#can this be tecnically canon?
lampochkaart · 1 month
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Okay, fine. There is one moment in the movie that I liked. Unfortunately this is the ONLY moment in the whole film when Igor gets to be smart, which is a real shame.
Uh-oh. This little joke actually cost him his life.
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Hey, guys. Do you think Igor feels guilt. Because, well, that really were HIS actions that led to Sergey's death. Do you ever think about that. Do you think he thinks about that.
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ghostsferalgremlin · 1 year
Every single thing i'm gonna write down here is how I personally picture Horangi and, as i said in my pinned, if you don't like it scroll away, bye bye.
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• He is an idiot, not in a bad way, but in a genuine way.
It's not like he is dumb or something, but he goes on with his days by core memory and that only, this leads to something happening every five - ten minutes or so.
• This man is the definition of feral and they send him on the field like he's a wild animal ready to take down anyone.
He has fun, let's be real, he finds it funny when he hit targets and put down enemies even at hands in hands combat, he lives for it, also he's always ready for a fight, both on and off the field, big grin on his face.
• He lives to scare people.
The dark rituals skin? Yeah he asked for it and i picture the red parts to be reflective so they're only visible on certain lights. Tecnically speaking, i picture it to be good when they need backup or snipers looking over them at nigh, practically he walks around the base in the middle of the night with it on just to scare the shit out of whoever cross his way in the dark.
• He knows he's pretty but the mask stay ON.
Let's be real here, the man know how pretty he is, i picture him using his look to go away with things before joining the army, or before they ruined his face. He still thinks he looks good, but part of his brain refuses to take the mask off not because he's scared they cpuld find him in the base, but because he hates to see the looks of pity of the poeple when they see how he is right now.
• Your food? Nop. HIS food.
If you eat something different than what je's eating be ready to say gpodbye to it 'cause he will definitely ask for a bite, and it's never just a bite. Never. He knows how to do the puppy eyes and knows how to use them.
• He never spoke with anyone for a whole year.
I picture him not knowing any english when he joined and, while he was still learning, he never spoke or never answered to anything in a whole year, both because he didn't know how and because he kinda felt bad not being able to speak correctly. When he started tho it was the end, man never shut up.
• He's tiny.
Listen, i get that canonically they did him almost the same height as König, but i can't help to picture him being like 1.75/1.80 max. And compared to others? He is indeed tiny. Once König picked him up like it was nothing and he never recovered from that.
• Bisexual king.
He's way too chaotic not to be a bisexual, idk what else to say about this.
• His ringtone is a nightmare and once Oni fought him to change it.
His ringtone? Ring ding dong by shinee. Not because he actually likes it, but because he knows how mad people gets when it starts ringing and they can't so nothing to shut it down. He even dance on it just to piss the others off even more.
• Other than that? Man lis a metalcore baby.
He loves it, he lives for it, he knows every band on this planet, he just really likes it. Sometimes he even listen to deathcore or heavy/nu metal, but metalcore? You can find him knowing every word of every song possible.
•Feral, but he gets hurt pretty easily.
Listen, he loves to piss people off, but he also keeps reminding them how much that's his love language and how he keeps doing it cause he loves having them around. When they look genuinely pissed off? This hurts him and he goes days without doing anything because he really thinks people actually hates him, he's hurt by it and it took the same person to say out loud that they care about him to stop the bad thoughts he has.
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ghostly-shade · 2 years
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Soooo, can we talk abaut the fact that the crown and ring are tecnically sentient and that there are possibly very powerful and very old beings inside of the artifacts???
And also the fact that those beings are most likely the reason why they are called the Crown of Fire and Ring of Rage???
Just- can we please talk abaut that?????
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meraki-sunset · 1 year
There's still one thing I don't understand about the concept of an absolved timeline: as alt!Calliope explained, this is a timeline whose relevance is fed from the canon, or in other words, us readers who came from the original homestuck in search of a new story. But in a completely technical standpoint the alpha timeline exist because there is no other timeline that end up creating LE, whose influence reaches far before time ever existed, and thus needs to be created to complete the biggest time loop ever existed in the history of paradox space. This timeline however, fail this exact condition on account of Gamzee regain his autonomy from LE, thus giving him no reason to remain in the battle against Caliborn, if he even raised the cherubs in the first place. So without this event, and subsequently possessed lil cal->doc scratch ->Lord English, how is this timeline not doomed 100 times and back?
What you're saying is true. According to canon, no timeline exept the alpha can exist. only homestuck canon can exist and every other timeline with even the slight variation will get doomed and everyone in it die without fail. Period. No point in arguing.
I say that's stupid and i don't like it.
SO i'm making use of what i call "the pesterquest dinamic"
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Spoiler alert
In pesterquest MSPAReader, after meeting the homestuck cast and learning about their horrible fate to come, basically says "fuck you this is my timeline now" and dives into the Green sun and absorves it's powers, becoming a guardian, like Beckerel and Doc Scratch
With this power they sever the timeline they've intervined into from canon logic.
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They create a "Locked timeline". a Timeline that doesn't have to create Lord English. It needs to, it should, the things that happen in the homestuck timeline are part of a big infinite loop that must create him and can't be tampered with or it will result in doom. But that's the thing with loops, they don't have a begining or end. any part of it that you sever can be the begining, the middle or the end
What i'm trying to say is, time in homestuck isn't linear, it doesn't follow the logic that changing something in the past should change the future. it doesn't it just marks the timeline as doomed when something is changed and that's the end. just a cross in the clipboard and fate moves to the next timeline leaving that one to rot
So grabing a timeline, severing a chunk of it (like the period where the kids and trolls haven't played the game), changing it for the better and letting it survive by external means is posible acording to Pesterquest.
Just imagine this. if a homestuck timeline is a book, and you rip a page, does the book change? did you changed the past? do the future events of the book change because tecnically the events of the page you ripped are no longer part of the book? No, the book follows it course. it just became a useless book. A broken book. It's now a doomed timeline. It can't no longer fullfill it's purpose. it'll be disposed of. That's how homestuck timelines it works.
That's why i always refer to CSAU as "infested with paradoxes" and "leaching from the canon timeline" because i know it shouldn't exist acording to canon. acording to canon it should be doomed.
But it's not. Because every little thing that CSAU lacks, every page that has been riped, that should doom it, CSAU steals it from canon homestuck
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That's what i tryed to explain with "the river and the puddle" analogy. The puddle doesn't dry because it feeds from the river. CSAU doesn't get doomed because it leaches from homestuck.
How did The Felt get to the game in CSAU? The Felt are LE's minions and acording to canon before they got to the game they were at hussies mansion, where LE killed Hussie, and then Jack escaped with them and Ms. Paint inside of an oven and into the Alpha kid's game. That never happened in CSAU, that event of LE breaking into Hussies mansion with his minions and killing him never happened in this AU, yet the characters from it are here, with memories of it happening. they remember it happening tho it didn't. That's because they're copies, they're stolen from canon.
CSAU steals it's missing pieces from canon to stay alive, like a parasite, a harmless one in a comensalistic relationship. Canon doesn't even know we're here.
And the guardian who keeps the timeline safe, the force that gives it relevance for it to keep doing what it does and keep feeding from the river, who keeps the puddle's tiny stream of water that conects it to the river from being severed, It's us. It's you and It's me. CSAU is relevant to us for diferent reasons for every person, but that's why it exists. Because it's important to me and maybe to you and that's all tha matters. Canon it's it's sourse of missing pieces with which patches it's paradoxes and we are it's sourse of relevance. That's what makes an absolved timeline, that's all it takes.
A will to survive and people to care.
I hope there's more timelines like this one out there
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castkorb · 5 months
sting and rogue....rogue WILLINGLY giving himself to sting knowing that he would finish the job. so much trust, faith , vulnerability... THEYRE. IN . LOVE.
if mashima had even a fraction of the ft fandom's brain with writing characters the world would be a glorious place...LMAOOO
anon you just fed gasoline to my brainrot I hope you're satisfied
Every time I think how poetic these two and how canon they are not I'm at risk of combustion
Yes, Rogue willingly gave up his power knowing how dangerous it was to Sting because he's the only one he trusts to not succumb to it and very likely hinted because he knows what future Rogue did to Sting and he's set to avoid that ending at any cost and he makes me SICK
But actually I need to talk about Sting too because not everyone realizes he too gave himself up for Rogue (and sabertooth for that matter) in so many occasions, Rogue wants to avoid Sting dying at any cost but Sting IS willing to die for him -and tecnically, he did, but that's a brainrot for another day lmao-
My very favorite example is the Larcade fight of course.
It was set that he needed to win, not for himself -which is a huge estatement, comparing it to Sting during the games- but for the pride sabertooth lost because of what he thinks him, he's set on winning however it takes for the rest of the people there, so much that he even knocked them out to take all of Larcade's attacks on his own
The moment that absolutely breaks me is this one right here, he wasn't thinking about himself during the war, he was thinking about fairy tail of all things, because he needs to repay how they saved his guild
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And then Rogue shows up and inmediately demands Sting to eat his power -which makes me think for how long had Rogue planned this out-
And maybe I'm reading far too much into it idk but for a moment Sting looks unsure of taking it, one because he doesn't think he can hold that much power -again, probably compraing himself to Natsu or Gajeel-
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but also if you think about it, he knows better than anyone what the shadows mean to Rogue, it must've shocked him how willing Rogue was of just, letting him take them after everything he's been through but then again he must've thought "if he's giving me his power, then that means there's no one else who can do it" and that's enough, that's all he needs to take the magic that is (and was) able to destroy the world in his hands because Rogue asked him to
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And then the parallels between future Rogue and Sting, the way Rogue looks completely smitted because he knows, he probably has more confidence than Sting on winning, because he said it himself, if there's anyone who's able to will the shadows or kill them, it's him
but most of all it's the fact that Sting is most likely unaware of this, he's blind to the effect he has on Rogue -and others- and probably just thinks it's his duty to take everything for the sake of others because it's what he deserves for being sabertooth's master -which also it's probably an unconcious thought of "punishing" the sabertooth master that hurt so many people, even if it wasn't him, again, brainrot for another day-
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See now I need to call my therapist again
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jaxxsoxxn · 2 months
Hi, first, i need to say that i love work and your AU. Second, i have some hcs if you are intrested, specificlly about Owen:
He didn't died when he was 8, he survivid, using the same tecnic that Eobard use when he got shot in the head.
Now i gonna explain how, so Owen is Digger and Meloni's son, and Meloni's father is Eobard;
Owen have a negative conection with the speed force, because Eobard have it, and Meloni have this conection as a recesive gen, and his father ( in the comics) doesn't have any kind of conection, so by genetic he get the same conection as Eobard.
In conclusion, with this such traumatic event, he became a full negative speedster, and he end up doing not so good things, and have this Black part in his eyes.
Sorry if i said some stupid shit, haven't read the comics. And inglesh is not my first lenguage, so theres sure mistakes in text. ❤
*johnny bravo voice* Woah mamma!
thank u for dat, Kaliesuriens! (noting the fact that u liked my bsing about hail/cold weather: if no-one got me, I know Kaliesuriens got me!)
Me, actively ignoring canon Owen bc he's full of time travel bs: D:
Also me, loving the idea of Owen being a speedster by blood and not the good one: :D
He was eight years old when it happened - eight years old and dead. He woke up in a bag, which was painfully slowly dragged along. Well, maybe dragged was a bit too rough of a word for it. He was carried around, but it seemed like every single step took hours. His hands reached to grab it, not fully understanding the situation, when he just went through the material.
Owen felt short of breath, his eyes moving faster than light, his whole body moving faster than light. His stomach was wet, for some reason, and the strangers around him cocked their heads in his general direction, but it felt like they took years to do so. He didn't want to be here, he couldn't understand what was happening.
So he ran.
By the time he realized how fast he was running, it was too late. He had no idea where was he or where was his dad. His stomach ached, so he finally stopped on the side of a random highway, checking it out. While the material was bloody, under it his skin was slowly coming together, healing the wound. He found himself watching it with horrid curiosity, his mind empty.
He didn't exactly feel hungry, but he felt weak. Slowly, stared to run again. It took him a very short time for a human to understand what was happening, but for a speedster? It felt like days went past. He knew of Flash, his father having "inside information" about the man, and it wasn't exactly hard to put two and two together.
But there was no excitement, only bland bitterness. Was his power the reason why he was separated from his dad? Was his power the reason for the hole in his stomach?
Was it the reason why he couldn't stop stomping on the border of Speedforce and normal time?
His mind and body were stuck in their too fast for normal humans ways. Aging took him a hundred times as long, and it seemed he couldn't be let go of. Even when he finally found his father, one single time after two years, he couldn't tell him of his body and mind still being here.
Sometimes he saw a few weird men there and there - some flashlike, some more like the reverse version of the man. He started taking advantage of his half-being by bringing hurt to people who stood in his way in any shape or form. How dare they? He tried so hard to be set free, just for them to not even cherish their freedom?
How could they?
The first time he and Reverse Flash met, he was fifteen. Godspeed just got freed from the Speedforce and Thawne, like usually, had to run - away or against Flashfamily? It didn't matter, it never did. He was just so bitter - why can he get out whenever and all he does is go back? Always, always, always-
Before he noticed, he put a foot in front of the man, with enough speed in his step to get there in a 0.0001 second, or whatever. A yellow Flash costume flew with its owner's body inside, Thawne as shocked as the Flash family standing behind him. There was a horrid, cold zap of electricity when he showed up, his whole body heaving when his lungs suddenly needed air.
He was back, or as back as he could be. There was something wrong with his body though, his arms and legs shielded by a black lightning, electricity in the air making other's hair stand. He felt twitchy, needing to move, needing to run. So he did, ignoring confused stares and the sound of footsteps after him.
He was free.
He went to find his father, who was as hard to get to as always. It took him a while. It took him too long. What he ended up finding was a group of rouges messed up and lacking a member. He was everything, but happy. Using the knowledge he acquired as a kid and mixing it with his power, he became for a while Captain Boomerang The Second, until he could find his father.
Imagine his shock, his surprise and his anger when it appeared that a woman called "Amanda Waller" got him not only collared, but also chipped. You never realize how scary is a speedster until it's too late.
Or would be if not his meeting with Kid Flash, who happened to be there. They called him Junior Revers Flash, the speedster family, like it was about them. Like it ever could be. But they also practically handed him over to the woman.
The bomb didn't do jack shit, and trying to cancel his speed with the same weapons as they cancel Flash's speed worked out as well*. But she finally figured it out, because of course she did. Now, he was paying for it, but was the deal not worth it, when few dead people could cost him his father's freedom?
He knows how it is to be stuck in one place and even if he'd have an issue with him, he would never wish the same fate upon him.
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a small fanart for it (n my design of the kid thats fueled by revange)
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some explanation bout it, too <3
Don't worry bout this edgy kid! Im sure Flasher n Digi will take care of him at some point <3 (at the moment he's around 25 lorewise, since my good sir Digger is 45 in my mind) But yeah, meet Waller's hellhound, who took after his father the typical response to be the one doing everyone's dirty work lmao
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themetallicnemesis · 2 years
Gonna ramble about some of the other characters in the bizarro au besides the ninjas:
-Pixal has never been one of their friends, and is actually one of their most recurring enemies starting from after they take over ninjago. She works as a vigilant by being Samurai X, keeping her identity hidden from everyone to avoid them going after her dad, and doing everything in her power to make it a safer city for her dad to live in but no matter how hard she tries she's still just one single person. Girl never had the "you're just as worth as any human" pep-talk so she doesn't care a lot about what happens to herself here, as long as her dad is fine it's good enough for her. She and Zane also have a weird hero-villain romantic tension that both of them deny to death and all the ninjas tease Zane about (worsties for life <3). Also she probably stole some of Nya's tech years ago and Nya still hates her to death about it
-Skylor never had the ninjas help in dealing with her father and she eventually killed him herself, and so took over as a badass crime boss. Well kinda. She's definitly not taking over the cult stuff, she mostly just sells stuff like weapons, equipaments and information while using her restaurant as a cover. Her most loyal costumer is Kai and surprisingly enough he only comes here for the food. (and maybe her phone number? 👉👈🥺) My guy didn't even notice all the illegal stuff going on here, he just thinks this is a normal ass restaurant with a cute owner that he likes spending time with. He keeps trying to seem like a normal law-abiding citizen (and not the evil warlord henchman that he actually is) when visiting her, cause he's afraid he's going to scare this completly normal business owner off, but Skylor knows exactly who he is so he just seems like a dork. Her second most loyal costumer is Pixal, who comes to get information from here every once in a while
-Harumi can kinda of be counted as a vigilante over here, tecnically *she is* someone who fights against villains, but she's more interested in revenge than actually doing good. She's still very much a girlkill. Btw Lloyd just kinda rejected the green ninja prophecy over here, so she wears green mostly just to spite him.
-Echo is Harumi's partner in crime, she just found this nindroid who looks exactly like one of her enemies and thought "Sweet! Wonder if i can sicc him on them!" and instead got an older brother who cares about her very much, treats her very nicey and bakes her cookies. He's joining her in being a vigilante but he's less interested in the revenge bits, he actually really just wants to do something good to help others. I also gave him Mr. E's sholder pads because i like to think Echo and Mr. E are the same person, so basically this is Mr. E if he wasn't as unwell as in canon and kept on being Echo.
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Questions (sorry if I type alot):
1. how far removed do you like to take the family tree when it comes to cousins and other relations? Like is there a point where it doesn’t matter like third and fourth cousins? (I say this since you mentioned Dove and Tiger would share a same great grandma/great great grandma, making them second/third cousins respectively which on it’s own isn’t really that bad genetic wise but I’m not sure how you categorize it in the rewrite)
2. If Tigerheart isn’t Tawny’s son, why did Rowan name him Tiger-?
3. How far back do the cat track their family lines? Do they call themselves by a specific family name?
Oh hi, don't worry i type alot too, sorry for the long response, but answering your questions:
1 - Well, i prefer to totally remove that they are related by blood if they are a couple, for more genetic diversity, and for new blood in the clan(as inviting loners and kittypets into the clan), one example i can think of is Heathertail and Breezecloud, since i totally rewrote that Onewhisker and Ashfoot are siblings, so now only Ashfoot and Morningflower are siblings from another pairing, while Onewhisker is the solo kit of Wrenflight and Stagleap.
But Breezecloud and Heathertail would be still tecnically related, IF Heathertail was Ruby's kit together with Darktail, but since she is not, they are not related.
However, i'm still thinking about the Tawnyclaw being the mother of Tigerheart thing, since i don't know if i should keep it or not, but i like the idea of Rowanclaw's kits being not related to Tigerclaw, so we have more diversity in Shadowclan, but i think i wouldn't mind making Tawny their mother in all honesty, as you said, it's not that horrible compared to other canon pairings(*cof* *cof* Ivypool and Fernsong *cof* *cof*);
2 - Honestly, i didn't thought of that when i made the Fireheart's family tree, so maybe i will make Rowanclaw rename him, since i was thinking of adding that Tigerclaw could manipulate Shadowclan before trying to murder Star Bluefur, as a fail safe if he couldn't murder her and that Shadowclan was weak at that time, so it was easier, so maybe Rowanpaw was one of the cats that were mostly manipulated by Tigerclaw, and created a admiration for him, but after Shadowclan discovers that they were tricked, so Tigerclaw can have his revenge on Thunderclan, maybe Rowanclaw wanted to name his kit after Tigerclaw as a "Firestar named Brambleclaw that way, so the clan could move on from the past" way, which i really don't like it.
But i'm thinking that i will rename Tigerheart as Talonheart, for Rowanclaw's apprentice that was hated crimed by kittypets(yes, that happened in canon), since i think he would really want to honour his apprentice, i don't know, i want some opinions here.
I hope i answered you questions^^
3- I think i already said in one of my posts, but i track 'till Mapleshade's Vengeance if possible, since if i'm not wrong, this is the most far back the clans was ever written that was still fairly close to the modern clans, and another reason is the impact that this era made on Thunderclan, since i think i didn't mention it yet(which is a crime), but Thunderclan after the Mapleshade's incident revoked all queen's rights, and the queen's rights would only return in Star Bluefur's reign, this brought so many problems in Thunderclan, since she-cats and toms that have kits outside the clan, would HAVE to name the other parent before the kit is born, so i think it made sense in the rewrite sense, as this era was very important to the clans, so why not start by it? Note: Only Thunderclan made this, the other three still had and have queen's right.
I forgot to answer the family name when i answered this, but adding it later better than never: No, while yes that some cat families have a famous, relevant or antagonistic against the clans's cat, and cats in universe can recall it, with some cats having a prejudice against them because of a family member(Brambleflower), or have some expectation on them from being related to some important clan figure(Silverstream or Whitestorm), but the family itself doesn't really have a name, it's more a way that i can organize myself.
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furlight2008 · 2 years
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Yeah that's how i think Oscar looked like as a kid well i had this thought that if we would see Oscar as a kid he would look like this pretty boy and DAMN I complicated myself with Elizabeth's dress Elizabeth was a little tough since uhh tecnically she would be actually like 8 years old at the time and if you wonder what they're childhood was like I'll put it here:
Elizabeth's childhood was a bit tough and heavy since she suffered abuse from her family physically and mentally but thanks to a good man that her mother married with everything changed and she dreamed to be a singer one day (she did as u can see) so at first it was tough but later on it got better :)
Now with Oscar's everything I'll tell here it's not really canon but at some point it could but Oscar suffered abuse too but this from he's father and didn't actually got help..until they send him into an Asylum:"D the only thing I can say it's maybe the only good person that was there for him it was he's Uncle Archie
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luchicm04 · 19 hours
lost in the forest - part 37
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Summary: After so many tensions and problems, the future couple takes a well-deserved break to strengthen their ties.
Pairing: Senju Tobirama/Original Female Character
Tag: #lost in the forest fic
posted on ao3
Word Count: 3.3k
I know that tecnically this fic has an odd nomber of chapters, but ignoring that... WE'VE FINALLY REACHED HALF OF THE STORY!! (sort of) Thank you all for the support it has been recieving since I started writing it like a year ago and for reading. Please leave comments and kudos :3
Also, for the users who said I used too much the pronouns, I got news for you. I used 43 times the word 'know' in this chapter hehe... Let's see how you like it😈
Overall warnings: canon-typical violence, adult content, time skips, angst
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Leaving aside the vertigo due to being on the edge of a striking precipice where the abyss’s air seeps through her traveling yukata with ease, running over her goose-bumps-covered skin... a part of her clings to the armor of the shinobi who carried her like a suitcase. The other admires the panorama bravely. She doesn’t know how to describe it.  
The emotion catches in her throat and Karen can’t help but analyze each part of the structure, or what she can see from a distance.  
“It’s beautiful.” Her voice is upright, as it is so different from what she has been seeing in this reality since she let herself be dragged into the routine. Neither the gorgeous facade of the Daimyo’s castle, nor the shinobi sobriety of the clan, is as breathtaking as what she continues to take up calmly.  
“...” Tobirama, being the bad partner that he is, does not comment on anything else. Despite the fact that they will soon be married, their relationship did not get as close as she hoped... or so she thinks. So, she cannot help but arch her eyebrow at him. “I have nothing to say.”  
“You’re not even trying.”  
“I have no reason to.”  
“You are as dull as dishwater,” Karen complains with a long-suffering sigh, feeling that hand squeeze her waist with an obvious sense of irritation. “And you should stop doing that... it’s annoying.”  
“Do not talk, then.”  
“We’ll be close associates soon; all I ask for is a little more friendship. It’s the least you could do for making this so difficult.” The civilian is honest in what she has been talking about for a while now. She sees the red eyes not at all fascinated by the idea... almost expressionless and annoyed.  
She’s not sure, and she doesn’t want to make assumptions with so little. She learned through Hashirama that she may be confusing things considering the culture shock they still have.  
Tobirama turns around, focusing again on the building that opens up before their eyes. The sober outlook of an ancient oriental temple crowning a mountain range full of nature and simple sounds is the only thing he observes. Karen gets tired of waiting for an answer to her question.  
“How will they get out?” she decides to ask, looking around and seeing nothing but a poor bridge as unsafe as nature in her world. Without wanting to, she imagines too many ideas of how to die in a matter of seconds, clinging to who is at her side. The heat is no longer bothersome or uncomfortable; she has come to the conclusion that that it is something she will not take notice on too much.  
Ever since he first carried her... she feels like a bag of potatoes at the end of it all.  
“They do not have to go out.”  
“Really?” She frowns. “Then what is the bridge for?”  
Tobirama looks at her with a flat expression that is not different from his typical one. Only a blink indicates that he is thinking about answering her or not. Karen blinks some more, insistent and quite challenging, promising to be annoying if he doesn’t. He is a shinobi capable of throwing her off the cliff; it’s foolish to have faith that he won’t do it no matter how much she bothers him. “It is to go in.”  
“The monks come by vocation. It is the initial test.”  
“Huh... I didn’t know they could apply that. It’s just like an entrance exam,” the girl chuckles, easily understanding his words. “So, they don’t come out?”  
“I already said no.”  
She blinks with a frown at such little information.  
“It is a matter of the temple. I am not able to explain their customs.”  
“Then why did you bring me?”  
“So you could see it.”  
“I’m sure that’s not true, but I’ll pretend I believe you,” the girl comments, feeling a gripping firm hand as a warning of their change of location. She closes her eyes out of normal inertia. She may be almost used to this type of transportation, but the emotion in her stomach is still the same tight anxiety of each space jump.  
She listens to the branches, the wind blowing through them, hanging on more and more to the body that carries her. She hears an amused snort that she easily ignores just when the ground is finally felt under her feet. She blinks... the civilian whistles excitedly, not paying attention to her dizzy state.  
Visiting the temple up close feels more intimidating and mystical.  
They are greeted by a man with a bald head and typical Buddhist clothing with slight adjustments to the culture of this reality. Large rosary-like balls are hung around his neck and his closed eyes indicate that despite not seeing them, he is attentive to their figures. “Welcome, Tobirama-sama... Karen-sama.”  
“Dharma-san.” The Senju bows respectfully. The civilian, although late, does the same in her own way, not surprised that they know her name. She assumes her future husband has sent notice of their unexpected visit, so she smiles at the one who still hasn’t opened his eyes.  
“We have been waiting for you,” is the only thing the stranger points out, bowing and letting them through. The creaking of the old wood can be heard, making her look up just as the doors slowly open. Karen opens her eyes widely... it’s a completely different world.  
She can almost point out references to the cartoon her sister watched. Avatar... something? One of the few times where she saw a temple just as amazing.  
Like an air temple.  
She had visited some hot springs in the north of the country, hidden among caves that had become a regular tourist center when she had free time and money. This one is different. Wide, with rocks jutting out subtly scattered along the warm lake, which makes her look at the sky. There is no roof, showing the beautiful view of the mountain peaks peeking through the walls.  
Karen can’t help but laugh. Although shocked by the way the temple is run and how she was kept away from the key points of secrecy, she has discovered that religion is a rather severe thing. She didn’t know that Tobirama was so knowledgeable on the subject.  
Explaining to her the ins and outs of every detail that she didn’t know.  
She was never the best at listening to mystical things. She did like history and topics on that matter though, but sometimes her interest would be lost when they focused on the appearance of a lady who had to be locked up by her children.  
This is not like the stories she knows... it’s weirder.  
“Mph... I guess this is what I get,” she says to herself, closing her eyes. She feels the warmth begin to completely relax her from the tension she has been dragging around for days. First because of her friend’s wedding, then because of those kisses he gave her along with a farewell that she saw through, even though she didn’t feel anything.  
Karen touches her lips absentmindedly... she remembers the feeling and it’s frustrating to recall how naive she had been.  
“You should not fall asleep,” someone points out, startling her. She sits up, leaning on the stone she had been using as support in the hot water, looking accusingly without understanding the origin of the voice.  
She recognizes it... but it’s impossible, right?  
“This is a mixed bathroom,” the man comments again, making her blush as she hides under the water in frustration for not seeing him.  
What is Tobirama doing here?  
“Uh... a warning would be nice,” she complains angrily about such an embarrassing scene. She is not used to being taken by surprise naked since they always tend to respect her space.  
What has changed?  
The girl can only hear his inexpressive snort, hidden somewhere.  
Karen deigns to let this pass, as long as he doesn’t come too close... so, she drops the matter to force herself to relax, leaning against the rock again and looking at the sky, frustrated at not being able to sleep. “You know, where I can from, there are no mixed hot springs baths.”  
“That is not something that interests me.”  
“I know, but it doesn’t hurt to explain my surprise,” she says casually with her heart so agitated by the strange situation. “So that’s what you get.”  
The man stays silent for a while. “Still, you should not sleep here. We are not in the compound.”  
“It’s a temple.”  
“There are men like me... they can also come in.”  
“They are monks.”  
“I will not explain this. You know what the issue is,” Tobirama states slowly. It bothers him that she uses that ‘stupid’ tone that makes him bite his lip. “You were very exposed and vulnerable.”  
“So that’s why you came in?”  
The girl doesn’t know whether to laugh at such a strange excuse. “You should have warned me before. I almost spit my heart out because of you.”  
“That is impossible.”  
“You know what I mean,” Karen rolls her eyes looking at the sky again. There is a comfortable silence... She closes her eyes again, relaxing a little more.  
“Falling asleep in the hot springs is dangerous,” the shinobi explains calmly.  
“Really?” Karen huffs. “You know, I didn’t know you were this annoying. I’m sure when you go to the hot springs, you don’t let anyone relax.”  
“It is none of your business.”  
“I know that many things are none of my business, but... I really want to endure what we’re going to do the best I can, you know?”  
“Why? ...It is just a facade contract.”  
“I know what it is, but we will be living in the same house.”  
“As long as you do not get in my way.”  
“Tobirama, please?” Karen snorts tiredly without taking her eyes off the view in the background. “I want to get to know you better since we’ll be in the same house. Your quirks, your favorite foods, colors...”  
“What foods you hate, what teas you prefer... also, what area you will use for work in the house and the hours when you usually arrive to eat. Of course, with Kaori’s help.”  
“You said you had never thought about marriage before... You do not have to overthink things.”  
“I’m not overthinking things... see it as payment for being stuck with me.”  
“Besides, I’ve caused a lot of trouble,” she adds angrily again, meaning on the rock. Karen feels too much for so little that she doesn’t understand or handle it well. It’s not the same as working in a company or helping shinobi with their bureaucratic matters... Love is a subject she will be touching anytime soon, although she knows that upon her return, she will have to face Hashirama and Mito.  
She won’t tell them... it’s for the best, but she feels bad about it.  
“It is not your fault,” Tobirama brings her out of her thoughts, making her frown. ...Does he read minds?  
“You don’t know what I think.”  
“I know what torments you.”  
She growns, remembering how embarrassed she should have been when she cried out of frustration for not having realized. “...Did everybody really know?” she questions.  
“Your question is stupid.”  
“It’s not for me.” Karen crosses her arms, still naked under the water. She remains silent for a while. “You know... I really thought it was friendship. He’s a good friend... a very kind person.”  
“My brother has always been like this.”  
“Yes, an angel,” she easily accepts, thinking of that man. “But... love...? I am too old, even for you.”  
“Age has nothing to do with it.”  
She wants to tell him that age does have a lot to do with it, not only in terms of performance in bed, but also in terms of interests and everything that can happen in forced cohabitation. It’s not just 5 years that she is older than them... although she doesn’t know their exact ages, she estimates that they are younger than her by about 8 or 10 years.  
She doesn’t know, and although time here is so different... she is no longer 30, although there are almost no physical changes, nor wrinkles, she mentally thinks.  
“It’s hard to explain.” The woman decides to leave the point before her confidence goes away with the wind. “I like mochi... I don’t like sake, but I do like the green tea that Kaori prepares with honey,” she begins to ramble on about things that are less tense than her problems and various thoughts.  
“I know.”  
“You like to look at the landscape between the compounds, the numbers; you are good and organized; you hate that men underestimate your work and bother girls to such an extent that you are capable of going against them, despite your obvious disadvantage or danger of death,” Tobirama comments in a mechanical tone that she does not know how to receive. “Stupid in trusting and foolish in observing too much only what you want.”  
“I don’t know if I should be offended by that.” Karen stands up, leaning on the stone without looking around beyond where she knows the shinobi is. “It’s unfair that you know me more than I know you, isn’t it?”  
“You do not need to know me. You are a civilian; it is easy to observe you.”  
“Have you been watching me?!”  
“I will not answer to that.”  
Karen snorts at such an insolent comment after saying so much. “Tobirama... it’s unfair that you don’t answer me.” She falls silent for a bit more. “I’ll ask Hashirama,” she sits back down in the water, annoyed.  
The shinobi, too, stays silent. “I like fresh fish. I enjoy reading, researching and experimenting. I do not like sweet food, red tea and working with Uchihas.”  
“You have to get over that last thing,” the civilian laughs, surprised by such comments. “Wow... you are so normal, you know? You would have a lot of fun in my world. There is so much to read...”  
“I can imagine.”  
“Plus, you learn languages very quickly,” the woman agrees easily leaning on the stone.  
“Thanks, I guess... for telling me,” Karen comments casually, thinking a little more. “We need to adapt a space in the house for reading and a room for your experiments.”  
“No. It is fine the way it is.”  
“Come on, I wouldn’t like you to not see that house as a home,” she states, imagining the space to read, placed with some pillows and a large window where the fresh air could sneak in. “Of course, if it’s possible.”  
“It is.”  
“Oh, really?”  
“I can work on it.”  
Karen doesn’t know if he’s showing off or hogging the activity. “I can help.”  
“Seriously... I can also design the area. I would like it to have a very large space, with a huge window where the light could enter.”  
“I shall write it down.”  
“Haa... you won’t even let me participate. You’ve down a lot of the housework.”  
After a tense silence, Tobirama speaks. “I enjoy it,” he admits.  
“Oh... I see.” Karen sets the point aside without any kind of stubbornness in the middle. “You should have started there. Have you thought about doing architectural missions?”  
“There are not many.”  
“I know but, in the future, maybe with more renown and more clans with us, we can promote those missions.”  
“I wish people could have those opinions... if they are not fit to kill.”  
“We are shinobis.”  
“I know you are, but sometimes there are more sensitive people and even if they don’t admit it, they are affected by so much murder...” She sighs, remembering what she has talked about with Hashirama during each meeting. “The Yamanaka are really good with the mind.”  
“They are. When facing one, they are annoying, but physically weak.”  
“Hashirama told me that they have good mental techniques. I wouldn’t be surprised if they studied the mind and its ills.”  
“What you can psychology.”  
“Yes. It would be good if applied on shinobis, as an extra support to not break on their ninja path.”  
“It sounds logical,” Tobirama replies with a tone of wisdom from having seen so much in these years, despite being so young... She doesn’t say anything else. Karen closes her eyes quite satisfied with this exchange... She doesn’t know when she fell asleep.  
However, waking up in her room already changed was surprisingly embarrassing.  
She snorts... of course, the man has seen her naked before during those bad days that she’d rather forget... so, she stays in that room a little longer, peering out the window to see the enormous room.  
Karen prefers to settle back down to sleep, unaware that she was being watched...  
When they left, the feeling of that coldness that the man radiated was less dense than before. Karen still feels that this outing is a success if it will make their coexistence less annoying and forced than she thought, so she does not avoid looking at him that morning with a smile on her face.  
“What?” the man huffs indignantly at the door of his room, already bathed and with his armor on just as he passes through the exit hallway.  
“Nothing... you know, I feel better after yesterday’s conversation.”  
Tobirama doesn’t show anything, but she can almost see him rolling his eyes. “It was not much. You still do not know a lot about me.”  
“I know, but it’s progress, isn’t it?”  
“As if that would help.”  
“Maybe not for you, but for me, I don’t know... maybe one day I’ll prepare fresh fish for you. Kaori-san taught me how to fish.”  
The Senju looks strange for a few seconds. “Let us go. We will arrive at the compound this afternoon.”  
“So soon?”  
“I received a message from Hashirama. The response from the Nara, Yamanaka and Akimichi clan arrived.”  
“Oh...” She blinks, looking at the point where he is going. “I see...” the girl sighs because she had become accustomed to this more relaxed atmosphere. It’s not that it bothers her to see the leader... she just feels it will be uncomfortable.  
“I will be with you.”  
“I know you will,” she agrees without paying enough attention to the thorough details of her future husband. A mistake, she would later realize. Karen looks around in detail to record in her mind. “It’s a shame we have to leave soon.”  
Tobirama doesn’t say anything as he starts walking, almost leaving her behind. “Izuna is an idiot.”  
“Oh... something else happened, then?”  
“I will explain on the way,” the man accepts, bidding farewell to the monk who was already at the door. She blinks, smiling and thanking him wholeheartedly for the attention in such a short time. “Let us go home,” Tobirama whispers very closely to take her carefully.  
He’s different... less cold and more personal when he carries her with care.  
“?!” She can’t help but be surprised, silencing any sarcastic or shocked comments that the woman might express. The albino, even though he doesn’t say anything, looks at her with a slight frown. “I didn’t say anything.”  
“No, but I am sure you are thinking it.”  
“You know me,” the woman states shamelessly, guessing that she can’t hide enough from the shinobis. Something terrifying when remembering well what he said in the hot springs, but she stays quiet. “Home?”  
“Home.” The shinnobi presses her against him. Karen doesn’t notice any of the extra care she’s receiving this time. She feels something has changed, but it is lost in the speed at which they shoot off, listening to the man’s murmur, giving details of what happened in their brief absence.  
Sure, with the exception of the bureaucratic and political chaos that Izuna caused with the Hyūgas, the rest was alright. ...How can they throw away months of negotiations in just one day?! She will discover it when she returns and maybe, just maybe... she will ask Tobirama to kill the Uchiha for her.  
Whose idea was it to leave him with her job?  
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A/N: For a moment, I had author’s block on this story, so I brought it up slightly... As you can see, their non-relationship has become less tense, although of course it was for Karen since Tobirama cared a lot about it (not really, since he was aware of every detail, the house, the wedding, etc. But that’s something she doesn’t pay enough attention to, claiming it’s because she’s not familiar with the culture), the civilian thought a lot about how they should be more cordial.
A significant change for her... a very big one for Tobirama who, the more he interacts with his future wife... he feels... he is more confused, although quite observant and careful with Karen because of her weakness and lack of chakra (he lies to himself)
How will she see Hashirama? What did Izuna do to offend the Hyūgas? ...That’s why people should be trained and not thrown into a job they thought was easy to get her out of the game while Hashirama settled down with his wife and stopped thinking about Karen and the kisses he stole from her.
Poor guy.
Thank you for your kudos/notes and comments.
Author-chan out! 
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anitalianfrie · 6 months
🍄 & ☁️ for the ask game?
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
uhh this is... tricky because i mainly dabble in rpf on here and having headcanons on that is... yeah. (i'm also shitty at formulating them, but that's another can of worms)
but anyway, i'm giving you galex. i bet my ass that wenever george cries (and taking into consideration his ineherent eye-wetness and wet-cat energy, i think it's really often) alex laughs in his face, because that's what best friends do, but it's not meanly, it's affectionate. (this only happens when we're talking about stupid shit. alex enters into serious mode as soon as it's something more serious)
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
uhm okay. so. picture me, if you will, at the tender age of 13. As every 13 years old on the planet, i wanted a cool instagram username, and a friend suggested "italianfries" wich was, unfortunately, taken. So i started to use it as "anitalianfrie" (without realizing that it's tecnically grammatically incorrect for, i kid you not, four years) and it became my main username. when i got tumblr, i used it, same for twitter and tiktok. Now the only place where i use it is on here because i realized that having my normal accounts linked to my rpf insane unhinged blog was maybe not the smartest thing to do
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bixxelated · 11 months
First Meetings
(fic on archiveofourown)
st ladies appreciation week day three prompt: favorite underrated dynamic
i know tecnically this is cheating a little bit because it's not a canon dynamic. but you can't tell me it wouldnt be awesome for these two badass ladies to meet.
this isnt in the same continuity as moonlight/sunlight series, but i dont think it falls under canon either so…? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
From what El had told them before, Kali Prasad didn’t seem like the kind of person who cared about appearances. Her sense of fashion seemed to lean towards quite the opposite, considering the dark, rebellious look El had sported after meeting her (and insisted on wearing for many months after her return to Hawkins, to Hop’s despair). And considering her lifestyle, she probably didn’t blink twice at doing things that would have made people like say, Karen Wheeler’s book club go white as a sheet.
Still, that doesn’t change the fact that Joyce would have liked to meet Kali under much better circumstances. Preferably not in an apocalyptic Hawkins overrun by Upside Down monsters. Definitely not dirty, exhausted, and bound to a pole by a bunch of military assholes. 
Assholes who should be focusing on helping them eliminate the root cause of said apocalypse, instead of doing everything in their power to undermine Joyce and everyone’s attempts to fix this. Joyce is so tired of getting yelled at by angry soldiers with guns.
They don’t have much time. From what she can hear in the camp, it seems like they’ve managed to find where Hopper and the others, including many of the kids, are hunkering down, and they’re planning to spring an ambush. Worse still, there’s talk of shipping Kali off to some other facility outside of Hawkins, in the hopes of breaking her into becoming their attack dog if they’re able to get her under their control. 
From the stories El has told her about Kali, Joyce doesn’t think they’ll be able to, but she hates to think of the alternative. It burns almost as much as if they had been talking about her own daughter.
“You’re Kali, right?” Joyce whispers while the soldiers are distracted with packing up camp. “The one who can do illusions?” 
There’s a confused pause. “That’s right.” Kali eventually confirms.
Joyce takes a deep breath, working on the ropes with the knife she’d had the foresight to keep in her boot. “I have an idea for escape, but I’m going to need your help.”
“Ah.” Kali shifts in place. “Well, I’d be happy to, but as you can see I’m a bit indisposed at the moment.”
Well, that’s true. It’s clear they took the trouble to not underestimate Kali. Unlike Joyce, they’ve handcuffed her, and blindfolded her as well. In very different circumstances she might’ve thought it clever, the way they were able to prevent her from using her powers against them, but it’s just one more complication for escaping. Can’t use your illusions if you don’t know what it is you’re seeing, after all.
“Right.” Joyce feels the ropes give away. The skin on her hand burns slightly from where she nicked herself a bit, but it gives her an idea. They’re going to need a clean escape if they want to get to Hopper in time.  She reaches out, and as slowly as possible, partially lifts Kali’s blindfold. Just enough so that it looks like she’s still blinded from a distance. “Don’t worry, honey. I’m going to get us out of here.”
Kali blinks at her from the edges of her vision. “What are you planning?”
“A way out, if everything goes right.” Joyce says, and slowly shifts back into place with her hands behind her back. It doesn’t look like anyone saw her. Good. “Can you make it so it looks like I’m still tied to the post?”
Kali side-eyes her, trying to get a good enough look to replicate her. “It might not be very accurate.” She warns.
“That’s fine. I just need them not to notice for five minutes.”
Kali’s mouth quirks up. “I can more than manage that.”
Joyce nods and ducks down behind the closest row of boxes and barrels all lying around. She rolls up her sleeve and braces herself. The knife hurts a lot more when Joyce carefully slices a thin line on the outside of her forearm, but it gets the job done. She creeps all over camp and uses her hand to smear her blood all over the containers, careful to not let herself get seen. She moves quickly and quietly, heart beating hummingbird fast in her throat, until she finds what she’s looking for—the keys to Kali’s cuffs.
It’s just in time, too. 
“Hey, what are you up to?” She hears from a distance, and sucks in a startled breath, but is quickly distracted by the terrifying roar that suddenly cuts through the air. Clearly the rest of the camp is distracted by it too, quickly growing quiet.
The roaring grows louder and louder. More shrieking starts to join them. 
Joyce peeks over a barrel and sees a dumbstruck soldier lift his gun into the air. But he has no chance to shoot before large talons swoop over and rip him away from the ground.
Then it’s chaos.
At once an endless number of Upside Down creatures start swooping in on the camp, drawn by the scent of blood everywhere. Joyce quickly ducks back down behind the barrel for safety. She cuts some plaid fabric off from her own shirt and wraps it tightly around her forearm, hoping to make herself less of a smelly target with the monsters quickly overrunning the camp.
From there it's a mad sprint over to Kali, to undo her handcuffs, and then over to the military vans as well. There’s no one who’s open to stop them. The few idiots who try are quickly snatched up into the air.
They quickly find a van with the door open and the keys still in place. Whatever unlucky driver it had before must have been caught by a monster as well.
“Drive, drive!” Kali yells at her, and Joyce hits the gas pedal. They tear off through camp, swerving in between panicked soldiers before they reach the metal gates. Joyce doesn’t hesitate, crashing through it even if it means that they leave it open for more earthbound monsters to pour it. Somehow, Joyce can’t find it in herself to feel sorry for the soldiers they left behind.
“Wooo!” Kali cheers, banging on the dashboard as they pull onto the road. “That was amazing! How did you do all of that?”
“Ah, well.” Joyce blushes in embarrassment. “Tricks of the trade, I suppose. You pick things up when you’ve been fighting literal bloodthirsty monsters for years.”
“It was pretty bitchin’, I’ll give you that.” Kali smirks, crossing her arms and leaning back in her seat. “I owe you one, lady.”
“Not at all. You’re Jane’s sister,” Joyce says, which makes Kali’s eyes go wide. “Which means you’re family. I could never forgive myself if I left you to those assholes.”
“You know Jane?”
“I’m her mother.” Joyce smiles. “Joyce Hopper, nice to meet you. She’s told me a lot about you.”
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aresuna · 2 years
I read your answers to my question and I don't understand one of them. Are you saying Murata trained with Sabito in the AU and went to the Final Selection first? Is he older than them here? I kinda guess they're the same age in canon
Hello there, sorry these were taking so long :'D I was searching for a new job and for an apartment
I'm sorry if my writing caused confusion, I am not good with words but yes, Murata was placed in canon!Sabitos place. he is a spirit training sabito so he can get through the selection
Yeahh, this really isn't going with canon, I switched a lot of ages around
And yes he is tecnically older, but he died around their age
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bunnyai · 2 years
fun esys fun facts cause callie's 16th borthday was yesterday
all demons can take human form, but it varies on preference what they look like (ex; iris takes a form similar to her last contractor) - going off that last bit iris is able to hang around callie in her human form under the assumption that the local college has a tutoring program for high schoolers and callie can't focus well in the library - rina and callie are bilingual besties!! both are native english speakers but rina can speak spanish because of her mom alicia's side of the family, and callie primarily speaks japanese at home - callie's birthday is august 7th, rina's is april 12th, and peter's is november 15th. tecnically iris doesn't have a birthday, but she and callie celebrate it as october 30th, the day she was summoned - in total there's 5 demons i plan on introducing, with one 3 of them being plot relevant and the other 2 being there for world building - in canon, there is a human designated to take care of all demon-human relations who has their own demon around. primarily they just help settle contracts or help get things renewed if need be - callie's mom himawari is a social butterfly and more of a people person compared to her daughter and husband. she and iris are gossip besties and their friendship is very cute i like it a lot
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sunshadow-kitten · 2 years
I know this is kinda late but i joined this site yesterday and it's still tecnically pride month. (all of the following are in headcanons and ships zone, they're just my personal view of these characters)
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Humanoid! Cube, La Danse Macabre, Baracuda & Blixer from Just Shapes And Beats. I love these stupid rarepairs. I thought I was so smart with the raimbow triangles
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Humanoid! Victim, TDL, TSC& Green from AvA/AvM. I headcanon all the sticks as Nonbinary, it just kinda feels icky assigning them "male" and "female". Idk why I Headcanon Dark as Aroace he just gave me vibes im sorry.
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(Also from AvA/AvM)I was originaly indifferent on Red x Purple as a ship until I found out that some possible ship names are "Raspberry" and "Jazzberry Jam" and sorry I can't not ship is after that.
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Lastly probably the most cannon out of these. This is Hugo and Varian from Varian and the Seven Kingdoms, a series that does not exist. I belive I heard some where that they would have been canon had disney not been a bunch of stupid idiots and rejected it! I love these gay alchemy boys
I can only draw humanoids lol.
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idk how many people would even want to see this BUT i wanna yell about Leela and Brax so here's a list of all their scenes togethr/scenes pertainng to them that i can recall (pLEASE add on if i missed anything/ you have any additional thoughts!! i could talk about these two all day!)
right off the bat in Weapon of Choice when Leela is on the outskirts of the Citadel and Brax goes to bring her back (which is interesting in and of itself, bc usually i would imagine a chancellery guard would go do that so what made Brax decide to instead??), Leela kinda goes off at him bc she's hurting and instead of trying to actually explain what's going on Brax doesn't even try to argue he just says "we need you" which is great bc Leela has that instinctive desire to be needed and to help people and he's speaking right to that -- also as far as we know, this is Leela and Brax's first actual meeting in canon? it's implied that they know of each other, which makes sense, but it doesn't seem like they've ever directly interacted before: Brax seems almost slightly uncertain, and Leela is combative, but when he's gentle with her she's actually quite receptive
the literal next scene after that, where the OT4 is all in one room for the first time (they still kinda hate each other at this point but still !!!). Narvin explaining Gryben and being a real jerk about it and Leela (understandibly!) questions if Gryben is a prison world, and Brax (who to this point has been mostly quiet as Narvin and Romana brief Leela) jumps in to both clarify Narvin's previous xenophobic statements while also maintaining the inherent questionable/negative connotations
(btw it's actually pretty important to note that Romana self-edits herself a lot when talking to Leela, especially in the earlier seasons; you can actually hear her revising the things she says to put it in terms that she thinks Leela will better understand. and i mean she does it out of genuine consideration for her friend associate but it often comes across as varying levels of patronizing. Narvin also obviously "dumbs things down" when dealing with Leela early on, but like... Brax never does that on any level. the only difference i can tell in how he addresses Leela vs how he talks to anybody else is that he seems much more kind with her than almost anyone else???)
their conversation about the Matrix in The Inquiry: this is REALLY important (and if you've ever talked to me on ao3 i've probably gone off to you about it lol) because it's layered. they're talking about the Matrix but they're also not because in answering Leela's question Brax is making a very thinly veiled allegory (which he outright states a minute later) to Time Lord society/politicians/most importantly HIMSELF -- he's actually strangely open about his morals/beliefs in this scene and i'm living for it tbh -- and i find it very interesting that even though he does directly explain what he means ("how do you know all this?" / "because i am a politician.") he also leaves it for Leela to work out the implications. like it's a very nuanced conversation bc there's double meaning in it and most people on Gallifrey seem to think that Leela is tone-deaf and can't pick up on that stuff (even Romana sometimes oversimplifies things to her) but Brax totally just lets her take from it what she will bc he believes her intelligent enough to understand. he doesn't think her any lesser because she's human.
ALSO on a secondary note to the above: the fact that Leela has a question/needed clarification (sorry, haven't listened to this in a while i forget how it actually happened) and actively sought out Brax to talk to about it?? like she knows Romana better she could have gone to her but i feel like Leela kinda imprinted on Brax and someone she can go to for help if she needs it; maybe it's partly bc she knows he's under marginally less pressure than Romana is but also the truth of the matter is that Brax was the most genuinely helpful person to her in the previous stories and that probably means a lot to her (esp. bc he acts like the essence of everything she hates about Gallifrey but he doesn't treat her the way she would expect from that). btw this topic is gonna come up again in a hot minute
that part where Brax gives her that information that might help her re: the Andred thing, even though he really probably shouldn't have done that -- it kinda makes me think about what he must have been like with Theta tbh???
actually this is mostly my own conjecture but there's some neat stuff in Spirit bc during the *waves hand vaguely* bodyswap dream sequence thing, Romana is very "!!!! Brax can help us !!!" which is tecnically Leela brain talking, so like there's the implications of the stuff i've said above about Leela having this idea of Brax where she knows he's someone she can go to for help
can u tell i'm soft for them
Leela sounding really sad/distracted when she talks about how Brax isn't there YES i'm grasping at straws but a lot of this relationship really is conveyed through the voice acting bc of how little direct focus there is on the characters. there's actually several scenes in Mindbomb where she mentions him and she outright says that she misses him during her discussion with Matthias
that implied scene with them in Mindbomb!! i have a Lot of thoughts about that!!! it's all conjecture and fanfic fodder!!! but the reason i mention this is because it seems pretty meta that out of the whole Gally Gang, it's Leela who first sees Brax when he comes back to Gallifrey and in turn she's the first person (besides Matthias, i guess) that he sees upon his return?? idk i just feel like that's somehow a meaningful detail??? also her reaction of utter shock after spending the entire episode missing him and how worked up she is when she tries to tell Romana, like I desperately need to know what happened in this missing scene MR RICHARDS PLEASE TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED
Leela insisting on going with Brax when Pandora starts hurting him and their whole conversation there is just. so good. like they're both just so soft and then when Darkel comes in Leela instantly goes into protective mode. like they just have such an open relationship bc Brax doesn't even try to be all pretentious with her, like he doesn't even try to keep up any facades when he's with her he's just very genuine and it really says a lot about both of them -- Leela is so good at seeing people, like getting down to the core of who people are and what makes them them (which is why she's good for Romana, btw, bc Romana has a lot of identity issues) and Brax is so tangled up in who he presents himself as that he barely knows who he actually is anymore but Leela can see that and she makes it so he can truly be himself and he doesn't have to hide. also she's so gentle with him when they talk about Pandora, she's very caring and empathetic and wants to make sure he's okay and i am WEAK
it's been a hot while since i listened to Panacea but I think i remember Brax being really soft with Leela when he first brings the gang to the Axis, like just sounding really glad to see her
ok other than the fact that Brax is lowkey relatable in Reborn (daydreaming fanfic about yourself/people you know? simping for Mary Tamm Romana? yeah mood, my man) there's that scene where they're first appraoching the Citadel on the alt!Gallifrey and it seems like none of them, and Brax specifically, have seen it from the outside in a good long while bc he's very in awe and he tells Leela that he wishes she could see it and he sounds sO hEcKiNg sOFT oh my word-
and once again with Leela thinking of Brax as someone she trusts for help: in Dissassembled when everything is going to crap she straight-up says that she wants to go find Brax bc he'll know what to do/be able to help
at the beginning of Annihilation when Romana is depressed and questioning if Brax truly was her friend and Leela INSTANTLY, NO HESITATION assures her that he was; i lost where i had her exact lines written down but she actually kinda goes off to make sure Romana gets the point
literally forcing myself to talk about this bc it makes my brain stall out but like,,, the Brax Hound in Annihilation,,, Leela being like "goodbye, Braxiatel... again" she sounds so sad and like UGH i always kinda forget how sad it actually is for them to lose Brax in Dissassembled bc like, it was so sudden and they didn't get to say goodbye and Leela is always losing people and i have many many feels about this scene and how all that emotion is made very clear in how they each respond to the Hound (might make a separate post abt this later if anyone is interested ::eyes::)
Enemy Lines is utter bullcrap about these two and I will never stop being salty about how they not only sidelined the very good, very subtle friendship they had in s1-4, but they??? made Leela acutally not trust Brax??? when literally this entire time she's been the one person who probably genuinely trusts him the most?? what the heck, David
I haven't heard TW3 or 4 yet but i'm assuming there's nothing worthwhile in those with regards to this duo (correct me if i'm wrong tho lol, i would love to be mistaken in this assumption)
TL;DR Leela and Brax mututally imprinted on each other and have probably the most open and healthy relationship within the OT4 and it is an absolute CRIME that nobody besides Gary Russell and Justin Richards cared enough to actually build on it in canon
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