#can he treat my sprained ankle. it still hurts
philhoffman · 1 year
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Production stills of Phil as Mitch Roman in Patch Adams (1998)
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prompt: who did this to you? tell me now.
summary: when you end up getting hurt while out, you make it back home, but just barely.
genre: angst, hurt/comfort
characters: alastor, lucifer
warnings: talk of fighting, abuse, broken bones and getting hurt, being stabbed. essentially you’re hurt and they respond to you being hurt. blood and medical care by the characters too.
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you walked into the hotel, staggering in, barely able to keep yourself up. every breath your feeble body tried to drag in aggravated another part of your body, causing even slight breaths to feel like you were being punched again.
you grimaced as you found stability against the wall next to door, leaning against it, your head hitting the wall. you micro-adjusted yourself trying to find a spot where you could breathe, knowing if you didn’t you would pass out. you couldn't find that spot, and were near tears. you couldn’t breathe, everything hurt, your eye was swollen shut, and you didn’t know what else to do. you had to get to your room but the thought of walking up those stairs and then down the hallway to your room seemed more of a torture session then you just got through.
that’s when you heard the soft pattering of feet and you looked up to see wide eyes.
red eyes bore into yours as the momentary shock of seeing alastor stopped your brain from thinking about the mind numbing pain you were experiencing. you watched him tighten his grip on his cane as he slowly made his way over to you, like you were a wounded animal.
“can you walk?” he asked, sizing up your figure and waving the cane away.
“i’m not… sure. i… got here… okay…. but my rooms… far.” you muttered out, long pauses between words to catch your breath. he nods, a dark shadow passing over his face along with apprehension, before he shakes his head and approaches you holding out his hands.
“may i carry you?” he asks.
“what?” your shock at his question causing you to not fully register what he said.
“will you allow me to carry you up to the rooms. i’ll help you with whatever injuries you have there.” he says slow and careful.
“i don’t know if… you can carry… me.” you murmur. he smiles a bit more now.
“i’m stronger than i look.” he replies back easily. you wave your free hand at him, giving him consent to go ahead. he gently places his arm under your knees and in a swift movement your in his arms, your body searing as your injuries are jostled.
“fuck.” you moan out trying to breath. alastor stays still and waits until you’re breathing somewhat regularly. he then starts taking you up the stairs, heading the opposite direction from your room.
“my room…” you say pointing behind him.
“i know. we’re going to my room. i have more first aid supplies then what charlie put in the rooms.” he replies easily, not breaking a sweat or even seeming out of breath. his door opens and he gently places you down on a chair near the opening to the forest. you try and find your breath again as alastor quietly darts off and comes back with a box of medical supplies.
he’s quiet as he examines you and asks permission to take off your shirt. he quickly assesses the damage to your ribs, your ankle and your face. checking your hands as well and glaring at the wounds on your knuckles. he starts with your ribs first, setting them and then wrapping them, forcing your posture straight. had you not been just trying to stay awake, you would have blushed at how gently his hands trailed your sides, piecing you back together. next he hands you a cold pack for your eye. you hold it up as he wraps your hand in gauze and ointment. you switch hands as he treats the other one.
“i don’t think your ankle is broken.” he says, “but at the least it’s sprained horribly.” he pulls out a stabilizer and gauze. “this will hurt.” you nod.
“do you worse.” you mutter, finally able to take deeper but still shallow breaths. he turns your foot to face up and your eyes widen as you scream.
“it’s okay. you’re okay.” he says, his eyes wide and worried.
“it hurts al. it hurts.” you cry, tears running down your face.
“i know. but let me finish up. it will feel better.” he assured you as he reaches up and wipes your tears away.
“go ahead.” you whisper. he quickly puts the stabilizer against your leg and then wraps it with gauze. tears running down your cheeks as you keep still and silent.
“it’s done.” he says leaning back as you sit in the chair feeling exhausted.
“thank you… alastor.” you voice no louder than a whisper but you know he hears you as he nods. he packs everything up and then moves you to the bed that magically appears in the room.
“i have a room al.” you say, sitting against the pillows.
“i know you do, but you can’t do anything in this condition. so you’ll stay here until i deem it okay for you to leave.” his tone leaving no room for argument and you nod. “now, who did this to you?”
your eyes widen as your head snaps up at him. gone was the man you saw before, replaced with what you knew as the radio demon. the shift happened almost instantaneously. “it was nothing alastor. i just… fucked up.” you say looking off to the side.
“i don’t take well with lying dear.” he says, his hand hovering over your ankle as a warning. you look at him disbelieving and he just tilts his head. almost as if he’s saying ‘try me’. you sigh.
“it was an ex of mine. he worked for vox and i left him before i came here. he was abusive and i had enough. but he found me and he knew i was at the hotel. said i couldn’t get away from him, and that we were meant to be. and when i tried to get away…” you motioned to yourself. you hoped your words came across as truthful and sincere. you internally sighed in relief as alastor nodded, and sent his shadow off. moments later husk appeared and alastor murmured something to him. you saw husk’s eyes widen as he looked at you and then alastor.
“i’ll take care of it.” husk said, his gaze steely as he left.
“relax my dear. you’re safe now and we’ll help you recover.” alastor said, as you moved to lay down, him taking up an arm chair by the bed and procuring a book from thin air. you closed your eyes as guilt consumed you. you had told alastor the truth but not the full truth.
you didn’t tell him that your ex mentioned that him “giving to you what was coming” was from vox and was to be a message to the radio demon. you knew that alastor would withdraw after that and that would hurt you more than any other physical pain anyone could put you through.
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you quickly shut the door to the house, leaning against it and taking a breath. you looked down to your abdomen and got a bit woozy seeing the blood spread across your white shirt.
“damn it.” you mutter, feeling a bit foggy from the blood loss. you shake your head trying to clear it. you knew that lucifer was home and you could only hold onto the hope that he didn't hear you come in. you were getting ready to make your way to the bathroom when lucifer popped in front of you.
“honey! you’re home!” he says, looking mostly at the papers in his hand as you straightened up much to the protest of your body, trying to seem like you had not been stabbed maybe 15 minutes ago.
“i- yup!” you responded, your voice tight as you tried to cover your wound with your hand. you moved your jacket over it so that it couldn’t be seen either. lucifer looked up at you as his eye squinted at you. 
“are you all right?” he asks, coming closer to you, his focus on those papers in his hand all but forgotten. 
“i-i’m fine, luce.” you smile, it not reaching your eyes though. you clear your throat, looking off the left, trying to figure out a way to stop him from really observing you. “i know you said you wanted to show me those new plans for the hotel, let’s go check them out!” you say, changing the subject. hoping that worked. you didn’t want to worry him, nor tell him why you were hurt.
“okay…” he says drawing out the word and then motioning for you to follow him. you start walking behind him, every footstep jostling you and causing your wound to bleed even more, when you reached the three stairs to his study. he crossed them easily but you stepped up on the one and gasped, feeling searing pain in your side. your hand coming out to hold the wall so you didn’t fall. your breath rushing in and out of you like you had ran a race, as your head swam, your body loosing more blood. you see the red substance drip from your hand and watch it fall to the floor, blending into the red carpet. you look up and see lucifer standing there, his eyes wide. 
“what the fuck happened?” he cries, going to you and lifting you up, your hand falling from your wound and your jacket falling back, showing the slice through your shirt. he quickly makes a portal and gets you to your shared room. he gently lays you down on the bed, and dashes off to get some gauze. you try to get off the bed not wanting to ruin the sheets. he comes back to you flailing, trying to get up and pushes you back down, looking at you like you had completely lost it.
“the sheets…” you murmur, coughing and wiping your hand away seeing blood. “oh no.” you whisper and his eyes widen. he throws the gauze away and places his hands on your stomach.
“why didn't you tell me immediately?" he cries, shaking his head looking distraught. "i’m going to heal you, just... stay still.” he says closing his eyes. you grab his hand with the strength you had, though you felt all the strength in your body seemingly being siphoned just by laying on the bed. he looks at you, his eyes wide.
“it hurts you.” you say. 
“don’t care.” he says, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. before you can argue again, his hands glow gold and you body starts stitching itself up, cell by cell, inch by inch. you can feel it all. you cry out as lucifer healing you seems to go on forever. the few minutes it takes seems like hours, as your mind swims through a sea of pain and exhaustion. finally the golden glow subsides and lucifer drops to his knees next to you. you grab his hand as he rests his head against you. both of you trying to recover. you can barely keep your eyes open feeling them closing. you drift off to a dreamless sleep, almost like your body forcing you to rest. 
when you wake next you sit up quickly, looking around the dark room trying to find lucifer. your breath coming in short pants as you can't see anything but the darkness in the room.
“luce?” you ask, your voice hoarse and then you look next to you. lucifer was sleeping close by you. you sigh out in relief as you lay back down and brush his hair back from his eyes, kissing his forehead. “you saved me, again.” you murmur, gently resting your hand on his cheek, resting your forehead against his. his eyes open slowly.
“i’ll always be there to do so.” he smiles and sits up. 
“i’m sorry i woke you up.” you said as he turned to you, drawing you to him and situating you to straddle his lap. clutching you close.
“i was so scared.” he whispered, not like he was asleep just a moment ago.
“i’m sorry.” you respond back. your head slotting in between his shoulder and neck. he lets you rest there for a moment and then pulls you back to look at you.
“who did this to you?” he asks, his eyes steely as he cupped your face gently. you shook your head not wanting to say. “darling, who did this?” he asked, the tone of his voice sharper and more impatient.
“i-“ tears start running down your face. “you’re going to be so upset… and i don’t want you to be. i don’t want.. you to pull away from me again. it’ll make you do that and i can’t bare that lucifer. i just-“ you start talking quickly, your breaths coming quick as you hold on to his shoulders, looking into his eyes even as tears pour from yours. lucifer’s eyes widen and his eyes are misty seeing how upset you are. 
“i won’t. i promise you. i won't pull away, regardless of what you tell me. but i need to know who did this to you. tell me. now.” lucifer says, his voice firm. 
“i-they were masked. they looked like sharks?” you phrased the last statement as a question. “they cornered me in an alley and said that i needed to take a message to lucifer. that they knew how to get to you, and they could use me to do that and you needed to give them what they asked for.” you said as you recounted the tale with your eyes closed. you opened them when you felt lucifer’s claws digging into your hips. you saw his eyes had turned red and his horns were fully out. 
“and they stabbed you?” he ground out. you nodded. "that was their message?" you nodded again.
"that if you didn't do what they asked, they would hurt me." you explain, realizing near the end of the explanation that it probably wasn't needed. his eyes darkened as you spoke, and he moved you gently onto your side of the bed. he took a deep breath as he got up. he gently petted your hair and helped you lay down, his horns no longer out, but his eyes bright red.
“where are you going?” you asked, already knowing the answer.
“out. i’ll be back all right. stay here and go to sleep, you need it. i’ll be right back.” he says, a steely resolve in his eyes, and a gentle smile on his face. you nodded as your eyes felt heavy and fell asleep before lucifer even reached the door to leave. he straightened his jacket and walked down the hall. he had important work to take care of as he created a portal and stepped through it.
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molinaskies · 1 year
Sonic and the Mirror of Trauma: Scrapnik Island
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Scrapnik Island is by far the most intriguing and impressive IDW Sonic miniseries so far. Daniel Barnes wrote an excellent story about recovering from trauma, struggling to escape your past, and facing the setbacks that come with both of those, and Nathalie Fourdraine and Jack Lawrence produced some beautiful art.
On its surface, the story has the potential to be a cheeky, cliché one-off akin to a spooky Halloween story (that started in December… hehe). But, when you look deeper at the plot and some of the tropes, and once you remember that it takes place between issue 56 (which I’ve crucially discussed at length) and issue 57, it suddenly becomes so much more important.
Mecha Sonic is a version of Sonic who has been forced to address the pain of his life and dabble with the consequences, and he represents the moment that Sonic has to face his own trauma—and that scares him.
Scrapnik Island sets off with the Scrapniks pursuing Sonic to help him, but Sonic, of course, has missed the memo. Mecha Sonic is hottest on Sonic’s trail, which stands out to me as not only is Sonic visibly afraid of Mecha (both from his sudden presence and from his memories of their last encounter), but he’s actively running away from his trauma, his past, his fear.
Even after Sonic’s been set straight on the Scrapniks’ deal, he’s still put off by Mecha Sonic’s silent demeanour and their history. So, Sonic treats him coldly, and this animosity triggers something deep within Mecha that he fights to starve off.
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There is lots of visual storytelling to indicate that Sonic and Mecha Sonic are meant to be literary foils, but below is my favourite example. A flashback of a decommissioned Mecha Sonic fades into a present shot of Sonic “taking it easy,” but more so getting fed up with his situation.
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Sonic is also particularly distrustful (and afraid) of Mecha Sonic, compared to the other Scrapniks. However, as time runs on, Sonic comes to an initial understanding of Mecha’s changed ways and wants to make peace. However, right after this, Mecha Knuckles attacks, Mecha Sonic defends and, in a way, sacrifices himself for Sonic, and things fall apart from here.
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After Mecha Sonic is triggered during his battle with Mecca Knuckles (after a forceful encounter with Mecha Sonic’s past that sends him down a path of relapse), Mecha Sonic loses his ability to starve off Eggman’s primary programming. He turns on Sonic once again, but instead of serving Eggman, he strives to serve himself. While Mecha is falling victim to his traumatic past and coping mechanisms, the unfortunate thing about this is how it all reads to Sonic: another betrayal of his trust. It all calls back to Mr. Tinker, Metal Sonic, and Surge.
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Mecha Sonic’s plan is to swap bodies with Sonic so that Mecha can use Sonic’s speed to escape the island, but the Scrapniks attack before the transfer can complete. This leaves Mecha and Sonic in an in-between state where they hear each other thoughts and feel each other’s feelings.
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Even though Sonic states that the anger and sadness in his head is not his own, he’s still clearly shown to be feeling those feelings. They don’t originate from him, but their presence mingles with his own emotions to produce something darker and more irritated. Their presence also acts as a gateway of sorts, where the latent anger and sadness that Sonic can’t suppress makes it harder for him to put away his own feelings. Couple that with his physical pain from his sprained ankle (on the same leg he busted up a few issues prior), and soon, Sonic snaps for the first time in the entire IDW comic’s run.
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I love whenever Sonic’s anger is allowed to shine because he is never enraged for petty reasons. Sonic has an attitude that often leads him to cranky comments, but Sonic is genuinely angry here because it hurts him to see someone speak so lowly of themselves, to have been hurt by the world so poorly. Mecha Sonic is also yet another person who has been created by Eggman’s terror specific to oppose Sonic. It’s another example of Surge’s “I will kill you or die trying” with the added complexity of Mecha’s attempt at redemption being corrupted by the trauma of Eggman’s influence. This puts pressure on Sonic because these impositions put Mecha, Surge, Kit, and others like them in direct opposition to Sonic for reasons entirely of no fault of his own—and that angers him. All Sonic strives to do with his life and his gift is help people, and to have so many people come out of the woodworks to say that the only thing he can do to help them is to kill himself is absolutely devastating to him. Not only because he believes in the direct opposite—that the only person who can give one purpose is oneself—but because it threatens to strip his own purpose away from him whenever these notions are unearthed.
Sonic isn’t angry at Mecha, personally. He’s angry at the system created to hurt them both.
The most important thing to remember is that, unless I fully missed something*, that strange mind-link thing between Sonic and Mecha Sonic is never undone. After Sonic cries Mecha Sonic’s tears, the story cuts to Tails officially deprogramming Mecha Sonic and Mecha Knuckles from Eggman’s directives, but it’s never explicitly stated that Mecha Sonic’s and Sonic’s mental link was reversed.
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It can be reasonably assumed that it occurs off-screen (off-page? Outside of what is shown to the reader) because that would make general sense, but then again, so did the reprogramming, and that was explicitly mentioned. Further, it’s a general rule in writing for media that if you want something to be known about your story, it needs to be shown to the audience if not alluded to or directly referred to having happened. So, this is either an oversight, or it’s entirely intentional.
* The only way I can imagine this being accounted for is that the machine that linked Sonic and Mecha’s brains, the Egg Noggin, is (obviously) an Eggman device. Thus, whenever Tails removed Eggman’s programming from Mecha Sonic and Mecha Knuckles, perhaps it also restored Sonic’s brain to normal. This, however, feels like a bit of a stretch because we never see or hear of Sonic needing or receiving any treatment, but I am willing to consider it to be a viable reason. Either way, I think the point I’m about to make still stands as either a physical change or an emotional change in Sonic’s character.
This experience, this sharing of minds in such an intimate way where they can both so clearly hear each other’s hearts, taught them something. I read this as some sort of floodgates being opened, where while Mecha Sonic can more easily feel compassion and listen to the good in his core, Sonic now more clearly feels his anger and has a harder time suppressing his emotions. Whether there is lasting physical damage left in Sonic or he’s simply reeling from the depth of his emotions felt in this adventure, there’s been a clear impact.
Even if Sonic isn’t fully delving into things just yet, he’s taken a lesson away from all of this.
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(From the IDW Endless Summer One-Shot, set between issue 64 and issue 65 and after the 900th adventure one-shot)
If nothing else, Sonic clearly understands trauma better now. Sonic is absolutely traumatized by his experiences with Eggman and other high-stakes adventures, but again, due to his tendency to push away his darker emotions, he hasn’t processed much of this. Sonic puts all his sadness and rage and fear and confusion into box after box after box before shoving everything onto a big, cluttered shelf, never to be seen again… until now. With such a clear look into the mind of someone actively reeling through trauma, a trauma so like his own, that shelf has collapsed, and now everything is spilling onto the floor before Sonic, quick as can be, can stop it.
Sonic is finally starting to understand the bigger picture, but I don’t think he’s fully on the path of self-awareness. I think there’s more boiling under the surface, more than even he realizes. And if Sonic keeps taking these micro-risks (instead of his usual Hail-Marys) that are fueled by his anger, like storming the Eggperial City too soon, then something will have to give.
Scrapnik Island is incredibly important to the IDW storyline because it showcases not only Sonic learning the depths of his pain and the pain of others but also yet another nail in Eggman’s coffin.
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galaxyedging · 5 months
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Joel Miller x Jackson Dr reader
Fluffy little one shot.
Warnings: Depictions of small surgery. Mentions of cancer. Drug use.
Carpe Diem
The days at Jackson's clinic were never boring. The community ran pretty smoothly but when you have that many people living and working together things will happen. Accidents, fights, STDs, common bugs spreading like wildfire. Children are still children even post-apocalypse. They still eat what they shouldn't and shove things up their noses. Experimental teens will eat things they shouldn't and shove things where they shouldn't.
Between being an inner city ER doctor before the outbreak and Jackson’s small town vibes, you'd seen pretty much everything. Not much surprised you. Until the night, you were getting ready to go home and came face to board chest with Joel Miller.
Office hours were over, the day had been pretty quiet. A mildly sprained ankle. A pre-natal check up. There hadn't been much tidying to do. After spending the previous day helping repair some homes that took the brunt of a summer storm, you were looking forward to a hot bath to soothe your aches. The thought of the warm water loosening you up, held your attention as you moved around, locking up on auto pilot. Finally moving to the front door you open it just in time to have Joel shoved at you down the few steps by Ellie who called back “Be good!” as she ran off.
“Sorry.” Joel's hands ghost your sides as you right yourself from the impact.
“What was that about?!” You laugh still watching as Ellie disappears down main street.
“Er…I have something I've been meaning to get checked out. Ellie found out and wanted me to come.” Joel took note of your backpack on your shoulder. “But I can see that you're ready to leave. I'll swing by another day.”
“No, you will not.” your authoritative tone startles Joel. “I've known plenty of men like you. That will avoid the doctors at all costs and say they are ‘fine’ even when they are hurting. By some miracle you are at my door so you will go inside and be treated, Mr Miller.”
Joel's hands rise with his palms up in surrender.
“Yes, Doctor.” He gives you a smile as he steps into the hallway.
The smile that tugs at your own lips is hidden from him as he makes his way to your office. Even if he doesn't seek treatment for himself, Ellie is no stranger to your office.
“So what can I help you with?” You slip into doctor mode after taking a minute to admire how Joel fills out the seat in front of you.
“Er, I have this lump…” Joel starts from under his thick lashes as he looks intently at your desk. “...I've had it a while.”
“How long is a while?” You query.
“About six months.” Joel admits sheepishly. “It's only been sore for like a week.” He adds in a weak attempt at a defence.
“Alright.” You try to keep the annoyance out of your tone. “Where is it?”
Joel seems relieved that you haven't landed into him more. “It's on my back.”
“I'll close the curtain to give you a moment to remove your shirt and lay face down on the bed.” Joel knows there's no room for argument so he makes his way over.
With the curtains closed, you begin to wash up. While you scrub your hands you can help but notice Joel's silhouette in the mirror over the sink. His thick arms bend and flex as he removes his shirt and t-shirt.
Joel had always caught your eye and the two nurses who worked with you were convinced that you'd caught his. Joel was well respected around the community. He was dependable and selfless with his time. He didn't always make the effort with small talk but there was a lot going on under his gruff looking exterior once he let you in. Since he held a conversation with you quite often, that was enough evidence for your co-workers to be convinced that Joel was infatuated with you.
“Are you decent?” You call out, approaching the curtain.
“As I'll ever be.” Joel calls back.
Joel's sense of humour always brings a smile to your face. Even the dad jokes he teases Ellie with, brighten your day.
“Let's see now. No redness. Am I alright to touch you?” You ask, your hands ready and waiting for Joel's permission.
“Yea..yes.” Joel clears his throat and shifts a little on the bed.
Another smile finds its way onto your lips as you wonder if Joel is a little nervous around you in the same way you are around him. Like how you become more self conscious as you want him to see the best version of you.
“Mmmm….uh-huh…okay. You should have come sooner…” It may not be very professional but you wanted to give Joel a little scare. He tried to stutter out ‘why’ before you continued. “...this could have been something bad. Luckily for you it's just a cyst. I can remove it and it will heal up nicely if I get it all.”
Joel's broad shoulders rise and fall as he sighs in relief, the action sends a ripple of flexing down the muscles of his and your hands long to follow them. “Thank you, Doc.”
“Don't thank me just yet. We don't have any local at the moment. I have something to take the edge off but it's…erm…experimental at best.” The best words to describe your new ‘treatment’ escape you.
“Well, what is it?” Joel had turned to face you now. His toned, tan chest is on display with a sprinkling of hair and adorable freckles that you could trace with your finger tips.
“It's CBD.” You tried to sound professional.
“Pot?!” Joel huffs a laugh.
“It has many practical applications. Some patients report it has pain relieving effects when ingested.” Your tone becomes defensive.
“Ingested? You want me to eat it?” The bemused look on Joel’s face cracked through your facade.
“Well, yeah. Damn, Joel, it's not like I can just go out and grab some pain killers. And are you telling me that a man of the world such as yourself has never tried weed before?” You arch an accusatory eyebrow at him.
“Maybe once or twice back in the day.” He gives you a knowing smirk.
Ignoring the goose pimples that break out on your flesh at the sight, you push forward. “Well, then, it's up to you. Let me just cut into your back? Or let me do it while you're high?”
“I didn't peg you for a drug pusher but I'll take the second option.” His voice is decisive until he adds. “Just promise not to take any notice if I start talking all loopy.”
If Joel feels the incision, he doesn't mention it. He'd been lying almost comatose on the bed for ten minutes before you decided to go ahead.
“How are you doing, Joel?” You speak a little louder to grab his floating attention.
“M'good.” He almost slurs.
“Good. So you can't feel anything?” You follow up.
“Nope. Just your magical hands. They're so soft. You're so soft and sweet and pretty…shit! I shouldn't have said that. You are very, very pretty, though. And smart. God, and funny!” The words just run off Joel's loose tongue.
“If you think all those nice things about me, why didn't you come sooner?” With the cyst removed all you have to do is sew Joel up. Sober Joel will probably appreciate you keeping him on the topic of the matter at hand.
“Because I think all those things, I was embarrassed.” The last part is muttered against the bed.
“So you risked it becoming serious, rather than see me?” The final stitch goes in as you shake your head.
“I've had something similar before. Plus what else can a lump mean? Cancer? We ain't exactly equipped to cure that.” The laugh he lets out is bitter.
The fingers checking the stitches stray to stroke his skin softly. “So why did you come today?”
“Ellie.” He responded.
“Well, yeah. I saw that and I know she can be very formidable but surely…”
Joel cuts you off. “No, not like that. If it was something bad, even if we couldn't stop it from…maybe we could have slowed it and I could have gotten more time with her.”
The second the words leave Joel's mouth, your professionalism leaves with them. Your hand lays fully against his bare back. “Joel…that's…beautiful. Ellie is lucky to have found you.”
Shifting to sit up Joel catches your hand as you pull it back. “Thanks, Doc. Maybe now that I know I have more time, you might let me spend some of it with you?”
Despite your best efforts you were sure that your thoughts were clear on your face. “I'll need to check those stitches in a couple of days. If you still think I'm pretty when you aren't high as a kite, we'll talk then.”
“It's a date.” Joel says with a lopsided smile.
“No, it's an appointment!” You chide him.
“Do you make house calls?” Those deep brown eyes burn whiskey gold in the setting sun as they widen into the most pleading puppy dog eyes.
“I think I can in this case.” You give him a smile before heading off to get dressings for his wound.
A few days later, you climb the steps of Joel's porch. The door swings open and Ellie shoots out, again calling out ‘Be good!’ behind her. The scent of honey and tea brewing flows on the wind from the open door. Joel soon fills the gap with his wide frame a second later.
“Come in, Doc. You hungry?” He throws over his shoulder as he leads the way to the dining table, already set up with sandwiches and a freshly made cake.
“What's all this?” Your light laughter joins the honey on the breeze.
“I told you, it's a date.” Joel smiles confidently. “The only thing is that I forgot to put the iced tea on. So we've got some time to kill while it cools.” Joel steps closer keeping his hands on his hips.
“How do you suggest that we pass the time?” It’s your turn to step closer, your hands find your way to the soft flannel on Joel's chest.
“I got a couple of ideas.” Joel's large hands smooth around your waist.
“Are you always this forward, Mr Miller?” Joel's lips are temptingly close to yours as you speak.
Joel obviously notices too as his eyes flicker downwards. “I had a health scare recently. It inspired me to seize the day.”
The air between you is charged with your teasing banter and gentle touches. “Really? What does your physician think of that?”
Joel moves closer still. “From the way they had their hands on my last me I saw them, I think they'd approve.” Once the words are out, his lips are on yours.
The tea is more than cooled by the time you and Joel finish making out on the sofa like teenagers.
Tags: @kirsteng42 @prolix-yuy @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @scorpio-marionette @sturkillerbase @harriedandharassed @aynsleywalker @mswarriorbabe80 @rise-my-angel @adancedivasmom @kinda-nobody @movievillainess721 @munsonownsmyass @mandoloriancookie @faceache111 @elegantduckturtle @manazo @simpingcowboy @pedrit0-pascalit0 @yourcoolauntie @pedrostories @geekrenaissance @its-nebuleuse @sherala007 @vabeachazn
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injestedsoap · 10 months
Wet and Weary
Some SoapGaz smut up on my ao3!
As soon as they got back from the multi mile march and into their barracks Gaz fell onto the bed and Soap dropped to the floor. 
“Wassat for?” Gaz asked, too tired to separate the words. 
“If I don’t I’ll be fucking sore in the morning,” Soap replied, his legs spread wide, gripping his toes as he stretched his body. 
Gaz grunted, too exhausted to even think about taking off his boots, “Gonna be sore no matter what, mate.” 
Soap made a noise of agreement, still stretching on the floor. 
Gaz had rolled and sprained his ankle back when he played football, at the time it hadn’t seemed like a big deal, his mate who was the team manager had set it and wrapped it and it healed fast enough Gaz didn’t see a reason to get it properly treated. He was back on the pitch in less than a week after all. Adult Gaz wanted to go smack some sense into his younger self because here and now his feet were absolutely screaming at him. His previously injured ankle had swelled up in his boots and he knew it was rubbed raw, he’d be lucky if he hadn’t bled through his socks.
Gaz sighed as he let the sweat cool on his face. He needed to get up, he at least needed to unlace his boots and relieve the pressure on his feet and ankle. He really needed to. 
A soft clatter let him know Soap was back up off the floor, stretching his back and arms as he walked to the kitchenette. “Water, Gaz?” He called over his shoulder. 
“Mmh,” Gaz rubbed a hand over his face. He had meant to sit up but instead he let out a soft noise as a cool glass of water was pressed gently to his temple. 
“You alright?” Soap asked quietly. 
Gaz opened an eye and smiled a little ruefully, “Football injury’s acting up.” He admitted. 
Soap cocked his head slightly, “Feet hurt?” 
Gaz nodded, pushing himself up so he could accept the water, “Bad, yeah.” 
Gaz watched something pass across Soap’s face and then he grinned, “Drink your drink, yeah? I’ll be right back.” 
“I don’t like that smile, MacTavish,” Gaz called as Soap shot him an exaggerated grin and disappeared back into the kitchen. Gaz rolled his eyes and took a drink of the water, god but that was good. He let his head loll back, rolling it on his shoulders. Alright, step one boots off. He shifted, reaching to set the water on his nightstand and moved to start untying his boot when he heard a very Scottish “Ach!” Gaz looked up to see Soap trotting over to him with a cup of ice, a towel over his shoulder. 
“Ach, no, settle back, will ye?” Soap said, shooing his hands away. 
Gaz laughed, “Alright, mum.” Watching in sight confusion as Soap set the ice chips down on the floor and then took his still booted foot into his hands and began undoing the laces. “Oh mate I can–”
“Yeah I know you can ,” Soap said, not looking up from his task. He removed the boot, pushing it under the bed and Gaz blushed as Soap slid his sock off as well. 
Gaz opened his mouth to protest when Soap moved to the other foot but all that came out was a hiss of pain when Soap grabbed his ankle. Soap stopped, looking up at Gaz in concern and Gaz fought a quick internal battle before sagging. “Ankle’s swollen and bleedin’,” he mumbled he met Soap’s worried eyes and shrugged, “Football injury, like I said.” 
“Ah, Gaz…” Soap sighed, very slowly untying the laces and carefully removing the boot, “Sock next, ready?” 
“I’ve been shot I think I can–”
Gaz looked into those big blue eyes and bit his lip before softly saying “Slowly?” 
Any part of Gaz that was trying to act cool at this point melted into goo as Soap kissed his knee and slowly began to roll down the tall sock. Gaz fisted the sheets, gritting his teeth. Really he felt like he was overreacting but dammit it did fucking hurt. Finally the sock came free and Soap tossed it across the room to the small mountain of dirty laundry they had been building. The ankle was a red sticky mess. Not gushing blood by any means but it was oozing out all over, making the skin tacky, there were bits of black fluff from the sock and it was swollen and tender. 
“Alright,” Soap scooted a bit closer, looking up at Gaz through his long lashes, “Now this is gonna twinge but just a bit and then it’ll feel so nice, alright?” 
Gaz looked down at him and couldn’t help but snicker, “Are you about to finger me, MacTavish?” 
The look Soap gave him was one that Gaz was sure had dropped a hundred knickers, “Let’s see how this goes and then see how we feel.” 
Gaz laughed and then, and he would deny this to anyone who asked, squeaked . Soap had plucked an ice chip out of the cup next to him and began smoothing it over Gaz’s foot. “Ah, Soap, what–?” 
“Not quite an ice bath but it’ll have to do for now.” Soap said, looking up at him with a grin. 
Gaz was going to have to look away, there was no way he could keep looking at Soap gently cradling his foot and running ice over the hot, sore, skin. He swallowed, his breath came out in a little woosh , he really should look away. 
“Feels nice, yeah?” 
Soap’s voice had pitched down, the ice in his hands melting and dripping onto the knee of his fatigues. 
“Yeah.” Gaz didn’t know if he was supposed to answer, he didn’t even know if it was an answer to the question or the sight of Soap grabbing another ice chip to begin rubbing over his foot again. It felt bloody good, was the truth. And Soap on his knees… tending to him … that felt bloody good too. 
Carefully, so carefully, Soap slid the chip higher, gently rubbing it over the abused flesh of his ankle. Gaz hissed, closing his eyes at the sharp spike of pain. 
“I’ll be quick,” Soap assured him, “Just need to get the swelling down and the fluff off.” 
Gaz nodded, forcing himself to focus on the feeling of Soap’s hands, one cupping the heel of his foot and the other tenderly moving over his ankle in an almost caress. True to his word Soap was efficient and gentle and just as fast as Gaz had been getting used to the ice it dripped down his ankle and off his foot onto the towel Soap was using to carefully dry his foot with. 
“Not gonna use your hair?” Gaz joked, it was one of maybe a handful of bible stories he could remember. 
“Call me old fashioned,” Soap said, as he scooted over a mite and took up Gaz’s other foot, “But I believe ye shouldn’t let a man put his foot on your head until after you’ve fingered him.” 
The only reason Soap wasn’t knocked flat on his ass when Gaz kicked him was because he was so damn worn out from the march. 
“You fucking prick!” Gaz laughed, laying back on the bed as Soap started the ice rub on his other foot, “God damn, Soap,” He pushed himself up onto his elbows, grinning at the man, he curled his toes before thinking about the fact that Soap was currently holding them and felt the blush on his cheeks again. 
Soap looked up at him, smoothing his cool, wet, thumbs over Gaz’s ankles. “Feel any better?” 
Gaz held his eyes and slowly wrapped his legs around Soap’s waist, “Yeah,” He pushed himself up the bed as Soap, bless him, took the hint and began crawling up and over Gaz, “Could be doing better, though.” 
“Oh, aye?” Soap was on his hands and knees over Gaz and somehow this felt both sudden and like it had been racing toward them for ages as Gaz wrapped his legs carefully around Soap’s waist, water dripping onto his shirt, as he pulled the man down and kissed him. 
Soap tasted like a long march and orange sports drink and Gaz wanted to suck the taste from his tongue. Soap was braced above him, keeping the bulk of his weight off Gaz as he sucked and bit on his plush bottom lip. 
“Fuck,” He grunted, “Fuck Ky, my books are still on.” 
“Don’t care,” Gaz grabbed his head, dragging Soap back to his mouth. 
“I’m sweaty,” Soap said helplessly, biting his earlobe and sucking on his neck. 
“Good,” Gaz pressed Soap down into him with his, grinding their hips together. 
Soap let out a loud moan and bit lightly on Gaz’s collarbone. “Jesus fucking Christ, Gaz.” 
“We can stop,” Gaz whispered, scratching blunt nails over the back of his neck and licking the shell of his ear, “We can,” 
Soap blew cool air over a barely there hickey on the little bit of Gaz’s chest he could reach, “You deserve better than this,” 
“No!” It was such a fast rebuttal Gaz was almost startled by it, but he meant it, “No I want you, John, I want this, okay, I do.” 
The laugh Soap gave him was on the edge of helpless, he turned his head and kissed Gaz on the wrist, “I want you too, Gazzie, believe you me, but you deserve someone washed and preferably naked .” Soap pulled back from him, rising up onto his knees and taking Gaz’s hips with him since his legs were still wrapped around Soap’s waist. “May I go shower, Sergeant Garrick?” 
Gaz looked up at him, two hours ago if you asked him if he’d want to bed down with Soap he’d laugh and ask what you were on. Not that Soap wasn’t handsome and funny and smart and kind and blimey Gaz from two hours ago was a fucking loony. He raised his hips, rolling against Soap and reached a hand up to grab his belt and lever himself up. 
“Nah.” he said, unbuckling Soap’s belt and sliding it off as Soap’s breath caught in his throat and he groaned. “You can shower after you’ve cum,” Gaz kissed the front of his boxers as he pulled Soap’s pants down and Soap moaned. 
“Drive a hard bargain.” Soap managed before letting out a little ‘ ah! ’ as Gaz pressed his fingers into the wet patch on Soap’s boxers, sliding his fingers into the slit of Soap’s cunt over the fabric. 
“Look at you already dripping for me.” Gaz grinned wickedly “Did you get all wet while you were on your knees washing my feet?” he pressed at Soap’s entrance, still on the other side of the cotton barrier. “Didn’t realize you had such a service kink, MacTavish.” 
“Like being on my knees for you,” Soap sighed, “Like taking care of you.” 
“Good boy,” Gaz whispered, sliding the boxers down just enough for him to get at Soap’s pussy, “Now stand up straight while I take care of you.” 
Soap just barely managed not to bark when Gaz’s soft lips met his clit. He hunched forward, gripping Gaz’s shoulders as that smart tongue got to work on him, lapping at his pussy like Gaz was starving for it. 
“Ah, ah, fuck Gaz.” 
“God you taste good,” He tasted like sweat and musk and normally that was not for Gaz but he was realizing a lot of things about Soap worked for him that he wasn’t normally into. 
“Probably taste like– FUCK OH!” 
Gaz had found his g-spot with a kind of pinpoint accuracy that had Soap’s head spinning in drooling delight. “I’m supposed to finger y-you.”
“Shower,” Gaz whispered into the fabric of Soap’s tank top. 
“ Oh .” Soap breathed and then he was opening his mouth in a soundless howl as he came around Gaz’s fingers. Soap barely gave himself time to recover before he was straightening up, grabbing Gaz’s legs and wrapping them around his waist before he grabbed the man’s ass and lifted him up. “Shower?” He asked, his voice less suave than he would have liked. 
“Oh fuck yeah.” Gaz breathed, grabbing Soap around the shoulder and rubbing his still clothed cock against Soap’s dripping cunt. 
Soap’s eyes rolled and he moved as quickly as he could to the bathroom with his pants around his waist and Gaz trying to suck a hole in his chest. 
“Boots, shit, fuck,” Soap grumbled, quickly setting Gaz on the sink and dropping to unlace and remove his boots. Above him Gaz was stripping out of his fatigues as well, he got his jacket and his shirt over his head before moving to his pants and hearing a “No!” Soap popped up and grabbed his belt. “Mine,” He said before stripping the belt in one fluid movement. Gaz made a noise yanked out of a shitty porno and then somehow managed to make wriggling out of his pants about as unsexy as possible. Soap dropped to his knees as he tugged the pants from him, stopping to carefully protect Gaz’s ankle as he pulled them free. 
“This feeling okay?” Soap asked, peppering kisses around the abused ankle as he asked. 
How on Earth he had the brain space to ask both befuddled Gaz and made his already throbbing cock that much harder. “Get your ass up here and kiss me.” he moaned. Soap did what he was told and shot up from the ground, grabbing his cheek with one hand and his boxers with the other, tugging them down one handed until he could get his hand on Gaz’s cock. Gaz was suddenly aware that he was in danger of being jerked off on the sink while Soap was still mostly clothed. 
“God, oh my god, ngh,” Soap was licking behind his ear, Gaz tried to focus in as Soap reached down to gather some of his own slick before reaching for Gaz’s cock, and he only just barely managed to gasp “Don’t you fucking dare jerk me off on the sink while you’re still dressed, John MacTavish.” 
Soap whimpered but nodded shakily, he moved his hand to wipe it off on his fatigues but Gaz caught his wrist and licked his fingers clean, looking up to meet Soap’s enormous eyes. 
“You are a fucking monster,” Soap said in awe before he pulled back and stripped as quickly as he could, shirt over his head, pants and boxers down at the same time, kicked into the corner of his room along with his boots, he made quick work of finally divesting Gaz of his boxers and then… Soap stood, naked and wet looking at Gaz, naked and hard sat on the sink. It was like they both suddenly realized what they were doing and got shy. 
For a moment Gaz was worried maybe this was a mistake, maybe they both acted in the heat of the moment and maybe they should just drop this where it stood and part ways and then Soap was breathing out “Good god, Gaz, look at you,” and Gaz was getting kissed like they were both going to die tomorrow. 
“Legs around me.” Soap whispered. 
“Wot?” Gaz asked, his teeth on Soap’s ear. 
“I’m gonna pick you up again, legs around me.”
Gaz didn’t even pretend to argue as he wrapped his legs around Soap and let himself be carried into the shower. They both yelped and giggled as they worked to get the water temp right and let out twin noises to pleasure when the hot water washed over them. 
Gaz leaned in, resting his forehead against Soap’s. “You gonna hold me up all night?” 
“That’s the plan,” Soap purred against his mouth, “You’ll have to wash me, though.” 
Gaz grinned and rolled his eyes, “Needy.” Gaz hadn’t ever showered with a partner before. Just wasn’t something he’d ever tried. But he was starting to think it was something he’d missed because running soapy hands over Soap’s warm wet body was possibly the sexiest thing he’d ever done. Soap kissed him deeply as Gaz scrubbed shampoo into his hair and then idly licked his neck as Gaz washed himself. Next time (and god the idea that they would do this again had Gaz’s toes curling again) Soap was going to slide those hot hands all over Gaz’s body and jerk him off with the body wash. Gaz was so lost in that fantasy he didn’t even notice the hands sliding down his back until there were fingers sliding between his cheeks and a knuckle gently pressing at his hole. 
“Soap,” He groaned. 
“Mhm, we can use soap for lube.” 
Gaz snorted and gave him a gentle headbutt. “Alright, now I don’t even know if I want it.” 
“We stop any time you want,” Soap smiled, rocking the knuckle against Gaz’s hole. 
“Don’t you bloody dare.” Gaz kissed him and gasped as Soap gently slipped a finger past the tight ring of muscles. “Fuck.” 
“You done this before?” Soap asked, pumping slowly. 
“Course,” Gaz nodded, “Just, ah, been a minute.” 
“Tell me to slow down any time.” Soap kissed the side of his head and went back to work slowly pumping in and out, letting the water and a bit of conditioner ease his passage. Soap was two fingers deep when he felt a small nub and Gaz jerked against him with a yell. “That’s my boy, there we are.” Soap licked a stripe up his neck, rubbing at Gaz’s prostate as he continued to pump. “Get me messy, baby.” Soap nipped at his adam’s apple and Gaz jerked against him, rubbing his cock on Soap’s tight stomach, the wet hair and the hard skin a delicious friction. 
“Close.” Gaz grunted, if he was being honest he’d been close since that first ice chip had touched his foot but now he was proper close. His balls tightening, his thighs trembling, he pressed an open mouth kiss to Soap’s jaw as he squeezed around his fingers. 
“Give it to me, Gaz, come on, love.” Soap was moving faster now, the wet sound of his fingers pumping in and out filling the shower. He bounced Gaz lightly to adjust him and fuck if that wasn’t what did it. Gaz dug his nails into Soap’s shoulder, gasped, and was cumming across Soap’s stomach. 
“Soap,” Gaz kissed the name into his neck and clung onto him, “Soap, fuck.” 
“I’ve gotcha, I’ve gotcha,” Soap kissed his temple and with a bit of maneuvering he got enough space between them to wash Gaz’s release from him without putting the man down. They finished their shower and Soap carried them back to the bedroom, bypassing Gaz’s bed and dropping the other man gently onto his own. 
“Your place tonight, hm?” Gaz asked, everything was catching up to him and he was having trouble keeping his eyes open. 
“Figure we can do mine tonight and pop over to yours tomorrow.” Soap said, crawling into bed with Gaz, cuddling against his soft naked body on the small mattress. “So long as you’re not sick of me yet.” 
Gaz felt Soap kiss the back of his neck and sighed happily, holding the hand that was wrapped loosely around his waist. “Mine tomorrow it is, then.” He sighed. 
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lilaccmilk · 2 years
𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐤𝐧𝐞𝐰?
Y/N- Your Name
Bbf/n- Boy Bestfriend Name
H/n- His name
You were playing volleyball. May I add, in front of your crush. Your P.E teacher made girls play the game while the boys sat. You were nervous to say the least. You managed to play well surprising yourself. Everything was going well , that is until this girl who despised you, pushed you.
You fell pretty bad and sprained your ankle. You felt tears welling up in your eyes not just because of the pain but also because of the embarassment.
Your boy bestfriend volunteered to carry you to the medical room.
"Bbf/n its us boys' turn now you go I'll take her to the medical room" you hear your crush suddenly say.
"No no h/n i can carry her-" your friend tries to say but he gets cut off by your crush, " Dont worry I'll take care of her."
Blood rushes to your cheeks as you lower your head down. You suddenly feel yourself being lifted up. Your crush picks you up bridal style and walks to the medical room.
"Does it hurt very much?" he asks trying to build up a conversation.
"Not that much" "oh okay"
You both fall silent again.
"You play really well" he says.
"Oh really? I barely get out of my bed, I dont know how I managed to score even one point" you reply, surprised.
You both reach the medical room and find that the nurse is out somewhere.
Your crush takes it upon himself to treat you.
You stare at him as you try to wrap your mind around your current situation.
"I know I'm handsome but even I get shy darling" you hear him say.
Your cheeks flush and you look down at your lap. He then raises you chin to look at him.
"Look me in my eyes love" he starts off "I don't think that I can keep this to myself anymore, I have fallen for you Y/N, I love the way you are yourself. You inspire me to be more of me. Its ok if you don't reciprocate my feelings, but i just wanted to let you know."
You are still processing that your crush likes you back and are on cloud nine, meanwhile he takes your silence as a rejection.
He starts to leave mumbling" I'm sorry I ruined our friendship." As soon as he reaches the door, you call out to him" H/n wait! I like you too. No wait, scratch that, let me rephrase I LOVE you. I have fallen for you since the day I got to know you. You bring me so much joy-" even before you get to finish your sentence, you feel a pair of lips on yours.
You both share a sweet kiss, full of love. You both pull away, foreheads still resting on each other's. "Will you be my girlfriend Y/N?" He asks." Is that even a question to ask ? Of course I will."
Who knew that the girl you disliked would be the cause of you getting your happiness? Who knew that the man you always dreamed of was going to turn your dreams into reality? 
Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it!
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
i was gonna do this a while back, but then uni absolutely OBLITERATED my ass so i forgor. anyway. zombie voicelines separated into "who hasn't and who has been bitten by that point" and then the "hasn't" separated into who i believe wouldn't survive a zombie apocalypse and who i believe would + some details. with my sources being "me and the fact that i had a TWD phase"
As of the voicelines Bitten (lol losers):
Not bitten (and would they survive in my esteemed opinion):
Wataru (I believe he could live solo and survive long enough, but his penchant for drama? The theatrics? He's dying, but he's dying happily and he will be remembered)
Tori (No. I don't believe rich kids are capable of surviving zombie apocalypses)
Yuzuru (He survives just fine tbh, even if he keeps Tori by his side (and he will), he'll manage)
Hokuto (tried to use garlic against zombies. No.)
Subaru (Split, I think he'd get killed by opportunistic humans, though)
Makoto (Mm. Nah. He probably gets bitten)
Mao (Probably dies from an infection he didn't have the tools to treat)
Chiaki (Has the most difficult time, but probably dies because he's just too terrified of going outside, either he gets cornered, killed by bandits, or dies from illness/malnutrition)
Kanata (I believe in him)
Tetora (Has too much "I need to prove myself" energy, not the most survival-esque quality)
Midori (... He lives a good while, but probably gets bitten later down the road)
Shinobu (I believe in him)
Hiiro (There is no doubt in my mind that Hiiro has the skills and intelligence needed to survive a zombie apocalypse. He pulls all his friends along with him and manages to build their own little community. While everyone else is still scavenging from abandoned homes, these bitches have a whole farm on their hands)
Aira (On his own? No. But Hiiro won't let him die)
Mayoi (He would, I know he'd be fine)
Tatsumi (fucked leg, he wouldn't make it far on his own, but, similarly to Aira, Hiiro would drag him along)
Nagisa (Unsure. He strikes me as someone who'd do fine enough, but might get taken advantage of and left for dead)
Hiyori (I don't believe rich kids could survive a zombie apocalypse pt2)
Shu (lol. lmao even)
Hinata (Yeah, I think the twins would actually do just fine on their own...
Yuta ... they'd have eachother's support and work fine as a team, yet they would never betray one another. The fact that they would overly rely on one another might kill them in the end, esp if one ends up dying, but otherwise, they could live to see society be rebuilt)
Rinne (similarly to Hiiro, I wanna say he'd do more than fine given his intellect and skills, HOWEVER. in his line he did make a bet that he could go through a whole horde of them without getting hurt. Risk taker. It could kill an otherwise perfect zombie apocalypse buddy)
HiMERU (He could do fine, but he might stick to being solo. Which means he might also just end up dead because of something as minor as a sprained ankle)
Kohaku (I believe in him)
Rei (Listen. I wanna say Rei could, but. I don't think he would. He'd last a few years, but that's it)
Koga (Nah)
Adonis (I believe in him)
Tomoya (I feel like he'd survive a good few months, probably far longer than expected. Actually, maybe a few years, but if he's in a capable group)
Nazuna (Probably dies of an infection)
Hajime (If anyone has the guts and spunk for it, it'd be Hajime.)
Keito (He might make it a few months, and then dies to an unlucky bite)
Kuro (Absolutely)
Souma (Yeah, honestly, he'd be fine)
Tsukasa (Rich kid etc etc)
Leo (He could, but he gets in way too many close calls)
Izumi (Definitely not)
Ritsu (Nah)
Arashi (I wanna say I believe in her, but :/ maybe if she's in a good group, she won't make it solo, though)
Tsumugi (I give him two weeks, tops)
Sora (I'd say he can do it)
Madara (Yeah, he's pretty Machiavellian, which works in a zombie apocalypse)
I have no idea, brother:
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writingwhimsey · 2 years
A Mermaid Princess and A Pirate King
A Healer’s Work
Over the next two weeks, anywhere I went, I had a shadow. My regular stops in town, “Don’t forget to take Shojumaru with you.” It was really starting to grate on my nerves. However, I had things to do. I still had my duties as a healer and as chatelaine. I wouldn’t let him stop me from doing those.
I was working in the new healers’ quarters, putting up the new stores of medicinal herbs that Motonari had delivered…the man watching me all the while. “You know, there’s really no need to guard me while in the castle, Shojumaru.” I said, as I was putting away some of the herbs…after thoroughly testing them to make sure they weren’t poisoned.
Motonari grinned. “Oh, but you never know when danger may strike, my lady. I only wish to protect you as well as get to know you better.” He replied, keeping up the act just in case any of the other healers happened to come by. “Besides, my motives for guarding you are entirely selfish ones.”
“Oh yes, your grand confession to Nobunaga.” I replied, recalling his love confession. I rolled my eyes as I turned my back to him once again, focusing my efforts on organizing the medicines.
Motonari was moving closer to me then so that he could speak to me so only I could hear. His mouth right next to my ear, though he still did not touch me. “Yer sure feisty. Ya know I’m just makin’ sure my investment pays off. Just remember ta keep playin’ along fish girl. Pretend ta like me even just a little bit fer savin’ ya.”
I hate admitting this, but my body didn’t seem to entirely hate how close he was. It took all of my willpower to keep the shiver from running down my spine. I wasn’t about to let him think he could get anything over on me. I turned and looked directly into those blood red eyes…which were much closer than I anticipated. Once again I fought with my own body…okay yes he’s attractive, but he’s a dick.
“Would you rather I fall all over myself when I look at you?” I replied. I then put on the fakest voice I could, raising my voice a couple of octaves. “Oh Shojumaru, thank you so much for saving me. You’re my hero! So big and strong! I can’t get enough of you protecting me! Why don’t you just take me right here and now?”
Motonari was quickly backing up and glaring at me. “You…”
“Hey, sorry were we interrupting something?” called a familiar voice.
Both Motonari and I turned to see Keiji coming in with one of the new recruits leaning on him for support. I smiled at Keiji. “Not a thing. Are you still giving the new recruits a beating?” I asked, going into healer mode, as Keiji was bringing the soldier over to sit on the bed.
“Heh, it’s not like I’m trying to hurt anyone.” Keiji replied.
“More that I still have a lot to learn, Princess.” the soldier said.
“Where’s your injury?” I asked, giving the man a kind smile.
“It’s my ankle…did something to it when Lord Keiji took me down.” He answered.
“I see.” I replied, grabbing the supplies I would need anticipating a sprain. He didn’t seem to be in enough pain for it to be broken. I was then kneeling on the floor in front of him and examining his ankle.
“There’s…uh…no need for you to kneel down like that…Princess…” The soldier said, his cheeks reddening. “You…you don’t have to treat me. I’m sure one of the other healers would be just fine.”
“Nonsense.” I replied. “I’m here and I’m perfectly capable of treating you.” I assured him.
“I-I…I didn’t mean to imply that…I just meant there’s no need for someone of your station to be treating me…”
“Then don’t think of me as an Oda Princess. Just think of me as another healer and member of the Oda forces.” I replied. “And just Ava is fine.” His ankle was indeed sprained. 
“Well…okay…I think I can do that.” He replied, smiling back at me.
I was then wrapping his ankle and applying some healing herbs…as well as sending a bit of my healing magic his way. My powers were weakened by the bracelet, but at least I was able to continue to use them a bit to help others. Of course, the main purpose of the bracelet was to control me and keep me from using my powers on Motonari.
“Alright, you’re all set. It’s just a sprain. Stay off of it for a few days, keep it elevated and take this medicine to reduce the swelling and you should be back to training in no time.” I told him, as I handed him some medicine and a makeshift crutch.
“Thank you Prin…I mean Ava.” He said bowing his head before leaving.
“You know Keiji, injuries have been up since you’ve been put in charge of training.” I told him with a teasing smile.
“I think they’re getting injured on purpose.” Keiji told me, grinning. “I think they come to see your smile.”
I rolled my eyes. “You are so full if shit, Keiji.”
Keiji laughed. “Hey, I’m just sayin’ they wanna come see and be treated by a beautiful woman.”
“I’d say Lord Keiji is right.” Motonari spoke up for the first time in a while. “Can’t say that I blame them really.”
Keiji laughed heartily. “See, Shojumaru knows where it’s at. Of course, he knows better since he’s in love with you, too.”
“Yeah…” I said with a laugh, I hope didn’t sound as forced as it felt.
Keiji ended up bringing in a few more guys with injuries before I was trading out shifts with another healer. I headed into town…Motonari as my shadow once again. I was making my usual stops, when the owner of a local tea house was running up to me. “My lady, please you have to help?” He asked me, his desperation clear on his face.
“Of course, what is it?” I asked.
“It’s my…my daughter…she’s so sick…so small…”
“Say no more. Just lead the way.” I replied.
He nodded and then started leading me through the streets. I followed not caring if Motonari followed or not, but knowing he would. We were soon arriving at the man’s home and he was dipping inside. Motonari was grabbing my sleeve. “Could be a trap, ya know.” He told me, glaring at me.
“Well, then it’s a good thing I have my faithful guard dog, Shojumaru with me.” I replied, glaring back at him just as hard. I was then ripping my sleeve from his grasp and heading in.
I heard him let out a groan and then a few minutes later was following me in, a cloth held over his nose and mouth. It struck me as odd, but I didn’t have time to pay attention to him as I was turning to the situation in front of me. A girl, she couldn’t have been more than three or four was lying on the floor, wrapped in blankets and coated in sweat. There was a cloth on her head and the child was so pale..so fragile looking.
I quickly knelt down. Her breathing was shallow and she was hot to the touch as I began my examination. If I didn’t act quickly, she was sure to die. I administered medicines. As I held her head up to give her the medicine, I let me healing power flow through me and into her. “Everything is going to be alright, child.” I whispered to her.
Within moments her fever broke and her eyes were opening. “Mama…Papa…” She said, looking around the room.
I stepped out of the way as the happy family moved around her, tears filling their eyes as they hugged their daughter. I smiled as I watched them and turned to leave. The tea house owner was looking at me. “Wait, my lady, how much do we owe you?”
“Not a thing.” I answered with a warm smile. “Just love and cherish her and your time together.”
He smiled. “Thank you, my lady.”
“It was my pleasure.” I replied, turning to leave.
“W-wait…” The little girl called.
I turned and she smiled at me. “Thank you…lady.”
I smiled. “I am just happy to see you better. Rest and take care.” 
As I left Motonari had already gone outside, he was wiping himself down with a clean white cloth. Someone has a problem with germs, perhaps? I thought to myself.
“What are ya lookin’ at, fish girl?” He asked, glaring at me.
“Nothing.” I answered, not ready to voice my thoughts to him.
“We should head back to the damn castle.” He said, his Shijumaru act clearly dropped. “Ya should get cleaned up.”
“And I assume you want to as well?” I asked.
“Just make sure ya keep yer distance.” He said, glaring at me as he began to take long strides back to the castle.
Clearly, the man had more issues than I initially thought. What else was there to Motonari? If he had an issue with germs…that would make sense with some of the other things I had observed of him. Perhaps he even had a condition? One that would not be recognized or diagnosed in this time. The gloves would make sense then…so would him not eating at the banquet. It made me wonder, what else I might be able to find out…and how could I use that to help me get out of this mess?
After we returned to the castle, Motonari immediately headed to get cleaned up. He spent quite a while washing up before returning to my side in fresh clothes. We joined the Oda for another feast…Motonari once again not eating nor drinking. Though that didn’t seem to dampen the mood for anyone else.
I decided to turn in early, giving the excuse that I’d had a long a busy day. Motonari, escorted me to my chambers. “You really that worried that you have to follow me to my room? You know I CAN’T tell anyone anything or do you not believe in the power you hold because of this damn shackle you put on me?”
“I don’t trust nothin’ fish girl. Nothin’ but my own plans.” Motonari answered.
“Nothing and no one.” I replied. “That must get lonely.”
“It ain’t lonely.” Motonari replied. “Besides, you’re too trustin’ and look what it got you.”
“That I may be in this predicament now, doesn’t mean I regret my choices.” I replied, glaring at him defiantly. “No matter the cost to me, I will never regret helping those in need…now good night.” I said, slamming my door closed. I crossed my arms over my chest as I sank to the floor in frustration.
How could one man drive me so absolutely mad? He got under my skin like no other. I was too frustrated to even think of sleeping. I needed something…I sighed as I fell back on the floor. I needed to feel something different. It was then that an idea struck me. I waited till I thought Motonari had left and then I began to sneak out of my room, heading out through the garden.
I had made it to the wall, when I became aware of a presence behind me. “Where ya think yer goin’?”
I suppressed a groan as I turned to Motonari. “You wanna find out? Just keep following me. Not like I can stop you if I wanted to anyways.”
“But I could stop you.” Motonari countered.
I glared at him. “It’s no secret meeting to spill all your secrets.” I told him. “Just need to go get out all of this frustration.”
Motonari quirked a brow at me. “Alright.” He said after a moment. “Lead the way.”
I continued on my little walk, Motonari following me, until we were on the banks of the nearby lake. I looked at the reflection of the moon on the water, thinking how beautiful it looked. I sighed feeling a bit more at peace already. 
I began lifting my hands to my obi, undoing my sash. “What the hell ya doin’?” Motonari asked, his red eyes wide.
“What do you think?” I replied.
He grinned. “Heh, well if ya wanted ta work yer frustrations off, why didn’t ya tell me this was what ya had in mind? We coulda taken care o’ this back in yer room, fish girl.”
“Oh, if that’s what I had in mind, I don’t think you could handle it, ya damn pirate.” I replied as I removed my sash. “You’re the one who keeps calling me fish girl. You’re aware of my people, then you must know what I’m really up to.” I continued to remove my layers.
“Late night skinny dippin’ beforehand then?” Motonari asked, leaning in.
I rolled my eyes as I stripped myself of my kimono, soon completely naked. “Think whatever you want, but you ain’t getting this.” I told him before jumping into the water. Once I was completely submerged, my legs were melding together as my scales began to cover them, my transformation taking place. By the time I resurfaced, my tail was fully in place. I looked back at the shore where Motonari stood, looking at me dumbfounded. I grinned. “Sometimes a girl just has to stretch her fins.”
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sakurabutterflyart · 2 years
When the Tomboyish GF tries to be Ladylike: Johnny X Nooshy
Nooshy and Johnny have been together for 4 years now. Many of the Moon Theater fans wondered if they're even married. Despite their differences, they fit together like puzzle pieces. Having each other makes them complete.
Nooshy never expected that, she herself is gonna fall for someone. She can't help but feel lucky to fall for such a guy, not only because he's a successful singer in a theater. But a guy who's a gentleman, treating her like a lady even though she's a boyish one, accepting her as herself and even gets to share her love in music with her dancings.
The lynx was always the queen in their relationship. That Johnny has always been there for her. Like when she sprained her ankle from dancing he was there to look after her and treat her injuries, he cooks her dinner, helping her find a job and apartment, and simply just being there whenever she felt lonely and needs help. She was happy to have him.
Then one day she ran in a panic to the theater, when she heard from her friend Porsha that he had collapsed in the middle of their practice.
"What happened to him?!" She yell so loud as she just entered the room, out of breath.
"Calm down Noosh, he's just got a fever. I bet Porsha said something that makes you panic?" Ash answered as she glared at the female wolf who is now giggling in fear.
"Haaah you guys made me worried!" The dancer sigh in relief as she approached her lover at his side, holding his hands. "Hey babe? You alright?"
"I'm fine, my head just hurts." He answered smiling at her with a hint of pain in his voice. Then he heard her sigh loudly, clearly angry.
"Geez you've been over working lately and I told you to take a shower after the rain yesterday!" She gently yelled.
"Sorry ma'am." He gulp.
"Whatever…" The tiny lynx helped him sit up and tried to help his big body up. "Come on, let's take you home to rest."
The rest of the gang helped her as they take the sick gorilla home.
AT HOME: When the Moon Theater group left. Nooshy helped him lay down in bed.
"Now! You lay down there and stay still. I'll try to make ourselves some dinner." She said, placing a wet towel on his forehead.
"Noosh, you don't have to trouble yourself from doing that. My dad can make it for me once his home." He replied, trying to stop her.
"Nope! Leave it to me." His girlfriend pushed him back. Disappearing to the kitchen.
"Can you even cook babe?! I might get a stomachache!" He asked, clearly teasing her.
"Shut up babe! I'm trying to help here!" She yelled back, hearing him laugh at the other side of the room. She did burned the cookies they tried to make last Christmas.
She just really wanted to be a good girlfriend for him after all the good things he had done. She may seem like someone who takes him for granted, but she also always wanted to do something for him in exchange.
Much to her dismay, she did ended up messing her cooking and it taste so weird that she didn't get the taste she wanted.
"Oh no, sigh what do I expect? I've always been a terrible cook that I can't even cook for my boyfriend." Nooshy sigh in defeat. For as long as she can remember, she hates girly stuff, that includes cooking.
"Heh, need a little help there child?" She heard a manly voice, when she followed the source it was none other than her boyfriend's father, Marcus.
"Errr… hey, I-I mean Good evening sir!" She greeted, feeling nervous talking to him eversince she dated his son. The elder chuckles
"Heh, don't be shy little girl. I've always known you and my son have been together since for what? 4 years? You guys may never announce it, but you two clearly are. I've known you long enough to be your pal. " He gave him the most warmest smile as he patted her back. "So you can call me Dad now, you have become more like a daughter to me. It's only a matter of time that my son will ask you to marry him."
He laughed, watching her face turned redder, covering her face. "Okay… Dad."
"That's more like it!" He then looked at her cooking, that is clearly not well made. "I see cooking is not your strong suit."
"Yeah, I'm definitely not a wife material to your son. Being a lady is not really my thing." She said, as she started to set aside the mess she made.
"I can tell." He said, to her surprise, Marcus then started grabbing some of her ingredients along with some spices on the shelves. "But you seem to be trying to be one for him, and that's enough for me to be convince that you're perfect for him."
He winked, that made her heart flutter just the thought of being accepted by his boyfriend's father. "Now little lady, I'll help you fix this soup. I've been cooking ever since his mom pass away. I'm glad Johnny finally has someone to do that for me."
"Thanks Dad." She smiled wider, feeling happy to have a father figure that she never gets to have.
The lynx spent her entire night learning to cook with her new dad-in-law. That the kitchen is filled with laughter and funny stories about his boyfriend's childhood to adulthood.
Once they're done, Big Daddy decided to give them some alone time by allowing both of them to have dinner in his room. As she entered the room she saw him smile at her as he sat up. Hearing their favorite music, playing in the background.
"Hey… I heard you and Dad are getting along." He spoke up with a fond smile on his face.
"Surprisingly, we are!" She grinned as she placed down their dinner on the bed table.
"Heh I'm glad." He gazed at her, admiring her beauty as he saw her getting distracted of setting down some plates for them.
"Here, your dad helped me cook this. It's probably not that good as his, but… I did whatever I could." She said trying to hold her blush, which somehow failed.
Johnny couldn't help but giggle at his girlfriend's effort of hiding that she cares so much. He carresed her hands as he placed a peck on it. "Thank you."
"It's the least I could do."
"Least? Having you in my life is more than enough. So thank you…"
The tomboy felt her girly insides squeal, realizing how much she's in love with this guy. Crushing him into a hug.
"Hey, you'll get sick!" He panicked but she just laughed it up.
"Hahah I don't care." She snuggled closer. "I love you big guy…"
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inkling0121 · 1 year
I still think how weird it is that disabled people are treated so poorly when anyone can become disabled at any time. Im not even talking about a serious accident or growing old, like I sprained my ankle once in 6th grade and now I have an ankle brace because every now and then it hurts still, imagine if it was a worse injury? What if I dislocated it? My mom dislocated her elbow a month ago and the doctor told her that if she ever does any heavy lifting again she runs the risk of it being dislocated again. It'll probably hurt in the future like my ankle does. Small things like that will build up and they can build up fast.
But also, what if it happens to loved ones? What if you have a child born disabled? I have a friend that was borned disabled and his family takes care of him, he was lucky enough to get online classes for college, but not everyone has the privileges he has
Why is America so horrible to disabled people when there are so many of them? When anyone of us can become disabled at any moment?
Anyway this was just a late night rant because my ankle has been hurting for the last few days and its late at night, Im certainly not the first to ask that question but Im a bit angry tonight is all
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mystery-star · 2 years
Set it right – John Biebe (Part 2 / 3)
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Pairing: John Biebe x fem!reader
Warnings: inury, swearing, bullying, allusions to sex, molesting remarks
Words: 2416
Series Navigation:  Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Do no repost my work on other sites or platforms
“All good?” he asked
“Shit” you muttered when moving your foot made you see stars. Obviously noticing something was wrong, he came closer and tried to help you up but stopped when you cried out.
“What happened? Where does it hurt?”
“My foot. Ankle” you whined and he carefully moved to have a look.
“Can you move it?”
“Not without pain” you panted
“Do you think you can get up?”
“No” you almost let out a laugh. And even if you could you’d be standing on skates again and you certainly didn't want that right now.
“Alright. Wait here, I’ll get our stuff” he promised and left you, obviously wanting to retrieve your shoes. You considered crawling to the edge of the ice surface but decided against it. Once he was back, John helped you off the ice then assisted you with taking off the left skate “Do you want me to carry you to the car?”
“What?” of course you understood the question
“Or do you want to try to walk?”
“Dunno” you muttered tossing the right skate away and realizing too late that he would have to retrieve it “Sorry I’m such a nuisance today”
“Hey” he said “Don’t you worry. All that matters now is getting you back to your feet” you let out a grunt
“I mean getting you healed, of course” he admitted with a smile “now do you walk or should I carry you?”
“I’ll try to walk” you insisted and after putting on the other shoe, he too changed his shoes, packed up the rest of your stuff and then helped you up. Clinging to his side, you hopped to his car. It took you half an eternity to get there and towards the end you got tired so he lifted you up anyways and carried you the last eight feet or so. “Thanks” you muttered as he sat you down on the passenger seat.
“Do you want to go home?”
“No. To the doctor”
“What about your father?” you shrugged
“I’ll call him when we’ve arrived. I’m sure I can use the telephone in the doctor’s office”
In the end, John had called your father while you were being treated. Luckily, your ankle was only sprained but you’d need to walk with crutches for at least a week. When the doctor told you, you almost laughed because now your teacher had no choice but to let you do the test later. Maybe the day had not been a total mishap. To your surprise, John had still been there when you were discharged to go home; he had wanted to make sure you were doing okay before he left. At least your father was now driving you to school for a week so you wouldn’t have to go there yourself. But unfortunately, some guys from your class approached you.
“What the hell happened to you? Trying to weasel out of the test?”
“Or did you get hurt while trying to skate?” you gave him a glare and they realized that was what really happened “No shit? Wouldn’t have thought you’re that bad”
“Well” you said, grinning “at least I was trying to do something against my deficit. You never tried to become more intelligent” around him, his friends laughed. You saw John among them and he gave you a reassuring smile. The guy you had insulted, however, didn’t like it one bit and he stepped forward, pushing you hard so you lost your balance on your crutches and fell on your bum. Now his friends laughed with him again and when you tried to get up, he wanted to push you down again but this time, John interfered, placing his arm on the guy’s chest
“Guess that’s enough” luckily, they listened and after sharing a high five they walked away “You okay?” only now you saw that John had stayed
“Yeah, I guess” he picked up your crutches, then held out his hand and helped you up when you took it “Thanks. Also for stopping him” he only gave a nod and held out his hand again. Unsure what to do, you took it. He laughed
“I meant to take your bag but that’s fine too” before you could pull the hand away, he tightened his grip on it so you couldn’t let go of him
“I can’t walk like that” you remarked, nodding your head at the crutches.
“How about you give me your bag and I’ll give you back the crutches?” you didn’t want him to carry your bag “or you want me to carry you?” he added in a teasing tone
“No!” you took off the bag and tossed it to his feet, taking back your crutches.
The sports teacher absolutely wasn’t happy about your accident and believed you were just lying but luckily the doctor had written you a note, saying you couldn’t participate in sports lessons for two weeks at least. You didn’t know if you wanted to practice again before you had the test and found it couldn’t hurt. Also your social situation seemed to improve a little; it was like you finally had a friend now. Or at least John made sure no one bothered you again and sometimes talked to you. When you had phoned one of your friends in Anchorage and told her about him, she instantly tried to tell you that he probably was in love with you. From them on, it was more difficult to spend time with John without thinking of your friend’s words.
As the finals approached, you spent even more time with John because he’d asked you if you wanted to study together. The good thing was, while you were with him, the bullies just steered clear of you. But not so today, as John led you to his (respectively his father’s) car to get you home for another study session, Sean – the biggest bully – approached you.
“So, what’s the deal, (Y/L/N)?”
“What deal? What the person you sold your brains to gave you in return?” he ignored your comment but you could see it irked him, especially since his friends laughed.
“No. The one you made with Johnny that he spends time with you”
“Maybe I’m just not as much of an asshole like you are” or maybe one of the reasons Sean left you alone sometimes was because you had started to retort. “Though you really are a good friend to your buddies here” you nodded your head at them “By trying to roast me you make them laugh twice because I roast you back. Of course you don’t need the extra laughs, bet you get them all day when you look in the mirror” when he pushed you, you almost were a little surprised and stumbled a step back. John placed a hand on your arm, threw a checking glance at you before he slightly moved in between you and Sean.
“Honestly, now, John, what’s she got we don’t? Or is it just you play her bodyguard and she spreads her legs for you?” you let out a shocked gasp. “What about we make a deal too, (Y/N)? You get on your knees for me and I leave you alone” you were trying to come up with a witty remark but before could even think about it, John had already leapt forward and punched him in the face.
“Stop” you cried, clinging to Johns’ arm, fearing he’d get in trouble if someone saw him. Luckily, he had calmed down but wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer almost protectively. No, possessively. Swallowing, you tried to urge him on to his car but Sean spoke again
“What the fuck’s wrong with you? Is this just because you want to impress her father to get that job in the new sheriff’s department? And because you try to improve your grades to increase your chances?” with that he and his friends walked away. This time you swallowed harder.
“You applied for a post in the department?”
“For after graduation, yes” he sounded hurt
“So that is why you befriended me!” you tore away from him “Because you thought if I told Dad about you being my friend, you’d have higher chances” tears were burning in your eyes and you took a deep breath. After he looked down, he glanced back to you, opened his mouth, then closed it again and looked away. “Wow” you just said and left.
“Aren’t you hanging out with your friends today?” your father asked when he found you sitting in your room and reading
“It was only one friend”
“I just thought he was my friend”
“What did he do?” your father pulled the chair from your desk and sat down on it.
“He used me”
“Used you?” he sounded surprised
“Dad… I know you’re trying to help but I don’t want to talk about it right now” the tears were back and you were glad your father left so you could cry in peace.
Somehow you were almost disappointed when John didn’t talk to you the next day. A part of you had hoped he would at least try to talk about what had happened or deny what you had blamed him for. To you it proved you were right. This afternoon, your father came home much earlier than expected.
“What exactly happened between you and John?”
“Why do you ask?” you had told yourself that you would not let your father know what John did. After all you didn’t want to ruin his career even if he deserved it. No, he just had to look how to get the job himself, without your help.
“Because today, your friend has been at my office and withdrew his application”
“What?” you jumped to your feet “he did what?”
“He said that after what you’d told me he’d better do it this way than ending up as a disgrace”
“What?! Why would he do that?”
“That’s what I’m asking you. What happened yesterday?” you swallowed
“One of his friends said John only wanted to be my friend because he thought it might impress you if John was my friend. Or that he needed me to study for good grades… I…”
“And just because someone claimed that you believed him rather than your friend?”
“No! I asked John if it was true and he said nothing. Also today he said nothing to tell me I was wrong. Or at least trying to tell me his version” he rubbed his face
“I already had an interview with him… I was pretty impressed and I want him to have fair chances to get this job since he clearly wants it” he gave you a hard glare “So you will make sure he’ll revoke the withdrawal”
“You heard me. And maybe it’ll do you two good if you have a talk” with that, he left, leaving your thoughts spinning.
After the last lesson on the next day, you wanted to talk to John about it but when you called his name, he didn’t react.
“Would you look at this?” it was Sean. Of course. “No bodyguard this time, huh? Weren’t you satisfying enough anymore?” not knowing what to say, you ignored him and called after John “Hurts, huh? Losing your only friend. Or customer or whatever he was to you” Sean stepped closer and gave you a push “Why don’t you go back to the big flashy city you came from? Bet you got loads of johns there” in your anger you pushed him back and tried to run after John but he was already gone. Luckily, you saw him again outside and after calling out a third time and speeding up you reached him and this time, he stopped.
“Dad told me what you did” you breathed out “That you withdrew the application”
“Suppose I had to. Better than to lose face”
“He was angry at me because he thinks this is my fault” well, maybe it was “I mean… I told him what happened and he got angry at me. He wants me to set it right and have you apply again. Dad says you deserve a fair chance. And I wouldn’t have told him about this. I mean, I don’t want to ruin your future or something”
“He wants me to apply again?”
“Well, more like revoke the withdrawal”
“And he doesn’t think I used you?”
“I don’t know. But it doesn’t sound like it. Or he wants to find it out”
“What about you?”
“What about me?”
“What do you think?”
“You never gave me an answer. But you also never denied it. I honestly don’t know what to think. Maybe I reacted too harshly...”
“Sean is wrong. I didn’t befriend you because of the job or your father. Because I wanted to” he smiled “Well, maybe I stepped back from the bullying because of who your father is. But more because I didn’t want a state trooper to hear I bothered his daughter. And because I think what they did was wrong” you looked at him, then you just hugged him.
“I’m glad” you breathed and he pulled you closer to his chest
“It’s the other way round” he suddenly said
“I didn’t try to befriend you to impress your father and have better chances for the job… I hoped to get the job in order to impress your father and…” he stopped abruptly
“As if you need to impress my father to become friends with me” it was meant as a joke but then you saw his blush and understood “Oh shit” you let go of him. Was he actually saying he was hoping to date you?
“Guess that time I ruined it for good” he said and turned around, wanting to walk away again. You grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to stop. When he turned to you again, you didn’t even think before you moved your arms around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He was too surprised at first to do something, then his hand came to your waist.
“Good thing you have me to set it right, huh?” he just looked down at you as if in shock, so you pulled on his elbow “Come on, as far as I remember we had a study session planned for today. But first you have to drop by in my father’s office or I’ll be in trouble”
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anotherrandoperson · 2 months
I'm hungry ish. I'm not used to being hungry like this. I don't like it I actually ate alot today. like it's a good thing cause of my eating issues but it's stressing me out. I'm used to not being homungry and struggling to eat and then just today I was really hungry and ate alot more than normal. I ate 3 slices of pizza for dinner. like they were small slices but still compared to my normal only being able to stomach one or two. and then like yesterday I lost my appetite mid meal and I've been struggling to eat so why out of nowhere am I so hungry and stuff. like I don't wanan eat nothing sounds good but I'm actually hungry. I know it's probaly my meds shifting how they act with me again it still it's stressing me out. and like I needa get better about showering and changing my clothes daily again but I'm just so drained and in so much pain. I wanna dye my hair tommarow but my hairs not clean and I can't shower during the day and Saturday I'm going to the oddities and curiosity's expo so I can't dye my hair that day. and school still hasn't released schedules so I'm stressed about that I wanna know what classes I have and if my friends are in them. and I've felt like shiboth mentally and physically lately..like I sprained my ankle and pulled my shoulder outta place and my hips and knees are still acting up I keep getting really faint even when I'm just chilling. and I'm kinda just done and like my parents just keep telling me I need to be more active like I know I needa be more active but you and the doctors constantly telling me this anytime I mention my joint issues pisses me off and makes it harder for me to do it. and instead of acting like it's my fault my genetics and mental health are shit can you try to help cause yes I know I need to be more active to help my joints but I'm in instant pain and struggling with mobility and all I want is a mobility aid to use when I feel I need it so I can be more independent cause I often use my friends and things around me to support myself and having a cane could help me feel safer. but my mom doesn't want me to be reliant on the cane. I just hate it. I am changing doctor's tho so she might listen better than the last to me. but who knows I'm an afab mentally ill teenager so that lucks shit. my mom just tell me to take an ibuprofen or use the rowing machine {that I don't want to use and that isn't set up} but then she'll also talk about her pain and stuff and throw she experienced similar stuff when she was my age but still treats me like shit about it. my dad's even worse than her about it I don't even wanna get started on that he's a jerk when it come to my chronic pain and stuff. and my therapist honestly doesn't help much either and I don't always feel comfortable cause we are virtual and I know if I say something potentially worrisome they have to report it and on top of that they dunno how to help the stuff going on that actually is bad. like my mom chose them cause they work specially with the queer community but with all the shit going on in my head they dunno what to do with me. I'm just kinda over it I'm tired of life and I wish existing didn't hurt so much. like I feel faint and I know I've ate and drank today, I've taken my meds, I did the stuff I'm supposed to and I'm just laying on bed and I feel like when I stand up or haven't ate in awhile. I hate this I just wanna cry.
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casspurrjoybell-28 · 10 months
Alpha's Temptation - Chapter 55 - Part 2
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*Warning Adult Content*
"Can you keep it down?" I hear a soft, breathy male voice and I startle.
I whip around to the noise, spotting an Omega figure sitting in the corner of the room.
Ferix has another victim.
My stomach turns as my eyes go to his stomach, realizing he's pregnant... and heavily so.
No. No, this is horrific.
"I'm not a ghost. You don't have to look at me like one," his golden eyes glint, pale face framed by choppy dark hair.
He's so thin, like how I used to be when I was locked up in here.
"Did Ferix... did he..?" I choke out, panic clawing at my throat.
"Did he abduct and rape me? Yes. Am I now pregnant with that monster's pup? Anything else you'd like to know?"
I shake my head, holding back tears.
"I'm... I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."
He ignores my blubbering.
"You're Ash, aren't you?"
I sniffle, confused.
"I am. How did you...?"
"He calls me your name when he violates me," he says casually, as if he's bored of the topic.
I want to vomit.
"W-We have to get out of here. You can't let him have the pup. He'll abuse it. He'll kill you both."
"The only way out is if he magically becomes sane and lets us out," he counters, crossing his arms.
"If you've got some fairy spells you wanna try to make that happen, be my guest."
I sigh, picking at the skin around my nails.
"My mate, he should be coming soon. I'm sure of it. He'll get us out."
"So you escaped and got to go fall in love with your dear mate. Meanwhile, I was stuck here, carrying a child that you were supposed to have."
I want to argue that he's my stepfather, my uncle by blood.
That no one was supposed to be subjected to this cruelty but I don't say anything.
This person has been suffering, constantly violated by that disgusting man.
I apologize again but he brushes it off.
Daemon is going to come for me... he'll be here soon... right?
An hour goes by, and the house is silent.
The Omega dozes against the wall, heavy dark circles under his eyes.
I still don't know his name.
He keeps his frail arms crossed over his belly protectively.
The sight of how full he is makes me queasy.
How will he be able to run if we try to escape?
What if he falls on his stomach, hurting the pup?
So many horrible thoughts are racing through my mind when a loud boom rings out.
The Omega and I startle, both looking toward the door.
Another bang and then we see that the metal door is denting.
Another and another... I shriek as it breaks, sending the door flying into the room.
It misses the both of us but I still hide behind my hands.
"Oh, Ash, my little boy," my father's voice rings out and I dare to look at the intruder.
My heart fills with affection and I leap up, running into his arms.
"Dad..." I sob, burying my face in his chest.
"Y-you're here."
"Yes, I'm here," he strokes a hand over my hair, pressing a kiss to my head.
I pull back to look up at him.
"How did you get in here? Where's Ferix?"
His face is grim when I ask that and my stomach turns nauseatingly.
"Felix and Daemon... they're fighting?"
My grip on his arms tightens, chest filling with panic.
What if Daemon gets hurt?
What if... what if Ferix takes away the one thing that really matters?
I couldn't live with that...
"Ash, I need to get you to safety. We must move quickly."
I dig my teeth into my lip so hard I draw blood.
He's right... we need to get out of here... and fast.
Ferix's henchmen could arrive at any moment to stop my father's rescue attempt.
And there's the matter of the pregnant Omega.
I need to be strong... I can't panic... I have to help... I have to be the mate that Daemon deserves.
The Luna he deserves.
My father and I learn that the Omega's name is Rory.
He can barely walk with two sprained ankles and I don't miss the look of profound pity my father has as he takes in the Omega's state.
He knows what Ferix did to him.
He must know that my mother was treated the same way.
Forced to bed a man who had cast her mate out and kept her to be abused.
It's the cruelest fate I can think of and my heart twinges in pain.
My father doesn't deserve that grief, yet he will always bear it.
"Where are they fighting?" I ask as we make our way up the stairs from the basement.
My father carries Rory in his arms, the Omega looking nauseous.
"Ash, you don't need to know. Daemon ordered me to keep you away until everything is over."
"What?! While he risks his life?"
"I agree with him," my father shakes his head.
"You've gone through enough as it is."
I'm about to argue back when we reach the top of the stairs.
I'm surprised to see Jay and Yvonne there, smack dab in this house of horrors.
Just looking around makes my stomach turn.
"Ash," Jay exclaims.
"Are you..." he goes silent when his eyes fall to the small Omega in my father's arms.
I glance at Rory, who's eyes have widened.
"You're my...?" he questions in a small, quivering voice.
'No way.'
Jay looks extremely confused, clutching his chest where I imagine his heart is pounding a mile a minute.
"Mate," Jay gasps and I share a look with my father.
Jay rushes forward to take the weak Omega from my father's arms, who gives him over willingly.
Rory doesn't say anything, simply closing his eyes and curling into Jay's chest with a whimper.
Jay holds him close, arms protectively enveloping the boy and my heart aches with tenderness.
They finally found each other.
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husbandograveyard · 1 year
Hi Hazel! Oh my, is your foot okay? What happened? I hope it's been healed by now, if not I'm wishing you a speedy recovery. Also, I hope August has been more sunny and less rainy for you. I'm personally not a huge fan of rainy season ;-;. Aside from that, how was your weekend getaway? I hope you had a chance to relax and do fun things!
Yay! Congratulations on all your pulls! May you continue to get all the cards you want ^-^. Which is the top card you want to pull for next?
Ooh would it be safe to assume Halloween is your favourite? Speaking of, I can't believe I missed Spooktober requests :( but I'm glad to see someone else requested Leona in my stead haha. And no holiday plans other than spending time with friends and family. Do you have anymore holiday plans for the last few weeks of summer?
I saw you posted about sharing your art :O. If you want to share your art, then I'd say go for it. Even if you don't think it's as good as the other artists on Tumblr, I bet your drawings still look amazing!
Hope you enjoy the rest of your break and remember to take care as always! -berry anon
Hiya Berry!
I sprained my ankle simply by walking. I fell two years ago and sprained my ankle really badly. When it was healed, I fell, and fell on the other ankle, spraining it badly again. Ever since, I've had super weak ankles, and even when wearing insoles, I still roll them by just walking around. Unfortunately, that's what happened on the city trip as well. It's been six weeks and I can move normally again, but certain movements do still hurt. It will probably be like that for the rest of my life.
I am not quite sure! The game surprised me with my next top wish, Jamil's basketball card, a week before Leona's birthday, so I had to skip him, hoping he'll come back into rotation sometime soon. Assuming we will get masquerade for Halloween this year, I am trying to save up 200 Pulls to be guaranteed masquerade Idia, he's too beautiful. Next in line is probably the Sunset Savannah croptop Leona. I forgot the actual name of the card but it's Gorgeous. I should really diversify cards more, but I can't help but have a little army of my favorites. I hope that dorm Riddle, dorm Trey and dorm Idia still kinda appear randomly as I pull. Halloween is my absolute favorite holiday, even though it's truly not celebrated where I live? We don't do trick or treat or anything, but the shops have been carrying some spooky stuffs the last few years, and the roommate and i just kind of use it as year-round decoration.
Not a lot of plans anymore. Catching up on some more anime, writing, and from tomorrow on, prepping for work. I have quite a lot to prepare for and do, so I really need to get to it. I have been procrastinating for more than long enough. And I volunteered to be the head of a council at school this year, besides my other teacher, workgroup and party-committee duties, because I am a chronic people pleaser that cannot say no and wants to be involved in every single thing apparently.
The drawings are really REALLY silly, but well, I might just do a dump of them sometime in the future, or when I feel a little more confident hahah.
I hope you get to enjoy lots and lots of time with your friends and family! The weather is getting hotter here again, so enjoying the last bits of summer before it's that wonderful sweater weather again. Take care, get loads of rest and drink loads of water!! sending you love!
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brooklynislandgirl · 2 years
"Hey! Are you hurt?" || From deputygonebye 🖤
The Meme that Keeps on Meme-ing || - {{ @deputygonebye }}
When news of the outbreak came to light ~as a doctor she'd had advanced warning~ they didn't know what was going to happen. Samples were hard to come by and information even moreso. The rumours had run rampant, that it was everything from a biological weapon attack to a new variation of the flu, like what had happened in 1918, or maybe the Bubonic plague. The first few vectors and patience were scarce. Normal protocols were issued and hospitals all along the eastern seaboard and south were put on alert about symptoms. But that… that didn't last long. Not when the news started reporting aggression and cannibalism. Then there was talk about the dead coming back to life. Eventually the CDC declared the virus a global pandemic. For all the good that did. Everywhere there was civil unrest. Looting, rioting, widespread breakdown of infrastructures like power and other utilities, communications blackouts and the like. Within twenty-four hours the country as a whole was put under martial law. Andy was called up, orders to report immediately to Fort Benning. They'd argued, because of course they did. He didn't want to leave her behind alone. She had said she couldn't stand by and do nothing while the homeless and her other low-income patients suffered while the hospital networks in the City were already overwhelmed. In the end, her brother had won. While he took a flight to his next post, she had packed the car to the brim and drove down. They would meet up as soon as everything was sorted. Worse case scenario, they'd reunite and make their way upstate. The cabin first, and from there they'd choose the safest location to weather the storm. That had been over a month ago, and for all she'd tried, Beth hadn't managed to make contact, not since Operation Cobalt. Atlanta had fallen. Manhattan had, too. And she was left, on her own, to try and follow through. And maybe, just maybe for once in her life, Beth was grateful that the Admiral had treated his children like soldiers and not as the billionaire trust-fund babies that they were. She could camp, she could shoot. She knew the land like she knew her own backyard, and most importantly, she'd learned how to listen for and mostly avoid…them. So laying there pressed as flat to the ground as she can get, in the ditch, still a half mile away from the abandoned forestry cabin she'd made it to, with what she hopes is a sprained and not broken ankle and hoping for all the world that the sounds she heard wasn't one of the walkers… Is she alright? No, not really. But at least she can't die of mortification, right? That deep, rich voice is warm. It's almost inviting. And it's definitely not the low grunts and groans she's come to be terrified of. Had he seen her misstep and take the tumble off the embankment? Had he been stalking her unaware? Had he thought like most people do that she's just a kid, easy prey? Her heart beats rabbit-fast. While he might not be a walker, she has no idea what his intentions are. There's still so much that can go wrong for a woman alone, especially one of her small stature. She looks at her gun, and carefully slips the safety off. "I don' wan any trouble, Mistah. Jus' so ya know…I'm armed. But I mean, yeah, I could use some help, I t'ink my leg all hamajang."
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mmelancholicdaze · 2 years
birthday drabble.
PAIRINGS. hwang hyunjin x fem!reader.
GENRES. fluff, smut, pwp.
SUMMARY. after spending the day at the amusement park with friends, your best friend makes sure you have the perfect ending to your birthday.
WARNINGS. unprotected sex (don’t do this), oral (f. receiving), breast play, fingering.
A/N. this is my first birthday writing fanfiction, and i wanted to write something special. so, i decided to write a pwp as a little treat. this is in the same universe as my ‘all the words left unspoken’ fic, but can be read as a standalone! enjoy. xx
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The raucous chatter and laughter and children screaming pounded against your ear drums before you even walked through the gate. The sweet and savory smells of the different foods mixing with the smell of the greasy machinery to make a less than satisfying scent that you loved nonetheless. You don’t have much time to take in your surroundings when Hyunjin grabs your hand right as you enter, pulling you along straight to his favorite ride.
“Hyunjin, slow down! We have all day!” You laughed, your feet skidding across the ground as you tried to keep up with his pace. It was when you lost your footing that Hyunjin stopped, his quick reflexes catching you before you could fall face-first to the ground.
“I’m so sorry, are you okay?” Hyunjin helped you stand to your feet, helping you to stand up properly before cupping your face in his hands. His eyes darted across your features, his worry and concern evident in his expression. “Did you get hurt anywhere?”
It was sweet and heartwarming, how his entire demeanor changed at just the slightest idea that you had gotten injured. If you weren’t in the middle of an amusement park with Yeji and Lisa not-so-patiently urging you forward, you’d probably kiss him.
“I’m fine, Hyun,” you chuckled, your lips turning up in a fond smile. “My head didn’t even go past your shoulder.”
“I know, but you still could’ve hit your head on something, or sprained your ankle—”
“Hyunjin, you’re the one that’s going to be hitting your head on something if you don’t move.” Yeji interrupted, glowering at her brother with an impatient expression.
Hyunjin looked over your head to Yeji with a scowl, narrowing his eyes. “So Y/N’s wellbeing isn’t important to you?” He mocked, his hands lowering from your face. He slipped his left hand into your right, threading your fingers together before moving forward again. You heard Yeji mutter something underneath her breath that made Changbin laugh, but otherwise didn’t reply.
The day had only just started, and they were already bickering.
For it being midday on a Wednesday, the park was more crowded than you had originally predicted. Groups of people congregated throughout, lines stretching so long that you were sure to wait at least half an hour until it was your turn. The sun was sweltering, the heat blazing so hot against your skin it was almost like you were standing right next to a fire. Children screaming and laughing seemed to echo in your ears as they ran back and forth, some cutting off your path as they ran by. Parents scolding them, while others watched in adoration and amusement.
Young couples sat on benches and at tables, some huddled together and holding each other’s hands with smiles on their faces. Others wandered, taking in their surroundings or deciding where to go or what to do next.
Any other day, you’d prefer to be at home. Maybe watch a movie, binge some series on Netflix with a myriad of snacks. A made up little bed of pillows and blankets on the floor, snuggling into Hyunjin’s side and just enjoying being in each other’s company. But today, as you look at Hyunjin’s face, to Lisa’s and Yeji’s, and Chan and Changbin’s, how they wore bright smiles and took the time out of their day to spend your special day with you. Your heart filled with glee and appreciation, and despite the heat from hell, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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“Jinnie, you know I can walk?” You teased with a chuckle, raising your brow in question.
“And?” Hyunjin smirked, looking at you briefly as he unlocked the door. Light notes of citrus mixed with the scent of something clean and crisp drifted into the hall shortly after he opened the door, the lights slowly blinking to life as he flicked the switches and kicked the door shut with his foot behind him.
It’s been awhile since you’ve been in Hyunjin’s apartment, seeing as he was always over at yours, but it all looked exactly the same. The bright open concept, white oak floors with white and gray furniture. Minimal decoration, apart from the various textbooks and papers stacked on his coffee table with a couple empty coffee cups and a few art supplies left around randomly. It was all very much Hyunjin.
He walked you passed the small kitchen and dining table, sitting you in the corner on the L-shaped couch. Then he dropped to his knees, setting to untie and remove your shoes and socks one by one. He toke your shoes to the shoe rack by the door and threw your socks into his laundry before slipping off his own.
“I have something for you.” He said as he walked to his fridge, and you could hear the smile in this voice.
Your eyebrows slightly furrowed together in confusion, watching as he shifted through the shelves. He just spent the entire day with you, bought you breakfast, lunch, and dinner, along with ice cream at the end of your visit to the amusement park. “What?”
All you received in reply was a chuckle, moving some more items before he finally found what he was looking for. You watched as he kept it hidden, shuffling through a couple drawers to grab a few more things before he finally rejoined you on the couch. Whatever he was giving you was being held behind his back, a wide grin on his face.
“I know you’ve already done something like this today, but,” he chuckled, “that was with other people around. But this one, I wanted to be just between us.”
Hyunjin carefully pulled it from behind him, your eyes landing on the vanilla cupcake wrapped in pink paper with white frosting, pink and blue pearls and rainbow and heart shapes sprinkled on top. Tears instantly began to pool in the corner of your eyes, one of your hands flying to cover your mouth as Hyunjin stuck a purple candle in the middle and lit it.
“Happy birthday, Y/N.” His smile grew as he held it up in front of you, his grin as wide as his face would allow.
Pure adoration and awe poured through your veins, wrapping around your heart and making it beat a hundred times faster. While you had already celebrated with a cake and candles earlier with the other four, as Hyunjin said, this one felt much more special. The singular cupcake, consisting of your favorite flavor and all of your favorite colors.
Earlier was for everyone else, you and your friends. But this moment is just for the two of you, and that meant so much more.
“Jinnie,” you giggled through sniffles, “why are you treating me so… kindly?”
“Because, baby.” Hyunjin laughed, as if the answer was obvious. “You’re you. You deserve to be treated like a queen every day.”
That was what made your heart explode. Small tears had now turned into full blown sobs, yet still somehow managing to still blow out the candle. Hyunjin set it aside on the coffee table as you wrapped your arms around his neck and straddled his lap, burying your face in his neck as you clung to him.
“Thank you,” you said, your voice muffled.
Hyunjin’s hand ran up and down your back, a permanent smile on his face as he rested his cheek against your head. You could feel his heart beat against your cheek, and it was beating just as fast as yours.
“I would do this every day for you.” He said, without a trace of hesitation or doubt.
You lift your head up to look at him, searching his eyes for anything that would contrast his words. Only utter genuineness shone through, and he looked at you as though you held all the stars in the sky.
“Hyunjin.” Your voice came out breathlessly, your hands moving to cup his jaw.
His jaw tenses in your palms, his hands stopping to rest on your hips. “Yeah?”
“Kiss me.”
Before you could even blink, his lips were on yours. It started off sweet, and tender. As if he was pouring all of his feelings and his previous words into it, imprinting it onto your skin. But it doesn’t last long, because soon he’s pressing his lips harder against yours, parting your lips with his ravenous tongue. A soft moan rumbles in the base of your throat, your nerves lighting up with delight and fervor.
His hands don’t miss a single part of your body. Moving like a mad man, slipping beneath your shirt and feeling over your back and sides, drifting over your stomach before cupping your breasts over your bra, eliciting a sound from you that was something between a whimper and a moan. Your hands slide down his neck and chest, quickly pulling up his shirt and beginning to unbutton his pants when he abruptly grabbed your wrists.
“No,” he all but growled against your lips, panting. “Tonight is about you.”
Before you could reply, his lips were back on yours,his hands releasing your wrists and grabbing beneath your thighs. Your arms flew around his neck as he stood up, your mouths never leaving each other as he blindly found his way to his bedroom. Despite how rough his kisses were, and the speed of his eager hands, he was gentle in the way he laid you on the bed. He pressed soft kisses along your jaw and neck as he unbuttoned and unzipped your shorts, pulling them and your underwear down your legs. Goosebumps prickled your skin as his fingertips ghosted back up your legs, only parting from you to slide your shirt over your head. His eyes never left yours as he lifted your back slightly, unhooking your bra before tossing it aside with the rest of your clothing.
Once you were completely naked, he stepped back and looked at you for a long, long moment. His eyes took their time as they danced all over your body, his hunger and desire evident in his expression. It made your heart flutter, but sheer and unadulterated lust consumed you, burning beneath your skin and tingling your nerves.
Thankfully, he didn’t make you wait much longer. As you opened your mouth to beg, he grabbed your ankles, pulling you to the edge of the bed before dropping to his knees. He didn’t wait, instantly pressing his tongue against your sopping slit and licking a long, slow line from your entrance to your clit. You gasp, and are given no time to adjust.
Hyunjin is merciless in the way he eats you, his tongue making sure to lick every crevice and leave no piece of skin untouched. Your legs began to close around his head, your back arching as your moans grew louder with each lick. One of his hands grabbed the inside of your thigh, holding your legs apart while his other wrapped around your leg, two fingers holding you open as he flicked his tongue at your clit.
“Fuck,” you screamed, fisting at the sheets and squeezing your eyes closed, your head rolling back as your back arched further off the bed. “Hyunjin!”
The way his tongue flicked your clit made it all the more sensitive, your legs shaking and your hips involuntarily flinching with each contact. Until Hyunjin got bored with the technique, wrapping his lips around your clit and sucking. Hard.
You have to bite down on one of your wrists to keep from screaming, your other fist gripping the sheet even tighter as your toes began to curl. Then he’s plunging two fingers into your cunt, your walls immediately clenching around them. His pace was rapid, curling his fingers so they brushed that extra sensitive soft spot of nerves with every thrust. Before you knew it, you felt your core growing tight, pressure building and building before exploding with great intensity.
Your vision has turned to black, white stars bursting behind your eyelids. A scream ripped through your throat, your entire body shaking and your heart beating so fast you could feel it against your chest and your lungs flaming as they tried to take in air.
Once you’ve barely came down and regained your vision, Hyunjin is hovering over you, now naked and lining his tip up with your entrance. Your cunt was still pulsating, but ever as excited to welcome him in. He was waiting for you to calm down, but you grabbed his bicep and fervently nodded your head. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer and the both of you moaned loudly as he easily slide inside you.
At first, he doesn’t move for a few seconds. When he does, his pace his slow, taking his time as he dragged through your walls and pushed back in. You could feel every ridge and vein, and every time his cock jumped with anticipation. But after a couple minutes of the torture, you’ve had enough, whimpering and pushing your hips up into his, babbling and begging him to go faster.
When he looked into your eyes and saw your pleads, that was all it took. With one hard, final thrust, his pace turned animalistic. He pounded into you with everything he had, gripping your hips with enough strength to bruise. The headboard was thumping against the wall, your screams filling the room at a volume that was sure to wake his neighbors. But you didn’t care, and you couldn’t stop.
Within a matter of seconds, you felt that familiar coil start to tighten in your core. It grew faster this time, and you came a second time. Your walls clenched around Hyunjin, sucking him in as he pace began to turn sloppy. A couple of thrusts later, you felt the warmth of his cum spilling into you, his breathing heavy as he slumped over you.
He held himself up on his forearms, leaning his forehead against your shoulder as you both came down from your highs.
After what you felt like was much too soon, he sat up and slowly pulled out of you with a hiss. You whimpered at the sudden emptiness and loss of heat, your arms wrapping around yourself as he got up off the bed and went into his bathroom. He came back a few seconds later and you felt a warm, wet cloth inside your thighs as he cleaned you up.
“Jinnie,” you breathed, your voice raspy with exhaustion and your arms lazily reaching out for him.
Hyunjin tossed the rag into the pile with the rest of your clothes, pulling back the comforter and climbing in beside you. You immediately snuggled into his side, his arms wrapping around you and your legs tangling with his.
“Happy birthday, baby.” Hyunjin whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead as you laid your head on his chest.
Your eyes closed on their own accord, sleep quickly overtaking you. But before you fell asleep fully, you heard Hyunjin say something you probably weren’t meant to hear.
“I love you, Y/N.”
That was the last thing you heard before everything turned black, and the perfect ending to your best birthday yet.
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