#can my own requests open sooner XD
luimagines · 2 years
FD and Time anon here, call me fierce anon.
Anyway, reader is si confused cause they get mixed signals from who they think is time. To the point they question whether he likes them at all. Sometimes he likes poetry. Sometimes he likes silence. Sometimes he gives thoughtful gifts. Sometimes he gives useful gifts. It's a limbo.
I don't think there's any doubt that he like them. XD
It's less hot and cold and more warm versus spicy.
Sometimes he makes their heart flutter- other times it's too much to even hold eye contact. Sometimes he soft and gentle- other times he's passionate and thrilling.
Always keeping Reader on their toes.
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schrodinger-swriter · 7 months
heyo, everytime i read your hazbin alphabet posts i find myself giggling and kicking my feet like a fool so i knew i had to request one haha!! youre requests say open so i assume that means for these too? if not, just do this whenever or if you feel like it, no pressure! anywho, could i have husk with the following letters?: A, E, H, L, P, R, X
i know there’s a lot, and i feel so bad but like i couldn’t decide XD i will definitely be sending in more in the future lol, tysm, i love your work!! ^^
E, H, L, R, and X for Husk
You can find A and P in this post, as well as some other letters for Husk!
I hope you enjoy, I think I'm slowly getting better at writing for this old man!
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A lot of the emotion Husk shows tends to be.... grouchiness. He has his moments where he can display satisfaction. Sometimes he might even offer a chuckle or a smile here and there. He's reserved, and although you get to see this softer side of him that he hides from most others, it's still.. a little blunt, a little apathetic. That's just Husk for you.
Speaking of blunt, Husk is quick to tell you how he sees it. It doesn't matter if it's something you want to hear, because in his eyes it's just the truth. This can lead to some bickering between the two of you; you wanting Husk to be a little more gentler when bringing up issues, and him wanting you to just accept when things get nasty. He won't apologize for saying what he did, but he will apologize in his own way for being too harsh if it's noticeably weighing you down. This man runs off of tough love, and sometimes that's not for everyone.
Acts of service make him feel important to you, mix in some physical touch and baby he's hooked on you. Massages are obviously a big one for him. Cat traits aside.. his back, neck, and shoulders can get rather stiff if he's been working all day at the bar.
He shows that he loves you through actions rather than words. He doesn't say those three words often, he thinks it waters down the meaning.. but that's doesn't mean he feels for you any less. You know you've fully won him over when he offers to do something for you.
He's a gambler, it's kind of in the description that he's willing to risk it all. Yes, he does have his limits.. We don't know how much of his power he's retained since he's stopped being an overlord. But I don't think he would call it quits, at least not totally. He's not stupid, if he needs to get back up to help get you out of a sticky situation then he's going to swallow his broken pride and do that.
He's the wise old bartender, of course he can read you like an open book. No matter how hard you try to hide something from him, he's going to find out sooner or later. At the very least, he's going to notice that something is off about you. While he might not match your energy, he's not about to break your spirit if you're excited about something.
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teyvat-imagines · 3 years
Also, congrats on the almost 200+ subs!! I'm excited for what you have planned on Monday 🐳 but also, before requests go off, could I request Xiao, Zhongli and Ganyu with an s/o on their death bed (like, they're dying from an illness or took a bullet for them, up to you to decide)? Feeling angsty today - 🐋
Ahhh thank you!! >3< I'm excited to get the event started tbh!! XD (first time I've ever been excited for a Monday probably!!) Some angst coming right up! :D
TW: Mentions of Death/Dying
Dying S/O
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It wasn't supposed to have been like this. He was supposed to protect you. To fight away the demons as he always did. So how... How did it end up like this? How could he have let this happen!?
His arms shook as he reached out for you, your form too still, too weak, too fragile as he held you. You look up at him, but you don't quite see him. Your vision is failing you already. You're scared. You don't want to die, and he can't lose you, not now.
Not yet.
You feel out for him, finding his shaking hand and holding it in your own, a small, pale imitation of a smile on your face as you try to reassure him. That it was okay, clearly this was your time.
"No! No it's not. Please. (Y/N). Please hold on. I'll carry you back to Wangshu Inn. We can patch this up. We can fix this. Please. Please!"
He begs and he pleads and desperately runs your body back to his home among the humans. His heart is pounding but he knows it's not from the run. His cheeks are wet yet there was no rain.
It doesn't take a medical expert to know you were already gone, yet Xiao stubbornly clings to you, clings to the hope that you would somehow open your eyes one last time. That you would call for him one last time.
"Please... (Y/N)... Call my name... I'm here..."
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Zhongli had long ago accepted that he was destined to outlive you. As such was the life of an immortal such as himself.
He had anticipated you would live a long, full life. That you would permit him to stand by your side until the end. Until you your bones grew old and tired and you could no longer stand. And that when you left him, it would be with a content smile on your wonderfully aged face.
Yes. That was how Zhongli had envisioned eventually losing you...
He had not anticipated the Mitachurl's attack. Nor had he predicted the way you would move in front of him, baring the brunt of the blow.
No matter how many scenarios of departure Zhongli had predicted, praying the preparation would make your last good bye less painful, he had not envisioned this.
The sickening crunch as the large axe struck you.
The gurgle of blood in your throat as you struggled to breathe.
The look of fear and anguish in your eyes, your hand reaching out to him for help.
"No. No, no no no! No (Y/N)!! Hold still, please. I- I can fix this. You haven't lost too much blood, I promise the pain will stop soon. Please, keep your eyes open. Please! I'm not ready. It's too soon, (Y/N) please!"
His cries fall on deaf ears. Your eyes had lost their light long ago and your body was already growing cold. And yet he continued to call for you. Zhongli sobs and begs and screams for you until his throat is raw.
The Mitachurl swing its axe down again, though this time it was the crude weapon that shattered, as Zhongli looked up in cold fury.
"I will make you pay dearly for this."
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Ganyu had known long ago that your time together would be limited. With the Adeptus blood that ran through her veins, she was destined to live through many lifetimes. With that in mind, she had made the decision to try and live each day to the fullest with you.
With her bright, excited smile greeting you each morning, how could you ruin that by telling her you were dying? You knew you should tell her, but you didn't want to hurt her. There wasn't a cure, and the illness was hereditary. You were destined to die soon. And unfortunately for you, that day came even sooner than you had thought.
It had started as a coughing fit. Nothing out of the ordinary for you at first, but it soon grew to be a concern. Your coughing hadn't ceased, and it was starting to get hard to breath.
"(Y/N)? Dear are you okay? Let me get you some water."
Ganyu smiles gently, though you could hear the concern in her voice. She leaves the room, just for a moment to get you a drink. But a moment was all it took.
You coughs grew worse. It was painful and from the wet, choked sounds, you knew you had begun to cough up blood. The taste was foul, and the fluids being brough up were starting to cut off your ability to breathe.
You were weak. Dizzy. Terri fied. You wanted Ganyu here, yet at the same time didn't want her to see you like this. You didn't want to see her cry, not because of you.
Ganyu returns with your water, but that's soon forgotten, the glass shattering on the floor as she drops it and runs to your side.
"H-Hey, (Y/N)? (Y/N) can you hear me? What's... What's happening, please try to breathe, how can I help? (Y/N)? Dear...? H-Hey, come on please... We still have time. You aren't supposed to go now... It's too soon, (Y/N)! Please! Someone!! Help (Y/N)!"
It was too late of course. You were long gone, even as she cried and begged for a healer, for anyone who could help you. Even as they try to take your body away, Ganyu holds onto you, sobbing and begging you softly.
"(Y/N)... We still have so many years left... So don't go... Open your eyes for me, please..."
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chocolate-parfait · 3 years
Yay, askbox is open! I hope that means requests too, if not please ignore this and sorry. But could I request another angst? Could I please ask for headcannons for Dazai (and the others could be either Theo, Vincent, Leo, Comte, Will or Arthot, you can choose two, 'cause I can't XD) who find their S/Os suicide note? You can take it wherever you want from there. Thank you so much, love your works <3 Have a grwat day!
Hi @robin-the-enby !! I'm happy to see you in my inbox again, and although this took me embarrassingly long (my procrastination tendencies and school got the better of me :,)), I'm more than happy to provide something that will help with your coping! Despite it all, I hope that you'll get better soon and hang on a while longer. I'm sure this prolonged pandemic has had negative effects on most people's mental health, but remember that we'll get through this in one way or the other! Stay strong and keep fighting, if it gets too much don't hesitate to take a break and go easy on yourself❤
Halfway through I realized I was writing scenarios instead of simple headcanons ,, I was too engrossed in writing to realize it oops 🧍‍♀️ 🧍‍♀️ 🧍‍♀️
Finding MC'S suicide note - Ikevamp headcanons (Dazai, Arthur & Leonardo)
(TW; suicide / mentions of self-harm / major character death / blood)
(CW; slight and inaccurate spoilers for Dazai's past)
For those who'd like to avoid specific contents, this is what I wrote for each suitor:
Dazai - MC is unconscious and bleeding, I didn't specify whether they survive or not
Arthur - MC is stopped before they can do anything, survives
Leonardo - MC isn't stopped in time, dies
It was as if history was repeating itself. The message, the bloodied sheets and the unconscious body. The only different thing was perhaps.... him. It was a him that had experienced true happiness, a him that had learned forgiveness, a him that knew better than retort to suicide as a way of repentance. And yet... was it not enough? Dazai's mind swirled with the pungent thoughts of his own fate as he ran with your body in his arms. He ran, and ran, and ran, passing by a seemingly endless succession of hallways and wooden doors.
Never before did he wish your room was closer to Arthur's, as he felt your body grow colder and his clothes dampen with blood with each step forward. And yet the stars that were now adorning the night sky's black cape, seemed to be offering their compassion to him, for when Dazai burst into the writer's room he saw him sitting at his desk, completely sober and still functioning in the middle of the night.
Arthur slightly turned in his chair, and as he was about to comment with displeasure how rude it was of the man to come into his room completely unannounced, his mouth was left agape and eyes wide open, wordlessly staring at your limp and seemingly unmoving body as the smell of blood hit his nostrils in mere seconds.
"What in the Heavens happened-?!" Arthur abruptly stood up, leaving his half-finished manuscript forgotten on the table, rushing closer to check your pulse. The two novelists had never liked each other, a difference in life choices maybe, but it surely was not a hate that could surpass even the most perilous of situations, particularly because you were an outsider to their rivalry. As such, Arthur did not hesitate to put to good use all his medical knowledge, carefully rushing through every step to avoid the worst.
Seconds slowly transformed into hours, although Dazai was convinced time had stopped ever since the moment he had found you on your bed, utterly frozen in a state of unconsciousness with a crumpled letter of apologies laying on the bloodied sheets. The only thing that perhaps gave him the slightest hint to time’s passing was the way he could feel the blood on his chest and hands grow drier as the night morphed into the day.
As the first rays of light poked from behind the thick curtain of the doctor’s room, Dazai sat by his bed, right next to you, silent and outwardly calm, although dazed in the raging storm inside his heart.
Perhaps this was what Destiny itself had decided for him. Perhaps it was wrong of him to blame casualty instead of himself. His old, stupid self, who hadn’t learnt a single thing from past mistakes. But as his fellow vampire’s warm hand came to rest on his shoulder, Dazai decided to delay all judgment about his negligence until the Gods determined your fate.
Staring at the familiar handwriting, Arthur felt his whole body grow numb, as if someone had thrown him in the darkest depths of the ocean, leaving him to suffocate under the overwhelming weight of the waters above.
He had noticed the worsening of your symptoms, but he had never imagined you'd go to these lengths. He had gravely underestimated your condition, and he could already hear the old ghosts of his past laughing at him, pointing their fingers while mocking him. But now, he had no time to worry about his own lack of foresight; his priority was getting to you in time, so that all could be fixed, hopefully.
Scanning the writing on your tear-stained note, his brain started listing all the possible places where you could've gone with a speed that would leave speechless even Sherlock Holmes himself. The writing was hurried and scrambled, meaning that it was a sudden decision. The city was too far away and bustling with people that could interfere, so it was an unlikely location. As he was running around the mansion in search of you, he passed in front of the terrace on the last floor; there, he saw your clothes swirling in the wind, and your figure standing on the stone railing.
He almost crashed against the glass door as he launched himself forward with extreme speed. You were there, looking down and slightly trembling. You were scared, as it was normal, but if death frightened you so, then what pain would be so strong to push you in its embrace? To drive you away from his warm arms and into the eternal darkness? Was such a painful experience worth the possible relief?
"MC!!!" Arthur shouted out of instinct with his whole lungs, like a volcano erupting in all its fury. A few steps later and you were falling backwards, your back colliding with his chest as he harshly pulled you to him. It all happened so fast that you didn't even have the time to turn your head and look at him. Now that you were on the ground, safely locked in his embrace, everything slowly sank in.
His voice came out choked and trembling. "W-what were you thinking-?!" He was trying so hard to hold everything back; the tears, the sobs, the anger in his voice. He was angry at himself, and you were not the target of his resentment, but he realized that it could be easily misunderstood by someone in your situation. Taking a deep breath and turning you around, he stared deeply into your pained eyes, softening his iron-like grip on your forearms.
His voice now steadier yet gentle with affection and worry added:"Love, I'm sorry for not noticing all of this sooner. I'm sorry for not helping you enough. Still, I want to be of some use to you, I want to be there for you.” A sharp breath interrupted his speech, maybe from him, you or perhaps both of you. “…So please, please rely on me; whenever you feel like you can't do it anymore, whenever you feel like you have enough of life, give me the chance to help you."
Seconds later, you burst into tears, sobbing confused "I'm sorry"s in the crook of his neck. Arthur slowly caressed your hair soothingly, as his heart continued to painfully hammer against his chest. He knew this was not going to be an easy nor a short journey; it was going to take time, and it would be hard, but he wouldn't give up on you no matter what. Through thick and thin, the way you did for him, he was going to support you the whole way.
"I love you more than anything in the world, MC." he added at last, hugging you tightly.
The deafening sound of crickets did not reach the man’s ears. He couldn’t hear anything but the fast pumping of his own blood in his veins. A heartbeat that had never and would never stop; stronger than anyone else’s, but also alone. The sound of his heart was utterly lonely, the only one under the white gazebo, now shrouded in the darkness of the night.
How much he would give not to hear it anymore, to put an end to it right then and there. But he couldn’t. And as Fate loved torturing him endlessly, he was now once more deprived of a person he loved. But this time was different than the countless others before. He thought he had gotten used to the company offered by Death herself, and it had been long ever since tears burned within his eyes, as if made of fire.
Between his arms laid a lifeless body, utterly still and deprived of any warmth. It seemed like mere moments had passed when Leonardo was contentedly caressing your hair as a tired yet relaxed sigh fell from a pair crimson lips, which whispered some loving words before blooming into a smile. Now, they were pale and slightly agape, a cold frown sculpted onto the body’s face. Perhaps he had gotten so used to the passage of time that he did not pay it more mind. Perhaps all his memories took place too long ago, and perhaps things had changed considerably from those happy moments you shared.
Leonardo’s expression subconsciously mimicked your own, one that would remain in his mind for who knows how long, and he did not dare to move away, sitting there with you for the very last moments of his eternally long life. He tried not to think about the way his heart lurched in his chest like a ship at sea during a storm when he found your note. Your handwriting, calm and precise as if it was a decision you had made long ago; where was his mind wandering off to while you were deciding to seal your own fate?
Silently strangling all those whirling thoughts in his head until they died down, leaving him in a deathly silence, he lovingly bid you farewell with a final kiss to your lips.
“Hopefully, we’ll meet in another life.”
“Next time, I won’t let this happen again”
Suffering was human, but he had learnt all too well how contagious pain could be. And yet, he now found himself isolated in his grievance, for you weren’t with him anymore.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
Stranger Danger ~ KTH [Request]
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PAIRING: Taehyung x Fem!Reader
GENRE: This takes place in 2013/2016 when the boys debuted and then three years later, just so no one is confused, strangers to lovers, online friends, cute, fluffy, 
A/N: I hope this is okay for you, I sort of left it like this so that you could come up with your own extension of it <3 
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Taehyung clicked through the in-game chat as he waited for the game to finish, he'd just died and was waiting to see if his team would still win without him. He'd been playing in the same lobby as someone with the name 'XxChickXx' for the last few hours and they were one of the best players on his time. They'd been a good teammate instead of just looking out for themselves, they helped Taehyung out as well and he was trying to find a way to contact them outside of the game so they could play together again, 
Tae: @XxChickXx game tomorrow? 
The small message was blinking on your screen as it notified you that someone mentioned you, you smiled softly before typing out a reply to the name you'd seen. 
XxChickXx: Sure! But add me on steam first? You attached the same name as your Gamertag and smiled to yourself as a friend request came through at the bottom of the screen as quickly as you sent the message. You exited out of the game then went onto steam ready to message whoever this 'Tae person was. He'd been playing great, one of the best players you'd had the pleasure of playing alongside with.
XxChickXx: Never had someone play so nicely before, most people are selfish & rude! Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n. 
Taehyung smiled brightly as the message came through to his screen, he checked the time. He had some time to talk to you before he had to go to practice so he began replying to you. Smiling brightly as he thought about making a new friend, he'd only met a couple online before and then he had the boys he was practising with but that was it really. He'd always been too shy to communicate with anyone else properly.
Tae: Most people are the worst, I'm Tae...Obviously, lovely to meet you XD
You laughed softly as you saw the message and then you began typing out to him again wanting to talk to him more before you headed out for your shift at the local cafe. There was an exciting feeling in your chest as you got the message from him, it was just something simple but it still had your heart racing.
XxChickXx: Tae? Short for anything? Or a nickname...I've never had one before, don't really like going by 'chick' that much. 
Taehyung chuckled to himself checking the time once again as he got up from the desk, installing the app onto his phone so he could keep texting you while he was on his walk to practice. The front door to the small apartment opened and Jimin walked over to the fridge, placing the small container of Kimchi and rice cakes inside. His grandmother was always making sure Taehyung was well taken care of since he'd moved out of his family home. Jimin always let himself into the apartment since he had the spare key for "emergencies" but who cares.
"What's got you smiling so much?" Jimin questioned as he walked up to his best friend, Taehyung physically jumped up. Almost dropping his phone onto the floor as Jimin scared him, he groaned as he began straightening out his clothes again.
"Nothing! Let yourself in why don't you?" His voice was seeping with sarcasm as he stuffed his phone into his pocket as he went to grab his keys to the apartment before they left for practice. Namjoon would have their heads on sticks if they were late again that week, they'd already been late five times.
"I always do, I brought rice cakes from Grandma," Jimin mumbled as they began heading out of the door together but Taehyung wasn't paying attention, his head was back in his phone as he made his way out of the apartment. He never wanted to stop talking to you and he'd barely even begun to get to know you, he could already tell there was a friendship blossoming between you. 
Tae: Maybe I can come up with one for you, favourite colours, fruit, food, place, and clothing item? 
A small frown appeared on your face as you stared at the message, what did any of those have to do with giving you a nickname? You smirked before typing out a response to him, getting a little flirty but it was all fun and games. It wasn't as if you knew one another or would ever actually meet so you just went for it. 
XxChickXx: Trying to find out where to take me for our first date Tae? ;) 
Tae: ...Maybe...You'll find out sooner or later, answer the questions 
Giggling to yourself you stepped into the elevator of your apartment building to see a couple together, both of them holding hands as they waited for you to step in. You brushed down the light pink diner dress you were wearing and took your phone out from the front pocket, this was going to be the only thing helping you get through the shift at the diner. 
XxChickXx: Hmm, you'll have to give me a second to think about it...What about yours though? 
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The text messages continued to exchange between you both for six months, you'd grown closer with time with exchanging messages. Learning lots about one another, coming up with some cute nicknames as well as gaming whenever you were both free. There was one thing you never did though, you would never video call or voice call since you were too anxious for that and Taehyung was far too shy. Neither of you minded though, you would text non-stop as often as you could with one another. Morning, noon and night. During your shifts, you would sneak a look at your phone while you hid it in your apron and Taehyung would check his phone whenever he got a break from dancing in the practice room. Jimin giving him nothing but small jokes and banter whenever he could and tonight was no different. Taehyung had been dying to get on his phone throughout the practice but Namjoon had taken it from him, placing it into the drawer so he couldn't be distracted by it.
"All I'm saying is you live your life on that phone and you don't even know what this girl looks like." You heard someone say as you served a table in your section, you finished pouring the coffee before making your way over. Smiling at the two boys in front of you who had taken some seats in your section, 
"Welcome, I'll be your server. Is there anything I can start you off with?" You questioned, looking at the blonde boy who flashed a pearly white smile at you and the brown curly-haired boy who was shyly smiling at you. Jimin glanced at your nametag and smiled showing off to Taehyung how easy it was to talk to someone outside of a phone screen.
"Hi Caroline, I'll take a coffee to start with and I think my friend needs a reality check." You laughed softly not wanting to get involved in their conversations and how he'd used the fake name on your tag. You'd left yours at home and instead of telling your boss you'd forgotten part of your uniform, you switched the tag for someone else's who wasn't there. Jimin smiled at you, trying to get you into the conversation some more. Customers would do it a lot whenever you would serve a table. Most people would stop talking but there were a select few customers who enjoyed bringing others into their conversations. 
"We don't serve that, can I interest him in something else?" You turned to the shy one who was now avoiding your gaze but nodded, looking over the drink options. 
"I'll just take some sparkling water," You hummed at him before leaving and going to get their drinks, smiling softly as you left their table. It would give them enough time to look over the food menu while you checked your phone to see if there was anything from Tae, he'd messaged saying he would reply slower than usual. That his job was making it harder for his replies to come through.
Tae: Finally out from work. Heading for something to eat and then home...Game later? You smiled at the small message on the screen, you hadn't been gaming for a while together so it would be nice to get home and do that after a long shift. Quickly writing out a response to him you glanced at your boss who was staring at you, hands on her hip but you ignored her quickly hitting send.
XxChickXx: Got an hour shift left, I'll message you as soon as I'm online. 
Walking back over to the table you set their drinks down and began taking their food order, while they were ordering you couldn't help but feel as though you knew one of them. The shy one just reminded you so much of Taehyung despite never having met him or heard his voice. There was a feeling in your chest as the shy one spoke to you or looked up at you, it made your heart leap. Just like whenever you got a message from Taehyung over the app. 
"I think she likes you," Jimin whispered to Taehyung as you walked over to the counter, helping a customer as they dropped their food all over the floor. 
"I'm not interested-" Not true, he'd been checking you out while you and Jimin weren't looking. Trying to ignore the thumping in his chest whenever you would smile at him or the tight feeling he would get in his chest whenever you would look into his eyes for longer than ten seconds at a time.
"No, because you're only interested in Y/n...How do you even know she's real? She could be some creep on the internet, ever thought of that? You never call or facetime...It's weird." Jimin mumbled as he took a huge gulp of his coffee, he was going to need it to get through the night. He was helping out at the shop with his grandma that afternoon/night to make up for going to practice today when he was supposed to have a shift.
"I know she's real, why would they keep up a fake profile for the last six months if she wasn't real?" Jimin rolled his eyes at how naive his friend was being, the internet was full of strangers with weird intentions so who knew what this Y/n person was after. Maybe she knew Taehyung was trying to make it in the industry and this was why she'd tried to contact him. But no one knew about that. No one was allowed to know they were working on debuting unless they were involved in the industry. 
"Just be careful...With our lives, we don't know who we'll be able to trust...Don't tell her who you are, don't give her personal information-"
"Jimin, I'm not an idiot," Taehyung grumbled as he got up from the table, paying for the food and drinks while leaving a big tip for the waitress that had been helping them out, glancing over at you as you began laughing softly to someone. He looked down at his phone as he walked out, messaging Y/n to let her know he was on his way back to his apartment and would be on soon. 
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There was always one last game and one last text but nothing had prepared you for losing contact with Tae. The messages had slowly begun to stop three years ago until the point neither of you could talk. You'd gotten busy with work and studies and Taehyung had debuted so he never had time to check his phone or game anymore. He hated it but he never once forgot about you. There was never a day that went by when he didn't think about what you could be doing now. 
"It's been three years and you still haven't stopped thinking about her...Why don't you try to contact her?" Namjoon questioned as he walked into Taehyung's dorm room. He'd noticed how glum Taehyung looked lately and decided to find out what was going on with his band member and friend. Of course, he knew of you. Jimin eventually told Namjoon what was going on with Taehyung during practices, he thought he had the right to know since he was the leader of the group. 
"I don't even know if they still-" Just as Taehyung was about to mention about you playing games anymore you logged onto the steam account. Sending a small notification tone to come through his computer speakers, 
"Oh." Taehyung began to blush as he saw your name still hadn't changed over the years, he stared at the screen for a couple of seconds. Debating messaging you or just inviting you to a random game, he didn't know if you would hate him for never replying to you again. 
June 13th 2013: 
XxChickXx: Hey...Game later? 
June 16th 2013:
XxChickXx: Game...? 
July 26th 2013: 
XxChickXx: Hope you're okay if I did something to piss you off I'm sorry. 
An invitation came through on the screen making you jump up as you looked over at the screen, you'd just moved into a new apartment building and it was the first time setting up your gaming PC in a couple of months. You'd never had the time before, between moving into the new apartment building and your job you'd not had the time but this week you had some time off. Choosing to get back into old habits. 
Tae Invited You To A Game. The message made you frown, three years after your last message to him he just randomly invited you to a game. No message to explain where he'd been. Not even a small emoticon to tell him if the invite was meant for you or not. 
XxChickXx: You okay? I haven't heard from you in a while... 
Taehyung smiled softly as he stared at the message, setting up the game as he waited for you to join in. Your character appeared next to his and he smiled, it had been so long since he'd done this it felt good to be relaxing again. 
Tae: I've been busy...A lot. Life is weird now...I'm sorry 
XxChickXx: Don't be, just glad to know you're not dead or something XD
He chuckled to himself and shook his head before looking over his shoulder, Namjoon was no longer in the room so he was going to do something he never thought he would be able to do. But being who he was was giving him a confidence boost, 
Tae: I'll explain it all...Maybe over a facetime call? Or I could meet him for something to eat? 
The thought of finally meeting up with him was both scary and exciting to you, you'd always been warned about stranger danger and never meeting up with someone you didn't know but, meeting Tae had been something you'd always wanted to do. You wanted to get to know him. 
XxChickXx: You're not just some creep right...Meet me at Daisy's Diner, booth six.
A public setting was better for you to meet him, it would be a lot easier to meet him somewhere public. The diner where you worked was perfect since everyone you knew would be there, watching out for you in case it was some creep or you were stood u.
Tae: I can be there in ten.
Stepping into the elevator you looked up to see the shy boy from your diner all those years ago, you looked back down at the floor not wanting to make it seem as though you were staring at him. He was dressed in a black leather jacket, some brown shorts with a hat and glasses on. 
Taehyung glanced at you before going back to his phone waiting for time to pass. He'd seen you around since you worked in the diner he and Jimin always frequented, you weren't in your uniform though. This time you were dressed in some black skinny jeans, a white blouse and you had a warm looking jacket on. He glanced down at himself, hiding his face from you as he pulled the hat down properly on his face. He didn't want the paparazzi to find him, they could be anywhere at any moment but that didn't stop him from wanting to go out. Nothing was going to stop him from finally getting to meet Y/N for the first time. 
The whole walk over Taehyung had been behind you, frowning whenever you didn't turn off somewhere and continued in the same direction, he didn't want it to seem as though he was following you when he wasn't. Then when you walked into the diner he thought maybe you'd started a shift but then if you had, you would surely be in your uniform. That was when you turned into a booth, the same one he'd arranged to meet Y/n in and it made him chuckle deeply at the thought of it all. After all these years he'd seen you many times, talked to you a lot without even knowing it. Talking to you, exchanging polite conversations even after all the years of not talking to "XxChickXx" he'd still been talking to you.
"Is this seat taken?" You slowly looked up at the shy boy, not wanting to hurt his feelings, this was the most he'd ever spoken to you without his friend there. 
"W-Well I'm waiting for -" Before you could say you were waiting for a friend he decided to cut you off politely,
"Tae? I'm assuming you're Y/n...XxChickXX?" You saw the blush spread across his face as he questioned you to make sure his intuition was right about you.
"Tae?! It's been you this whole time?!" You laughed loudly gaining the attention of a few people but he chuckled, sliding into the booth and sitting across from you so he could talk to you properly.
"I could say the same, I can't believe I never put it together. I know you had the same name but...I just figured it was a coincidence." He chuckled as he remembered seeing your name on your nametag before but it could always be a coincidence. The world was full of them. 
"Well, it's nice to finally meet you after all this time...I'm sorry for the radio silence." He whispered as he looked at you, wondering if he should tell you or not about his lifestyle, you knew they were singers since Jimin regularly told you about their jobs.
"So singing is why you've been so busy?" You questioned, turning to your boss and ordering your favourite along with Taehyung's since you knew it by heart. 
"Yeah, I never knew you moved into my apartment building though." He chuckled thinking back to living above you, the world was really trying to make you guys see that it was meant to be sooner or later. 
"I only moved in a few months ago, after all these years we've been so close." You laughed softly shaking your head as you thought about it. 
"Tell me about your singing? I want to hear everything in detail. Especially since we haven't spoken much in a while." He smiled, getting comfortable in the seat as he looked into your eyes wondering where to start with it all. 
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Your head was hanging low as you walked into the back entrance of your apartment building, Taehyung doing the same as you walked side by side laughing together about something he was telling you about Jimin. The whole night you'd spent together catching up and telling one another about your lives. It was late, later than Taehyung was supposed to be out since he was getting non-stop calls from Namjoon to tell him he wanted him back at the apartment since it was currently 1 am and they wanted to know what he was doing out so late.
"Jimin had a crush on you at one point, wouldn't stop going into the diner for hot chocolates." You laughed remembering Jimin coming into the diner about seven times a day just to buy the same drink from you whenever you were on a shift. 
"Is he over that? No offence to Jimin but he's not my type and I...I kind of like someone else." You whispered as he opened the door to the apartment building for you, looking around he lead you over to some of the seating they had in the main lobby. His heart sinking at the thought of you liking someone, someone that wasn't him. He knew he should be happy for you, after three years he couldn't expect you to like him...Or even still want to be friends with him. 
"You like someone?" He questioned trying to ignore the way his voice cracked just like his heart, felt as though it was doing when he had no real reason to feel this way.
"Yeah, I had a crush on him a while ago...It's growing more after finally meeting him." You whispered as you looked up into his eyes, hoping that he would get the obvious inkling that it was him you were referring to but by the sunken look on his face he hadn't gotten the hint.
"You." You whispered as you heard the elevator ding to let you know someone was coming, you glanced up and saw it was someone around Taehyung's age so you acted fast. Leaning close to Taehyung and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. 
"Call me when you're out of trouble." You teased him, kissing his cheek again before jumping into the elevator right as the boy got out. Watching you as you waved at a blushing Taehyung who couldn't wait to get back to his dorm room and call you. Ask you out on a real date...Right after he got out of the scolding session he could feel coming from Namjoon who was storming over to him with a look of both disappointment and happiness on his face. Namjoon was never able to stay long at him for long so he knew he could get out of this soon and be able to call you.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @fan-ati--c​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @rjsmochii​ @taestannie​ @bisexualmess007​ @sw33tnight​ @innersooya​ @sweeneyblue1​
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene Vol.10 Mukami Yuma [Track 5]
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Original title: 湖のほとりで
Source: Diabolik Lovers Para-Selene Vol. 10 Mukami Yuma [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Translator’s note: GOD THIS CD MADE ME JUMP ONTO THE YUMA SIMP WAGON SO BADLY. If this isn’t what the ‘perfect boyfriend’ is supposed to be like, then I don’t know what is. Rejet really out there trying to convince us that these boys who started out as hella abusive and sadistic can be sweet, loving partners as well. ;w; I know it’s all fictional so whatever but part of me is like trying to tell the fangirl in me to calm down and remember how toxic they used to be before falling for the MC. I swear if I ever develop Stockholm Syndrome, I’m blaming DL. xD
This track was requested by an anonymous user. If you would like to request a translation, please contact me through IMs or drop an ask!
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 5: At the Lakeside
Yuma wakes up by the lake.
*Rustle rustle*
“Ugh...Huh? You...? Why are you...? Ah...”
He looks around. 
“This is...! That one...lake?”
“Hah...Don’t tell me, was that all just a dream!?”
You shake your head, having a hard time believing that.
“Then you remember everythin’ as well, right!? The manor in the human world, and the things which happened in that town!”
You nod.
“I see...I guess that means we somehow made it back? I have no idea what all of that was ‘bout, but I’m glad. Guess I’ll show ya ‘round Eden for now, so follow me. I feel like this’ll be vital to retrievin’ yer memories.”
You tell him that won’t be needed.
“...!! You remembered!? Then...”
You smile. 
“Oh come on...You had me worried sick...Haah...But I really am glad. That you’ve got yer memories back. Now I definitely can’t sit still! Come on, let’s rush back to Eden and tell Ruki and the others ‘bout what happened right away! ...Come on, let’s get goin’!”
You get up.
“Ahー This isn’t the time to wait for yer slow ass. Guess I’ll carry ya instead! ...Heavy-hoh!”
Yuma throws you over his shoulder.
“Shut it! This is way quicker, right? Now behave!”
He runs off.
“...There we go. Guess the sofa can go here?”
You nod.
“Damn...We finally got things somewhat organized. Let’s take a break, ‘kay?”
You ask if you should open a window.
“Yeah. It’s gotten kind of dusty in here from movin’ all the stuff ‘round. ...That bein’ said, I’m glad we managed to get our hands on this couch. It would have been a shame to stash it away in a storage. According to Kou, there’s still plenty of other great finds, so we should try and see if there’s anythin’ else worth pickin’ up soon.”
You open the window.
“...Ah? Oh.”
Yuma walks over to you.
“What’s wrong? Whatcha lookin’ at?”
You point towards the lake.
“Yeah...You’re right. There’s no breeze today after all. The moon’s reflected beautifully on the water of the lake.”
You ask Yuma if he is cautious of the moon. 
“...’Course. I told ya it’d be an emergency if ya were to see a moon like the one back then. I’m gonna flip if ya lose yer memories again.”
You refer to the syndrome. 
“Ah, yeah. The Paraselene disease, also called the ‘Paraselene symdrome’. To think that everythin’ was just an illusion created by the disease. Geez...Hearin’ ‘bout it was a first for me. I should have had Ruki inform me sooner. Well, it’s a lil’ late to complain now, of ‘course.”
You ask him how a human such as yourself got affected. 
“Who knows. In the end, Ruki didn’t know how to explain that part either. Well, yer heart originally belongs to a demon, so I don’t think it’s that weird for ya to get infected by a disease which is exclusive to non-human beings. Either way, we gotta be plenty mindful of the moon from here on out. If we see a double-layered moon, we gotta close the windows and curtain right away andーー”
You tell him he’s overreacting.
“Ah? Why? You’re the one who already got it once so ya gotta be careful!”
You tell him it will be okay.
“Fool. Whatcha sayin’? Ya sure are carefree. Don’t forget that ‘cause you got infected by this strange disease, ya dragged me along into yer illusionary world. ...Ah? But well, I’m sure things will work out somehow. Even if ya were to lose yer memories again, I’ll make ya remember for sure. ...That we both treasure each other this much.”
You tell Yuma you trust him.
“Yeah, go ahead. Ya can count on me. ...From here on out, forever. Mmh...”
ーー THE END ーー
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randomfandomimagine · 3 years
(Sorry for bashing my head into the convo and shamelessly advertising but I'll answer to that nonny real quick because you tagged me XD)
Hey nonny, I write for H2O and take requests for it, but just keep in mind that I'm going through a big life crisis and despite my requests being open for all my fandoms, currently I'm filling requests only for Shadow and Bone and from that, Kaz Brekker mainly because he gives me the most comfort.
But if you want to request something for H2O (or its spinoff Mako Mermaids) characters and are willing to wait for an indefinite time, you can use my prompt list or shoot me with an idea of your own. Gif imagines, headcanons, preferences and my prompt list are all open, or oneshots too but I rarely accept oneshot requests which aren't for characters I'm personally crushing on because my oneshots are 1k+ words and my motivation doesn't often carry that far with characters I don't have an ongoing crush on.
I have one small piece for Lewis here but that's the most I've gotten for that fandom, would love to get more even when I'm not able to fill them at the moment :) Or who knows, I might get a surge of inspiration from a non-SaB request and fill it sooner than expected but yeah, I'm sure you got it :D
There you go, nonnie! And for any other people interested in H2O fics!
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fanficimagery · 5 years
Another One Bites the Dust
Summary: In which you accidentally run into the new guy, only for him to take an interest in you.
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Words: 2.8K Warnings: None really.  Requested? This wasn’t requested, but it was inspired by THIS POST posted by @thehargrovewhore​ It’s not necessarily what they were looking for, but this fic is what snowballed from me thinking about someone running into Billy XD
High school would have been a living nightmare had you not been befriended by Heather Holloway. She was one of the- if not the most- popular girls at Hawkins High and she made attending school bearable for you. But being friends with someone like Heather was bound to land you high up in the popularity rankings and it unfortunately made you a target for people like Carol and Tommy who wanted to tear down those they considered a threat to their own ranking.
Fortunately for you, Heather wasn't one to back down from a confrontation. If you weren't particularly feeling up to defending yourself, then Heather stepped in with her too sweet words laced with venom that usually shut the couple up. And though Heather was popular, she wasn't the type that everyone feared. She was the cool girl everyone idolized, the girl everyone adored, and since you were her best friend everyone else made sure to respect your boundaries and leave you be if you weren't feeling very sociable.
But now it's been about a month since the girls of Hawkins High have gone crazy for newcomer Billy Hargrove and you're so over all the giggling, the whispers, and the cocky persona he puts on when he notices he's being stared at. Normally someone's attitude like his wouldn't bother you, but the girls don't seem to have a care in the world when attempting to get close to him even if it meant pushing you out of the way to do so. And that, that bothers you.
"What's wrong with you?" Heather asks, leaning against the lockers next to yours, popping her bubblegum. "You're in a mood."
You sigh as you pick out your sketchpad that you need for your last class of the day. "I only got four hours of sleep last night and I've got a headache. I thought that by now the fascination with Mr. California would have died down, but apparently the girls are more desperate than ever, including Carol who seems to see me as some sort of competition and won't stop pestering me about the new guy."
"Really?" Heather perks up, pushing off the lockers. "You've talked to that sunkissed God?"
"One, ew." Your nose wrinkles in distaste and you start walking towards the Art room. Heather follows. "And two, no. I haven't talked to him which is why I'm confused and so over Carol talking shi-" You're cut off as you walk into a wall- or what you think is a wall- and you actually fall backwards down on your ass with a startled yelp. "What the hell was that?!" You ask, rubbing at your now sore nose before glancing upwards. An amused Billy Hargrove stands above you, hands on his hips which hold open his denim jacket to show off his white tee that fits him like a second skin. "Did I just run into you?" You ask, clearly not distracted by his cocky stance at all. "What the hell are you made out of? Brick?"
He smirks, but before he can say anything Heather is bending down and collecting your dropped sketchpad. She giggles. "You really shouldn't walk and talk, Y/N. You never know who you're going to run into."
"You're a bitch. You know that? You totally saw him standing there and didn't warn me."
"It's about time you get some one on one with Mr. California. I think you're the only girl he hasn't chased yet."
"And it's going to stay that way!" You hiss.
"Need a hand there, Princess? I mean I don't mind your current position, but-"
Your head jerks to stare up at Billy, gaze narrowing. "Not another word." He holds his hands up in mock surrender, winking. You roll your eyes. "And thanks, but no thanks."
You stand up without any aid, avoiding everyone's gazes who had stopped to stare. Yanking your sketchpad back from Heather, you scowl at her. Then when you move to continue on walking, you and Billy end up going in the same direction at once. You sidestep at the exact same time he sidesteps and he chuckles when you get visibly annoyed. Groaning, you slap a hand to Billy's chest and push him aside. But before you can step away, you glance at his chest where your hand is at and you end up poking him. "Jesus. Why are you so-"
Heather giggles and you quickly glare up at him, snatching your hand back. "Gross. But essentially, yes."
The warning bell rings, startling you from hearing what Billy has to say. Glancing at your best friend, you say, "Shit. I need to get to class. If you're not in my car ten minutes after the bell's rung, I'm leaving your skinny ass behind."
As Y/N runs off, Billy watches her go. Heather smirks, pulling down her heart-shaped sunglasses from the top of her head to perch on the bridge of her nose.
"Where have you been hiding her, Holloway?"
"Don't even think about it, Hargrove." Heather pops her bubblegum, grinning. "Y/N is happy to be a wallflower. She doesn't care for that seductive charm of yours when you set your sights on a girl."
He waggles his eyebrows. "Been talking about me with her, huh?"
"Nope. Your girl Carol won't stop harassing her about you." Letting her smile fall, Heather practically sneers at Billy. "Get Carol in check. If Y/N is unhappy, I'm unhappy. And trust me, you won't want us to be unhappy."
Billy chuckles, stepping closer and tugging on one of Heather's curls that's been gathered into a sideways ponytail. "Don't worry about Carol. Y/N, however, I have a feeling she's going to be begging me for a ride pretty soon."
Heather's smile makes a comeback. "Good. And since I think my best friend needs to have some sort of fun, I'll give you this piece of information. Be pushy, but not too pushy. Rile her up just enough and her annoyance with you will eventually turn into fondness."
The final bell rings and Heather starts to walk backwards, wiggling her fingers in a mock wave before Billy can say anything in return.
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A few days later, you've stayed behind after the final bell has rang for the school day. The art teacher is off making copies of some worksheets she plans to hand out the following week in the main office and you're adding the finishing touches to your current project. The painted cassette tape takes up nearly seventy percent of the canvas and the plastic film is painted in a mangle of loops around the tape. The tape is just wide enough for you to carefully paint lyrics along it which is what you're doing right now since there are no distractions around.
You're painstakingly painting the lyrics to Girls Just Want To Have Fun with the thinnest paint brush you could find when you hear footsteps behind you.
"Just ten more minutes, Miss Ackers. I'm almost done."
"I know I'm pretty, Princess, but not as pretty as that art teacher of yours."
That particular voice makes you sigh before you lean back, placing your paintbrush in a cup of water. "What are you doing here, Hargrove?" Turning around you see him staring at your canvas.
"Not bad," he says. "You're pretty good."
"It's just a cassette tape. Nothing fancy."
"Oh but it is." He says. "You didn't just paint a tape. You painted a tape that looks like it's been handled numerous times. Almost like it's.. worn down."
Your lips twitch at the sight of Billy actually studying your art. You inhale deeply, swallowing down the urge to immediately bicker with him. "Thanks."
He smirks, tucking his hands into the front of his jean's pockets before dragging his gaze back to you. "So a little birdie told me you liked burgers. Wanna grab a bite to eat with me, Y/N? I promise to make it worth your while."
"And you ruined the moment." Your shoulders slump and you turn back around to gather all your supplies. Walking towards the back of the room where a sink resides, you wash off your paint pallet, clean your brushes, and rinse out your cup. When you turn back around, Billy is a lot closer than before and you gasp in surprise. "Jesus."
"Close. It's Billy."
"Whatever you say, Bobby." He snorts and when you sidestep him you bite back a smile at the brief back and forth. "I've actually got stuff to do. If you're looking for a date, I hear Nicole's seconds away from getting down on her knees. Have fun."
"You'll cave sooner or later."
"Keep dreaming, Benny."
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A few more days pass and your walls are starting to crumble.
Billy Hargrove has learned your entire class schedule and is now just around every corner. You can't seem to escape him, and when you do Heather takes up the reigns and talks non-stop about him. His flirtations, instead of making you blush, start to make you laugh and he's got you right where he and Heather want you. The rest of the high school female population, however, are not happy with the turn of events.
Lunch has just ended and you've dumped your tray alongside Heather. The both of you have walked out into the hallway, but in order to keep the conversation going you've turned around so you're walking backwards.
"Alright. Who would you rather: Joe Perry from Aerosmith or Roger Taylor from Queen?"
You scoff. "You could have made it harder. Roger Taylor, of course."
Heather's eyes briefly flicker behind you, but you don't pay it any mind. Not even when her eyes light up. "Oh. Of course," she grins. "You obviously have a thing for those light-haired boys."
"I might have a thing for some light-haired boys." You shrug and start to turn, keeping your gaze on Heather. "But if anyone's going to get me on my knees, it'd be- oomph!" You crash into someone and stumble back, your cheek hurting from the chest you've hit. Heather cackles as hands quickly grab onto you to steady you and then wraps an arm around your shoulders.
"Princess," Billy drawls.
You tense. "Nope." This can't be happening. You did not just crash into Billy while talking about getting on your knees. Chancing a glancing up, you cringe. It's definitely him.
"What were you saying just moments ago? Who's going to get you on your knees?"
Heather laughs some more and you shake your head. "We're not doing this today, Hargrove."
"Well I mean, just pick a day. Any day. I've been dying to get you on your-"
"Gross!" You wrinkle your nose and elbow him in his side, he smirking down on you. "I was talking about Roger Taylor. You know, the drummer from Queen."
"You mean my twin?" This time it's your turn to laugh and you don't even fight him when he starts leading you down the hallway with Heather practically skipping at your side. "So what were you ladies up to before Y/N tried seducing me with her words?"
"We," Heather quickly cuts off your retort, "are just going to kill the rest of the lunch period in Y/N's car. Care to join us?"
"And before your brain runs away with whatever it conjures up, no this isn't an invitation for a threesome. We're just going to listen to music and talk, and that's it. If you can't keep your dick in your pants for twenty minutes, then you're not welcome."
Billy sighs. "Take away all my fun." Heather giggles and you grin, and Billy continues to walk you to your car. "Next time though, we're skipping school food and going out."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Bennett."
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After the final bell rang, it was no surprise to find Billy waiting outside the art classroom. He waited until everyone had left, he then entering the room to help you carry a couple of your canvases you were taking home now that they've been graded and on display long enough.
Even after weeks of flirting and getting absolutely nowhere, a real friendship somehow blossomed between you and him. He's still the most arrogant boy you've ever met, and downright mean at times to your peers, but it's.. it's Billy.
So after laying your artwork in the trunk of your car and still no Heather, you join Billy over at his car. You readily hop onto the hood, smirking when he glares at you, and promise to not scratch his baby. He rolls his eyes, lights up a cigarette, and leans on the spot right next to you.
"So you're telling me you never once hooked up with Tina?" You ask, giggling. Billy shakes his head, the corner of his mouth quirked up in a grin. "Seriously? She's been telling anyone and everyone that she's slept with you at least twice."
Billy shrugs. "There was some heavy petting the night of her Halloween party, but that's about it."
"Jesus. Halloween? Didn't you move here like a day or two before?"
"Something like that."
"That girl sure does move fast."
Billy chuckles and takes a long drag of his cigarette, letting the smoke sit for a few seconds before exhaling it all out. With your backpack next to you, you open up the front pocket and take out a bag of skittles you'd been snacking on during lunch. Pouring some into your palm, you hold out your hand towards Billy to see if he wants some. He chooses the red ones since he knows they're your favorite and quickly tosses them into his mouth.
"You're a dick."
The school kids are slowly pouring out from the main entrance and still there's no Heather. There is, however, Carol and her little lackey Nicole.
"Careful, Billy. The cow you have sitting on the hood of your car is bound to leave a dent or two." Nicole practically cackles at Carol's remark- Carol who's smirking as if she's just won some sort of confrontation.
You merely smile in return. "Careful, Carol. Jealousy doesn't suit you."
She scoffs. "Jealousy? What exactly do I have to be jealous of? You're nothing."
"Oh I don't know," you slowly grin, leaning towards Billy and sliding an arm around the back of his shoulders. He chuckles. "Maybe you're jealous over the fact that Billy hasn't given you the time of the day. Then again, your boyfriend is practically his little lap dog so maybe you're pissed because the only one on one time you can have with him, he spends it with me."
Her amusement completely vanishes, but before she can open her mouth to retort Tommy is putting an arm around her shoulders. "Hey, babe. What's going on?" He asks before nodding at Billy. "Hey man."
"Nothing." Carol then pastes on a smile and kisses the underside of his jaw.
"Nothing?" You muse, feigning innocence. "Now I wouldn't say that." Carol glances at you, eyes narrowing and Nicole frowns before taking a step back. Glancing at Tommy, you then say, "Put a leash on your girl, man. She's acting kind of bitchy because Hargrove hasn't asked her to get on her knees for him yet."
Tommy's smile drops. "What?"
"Sorry, man, but it's true." Billy tells him. "I've known my fair share of persistent girls, but yours really takes the cake."
"Hey fuck you, man." Tommy stands a little taller, clearly defending his girlfriend.
You roll your eyes. "Don't get pissy at him, Tom-Tom. Carol's the one who can't take a hint and get bent somewhere else."
"Screw you, Y/N!"
"Nah. I rather save the screwing for Billy." You smirk.
You hear a slight sharp inhale from your friend, but don't bother looking at him. Carol sneers, Nicole cracks a grin, and Tommy scoffs. "Lets go, babe. Obviously Billy isn't a friend of ours."
"Took you long enough to catch on, did it?"
As the trio finally take their leave, you lean back and slide your arm off of Billy's shoulders. He turns, but you immediately shake your head. "Don't. I didn't mean it."
"Are you positive?"
"Oh my god." You laugh. "I just said it to get under her skin."
"Get under whose skin?" Heather's finally joined you, smacking her gum.
"Carol's." You slide off the hood of Billy's car, but he doesn't let you go far.
"Y/N told Carol she would screw me."
Heather gapes, but you're quick to defend your word choice. "In a joking manner!" Billy laughs and you groan as he pulls you under his arm as usual. "Goddammit. I'm never going to live this down."
"Not a chance in hell, Princess. Wanna go to the movies with me?"
You sigh and start to walk towards your own car. "Get bent, Brad."
"That's not even close to sounding like Billy," he calls after you.
"I don't care!"
Heather starts to giggle and Billy smirks over at her. "Progress, Holloway. This is good progress."
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fullbusterfantasmic · 4 years
Playing House 🏠
Short stories
Pairing: Gray x You
Rating: T
Warnings: Implied sexual content
I don't have to open my eyes to know I'm back in my own bed at home.
Last night when I stepped off the train a wave of relief swept through my exhausted haze. I’d only been gone for a week to help Lyon with that emergency mission in the mountains but it felt like a month. My limbs felt like led as I began the trek back to my apartment. I caught sight of the large clock in the center of magnolia station it read 2:30 a.m, I sigh in disappointment.
There's no way she'd be waiting up for me, she'd undoubtedly given up hours ago. I may be exhausted, but I could easily stay awake when the alternative was reuniting with her. Tomorrow; I’ll see her smile, hear her laugh, hold her in my arms, but I don’t want to wait until tomorrow I want to see her now. My footsteps are the only sound echoing through the sleeping cities streets.
As I turn onto my street I take my eyes off the cobblestones to glance up at my apartment in the distance, the light in my bedroom is on. My pace speeds up as my pulse increases, someone is sitting out on the steps of the building. They must have seen me approaching because they get to their feet. I knew it was her before her arms wound around me, before the taste of her lips graces my tongue.
“I missed you, im so glad you’re safe”
Clumsily I open the door, drop my bag on the floor, and I’m all too eager to keep her in my arms as I head towards the bedroom.
“I’m sure you’re exhausted, let’s go to bed…that can wait until tomorrow”
Laying her down I shake my head as I then cage her in beneath me, “Don’t want to wait till tomorrow”. She sighs blissfully as I kiss my way down her body.
“Neither did I”
Intent on pulling her close to me I reach out to find her side of the bed empty, my eyes open immediately. The bedroom door is open and I hear movement in the kitchen. That’s right it’s Sunday; Every Sunday she makes dinner for us and it’s always delicious. However; Whenever I’ve been gone for any length of time it always becomes much more elaborate.
Sure enough, I find her in the kitchen flitting back and forth. I silently admire her stirring, then seasoning, in nothing but one of my T-shirts. It’s only when she bends over to place one of the dishes in the oven that I let myself mutter appreciatively at the view of her backside. She lightly startles at this. Closing the oven door, she straightens back up and gives me a sultry grin over her shoulder.
She moves to set a timer that was sitting on the kitchen countertop. When she turns back around, I’m right behind her. Seizing the opportunity; I push her against the cabinets before crashing my lips down onto her's. Her hands slide up my chest and come to rest on my shoulders, as she lets out a contented “Hmmm” when I nip at her bottom lip before we part.
“Good morning Beautiful”
She raises an eyebrow, giving me a smirk before saying; “More like Good Evening sleepy head, it’s five minutes till five pm”.
She laughs at my undoubtedly shocked expression, but it turns into a gasp as I press my post sleep hard on (Because “Morning wood” just doesn’t apply in the evening right? Jesus XD) against her before hoisting her onto the countertop.
“Gray No!” she snaps, preventing my hands from spreading her legs apart and pushing me backwards.
“The timer says one hour, that’s plenty of time” I practically whine as she hops off the counter and begins to leave the kitchen. “I know” she replies as I begin to follow after her; Only to be stopped by the shirt she'd been wearing hitting me in the face.
“I just cleaned the kitchen though…So I thought, just maybe…you’d like to join me in the shower?”.
The implication of her question leaves no room for dispute and I eagerly follow after her. She’s sitting on the bathroom counter when I enter, beckoning me forward with a finger. I can’t help the huge smile that crosses my face as the door clicks shut behind me.
The sun had set some time before we emerge from the bathroom, leaving us to navigate toward the bedroom in pitch black darkness. No sooner had I switched on the bedroom light does a shrill ring sound from the kitchen.
“Dinners ready!”
“Okay Honey I’ll be right there!”
I move over to my dresser and as I’m opening the top drawer I remember; “Shit! I needed to do laundry before I left, I don’t have any clean-“ I pause. Looking down into the drawer, I see my boxers and gym shorts all clean and folded neatly. “That woman” I began to chuckle as I shake my head. I exit the room after pulling on a pair of gym shorts, and the doorbell rings. All movement within the kitchen ceases; To avoid the undoubtedly relentless teasing, we have yet to formally announce our relationship. Well that and the fact we both are the type that prefer to keep personal matters PERSONAL.
I don’t catch sight of her as I move to open the front door, I assume she just ducked down in the kitchen. I open the door; “Erza! Hey…what’s up?” I ask not bothering to hide my surprise. Titana surveys me with mild interest before responding. “Im glad to see you returned safely and in one piece, how did it go?” the red head’s eye is drawn over my shoulder as she cranes her neck in attempts to get a better view. I unconsciously shift my body sideways to block her line of sight from inside as I begin to give the requip mage a brief run down of what transpired during the job I’d assisted Lyon with.
Once my explanation has concluded, Erza gives a nod of understanding. I silently sigh in relief as I see her begin turning to leave, only to stop mid step and turn back towards me. “I almost forgot the main reason I came over here! The TWO of you need to meet the team and myself at the train station no later than 8:30 tomorrow morning, we'll be-“, I interrupt the requip mage “Huh? What do you mean the TWO of us?!”.
The scarlet haired woman clicks her tounge in annoyance before continuing; “Gone for at least three if not four days, but pack lightly we'll be doing a good amount of hiking, and make sure you have a tent for you two to sleep in as it may rain while we’re out there”. I regard her silently with a dumbfounded expression, she rolls her eyes, “Gray, I know ______ is in there with you, cut the crap”. My mouth falls open as I try to stammer out that she’s wrong, but I only succeed in making her laugh before flooring me with her next statement. “Everyone knows the two of you like to play “House” on Sundays”. She turns to leave for real this time, calling out “Bye ________, see you guys in the morning!” over her shoulder as she heads down the street.
Ten minutes later and I’m still standing dumbfounded in the doorway.
“Babe? Come inside, the food will end up cold”
The familiar voice brings me out of my confused contemplation. I head back inside and take a seat at the table, immediately a plate is set infront of me. Once she joins me I start eating, only pausing to compliment her “Its delicious as always, thank you babe”. A blush colors her cheeks as she flashes a dazzling smile at me before taking a bite herself. Dinner is finished in a comfortable silence as I attempt to build up some much needed courage.
It’s when she sets a bowl of my favorite Mint Chip Ice cream in front of me that I ask; “Isn’t your lease up next week?”. She looks at me curiously, “Yes, why do you ask?”. I take a deep breath before reaching out to clasp her hands within my own.
“Because I’m tired of playing house, I’m ready for us to really make this place a home”.
A/N: So there you have it the very first story to be posted here! I decided to start things off with some adorable, light hearted, fluff because I didn’t want to kick things off with the “HARD STUFF” and run the risk of scaring people off 😅😣 I have plenty of stories penned so I will slowly start rolling them out, but I still want those REQUESTS people so send em in! 💖
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redrosesartcabin · 4 years
Self indulgent series: Part 2.1
Life: Part 1
(Kenji x female reader, authors perspective) (the reader is a singer) (also: Some angst in here. I dunno why, but I just love writing some angst with fluff endings xD)
“So, let me get this straight”, the interviewer said, bewildered by the story the singer and songwriter Red Rose had brought up, “you met your now husband, Kenji Kon no less, on Jurassic World as one of the kids who got stranded for five months?”
“That’s correct”, she said. She had answered that very question a million times, but she couldn’t fault them for it: It was an unbelievable story (though she started to wonder how not everyone was aware by now that she was one of the teens back than).
“It was in December of 2015. I was thirteen years old and exited to be one of the first teens to visit Camp Cretaceous. I have to admit, I wasn’t and still am not, maybe even less than before, the biggest fan of dinosaurs. I’m not particularly interested in facts about them, but I definitely was interested in seeing some Dino action! So when I won first place at the talent show of my school-“
“Unsurprisingly”, the interviewer interluded at which the audience gave a collective chuckle.
“-I was still very excited about going to Jurassic World. My parents never wanted to go and in retrospect I can understand why. But you know: I was a naïve thirteen-year-old and didn’t think much about the consequences of the past. What happened at Jurassic Park you know? I was convinced Jurassic World was different and all worked out. Boy was I wrong! We all know it now! But at least I can say that I got, besides trauma, lifelong friends and my amazing husband out of it”
“That definitely can’t be disputed”, the interviewer agreed. Red Rose found him quite pleasant. Although he was a chatterbox, he was still very respectful and didn’t poke too much into the Jurassic World story: Although she was, for the most part, over the trauma, it was still a work in progress and it’s not a time she always remembers fondly. On most days she remembers the good moments she had with her newfound friends there, but sometimes she could feel the adrenaline rush through her as she thought of dinosaurs trying to eat her and her fellow campers. She saw flashes of sharp teeth and could feel hot, stinking breath and hear growls drawing shivers down her spine.  Red Rose liked to focus on the human part of the experience, so she preferred being able to tell the tale of Jurassic World the way she wanted without being asked too much…
 “So, Kon helped you reach fame if I remember correctly?”, he asked.
“Definitely! Though, I mean: I was able to do most of what I’m doing. Teaching myself how to use certain programs. I taught myself how to sing and I’ve always written my own stuff…But I certainly wasn’t good at marketing myself or making myself grow.
Kenji and I became boyfriend and girlfriend when I was sixteen and he was eighteen. That same year we went on vacations for three weeks in the Caribbean’s. And “, she let out a laugh. The camera closed up on her and caught a smile and a glance that looked so touched by love anyone could feel how much she adored her spouse, “I remember how we went on the private part of the beach Kenjis father had purchased. I sat down on a hammock and a guitar and just started improvising and singing. Little did I know my boyfriend -gosh that sounds weird to say now- was filming me. He put it up on Instagram, and he already had quite a following back then, so it gained quite some attention. Though not necessarily because it was a nice scenery or any of that: But because people genuinely liked how I sing and the melody I had come up with. And well… it got wild from there. People soon requested I make my own Instagram page for making music.
A year later I was asked if I would like to produce some music and well… then my career started”
“That’s honestly such a cool and sweet story. Though how about an even sweeter reunion? Please welcome: Kenji Kon”
Red Rose got up from her seat with a wild jump, not as the eccentric, elegant yet kind of crazy minded artist, but as y/n Kon. As the wife who hadn’t seen her husband in person for a month because of the production of yet another movie starring him as the protagonist.
The crowd clapped in awe of him, as fans. She wanted to clap because her heart was clapping too. Her heart was dancing a tango inside of chest as though she was seeing her middle school crush in the hallway. His dark eyes, ridden with depth met her y/e.c. ones and all they could read in each other’s eyes was happiness and love.
This happened within miliseconds, but it passed by in slow motion for her, so she perceived herself running towards him with calm. For the rest of the world however she was perceived as looking like a golden retriever who had missed his owner whilst they were at work and were ready to play.
It was adorable. It was downright touching how the couple met each other halfway and gave each other a long, passionate yet gentle kiss (so that it wouldn’t be too inappropriate for life TV).
“Not to be giddy, but you really are a couple to die for”, the interviewer said. The audience half chuckled half yelled in agreement. She felt her cheeks blush in a deep dark shade of red and heard her husband chuckle in embarrassment. She looked down to her and whispered “Hello love”
 Kenji had, unsurprisingly, had found joy in being actor. Being dramatic and showing his face on camera all the time? Perfect!
And he honest to god was a great actor. Though it did get annoying from time to time that he was casted as either the pretty faced villain or the charming, perfect love interest. Sometimes he was even both.
Y/n didn’t like to admit it, but she was quite jealous at the beginning when she saw him kiss other men and women on screen. It took a big fight for her to admit that.
She wasn’t proud of that fight at all. She had been, without wanting to, been very critical of her then fiancé (it was about six months before they got married). She would call him several times a day when he was on set of a particularly spicy rom com and observe his socials every couple of minutes. Y/n remembers her friends teasing her about it in the beginning and then eventually scold her. “Don’t you trust him?”, they had asked and she had answered, “I do….”, and they knew she was telling the truth, yet there was more behind it.
Kenji soon caught up and noticed her strange clinginess.
“What is up with you, Y/N? You know I have work to do! You can’t call me that often on set!”, he had yelled when the topic came up. He had been visiting for the weekend before he would go back on set.
“Why not? Can a girl not talk to her fiancé?”, she had asked with a sharp undertone
“Of course, you can darling. But twenty times a day is simply too much!”, he argued, yet he tried keeping his tone softer.
“I don’t call that often”, she pouted
“Oh YES you do!”, he put his phone out and showed her the times she had called just the other day. She counted about thirty, “I was nice with that number!”
“And? So what? You can just put your phone on silent”
“Yes, of course I can. This isn’t about solving the notification issue it’s about solving your trust issues towards me. Why don’t you trust me?”, as he asked the question his anger had subsided and genuine hurt showed in his eyes in his voice, “you monitor me like I’m an inmate”
“I…”, she was only able to say, her throat suddenly seemed dry, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to… I…”, she couldn’t find the right words to explain it. It hurt too much to admit. She thought she had been over that thought pattern a long time ago, but it had returned to her.
“What? What have I done to deserve this?”, he asked, “Why are you even with me, if who I am disturbs you so much?”
And that… that sentence had hurt her more than that ugly thing inside of her she hadn’t wanted to face.
“You fool!”, she screamed in fury as the sentence he had uttered stung, her eyes filling with endless tears, “How could you ever think you disturb me? You are the most beautiful, wonderful human being I know, inside and out. And on top of that you are incredibly kindhearted. And that’s why I’m like this… I don’t want to lose you. And it’s not that I don’t trust you: I highly doubt you’d ever cheat on anyone. You are too kind for that. But I fear… I feared when you are together with all these good-looking actors you might not find me enough anymore. I know it’s stupid, but you see: The past haunted me again. When I was called fat. When I was called not-good-enough. When I read social media comments saying you’re out of my league and I don’t deserve you. Ugly words that ate me up inside when I was a child and young teen. I thought I was past that but I…I…”, now the tears were too many and her words died with hiccups. She felt his form surround her in a hug that felt so warm and yet sharp as knifes. She loved his touch but felt guilty for not opening up about this sooner. She had never wanted to be like this, but alas she had been too much of a coward to burden him or herself with this.
“Love”, he whispered after comforting her for a couple of minutes, “Look at me”
She lifted her head. Her eyes were red and puffy, her lips were dark pink, and tears had run streaks across her cheeks. It broke Kenji to have hurt her so deeply, yet he also knew that it wasn’t his fault. It was however his responsibility, to clear this up once and for all.
“Love listen”, he started, “I completely understand your jealousy. But we’ve been together for almost ten years and in all that time, I’ve never encountered a woman more incredible, deeply fascinating and intrinsically beautiful as you. No acted kiss could bring me away from you, no sexy actor could keep my mind from ever wishing for more than to be by your side. I’ve been by your side for almost six years: What should change now?
The monster from your past is, as already stated: Past. Their words were untrue. These people were in pain themselves when they caused you pain. You were a target to unleash the inner turmoil of others. It’s no excuse but it is the explanation. Those who feel they must hurt others are those who seek the most attention and power because they’d be devoid of having a self. I should know: I used to be similar to that. And I had my phase of jealousy as well, you know?”
“Really?”, y/n managed to ask
“Oh yes! I was in rage every time I heard you talk about any of your guy friends back in high school. Difference is I could hide it better because we were apart a lot of the time. I feared you would find someone who had more of a personality than me. I was no longer sure looks would cut it”
“Gosh love”, she answered, her voice love drunken, “you burst of personality. You aren’t just a pretty boy or well… pretty man. You have so much spirit and energy to give to the world. You are the definition of happiness and sunshine. And on top of that you are an incredibly talented man with so much to show. You wield the human mind and emotions so well you can convert yourself to be something other than yourself convincingly-”
“See?”, he asked, “and just like you love me like that and see all that good I sometimes don’t recognize, I see it in you… I always love you”
“I love you too. I’m sorry”
“Don’t be sorry. I’m so happy we had this talk. It was much needed”
“Yeah”, she hummed as her lips almost touched his and within seconds the couple found themselves passionately kissing
Ever since then they hadn’t had any of these kinds of self-worth problems. They’d say I love you on a daily basis and gave each other compliments whenever they could.
One thing the fans found especially cute was that, without fail, Red Rose would comment on each of Kenji’s selfies and comment “hey gorgeous, you single?” and he’d answer every single time, “Sure Sugar. Meet me at seven on your favorite street-corner”
One time they took a picture of each other on a nice-looking street corner. Kenji had called the picture “finally found the street corner. Been waiting to meet this lady for a while, apparently her name is ‘your wife’, which is peculiar but otherwise she seems nice”.
The picture even went viral and became one of the all-time favorite celebrity pictures of 2026.
  After the talk-show they flew back in his helicopter.
They were in New York city and y/n looked at the city landscape with a fascinated gaze as she observed the flickering lights of the big apple.
Kenji looked at her with eyes shining almost as bright. He loved her love for everything new she sees. He had noticed that the first time she had seen the watering hole. He wasn’t really interested in her that way yet. He was fifteen and she thirteen, that makes quite a difference at this age. But still he couldn’t but smile as she looked at the dinosaurs with big eyes. And he loved that she hadn’t lost that spark, even as she got older, even as they came together and grew and changed together.
Y/n noticed his gaze and shifted hers to look at him.
‘What a beautiful man. I’ve missed him so’ she thought to herself.
“I missed you”, he said as though he had read her mind just now. Maybe he had. They had been together for so long they were often able to read each other’s subtle shifts in expression. Quite a beautiful thing.
“I missed you too”, she simply answered, “did you plan this talk show surprise?”
“Yes and no”, he admitted, “I was meeting up with Donavan O’Connor, the director of the ‘Elaine, the one?’ series. When calling Donavan, he told me had been to talking to Ray (the interviewer) and he was casually pointing out the funny coincidence you were meeting up for and mention the funny coincidence, that you’d have an interview with him that same day I come to the city and well… needless to say I called Ray and arranged things... I just had to. Couldn’t miss the opportunity to surprise my beautiful wife”
She smiled at that. A shy and flattered smile that reminded Kenji of when they were teens.
 They landed on the roof of a nice-looking hotel. They had decided to stay the night here in New York before travelling back to Ireland… yes: Yes Ireland.
Most celebrities lived in L.A., but Kenji and y/n had preferred living a bit apart in an old mansion near the coast of south Ireland, close to the northern border. Although Kenji was a people person, he didn’t like the dishonesty and lying in the industry and wanted to get away from that with his wife who thought the same.
Besides: It was a beautiful country.
As they entered the room, they felt peace and happiness as well as a certain kind of tension arise.
Needless to say, there was another kind of reuinion going on that night...
(Sorry about that short ending, I had to heavily edit that ‘cause it originally was a... well... non Pg scene xD)
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faelune-home · 3 years
(fanfic) “how the guiding light wavers”
(A/N: I’ve had this in the works for a few weeks now. I first brought it up in this long post I wrote to establish character stuff, but this is the work that will finally make me feel a bit more secure in writing for my miqo’te girl. I’m aware it all sounds convoluted and bizarre to fixate on a name like this, but it was something that bothered me, and I’m the one actually doing the writing for my own character, so I do hope that this fic finally makes writing easier.
But alongside the name stuff, it’s also a larger look at where Fhara is emotionally throughout Shadowbringers I suppose. A little bit of where she’s come from and where she’s been so far and where she stands before entering Endwalker, so there’s at least a little bit more to this fic than just name shenanigans. XD
Name shenanigans and heroic title woes and legacy musings. All wrapped up in a complicated bow. Aha. I’ll probably do more Scion interaction focused additions on Fhara’s woes and worries later, especially since I had some in the original fic only to remove them as it was getting way too wordy, but this is the main meat of those feelings here and now.
Strong spoilers for the ending Stormblood patches and Shadowbringers, more so 5.0 and then just fleeting mentions of patch stuff. Set after 5.3.
Word count: 4760
Ao3 link)
When she set out from her home for Eorzea’s shores, she had a goal; to become a hero, and make her name known across the world. To be known as someone great and powerful, with monsters big and small bested at her hand, yet also someone kind and helpful, saving people and making their life a little bit easier. A lofty goal, but one she figured could be done, one small step at a time. After all, every adventurer started small.
Little did she know that her forays in Eorzea would grant her her desires, at a much faster rate than she anticipated; she joined the Scions, with their close ties to the city leaders and their own aims to protect the realm, and in gaining a reputation as a primal slayer, became known as a fabled Warrior of Light. A type of hero normally assigned to legend. It was everything she could have wanted and maybe even more than she could handle. It was a heavy title, but one she wore proudly, all while continuing as she had originally planned.
Yet as time passed, the weight grew heavier. There was still pride and joy in doing the right thing for the sake of others, protecting the innocent from those that would do them harm, but at some point, in the midst of the fighting, torn between Ascians and the Empire, despite doing the same thing she always did, her thoughts would wander to her original purpose in undertaking this grand adventure.
To become a figure of whom stories would be told, for those stories to return to her home and inspire the younger children, much like the old tales had inspired herself. To teach them to do good, to do better, to help others, to be brave, to be kind. An idealistic idea but one she held fast to. And by all accounts, fighting under the Warrior of Light title aided her even further in another aspect of her plans; to allow her to step back from the world once all is done and know peace when she hung up her bow and settled down.
When she set out from her home, she was ‘Fufu’; an old childhood nickname she’d long outgrown in her village, with the exception of her aunt, repurposed for her heroic exploits until the Warrior of Light title seemed to do the job better. Then in Eorzea, in the comfort of those she came to call a second family, she could be Fhara again. And it was nice, comforting even. To know that others knew her as more than just her heroic title, and that the Rising Stones could feel like a home so far away from home.
A home that was always filled with the sound of laughter or chatter, always someone socialising with a friend or partner, or busy working, the Rising Stones had all the energy and joy within its walls that she knew from her home, even with all the group had been through. To find that joy stripped out, the halls empty of people as her dearest friends collapsed into lifelessness and everyone else was left to fill in for their missing teammates…
For Fhara, it left her with no-one. But the Warrior of Light still had work to do.
The Warrior of Light had faced down conquerors, defeated dragons, set free thousands from the shackles of tyranny. But Fhara had never been alone in her feats, always with her companions at her side, or standing strong behind her, keeping the way clear for her, ready to back her up.
The Warrior of Light would go on to face Zenos that day in Ghimlyt Dark, the whispered tales from young inexperienced soldiers speaking how she almost pushed him back single handedly, with the famed Azure Dragoon jumping into the fray to assist her. In truth, Fhara stood alone on that battle field, facing a barely weakened, Ascian possessed corpse, the collapsed figures of her resistance comrades strewn behind her, she kept going until she herself blacked out under mysterious circumstances, only surviving by Estinien’s timely arrival.
Her recovery in Ishgard started her thinking, mixed in with the anxious waves of the mysterious caller’s words. The Warrior of Light would ever be revered for their acts, but as a single entity. Whereas Fhara, while capable on her own, worked best with a team, with her friends by her side. Working out a plan of attack together, or simply knowing they were there with her gave her strength. Yet standing on the field that day, the only thing giving her the strength to fight on was the desire to protect others, for if the Ascian controlling the fallen crown prince made it past her, Eorzea would no doubt suffer.
Then a stray thought...what gave her the strength to start doing all of this in the first place? What was her drive to begin with? It seemed so long ago…
‘Fufu’ had come all the many malms from a small village on the outskirts of Thavnair to become a hero, one that would have bard songs made about her for the sake of children’s tales. But the Warrior of Light had ultimately taken on that role. So what was the point of continuing to call herself ‘Fufu’ to the public? Was it just a habit by that point? A desire to hide herself behind an identity that both was and wasn’t her? After all, it was a nickname that had long been associated with her, and in the absence of any other ideas for an alias to call herself - oft teased as she was for her poor imagination for naming things - she had fallen to the easiest idea of her old childhood moniker.
Maybe it was time to move on from such childish notions? Her thoughts were neither bitter nor certain. The questions merely buzzed in her head as she left them unanswered.
She left the city with her golden hair cropped, a request asked of Jandelaine, met in passing before she left Ishgard behind her.
“It is a shame,” he’d said at the sight of her shorn twintail, the other loose from the hair tie, matted with blood and dirt, “But I can tidy it up and it’s like it never happened. A return to beauty and grace, just say the word.”
She could’ve kept it the same, and continued on as normal. But instead it was all gone. Because maybe a fresh start was what she needed?
The First was not a fresh start. At least not one Fhara was expecting. A land on the cusp of destruction, perpetually bathed in an unnatural eerie light, the people hunted by Sin Eaters, suffering either death or a torturous transformation in turn. She very quickly learned how terrifying, how desolate some corners of the land of Norvrandt could be, and she could well understand why, if people were living in such conditions.
Her first port of call in the strange new land was the oddly familiar gleaming tower, a recognisable pillar even against the hazy glowing sky. And within was the enigmatic Crystal Exarch, ready to greet her with open arms.
She had mixed feelings about the Exarch, on many points; having Called her friends and left their lifeless bodies back on the Source in an uncertain state, or even that Calling them was an accident in itself, since she herself was meant to be the target gave her no end of frustration toward the man. Even then with the knowledge that he hadn’t intended to summon the other Scions, the idea that he had wanted her to act alone in saving the First was one Fhara couldn’t help but balk at. 
Of course she was willing to help, she couldn’t stand seeing people suffer while she knew she could do something. But to think she would be able to handle the work singlehandedly was pure folly. In that way, perhaps it was a small relief then that she had the Scions to help her, unintentional was their presence on the First. Even with the uncertainty surrounding their summoning and the state of their separated selves, she at least had her friends and teammates with her.
However it was his first impression beyond his summoning mishaps that stuck with Fhara and kept her uneasy around the man; no sooner had she arrived at the gate, he had welcomed her past his wary gate guard, quick to introduce her and settle her into the Crystarium. A warm welcome for sure, and not one she was ungrateful for, however the mix of familiar and unfamiliar in the man’s demeanor made her cautious. 
That he knew her so well, so casually referred to her as ‘Fufu’ before she had even introduced herself, how comfortable he seemed while using it - hand waved away as him learning it from old records stored within the Tower, a name used in tandem with the Warrior of Light title, although it reignited her recent troubled thoughts on her public identity - while she knew nothing about him, that not even his own people could say much of him did nothing to ease her. Every factor together had her wanting to keep the Exarch at arms length. She would do as he asked - save the First, bring back the Light, prevent another Calamity from decimating the Source - and in return, he would return her friends’ home. That was all that was needed.
Of course, things would never be that simple.
In a land ravaged by Light for 100 years, a Warrior of Light was considered a heathen, a villain that had doomed them all. Instead, the people hoped and prayed for a Warrior of Darkness to be their hero. And so Fhara, with the starlit sky returning in the wake of her arrival, would become that hero.
Fhara didn’t want to say she hated it, however the dizzying speed with which the title and the stories spread was a shock to the system, moving even quicker than her reputation as the Warrior of Light had grown on the Source. She couldn’t blame the people for their enthusiasm, especially when the hero of legend’s arrival coincided with the return of the night after a century without.
She didn’t hate it. But she found herself seeking the comfort of her closest friends more often than she used to before. She knew they weren’t looking at a grand hero, but just Fhara, who stood up to answer the call. And they stood with her. As the days would pass on the First, rarely was she without a Scion by her side, only truly left alone in the comfort of her inn room, and even then, the wayward spirit of Ardbert was a presence she didn’t resent.
The days would pass, and the night returned across the land, and beyond the walls of the Crystarium, away from the crowds of people that would revere a hero, through pixie flower beds and dense forests ever shaded from the skies, and into desert ruins of a civilisation long lost-
“Welcome aboard, Ryne.”
Fhara had seen the young Oracle struggle under the weight of her legacy, the expectations of her duty to protect and act as a beacon of hope for the people of Norvrandt, while also living in Minfilia’s shadow by virtue of her name and powers. Fhara could empathise with the young girl, having long known the feeling of so many people relying on her and her own more recent doubts that she could live up to those hopes. She kept trying all the same, as she knew the Oracle would as well, for it wasn’t in Fhara’s nature to give up if she could do something.
But now, seeing the newly christened Ryne standing with a fresh air of confidence about her, her only nerves being about doing a good job for the sake of the team and helping relinquish Amh Araeng from the grip of the Light, Fhara was proud of the girl for her new lease on life.
Yet also a tiny bit jealous, that all it took was a name and a declaration to do better by herself for the girl to suddenly be brimming with courage, whereas Fhara fretted and frayed and languished under a gifted moniker, calling herself by her childhood name and then acting as though it were her only option, that she had no other choice...but was it always that simple? To just announce to the world you could be born anew yet still the same person?
Perhaps it wasn’t exactly the solution Fhara was looking for, but it was an idea towards a resolution for her woes. After all, she wasn’t trying to begin fresh like Ryne, Fhara just wanted to be Fhara, as she always had been. It was just trying to express that to the world at large.
It was only when the Light she had been capturing within herself finally overpowered her and left her weakened and stumbling, sitting at death’s door, did it finally seem to become clear to her. So rarely before had she gotten so close to death that she had never thought so closely about what she would leave behind, or who would remember her and how. The people of Norvrandt knew the Warrior of Darkness, Eorzea knew the Warrior of Light and the Scions knew Fhara. And if she died that day that would be the memory she would leave behind. 
Yet she realised, lying in her inn room, she didn’t want to just be remembered as a hero under a title, or by a name that most of her nearest and dearest scarcely used. She wanted to be remembered as Fhara, at least if it were possible.
She’d certainly made the attempt to introduce herself as such during their travels across the realm, but with how quickly people came to know her as the Warrior of Darkness, she feared that her attempts were being drowned out. However before their ascent of Mt Gulg, as the crowds gathered from across the land to assist them, she found that they knew her as Fhara, and they would talk to her, and they wished all the Scions the best of luck. And among a small few, the Warrior of Darkness was not a title solely attributed to her, but to all of her friends.
It was nice. A reassuring gesture that her efforts were noticed. Even as she stumbled her way to the deepest depths of the seas in pursuit of Emet-Selch - keenly aware that if she failed, she would be dooming the First and her fellow Scions along with her - she held onto that knowledge. After all her worries, it was an odd source of courage for her, bolstered by her desire to survive, and the understanding that she wasn’t alone in her duty.
Altogether her feelings gathered, and in the face of death and her desperate wish to live, and her wish to be known for more than her heroic tales, she made her decision. She’d never been afraid to make the first step before, not even into the unknown. She’d come all the way to Eorzea on a whim and a want, and faced almighty foes more powerful than herself with nothing more than the determination to protect those that could not fight back.
If she lived through this fight, she would cast aside her anxieties, and take that first step again.
Fhara wasn’t the type to call meetings, she was the type to attend someone else’s meeting. And yet the majority Scions were gathered in the Rising Stones, with the miqo’te standing at the head of the pack, nervously shuffling her feet. What few Scions that weren’t accounted for were assured to be updated afterward.
She ran her fingers through her hair, no doubt to calm some nerves, although the action drew the attentions of the group members that had only seen her sparingly during her otherworldly adventures; since last they had seen her, she’d left for the Crystal Tower with a short crop, still wearing her tattered and torn bard coat, an uneasy smile on her face as though more to reassure those around her than because she genuinely felt like her hopeful self. Yet each time she returned to report to Tataru with updates, she was a brighter figure, with a spring in her step as she relayed the progress on the First, and her hair would grow out slowly to the feathered bob she now wore. It wasn’t quite the cute twintails they’d known her for when they joined, but she looked all the more confident nowadays with it.
She finally started, with a loud voice, albeit one that cracked as though there was still some anxiety holding her back, “I have something I want to say. Something I’ve been thinking about for a long while now and that I want to be clear on moving forward.”
Any mumbling between parties silenced immediately. Fhara’s tail flicked at the now heavy hush, however some encouraging gestures from the figures at the front most row - some few nods and a thumbs up here and there - allowed her to continue, “Thank you for being here. Truthfully, some people here already know what I’m gonna talk about. But I’d rather make it clear to everyone now. This whole thing might sound rather silly to some people, that I’m worrying over nothing. Some of you might even say that if it means so much to me, then it’s not such a trivial thing. And I appreciate that, I do.”
She hesitated, ears suddenly flattening. “To cut out a long story, when I came to Eorzea, and when I joined the Scions and became known as the Warrior of Light, I told everyone here they could call me Fhara. It’s who I am after all. But outside where people would know the Warrior of Light better, then they should call me ‘Fufu’. That’s still technically me, it's an old name I was called as a child. And it’s the name I chose for travelling because...I suppose the easiest way to put it is that I wanted to separate my private life, if I ever chose to return home, from my adventure life. But lately with everything that happened and with a lot of the dangers getting so much bigger than even the Warrior of Light I just started to worry about who I really was and what I was doing.”
“Like how? You seem the same to me?” Aenor spoke up, ignoring the disapproving nudge from her frowning sister.
“I mean, I hope I do,” Fhara smiled, although it was more wistful looking than pleasant, “I never tried to pretend to be someone I’m not, no matter where I was or who I was with, or what name people called me. But I started thinking I was getting lost with myself, like people were seeing two different people with me.” Her tail flicked again. “I should say now, I don’t hate being the Warrior of Light. A lot of people try to project that I’m frustrated with it or that I could be doing better with a title like that, but none of that is true. I don’t hate it. But it’s hard. People have big hopes and expectations for me when they treat me like that, and I’ll always try to reach them, but it’s not always easy to do alone. So truly, I’m forever grateful to have you all with me at my side.”
Casting a glance over the Archons and the twins, Fhara continued, her voice somehow smaller, “But when the Callings happened, and then everyone else here was stretched to take over the work, and this place was left empty so much, I...well, as senseless as it might sound, I felt alone. But I still had a job to do, but doing it alone was hard. Because everyone else knew this brave warrior that could handle anything, and I didn’t feel like that at all.” The quiet admission brought about guilty whispering rippling through the group, until a sharp cough from F’lhaminn hushed them again.
“T’was never our intent to make you feel as though you had no-one to lean on,” the older woman said, “Especially during such a time when our own were falling out of commission. But then it was precisely such a time that we all struggled to balance the work that needed to be done, and to fill the gaps left behind. If that struggle left you without support, then that would be our failing, and for that we would owe you our sincerest apologies.” The mumblings rose once more, letting out a small chorus of “sorry”s and “‘pologies”. 
Fhara gave the woman a grateful nod then added, “I understand, I do. And I didn’t say that to call out anyone here, but I won’t deny that a lot of people across the realm talk about me in such grand ways because of the work and feats I’ve done, and it’s hard to feel like I’ve lived up to their stories. In that sense, being on the First kind of helped; it was a fresh start where I could try again to do the hero thing, but in a lot of ways, it wasn’t, because the same thing that happened here on the Source happened there. People needed a hero, someone to help them, and I just became the Warrior of Darkness to answer that need, and that’s what most people knew me as. But it still gave me a chance to try and start afresh with myself, and now I feel better about where I stand. And I want to bring that feeling and those certainties back here.”
She didn’t mention Azem. Though the suggestion that Fhara may be related in some way to that Ancient had brought her more hazy feelings, she had insisted that none of that mattered. The final insistence had brought her here now, to her certain decision. She was herself, and she didn’t have to worry about being anything more.
She let in a deep breath, steeling herself as she said, “The Warrior of Light is here to stay and she’s the one that will go down in history, and I can’t change that. Not everyone in the world will know the real me beyond the heroes tales, and I can accept that. But at least on some level, I can try to let them understand me. And that can start with a name. A name can be lost to time, so I get that people in the future will never know Fhara. But the people here and now can, and that’s all I want.”
With a final, certain nod,  she declared, “So from now on, I’m Fhara. Not just inside these walls, but outside them as well. It took a lot more words to say that than it probably should have, but I hope you all understand it now.” Uncertain of how to finish her speech, she took the skirt of her purple dress, already wrung tight by her nervous hands, and gave a bow. There wasn’t an immediate response. It took another glance at the twins next to her, giving her comforting looks to ease the tension in her shoulders, until another voice spoke out from behind the group.
“‘At was a lot of words to get the message out, but it looks here that it meant a lot to ye to make it sure as sure fer us lot,” the crowd parted, and Riol nodded, looking satisfied, “I think I’ll speak fer us all when I say message received loud and clear.” Fhara’s eyes started to water as she looked around to assurances and smiles, and possibly unnecessary cheers from what sounded like one of the Boulder brothers, but it was acceptance nonetheless.
“Thank you,” she sniffed, trying not to actually cry, rubbing at her face, “I mean it. This all probably sounds really ridiculous and I’m overthinking everything but-”
“There shall be none of that,” Y’shtola interrupted, “None of that self-doubt at least. We’re here for you no matter what decision you wish to make for yourself. You of all people deserve the support, and we are all the more glad to provide it.”
Fhara’s ‘Thank you’ caught in her throat, all she could do was nod. The larger group dispersed, individuals coming up to give her more reassurances and words of comfort as they passed before continuing on to their work. Urianger took G’raha aside for a word, both men departing to Dawn’s Respite, leaving the rest of the archons and the twins by Tataru’s desk with Fhara.
“So that’ll be a weight off your shoulders then?” Alisaie asked. Fhara nodded, letting out a heavy breath and slumping forward with the effort.
“I was more nervous for that than I thought, and it was just in front of the other Scions. But I’m glad. I feel like that is a step towards feeling more like myself, even if I never really strayed from that in the first place...I think.”
Thancred let out a thoughtful hum, looking over her suddenly tired frame. “I’ll say you never changed much, but I can see the ease it’s brought you now. Although if this is you after telling people that knew your little secret, how will you be with others, I wonder?” He ignored the peeved expression from Alisaie next to him as he brought it up, especially when Fhara’s face became a picture of concern.
“Oh, we’ll probably have to tell the Alliance leaders. Or do we? Is this an official thing I have to report on? Is there a process for this?” Fhara asked, eyebrows furrowing. Was there more work needed in this decision that she hadn’t thought of? Was there paperwork?
“Not to worry, I can get some official missives written up and shipped out in a jiffy,” Tataru stated, giving Fhara a bright smile and a thumbs up. Fhara returned it with a relieved look of her own, and the receptionist hopped onto her chair and set to work.
“Honestly, knowing diplomatic types, we could just use your name normally as though it's always been used, and rather than risk a faux pas, the Alliance leaders would just go along with it anyways,” Alisaie suggested with a wry smile.
Alphinaud shook his head at the suggestion. “While I don’t doubt that that is possible, sister, I would prefer if we erred on the safe side and actually updated the Alliance. We don’t have to make a large fuss over the matter for Fhara’s sake, but at least informing them of the change would be better for the Scions’ standing with them in terms of open communication.”
Alisaie rolled her eyes and mumbled, “Of course, brother.”
“At the very least, Lyse is already familiar with you personally,” Y’shtola said, addressing Fhara once more, “Even should the rest of the Alliance falter or take time to adjust, she would be able to take charge on the matter and make the adjustment easier for all. You needn’t worry about being left alone to handle this.”
“Yes, that’ll help,” Fhara smiled, however her eyes then dropped to the floor, a worrisome look on her face once more.
“Thinking now about how many people I’d need to update or inform, it feels daunting already. I’m questioning now why I thought the whole alias thing would be a good idea.”
“Really now, it’s beginning to sound like you’re thinking of telling the whole realm. You’re going to worry yourself like that,” Alisaie huffed. However she then added with a softer tone, “You said it yourself that you won’t be able to change everyone’s perception of you. Many will know the Warrior of Light, and some few will know Fufu. The odds of you coming across every familiar face you’ve ever known after this will be slim. But if it does happen, you don’t have to explain yourself in any great detail. All anyone needs to know now is that you’re just Fhara.”
The words, simple as they were, brought a warmth to her chest. And surrounded by her closest friends, those that had been with her for most of her journey and through thick and thin, the idea of continuing on into the unknown ahead of them didn’t seem as daunting anymore.
“Just Fhara...I like that.”
And that was all she needed.
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keiscait · 4 years
Hey lovely! Your matchups sound super fun so can i get living room and bedroom? If you only want to do one that's okay with me! Or none at all🤗
My pronouns are she/her and I'm bisexual. In relationships romantically i can take a bit to open up due to severe anxiety and general forgetting to share things that are importance.
On that same note I'm super forgetful but i always make sure to note down important dates and set reminders so I'm ready! I like pda but hardly initiate since I'm super awkward when asking for affection or attention.
I often need someone who can help me take care of myself, since i either forget or get so stressed i sieze to function properly. I will forget to eat meals, and drink water, etc. I also regress on occassion so someone who's ready to help me out a bit here would be great.
In a sexual relationship I'm definitely a bottom, leaning towards brat but usually really sweet. I'm pretty shy about being intimate, and that plays into my praise kink.
Most things I'm willing to try, not really into anything too hardcore but most kinks to a mild extent are within my comfort range.
My hobbies are reading and writing, as well as baking! My zodiac sun and moon are both capricorn (despite often being told i seem more like a libra or pisces, until i ask questions) I'm a super curious soul too, i ask lots of questions all the time, especially when my partner is interested in something I don't know much about.
I tend to look for a nurturing partner who can help aid me along in rough times and enjoy the good ones with me when i want to explore. I also appreciate having a more dominant partner even when in public settings, since i often panic when asked simple questions and left to my own devices. Oh, and lots of down time at home together since I'm an introvert.
My hogwarts house is Hufflepuff! And i hope to take a medical career in my future so i can help out those who need it. I also want to explore the world! I'm multilingual and pick languages up super quick and well.
I'm 5'5, with red hair (dyed, similar to tendou) hazel eyes, my skin is superrrr pale (I can't use foundations, i have to either custom order it or use cheap white face paint to achieve a similar effect) I'm also pretty slim, with an athletic build. I often wear dark, puno types of makeup and fashion, and on the other 50% of the days i wear super soft clothing. I also have a lot of piercings, with snakebites, left eyebrow, doubles in each ear lobe and one cartilage piercing.
My taste in music is definitely in rock and metal, to the surprise of everyone around me. They all think I'm too shy and sweet for it xD
That's all! Have fun lovely!
-sunny ☀️
Hello, Sunny darling! You are MY FIRST EVER REQUEST so thank you so much and I hope you like it! Let’s head on over to the living room first, then we’ll make our way to the bedroom ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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Here in the living room, I’ve invited over for you...
Ennoshita Chikara! (Runner up: Yaku Morisuke)
I think our wonderful leader of the 2nd years would be perfect for you. He’s stern when he needs to be, and has a naturally nurturing personality. He wants to bring out the best in the people he loves, and he’s capable of doing so in whichever way he can. He’s willing to step up to the plate, he’s reliable, observant, and protective.
- It doesn’t take Ennoshita too long to pick up on your non-verbal cues. He will learn your ups and downs, and sooner or later he will be able to predict them
- Expect this guy to be super understanding when it comes to your anxiety. If you ever get anxious, especially in public, he is bound to notice before it gets out of hand. I imagine if he starts seeing signs, like you tensing up, he’ll just grab your hand and give you a soft reassuring smile to make you feel at ease
- He’s responsible enough to get the 2nd years whipped into shape, so he’s capable of doing that for you when absolutely necessary, but will always make sure he does it in a gentle manner
- Remember when Coach Ukai was supposed to scold Yamaguchi about his serve? Expect that kind of protection from our darling junior captain as well. He’s super patient, and makes sure you are treated right by others too
- If it takes you a while to open up to the team, Ennoshita would surely try his best to make you feel comfortable, sometimes use his more dominant side to give you a little push to break out of your shell more, all while making sure that you aren’t overwhelmed by the situation
- Ennoshita understands THE HELL out of being anxious and withdrawing from situations (yes, I’m talking about that time he ran away). He will take the lessons he’s learned from then, and will help you through the tough times
- Your dreams to become a doctor? That AMAZES him. How can anyone be so selfless and so determined to succeed to help others? He believes in you so much and is so excited to be there to watch you turn your dreams into a reality. (manga spoiler, beware!: He’s also in the medical field - a physical therapist - so you guys would be a super duper power couple!!!)
The two of you stood on the porch of Daichi’s house, waiting to be let in. It was the 3rd year captain’s birthday, and your boyfriend, Ennoshita, thought it was about time you met the team.
“You’re tense,” he quietly said. You just looked at him before flashing a nervous smile. He wraps one arm around you and pulls you a little closer to him. “I’ve got you, it’ll be alright.”
Daichi opens the door, letting out all the noise coming from inside the house.
“HEYYY Ennoshita” he greets, which makes the rest of the team shout out a few greetings as well.
“Hi Daichi-san,” your boyfriend started, flashing his best smile. “This is y/n, my girlfriend.”
“Happy birthday, thank you so much for having me.”
The captain gives you a warm smile with a small bow, “We’ve been so excited to meet you, y/n. Please make yourself at home.”
The 3 of you proceed to where the rest of the team is hanging out. Ennoshita’s arm doesn’t leave your side, knowing that his warmth comforts you.
You make it to the living room, and had to hold your breath due to the amount of people present. Some of your nerves are quelled when the team greets you with warmth and excitement, instantly making you feel like you’re already part of the family. Once everything settles down, Ennoshita kisses the back of your hand, a reminder of how grateful he is that you’re here, with him, and all will be well as long as you two are together.
I hope you liked that! Let’s head on over to the bedroom real quick ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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My darling, I think you and Ennoshita are a match made in absolute heaven, so I’ve asked him to come with us to the bedroom as well! (Runner up: Kageyama Tobio)
- I headcanon that Chikara isn’t super freaky in the sheets. I don’t think he would be the adventurous type when it comes to trying new things in the bedroom unless his partner brings it up
- If there is something that comes to mind that he wants to try out, he’ll sit you down and talk to you about it first before anything ever happens, especially if he knows you get anxious about certain things
- HOWEVER, I think he is p r e t t y dominant in bed
- His dominant side won’t come out on your first time, but he would still make sure everything is alright and is in control of the situation. He loves the feeling of being in control, and would full on melt if you tell him how good he is doing/making you feel
- Once you two get more comfortable sexually, that’s when he’ll want to explore
- I also feel like most of the things he wants to try out is stuff that will make YOU feel good
- Praise kink!!!!! both giving and receiving praise
- if you ever feel like being dom, he’d be SO game
That’s it for now, Sunny darling! I hope you liked this and thanks so much for trusting me with your matchup! Much love!
Thanks for stopping by! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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lady-charinette · 5 years
Aged up marichat where chat is being a little fart and marinette puts him into his place sassily. Angst in the beginning then shifting to fluff. But chat is justified in being stupid like he's not being whiny lol just a couple's quarrel LOL (since theyre in their 20s possoble mention at them having future kids and them being blushy bc they didnt do the shame shame bc theyre waiting for marriage XD) Lyyy scar
Heh, you're welcome @ravensink ! Don't forget to drop by more amazing requests! ;) 😏😈 Also: @miraculous-elcie-fanfics since you mentioned wanting to be tagged in my ML stories :3
"Oh? The princess isn't resting in her lavish castle with a maid massaging her feet?" the teasing voice cut through the peaceful silence and Marinette hung her head, already knowing who it was.
They've been at this for a while now.
Four years, to be exact.
She didn't turn her head to look at him, but acknowledged his presence when he jumped down from her chimney to land perfectly balanced on her balcony railing next to her.
It still amazed her how, even after he'd underwent growthspurt after growthspurt during puberty, with only her head reaching the very top of his shoulders now, he still managed to perfectly balance his large frame on the thin metal railing.
Marinette smirked at his banter. "The princess was waiting for her loyal servant to finally arrive and massage her feet for her. I must say you're quite tedious, loyal servant." the smug grin on her lips made the young man chuckle, shaking his head in amusement.
A fair eyebrow rose in question, mirth shining in those green eyes of his that had captivated her more than once, not that she would ever say that out loud. "Apawlogies princess, my services have been lacking."
The young woman laughed, the smile reaching her eyes when she glanced at him briefly. "Careful kitty, I just may be on the lookout for another tomcat." She winked and Chat had to admit it did funny things to his stomach, had since they'd become good friends.
More than that.
Comfortable silence settled between them, until Chat Noir spoke again, his voice dropping a bit deeper, more serious. "Marinette."
The use of her name made her finally turn her head, the bandage on her cheek catching the cat's eye instantly. "What?"
He sighed, swinging his legs over so that they hovered over the floor of her balcony and no longer in open air. "You should've called for me sooner."
She gingerly touched his shoulder, her smile warmer than the inviting blankets in her room. "I'm fine kitty, Ladybug saved me."
He scoffed, messy blond hair falling into his eyes. "She may always save you, but there will be a time where she can't."
Marinette sighed, knowing those words were very true, especially since she was Ladybug.
Not that her partner would know anything about it.
"Maybe...maybe there will be a time where I can't..." the solemn expression on his face and in his voice made her blood boil and Marinette leaned forward.
"Huh? Princess, wha- MEOWCH!" Chat Noir sprung back quickly, back slamming against the side of the wall as he cowered away from the lethal substance. "Hey! Cut it out! I thought we talked about this little lady!"
He hissed at the offending object held securely in her hand, a disapproving glare on her face. "Don't you 'lady' me, kitty! And I thought we said you would stop trying to protect me all the time! I'm a big girl Chat, I can protect myself!"
The woman with the hell spawned spray bottle in her hands crossed her arms and the feline hero deemed it safe enough to come closer when the deadly bottle wasn't directed at his general direction anymore.
"You can't protect yourself against akumas!" Chat Noir straightened to his full height, now a whole head taller than the angry dark-haired woman.
Marinette growled in frustration. "I did and I will! Ladybug and you may have super suits but I have enough brains to think my way out of a situation." the proud smile on her lips was there for a second, until her secret partner was on her again.
Chat Noir growled, a far more guttural and feline-esque sound than what Marinette made. "Don't be stupid! What if you get into a situation where brains can't help you?! What if you're trapped somewhere, kidnapped by an akuma or not even on land and far away? What then? Still think your creative mind can save you?"
Not willing to back down, no matter how pity their argument seemed, Marinette stood her ground. She knew Chat Noir had now way of knowing she was Ladybug, so technically she had the brains and the super suit. "I will think of something!"
Now it was his turn to cross his arms, much bigger than hers, from all the years of fighting against akumas and criminals and he leveled her with a deadpan look. "Evillustrator?"
Marinette gaped, surprised that was the first thing that sprung to his mind. "You were with me! Nathaniel was harmless! We'd been kids Chat Noir!"
He frowned. "Glaciator?"
She coughed, looking away. "Kids! Err...I was on a roof and distracted by all the candles you set up!"
His expression softened at the memory, but quickly hardened with his next inquiry. "Ignoblia?"
Marinette jaw dropped and she pointed an accusing finger at her friend. "Hey! She was a bit..too quick and...she was a superhero- villain!"
"Exactly! Proves my point purrfectly!" He smirked at the look of despair on her face, until Marinette turned her back to him and huffed.
"I see kitty is having a hissy fit!"
He didn't want to, but the jab still got him. That little minx. "How can I not when you constantly dive headfirst into danger?! Do you think I dont check every alley and every corner if I dont know you're home when an akuma strikes? I can't believe you can't see reason!" he ran his claws through his messy hair, messing it up even further.
The designer stomped her foot. "I can't believe you can't see reason Chat! Why do you even check every alley? I'll find shelter somewhere!" she rolled her eyes, irritation seeping from her every pore.
The brief pause that followed made Marinette turn her head and when she looked back at the suspiciously quiet cat, her eyes flew open.
His face was set into a deep scowl, protective rage shining brightly in the green eyes and when he took a large step towards her, Marinette nearly stumbled from his imposing presence. His voice was heavy with emotion but didn't lose its bite from before. "I just want you to be safe!"
She stared up at him, her hands raised and just shy of touching him directly, bluebell eyes blinking slowly.
Chat Noir's face was still set in that intense glare, chest heaving from his outburst, until a hand settled gently on his cheek.
He blinked, all traces of anger gone and he instinctively leaned into her touch. "M-Marinette?"
His face looked so vulnerable, so open, green eyes glistening with emotions when her name left his lips in a whisper.
"I promise..." she took a breath, but smiled warmly up at him, the hand on his cheek caressing him softly. "...to try not to get into trouble as often. And I'll have you on speed dial, okay?"
The man sighed heavily, but nuzzled her hand, blond hair still falling slightly into his eyes. "You better not furget princess."
The teasing glint was back in his eyes and Marinette gently flicked his nose. "I won't you worrisome cat."
He shook his head, smiling down at her like a lovesick fool. "Kittens...."
Marinette rose an eyebrow curiously, giggling in amusement while she gently petted his cheek like a cat. "What?"
"Our kittens will be adorable with your looks princess..." the words leaving his lips were dreamy and mumbled, the same soft look in his eyes.
Then, as if awakening from his trance, Chat Noir sprung away from the blushing woman. "N-No, w-wait! It's not- I didn't- I mean I did, but- NO WAIT!"
He covered his mouth with his hand, face an alarming scarlet, tail haphazardly moving on the floor, and Marinette swore if she'd taken a second glance, she'd seen for sure his tail was formed into a heart.
Marinette's entire face was a tomato red, her mind racing with mental images.
Of Chat Noir
And her.
And their children.
Dressed in little black cat ears and wearing ladybug themed masks.
"Eep!" the undignified sound made Chat Noir jump and it took Marinette a split second to realize it hadn't been her that made that sound but him.
Chat Noir covered his face, before he desperately tried to talk over his rapidly pounding heart. "W-Wait, it's not what it sounds like! I was- I was talking about kittens, from- from the streets and- and! Um, adopting them!" he looked everywhere but at her but Marinette couldnt bring herself to look away from him, transformed into a blushing, stuttering mess.
"Y-Yes! Pff-preciously! I-I mean precisely! Kittens! From the streets! To uh, to adopt! Not like a family or anything or uh - just uh, individually! As-as friends! Platonic! Completely platonic! I mean, of course, if you want- not I'm not forcing you, never, I mean you're my princess and lady, I could never force you, no way! No, I-"
A finger suddenly planted itself on his lips and Chat Noir's eyes flew wide open at the action, pupils zeroing in on Marinette.
A very red faced Marinette, who had a determined look on her face, stared up at him just as she stared down their enemies when in her super suit as Ladybug. "I...I think kittens would....would be fine."
Both older teens stared at each-other in petrified silence, until Marinette spoke again, the pink shade on her face growing darker. "B-But our own k-kittens...w-with Ladybug masks and cat ears...I-in a n-non-platonic way..."
Ice settled in her stomach and Marinette's mind worked into overdrive to try and come up with a believable excuse.
Maybe it had been a joke! Of course! Chat Noir was known to make jokes!
Marinette froze when she was pushed into a solid warmth, surrounded by equally solid, warm arms around her back and one cradling the back of her head tenderly.
She could feel Chat's frantic heartbeat slowly settle down the longer they were locked in their embrace and before Marinette could form a sentence, Chat already spoke.
His voice was so quiet, she strained to hear it properly. "You know princess, I think I prefer them wearing their mama's suit more, but whatever you say m'lady."
Marinette's heart skipped a beat and she buried her face against his chest, shoulders shaking from laughter.
That dork.
Of course he knew.
But she had a little secret of her own, one she won't reveal just yet.
She smiled, her own arms wrapping around him tightly.
He purred in response.
Marinette's smile widened. "Only if they wear their papa's brand from time to time."
Chat's heart picked up in speed again and Marinette laughed.
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franeridart · 5 years
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Anon said: How are those doodles?? Your "doodles" are a million times better than any of my finished drawings (i love them btw they are so f*cking cute!!!!)
AHHHH THANK YOU!!!! They really are doodles though haha 
Anon said: What are your OCs' names?? They are so cool I'm in love with them ♡♡
If you’re talking about the four in the latest original art post I made, then they’re Chris (with the undercut), Josh (with the long hair), Max (with the scarf) and Leo (with the eyepatch)!! I’m so so happy you like them, they’re old enough to be part of me by now so seeing them liked is always such a warm feeling!!
Anon said: Do you take prompts/suggestions? Sorry I don’t know your policy but would you consider drawing Bokuro ft jealous!Bo? I’ve always headcanoned that Kuroo is really popular with both boys and girls because of his confidence and effortless charm; whether he’s oblivious to this attention despite his intelligence or aware of it yet ignoring it is anyone’s guess~ I always look forward to your art and recently got into Haikyuu!! And damn, I do ship Kuroken too but you have me addicted to Bokuro now *_* ||  Aah finally got the FAQ open (blame mobile tumblr for being a bitch), and yup my last ask is def a suggestion and I hope you’ll consider using it~ Somewhat unrelated, do you regularly add stuff to your red bubble? I love your Kiribaku art but I’m a huge fan of Momo (&Todomomo) and Kuroo (&Bokuro), is there any chance you have something in the works with them up for sale soon? Thanks
GOSH thank you so much for liking my old hq stuff enough to ask for more!! I’m not sure if I’ll get back to drawing bokuro soon, honestly? So I can’t promise that if I’ll go through with the suggestion it’ll be soon, but I’ll definitely keep it in mind for when the mood strikes!! And about the shop, I add to it whenever I feel there’s enough stuff piled up to? Though I plan to start adding more often than that from now on - I don’t really have anything for momo and kuroo to add on rb that isn’t already there, but as soon as I’ll have more of either of them I’ll remember to put them up! Thank you so so much for the interest in buying from me!!
Anon said: Ok but that Kirishima art was absolutely amazing
Anon said: Hi! First I really really love your art and I make this little muffed scream every time I see your stuff pop up on me feed. You’re amazing!! Second, can I ask how you do shadows? I can never make them look right or lay across my character correctly. Yours always look so amazing
Thank you!!!!!! I actually used to have that same problem with shadows? However much I kept track of where the lightsource was and the shapes I was working with it always looked wrong, somehow - the way I fixed it was by adding more shadows, actually. If you’ll pick any of my colored pieces you’ll see I don’t really put down lights all that often, which means the base color ends up being my light color too, and everything else is just shadows getting darker the further I go from where the light hits the object I’m shading - generally, I use a soft tool like a brush or a marker to very roughly put down where I want the shadows to go, and then using the same tool I smudge and darken it till it looks right to me. I can’t really explain it any better than this? But I have a small tutorial for how I do this in my art tips tag, if you wanna give it a look!
Anon said: I come back to look at your art almost every day, especially when I’m feeling down; so I’d just like to thank you for posting your beautiful art for all of us to experience. On behalf of all of your followers, Thank you! :,)))
Anon you’re gonna make me cryyyyy!!!!!! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; thank you so so much, both for this ask and for liking my stuff to begin with! <3
Anon said: Your anatomy is so so so so good! And don’t even get me started on your colours! Perfection
GOSH I still have a long long way to go, but thank you so much for thinking so!!! It makes all the effort feel worth it! ( TT^TT)<3
Anon said: I love everything about ur art! from the sketches to the full colored pieces, it's the highlight of my week whenever you post! I was actually wondering where you get the ideas for clothes! I always see the variety and was wondering if you came up with them or are they from somewhere ^v^ keep up the amazing work!!
It’s a mixture of both, actually! I like to look at clothing, both irl (on people I see, or stuff in the shops I visit, or even pics and movies and tv shows!) and drawn too - in anime and illustrations and manga and cartoons! I look at them and try to remember how they’re made, and then when I draw I think about it all and come up with my own by mixing stuff I liked from all those things - unless I see a piece of clothing that’d work just right as it is on a character, in which case I just draw it either as best as I can from memory or, if I have it, using a ref! It’s one of the things I find the most fun when drawing, I’m glad to hear you like what I come up with!! Thank you so much!!!
Anon said: Thoughts on KiriTodo? Because I. Am. Hooked.
I like it!! I don’t actively ship it, since my only actual ship for Kirishima is kiribaku, but I like the look of him with todo, aesthetically, and their friendship is highly entertaining to me, which means their potential relationship in a romantic setting is too - and, as we’ve seen with my very random dip into the non-existent kirijiro fandom, that’s more than enough for me to decide maybe I’ll wanna go and draw for them, one of these days haha
Anon said: Haven't seen KiriSero or KamiSero Fusions yet! Got some ideas for those? (Filling out the Bakusquad pentagon XD)
I really never got around to drawing those, did I! That’s actually surprising, hadn’t you pointed that out I’d have never realized - I’m not doing fusions anymore right now, but maybe I could make an exception for these two............ if the inspiration strikes, why not!
Anon said: Did you see the newer bnha episodes?! Miritama made it feel like a shoujo... (In a good way)
THIS IS SO OLD OH GOD sorry I didn’t get around to answering this sooner!!! The miritama relationship is really wonderful, isn’t it? They make me cry so much, soft warm boys, so in love............. TT’’’TT <3<3<3
Anon said: This whole year has been a trainwreck for me and your blog was one of the few things that stayed constant, so thank you for being my favorite spot on the internet. Hope you keep drawing and I love your art so much!
AH, THANK YOU! I really really hope I’ll keep on drawing too!!! I’ll do my best 💪💪
Anon said: Some days I’ll just sit in bed at 2 am and be like “I need a hug” and then I read ur blog and it’s like a safe mental hug. So thanks for that.
That’s!!!!!!!!!! so sweet oh my god!!!!!!!!! ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I’m so glad my stuff can make you feel warm like that, anon!! <3<3
Anon said: So it says you don't do requests in your faq does that include commissions as well
Not right now!! Maybe sometime at the beginning of next month, ✨Stay Tuned✨
Anon said: Hellooo hope you are having a good day. It's always so fun to scroll through your blogs and enjoy your art 💕💕 Idk if it's a little weird to ask but I also love your old aokaga art and I was wondering if you had any interest left in that fandom or would ever consider drawing for it again? xx
Gods, I really don’t know? It’s been so long since I’ve last engaged with anything related to knb........ I still do love the ship though, so, maybe? I really have no clue, I might though!! Thank you so much for liking even such old things from me!!!!
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I love you 3000 (Tony Stark x daughter!reader)
[Yes, I am back writing stuff. For, we´ll see how long I´m motivated xD Feel free to send me some requests though!]
[My Discord]
[3.7K words]
[Don´t repost on other websites without asking!]
[Commissions OPEN [via DM]]
[Warning: FEELS. Major Endgame Spoilers]
[Storyline: 13 years past Endgame, you are Tony Starks 17 year old daughter and attending High school. Since your dad died, you had to attend all of the annual father-daughter dances with Happy and people keep on bullying because of that. All you want is meeting your real dad. (Morgan does not exist, you were born around the time she was born)]
You sat on your window sledge, looking outside. Everyone in your backyard was dressed in black. Avengers, former Avengers, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents and a few people you didn´t even knew. Same thing as every year on your fathers death day. Your mum looks up towards your window. You had never really spent your dad´s death day outside and you weren´t going to start it now. You didn´t get why your mum wanted to celebrate this day every year anyway. You would´ve been happy with just a small dinner with only your family, instead your mum was hosting a party. You were so sick of people celebrating. Sometimes you felt like people were actually happy your dad died. You weren´t though. You wanted him to still be in your life.
You wanted to be like everyone else in high school. Even though you know it wasn´t true, everyone always seemed to have the perfect life with the perfect family in their perfect little world. And you just existed next to all of that. Hardly talking to anyone, just concentrated on school all the time. You were smart, but due to the experience of loosing your dad and the bullying that started all the way back in primary school, you had a lot of trouble staying focussed on your work. Which caused people to make even more fun of you. Famous daughter of genius Tony Stark isn´t even good in school. She would never live up to what Tony did. She would never be as smart, as talented, that´s just how it is. Her dad would just be embarrassed if he could see her, that was what everyone was saying.
And even though they didn´t knew what they were talking about, you felt like they were right. You created some stuff, but they could never live up to what your dad did. You wanted to be a hero like him, but you just couldn´t. The suit you build wasn´t as good as Iron Man. To be honest, Iron Man is a tough thing to live up to anyway. And you could never.
So, you were sure, this wasn´t a day, you should be celebrating. People should just stay to themselves instead of celebrating that Tony Stark isn´t here anymore.
You heard a small knock on your door.
“Come in,” you said, not even looking at your door.
“You should be downstairs. Not in here on your own,” you heard a familiar voice.
“I´m not celebrating the fact, that I don´t have a dad, Peter.”
Peter Parker, your longest friend, former babysitter and possibly the only person who gets you, walked into the room, closes the door behind him and sat down on the window sledge on the other side. You took a good look at him. He looked stressed, but if you were honest, there was hardly a day any more he didn´t. He was 29, had two kids and had just gone through a divorce. The whole situation left it´s marks, obviously. And during all of the, he still tried to keep being Spider-Man. But he´s been distracted. You can´t quite recall how often you heard on the new, that Spider-Man has been injured. It was really often though. You were actually scared you´d be loosing him as well sooner or later.
“You know, this is our way of showing him, how much we miss him.”
“Well, Peter, and this is mine.”
Peter stayed quite. And so did you. You didn´t knew how to feel, you felt sort of lost. It wasn´t because of Peter, it was probably just the day.
“You ever feel like you can´t live up to dad?,” you suddenly ask.
“I do. Sometimes I just feel like I´m supposed to be another Iron Man. But I can´t. I´ll never be him.”
“Feels horrible, doesn´t it? I feel like I´m always supposed to be like dad, but I can´t. I´m nothing like him.”
“What are you talking about? You´ve created an amazing suit, you are smart, you´ve been working in your dad´s lab so often by now, creating stuff. You are so much like him!”
“I´m stupid, I don´t even know if I can pass my SATs.”
“Being smart isn´t defined by your grades! I´ve seen you tinkering, creating that suit and talking to FRIDAY in a really smart way I wouldn´t even be able to talk to someone in. And I bet, you could do so much more, if you just believed in yourself a little more”
“I just miss him so much. I want him here, telling me all that kind of stuff, I´m sorry, Peter.”
You started crying. Peter tried to get closer to hug you, but you move away.
After a while of silently sitting in your room, you stopped crying again. You actually came up with an idea, though you weren´t sure, whether Peter would be alright with it.
“I want to see him. Not just the pictures all around the world, I want to meet him in person.”
“I know, Y/N, but you can´t.”
“Oh, but I can!”
Peter looked at you in confusion. He didn´t knew what to say or what you were actually talking about.
“You can´t. You´d have to travel back in time and that´s not possible.”
“I can though! You don´t have to pretend to not know anything, uncle Scott told me about the Time Heist and I´ve done some research. And FRIDAY has still got the data about the project saved. I can figure out a way to make the time machine work again. And I even know where the time machine is! I just never knew when the right time was. But now I know, it has to happen today, this is the right time.”
Peter stayed silent, thinking about what you just said.
“Are you in?,” you asked.
“I don´t know, Y/N, that sounds quite dangerous. You must´ve seen Back To The Future or similar time travel movies. Changing the slightest bit about the past can change the whole future.”
“That´s movies, Peter, time travel does not work that way! It´s safe, I promise!”
“If I die, that´s on you!”
“Awesome, let´s go!,” you exclaimed, jumping up from your seat.
“Right now?,” Peter asked, but instead of answering, you just nodded your head.
After you looked at your dad´s calculations about the recreation of Pym Particles, which were essential for a time travel through the quantum realm, you got into one of the cars down stairs. Your dad left you and your mum a few cars actually. You told Peter to get into he seat next to you. You were able to drive. Peter would probably say you weren´t really good at it, he was terrified he might die before even reaching the compound, but somehow, you got there alive.
When you arrived at the compound, you checked your phone. You were sure your mum must´ve texted you, there was no way, she didn´t see you leaving. And your were right.
Honey, where are you going?
You thought about a good answer for a second.
Just need to get out, you
know I can´t stand dad´s
death day celebrations.
I took Peter with me by
the way. We´re at the
Compound, that´s all
- Y/N
You put your phone away again. Smiling at Peter. Then you entered the building. You were actually glad everyone was at your place right now, so no one would ever know, what you did. Peter followed you to the basement. You walked into the laboratory, looking if dad probably hid Pym Particles somewhere. You were really lucky, you had found just enough for the two of you to travel back in time and come back. But you had to create new ones after, it was for sure that at least Bruce knew about the Pym Particles and would know what happened, when he realized they were gone. But for now, that didn´t matter. You took all four of them and walked down to a locked room.
“Well, I guess this is over then, we can´t get in there, Doctor Banner must´ve locked it,” Peter said, already turning around.
“Scared, aren´t we?,” you joked, before pulling out a key.
“Locked doors have never been an issue, you out of all the people should´ve known that, Peter!”
He turned back to you rolling his eyes. You could tell he didn´t want to do this, but he had no choice but to join in or stay in the room and wait for you. Because you were going and he knew there was no way around it.
Peter followed you into the small room. Only GPS to activate the suit and the machine itself was in that room.
“I told you, I know where it is,” you said, smiling at your companion.
“Suit up, we´ve got a big journey ahead!,” you add before typing something into the GPS.
You hand it to Peter and he looks at it in slight confusion.
“You should know how dad´s nano tech works. Put it around your hand and tighten it! Then just press the button. I´ve set the timer already.”
Peter did as told and so did you. The suit materializes around both your bodies within seconds. Then you hand two of the vile with the Pym Particles to Peter.
“There is a compartment in your suit. Just put the viles in.”
Again Peter just followed your instructions.
Suddenly, Peter stopped, looking at you: “Y/N, I really don´t know if this is actually a good idea to be honest.”
“You can either join me or let me go on my own, I´m meeting my dad today!”
With that, you step to the remote pad, putting in some stuff, before stepping onto the machine. The machine powers up.
You look at Peter: “Are you coming or not?”
Peter struggles for a second, but then he steps onto the machine: “Let´s do this!”
Travelling through time was probably the worst thing you´ve ever felt. Your surroundings were crushing you, everything was spinning and you really felt like throwing up. And landing gracefully was the other thing that wasn´t really the way you expected it to be. You fell over as soon as your feet touched the ground. But at least Peter wasn´t really doing better.
“Where are we? I can´t see anything,” Peter asked.
You looked around. Itwas night time, but you knew the place. You were exactly were you wanted to be. Everything worked out the way you wanted it to work out.
“In the forest by the cabin. I remember this day vividly. It´s just shortly before dad goes on the time heist to save everyone. During the day, dad was playing hero with me outside, but then some of the Avengers came over talking to him about something. The time heist actually, but I didn´t knew that back then. At night time, he started figuring stuff out. I couldn´t really sleep, so we were downstairs in his workshop eating ice cream before I went to bed. I should be in bed by this time, but dad is still awake. This is like the only day with him I can remember this well. So come on, let´s meet my dad!”
Peter nodded. There was no going back any more anyway. The two of you walked over to the cabin. Only one light was still on, near the garage. You went over to the flowerpot where a spare key was hidden in and unlock the door.
“Looked doors are actually never a issue around you,” Peter laughed quietly, trying not to wake someone up.
“Told you so!”
The two of you entered the house and walked into your dad´s workshop. You had a weird feeling in your stomach before entering the workshop and you felt tears in your eyes. You hesitate. You were about to meet your dad, but at the same time you were scared. What if he hated the way you turned out to be? You couldn´t even blame him for doing so, he would be right.
“Are you alright?,” Peter whispered.
You nodded and took a deep breath. Then you opened a door. A man with grey hair jumped at the squeaking noise the door made and looked at the two of you. Shook was written all over his face in capital letters. He did have tears in his eyes. And so did you. Your dad was standing there, right in front of you and alive.
“Peter? This can´t be! You´re dead, you disintegrated in my arms, this can´t be!,” he exclaimed.
His voice. You haven´t heard it in ages only on record, but it sounded so familiar, like he´s always been there.
“I´m here. But not really. It´s complicated, Mister Stark,” Peter tried to explain.
Before he could continue, your dad had come over and pulled him into a hug. It hurt you a little, that he behaved like Peter was his son, but didn´t recognized you, but obviously, he couldn´t. The version of you that was upstairs asleep was 4 years old. And you did change a lot over the years.
“And who is this beautiful young lady? You look familiar,” your dad then said towards you.
“I- Dad,” you just managed to say.
He looked at you for a second before he recognized you. He starts crying and starts hugging you.
“Y/N? Look at you! You´ve grown so much and you´re so pretty! You look so much like your mum!”
Now you join in on his crying. You clinged to him and never wanted to let him go again. So for a couple of minutes you just stood there and cried.
“So, time travel does actually work? Lang has not gone insane?,” your dad asked.
You nodded: “Yes, dad, yes, it works! And you will save the planet, everyone is back, Thanos is gone.”
“So why are you here then? It sound´s pretty good!”
“Well-,” you stop.
How to tell your own dad that you wanted to see him, because he died saving the planet. That you missed him. You started crying a little bit again.
“I-,” your dad stopped and looked at you for a second.
“I didn´t make it, right? I died,” he then finished.
You nodded and your dad started hugging you again.
“I´m so sorry,” he said quietly.
You took a step back: “It´s not your fault.”
Your dad looked towards Peter: “There is some ice cream in the kitchen, if you wanted some. I´m just gonna go outside with Y/N, I really want to talk to her in private.”
Peter nodded and left the room while you and your dad left the workshop through a door straight to the outside. Your dad walked with you towards the lake and then slightly into the forest til he reached a tree that fell over into the water. You knew this place better than anything, it´s always been your favourite place. You always used to come here when you didn´t feel well or just needed a time-out.
“This is one of my favourite places. I always imagined that one day, we´d sit here, talking about your first invention, planning things, looking online for the most beautiful prom dress or talking about your first boyfriend. We could´ve build Iron Man suits together and maybe even a suit for you and I could´ve taught you everything I knew. And for sure that two of us would´ve skipped a lot of dinners to get Cheeseburgers,” your dad imagined.
You tried your best not start crying again: “This is actually my favourite spot as well. I always come here if I need to calm down and to think about things.”
“Which probably rarely even happens. You´re for sure top of your class and people like you and you´ve got a lot of friends, don´t you?”
“Actually not. It´s just all so complicated. I got bullied since I started school. Everyone had basically their perfect little family. Girls went to father daughter dances with their dads, had their dads at school to introduce their job and got picked up by them. I went to father daughter dances with happy, mum always told about the company at school and I always had one of the Avengers picking me up and people just hated me for all of that and wouldn´t talk to me.”
You really wanted to cry again, but you couldn´t.
“I´m so sorry, I never wanted this to happen to you! But most families are dysfunctional, but who can say that the Avengers are their family. Even if it´s hard, I´d say you´re pretty lucky. Your mother is amazing and so are the Avengers. Even Steve though we fought a lot.”
“Steve isn´t with us any more. After your death, he travelled back in time to bring back the stones. He decided to stay with Peggy, he didn´t came back. In the end, he was dying because of his age. I think he had a really good life though.”
“So he did, what I told him to. Actually, I´m glad to hear that.”
“The thing is just I always felt out of place. My grades slipped and by now everyone is just telling me how embarrassed you would be, if you could see me now and how lucky I am that you can´t. They keep calling me a disgrace for the Stark family.”
“You´re everything but that! Just look at you! I couldn´t be any prouder! Life doesn´t depend on grades or likes and I love you just the way you are!”
You started crying a little bit again.
“Dad, I´m proud of you too. You saved everyone. You are the hero who ended up saving the world. And you died saving it.”
“I´d do everything to make the world safe for my daughter!”
“You didn´t just do it for me, did you? It was for him too,” you said, looking towards the house.
Your dad nodded: “Peter is like a son to me.”
“He has always been like a brother to me. He always tried to be there for me.”
“I want to make the world safer too, dad, to be honest. I´ve been trying to build a suit, but I feel like everyone is expecting me to live up to you.”
“You can´t, honey. No one can. And I don´t want you. The world doesn´t need another Tony Stark. Now what the world needs is a Y/N Stark. And I know you´ll be doing just amazing! And honestly, I would´ve loved to build a suit together with you! Tony and Y/N Stark! The perfect team I´d imagine.”
You smiled a little: “Actually, I´ve got my suit here right now.”
Your dad look at you and you double tapped your watch. The suit started building up around you.
“Nano Tech, I love it!,” your dad exclaimed.
“I guess I learned from the best!”
You and your dad discussed your suit for a little time and he gave you a lot of good advise you wanted to use to make your suit even better.
“I can see it right in front of me: Y/N Stark, the best hero the world has ever seen!”
“You know, mum is gonna kill me, if I started being a hero.”
Your dad nodded.
“Dad, I think Peter and I should head back. It was so good meeting you though. Dad, I love you so much,” you said a little bit sad and got up.
“I love you 3000!,” your dad answered.
“Yeah dad, I love you 3000!”
Silently the two of you walked back to the house. Peter was already sitting outside waiting for you.
“Ready to go?,” he asked.
You shook your head: “To be honest, not really, but I know we can´t stay, so yes, I am ready I think.”
Your dad hugged Peter first: “Promise me, you keep on taking good care of my daughter!”
Peter nodded in response: “Always, Mister Stark!”
Then your dad hugged you. You started crying again, you didn´t want to say goodbye. But you had no choice, even though, this was going to be really hard.
“You´ll be alright! I´m so proud of you and I´ll be watching you from beyond, always keeping you safe,” he said.
“I love you 3000, Dad!,” you said again before letting go of him.
Peter took you hand. Together you pushed the button on your GPS, having the time travel suits building up around you again. You wave one last time, before travelling back to the future.
Again, you had problems landing on your feet and landed on the floor instead. You were still crying and Peter started hugging you until you stopped. Since no time passed, you suggested you´d go back to the cabin. You were suddenly in the mood joining the celebrations of your dad´s death day. He so deserved to be praised and celebrated, he was an amazing person.
“I´m glad we did that, Peter. I feel so much better now!”
At night time, after everyone left, you and your mum were sitting in the living room next to the fire. You have been talking all evening about your dad and you were really happy about it.
“What caused this sudden change of mind?,” your mum asked after a while.
You didn´t have to think about what you wanted to answer: “I had a vision. I´ve seen dad. And I´ve seen what an amazing man he is. I realized that he´s worth celebrating!”
“I´m proud of you, honey!”
“Thank you mum. I love you!
“I love you two!”
In the past, Tony stood outside the cabin, still waving at his daughter that was gone now. Just when he wanted to go back inside, Pepper stepped out of the cabin.
“Are you alright? I felt like I heard you talking!,” she said.
Tony smiled: “You must´ve dreamed. Or maybe, I could´ve been talking to myself, I´ve been trying to figure this out!”
“Did you figured it out then?”
Tony nodded: “I did. And I´m going to help the Avengers. I just had a vision. About our daughter being grown up already. I made the decision, I´m gonna be a hero for one last time. I want to make the world safe for her.”
“What do you mean by one last time?,” Pepper asked in a bit of shock.
“I dont want to continue this! For the family. We´ll be a proper family when all of this is over,” he said before kissing his wife.
He wouldn´t tell her, that that wasn´t the truth. But after seeing his daughter, he knew, that he left the world with someone really special. He would never regret saving it.
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rvnjun · 5 years
everything | zhong chenle
requested #1: So I was wondering if you could do a little chenle fluff thingy where he hugs the readers waist? Idk I just had a dream about it and I’m 🥺 you can do whatever you want with it after that tho! requested #2: I’ve have no ideas rnkdkdnsj- but I guess I can go off of how I feel rn ? I have a massive headache and I’m feeling really nauseous so can I get chenle cuddles in his room if you’re not busy pls 👉🏼👈🏼 requested #3: Hihi!! May I get cute chenle hugs where the reader doesn’t wanna let go of him after a cuddle session and he just walks around with them bc he’s best boy and I wanna squish his cheeks bc cheek chub if that isn’t too much, you can ignore this if you want!! ☺️ requested #4: can i please have a chenle request where youre having a rough day and it ends with cuddles? requested #5: May I request a really tired chenle pls 🥺 genre: fluff word count: 1.1k authors note: wowie everyone really wanted chenle, all these reqs came in last night and today so wow. i hope yall dont mind that i combined them all into one super request XD
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Everything. Everything was going wrong today, nothing wanted to go proper for you. Your vision slowly started to blur as tears welled up, you sniffled and wiped your eyes carefully. The day was almost over and you were ready to go home but someone seemed to have other plans for you. “Are you kidding me,” you dejectedly mumbled under your breath. 
The last bus home had already left which left you one of two options, neither pleasing. Walk home or call someone to get you, that's all you could do. Your mind started to race as you thought of who you could call, the obvious answer was Chenle but he was busy preparing for a show the next day and you had already bugged him enough about your day. Sometimes you feel like a nuisance to Chenle so you didn't want to keep that up.
 Crestfallen you started your long journey home, feet already beginning to hurt after no more than 20 steps. Your cheeks burned as the tears continued to fall showing no sign of stopping. “Stupid,, fucking,, day,” your voice cracked as you kicked at the air with every word. To bystanders, you looked like you were losing your mind but you could have cared less. 
Out of your peripheral, you noticed a black van slowing down near you. Honestly, if you were smart you would have realized sooner who it was but you didn't. Your heart started to pound rapidly against your chest even more tears falling due to your fear of what they wanted. 
The car stopped right next to you, causing you to halt in your spot when you noticed a familiar look to it. The door opened and Chenle burst out, wrapping his arms around you. You started to cry harder and hug him back “Why didn't you call and have me get my manager to pick you up?” he asked, feeling slightly hurt that you didn't. 
“I felt like a nuisance and didn’t want to disturb you,” you cried into his warm embrace. He sighed and placed a kiss on top of your forehead. “How did you find me?” you asked feeling curious as to how he knew you missed your bus and how he knew where you'd be. 
“You always text me when you get on the bus but you didn't so I was worried,” he tried to let go of you but you refused. His sweet laugh rang through your ears as he slightly loosened your grip on him and turned around so you were hugging his back. “Come on baby, why don't you come to my house for a bit and we can have a little movie night or something.” The tears started to halt and you smiled, a movie night with Chenle sounded beyond perfect. You hummed in response and followed him into the car, feeling sad that you had to let go of him. 
The ride to his house was silent as he gently rubbed his thumb over the top of your hand, every once and awhile bringing your hand up to place a sweet kiss on it. “You know just how to make my day better,” you said, laughing at thinking how hysterical and stupid you must've looked. Chenle leaned forward and peered at your face, seemingly knowing what you were thinking. 
“You know, I don't understand how someone can always look so perfect?? After all the crying you just did maybe I'd be able to see something wrong but I can't?” he smiled at his own words, fixing your hair a bit. Wanting to poke some fun at him for being cheesy you realize that you couldn't. The tears that had finally stopped started up once more. “Oh no, why are you crying?” he asked with a pout. 
“Because, because of im so happy and I love you,” you cried out, hands waving. “I love you too Y/n,” his voice was gentle as he leaned over and pulled you into his chest the best he could. You wiped your eyes when you arrived at his house. 
You hugged Chenle’s back tightly making him giggle once more, slowly taking off your shoes and jackets and heading to his room. Not once letting go of the warm boy. His back bringing a sense of peace over you, calming the rough waves of today the crashed against your head relentlessly. Just being near Chenle made you feel like you were laying in a meadow with the sun cascading down on your skin leaving behind a warm tingly feeling. 
As you approached his room you finally let go. He opened his door and immediately picked out a random movie, placing it in. You, on the other hand, made your way to his closet and put on one of his shirts. Smiling triumphantly you couldn't help but giggle to yourself.  
As you went to crawl into his bed Chenle placed his hands on your waist, spinning you around so you were facing him. The gesture made butterflies float all through you. “Y/n,,-” he started, eyes wandering all over your face before they landed on your lips, his grip tightened slightly “-I love you so much and I want you to know that you are never a nuisance.,” he ended his sentence with a slow and gentle peck to your lips. The kiss may have been simple but that didn't stop it from being full of love and passion, your mind blanking. Your knees nearly betrayed you but Chenle wrapped his arm around your back, pulling you into his chest and deepening the kiss. When you pulled away your face gave away your obvious flustered mind. 
Chenle smiled softly at you, rubbing his eyes with a big yawn, “Now let's cuddle,” he beamed while grabbing your hand and pulling you down into his bed. He pulled you against his chest, his head nestled into the back of your neck. One of his legs crossed over you making you guys even closer There was barely any space between the both of you. He placed a soft kiss on your neck and sighed. In the darkness of your day, Chenle’s cuddles were heaven. 
“I love you Chenle, and, thank you,” your voice was barely above a whisper as he spoke. He hummed in response, his eyes growing heavier by the second. About to speak up and say more you stopped when you heard his calm breathing. Slightly turned your head a smile grew on your face at the amazing sight. Even sleeping he was still so ethereal looking. “Cute,” you whispered before kissing his nose and turning back to face the TV. “I guess I wasn't the only one with a bad day,” you quietly said to yourself. Soon joining Chenle in a warm and peaceful slumber.
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