked grip squeezes his insides with the same vicious strength of an anaconda trying to crush itself a snack.
People can’t die from upset conscience, can they? Especially not if the upset is unquestionably misplaced, right?
“I mean,” Patrick snaps after a second, “the fuck do I know.”
Duncs eyebrows shoot halfway across his forehead.
“Whoa,” Stromer gasps.
“Wait,” Shawzy says. “Are mum and dad fighting?”
Patrick grinds his molars. Everyone’s so fucking pressed. It’s not like Jonny is a regular at team breakfasts. In fact, unless attendance is mandatory, Jonny prefers to limit the number of people upon which he inflicts the ghastly spectacle of his slow de-zombification to a minimum.
Patrick casts his mind back to the last time the two of them didn’t resort to room-service during game trips. He dredges up both no recollection of that happening in years and the stomach-sinking hunch that maybe this is weird. Maybe he should have gone back. Maybe that would have been the normal thing to do.  
“Shut up,” he says, to the voice in his head and everyone else. He grabs a pitcher of coffee and fills his cup until it brims. “Don’t talk to me. I’m waking up.”
“He’s rubbed off on you,” Shawzy appraises.
He’s more right than he’d probably care to know—nope. Patrick yanks his thoughts away before they can trip over that precipice and splat into the phantom embrace of Jonny’s body and its heft, its warmth, its neediness.
“Shut up,” he repeats, and with big emphatic motions designed to put a period on the conversation, he whips out his phone. He trusts the mindless scrolling will work its time-warping, mind-numbing magic and when he’ll look up next, all the weird will have been purged from this day.
Between sips of coffee, he pores through the stats for the last game, skims the emails in his inbox and rage-reads a review trashing the new Twilight book. He considers sending the link to Erica so he can vent about the snobby assholes who think they’re smarter than everyone else just because all the books they read are boring as fuck, but she’s probably at work already. He scrolls through his contacts. The one of the chick from last night jumps out. Her name’s Chelsea, which is pretty lucky. She was hot, Patrick recons, and thinking that feels normal. Feels safe. Feels like something Patrick would love to feel more of, thank you very much.
Hi, he types, riding the spur of the moment. This is Patrick from last night.
Stupid and risky, his inner Jonny warns. Never give your number to one night stands. Patrick ignores him and for the sake of clarity and glory, adds, The one who made you see god with his tongue.
“Look who’s joining us,” Shawzy’s voice announces just then.
Patrick’s gaze springs up, landing squarely across Jonny’s chest. Patrick knows it’s Jonny’s chest even though he doesn’t let his gaze climb up to the face attached to it for confirmation. The chest is sailing across the breakfast hall toward Patrick. Well, not toward Patrick specifically. Toward Patrick and the rest of the guys.
“Morning,” Jonny mumbles, dropping his scrambled eggs on the table and his ass between Seabs and Crow.
Patrick’s phone chimes.
well hello patrick 😜
“Slept well?” Shawzy probes, feigning innocence. Patrick’s hackles rise.
“I guess,” Jonny says.
Patrick allows himself another quick glance. Jonny looks good, which means like his usual self, which means nothing like a dude who went through the transformative experience of witnessing his best friend o-face.  It’s kind of annoying, actually. Patrick’s nerves are all fried. He’s half-convinced in the right light anybody could look at him and simply—tell. Patrick Kane got off with another dude in the room and enjoyed it. For a blink he’s fourteen and trying to fight a guy almost double his size who called him a cocksucker, that slammed him against the boards and told him not to bother standing up since everyone knows he does his best work from his knees.
His phone chimes again.
“Tell me the truth.”
totally hit me up again next time ur back here
Patrick’s heart rate spikes. Would Jonny even be up for it?
Won’t be for the rest of the season :(, he types.
Maybe things feel weird because threeways are a novelty, maybe they just have to work up an immunity. People have threeways all the time and afterward their lives go on undisrupted. But if you’re ever in Chicago… his fingers are so clammy they smudge the screen when he hits send. He reaches for his cup.
“Did you keep our Kaner up all night?”
Patrick’s head jerks up.
“What?” Jonny says, flat.
For the first time since Patrick sneaked out on him, they make direct eye contact.
Shawzy drones on in the background, “Saw you trying to score that hot--”
It last precisely long enough for a sip of coffee to get its lanes mixed as it plunges down Patrick’s throat and somehow u-turn its way out of his body through the nostrils.
Patrick’s lungs try their best to turn inside out.
“Dude,” Shawzy says.
Stromer slaps Patrick’s back a couple of times, hard.
Duncs throws a handful of paper napkins in his general direction and winces in open disgust as Patrick snatches one mid-air and uses it to dab at the liquid leaking out of him. “Gross.”
“I’m fine, thank you,” Patrick informs them tartly between fits of coughing. Some treacherous asshole on his right is fucking cackling. He sweeps the table with an encompassing glare and catches Jonny’s eyes again, all dark with concern. The back of Patrick’s neck prickles with embarrassment. “I’m fine,” he repeats, steadier, and Jonny looks away so Patrick does too, hurriedly withdrawing like from the touch of something scalding.
He zeros in on Chelsea’s new message.
might fly in for a couple of weeks around christmas actually
Patrick latches on to the conversation, blocking out his surroundings, trying his hardest to look busy. Fuck everyone and Jonny too.
We could catch up then if you have time ;)
totally 👅🔥🍆🔥, she texts. And after a moment, say hi to porn dick from me btw
Patrick bristles. For some reason, the thought of this random stranger sitting around with her head full of pictures of Jonny’s dick makes him hitch. His chest riots with some misguided protective instinct. Jonny would be insufferably smug if he knew, no doubt about it. It’s not that big.
it is! 100% porn worthy
You don’t know what you’re talking about
I’m just saying, are chicks even into that? he writes, just to be an asshole but also because he’s pretty sure chicks hate porn. It’s supposed to be a feminism thing. Erica once made him a whole speech about it or whatever.
big dicks? They are
their also into porn btw this aint the middle ages AND they have way better taste in it then men
Can you prove it? he asks, hoping it sounds flirty and not confrontational. He wants this chick to bang him again but not over the head with a blunt instrument.
maybe if u stop trying to outdick ur bf with ur personality ill send you some recs
“Who are you texting?”
Patrick elbows his cup off the table and scrambles to catch it before it crashes against the floor. “Fuck,” he mutters, shaking his coffee-soaked hand.
Jonny laughs and at the sound, Patrick’s heart stumbles, then sprints up his throat. “You’re a mess,” Jonny says. He stole Stromer chair.
“Yeah, no, fuck off.”
Stromer is nowhere to be found. He and the rest of the guys must have migrated to the lobby. Patrick picks up the phone from where he abandoned it to make the save and shoves it deep into his pocket just as it pings.
Jonny quirks an eyebrow. He’s smiling.
It feels like Patrick trudged around all morning with a lead rib-cage before the universe caught the glitch. The sudden slack from gravity makes him giddy.  “Don’t be nosy.”
“I’m not!” Jonny protests, all put upon outrage. He flicks Patrick on the hand. “Just saying, team’s gonna suffer if you sprain a thumb.”
A laugh bubbles up Patrick’s chest, loud and easy, and just a little embarrassing.
For a moment, Jonny looks impossibly pleased but then he catches himself. “Everything alright, yeah?” he asks, turning bashful. His eyes drift to the small heap of crumbs he’s sweeping together with his pinkie.
Patrick nudges his thumb against the back of Jonny’s hand. “Yeah. You?”
Jonny’s lips curl up at the corners. “Of course,” he says, looking up, gaze dark and soft.
Of course, of course, of course. Jonny would never let anything happen to them. Patrick stomach flutters. “Okay,” he smiles, dimples out, and Jonny beams back. Time goes fuzzy as they stare at each other in silence—until the ping of an incoming text makes them both startle.
“Again?” Jonny bitches. A moment later, his forehead creases and he puts his serious face on, “Everything okay with your sisters?”
“Yeah, no. It’s not--” Jonny’s eyes flicks to Patrick’s mouth. Patrick hadn’t realized he’d been chewing on his bottom lip. He stops and it tingles, his own breath turning chilly enough to sting as it laps over the bite. “Just-- the chick from last night,” Patrick’s tongue says forgoing any input from his brain. It’s fine. It’s whatever.
“Oh,” Jonny says.
The world keeps rolling. Unfortunately, so does Patrick’s tongue, “Yeah. She’s cool. She was fun.”
“She was okay.”
Patrick can’t believe the understatement. “Okay? Just that? You’ve got some tough standards, man. She was--” as he searches for the right adjective, it suddenly hits him that Jonny has more experience, at least when it comes to threeways. It’s fucking unfair, but entirely possible, the mind-blowingest sex of Patrick’s life would barely chart as okay for Jonny. While he was dating Lindsay, the two of them got up to some kinky shit, Patrick’s pretty sure. Not that he spent any time thinking about it. He licks his lips. “It was hot, right?”
Jonny scoffs. What an asshole.
“Fuck you.”
“It was hot,” he grants. His cheeks are turning pink. He means it.
It feels like scoring the game-winner in the Stanley Cup final. The rush of triumph makes him cocky. “Hotter than the one you had with Lindsay?”
Jonny scoffs again, to Patrick infinite delight. “It was!” Patrick surmises.
“Lindsay’s hotter than her.”
“No way,” he is so offended on Chelsea’s behalf, he barely registers the deflection. Lindsay dumped Jonny. No matter how she looks, her insides must be rotten. Patrick hates that Jonnys is still hung up on her. He kicks Jonny’s foot to make sure he has his attention. “Maybe we should try again. Chelsea’s coming to Chicago around Christmas.”
“Is she?” Jonny kicks him back. “You two move fast.”
“She’s got family there, I think.”
“Sure,” he sounds skeptical. He admitted it was hot, why wouldn't he want a rematch? He and Patrick and some hot chick, she doesn’t even have to be Chelsea, she can be whoever. Small and blonde, like Jonny likes.
“Or we could find someone else,” Patrick says, growing more committed to the idea each second it lives in his brain. “Just go out and see what happens.”
“You think that’s smart?”
Patrick rolls his eyes. “I think you’re boring.” He goes in for the kill, “Captain serious.”
“Fuck you.”
“I’d even let you pick, I don’t care.”
“Starting to sound a bit desperate there, Kaner,” Jonny flashes his most punchable smirk, the one that’s a little lopsided and always makes Patrick squirm.
Patrick starts a mental list of ways to wipe it off his face. Maybe if he shoved two fingers up Jonny’s nose… “What?” he asks, kind of distracted.
“I’m just saying, If you want to see me naked that bad, you only have to--”
“Fuck you,” Patrick sputters. “I was being generous. Bros before hoes or whatever.”
“I’m telling Erica you said that.”
The thought is terrifying. “Don’t,” Patrick shrieks, so loud people in their proximity stop mid-munching to give them the stink eye.
It’s their cue to clear off, a pretty timely one, considering they barely make it on the bus. They’d probably be yelled at, if they weren’t Kane and Toews.
Jonny saunters past Colliton’s glare and flops down next to Seabs. Patrick takes the two seats right behind, stretching out until he’s almost horizontal.
He checks his phone. Chelsea sent him a text and a link. The texts says, one of them looks a bit like your boy. you’re welcome. The link-- Patrick slaps the phone face down on his thigh.
“You okay there, Kaner?” Jonny asks, glancing over his shoulder.
Patrick feels his ears burn redder than the Hawks home jersey. “Yeah, no. Real peachy.”
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ecofinisher · 3 years
Lady Frost and the Fire King - A familiar partnership - Chap 22
Chapter 22
Gabriel sat inside the office taking a look on the newspaper page to observe a video that showed the four superheroes that fought the Mindreader. Gabriel stopped as Lady Frost got close on the camera angle, then he zoomed into the image closer at the girl's face, then pondered about the familiarities he felt so have seen before.
"I have seen this face somewhere," Commented Gabriel, then he fast-forwarded the video at one point, where Lady Frost was caught by Ladybug and rolled down at the ground, then he encountered Cat Noir along with Fire King fight against the Mindreader. The adult zoomed into the image again close to Fire King's face, then noticed him grab on the iron bar, that belonged to Mindreader and Fire King glared angrily at the villain which surprised Gabriel. Gabriel changed the velocity to -1.25 then observed Fire King flinch his teeth and his eyes slowly change from brown into red along with his hair's fire getting higher. Gabriel got curious, then zoomed away a little seeing the fire-marks on his suit blink.
"What is that?" Asked Gabriel, then watched Fire King being pushed away by the supervillain and Cat Noir checked out the friend, which shook his head, then got up.
"Hmm is this part of his power?" Questioned Gabriel himself, then he received a mail from Nathalie Sancoeur with an attachment on it. Gabriel opened it, then showed a leaked video from the internet, that showed a teenage girl inside an interrogation room throwing a table away from her, shrieking the guard that had been seated across the table. Nathalie captioned a small sentence about it, which Gabriel read.
"This girl here is at the boarders between Belgium and France. She would be a good villain,"
Gabriel smirked and replied with a thumb up, then picked up on the corner of his computer the option with the surveillance cameras, then opened them up and spotted a person in one of the cameras to see a person inside the central park standing in front of the statue of the superheroes, then the adult zoomed into the picture to see the man scream at the statue as if he was scolding them, then Gabriel chuckled at the sight and had an idea. He grabbed the cellphone, then searched for Nathalie's number and called the woman.
"I'm sorry for bothering you right now, but I've spotted a second citizen, that seems to be angry at the superheroes. What do you think about akumatizing those two? Ladybug won't have a chance, than having her team split up to defeat both villains? Sounds great?…..Good, I'll be there in ten minutes, get ready," Responded Gabriel getting up from his chair leaving his computer unlocked.
Kai sat inside a cell on the bed looking at the broken tile on the edge of the cell and sighed.
"We're never getting out of here in one piece," Commented Kai, then got up to put his hands on the railing and look at another cell, where a man had his face leaning on the grids, almost falling asleep by standing, making Kai sigh. "Gerda, if there was a way to talk to you, I really would love to do it right now,"
The door of the corridor got opened up and Kai recognized Alfida's voice, then saw the girl being escorted along the corridor by two guards, which weren't pleased with Alfida's anger.
"I was promised, that you would help me find my friend, but instead you're wasting precious time with your stupid questions. How many times do I need to tell you they don't have a surname?" Questioned Alfida, then Kai got sad about Alfida not being able to control her anger at the moment.
"Tomorrow we can talk again when you're calmer. If you don't force yourself to behave it will get easier for both of us," Commented the police agent.
"Easier? You're the one making it hard for us," Complained the girl, then the man opened the door of an empty cell, then pushed her into it and locked her in.
"See you tomorrow," Said the guard leaving the girl back, which placed her hands on the grids beginning to shake on them hard.
"Do you think you can just feel relieved in leaving me here?" Questioned Alfida. "Don't worry, we'll be out of here in the next 24 hours with or without your help!"
Kai lied his back against the wall, then glimpsed at the ground, where the broken tile was with a few splinters, then Kai looked at the wall and had an idea, then got down on the ground to pick up a splinter and made a scratch on the wall, then smiled as he could use it to draw. Afterward, he began to draw on the wall, then gazed back at Alfida, which kept shaking in anger on the bars of her cell.
"Alfida, I've just got myself a great idea, Hopefully, this works on the wall as well," Kai stated then watched from above the window, covered with a net a black butterfly enter into the cell making its way to Alfida, then he smiled seeing the creature head towards his crush, then disappeared inside the headband of the girl making Kai shake his head and rub with his hands on it. He looked at Alfida, which stared with eyes wide opened.
"Alfida? Are you okay?" Kai asked watching the girl smirk and disappear into a dark cloud, making Kai drop his mouth and a prisoner beside him scream, then Alfida's clothing changed into an orange-colored overall and a skull as her helmet, which was attached to her headband.
"Alfida?" Asked Kai confused, then watched the tan-skinned girl bent the bars of her cell, then stepped out and all the arrested criminals yelled amazed by the akumatized villain's super strength. "Wha…?!"
Alfida distorted the bars of Kai's cell, then embraced him hard, making Kai gasp as he couldn't breathe, then he got dropped down by the villain as she heard the door got open and see a police agent, which aimed the gun at the akuma.
"Nobody move!" Ordered the agent making Alfida smirk and pick up Kai onto her shoulder, then removed his shoe making him squeak and threw it against the guard, which deflected the attack with his baton making it fly aside and hit on the fire alarm button, which automatically opened the cells to free the prisoners. "Oh oh," Commented the guard, then took out his walkie-talkie to call help and the arrested persons ran against the officer and carried him out of the corridor making Alfida laugh.
"Well that was cool I guess?" Commented Kai unsure looking at Alfida's strange form. "What happened to you?"
"Don't worry. Jailbreaker will protect you and help you find Gerda," Promised Alfida's alter ego, which dropped Kai on the ground and raced against the wall to crash against it causing it to break.
"Whoa," Kai commented surprised making Alfida smile and pick up Kai to held him bridal-style.
"Let's get out of here," Announced Jailbreaker running out of the jail carrying the raven-haired boy.
Gerda was sleeping in her bed, while Snowflake sat on the window resting as well, then heard a loud noise and woke up.
„Huh?" Murmured the spirit and looked through the window to see a black-colored supervillain with red neon reflectors on the suit pass in front of their road. On the hand, he had a watch, which had a small canon on top of it, which worked like a blaster shooting red-colored rays. Snowflake saw the rays causing dents on the vehicles he had been shooting at. Snowflake gazed at Gerda, then flew up at her face and squeezed her nose making the girl wrinkle her nose, then opened her eyes to see the spirit point at the window. Gerda yawned, then took a look out of the window to see the supervillain, then Gerda sighed and ran out of her bedroom into the corridor which was empty.
„I'm not sure if I should be mad, that you ruined my dreams with Kai or not,"
„You found him there?" Questioned Snowflake making the girl nod. „Oh,"
„Nevermind, we have to stop that villain there. Snowflake, freeze!" Shouted the blonde transforming into Lady Frost, which ran into the room, then opened the window to race the emergency stairs down and before she got to the ground she observed the supervillain turn around on the next corner. Lady Frost remembered, what she had learned the other time and used her powers to build a path for her to slide on, then moved further carefully avoiding falling down. She stopped beside a car, then glimpsed at the next road to see the supervillain aim at a car, that just drove off avoiding the villain to hit it. Lady Frost made herself a path on the ground to slide towards the supervillain, then heard familiar voices and saw on top of the buildings beside her Cat Noir show up along with Fire King, then the blonde superhero pointed at the road and Fire King jumped down bouncing on an opened roof shield to slid down at the road.
„Watch out the ice!" Warned Lady Frost watching Fire King get on top of her path, then she crashed against the friend stopping as he fell down on his butt. „Sorry!"
„I'm okay, don't worry," Announced Fire King getting up as Lady Frost held out her hand for him, then took it back as he was already up. „I think this is our fight. He uses his one arm to fire some sort of laser and..."
„It causes damage. I saw it already," Noticed Lady Frost, then the two ran along the road and turned around on the next road to spot Cat Noir deflect the blasts from the supervillain.
„Hey Blaster, destroying people's propriety is not worth on a failed driving exam," Joked Cat Noir, then his staff began to ring. „Bad moment, right now,"
„Your entire superhero team lack professionality! I have lost my family, because of your incapacity to handle the akuma monsters!"
„Wait a minute, no one had passed away at that time," Mentioned Cat Noir, then he did a backflip to flee the supervillain and landed beside Fire King and Lady Frost, which had watched Cat Noir step back. „Give me shelter, I have to attend this,"
„We'll do our best," Promised Fire King and threw a fireball against the supervillain, which blocked it with one blaster and Lady Frost got beside the fire-themed hero observing the situation. Lady Frost then sends an ice blast towards the feet of the supervillain creating an icy floor under him making him fall down and have one of his blasts almost hit Fire King on his face, but he managed to dodge it.
Lady Frost threw another ice blast at the villain, which destroyed it with his laser, surprising her.
„Fire King, Lady Frost, I've gotta go. I need to go to Belgium and help Ladybug out," Cat Noir announced. „I know you guys can do it," Commented the blonde watching Fire King give them a thumb up, while Lady Frost reversed back and Fire King ran towards the villain and created a fire circle around the supervillain shrieking him.
„When will you be back?" Questioned Lady Frost looking at the blonde.
„Soon enough. If you want I can tell Rena Rouge to show up in case you need help and we're not back yet," Offered the French superhero. „Maybe you two will get to know each other a little more," Commented Cat Noir wiggling with his eyebrows, then Fire King landed on his back with a fuming foot and jumped up, receiving another blast passing through his hair, shrieking him.
„Hey!" Complained Fire King, then created a larger fireball and threw it against the supervillain, which jumped away and the fire hit a car wheel, which made its tire burst.
„You two got this. Just be paw-sitive," Commented Cat Noir with a chuckle, making Lady Frost giggle and beside Cat Noir opened a portal, where Pegasus stepped out to show Cat Noir the entrance, where Ladybug passed by running away from a pirate-themed superhero.
„She's got super strength, watch out buddy," Warned Pegasus helping Cat Noir passing through the portal making Lady Frost curious, then she saw a raven-haired boy pass by screaming the name of the akumatized supervillain.
„Alfida!" Shouted the boy making Lady Frost drop her chin.
„Kai?" Commented Lady Frost questioningly, then the portal got closer and the heroine widened her eyes. „That can't be him or can it?"
„Watch out!" Shouted Fire King jumping against the superheroine, then he was hit by the blaster on his butt and crash-landed on the ground with her.
„Hey!" Warned Lady Frost, then Fire King got off her and stared at the supervillain, then formed between his hands a fireball, while Lady Frost took the opportunity to get up and watched the friend shoot the fireball at the supervillain. Blaster jumped aside while firing laser arrows against the fireball trying to stop it, but they disappeared inside the fire. Lady Frost froze the ground under the feet of the supervillain, which frowned and threw a blast against the blonde's arm, making her yelp, covering her hand.
„Argh!" Whined the heroine, then noticed she had a scald on her arm, then glared at the supervillain, which observed Fire King growl at the supervillain, which departed heading into another avenue, then Fire King looked at Lady Frost's arm.
„You've got hurt," Mentioned Fire King taking the girl's arm to look at it.
„It's okay, I just need to cool it down with some water," Mentioned Lady Frost, then looked around the place they were and turned her eyes up at the fire-themed partner. „I think I could use your help,"
„Sure, I'll do anything you need," Offered Fire King, then the ice-themed heroine used her hand to create a small, piece of ice and held it over her injury.
„Melt the ice slow over my wound," Asked the blonde watching the friend create a small fireball and approach it to the ice Lady Frost created, then together both watched it melt. The liquid that formed from the ice flew down of Lady Frost's hand down, dropping on the wound slow. Fire King neared his fire to the ice of the girl, to speed up the process and see more fluid drop on her arm, making the redhead smile. Lady Frost smiled as well, then looked up at the tan-skinned superhero, which was there assisting her. Lady Frost looked down at the melting ice, which was almost gone, then returned her eyes at Fire King, which had a smug smile plastered on his face and Lady Frost began to wonder about the current situation.
Lady Frost watched the entire ice disappear, then she moved her arm up to look at the wound and Fire King took a look at it as well.
„Shall we move on or cool it down again?" Questioned the redhead making the girl shake her head.
„Let's follow Blaster before he hurts anyone," Suggested Lady Frost making Fire King nod, then both ran along the street heading to the next avenue, where the villain last went.
Jailbreaker ran on the standing track at the highway along with Cat Noir following the girl a few meters behind.
The blonde approached the supervillain, which moved aside, then crashed against the fence, that split the highway from the other side and got on the other road, causing a car to brake hard. Jailbreaker grabbed the car before hitting her, then she moved it against Cat Noir, which got shocked and jumped behind the fence, that was still intact.
„Hey! Watch that cattitude!" Hissed Cat Noir watching Jailbreaker ran along the road, then the coming cars dodged her, while others broke during the situation. Cat Noir ran on the side of the highway, then shrieked as a car crashed on the back of another one, due to a late reaction and the blonde opened the door to the front driver to see him pass his hand in front of his face.
„Are you okay, Sir?" Asked Cat Noir making the man nod. Cat Noir watched Jailbreaker pass between two cars and pull them by the front columns of the vehicles causing them to crash with their front on each other, afterward she jumped over a car, that used the emergency brake, but crashed against the two cars anyway.
Cat Noir's staff rang, then he attended it to hear Ladybug.
„M'lady, I think air support would be nice. Jailbreaker is causing a bulk pile here," Cat Noir warned jumping up at one car. „Where are you?"
„I'm on a pedestrian path. I'll be there in a moment,"
„Good," Commented Cat Noir, then used his staff to catapult himself over a few cars, landing on top of an SUV to observe the cars, that had gathered together in the middle to dodge Jailbreaker.
Meanwhile outside of the highway Ladybug stood on top of an E-scooter with Kai holding himself at the back of the heroine gazing at the bushes, that blocked their sight to the highway.
„Okay, so Alfida won't remember anything after you catch the…...curcuma?" Questioned the blue-eyed boy.
„Akuma….Yes, wow you two are obviously not from here,"
„We went to look for my older sister. We have lost contact with her and we're trying to get back with her and move on in our new life,"
„Okay and from where did you two make your way up here? Germany?"
„Norway, actually," Corrected Kai.
„Oh Norway. To my ears, your names somehow sounded German to me,"
„Maybe some have the same name, I don't know," Commented Kai, then Ladybug pointed at the highway, which showed up in their sight and encountered Jailbreaker picking up a car, which she threw against Cat Noir, which shrieked and jumped away from the vehicle.
„We're getting closer, are you sure you can talk with her?" Questioned Ladybug making Kai nod.
„She won't harm me like that, right?" Questioned Kai making Ladybug shrug her shoulders.
„Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on you and pull you out, when necessary," Promised Ladybug making the boy nod, then the two turned aside on top of a bridge, that crossed the highway and stopped to see Jailbreaker getting closer to them. Kai got down, then Ladybug attached her yo-yo around the boy and helped him up on the bridge, then gave him a thumb up. Kai stepped forward, then Ladybug hold tight on her yo-yo to help the raven-haired boy descent down to the ground and raised her hand in victory as he landed on the ground with his feet.
„Alfida!" Called Kai seeing Jailbreaker holding a delivery truck in her hands, then placed it down as she saw Kai.
„Kai! Where have you been?" Jailbreaker asked approaching Kai, which took a step back and looked up at Ladybug, which moved her hand giving him the sign to continue.
„I...I have found Luta again," Kai commented, then the weasel appeared sliding down on Ladybug's yo-yo to land on Kai's shoulders, then shut her eyes up in shock at seeing the supervillain. „Can you stop doing all this and come back to me?" Questioned Kai. „We planned to go together to Paris and look for Gerda. We're almost…..uhm not almost but we're close. We're almost in France, it's just a stone's throw away from here," Commented Kai, then Ladybug moved the thread, which Jailbreaker noticed.
„Actually you two already are in France," Corrected Ladybug. „Le labyrinthe belongs to France and if you'd like there are a few hotels for you to spend the night," Suggested Ladybug. „I'm not familiar with this place here, but there are for sure some good metro or bus connections to a train station and together you could continue your way to Paris,"
„Come Alfida, we promised each other to get there together in one piece. We've had many ups and downs until now and you see, we're in France!,"
Jailbreaker began to think about Kai's words, then smiled glad about their results, then she embraced Kai tightly making him cry. „Ouch!"
„Oh crap, I'm sorry!" Apologized Jailbreaker taking her arms away from Kai holding her hands close to her mouth. Cat Noir appeared from behind and used his staff to push the girl against the ground, then pressed his staff on Jailbreaker's chest.
„Meow," Greeted Cat Noir with a grin, then Ladybug landed on her feet beside Kai, then made eye contact with him,
„Quick, do you remember, where the akuma disappeared?" Asked Ladybug, then Kai pointed at the headband of the love interest and Cat Noir removed the headband, activating his cataclysm to destroy it.
„Well done!" Complimented Ladybug watching the akuma fly out of the headband, afterward Ladybug caught the akuma as Jailbreaker transformed back into Alfida, which looked up at the superheroes confused.
„You're alright!" Shouted Kai happy embracing the girl tightly, making her smile and pat the boy on the back.
„What happened? I felt so odd inside my mind," Alfida warned, then Ladybug held out a small charm at the raven-haired girl.
„Alfida, I'll hand you out this charm," Spoke Ladybug. „With this, you're safe from being targeted by an akuma again and cause mayhem," Explained the blue-haired girl looking at the number of cars, followed by Alfida, which warped her face in shock.
„That….was me?" Asked Alfida making the heroine nod.
„Don't worry. My miraculous ladybug will fix it soon, but before I have another villain to take care of," Mentioned Ladybug grabbing Kai under his arm to swing up at the top of the roof, followed by Cat Noir, which grabbed Alfida by her jacket, then retrieved the headband to the girl.
„I agreed with Pegasus to meet at the borders, he's waiting there for us," Ladybug mentioned watching Cat Noir get on top of the E-scooter with a curious look.
„I always wanted to try one of those," Commented Cat Noir, then kicked on the ground to roll on it forward to turn the engine on, then he drove away excited leaving Ladybug back which laughed at his reaction.
„Okay, I better get going before he gets hurt or worse," Commented Ladybug making Kai chuckle. „Be careful during your trip and make sure to not get in trouble," Commented Ladybug making the two nod, then Ladybug ran off leaving the two Scandinavian descendant teens back.
„Who the heck was this girl? Questioned Alfida, making Kai shrug his shoulders.
„Some sort of magician I think?" Responded Kai unsure. „I don't know. She just said, she was called Ladybug and was there to help,"
„Okay…..what are we going to do now? Just move on by feet? Rest somewhere?"
„What about looking for a hotel….according to her, that's a place, where we can pay to sleep,"
„That's probably expensive, but…..where do we find that?" Questioned Alfida.
„She spoke something about the labyrinth," Commented Kai walking away with the blue-eyed girl.
„A hotel in the middle of a labyrinth. 21Th century sure is weird," Alfida stated making Kai cackle.
Lady Frost made a wall out of ice to block the attacks of Blaster and they broke her wall, making her sigh at how long it seemed for her.
„Fire King, I could use some extra hand," Lady Frost warned walking backward, while Fire King ransacking a trash can. „King!"
„Un momento. I've found something, that could help us," Fire King commented making Lady Frost growl, then aim at the feet of the boy ice to freeze them. Fire King removed his head out of the can and shrieked as Lady Frost had frozen his feet.
„Are you serious?" Asked Fire King, then melted the ice off his feet making Lady Frost chuckle, then he saw Blaster aim his blaster against the superheroine and Fire King created a large fireball and fired it against Blaster, shrieking him and let the blaster fly against the boy, but the laser disappeared inside the fireball.
Blaster landed on the ground after he dodged the ball and looked up at the redhead.
„This really is turning into a deathmatch," Commented Blaster watching Fire King step forward with one frozen foot, then unfroze the other.
„Why are we fighting each other? We have no reason to kill you, nor do you,"
„I never had, no. This world has turned into a terrible place since all you superheroes showed up. You superheroes had the stupid need to assist the firefighters in evacuating the Ferris wheel, that no one of you took the time to realize, there was an accident happening on the other side of Paris on the highway. I lost my family because of that. They would have made it out if you or anyone else would have gone there on that time,"
„You lost your family as well?" Asked Lady Frost curious, making Blaster frown.
„As if you knew how the pain feels like after you lose someone you love,"
„I know very well how it feels like," Commented Lady Frost with a broken voice, then Fire King placed his hand on the girl's shoulder.
„You don't need to talk about it,"
„Maybe he would need to hear me talk,"
„Does he want it?" Questioned Fire King looking at the villain, which raised his arm against the duo and shot it towards the girl. Fire King pushed her away, then jumped as it passed behind his butt, narrowly touching him making him yelp. „No, he doesn't!" Complained Fire King, then shot a small fireball against the villain, which blocked it with his blaster. „Try to freeze his arm," „I'm not sure if that's a good idea," Commented Lady Frost building a wall in front of Blaster, which used his weapon to break it into small pieces.
„You were okay on using it on me, but you're afraid to use it on him?"
„I can't do much with my powers. He keeps breaking the ice," Told the blonde watching Fire King hold between his hands a slowly, large growing fireball to throw it at the villain, then Blaster jumped aside to dodge it.
„Lady Frost, you're able to use your power stronger. You just have to focus and think on what you're planning to do with it,"
„Alright," Commented Lady Frost looking at Blaster, which just blocked another attack from Fire King, then she frowned and held her hands open for a long while causing a breeze to come out from there, passing by the feet of the supervillain, which frowned and used his blaster to destroy the ice.
„Keep on working on it, I'll take him down," Pointed the redhead out making Lady Frost nod, which continued to build ice on the feet and Fire King ran against the supervillain, which noticed the redhead come along and moved his arm up and Fire King opened his fist with flames brewing up, then grabbed the corsage and destroyed it with both of his hands.
„It finally worked!" Commented Lady Frost, then watched the akuma flatter around her.
„Now Ladybug has to catch it….somehow," Mentioned Fire King watching the akuma fly away, then both widened their eyes in shock and began to pursue the creature.
Behind them opened the portal, where Cat Noir jumped out with an empty, DVD cover and whistled calling Lady Frost's attention, then threw the cover at the heroine, which caught and looked at the cover to see the title Snow Queen Fire & Ice on it and in the middle stood an image of herself as Lady Frost leaned with her back against Fire King.
„Where did you get this from? We have never done this before?" Asked Lady Frost, then Cat Noir pointed at the akuma.
„Use the cover to catch the akuma!" Warned Cat Noir watching Lady Frost open the cover, making Cat Noir roll his eyes and take it off the girl's hand and jumped up in the air with the help of his staff to catch the akuma.
„You're back!" Announced Fire King, then Lady Frost joined the two heroes.
„I could have done that too, if you would have let me take the chance," Lady Frost commented.
„Then why did you just stand there instead of acting?" Asked Cat Noir, making Lady Frost open her mouth, then close it again unsure what to respond. Fire King felt sad for seeing Lady Frost down, then placed his hand on her shoulder.
„There is no need to scold her or me for anything. We got rid of that butterfly and you caught it in that thing. Maybe she had no idea how to use that or if it was possible!" Mentioned Fire King crossing his arms, then from the DVD cover, the akuma flew out making the two boys step back watching the butterfly get up towards the portal. Ladybug appeared from the portal and caught the akuma with her yo-yo then used it to restore all the damage, that was caused and purified the akuma as well.
„See, everything is good," Commented Fire King looking at Cat Noir and Lady Frost.
Ladybug joined the trio and looked at the fire and the ice-themed superheroes.
„Is everything okay with you two?" Asked Ladybug making Fire King nod and Lady Frost shrugged her shoulders.
„I'm not sure, if I'm meant to be with you guys," Mentioned Lady Frost, then Ladybug caressed the girl on the shoulder.
„Don't say that. It took a little while for us to figure out how to take him down. You see in the end as we tried to work out together it went better," Fire King explained. „Forget this with that cover thing Cat Noir spoke about, okay?" Questioned Fire King placing his hand on her back.
„What did Cat Noir say?" Asked Ladybug glancing at the blonde superhero, which chuckled.
„I didn't mean to be rude, I assumed she knew what to do with the DVD cover, but she got wondering about her picture there on the cover," Commented the blonde.
„It's okay. I will know it next time," Stated Lady Frost, then the group looked down at the villain, that had turned back into his civilian form to see him sobbing.
„Can I speak to him?" Questioned Lady Frost. „I know, what's up with him,"
„Sure go on," Responded Ladybug preparing her yo-yo to obtain a magical charm, then observed Lady Frost get down on her knees.
„Hi. How are you feeling?" Asked Lady Frost watching the man clean his eyes and shrug his shoulders.
„I work at the car dealer near the highway and I heard about a terrible accident, that had happened at the highway," Began the man to say. „I didn't really have any curiosity to know, what was going on or who was there at the accident. Accidents nearly happen often every week and they're not always the same. Some are worse, some have good endings. What I….didn't expect was….," Stammered the man beginning to have more tears run down his face, then Fire King got down as well and gently cleaned the tears off with his thumb. „That one car, that got wrapped in the accident was my w….wife and my daughter Mila,"
„That's terrible," Commented Fire King quiet.
„How did you find it out?" Questioned Lady Frost caressing the man softly on the side of his head.
„I was driving home, then the traffic has been directed to another road and in the meanwhile Lyudmila's grandmother, you know…..my wife's m...mom called and informed me about what happened. I..I...I couldn't believe what I heard. I ….didn't know, what to do I…..I had heard on the radio, most of the firefighters and superheroes were around the ferris wheel due to an akuma attack and….and….at that time I got really angry and….and…..I wasn't thinking clear…..I ran into the square to let out my anger on the statue of Ladybug and Cat noir, then…...I don't remember what happened next,"
„Sir….." Questioned Ladybug, then gave the man the magical charm. „This will keep you safe from getting akumatized again. I really wish I could have been there to help them out. Sometimes…..there will be moments, that we can't be able to do everything. We may be superheroes, but at the same time, we're only humans like everyone else,we…."
„You can't do everything at the same time. You're right, I'm…..just fed up. I didn't even have the chance to see them one last time, tell them how much they meant to me," Stated the man beginning to cry, then Lady Frost hugged the man along with Ladybug.
„Mi'lady, I think, we should accompany him to a pastor or just back to his family," Suggested Cat Noir. „This is the best thing for him right now," „Will you do that?" Questioned Ladybug. „I need to charge,"
„So do I, but I'll do it somewhere in the alleys,"
„Sure thing…..Alley cat," Joked Ladybug making Cat Noir, chuckle then the heroine departed away with her yo-yo leaving the trio back.
„Okay, then I guess we'll wait here until you have returned charged," Commented Fire King looking at Cat Noir, which smiled.
„Thanks. I'll be back soon, „Announced Cat Noir running along the sidewalk disappearing into an alley, then Fire King looked at Lady Frost, which stood there looking at the widowed man a little sad.
„Lady Frost?" Spoke the redhead earning her attention. „You know, we've done good in the end and I think, if we both join each other one day or two for a training, we could get to know each other and learn how to work together. With the time we will be able to pass through these cases with no problems….or not many," Offered Fire King. „What do you think about it?" The brown-eyed superhero asked looking at the blonde girl, which pondered about his offer, then nodded.
„It's sort of thanks to you, that we got one step ahead. Maybe you're right and this will really help us both. Mostly me,"
„I'm not perfect either, but this will for sure be good for us, mostly for the others. I don't know why they picked us or what the destiny has seen in us to make us heroes, but there sure is a reason we're got chosen,"
„You're right, we can meet each other someday. If we're lucky this week,"
„Sure, I keep a space in my agenda for you," The Spaniard promised making Lady Frost nod.
„Thank you, Fire King," Answered Lady Frost giving the tall hero a hug, making him smile and close his eyes to reciprocate it.
„If you're okay with it, you can call me King or just Fire…..Well, Fire doesn't seem like a cool nickname, but maybe King does in a way," Stated Fire King making Gerda's alter ego chuckle.
„Alright, I stay with King," Commented the heroine. „I would allow you to give me a nickname as well, but I don't know one, that fits,"
„Frosty would work," Commented Fire King making the blonde snort.
„No, that's weird!" Complained Lady Frost getting off his new friend.
„I assume…..we'll figure one out," Commented Fire King. „Look, you probably have to go to school or work tomorrow. Go back home, I'll wait for Cat Noir. Make sure to get a good night of sleep," Wished Fire King making the girl smile.
„Thanks King. Good night," Wished Lady Frost, then she ran away leaving the redhead back, which watched the heroine leave with a big smile on his face.
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athela-3 · 4 years
crushing defeat
1.7k words; gen/comedy; hints of shipping if you blink, look here, and look away again; if everyone gives aspec vibes that’s my bad, I have no idea how allos work; 3 am nonsense is practically its own genre; mild language (canon-typical); no content warnings.
Yuki’s never had a crush before. Normally that’s not a problem, but now that he really needs to know what it’s like, nobody else in Mankai can seem to give him a straight answer. And what does cake have to do with anything?
“You. Elite Swindler. What's it like to have a crush?”
Itaru looks up from his phone and finds himself face-to-face with Yuki's inquisitive eyes. “Um.” He blinks, stalling for time while he forces his brain to take a U-turn from his game. “Why do you ask?”
Yuki sighs, swatting aside a strand of hair and tucking it behind his ear. “My character's supposed to be in love, but no matter how many times I try saying my lines it never sounds right. The Director said I should try asking around to get an idea what it's supposed to feel like, and you're sitting right here. So are you going to tell me or not?”
“Huh.” Well, that sounds like something she would do, Itaru concedes. He sits up, placing his phone face down on the sofa next to him. “If I have to describe it, I'd say it's inconvenient. Just because you like someone doesn't mean you'd like liking them. It's kind of like pulling a gacha and getting an SSR. If it's your favourite character, cool, but if it's a character you don't like and you already have three other copies of the exact same card, and now you have to grind all over again… not cool.”
Yuki rolls his eyes, and for a second Itaru thinks he's about to be on the business end of his trademark sarcastic zingers again. “But what is it like? It can't be as sappy as it looks like in Muku's manga.” Beat. Slowly, with dread creeping into his voice: “Is it?”
Itaru opens his mouth to answer, only for a better idea to spring into mind. He cranes his head to look into the kitchen, where Homare is nursing a cup of some fragrant tea blend with a complicated, bougie name. “Hey, Homare? How would you describe the feeling of falling in love?”
There's a brief pause, filled only with Yuki's wide-eyed Oh-No-You-Didn't stare, which Itaru diligently avoids. Then Homare places his teacup on the saucer with a gentle plink and replies, with the absolute certainty of an astronomer looking at the night sky: “Devotion astride with every doki doki… a sugary somnambulism, nefelibata's mazurka of watchfulness, feather-light fingertips painting patient litanies!”
“Exactly.” Itaru grins. “See? It's not that hard.”
Yuki's expression is flat, but Itaru thinks he can see the gears turning inside his head. Eventually he sighs. “Fine. You've made your point.”
“Look, that's all I've got,” Itaru shrugs. “Besides, why don't you ask someone who definitely knows what it's like? Have you tried asking Muku?”
“Duh. He tried to hand me a bunch of romance manga for reference. But that's fiction. If I want my acting to be realistic, I need to look at real life examples.”
“Why not ask Masumi then?”
“And listen to him babble about the Director for the next three hours?”
“Mm. Kazunari?”
“I'm not an idiot. I already asked everyone in my troupe.”
“I would, but he's not home. Tasuku says he's out tutoring. And before you start, I already asked the Muscle Freak. He mumbled something about high expectations and ran off.”
“You've got to be kidding me.”
“The Dumb Dog? That's… a good idea. Plus I needed to check on his sewing anyway, he's supposed to finish them this—”
“Yo, Taruchi, where are you? Don't just go AFK on me like that!”
They turn to see Banri emerging from the stairwell, phone in hand and an annoyed look in his face. Itaru waves him over at once, relieved to find a potential back-up partner. “Banri! You gotta help me out, man. I need you to describe what having a crush is like.”
Banri stares slack-jawed, caught totally off-guard. “A crush? It's distracting, that's what. I mean, they're all you can think about, right? No matter what you're doing or where you go, you just keep thinkin' about 'em.”
Itaru snaps his fingers. “Right! And you know you've got it bad when you keep finding excuses to be around them. Or when you do weird stuff to get their attention, like giving them things or teasing them or picking fights with them—”
“Why would you pick a fight with someone you like?” Yuki squints, thoroughly unimpressed. “You can't expect them to fight with you and then magically like you back afterwards. That's just stupid.”
“Well,” Itaru grins, “it is.”
“Ah, but such is love!” rejoins Homare, his sentence punctuated by a neat clink as he places his drained teacup in the sink. “Even the greatest of geniuses are fools when it comes to love. Perhaps I should write a poem about that… the overripe ache of tenderness, rotting one's mind even as it enriches the soul…”
Banri shakes his head sharply. “Yeah, whatever. Just get the interrogation done with so we can start the next match.” With that, he marches off into the kitchen, brushing past Homare without a word to fetch a glass of water.
As the poet leaves, still murmuring fancy thesaurus words under his breath, Itaru turns to Yuki and raises his eyebrows. “So? Think you got a better idea now?”
“A little,” Yuki admits. “You're not so useless after all.”
“Huh. I don't know what I expected. Guess I'll take what I can get.”
At that moment, the front door swings open, and in walks Juza, carrying a bag full of groceries in each hand. Behind him is the Director, bearing an identical bag in her arms and pulling the door shut behind her with her foot. “We're home!” she shouts.
“Welcome home, Director, Juza. Whoa, that's a lot of loot today.”
She laughs. “Turned out there was a sale, and since it's important that we save money I thought we might as well stock up ahead. I was lucky Juza came along to help, otherwise I couldn't have carried all of this back alone.”
While she stops by to talk, Juza keeps heading for the kitchen to unpack his groceries, only stopping when he realises his roommate is blocking the way. When it becomes apparent Banri has no intention to step aside, a scowl clouds over his face. “Move.”
A corner of Banri's mouth quirks upward. “Or what? You can't touch me, your hands are full.”
“Don't have to. You can stand there if you want, but the Director won't like it.”
Begrudgingly, Banri inches aside just enough for Juza to squeeze through. When he sees the topmost layer of groceries, he makes a small wolf-whistle. “Three bottles of strawberry milk? What d'you think this is, Hyodo, a damn onsen?”
“Ya gonna stand there babblin', or ya gonna make yourself useful?”
“Nah, I'm good.”
“Oh, Banri? Since you're already in the kitchen, and you're not doing anything,” the Director chimes in, industrial-grade cheerfulness dripping from her every word, “why don't you help me make dinner?”
Itaru snorts. “Curry duty? Ouch. I'll press F for you later.”
“Actually, tonight is sweet and sour pork. I got a deal on bell peppers, but they have to be eaten quickly,” she tells him, before calling out to Banri: “You can start by washing and chopping them, by the way.”
“The Currian chooses not to make curry?” If Yuki's eyebrows rose any higher, they'd completely disappear behind his fringe. “Did you hit your head on the door coming in?”
“I'm sorry, we can have curry tomorrow if that's what you want,” the Director smiles sweetly, and Itaru wonders if this is what she's like in the office. He tries picturing her giving instructions to her juniors and suggestions to her superiors, all in that inhumanly saccharine tone of voice. The mental image alone gives him the chills. “Oh! How's your role study, Yuki?”
“Eh, it's a work in progress.” He pauses, eyeing her with a slight squint. Oh, no, Itaru thinks, here we go again. “But now that you're here, why don't you tell me what you think a crush is like?”
“Me? I haven't had a crush since…” her voice trails off. She walks to the kitchen, places her groceries on the counter, and starts unpacking them alongside Juza. “I don't remember. What I do remember is that when you've fallen in love with someone, you want them to be happy. You remember the little things they like and don't like, because there's no feeling like seeing them smile and knowing it's because of you, or something you did. If they're happy, you're happy. But if they're upset about something, then you feel bad too, even if it wasn't your fault.”
Yuki hums a wordless acknowledgement, face scrunched in thought. “And you?”
Silence. After a few seconds, Juza looks up from the cabinet he is currently stuffing with raw pasta. “…Me?”
“Yeah, dumbass. Who else?” Banri snorts. “Oi, gimme the pineapple. I can't find it in this mess.”
“Didn't get any.”
“What, so we're making sweet and sour pork without pineapple? Who eats sweet and sour pork without—” Realisation dawns in his eyes. He blinks, as if startled, glances at the Director, and looks away again. “Oh. Huh. Well, that's interesting.”
“Whatcha talkin' 'bout, Settsu?”
“None of your business. Now answer the damn question already so we can cook in peace.”
“We ain't cooking, you are,” Juza points out. “An' I dunno.”
“You don't know?” Yuki presses impatiently. “Or you're not telling?”
“Dunno. Never had a crush.”
“Tch. Of course you've never liked anyone. All you like is cake.”
Itaru nods comprehendingly, shooting up in his seat. ”Banri's got a point, you know, the cake does kind of give it away. Bet you also like dragons.”
“Wait,” Yuki interjects, “what's cake got to do with anything?”
“You don't know?” Itaru twists to face the boy completely. “Aw, man. I thought you of all people would know. Do you like cake?”
“What does it matter?”
“C'mon, it's just a yes or no question!”
“They're OK? I'm not that big on sweets, but I like the really pretty cakes. Especially the ones with edible flowers on top.”
“The real question is,” Banri looks up from the cutting board and points the knife at Yuki, “would you rather fall in love or eat cake?”
“What kinda stupid question is that?” Juza mutters, still playing grocery Tetris with the cabinet and therefore completely missing the death glare Banri sends his way.
“Shut your cakehole, nobody asked you.”
Yuki's brows furrow, and Itaru notices his eyes flickering to Juza before he settles on a reply. “If I had to choose, I guess I'd choose cake. Having a crush sounds so exhausting. Besides, I know what cake's like, so I know what I'm getting myself into.”
Itaru claps his hands together, triumphant. “See? Congratulations, you're Team Cake! Don't worry about the dragons, we'll get there when you’re ready.”
“But what does any of it have to do with—you know what, forget it.” Yuki throws his hands into the air, mere millimetres away from clocking Itaru's head. “I should've asked someone who knows what they're talking about. You guys are hopeless.” With that, he turns on his heels and makes his exit, presumably off to interview the next hapless sap to cross his path.
“Good luck!” the Director calls out.
Itaru shakes his head. “And here I thought we'd get more affinity points than that,” he mutters. “Talk about being hard to please.”
“Don't blame him, it is a tough subject to crack,” she points out. “Oh, does that mean you're free right now? In that case, can you please make some rice while I get the pork ready?”
“Welp. Is this a mandatory quest?” She nods, and he sighs, slowly stretching to his feet and pocketing his phone. “All right. But you owe me cake. All this talk's got me craving a slice.”
“I'll grab you some tomorrow, how's that sound?”
Banri's head snaps up again. “Hey, if he gets cake for helping, then how come I don't?”
“You don't even like cake,” Juza grumbles.
“I’m just sayin’, it ain’t fair. And don’t pretend you don’t want some.”
She reaches past them to grab the packet of pork on the table and laughs. “All you had to do was ask. You know what? I'll get you cake. Both of you.” She pauses to scratch her chin. “Come to think about it, maybe I should just get a nice big cake for everyone to share. I've got a feeling we're all gonna need it come tomorrow.”
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reading-hub · 4 years
Could I request some headcanons for Shigaraki, Dabi, and Todoroki having a wet dream about their crush and then running into them the next day?
𝗳𝘁. 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗼, 𝗱𝗮𝗯𝗶, & 𝘁𝗼𝗺𝘂𝗿𝗮
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It was a moment of weakness for him to say the least. In all honesty, he’s got it bad for you.
While everyone else has been sleeping, half-&-half was tossing and turning in his bed all throughout the night.
All this late night thoughts got him thinking, about you....and the things he wants to do that include you..
It always started off with inviting you to his dorm to study:
After what feels like hours off sexual tension between you two, he finds you on the floor, bending over on all fours to look for something in your backpack. You seem really diligent on finding whatever it is you’re looking for in there...
Your body suddenly has a mind of its own that your plump bottom was slowly inching upwards as your hand reached all the way to the bottom of your bag.
Shouto couldn’t help but look the view he was getting. Your cute ass moving around without a care and those cute fusturating noises that came from you also didn’t help.
He tried to respectfully look away at your vulnerable position, but his perverted eyes kept shifting back.
He then found himself grinding your ass. A cute little squeak came from your mouth. Looking back at him with those cute little doe eyes for reassurance to see Shouto’s lustful gaze at you.
Shouto’s breath hitches to see you comply by lifting the back of your skirt up to your waist, showing off your panties to him. Lowering your head onto the floor, to show your submission to him.
Before it could even get to main event, his mind cut him off and the next thing he knew, he was awake again..
Shouto muttered a curse before realizing it was already morning and the sun was about to rise.
Already dressed in his uniform, he stepped out of his dorm room, before he could walk towards the hallway, he spots you.
Cute, already in your uniform, holding your books to your chest, and talking to Sero..? This early before class even started?
A ping of jealousy swelled below his stomach. Just seeing you talk so openly to Sero, with the cutest smile crept onto your lips as you listened and spoke with him.
He wanted to walk past you as casually as possible, the last thing he wanted was have you see him after what he was dreaming about last night—
“Good morning, Shouto.” You spoke, turning your attention to the stoic boy, who seemed to be in a rush...
Shouto’s shoulders tensed up, but relaxed. “Good morning..” before you could reply back he was already walking away.
“Man, looks like Shouto’s got a lot on his mind today..” Sero quipped, leaning back against the wall. “I guess so...” Your face dropped a little. I hope he didn’t think I was annoying you thought.
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That cute ass smile will be the death of him someday. more like the death of his dick
He sometimes wonder how a cute piece of work like you could even associate yourself with the likes of them. Not that he was complaining. He’d sit back and watch as you and Toga were at sitting by the bar, sipping down Shirley Temples together, seeing that cute smile of yours as you nodded while Toga was gushing about all the cute boys and girls she saw at UA.
And by the end of the night, he found himself semi-hard, which was his cue to leave the base and deal with his “problem”.
After finding a much needed secluded spot away from the league, he laid down on something that seemed comfortable enough by his standards.
Taking it slow by feeling up himself through his pants, cursing under his breath knowing that this was your doing.
All cute n’ sexy. Sitting on a bar stool like the good girl you are. Why sit on a lousy stool when you could be sitting on something better. Like on his lap, where you rightfully belong.
He can picture it now: Your cute ass plop onto his thigh, his hands wandering where they please as you let him, hands holding onto your hips as you grind on him, and your cute face contorting into mixes of need and pleasure to top it all off.
You’d be so needy of him at that point. Laying your head on the nape of his neck, whispering pleas to him. Telling him you wish to go somewhere privately to fill your needs, promising him that you’ll make him feel oh so good...
The flame bastard smirks and takes you up on that offer.
There you were, beneath him. His hands beside your head, as he cages you using his body. Lowing his head to your neck as he gives you some love bites and kisses. As you softly withed under him, one of his hands makes their way towards the belt line of your lower stomach.
Feeling this, your body naturally jolted up a little in surprise. His finger tips pushed aside your underwear to make room for his fingers. Rubbing the outside to feel how wet you were. His finger slowly circling your wet gummy walls, slowly adding his thumb into the mix.
Dabi tensed up, back from reality. Muttering a curse after hearing a knock on the door. And just when it was getting to the good part!!!
There better be a good reason to interrupt his time.
Opening the door, revealing it to be Twice. God dammit.
“What is it, Twice?” His voice was that of annoyance and pissy undertones. He hoped that Twice would get the message across that it was a bad time to knock right now.
“Whoa, chill Dabi!” He said with urgency and worry. “It’s about (y/n). Shigaraki wants you to escort her back home. It seems like she drank a little too much.” He informed him. “Girl was tripping like crazy!!! She can’t even move one foot without falling flat on her face!!” He cried out dramatically after.
Dabi sighed, but he also couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Guess you found yourself drinking more than just non-alcoholic drinks tonight.
Waking towards your limping self, trying to balance yourself by holding onto the bar for dear life. Yep, you were tipsy alright.
“Alright, let’s get you home.” He pulled you towards him, his hands holding onto yours hips. “M’kay, Dabi....” dammit, even when you were drunk off your ass, you still somehow managed to be cute!
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You just HAD to enter the headquarters with the tightest pants ever.
Jet black, labeled as skinny jeans but managed to hug all your curves in the right places. God he loved when you wore those.
But only when it was during those slow days around the meet-up, and when it was just you and him in one room together. NOT for when so many people were around and the headquarters, packed with villains with hungry eyes most likely on you.
Not to mention you were so casual about it too. Not bothered by what you wore and how it affected him! Well, that’s kinda on Tomura’s part since he doesn’t say anything to you about it and just sulks in the corner silently instead.
All these people at the bar were overwhelming him. Grumbling under his breath, he dragged his feet to his private space and thought “fuck it, I’m playing some games instead” maybe jerk off a little before calling it a night altogether
Hours past since he left the meet up to go to his room instead. But even after playing video games in the dark room was getting a bit tedious for him at that point. Perhaps this was his cue to sleep it off, mentally shrugging as he finally relaxed on his creaking noise filled bed.
His vision getting hazy but then clearing up as he sees you in his subconscious. You smile, but this was no happy go lucky smile. No, that smile of yours had lustful intentions to it, and it was all for him to see. He felt his lower stomach churn that of anticipation for what was to come.
There you were, your knees straddling his hips as he sat on his bed. He saw as you teased him by slowly and painstakingly grinded on his pants. Stopping abruptly, you gasped, making Tomura jump a little in surprise. Nervous young adult hormones were surrounding his mindset. Did he do something wrong?
You lifted your hips by an inch. It appears Tomura got a little excited from your clothed grinding. You couldn’t help as a small giggle escaped your lips. Your villainous boss was such a cute little virgin. Time to reward him for his patience. Licking your lips in the process.
Tomura saw your lustful gaze after seeing his stiff...excitement poking through his pants. You spoke. “Boss, can I offer you a little favor?” Your voice was strung with heated implications, as your hands wandered to the front of his pants, verbally telling him what kind of favor you had in mind. He nodded vigorously, while trying to hide his lust filled grin.
You took no time unbuttoning his pants,(cuz let’s be real, that man doesn’t wear a belt) impatiently pulling down his pants halfway enough for his member to pop up, feeling up his shaft through his boxers as his breath hitched in surprise. Your fingers dipped inside his boxers, pulling them down, slowly, until the prize you’ve been looking for flicked upwards from the underwear confinement.
There it was. Tomura’s dick, right in front of your very eyes. Tomura saw with wonder as he saw you work the shaft, swirling your tongue around the tip as if it were a lollipop. God, your mouth was so warm and wet, he felt like all his pent up horniness for you over the years was washing away as you sucked him off.
Your head bobbing up and down, as one your hands made their way towards his balls, cupping them in your hands. Tomura saw as your eyes made contact with his. They were filled with need and want. You decided to take it one step further by pushing your mouth deeper and deeper into his dick, choking up naturally. Immediately releasing your mouth from his dick to catch your breath.
He breathed heavily as he saw your lip and chin coated with your own saliva and a little bit of his cum on your tongue. “Ready for more, boss?” You perked up.
Before he could reply, a harsh knock came barreling down. His eyes shot up, it’s daytime already? He winced at the sight of the sunlight peaking through his curtains. Hissing at the thought of getting up from his dream. A deep voice rang through the door after the knocking stopped. “Tomura, are you awake?” Yep, that was Kurogiri.
“I just came to tell you that Miss (Y/N) came to the headquarters early today.” Kurogiri soon left, hearing his footsteps fade away. Early? Like, early-early?? What time was it?
He grumbled under his breath as he made his way out of the hallway, were he saw you sitting on the ripped couch, scrolling through your phone. God, you were hot when you didn’t even try or not realize that someone was staring at you.
“Hey, boss. Had a good sleep last night?” You asked, genuine and curious. He grinned deviously through ‘father’ hiding his face. Oh if only you knew....
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poliel · 3 years
Surprise Egg 4/13: Congrats
Filbo had just gotten the fire going in the pit for the evening when he glanced up to see Buddy wondering into town. Always happy to see them, he straightened to smile at them as they approached.
“Hey Buddy, how’s it going?”
“Filbo!” Their eyes sparkled with excitement, a wonderful sight after how exhausted they’d been lately. “You’ll neverguess what just happened.”
“You found out where Liz is?” Filbo almost didn’t dare hope for such a thing but if anyone could find her it was Buddy so… maybe.
“Oh uh… no, not yet. I will soon though, I promise.” Yeah, definitely too much to hope for. “But I did find something very cool. Or more like it found me. I’ll show you.” They walked over and sat down on the log bench by the fire.
Filbo sat next to them, close enough that he could see their camera’s screen as they lifted it from where it hung around their neck. It booted back up in seconds, allowing them to navigate to their recently taken photos.
“What is that?” Just a photo of it made Filbo’s fur prickle with unease. It was some kind of bugsnax? But grumpus shaped. And it might’ve just been the angle the photo was taken from but it looked big too.
Buddy flipped back through more, including ones that showed it did indeed have large googly looking eyes like bugsnax. “I’ve decided to call it Snaxsquatch because it’s like Grumpsquatch but a bugsnax. I also got a recording of what it sounds like. Wanna hear?”
Not really but Buddy was clearly very excited about this for some reason and it was nice seeing them happy so… “I guess.”
With a far too excited grin, they switched their camera back off and pulled out their tape recorder. After rewinding it a bit, the pressed play.
“Hello. Can you understand me?” There was a brief pause filled with the sound of Buddy’s camera snapping a few photos before their recorded voice continued. “I’m a journalist and I’m here to do a story on bugsnax. If you can understand me, I’d like a…”
A wet growl interrupted them, making Filbo flinch. Knowing something that could growl like that was on the island somewhere was the opposite of a cool find. And… and that thing had been right near Buddy, close enough that they’d talked to it. Did their bravery know no bounds?
Apparently so as their recorded voice continued without hesitation and full of even more excitement. “Growling works. How about a long growl for ‘no’ and short a one for ‘yes’?”
A short growl answered Buddy followed by an unidentifiable sound. Which was were Buddy stopped the recording. “That’s where it sank into the ground. And when I looked there wasn’t any trace of it, not even a hole for it to have sunk into. So I have no idea where it went or is now. But cool, right? I’m sure it’s the thing Beffica and Gramble saw that night when the spooky message appeared on the town sign, meaning it wasn’t aliens after all.”
“Uh… I don’t know about cool but it’s certainly scary. How much of a threat to Snaxburg do you think it might be?”
“Not at all. It’s friendly.” For how scary it looked and sounded, their nonchalant confidence was surprising even for them.
“How do you know?”
They slipped their recorder back into their back pack’s side pocket as they answered. “I was that close to it because it was dragging me back to town after I passed out in the Sizzling Sands. It even pulled down Shelda’s lean-to to transport me on.”
“Whoa, what? You passed out! Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just…” They trailed off as a look of dawning realization came over their face. “Huh? I’m not sure how I forgot about that but uh…” They looked around for a couple seconds before turning back to look at him again. “I gotta talk to you in private.” All excitement was gone from their voice now, replaced by a chilling seriousness.
“About what?” What could be more important than the fact they’d apparently passed out in the middle of a hot desert and had to be dragged back by a monster? And why didn’t they seem to care?
“Just… something, okay? Now let’s…” They cut off as they stood up, teetering for a moment before he shot up to steady them. They leaned on him slightly as they lifted a paw to press to their forehead. It only lasted a few seconds but it was long enough to almost give Filbo a heart attack.
“Oof, that was… ugh,” they said as they pushed off him to stand under their own weight again. Before Filbo could ask him if they were okay though…
“Whoa Bestie, you okay?” Beffica said as she wondered into the campfire circle.
“Yeah. Don’t worry about me.” They lifted a paw in a weak dismissive gesture towards her.
“You should probably go lie down.” Unsure of what else he could do, Filbo stood ready to steady them again if they needed it. Oh, if only Eggabell were here.
It hadn’t been a commotion really but Cromdo had stepped closer too, looking maybe kind of worried. At that moment, Chandlo wondered in with a “What’s going on? Why’s everyone here look so worried?”
Buddy frowned at him before speaking. “I need to talk to Filbo about something.” They took Filbo’s paw and started leading him back towards the hut the two of them now shared.
As soon as they were in the hut with the door closed, Buddy pulled off their back pack and lowered it to the floor with a grateful sounding sigh. They then unzipped it and took out their camera’s case, placing that on the table before carefully pulling their camera off over their head and into it. They put that back safely in their pack before zipping it up once more. It was a familiar routine of theirs, one that Filbo had seen many times since Buddy had moved in but they did it with much more exaggerated care this time as if they were so exhausted, they could barely move.
“You okay?” Filbo asked as they finally turned to look at him. They’d been acting clearly unwell for a while now but this was different and worse. … If only Eggabell were here, she’d know how to fix it.
They looked at him in silent thought, one paw on the table as they leaned slightly onto it. After several seconds of this they pushed off and walked over to him still standing by the door and… hugged him. They pressed into him with a slight, exhausted sounding purr. “I missed you.”
He hugged them back of course, though he couldn’t quite muster up a purr himself right now. “Uh… I missed you too but… you weren’t gone that long.” They even still been here this morning when Filbo woke up, something that was honestly pretty rare with how busy they were.
“I know. But something happened and… it made me miss you.” That was strange but… okay.
Unsure what to say to that, Filbo just held them for however long they wanted to be held for. Which wasn’t long as they soon gave him one more tight squeeze before pulling back.
They stepped all the way back before speaking. “I finally found out why I’ve been so unwell lately. It’s kind of obvious now that I really think about it.”
“What is it?” And how seriouswas it?
“Um…” They looked away, lifting a paw to nervously rub the back of their neck. “You remember a few months ago when I was in heat and you helped me. And then you asked if I had any contraceptives and I didn’t but told you it would probably be fine anyway because having a hard time conceiving runs in my family? Well turns out it wasn’t fine after all. Whoops.”
“Wait! You mean you’re…” He cut off, unable to say it quite yet because how could they actually be carrying his egg? Yeah sure, it made sense given the whole heat thing and but still. That wasn’t at all news he was prepared for or had ever given any thought to possibly one day receiving or having to give to someone else. Kids were fine and all but never once had the thought occurred to him that he might someday have one of his own.
“I was pregnant but then uh… I laid the egg which is how I found out about it. I passed out afterwards. And that’s when the Snaxsquatch brought me back here.” They reached into their pouch where they’d taken to carrying Sprout. What they pulled out though was undoubtedly a grumpus egg. The faded splotches of colour on it were burnt orange and light blue, confirming its parentage. They tried to hand to Filbo.
He flinched, pulling his paws in close to this chest. “Why are you giving it to me?” Given his track record he should be the last one handling something as important and delicate as an egg.
“Just… because. I need sleep. You can tell the others about it while I take a nap. Or I guess you could keep it a secret for now if you want to. But regardless, we’ll talk about what we’re going to do about it after I get some rest, okay? So just take it for now.” They pushed it towards him again.
He wanted to refuse but… they were clearly beyond exhausted and utterly unwell. The fact that they’d just given birth to the egg not long ago certainly explained why. They’d done it all alone out in the middle of the hot desert too, how awful and scary must that have been? And yet they didn’t complain, they never did about anything. So… trying not to grimace too hard, he accepted it from their paws.
“Thanks.” Then, without further word, they turned and walked over to the bed and collapsed face first onto it. Probably not even five seconds later they were snoring softly.
Never the most dexterous of grumpuses, Filbo’s paws were even more clumsy than usual due to being like strawberries. So very carefully, before he could drop the egg or some potential disaster could befall him and it, he put it into his own pouch. Unlike some he preferred not to carry things in there but… it was meant for carrying eggs and the grumplings that hatched out of them so this was how it should be. … Still felt weird though.
Shaking it off, he went over to the bed to check on Buddy. … Yep, they were out like a light and they certainly deserved and needed the rest. So… with a deep breath he turned and left the hut.
As he walked back towards the campfire, he tried not think about tripping and crushing the egg in his pouch. Would that even crush it though? Eggs were supposed to be pretty sturdy, right? But how sturdy? This was his first time seeing one up close in real life so he had no idea. … And it was his! Oh gosh, he wasn’t ready for this. How was he supposed to…
He flinched and looked up at Beffica. She was still standing by the campfire with an air of having been waiting for him to return. Chandlo was with her and Cromdo had perked up from his stand again.
“What’s wrong with Buddy?” she continued. … She was concerned, it was written in her face and in her tone.
“Come on dawg, out with it,” Chandlo said before the silence could stretch for long. “What’s wrong with them? They going to be okay?”
“Oh uh… they’re sleeping. I think they’re going to be okay… well as okay as they can be… maybe. I don’t know.” Ugh, he was doing an awful job at putting anyone at ease but he was worried about Buddy and the egg that had quite literally seemed to have come out of nowhere and… it made it hard to think. He took a couple deep breaths and put on not a smile but a hopefully less freaked out expression because panicking about it wasn’t going to make it better. “The reason they’re so exhausted is because they uh… gave birth to an egg earlier today.”
That was met with surprised silence for several seconds before Chandlo broke it. “You mean they’ve been carrying an egg this whole time? Why didn’t you guys tell anyone?”
“We didn’t know.”
Beffica scoffed. “I thought at least one of you would have some kind of birth control and be smart enough to use it.”
“Well… we didn’t have any and it was kind of… urgent and they’d thought it’d be fine. And we’ve been careful sincethen.” Getting pregnant outside of heat was rare but not impossible so they’d done their best to avoid risking it as much as they could whenever they made love but apparently it hadn’t mattered anyway. “So we had no idea.”
She sighed and shook her head. “Well, let’s see the egg then I guess. Since I assume you have it now, right? Because what else would you be carrying in your pouch?”
Filbo wasn’t sure he wanted to take it out for fear of dropping it but… With a sigh, he reached into his pouch and pulled it out. Beffica snapped a photo of it as Chandlo stepped closer to look at it too.
“It’s a bit small and the colours are faded,” Cromdo said, making Filbo jump a little. He’d approached unnoticed and now stood on the other side of the log bench so he could get a good view of the egg. “That means it was born sooner than it should’ve been. Which with the way Buddy’s been running around, doesn’t surprise me. I’d say get it checked out by a doctor but we don’t got one anymore. So instead, just make sure to keep it as warm as possible. Like if you’re gonna have it outside of your pouch for more than five minutes put it in heated cradle, assuming you can find a way to make one that’s safe. Otherwise make sure someone’s carrying it around all the time, okay? And don’t let Buddy take it up the mountain or whatever.”
“What do you know about taking care of an egg?” Beffica asked pretty much exactly what Filbo was thinking but with far more scorn than was necessary.
“I just know, okay? It ain’t none of your business.” He turned back to look at Filbo again. “And don’t shake the egg neither or drop or anything else rough, got it?”
Under his stern gaze, Filbo carefully put the egg back into his pouch. “Got it. Thanks for the advice.” He’d take any from anyone who was willing to give it.
“You could maybe ask Floofty to examine it,” Chandlo said. “They’re real smart and know a lot about biology stuff even though they’re not a doctor. So they might be able to tell you if it’s okay or not.”
“All right.” It certainly couldn’t hurt.
The three of the followed as he started for the research tent. He’d really rather not ask Floofty for any kind of favor but… they were the only one here who might be able to examine the egg with any degree of accuracy. If only Eggabell were here. … Yeah, ifonly, and if only wishing for her return could actually bring her back to town. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Shaking off the bitterness of that thought as he stepped into Floofty’s part of the research tent, Filbo put on his best attempt at a pleasant expression. “Hey Floofty.”
Still leaning over the table and whatever they were working on they didn’t even turn their head to look at him as they answered. “Greetings.” Indifference was better than disdain but… still uncomfortable.
“We need your help with something,” Beffica cut in as she strode over and put a paw on Floofty’s desk, rattling it a little.
They looked up at her with an annoyed sigh. “What is it?”
“An egg,” Chandlo said. “It’s looking a bit unwell so I thought we could bring it to you and you could look it over, make sure it’s okay and stuff.”
“Ooh, an egg you say?” Triffany was suddenly in on the conversation too as she stepped over into this part of the tent. “Whose is it?”
“Buddy’s and Filbo’s,” Cromdo replied. “Apparently Buddy’s been pregnant this whole time and didn’t know. Unsurprisinglywith the way they’ve been running around it was born early so we need someone to check and see if the grumpling’s still alive inside it or not.”
Triffany grimaced. “Oh dear, yeah with the way they’ve been running around and stuff… I do hope they’re okay. Both Buddy and the grumpling.”
“Well, Buddy’s getting some much-needed rest right now,” Filbo said as he pulled the egg out again. “So Floofty do you think you could…” He held the egg towards them.
“I suppose with the use of Eggabell’s equipment I should at least be able to determine if the grumpling’s alive inside or not. Exactly how healthy it is, I’m not sure I’ll be able to tell, but something’s better than nothing.” They took from him. “Now someone go get me Eggabell’s medical bag.”
“I’ll do it,” Filbo volunteered, immediately turning to run over to Liz and Eggabell’s hut. He needed the distraction and to be moving and since he was keeping the place clean for their eventual return, he knew exactly where the medical bag was.
Standing around while Floofty examined the egg with Eggabell’s limited equipment was nerve-wracking. Was Filbo actually going to have to figure out how to be parent or was this was one big scary false alarm. … Part of him hoped for the latter. … He flinched internally. How could he even think that? Grumplings dying unhatched was always tragic and not something that should be hoped for. So no he didn’t hope that that had happened but… but… he wasn’t ready to be a parent!
Despite his inner turmoil he kept his expression as positive as he could. The one thing he was good at other than messing up was maintaining a positive energy. Like a good leader should. … Except for the fact that no one here respected him as a leader. Which he couldn’t blame them for given everything. But his chances to ever gain that respect from them or anyone else were severally hampered by the fact that he now had an egg and eventually a grumpling to take care unless… He wasn’t hoping for that though.
How did one even care for a grumpling after it hatched? They were mostly just carried around in their parents’ pouches, right? Until they were… whatever age where that wasn’t a thing anymore. What age even was that? And what happened then?
“Congratulations Filbo,” Floofty said as they picked up the egg and turned away from their desk to approach him. “Despite Buddy’s negligence for their own wellbeing, the egg and grumpling inside seem mostly fine as far as I can determine, certainly alive if nothing else. Which admittedly I’m not a doctor nor a proper expert on fetal development but I am fairly confident in my assessment nonetheless.”
As they handed him the egg, he put on a smile. “Thanks.” He slipped it into his pouch.
“You’re welcome. Now take Eggabell’s stuff back to her cabin and shoo, I have work to get back to.” They turned their back and went back to their desk.
Filbo quickly grabbed the medical bag and was out of there.
“Congrats,” Beffica said as she fell in step with him. She even sounded kind of sincere for once.
“Uh… thanks.”
“Yes, congrats,” Triffany added. “I’m sure you and Buddy will be great parents. I almost can’t wait to have a little one running the place. I’m going to go tell Wamby.” And she was off.
“Yeah, congrats dawg,” Chandlo came up on his other side. “What you going to name them?”
Oh no, they were going to have to come up with a name too? How? “Uh… I don’t know. I’m sure Buddy will think of something, I’m really bad with names.”
Before much more than even an hour had passed since he’d even got the news himself, everyone in town had approached Filbo to congratulate him on the egg. Gramble also offered to watch the egg and/or the grumpling if he and Buddy ever needed or wanted a break for a bit. Filbo was tempted to hand him the egg to watch right then and there but… just thanked him with a smile instead. If any of them even suspected how much he was freaking out below the surface, they didn’t say anything.
But when Buddy woke up and they talked about it some more, surely everything would be okay, right? Buddy would know how to handle the situation and thus they’d ease Filbo’s fears and… stuff. So everything was going to be fine.
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