#major grom spoilers
lampochkaart · 1 month
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Okay, fine. There is one moment in the movie that I liked. Unfortunately this is the ONLY moment in the whole film when Igor gets to be smart, which is a real shame.
Uh-oh. This little joke actually cost him his life.
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Hey, guys. Do you think Igor feels guilt. Because, well, that really were HIS actions that led to Sergey's death. Do you ever think about that. Do you think he thinks about that.
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bunny--manders · 3 months
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This is what The Game is about right
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kyluxtrashpit · 1 year
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Well, he wasn’t wrong
(translation credit goes to @kapyushonchan​‘s subtitles)
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carassiusvigorous · 1 month
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Cover for Майор Гром: Игра. Предыстория + bonus Oleg under the cut
He's been rejected due to spoilerous appearance
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meri-l · 28 days
Attention screemer!
Eating cherries / cherries are out
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schrobrm · 4 days
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kjzx · 1 month
I've been made aware that in one of the recent promo materials/interviews/whatever Sergey Goroshko refers to Bird with feminine pronouns for like three whole minutes which isn't anything new (the gender of the word Bird is feminine so a lot of people use that without really thinking about gender) but it's still pretty fun cause I've been HCing Bird as a woman for a bit now
Not spoilers but slightly related to the movie
Someone joked about Sergey shipping Seroptitsa/GrayBird/whatever but not wanting to ship slash so he approached Bird like that, and that's funny but if I'm being super serious I do think it's one of the cases where the person just goes with the grammatical gender of the word, though obviously I should watch the interview before confidently claiming anything
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teddybasmanov · 29 days
Oleg Volkov: *has a tiny bit of this song play in his lair*.
Me, who knows the lyrics by heart: *immediately applies it to Serovolk*.
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In case anyone needs the lyrics translation you can find them here (just ignore everything else there).
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v-yun · 1 month
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Text translation:
There's no Oleg here-
Oleg is here.
Spoilers to "Major Grom: The game" movie:
Let's pretend Razumovskiy listened to Igor and took more pills, which magically helped him hold Ptitsa (the Bird) back and get a proper hug, because I desperately needed that scene TT
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hooty-1-6-svu · 1 year
Now we go to the time skip, and I was happy that we got to see what happened after they defeated Belos.
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Luz is packing up for college. She has her communication device, hey book, Eda's jacket, and the Grom tiara.
Then, we get to see what's on her board by her desk.
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I love that Dana signed the writing scholarship. Vee and Luz graduating makes me happy.
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I'll post some close ups, but I laughed at Eda bringing over Apple Blood for Camila.
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King finally playing catch
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Gus is Emceeing, Vee looks great, Hunter blushing at Willow, and then our two dorks, being fantastic.
Now, here's my favorite picture
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Luz is so scared, and I'm thinking that Amity convinced Hooty to do that. I think Amity has a love/hate relationship with Hooty, and I would love to explore that more.
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Camilla comes in to see how Luz is doing with packing. Did anyone notice that Stringbean had her own perch? And there's some toy hanging from it so I'm thinking that Luz hung that for Ghost to play with.
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Of course Luz is going to major in everything. I screamed "SHE HAS AMITY'S NECKLACE" when she turned around.
"It'll be nice to see them all again."
Not kidding, my heart sank when Luz said that.
Then Camila:
"Luz.... You just saw them last week."
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lampochkaart · 1 month
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I didn't like the new movie, so instead I drew fanart of the comic version of The Game, which in my opinion is SO much better
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bunny--manders · 1 year
Ways to come back from death in Bubble comics
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Realize the grisly death scene cliffhanger in the previous issue was actually just a hallucination. Again.
Show up later explaining that yes someone did shoot you five times at point blank range but you “got lucky.”
Demonstrate such superlative ability at being gay and fucked up you earn the patronage of a goddess of death.
Crawl out of a swamp with the rest of your polycule.
Stay dead but continue to haunt the narrative as a recurring hallucination.
Everyone just assumed you were dead because you went a few years without causing any mass mayhem.
Brought back from death by the power of post-Soviet capitalism.
Technically not dead, just having some psychic fun in a coma.
Have your bestie remake the universe.
Just show up acting normal and hope no one asks you any tough questions re: any murder-suicide sprees you did.
Keep wearing the same white mask, but switch to a different outfit so no one connects you with that other criminal who wore a white mask and blew up in a racecar explosion.
You didn’t actually die this time you just like hurling yourself off buildings for the Drama.
Your death was actually faked by a secret organization, and you’ve been using your legally unquestioned status to fuck with a mentally unstable policeman.
Shift to a parallel universe where everything is better but you’re still haunted by the memory of a world in ruins.
Show up later revealing you never died, you’re just in hiding from all the guys who keep trying to kidnap you to interrogate you about their boyfriends’ medical records.
You didn’t actually get exploded by nuclear weapons, the god you embodied who looks like a fusion of you and your mortal nemesis took one for the team.
Show up in the post credits scene.
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mordayks · 1 month
Attention! This post contains spoilers for the movie "Major Grom: The Game"
«...They will love me...»
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ivyx-art · 26 days
!!! SPOILERS !!!
Major Grom: The Game fanart
I really liked the new movie, but I can't draw people, so Sergei became a furry :"D
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meri-l · 2 years
Spoiler Grom: Difficult childhood
Me before: Fyodor Prokopenko and Igor have such a close relationship because Prokopenko was a partner for Igor's father. It's so cute 😍
Me now: Fyodor Prokopenko and Igor have such a close relationship because Prokopenko is the adoptive father of Igor Grom 😭
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eleventhhourfactor · 1 year
Spoilers from the end of Watching and Dreaming:
This started off as me trying to figure out where the gang all got their tattoos and turned into a heck of a lot of observations.
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Small details here, but showing that Luz got admitted somewhere in the Boiling Isles (complete with a reminder to bring an umbrella). I also appreciate that she graduated with Vee beside her, went to go see an Azura movie, and even had a spot on a convention's Artist Alley. Like, damn! Good for you, Luz!
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Zoom in to what we had before. We got a Polly pin in a highly-scored school paper, and a writing scholarship signed by Dana Terrace herself. There's also some pics from the zoo, and a surprise Hooty nabbing something from the hands of the barista from back in "Yesterday's Lie".
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Here, an assortment of photos from the show's run and during this epilogue. I love the Lumity one from the "Hi I'm Bi" video, along with King getting to play catch at last and the whole gang going to another Grom. Even Vee got to go!
Anyone's guess whether Camila and Eda got blasted on apple blood, though.
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Here, we've got Luz's Flapjack tat, along with her course/major list. I chuckled at the abbreviation of Boiling Isles History.
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No thoughts, just Stringbean wearing one of those fruit hats you get for a cat. Also, the Nocedas on a softball team.
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Willow's tattoo, along with the Warden and his kid.
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Hunter's tattoo. This was the best view I could get, so sorry about the credits text.
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Lilith's blueprints for a museum wing for the library. Looks like something she's been wanting for a while, based on the notes. Also, Hooty as the curator is probably the most chaotic thing I've heard.
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Amity's tattoo. Also, love these two former ice queens being so happy.
I have one more pic, but I've already managed to hit the limit on this post, so check the replies!
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