#can you find them in raid dens?
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sl33py-g4m3r · 10 months ago
Newbie question; and I assume the answer is no.
Can you find Stellar Tera type pokemon in raid dens? Are Tera type pokemon randomly generated in the terrarium or are they fixed spawns?
How do you get more stellar Tera shards anyway? Do you get Tera shards from beating wild Tera pokemon as well as raid den mons?
I wasn’t ever really paying attention to drops from wild Tera Pokemon, so I genuinely don’t know.
How would you farm stellar Tera shards anyway?
Sorry for throwing so many questions in the pokemon tags btw~~~ did a cursory quick search and only got how the Tera type works. Could always be looking in the wrong spots tho~~~
I’ll keep digging ~~~
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ranticore · 9 months ago
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werewolves (???) for ya
these are communal pack-living humanoids who are arguably the least 'punished' of the monsters in this world. they wear the face of their old master as a mask for 27 days out of 28, and on the night of the full moon they can remove it and finally enjoy the use of their own wolfy faces (for a limited period of time). otherwise they look like this all the time.
they are pretty awkward to look at, lacking opposable thumbs and the ability to make most facial expressions, but they do have a small amount of integration with human settlements, and can often be found trading their own produce for items which require opposable thumbs to make, like thread or bowls. they usually bring unprocessed game to trade, as they are excellent hunters. they don't communicate well with humans and it's very rare for them to allow a human into their own dens in the woods/plains/etc.
Back home they can use their strong sense of smell to differentiate between what is essentially a group of identical members, but among humans they will dye their masks with natural pigments so that people can tell them apart. The best way to gain the trust of anyone is to show that you can hunt and kill the crawling beasts of the earth so it's not uncommon to see werewolves dragging their corpses into town to throw on the bonfire, as a show of solidarity.
werewolves are adaptable and not so insular that they disdain the company of others, so it's not unusual to find them working alongside other monsters, forming hunting partnerships with harpies in particular. this isn't universal and some cultures of wolfmen prefer to raid nests and steal eggs.
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the-monkeies-girl · 9 months ago
um hi first time requester here i hope im doing it right. can you give us more noa x reader hedcanons please i'm so happy to find someone writing for him
Noa x Human ! Reader Imagines - Part Two.
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Let's go babey round TWO. We are eating good today. This ended up being like 3 fanfics rolled into one. 5K+ Words haha. Likes, comments, reblogs always appreciated! Enjoy reading. Fandom: ( Kingdom of the ) Planet of the Apes. Pairing: Noa x Human ! Reader. Rating: T. ( Just for safe measure. Some mentions of aggression, mating. That good stuff. ) Read Part One Here.
Slow Burn Series: Customary. Gone Hunting.
**Does contain spoilers for Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.
Noa singing to the Eagles. He felt like he never had the talent. At least, not in the way that his father did. What happened with Proximus Caesar months ago… Noa reflected on that and rested his hand down on the tightly knit together wooden branches that served as a platform high above the whole of the Eagle Clan. It had to have been a fluke of nature, maybe stupid luck that he was able to preserve and get his Eagle to cooperate instead of scratching his arm to unrecognition. Shuffling a bit to the right and out of the council's den, Noa noted that there were still some items that were out of place from the raid of his village. Some small jars tipped over, out of view to anyone who wasn’t looking for a mess. Bird feathers were fallen on the ground, flocking it beyond knowledge that there was even wood there. Noa, being so familiar here, knew otherwise but others would make the unsafe assumption that they were simply being held in animation by a structure made from bird feathers. Small bits of ash here and there from the fire, but the structure itself was able to be repaired to be used again. He was grateful for that.
It was… Where he last was with his father, where he had been crowned shortly after, blue feathers now adorning the band that encased his right bicep, where he felt he had time to reflect and dwindle into nothingness, to not be important because to himself, he rarely ever was and it seemed the feeling was only enhanced now that he was responsible for the wellbeing of everyone in his Clan. They came first, Noa came last. Protect them at the sacrifice of himself. Noa nodded at that, self-assured. He had just disbanded with his council, nothing of interest picking up through the muddled nature of his thoughts. Just talk about the repairs to the village, about the next round of young Apes who were going to be bonded with their own feathery friend… Most days, Noa felt inclined to participate, he was their leader now. But today, there was not a possibility that he could even engage in regular conversation.
He grumbled under his breath, and a few of the birds reacted purely to the sound, not necessarily to Noa himself; that was what he tried to convince his mind to believe as his own Eagle, which used to be his own fathers, landed on his shoulder. There was minimal effort put into the sounds as he began circling the room slowly, looking at each of the Eagles that rested there, so delicate and fierce on their perches. He wished to be that… Strong, unafraid, and confident. Puffing his chest out, Noa feigned fake confidence before ultimately blowing the air out of his lungs, shoulders falling in some mild defeat. He seemed to shrink in on himself before returning to his rotation of the room.
For every round he made with his feet, his vocals grew ever so gently in intensity, his mouth now making an obvious ‘O’. Apes were not known to be great at singing ( at least Chimpanzees ), but they were known to make communication with sounds. Singing was the only way to describe it, and it took Noa nearly a month to explain to you what the sound actually was because he was unsure of the word. He was too self-aware to actually demonstrate. A lot of back and forth ensued. It was not a hoot, it was not a holler. It was…. Humming. Almost, crying in sound. Screeching if he were loud enough. He wasn’t though. He kept it hushed, intimate and private between himself and his birds.
And you didn't have it in your heart to say anything or move, almost splayed completely on your stomach, trying to ignore the jabbing pain in your ribs from resting on the hard wood that served as a ramp upwards towards the Ape you had come to see. He had to have been at least two meters above you at this point, maybe more. It was a stupid decision, you knew that. He’d kick you out from being in such a sacred place to his people. Why you felt drawn here, why you wanted to see him… All rational thought disappeared when you heard him. Noa had told you that this is how bonding went. You sang to your bird in the same way the egg sang to you to be chosen. You hadn’t seen it in practice, until now. Glancing up, you could see the shape of his feet through some of the thickets of wood, a few feathers falling through the cracks and gracefully landing either on you, or nearby. Would he stop if he knew you were there? You wondered and clenched your jaw.
Most likely he’d stop, you figured. Noa wasn’t one to do this in front of others out of fear or embarrassment. The only time he did it was to save his Clan. He’d do it again, sure, but to sing for them ceremoniously was a terrifying thought that was inevitably going to come to fruition some day. He told you time and time again though, the customs, the crown that had been metaphorically passed down to him from his father, the burden, the great angst he felt knowing that it all rested on him. He never flat out expressed that’s how it was, how he was feeling with his inner turmoil, but it became more frequently observed the longer you were in the care of the Eagle Clan. You so desperately wanted to help him.
Grasping a feather in front of you between your fingertips, you propped yourself up to sit and then to stand. Giving one more glance up at Noa, you turned to leave, deciding that you had no reason to be there; you couldn’t come up with one if he put you on the spot. He’d tell you the same, you were so sure of that. But… There was one irrefutable fact in all of this regardless.
Noa knew you were there the entire time.
Noa offering you an animal pelt. ‘They get… cold.’ Raka’s words echoed for a long time in Noa’s mind as he peered over at you, observing the nature of your smaller frame sitting so intently near the communal fire of the Clan. Some chatter off to the side from some Apes also enjoying the fire, but they were out of sight, out of mind for Noa. You were so close that the roar of the flames pushed back the hair from your face, giving the male Ape an exceptionally good view of your expression, even from the distance he was at.
You even had your eyelids shut, he noted before turning his head back towards his hands, only momentarily before he was looking right back at you. You were truly soaking in as much warmth as you possibly could. The waves of light encapsulated in some elegant dance as the blaze flickered across your body. Noa was left feeling slightly mesmerized by that like he would float over to you if you beckoned him. You were covered, shoulders and below, draped in unfamiliar clothing.
Today was the first time Noa had seen you wearing a long sleeve shirt and pants that swept you up, almost consuming due to the large nature of them. You had tied a loose knot around the waist to keep the bottom piece from falling, but he did notice you picking them up here and there as you moved throughout the day. It was obvious that they weren’t tailored to your body, but when you had stumbled upon them and snagged them for yourself, you didn't want to complain. Any sort of clothing was valuable, especially as the winter was coming. There wasn’t much else to that, Noa thought to himself and rested what he was tinkering with down on the bench in front of him.
You seemed content enough, Noa dubbed and gave himself a small smile. It faded just as quickly as it came, the knowledge that someone could see him absolutely enamored like a fool begging for attention from his most desired… Was not very leader-like. Noa felt like he’d snap at someone if they were to bring it up, bring you up as if they had a right to talk freely about you. Well… The joke was on Noa. They absolutely had the right but that didn't stop him from thinking of ways to deter people from doing that. He cherished the jealousy and harnessed it into a protective shield. He cherished you and the feelings that subsided in both his mind and body.
Those seemingly unrequited feelings were what spurred him from his perched seat and setting a small pace towards his nest. You’d be okay for just a minute or two, he figured and scattered a bit more quickly. Shuffling in your spot, you had only taken your eyes off of him here and there as your eyelids rested shut from the tiredness that swept over you in waves. That’s what the heat did to you; made you tired beyond comprehension. Maybe, you muttered inside of your head, you’d just tip right over and fall asleep on the ground rather than making the needed transverse back to your nest of twigs, feathers and smaller animal pelts. You must have dozed off regardless of your train of thought because when you looked up at where Noa had been sitting previously, it was vacant.
You blinked. Something hung on your shoulders. You blinked again, hearing a small bit of heavier breathing coming from your left side. Just a few soft hooing notions to let you know that he was near, not a threat. Submissive, if that’s what you wanted. For a lingering moment, it almost felt like there was a hand, delicately moving against your left shoulder blade, pressing in and out as if probing you to make sure you were still alive, but with sleep on your horizon of your body, it was hard to determine if that happened or if it was what you wanted to happen. Wanted Noa to do.
With your eyes shut at the pleasant sensation of the animal pelt, you drew a deep breath in and relished in the added feeling of your lungs expanding so lazily; like you were being smothered and taken down into a dark but very warm point of interest. “Hmmm.” You murmured out loud. It smelled remarkably rich once you were able to process that along the teetering line of slumber. Like a conifer tree, vines draping themselves delicately over building ruins, grainy like the Earth. There was one more note there, something incredibly fragrant. Familiar and it caused you to grasp at the item around your shoulders to dig your nose closer to it. It was a smell you savored more than you cared to admit, but in your sleepy stupor, it was happily acknowledged verbally.
He was rock silent next to you, green eyes wide with surprise at the surmise of his name falling from your lips. So… so nice, Noa thought to himself, head tilting to the side in a subconscious bid to get closer to you. There was an intense and increased magnitude of his stare when you pulled the animal pelt he placed around you closer. Closer, Noa seethed softly at that, so close to you, on you… On… His thoughts came to a slow pause as he just viewed you again. You were clutching at the pelt, holding it closed against your chest.
Tameless thoughts hit the young Ape like a wave coming from the absolute silence his mind had previously been in. What it must feel like to have you hold him, what it must feel like to have Echo hand in his fur, pulling him closer, closer. He would beg you, scratch you, bite you if you pleased. If that’s what you wanted of him. Noa had no idea where this surge of ideology, of aggression came from but he did nothing to dampen it. Not when it felt so viciously good to indulge in. His lips parted, sharp canines glistening so delicately in the firelight as he hooted again, not loud enough to wake, but loud enough for him to selfishly remind you that he was there. Yes, yes yes… He chittered, moving side to side on all fours for a second before taking a sharp pace to the right and then back to the left before sitting properly next to you, solaced and draped deliciously as he stared at you. The absolute desire he had to perform such acts, such… Such vulgarity…
He couldn’t stop, he-he… Didn't want to.
Noa welled at that, revered it and felt a sense of accomplishment. You liked it! No, no, he hooted to himself so quietly, taking time to observe you again to confirm his thoughts. You were loving it. He had seen you in various states before. Embarrassed, angry, flustered, minorly injured, reminiscent, but this… Was beyond anything he had seen before. Something stirred inside of him as he sat back, now resting his body against a log for support so he didn't need to put in active thought into keeping himself up-right. He’d wait until you were awake enough, the decision was made, and let you know it was time to go back to your nest for the night. Just a few more minutes, Noa bargained with the most introspective parts of his mind, almost beaming with primal pride that he was able to keep you satisfied. You were vulnerable.
Seeing his nest for the first time. Your lips parted, slightly dry from the air that rolled around the quiet village. You couldn’t bring yourself to do anything as you stared at Noa who unwaveringly stared right back, waiting silently for an answer to a question just asked. But oddly, it felt like there was no question. Shock rocketed through you like you were being electrocuted. It started in your feet, feeling slightly numb before completely overtaking the rest of your senses. You felt blind, almost half tempted to put your hand out to touch something, you felt mute, a hard lump now sitting at the back of your esophagus and it felt like you would throw up if you tried to swallow it down, you couldn’t hear anything outside of your own breathing which made you feel even more isolated. It was hard and rigid, you were nervous and trying to hold it in but it was untimely and bursting at the seams. You knew that Noa noticed and he either didn't put much thought into your reaction to his six signed words. Had you just seen his signing right? Maybe he said something different and your eyes were playing tricks on you! In broad daylight.
Do. You. Want. To. Come. In.
Mentally, you slapped your forehead out of meager frustration. Why did you have to follow him all the way up the platformed structure? Why didn't you stop yourself like you always did? It was not a permission you gave yourself; to be anywhere near his personal space. You’d meet in communal spaces, or out in the field Noa favored. Never personal, never too close… You must not have noticed your feet transition from grass to dirt to wood. You were so transfixed on Noa who sauntered back to his nest to grab something he had forgotten, that you followed blindly. Physically, you raised your hands before dropping them in favor of actually talking. It was quiet and reserved, Noa noticed and he found himself pacing forward just a bit as he had a harder time hearing it, wood creaking as it settled under his weight.
“You want me to come in?” Your voice came to a tapering squeak but you tried your damndest to keep it under wraps. You should have signed, you dummy… Deep down, you knew that Noa had observed that but what you didn't know with any sort of confidence was that he was forcing himself to ignore that heat-skipping a beat feeling he’s been getting more frequently around you. “I don’t know Noa, that’s your home, I would…”
“I…” He started slowly before raising one hand to sign reassuringly, ‘I… would like you to.’ It was your turn for your heart to do that infamous skip a beat. Swallowing hard, you dug your heels into the wood platform below your feet to keep you from floating off at the idea. No! You snapped, it wasn’t just an idea… It was an opportunity that was now given to you, Noa metaphorically holding his hand out to see if you would reciprocate in any form. He was offering you inside, to see Noa’s nest. Where he slept, bided his time, enjoyed solitude when his Mother wasn’t around, when Anaya was getting on his nerves, when Soona was pestering him in her typical sisterly fashion… You figured the question begged was just Noa being accommodating. You figured him telling you that he would like you to was just his way of being polite. Figuring you would not be comfortable to wait outside for him, knowing more about you that you cared to admit in the moment.
If all things went according to how you wanted them to be, you’d jump on that chance. But, you found yourself pensively contemplating if you wanted to step over that metaphorical threshold, this one in the shape of an entryway. The one that landed right in the palm of Noa’s hand. You’d be a bald faced liar if you tried to convince yourself that you weren’t curious. Curling your fingers into your palms, you noticed that they were profusely sweaty. Would it be deemed rude if you denied him? If you said no, convince him you were fine waiting outside? You had no idea how he would perceive that, “Okay.”
Wait. What did you just say? Wait!
Your feet once again began moving without permission, gliding yourself right along Noa’s right side as he offered you to go on first, his hand gesturing repeatedly to the room. Quick in succession. There was no way he was excited, was there? The idea tickled your brain but you shoved it back and drew a deep breath in. From his perspective, Noa watched your rib cage expanding under the soft fabric of your shirt and then regressing back inwards slowly. Meditative breathing, he figured, to keep you calm.
There was nothing calm about this though. Your stomach felt like it was beyond the floor, now sinking deep underground, your ears pricked with anticipation. The fur on his bicep tickled at the bare skin of your arm, caressing and smoothing itself there as you were now shoulder to shoulder with him and you swore you felt his breathing against your neck when he glanced at you, counteractive to your own self soothing breaths. Hard, heavy and fast. Noa didn't know how to cover that up which was ironic because you were so convinced you managed to stave your nerves off.
You step over that threshold, you step over a line that was there for good reason. The rational part of your brain was so annoying.
You pushed yourself forward and with the blink of an eye you were inside. It was… Unremarkably remarkable. Nothing really popped at you, eyes processing through a darkened mess. Nothing in particular you noticed right off the bat, it was a dim lighting, the only two sources being a small fire pit that was begging to be put out, the pieces of wood small and frail, giving just enough energy to hold a mild orange hue and that of an opening to the right, reminiscent of a window of sorts lightly covered by a cloth. Sun peeped in and illuminated only enough to navigate and not pick apart any details. You smiled to yourself at that detail you were able to see. So, he did believe in privacy, why else have what you would consider a curtain? It wasn’t just an Echo thing like he so often pinned.
You shifted to the left and allowed Noa to enter right behind you. He was fast, hunching his body in on all fours, the pattering of his hands and feet entrapping you for a few seconds. He swept to the right, wanting to observe you in vague silence. In his space, green eyes narrowed as you stepped further in, your fingers coming up to touch a leather strap that was hanging against the wall. That was his hunting sheath, holding his spear against his back when out.
You were incredibly grateful as you felt your eyes adjusting to the lighting, able to see more details as you trailed along the left wall, almost as if you were afraid to actually dive further in. It smelt like Noa - Rich in flavors that teased your tongue. Trees surely, but trees bathed in sunlight in the late summer afternoons, smoke from the ashes of fires that burned endlessly, the absolute deepest part of the Earth that you could beckon… Shutting your eyes at that, you tried to document it somewhere in your mind. You needed to remember it, needed to recall this when you were alone later. Noa’s smell became so familiar, but being so near now, it was suffocating you and it threw an absolute chill down your spine.
Noa observed your fingers then raising, causing the Ape to perk up in baited anticipation of you saying something. Nothing came to fruition, but your fingertips were now held in animation against the feathers of his ceremony cloak, lightly placed on what appeared to be a small bench. It was splattered artistically with the blue feathers of the Eagles, the Falcons he had grown up with, admired. Friendly, you thought, with what appeared to be necklaces sitting right next to it, some with adjacent feathers to match the cloak, one holding a large engraved wooden pendant. It was so intricate and you felt the urge to run your fingers along the carved channels. All had been his fathers, tracing back several generations until it landed in Noa’s hands. Some of his most prized possessions. Hooting at that as if he were scolding you, fingers stopped touching around the feathers and you looked over at him, almost whipping yourself around, heart now jumping itself into your throat. He didn't mean to startle, but he just wanted to make you rightfully aware that what you were touching was a delicate garment. Your eyes told him you were sorry and so he allowed you to continue on.
You had turned your attention now to the tinker items he had stored. A few spear heads, some more dull than others, a few more tools that Noa frequented when something needed to be fixed. Against the wall next to his bench was an iron pipe, rusted from years of being exposed to nature. Fleetingly, you wondered why he kept it but didn't want to give off the impression you were judging him by asking why he did. Unbeknownst to you, he wondered so morbidly what you were thinking. Good or bad? Did you like it? Did you… Not…? Like his things? Noa couldn’t see your face, only your shoulders as you were turned away from him now, moving further into the room. Bad choice of sitting so far away from you, he thought to himself, scolding the immature mistake. He should have followed you around. Closer he was, the easier it was to see. He felt his fingers twitch as you came around and looked at his nest, queering it to be the next thing to inspect. Yes, please! Admire it. Say something about it! He yelled inside of his head. He wanted to ask you if you liked it, if you cared to share. If it was suitable.
Inappropriate to ask, Noa berated himself and sat back, realizing he had set himself in almost a pounce-like position.
Branches were spewed all over in a circular motion that tightly knitted itself as it got closer to the center, feathers from the eagles nestled deeply between thickets of animal pelts, some bigger than others. Rabbits, you noticed, maybe a fox as your eyes scored over a red hued pelt. One that was remarkably bigger than the rest; it had to have been a bear. Had he hunted it himself? You tilted your head and moved forward to get a better glance at it. It was a messy assortment and that felt strangely… Endearing. Noa was often quiet and reserved, not much to talk about himself he had told you, only answering your questions when he felt they garnered answers. You were getting more answers from this simple analysis of his nest than you had gotten with words before.
Noa remained silent, your body turning to face him as you were admiring, at least he hoped you were, his nest. His choice of pelts, his choice of comfort and security. You crouched down into a squatting position to get a better view at the nature of his nest. Taking in the smaller details that were resting there. Were you… repoaching him? He wondered with a tilt of his head. You had not said one word to him, did not raise your hand to sign. Did… Nothing. He did not know. He did not know what you were thinking. Frustration rose in him for a split second. He’d tear your head open just to know what you were thinking. Noa’s mouth popped into an open ‘O’ shape when he watched you place a hand on one of his animal pelts. He knew the outcome of that alone; it would smell like you and he was going to obsess about it when alone. He had something now, something personal, that held your scent.
You finally broke the silence and Noa felt a sheer force of relief hit him in waves, one after the other at each of your words, “Very Noa.”
Hm… His mouth fell, agape ever so slightly and you could see the glimmer of his canines as he caught the sun peeking through his make-shift curtain. His green eyes burned desolate holes into your own, Noa noting that you weren’t moving to break said eye contact. Carefully, he did so himself, afraid of some repercussions if he continued to look at you the way he was. Wrought with feral need. He forced himself back into the moment, back into what you said. Were your words an approval? It had to be, the tone of your voice was not aggressive, mean, passive… It was as gentle as he had heard it in a while, only recollecting once or twice that tone being used. Often, in conversations that were more affectionate than others. Rare, but Noa was familiar enough.
“Someday,” He rumbled, the sound of his voice pitching every which way as he was now scrambling to get his bearings. “Will share. With mate.” It had to have been your imagination to see him vaguely gesture to you at the word ‘mate’. Yup, just your imagination which was still running outlandishly wild at the prospect of where you were.. “With family. It is the way of the Eagle Clan.” You nodded, understanding that from previous conversations where he had opened up a bit more about his culture. The mere thought of him someday having a mate, a family, was a bit of a sting, but it wasn’t outside of the realms of reality. For the sake of the Eagle Clan, he eventually needed to provide an heir. And in order to do that, it required a mate. You'd lose him one way or another...
Noa looked over at you, enjoying the tentative feature that found your face. Noa crept a bit closer to you, trying to be as smooth as possible. Gliding is how he wanted to appear. Not to startle, not to intimidate but he wondered if you were by nature. After all, he was an Ape, you were human, together in a room with not any other creatures around. The absolute dissolution he could put you in, not knowing that you had the same power over him.
It was like he was stalking prey, you thought to yourself, Noa finally rounded the circular nest that you were still admiring. Or at least, pretending to admire as he placed his brooding body next to yours, crouching to the same level as to be face to face with him. His apparent scent only got stronger at that motion putting you into some brief tizzy. From the distance you found yourselves at, you could see the striking nature of his eyes in full force. Pupils were blown beyond comprehension, darkening only when he felt you tracing the features of his face. Around said pupils were a thin line of his regular green eyes, maybe a few specks of gold floating around. He was still child-like in some aspects, youthful was a better word. His brow ridge was strong, hereditary as he was always destined to be the leader of his Clan. Always destined to be the alpha. The swooping wrinkles under his eyes always gave the impression that he was tired, but being so close to him now, you saw them under hood eyes. He was begging silently.
His skin was varied in color; darker patches hitting his brow line, starting from his nose, upwards into his fur. There was a spot of normally colored skin on his nose, dipping in color when it met the fur on the sides of his face and around his chin. Very much like a human sporting a beard, you thought to yourself. The fur on his face was not completely shelled in darkness. It was remarkably lighter compared to that of his body and it accented his features perfectly in your mind. You lingered on his nose for a split second - never realizing it was shaped like a cartoon heart that you had seen in some children's books. Snapping your gaze up, you met his eyes again. Darker than they were before.
He was wearing an expression you couldn’t quite put your finger on. Not intimidation. You had seen your fair share of intimidated Apes. Not angry. Also have seen your fair share. It was almost… Like he was languishing. You wanted to know what his features felt like under your grasp… You wanted to hold his face closer to yours and consume… An animalistic bearing hit your chest. Without remark, you lifted your hand up, breaking no eye contact. Noa let it happen, seeing the movement out of his periphery. You were going to touch him, he prepared himself for that, all nerves standing on end. The fur lining his shoulders rose in eagerness, his mouth still agape was mumbling something wordless, soundlessly. You were going to touch him. He was certain his heart was going to climb out of his chest. He was sure he wouldn’t be able to hold onto his sanity. Noa preemptively shut his eyes.
Never came.
Just as quickly as you decided to move forward, you were pulling back. Two steps, maybe even three. Noa squeezed his eyes shut for a moment before letting them open. You were gone, leaving nothing for him other than a pelt that smelt like you.
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jadeshifting · 3 months ago
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JADE THE SPADE . don’t laugh. i didn’t come up with it. before, because of my green thumb. now, because i’m a fucking menace with a shovel in my hand, and really no greater aspirations than seeing tomorrow—which may seem bleak, but i assure you it’s a fine way to live.
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after the world ends, what’s left for someone like you? someone like me? when it’s really, truly, good and over.
it’s safe to say that humans have finally joined the circle—eating and being eaten. are we even still at the top of the food chain? i don’t particularly care, actually.
the end of the world ripped through the glitter and gloss of girlish dreams like a pack of ravenous wolves. a bunny in a den of foxes—it’s a balancing act between sugar and steel. the world’s gone grim, but i cling to whatever i can, hands reeking of blood and sweat and painted with silver polish. innocence not lost, just sharpened; a lamb draped in wolfskin, still soft enough to see beauty in the decay but clever enough to keep it from swallowing me whole. i stitch my identity from scraps, a patchwork of lace and leather, refusing to let the apocalypse strip me of the one thing i refuse to lose—myself
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★⋆. — the outbreak crashed my military academy camping trip like a bad joke with no punchline. one moment, it was knot tying and firestarting; the next, it was screaming, blood, and cadets turning into chew toys. survival instincts kicked in fast—me and a handful of others bolted while the rest of the group got torn apart like a horror movie cliché. i stuck to the shadows, scavenging supplies and dodging the undead like a ghost, my survival training doing overtime
★⋆. — when my small group’s numbers thinned thanks to panic and bad decisions, i was left solo. determined not to join the buffet or find my end along with the rest of the world, i continued alone, hopping fences, raiding cabins, and staying two steps ahead of death. by the time i stumbled into Rick Grimes and his happy-go-lucky group, i was half-feral, sharp as a switchblade, and carrying the weight of too many brushes with death to count
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— life was a glittering future on the horizon, and a brain full of ambitions too big for my boots. now?
the crisp order of my days is long gone, swapped for the jagged rhythm of scavenger life. ambition? boiled down to staying one step ahead of death. the pristine fawn i once was has learned to grow antlers—equal parts hunted and hunter, wide-eyed but feral, forever caught between innocence and savagery
who would’ve thought the apocalypse would feel like my second act? strange, huh? the world ends, and suddenly i’m not just surviving—i’m thriving. no crisp uniforms or barking instructors, no stupid ranks to fight for. just me, my dog, and a chaotic, gnarly world that somehow fits me like a glove. there’s something about the rawness of it all that feels honest—more honest than anything i had before. i can call my own shots without anyone telling me i’m too loud, too sharp, or too much.
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and the little things? they’re different… better, now. a decent meal, a sunrise, Pistol wagging his tail after a long run—they’re brighter, louder, sharper than they ever were back when the world was still spinning right. sure, there are days that gut me, losses that burn so bad i swear i’ll never come back from them, but there’s this gnarly kind of beauty in the fight, in clawing my way through it all and coming out the other side. i was built for this world, and for the first time, it feels like it was built for me, too
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SKILLS KEEP YOU ALIVE (if you’re willing to use them)
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♰  ༻ SHARPSHOOTING . i’ve got an eagle eye and a steady hand—i’ll peg a walker (or a squirrel) from fifty yards out, no sweat
TRAP-SETTING . whether it’s walkers, wildlife, or unwanted guests, my snares are creative and borderline evil
♰  ༻ PICKPOCKETING . need a weapon, food, or a little “borrowed” lighter? i’ve got you covered
FIRST AID . i’m not a doc, but i can stitch, splint, and bandage with whatever’s lying around—duct tape included
♰  ༻ BARTERING . my haggling game is ruthless; i can trade a paperclip for a can of peaches and make you feel like you got the better deal
INSTINCT (WOLFISH?) . i’ve got a sixth sense for danger, reading people and places like a book with a big red DANGER stamp on the cove
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♰ “perfect traps, clean kills, no wasted movement. whoever did this is good. too good.”
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♰  ༻ like a magpie with more orderly priorities, i scavenge all day, every day for food, trinkets, and anything remotely useful
diner dreams—i play short-order chef with whatever’s edible, whipping up “meals” that are 80% apocalypse creativity, 20% actual food (not sure what percentage edible, but it ain’t high)
♰  ༻ i braid my hair and clean my gear (even in the apocalypse, you can’t let yourself look like a total wreck. who do you think i am?)
keep my blades razor-sharp, practicing flips and spins to quiet my busy brain. i throw them and i hit my target
♰  ༻ my nightly routine includes gazing at the stars, wondering if there’s still a future worth fighting for. glamorous
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FOUND FAMILY? (first family. there was nothing before, either.)
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finding a family after the world ended felt like stumbling onto an oasis in the middle of a desert—alien, overwhelming, and so damn beautiful it hurt. solo for so long, first by circumstance, then by necessity, the idea of belonging hit like a sucker punch. Rick’s quiet strength and Daryl’s rugged loyalty made them paternally carved out of grit and steel, grounding me in ways i didn’t know i needed. Carol, with her no-nonsense care and hidden softness, gave me a taste of the motherly warmth i’d long since buried as a pipe dream. and Beth—bright-eyed, gentle Beth—became the sister i’d never had, someone who made me believe in sweetness again, even in a world like one big sour gummy worm
♰  ༻ then there was Carl, all sharp edges and soft vulnerability. falling in love with him was like being cut by a blade i didn’t wanna dodge… like stepping into a fire i couldn’t put out—a blaze i’d protect with my last breath. the rest of the group—Glenn’s humor, Maggie’s resolve, Michonne’s quiet strength, Judith’s innocence—each thread wove into a tapestry i couldn’t live without
♰  ༻ raw, intense, and terrifyingly unfamiliar. this new family wasn’t bound by blood but by choice and survival, and protecting them becomes my creed, my compass. every scavenged meal, every walker killed, every sleepless night on watch—all for them—my salvation in a world that had tried to strip me of everything human. for that, i’d give them everything i had
ib : @/solanasreality & @/hrrtshape
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
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toxicanonymity · 2 years ago
birds of prey (one shot)
2600 words, dark RAIDER!tommy x f!reader
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Summary: Tommy recently joined the raiding group that killed everyone in your family. When the group comes back to claim the house for their own use, he finds you in the basement. A/N: This is a DIFFERENT READER, not joel's reader. I wanna introduce raider!Tommy before raider joel crosses paths with him (we're not there yet). THANK YOU @dark-scape for the group name, symbol, and soundboard. Also to @romanarose for requesting Tommy in raider!Joel. WARNINGS!!: I8+ mdni, extremely dubious consent unsafe P in V and oral M receiving, dirty talk, pet names, dark/toxic affection- do not be fooled, degradation. NO USE OF Y/N.
The raiders first came a week ago and killed everyone but you–they never found you in the basement.  They took everything they could use, so you aren't sure why they're back, but in your gut you know it's them when you hear the tires on gravel. You make your way down to the basement again. The entry is through a closet floor and it looks like more of a crawl space until you climb down into it. You told everyone it’d be safest there, but they thought if they begged for their lives and let them take everything, the men might be reasonable. 
The short, dirty window at the top of the wall is open and their voices make your stomach turn. 
"Den's big enough, got a kitchen 'n all. Hell, wood's already chopped." They laugh and the door handle jiggles. "Locked?" 
"What? Y'all lock it when ya left?" 
"Didn't think so." 
They bust down the door. 
"So this is it," a new voice announces calmly. "The new nest." 
Someone corrects him, "That's lame, man. You don't gotta call it that when he's not around." 
"Takes this Birds of Prey shit too literally," another man agrees. 
They start showing the new guy around. 
One of the men asks, "think the big guy'll like it?" 
After a moment of silence, someone says "let's talk about the big guy. " It sounds like they're planning a coup. They agree to find somewhere in the house to hide the loot and leave one man behind to guard it overnight. They break up to look for a hiding place. 
Inevitably, the door to your space opens. "Crawlspace," the new voice says.  Then he steps down.  It’s just him.  He hunches over and walks until the ceiling is higher. You're huddled in the corner under a desk.  He scuffs his boot on the ground and a huge layer of dust gets kicked up. He looks around for a minute and says  "alright, alright," to himself. You can only see his boots. Your nose tickles from the dust and you're trying to stave off a sneeze. When his boots turn back toward the door, You're relieved. But you can't keep the tickle at bay. You squeak ever so quietly into your shoulder, then the boots turn in your direction. 
Your heart goes to your throat as the man slowly crouches down. Mustache, long, dark hair, denim jacket with the sleeves rolled up.  Heavily tattooed, though you can’t make anything out.  He raises his eyebrows and his lips purse in bemusement. He clasps his large hands and says “Well hey there,” like he’s speaking to a child.
You’re silent. 
“What are ya doin’ down here?”
“It’s my house,” you say. 
He nods thoughtfully and his brows knit apologetically, but his voice doesn’t match. “Sorry ‘bout that,” he says ominously. “My friends said it’s our house, now.” He frowns exaggeratedly. 
Your eyes sting with the dusty air and you realize you’ve had your eyes wide and not blinked this entire time. 
"MILLER WHERE THE HELL ARE YA," someone yells.  
He sighs and stands up. 
“Don’t tell them,” you beg. 
“Why wouldn’t I,” he asks, still standing up, out of view.  
“I’ll do anything,” you say. 
“Anything,” he repeats, then sighs. “Wouldn’t’ve taken ya for that kinda girl. Looked like an angel to me.” 
“Please,” you beg. 
“We’ll see,” he says curtly then turns around and leaves. When he gets up the stairs and opens the door, he announces he found a crawlspace that’ll work. 
They unload the stuff, then someone asks, “Who’s stayin’?”
“New guy,” someone says.
“Can ya handle it, Miller?” another voice asks. “Place like this might get spooky at night.” 
The men chuckle. 
“I’m good,” Miller says. 
“That’s the spirit, Tommy boy.” 
“See ya tomorrow.”
Tommy starts bringing crates down, and the men get ready to leave.  They continue to talk amongst themselves upstairs on their way out. Tommy crouches down to look at you, a little closer this time, about two meters away.  He smiles at you then sits on the floor with his hands behind him, not saying anything. As the men leave, you both overhear their crude banter. Tommy looks at the window as he listens. 
"Think she's ready for more?" 
"I call back door first." Your heart drops thinking about whoever’s waiting for them back where they came from. 
"Shit, you can have it. D'ya see the lips on her?"  There’s no way she’s willingly waiting for this disgusting group of men. 
"I wanna see what Tommy boy can do to that pussy."
“Not tonight!” one says and they laugh.
"He doesn't have it in'm," another one says.  
Tommy seems to bristle at this. Then he dons a subtle smirk, looks at you, and slowly sucks in air though his teeth like he's breaking some bad news. "'m afraid I do," he nods. "Just don’t like sharin’."  He sighs.  His nose twitches and you don’t like it. He’s pensive, like he has something to prove. He says, “Hope they don’t do ya like that once they find ya.”
You hug your knees and bury your head to cry. “What do you want,” you ask. 
“Why don’t ya come on out for a start.”
You look at him. He’s not moving from his position. He nods toward the wall as though to give you permission to sit away from him.  He watches you like a hawk as you slowly crawl, still sniffling, and you sit against the wall with your legs out. 
“Good girl,” he says gently, then begins to get up.  You flinch when he stands, but he takes the chair from the desk and turns it to face you.  He sits in it, only about a meter away now.  At this distance, you can see his freckles and the sparkle in his eyes and you hate to admit it, but he’s pretty good looking.  You look at each other for a few seconds.  Apparently he’s thinking the same thing.  “Pretty, too.  Aren’t ya, angel?” 
He leans back and his chest puffs out as he takes off his denim jacket. “Too hot for this,” he mutters and throws it onto the desk. His t-shirt lets you see how strong his chest and arms are as he settles back into the chair and manspreads with his hands on his thighs. One of his hands has a fresh tattoo of a talon on it. His jeans are ripped below the one knee. “So you’ll do anything, huh,” he says contemplatively.  He smooths his hair and looks at the window, then around the room.  “Guess I’ve got all night to find out what that means.” 
You consider your options. If he really doesn’t like sharing, giving yourself to him is your best shot at staying secret from the other men.
“Can I have some water,” you ask.  
He laughs and shakes his head.  “Yeah, what else ya want? A cheeseburger?” He sighs, braces his hands on his knees, and leaves.  He doesn’t come back for hours. 
You’re tired. So tired. It’s been the worst week of your life, and that’s saying a hell of a lot. You’re too tired to fight, too tired to even care what he might do to you.  You fall asleep. 
You wake up to the sound of boots thudding down the stairs. It’s dark out now.  “Got lost, sorry,” he booms.  He’s carrying a short crate that has a lantern, a jug of water, a bottle of whiskey, and some jerky. He sets the crate down on the desk.  He puts the water jug next to your feet, and he lingers.  He squats down and caresses your cheek with his knuckle. You smell his sweat and you smell he’s been drinking. His lips part as he looks at you, and you try to ignore the sparkle in his eyes in the lamp light. He’s sweaty, and his masculine smell makes you tingle. He offers you some jerky with a little smile but you say, “no thank you.” 
“Those manners,” he whispers with a smile. His mustache twitches charmingly. He takes off his boots and sits next to you on the wall and his large hand engulfs your thigh. He wets his lips and looks at you. “What are we gonna do?” he asks softly. 
“Just tell me what you want,” you whine. 
He shakes his head no. “I wanna know what you want.” 
“I wanna live, I wanna not be gang banged, I want my family back, I want-” you start to cry. 
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” he says. He reaches for you and you flinch, but he gets up on his knees and forces you into a consoling embrace. You cry into his shirt and he says “Shhhhh, shhhhhh.” He pats your head. “You’re not gonna get gang banged if you’re mine, I promise.” 
The most unsettling mix of relief and dread floods your upper body.  Your lower body, meanwhile, is all warmth and tingling. Oh, god. He hugs you into his hair which smells like cigarettes, campfire, and something sour. “C’mere,” he says, and uses your hair to pull your head back slightly, gently. Enough to look at your face.
He dips his head, and at first all you can do is watch his Adam’s Apple bob as he swallows.  But then his face drifts toward yours, and you tense in anticipation. He closes his eyes and kisses you. His lips are plush and gentle.  Your lips remain firm and still until they don’t. When his tongue brushes the seam of your lips, they let him in.  Your mouths are connected for a good thirty seconds before he breaks the kiss and looks at you.  Then he wraps his hands around your back and lifts you up onto your knees so you’re both kneeling on the cold concrete as he licks into your mouth. He wraps his arms around you tight and attacks your mouth with his again, with more fervor this time, his suction making your lips tingle. 
His cock hardens against you. He breaks the kiss and takes a deep breath against the side of your mouth. He grabs your ass and pulls you into him, pressing his hardness into you.  He sighs. 
Then he lets go of your ass and his hands come between you. He urgently unbuttons and unzips your jeans, then pulls them down.  You feel like there’s no stopping what’s about to happen, so you obediently take them off as he removes his own without taking his eyes off you. “Those too,” he nods at your panties. As you remove them, the damp cotton is cool against your inner thigh and you realize how wet you are. Warmth rushes to your face.  
“C’mere, angel,” he whispers, and he sits down in his boxers.  He pulls you into his lap so you’re straddling him, hovering, at first. He reaches between your legs and groans as his fingers meet your wetness.  He gazes at you with wonder in his eyes. “Beautiful girl.” He looks down and watches his hand as he slides his fingers through your folds, front and back.  His strong chest rises and falls with heavy breaths.  He pulls you by the ass, grinding your crotch into the massive tent in his boxers and the contact makes you twitch.  “Fuck,” he sighs when your loins are pressed up against each other. He makes space to get his cock out and you try not to stare. It’s thick. Suddenly, you’re salivating.  You wet your lips and he notices. 
“Lemme put it here, first,” he says softly and rubs your cunt. “Okay?” He nods for you as he positions you over his cock and notches himself for entry. He’s waiting for your go-ahead like it means something. You offer an almost imperceptible nod, then he pulls you down hard on his cock with a groan.  You gasp as his girth parts your walls.  
“Then—ohhh—then ya can suck it,” he says. He lifts his hips.  “Maybe.” He moves you on his cock. “Shit this feels good.” He holds you close and wraps an arm around you. He moves his hips forward from the wall with a sharp thrust up into you. He gets enough space to lean back a little and pull you against his chest for leverage, with enough clearance to fuck up into you. “Yeah, ohh shit.”  As your body adjusts to his girth, your eyes close in pleasure.  His thrusts are sharp and deep.  He’s strong, so strong the way he holds you. Tension knots in your gut as his girth fills you up over and over. 
“Ride it, baby. C’mere.” He sits back down flatter against the wall again and manhandles you on his cock. “C’mon, baby.” You might as well get something out of it, so you move your hips and get close enough to him to grind your clit into his pelvis. “Aww, yeah,” he breathes, “Yeahh, like that.” He reaches for your head. “So fuckin’ pretty,” he whispers, then pulls your face into his again.  His hips rock in rhythm with yours as he fills your mouth with his tongue. 
You accidentally hum “Mmm” into his mouth. 
He breaks the kiss to say “oh you like it, huh,” pounding into you a little harder. “You like this big cock.”  Each time he fills you, you’re less and less ready for this to end. “That’s good,” he rubs his nose against your temple. “gonna get a lot of it.” He holds the back of your head and reads your eyes in the dim lamp light then kisses you again. You break the kiss with a moan, feeling yourself on the edge. 
“Holy shit,” he whispers. “Shit yeah,” He puts both his hands on your ass and moves you on his cock, determined to fill you with every smidgen of him. 
You whimper at the stretch, the sheer fullness. 
“You’re there,” he says. “C’mon, baby,” his thick cock sliding in and out of you, stretching you, filling you like you thought you might never be filled, “C’mon, angel. C’mon.”  The tension snaps and you groan as your cunt spasms around his cock. “Ohhh, yeahhh, yeahhh,” Tommy says, “shit, yeah.” Your body jerks into his. “Fuckin’ beautiful."
He slows you down and sucks in a deep breath as you keep spasming. “Shit,” he sighs. He stops moving and tries to compose himself. He’s trying not to come. He pulls you off before you’re finished coming. You look at him and he’s biting his lip, his eyes are smiling,  his hand is wrapped around his cock. “Now suck it for me.” He reaches up and his huge hand engulfs the back of your head. “Now,” he says more urgently.  He pulls down and you oblige, reeling in aftershocks and shame. 
You take his tip in your mouth and his hips lift as you suck it.  He forces your head down on his cock and you gag on it. “Ohh, shit.” He pulls your head down harder then explodes against the back of your throat with a long, drawn out sigh of relief.  His hot spend paints the back of your throat.  You swallow it then let him slide out of your mouth. 
Tommy catches his breath for a moment, then puts his dick away and gets up to put on his pants.  It feels abrupt, but you’re not sure what you expected.  Surely not pillow talk. He towers over you as he zips up.  You look up at him and he tilts his head, looking at you affectionately.  Then his face changes. 
“Dumb slut.” 
Your stomach drops as he walks away. 
Thank you so much for reading and engaging! You can follow @toxicfics and turn on notifications for updates.
Joel and Tommy are not in touch. When they cross paths it will have been a long time since they saw each other.
This reader will be Tommy's and he'll gain some power in the group.
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xxcallmemaryxx · 1 year ago
Hello I saw your little mountain (keeping you safe in his secret room) and now I can’t get little cozy mountain out of my head. I blame you and your amazing ideas. May I please have a little one shot about mountain and a gender neutral ghoul reader and some cuddles please.
Thanks and it’s ok if not!!!
Mountain x GN reader
Mountain who for the life of him can’t control the way his heart speeds up every time you enter a room, he has to shift around and force himself to look away from you just to quell that urge to reach for you. Don’t look at him. Don’t you dare look at him with your beautiful eyes he would recognise from a million miles away. Don’t you dare smile at him with that disarming smile you save especially for him. Don’t you dare. Because the moment you do it’s over for him. It’s over for both of you.
But you do.
You do dare. Your eyes meet his from across the room and the world goes silent. That precious smile he would kill for grows on your lips, your lips he could kiss into the next lifetime and his entire body is burning. He can’t breathe. He can’t stop fidgeting. He can’t sit still. He can’t breathe. He can’t breathe. He can’t breathe.
You don’t even make it all the way over to him before he is up. He’s out of his chair faster than you can process and he’s scooped you up into his arms carrying you back out of the room before anyone even has a chance to notice you were there in the first place.
He feels you sink into him. As he walks briskly down the corridor that will take you both back to the ghouls dens, your body so in tune with his he finds it hard to believe he ever lived a life without you. He doesn’t let you walk there on your own two feet. No, that would be ridiculous. He can get you to his bed faster if he walks for both of you. His bed. Can he even call it that anymore? You sleep in it just as much as he does. But no… because he likes knowing you’re in his bed. In his room, in his bed, in his clothes.
He kicks his door open and locks it behind him. The world can wait another day.
He swears to Him that he gets closer and closer every day to just refusing to let you leave. He toys with the thought. Wonders how well you’d take the news when he tells you you’re forbidden from leaving his room. You’d take it well wouldn’t you? Hm. Maybe not. One day… he’ll get you there one day.
He lays you gently on his bed. Layered with the softest and thickest blankets he could find. All because you mentioned you liked those kinds once. He watches you crawl up to his pillows. Pillows he’d spent weeks trying to find, and even longer saving up for just because you told him about how soft they were supposed to be, and how’d you’d give anything just to lay your head on one of them once. Now you sleep on them every night. He watches as you strip your chosen outfit for that day off, thrown to the floor without another thought as you now reach for the shirt he slept in last night. The same shirt he wore to bed the very first night you ever fell asleep next to him. He still remembers. He remembers every moment of that night. And that shirt… that shirt is one he will never get rid of.
You’d be happy here. You’d be so happy here. You’d be comfortable. With your fluffy blankets and soft pillows. A full cupboard of Mountains clothes for you to raid every day, taking your pick of what you want to lounge around in that day. How could you not be happy here? You’d be safe. So safe. So looked after. So happy. So soft. So pretty. So his. So his. So his. His. His. His.
You bring the collar of the shirt to your nose and breathe it in. It’s him. All over you. And he goes dizzy. He strips down and crawls under the blankets with you, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into him as close as he possibly could. He needs you closer. Always needs you closer. You fit against him so perfectly. His hand buries itself into your hair and he feels your hands creep up the warm, bare skin of his back. You take over his life when he’s alone with you. Mountain, a ghoul from the pits of hell brought to his knees time and time again for you. Always for you. His nose ends up buried in your neck, breathing you in and losing himself in you at the same time. He feels you smile. He feels you tighten your grip on him.
Fuck he can’t get it out of his head. Waking up with you. Laying in bed together for as long as you want because you have nowhere to be. Leaving you warm and cozy and happy under the covers as he heads out for the day. You’d have all the food you want, he’d keep your food cupboard stocked to the brim with anything you want. Everything you want and more. He’d make you breakfast every day. He’d come back to make you lunch, fill your belly nice and good with his food. He’d plan the nicest dinners and desserts just for you. And then you’d crawl back into bed together after a warm shower. And you’re so safe. You’re safe. You’re safe. You’re safe. And you’re happy. And you’re safe. And you’re his. He’d never need to worry.
“You know… sometimes I just never want to leave your bed…”
His eyes fly open. And it takes every single ounce of self control he’s ever acquired not to physically react. His heart races. And a wicked smile cracks at his lips. Hm… you don’t even know what you’ve just done.
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imtrashraccoon · 7 months ago
Dragon Au Headcanons?
if you have anything at the moment.
I wrote out bullet points days ago but kept forgetting to actually expand on them... Oh well, here's some little things I thought of, as well as, a few things you sent me. :3 (I should mention that this is all in regards to their dragon forms and not the gaster blaster/humanoid ones.)
The Dark Fortress: Dragon AU Headcanons
They're essentially immortal in the sense that they only grow stronger with age and they aren't affected by most physical ailments. It is technically possible to kill them but their scales make them nigh invulnerable to most weapons so anyone who tries will need the aid of magic. Fortunately for them, mages tend to be rather squishy.
All of them like being pet or groomed, but only by their mortal friend and they all react differently to the idea with some being more open to it than others.
Donovan will only let you touch him when no one else is around and even then, you better not make a big deal out of it. He's a big powerful dragon and you're a puny little mortal; he's letting you live so you better be grateful. Just don't stop halfway through or you'll have a grumpy dragon on your hands.
Dirk loves getting attention, nearly as much as he loves causing mayhem, and you'd be lucky to get him to sit still for ten minutes. He doesn't care if others are around, if anything he'll gloat that you're giving him attention instead, just don't be too affectionate or he might become more unpredictable than usual.
Maul seems like he could care less if you touch him or not and he'll often let you do whatever, so long as you don't approach him from the right side (his blind spot) first. Truthfully, he really likes your attention but as he's a dragon of few words, so you'll have to figure it out through body language.
Reven is in-between. He mostly keeps to himself so you'll have to go out of your way to give him attention. He definitely ignored you at first, hoping you'll get bored and leave, but when you don't, he realizes that he actually really likes the attention.
All dragons have the compulsion to create and protect hordes and these boys are no exception.
Naturally, Donovan has the largest horde although his is mostly books and gold. He's very particular about where everything goes and will get upset if anyone moves or destroys anything.
Dirk mostly collects sharp things, particularly if they're shiny. Although, this isn't limited to weapons as evident by all the cutlery littering his den.
Before being cursed, Maul already had a bit of a problem with the thought of food scarcity and he actively preserved any food he could. Now, his instincts have been magnified and he regularly goes out of his way to hunt and steal any food he can find.
Reven wasn't much of a hoarder before, unless you count him keeping track of all the murders he perpetuated. Now, he likes to collect soft things like scarves, blankets, flags, etc. It would actually be kind of sweet if these weren't collected from the victims of raids he regularly goes on.
You'd think that being a super powerful dragon is all that, right?
Well that's what Donovan thinks anyways, although sometimes he does find himself missing his tendrils or wishing he could read a book without accidentally tearing the pages.
Dirk loves his new form, however he can't exactly pull any partners with how large he is now.
Maul has possibly the hardest time adapting out of all of the boys since he's even more clumsy than before.
Surprisingly or unsurprisingly, Reven could care less, especially since he can kill things easier in this form.
They actually really like when you tag along for adventures, although don't get any ideas of becoming a dragon rider anytime soon.
Donovan will smack you over the head with his wing if you ever bring up the idea of saddling him.
Dirk may not mind too much as he's hard to keep up with even on the ground, but don't let the others know.
Maul welcomes the idea since you can watch out for threats and he knows exactly where you are at any given time.
Reven doesn't like the idea either but he'll give in after he realizes that it isn't very safe to ride him without a saddle.
Each of them have their own way of fighting although some of their techniques have been simplified now that they're massive creatures.
Donovan prefers to use his tails to send foes flying in close combat but otherwise uses his breath weapon or magic.
Dirk almost exclusively uses a special blade he fitted to the tip of his tail, although his bite packs a mean poison too.
Maul prefers the simple approach of throwing his weight around and he makes good use of his claws, teeth, horns, and even wings.
Reven actually switches up his fighting style, opting to use his breath weapon and magic rather than getting up close to enemies.
As dragons, they enjoy being worshipped or admired to some degree.
Donovan already desired to rule over the whole world and this desire was only heightened. He demands respect from everyone - be they human, monster, or beast alike.
Dirk revels in the idea of being revered. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be a good ruler at all as he has no experience and his ego would be his own downfall.
Maul can't deny that it's appealing when people admire and respect him. Although, the poor guy doesn't want to actually rule over anyone and his trauma would likely hinder his ability to do so.
Reven definitely gets a power trip whenever people fall on their face and beg him for mercy. He also has no interest in ruling as he'd sooner slaughter anyone stupid enough to stick around when he's raiding a village.
They each have scars; some that carried over from their old forms and some new ones.
Donovan has poc marks on his wings as the corruption didn't mesh well with his dragon form at first and his right eye is still covered by said corruption.
Dirk mostly has new scars from weapon strikes, thanks to him preferring to get up and close in a fight, but his warped soul is still the same.
Maul actually had his scars carry over, as evidenced by his right horn being broken and being blind in the same eye.
Reven hasn't sustained any obvious new scars but you wouldn't really be able to tell if he even has any in the first place since he tries to conceal them with his hood and wings.
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bonefall · 2 years ago
Your Heartstar post made me curious, whats BB!Leafstar like? Is she just changed to be more reasonable and less like the Forest Four or are there other changes too?
SkyClan has some cultural expansions! They highly value creativity, problem-solving, and diplomacy. Modern SkyClan cats are culturally polite, lean towards deescalation of conflict, and view their fighting skills like a martial art more than a "way of life."
So Leafstar, its first leader in generations, has to display these traits. She is actively trying to balance being assertive with not losing everything that makes SkyClan special.
This is especially influenced by the addition of Sharpclaw's betrayal-- instead of Darktail overrunning SkyClan with the pack of Instant Evil Minions (just add water!) he ordered from ACME corp, his modus operandi to "divide and conquer" is on display here. He exploited Sharpclaw's ambition and spite towards his leader to drive the other half of SkyClan out of the gorge.
So, traits BB!Leafstar has now;
She okays raids on human dens, occasionally. SkyClan is willing to steal things.
A desire to understand the other clans, and engage in good faith discussions
For this reason, I imagine she gets along very well with Harestar, who appreciates calm understanding, but not Heartstar, tries to get the 'upper paw.'
Bramblestar made a horrible first impression and doesn't disprove it. Leafstar does not like him. NOR does she like Mistystar and her commitment to traditional warrior values.
Very receptive to Squilf, and hopefully Squirrelstar someday.
She has a way of making cats 'explain themselves' before deciding on a punishment, to figure out their intentions.
For this reason, she can be 'intense' in the way a school principal is.
Some cats, especially of other Clans, think she's pompous and haughty for her way of ruling. All bark and no bite, even.
Less of them are in SkyClan since the Darktail incident. Lake SkyClan is largely descended from her supporters.
In addition, I tend to write her dialogue a little bit 'overpolite.' Customer service kind of voice, BB!Leafstar says "I hope this email finds you before I do :)"
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fincik · 7 months ago
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Quickcell is an oc of mine. He's a cross between a night fury and a shadow scale, a dragon from the game Day of Dragons. He looks Moore like a fury but has the abilities and lifestyle of a shadow scale. I started writing a story about him so I wanted to share that too:
Quickcell was not sure what to do with the scene in front of him. He’s been traveling long days with barely any food or water. Their den has been raided by others. He was told to run, find somewhere safe and wait them out. But no place has been good so far. Too little food all around. And he’s barely learned to fly, let alone hunt big game. So he had to rely on morsels to survive.
When his stomach churned again, he decided to fly low to look for some food while still continuing his journey. He had to make quite a lot of pit stops to rest so knowing the surroundings wouldn’t be a bad idea anyway. His concentration already started to slip from keeping himself invisible, and he’s been taught well by his parents never to fly while visible. Too much risk.
He’s heard a sound, other dragons, and he’s seen them too! They were flying in circles just a bit ahead of him so he nosedived into the treeline. That’s something he’s learned to do quite well. After landing he looked up to assess the danger, and he couldn’t believe his own eyes! These dragons were like him. Shadow Furies! Though their hide took a different hue. But for them to be flying around like that, they must be mad! He counted 2 little ones and one big one. Seemed they were playing in the sky, though what the game was, he didn’t know.
Or he just didn’t have the brainpower to pay attention to that. He was an anxious mess, expecting these foolish dragons to be taken any second now. But that never happened. He waited in one spot for an hour. His mind was tired, the shadow cloak, the heightened senses he kept to look out for any danger that could get him, all of it was just too tiring. The family finally disappeared into the treelines being done with playing around for now. He still could not fathom how stupid and lucky these guys were. He waited half an hour more just to be safe, then finally took his first step. He was searching, but not for food. He was looking for shelter, a place hidden enough to sit down a bit, let his mind rest for a second. He did find one, a bit of a nook under a cliff edge nearby. He finally laid down, and before he even knew it, he fell asleep, unable to resist the tiredness.
He jolted from his slumber, hitting his head on the rocks above him. He grumbled with no sound. Then he remembered where he was and immediately jolted upright activating his camouflage. He looked around for half an hour again, just paying attention to the sounds of the forest. Each one had a different sound. If you learn how it sounds like, you can figure out what’s not normal very quickly, thus avoiding danger quicker.
Finally, his hunger could not be ignored anymore. He needed food, and he needed it fast. Smelling around revealed some bunnies were living in the forest, so he set out on the scent trail, moving even slower than he usually does on hunts. No matter the hunger, he must keep his patience.
Next part!
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moodbroads · 1 year ago
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also heres some goofy ah photos of my mate being scared of his own pups-
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ANYWAYS IM SO EXITED FOR HELLROARING MOUNTAIN!!! i wonder if theres gonna be a new achivement for like interacting or killing a wolverine since i think they said its gonna be rare or smthin! i already know theres prob gonna be new cool collectibles so im exited about that- OOH WHAT IF THEY ADD A WOLVERINE SKULL
would be nice to also have a den in an abandoned human camp ehehe tbh my dream wolfquest update would be if you could raid like a rabbit warren or maybe get revenge on stranger wolf dens so there could actually be war n stuff >:D MAYBE IF YOU FIND A NON-ABANDONED FOX DEN IN WINTER U CAN MAKE IT UR OWN BY DEFEATING THEM >:D
it would also be so epic to have mutations like having a piebald pup!! aionguedbhklwsuv i have SOOO MANY IDEAS like a 'rp mode' in multiplayer servers where ur able to play as a puppy or special rp-only emotes like stretching, shaking or play fighting/roughhousing! and maybe even splitting players into diff packs (maybe being able to attack the other players- if in a diff pack XD)
BUT YEE ANYWAYS BACK TO RAISE MY PUPS-6 MORE POUDS TO GO (to 15) AFTER THE DEN FLOODED T_T (edit cuz im too lazy to make another post)
also yaya its spring i can finally bring food cuz the only beavers are like a million miles away :')
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anyways yeah i saved and left after that to take a break-hope to update yall once again soon XD
i have returned once again i couldnt resist >:)
WE GOT TO THE REN SITE FINALLY!! :D the personalities of em are rlly starting to come out sooo...
introducing...creek the napper/antisocial, ember the explorer/rebel, and skipper the energetic/extremely lucky XD
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i got revenge on the cougar that snatched skipper /j
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BONE PARTY!! (yeah thats creek sleeping once again ;-;)
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fun fact i found out durin this playthrough: the plane will visit your mate if they have a radiocollar on and you dont! even if your far from the den and theyre still at it! i saw it a few times and it was pretty cool but very hard to get good shots of :')
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AGRHJ MORE DRAMA- dang calfree creek moved in super close to my home hex while skipper got sick- ;-;
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once again skipper being 1 tiny pound away BUT AYYE SHE GOT HEALTHY AGAIN LIKE 2 NIGHTS LATER SO YAYA
also me findin the barbie bag and lance being scared of it for some reason (AgAinSt GuRLiEpOpS?!?1/1/!?)
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underappreciated local redhead XD
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i finished and creek got air jailed by lance for tryna be active T_T
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ANYWAYS HERE THEYRE ADULT FORMS!! ember got a cool tinted buffy which was my first npc coat!! (XD aint suprised tho cuz lance was stormy) and creek looks like he ate face-first into a bag of flaming hot cheetos
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ANYWAYS YAYAAA I HAD A FUN TIME!! i might continue this bloodline too..someday >:)
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ermwhattehsigma · 2 years ago
Ay another swsh AND Hop fan!! So I have a short prompt!*
Due to Hop's diligent work at the lab, Sonia gives him a short break off! When she asks what his plans are; all he says is that he'll be off camping. Sonia assumes he means the Wild Area- but when his phone is out of service and no one can find him in said wild area, it throws everyone in a panic (prolly Leon especially lol)- that is until 3 days later when he comes back from the Slumbering Weald perfectly fine lol
*(i..think this is a short prompt; sorry if it isn't lol)
Short enough for me! Besides, I love to write. ^w^ Thank you for the first ever prompt!
“Say, Hop, how would you feel about taking a break?” “A break? What for?” Sonia pouts at the young trainer sitting across from her. It’s been a few months since Hop has become her assistant, and since then, she’s gotten more than she could ever ask for in a regular employee. For one, he hasn’t stabbed her in the back and given dangerous materials to a pair of lunatics, as her last one did. Not that that’s a very high bar to clear. 
His drive and work ethic, on the other hand, are not to be understated. He has gladly been conducting all of the fieldwork Sonia loathes, heading out into the wilderness and to raid dens in order to collect data and observe Pokémon, not to mention helping out around the lab.
If it were her doing all of this on her own, or even his share of work alone, she would’ve all but rioted for a day off.
“What do you mean, ‘what for’? I’m surprised you haven’t asked for one already! Don’t you have somewhere else you’d rather be than here? Or better yet, something else you’d rather be doing?” He seems to consider her words carefully, tapping on the mug in his grasp while he thinks. The two of them are sitting down at the table in the small kitchen area of the lab, sharing a cup of tea each before going back to their assignments. Sonia watches him expectantly, taking a sip as she does so. Eventually, he comes up with an answer that seems to satisfy him.
“I suppose I wouldn’t mind going camping sometime soon.” She frowns a little at this, not nearly as understanding about his decision. “Why would you wanna do that? You already camp enough when you’re out studying in the field.”
“Yeah, but it’s just not the same, y’know? I miss the kind of camping I’d be doing during the Gym Challenge, with my team hanging around and a pot to make curry in. It just can’t be beat!” It makes sense when he says it, but she simply doesn’t see the appeal. He already spends a good amount of time on routes and in the Wild Area, so she figured he’d want to step away from that, perhaps visit some cities and shops. Then again, he’s already toured the whole region as someone who’s completed the Gym Challenge, not to mention he got farther than she ever did in the circuit. “If you say so,” She says with a shrug, then asks, “How does three days off starting tomorrow sound?” Hop grins at this, visibly excited at the prospect.
“Sounds brilliant! Thanks, Sonia!”
She returns the smile, taking a final swig of her tea before setting it down.
“Anything for my favorite assistant. Now, let's get back to it!”
. . .
In hindsight, perhaps she shouldn’t have been so quick to offer Hop a few days off when he didn’t feel compelled to ask. Having to complete all of the paperwork on her own is one thing, but as the clock ticks on and time passes, she realizes just how bowing it is to work on her own. Usually by now, Hop would be well into the meat of a topic by now, gabbing into her ear while they work on their separate tasks. It’s a good dynamic they have going on, she thinks– He gets someone to talk to about whatever it is that has caught his interest that day, and she has some background noise for her brain to latch onto instead of having to write in silence.
Now, the only sounds she has to accompany her are her nails tapping on her keyboard and the Rookidees chirping outside. In short, with Hop gone, the lab is agonizingly dull.
She throws back her head and groans. Trying to get any writing done like this is impossible, so she decides to throw in the towel. If it isn’t happening, it’s not happening! Simple as that. She takes this opportunity to stretch, clasping her hands above her head and pushing them out as she bends her spine. A knock at the door startles her, and she yelps as she nearly falls out of her chair, just barely holding on and righting herself.
“Coming, coming!!”
The red-haired professor gets out of her seat, smoothing out whatever wrinkles may have formed in her lab coat before rushing to the door. She wasn’t expecting a visit from anyone today, which is why it comes as a surprise when she finds Hop’s mother standing with an anxious look on the doorstep.
“Elena! What brings you here?” She asks the woman, who rings her hands as she glances past Sonia. “I was wondering if you’d know where Hop is. He took off this morning in a hurry, carrying a pack. I’ve tried to get a hold of him a few times since then, but I can’t seem to reach his phone.”
Sonia hums, puzzled by this development. She isn’t able to reach him? That doesn’t sound right. When in doubt, test it out! She summons her own phone, the Rotom phone flying out of her pocket and hovering a few inches in front of her the moment she gives the word. From there, she pulls up her contacts and dials Hop’s number. Sure enough, after only a moment, her phone beeps.
“Zzt! Number currently unavailable. Please try again later.”
“Huuuh? What do you mean, unavailable?!” She exclaims, to which the Rotom inhabiting her phone makes an ‘eep!’ noise and flies back into her pocket.
Without any real answer to go off of, Sonia crosses her arms, unsure of what to tell the fretful mother in front of her. She also isn’t sure what to tell herself, now feeling a bit worried as to her assistant’s whereabouts. Surely he hasn’t broken his phone in the short timespan he’s been gone, right? Then again, if he’s roughing out in the Wild Area, there’s a chance that might be the case.
Whatever may be going on, it can wait until after she’s reassured his mom. Sonia puts on an unbothered smile and waves her hand.
“Not to worry! I’m sure he’s just somewhere with a spotty connection. I told him he has three days off, so he’s probably out making the most of it right now.”
This seems to work in calming the other down, who lets out a sigh of relief and thanks Sonia. She heads back down the road to her home, Sonia smiling and waving as she goes, only to drop face soon after.
Just what is Hop up to right now, she wonders.
. . .
The second day alone isn’t nearly as boring as the first, though frankly, she sort of wishes it were. She’s been outside nearly all day now, having taken a train up to Motostoke that morning, then a Corviknight Taxi to Hammerlocke from there. All of this travel just so that she can bumble about in the Giant’s Cap in the northern half of the Wild Area. She is supposed to be documenting how wild Mimikyu interact with the Pokémon around them and each other, but she’s yet to even encounter one, let alone watch it for long enough to see how it acts.
And to make matters worse, she can’t get her mind off of the interaction she had yesterday with Hop’s and Leon’s mother. Although Hop is an extremely capable trainer with a strong team of Pokémon, she can’t help but worry over his safety now that there is seemingly no way of reaching him. That part bothers her as well, because there shouldn’t be any reason for them not to be able to contact him unless his phone got wrecked.
She finds a nearby rock and sits down, holding her chin in her hands. All of this overthinking isn’t like her, nor is she a fan of it. Surely Hop isn’t in any danger, right? He can handle himself just fine. He’s probably out there having a great time, playing with his Pokémon at the Giant’s Seat or enjoying the view at Lake Axewell.
Sonia shrieks, jumping up from where she was sitting and spinning around. Standing behind her with a cheeky expression is Gloria, who is followed not long after by an exasperated looking Victor.
“Did you really have to do that? Sorry about her, Sonia.” “You’re not the least bit sorry. Otherwise, you’d have warned her!”
She stares blankly at the two for a moment with her hand over her chest before letting out a breath she was holding. Then, she pouts at them.
“Way to scare the wits out of me! Haven’t you two got something better to do than sneaking up on unsuspecting people?”
“Nope!” Gloria responds cheerily.
“Oh,” Victor says, looking like he’s suddenly remembered something, “Why don’t we ask Sonia as well? She’s got to know where he is.”
“Oh, yeah! Sonia, have you got any clue where Hop is? We’ve been trying to call him all day, but with no dice.”
So even they can’t reach Hop? Great. Now her worries, which she had been attempting to tell herself were unfounded, have only returned tenfold. She raises a finger to her hair, toying with her ponytail as she thinks of an answer.
“I’m pretty sure his phone is busted. I gave him a three day break, and he told me he’d go camping, so I figure he’s probably somewhere out here in the Wild Area doing just that.”
Victor and Gloria react in tandem to her words, giving each other a tense look before returning their attention to Sonia. The former speaks.
“We’ve been up and down the Wild Area, and we haven’t seen him at all.”
Her jaw drops at this. She quickly shakes her head to get rid of the expression, looking wide eyed at the two of them.
“Wait– Seriously? The entire Wild Area?”
“Yeah! We’ve been on a Raid Den battling spree, so we’ve covered just about everywhere there is he could be!” Gloria adds.
Upon hearing this, Sonia feels a pit form in her stomach. If Hop isn’t in the Wild Area, then where could he possibly be? He could be in one of the various camping spots found on some routes throughout the region, but if that’s the case, she doesn’t understand why none of them are able to call or message him at the moment. She can’t see him having broken his phone in an environment as undisturbed as a route campsite.
“That’s… I don’t get it. He should definitely be here.”
“M-Maybe we missed a spot! Right, Vic?”
“I dunno… I definitely think we would’ve spotted him at some point.”
An uncomfortable silence hangs between the three of them, interrupted only by the chittering of Pokémon in the distance. Gloria, apparently unable to stand the pregnant pause, shakes her fists.
“Nobody panic! I’m sure he’s safe. Until we know for sure, though, me and Vic will do another look around.”
“We will?” He asks, sounding quite reluctant, only to be met with Gloria jabbing him with her elbow.
“Yes, we will!”
“Good luck with that, you two. And thanks,” Sonia tells them, doing her best to convey her gratitude.
Gloria and Victor depart soon after, with the young girl practically dragging him by the hand as they head back the way they came. Sonia watches as they leave, not taking her eyes off of their direction until they’ve disappeared from sight. With them on the case, she’s certain Hop will be find in no time.
That’s what she tries to convince herself of, ignoring the gnawing feeling in her gut as she heads back for the day.
. . .
It’s now been a full 48 hours since anyone’s last seen or spoken to Hop, and Sonia is in full crisis mode. Gloria and Victor’s search yielded no results, and even after splitting up to check some routes around Galar, they’ve still been unable to find her assistant. She’s tried everything she can on her side of things to get in contact with him, even going so far as to email him, with no success.
She drops her head into her arms, folding them over her desk. The Rotom phone floats to stay in her peripheral vision, the screen displaying her contacts list. She’s been staring at it for a while now, hoping for a notification to appear. It’s got her feeling like she’s at the end of her rope, not knowing what else to do or how else she can help look for Hop. She could file a missing persons report at the station, but there is the off chance he may be perfectly fine. Besides, she feels as though it isn’t her decision to make.
Her eyes wander to the screen again, looking at the names listed. One in particular speaks out to her. If there’s anyone who deserves to know what’s going on, not to mention who could lend a hand, it’s him.
She grabs her phone from where it hovers in the air and presses the call button next to one of the contacts. It only takes four rings before she hears a voice on the other end.
“Sonia! What’s the sudden call for?” Leon asks with a chipper tone. If this were a normal day, she’d probably badger him for not having given her a ‘hello’ first, but today is anything but normal.
“You haven’t heard yet?”
“Heard what?”
She takes in a deep breath, bracing herself.
“Hop’s sort of… missing.”
A beat.
“Missing? What do you mean he’s missing?!”
“H-He’s probably fine!” She quickly blurts, then explains, “Y’see, I gave him some time off, about three days worth. He said he’d go camping, but since then no one’s been able to ring him, nor find him. He’s definitely not in the Wild Area, at least…”
She hears a noise on the other end that sounds like Leon sinking back into his chair. When he got up, she has no clue.
“And you didn’t tell me this until now, why?”
“I didn’t even know myself until yesterday! And even then, I still had my doubts. Since then, though, Gloria and Victor have been looking all over for him.”
“They have? They’re good for that,” He says, then there’s a pause before he asks, “Do you know where they haven’t looked so far?”
“A couple of routes, probably the Glimwood Tangle… Why?”
“I’m going to join them.”
“You’re— What?! But don’t you have Chairman duties to attend to?”
She can practically hear him rolling his eyes from wherever he is, with a small scoff under his breath.
“Those can wait until after I’m certain Hop is safe and sound. I won’t be able to concentrate without that peace of mind anyways.”
Sonia raises her head down, leaning back in her chair.
“I feel you there. I think these have been the most unproductive three days I’ve ever had, with him gone. I just hope he’s alright…” She admits, allowing her worries to seep into the conversation.
“I have faith in him. He’s able to take on anything thrown his way.”
“Are you telling me that to make me feel better, or for yourself?”
Leon chuckles.
“A bit of both, really. I’ve got to go now, alright?”
“Alright. Take care, and let me know if you find him.”
“Will do.”
She hears the sound of a Pokéball summoning a Pokémon, followed by the familiar roar of Charizard before the audio cuts out as the call is ended. The phone clatters onto her desk shortly, dropped there without a care.
Her eyes wander to the unoccupied space of the laboratory around her. She sincerely hopes that Leon’s hunt bears fruit, for everyone’s sake. Otherwise, she’s confident Leon will flip the region upside down looking for his little brother.
. . .
“Thank you again for letting us stay the night, Elena.”
“Oh, there’s no need to be so formal. We’re all family, aren’t we? And you’ve all been working so hard…”
Sonia lets out a small hum of acknowledgement at her words, taking a sip of her coffee. It’s been a full three days now. Leon had reached out to Gloria and Victor shortly after his and Sonia’s conversation yesterday, asking what areas they haven’t explored that he could check. No luck in any of them. Apparently he even called Mustard and Honey over on the Isle of Armor, on the slim chance Hop had possibly gone there for his break. They told him they hadn’t seen him.
At some point, Elena asked for Leon to come home, and then extended that invitation to Sonia, Gloria, and Victor. Eventually they had all gathered that night, being treated to a hearty dinner and sleeping under the same roof. It’s a bit silly considering they all live so close to one another, what with Sonia not too far off in Wedgehurst and the twins residing literally right next door, but none of them bring it up. It felt nice to be together during this time of uncertainty, where they’re missing a part of their group.
Sonia takes another sip of her coffee before setting it down.
“That’s a given. We want to make sure he’s okay just as much as you do— And I’m certain we’ll find him soon.”
“Yes… yes, of course. I just wish soon would come sooner.”
She doesn’t know what to say to that, having no consolations to provide to the other. None that are truthful, that is. So, she doesn’t say anything, instead lifting her cup to her lips.
As it turns out, she doesn’t need to, because not even a minute later the door swings open.
“I’m home!”
Sonia nearly spits her drink out, covering her mouth as she slams the mug down. She whirls her head in the direction of the door, and sure enough, standing there with a duffel bag over his shoulder and a grin on his face is Hop.
“Hop?!” She cries.
“Hop!” Comes Gloria’s voice from the living room, as well as the sound of her feet pounding against the floor as she charges into Hop. He yelps in surprise, nearly being bowled over from the force of her tackle. His bag drops to the floor as he takes in an armful of his friend.
“Glo! What are you doing here? And Vic, and Sonia?”
“Who cares about that! Where have you been?!”
“What’s?...” Leon begins as he comes from upstairs, rubbing his eyes with a fist. He doesn’t even finish his sentence, eyes widening when he sees what all the commotion is about.
“Lee! You too?”
The older of the two doesn’t answer, instead hurrying down the rest of the steps and throwing his arms around both Hop and Gloria. Gloria giggles, looking incredibly relieved, as opposed to Hop and his confusion.
“Okay, seriously, why is everyone here?? What’s going on?”
“We should be asking you that,” Leon tells him as he finally lets them both go, “Where were you?”
“What do you mean where was I? The Slumbering Weald, of course!”
“What? Why were you there?” Victor asks, now joining the group.
“Because, it’s scenic, and I figured Zamazenta would enjoy visiting it again.”
Sonia gets up from her seat now, having recovered from almost choking on her drink. She almost can’t believe it, the fact that he’s turned up without them needing to do anything. His explanation doesn’t answer some of her lingering questions, though.
“We’ve been trying to call you this whole time! Why didn’t you answer?”
“Huh? You were?” Hop asks, seeming none the wiser. He takes out his phone and checks his calls, and sure enough, there are now a ton of missed calls that weren’t there previously.
“That’s odd. I didn’t get any of these while I was in the Weald. I guess the connection there wasn’t great? You know how weird and fickle that place can be.”
Sonia rubs her temples. She sure does know, having gotten lost there once and stripped of her sense of time. It’s not hard to imagine, then, that the Weald would have no reception to speak of.
Leon claps a hand onto Hop’s shoulder, not looking nearly as pressed over the circumstances leading to his seeming disappearance.
“I’m just glad you’re alright. You didn’t run into any trouble while you were there, did you?”
“Nope. I had a grand time!”
With those words, it feels like everyone can breathe easily again. Gloria ushers Hop into the kitchen, at which point his mom welcomes him home and tells him to never run off without letting them know where he’s going again. He apologizes, and soon after they’re all treated to breakfast by her. Chatter and laughter fills the room as they recount the needless worry of the past few days.
From outside the window, fog rolls off of the tree line from the Slumbering Weald, as though the forest is alive and breathing.
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itsbubbleteataro · 3 months ago
Happy Holidays!
I have some Christmas specials on deck for y’all! Enjoy!
{Inuyasha: Koga x reader}
warnings; Miruko, slight blood
“Inuyasha! Hey! Everyone!” Kagome waved as she ran up to the group by the well. “Hey Inuyasha! I need a huge favor from you!” Kagome clapped her hands together as Inuyasha scratched the back of his head. “I need you to find Koga and Y/n!”
“And why would i help you find the mutt?” Asked Inuyasha as he crossed his arms.
“Because Christmas is soon Inuyasha! I have gifts for them!”
“Y/n I understand giving a gift to because she’s a human like you, but Koga?” He scoffed.
“Well Koga has done god in caring for Y/n! Don’t you think he deserves at least a title gift” Kagome pleated. Inuyasha opened one eye, looked at Kagome and sighed as Shippo jumped on his shoulder.
“Alright fine, go get Miroku and Songo, then we can go find Koga” Kagome smiled and ran off towards the village as Shippo snickered before being thrown into a pile of snow.
A few days had passed and the group had found their way to the mountains where Koga’s tribe lived. Scaling the snowy mountains they reached the entrance of the cave where y/n spotted them and waved.
“Kagome! Songo! Shippo! Inuyasha! Miruko! Hello!” You smiled and waved as they approached the mouth of the den. You had a few extra furs draped over your shoulders to keep you warm.
“Hey y/n! Merry Christmas!”
“Christmas….?” You pondered. “What pray tell is Christmas?”
“Oh I suppose it hasn’t come to Japan yet huh” Kagome placed her hand on her cheek, tucking her other arm under her elbow. “Um, like this big holiday where people gather with family and friends, have good food sometimes exchange gifts, but overall, its abt spending time with your loved ones! At least that’s the way I see it.” Explained Kagome with a large smile on her face.
“So, you came all the way up the mountain to celebrate this Christmas with Koga, the pack and I?” You asked. Kagome nodded her head. “Oh Kagome! That’s so sweet of you!” You got up on your feet and limped over as Koga kept a close eye on you from inside. You were still healing from the fight with Kagura after all. “If I would have known I would have asked Koga to get some things for me so I could cook a proper feast for us”
“Oh don’t worry about the food y/n, it’s a special time, so I brought some food for my time that everyone here really seems to enjoy!" Kagome's eyes sparkled with glee. You nodded as you began to lead the group inside.
You sat on a cozy fur by a fire Hakkaku and Ginta had built and found a cooking pot fir you to use as well as a few other things. By found Hakkaku and Ginta mean stole, raiding a house by the base of the mountain for the cooking supplies unknown to you.
You started to boil some water, watching as everyone else sat around the fire. Humming to herself Kagome started to pull things out of her giant yellow backpack. She set big bags of potato chips and bowls of various instant ramen down as well as a few bags of dog treats.
Serving tea as everyone settled in, Inuyasha sat close to Kagome, keeping a watchful eye on Koga, Miruko sat next to Songo, who alerted everyone to Miruko's less than favorable tendencies from an echoing slap from Songo, who's face was red with blush. Koga sat closer to you, his eyes going from Inuyasha to Kagome, to your leg which no longer needed bandages, but still had a nasty scar, out to the entrance of the cave that started to snow again, and then back to the tea.
The usually chatty wolf demon was silent for once, his mind turned to Kagome and then you, then to the holiday Kagome called "Christmas", something he wasn't familiar with. Sure he wanted to tell Kagome to leave the mangy mutt of Inuyasha and be with him instead, yet on the other hand, he seemed just happy with you by his side.
Koga watched as Shippo curled up in Kagome's lap seeking warmth, and Inuyasha slap his cheek, causing a certain cowardly flee demon to float comically down into his hand before puffing back up.
"Myōga the flee, glad to see you're here" deadpanned Inuyasha. "Supose were in the clear for any sorts of danger" He verbally jabbed at the flee.
"Oh Master Inuyasha! Now is not the time for such things, it's Christmas after all!" Chirped Myōga.
"Did you even hear what Kagome said this Chri.....mas"
"Christmas" corrected Kagome gently
"Whatever! this chri-tmas is even about?" Puffed Inuyasha
"Inuyasha, quit being so hard on him! It is a time for joy!" Chastised Kagome as you handed out bowls of tea for the group to enjoy.
"Thank you Kagome, the voice of reason as always" Sighed Myōga, causing Songo, Miruko and you to give him a side eye. You have heard stories of Kagome's quick temper from Songo. Miruko and Shippo, and thus were quick to doubt Myōga's words. "Now I heard something about gifts?" questioned Myōga. "Could I have some of that sweet sweet-" Myōga was cut off by Inuyasha squishing him between his claws, and letting him fall to the cold cave floor.
Feeling sorry for the flee, you got up and limped to where your little stash of belongings was, once again Koga keeping a close eye on you the entire time, making sure you did not strain yourself. You limped back, carrying a small shell you had found along the river bank one warm day. Sitting back down you reached over to Koga's clawed hand.
Gently setting the shell on one of the flatter parts of the cave, you used Koga's claw to poke your finger, much to his not so well hidden horror. Leaning over the shell you squeezed your finger till the small shell filled with blood. Kagome gasped, seeing your bleeding finger and profusely tried to hand you a bandage.
"Oh come on y/n take it!' Pleated Kagome, holding out a band aid in your favorite color.
"Kagome I'll be okay! It is just a poke!" You waved her off as you placed the shell in front of Myōga, who thanked you before eagerly sipping up the shell full of blood.
Kagome looked worried, unlike the others who knew it would be okay.
"Oh just take the bandage y/n" chimed in Koga finally, causing you to look at him with a raised brow, confused. "You know humans are weak compared to us demons, I mean you fell sick the first week of winter." Koga said, reaching over and taking the bandage from Kagome. "Here let me see"
Gently picking up your hand in his, he located where you had pricked yourself on his claws. He squeezed it a little, letting out a small sigh seeing that the bleeding had mostly stopped. He started to wrap your finger gently, much to the protest of Myōga who insisted on making sure the bleeding had stopped himself, despite his bloated body, full from a good meal.
You smiled up at Koga and thanked him, turning back to the group. Kagome looked oddly pleased picked up one of the brightly colored bags and opened it. She reached inside and fished out a cookie that looked like a bone and handed it to Koga. Koga took it, looked at it strangely and then sniffed it.
"Liver? Kagome I thought you didn't like liver?" Questioned Koga. "and why is it in this strange shape? It looks like a bone" He tilted his head, reminding you of a puppy who would tilt their head upon sniffing or finding something new.
"Koga its for you! Try it!" Kagome pleated. "If you and your pack like it, it's one less thing for me to haul around" She stated as she handed the same cookie to Inuyasha, Hakkaku and Ginta, and broke one in half for Shippo.
Ginta watched as Inuyasha and Shippo ate theirs, before taking a bite of his own. His eyes lit up sparkling. Hakkaku watched, before taking a bite of his own and having a very similar reaction.
"Boss!" Smiled Ginta. "Try it! It's good!"
With a small sigh and a questioned look on his face, he took a small bite, before shoving it in his mouth and asking for more.
Soon enough food was ready and distributed amongst the group, Myōga and Shippo had fallen asleep after a nice full meal. Shippo slept with some of the younger wolf demons, who were born that spring, all wrapped in furs together. Kagome left a small wrapped box next to Shippo and one similarly wrapped next to Myōga.
She handed Songo and Miruko one. To Songo she gave a mixtures from her time used by hunters to polish bones, adding in she hopes it works for demon bones. To Miruko she gave a good luck charm from her family's shrine, as he seemed to have bad luck with woman due to his, well, tendencies. To Inuyasha she gave some sword polish to him, and a bag of potato chips, as he seemed to really like thoes. To Ginta and Hakkaku she both got them a smaller bag of dog treats, glad to see they both enjoyed them.
To Koga she gave some medical suplies, and some dried meats. To you she gave some teas from her time, as well as a few items you could use to care for your self.
After the gifts were given and the sun set, everyone had curled up and fallen asleep. Ginta and Hakkaku were sleeping in a pile under some furs together. Songo and Miruko were curled up together unknowingly. Inuyasha sat next to Kagome, sharing a fur as Kagome slept in her sleeping bag.
You were still awake, your mind filed with joy and wonder at the little cerebration you all just shared. A small smile stayed on your face as you watched the fire start to slowly die down. Lost in the gaze of the fire, you did not notice a certain wolf demon wrap an extra layer of furs around your shoulder, accompanied by him pulling you closer, so your head rest on his shoulder.
You looked up at Koga, giving him a small smile. He wasn't looking at you, instead watching the fire dance along the embers and coals. You was not sure if it was the lighting or not, but you swear you could see his cheeks having a little more pink than usual. You opened you mouth to speak, but he cut you off.
"Well what you did for that stupid flee was nice and all, I'd rather you not do that again." He started, you looked up at him with surprise. "You humans are fragile after all, I mean you almost died because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time." He continued. "You just stared walking again on your own recently. When you got sick at the start of winter Hakkaku and Ginta were worried." Koga again looked away, this time out to the snow falling outside by the entrance of the cave. You had a feeling he was hiding something, but were just glad Koga was opening up to you and thus decided not to press him any further for answers.
Koga's eyes looked distant, like he wanted to add more but wasn't sure what to say. "You were panting like, well, a dog without water in the middle of summer. I don't mean a demon dog, I mean the kind of mutts you would see running around a human village." He paused, gathering his thoughts. "You really scared Ginta and Hakkaku. So, well" he scratched the back of his head, before pulling you closer again. "Just don't put yourself in harms way again, and if that flee asks for your blood again, don't indulge the pest." He closed his eyes as you settled against him, nodding your head.
The heat from Koga expressing his feelings, the low lighting of the fire, the several furs that lay over you and Koga's body heat was beginning to lull you to sleep. Noticing this, Koga kept quiet, watching with rosy cheeks as you fell asleep against him.
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exploding-fish · 1 year ago
Chief Engineer, at yer service!
"Lemme tell ya somethin', there ain't nothing I've seen that I couldn't fix! Missing washer? Piss easy. Gun keeps jammin' on ya? Not after I'm done wit' it! Squeaky hinges on th' door? Hells, ya GRANDMAH could fix that in 'er sleep! Fixin' shit is easy...but inventin'? THAT'S when we start havin' FUN, GAHAHAHAHAHA!"
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Hello, and thank you for stopping by my blog! I'm Hazel and this is one of my alt characters for FFXIV RP. My pronouns are he/him, I'm an early 20's college student still trying to figure out what to do with my life, but I'm getting there!
I'm still very new to roleplaying but I've always had a ton of thoughts and ideas about my characters so this blog is both to help consolidate those thoughts and to also share them with anyone who wants to see them.
Fish's Carrd can be found here if you want a quick overview of things, though I will be going more in depth with who he is on this blog. My main FFXIV character's page can be found here as well.
I'm situated on Zalera (Crystal) and spend most of my time either raiding or taking GPose shots, but regardless I look forward to seeing everyone around the great, vast star we find ourselves on.
About Fish
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Exploding Goldfish, yes that is his name (but most everyone just calls him "Fish"), was born to a family of miners in Uldah. Throughout his life he was surrounded by heavy machinery, sparking a lifelong love of machines and inventing. His youth was spent learning everything he could about technology, including Garlean Magitek. His studies eventually paid off and he scored the job of his dreams working as part of Garlond Ironworks...at least for a while.
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An accident during a project cost Fish partial vision in his left eye and his position in the company. Scarred and humiliated, he drifted for months before finally finding secure work and pay at Wolves' Den Pier. There he spent his time maintaining and repairing the machines used in the Grand Company's "Rival Wings" competition, and when he wasn't working on repairs he was drowning his self-pity in alcohol.
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It wasn't all for nothing, however. While at Wolves' Den, Fish chanced upon meeting a scrawny Viera living under the pier; Qara Wen. It took some coaxing but eventually Fish was able to befriend him, and over time that friendship evolved into brotherhood. And so when Fish was recruited to become Chief Engineer on the merchant ship The Enduring Deeds, his one request was that Qara be welcomed aboard as well.
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laurenairay · 2 years ago
Love you, enjoy bridesmaids duties! I would love an hc where Nolan Patrick is like caring for you when you’re sick or just not feeling your best 🥰🥰
Love you Kayla! Thank you, I had so much fun! And I can absolutely share my thoughts on Nolan being a sweet caring partner:
Nolan might present himself as monosyllabic and as unemotional as possible to the public eye (or at least in front of reporters) but in private he would be a whole different person. I get the feeling that, when Nolan finds his person, he would show them a side of him that no-one else gets to see outside of a very select group - and that includes being incredible gentle and caring.
Now what I mean by that is Nolan doesn't get to show his emotions in the public eye very often, at least not positive emotions, so when he has the chance to do so with you? He never holds back from letting you know how much he genuinely cares.
So when he notices that you're getting sick, or even if you live separately and you have to call to cancel a date because you're sick? Nolan is stepping up to the plate. Maybe he calls his mom for a soup recipe that he can make to make you feel better. Maybe he raids a local store for cold & flu meds and orange juice and fluffy socks and your favourite chocolate. Maybe he drives over to surprise you (or sets up a den for you to recuperate in).
But whatever the situation, Nolan is there with his gentle hands to smooth your hair back from your forehead, to help you get comfortable and curl up, to hold you for as long as you need. He's so soft and kind and that low reassuring rumble if you protest sets aside all of your doubts that this guy is anything other than wonderful.
And if it isn't cold/flu sick but mental health bad day? Nolan is just as gentle, just as kind, because he knows what it's like to have days where you just want everyone to leave you alone, when you just are low.
He gets it, and he would never push - but he would absolutely let you know that he is there for you, no matter what. Maybe you do let him help, and he finds an activity like reading a book or watching a mindless movie, cuddling with you on the sofa until that cloud has lifted. Maybe you don't let him help, and he gives you the space you need, just sending you over a delivery of your favourite food and creating you a playlist on spotify to listen to when you're ready.
Whatever the situation, Nolan is a wonderful supportive partner, and he always will be.
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chooseyourpaws · 6 months ago
Option 2
As Corvidcall began to speak, you realized there was a bit of commotion back by one of the dens. You barely got a chance to look and see what was happening before a shrill voice cut through his speech.
“LILYKIT IS GONE!” A heavily distressed light brown charlie burst from the den, eyes widened in a panic. A thin grey-and-white tom followed them, his striking yellow eyes wide.
“It’s faint, but I picked up Badgerclan in the nursery!” He cried, looking more terrified than the rest of the clan. Runnelstar’s fur fluffed up, and she growled.
“Thank you, Larkplume. It seems we’ll be cutting Greenbee’s next mediation trip from our schedule. Shrewcry, Roachdive… Come to my den, we’re planning a raid,” She snarled, tail lashing as she jumped off the rock.
Corvidcall followed her hesitantly, presumably asking her if he should come. She snapped angrily at him, and he backed off. You couldn’t hear the exchange as the other cats all burst into yowls of rage and protest.
A young kit with a few starlike spots of white on her forehead stood amongst the chaos, looking terrified and confused. You hurried over to them to make sure they were okay.
“Hey, what’s wrong?”
“I shoulda stayed with lilykit… She wanted to stay in the den ‘cause she thinks they’re gonna bring dad back… They took her! I coulda stopped them!” They sobbed, bursting into tears at the question.
You pull the kit close, and look around for someone who can help. “Who’s your dad? Is he Ferretchase? Where’s your mom?”
“Mhm… Momma went to the stars, but yea, he got taken… I miss dad! They’re gonna save him, right?” They ask, looking up at you with wide, hopeless eyes.
You hardly get a chance to reply before the brown charlie and a yellow charlie arrived to check on the kit.
“Poppypaw, thank you for finding Dazzlekit! You truly are a gift.” The brown charlie bumped their head against yours in thanks, “I’m sorry for the rough introduction… I’m Applejumble, the only caretaker here other than Weaselheart. This is Weaselheart, by the way…”
“Hello. Is Dazzlekit okay?” They ask, eyes trained on the young kit.
“I’m ok… I miss dad and Lilykit. Can i go with them to get them back?” They ask softly, looking up at Weaselheart with big eyes.
“I can’t let you go, but I promise Ferretchase will come back with the patrol if he has any fight left…” Weaselheart reassured, though there was an uncertain look in his eyes.
“Ok! Dad is a big, strong warrior! He can do it!!” They purr, rubbing against the other cat. Weaselheart gave a pained smile, and motioned to Applejumble. The other charlie picked Dazzlekit up, and took them into the nursery. Snailberry and Shrewcry approached you from behind, and Weaselheart alerted you to their arrival with a nod.
“Hey, sweetie, there’s going to be a raid on Badgerclan soon. Larkplume’s going to be leading us there, and i’ll be on standby just outside their camp for anyone who needs to get out of the fray… You haven’t even learned herbs yet, let alone any fighting skills, so I won’t make you come if you don’t want.” Snailberry seemed… scared.
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seaoftheworst · 6 months ago
@kaizokugaris sent: plots please ! / any character
⤏ send me “plots please”
… and I’ll respond with  3  (or more)  interesting  plots / relationships / connections  I can think of for our muses!   There is  no pressure  for us to write any of them,   but it’s a great starting point for you to get a sense of how I think our muses might interact and what sorts of plots I’m most interested in happening between them  -so don’t be shy!
you said any so I am gonna give you everyone I can think of something for, under the cut to not clog the dash and avoid spoiling those not caught up with the manga/anime
Alber (King)
interactions after the events of Wano
the two having an interesting sorta friendship after Zoro leaves Wano, keeping in contact via Den-den, with Alber giving tips on handling the Seraphim once he learns of them
AU where Alber joins the crew as either a temporary passenger or actual member
expanded interactions from Orange Town
run in set in Logue Town
Buggy having to go get Mihawk for a Warlord meeting during the time skip and the two running into each other
Dracule Mihawk
random two year training interactions
possible interaction that explains how Zoro lost that eye
did he escort Zoro? is that why Zoro got to Sabaody first?
Izou thanking Zoro for watching out for Kiku I refuse to accept Izou dying right after he reunited with his sister
Drinking together when the party after Kidou is defeated happens
Izou def knew Ushimaru, so the fun realization that Izou can drop that technically Zoro is in line to inherit the position of Daimyo of Ringo
Straw Hat crew bonding
I can see Zoro feeling Jinbe is sus at first and wanting to interrogate him
Jinbe can apparently out drink Zoro, them putting that to the test
Dealing with Luffy's shenanigans in Shells Town
A longer talk during the Post-enies Lobby
Koby having to go to Mihawk's island for something during the timeskip and interactions that could ensue
Marco giving Zoro tips on what to expect as the second in command to an Emperor
Marco having with them in Wano a little longer
Zoro talking to Marco about the whole throwing him onto the rooftop thing (he gave no warning before yeeting poor Zoro)
Monkey D Garp
Garp talking with Zoro alone on Water Seven
Monkey D Luffy
Luffy and Zoro having more adventures before the incident with the bird so they have time to grow their friendship before running into Buggy
Downtime between islands
Training together
Post-Dressrosa talks lasting longer
Sabo and Zoro exchanging denden numbers so Sabo can ask him how Luffy is doing
Basically penpals of sorts bonding over their worry/adoration of Luffy
Silvers Rayleigh
Zoro arrived first, so interactions after Zoro got the Sabaody before anyone else arrived
Tony Tony Chopper
I love their bond, gimme soft interactions
Trafalgar D Law
talking at any point from punk hazard to wano
the trip to Wano, someone needs to point out how weird it is that a devil fruit user has a submarine
practicing sword fighting to ensure that Law's arm healed right after Dressrosa
Vinsmoke Ichiji
Zoro meeting Sanji's brothers would be interesting...
AU where Zoro went to Whole Cake, too?
Vinsmoke Niji
Zoro meeting Sanji's brothers would be interesting...
AU where Zoro went to Whole Cake, too?
Vinsmoke Sanji
Zoro and Sanji need to talk about Thriller Bark....
I love their dynamic, how they bicker but have one another's back
Zoro and Sanji need to talk about the Raid and why Sanji asked Zoro to kill him if he was no longer himself
Vinsmoke Yonji
Zoro meeting Sanji's brothers would be interesting...
AU where Zoro went to Whole Cake, too?
Green Himbos Unite
X Drake
Talking post raid, now that Kaidou is gone maybe Drake can shed a little light on why he was a 'traitor'
Zoro finding out about Drake's friendship with Koby
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