#“but sahe he has a canon look” DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A FUCK
jaxxsoxxn · 5 months
Hi, first, i need to say that i love work and your AU. Second, i have some hcs if you are intrested, specificlly about Owen:
He didn't died when he was 8, he survivid, using the same tecnic that Eobard use when he got shot in the head.
Now i gonna explain how, so Owen is Digger and Meloni's son, and Meloni's father is Eobard;
Owen have a negative conection with the speed force, because Eobard have it, and Meloni have this conection as a recesive gen, and his father ( in the comics) doesn't have any kind of conection, so by genetic he get the same conection as Eobard.
In conclusion, with this such traumatic event, he became a full negative speedster, and he end up doing not so good things, and have this Black part in his eyes.
Sorry if i said some stupid shit, haven't read the comics. And inglesh is not my first lenguage, so theres sure mistakes in text. ❤
*johnny bravo voice* Woah mamma!
thank u for dat, Kaliesuriens! (noting the fact that u liked my bsing about hail/cold weather: if no-one got me, I know Kaliesuriens got me!)
Me, actively ignoring canon Owen bc he's full of time travel bs: D:
Also me, loving the idea of Owen being a speedster by blood and not the good one: :D
He was eight years old when it happened - eight years old and dead. He woke up in a bag, which was painfully slowly dragged along. Well, maybe dragged was a bit too rough of a word for it. He was carried around, but it seemed like every single step took hours. His hands reached to grab it, not fully understanding the situation, when he just went through the material.
Owen felt short of breath, his eyes moving faster than light, his whole body moving faster than light. His stomach was wet, for some reason, and the strangers around him cocked their heads in his general direction, but it felt like they took years to do so. He didn't want to be here, he couldn't understand what was happening.
So he ran.
By the time he realized how fast he was running, it was too late. He had no idea where was he or where was his dad. His stomach ached, so he finally stopped on the side of a random highway, checking it out. While the material was bloody, under it his skin was slowly coming together, healing the wound. He found himself watching it with horrid curiosity, his mind empty.
He didn't exactly feel hungry, but he felt weak. Slowly, stared to run again. It took him a very short time for a human to understand what was happening, but for a speedster? It felt like days went past. He knew of Flash, his father having "inside information" about the man, and it wasn't exactly hard to put two and two together.
But there was no excitement, only bland bitterness. Was his power the reason why he was separated from his dad? Was his power the reason for the hole in his stomach?
Was it the reason why he couldn't stop stomping on the border of Speedforce and normal time?
His mind and body were stuck in their too fast for normal humans ways. Aging took him a hundred times as long, and it seemed he couldn't be let go of. Even when he finally found his father, one single time after two years, he couldn't tell him of his body and mind still being here.
Sometimes he saw a few weird men there and there - some flashlike, some more like the reverse version of the man. He started taking advantage of his half-being by bringing hurt to people who stood in his way in any shape or form. How dare they? He tried so hard to be set free, just for them to not even cherish their freedom?
How could they?
The first time he and Reverse Flash met, he was fifteen. Godspeed just got freed from the Speedforce and Thawne, like usually, had to run - away or against Flashfamily? It didn't matter, it never did. He was just so bitter - why can he get out whenever and all he does is go back? Always, always, always-
Before he noticed, he put a foot in front of the man, with enough speed in his step to get there in a 0.0001 second, or whatever. A yellow Flash costume flew with its owner's body inside, Thawne as shocked as the Flash family standing behind him. There was a horrid, cold zap of electricity when he showed up, his whole body heaving when his lungs suddenly needed air.
He was back, or as back as he could be. There was something wrong with his body though, his arms and legs shielded by a black lightning, electricity in the air making other's hair stand. He felt twitchy, needing to move, needing to run. So he did, ignoring confused stares and the sound of footsteps after him.
He was free.
He went to find his father, who was as hard to get to as always. It took him a while. It took him too long. What he ended up finding was a group of rouges messed up and lacking a member. He was everything, but happy. Using the knowledge he acquired as a kid and mixing it with his power, he became for a while Captain Boomerang The Second, until he could find his father.
Imagine his shock, his surprise and his anger when it appeared that a woman called "Amanda Waller" got him not only collared, but also chipped. You never realize how scary is a speedster until it's too late.
Or would be if not his meeting with Kid Flash, who happened to be there. They called him Junior Revers Flash, the speedster family, like it was about them. Like it ever could be. But they also practically handed him over to the woman.
The bomb didn't do jack shit, and trying to cancel his speed with the same weapons as they cancel Flash's speed worked out as well*. But she finally figured it out, because of course she did. Now, he was paying for it, but was the deal not worth it, when few dead people could cost him his father's freedom?
He knows how it is to be stuck in one place and even if he'd have an issue with him, he would never wish the same fate upon him.
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a small fanart for it (n my design of the kid thats fueled by revange)
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some explanation bout it, too <3
Don't worry bout this edgy kid! Im sure Flasher n Digi will take care of him at some point <3 (at the moment he's around 25 lorewise, since my good sir Digger is 45 in my mind) But yeah, meet Waller's hellhound, who took after his father the typical response to be the one doing everyone's dirty work lmao
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rosethornewrites · 3 years
T and G rated fics I read this weekend!
This is all The Untamed/MDZS fics.
So I learned last week that I can only add 100 links. And I read over 100 fics 😬 so now this is gonna be two posts. Additionally, I’ll likely start posting these daily from now on. It just gets to be a lot.
Tumblr Fics:
BEETOBER 2021 DAY 2 - EARRING, by @bloody-bee-tea
Rated T:
find a home in him, by makebelieveanything and nerdzeword
“Come on a-Cheng, let’s go,” she prodded, gently ushering him out the door as she handed off jackets to both boys.
“Why the fuck is he always doing stupid shit and making us run after him for?” Jiang Cheng complained as he shrugged into his jacket, Lan Wangji donning his own in silence.
“Wangji?” Yanli prodded gently. “Are you alright?”
“... what if we never find him?”
“We will,” Yanli said confidently.
or Modern AU where Wei Wuxian runs away from his foster home when he turns 18, and it doesn't end the way he planned.
My Brother's Keeper - Purple Years (The first stage of grief), by ArchiveWriter
Set after WWX plunges from the cliff after the battle at Nightless City. The ramblings of Jiang Cheng's mind in the first stage of grief, flicking back and forth between the past and then.
thank you, drunk me, by carmiemaybe (glazedlilies)
Or where Lan Zhan is confused at Wei Ying's behaviour after the previous, drunken night's events.
This Grave Will Not Be Mine, by Rana Eros (ranalore)
The Burial Mounds' claim to Wei Wuxian has been superceded.
Qinghe Jue, by Merinnan
Nie Mingjue promised to protect his brother. He wasn't going to let qi deviating and dying at Jinlintai stop him from keeping that promise.
With What Proof, by Preludian_Staves
"I know he did it!"
"What proof do you have?"
Meeting the Family, by sami (part of a series)
Wei Wuxian has a secret.
I’ll stick to my single-log bridge till it’s dark, by autumncolour
Can’t anyone give me a nice, favorable road to walk on?
Lan Wangji leaves the Burial Mounds. Wei Wuxian gets drunk. The night in Yiling is clear and dark, and full of thick, half-understood longing.
Love Me on the Sunlit Grass, by Eliza (second in a series)
Zizhen will always be there when Jin Ling calls in a panic about his uncle.
the mutability of survival, by tunnelOFdawn
All the ways Lan Zhan, Wei Ying, and Jiang Cheng could have died in canon.
i'll keep walking, by justdoityoufucker
Wen Qing died.
This, she knows; from the painful lick of flames to the unavoidable choking that came with the smoke to the wickedly satisfied grin on Jin Guangshan’s face before she closed her eyes the last time. She hoped, those last few moments, that it would be the end. Wei Wuxian would be free, and the last remnants of their family would be safe. She hoped that Wen Ning wouldn’t feel any pain, when the time came for him to follow her.
Or, the one where Wen Qing ends up in the past and fixes the future.
Rated G:
天涯之外 / beyond the world's end, by yuer (vintageblueskies)
"Wei Ying," Lan Wangji says, his voice cracks open in a way Wei Wuxian has never heard before. He crosses over to where Wei Wuxian is still sitting; Wei Wuxian starts to scramble up, but Lan Wangji just shakes his head, gets to his knees next to him. And isn't that something? The untouchable Hanguang-jun on his knees in the Burial Mounds, dirtying his pristine robes to sit next to Wei Wuxian.
or, lan wangji returns to the burial mounds
Song of My Heart, Mate of My Soul, by SakuraKage
The Gusu Lan are said to have an innate connection with music. The Gusu Lan are also said to love deeply – with their whole soul – so deeply that they seem to only be able to fall in love once.
Lan Wangji knows these rumours. He also knows the truth, or close to it, as it has been handed down through the generations. Their connection to music runs far deeper than the other sects could dream. Every Lan heart contains a song, a musical piece that encapsulates the very fiber of their being, and it only comes to life under a specific set of circumstances. The parameters to unlock your heartsong are highly disputed, but the generally accepted condition to fill is … to meet your soulmate.
see your face, hear my voice in the dark, by arypls
Wei Wuxian is having trouble falling asleep but Lan Wangji is there with gentle words and soothing touches to show his husband he's no longer alone.
If I knew what safety looked like, by askanis
Beautiful, brave Wei Ying is waiting for Lan Zhan to tell her she cannot be all of who she is. She will listen, if Lan Zhan says this. If Lan Zhan even looks uncomfortable, Wei Ying will take this back and never mention it again. Will pretend that this is not her truth, perhaps until she believes it herself.
And Lan Zhan will never get to fully see Wei Ying for who Wei Ying is.
underneath the magnolias, by krizzlesandblues
Summer in Cloud Recesses means iced fruits sent by merchants, more practical trainings for juniors, with some of them catching up on their lessons.
But for the youngest members of GusuLan Sect, summer means classes under the big magnolia tree.
Word Up, Talk the Talk, by Larryissocute
It wouldn’t have been a problem (it really wouldn’t) if they weren’t best friends. Wei Wuxian doesn’t know what good deeds he did in his past life to be blessed with Lan Wangji as a friend nor does he know what evil things he did to be cursed with being only a friend to Lan Wangji.
Or the one where Wei Wuxian kisses Lan Wangji and then runs away.
Hai Shi — Sleeping Hours, by Saint Er (wwxsays_er)
It's right before bedtime, when a drunk Wei Wuxian shows up on Lan Wangji's door, and suddenly, this has now become Lan Wangji's problem.
In the Silence, by XianleDianxia
With his husband and son on a night hunt, Wei Wuxian is left to his own thoughts. His temperament is not as calm as Lan Wangji would like it to be.
intervention (how to convince your very gay brother that he, is in fact, gay), by okok29
"You guys hold hands all the time around campus and he takes you out to brunch every Saturday. He even brings you roses," Jiang Cheng emphasizes.
"Yeah, as bros do!" Wei Ying says cheerfully.
jiang cheng tries to forcibly drag wei ying out of the closet.
No Regrets, by Sarehz
Lan Zhan gives his forehead ribbon to Wei Wuxian as a sign of his love.
Look Down to Reminisce About My Hometown, by Nadat (one-shot series)
A collection of short stories following a Promptember list; will add tags and alter the rating as appropriate. It will be mostly live action show canon but I may borrow here and there from the book if something strikes me.
jin ling's uncles and aunts, by saheeli
jin zixuan invites all of jin ling's uncles and aunts to his birthday party. there are more than he even thought possible.
Helianthus, by tinykira
"Say, Lan Zhan. Do you know that when people die, they become plants?"
The Jingshi, which was formerly called as The Gentian House, is now also full of sunflowers.
Magical Marriage Ribbons, by starandrea
But consider this: the Lan forehead ribbons are magical, and the mountain knows it. (It takes Wei Ying less than a day after Lan Yi’s cave to realize more than just her wards consider him family.)
Or: If you’re accidentally betrothed to your classmate in a mostly legitimate life or death situation, how long can you wait to tell him before he finds out by accident?
their mothers sons, by silversshadow
In one world Jiang Fengmian gave Wei Ying more attention than he did either of his own children. In this world he can barely look at the child.
A series of short looks into a different timeline.
You blow me away, by silverclaw
Lan Zhan’s neighbour is playing a song that has been stuck in his head for ages. The neighbour just so happens to be the singer of said song and he’s supposedly laying low.
Echo Of My Heart, by ColdBloodedReptile
A short insight of Lan Wangji's thoughts during Dafan Mountain, CQL version.
And the scene in Jingshi before Wei Wuxian wakes ft Lan Sizhui.
A new score, by Lhaewiel
Wei Wuxian does not know this new score. It is evening, Gusu looks like a painting during this time of the year, with snow slowly falling down and covering the court outside.
Parallel Lines, by Sarehz
Wei Ying: Lan Zhan is going to break up with me!
Nie Huaisang: No, he's not. But please tell me in great detail why you think that.
Jiang Cheng: [Unfortunately sharing an apartment with Nie Huaisang and therefore has no choice but to listen] Please leave me out of this.
Why Wei Ying Shouldn’t Matchmake, by PrinceJakeFireCake
Lan Wangji is NOT jealous of Jiang Cheng. He’s just trying to figure out why Wei Ying likes him so much. Wei Ying thinks it’s great that Lan Zhan has a crush on his brother. (Hint: he does not)
to home, by Guinny (4 chapters)
'My Wei Ying,
It seems that we are winning the war. Wait for me. I will come home. I will come home to you. We will spend the rest of our lives in peace. Far from all of this. In a place that is quiet and there's only us.
Lan Zhan.’
if you love him, never let go, by cloud_wanderer
three times lan wangji let go, and the one time he swore to never do it again
Hard to forget, by Lucky_Moonly
“Aiya sorry for interrupting what must be a very interesting read,” a boy who seemed to be a first year as well, cheekily exclaimed, before he smiled widely at Lan Wangji and he stepped inside the compartment. “But did you perchance see my pet axolotl? He’s black and he’s missing one of his front legs!”
in sickness & in flames, by talesfromthecryptid (2 chapters)
the one in which lan wangji has a cold and wei wuxian fusses over him and falls even more in love with him, something he didn't even know was possible but oh, it really is.
learning and the dead, by northofallmusic (tofsla)
In a small house of his own, after everything, Wen Ning works with his hands.
Unpredictable, by canis_m
If Lan Wangji had said a few more things while drunk in Qinghe.
Waited For Precious Moments Such As This, by Preludian_Staves
He would not trade these precious moments away for anything in the world.
Rated T:
No Regrets, by AluraRose
Lan Wangji took a deep breath, centered himself, and swallowed his pride.
“I apologize.” He bowed low to Jiang Wanyin and held it. “I wish only to help your brother. I humbly request access, and give my word that I will touch nothing and speak to no one of what I see.”
“I can’t just let you in there!”
“Even to save Wei Ying?”
And suddenly the wind seemed to go out of the sails of Jiang Wanyin’s anger. “I can’t” he repeated more quietly.
In order to save Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji must first convince Jiang Wanyin to trust him.
Your Name On My Chest, by Director_XuanWu
Lan Wangji is the president, at the beginning of his second year on his first term.
Wei Wuxian, his ex fiancé, was dishonorably discharged from the military because of a well hidden scandal.
They meet again after 13 years. Lan Wangji will drop everything for him. Wei Wuxian will sacrifice himself for him again. What does it take to finally be together? Too many goodbyes, too many heartaches. Yet they conquer all.
Whatever it takes, by Moonlit_dewdrops
Jiang Cheng and Wei WuXian are sent back to the past. This time, they can save everyone they love. They can make the right choices. They can learn to trust one another. However, everything comes with a price.
underneath your skin, by tardigradeschool
Wei Wuxian falls into the Burial Mounds. His body walks out.
White Flames in a Red Sky, by ZipZapZop
Maybe it hadn’t been a good idea to run away in the middle of a snowstorm.
Wei Wuxian needs help, but he can’t understand that for the life of him.
and so it goes, by doyeorem (pomellogranate)
"While a person is dead in one particular moment, they are still alive and well in all of the other moments of their life, because all of time exists at once."
In which Hanguang-jun is at Qiongqi Path, and instead of Jin Zixuan's death, he witnesses Wei Ying throw himself in the way of a punch from the Ghost General, and three swords - one of which is Bichen.
The Burial Mounds is enraged and offended, and many suffer for it.
Purgatory Divinity, by sinfulempire
"Your third and final mission is to rewrite history, Wei Wuxian."
In which Wei Wuxian, the son of the Heavenly Demon Empress, Cangse Sanren and the Celestial, Wei Changze has to rewrite history in order to prove himself worthy of the throne, however, this was a mission that he did not sign himself up for.
[WARNING!! WARNING!! System error, system erro-]
Upon accepting the mission, Wei Wuxian found himself back in the past. He had returned to his 6 year old body accompanied by the system at the dingy streets of Yiling- far before Jiang Fengmian had found him and took him in.
Wei Wuxian was alone and surrounded by numerous hound dogs.
Rated G:
Coil Tightly, by Thunderstruck (Blueyed_Impala)
When Wei Wuxian stumbles across a shady pet store in the back alley of his new town he ends up leaving with a companion for life, and more than he bargained for.
Forced apologies, by Io_Palladium
Jiang Cheng confronts Lan Zhan after Wei Yings punishment and it changes everything.
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