#camp tv otherway
syahaz · 4 years
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Gwent Week Day 4: AUs⁠ (Bonus)
This piece is the prototype of Trent and Gwen from Total Drama pilot titled Camp TV. The pic below is their original form drawn by Todd Kaufman, the designer of the characters.
It is one of my most favourite one to draw because I just extremely in love with the idea of Trenton and Heather started off being mortal enemies into possible lovers. My love for them grows from spark of curiosity into a whole Alternative Universe building! I want to shout out huge thanks to @neptoonstudios for drawing them in the first place AAA!
Like I really don't know where my place will be in Total Drama fandom space without this AU sobs. Sure I obviously still love gwent but I doubt the intensity would be as big as now. Not to mention that I even start to WRITE!!! Something that I almost never think to do for fun like WOAH EXCUSE ME.
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syahaz · 4 years
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Gwent and heathton in red string of fate thingy.
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syahaz · 4 years
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Abe’s makeover pretty to be honest. Make one of my fav gal looking lovely for Halloween.
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syahaz · 4 years
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Husband and Wife / 夫妻
Even though Trenton’s design is quite a curse but he sure looks matching with Heather, his beloved Moonlight.
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syahaz · 4 years
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Total Drama x Camp TV - The Gwens
They’re just too precious to not be drawn together. Love them aye aye~
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syahaz · 4 years
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Enemy No More
I don’t know how to explain how much I love this piece thought it wasn’t perfect, I know but it means so much to me like in quite unexplainable way???
Okay, so this is Trenton and Heather in a mini AU where they’re... well, not hating each other? It’s hard to describe it properly. I actually initially introduced this mini AU as Twin AU as it’s supposed to be about Trent and Trenton’s one-sided brotherhood conflict but now I’m having quite some fixation on story of Trenton and Heather’s friendship/acquaintanceship blooming along the way. Not sure if I should retitle it as Friends mini AU and making the siblings cracking issue as secondary plot or apply no change hmm. But at the same time I think the familial plot is interesting too because some aspect of it hits home to me like how people often mistook me as my siblings...and I don’t like it.
Anyway, back to the story, I swear that I actually cried (and try to not wake anyone because it was like around 2AM) when I’m inking this piece a couple hours ago. This piece right here piercing my dear heart real deep.
To be honest, as much as I find their bickering moments hilarious at times, tiny minuscule part of me wishing that they could stop fighting especially whenever I’m imagining them having - actual and serious - tension going on between them, you know? Like “Can you guys just stop!? I know you’re better than this...”
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I feel like it has to do with how younger people tends to see ‘excitement’ in a relationship while those who getting mature seeks something that ‘everlasting’. (The latter is surprisingly the case for Trenton.)
I made Heather having her natural hair colour because well, okay I never actually told this but for my story, she dyes her hair red (in main AU) as a symbolism of turning over a new leaf or as a disguise away from her past; not wanting anyone from her middle school recognize her and reminds her of that one shameful event.
Funny that I’m the one who built the angst (main AU and some other mini AUs, but mostly main AU because it’s “canon” so the weight is huge) and I’m also the one that make “fix mini AUs” for said angst lel.
Also I’m having idea where the two make a song together titles ‘Enemy No More’ about how they’re regret their past decisions and embracing their revived relationship. <3
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syahaz · 4 years
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A friendly makeup session
Trenton getting his eyeliner on a hand of a pro.
I can’t believe that I finally drew Camp TV Lindsay after so many years! (Just two years but it felt so long haha.) Quite challenging to transfer her redesign from my old sketch but I’m super happy on how it turns out. 
I think the most difficult part is choosing right colour for her bandana, like I want to make it subtly popped up so that it doesn’t obscure the focus on her face. With the addition of the polka-dots, it making the colour picking dragged to an hour I think lol.
Little part of me kinda want to use alternate name spelling for her as she is one of Camp TV characters that having major storyshift on them, which in this case, Lindsay is an antagonist. I keep it view for now.
JP Text Translation: Lindsay, Trenton
This reminds me back to one of short story I made months ago. Feel free to check it out.
Wish I could make Heather stay pissed in the second part, it makes more sense to me after my de facto writing coach giving me helpful feedback.
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syahaz · 4 years
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Bridgette and Heather 
Just Heather having with nice time together with her pal instead of constantly bickering with her future husband.
This is my very first time drawing Camp TV Bridgette digitally and for now I’m experimenting with her colour palette from TD Bridgette like the hue, saturation, brightness, colour distribution and many more since she doesn’t appear in the pilot trailer nor has canon colour scheme.
JP Text translation: Bridgette, Heather
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syahaz · 4 years
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Chilling at a chilly night.
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syahaz · 4 years
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"Hey guys, did you know that greasy hair is..."
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"You have to be careful Gwen! That guy may be treating you nice now but once you see his true side, there's no way back!"
"Y-you're really hate him that much huh?..."
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"That damn porcupine... I was about to make a good impression on her."
JP text translation: Oi oi oi, wait a minute.
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syahaz · 4 years
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I guess I could say that I’m liking the design for Twin mini AU a bit more? Heh.
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syahaz · 4 years
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Heather and Gwen / ヘザーとグウェン
Double Gwen because I just so happen to love them both. <3
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syahaz · 4 years
Trenton and Heather in a nutshell kinda I don’t know
Before anything all following scenes are not actually how it happened in my story, just over exaggerated and meant to be meme-ish lolol.
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"I hate you, you hate me, remember that forever!"
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Two seasons later:
"I less hate you now."
"Are you're hiding something from me?"
Blushes. "NO."
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"With the power of accountancy, I curse you with accountability for your dirty deeds."
"Your cheesy joke is an elimination guarantee!"
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Watching the finale:
"You look nervous. You okay?"
"Well, umm... Are we cool?"
"Have you ever see us in other way?"
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"I'm sorry that I can't stand being around you!"
"I thought we're cool!?!"
"Well yes but actually no but it's certainly not your fault. Good luck on your goal too!"
"Where are you going!?"
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syahaz · 4 years
Camp TV Short Story - Splashed and Hot Chocolate
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Several remaining campers surrounding a campfire and playing Truth or Dare at night after completing the challenge of the day for fun. Trenton, being unfortunate to be a victim of a Dare, got pushed into the sea while just finishing his guitar playing routine. Luckily, his guitar is undamaged but the windy weather that night truly brings chills all over his soaked body.
Heather, losing the game, goes for some quick stroll before planning to sleep until she sees Trenton, covered in a big green blanket. Knowing about what happened, she goes to Chef’s kitchen. After that, she returns to Trenton at Dock of Shame and takes a seat next to him with two mugs of hot chocolate.
Heather: Hey, drink this up. I don’t want someone turning into a freezing corpse here.
Trenton: Did you just wish I died of hypothermia?
Heather: That was a joke, Einstein.
Trenton: I know, just making sure you’re not trying to do anything funny to me. *Raises eyebrows and squints eyes.*
Heather: I tried to stop them but they won’t listen, okay? *Rolls eyes and sighs.* Here.
Trenton: Well, if you said so. *Taking the mug Heather holds for him. A bit struggling with fingers shaking of coldness.* Thanks.
The two enjoy the night full of calm and peace for God knows how long. Some time passing, Heather starts to yawn. Trenton assures her to get back to the cabin for proper sleep and offers to return the mugs to the kitchen while she goes back to the cabin. After drying off and had enough body heat, Trenton does what the promises and goes to the cabin quietly to not bothering already sleeping campers.
Alternate ending:
The two enjoy the night full of calm and peace for God knows how long. Being sleepy, Heather eventually places her head on Trenton’s shoulder. He’s a bit shocked but remains silent for a few minutes before gently wakes her up. He assures her to get back to the cabin for proper sleep and offers to return the mugs to the kitchen while she goes back to the cabin. After drying off and had enough body heat, Trenton does what the promises and goes to the cabin quietly to not bothering already sleeping campers.
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syahaz · 4 years
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The Normal Guy
This is a Trenton design/version for my Twin AU where Trent and him are twins. He often been overlooked - aside from couple of friends - by his brother Trent who’s better than him in general. However, he stills love him dearly despite the struggle wriggling surrounding himself.
He’s supposed to be slightly buffer but I’m so focused on fixing his anatomically incorrect arm oops. Good thing that it sparks my interest to learn muscles anatomy haa. Also I think his hand a bit small hmm.
JP Text translation: Trenton
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syahaz · 4 years
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Random Title: Mexican Post Punk inspired Goth Trenton
After binging some works by Leonora Post Punk, Depresión Sonora and Mementut, plus with Halloween month, I had to draw Goth Trenton in some sort of aesthetic ehe hee. This prolly the least insomniac looking man ever drawn but oh well... 
Anyway, what if Trenton started to say simple phrases, maybe something romantic like "Bésame, mi esposa/mujer~" or something spooky like "Ah, vacios cuerpos!" lol. That’ll be fun to imagine.
Endnotes is under the cut:
Depresión Sonora is quite a tricky case since there's no mention of his origin and/or the genre he's associated with in most of his official pages so I can't really confirm anything about him other than a Spanish speaking lad that made cool works. Like I’m totally having a hard time to distinguish either he’s from Mexico, from Spain, or elsewhere and speaks spanish.
So after indirectly asked @totaldramawibba , and venturing around in this reddit post specifically comments like this and this. I’ve come to conclusion that this indeed a Mexican band. Local mouth is the only source I can rely on at this point so yea.
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