#camp tv bridgette
catathyst · 6 months
Team victory meets... Team victory??
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This took forever 😭 stupid colored lineart
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alecodys · 2 years
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(upscales ur camp tv bridgette)
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crazycoke-addict · 3 days
Island of the Slaughtered Game
Genre: Horror
It's been 10 years since The Massacre that happened in Camp Wawanakwa. 22 teenagers from different backgrounds sign up to be in a reality show called Total Drama Island. Unbeknownst to them, a serial killer is on the loose and picks off the teenagers one by one. Only 7 are recorded to be alive. From the disappearance to the murders, the case remains unsolved to this day. Who was the killer? What was the motive?
Today, I will find out everything.
The game starts with your character in a boat sailing to the island. There is a speech bubble at the bottom of the screen. The protagonist is talking about the unsolved case about what happened in Camp Wawanakwa. They also explained how the seven survivors have gone MIA, and neither of them have spoken out what happened.
During the intro, they hear bump coming from underneath the boat. When they lean over, something jumps out of the water and drags them in the water. In the next scene, you wake up and find yourself in Camp Wawanakwa. You look through your supplies, and you take out your torch. You find your boat that's been wreck. You need to find supplies to fix your boat. While walking, you hear rustle behind you when you turn around. You see nothing, but there is something there in your glaring view.
While walking around, you find a VHS tape lying near a tree. You comment on how it's been so long since you seen VHS tapes. The VHS tape is titled 'Behind the scenes', You hope the VHS tape might give you some answers you're looking for.
You ended up in the cabin section and decided to look through the cabins. However, 3 of the cabins are locked except for one. The cabin room in that's located in the west. You decide to go in, and while looking you around, you notice the belongings of boy's clothes, deodorants, a cowboy hat, a keyboard, etc. You hear rustling under one of the bunk beds. You tried to leave the cabin, but the door has been closed. When you turn around, a human head is placed on the dresser looking at you.
The game won't leave you go anywhere else, but straight to the dresser where the head is. The head starts talking to the player. They explain how it's been so long since anyone has visited the camp. They miss human interaction since they never really got that back while they were living. The head talks about how they don't know how they got to the position their in, but their body parts in places where they shouldn't be. The head asks the player to help them find their body parts.
This section of the game kicks off the first of many mini games that the game is going to give. An instruction will appear on the screen to help you. In the top corner, there will be a 0/5. I'm pretty sure everybody knows that this is Ezekiel. Some of the characters are going to have a mini game.
Ezekiel - find his body parts before time runs out.
Justin - break every mirror that Justin appears in.
Harold- you have to play a video game. After you fix the tv.
Trent - you have to fix and play his guitar. It's like a memory game.
The main menu will have an old cable TV, which you end up getting after fixing the TV in order to do Harold's game. You must collect 17 VHS tapes in order to get the Canon ending. There are going to be 4 endings, which are going to be good ending, the bad ending, the curse ending, and obviously the Canon ending.
Some ghosts like Lindsay, Sadie, and Bridgette will be active, where they will follow the main character. You can weaken them by throwing a flame flare, which you'll end up finding during your mission. I also think it will be interesting that the main character that we are playing is one of the 2nd generation characters. I'm leaning towards Mike.
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chrismcleaneatspants · 2 months
i've been rewatching Island for a side project where I experiment with character interactions and generally writing scenes, and while I'm enjoying it a lot, it's narrative is very cobbled together.
it almost feels cohesive at the start, but by the time we hit merge it just kinda meanders for a while and it's clear some of this stuff wasn't planned out properly or was Camp TV stuff they retrofitted in without double checking to see if it made sense
also episodes like phobia factor/up the creek and search and do not destroy/hide and be sneaky feel like they were switched at the eleventh hour with how there's stuff like Harold doing something Tyler would do (burning the oars) or how Bridgette's elimination makes no sense unless if Trent was there in the guy alliance
and don't get me started on how Gwen and Trent's relationship is all over the fucking place and feels like its missing a lot of stuff. Like, after Up the Creek, if they aren't circling around the buried alive incident, then they basically get no genuine screentime until Trent's elimination, which is pretty lame for the couple in the intro.
regardless, I still think the original island is a good time all things considered. The characters are a blast to spend time with and be invested in, the summer camp vibe does a lot of heavy lifting, and it's just really funny. but it could have been better paced and strung together imo
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tdvotes · 2 months
Counting the Votes, s1e21
Welcome back to... Total! Drama! Counting... the Votes! Today you will undergo a Trial by Tri-Armed Triathlon! This episode was chock full of inconsistencies and general weirdness when compared to the rest of the season, so let's try to wade through it all together.
Invincibility: None
Received a marshmallow: Leshawna, Duncan, Heather, Owen
Final marshmallow: Gwen
Eliminated: Geoff
Who voted for who and why? This was one of those votes that was based on the assumption that the final episode would come down to a vote. We're going to go through each camper and figure out how they voted.
Leshawna: "I ain't gonna front. I knew that if it came down to a popularity contest, I was gonna lose big time. I had to vote off Heather." That makes absolutely zero sense. First of all, in the very next episode, it did come down to a popularity contest and Leshawna lost big time... by winning big time. And second, if she did think it was going to come down to a popularity contest, why would she vote off the least popular camper on the island? How this confessional slipped through the cracks is beyond me. My best guess is that the writers reviewed it when they were still making Camp TV (the original name for the show) and Gwen was still going to be called Heather. But even that doesn't make sense because a) they are best friends on the island and b) we find out later that nobody was worried about Gwen winning a popularity contest.
As I was writing this post, I came up with an alternate theory: if Leshawna actually thought she was that unpopular, then maybe she thought "If I vote off the person everybody hates, then that might make me slightly more popular." Or maybe she thought "I'm gonna lose a vote anyway, so I might as well vote off the person who's causing me the most grief." Again, both of these hinge on the assumption that she was, in fact, as unpopular as she said.
Duncan: "You made a big mistake a few weeks ago, and I have a looooong memory." Unclear whether he's talking about the Brunch of Disgustingness (when Geoff made Bridgette feel better about eating the "meatballs") or Hide and Be Sneaky (when Geoff failed to help the guys vote off Bridgette). Probably the latter. In either case, he voted for Geoff.
Heather: "I'd have to be an idiot to vote off anyone else at this point. No hard feelings. It's just strategy." Obviously she is referring to Geoff because he is the nicest and most well-liked person on the island.
Owen: After Geoff was eliminated he said, "As if Heather could defeat nice" so he obviously voted Geoff as well.
Gwen: Probably voted for Heather for no other reason than their rivalry.
Geoff: No idea. He spent the episode bonding with Gwen, so obviously not her. He already liked the other guys, so probably not them. Not Heather since that would create a tie. But that only leaves Leshawna, and I seriously doubt he would vote for her.
Maybe I'll go back to the previous episode to explain this: Geoff had stated in the beginning of that one that he didn't like Gwen and Duncan as much because they were serious all the time. So maybe he voted for Duncan just because of that. I don't know, I'm spitballing here.
My final guess: 3 votes for Geoff, 2 for Heather, 1 for Duncan
But as always, these are just my thoughts and I want to hear yours! Could you make heads or tails out of what Leshawna said? What was Geoff's "big mistake"? Who did Leshawna and Geoff vote for? Leave your theories in the comments below.
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constellaj · 10 months
hey do u have some kind of list of the major variants in your multiverse au? It’s super cool and I really like it :3 (btw I am the original anon who asked you about it and the anon who was praising your Gwen, Courtney and heather art lol. just call me spiral anon)
also do u have any like, horror variants. Not horror necessarily, more so just tragic ones (the sillies have been through the trenches). Thanks :D
OOH I've been meaning to get a list of my favorite multiverse guys together and this is the perfect excuse!! thank you spiranon!! I tried to trim this wall of text down best I could but it's SO LONG. buckle up!! as always mega thanks to @crystalfloe for developing and brainworming these fellas with me!!
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I'll divide them up by the original character, and clarify their pseudonym; because the 'verse is populated with the same characters over and over, many end up choosing pseudos for themselves that they go by! I'll also elaborate on the ones that have some particularly horrifying aspects, but off the top of my head some who have really been through the ringer are ZombieMike (haven't given him a pseudo yet), Two-Inches-Taller Trent, Indigo (Jose), Mortal Bat Heather and Sea Bridgette. please note that I loooove duncan (and also dunhar) so a lot of these fellas are, well... dunhar :)
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LOTS of Duncans! Let's get started! (duncans pictured above are not any real multiverse duncans) Zero rules the Duncan Underground with an iron fist. He has the power to up the "asshole levels" of any Duncan, spreading it like a zombie virus.
Declan comes from an Actor AU dimension, and has to rapidly adjust to a world where all his coworkers' fictional characters are real. He manages to settle down with a very stereotypical Courtney, and they're so mushy-in-love it's like a Hallmark movie.
Concorde is also known as "Normal Duncan". He's so abnormal that he actually spends most of his time hiding out at Club Vaquero, an underground nightclub exclusive to the multiverse's "weirdos". (more about club vaq later!)
Helix or Badger is also known as "Cop Duncan". He works with some powerful multiversal agencies to lock up and detain dangerous immortals. He has the ability to generate handcuffs and chains out of nowhere. He's an asshole and nobody likes him.
Fox is our newest addition to the multiverse! He's your standard Duncan, except he's accepted his soft side and lets it play out alongside his more punk-rock edgy end. He's got a huge multiversal network, with Bridgettes and DJs bringing him orphaned baby bunnies every other day to look after.
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Harolds: Harlow Princeton Orange is the other side of our newest multiverse addition. An actor on Camp TV before he was thrown out into the multiverse, he thinks of everyone as an annoying coworker who won't ever break character.
Samurai Bloodshed is the platonic ideal of a Harold. He ran the Harold Hub-City with his epic anime powers, until he was cursed by a Justin to be... a jock. Stripped of his nerd swag, he's now doomed to wander the multiverse as a mere shell of his former self. (or IS HE???)
Matrix, aka "Punk Harold", is another frequent patron of Club Vaquero. He hangs out in the dirty punk scenes, plays awful music, and causes problems everywhere he goes. The only person who might be able to stand up to him is... Concorde?
Invisible Harold is Harold, but invisible. That's it I just think he's neat.
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Alejandros: Siren is, well, a siren. With the help of Sea Bridgette, he flooded the entire Alejandro Resort, and turned it into an underwater, mermaid-filled utopia we're calling Alelantis. Unfortunately, he forgot to return a favor to Sea Bridge, so she turned her curse on him next. Transmuted into a scaly sea monster to match his powers, he ran (swam) away to hide in shame. Fortunately, this didn't perturb Marathon Tyler, who offered him a place to stay...
When most Alejandros were forced out of the resort, Silk fell into an open dimension (Angel Lindsay's dimension). Stranded in the empty wastelands below the angellic clouds, he's resorted to manipulating any other immortal who falls in on accident.
Naturo (yes we know that's not a real spanish word, we just think it sounds cool) controlled nature itself, using that power to enslave dimensions and threaten a total overtake of the multiverse. At least, he used to! His incarnation was killed, and he reset into someone we affectionately call Autistic Alejandro. This incarnation of Ale was carefully monitored since birth to prevent another Naturo situation; monitored by someone who he thought was his brother... (more on Indigo later!)
There's one more important Alejandro to mention! That's the Alejandro who's one half of Vaquero, the owner of Club Vaquero. Vaquero himself is a living fusion between an Alejandro (he's a pairhunter, more on them later!) and a Geoff. Yes this is the alegeoff fusion I've been drawing all along!!!!!! I fucking love Vaq!!!!!
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McLeans: Gold lives in a massive penthouse in the bougiest part of the multiverse, living his ideal celebrity life, with his fake and real Gemmys so thoroughly intermixed you can't tell which is which. He's not a bad person per se, but he doesn't quite understand what's wrong with doing whatever he wants, whenever he wants.
Silver (no relation), on the other hand, lives on a cursed island and is a classic whistle-blowing camp counselor. He spends his time recruiting multiversal campers onto his island, to compete in death-defying challenges. Seems nasty, but if you win, you get the ultimate prize; he has the ability to grant wishes.
Meanwhile, out on True Wawanakwa, something very bizarre is happening. Chrises coalesce on this island, all fighting for dominance over a place they're convinced is "theirs". Every week, each Chris's team competes- and the losing Chris has to lose one of his carefully cultivated cast members. One of these Chrises is Lake, a granola-crunching, ADHD-ridden, dadbod-having hippie. Lake never executes members of his team, and instead hides everyone in a mystical glade; everyone on his team actually treats him like a genuine team dad. Just, y'know, be careful when dealing with him on the full moon-- he is a vengeful lake spirit, after all, and sometimes he loses control. I mean, how do you think Geoff turned into that tree? (Don't worry, Bridgette pours a cold one onto the roots once a month to keep him healthy.)
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Everyone else! These are characters that we really only have one or two instances of.
Mildred (Blaineley) is a bit of a horror villain shut-in. She keeps pocket dimensions full of contestants and harvests their essence, essentially selling it on the black market.
Carmine (Blaineley) is another horror villain, but more composed and some would argue more sinister. Her facility allegedly works to rehabilitate former dangerous immortals, but what she actually does is manipulate (and if she has to, mind-control via magical contract) them into working for her. Indigo (Jose) had this unfortunate realization after he took her up on her blackmailed job offer. Autistic Ale's original Jose was removed from the dimension and locked in a cryo chamber, while Indigo encouraged Ale to avoid nature, making his own decisions, and saying no. Unfortunately, this turned out to be the exact right mix of traits to allow Carmine access to the nearly omnipotent Naturo...
Rehab Hatchet runs a small island full of lost and confused McLeans. He wields a magical machete that can cut open your mind; it helps him perform reconstructive brain surgery, but it's fucking terrifying.
Shadow Gwen is a loner with a sentient shadow. Well, she used to be a loner, until a mermaid Lindsay and an annoyed Noah show up explaining how she might be the only person who can save Alelantis from crumbling away forever. Will she accept the hero's call??
Sea Bridgette, unfortunately, is paired with an Aftermath Geoff. Pairing is an obscure but dangerous concept. Two magical beings with their auras intertwined; this makes them both more powerful, but also more vulnerable. She's a mutant fish person, and he's at the peak of his asshole arc and only cares about appearances. Siren offered to humiliate her pair on international TV, and she was thrilled-- but then he was a no-show.
Angel Lindsay and Bat Heather are two halves of a coin. Lindsay reincarnated as the only magical immortal in a dimension full of mortals. When Heather betrayed her on the island, Lindsay let out a burst of magic that split the world in two. Above the clouds, in a polished city, all of the "nice people" with beautiful fluffy angel wings. Below, in a wasteland without food or water, all of the "mean people" with dragging, scraggly bat wings. While Lindsay lives her life as Her Hotness Admiral Princess Angel Lindsay, Heather is left to scrape together a band of post-apocalyptic survivors, and try not to think about the friend she lost.
Two-Inches-Taller Trent is a Trent who is slightly taller than the average Trent. He lived a happy mortal life being best friends with Mike-- until he was ejected out into the multiverse, sucked through a rift in spacetime that traumatized both him and Mike. Separated from someone he had nearly paired with, Trent became what's known as a pairhunter; an amorphous, unstable ball of energy that can't survive without their pair.
ZombieMike is the collective term for a set of alters who, at one point, hated each other so much that they physically split apart from each other to form their own dimensions. Mike, Vito, Mal, Manitoba and Svetlana each led their own individual lives (as different supernatural creatures)-- until they were pulled back out into the multiverse, and slammed together into the same body.
Contract Titan Courtney is desperately pretending she's not a pairhunter. So desperately, in fact, that she lures Duncans into signing autonomy-overriding contracts, pretending that her pair never left. If the contract breaks, though, she snaps and enters titan mode...
Mirror (Dawn) works for a containment agency, and has a very skewed view of how to treat people. She genuinely thinks she's doing you a favor, molding you into your ideal self, but in actuality she's warping you and shaving off anything that makes you unique.
Evil Zoey is, well, Evil Zoey. Sent to an immortal jail alongside a Mal who didn't know why he was there, she tried to manipulate him into being even worse... and then the two ended up breaking out together.
Punk Courtney sings lead for the cover band Court's in Session, and she mostly sings about how much she hates everyone. She has a massive following of Gwens... I wonder why?
Marathon Tyler is a recurring Tyler who is just, always out on a jog throughout the multiverse. His jogging route encompasses every location you could possibly imagine. I'm not sure he's ever completed a run.
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CONCLUSION: This isn't even a fraction of the guys we have LMAO so sorry for the long list and the long paragraphs. I've cut it down as much as I can so if you have any questions about anyone, please ask-- I probably left something out!
Also feel free to ask if there's any variants of [character] I left off-- I'd be more than happy to ramble some more!!
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total-drama-brainrot · 8 months
Hello hello again ophe 👋😇
I like to send in asks to see other people’s opinions so don’t worry I like disagreements😇
And I remember that Trent wanted to open a bike shop/he likes to work on them
And do you have any last name headcanons for any of the contestants? Cause I have some to share
Trent Myers -is sounds better than cooper
Emma Schrödinger - like Schrödinger’s cat and she likes cats
Sierra May - it’s short and sweet to say
-All Stars anon
I’m over here breaking bad again😈
Hello hello, A.S. Anon! 👋😄
I knew there was a reason why I headcanoned Trent as a motorcycle boy! Turns out it isn't a hc at all, it's just canon!
As far as last names go, I have a love-hate relationship with the established 'fanon' last names from Total Drama Comeback. Some of them are really cool- like Bridgette Summers (fits her vibes) or Ezekiel Miller (has a lot of bumpkin farm boy energy). Even Lindsay Top has a simple sort of charm to it. On the other hand, Batofel? Sterecra? Those aren't even surnames! They're not even words!
For my own headcanons? I haven't really put a lot of thought into it, to he honest.
Though, I do think giving Trent the last name "Smith" as a nod to his role as 'the normal/average guy' in Camp TV, since Smith is the most common surname in Canada, is kind of funny.
"Weber" is a cute surname for Sierra, I think. It's German in origin, since her grandparents are canonically German, and it literally means "weaver"- which is a fun little call back to her grass weaving skills. It's also got 'web' in the name, which could reference her huge online presence and internet addition.
I also headcanon that Chase's surname is "Chen". It's a super common East Asian surname meaning "dawn" or "morning"; Chase Chen literally means "chase the dawn", which I think is a really fitting name for someone who's always On The Grind for views (and also just a really pretty and inspiring name meaning for someone so objectively awful /pos).
Speaking of objectively awful people, Julia's surname is "Baker". Her family followed their namesake, and Julia likely would have ended up working at Sweet Little Julia's too had her dreams of being an influencer not worked out.
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
Chapter Three: Under the Sea
TDI! Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader
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"Okay first thing's first, we need group photos for the promos." Chris herded the group to the end of the dock. You and Duncan stood near each other, Ezekial stood behind you, breathing down your neck. On the other side of you was Bridgette, and next to Duncan was Courtney.
Chris held up a camera but something was off. The camera's lens weren't glinting in the harsh sun. But before you could voice you suspicions, you felt someone grab your ass. "Hey, uh, beautiful." Ezekial whispered in your ear and you felt your mind cloud, and your hands reach for your gun stowed in the wasteline of your pocket.
"Hands off." Duncan said before you could do anything. His hand subconciously grabbed onto yours stopping your movements.
"Uh, sorry man." Ezekial turned his eyes down, and then suddenly....
The dock gave out.
Water had always been your friend. It made every nerve on your body feel at ease. Duncan on the other hand? Not so much. With his father's history of... tough love, he didn't like water. Punishments at his house always consisted of water.
Drowning, water boarding, stealing his senses.
You searched through the sea of thrashing people and grabbed his hand pulling him up towards the air above. You proppeled both of you onto land, just like everybody else. But Duncan was frozen, his knees were at his chest, his hair still stood up (too much damn hair gel, I swear), and his eyes were wide.
"Hey, tiger. With me?" You grabbed his hand slowly and held it to your pulse on your neck. It was quiet for a minute, until his fingers twitched over your neck.
"I want to go home." He whispered. "Juvie was never home, baby. You know that. They beat us, and ruined us. If we go back I don't want to live like a caged animal anymore." You whispered. "But it was just us." Duncan sighed before he stood up dusting his pants and helping you get the sand out of your hair.
You forgot you were on a TV show.
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Quickly you reconvened at the campfire with the whole group. "This is camp Wawanaka. Your home for the next eight weeks." Duncan was standing behind you, his hands twirling your hair between his fingers, weaving it into a braid rather quickly as Chris spoke.
"The campers around you will be your competition, your cabin mates, maybe even your friends, you dig?"
You were barely listening. You knew your assignment.
But Duncan was listening for the both of you, he always will, and always would. He noticed the ginger nerdy kid beside him was inching closer and closer to you by the second. So with a quick move, he held a knife to the boys thigh, making sure he not the message before putting it away.
"The camper who manages to stay on Total Drama Island the longest without getting voted off will win 100,000 dollars." Chris continued seemingly unaware as to what was happening. You rolled your eyes laughing. Duncan spent more then that in four days.
Duncan raised a hand. "What will the sleeping arangments be? I'd like to request a bunk under her." He pointed at Heather and you gagged rolling your eyes. "Don't settle for a pretentious ass." You muttered to him. "Jealous, sweetheart?" He smiled looking at you. "Never." You stuck your tongue out.
"Please tell me they aren't Co-Ed." Heather begged. "Girls get one side of each cabin, boys get the other." Chris quickly explained and you paled. Stuck, alone, with a bunch of girls.
What if it was like juvie.
What if they tried to jump you at night like those girls.
You felt your vision going black, but Duncan pinched you quickly bringing you back to life. "Excuse me, Kevin? Can I get a cabin with a lakeview since I'm the prettiest." The sweet spaced-out blondie asked the host who laughed before saying "I mean, you are. But that's not really how it works here.. and it's Chris."
The two twin best friends started begging to sleep near each other.
Duncan for some reason bet you he could give a deer a noogie, shortly after you had to give him five dollars.
Chris gave the people the first assignment. There was the screaming gophers, and the killer bass. You and Duncan were on the killer bass. The red flag was thown towards Harold and you looked at the symbol.
"Huh... interesting?"
"Alright campers, you and your teams will be on cameras at all times, in all areas, during this competition."
He showed you to an outhouse where he said that "You'll be able to share your inner most thoughts in here. On tape with video diaries anytime you want." Gwen got in almost right after he said that.
Then everyone else.
Duncan stared at the camera with a look the viewers described as "terrified." he rubbed his face tiredly and said "I just want to get her and I out safely. If you guys can help us with that, I'd be terrific."
Then you went in.
"I want him to stay. Until the end, he should get that money." Was all you said before exiting.
Chris then showed you the cabins where you quickly dropped off your stuff near Courtney's bunk before exiting to go see where Duncan was sleeping. He was below Harold and you almost would bet money that he was a bed-wetter. "Why is a girl in here?" Geoff asked the green-haired boy and Duncan just pointed back at you. "I can answer for myself, thank you very much. Duncan and I are friends, so I wanted to see where he was at. Does that make you feel better?" You smiled with fake sympathy dripping from your words.
Suddenly you heard a shrill scream and everyone went to the sound only to see Lindsay on a stool hiding from a cockroach. "Man, that white girl can scream." Leshawna sighed before everyone tried to step on the cockroach. Suddenly Duncan dissapeared, reappearing with an axe.
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tooti-fruiti · 3 months
Not so happy campers
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After drying off, you all met at the campfire where Chris explained how the TV show was going to go down.
"This, is Camp Wawanakwa. Your home, for the next eight weeks. The campers sitting around you will be your cabinmates, your competition, and maybe even your friends. Capiche?"
You crossed your arms and huffed.
"The Camper who manages to stay on Total Drama Island the longest without being voted off, will win one hundred thousand dollars!"
"Awesome." You smiled.
"Excuse me, what'll the sleepin' arrangements be?" Your ex asked. "Because I'd like to request a bunk under this one." They said, gesturing to you.
Duncan smirked and crossed his arms. "I'd like to know the answer to that too."
"Well that's too bad, because dudes get one side of each cabin and girls get the other."
"Excuse me, Kyle?" Lindsay asked. "Can I have the cabin with the lake veiw since I'm the prettiest?"
"Okay you are, but that's not really how it works here. And, it's Chris."
"I have to live with Sadie, or I'll die!"
"And I'll break out in hives. It's true!"
"This cannot be happening." The goth girl said.
Owen pulled her and Tyler into a bone crushing hug. "Aw come one guys! It'll be fun! It's like a big sleepover!"
"Okay campers!" Chris said. "Here's the deal, we're going to split you off into two teams. When I call your name, come stand by me."
Chris pulled a list out of his pocket and began reading off the names.
"Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, (Ex/n), Beth, Katie, Owen, Leshawna, Justin, and Noah!"
"Wait, what about Sadie?" Katie asked as they all stood by Chris.
Realizing you two wouldn't be on the same team, you started to smile while (Ex/n) frowned.
"From this moment on, you are officially known as..."
Chris tossed a banner to them and it had an angry gopher as it's logo.
"The Screaming Gophers!"
Owen laughed. "Aw yeah! I'm a Gopher! WOOOOO!"
"The rest of you, line up!"
"Geoff, Bridgette, DJ, Tyler, Sadie, Izzy, Courtney, Ezekiel, (Y/n), Duncan, Eva, and Harold!"
Katie and Sadie started to cry and whine because they were separated as the rest of you formed a line.
Chris tossed a banner to your team.
"You guys will be known as...the Killer Bass!"
"Awesome..." Harold said. "It's like...amazing!"
"Alright campers! Your team will be on camera in all public areas during this competition, and you will also be able to share your inner most thoughts will our super deluxe confessional!"
Chris gestured to an outhouse surrounded by flies, which a lot of you were disgusted by.
"Their is a camera inside which allows you to make video diaries, to share something with the veiwers watching from home or to just get something off your chest!"
Video Diary-Number 1-(Y/n)
"Ugh! Why does it smell so horrible in here?!"
"Now! Cabin business! Gophers, you're in the east cabin. Bass, you're in west! Go ahead and unpack! We'll meet again in the mess hall in an hour."
"Where would that be at?" Owen asked.
"Just along the way." Chris said, pointing at a nearby building.
You grabbed your stuff and began walking up the steps to your side of the cabin.
"Hey (Y/n)." You turned around and saw (Ex/n) behind you.
You glared at him and kept walking. "Wrong cabin, idiot."
You walked inside and set your stuff down on your bunk bed.
"Hey, do you mind if I take the bunk above you?" Bridgette asked you.
You smiled at her and moved out of her way. "Go ahead."
"Thanks." She smiled.
You suddenly heard a loud scream coming from the Gopher cabin and you all ran to check it out.
"Oh man, that white girl can scream." Leshawna said as you all saw Lindsay standing on a stool.
"What is it?! Kill it! Kill it!"
There was a little cockroach crawling around on the floor.
DJ saw it, gasped, screamed, and jumped onto a bunk bed, shaking.
"That, was my bed." Gwen said, staring at the now broken bed.
Duncan walked out of the room as others started screaming and jumping up on beds.
Some people even tried to squish it.
Duncan returned with an axe and slammed it down on the cockroach, killing it instantly.
"Nice." You smirked.
"Well that's one way to kill a cockroach.
Duncan smirked at the both of you.
"If see one of those again, just let me know." Tyler said to Lindsay. "Cause you know, I could do that too."
They started giving each other goo-goo eyes and Duncan scoffed.
"They always go for the jocks."
"Well that was kind of fun." You said.
"Well, you weren't the one holding an axe." Duncan smirked.
"You're right, it would have been more fun if I did have the axe."
The rest of the Killer Bass returned to their cabin and you all got to know each other just a little better.
DJ's an animal lover, Bridgette loves dolphins and surfing, Geoff can skate, Duncan has been to juvie over four times, Courtney was a CIT, Tyler has won trophies in sports before, Eva can lift up to 220 pounds, Ezekiel knew how to ride a gopher, and Harold carried around a mini key-board with him wherever he went.
Izzy was too busy hanging upside down on her bunk and Sadie was too sad about not being with Katie to talk to anyone.
An hour passed and you all gathered at the mess hall as Chris instructed.
When you all got there, there was a chef waiting for you.
"Listen up!" He yelled. "You will address me as Chef Hatchet! I'll serve it three times a day, and you'll eat it three times a day! Grab your tray, get your food, and sit your butts down NOW!"
You and Bridgette shared a look with each other.
After everyone got their food, you all sat down and began eating the disgusting food.
"Welcome to the Main Lodge, or as some would call it, the mess hall."
"Yo my man, can we order a pizza?" Geoff asked.
Chef threw a hatchet at him and it just barley missed his head and got stuck in the wall.
"WOOAHHH IT'S COOL G! BROWN SLOP IS COOL! Heheh, right guys?!"
Everyone nodded.
"Moving on." Chris said. "Your first challenge begins, in one hour!"
"What do you think the challenge is?" You asked Bridgette.
"I don't care, as long as it isn't lame." Duncan said, rolling his eyes.
"I just hope it's something fun."
"I hope it's survivable." You said.
Video Diary-Number 2-(Y/n)
"So far so good! Nothing too bad has happened yet, and I hope it stays that way."
(Hope you enjoyed. Stay tuned for more and have a good day)
Chapter Two->
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why each tdi character auditioned for total drama according to their bios
beth - to finally meet some boys who like barn animals as much as she does
bridgette - to spread the message of cosmic love and body surfing
cody - so he can "swing" with the cool kids
courtney - it's the perfect stepping stone on her path to greatness (she thinks it’s a smaller version of the real world so if she can win on the island she can win in life)
dj - so he can use the prize money to help his momma move back to jamaica (but he didn’t audition, the producers spotted him pushing a row of eighty shopping carts across the parking lot at his part time grocery job and knew they wanted him on the show)
duncan - to curb his boredom and avoid the detention center 
eva - to showcase her leadership skills and curb her temper
ezekiel - his family doctor was concerned about his vitamin-d deficiency, so his parents were instructed to get him out of the house and into fresh air
geoff - it has all his favorite things: people, camping, and parties
gwen - to use the money to help her single mom (though she only auditioned on a dare from her brother)
harold - to test out his intense possum scout training
heather - to open more doors for her so she can eventually attain her long-term goal of ruling europe
izzy - to win, as she’s willing to do whatever it takes, even camping outside a producer's front door for three weeks to be cast on the show (the producer got a restraining order against her)
justin - so he can donate his winnings to the unattractive-looking people wish foundation (though nobody really knows why he auditioned in the first place)
katie - to become closer friends with sadie
leshawna - to be a role model for troubled teens by showing that anyone can win if they give it their all
lindsay - so her gorgeousness could be shared with millions of people on tv
noah - to apply skills from fantasyland survival video games to the real world
owen - because summer camp is the funnest place in the whole entire world!!!!
sadie - to become closer friends with katie
trent - it sounded like a cool way to spend the summer and $100,000 would make a nice down payment for his dream chopper
tyler - for the wild challenges to test his skills
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duncankinnie · 2 years
the total drama og cast's opinions on horror and their favorite horror movie villains, in honor of halloween
ezekiel - he fucking hates horror movies. if he ever watched one he would be hyperventilating the entire time. annabelle bc he likes the name annabelle and he also likes dolls
noah - this bitch loves scary movies but mostly for the camp aspect of them. freddy krueger but especially in a nightmare on elm street 2
justin - no, he hates horror movies bc they make him scream and he's not pretty when he screams. patrick bateman and he follows the routine he lays out in the beginning sometimes
katie - she doesn't watch horror movies that often but when she does she's like, ok with them, better than sadie at least. she doesn't have a specific favorite villain, she'd probably say jason voorhees since it's the first one she remembers
tyler - he is ambivalent to horror movies, pretends he isn't scared but screams like a baby every time. jason half bc it's a cop-out and half bc he's actually super into jason X
cody - similar situation to tyler but nobody is paying enough attention to him to call him out on it. freddy but he's only really seen the 2010 remake
beth - is a total buzzkill. michael myers because she doesn't know any others and refuses to learn
sadie - similar to katie but not as good with horror movies. also jason since it's the first one she remembers
courtney - is surprisingly into horror movies all things considered. she really likes hannibal lecter, moreso in the TV show but she also likes silence of the lambs
harold - he's basically like randy from scream irl, but he isn't as good with scares as randy is. he really likes ghostface but only the original bc he fucking hates sequels
eva - likes horror movies but doesn't watch them that often, has a near unbreakable stone demeanor. she likes the deadites from the evil dead movies but controversially she likes the 2013 requel more than the originals bc it's a more straightforward horror movie
trent - he will watch a horror movie with you but he will not enjoy it. he thinks he likes the alien movies the most though
bridgette - horror movies totally harsh her mellow. whenever you ask what her favorite horror movie villain is she'll say the people in jaws
lindsay - she is also surprisingly into horror all things considered. her favorite villain is leatherface, she thinks she could fix him
dj - there is a whole episode dedicated to how scared he gets about anything horror related. he doesn't have a favorite bc he's scared
izzy - izzy LOVES scary movies! her favorite villain is all of them. she points at the horror movie killer and says "they just like me fr"
geoff - his mellow is also harshed. "whatever bridgette said"
leshawna - she doesn't watch many horror movies but she's not bad with them. she likes the cenobites from the hellraiser movies mostly bc of their designs
duncan - will judge you based on your tastes in scary movies. really likes chucky but will not entertain any of the queer themes (fanon duncan would though)
heather - it's basically canon that she's a saw superfan. obviously her favorite horror villain is jigsaw. she also ships so many of the gay fucked up relationships in the saw franchise
gwen - will also judge you based on your tastes in scary movies. unironically thinks the babadook is a gay icon. her favorite is candyman tho
owen - does not like scary movies because they're scary. michael myers is his favorite bc he's one of the few horror movie mainstays he finds he can handle
sierra - does not like scary movies with some exceptions. she does however really like stephen king's misery and thinks annie is the scariest villain she's seen. she also likes the predator movies
alejandro - honestly he doesn't actively seek out horror movies but he will watch them. he doesn't have a particular favorite, he just rly likes some of the lesser known villains
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kirarafelis · 10 months
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It took awhile, but now I'm knocking Bridgette’s design. I went back and forth a lot with the jacket, eventually settling on something, though I might reintroduce the other one another time as an alt outfit. Anyways, though, yeah, I do like how the design ended up looking. I had this idea that she’d do a few street performances to make money for fundraisers for things such as the environment and sick children. I honestly thought of a lot for her already in the swap, but I will probably go most into detail after I upload Trent’s design. along with all the other character biographies I haven’t done yet. Oh and know the shirt reference? It’s also in itself a side reference to Camp TV Trent. I’ll probably change the band reference here though if I figure out a better choice for one.
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alecodys · 1 year
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duncneytales · 2 years
I kind of hope you're tortured too.
So if you haven’t heard “Is it just me?” By Emily Burns you SHOULD because it’s a great song and It could definitely be a duncney anthem lol
About a month ago this song came back to me after a year (I think) of not listening to it and my mind automatically went to Courtney’s pov, so I started working on a fic. The thing is that I got stuck and I couldn’t finish it, plus it ended being a “Courtney and Bridgette besties” fic more than a duncney one.
I have this little hc that the reason Bridgette and Courtney grew apart in season 2 was because Bridge was a good friend of Gwen and at that time Courtney was just incredibly insecure about Gwen and Duncan. Also, I feel like Geoff’s actions as a host in the Aftermath kind of made the Killer Bass 5 split up because he did played a huge part with that clipped he showed Courtney. Basically all of this ended up being why their relationship clearly wasn’t the same in season 3. So yeah, all this hc are just excuses for the lazy writing from the show and for abandoning Bridge-Court and Duncan-DJ-Geoff friendship.
Anyways, so I’ve decided that since this was in my google docs drafts, I might as well just post it here. It hasn’t been revised so there’s probably a few mistakes here and there but anyways!! Here it is. ALSO, go listen to the song. It’s just so good. Here’s the link to Spotify.
enjoy the Drabble! It’s also in ao3 here.
It was pathetic, Courtney thought. She was pathetic.
It had been months since her very public break up with Duncan, since he cheated on her in internacional TV and since they last finished filming Total Drama: World Tour. It had been six months and she still couldn’t hear his name without feeling that her heart would stop in an instant.
Courtney had thought that once they were over with filming the reality, once she wouldn’t have to see or deal with either of Duncan and Gwen, she would finally healed, but for the first four months it wasn’t like that.
For the first four months she was a zombie, weak, vulnerable and completely shattered by the betrayal of her boyfriend and a person she thought was a friend. She stopped hanging out with anyone that reminded her of Duncan; Courtney barely saw anyone from the cast, except for Bridgette.
Bridgette was once one of the most normal friendships she had, but after filming the second season of the show something broke between them. They didn’t talk much about it, but they still knew that something just wasn’t the same. Maybe it was that the real world was far off different than their little camp in the island, maybe it was the fact that Geoff had turned into a completely different person after hosting the aftermath and had done terrible things, or maybe, just maybe, that Bridgette was such good friends with Gwen while Courtney was stressing about the possibility of something happening between the goth and her boyfriend. They didn’t lose touch completely, they still saw each other at group events, but their group of 5 from the Killer Bass eventually vanished.
They never talked about why they decided to keep a distance, but all those reasons were just in the air. Bridgette didn’t approve of Courtney’s personality during Total Drama Action and Courtney couldn’t stand how close the blonde and goth girl were.
The first time they reconnected was after the third season, during those awful first four months. Bridgette showed up at Courtney’s house one day, unannounced, and they slowly started hanging out again.
After two months of talking again, they went to a party. One of Geoff’s parties, especifically. Courtney didn’t approve at first, but Bridgette managed to convince her and she assured her that those two who “shall not be named” weren’t going to be there.
And the blonde girl managed to keep her promise.
The first two hours of the night ran smoothly and Courtney was actually having fun, much to her surprise. It wasn’t easy seeing her castmates, but she wanted to show she was making progress and, for a moment, she was actually grateful that Bridgette had dragged her there. That was until Duncan and Gwen crossed the door holding hands.
She felt so small, so weak. All she wanted was to crawl herself into bed and cry. Just cry for hours like she had done before.
Courtney took a deep breath before walking towards Bridgette, who was dancing with Geoff. She cleared her voice and touched the surfer's shoulder.
“Bridgette, I’m going home. Geoff, thank you for the party. It was lovely to see you. I hope everything goes great.” She gave them a forced smile while trying to talk over the music and quickly ran out of the house.
Bridgette couldn’t understand; what made her leave all over a sudden? Until her eyes finally found the couple who had entered a minute or two ago. She let out a sight and followed Courtney.
She found her outside the house with teary eyes and a look that managed to break Bridgette too.
“Oh, Court…” She left the words hanging in the air, slowly getting closer to her friend.
“You said they wouldn’t be there, Bridge. You promised!”
“And I was sure they weren’t coming. I don’t know what happened. Look, just let me–”
“I don’t want to talk, Bridgette. I just want to go home.”
“I’ll go with you, then. I’m worried about you.”
But Courtney didn’t answer. She just started walking while her heels clicked against the street. She couldn’t understand him. Why was it so easy for Duncan? She knew their relationship had taken a terrible turn at some point, but she believed he truly loved her, at least in the beginning. Courtney wanted him to suffer as much as she was suffering, it didn’t matter how selfish it sounded.
The brunette heard Bridgette pease hurrying up to her and she felt how she holded her hand, calmly.
“I won’t leave you alone.”
Courtney’s parents were asleep, so sneaking back into the house was easy. They didn’t talk on their walk there and they kept their silence all the way up to the brunette’s room. Bridgette couldn’t dare to say anything. She felt guilty about making her go to that stupid party and she was out of words.
Courtney laid on her bed, while Bridgette sat on the small couch of the room. The silence of the room was suffocating, especially for the blonde girl. She hated the silence. Neither of them looked at each other.
But, suddenly, Courtney’s voice was heard weakly.
“What do you know about them? About their relationship?“
Both girls exchanged glances.
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean, Bridge.”
Courtney shrugged and her sight didn’t leave Bridgette’s eyes.
“I know you don’t tell me stuff because you want to protect me. Let’s face it, at first it was kind of funny getting drunk and scream at the sky because I was mad at him, but now…”
“But now it’s an issue” Bridgette ended the phrase and Courtney just nodded.
“I also know how close you are with Gwen. We can’t ignore that elephant anymore, can we?”
“Are you mad at me? Because sometimes I feel like you are, sometimes I feel that’s the reason we ever fell apart in the first place.”
Courtney’s eyes finally left the green eyes of the surfer, now she focused on the sheets of the bed. She started playing with her fingers, picking apart the little threads from it.
“I was mad at first, but not now. You have the right to be friends with whoever you want, so…”
Bridgette let out a sigh and took a moment of silence before speaking.
“Gwen is sad about what happened, but she kind of also seems happy with Duncan. I don’t know, sometimes they act like friends and they they look like a couple. It’s weird.”
“And him?”
She was terrified of what the answer might be. Courtney didn’t know to think about Duncan.
The latina wondered sometimes if he was as destroyed as she was, if every time someone said her name he felt like was being ran over with a truck and if he felt as lonely as she.
Other times her mind would remind her of the reality: he was with Gwen. They had a relationship, so no, he wasn’t crying in the shower at 3AM like she was every night. How could he be in so much pain and still be with Gwen? It was imposible.
Oh, but she wanted him to suffer so badly because that would mean that at some point he actually loved her. He had to grieve their relationship somehow!
“Court… Is it really worth it? Doing this to yourself?”
Bridgette got up from the sofa and sat again next to Courtney in her bed.
“I know it hurts, but you need to let them go. You need to let yourself heal.”
And those words were enough for Courtney to start crying and desperately hang onto Bridgette. The blonde girl hugged her quickly and took her in.
“I just want to know if he’s as miserable as I am, if there’s a part of him who misses me in the tinniest way.”
The surfer girl was, for the first time in a while, out of words. She didn’t know what to say to her best friend, so she just hold her as tightly as she could hoping that their friendship would help her for now because the answers the brunette was so desperate looking for was not going to help her.
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cricketchaology · 5 months
resident alien 2.08 rewatch
- alien dinner party!!! i remember this being a really good episode!!! i’m so excited !!!
- ben’s. “i would but i said no.” and then in one second giving way to very mild peer pressure. oh ben. ohhh.
- i love it when all the characters i like in a show r in one place. i love all my friends ben and d’arcy and asta and liv and kate and harry and mike all in one beautiful room together
- “i’m gonna get some sweet gerkins” ben i’m in love with u
- d’arcy getting sober & going back to the gym… god i love u girl i’m so sorry they write u the worlds worst relapse arc soon
- kate ur just like me (nauseated by the smell of eggs)
- ben cutely not being able to figure out where to set down his beer in the back <3333
- god i feel like s3 forgets that kate and ben really, really aren’t right for each other. they realllyy. really need to get a divorce
- kate taking a pregnancy test at harry’s house is such crazy behavior. i love my girls sooo much
- “i have [been peed on too]. i kinda liked it” KATE I LOVE YOUUU
- “she’s our best customer we’ve given her like 6 tickets” i love you. hilarious
- asta crying after jay asked her if she wanted tobZkrnnWKRJWJDJWJDJWJ BABY IN THE TOILET
- mike & dan’s dynamic is so sweet
- i wish jesse was sherif mike’s dead boyfriend. i do think i’ve said before that i wish he was a gay sexist
- i kinda forgor that bridgette is a hybrid
- god. ben and kate u r suchhh freaks
- rip to ben hawthorne you would have LOVED the nausea before the game from in trousers
- i fucking love liv and john. i wish we got to see them together more. like god i love that she just has a supportive beautiful husband. and also on just like a personal note. i fucking love that the fat girl gets to be the one that’s happily married. it’s so fucking sweet
- asta being so excited when dr elliott texts back hey and doing a cutesy voice to encourage d’arcy. god i fucking love you guys
- asta killing a man for harry. help me. help me. help me. help me. help me.
- god this show used to be so fucking good what happened. the drama !!!!! the camp !!!
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iwantlong · 2 years
Stars beyond reach total biscut
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It's a shame their sisterhood was never revisited in later seasons. The three were such good friends and very supportive of each other throughout the season despite their completely different backgrounds (which also played a big role in Gwen's defrosting).
Gwen's friendship with Bridgette and Leshawna.
But the best of the best was the alternate ending when Trent's feelings for Gwen helped her get back on her feet and win. The best were their first kiss, their final words before Trent leaves the island, and the final episode. These were essential for Gwen's Defrosting Ice Queen plot, and really showed how the two brought out the best in each other. His patience with and devotion to Lindsay is just incredible.
The fact that despite Lindsay's inability to remember who he was for almost two seasons, Tyler never once considered breaking up with her for it.
Things must be absolutely wonderful between them.
Lindsay and Tyler, the very first Official Couple of the entire show, formed in the first episode, being the only known pairing from Camp TV to persist into the show proper, and, despite statistically having spent the least amount of time onscreen as a couple due to Tyler's We Hardly Knew Ye in season 1, not playing in season 2, Lindsay becoming the example of We Hardly Knew Ye by virtue of being on Team Victory in season 3, and Tyler again not competing in All Stars (though admittedly, Lindsay didn't exactly last more than one episode), they have the honor of having lasted the absolute longest out of any Total Drama couple, as well as being the only major couple in the first three seasons to never permanently break up, aside from Geoff and Bridgette, or to face any serious drama.
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